luv!!! bun mapped the 'ncundu- OIIIIB4 lights, w on mmnzo outpa- hnt. an bung ouond. ox-aboutto be Mn-an can-nnln In Klnanum, wnuvnrn an mwooa. N 1. Wnllmm Kenny. solicitor-general for Ire- land, ha! been appointed A judge `on the Irish bench. He will he succeeded as solicitor-general for Ireland by Dunbnr Plunkotr. Burton. - D---.A-np I(-.u.- in OLA nnl nf A %what domes to Us from Al! ; _ Quarters. IJIINIIENSEII rAnAcnAPns.| pone:-non OI one DOOR! 0| cue village. Conucbs between the Mm-eulmon and Christians have been rammed in Crete. The former enacted a ~ou-sun non AI`- miem and killed twelve Chrisciunll. 1 ml... l-..:.l.r_-- ghnr n In-inf -nnnlnn in aan. nan. ., A despntch from Washington intimates that president McKinley will urge on con- gress the early payment of the claims of who Canadian sealer: awarded by the joint . nnnnrnuminn weir opemme. Evidence has been adduced to show that the gag. the whip, the dark cell, and bread and water duet. ere in use in the Pro- Mefsul. Epircopul house of mercy for girls at. Inwood. N Y. !\'.Il....... l(......-. nnliniooun runnnl-n` far '91:. KIUUKODD IMITDOH. President. Kruger. in the course of a ppeech at Kruueradorp on Tuesday, dwelt. upon the importance of keeping out. of Rhodes clutches Delnuoa buy, -"tho Trnnavual a only gotowny to the sen. Rnmmal Rlnnn, for I.hirl*.v vnnrn nraaidanf. ITIHDVBBTI Ollly RIECWI IO DUO DEB. Samuel Sloan, for thirty years president of the Delaware, Lucluwanns and Western railway, was on Thursday presented with 1 SI 600 gold service by ominln and em- plovoosin token of his oightiouh hirthdny. ha `mm in Mm trial of (horns A C. ploveeswn token or me ongnt.-om mrtnuny. The jury in the trial of George A C. Orme, Elmira. N Y.. yesterday rondorod I verdict. of "not guilty" of murder. the do- fenco being Man the lnln died from the of- iecm 0! who X -rays whcn patching (or the bullets` I :. um oL-o IA... `Il.II:.u-inn Ranch in ouueu. In in said than Mn. Bnllington Booth in dying of I brohcn hurt. not only gurm tivoly but Iitonlly. It in attributed to the unjust sud cruolcrutmenulno bu roooivod ` from tho salvation army since she and her hnabond hue been compelled to leave in. All than Rnnnn Cnhhnlm hinhnnn of Can- Erma Ana I-bit 00-nu.` DIIOXIIU DIVE PRU COIIIWIIOQ I0 I17! ID. All the Rumn Cebholnc bishops of Om- ede hue been invited to amend" en ermi- ` vet-any funeral on January 4t.h. lot the re- poee ol the eonlof erchbiehop Fnbre. end it in the general impression the Mgr. Brucheni grill take udunuge of the guber- ing to proumlgele the pope's encyclical an the Mwnieobe qneetion, Run-pina tn Mr. Tn-I4 : declnnlinn amount 01 mm as mllllon uouara. The city and district savings bank of Montreal yesterday distributed 89.500 among the charitable imtitutiona of the city I Tim Rnnanl nlmmhnr nf nommerce has D3Z7.|8lIlB|'IB OI i'15U,UUU- Willmm H. Kim, I: well known lawyer and chnrchman-of Brooklyn, has been ur- restod on a. warrant chnrgumz him wish for- gery to the extent of over $10,000 The vilhwe of Wan. London was formallv \ mlero Ann Illlocl Iawelve L/nnsuunr. The Isgislsnuro, after A brief session in committee of supplv yestordsv afternoon, adjourned over the Christmas holidays and will meet. again for business on Tuesday. Owing tn the nbiectmn of Ribb Hon. um mean again Ior uuslneos on Lueuuuy. Owing: to the objection of Right Joseph Chamberlain the reduction in post- age on 'let.tera from Canada to other parts 0! the British empire has been postponed. 'l`Im Amm-imn window nlua cnmnnnv. enmmwauon. Arthur Hill. the prominent. Saginaw lumbertneu. says that the Dingley bull hue been detrimental to the lumber interests. and ham made their northern neighbors their enemies. I .`..:A....... 3.... L--- .AA...-ma In dmu nun. 1 aueamus mom THE EARTH :- " Foua QUARTER8 mvm. umo lnun `nun Inunn Inryboayn lluum l"ron'lAll our--um; of Ivory- unnn lulu Bond um Ilononbnud In "no Door Pllbllu The revenue cutborononnga was launched on Thursday at. Cleveland. 0. Latin Llulluin, wirlnlr nf Rn` Jnhn Millaia. rnursmsy no ulavamnn. u. Lady Mulluie, widow of Set John Millais, Jahe lube president of the royal ncndemy. is dead. 11-- n..n:....L.... 'lJ...u-I-.7. .m..A:o.