sputum unouylor nlpiuuon. snow '11 htlhlnonoring Spollo, Puinin Ii nntlnlllvnnunn oln Dlanud an onov ll onoeorwuoo 1 week. wmcn. will Tnlk ruton the Action 0! the grant load liar and thereby nllowit to mrlorm those functions to essential to the grout blood Mar and men-any mow no to dorm Mu and comfort. of the Sold _by denial in medicines. One pi I: done at Medley`: drug uoro. ' claimed he Had an none 5 imwolotlnlond Ifnnid win. They bud Got-I-go Van, Mid ihwu only by hrnln out and :3 drinn under the -Ll-uh go Inn-nan In -in Lhn nnnnnd W \-'T`I'C 7?). 3'!!! I1 K-w-. `cu-I 3. outnnd lid und- :5`? ho uunnggtao yin tho gonad me aur,nu nung some low roua umwnn. ltia needou to state that our oung friond`r:md catastrophe hen cm} him many sore spots from which he has not yet recovered. At. nt. he in sojourning with his unc o. B ard lletlor. Lo- borough hko. where" e will no doubt re- cuperate. With the eicepfon of the front. forks his wheel stood the jam remarkably well. 'W wniuu `Cure liver complaint, hiliouanean, &c. Those troubles 'il0 from wrsidity or `un- Action 0! the liver. and ghoul be promptly uted. An active done should at that be taken. any three of` Humilbon -a Pills, lol- Iowed the next night. by one or two 1!: ubho oocdsion any demand `altar W ich take onefill onoear twice week. which. _m ._ .n.. -9.... cl... .m_;nn M H.- Napane Beaver. 4, On ondny Inst William T. Declor. non of our es-beemed townaman. W. S. Detlor. started for Kingston on his wheel, but ill- fete overt,ool: him and he did not get there. About three miles from town Will. was lyin down on his handle bars and unh- ing is wheel along eta rattling g . old hickory when he suddenly encountered a farmer with e ery colt, which, no he was in . shied in the wrong direction. ' l Zad to take the ditch for it, and the ineviuble followed. He ran into a heap of log: and wee pitched high and dr into the air, nliFh`tIng some few rode intent. It in need an to rumba that our vounar I-7 \/I I V V VIII!`-II is anxious to hnvo tho latent style- nml out in her attire. We are prepared to out nll kinds of patterns to your own mounn on ahorteatnoino. We also mnnnfm-tun the artistic Hulth Cornet and touch the untcm of ciontin Dnu Cutting. IQQII-hglig A 1&1` saw. u. mornce, or |M0llLr6Il, one or the oicers of the company and s. promin- ent merchant whose rm handles the en- tire product of the company's mills at Hochelsgn and other laces in Quebec was asked on dominion say, whether or not there was any truth in the assertion that the mills\wou|d close in consequence of the advent to power of the liberals. He stated the company hes 'not the slightest {ear of the Laurier government takin any Action that would causes cloeingo the mills. 4 Talk of shutting down, he said, is all nonsense no matter what source it comes from. If the company gets half way decent treatment their manufactories will certainly be he sat work. So says Mr. Morrioe and he nows ( uite as much about the matter as does Alf. Foote or even the News. Whtilvar Says They Wll} Talks sheer Nonsense. It will be remembered that towards the close of the recent federal campaign the News published, under : scare heading, the assertion that the ele on of a liberal government would him the ell'ect of causing all the principal industries of the country, including the cotton mill in King- ston, to close down. Superintendent Foote lent weight to this alarmist statement by writing, for publication. a letter hinting similar things. The public will be glad to l know that, with a liberal overnment elected, the Dominion cotton mi ls, special~ ly alluded to by the News, are running, and purpose continuing to run. full blast. D. Morrice, of [Mormon], one of the nllicera the nonmnnv and a nromin. lll'lllI Nnpahe Beaver. On nndnvhm Ivllvu uu unuuwo AVFPVI wan: -n uuu high commissioner's office the idea was `preached that the occupant. should be in accord with the government. of the day. Now he is of adierent mind. But he has been dismissed as adviser of the people. 0 9 u Sir Charles Tapper is said who hopeful of securing the help of the independents, the patrons and a few French liberals to sustain his government and help him through. How can he do it !-v Can any- one imagine his purchase of Mr. McCarthy and his friends, or of Laurier and his friends? Luv Euvvnluuullu In uu|JvIInI|III5I|.IIIH unu- cinla and appointing new man in their places and proceeding as if they owned the country. For colossal impudenve mm- mend us to the man who.{ule by the auH'er- ance of Lord Aberdeen. o o n uv uuyu nu Iv|-3 1,-quay-. VII-u ..-nu.-mu the government! It went; behind in every province and got such a scorching an ought. to make its mombens get. into the place the Eeople have assigned them as soon as possi- le. U C 5 u - _ Let : see. There was an election in this country last month, ween t there. And the government hun t heard about it yet, eh? The news does travel slowly some timnn, lunnny, aonn noeenooerneon, n. :2. one - pad, and men of that bype will be glndfy welcomed and be reoognimd as the beer. apecimene of true ooneervetiem in the nnks, while the Coeuworth stripe are felt. to have been relegated to perpetual obli- vlon. The way. too. in which the World nnd'St.er each in its own perticnlnr way he scored the blunderere who nrrogued to emeelvee oreoulnr endinfnllible wie- dom, while the Mail and Empire eheeed itself continuously before the Bowell-Tup- per ` `me and championed coercion. will ` lv lend to further ioumnliehic de- `me and cnomploneu coercion. wm ly load to further journallohic velopmonca hero in oonnoction with con- servotive organization. This is an inti- mation that the Mail is likely to be aban- dnnad on tho nnrlw nntnn ! The Bge Hive IIIBIIOII H155 IJIO MM! 1! IIIOI donod 95 the party on-gun ...,..u....;... .w...... The liberal government, when formed, will lnveto undertake the reformation of the senate. As 3, lbering machine something simpler it to desired. C I I ,,....., ..... .. ............ ...... ...... ...... It in be iovod," lays a daupatch to the pres from ovronuol. that. the convention, if not Itnngled during inception or pack- ed when held, will prove a death blow to Tupperism and one-man-power, isnd that the Hon. N. Clnxko Wsllnoe, Dalton Mc- Cnrthy, John Rosskobertaon, E." E. She . mid. and man of two "will zlad v - uuu vvvnwn I-uuuuuulu, uuu vnunav Uuv .deet.h ~01 Sir John Mecdonnld J_they have /not belnnhe ' choice of tlie petty. The premier of to-dey; the men who love: olpce so well thetfhe doe: noI:'w:nI: to have is, and vii! have, spperently; to be kicked out 0! it by order of the people. in notjahe petty : choice. And cannot be i! it hope: for auoceu. Gen I convention get. the petty rid of in unpopular men 7 `If no the party feels it cannot : have this too soon. It in I-.nH-nod " n-I1: n tlnnn-Ink fn OLA Tho convention wu' jnlhd olluu 'yeu-, on}! tho young connot- vsglvu hul madam-}o`9goxn_entI for it, and llnyxpon not upon. and one Authority bu it that tiny hue been under the ma- ohino. over linoo." Tho party who run by tho Othwo miincon, and mines the J.-OL .1 Hi- I`-L_ Il ...IA-_l;I ALA-- The government is superannuating om- ...l- and gnnnninbinn nan:-1 want` in H\n:.. Wh"en Sir Charles Tupper wan in the .3.-I. ...u...-u.-..:..n..-.'- nmnn bl... 1,1-.. ....... Who says it was Quebec thnt. defeated L- ......... ..L I IL ......A. LAL.'...I 1 _ . . . . _ .. `THE MILLS won-T CLOSE. vl-onus, um. V Rubber and Ease-hall: for the boys. Hon our line o! no and Whlnh. Choapout DIIPO In my for Salon. All Mun In nook. A Change of Dnvor. .'_.. ._ lI'l.......l-.. oh- EDITORIAL NOTES. Unronunnwly. a parucumruy nagrnnt. crime is sure to have many duplicnt/ea. An atrocious murder on Staten Island. by one Poll Bodine. forty earn ago. con- vulaodl. eentire land. 'hut. made the crime so prominent w the [act of the newly nmended law, Fhich Allowed the defendant. to unity in tin or her own` `be- half. Thin ovilion has hoeu moot. shame- full ubu , but lzhoroitia on the sututg boo . It in good Ior the lawyers and V goodxr the defame. There it is ljkely to ltly. The other meant. trial. of which Lapoko The other gnu; trim], Ippoko lut. weak. nu Boluco, the drimntic couch, voruul one Fnirbankn, p colobrutoo kpwkor of Chicago. A gentleman who noun I about hog: but very little about Slnhpoara or Bolul: He knew the di! 0|-once between I k tenderloin Ind bologna uunago. but he could not tall in my nor nmsvpquv com. on ` w 1 ' T . - will Into the sun of their children .9 mu. to sweat. an maws own soap. "mo'rHaIzs who Imhnea It mowunt in soup -v:_-f--`_ ~___L _ __,_ ___ <\. lea. Will the cliriaunn world stretch forth its hand and aid this Inllen woman, and show her the way to A purer and. better life? Will it tnlse her to their homes and bohor ahield and refuge in the hour of peril! Will they cant. her out. to perish when salvation seemed so near ! Or will the say to her. as the "Man ol Sorrows" aai Lathe oubcnat. woman 0! Samaria: HKY-:ol...- .1- I nnnl'nh\n fhnn on unul -in no more." It is almost mo m [0 hope Lhnc we shall hove no mo uch" uinls, with their shocking And unsavory revelntionn. Unfonum\w]y_ particularly agrant. nrimein aura to mum` dunlimmeu. many. The one redeeming feature in this unlor~ lunate woman`: character appears to be her passionate love lor her children. She willingly accepts the shame of their quen- tionable birth for the gratification of the trong maternal feeling that is within her; and strong as the temptation must have been to hide her repented min, she has clung to her children through good and 'evil report; lllld now that the law declares her innocent of the crime for which she won accused, nhe will do her best to right the wrong which she lma done her unfortunate children by removing. as for as possible, the bar sinister lrom their lives and memorv fruit Jars oourt. , There has seldom been such is mis- managed case before our courts, and it was evident that the prosecution relied on the women s bad character for her con` viction. Her life had not been blameless. When she` was arrested ehe was the mo- ther of three children. which were taken care of by "The Society for the Preven- tionof Cruelty to Children during the riod of her incarceration in the tombs. hile she was imprisoned another child was born; theinlant is about six months old. When she was discharged, against the protest of her friends she hurried back to her cell in the tomb and remained all night rather than be parted from her ha 11, nor. nave awoa an appeal in a police court. An exceedingly unpleasant feature of thelrial was the arge attendnnce of wo- men. On daya when the evidence was of a particularly unsavory character the court room was sure to be crowded with them. During the trial a batch of letter: was pro- duced that had passed between Mrs. Fleming and her lover Wilkes. Both parties were used to using the plain, un- varnished Saxon, every time. and they called a spade a apade. On review the letters were foun to be too lthy and ob- scene to be read in open court. nnd they were ruled out. When this was decided- on there was almost a riot;.the women talked right out in meeting. and wanted to know what right the recorder had to rule them out. and nall the disturbance becameeogreat that t e recorder gave them to understand that if they did not lbehave themaelvee he would clear the court. rm... 1... ..|.In}.. In... ...,.|. .. ...... lly. H115 never DOC" lurpsed. From the beginning to the end the court of trial resembled a bear garden, and recorder (loll, who, two years ago was the terror of criminals, brou ht before the Lexow committee, "roar me as gently no a sucking dove. while prosecution and defence rode rough-nhod over his hum- maringe for order, and plnved bettledore and shuttlooock with ruling: that would not have stood appeal in police court. oxceedimzlv unpleasant ftmture af up to one name or ner arresb. The district attorney takes his own timeand spends months in the prepara- tion of the case; the most expensive and learned scientists were enjgaged by the prosecution to prove that the woman was poisoned. and among them was fl. (lerman muned Scheele. He appears to be an ar- rogant. conceited fellow; hemsde ananaly. sis of the stomach, and he is said to have discovered poison enough tohave killed in dozen men. It was sworn to on the trial that this chemical expert was heard to declare that. innocenbor not, the woman must be sent to the electric chair to save his profeasionalreputation as an analxgat. a declaration which, for cold-blooded vil- lniny. has never been surpassed. beizinninrz to the and um said to the oubcnal. or namarm: "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin nn mnr-A " A - our Klllu man we ever mm nexoxte. First comes this husbandless mother, for whose {our children no honest marriage `certicate stands astheir legitimate in- dorser; next, the mother who bitterly rivals her daughter for the love ci is worth- less edventurerfnext, the adventurer him- self, wboh notizes and toys with both. but offers ononble mnrringe to neither, "till both of these foolish women are driven almost to madness. which ends, as it was most likely to end. in murder. Bliss. the second husband nl the murder. moan nuely no end. in murder. Bliss. the second husband oi the murder- ed woman, ia~divorced,. but. he lived with the family some time after his wife ob- tained her decree, but when he depnrtn he takes his step-daughter and For father- lese children with him, uml he ya her board and supplies her with all ah: needs up to the time of her arrest. The district ntfnrnnv Malian hi: nwn .n our cmmnu annals, one xrom wmcn ever sense of decenc within us\_ahI-inks shoe` edand up ll . and we leave the conbemplntion o it. with B worse opinion of kind than had befoxte. 1I`innf. nnm-A this hunlmndlmm vnnmr fru- ieu_ man mu-uy unonsana by me wretched woman on crinl for the murder of her mother. and the suffering entailed for nearly a year in the bombs, the walks out of he; prison I free woman, and u far in twelve men. selected for their upright chemcher and unbiased jud ment, can do it, she stands as innocent o the crime of which she was accused an I child unborn. Tram n-akin 1;-t. fhin elm-nnlgan t...I wnncn me was aecuseq cum: unborn. From reb to last this almmelesa trial has beenn shocking revelation of public and private depravity almost unpamlleld criminal annals, from whih everv songs of decannv within III lulu-inlu: E|;e9ti9!!. IVIW !'0llK, Jul U.--'.I.`nO FTIII `of Mill Alice Almont Linn ton Flamin in over, null the count? noun .I5y, t. in time, nndon'I`uuduy, une 2311!, after several wooksof nnproeodontad exoitomont. uho exhauntin of thelu-goat jury panel that New Yo: bu over` summpnndjao her orhninnl bar, added to'tI/hicb is the ox- rnndinnra Ev Hm nnnntv nl .M.v Hmn-gnd dolltfl I8 MIG 0&1 : 0! prooocu on, and 005 loan than thlrby thousand by he wretched woman on nrinl for the muldar of hm- omnmpu oar, lucou K0 wmcn I! we ndituro 5 the county of -fty thouund 531:. t a cost. of `mi, and not less thlrw bv he wramhad jsrms AMTHER Inovsm] `THE TRIAL OF MARY ALICE FLEM- -CHDO Ia Iclnlon Uuoeouynnlod. II Inn to llnvo Dupllnuo--GnI Bicycle l nI-Mu` In Broouyn-'l'Iun Won 1 6.000 Whooll In Linn. - (Epoch! Corronpouldonoo.) I 5 1 Nlw'Ypnx, July 3.--Tho trial ~o! Mina klico Livingston Flaming over. TT,.;av;g. TH]! DAILV W. HI; G} SATURDAY. .TUL.Y 4o ( I11! Iuu Inuuu II; Do you really want tobe rid of our rhoumniam or my you only growing rmn hnblt`! The atnigln. way to be rid of rheumntinm is to late Dr. lull : Rhon- matic Cure, only 50 cents 3 bottle at Wgdefa drug store. ` `V Bncgms. . . nu... -mm 3. nn To get relief from indigestion. bilious- nees. constipation or mrpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a low doses of Carter : Little Liver Pills, they will please you: Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs. Norway Pine Syn: cures bronchitic. Norway Pine Syn: heels the hinge. Nnpnm-e St,-\r. Mr. Vnnnlyck, of Morven. returned from his recent. trip to England last week, well Lileuod with his voynfe. He took with im ve horses from nia farm which he nold readily in England. The price of horsen there, he enye, in about double what, it in here, nnd the demand is always good. Thousands of horses arrive in Eng- land every da . The great demand. we understand, in {or good omnibus and coach horaea for the great. cities. (`nnedinn horses are in 00d 4 ubein England, be- ing generally Arden free from disease. England will be, no doubt. the future market, for good (lanndinn horses. Of course fast. goers and fancy drivers will always be in demand in the states. Mr. Vunnlvnl A Victim of Bright : Dluooee For Iluny \'onrn-CurerI by Do(ld'n Kldney PIHI. NE!-1l'A\\ .\, (special), June `.29.--rMrs. T. H. McKee, formerly of Li:-towel, came here use last resort. Had euH'e1: ten years with Briglifa di :l{epor 156 be post. help mid d reappe3:'i0e_on the street in pparent good lth `was a plemimit surprise. The explanation given was that her little boy had insisted that who should use l)odd i9 Kidney Fill: and prophesied that they would cure her. She says: From the rat few closer I began tn feefbeltcr, mid after taking four n.nd.n half boxes, I my it with heart. felt rntitude, I am perfectly cured." l)od idney Pills in the only medivine in the world that has (!VOl"(`,lll`0(l ii mine of Bright) (linenne at such in ulnun board. Secretory. Whitney laid over aeteamer and sent his ronunciamanto to Chicago in favor of n so id gold platform, and forth- with a solid hnlunx of D. F. Silver demo- cmtu procee ed to kick Mr Whitney out -of the democratic party. They have ee- Iected -1 bad man for the job and that Mr. Clurkliuaaell will nd out before he gets through with it, for when all the demo- crats of Mr. Whitney : kind are driven- from the party. there won't be much ofthe democracy left that will be worth keep- inn. In . . he grand bicycle peredeln Brooklyn on Saturday. June 27. was one of the great events of the week; 16,000 wheels were in line, and between 60,000 and 70.000 wit- nessed the show. This with the great whiat tourney brought together some of the greatest whist players in the world. Thn lmairn in now at ood-tide and the l -VUI \;uIc u ntngo. players In me worm. The he in: is now at town is ing deserted, that in la far as New York ever can be.-BRoAnnnm. ailverrre ublicans And silver uemocrau; these wit the puliste, which take in the mg-Lag and b0 -mil of all parties and no party, held together by the cohesion of public plunder, would seem to give, ih the coming .elect.ion. promise of celtain vio- vqrninz Q Lory. Put so] IJI"II\I"IIlI\J I Blame: from me u . Undol-skirt from up. Night Drouu from 40:: up. Cornet Govern from mt` u , and All W||lta- vo I` ecxnnlly u nhusp. omen. our own Inn 0 C -I! only. Corsets, Hygiene Wulnts. And 8 ouldor Bnou made to order In-om any pattern umlperfoot t usnnuod. n_-..\1__n, n..._ 11.1.... unv.