Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1897, p. 5

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-1.81 00. -OIIIC 9 Irumum trmn spemung on lnuny ur- c.-:: wus :1 de.~'.ire on my pn rt to dis- courage some of the long:-\\;imle.(l speak- ers to whose oratory we VVt`l`(! compelled to li.~st(`n. l`m .`1.l'mid I have not suc- ceeded. however. as any one. who `I.I- Iclndetl our lust meeting can testify. It is very difficult, for me to out`- line my course in the council if I should he your next may iut there are sev- eral importnn estions likely tocome up which no d require the most seri- ous consideration. In view of the suc- cess which attended our purchase of the miter works I would he inclined to ad- vocate the purchase by the city of the 4-lectric light system, us from Htzitistics which I hnve r:u~et'ul|,v looked into, such purchase would, T feel certain. he :2. profitable one for the city. As to the proposed bonus to the Abbott com- ptuny it would he. the "duty of your nmyor to see thht the. city`s interests were most. curet'ully guarded and tlmt so far as possible. no loss should accrue to the city. As to the summer hotel su-heme I sllmll do all in my power to forward it, knowing as I do that such :|n net.-uhliuhmnnt in nnr IYIIIISI mlml he IUr\V'lr(I ll, KnUV\'IHg' HS l (Ill llIH' U('ll nn est.-ulylishmenl in our mulsl must he of very gran}? ntlvnntnpra In nur mer- chants, urtiznns and r-itizens general- Iv Illll [l|(".'I.9(l [U Kn <'l)l] one of ill hotly unnl one-. nf mg fruining from speuki ( 1~ V ....;.:|.ul hnu-nu-nu n_- . INKS` lH|I"l._\'-I '0 In 1Ll| IIIIU Ill 1034 HS rhuirnmn of 1 mt mnunitteo I was pro- sen1 at all its meetings up (.0 1st July. when the count (`eased to exist, in ils old form. As 10 (lm parks cumnliilee xlxerv \\'or` seven nne-etings in 189; : and '9H, those I :1llmdml both as ch.'1irnr.nn and as :L member. As in my unen- d:mx-.n. :1! llw 1-num-il nwelings. 1 nn_v s-my Hm! nothing` hut ill( .`~`-.\` nr :1lNolIw- frmn the city kept me frmn my [)lil(`t`. I am p|('.'|,sP(l In knnw llml I am not llw ()r:l.ll)l`S of that luulu u.-..l r\I\n nl` |i||' -4)....-nn_~ fur um- L Vvup. ; As to my zyltentinn to the cily s husi: nezss 1 may say tlmt us` :1 member uf the board of works I attended in 18393 all the meetings but two-ninel,een in all, and in 12497. I attended. to the best. of my recollection, all but om`. twenty- five inull.I was ulnouxhor of the \\':m-r works comm.itbee in '91, "JI?, `U7, and luring thnt limo. 1 :lll('I1ll(`(l all n1ou1- ings excepting four. in all forty-l.l1reo. I \\'1lI< fl nlmnhor of the court of revision in 1994 and '95, and xmtlended the meet- ings, thirty-t '0 in all and in 1897 net c-hnirmnn M 1 ml r-nnnnillmx I nus nro- mmru. l1`,DllI_V(`lu'S ago I was requested to `.:tii(IV\' myself to he nominated as a re- presentative for Ontario ward. I was not anxious for the position, but I was persuaded to enter the field and I have ever since that time been one of the repreaentativesof that; ward in the council. I have during the four years now expiring, acted on several import- ant committees. I have been chairman of parks and chairman also of court of revision, in these positions it is unneces- sary to state whu.t`I have done, as no -`doubt, the public are aware of the ser- vices I have rendered. As to parks 1 will only say that 1 was able to keep them in good order, make several im- provemonts, and at the end of the year return to the treasurer about $70 as against an over expenditure by my pre- decessor. It is true thn.t I have not been on the finance committee, but: it: is not lpecuuse I couJ(l not be there if I wished; hut simply that 1 gave up my claims to others who were more .-mxiouv. to he on the committee than I umn sotiatoeloryio the new official. Mr. `Brennan was, aftey several votes inthev council, appointed to the position at .1, salary lay which $l,&ulJ per year was .-mved or the in'tore.sl, on a sum or 830,- mm :1! four per cent. 1 supported Mr. llrennnn for this position and Mr.` Liv- ingkmn oppmed him n.~1.thc-grninutoa of council will show, and though there was a good deal of outside diacugsion as to his fitnem for it,-I was quite willing. considering th 99 ice he had__1:end_ered the city in th t. to take him for ' it while at least on trust. I don`: think, gentlemen, there is a. member of the c uncil to-day who can say one word ng `mt hisefficiency and I only hope und trust that the, con! ence which those who voted for him t en placed in him will never be regrettedvby them or In`; their successors at the council hour: . l.`.n-n nun... ...-an I ma .~nnn.u.l.~..I 1.. III III) l1`il.\u|l.`i Mr] H'- speuklnlg nn nmny 01'- nuirn nn mv nnrl In dis- HUI. During the past year there have been many exceptional occurrences, The whole of the British empire was called upon to render assistance in the matter of the Indian famine, and Kingston un- dcrtookits duty in this respect heartily and rendered assistance to as large an extent as was feasible. The cit also was a contributor to the relie fund for the sufferers hf the serious fire in Prescott and llusse I counties, and there were mun fnatters ofexpenditure which were un orseen, but which seemed neeesary and which are rticulnrly the cause of the somewhat uge expen- diture dhring this year. ' [Will nm in minntnlv inln Mu auure curing mu A I will nm 30 minutely into the finances of the city this year at. this time. By careful management it was found , ihle to retain the fate onst- suion at EZI-`.' milks, as it haa'heen for some yen past. This was done only by u very vamfyl management of do- mils and cutting down expenditure in an departments as far no possible. As you know the council began the your willl 3 deficiencfof Il,lI)0 from last year and we end the year with the lama deciency an in hunt with. with the addition of the mm -0! 