`nn nnn. IHIIITU I'BBl'l0I'lI(.l(). Albert S. Warner, the I sentenced on Thursday at to fifteen years hard labor. H, D navrnnnnn Amnlinn A TON OF COAL. ewes or rnnce nawuru county. The queen regent of Spain has sijned the appointment of Gen. Gonzales Munoz as capbain-general of Purbo Rnco Fim in the hnninmn nn. Lion of Clevelnnd. capuam-general or rurco mco Fire in the business po. him: of Clevelnnd. Ohio. on 'l`hnrada_v dud ~ damage to the amount of half million dollars. flu... ..;... ......l .a. -s...'..> nnuinlvl hnnlr nf cuy | The Bengal chamber of commerce ` rent an address to the government: urging ` that the time has arrived to adopt the gold I standard. l)... I] II '....-A-an 6-Jnplnnzl nnnuinli. ecanuam. Rev. M. H. Houston, tried and convict- ed of heresy at Louisville. Ky , uid he ` would give up his calling before he would his belief. ` "I'M... ....>:....- .0 Al... lI ..-kn nlntnnn in ms neuex. The native: of the Humbe plateau, in the Portuguese colony of Angola, nave mas-sacred 9. Portuguese officer, a sergeant I . and twelve men. t`!........._.I D......l.-. .-.-.n.-.-In blush Ilun nnr nf the war In by war. President: McKinley`hns pardoned W. E. Burr, ex cashier of Sr,/Louie. Mo . national bank, who was aorvmg live your`: for em- bezzlement. of $20,000. ` \U.`llmun H |(.'$nI-. n wall Iennwn huvvar to me extent. or as-tu,uuu The village of West was formally annexed to the city of Landon. Ont . on Monday and the city otiioiala have taken pone:-nion of the books of the village. Conmha between OI DUO nrluau empire uua uuuu punhpuuuu. . The American window glue compnny, which controls the output of the glass plants in the country. will make an ad- vnnce of fifteen per cent. in pricos after Jan. lac. A .l..-.-mini. `an-an T--Linn!-nn inrnnrnn aeaa. Mrs. Bullinzton Booth : condition con-| tinuea serious, but her physicians hope to inaure reetoration. AlL....sG In .... .. cl... l.:.In.nn.- -nu D0 llI[B9l'| YBIIFU nuru IIIUUF. W. R. Dempeey.Amoliu-burur, w I: nom- -inated for the Fagislacure by the co l0|'VI- nives of Prince Edward county. 'l`hn nnnnn nnannf. nf Rnmin hill mined 5A\![D. and twelve Oungnl Pmdo reports that the offer of autonomy to Cuba I8 rejected by the in- surgents, and that the only way to nish the is by D-u.\..`1'4-\-uh |`n":ru'nI1Inl nan-Anna!` W in Dunn Ilnkupoudc `II-0 Thoyhndnoutago ooonory. Every- thing was lnholqd. If I tron wu rydod I nip wan hung up like - 1|: 1 ..-gm- Q- A L ` kidnnpper. was r Albany, N.Y., clonal '2-`$13: `:33? -u'ouuou-u"w's':nu.A.} IluII.MIIoihu. `L % 4. la. L[VlN(}S`T0NJ& arm. rm: luwlnn Germany Dull-cI;p_5lu|d Tolls ~" ' Loxnox, Dec. 24 --A do'opotolI' to the Dnily Chronicle from Rome say: it. is rumored` there shun. owing to her obligr muna to Germany. Italy has declinod Eug- land` proposal for commun acmon lp the far out. including I joint ocpupauion of Cnuun. 'I`l... Gk.-up-LA: n.-us--;n.\n.rInnf n` Eh: 1\nv fLIVINGSTONBBOS: Moments are urolou if (ried away; and they no dungemuoly wutod ll oonmfmed by delay in case; where Ransom`: Hwo Syrup and Tnlu would bring immodinto re- lief. `)5c E. C. Mitchell. 'where` can get just `what you want in- High- Class Gentlemen's Fur- nishings. I Tm: LATEST Srocx. THE LATEST Srvuzs. THE BEST VALUE. FANCY GOODS. Tho hanghei correspondent of the Daily Mail eeye: "The Cmneee government in holpleu. In in mobilizing a few troops under the least incapable nenenln who conducted the campaign ehinet Japan. The British eet. is en present seven. The Dailv Chronicle gnu this mornimr suddenly Expired. Emznsorz. Man.. Dec. 24.- Dnid Buin. while dnving over to St. Vincent. was thrown out. of the sleigh. owing to the from runners of the alexgh becoming de- tached He fell on the runners. broke an arm and n shoulder. A docwr was nob c1Iled until yesterday. and u}ule he was admmisnoring an uueubouc Mi net. the arm. Buin suddenly expired. to deal _witn we hnlnea queeuou. ` The Berliner Tugblett ridicules the idea of an Anglo-Japanese American ullience yet seems to fear it. The Kolnieche Zeitung thinks America will nude with Russia, leaving England in splendid isolation The Nutionnl Zeitung says : "It is any to believe that England would welcome ac- tive step: on the part of the United