-In. l'uL senator Teller or senator Stuart at the head of the ticket. and congressman Bland or some other rabid democratic sil- verice at the tail and there you haven party, which with in little ready cash and abundant. promise of loot, will sweep the board. u........o..... Whitnnv hid nvar republican party. there are none or uynu- Inibe under the democrac . Ex-secretary of the navy, WilliumC. hitney, was just about to start for Europe: his stateroom was engaged and his trunks wereon board, when a telegram reached him that his pre- sence was needed in (T ' o to kill the sil- ver heresy which n peare to be dominat- ing everything. T e irreconcilable divis- ions on silver among straight republicans and straight. democrats seemed be rnmise victory to a new organization ma e up of silver reeublicans And silver democrats; Hm nnnnliatn, which aL....n unit bben able to beat. Nothing can be more marked than the di'erence in the political methods of the two men. Mr. Miller is outs ken in his hostility and boistel Iain his enunciabion of his foe. Mr. Plan is apparently ght.- ing nobody: he in as smooth as a. mill pon and silent. as 3 clam. ` Rut nlnnunrnnn an are Lh hI'OI.lblQI in the within my memory. Two-thirds of the liticnl (All: in not about McKinley and t e mrilf, but how to down Tom Plath: his political destruction is now nssuminq an or qnized {om}. under the lead of Warner Ml ler, who is tired of playing eecond ddleho a man whom he do- spises and hates but. whom he has never been \!..ok:... nan ha mnm marked voeition depends on the me and tenor hogs. But the trial is over and Fairbanks ismulcted eixfoeii thousand dollar: morei making for him atotaldisbureement of eighty thousand dollars; rather a heavy price to pay for his experience. My` beet advice to him would be, Stick to , which he thoroughly underetandl, and leave amateur society ladies who want to so upon the stage alone, especially if their ramaticeducatlon has to be poundedinto their heads at a hundred dollare a lesson. The city is fairly ablaze with politics since the return of our missionaries from St. Louis. Instead of the firm consoli- dated front with which the republicans were expected to go into action in Novem-_ her next, and whlolazthenamination of Mo'- Kinley was expected to solidify. they come back sundered by ercer factions and bit- terer hates than I can recall at any time within Two-thirds political an?! But dangerous as are the there tons of dyna- mite the democracy. '1'nenie,oue pennant penal ur. I'll! - bgnkj defence Irlueheta the idineiy ont- aiggi ttinkging-`-Wn_a the usldenoe ren- y in oleeginone her to Mn. Cartel: purely philenthl":`::::- In: it something `else. I! in win all right, (Air and chnmeble. it we! oommendehlo and something to be proud of. 11 it was some- bhing elee, whet wee it! While the show was on the road and badly handicapped for went of cab. Ill`. Bdeeeo celled on the porkpeoker us his hotel end Mr. lelrbenhe did not want to meet him there became his family was with him. Why ehould he not meet Mr. Belueo in the preeenoe of his family or anywhere ebe if his unm- nction was entirely leghilneto. - If it had been the purchase of ten thoueend or A million bnrrellof lard. he would V0 been the purchase of lien uiouaona or I million bsrrellof lard. non nothin improper in receiving Mr. Beluco in t. e oe ofliie hmily; ion Mr. Beluoo. t. on in veryhigh priced ` benches-, is neverbhe A gentleman who in used to mixing in quite as good society as Mr. Fnirbanke, one whose reputation us 1 Shnkapeareen student givuhimnuiw u respectable a standing as one whose social depend: b rise nnd full of , n,_;_ IL`. .._:.I :- ....-- .ml l'<`nin-hank: u_vo.l|il'|ilo whether an jnncttll ma orl `AVORWQI Russian or an Irilhnan. Then iqoiw pu-to! Mr. Fm`:- bcnkl dofanm who!/e the U'dil1l|`Y0lIlo- plunder, would seem w gnu, run one _'.glect.ion, promise pt-orn IIIIDDOTIDOI I'll "6l II'lVJ9(l. NewYork Dress Reiorm, : ,f'.'_",{."_`N THE ONLY HELP. lloneu In England. :0`- ......`-'-..- .....;.... 5 Exactly dclotibilthobpndiclonoln hard or hell can b wliicb Putnam : Extractor .'-.:?:'.".::.";::'*..1*..:u*:.':"...':?:.`;: We [nskek e"poir_:t_ef c|ee":'idn put. our pueeol ewe evy_ eepeon I `n no mall everything in week at. coet. Everyone muet. . Rein umbrella and India Ireurproogover cheep. Our black du-an mood nlnieil coin: on: In An (`If % QIQIIIII` % ::n .....""2..:.'::;:= nn-nunnppuun. novq any cost rat- I nan : Intact! out in lesion mm -a-Incl Ev ll Inatavnurp.-gun Va I dun good nloioltil ` aivina innnnn nlnlz giving moons: nmo; \ chooullun. AII(!fD!1 R.~`I.l'nlfI Klrquon I ll IIDIITI Elllilu 'I I'I|. Mn. Snm Mcollough, Wellington. left. herlinle an months old boy tied to 1 chair near I window up stairs while she went down to Attend to something outside. By some means the chair was upset. end went, `out of hewindow turning ecomplete Iomereenlc. Mn. Mcoliough new it oom- i And I'll! to cehzh it but in doing to fell. 0 recovering from her {all what. was her mr ' In see her link ho sitting up- n t. in the choir unhu. on u i! nothing had heonened. The distance that the bov Every Woman is th: lgh In "10 CQIIF unnun: Illa II nocnmg had happened. boy loll runabout Iixoocn'feet.. Had she luc- ooodod in ranching the place before the chair touched the ground, in all probability boon would havorboon hurt. ` ' m American money I:ure.' Inn-1 new rem- edy ie a great. surprise and delighi, on no- oount. of its exceeding prom more in re- lieving pain in the bladder, idney, back und every part. of the urinary: passages in male or female. it relieves retention of want llid pain in pueingit. ulmont. im- medintely. If you want. quick relief and cure this in your remedy. Sold b W. H. Medley, Iueoeleor to N. C. Polaon ('41. Rollol In BI: llonra. l)iut.ronain Kidney and Bladder Dis. omen reliov in nix hours b the "South American Kidney Cure." hip mlv in A arent. nnrnrine and dolilthb on no- apple lI'l'!U l)lI[ul.o A blight has struck the apple trees in Perth neighborhood this summer,and threat em to kill the trees. It happened eut three weeks ago, and was at first a r: u- ted to the front or lightning, butt e was really none of the tirst, and no de- ntructive lightning storms. and this idea was given up. The agricultural papers. pub- linhed since. In the blight is in widespread disease, and a ould be treated as such. The withered or dead branches should all