uln -uourm;.wm on gun was no us about to visit. Cumin on I lecturing tour in October. The lecture bnnnu. nought I due in Kingston. but noted 3360 as Ice- bum f Ind full HIM tho nnn-ucnnn- turn it denoo. minor: .1. wmroy, - wnoao name I: u. Bollavillo, hul My right hand cut on` by a locomotive at Bmokvillo. Ho attempted to nptir the and pipe while the locomo- tive Inn in motion and got his hnnd undor the wheels. -no n-goo `loo Inn. [AVON ol the work: of Rev. Dr. Wuhan (Inn Iholu-on).wi|l be glad that he about vilitf locturinz tour UEIZ llllrlolh. IAA. ITIZII I III lnllilllltlulllo The lollowin named pupils have suc- cessfully pa onminuonn in shorthand and typewriting in connection with tag , oommorcinl clans at Oontml nchool: . Spence, H. Lnturnoy, M. Grant,` L. Eb , S. Hunter," M. Mitchell, J. T n. .. Y , Jessie Gordon. Bruce (mllowny hiEh|y in typowritibng; he did not In 0 up a orthond. nag:-oer an an $01: on. Yonurdny afternoon I (}.'l`.R. engineer nunod J. Will:-oy, whoa home is at Bollevillo. rinht. hand cut on` In n uni! IVIII lull u-lo. Mien Holmes, of New Zeeland. and A. H. Acres and wife, of Ottawa, arrived in the city on Saturday. on a tour among the 1'houund Islands. Miss Holmes came to (fenda recently to viait an esteemed friend. whom she had not. eeen for 5 long reriod. When she arrived, however. she }ound that death had paid a previous visit. And her friend was no more. Mr. Acres in clerk at. the Grand Union hobel, Ottawn. ._..____j._,_. nupr-uru nnnuunuuuunu vur-c The annual enbrnnce examinations, con- ducted since Thursdn morning. closed Saturday afternoon. flphe class this year was very large, `.110 candidates being ex` amined. The average age of the pu iln was thirteen years. There were very aw over the age of fourteen years. The char- acter of work of the candidates Wm! satis- factory, aa far as known. To-morrow the nuns and honnmrv matri- memory, tar known. and honorary matri- culation examinn ions, and examinations for first, second and third clean certicates will begin in the city hall. For these there are over "200 mndidntee. Illlll VVI-IIlv\a `J1 Ill IKJLII \rLIl\J' 1 Full particulars on ap- plicationtyx Thenpp lIIarklIn..Lld. .-;-`4`_-._.4` VVIII DI! hunt to nuljlbuu. It in nltogether probable that when the new steamer Rosemount arrives from En - la and is cut in two parts at Montrea . t two rections will be united at Ogden!!- burg. This will be done because the charges of the Kingston dry-dock are too high; the work can be done at 0gdens- burg fern third of the cost which would be inturred were the local dock used. "Kingston lost e work of uniting the two w alebacks on this account und it is really too bad that the work to be done on -the steamer Rose- mount should ulso leave the city. It means the distribution of a lot of money. When the steamer Bannockburn was brought out from England end cut in two at Montreal the coat 8f thedock at the last named port, for fourteen days use re, was 35-MI. The Bsnnockburn WM united in the King- ston (lry`(l()(.`h, fourteen days beena occu- pied in the work, and the dock fees smoimted to 8l.70l, mqre than three times us high as the Montreal dock charges. ouaneus or wneau; am`. ruomo, umca 0. 31.000 bushels of wheat; utr. Waberliy. bay ports, 4.359 bushels of peas; schr. Fabiola, Fair Haven. 300 tons coal for Fol- er Bro: schr. Nellie Hunter, Oawego. .50 tons coal for R. Crawford: aloo Volunteer. Rideau canal ports, forty cord`: of wood for Drury. Aliound. J. Noldn. in the onployol Juno: M6- Pu-land. not III: a "mlnhI- nmhlmc wvrune. ` Arrivala-Str. (ilengnrry with consort: unmore and Minnedoaa, Duluth, 129,600 bushels of wheat; str. Pueblo, Chica 0. -.1 mu r.....|...|. ,.: ..,|...o. .9. w.o-..|; .. nu. Yesterday riim-ning the tugs Hall and WiIeon_ raced from Ogdenaburg Lo Brock- ville. They cleared to ether, but before V m_:;ny minutes elapsed Inge Hal]. showed her stem to her rival and kept increasing her lead. The captain of the Hall says that the only way the Wilson can keep close to ` boatwhile running in by means of a line. A..-:.,..I.__Lxn 4':i.......`.... mm. nnnnnl-On not a nmgie mwn occurred in me nransxer. Tug mo9e'mentn-The Jeaeie Hall and Bronson arrived from Montreal Sunday afternoon, light. The Walker brought up five barges, light. The three cleared `to-day for Montreal with eight barges, grain laden. The Halland Bronson will brin _u ) to Ogdensburg In two sections the wmloback barge, N0. N0. \ -.o.....I..n -6. .-i-..im. oh. 0...... "n`l nut` BIOS gaming lllly ILQVHIIWB O. Yenterciay afternoon t. e tugs Bronson and Hall arrived from Ogdensburg after having delivered two sections of the whale- bnck steamer (Selby at the dry-dock there. The tugs left. Montreal on Wednenday and arrived at Opzdenaburg Sundr morning. Not. single hitch occurred in t e transfer. Tux: mnu mm. The tugs Hall and Bronson had a. brush, yesterday, while running up light from Ogdensburg. After , ing Brockville the two huge ran up si e by side. and kept there until the city was reached, neither side gaining nny advanta e. Yenterdav afternoon L e tum: Bronson `VI snvv unnu IV|4I.