Stolen, but hard to believe that the United State: would adopt a policy of friend:-hip toward England and of hostility towurd Rueeie. nontrary to all tm-litmus, for the sake either of England or China. ' D80" ceprureu The pria-oner aarer-In that the drug: were. purchased from e Montreal concern and that he can producoyvouchere from the Na- tional expien company so the proper time to prove, than duties were paid on them. If this is so the case of the government fall: to the ground. - Found Dead Lint Nlght. BELLEVILLE. Out. Due 24 -William Anderson. ex-M. P P., was found deed laeo night on the road near his ` home in Ameliaeburg. alter attending a Christmas entertainment near by. Mr. Anderson was in he seventy sixth ear. He set in the l6gllI|&l.IV0 nee-embly efore confederation and for~one year in the Ontario legisla- ture. Of late yoare he was prominently identied with the patron movement. He wee for many years grand treasurer of the gr and Orange lodge ol British America. and had lled nearly everv publumllice in the gift of his fellow men. Mr. Anderson in eur- vived by his second wife, two son: and [our daughters ..,,.- ,,., --_.,.` Btory Unfonndod LONDON. Dec. 24. -Lord Stliabury. in reply to an mqmrer In Manchester. has writusn that he had not. heard the royort. that. the duke ol Norlollx. the pooxrnuter uenem, had Ipprunchod him with the now of obtaining the ndmmion ol cardi- nnl Vaughn into the home of lords Lord Salisbury uddn that the report. in IbI0lll0O- ly unloundod. -.____ g- -_.n n1._n-.. IIIIII-I -nu vuuuuv-o A large unoroment, which we will roll uh I bug dnacounl. for cash. W. J. Duck & Son : clomng up sale. [Him DOUBT] '1 n3 DNDIIH H300 I! In BKTUIIU IIi_IUIo The Daily Chronicle says this morning it has good reason to believe that the gov- ernment hue `decided upon a watching polic . and will refrain from occupying any hineee territory for the present. but it will give its moral support to Jepun and distinct warnings to China concerning EugIent1.'a Action in certain contingonciea. In is understood. says the Daily Chronicle, thnt Jepenwill protest in the etron eat manner against Germany : notion, w ilo diplomatic circles ridicule the idea of e Rue-o-German entente concerning China. Ru-nu nr nan 0.1 __'I`hn man in nvudnnf. IVUUFO-U8Y'nlHn BHDOIILB COIICIIKIIIIIK Ulllllll. Bniu.1N. Den. 2} -'1`he press is evident ly deeply interested as to the attitude Great. Britain and the United -Stages are likely to adopt in the Chinese 'I`Eir', Every utempt is being made to create ill- ieeling against. England and to represent her as isolated. The olcial newspapers pretend that Japan has acquiesc-~d in the German and Russian moves and will take no cg greseive action. Everything indicates the anxiety that hinges .upon the ultimate igruiiping of the powers. Japan's action Ill withdrawing her protest in reference to the course of the United Stalee at Hawaii is interpreted as showing a desire to be unencumbered and to have her hands free to deal with the Chinese question. 'l"lm Rn!-linnr Tuohlam. rifhllllll Lhn irimi Likely cannot Bo Proved NEW YORK, Dec. 24 --Edaar P. Harrie. libula forty eight years old. is charged with umupzgling drugs and rubber good: over the Cunudum border. The goods are estimated to be worth noarly $10,000. Conmderable business has been done in obese good-4 nnd it, is the hope of the Unit- ed Staten treasury insuecmra that the head of an irnporbuib gang of smuggler: has been captured Thu nriunnnr nun-nu that the drum: For Housekeepers. FOR SALB. :r;_:a:`A|::d%.roox or 7:13 0 Ant`) In nu:.uI.o. A. ' IN SIPLENDID ISOLATION. Where to buy your CI1Rl5Tr_1AS OIFTS follow the crowds to 1---u--wt-w-v ca :1 'l -190 77 Irfv-I tn-H ` 'l`rm-In and VIIIIOI. Wucl-hadkwuluu. ounarocnt-cuunutwci-at-.. AAA` A. c. Jounsm am v onx1~s-uoox nvsmmn I9 ' .thu'1|: ry%:;aIpuI.A;uIu:) II`?! hotut A` .?J.'o'.'2 J12. . I r..".2..'a.?.".`.'.'. ~. . Vl(-l-tIl." '14 : of Ir llludufono," "I 1 or" on 0 o 0 I. ' . `dun put 0 ! 0-ho U-noon." "BronI.!I.o:.i"f, "mm:-r and Owner." "cor-can sn . olopn it." Book: oo Mme oumu HID .-_, nnvuon. Tn BIAnl.IY4)AlIll'IOI 00.