uerrul ouree ne nee enecuea. If you ere euering with any disease whatever, you can make no mietnkein iv- ing theee ounee a trial, .ee they cost ut twenty-ve oente. and are perfectly harm- leee. Caution! A certain druggiet, on being eelred if he kept Munyon`e remediee, re lied: "Yea. a few. but don't eell them if oen help it. 1 have a large etock of other homoeopethio romedim on hand, and while thie edvertieing is going on. propoee to pueh them on the pie who cell {or Munyon e. whenever can. We wieh to eey right here thet lite and death ere eeri- oue eubjeote. end the greeteet crime men an beguilty of -ie to deceive end trie with human elictione. Such e person is unworthy of your condence in my particular whatever. Beware of the man who tolle you that these medicines ere juet ee good, {or more are no medi. einee made thet resemble Munyonl in for- mule or effect. wnom may Know to no aunarmg. A he'll-hour. spent in any drug store where theee little pellete ere Iold will con- vinoqjthe most sceptical that Prol. Mun- yon Ens, indeed, discovered I new method `of treating dieeue which will cure ninety per cent. of the people who use it. In not one aimrle inltenoe did the re- cent. or one peopie wno use it. In one single porter hear anything but the highest Ereiee for the remedies, and he wee told y the phnrmncinte that in elmoet every one where the cure: hed felled to give reliet it was proven that the wrong remedy had been taken. through the igno- mice of the person on to whet dieeeee he Ill suffering from. From {note gethered. it seems that Munyon'I generous free dis- tribution of Rheumntiun Cure to the citi- zen: ol Kingnton will reeult in increued renown, no whenever you go you hour the name of Munyon ueocieted with the won- derful he he effected. If an -no nnmninn n-H]: nnu alinnnnp Yesterday was I record-breaker in the ule of Munyon I remedial It the retail there: 0! Kingston. Several leading drug- gleu were visited and without A lingle ex- ception they all declared theta dnrin their whole buaineu experience they he never man madam! nrenerntionn of nnv kind that wnole nuemeu experience oney man never seen medical preperntionn any sold eorepidly ll Munyon I. and efmbd this thin enormous demand could on y be crested by the wonderful cuntive power of these remedies. Almost. every person urchnin relates how some friend has ou in I few hours. or else. hnvin been cured themeelvel, they desire to teen the medicine .to some friend hr away. whom they know to be suffering. half-hour went snv drug THE DAVID L or THE%PEOPLE; What Stronger Proof Does Any- one Wish Thnt Munyon Van- quishes Disease and That the Cifizens of King- ston Believe It I The Sales of His Remedies Reached a Total of 3,276 Bottlesin Kingston Since July 18th. WW N1 The Be_e_iyg He Slays the Giant - Disease With His Catarrh Cure. Rheumatism Cured. IV RE Little Pe||ets.% Kldney Cure. ' v- 01),. 11,4`. 7 Nerve Cure. K I TIVZZ G LT!` 11 Ioulncl shoot. I door: went. at Princou strut. Klnnton. Ont. 0-U an--unuu 3:11 wlt 1! 'IlVG'II* Ito ndorbh I - u".'.'.'.m1'. ...u lldonondn. "i:noJ.udnn.n|dHnooo." Ir.Wrl[|oy,olIbopnnIIIn Budd nnngoumgnwuu nonhryd thoudnt. in not in .:nnlocv. a. Allvurvyll-VI KITIIIIIIIIU. II Ilnbotntouohod bylhtnlrping and bit.- ing frontal which Mr. Io ntyu undo I prophecy. I o o_ W In out of I oonurvulvo oouunon." up the Iandon Nun; "tho dolog-nus |honld"I:o acted to Ian their gum at - ' . ` Hu `Col. Drury nude hi: oomplnim. anon: the glocbfon day much-out. ol the rctury to she govurnnonef Time In y-I ng. .... .........p._._...... There in 1 limit. to the greeplng. ebeorb` irig, ernbitione ol theee men. They can only be permitted to go eo ler. Theeerth. origlnelly. wee not deelgned to peee into the ownerehip of as few men, who. in their hunger for weelth. proceed tn nee it end in netnrel edveneegee ea (lod never meent them to he need. (lreet. corporetione.oom- poled of millioneiree. oennot be allowed to have their ewing. The people rnuec not be deprived ol eoel end oil, end if it is neces- eery lheee people will line up, end by legion- Ietlon, weep ewey the monopolies end ell that they imply. Things ere tending that my now. u EDITORIAL NOTES. Hon : to you. Charles