|l\4a Deaignp may be in black and white or in four colors. nay. _ The stenmor Varunn cleared from Swift's, this morning, for Thousand ls- lnnd Park. Th; turn all anal R-nnann lmzl . I-u-nu}. I . QCCUI The schooner Acacia is unloading coal at Swift : dork to-day. The steamer Clinbon nnJ coneort. Mar- uetbe, timber laden, are at Collins AV. Llvaly Timon on the IVI`If-'I`[I Run 3 Ilnon. notation with uni non-ovlul wont `DI! oeuod I'll to have been nu-rind Ihoi-sly wayaung ` otthipxcny whom. i- lnq at Bonn Island path with [do A. He was on his way to see her when death overtook him. The young lady was await- ing his arrival. but waited in vain. She arrived up on the same steamer that con- veyed the remains home. snanu delay. Deceased served his apprentioeahipas an `electrician with the" Kit: ton light, heat and power compan . en the search- light was rst p on the steamer St. Lawrence` he'was given charge, which duty he faithfully dischar until the night of his death. last fal he left the cityto enter the employ of the general electrical supply com ny, Syracuse. N7Y.. and to where he woulziahnve returned next fall had he been spared. He was for years amelnber of Queen s football team, and was one of the valiant: who assisted in capturing the Ontario andd Ion cham- pionships in 1893. When deceased was re talzen` In the water it was found his uralnl. Iuul nbnnnaul .9 RM-gun vnlnntna nnnf. IWOIVB. ' Therein a peculiarly cad feature in con- nection with tho sorrowful Wont Do- nnund -nnmhnvn hnnnvnulrlml |hol"f.[I' (HIGH `IPOHI IJIO W310!` IE W88 Iounu III! watch had stopped at fteen minutuput twelve. 'I"l.A..'- .. I\A:n|Il:nnlu and (autumn in Ann- Ind mnl JIIBIITO. UODGIIBIOII 01 I111. and on aim qf stonmgra entering Clnytqn. yum ny, were charged by friends at du- mnt. points to ascertain `all psrticulnra as to the and event and in to_l_egrIph them It once: their spirit of impocibnoa would not. stand delay. Doceuad not-vad his nnnrentioelhin Al bio duties oh thonrivor. no matter he wont be undo friends. who will our boat ` th kindliut recollections of his mmlinoll and frnnk nntm-n. Cnnduntm-I of hllinl the luncheon nooueotiom or Inn msnnngu and funk nature. Conductors of brunt Ant` nnnininn nf Qfnnnn-In Anfnl-inn (Yluhm. The undersigned offer two prizes of $25.00, each for the bestdeaign for the cgver of the Canadian Al- manac for 1897, which will be the semi-centennial - issue, and a poster to ad- vertise the aa me. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. um mung spans: won nomng II the Ride river. They)` ohrud for barn`: from the Brltioh-Amorionn ycnordny do- linhbd with Walt trio and its tuccan. .` soul-nay, JIII] nun-_`-"AInu-Ion" among LL " ' _u - ' 1 " w'1`3..a."" " f'u5. "'" 3.... to Oavogo u_0:N.n. Win 53." - 1 U. W. u , .1I.u.. n. u. Blnll-ll. LL.D.. nndC. Out. All of Jenny City, N.J., ruched town on ntnrdn evening. slur luv` '3 ntnwook III in II mam.` lunfivot-P. rum` ohrtodfsr ...`, ..." u-om we urmon-mnonmn nmoruny dl lighhd with trip MI 4` .-no-on-1,. nun smut uuuyuv nu-Iv, 1,000 3 ` . 25. Fmly #5::-a--nmpad sun" so Ogdonoburg up D |.fn. Kin F 3/255 Fm? bis/ans ma vm rocupuruo an uou noro uke. Mina Gnu Davy, Roe actor. N. Y., the guest 0! Min Jentio Gordon for some time t, rqtnmod .h.9me lut. night by the ctr. orth King. She vu Accompanied back by Iliuordon, who will romgnn two weeks. n w 0...... un 1.1 u n..:u. I I-3.513 emu In am: can on me some mumon. Min; Mabel Bailo has been successful in panning her ns your examination in theory 0! music in oonnootion with To- ronbo mllego 0! music. She has nlgo won the null 19 diploma. Rev. .. W. Crnmz will ban chums of ma non o mplomn. Crngg have ch: of the Napanoo Eutaorn hlothodint n nrch ifor the next two months. Rev. Dr. Mc- Dinrmid subra from ministers` non throat and will rocuponto It Lou born hke. Dnvv. Ron hr. N. \'.. IJICHOT OI Illlllliy. Writing muster Newlmda in in Virginia giving inntruotion in the ve ' nymm of wriI.ing., He will visit all principal cities in tint state the rniuion. Ilia. \In|\oI Rdlnu I... hnan nnnnnn-In` Lending me muwr plumnera oonvenmon. A. .Rou will leave for his home at Renfrew to-monow. H his departure the Kingston lncroue cub I090! n good member. urn, In` M A.-A-5}..- nu! \'....l. 4.. an Prof. M. Agoetine. New York. in- to. be muster of ceremonies at the Crossmon the present Manon. He in a dancing anchor of ability. Writinn in Viminin on a vault. to nor parents, mvnuon street. M. Flynn, Syracuse. N.Y., a former resident, in the guest of T. Mooney, Stuart, street. screen. Police-Sergt. Neabitbin absent on two dn{'B' leave, and P. C. Bnllnntyne in acting in min plnce. a Mix: filhalminn Carroll. lfhimum. in nun pmce. Miss Wilhelmina Carroll, Chic 0, in vieiting at her gmndf|t.her'u, H. gnndn, Division Iltroet. D... 'r n a...-n. .....i c.....:|.. |..n .,._.a.... m?A.EI Invnuon nroec. Rev. '1'. G. Smith and family left. today for Sharbot Lake to makeup their residence at their summer home. Jrinnnh Jnrnigann rot.-nnul L.-unn nn Gln an uncut summer nome. Jdoeph Jamioaan returned home on Sn- turdny from Montreal when he was at- tendin the master plumber: convention. leave home at panee. Jnpc. Crimminll, of Clayton, was in the city yesterday. Mayor Elliott left to-dny for n trip through New York state. ' Mimi Validn Morenny. Brockville. in visiting friends in the city. Rev. Sister Octave. Kingston. is n visi- tor at the Brockville convent. Ma... 91...}. ,ci...,a. .-.. 1....-. rm... m.;........ nor no me nrocuvme convent. Miss Sarah Sands is home from (`hicago visit. to her parents, Divinion street. Flvnn. Svmrum. N. Y.. a former Movomenu of the l oople-Wlul. They Are Buying and Doing. Peter McKim is visiting friends in Na- cluealy Inwrestlng. R. McMahon owna n trotting dog named Bruve, which he intends exhibiting at the approachin fall fairs. He an s the ani- mal isin ap_endid form and wi l given ne exhibition bf trott' lg. The owner` is try- ing to arrange a race with Harry Hodden, the lust named to walk one mile while the dog trots two. nony no early muse. Yeeterda wee ower Sundav at the Cataraqui ethodist. church. The ladies decorated the edice very beautifully. Appropriate sermons were preached morn- ing and evening and an open day held with the children. - The services were de- cidedly interesting. McMahon Lrottiiur dour Immnd telegrnpn lomce, ulprence street. In St. Mary's` cathedral estxardny the festival of Saints Peter and aul was cele- bmtod. The ceremony was very im sing and the ainging excellent. The In ion of the sdality received holy communion in a body at early Yeaterdnv ower Sundav at the mo. lchldny, July Ilib-_-"Ana-ion" the Hollis Ivan. Futile. 