` I in pa , Tnronto. GLOVES. lined and unlined. for Ladies and Men, 500 to $1.50 per pair. For Ladies. IAH1` TUICHIIAY mcrwn-N KING ; J and Ontauqui. A h\DY'B S\1`Il- ovmtah lnl Puma usual small nun of Hall! Will the ndnr kindly rum-n to this c or Post (mice. Onumqul. ' (Jl`.'N'l`*- "THE BEN` LIVE 0' HI` Majesty! hnvn voon"' vrlvu Lon! Lori . |bout"Qnoon Victmln ' Ago-0| mono u dollars daily. own hoe `fl! . Guuu-rnon. 0. Mmltod.TonuIb. I lhP-lllILIABl.E MEN [N IV!!! 140- onlltmloual or cunning; to lntrod " snow dlncuvon. and temp our show hold no on tn {moon and throughout town an ommln Stand on ~. ploylnont. doommlulon oi salary. Inonvn an expense: an mono) -` Odin An bu: when nhnod j nddnu I own lmton. ., -1 London. OM . Oahu]: - t nnvnw Ol'I. TII livr Hm` T I-". HARRISON COMPANY 1Y..J--onnn.-- and If-nknl-nu`-_ ll --`J L uv nun u JAmrso.\'-In Pioton. Dec. 20th. to Ohio! and Mn. Jumiuon. I Ion. -.--'- Iu.snr-In Kinguton. on Dec 24kb, 1991; Funny Illoey rollotrol zholuo Ohnrltl ` Illa-ey. ngod 88 years. _ Fun:-rul private ` ' Kingston, on Dec 23rd.l897. . Mary Amelia Wilson, olduh dnughur of " John E Wilson. Funeral prlvnto. Kingoton. at his ronldonoo. 974 Wollirialon street. on Dec. 23rd. 1807, Peter Ilnjua. aged 71 yearn. 7 The funeral will leave his Into ronldonoo Chrintmu dn , at 2:30 p.rn . for Br. 7 Mary's onthe rnl, whcro n oolomn llbon will be lung. Friend: and ucqualnh - sneer are rev-poctfully invited to at-tond. ' M(:KI.~m'rn\'-Ao Donronto, Dec 28rd,, Sylvia, daughter of B. W. McKinIu'y, . aged four years Br.Avr..~'--On Dec. 249b, at her ruldonoo, Sydenhlm. Rona McClun|xoy.rolioe ol the late James Slnven. in her 90th your. Funeral from her late m-ldoncmsydonhln, * on Dec. 26th, at. 11 a In , lor Bullion cometary. Friends and M.-qunlnl.AnoIIA are respectfully invited to amend. rU|sM~4u nu) IIOCI IN A HUUBI WITII - A. Bag, I.:n.`)':`ov`1`1m`l'mprovc menu. Apply SILK UMBRELLAS. 81 to $3 each; ; A bargain lot of samplaa;' no two alike. A `. 1 PRESENTATION SILK UMBREI . 1' no _L_._II.... _:n_- _...I --I.l 1 For Gentlemen. l1.~E'lI1apeotion invited. v ..~- .`---' I'll uwllu UlDI|'I'AllI-lM-I60 uh-not Tolophono ten 09 On and all; C Angus` Iv - go.--..a-coo. humuu Uumnrunn nu Innumll--lI Prlnoou shoot. Oornor I-lrdonhaun -and N10 plmma nnmmnnlnsf-Inn -j:_.:--- ' xjj as V` nuuunnuan STAFFORD-FARRlN0'l`OH--A0 Piotaon. 22nd. Allred smford mum Flora` Agnes, daughter of nldarunn Putting- ton, Puoton. _ ' L.lF*`E3- IIANDSOME oUsu1o`N'8 ir; new styles. silk `covered. $2.25 to 33.50. 100 DOZEN NEW HANDKER-' I'IIIYI.`I.`_ 3. _._,,..,_I -_.L `UV L/\lLlIJL` IVLJ `V IIKILVI/ILL'lL" Cl:lIEFn just opened out. HANDSOME SEALETTES ' for Cape:-I. Lister's best makes. 38 . to $4 50, or just one-half regular price. L L - L&IpI.\&L-LkJ\J_LV \J\IJH"J1&` L Underumors and Embalmon. m and 3 Princess Street. 'Phono|:- wl'Ol00lIII. N. Residence. 91. Open day And night. BLMK smcma ROBE. "N WIDNIF lIAY.nnr nlnttroof. or Bank in wm th--nder kmdu ututn It thrown Wnlauho. _ ` Steacv & Steacy. Down Comforter, Quilts, Blankets, _Nice Fine Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Fancy Table Covers-. 1':-1ARDY&CO Ll. no Uvlvunla 5 ` FUNERAL DIRECTOR. I81 PRINCESS II`. Kinntnmuuooonor to W l. llronnun. -.-T-1? _ `We only scll_ relia _ f oods. Special, selecti or Christmas. ' = ` Othin sad so. IAwn'no0 vllloyl. , ` W 10 o.m.-Doo|-Quinn wont touorth ____\ winds; (inc and dooidodly cold ~ to-duy and on Saturday. i 1urUB.~x~uu.nn0(:I IN novel wl'l all nmdovn lmnrovcmnnh. Anal! In sona now. now sum or Silver Cuu,so|d by Ill an guaranteed A I. Wl:AT HER PROBABILITIII. rs what we make It. It your} would add to its comfortlg come and nee our display 01 Holiday Hoods. l`lUI`JLV.I.(1l.l\JL` DILIIX \JLIl.lJIIlllIl' LAB, sterling silver and gold: muunts. 84 to $7. 0 new lot. 1 mom. town and ommtn Shad ; ant Oonmlulon on x and and 1 ~: mgrzn no ., In. ~'1~s-uoox i an I r nan put. ;aIuo Inn ", soiling boon Anni: ulurl mow-`cl Afow laden no . a in." `IA: of llludnvonn." "II -3 4 P. M. mnrnou. H WARNING! s. s. coaamr. ` I\'l'III|l\'lV'\ OI! DDT HENRY BRAME. u.......... -.n. .. log... - 'Wa'uu1 ED. -JAB. REID. . llnnn-nu an-71 MARRIED. T6s`rT 'i=6oi 'd11`ec_n1S;. !'!`.~l..RP -{ONE O. UIIIIT. K0113 III Ingluuz. WU vvluu thopublothstwouh 11 pt-oocodngunst Illuucundvurohuu-o,uvoll in un- unotuohlcimnor xoyuty sud dun- I VI VUSDII I ."