and land! In] your ulndov non: grow Ian! 0 9 I -u--nu. III -u yuwrvlvlvw vIIIvu`|I\Iuv u an ads. It in now reporwd that the old; world negotiators in that deal. which in oil" for the presenb. were really oocrou repre- sentative: of the Sbnndnrdoil company and its new uuoclnuo in Europe. This ex- pllnabion would clean up the extrwrdinnry anxiety 0! certain oil men to defeat. liberal candidates in the recent. dominion general election, and may account. (or the well-do ned report. thn, much 0! the money epent. Lo lid in blue return of conservative oendiv dntu was really obtained from American oil monopo_linte." =` Th... in . Iimh. In oh. .._...x.... -|.....l..- lnvvuuvlull. Nor is this iniquitous deal--for whatever becomes oppreesive. unheceassrily, and an I result. of conspirecy is an iniquity-to escape Canada, since it is announced that some of our petroleum producers are a`evt- ed byit. and in due time our people will realim to what extent. ..u-n .- u an 4| - u . . XIII IIIII DUPICOI III IIIIPIIIKOCI 'u'Sw York Dress netomi, % wen u -1 u--v .|v-I- xvii: u-nu,--uu.uvun .,, ........ - the Rockofolloru. of America. and the Rothmhildl, 0! Europo-t.o cream I world- wide manopoly, and extra-at. from the poo- plo an undgg tax for their use of the eurt.h`n production. KL... :. 5L4. i..:....{bn..- .l-..l I..- ..,l...A......... -uu-uuv vu vvuult voumuv. "The other day," says the London Ad- vertiser. which has been giving the sub- jooc some nt.wnt.ion,. "the attempt was made to out. a big syndicate to tnko pun- souion 0! all proportion throughout Hun` -.I- It .'. nnnu pg...-o..I AL-A 5L- ,.I.I nun -uuuv-suv.-s nu vuv Vuyuu -: runn- And that shot. goes direct to Dr. Ryer- eon, who, as a member of the legislature. has teen about the biggest Iailure of which there is I record. '1Nmu1'rous MONOPCLIES. What. in thin we hear? That. an effort in being made by the great coal oilayndicubon LL` DnnLA'A"Qnl Al An.-.-:.\.. .....l 5|... u-V-u-... Dr. Ryerson in not regarded as an im- partial or all-wile critic. and it in not eur- prieiny that the Toronto Telegram, re- presenting the really independent con- Iervative element, called him down and turned him over and remarked : "To Sir Oliver Mowat doea not belong the dis- tinction of being the chief prop and main- stay of the Ontario government. That function but been aeeumed by the opposi- tion in the Ontario llegialature. And the Telegram adds: "The weak- neee of the oppoaition has been the strength of the government. 80 long an an oppoeitiomweak in member- ship and weaker in leadership, monopolixea the `chief prop and main-stay buaineea. Sir Oliver Mowat will never be mi:-aed by his euoceaaore in the Queen`: park. In-ul Ohm. nhnf 1-Inga IHI-Ant On `hen Dunn- Puuunau wvwuu-. One dny the Toronto News. which is nothing if it is not erntic, hold: that Sir Oliver Mowntig well oi!" bo0ttnwn since he wee e Napoleon without. courage, ii men with such I development of Scotch caution that it. Iifeobed his colleagues end kept down their fighting qualities. The next. day Dr. G. 8. Ryereon. the men with the mouth and profusion of talk. came 30 the conclunion that. with Sir OYiver Mowet out of it, the chief prop and main-stay of the Ontario government has been re- moved." I\ n , - ,. , u,- nu. cyan--uvnv Ia uvvuu naxunn. In this hot weahhor. which has it: men- tal ebcta. the conlervepive agitator: are having 3 eerioue difference of opinion upon politics] events. On. A." bk- Tnpnnln Any: -yhink in -uuuuunun. - - - u v -up rvc Iva nu---vv vv nu uv the more graceful if it takes place withbnt pressure {mm the putty. So it in not a question of, Will than be I clnngo," but-., Who will be the lands: 3" And the VFnmwrI' Bun nomimtoa Jamel Clmoy, the hero of other dnya in the logulat-uro, oh- ..l......nhu` Al --n-II o.II. 4.. ns--:n7- uuuuuuw uuw vs vuu uuvuwnu In nu la-nu; Othwa, And if he carries himooll well he will be the loads: 0! it. It in Jame: Clancy against Sir Char!e:_ Tapper, then 3 It has come down to that. oh P IE vu:h the gown. Inl In nnnlnrhhn I axial-In in-n-gal... Every Woman .1: anxious to htvo the nu vqapnnvn Dryluylluiavu vuu vnuuu, run: the oonnivnnoo of the man whom Sir Mm- ' konzje called uniform. and he bu spirit. enough to hold It if he can`. The general t..I:.... :. |m_-....