be carefully cut oil` and burned so thnt the danger from reproduction may be mini- mized. All the branches of the trees do not auer. but we notice that trees that he we been sprayed for themothn and cater- illln suffer much less than the others. At the beat, however, A large share of the fruit must succumb this year to the din- ll, Gone for Liquor. Look in at a pawnbroker s window and try to t a history to the various articles there displayed. A strange assortment. From the old family signet ring of the broken gentleman, to the well used ham- mer of the once nkilful and industrious artisan; gone to supply the craving of the victim of the drink disease. This dread disease is no respecter of persons. Clergy- men lose their gowns, doctors their practice, wealthy merchants their business, lnborin men their work. It spares none. Yet al alike may be permanently cured of the disease and freed from the curse by scienti- c treatment at Lnkellft Sanitarium. Send for full particulars concerning the drink disease and its treatment, to the manager, Lakeliurst Sanitarium, Oak ville. Ont. one-wnm nu been solo. BnovK`vu.1.z. Ont..- July '.. .-There was another dull uninteresting market at tle cheese board to-day. Ofwhite cheese`. 973 boxes. and 0! colored 2,008 boxes. were 0!- fered. The highest price paid for colored was 8510.. at which I91 boxee was sold. No white was sold, the best offer being 090-. Careful estimators say that between 5,000 or .000 boxes were sold after the board at th 9 prices. In a few. instances factory- men received a l-16c. more for real fancy woods. men rot goods. gooaq. PI"ro\, Ont, July L . -- Fourteen fuc- torieo offered 1.052 boxes colored nnd (II) white : sales, 30 white at 050. n`,-c. w0()l)NTO('K. Ont.. July 2.--The cheese market is dull: prices are declining and salesmen are growing anxious in view of the hot weather. Cable advices are dis- coura ing. and unless the factorymen ac- cept t e ruling figure, which is something less than seven cents, cheese will go into cold storage. Buyers holding September cheese, which they bought at ten cents, are not in a mood to take June now on speculation. Thus the outlook is not bright for better prices. At lngersoll, on Tuesday, Bc. was paid for a small lot; a few factories here got 6 I3-Mic. today, but the rulin price was 6,c., quite adrop from last wee . The offerings represent- ed the first half of June, and when the market `closed the rules were suspended and the guembers granted the privilege of selling he cheese oil` the board. The total make for June in western Ontario is a trie li hter than last year, and about one-tentlg has been sold. Ru.....z`\n. . n ne . 1..I.. n 'l"I....... ....... I-3 I I\I`I}% I} \}\III I7 Montreal strut. 9 doom wont. of Princosm nu-eel. Klnguton. Ont. -nun :.','\7.%v;$;uVosnoya-ug. nousenola necessity." Mr. rnunpe was s rpl table and well-to-do farmer of Wol- lo township until last spring when he sold his farm and is now living I retired life in Smith's Falls. He is about llfty years of- ego though looking younger. mind A living witness of the wonderful cum- tive pro rties contained in Dr. Williams Pink Pl Is. This rent medical discovery has reached the iigh position which it holds through the power of its own merits. By its timely use the weak are suede stronF; pale wan cheeks are given a rosy hue: oat vigor is renewed and the Butler- ing ones are released from min. If your dealer does not lreep Dr. 8l'illinms Pink Pills, they will be sent by mail on receipt of fttly cents a box or six boxes for 32.50, by a dressing the company at Broclrville. Ont., or Schenectady. N. Y.` Remember that Dr. Williams Pink Pills cnr when other medicines fail and do not be persuade ed to take either a substitute or an imita- Hun Chane Salon. Bm.|.nvII,LI:, June .'l0.-Thero were offered 1,795 white and -W0 colored. Sales: thirty-ve boxes. M. 6 I3-l6c.; 580, at 6;'tc.; 490. at U ll-160.; 225, M. {No DVD? of Th1. 1`). Yhllll , OI Ulllllclfl I'll" - may convey 1 monl. no followin in the story as given by Mr.| Phillipe to n ord reporter :-8cvernl years 3430 I an to {nil in weight, loot u: appetite an ery- eipolia started in my we, end then A run- ningaore broke out on my cheek. I con- sulted three physicians and they I said it would be neoeuar to remove n portion of the bone. All t in tiinol mu unable 2 do any work and was euiferin intense entnl end phyeicalegony when chanced to read in the Record about Dr. Willinins" Pink Pills and resolved to try them, think- ina thaw iibnld do me no harm nnvwav. l"lnK rule lnq reeolveu w try nneln, winn- ing chey Would do me no harm Anyway. I had not need one box when I felt. they were helping me. I continued and after tanking eight. boxes the runnin sore on my cheek completely healed and ti 0 operation the doctor: said was neceesarywesavoided. I regeinod my weight and am once more poueeeing a good appetite. in fact 1 was nude anew mgnso remerlmble was the ..i........ w- ....... .......;.a.. u:..|. pm. .. HIIUC IHCW HIQIIBO TOIIIITKIDIB WILD DIIB chnn . We now consider Pink Pills a house old nooeulty." Mr. Phillipa 5 Inechnblo and wall-to-do farmer DIIIJII III INK! - make ipoint of clotrin an-unl imck nvtv nnmn And A8MlTH`8.FALL8 CASE OF GREAT " IMPORTANCE. 'Ii-yllpolu la tho lbpo Dovolopr Inc I Inning Ion -l)oocou Doclnnd that Onlypn Operation Ooul Bring Ito- I|o(-A nuaelu rundown oh lulu nu Puntnl oponuon Unnooounry: .Rmth'u Fnllu Rogotd. V ' \ I . A famous Got-nun medical uoiontiot onoo nmukedmbut the world in lull of men and uuunnn wlm are nick hnmulo of I501!` nmukedmhut the world in full oi and women who no nick became roeptioiun. The wlodam o! this rornnrk was never more self-qvldgnz shun is In to day. There ane,connt.leu score: ol.Iu`or- on who would rather antler than us: my medicine not zoacribod by their lnvorlu doctor. To t people, rlnpo. than owryof Thou. E. Philli of mit.h r Full: mnv oonvov {allowing ANm:nmo1_ A%voIn12n'.% A BQI!V'I Ilollll 'l'rIp. l___ KI.lV..lI-.._L `I7 W. J. BRYSON, nah-nun. D-lnnmn A male Tree Blight. I. Ll... ...... gang on; we no good: reduced at` Aooln, I-.'l ', ,4, |:.%="3"'L==..~.~a?7 " ailitul. Anni. In II? idnm-5 !`ll1 I -'. Inca on a. `lamp \ . . . ' . Children's Aid Soclcty` A-ndnsnd II... .1 nn_.n-.A-.. ____ _ ____ _,____, Icrthosuouo Ouoollloclootod 1- man; _ Children. [ARE THE BEST] rowaar over we eurmce 0| we nasal pan- sa es. Painless and delightful to use. It reievea inatantl ,and permanently cures C arrh. Hay ever, (folds, Heuhche, 9: re Throat. 