!`_~.l.alP -ION B can nun. NO. 299. Games. Toys. Dolls. Silverware. Albums. Books, Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes. Mantlea, Sealette Capes, Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves_; Dress Goods, Waists, Silks. Handkerchiefs, Mufera, Underwear, Neck Ties, Dress` Shirts, Braces, Kid Mitts and `Gloves. - D010-'l no xvnuvu ` . .......-...... OhomI-"And tho to or. .`. . .. ..lo -91: Solo chorus-"0 Thou II 1`o|lut". Jouluh olohtn-I|u Iocnutnoy. IS. Armstrong. In In tin Ir HutohlInon.Ir Byonco. Ornnhkhlu Shut. ~ Ohoit Ludo!`-W. -v. Iodky. ;cI1ms'rmAs ' SYDEIIMM `MID. ALIIIRIAN cums. ALLEN spin Ioldbyouvuuud bloc-to an Alic- -Iuuaunnwun-nu; 'fW.J.I.WllI1'B. - Agn.| '_lu_'_i_s_tmas "Services, \JII' Iowuiluv \.I\aU v V\I`.a\r, E sydenham St. Methodist Church. SU N [JAY . DEC. 26- IVKIIIU . Anthom-"Oh-h'mu" .. ..... .. I Solo-"rho not o! the Christ Child" I u locum. A 0! the cum: unuu" ..... lacuna. .QInr\o\to-"Burt! what Inn Thou Ho` _ Vo|oou"..(.lIrooco_ 33 CUT-II& WUCCCUIT - - - - u - -v IIAEN 010331`! :- - ' funny ticket - - - Mm. Adul!-`single Ht-In - - I40. O|||dn|`u thin ~ - I 0. Ohlldvou (under 1! nan only) M. `TIMI link Inllbo wan to: Qhrhtuu It wallet hop oold. mu band in we umrnoon. Grnnd concern Chriatmu. matinee and evening In the opera homo. Th. I4r.h hand mill nlnv no the Raul evening In the house. The Hub band will play no Roynl rink Chriubmu nltornoon at 8 p.m. (Ynmmnnnina Mnndnv, hm 27th. and rink Uhriuhmu nmsrnoon an 3 p.m. Commencing Monday. Dec. 27th. and continuing until the close of navigation. the steamer will have Kingston for Cape Vinoono daily (sundnya excepted) no 9 mm. 7 Big sweep, fur trimmed, deep fur collar and tho- ` roughly up-to-date. I D|lI%8 S12. - llIB`l 0I. fanonum MILLS & 00., IOINIKG AIithom-"Whllo bhoppordn Ws`ohod". . . . ' [DI I-rtln. QnuLotto-"Hnk ! Through tho wont Night , I . Jlsnlu ' Ivntlo. A.u....._uns..mmn'- shallot ROYAL SKATING RINK. --A-any Jnccuna . ni nu. ho gvenboeb buying event of the aouon. Monday at. L|id|nw'a. I 9I...o-.n go nnunn-AH I-ink nhriltlll HIV . |Fur Lined Wraps $25.00. tho Duly lloto Boot lot Whig Sandor! To Poul Thomulvu IN Oak Hull, Oak Hall open so-nighb. Assembly in the Walt: hall to night. Zion Christmas true and tnblehux to- ..:...hb ' Monday at. Lmulnra. Shaina an covered rink Chrintmu day. Huh band in the Afternoon. n.....I nnnnnif Iu-I.o.m.- mntlnnn and V 3-1lo-Tho NQNVH "--' hon:--"And tho 4: Iain Chmvnq-(4 Thou ' Rauocftonlosn to 10;`. Iahhnclhtboanuno-I n ..-IlA'!Il A Salon: at n A.M. and 7 PJII. by REV. J. B. M07. _ncuI`|llew PIct|res o 0 Forclrbtnasfrescnts, SYDEIIIAI IMM- ALDIBIAN JAI BTIWART rc- ` thvuunndnnovulnuldoooool lhunn h his man u Micron 5.11 _ I 70 Wellington Street. :j_n- MUSIC-SAL PROGRAMME. Ilnl IIXII LOCAL M EMOR ANDA. O. *'olA`f0!l. M-C. Inc`). ' 9vt_I?n ` sums. What lonn Thou Ho!` Voloo " Lllrouco nu: " s. I-hallo` In-nln CIOOOIII. '_Wovh:clno|udn|lnuu-rrtriutnu lvyonld ho too hug for Santa Claus`: puck. and H. wouldn't as the aver- age stocking vary woiL Nourthoiou. coal plan a mighty important put In tho Chris- mn futlvmu Without good on! tho din- ner wlllbon fuilun and -he houu will be cold. Pnparo Ion hrtnunn by or-luring your cos! from no. You'll Be Inn of having the huv-wo don't [On any othot kind Franco Ilolrooo of `rho Nllo. Putts. Dec. 2-l.-Uil Blao to day pub- Iishcoalottor from major Marcband. the French otcer whose ox ition via: racont- ly orronooualy ropor from Bruooclo to havo boon maooocrod. Tho lettcr."datod from Somio on Juno 17th. on a .tho work accompliahed in enormous. ' o addo that tho Fronoh hold lam:-bar, strongly oc- cupied Ilooaraorrols and that by Aug. Nth, Franco would than he rmly oarobli-bod on tho Nile, without llrinr a that Com- montingcn this communication ll lllas aayo tho rivalo cl Franco can no longer nroront hot from boing miatrooo of tho mu. . WUIII I'UIIIlUII n--vw \.rl uv--vuv:-. WAsum:1-o.\', Doc. 23.-Commiuionor Evan of the mica buncn,iuu_tron: udvdonu oi poiicy of publishing the uni-n ll-Q nl nor-mu who dun nnndau MIVNIIO OI EDI pouuy DI PIIlllllIlllI' um onunlm of persona who dnw pondonn from the government. Ho oxpocea that I bill fat thin purpolo VIII ho introduc-d in _ mam-an -hon it. nnnnnhln in Jnhnnn. Sn Fuxcxsm Doc. `.. 