- n.-o L- .......o .....:..L.. u......,.. .. ....... .. .. .. ....... .... 5...... tooling in, however. thnt. he multgointao retirement. Ind the porfornnnoo will be u.- ._.... .......c..| :c :5 o-|... ..I-... ...:n.l...s vuu nu-v nu vvuwu nu : nu vnv lUlUlUlllU' the champion of II!!!" talk on Ontario : finances, the present ropruontativo ol Bothwoll in the oommom, huving defeated the Hon. D. Milla. The Sun uyn he will become one of the leader: of hi: party at no.9... and if LA nnrrina him-all -all Lg `l'hooropolQ.CI hnlnuuhilu. In nab...-.u_.L~II... AI..'..x.....1..- -...I Ln 1I`I-Il_'___I_)AI!._Y ._\:VHIG.\| uunavv I C VII uuuavunv Tho lnnnou Sun Inn at much right on my fnportonominnhnnun for (Ireland- eruhip of the oonurvntivo party. The patron: have their own laden. And man whom they support" with considerable vigor. but when public opinion in invitod the Fume:-I Bun lull tahst it in open to .u. .s.....o. 4.1.. ..n.... n...a...n.a.. 1. .mr.... vuv av-uuwu uuu AUUII UIIDII In ll VPUII uu talk About the othcr lands:-chip. Is dllot-I, with tho Hunllhn Honld what; it hi- _1._.__4-_ LI_-L LL__- ,_, --. ,#___ AL. __._ vvlvu uuv an-uuunnl an:-In uncut Ill un- ulnnataItlnHhu0uono0amongthooon- Iorvnti manbouonowho can take th_q_ phoo 0 Sir Chu-la Tapper. That his nibe must. go is taken for gnnhd. though he does not appear to read the signs of the time: as others do. Sir Chg-lea appropristad the otlioo. with LL- All-cl`:-IAIIAA nl OLA -In--n us}...-.. LIE. An DR. RYER.SON`S LOOSE TALK. w. J. :iiz7"sb'r};" Bntwnan Pr! nnnn nu CLANOY volt LEADER. n,A_,.__n n,,_ L__ ,_ _, , I|'|(l IINIQIIHII PIIPIIIIIJ. Tnonpproconlng fniriu bdng lqokod lonnrd to with i - onued ink!-out and nntioipon. luny are drudy making ll'I"Il| menu to visit. it. By thoucnnrlnit in the oc- ondon of anmnl holiday outing. and it is null? I onjoynblo one. Thu-I in every ndimt. on Hut. It hill this not fully cquhifnotuool. III pt-odu.&I-I. To and tho dciircl 1:! than who until look (or this kind cl thing. I In-go nun ol spasm mncuou no hing provided. ol a new nod inunuting ohm-sour. Thollvo neck and nllotlur uhlluu. oxoopt on! lower: uidlnlt, will ban thognundn Iron Supt. led. to dust iholnt ol the [air will In .1131!!! n and an aha mm aupnaru. noun: uuouuuvuol on tho Hr will In aqnlly u an Ibo hound. Allqnria hum In-uh hp. n monu nonco one run um will no oommsnoing, and llrst and foremost will bs the Industriil at Toronto. to be held from` am August to 12th Bsphubsr. Evory Ccnsdinn Is intsrsstod ln and psoud cl tbs snooou of this grant uhlbltlon. buosnss It brings ptolninsntly below them, so well so the outside world. the vnst'dresouI~oes and products of our country, s the mode from your to your in its nqrlcultursl and industrial pursuits. Tbospprocohing {sir ls bdml looked in- The remains were laid may in her beau- tiful plot in -Hlenwood cemetery. Dele- gntee from the W.C.'I`.U. ol Belleville end other points Attended the funeral. A lur number of beautiful nnd costly. wrest. end owers were laid on And Around the coln. l0Mi SON aommo co.. Inn: null: IIHIIIIIIII llll-Off!!! AI I'I0l0I'I-BOfVIOII III The First ethodlet Church. l`|inu.\', July 22. The remsins of Mrs. Youmans arrived nt 2:25 p.m. to-dsy. A large number of friends lied gathered at the station. A procession was formed and proceeded to the First Methodist rhurch, where ll lur a number of friends hsd al- ready Maem led. Rev. W . J. Jolille, pu- tor, hml charge of the services. Alter singing, rayer was offered by Rev Mr. Houcli. Ir. Jolille read the uni Psalm end a selection from Revelations. W. J. Porte. s cosdjutor with Mrs. Youmenrl in her early work in this vicinity. spoke of her wonderful inuence with the young people, as exemplied in the buildin up and holding together the very large Eible class which she so surcessfully conducted, end the Bend of Hope which ehe orgenined here and built up with very greet success. He referred to her energy and influence exerted in the passing of the tem renoe not in Prince Edwsrd. Rev. 8. J. . horey. of Lind-any. followed with A short address. end said egood picture rennet be mode unless the artist gets the proper. and beat points of view, neither an e proper Ides of .