02.4%. vgllich the city wu obliged to pay til: you "OR_ LIVERPOOL DIRECT. llll' [)l'U]7Q'I' |"II'l'_)'lHlK Uul UI LIIH (`Un- trmrt on the part of Me.-isrs. Ahliott. & (`o., and this vontrtu-t liindn Messrs. Ah- hott. & (To. to pay in iv.-ages at _`lPt|.`4l 840,000 for the first year and at lezist 850.000 for nll other yours for the period of twenty years. This agreement was. :i.rrivea.L gt liy the finance committee! utter it long and tedious negoti.-ition,i nnd I believe that an agreement has` been reneheil which will he heneficial to the eity mnd I trust of advantage to Messrs. Abbott & Co. l'ersomi.lly I have no extreme feelings upon this mat- ter. When the question arose and I investigated it, I considered it my duty to arrive at as good `an agreement as possible for the city and to leave the decision of the matter to the citizens. I consider the agreement at good one for the, city and it is now, therefore. for you to decide if you will adopt it or not. flu-inn-u ILA anal nun-.. Al-.__- L_..- L--- 1 l l 101' ll- l`he matter of exemption of manufac- tories is one. that has been heforn the minds of the citizens prtrticulurly dur- ing the past year. It has seemed that of late. the citizens generally feel more determined to make Kingston a bus-y centre than they have ever felt" hefore even if it. can only be done hy the ex- penditure of in considerable sum of money. I am opposed, on principle, to bonuses and exemptions of all sorts, [ cannot, howevar, fail to realize the ad- Vl.\"I.l)llii_V 05 giving both bonus and ex- emption in particular cases where we see the direct sn.tisfactory results, as long` as the law of the land allow; other pl.'Itl`P.~: in the province to grant them. In the proposed bonus and exemption to Ml-asrs. .\.bbott. untl company, which is now under your 1-ou.~iiler'tlion.l simply wish to say tltat. I believe it". would he ll. good thing for Kingston if the. bonus by-lztw, which has passed it~t first and second readings in the council, sltould meet with your approval. Every cure wns taken by the finance commit- tee and the council generally to find exactly where we stood before the pre- sent tirrangenients were complet-.~d. I .~'h:i.ll not, upon this occasion, take. up your vulualile. time to go into all tho! details of the agreement, but will re- mind you tha.l as far as the security of the t-ity of l \'inIg.-tton is concerned, it is ample. As you are aware from neatlink the h_y-law perhaps,` the ;\Ie. Abbott and company are obliged to erect liuiltlinyrs, plant and macltiner_t' upon land owned by the city,`autl to have. stock in the shape of raw material upon the land at ti. total cost of -$_".'itl,- tlb0, of \\'lll('l) they shall pay at least $511,000 for the. buildings and $l.'nll,Imtl for the machinery and plant, before they receive ll. craft of the, Kingmnn bonus and lwfm-e they even receive the deed of the land upon which they make all this expenditure. After the expenditure of $;.`.50_tJtltl has; been in- curred liy Messrs. Abbott & (`o., and the. whole concern is in marking order the bonus is paid to them. and the city of Kinurslnn is to have tlte first and only lien upon the entire eonrern for the term of twenty years, to insure the proper carrying out of the con- tr-nvt nn that nnrt nf Rfsurcrsx Ahlmlt .\'- l lll IHUI, -'lH(l I ITUSI Illlll _\'UU Ill l|l`(fQ' with me on Mnmluy next, in shtming that. you 1-r`nsitl(-.1` it, :1 wise step. I he- lievo thnl it is generally (`onve-(lml that tho street must he opened sooner or later, and that being the (`use 1 think that the price urrztngotl for now is :1 much stnttllcr one than we will over ltltlln have the opportunity of nnying in- il, pilbsllge U]. (I. Ulll III III? IUCKII a'l"glS|ill-I.II\` that the bonus could not be. paid until or unless the mutter was again submit.- ted to the people of Kingston for their opinion at the polls." . Another point: upon which I too strong ground 11 year ago in my in- augural address Was that the claims of Kingston as 11 transhipping point for grain should be urged and made good by the estalilisbnientz of grain elevators here. and that it would be wise for the citizens to take all proper steps in order to ensure guccess inrthis matter. You all know what has been done in this` re- gard during the past year. The citi- zens have recognized the atlvantaue which would accrue to the city if this industry were properly assist:-d and by the granting of bonu.~te.s to the extent of $ti0,00tt for grain elevators have seen the completion of one elevator with Al capacity of 500,000 bushels of gratin, and are. now watching with great. interest the building ol' a second one which will have a capacity of 750,000 husltols. I stated to you a year ago that: this would be the proper course `for Kin`g.ston to take in order to ro-estal)lish itself as :1 tmnshipping for grain, and it is a grettt suti.sl'a('tion to me to know that the citizens have agreed with me upon this point. ` . Another point in my remarks of a ye.n.r ago referretl to the. opening of riyndenltztm street. and I am pleased to mtnintl you'thut a. by-law for the open- ing of the street ltas passed its first and secoml readings in the council :l.lltl will be. submitted to you for your :lp~ proval on Monday next. It is for you to say, by your votes, it" you agree with lllt` on this subject. In vonnet-tion with it I may say that urr.'tn.ge1ut-nl:-1 \'r'l't' made. during the. past year for the put`- cli.