'lct.ouo Ioufmt. . July Och`. from 7: 008:1). `lanky )a-I-Rn" tcuvillnll `ulupd In Inlridnbvnhsndk-c:ncHoh.won: gens. Yosterda morning the delivery horse owned by A. Mitchell escaped from its stable and has not since been seen. It may have returned to its former home in Llie country. The lamest. nicnin ever held in l<`.n.nt.m-n me Oounury. largest. picnic ever held in Eastern Onhrio will be that. in Marshall Fair s grove, Glenburnie, on~Wadnesdny. Busaea will le_yeWiIhon'u livery at 10 and l2a.m., 2. 4 and 6 p.m. z, -1 Ana 0 p.m. The Ba of Quinte Ry. new short line for TV , Nnpnnee, Desemnbo nnd all local `points. Train leaves City Hall depot; at 3:30 p.m. R. J. Wilson, agent. C.P. R. telegraph lofce, Clarence street. Marv`: cathedml veaterdnv the Thnudny,.JI| Dth-'_`Em;;iro Shh," Lo,.m,_ Ju] __A d.p.h gm- -0."? Jr`-Ml-`.3 1-I!=- 9?} . _T Madrid to the IV Inilnntln In an `l`lInhu'od`(_>QIot. X wm Iegye vv H30: 2, The Bnv of ( I1-0Cll6B[6l'-1VOl`laIl hllig BBIIB (lI!`0C[ Bun-` day 6:45 p.m., week days from Port Hope, take 8:40 a.m. (-`.'l`. R. train. For Alex- andria Bay, Sundays, 9 a.m. Hanley, agent. Ymtardnv mnrnina Hm delivnrv hm-an gums. n. mcuaurs July clearlna Hale. Out. of res L to the memory of the late Willigm M amn.on the excursion of the childr'en s aid society has been postponed frail: Thuradny, 9th, to Tuesday evening, Ht. . l`lDD. Volunteers crossing Buy of Quinte- bridge. Belloville, were charged bolls. It was paid under protest. Ibis held that volunteers are free commoners when under nrml nousq uurmg me duly cleanng sale. The members of the Kingston baseball club are anxious to meet the (lmnims. The first m\med'ia a junior nggregntioun, but play good ball. Everything at cost at Corrigmfa. We make a specialty of black dress goods; our values are always ri ht. and at the reduced rices are tremeu ous bur- gains. R. Me aul s July uloarin Mile. resooct memorv the late Atumna rapuaa. . Carpets, curtains. et.c., reduced in nice at R. McFnul'a Kingston Carpet \ 'are- house during the July clearing sale. Kinzstion 1$. :ji' V Tl to: me oomrort oI_tho elnployeol. Attend Cor.risn I selling out. sale. ` in Nnpenee Int ni It wu owned night blooming -oer-cg): was an nttrnv- Mr. Bennett. Hun redo viewed it, James Muir for thieving will spend ve yours in the penitentiary. He oomou from Ottawa and is twenty-one years 0! age. Bargains every day at Corrinn a. For cholerp. diarrhoea, dyuentnrr and all summer complaints use the Sun 0 Iolera Mixture. 25. at McI;eod u dru store. Rivnr Innnrintn nnm an in rnnlluln mixture. `me. as Mcueoma am store. River tourists now go to rockville, take brain to Ottawa uud down the Ottawa river to Montmal by boat, avoiding the Lachina rapids. Ournehs. curtains. em... mdunacl in nrina `............ ..,\....E.....=........ .... ....... jThero is an ibation in oooronto to do any with the igh school, concentrating smart in public school work. Awnings are being placed over the Clar- Innootreet. windows of the Ontario bank fat the oomfoit of_tho employool. Corrisn calling wu. Table linens and shooting: at rice: that cannot be beaten no R. Mc ml : July clearing .aale. ` `Attend Corrigan s sellin 0!?` sale. j'I bero route AIIAV uyikh Hun Ia}: nnhnnl nnnnnnrntino lll Illa. , aseronto will likely introduce a water mic system. To build it. will cost $35,- ~ I flu lploo of Ivory my Ll!o-What the Pooplo Are Talking About-Nothing la- oopu u Actuation of Thou Who Arc Tnllnr Knlgn. ` ARAGRAP`0-ISVPICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. .rms. Rochester-NorLh King sails direct Sun-` lav n.m.. week davs from Porn Hone. Come to Cm-:ig an s sale. 81700 i reductions in dreaq goods at R. .Mc an aJuIy clearin sale. Cbl1'i2|n i manta furnin inns nnen even: I :1. .Mcr`nnI'a July oleann sale. COn_'ignn I gents furnis ings open 1 nhh Orange Phosphate, Lem- ; onade_and Root Beer Tab- : lets. One tablet in aglass ` of swetened Water makes ` a cooling refreshing drink. -_ A,LI_A_ 1'-.. -__ INCIDENT} 01'` THE DAY. PERSONAL MENTION. u, M.n.,' E. 11. Smith. (kn.Allnl Jar-an City. 1 every I 8-r. Tnonsr, July '6. ;\n| Pu-in In ilupdindd cl Dugnld ;Iuar::lwune1mIynan_|u"yi:'cnnz In tho pm Caulk. omluu y. cannula Cal.|ojnaodPnndo vuunry mum: thdt um-unions nuind an Unihd Shh; Ina rlnuo VIIVI7 man! In Inll` ulna}: up:-onions` npi sum Tho bu-Inst that Ibo conduct 0! n nnmul Run. in mmmu... a. nu... Ascruuueu. nu uni Uni. ` The prop. Cube ren foul of e boulder neer Fen-en`: Point on her wey up from Montreal end knocked oil` one enge of her wheel. By the eid of e diver t. e opposite `Henge we: removed so thet the wheel would run evenly, end tbecube went on to Toronto, neerly two deye overdue. The boulder hed been left in the chennel by the dredrea at work deenenlmr the manure. Root Beer, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla. loc bottles makes 5 gallons. will load the Ionic. V W. Inglis, jr., of the rm'8l lngliu & Son. Toronto, won in the city on Bltnrdny in connection Irma the new tutor worh pumping engine. Ho oonfon-od with the Inporintandont oi the dtpnrtmont and looked over the bad for the on- gino. Houounod to melded Ind pro- mised to hove thoongioo Iontlbon st ;M}. In.` 0 L mzcnox, .nu o.--n uupuon I;-on I to ly Hui} an that In tho Snmbh usual`. on . luau-dnv. an-sh 'I'KlII'lK'0$I'TZl ICCTUCIW nUnlud Butch: nglcho Cuban I-ohlowumout. out ` D|(I)I.ll`;lO|'nln nu-nrru In gnu cnnnnol vy t. o ndguut wor despun n t o `The `Cubs will be dry- ockod` at are al- ouue. Bollulone Else Will SI]. Prison imipector Stewart cannot. get at coring teetimoniele just now from King- ston merchants. and when he threatens that merchants who decline to follow up fmctured tenders will not be Ill0WOCl to tender egein, he in countin without his hoet. It. in not. worth who to predict vengeance thet. some other fellow will have the privilege ol deeling out. A new min- ister of justice will have something to any. To the House of Industry. The unfortunate man, Timothy O`l.oary, taken into custody by order of police magistrate Dull`, on Saturday, proves to be of unsound mind. He has been sent to the house of industry by Lt.