'I`nnnilil.in and nnnfnnu, For Family Use. " U arrn. nay revor, Iowa, nemncne, S e Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafnou. Sold by W. II. Medley, successor -to N. C. Polaon&(la :=....m.,:.. i;uI.f paneo. Last: Friday Henry Hough, South Napa- nee. an aged in putting a new cornice on the residence of Mendell Kimmerl , De- seronto road, was in the act, 0! ham ling a large board when a wind caused him to lose his balance. ` Ho fell alighnig on his [)1 .k on u lumber pile nuatmning injuries icln laid him up neveral days. Ylhy Fever 31:! C|II|rrh-l ll Illnnlan uu nuuu nan. Ono short. put!` of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew s Cabarrhnl Powder. dilmes this Powder the surface of the naval smtes. Painless and dalinhtful tn use. It long yuan. 0. Benning s store at Ole ton. Ont... was entered on Sunday night. hievoa carried all" silver and Coppers. William Banning heard something. enquired Who's Lhere." and there was n an-uttering. Mr. Banning drew his gun but it was of no avail, the burglars had lied. The Standard and Diaper : News, of the I Transvaal, highly compliments Charles Trimble, manager of the Cyanide works there. It says it has never _ before been run so successfully. His uncle, John Wnlah, has received lenve ofabsence for pix month and will visibhii-1 parents in Na- Illl. aom uy w. M Poison M10. Priscilla (lnrrntc. olden; daughter of the late William Garrett, died at. Wellington on June `Mbh, aged seventy-two ears. ` She wua moat estimable lady, an had many friends. The funeral took place on Friday. Mr and Mrs, John Mr-Cullnuuln and years. '> 1 Indus`. Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough and Wm. Jamieson and laughter. Deseronto, sun] from Quebec on steamer Vancouver. for London, Eng. Mr. and Mrs. Mc('ul- lough will be nbbenl: a couple of months, but Mr. and Miss Jnmiesou will make 1`: long wait. 0. Bmminxfs store Clnvton. Om... seven and a hen years and wiunoun mun. Elizabeth Rucbn, wife of the lube Samuel Oeborno, Fish Lake. township of Sophi'ue_burgh, is dead. She wine a sister of the late Walter Rutten, of Picwn. She died of pneumonia, aged seventy `> Priscilla (ierrntc. eldest. daughter THE T|_ME- Kidney Pllls unrmner, Newnurgn, ana I8 moving more. By :1 recent rein Marinetbe, Michigan, E. S. Bobhwell. merchant, and son of Joshua Bobhwell, Perth. was In loner to the extent of $24,000, wiblrann insurance of $12,000. \ Fmnlz I-I Tnvlnr, the eminent. Philndal :51-.*,mm. rank H. Tnylor, the eminent l hilndel< phin artist. whose Thousand Island pieces are well-known to American connoisseurs in art, is at. his Round Island home for the -..mmnr summer. -- On election day, June `23rd. Mrs. Rosa- Roas, Montreal, wife d Donald Rosa-Rose, at one time Ii resident of Picton, presented her liege lord wit.h twin sona-bwo em- br obic toryovowra. rn. Marcmret Kennedv died at Enter- ...,. ...,,,.. .-... V4\JIIhl -.., -... rs. Margaret. Kennedy prise last. Friday. aged about lixt. years. ,She luv] kept.,Kennedy s hotel in e vil- lage for the past tmunty-ve yen and wns highly reepecbed. ` J. B. Dnndeno. first nesiifnnnb teacher in J. 11. unnaeno, nrso nesmwnn watmer lll Newburgh high school, has resivned to bakehheadmaaterahi of Willinmstown hi h school. Mr. Dan ano taught hers or and half and without fault. Rlimhamh Rnt.tJm. wife of Lhe lam aune zvnn. `James Henderson, Syracuse, at one time a prominent. business man olmhat. city. died suddenly at Thousand Island Park on Thursdnr L` I`. nnlzumnal Iund millnr fnr I. R. It. L. mcnardaon, msgar, man. A very interesting social event, at Ron- lrew, was the marriage of H. J. Beauty. 0. L. 8., Eganville, to Miss Aggie Mc- Laren, discin uishod elocucionist. D.-it... 0.. .19 zlnnnrhn-n frnm l x'r'I.nn Laren, ummn ulsnoa elocuuonxsc ` Prior to air; departure from Picton, Rev. T. M. Campbell was presented with ubeautiful gold-headed ebony cane. by Boulber L. 0. lodge and the True Blues. Rnv .l H_()hnnt.. aunernmnuabed. has lioulber 1.. U. lodge and me '1 rue muoa. Rev. J. H. Chaim. auperamuataed. bou ht the house lately owned y 1\ rs. J. H. `atterson, and formerly ow ed K H. ere. Gardiner, Newburgh, and is moving Rv n rmem. rein Marinetce. Michiqan. Dry Mill Wood .'. Remem ber%.. week and broke [gin arm. Judges Dow and Benson will divide Lonnox and Addingoou under the county '| . ~. .. .. . :`#-'.`.".' ?.y.;``..`3'.'.{i{E3:...;.. .....;;msz... I9 utsue DID m%lII Blalldl. v. Mr. Might. has purchaped from J. M. Clark that fine residence on the corner of Church and Mill nbroetaa. Stnit.h u Falls. umlz... 11...... -1-.4-I nnunnt.v.I-hnnn OI Unurcn and Mill IDPOODI. BIIIIDITI lllll. William `Queen, Aged seventy-three rs, oommihtod lIIi0Id0 in Perish on Saturday last by taking a. dose of st.rych- mne. Hurry Orr, late of Napsnee, won the first prize in the hair cutting content at the barbers union Jield day. at-Watortowu. June 29th. Ila-uln-can Hun-nnnna nf. nnn Lima u-wu uuuuvu-J nu Allvunu-Inna .u.....\.. . ..... -.. Thursdn . E. E. lvockwood. head miller for J. R. Dafoe, Nnpnnoe, has repignod, and with llll wife and family lna\'_e- removed to Smith`-a Falls. ' I H RI-nlnlu nnimmn mnntnr llmmrnntln 5mlLh' Flllll. I. 1). Bruels, science master, Deserontn high school, has retired. and his pupils re- membered him with a handsome clock and bronze mantle ornament. 'I"|u-an nnnnnluuwn nl rmrlintnnntnrn nutivna DFODZO IIIRIIDIB OFHEHIBIID. Three members of parliament, are natives of Lnnark county : M. 0. Cameron, West Huron, A. F. McLaren, North Perth, and R. L. Richardnon, Linger, Man. A mrv innamahino social event. a-IUU a nuuyv. c. 0. Emory, on... N.\'{. ha emu haul tho yacht B0 In. of Aloundlfia Bay. for tho luvnmar. wan we yum I: for the summer. A I) Hall}. I IIIBUIIIII Illll VI IIIIIIUIII-I VV vvu W In 5. Store Bank And Office Fltlln 9. Parquotte or inlaid Flooring. No Finer ork in Can- ada. Upholntering and Du in: in lmtent. De.-dung. Mill Work ol all k ndl. l`mcH'n.n (unnovaxv. Supt. Enw. J. B. Przxsrz. l'ra.-1. D. MURRAY. manager l0I' lll l|l'lImOI'. A. 1). Home, Lmudowno.\ocoot.a a cot.