\lr-. Youmnne work and char- ecter be obtained unlees b lookin at her career from every sten point. or work was larger then s e entici ted. her sphere wss continental. Rev, emes Kil- gour nlwe s found Mrs. Youmens a true friend an I truewomen in every piece and position. The own in her beau. i [um PO85 [Or '1 OTOIIIKJ, unu DOFO W0 ITO. Abe Sullivan and pureer Hicks. of the Empress, haul in short conversation with Mr. Uorby coming across the lake. The young lhan oould not describe his feelings during the entire night, and he endeavor- ed to comfort his companion by telling her that they were all right, and that u soon as lay dawned they would be picked up. "As thei were only a few passengers on the Emurenn this mornimr the vouns run. uupu uuuplu BIVUII4 . Pumrr Hm-rz, Juno '.`4.--Miu Mabel Glid- den and (:90. Stan. who went out boating on Wednesday night, from Port. Hope. and were supposed to have been lost. in the sborm, were picked ukn last evening by some Brighton bouts all I reaque Ialo point. sunn nor in one moo. W on the day dawned we saw shore, which we thought was the American side. We were a long way oflthough snd instead of showing any abnwment the storm w worse and tossed our tiny bost eroun like a little toy. Shortly after six o'clock we heard A sound like the rumbling of cannon. and a few minutes after we sighted the stesmbsrge Canistoo. We signalled her by waving our hands and She answered us with ags. She altered her course 'snd steered towalds us. H'l`I>.A nail.-um lnuuanu-I - l.:hIAu- and run IWOVQU LOWEHIU B. The sailors lowered a ladder and we were taken on board, thoroughly exhaust.- edbut; extremely thankful that our livee had been preserved. Captain Lynn and hiu crew were very kind and Au plied us with clothes while ours dried. e took us to Port. Dalhoueie. where we boarded the Engneae for Toronto, and here we are." .l. q..n.-...... ....a ......... m..|.. ..o n.. my men were only low passengers on the Empress morning the youn couple were enabled to get a much needm real. gnu neipea to Keep me none rignr. nae up. Every other wave would wash over us and us the air was raw and cold we were soon thoroughly chilled. To preserve the equilibrium of the boat. we both moved into the stern and baled out the water with our hands. It wen u long weary ni ht. end it was an exciting one, too. Mina hompeon surprised me by the cool head he kept. She never lost her aeneee nor gave env evidence of itetion, even with death starin her in 0 0 face. uw An tho than rlnwnnll wn nuu nhnr-A J; tHEViEircY313i Iiizws i0Ii` mry every minute. "Muss Thom n said quite cnlmly." `We're last. thought. so too, but it wouldn't. have done to have said so. 1 I In words of enooursgement. to her, and nthough she at no time ngpeu-ed to be very much alarmed, se rightoned up and helued tn keen the boat. right. side no. much alarmed, me nrngnwnoa and helped to keep the boat. right. side up. Everv other BARGAINS . . Illnnann lpnm Eh nu mo lake: "We were totally unoonecioua oi the coming of the aqunll. and were unprepared to meet. it. It was just. after eight o'clock, I think, when the null struck. Our boat. wee twisted aroun and partial] up set. The oars were whirled out my hands and we were driven, helpleeely on- ward before the wind, which increased in fury minute. _ Thomneon unite ceimlv; seventeen, aengntalvol _nea Tnonnpeon, 'n deeler. lummerinwldu-`hie hunly at ictorie pork. were pic ed up thin morn- ing at eeven o'clock by the ltenmer Conle- teo, i9 the lake, about thirty-ve mllee nouth`-west of`l`oronto. The couple were in an open row boot end hnd been blown ewey from Victoria park by the gsle which epnng ur euddenly about eight o'clock the night be are. They had e mireouloul ee- oapo And they Vllll not forget their terrible ex ience u long u |@ live. we of the nueencere on the Emnreee ience long any live. the ngere Empreee 0! India. whio mode port thin ufternoon, were Wm. Derby and hi: young oompen. ion, Mien Thom n. Both , looked on il- they had h An unusual experience.` Darby, who in A tall, agile looking ohep, was very pale. and one of hi: eyee v/ei bloodehoh. He seemed to tremble all over when at the Yonge street dock he once more put his loot on terru rme. Hie booting experience will last.