-Col. Duff, and will be there taken care of. His clothes were in tetters, unfit for wear, and the mngidtmte requests that any persons hnvi cast-oil clothing, for which they ave no use, will kindly send word to the police station and the `articles will be sent for. ` (Ill Eur lsolloll. Another tribute has been awn public school board coming as it does from the "hul3" he universe, cul- tured `Boston, the ho r is all the greater. l'eaterdd`y mornin . K. Row accom- panied by Stella mett and Ethel Millar. two juninr ugje in the public schooln, left for B05 we practice! lessons in the system or icnl writing as taught in the publir` schools here. The positions, etc.. will beexemplied by the two pu ile while instruction will be given Q Mr. w. ad the King- run-an` 1: survey. Captl Lee, R.M.C., with cadets Lallerty, Holden, Huy Kirkpatrick and Parkea, started to-daym continue the reconnais- sences begun by ofers and cadets same year: ago in the province of Quebec. The start was made from the city, and the re- connoiseance will be made alon the side of the St. Lawrence river until t e work has been com leted towhere Capt. Twining and party eft olllaat year. Mr. Brigetoelie is making an important survey in the Niagara peninsula. and Capt. Lee is ex- ercising 8` general supervision over both works. Illll LVIKIII; UII IIIO EIVUIH \ Old steamboat captains say they n er experienced a dirtier night on the ri\ r than was Saturday night. A heavy in concealed everything `and nothing coul be seen on either hand. On the way up from Ogdenshurg the steamer America was obliged to stop several times after (innan ue had been passed. The steamer moved a ong at I snail s pace to avoid run- ning aehere. which fortunately did not happen. Capt. Hinckle was on deal: and to his thorough knowle go of the channel brought the steamer with his large passen- ger list safely to port. Q. _MI"l`C_I_i-ELL mo; "*.;v.r.-..-.~j- w;ALL|5d.aoN 1..-.1mA_nA_n._n _..LL...a nu IIII! lluuull lull- H. M. Britten, (.).C., has writtzen another mesm which Prof. Mon-ow will atbempt, to reu ab Lake Ontario rk tomorrow night. Mr. Britten says L are is no ;;poe- sibiliby of Prof. Morrow ascertaining what has been written. Mr. Bribton wrote the note in his private office. no person being near. He aenlod it in an enveloa and has vmnnnaninn nf it. H In: nnnnni-. nu-n....5 msur. no semen in In an envelo am) has mseeasion of it. If he cannot: resent nimaelf at the park to-morrow nig t Mr. Brihbon will give the envelope to some dis- interested person to hold while the pro- , feeor attempts to read the contents. l Near The Very Top. The Kingston collegiate institute has drawn this year the second largest govern- ment grant in the province, London's be- ing first out of about I'M. As those pay~ menta are based on work and merit, this is a proud aatisfnutioli for the institute board, -which has stood no little misrepresenta- tion and projiuliml action at home. It is a great pleasure to nucoeed in the right against! opposition. especially when it is most ungenerous. As already reported. the largest class for entmce examinations n record here, was last week neceived-so large that two examinations had (to be held, and in r-eparawhuildin s. A wing to the school building is a t reatened ne- caaaity. ' D0 C( fort. A IIID FIQCC OI Zllllco 7 The uimocom nied quartette. When t,he(,'nlm of Nig tie Fallin , which was '30 beautifully rendered by re. Galloway. Miu Baton, Mr. Wainwright and Mr. March. in Chalmers church, last evening, was com by R. R. F. Harvey, or- ganist of 0. Andrew : church, by request 0! several oicera oi the Bank of British North` America, as a tribute to` the mem~ ory of the late E. B. Brownlow. who was the author of the words and who had been in the service of `bank for a num- bcr of yearn. The piece is retty. ed- mirably harmonized and well htted to the coifatruetion of the poem. It was favor.- ably commented upon by all who had the leasure of hearing it. Mr. Harvey is to congratulated upon his masterful ef- enomea "wool 01 A The archbishop of Stiatrio conducted the confirmation service; in St. Paul : church, ' yesterday, -whenh conrmed 5 ohms of twenty`-vo candidates. nine male: and six- teen feinglee. . He preachedun appropriate" lermon no {K0 congregation after the cere- mony. . A ..A._._,, ,---,,., .2 nu aervwe In no. JIIDGK cnurcn. nun evening, and during the` olfe/rbbry. Major Gallqway rendered very npceptably a 3010 entitled Rock of Axoaf, Th. gmhhinhnn at ..A/..-:.. ~....I..nL-.l oh. pomu ana mu: olooe nnveaugnuon. "um general t.rend'ol his remarks was hopnful or the future of Canada And for the prin- I ciplea involved in confederation. Ab narvinn in RL Jnman nhnrnh. hut -q.