-tse of the property and the building of the street for the t,-otnpurativelystnall sum ot' $17,tJtlU, wlit-rt-its, the estimati- submitted to you on n. former (K`t`.'l.\`lt)ll for the opening` of the street :15 SH',- 000. The opening of this street lt;t.-1 llt"`ll one of the ohjet-t.~z whit-h I ltttve had in view since my entry to the t`ll_\' ('Uun(`ll in 189i, and I trust llltll you will :tgree with ma nn "\ll1ll:IL now in !~thm.\lnQ to in considerable extant, dirbctpd. When I look over the various public matters upon which ll. your .130 I gave my opinion and stat.xl_ m_v(po,,-ition, I am pic-used to know H111 my advice regard- ing these has been .-nrrietl out in every |):Il`li(`lll!ll'. In tho lirst place I statmi plainly my pmitiun a your ago upon this plwlform upon the matter of the Kingston bonus to the Kingston and .~.'mith's I=`am railway. ~1 \atat_c;t`l then thzt.t,[ objected to the extendon of tho" time during which the railway must be built in order to receive the Kingston bonus of 150,000 nndgl pointedout that the granting of this bonus would mean a. funther expenditure to the city of $7,575 annually. which would itself increase the taxation, all other things being e uni, to the ext:-nt`__ot'one mill on `the ollnr. Gentlemen. the time for the gmnting of who bonus is the am tiny of Decenihor of this year nnd there- is now no dangvr of it being grant:-I. On the c.ontrru'v it. was arranged by wt. passage of .1. bill in the local .`e-gisi:it.uN thn.l the bonus could not mild until VII Ill` L, nd we ml) I` `n [nun .-.. TWVI WC` PUIFIIIC `III 1 Milan- n.._,,.u I.. now ontlocl. IXXIIUIIX 0| IIIU Kffe . During! the pest yen the city wee honored or three deyehy evieil from their exoellencioe the governor-genoni end the counted of Aberdeen. And on the 22nd of June Iheciey joined with theoln in the oelebntion of the mood jubilee of hot uejeoty. end there wete other celeb ell ol -IuIoeL tax Lngptili Aonnnan . -4; An... whichxnn hon-tily A: on-opnr nqd in loynlly by tho blbvo Into plenum: hu- I IlIIUI' DIIID ID IIII Fill IIIIIIIICDOYHY HONO- During the put you the city ouorod I Iovoro loo: in tho doubt: of Michael Flam- gon. who bod boon our oiay cloth for tho filcy-four yoou ond whooo proiooo hovo to continually nnnrlod during the wholo of than than thou I will not horo nttorony furthor oulog thon to oxprooo our opprooiotion of in and our ho- roovomont ob hil looo. His ploco hoo |I_oon llod by W. M. Dronnon. who oocupiod tho mayor : choir for two yooro. and ,who in proving on oxoollont city clock. Al- though his oppointmont noun anon!- Inogo ogo, otill I hollovo 6 tho obuucil in now uixoniuono in its lion of tho oxoollonoo ol hio oorviooo. l'L.-:.... oh- -...o n... AL- ..IL.. _.- lo: Match and ovary lnromutlon spot , U. -A-'I.-W Anna. 1 HIS! "FIITS ('l)Ul]('|I. From this you will see that this year`s `council has kept within the expendi- ` tum whit-h was allotted to it for this i_veiir`s work. notwithstanding what has ` been siiiil about extravagance and cure- Iess financing, and notwithstanding that . several unforseen ex- pend.itures were . necessary, in- cluding nn expenditureiof 3800 for new bone and an expenditure of 8600 foi the bolebration of the queen : diamond jubilee, and 8350 for the Indian famine fund and the Rnaooll and Proooopt. county fire fund. The nancing has been done with the mosh careful consideration: for economy. and I boliova that you wtll inn- aidar that iii [in boon satisfactorily done. Uni-inn aha nnnt: vnnr lm nlnw nnthrnrl I upon .1 judgment in the case of Drennun nguinst the city, in whirl! the vily sut'- ft-rod dc-fr-at and which was for :1 cause of zwtinn arising over It year ago with lust year's cuuncil. la`:-nm thin vnn will nut that thin vozn-.`: JAM ',3...*3E'.R-., We have a full line of Agate Ware, Nickle Plated Ware, Tin- ware, Carpet Sweepers, Rasin Seeders and Clothes Wringers, also 9. good assortment of Cutlery. 75 & 77`DR|NCESS STREET. *%pe[c 1KLjpqwmoas JAMES REl S FURNITURE HOUSE. Ifyou intend to change Stoves be sure and`purchase A HAPPY HOME." Every range guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. IMGKELVEY & amen h:wu . D. Hanloy. J. P. ellderslcevo. Agent. G.T.B. Station. I! Olnonoo St. . IOBEANCI In 00.. Gonoul Agents. Ion- nal. I publish in my I-Iea1tl1World,"(sentfree, sealed with book) more than four hundred sworn voluntary testimonials new every month. I forfeit $5,000 if the currents from my Belt are not felt imme- diatply upontapplying to the body` `You wear it at night, nun 45- 1-`---.\ `Jan: I nun: III Fl \1lsI I (KI I-FF` llb_'IUl"5Il'lI:Ul'IAINlI`lll"IIl'1II HID ard causmg a free cnrculation of blood to and throug the parts, gives development and speedily cures _ .._ _ . T: L 4 T1 j `WINCH IS yusluvt: auu ldblllls. .' 02; my professional word I make I/1:": :tamnezz!.- To weak men, young. middle aged or old, who may have the least foundation left to build upon, I promfse a positive and permanent cure by the judicious use of my Electric 1 elt. More than 5,ooo`attested to this last year. an: A-I-an an III: III: -an-nnlnl Inl 'Pl._lI'l'\I l\A\I " THREE cusses or m-:`" is the title on little pocket yolutne I have just issued, showing the effects of early abuse, or later excesses. - Every weak man, single, married, young or old, should read it and get the benet of my thirty years experience, as a meciil- ist `n the scientic treatment of Drains, Losses, ln|potem:y,_ -hlln Ba Varicocele and Undevelopment. . ` _.