3.-J. D. Lorin who dhrllod the Aunrslhn burl World In 18) by winning the Moiboumo cup pith `Duncan, was nlotlolf an American turf. It having bunlond am his iapomnc nun Tunes. umrod at Inglonido had his nlnd cl 0 hunting at Brighton. mum or smI.uns.| A Wnr In the But soon: Almost Inevit- nble. SAN FBAKClH(`0. Dec. *2.'l.-The mercan- tile community of San Fruncisco ha: been greulyatirrod by ominous rumors of war from the Orient. Intelligence than the Russian eet has occupied Porn Arthur. followed by the In-inifoab activity of Japan and the -donpstch of the German fleet. to the out, lends tcrthe belief that a partition oi Coins is inevitable. and I. 0 four that some of the great powers mn lash in di- viding the spoil. Tim hnlial nut. hostilities cannot bo far wading me apou. The belief that hostilities cannot off is ourenxthonod by the fact tint. agent: of the Ruuinn empire have rocentdy made extensive purchases of army supplien in tha United States for the garrison At Vin- divoowck. yootea ll not up w collnrncn. Travellers from Ari; b in; news that the Russian gnrrioon M. Vlsdivoatock bu boon lnrgoly reinforced during the lab six months. . - "'`"| | MI. 0000000000000 Would Pnblhh 103-00 00 Poulouon. uh ---.- in. no n-..._:--x---_ :'.'.:....." ;'.'2':"s'::.;:.;': Montgomery nd Epps Meet ' Death in Japan. ` dwoowck. Armour. Chicago. recently doivorod to Rusoinn agent: 10.000 tops of bnrrollod beef, pub ofwhioli is uiql to htvo been re jooled not to co'nl.rncI:. Trnvnllnn from Anin in! plalnte having Deon mane uy uupu . Nnw Yoiur, Dec `. 4.-John M. Eppe, a cabinet maker of this city, said that he had good reason to believe that the Frank Eppe mentioned in the above dispatch is his eon, Peter Eppa, who left home about three years ago The last heard of the young men was about two years and six months no, when he wrote to his father from White Plainn, N. Y., saying he was goin g weat.Hia par- ent: ray that the young fellow was of an adventurous disposition and frequently stated his inclination to ioin the navy. He was a frequent visitor to the war vessels In the navy yard here and look a deep inter- eet in battleships and cruiacre of other no- lione which visited this port. Mr. Eppe is of the opinion that hie non reached the Pacic coaat since he heard of him and there ioioed the American navy. IIRIIIJBLE wnn lJ[Il]L|ES.| some Arrests Have` Been Made. but the American contingent In Japan real that the Perpetrators of the murders up sun at Large such Trouble Ens Occurred Before-lpps' Father Proba- obly Beeldes In the (my Wasxmam-ox. Dec. 24. -Further details of the killing of the two American sailors attached to the United States fleet in Japan have Been received and have been .broughtto the attention of the depart- ment of state, which has begun on inves- tigation. , Montgomery, it appears. was killed in Yokohama September 2nd last. He was murdered by boatrnen. Frank Epps was killed at Nagasaki during the present month. He had been on leave and was returning aboard ship when murdered. The testimony gathered shows that some sailors on a passing ship, hearing cries for help, looked over the water in time to see him being thrown from the bot. Lack- ing a small boat they could not euccor him. His body was found several days later oating in the bay. The Japanese government was appealed to in each case, and while some arrests have been made the American contingent in Japan feel that the perpetrators of the murders are still at large. It is said that every Japa- nese boat in the harbor is obliged to regis- ter its passengers before carrying them oil" shore. so that under ordinary conditions it would be easy to nd the guilty parties. Ar. Mm Jnnnnnln location it was stated wnuld be to nnu tne guilty parties. At the Japanese legation it that the matter had not yet been brought to their attention. The legation officials do not regard the matter as serious. They say the Japanese government undoubtedly make the fullest inquiry and reparation, It is pointed out, however, that crimes of a local and individual character can as sume an international aspect, as the gov- ernment is in no way connected with them. Its only province is to see that the laws are executed impartially. giving the same protection to loreiguers as to Japanese subjects. In tho -H`.