-:-_: nu. nu. gnogmm-my 1-.1... lopefnlly or conrodormoa-n 1ung -no Pulplto. Yeeterdey marnin in his sermon in Chalmers church, v. M. Mncgillivny touched upon the political outlooks: it at present preeenteiteelf, reviewing peel; events since confederation: He dwelt in - on the achievements of the two greet po i- tical parties from an independent mud- point and with close investigation. The Renerel honeful BIPIBG IDVOIYOG an OODIOGOPRIIOD. Ab service in St. James church. wenino. and rlnrinsr hhn ovrfbrv, M: Ul BWCULCIICU VVIIICI 12 tablets for IOC. AMONG THE c,Hur3cH_ES, Bud Nlght On The Elvor. ..5.......L....L ......;..:.... _-._ ;L__ Making A Survey. Dllf` Capo VI L. or.n:c..'T7'.'I" , VIVL- ll urnulws... . . . . ..U U I I U I 0 I 1- The (Ir-unites hnd seventeen hit; and ve errors. while Cape Vincent had four hits and eight errors. Charlie Jarnmn hnina A nlnunn |.i_..Io Ana ougm Chgrlie Jerome being A player Izimnolt, knows how to treat. I visiting team and he Alva a ' egando peoulnir pl: whiloon .....r...r" * Y rourtn. For the Grenitee. Slllliven, Elliott,Mont- gomery and Deb ey pleyed the eter geme, but four hits are secured all` Sulli- van with ten strike oute; while Dehmey end Montgomery lled the In between first end eeeond beeee to pe 'on. . For the Cape boye Lelin eeught did- I , end ren buee like e deer. lend Hzlded on second well, McGee, In left, pulled down four Ion iel end Kelly, lore new man, pitched in endidly. The score. by inmnge, wee : Oneal wuuerlng bwlsne. After that. however, the Grnnitea hits were bunched and long drives were com- mon. resulting in many runs. But the climax was reached in the eighth when every man on the team unded Kell hard and nix reached the p ate. The ninth inning: was the most productive for the Americana when looee plnylng let three in me, they onlv having got two around be-iore-L one in the second and one in thn h9_'rnd, they onlv having (two be ore-Lona and one in the fourth. I`... pl...I:.....:A..- u..n:..__ I-.~u:,.. ll wna Kindly loaned to lunglwn. Cepe Vincent. was represented by Islin, Kelly, Morrison. Borlnnd. Reid, l)unn, Mc- (iee. Jerome and Blake. Up to the third inning: it. looked like anybody`: game, caused sincipully by ineld errors and scatter hits on the Grnnitoa pnri;,and the Capes inability to hit. Sullivan's bo- wildering twists. After thh. hnwmmr, [ha rnnifnn hit- Cooling Summer Drinks at small cost and little trouble. 'l`hU"`KIngston [Ade End 5 eeting With Onpe Vincent club. The only Attraction at C: Vincent on the glorious fourth was a Ellgame be- tween Charlie Jerome's a rqgntion and the Kingston (lramtes. le was called promptly at two o'clock, t e (lmniuas taking the eld with Elliott, .Sullivsn. Montgomer . Dehaney, Easmn. Robinson, Appleton, reser and McCaig. Two of the regulars, Fitzgerald, shortstop, and Smith, third base, were absent, and Fraser was kindly loaned to Kingston. Cope renresented bv Islin. B01100! Dlr POFBHDC. An Indian named Dick, who wse gather- ed in on Seturdny night, [or ourishing a huge knife and thronmning to kill pie on Charles street. was fined 81 an` costs with the choice of A month in jail. PIECE Ill: lli. Mrs. Hawley ojferod to send her eldest bo out of the city if given a chance. "The el er Andre and the elder Hawley were each sentenced to the reformsbory for two years and a. further indenite period of three years, and the two ounger obnders were whipped by the po ioe with the con- sent of their parents. An Indian named Dink. who um: nmhhnr. ne woum u no trauma in won a manner. 1I__w;.,. L/.~ he had been in the hum of giving the boys in few cents and getting them to steel wood Knd ctial for him. She cnught her own son baking 8 besket. of eoql. for whit'1f"`Joe" wan to pay him. He1Joe") keeps his store openen Sun- days and sells ci aromas and cigars, etc., to the boys, and as bad characters in the place at night. Mrs. Hnwlev nffamd in send her aldant. OIIB CIRFITOLDB WHICH H8 BHIOIIW. Frank Hawley,aged twelve yeors.t.hrcugh his mother. pleaded uilty, but claimed that he ut back all e stole. P. C. Mc- Cullagh ere pr nduoed aehing line and other articles ' at were not returned. Mrs. Andre saidvif `Joe were honest} himself, he would be treated in such All ..,;.. A I... 1...: 5.... sn mm 5.5; no sounuiy wmppea oy me pence. The {our lands were arraigned in police court this mornin . Their mothers were In court, and on behalf of their sons con- sented to have them tried summarily by the magistrate. \Mrs. Andre said her eldest son George was sill and easily in- uenced by others. He peaded guilt to having broken into the store. but !Bl( he put back all the lunder he got. except c one cigarette whi he smoked. Frnnlz Hnwlmr mind humlvn vmarnjhrmuah to Guuru, wner requireu, ne auoweu mom to remain at home. The did not deny their guilt. The sister 0 (l. Andre had taken a packet of cigarettes, and these she handed to the policeman, who discovered a qunntit hidden in the shed. The offenders stated t at they put the cigars back after having stolen them, ` They admitted hav- ing broken the wire-guard oil` the window and having lifted one of the smaller lads ugso he could go in and open the door. W ich he did. A smell sum of money was mi-ding. but the victim of the robbery could. `not tell how much it amounted to. At least one of the offenders has recently been in court, the charge having been staeslingebost from (Jr. Ryder. of A" battery. He was found uilty and was soundly whipped by the po ice. srmiirned nolice 1 A pouco. . P.C. McCullegh wee deteiled to investi- nte the case. On examining the rumieea e found that on end window in e upper etory of the house had been broken open. This gave the thieveue admiulon to the kitchen only. and returning, they out the wire guard oh" nnother ground oor window and so got into the store-room. There are very few local crooks. great or umelhold or young, who are not known to McCullegh, and upon nding what had been stolen, and comparing other circumstances, he felt no doubt as to wlib had committed the of- fence. Aeoordingly, he id a visit to _ the homes of F. awley, twelve, H. Hawley, aged nine, P. Andre, aged eighteen, and 1:. Andre. aged nine. The older boys be arrested, and upon receiving from their mother: a. promise to no d the younger delin uente tooourt, who equired. he allow them remain home. Thev did nnt danv ,._ _...-. -- UUIIC l -' an-woo: an we on, sad for on cheap 0 who tor nod ' I` an on; v Yan can Inn what in nu In ol llndorwoav an to Jul an |h_ ,.