-_ -..'_._`! Ht! cicxuclu luum. uupuuuun. nu nu: Ill f //I i or beast--ELECTRICITY- . , , . . . . 1/ , ` W` my latest improved Galvanic Body Battery and Supporting Sus esory I combine a self-treatment which is positive and lasting. .0 ' n.. can A.mI'.en'nunIannrJ facial; I119": efnlnurnlo Tn weal: men. VOIIDII`. FREE OOK V E9-'-*WE5"sK MEN .E2L:.L-.!9I_T BR.9._-.- B. J. BEII), MANAGER. The By-law is sure to pass for the extension of Sydenham Street- We must cfear our entire stock for improvements. Now is your time for Bargains. 3 and the par I.A\4l\o IQ .",\r\JIr an . . _ _ . -_ . . . . _ . . -.__- J |h1"s`_"`r c3.3' THEBRAIN IN THIRTY rs lldlhlp nloonl. romoundo docks. SANDEN, I56 St. James Street, MONTREAL, QUEBEC. IT CURES YOU WHILE YOU SLEEP; . If possible, call and consult me free of charge, or probably you .\ 0'.-innr` r\1\'\r`I\\; urhn uynnlr` nvarrnn fllwllilf fnl" vnn. J1 IHJBDILJIKI, Iall QIILI \L}IlD\-Ills ll|\r {IUD kl]. wllulbhg \Il rl c 2) friend near by who would examine the'bclt for you. Write to-day for pamphlet and particulars. FOR CHRISTMAS. %V 3R%i:CiCiCELEs% ...-r.,.J-. - V -~--v---- :5UhE '<-3'lJ- WHIL Y6VU$I:EvElf::; .... cihln Doll and nnncnH' rnn frnn nf rhnrrrn, nr nrn ME_3IcgNE .wIi.L NOT Vcuns The Leading Undertaker and Furmturo lllnutsocurot 256 and 256 Princess Btroot. TUI LET PAPERS We handle-a large variety of different priced Papers and Fixtures. , .IVERPO0L SEBVICE DIRECT. tom Llvupool. Stoomor. From Portland to 9t.h........[mbrudorDoc.26th,1p.m co. um: ..Vnm-.m1vor... Jan. 5th 1p.m In In. .iootumnn.....lnn. 19th.! p.u1 \n.1Mh.... mhabrunor ....Feh. Ind.) p.m loll Liverpool. Steamer. From Boston 90. 89th........0onud|......Jan. 15th. 3 pm {Inc Oobln-0a` to 090 unylo: uoooouao r lull. Second OsbIn-0u so uuo uncle; 000.75 to M7 nun-n. Suonco to Livorpoohbondonddr . London. lulow. Quunutown. sumo. III. to I85 50. Have you seen the Jumbo Perforated Roll--an extra large roll of paper at a low price. Try a sample. "I knowthe action of evegy drug .1 that was ever prescribed, but-let me say as physician to patient, as man to `man, medicines at best will but stimu- late. They dd not tone. What we tmust employ is nature's own gift. We need go gm further. Why not use that potent force which she so 'bountifully bestows upon us? The ~ _ne element most important to life in L . -. t....... at l'.`r"1`Dl r`l'l"V__ ICU. VIII HE T IIHIIT W W hi: can I lay youth, "w would in no- thing but wrlto nnu." That in Jan 0. Whistle dhoova-I-50 who 5:: :96:-gbho nation and lo and in its popular ban. the low at all tunic and not and Innutul things. n-vw vvuuyuouu vv-I yuvvuvvrvilo William Lloyd Gorrioon onoo move I gro- phic ocoount of "How John G. Whmior wu diooovorod. Gorrloon woo odlng tho Nowburyporb Froo Prooo. T50 50! into which oorroopondonco ond tho ortioloo !or the popor woto put woo ob tho bottom of tho otoiro. out of night of tho odiooriol rooms. Anonymous poomo oouo out ol bhio tax wook otter wook. `rho poonohod so much morib thot. tho odihor ooruoooly, but vainly, oought for tho outhor. `Photo wuodrugowroo ho. Itodowond windovro ovot-look thoodllofo box. All ogroomont woo undo Irish tho drugglot to hoop on oyo on that box. and dooooo on) ononot unon the I ah: oootbuooro. Bofoxo may o o tho mgglot nu o non no oomothiny n ond inunodiotoly loovo. o ropqrhod tho toct. Gorrloon lofl Into a pen and lollowod tho ronootlag oolhor. ooowoloon. hoohlnl-looking youth. who. tho ho Ind hoi ooolrontod with joot olnthobomeou .-wNI Niob- oo.i|wuInowhoho.d pout ood oohoto Ihoro. T wonuogoohor on Whioofo ` lothor. who lion inollnoll to oolllt hinnnn A Inc` In-II: N-In -nonlal `on gun. It has been I proeporone one end I mm the! you will coneider than the public buainou bu boon well done end ouelnlly attended to. [his very gratifying tone tn know that the fab year bee been e enc- ceululono. ond met that my dude! concerning it have been performed to the ntioleotion of my fellow oltlnene. 69 6: 7| Brock Street, KINGSTON. ow Whittier W lllloovorod. Buotlco to Llvorpoohhondonadr hondon. 1 |sw.Qnun|town Bolfuhtn. hlp nloonu. ofoou-In llghtmnpnolom iI(IT1GS;0li,70N"l' 'LL;'a": Iominionljnesteamships TIIIIVV I VII I lIXX' LOD NLYD HIGH `EH30 HIIO J *0 alliilli 'I|*=lIIII- `EQUI- z londuu. Wodnudul and Fridays. Tuudnyn. Thursduyn and Saturdays. Full p rtlnulnru at K. &. P. and 0. 1'. 8 onto %o.0nt.u1o ntnot. (DNWAY. B. W. 101.6115. Aut.0an. Pan. Act. 1 Gomlnnuu. ca-r-ro. --13..-:.. lIUvIII'li|l.I"Hu l'lI'l'IVIlu ). 1 Express 11:30|.m. No. ilhprou 4:] J. I Loon 5:00 p.m. No 4 L? 0:) lo. 6 Mixed 8:00 mm. `No. 6 had 1:4 londsn. Wodnudan Fridayia. pile l'll'II.-OIIII rare gnu one-`|`nIr, hr olu; Dec. 10th to am ; good returning Ml an. 18th 18%. IMEBOIAL l`AVELLEIl/i (upon pro- ntuhion of Oommel-clnl'1`ravellors' Runway` Irtlaute) Ulnxlo Flu:-ulna rare, uood `in; Don. lbh to 25th; good to return until all UNI, 18309. Butweon all ntltlonlln (lunndn Windsor. `nlt. Ste. Rule, Fort Wllllun anti ant. 'l`lhl'l'AlIl.l! Eotnrn Tickets will In iuueal as below: JENERAI. PUBLIC -- llnglo Fin:-olnn sn. good going on Dec. lth amt 25111; good mrnlnc until Dec. ab. Good going rm no. list and Jan. Int; good returning until .n. 3rd, ma . llnglo first-Olul lore and 0no~`l'h|rd. nd calm; on Due. rum to 259.11; wood to return Ml Duo sum. Good sing Ucu. 30th to Jan. 1; good rotnrning um ! Jan 4rh.1`I9u. `IIAOHICIM AN U b|l`[`DlN'I`.4 upon surren- I of prupar certicate signed y Prluclpnl) : lo l'll'I|.-OIIII Faro Ind one-`l`hlr, 1 ml . nn. lhh Inn. _ Gnnd Trunk Station! I. P. OILDIIILIIVI. AUDIO. 