` him A life- time. Mine Thompeoniee : rightly little miee of eevenbeen. She won eertily glad toget on shore egein, and mode a lot. of the friends who came to meet her at the 1...... . .- L. ' Darby didn't feel much lilxo talking aftnr his all-night voyage, but piooomonl furnished thin story of the Adventure on the lake: ' H7. mam tnlmllv unnnnulinnn nl Hun T Won Onrrlad out `l'MI-Cy-Ilvo Illon-Plok- on! Up at Daylight by the Onploln of 0 R Culling "Nouol unl lucnod with tho " Uqnoot Dloulty. ' Tonoxro, July `23. -Willinm Durbypqed twenty-one, livm with hitlqnbhor at 3 Shutaor street. an nio Thomaon, Aged seventeen, dingh ol _hdd hompoon, Armin deals. lummm-int with-MI hunlv no vouua coon; ADRIFT IN AN` open non. mumr A wine}. FRIDAY.` JULY 24. VIIIIIII I l l'IIIIc Amonth hence the full Iain will be nmmnnninn, and lint. and lnnntnn-t. -ill kn MRS. YOUMANS' FUNERAL. M 1!? Port llopa Oouplo Saved. 1'..... an . u..| 1"I..3.-'..'.':` 7u?.`*3m.a,.'L?a..3J';s.`I'. lnvnnnw and Honda:-ful man which luv: For Family Use. nAInI|nmIO'n -ml [I'll-alpha I Iunonuon.nuImoay,usat.noo.nonn~ taunting and vondodul nun have time boon olwonlelcd huonuod the upu.-mo In hr: An cxmnonnl lm It UIDII K ZIOI IIXIKICC II II. GU03` Indlonl Dlooovofyc 81'. Juan, N.B.. July 20.--'l'|Io man one: olx mu-vollooo tutonbion to halt. from vnriouo lorml ol kidno "trouble which lnvo boon oonltontly up? ngin the daily pt-on ol the dominion no for some time uukonod the liveliest jntorut hou.And Ibo runody b which thdounn gonooctod nuuly, '0 Kidney l illo. no obtaining !I~'..`.,,,..."""' .5..." $'u.'.""..".'J "` ."B.1' I mania limo nnd Iocomiok oht.inn.tho bonoto Thonppuu-moon: unouuumomuaot urn. lime and and Mn which they had personally on-ind from hair nu VII n nufoioot l5[lI cl Ihnnoritaoh-ho` !.undthoodntin- since been can-umcun nuuu to but In uoupoocl uh. nmn-noon. 1 One of the men who called on~R.obinnon and went with him to Brnouidd wu om- ployod in Gillies Bron.` mills. He mu din- chu the duy Robinson : body was fou , And Inn left. here. But. it. ll aid tho one has been taken up by persons who lumod of the cimumnmnoa. And that a detective : Iorviou will be called into ro- uluiuon to invoocignto Robinson : death ughly. AA: -uA-n-npumA- pug. - . AN EXCEPTIONAL SALE. St. Join In Iuh nunuu |- the la inallnnl III-A-nap-_ at me noeramg noune ma nneu tor mm. He went ewny with them to Breeende. There they got. liquor, and the people were much disturbed by their qunrrelling end ghting all night. The next. morning Robinson : oornee wan ngnung an mgm-.. The morning oorpoo found on the C.l .R. truck by some of (Hllioo'mon, frihtfully cut. up. An in- quest. wu not old. and cho body wu buried in the Arnprior cemetery in the nlurnoon. O... n! Hm man who nnllnrl nnhnhinnnn "Ore. HO DOIFQCI II IVIFI. l10IlD0y lDOIl'(l- ing house. Daniel street. On Mondny evenin . July Ubh, three young men called At. his rdmg house And naked for him. He went awn Braeendo. Ialo Drunk Ind Qnnrnllod During the Night -In the lomlng Wu Dead. Ausu-Mon. July "...'i.-Thore continues to be I ood deal of talk here about the re- cent. oath of William Robinson, nnd'poo- nibly n murder trial may be the outlome. although so far no one seem: to know any- thing very denite about the circum- HYJDOOI. DnI.i..u\n A-ma hung I-nth (`nu-Intnn DI-an THE QRNOVSKY COMPANY, 1; nuIlunln nvrnwlrll Robinson came hero from Carleton Place and was an emplo 00 of McIAchlin Bron. lumu Ha board at Mrs. (7onbnv'n bmrd. .nIn'.C'.'.'..".".'.' .I.'To"$' .l':"'13bcV1Ii."u"ai.' is}'.'.`.' hero. He board at Mrs. Conboy'n board- innr hnuna. Daniel street. On Mondnv counurnuenoe mu uenoiency. J. Taylor had his bern raised and is mak- ing it one of the beat. buildings of the kind in this eection. lune Smith, Kingston, in doing the oerpenber work and Mr. Som- erville the melon work o a new addition to Mr. .Welpole'e residence. Visitors: Gherlee Henge, Mine Hurpoll, Ceteraqizi. at Mre. Stephens : Mina A. Lemmon, Kingemn, with her parents. Raspberry Ickmq in the order of the day. Isaac tt ll working forts. Alpert; Walter Scott has like position with A. Snook. J. Scott. hen moved to W. Hainmondn place, near (ilenvnle. Mr. McQuay has the contract. 