-av at. Kobe. Japan. lent Sen- subjects. 1n the nffray at Kobe. Japan, Sep- tember, in which a number of American sailors from the Yorktown were injured in is said than the trouble was between the sailors and coolies and chub the Jnpane-o police came to the sssistsuce ot the Ameri- osn sailors rm..- ...... mm unit] in has snhnhnntjgllv sailors The ones are said to be aubsbantinlly similar to I number which have occurred in the western mates in which Jupaneoe subjects have been naauhsed by mobs. Several of the latter cue: are now pend- ing botore the state department, com plaints having been made by Japan. Nnw Ymuc. Dec Enos. Kirk|ntriok s Art Store, jAILlQHHl',I `I RWL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT WILL MAKE FULL INVESTIGATION. RUSSIA GETS WAR SUPPLIES. In I nllod I. II;.. no KINGSTON. ON-'%l`ARI(). Fmmur, macmmsma 242. 1397. -no within. win: tn: Bndl! Game by 1 ' lire-'l'hIe Forenoon. It was a deelructive blaze, e blaze that ` threatened ruin to one of the beet institu- tions in the city. because of the scarcity of ` water supply at the commencement of the I re. The general hospital was the build- ing that stood in imminent peril. About ten o'clock ilmnee broke out in the kitchen of St. George : ward. and parsing out to. the roar of the Watkins wing raged eway until that department wee well gutted. ` The re burned ercely, but being leer nut in min unnnr nmriaa could not nasty transit. The remen were ebl_v assisted by the A" buttery. R..C A., who turned out un- der Lieut.~Col. Drury and Lleut. Burutall The soldiers have undieputebly gmned,.the name of being Al tiremcn, and their work this morning was of ineetirnoble value While some stood by the hose. `the rest were active in the main building. forming oline through the corridors. end up the many ights of stairs to the uppermost -rory, where the ll men were ettempting to work their wey westward. with about forty iron peile. 0 continue! supply of water passed up the line. from hnnd to hand. and the smee fought with telling effect. In thie work rmny citizens anointed. and water was eupplied with a freedom, that the rooms and corridors were soon Mtunted. Aldermen. citizen: and noldieruleo quickly emptied the room: in the main building of the beds, furniture and other movuble arti- cles. which were stored in the we-tern por- tion of the building, but much oi the furniture in the \\'M.kine' wing wee loet The medical eto' of the hoepitnl worked energetically. emering the thickest ol the light. Dr. Her-sld,ee eoon en the elnrm wee given. enetched 1 Bebooek extinguish- or and rm to the burning nitohen, but it wee of no avail. the llemee being master of flu... -...I. -0 anlnlng elm n -no mu-rind nun: Corinna llbod Donn Dnynfro _ Bot I1I!.000.00o In soonrltloo. l Nxw .Yomc. Dec 24.-Tbo disappear- nnco for: rock of 'l'bomuC Long, the hand accountant of the Brooklyn dune curing: hank. undo it not-usury lot the hunt omchlu to brush opon I nuleinu which Mr. Long bu boon otdond to ping . $22,000,000 in nocuritioo. Mr. Long, who has but in the bcnl'o on for man than thirtyjvq, dinppu on Sun? dny. Docolnhet In. And did not Run un- .til Sunday Int. Bin dhappunncu wu csuod by shnou 0! wind and his ucmiua crmoalouuo. Inookwo mu. od qoclmon nun dnyn toforco unpu- onncointo the unit. All tlaoaueuriuon wgnfondlnuct. the hour. The work 0! ghting the re vna carried on nyetemeticnllu, en1 after two home of hard Iebor tho Heme: were eubdued. al- though at. the time of the errivel of the reman it. looked en if the complete not of bujldings would be wiped out. The saving ol the other bllildln wee IIOIIB duo tothe concerted qffane of remen. betcerymenn end citinno. l(`nnr.nnArI nn D;nA Rich! \, law at D[ll&.B'.'