0 Oluonoo Strut anada Pacific Railway uusmns AND NEW YEAR n/mas THAVILLLING--BY BOAT. .'muuA VV HUI `CCU. 5lUU|I|IIK VIII IDUIIWXII AP] VINCENT AND NEW YORK. Una ln---Q Infnn Ohm- Onhlgn -nrl ngll-kl; urn V LIVVDALV h $39 IVE V7 I UK`!-In For lowout rates. time table: and ullublo lormaelon upply to .-u-\ . unvnun nn,, nu. g,. . . n Irv --_ __.. __-_ ..,,_, . . IED. A. FOLGER, City Tlokat Agent K. W. t 0. RB... Foot Brock St . Klllutorn. Hllrlvtlhd in II: nltgtoflvonun. Iowhod M In II nllloont iron stnmon urlnooo or in 6! hours from Now York. The ""n.. "`i`i'`:` "&3`.1:3.E ::1S`3: I - lu-bodou. Also `Afford bountiful and h. rut- Icioun. All ndohod by steamship: o the Inoboosuumsnlp company from now You 30! onluoto the tropics nun Janu- ry. no and non: nun: . and um IINI Io: duo:-(pun Dam in on and date- ! ulna; 1 11 to A. I 1.108 OUTER- tgg. Annrih llroodwu. Now Y. X3503. OIL IAllIl.lhonhu.Quooo. l ll'IB TABLE : Stenmor for CAPE VINCENT 11 have KINGSTON daily (Sunday oxooptod) 1:15 p m., and an extra mp every Ionduy 5u.m.. oonnootlnf at Cape Vlnoonb with Mn: to all point: 11 the IILII``iI`\ $'JX\l'IX`Zn \Jl_Vl.l Int!-C j I l"I I -II?! Wunor Pnhoo Sleeping can betwocn A DE \'71`Kl`l`.`"hl|'I'| A `In MUTE VITI 1FION &; 1>EmBRcfa| .21.}? .L 0 TIHB TABLE Stenmor {or CAPE VINCENT 1:15 u m.. and an-In even Hondnv ZN. \-I -I..I .2..' or, Sp: old, u-tford. Worcuhr. Pro- v dance. Boston and tho 1!! A Zifl m=*!9f'2!v.8:9E.dL$b"*"v Illauulu. 'I`l1|Vlhhl.5. on unsou- ion of Anooiauon Ccrmicstu will be nod Round Trip nokm M. -nmln lrmsr. .AsaFAlu. good aoloj Den. 180.1: to 26th, at good to return until on 3rd, 1888 -__.. -- _-_..__. ____.-.. V__, __ J. 1-., min Afls. ur. on` mug Hutton I`oo oflohnr `Ass Am: um) 0.:-rnmu. tram Docs. In to sutaood to return until Jan lath. KIEROIAL TBAVELLIIR5. nud nomm mo flukota n -INHUE FI.S'l`- wnno.a?vTrrmia.z5"1"I'c 1`:1l)"".'.:`-" "M: (!.P.A. 19.. w.u 0.1111 vneuu. nut. ro `ma LADIES on xmdsroN.; ]$|`l RISTMAS -AND- NEW YEAR s HOLIDAYS. T unt 155, .0 u It I nsvutu uuhu dlllolul. O i`Ui`!L`.". END TEAOBEESOI Schools Cohan, unrnndor ol utlndud form pottmonto nod by _P:inoipu|. at FIEST- l: o.-x-mmu. mm Doc. ASH sun In to sut..nood return mm! Jan lath. VV lial.` mu Ugo: Albanw New York. Phllsdol-` phh. lhmoro. uhlngeon and tin $f`\"f'1'l'I"I'f' nun nu Ina puuum Au vuv UNl.`3`BD .`I`F|1"`E8o my- ...-_ n- I- -- nl--..(.._ n- -- I...A_-... T Dopnrtun. I lvnv-In 1 I -I pugunuu. . Ian at IINSTCLASS FARE A{`.I0NE- |. IRD Don l8!d. Nt.h nnd Nth. to n - In until Doc llth : And Duo. 3 Q. and mi 1': 1-mm wui be noun amen -C13! FARR Du-Olnbor lth and . mod to ratnn. until um. 27th : and on IIBD Don I! d. Hbhbnd Nth. od to nntll Doc nth ; Doc. |. nor: lot. ac cl t return until . umdth. Pn i;.'T!`!fhl ANY) TEAHIIIEKH nl Rnlunnln cw.-. I11 ... I", . .-.,~.. ,. `maven. N i:?w'("'r'c]iL`I I.. BER/vu.JDA,_ `RE How I'M! -FAIID BIIIIUDAB. with cable oomnunluumon and oqmble * Ruhr umpontnn of sevens: donut. bau- lful IOOIIOI7 and 100 mlln at good moon. oodqnuun oi the numb army and navy. oudvubl In its ntrysunnou. no-ohod :1 In Inanllloom umno FOR snua. III! nnnxn -run -unru-s EV!`-(I.'..'..'-5! lruuc Du-Imbor sun . t 1: rotuzu until Dec. 27th ;and on a. nun an an Janmuy 1.t.,good to uturn until Old. ' L: 11.0. AID 11.3. n. I null. ._q-0... 7 Niagara Falls. Onwnnn. vrnnnna. Boohu1'Al. UIIIIIIIUIU` vv Uuuu-I5 vvu I SOUTH. I-nl Hnrfnr `Unto! Onwo o 8 menu, Boohutnt. Bu I10 lovulnnd.0lno1n- nm, i4e.1.om`- and the 'I'I`1"'I '1" 1 Cg mi. Gnnd Trunk Station! ";;i.;;a""aa.;; Luca from Portland. 9-.--) `RI NOW FAB-FAIID BIIIIUDAS. with onbln oommuniunuon um gamble FIB. l.'Ul'l-I VV IIII-II. Till TABLE. -a. Iuvig Durwuu Inu E.AST. I - nnmnn Inn 1'. H:, C15tBT10kkO9stA'0I1C lttzvn . 0 CC I I b.w"Iu.n.' .. '1' " l'lI'l'l VII- 2 Expnu 4:10 p m dhvl 0:15 nun 1:40p.m In Fridays. IKBIUIHII msntnrdnyk Jun. "Saturday. Jan. ..8Aturd|y. Jan 1 "Saturday. Jan ...8|tmdny. Jun. 4 Arrival. E--Ln`-n `a` null 15th A lW'II!UTi|jlIIl'K|'IlIlW'VIllU IWII tho oi, . I think to how I! clear and good an cgmnont as could pouibly dawn. sad in common with. all lpi cmunu I an highly pica.-od with win: as` been done town-do recovering the Undo that '0 IIIVOI` nhould have lost, Thin intho natural point for trnnlhip t_ 0! gum. The llooen olcncnr and I no ole- um Ming oonotmctod by the I .-*'l`. oom- Kxny hnhint notice to uni pout: tint Wngston m-mo bmimno, and it going to M70 Mr tall dun 0! this impmhne trade. y all light in tho; that nlqvnloru were nook Mono:-lun yuan ago. for bad udluunlhounqit II dwpthot likdy vovonltluovhvocnvofolonlon Ill` 'lVslP'V` I 'l \"" `_"\Ill HI EUIVICZ wimnuly. because I was nun that I clearer insight moo the civic mu-ton wu secured thou than olnwhoro. W0 have had nob buinolu holol-0 no this you. One of tho chic! work: performed. that of bonuses. Ioolnd your approval at tho polln. An I mambo M u nlnnmr canning: Yongollanu Amgn "A'.".".m."'"7sL".i'e"JI'.' '?.'$';'o*i"'i.