0! taking oi!` the crop on the farm of B`. M. Britbon. M.} . J. Smith hen nished the work 0! enlarging I). Kerin's burn. The hmn of the reaper re- mind: us that herveatimr time in with us l\Il'lll s Darn. me nmn or me mind: harvesting 0lII".B morn. SUSPICIOUS LOOKING TRAGEDY. Unleeu Corn and other Products are Plen- tlfnliodder will lie Source. SllABI`1`UN, July 22. ~ Hay has turned out I very light crop in this locality, from on - hird to one-half the yield of former y . During the npproachln winter season the hay supply will be muc l shorter than last season, as there is not so much ol the old commodit on hand. The splendid rain shower: of t e past few da 1! are al- moet too late to'do much good. he grain yield will also {all Ihort of expectations. A month ago prospects of an abundent cm were bright, but the drouth following a - most dried everythin up. Barley. full wheat and oats are a ut ready for the reaper. The amount of straw which will besocured will not be suicient to make up for the deciency In the hay crop. con~ sequeutly, unleee corn and other late crops turn out extra well a scarcity of fodder may be looked for during the coming win- ter. Of course, stock not being so Immer- ous throughout the country will partly I counterbalance this deficiency. Tavlor raised i numner or guune. The emotion of an addition to the Pree- cott gnin elevator will be started at. once. It is said the Annex will have a cepncit._\' of 75.000 bur-hele more of grain. Al: rea- ent ve bone are unloading at the e eva- Lor. A our in lled every five minuoea. There is some talk of a new elevatahr being built at Prescott. If it is built in will be much larger than Lliepreeent. one. nroonvmo. was marnoa weanesauy night to Miss Sophia Rowland. youngest. daugh- ter of James Rowland. Bubll street. The ceremony wu performed at the home of the bride, And was witnessed by :1 large number of guests. addition to the Pres. anon! nuerwaraa. H. mith. Harlem, has decided to make a trip to England with 3 View of investi- abing the cheese market there, and en- envoring to form some plan whereby the cheene may be shipped direct. independent of local middlemen. Inlun llniln n nnnnulnn uuuuuu .-.-...m.. at tour. Mill Pruhon, Perth. And T. A. Korfoot. invollor, were married in Rama : ll: on Wodnouhy. . Mn. hula Croat. mothiu-of lune P. "ID: 7IIIl`TV\OlII `(Cu-I vuuvuy `ONTARIO STREET. I-um-in Onumnul Wood Work. Eton. Bank and Ofllcc Fminn. Pnrauotto to u-rwe In A low as a tram UIIID. Mr. Randall. I r of the Hornerito meetings, Ianerk, bee gone to other elds and the work will be continued under the direction of Milne Bradley and King. J. Albert Domld, Culeton Place L.P. R. IIODOIT lnompuon. '10l'0I'D, IBKO U880` `luster of the model school at Caledonia, hubeen appointed principiil at Athena. and inch Eaton, principal : auinmnh during the model berm. Mn. Gould. mother ol the Gould Bron. nernl merohenu. Wooler. died "suddenly eldey noon. One of her none on enter- in the house for dinner, found her alone, lying on the floor dying. end she expired ahortlg Ifterwarde. `I-I mith Hnrlnm IIAI dnnillntl In mnlrn or local mmalomen. John Baile, A popular oungemfrocer of Brookvillo. was married edn uy night so Sonhia Rowland. voumman laugh. wounoouy. Mu. Crou, mothior at Orou. Alhcn , died st Capo Vlnoone,Wod- nudnv. nvontv-nine nan. Ml . DOOIIO, Dllllltlll l'Il|l. nu Iumwu uII olfenoo. . W. Ilocullum. ongngod for some time with the Gillies Bros. company, 0! Bus- sido, loft Arnprior on Wednesday (or Kam- lnnnn. B.C. ulrocnon or names numey and lung. ma, huoovorod his oonnoction with the - road and gone to Mnrshnlltowri, In., where h: hunt-oooived I poaition on the C. &. N. . R . ` c ` wwnuppuif `3i|T'I?o':>$3:d_'::::u- Thousand In Park. Au at 18th. Mr and I-, Jnhn H Anchor luv; The nmlrg oowngo It use I000 01 Point strut. pa Vlnoontr` in practically oomplohd, and will soon be occupied. Both 0! Cane Vinaontfu nod homes are oomploua, sun will soon no oocuploa. Both Cape Vinopntfu gown in rondincurto nooivo she only crop o pen grown by farmer: there- should. A main nnmarl (`.1-nan has hnnn -nrl-nnlmtl aluv, -vnv Allurl Iv: vu Ivv\lIIvI3\n-: nu n.