`1.ou'vo a mind to. but I! you A A - `- line of VTAN SHOES for like--'thu' bu! . OI {gnull you an c.):)`lm:nd ..""m. I can, zifor on ID&i an unit ` wou"wIo' E'.",$*Zi's... ell} uh own rt |o ` 1!; 180 Be Cool and Comfortable N. .)...u |n.- .- Be Roasting Hot ox ml anger ucn ume. On Saturday morning he "left home with his little push out at 5:30 o olock and did not return until 5 p.m. Bombing. the store at that hour he found thus nt hnd ` been broken into, and a quantjtfy of mn- diea. banana. oinnn. cinrnrehma And sh- for sum}'nr wear. We can D001] DPOKOD H100, and ql|&|'|U_|Dy 0! diea. banana. 0' cignrehwu And sh- ing lines cagri off. Patience oouod to be A virtue and Joe oomplninodbothe police. RC. Mnullnth wnn dolnilnd In invnnmi. at. no. 19 ununo onus, up by Jonopn Stevenson, has boon bloken into and thefts small or lsrgo perpetrated, but "Joe. In the roprietor is popularly known, bu atosdify refund to take legal action, his good nature getting the better of his anger each time. Sntnrdav morninu "left. home with STORE ON SATURDAY.` `rho Lida llnvo luqnontly Attlolod the 89010 of ltcnaoou-'l'lu Polloo Looked , Into the can and BOOIPOC the Portion m' who mu can work. Several times recently the candy store at No. 76 0 min most, In t. by Johoph blofen JUVENILE 1`HilEV_ES womnj BREAK INTO AN ONTARIO 8TREET ~r.':`._"' gllou WON BY THE GRANITES. your nulmu. Our- rol agdfu 0:11.173- : n o as " 6/l_d0fDV'l`A on V: suit ynu._' Chu. Smith, DnvnXi.-&., "l'orIova-alycnnlunnlnuhtd . in my link, whi uilf wnunntllho-rlnlwnldhni Cg. D Ohovu. KAIMQQIIOVO mun for our Nun non. .Gn.ulIn.-vI.0lncnIlduut .4.-1 IAJLBLIIZID SLATI IAI note for coal Iln. A9]; I Onnovnr Oolnh THE STOBE ON Bw 1'I.ll'l'. 1' to Wade`: Drug to, V. and Improved. Alteration: vi - mlqtonant. Apply to J. H. B. IOOAII; C King Itroot. 0. MI UNIVERSITY WI, u modfg:-35::-;}v now. lilryood -pm. A I on the p:-om.?|?u.'or to 1 him. strut. ' - ' HE 8103! B K 1 Drug lmnrovod. Allorlclonn ` OOIB TY) LET WITH ALL KODIE provemcnu. with board, It I'll I nu-cot. Price: moderate. 1) 10d 5 . gen` nion'::t'l::.upAypIy' to J. . Cog --j um, mane. N l`O HY YARD. ON JULY Ul'H.l$.A Brown Horse with whlto utrlp on lon- iliomingd whlita Mad foot. gwnor o`uI: have or n r II on An rov pro- Rorg gunnfrrsn, y of Qlxfuta nomo, ln(oton.Ont J. a?"n':`1.`x'$`.i.'.'-"o`i.'.`12.'.`.'.' .{.;".'I`." BLACK COOKER SPANIKL D00 11 aollarwizh "Browneld" on It. I- wul be nultnhly rewarded by rotlrnlnc in to we King street. QOIIEWHERE IN THE CITY YEBTIIDAY K Afternoon. the BI-sun Shnni of 5 00 lmmn Vhnlur till he unltnhlv -.-g-A - YEBTIII OOH lamp. Flmlor will be uulhbly nwlldl leaving ume at this olco r 3! B11` Amorlcnn Hotel for 050%. . Ba-non ruthors. HOOD (INN NEAL SERVANT. IUBT I` able to rook. A ply nar 1 p.m. to III. R MGFAVL, ma Bur 0 street. renew. or me use Joseph run. The funeral occurred to-day rivnho`l6. MvC.u.:Mo.\'-On July 4th, I 96, T. Cnmmon. owed 23 van. Drop in and see our nobby HENRY BRAKE, Lnnuao Uxmn-run AID Enumn--m Prlnnon street. Cm-nor Sydonhun Itnot. Tula- phonc nommunlnntlon. `3 V ()|.n}r-ln Kingsbon. on Saturday night. July 4th. Mary Sha , ed 06 yuan. relict. of the late Joaep Cflf. to-dnv nrinholv. M<'u.u|M0.\'-Un July am, law, '1`.W. Mo- Cnmnnon, aged 23 years. Funeral servlca will be held at NI mot.her s residence. Montreal attack. on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. Z-L- W . H. lllllg lmtnrun Dino-rou Am Euuulln-8| Pill- ooil Itrooc, block Above old stand. -- Tm: Lmmnm Uuun-run-Iu-nu PI-I1 strut. Telephone nu. Open Day and N r .uu-. ISEIU. Pc_"9.<:-..'.*. .I:-I*,.`:'.:*....u' .3" ` 0. an U'NrVEll8I`l'Y AVIIJJI. _)Iomloo. many in cool pupa is uncrushable and lfeps the skirf and sleeves of summer owns id , the full are and, puff 0 fashion lJ),rough a'll kinds of weather ind ` wear. All colors, 25c per yd. --: BIIOK HOUR! N0. I5 QU now oonnploui by In. `ion lqt lay. Ayply 0. ROOMS 10 LET, WITH K)AED. II QUIII nu-cot. L OAIIIII Go to ATHLI110 , E for 1 W Suit: Strut.- ` no, it! . in sun... oh`l'oInl| lei I 8016:. main: 3 mm. We can supply your at mull cont. - IMMIIEQIATELY. A NURSE. APPLY 15 line. Jnmc Mt:l(:Lvnv. lu Duct `tract. [PerIorateH Texle For Delicate Children, .4 Invalid: and the Aged. nnnuenurc "D ungeueu ny me most unncnc. ` CHILDREN TAKE IT HIIDILV. ` In the meantimiou can buy nryaooba cheaper than ever known before. and we will remo\;3 back to our old stand. slick cbdxim L ll HI PBEIIIII ON known as Kelvin`: B. lolvu. I Olnnnoo 01 noon nn.'u. In L Apply n.m. FEW DAYS ORE Up to Date Sho; |;;o|;l; NUIi!iWE_f{!.NE I V1 Ill. jlllTnIUI'UI! Vm` {air to cloudy wollllot all I to-dty. followed by full: to I westerly wind: to-Inonow. PRICE. `grwo czitspgt ___. . ' __ __ _. -`1_~_:`," VIAIIC OI Cod Liver Oil Combined wmatvery nourishing A VIIUULIKIUI IIIIAIAI;-i Fi ' non . pi'o::nI`).o`l,l'"Wl`I&"D $341? -3" co 3 :- n. was on , . of IIIOIII snow]: 'l.5::r;.:tlnI .`a '"e ms bouool:o'l.)`:n:-1: 3113.110 no I \l U U I-I V U I` \I I l wmglvery noun-Inhln wme and in enlly retained an digeuted by the most dnllclu. HILDIIN TAKE IT IIADII lnsvpection invited. A_lP_ENT;'f`fd8fr`%l 1oLm.-Modonu vubblq 1 ha. 4. ..|....a.. "_..n... -_'.l 1.. ' Pil.ll'Ili"5l7.-____-Ulll nown duals. K VVWEATFIER PROBIB|L|T|I_8_.__ Ponuua the full medicinal vlluc of n I n L n __.._._.j,.__-._._ For 831: by All Drugjllta. -JACKSON'S FOR SALE. '`rnAvEn. it %%`:t _w. fnnnnxu. hula-ml um lhnnmn WANTED. Bokiab. nan`-Av 4*.'%-`~`a`*%;%&,l` `SIXTY -'I`HIR,l') YEA.-'R.-N0. 156. 'rlnaou Street. Hallo No. he. OPEN EVERY EVENHUL T6RC)NTO. Chanda! and Opllolon. OFIII Dal L.'.`-$"`uL: `. FOR - 19' woungcon` stmjt FUNJ I qnnusy tb"..(LT.K I-rlvnl hq'o.-p`p" Li bLg Link IXWCQ-I III! I dmluo dhb Ibo 1-lntn. h -1:2 I Inupoccot-Kidd. cocoa niod by J. H. .drwooutinIo eocutqto-day Io Ilvarbuolplnnulor null. I50 Outt! ouuinnuau, which uo-honor. 