$....m.. [world with any oolllqzua in seeking !ocIboh0ot.pouib|00onnnfoH.ho`Iood tho unit}. I nini tn Int: :1 (slag: and UUUII IUII ylll lll BIIUII II UUIJIUYIIUIU Blalllat For the past two years I have held the position of chairman of city property, and Ibelieve that your city buildings are in better shape today than they have been for years. If. in the coming days. the buildings could be more fully occupied and modernized, I am sure it would be advan- tageous to the electors and a source of in- come to the city. As chairman of this committee I have exercised the same care in guarding the city's property `and inter- este as I would my own. This, if elected. I shell continue to do. and you can depend upon it. being myself a large taxpayer, I will always be opgoeed to any proposal that will tend I50 enet the few at the expense of the many, or any scheme that would increase the burden of taxation without offering satisfactory and tubstentiel benets in return. On the other hand, as n hueinese man. 1 purpose being always on the alert in eelxing to en- courage and assist in the eel shlishment ol euch manulecturiee as are It itable to this locality, and which will give good promise ol furnishing permanent employment to our mechanics and workingmen : for after `all, it must be admitted. even by gentle- men of the "learned profeesions." that the mechanics and worhlngmen are the main- stay, the bone and ainew of any communi- ty. In other words. I shall endeavor to further the interests. not of the classes. but of the masses. n.. AL- Il..-.... ......._:sa.. 1 L... --......A IIIIC OK 509 EWC3- , 0.1 the mnoo eommmoo I hue urved for throo years. An you no unto this in the most important oommmoo in the coun- oil. I B in oallcd together oftaonor than my other two oommiucon. nnd conueqnontly much timn in given to it by the mnnharu I '|.--- .~-rrn nu` nnrvit-nu `JBYKB, Ul'U.WBDBf IIHLI Ilgllli, HUG CIQVRCOT. While on the board of works under chair- man ex alderman Gaskin the scheme was intro ced for the construction of asphalt walks,a which has since led to the lay- ing of gra olithic walks. These, as you all are aware, have added greatly to the ap- pearance of our city. They are permanent in character. and though the first cost is somewhat more than the boardwalks they soon make up fJr this in greatly reduced amounts for repairs and in the lasting qualities of construction which make them in the end so much cheaper than the com- mon boardwalks. Let me instance : Be- fore these new kinds of walks were intro- duced the appropriation 'for a small Ward like St. Lawrence was from $1,000 to $1,- 200. Now the general outlay is not much over $200. The merchants who do busi- ness on the treetsin this ward rejoice over the improved walks as I am quite sure all who use them do. Well. for the introduc- tion of these walks I claim a share of the credit, and being, as I have already stated, cheaper in the long run than the inferior and oft times dangerous wooden walks. I hope to see them gradually ex- tend throughout the entire city. In addi- tion to cement and granolithio wgalks there is still another requisite of a progressive city thatI would briey allude to. and that is good up-to-date roads. Regarding this, every man who drives, or rides a bicycle knows, many of them to their sor- row, that they are by no means what they ought to be. We spend comparatively large sums annually in the attempt to keep our streets in a respectable condition. but as with sidewalks, so with road ways, the best are the cheapest. In my judgment it will befound more economical and as satisfactory to pave even a portion of a street every year, than to continue to fol- low the system that has been in vogue so long of covering the streets with broken stone one year. and carting it oil in the form of mud the next, and in any case the next council ought in oqmmon justice to a long sullering people appropriate a sum sulcient to put into something like a do cent and passable condition those streets in the outlaying wards that are, and have been for years in such a deplorable state. For the must turn wear: I hnvn hnll man I 1 IIUDUHIAIUII III B Ul'lUl Why [40 (U8 pIl'D 1 IIBVB taken in the work of the council. I first entered it in 1891. and havo ainob then served on nearly'al| of the commicteez; the board of works, city property, nance, parka, ro,water and light, and elevator. Whiln nn Hm hnmrrl nf wnrlrn nndnr r-hnirn UNI] Ul Ill Ulfllu During the time I have been a member of the city council 1 have endeavored to do my duty to the beat of my ability. and without. fear or favor. Let: me call our attention in a brief way to the part I ave tnlznn in the Wm-It nf lnhn nmnmil, I' first. IIIUIU ll! Ill! MIIUUUUUPUIJ WUI'U- And now, gentlemen, to the business of ` the hour. You have heard whit has been said by the gentlemen who have today nominated me for the position of mayor. I feel that they have spoken so kindly and warmly in my behalf as to render it quite unnecessary for me to address you at any great length. I am very ` glad that this is so, for speech-making is not my forte, and I make no pretentions in that line whatever. I am. as you all know, a plain business ` man, born and brought up among ybu.and 5 ready and willing to. do what I can to pro- mote the progress and prosperity or the city of my birth. ` Tlurimr the time l have [men a member char-lee Livingston : Address. In common with all who are assembled [ here today I miss the genial pres- ence of the man; who as a citizen 3 and an oicial was for more than fty years closely identied with our civic life and government. It is needless to say that I I refer to the late M. Flanagan, and in con- ) gratulating you. Mr. Chairman. on your I recent appointment as "city clerk. I can wish for you nothing better than that you may hold the olce as long as your lament- ed predecessor did, and that your services to the city may be as elcient and accep- table as his undoubtedly were. now, gentlemen, who to day very` man hnru nnrl he-nnrwlaf nn nsnnnn whee nnrl .' I along ? I heard of Prescott at all. On all the committees I have been anxi- ous to conne the expenses to necessities. The cause I am