-an loo , B.C. -- gnnldsqn Broe., IAn:rk, have raised the heme lo; their new phning mill and expect the complete outt. of machinery to Arrive In few me from Gen. Mr R;nrIAII I an nl I.I|n Hnrnnrifn w1IwjIllCCI$I vvvvu vvwu-n. DMN light Fittin I. Pnrqucttc M lnluld loorlng. No Fine: art in Can- &`.'UnholIhrln1 and Du Inc in hunt In. Illl Work 0! all h min. OIIIITIII Gnnwvuv. Supt. Inwul. B. Plll. Pron. D. Iluuuv. Ilnnngar Thousand nnna run. Ara! lam. Mr. and In. John 0. have n- turnod no Bolloville from their wedding `DUI . Ilia. Dountnn, Forth, Anal 'I` A, Km-Innl. IDOIIII. - A mu`: mined Crou ha been muted nnd jailed {or robbin the bout: of Rev. Mr. Boone, Smith : ulln. He admits his n'nnnn_ W-I E1-IIITO 3. Hanna bu been a need to the prinuipulnhip of El n we school. Grunge dn will 0 ed A: Illllll st. vn.......... I. ....a nun. A.......i. Ina. -' - `lilno. 4 nndlclvolllocu. A_.a:.I..hL.n Agm-.-.1L. -_._ . W. Kn. .. ' A" < Robert Thompson. Toronto, late head-, nntnr at Caledonia. midi Igd iovont -nino' yearn. Thoyhnok .c an loot of Point man. no Vincent?` nncticallv 1-Ht `ornate? DAB!-IE8. HAY A LIGHT CROP. Olnvulo clonal-3|. . - 1-1- on #I.....L : I CIX IV V IIIG Iovony-nine mu couture 1!: an oum; . UICUUCI u The wine was we? dark-coh ored with agree! dea of muddy sediment. I went to Mr. Mc- Leod`: drug store and bought boxes of Donn`: Kidney Pills. I have taken them with whit people tell me is the usqalgood remit. ` L u-I-L`... I.-._- -I-_--.n .|__ ___:_- UVIH lllc KIUIICIS VC\"u III lllc 5llll of my back, glso between the shoulders and gret pain in the bladder. INFL- ___:.._ _..._ .___._4 n-_I, -_I The lap!-on er'hd|n`n" cllel In- glnoer Ihlln II Inlet-outing leery. Mr. Frimcis Somerville, one of the best known men in the steam- boat trai on the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having been engaged in this business for fifty years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper Colborne street, Kingston, speaks as follows of his recovery from the sickness which has aected him for some time. 0.1.] II. C-_..--..1I|- . ll`I`L_ IUI DUIIIC uluc. Said Mr. Somerville: "The gri left me with kidney troubles. an nvel. Fhad severe pain over t e kidneys end in the small I!` nun Kn:-I: ml-h '-nnhun-n Ole- l l anus: IIIII I lII!II' Tnese ills Are not small. put they no not drastic-irteting oathnrticll, as small pills must. needs be. They oonuin active vegetable extracts which have direct re- medial action upon the stomach. liver and bowels. Avoid irritating dnstic pills by using }{smilwn s. Sold by all dnleru. IJ-l00.;,lZU u. 040. S1'KRl.l.\'u, Jul 22.-Choooe boarded 425 boxes. whine. lea: 187 at. 6 I3-Mic. `JRII nl . Kin ooxoo. wnwa. amen: nu an um-|uc.:` `230 nt. (He. nnumou*n Bunemn Plllsjlld. llllt-hunt. Infn. [Inn 1` I\1|n- VVU0l).`l_1'U1'K, duly 252.`-`DIXIDOII IECI offered 3,311 boxes, June and July cl: Salon: 70 at 050.; 2,l(|6ut. U I3-10. Twlucn. July 22- -(lhamua bonrdad Carriage Painting 'l'Int.'n my hnnlnmunnnd I nun l'l-2'l'IRll0R.Ib, .Ju|_v z2.--r our nnouuna, five hundred and eighty boxes were board- ed. which sold: 535 st. 7 l-l0c.; 2,l7`. at 7c.; 733 nt 6 l5~l6c.; 580 an die. Wm>l)H_"l`(M'K, July 2`2.--Sixwen factories oared 3.311 boxm. June and Julv nhaaun, BQIOG7 III II. 0.0.; 2, lU0II U I-YIUC. ` 'l`wncu,Ju F 22.~-(lhoose boardod um white and 8. colored. Salon: 395 at 6 13-160. ;` [20 at 6:10. H-rnnl l\'u Jule 9*) ._(`.Imn-an hn-"Ind 10, . The Raw Cutting Wlnda Bring to the surface every latent. pain.; Rheumatism, neural ia. Iumbago,an({bbm- plaintn of a similar c amctor hold revel at thin season of the year among:-L human nerves and human muscle. The boat. the most powerful and moat certain pain cure in Nerviline. Nothin equals Norvilino for penetrating power. erviline is beyond comparison the grammar. discovery for the relief of pain offered to the public. A luapmvud Veaul ul Quebec Wu Search- ed But Nothing Found. 01"l"AWA, July 2~l.