.lIl|Ull ur um yum. heavr I y A worlrman `engaged at the institution - was busy melting wax for the oor in St. George s ward kitchen. The mixture ol beeswax and turpentine being an inam- able combination, it ignited, and the uid. running over the oor, the ames caught on the lurniture and light material. Soon the interior of the kitchen was one mass of ames, throwing out a heat too intense to approach. The doors were closed to cut off any draft and to confine the re to that room as lone as possible. In the mean- time superintendent `Third was notied, and ordered the supply of canvas ho-e in the Doran wing to be attached to the hydrant, fully confident that the fire. could be subdued in short order. and be- , fore much damage could be done. But the hvdrant was opened alas! when no water would ow, as frost had penetrated the iron. and ice Cllolled the passage. Some little delay occured before the alarm was sent to the re stations, which was done by telephone message. The delay however. meant very little. as the brigade had only returned reached the station The reman made a speedy run out,and they were handicapped as well by the frozen hydrant. By that time the (ire had a good half hour's start, and the roof of the Watkins wing was enveloped in ames. Water was heated in the Doran wing, and the ice in the hy- drant melted, allowing the water to ow. Streams were run from that hydrant, on the corner of George and Stewart streets. and from the one located at the corner of ilarrie street. Water was played freely on the imee in the Watkins wing.an_d the eastern gable end of the main build- ing, where St George's kitchen is located. To these two sections the {lanes were con- fined by the energetic efforts of the fire fighters. but the destruction was severe enough. Whnn it. was seen that the re would un- I from the Beverly street re when the alarm 1 l I I fbF0PN EVERY EVENING enough. When it was seen that the un- doubtedly Ipreed, attention was directed to the sick poraieute. In the Watkins win were looeted 3. Andrew : word for chi - dren. end room: for private patients. and in the main building adjoining were the public werde. the Yates` and St. George ; In the Bt_.Andrew a werdiwere seven sick children. These were taken immeoiotely to the infants home. and comfortably quartered. Altogether in the Watkins wing there were fifteen patients, the older ones being removed to the Nickle wing, and Dr. Third : residence for the time be- ing. The Watkins wing and the main building together contained about forty patiente. and these were all removed, some being taken to the boron Nickle wing. to Dr, 'I`hird e residence. and some to private homes. The city threw open the Ontario hall for the use of the patients. and archbishop Lewis kindly oflered the use of his renidence. The Ki0llIl`d!'OYl brothers also offered their homes. us also did many cii.i1.eue residing in thetlomlity. The removal of the pn- tiente wee conducted with all noseiblecere. none of them apparently _eu ering in the hasty truneit. I The: (human were nhlv nuiatod hv `mar anox'E'oP:u ms VAULT. The im nurneu uerceuy, out wing iuuar ted in the upper otories could do equal damage as e re beneath. As it Wee, however, the unfortunate occurrence was disastrous for many reasons. It caused as speedy removal of many nick patients to other quarters through the cold atmosphere with great danger to lives, and upset the work of a. well-regulated hospital for the time being. a isnster whnch will be heavily min at 0hl&.B5Bl`0ll of the year. A wnrkmim `enuned THE HOSPITAL IN FLAMES. KIN. - (Continued on Edge Eight). Inc uanmooa queulon, I R-farting to Mr. Tu-u'o declaration thui! thtoolibonla from Quebec would ' nignapomion uking for has rctignuion * , howould min from the cabin. Mr. Prulnntnino. M P.. uid yoonrday that it _ ` Hr. Torte would put that in writing than . wouldbo no dvicplty in getting more! than than lihonl members to at lor hi: I ' ...1__-A:._ UII NIH` IWWCMJUIU. IIIIIVII IIII way with A bu-gains. They no Inhal- od. "'l'hla'Io I hurgnii.` but Ibo by sin in`! then. W0 don : realm to In I. Yanenn lath burnings aTqInuoo. lo coco curly Monday morning And hip put in tho but thing this canon. John hid- Isw I Boa. . VI-rut. WovbhooonadIlln'nIrq China: -IculLII|c& NEWS Ill HIE WIIRLIU |;o-um-. --I'll: In A true." but tiuunzn-Lnotrooahoro. Thu : the any with Innninn. Thav An lnhl. This Week. Busy workers can shop here without losing part of their day's pay, \