sure you deplore as I do. We are looking and hoping, and not with- out good reasons. for brighter times. This will help the city nances: for occu- pied houses and plenty of work for cheery laborers will bring values back to their former places; but if this does occur, it does not`raean that we must spend more ` money. No. Iwanttosse everything cut as close in civic affairsas in the carrying on of any well-conducted business hrm. We have, as all of,,.you can see by referring to the last auditors re- port. heavy nancial obligations, and, I am sorry to say. much of it is un- controllable. For instance, in 1886 our interest account was $37,185: in 1896 it had reached $58,086. Our total debt is $922_`.360. of which $280,300 is in water works, which takes care of itself by receipts from consumers. our harbor front. and never have know that in recent years our income has not been as great as could be desired. What Has Been `Done--The Candidates T ell tn What Grounds * They Claim the Suffrages of the People--Ala. A ' Livingston Talks Well. They is Made ` Their Addresses in The City Hall This Forehhon. H J MAYER SKINNER REVIEWS IHE YEAE. n-vi.-non, llntl during me years 1 was xv member of that court, I found in Mr.- Gordon in man upon whose mudg- ment and ekxpt-rience we could safely re- ly; this experience. I might any. could only he a uiredi after several years of service. an I then thought. and I now think that to move him from his pm-` sent position vroud have been most in- ,-urioua-to the c ty'a interests. There \v:)s another important feature, how- ever. connected with`the change and that was the question of, ex ,nse- ovory one knows how difficult It is to reduce a salary once (bred, and the pom- tion `of the citv`s tinnnna mndn it llIIlll' l_IllS appointment llltl pmclng on stunner in the position an agree - man could he made irrespective 0! what had Iorllntly bun puid which iould In H-qucf ll salary one! HXGG, amt In? nl' city`: finnnoa made it neccnunry to reduce expenses and in making this uppointnont and placing A ntmmer in the nmmon nn..-n-as H01 SU(`(`(l`. S Ill` ((1. n . By t\lr.t_l-`I.-nnaga_n`.~s death 1 vnmn--y tn the offn.-0 of only clerk was created and the/question us In who his Hue. oessor would he was freely disrussed M" aha l,publi('. I ' _ gm wen govern applicants for ulna D08_IlI0n. but the contest finally dwindled down tu one between Mr. um-. don, our present assessor, and Mr. l_)r9n- nan,/the present city clerk. i had but 0I3`_ren5on for opposing 51% Gord.m'~z appointment; and that was 9 \\_aa too 300:! I rntqn to Re moved. from tins pre- san pom Ion. n experience 0 many ,;UlI.l`:dba?f_l.l`!8.;iC hign time at but most a u 0 ma 3, an uring the short. fit!!! I 3M as chnirmanbl the court of nvision. and during the years I was ll. momhpr of that nnnrt I fnnnrl in IIM`, HUI` A\l|(`. H'l Plllnilglln S(`l`VP(1 HS l`uilhfu||_v and well, but dt-nth during the last twelve months has mken vim from among us after he had passed the allotted spun nl' tlnmv more years and ten and whilst. still In harness. During his long ofticml career he did his duly faithfully nnd well and he lms net am ('X:Lnl|)| of fidelity and uprightness which I hope we will nli, at uny mto,.-1l- lemptf lo follow, ow-n lhuugh vw should not succeed as he did. Mr \lu- lu`Iun..-van`. .l....H. on .m......... vvuuyu n. wuu-usuu I IVIIIII-[II. \\'a- meet here to-day, according lo Znw, lo nnininate .1. candidate for `he ioixiliun of Innynr n! this city tor the war M08, and I beg to thank mv pro- poser and semndc-r for my nuuiinution fur 1h:i( pozitiun. \\'v miss from this place It fave won .L;nm\n in you all, for war filty H-:Il'.~I the hue Mivhm-I l"l:nnugnn served fIIilhfIl\ nml TH, hill. alnulh ulnrinu ur_r.nuIr rrnucnluu I uuulluynnly rely. I thenk you. gentlemen, for the kind hearing you have given me; and as I take my seat. I csnnoh bub expreu the sincere wish that the coming year may be to our- selves and all other citizens of Kingston, one of abundnnt happiness. increased proa- periby and very green success. uvur III a Uuuvuue, um` I. was quiw Willing to throw myself upon the genoroaity of the elecbora without personally calling on them. I made the olfer to Mr., Wallrem not to canvass and he declined and no the old-time custom prevails. 1 have faith in the electoral that they can make choice without solicitation and upon their exercizo ol'_their franchise l condently rely. [thank vou. gentlemen. for the kind "um:-ulna uuuu Ann IIITLI IAI- wumu pronp: smud- o on- E 0! 13:mn' 79'3" nu `neu- ' kn: ~ -mud At once Innoh not using than (no he Dunn of III! Itvhl of cu-ncnloltnra mum nrui coo. one-mum. cu-..----u -c VVIICUI Ill IIHU IUI wutu IHUVBIIIBIIIZ. As a business man I know to well the changes that have taken place in past years. \Ve are educating and tting too many youth: for poaitiona which cannot be procured here and they therefore have to go elsewhere. I do like to see their pub and ambition, but I would like to see them retained here to our own advantage. I uek the support of the electors in the con- test. I have canvassed as much as time has permitted; 1 will do so until the day of polling. If I cannot see you all, take the will for the deed. I solicit your support whether I can reach you or not. Kingston in B big place to get over in a canvass, and I was quite willing throw mvaelf unnn then onnnrnnimv nf lly FUJI WIIHFBVUT. ` _ What. we require is a larger p pulnbion. We have the area for their nccn 'modation and comfort, and whether I am eleoved or not I will ever put my shoulder to the wheel in the forward movement. Ann knninnnn Damn `I l...