30 think: Inc will Inn to v.:'.-......'-""1.-:..:*.':---M-'--~ pqd . BM uvowqou "c"|:"::':`g.,... lvxinonnt wuinjbud I 3;. km. inun oIoII|I"$:.-guotinI.I|Io mm- __,. uut m mo [5 ` . ti-n..o.n'dne Esme to us: any to SL Jouplfn III`)! II II RI-II-II II- (`uA1'IlAn, 14.8., July 0. -~l)r. Beynon. n tourist from New Orlum. at lour q'c|ock I-hln morning. shot Norman Mckonzio and John Mcliane in the Warmly houno st Normal lo. The rhooting wpn clone in sol!-dolonco. McKenzie`: recovery in doubt.- ful, but Mcliano nu only ullghtly wound- ed." `Those two, with I traveller named Hall. were intoxicated and broke into Boy- non'I room Ind beat him nnmorrifully bo- muu ho proulurl ngninn their sin in and nnwd him lrom oloopin . Al the Drirni in lnil omnnt Me Invin and HI|I"$ HIIR ` ' n. , 1 Inc: a :- mod by .n.u..sse. Jo..'par. MLQI m Inch V In noon-1 IIIU navy 5-nu nun:-gnu on". Two weeks `ego Mrs. Joseph CliIT,widow, was ntlhctaod with n dintreneing complaint, anal succumbed on Saturclny night, alter greet. Inering. She was a native of \'ork- \ 1-hire. I-Ing., married them run] came an Kingatnn in ll. Her husband prede- ceued her fifteen years. Two sons, George and Joshua. end two den hare, both at home. survive. She wen u gevoted mother, unontenutioua and retiring. She wu I member of Queen street Methodist church, one`of those who becnme t-onnocteal with the church at Ila orgnnization. She was seventy-aix yeerl of age. unu vcnwu mm Irom omupm All the pnrnu jail except Me onmio and ' GKAM. The hour :0 missing. Hei- mx tho llorclnuu bun; ol Hui- Bankrupt Stick Gents Fur- nlshhzs. , ng... _ |'::":.':.'.*;'.......f' hou; onus on. llunllwl Knoll. HI-L Iran. who-n right I.. . The Inna Illa: Fannie I6. Young. Alter nix months of suffering borne with. Palm reaignation and hope ulneu Minn Fannie E. Young aeduwny on Satur- tl` morning. 8 e was xillliouxl with spinal trouble. All possible medical alnill was exercised, but unnvnilingly. l)eceMed wun forty-nix earn 0! nge,a laughter of the lnte William (bung. l'it.uburg. She quali- fied as n. mm-her twenty-four years A 0 and taught. in Pibtaburg, Wolfe lrlan and Westbrook. I-penrlin the lag fteen years on the Kingston pu he school stall`. She was a quiet. devoted workor. thorough] rompetent and eetoemod by the boar . lleceased was I sister ol Rev. W. ll. Young, l et.erboro.T. (J. \'onng,Rochester, nnd Mrs. R. H. Put. non, Union ntreet. Her funeral or-curred hi: afternoon. con ducted b Rev. John E. Starr. Her Mnocia on the teaching stall" sent. in beautiful pillow as I mark of their sorrow and sympathy. 123 Pr1neessst.. North Side all week. Trim Hats re- duced. Leg ' 5 reduced. Flowers redu 2 . HARD Y S % `C-l}-I-C-I-O-I-C-i-QC-l'` Handsome Dresden Silks for Blouse Waists; former value, $1.00, now 50c. Also a pretty line Fancy Silks, value 65:: to 900, all at 50c. Come early. Special Millinery lnducements. uac Ld Cd'I'u"' [5 _1_ .oo`si_1 ks_ fo}f_50_C } The largest trade ~ we wishe for % been exceeded. As a conseq ence we've managed to get quite a few special bargains late. We offer to-marrow all our $2 00 Waists at $1.50 each. Not many of a kind ,o1j size in stock. Please caW'4\ly.~ ` A. $2.00 Blouse Vyailsts fonj $l.5_(_) Hem-sltitchedf a'nti $ome Fancy Embroidered, value _5oc. Our price, 15c, or 2 for 23. Tray Cove?:sA Ll-_. ..414-L....l ..-.zl ......... A job_ Fine Linen Doylies, hem-stitched and open work, Usual value, 25c_ each ; our spe- cial price, 3 for 25<;bor me each. . `T . sNAps for T0-MORROW we or -.3 for 25 is tHe.way they speaik in England hbout a man or business"th`a't`s~ going slower than usual. We re not curling up a little bit, but in- stead we re moving faster. Curling Up a Bit ` ` ' THE AILY Bamsn wmat 'l'ho L, In. Joseph Cll. ....|.. -.... u... I.......|. mm- xmgm Iqirowullaumawhwndouuod Inn: it wuontho at; A ' ' the =?nydpu-u. on'nuh3':";......u"" 1 unit I Kingonhns on Uh!) would an nllln ban nnuununnt lungna-nuns at -dlnvouldnocnpinluvo moons-ha|tyclddnnao.nnrnidan' (`0lI|'$I IIOVII ll ODXID. It van 3 in; and norrowlul not which Rev.,`J. E. I had to porform ypotorday Inomin . t. I In minutes past ten o'clock vet! I hlophono mange lrom Mr. ol . tolling him ol the death olwillio man. and asking him no black noun In tho boy`: widowed mount. - . was no nnmrvod by tholntolllpnoo nooivod elm he ooullnot 015% hi . The mornings-vioo of n app:-oprh n n we ti oonngn_on run `*3! ;J;-nngo aw. A.` B.` Pad. yrl Qngng , olvhm llbhlldlh. ` douuuodwun lunlt.wnnnLn ltr. Alan-inn in LS: SUI RPN_D 5- use I In Ina llrowoll Iool II . the Moo 0! who one I. my eeleetned. whose form lay cold in death. The scene Inn e and one. Strong men, occuntomed_to deith. wept like children an! turned away. Mr. Por- ter acid hlnt. in all his experience he never wltneened a morelocting scene. Although suppose! to be hardened by lnmilinritv. yet his own loelinge were overcome end he, too.'wep.. When 0 king of the scene ullenurde were gut in hie eyes uul mm-end darn his nlunhn uwrwsruo wan guano:-ed coursed down hi: cbcoh. I! up: D Irwin. --ul .4..