- ugo on iolund No. 85. for Andrew bovine, Brooklyn, N. Y. " A voumr non of Mr. Minnie:-. Picmn. nc~ nrooluyn, N. 1 A young non of Mr. Minder. Picton. ac oidonull fell out of 3 (rec one day last week an broke [yin _1...I.... n.... ...a n........ will ividn oonoils 'V2lot.;W I ~... H . '. The Newburgh othodint churo11nb- bisth school xoural n is fixed (or July em to Belleville And Trenton. n. w 1 4.1.... no 1-..... will Iain. w neuevme Ann Irenwn. I Dr. W. J. Scott, 0! Lnnnrk. will [dove shortly {or Great Britain and the cogpinent. to gursue his medical studies. V Au ll: LII:-Lt, Imn nu-nlmunl 'lV\llI J non` of no names oououu Iron nu. ' WM; luhngu. Dr. '1'. 0. Bodallhu opmdm oIoo' Merrickvillc. ' ~ m I`An tlnllnrn A fan ii hnina unit] In: nnnnn. MerrKo=vgIlq. be _ Ten o In: I ton ii _ing _' or press` ed may In Fitzroy And Hunbllod ' A rm In neaotinllllu wibh mit.h'a Full: ..... .......... .. vvu .. ..._....,, ,..,... .... ,......-I . h: Hunblo . A yrm In negotiating with Fuji: council to local I bioyclo Inomry there. Mr. and Mn. (Elm-or. Alumna. on Fri- OOIIIICII L0 IOOIIO Dlycl IIOI.-OI ! HIOTO. and Mn. Glover. Almonu. Fri- Adn lullcolobntod their goldonwvedding. r. A. 8.~BurnI.' Sum.h`s Falls, win` mauled ' Tuudny at 81.. boning Mo.. to Mill Phillipa. . - Ch (on. N.\'.. chn tho ncht. Son in. Alexandria Bav. Kldney Pllls Kldney PHI: OHLKE ., Klqney Pllls we respected. J. Dnndeno, \Yn..:|u.....h hi.-I. nnhnnl hon rnninnnrl tn DOAN S DOAN S DOAN S DOAN S .:_._._.1._.._---,---j, THE mg" 1`mc'r o'AsHu.- Aral absolutely stainless. `loft /and `gorvlooablu-_.-. ' A STAMPED. Issues Policies on e\3:ry plan of insurance. including Ordinary Li _ . kimited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. `De- ferred Premium; Annuity Bonds at. lower rates than any other company. y 7 x x -_ I00 Wellington street. Ottawai Head Office of the Companys . UKVIAIEIU Blulnl. Interior and Ornamental Wood Work. L)A.__ n__n. ....,I (\Al.|_.. nuu1..-.. u..-...._u.. [The People's Llle lnwrance 00., ram; 254 and 256 PRlNcBSS'sTRBBT. I nmvn A ood stock to be com letel cleared` ot by promlepa prices. W t havegoom to make our INPPRO EMENTS. Sooner lose our prom. thug: $9`?! our principal to the moths. Are you the min or woman who said ou oouldn't afford to buy? Luck in now hunting for you in the aha e 0! Barge. ne, without peer or usual, in the line of Ahistic Furniture, English uiieta, Brass and Iron Beds. inhaled or Black. Antique Oak Dressing Cases and Winn Stand, sold separate, at - IJAMES [00 W THEY com. 75 & 77 PPINCESSISTREET. We have a car 4 and 6 `Inch arnvmg next week. Specigrprices for delivgrydirect from car. MCKELVEY & BIRCH Door&3 window Sc as *mi1.{e.-y \ ~Announcem`ent RICHHON D & CO. Vuoo mzocx smear. KINGSTON. lce Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. Garden Hose- ELLIOTT BROS., Tile Pipe and Fittings alwanys on hand. ' For the next 4 days we_will offer Trimmed Hats _and. Bon- nets at a discount of 20 per cent. This is a splendid oppor- tunity to secure a bargain. 69 & 71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. V ' . "moi Aucunn IIDII Ana SVIICT CIVLON." SEE OUR UUINDOUU. The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. A T'nT:vAT TO `DRINK FITS LIKE A GLOVE TBLEPHON1-3' NO. 35. has no I In the Shade On a Hot Day Free Sample from your Grocer. "T*'I REID, Undertaker. A.drink brewed with STOWER S Lim Juice Cordial is most re- lreshing. WALDRO_N DR/\|N PIPES. sprinklers. Water Coolers. &c.. &c. KINGSTON. `ONT. TIIE CARNOVSKY COMPANY, Mann.- asawinlc _ 'nnn-Q gig. ngnat-... Klf'(IS`l'0N. QNT musty avor Carriage Painting l'h:t'u mv hnulnmunnnd 1 mar: \r`-I - -u-av - --.._-..a 'l`hnt'u my bmlnguuund l Arsntee that All vohlnlomaqulpn on, om.,on rtutod me will he mlurnoal us his t on now, Plenty of room In my new quarters xnarmletlng good accrue w. 6. most, Khu-I CO 11:11! In Alan-ln-Ir 1-III nllnlln VVO III I lI\IQJl I(lng'St.. next to eloctpjlc car shod: 59!!-JV]-VKIIIUIII (II at Oh What! Window; J. L-ivcul-;UGl.lN, ,,,, Modern management, ox:-ollont aulnine and but uncooked b In tho city. H 1:] AMA! Mon glvan commercial men an nlubn. \ A--. ___-L ._. _ V [VII vvu uuvunuuusrwu :, svtiamuu s'rnn:'r. nu. 1-nnmnss. '$!P`T9F`%%.T'-!!_ A large unruly it foot. of William street. wil be sold very chest) to save coat. of tnnufonul to B ook * yud. lfhallverod to any pan. of the city. -.-. --uungun . n- H: as unluun, m 3.. 3` Between Prince: and Brook 8 flbnlar in Stove: and Hot Air Fu A %NewAl.ngg%y...V `III III C! I .% "':"..53:'. ?"r: ODE Nmo VII` -sI\II.Iv I v v III-r vv v--vvv, I`. rhlrllnal. pa xnm strum Bicyles For Sale 4 pa cm-\I-I IIIAKINI A ASK YOUR (30033 FOB "ROYAL ." out THE ' KINGSTON MILLING C0: Iron ' clln; |M.n.u Illldll. ` IIANNAY 1. u/mom, -~,v,.t.r.g,=.=s Household Economy. now can 5:23. -:.=-.-*:- nnnllh nun In! othu our on tho nus Summer Milliner`y In- ALI. -nnnlh i nni n! uuunvwnpu vvw v---- Her ohuis no rol . her breath in sweet. And IIIO bu nnyth hut cue-so 1000: But then in one Wing however ntnngo It - mu non. Thu 3 o_ hu 5 outicnlu hunkev-'ng {or lobuuhllnh Inc Cronm. - '5: n Alllllll Ill nluullulln INUII unsung. BYRNBS 4 CO Iln-6-`-I ..A...A 9 .l...\.. ---o ..I Il.l....-.. I00. GI.-': I-nr unuocrnm llll I III: on mm. mwm, . . I000 Isump nous: . . l_\I$'f'I but In onr butt hot vonlhor In with In, nndiohwil `run! you Mu nu. Donn! mi` in than to LATUL :llY. Ibo hr. and` ham bu on . Ill odnol papal " maa. `.4; n-A nan-man-` -- . ltolnhnrcwn And 0'l(oofo'n Colo- bntod Lunr, In on; [Ian bottlu. mo per dozen st "".'x"`z'n?.`;`.".`: 'v:".`.'wV:.'.'n'.'..'.3'Vv`a`.' 31. mannlnoturod nt. cnrsctur wuu: WORKS, \ 3; 111-3111 % IIIIPIX l'DD-V Alva s hu :1 nice lot of Picture Fumes and ouldlngu on hand. Come and select frames and you will " llthem as reasonable as they can he vle. Work promptly ten-A.-.l'M at ` III 0: lVIUIF\I\J\Jl'IInI-1' 14 ontrul Atroot. nut Prlanou. .. aura. vs -up-nun. uv-v `unva- 390-892-Pllclll IT.` umwnuawman ---n~ IUIINIII POINTERS. uuun. CON. MILLAN, Prop}. 1.; minnon Innm all Ilnnon and 'l fine lines of (min: and crack- ery Wan. Tinwuo, Wooden Wormcooklng Crooks. um. V"'- VI-W` Brand of 5 ho; utmy nun my other non: than- YBHPHIY ARI IN DIIIAND nbw. WI BLVD A I-AIGI ALL Blll. PRIOR! STOCK. AWA Y.` DOWN. . nu guru-o with Win lam-nu complain. Also chndum ooh sham. and ov,on_d~ M 1%` attended to. On thnt oooulc t o msn to nave time for you In _._-...