-... L- ....-II LL_ ID I. UVUI LIDVU UOUII |Il [y UWII. ` As you are all aware, negotiations have been entered upon with the Abbotts, of Montreal, and it is quite possible that during the coming summer their large iron works which gives steady employ- ment to hundreds of men, will be removed to Kihgston.- That the establishment of such on industry in our midst would be a great boon to the city goes without say- ing, but at the some time Ifully realize that the utmost care must be exercised in the nal arrangements so as to fully pro- tect the city from even the possibility of any loss whatever. What. wn mnnirn in A Innynr nnnnlnhinn I TUCUIPEH ITUIII consumers. Our school debt is $722,000 in round gures. but we have value for our money, and as fine schools as cm he found any- where. The balance of the total debt comprises local improvements, bonuses, etc. Next year.I am given to understand, our income will not be greater than this year. Under these circumstances. the closest of attention will be required to make ends meet. If you will give me the opportunity I will do all I can to curtail expenses and give next l)ecem- ber 11 good showinr: for your consideration. Let me add here that I amlstrongly in favor of the city controlling its own fran- chises. We own the water works, and you can see. if you are a consumer. the advan- tage it has been to you since it came into our hands. The same. I believe, would apply to our lighting of the city. I may without any self-conceit justly claim to have as a business man obtained a fair measure of success, and I can only repeat that if you are pleased to make me your - choice as mayor for 1898 I will endeavor to be as watchful, as judicious and as dili- gent in my oversight of the city s business as I ever have been in my own. l A: vnn am all nwnrn. nnontlnllinna ham: Joseph Wulkemm Roma;-II. . ...~u In"... o.. ..,...,\...|:.. run` mun? wme. Monumr. ujcmnnnn '27, 1397. - ltnownyto most of you. `I will not, Ilnvor Rklnnerm Adana. ` A yozir ago to-dny I stood upon this platform asking for election to tho muyomlty of Kingston. \ou granted my nlquc-st. and in the large majority of votes which you gave me upon elec- tion dny I had every reason to see that you believed that I was a worthy per- son to occupy the honorable position of mayor of Kingston. 1 stand before you to.day. at the and of my year of office. frepnred to render an account of mysa f. I am glad to lsnotw, `however. that tho`! 6-itizens of Kingston tuita such a.,, kn"-.n aintareat. in munir-ipnl affair: and the conduct. or the city : business that wlfat has lion done-during the past year. even .10 minute` ptu-ticulnrs. is mlrendy wel therefore. make u long address on. this ocrmion. as the candidates who are uk- iqg for your auffragu for the coming _vea.!' are about to address you, and lwjll lemvo the platform to them after atew words. ' ' , In looking our the events of the past year I (`Minot hut.re[I.rd it as 5 year of very neat prosperity, and it in with oomldn-nhle an auction that I recount. one I: one, 0 achievement of tho eouno Low-r which l have had the ban- or to preside and whoutcouno 1 Mn, l_\'. Anolhqr scheme whieh T have hrought before the b0n.rd of works sev- eral times is one for the more even lis- Irihution of lahnr employed hy the city. the prinviple whit-h I have attempted to introduce is one that would give the ordin:tr_t' lxnskilletl lahorer, who pays his taxes like his eo-lahorer, part of the vvage which his mm!` favored hrot her ret-eivew. What, I mean l)_VllllS is that it is unfair to give one man work six dttys in the week all the year round, when annt her and just as muvh entitled to it, is standing llll(`. In all work tone for the corporation. exeept ~ki|letl work. there should. l think. he a. fair tlistrihution of the w':uze.~a paid out, and that where there is work [or P-'lX 4la_v.~a in the week for one mah quell work should he given to two men for three (lava apiece. They would thus he earning sonnet hing: to keep poverty from the door when work was slavk. l atl- ux-ntetl a list heinp: matte and the men taken on in turn. t`.V|_v st-lteme does not, for some retmon unknown to me, nteet with the approval of the city engineer or the ehttirman of the hnartl of works, hut it. will eome up again. that. is to :~ta._v it I (`an hring: it up. . I hope that the promiw made hy the L!`0W`I`nnl<`nt as to the llulltllll .'I few ltl`0lI1ntl\'e8 at our work: here will he earrietl out, hut I should very mm-h like to hear that the order had been |lltl(`Nl. I have, however, tnforntatimt truth a mrxet reliahle suurt'e, which I am not at lihertty to (ll.\'Cl()st`, that. he- fore any orller is received from the gov- ernment there will he an order for at least twelve large loennmtivim front the I` I R with enffivinnt u-an-lz tn Iuxnnlho pwnly 0| work on lnolr nn.n(IH.- I mural to say that it has hoen im- possible (or mu, owing to sickness in my family, to make a thorough mnvasn of lhe city and all I can my to you on this head is that I hope every voter who is favorable to my election will consider that ~I nmde n. personal re-- quest to him to-dny to give me hiy.tup- purl. - l(".'ISl [VVPIVF IHTRV IUCUIIIUIIVFS ITUHI Ill!` (`.l .R., with sufficient work tn keepthe shops `mink for at least twelve months. I trust, however. gentlemen. that wv may get hnth orders so that our me- vlmnim may find themselves xsaith plenty of work their hn.n(ls.- I mural tn snv that it. hm: tmpn im- ELAN LINEI

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