- In me nlnernoon. Shortly after five o olock the steamer Algerian entered port with n ag on the main must at hall-mast. Undertaker Dren- ` `han nndhia stall were on hand and the re- mains were taken to his establishment and embal1nQd_: _,L'pg,lertnker Porter, Clayton. Accompanied the remains to thin. city and uniated Mr. llrennan in the embnlming operation. The nnnuin nml r-ram: nf Hm nlr Sh. opornuon. The capuin and crew of the Mr. Sb. Lawrence were great] atfacted by the trngicdoath of their a i mane. By them he was well liked, amr from `long and close uoocintion A feeling of brotherhood existed between them. Early Sunday morning than entire crew, in a body. went. up to the undorukin eahbliahmenq to his I I0 `Ind fnrowol loot at the lobe of l.hn mm l.mv nnlnamn-I Irhnnn Inn... lnlv IIILU LIIE PIVOT. llnotl EU the BRING "I- stant a deck hand on the St. Lawrence, who had one u on deck to hoist the anchor ght." ieard a faint cry for help. The cry sounded a long way of, and wag. indistinct; thelhumming of the dynamo made it impossible to hear clearly. Thinkin that perhaps somebody had fal- len ofl't e wharf, he hastened on deck, and, taking in pike- lo. walked along the water front, butdi not see any sign of life in the water. On returning to the steamer the mate was met with. He, too, had heard the faint cry for help. While talkin the matter over the captain ap- pea on deck and on being made aa- quainted with the occurrence. said he had also heard acry. While they thus con- versed another feeble cry for help was heard. Picking up a lantern and accom- panied the other two men. the captain urried a ong the wharf When the turn was reached a hat and valise was diso6v- ered .floating on the water. They were at once recognized and the captain exclaim~ ed, "Poor Billie is gone.-sure." Knowing his intention of crossin to Round; Island thev looked for the ski , and on nding it tied up to the wharf, had their suspicions conrmed that William was in the water. An alarm was sounded and the steamer-`s crew turned out with grappling irons. Meanwhile a messenger was despatch- ed for undertaker I). C. Porter, a gentle- man well versed in methods for restoring the pnrently drowned. He arrived before y was recovered and assisted in the `After being in the water about inutes the body was brought to the surface. but despite the utmost exer- tions and skill employed by both Mr. Por- tar and a physician. the heart's action could not be again started and reluctant ly the rescuers gave up their labors, The body was removed to the undertaking es- tablisment of Mr. Porter, an A telegram sent to coroner Rodenhurst. at Philadele phia, N. Y., who arrived at nboulfhalf past ten Sunday morning. After hearing the facts of the case he deemed an inquest not necessary. As the mail steamer was due toleavo (jlxyton at eleven o (-lock, time could not be taken toembalm the remains. They were placed ina casket. which. in its turn, was encased ina metallic lined case and conveyed to the wlurf to await the arrival of the steamer. which was late and did not arrive until about three o'clock in the afternoon. ll.m-nu ah. nun ..`..I.-mi. .1... -s............ '0 llla BBO COIWIHIIIH on GOWH DD H18 BIDU. he sbepxad o the w M! at the turn, and I into Ll: -iver. Almost at the in- nnant. n Ann]: ham! fun Hm Q I ............... men up. ~ - The sky was overcast and a heavy fog hungover theriver. The night was the darkest steamboat men had encountered on the river for a number of years. In making his way along the wharf, deceased must have misoalculated the location of the dip above mentioned. for it is almost certain that instead of turning to the right and continuin on down to the skiff. ha intnnnnd nthn w nrf nl-. Mu: turn nntl cnsraetenstms and expressed deep sym- pathy for those upon whom "the loss fell e nviest. Just exactly how the sad event occurred will never be known, but from circum- stances it is possible to form a very good idea. Astis generally lmown deceased hnd or several years past been stationed on the lant. Saturday night after the steamer iiad returned from her seurrhlight trip and [had tied up at the R. W. &____O.` dock, deceased pre- pared to make a trip to Round Island park, where"!-tome friends from this city and Syracuse were staying. Before going he gave instructions to asubordinateto stop the dynamo at a certain `hour. Then he packed a oomplete chnnge of garments in a rip" and left the steamer. clad in he was n long rubber boots, heavy trousers tfnd rubber coat. During the da he had arranged to have n skiff left ti up at In certain part of the dock. nnd towards this lm now walked. Persons fsmilinr with this wharf know that while a portion fronts directlv on the river another portion takes a dip and runs away south-east, almost at a right angle. It was some few-feet south of this "dip" that the skiff wns tied up. The skv was overcast and a heavv fno r. St. Lawrence in charneof the electric - urownea on me rs.vv. a. u. aocx an uny- ton at midnight on Saturday. The un- nouncement was received about ten o'clock on Sunday mcming and an hour later it was on everybody : lips. As early as twelve o`cloc|r crowds thered at Swift/s wharf, where, it wee earned, the remains would arrive on the meilboat. The steamer did not get here until ve o'clock, at which hour the crowd had increued`to a thousand persons. Over them all a g-reht quietness revniled. for Willie ween favor- ite with al . Hundred! who did not know jiimiperoonally, but with whom hie name and figure were. familiar by his prowess on the football eld. called to Inemorv hie J UST [ WAS nnowm AT cums. and ngure were Iammar by mu ald, memory characteristics and oxnreasod dean um- one woman nun. cauou no memory ma ` chnrsoteriaca expressed deep aymx nalzhv for those noon "the loss fell \ on 006 OBI`. Bl. lAIWl'0|'|00, WEI accluencany drowned offiaho KW. &. O. dock at Clay- ton midnicht Saturdnv. The an. """"'~0"B$ I lollvull Ulla, III!!! as I00 gun-stop. loll 0|! 3 Dock uld Met Ills D08: .` ' Willie Mocnmmon, electrician for the Thousand Island and St. Lawrence river steamboat comaniea. with head unrtrn the nor. St. Lawrence, acci entally Clav- 110 Wu [AIVIlI|' for Sound lnlnnd Pork '-~~-Q0300 3 Loved one, When He Iodk I nnn.._-a-.. I_II ll - Ilngb -44 Il-o nu- TRAGIC EPIJD OF WILLIAM M;CA'M- MON, OF THIS CITY. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. MONDAY EVENING.` JULY 6. 1896. J. noun. m we onployol Jamal Ic- -Pu-Iand. not Q1: jplnhl sodium swanky momint. hylkovirx: null drinn iunalthn u-vr-w