-.. .... will come mm on will want some ob in the innm thlngllno prompt.- y to. occasion vumn can an; yu... ... VIII] \1l TELEPHONE 497. . . . Menzchant Tailor. I ' ""*' I ` ' s an .'.:::':`:.'..':'.3`:.::.:.:' y; ._ am) 1.99.01! on n- Jnoo uni anon. Call and Inuit In Boating Indor- c lu%ntn.All shades. HI I IIAIIIIIII INPEXIOIE rvuw navu ---n `TELEPHONE ml. And his Whluh. Choopin ollon. ock. Q` n nuAn:1-cu 1 mnllnl IF YOU WANT _A GOOD smonnuuvn maven: alum? do To [0 Indian. manta uhd ohlltlron. on: ex rlonu in tho lu- fuuc (unto: us of tho world. . .. -.A..n... fof` Inm rullwl. - Our an hilt] msklnz to onlor Id lnll sh: Ulovu d children. oxporlonu .% 'I.":{ii6I5h"ALZ. " ---l .5-ngo um`. I-Iulnm T ` In A vommnn expronnlon u~l-1 ulnm rullml. ` Our uumhlr A mnklnl` h complain. Mun`: huh and on do K non o Win ork and Win mnnnlsoonngl nonu- 3 anliu mwcn. I Prlnoou_8n-w. N! sot. Ian I PRINCESS ST. (`III [DI HOIIOPI. All MIDI H! s; c. cmustvl lcnouupunlln vopry. fie -,...,...,. ..Z',"{. :2 a......'_..&-Alan-`K " 4 vuvv uuu uuvnuu. lye Ieevee in Tqmnw, eh 'I`.he heed of the govemnnt, 1, men of greet nbillty in f Hon. A. S. Herdy. one who in capable at direct-ingill dmn,-ma who will, in nu new end _uon responsible ollice. make 'p crediuble record. Ageinut. him who '\|e` there? 35... wy.u,...,, the `leader of the dingrnniled opposition. A :1 without experience in `thy direction diooiplining 0! his smell perty.en'UemAn who will have to don greet deal before Mean upire to enter my government. ~ lnnggeetingluht Iheleieepnbleda In Ontario puma the Moutreel aw ihoold gIveIoIne5(_M||PU|i%orIetevlutlHe. IR) LIIIICVVII. .80 it concludes: "It in quite a problem todecide what will come after Mowat in Ontario." Being so smart it in a wonder the Star did int add what it thought would happen. Mowafs name hue been one to coniure with. and during the time he he: held oflioe it has been a guarantee to the people of good and elficient and honeetgovernmeut. ltia not likely.howe\'er, thet he would enter another election for the province, and no a change in the gov- ernment et eneerly late was not impro- bable I0 (er in he was concerned. He goon to the dominion government now at the solicitation of his perty. to help Mr. 14.". ier to settle the aehool question. the burn- ing ieeue of the late election, and to give the premier the benefit ol his long experi- ence and advice. l _--. .4. . . . AFTER MOWAT WHAT? The Montreal Stir, the high kicker for the dominion government in the recent election, in now somewhat. concerned about `what. will happen Ontario when Sir Oliver Mownt. is transferred from the provincial to the federal government. It indicates -LbQt. the premiership oi the province will go to Hon. Mr. Hardy, and it asks if his name will be as potent. as Mownta in poli- Licnl cin-lea. Then it. intimates that many electors vote for leaders as they voted for Macdonald and Laurier, and that some of the power heretolore banked behind Movvnt will now be disposed be follow him to Ottawa. - u ..v. - uullwlluvl unu vluuv uv Ilnu uvuu-Juu. is announced that he has been expelled from the order. that Mr. Wrigley of the Farmers Sun. has been appointed to his place, and that if necessary lorcilile means will be employed tosecure the custody of the papers belonging to the order and now in his possession. Welch. like some others. made the mistake ol supposing that the conservative government ruled by a sort of divine right. and that it could not be de- footed. Did he expect a reward lrom it more exalted and more enduiing than that enjoyed from the patrons '.' If so he must now be feeling very glum. The conspiracy into which he entered with the conservative wirepullers was not as successful unit was ewevtecl to be. The evidence he supplied or nu alleged com< binstion of other parties with the patrons to defeat the government. was an evidence of his own unholy alliance, and the sen- sation was no sooner sprung than it died, so far as the public or the public interest was concerned. Mr. Welch became the subject; however, of A great many tender attentions. He was requested by his superiors in, otlice to turn over the oioial records to them and he declined. Then he was summoned before a. meeting of the executive lmd put upon his defence. his wrong-doing being the misuse of oicisl information, the devo- tion of his time and talents to the injury of the cause he was supposed to upliold. l' u.:n me ...... .. b......l.l.... .....a .a....i;....A 4... momirson BOWLING co.. yuan: vlunvvtutvia .... Ul I/llu IJIII-Ill! no use DIIPPLIOULI uu upllulu. . Sbill he` was 9. troubler and declined to surrender the trust hehad betrayed. It a.. ................a u... L. 3.... L..." .......n...a PATRONS AFTER MR. WELCH. The patrons, now that the electiom are over, are attending to Mr. Welch. the secretary of the grand order, who joined the conservatives and treacherouely at- tacked those to whom he owed his pluce And power. The care with which he oper- ated against the fiiitrons was indicated by thevrecord he made of every incident he ticed and of which he thought a use QM be made in the election, and the pu Mention of thin and the correspondence sent to him oicinlly by the conservative campaigners to whom he hail committed it T0 GRANT PATRONAGE. .A Kingstoman, in the `maritime pr9- vinees during the 9-_gners.l election. says that everything on -wheels was kept m y- ingon the lnmrcolonisl railway. Sim to mcreesepstronngo for Topper candi- dates trains of empty box can were msnneo and needlessly dispatched from point to point, both out and west. along the line. Oflicials who authorized this wute of the` people's money should be held strictly accountable for the unnoooesnry expense, and also be given permission to learn some of the lessons of economy that- taxpnyors have to study in the open com- petition of private life. .-V. -. ... _ -., V. ji w`w I- It -I-In-no Dr. 3 Gun lot the Hare `Iva salad nlld In all outta! Orgnmo or ynplthulf Ilene in .1) nlnIt.u.ndIpndy , s to. [H5 A vIII3u or unvur. At. N|pAmo9n'l'hu|-ad: the driver 0! St. John was fined 35 ` another driver vu pntu After the second heat. The johmd he lied his Than: and A I-5 'I`An4' nhl -in hnn. Clonninu. Pnnsing and Repairing n Spo- rinlty. Your own nod: made u it reason- nblo rum... A col Iolicitmi. tinluelion (um-nnt.oe . ... 'uIuI\l\lr nrnninnrn