-The statement sent out from the capital that the government oilicialu had under surveillance a vessel suspected of having Cuban arms on board, for trnnuhipment to I Canadian vessel, was veried at the tlepnrtment"yeaterdn_v. The vessel in question was at Quebec. Vector- (luy olc-era of the (sustains at that port mule in search of the auapected ship, and their report was to he e ect that no arms or munitions of nm were lound on board. The department refused to give the nmne of the sun noted ship. John . Middleman. of Birmlnulmm. 01 use nun )O0LO(l amp. .\liddlem\n. Birmln ham, England, is `lore to interview Hon. . W. Scott. noting minister of interior, with the object. of obtu ining government. Assistance towards n j lvenile emigration scheme, which he has been carrying on for severnl yearn. mere any longer man '1 uesany WOOK. There is, however, still a mystery sur- rounding the case. When deceased left home he had on his person two gold watches and three rings, two of them con- taining stones, and the third 1: hand ring, for Green was married about I year :30. When in East Toronto. moreover. there was seen in his com ny a big, rough-loolb ing fellow with bus 15' sandy whinkern. Before leavimr [or home Mr. (Iran nlnc. mg xouow wnn nusny sanuy wnmxern. leavin home Mr. Gran pluc- ed the one in t. e hands 0! county consu- ble Tidaberry. and stated that no money would be spared toprobo the xnqtter to the bottom. RHVO. He was seen In East Toronto, where he met. a H.T.R. brakeman, an old friend of his, and told him that he xyu "strapped." The ruilroatler lent him money and he then left. him. It i. sh...-.63..-. o|.......l.L I... oh- t-....:I.. new mm. It. is therefore thought by the family that death was due to the fall from the fence above where he was found lying, and the body accordingly could not have Iain there any longer than Tuesday week. is. however. n Invnterv pur. -------- \ NOTHING CONTRABAND FOUN\D` ` `aw------av . - ..... --a at : my bunlnoumnnd (um-nntoc that :. Vl.|iOlOI.OQIIlDlgOl. om. entrusted me will ninrllod II bit; 6 I: now. Plenty of room I` III) new quarters permitting good storage (I 9- ,_ _ _____ w go-so nouevme, nun noun were rexuoeu. In anger young Grass said he knew where he could get. them and left the house. and, as it proved, never mturned to it. alive. NA urn: nuan In I'.`.no- I"n-uu.bn ml.-.` L- n-om cnuunoou wnenever ne vnnuea ne re- ceived. For some years he helped his father on hie term. but. later became a clerk in A dry-goods store. When About eeventeen years of age he fell into the com- pany at some young fellows older than him- Iel! who were given to frequenting too often the neighboring tavernl. and he re- dually developed drinking habite. w ich gnined the upper hand. ` Owimr to the hnrd Lima: and thin rlnnm. gmneu we nenu. ' Owing to the hard times and the depre- ciation of farm pro my the elder Gnu-s had of late to curtai expenses and things did not go as smoothly as before. On I. e day after the election the father had to go to a neighboring village on business and asked his son to look after the place during his absence. Young Gross, unfortunately, got inebriated and on his father's return a row ensued. When the words were over the youth. for he wuonly twenty-nix ears of mg , asked for some money and a orse to go Belleville, but both relueed. nmrer vounrz Gram: said he knew wlmm `rue ugnr. now mrown on me moun- choly death the Kin ton road. nou- -Toronto, of Glhort I. run. int: to tho nnnnluninn Glut. it in: but I. ronmj- mun mu amvronoo, nowovor, can in an tinnhneo there In: no return to hgqfuthofn hountd h . M ` owlpupen oon ni t. rm rt 0! t nding of the body innl y noting .-`Inn. nnuni-.4 Inn; 04;. Ingnan of P lip... . `Newspapers oontaini t.ho'm rt 0! the place oomin into_ be hand: of R. (Inn, 5 contractor o In . 0nt.. And uncle of the dgoeuod. be tolagn the Sarboro aubhdritiea to hold the and followod the manage up by coming own himself on Monday night. Tneadny nfhernpon, tho nooosury order: being obtained. the body, which had boon buried in the rnvoyud of Wnhin ton Methodist ohuro , Sou-boro. was rni in the nrnnnnoa of about I damn naidnntn of I aume nasoerry. or IEJIIB Iomnw. ma undertaker Hunter, of Little York. There WI! no doubt wlntever about the identity of the corpse, nnd by t instructions of Mr. Gnu the remains placed in a metallic ooin, aurrou ed by a one 0! solid oak, and driven tlo York ute- tion. whence the; were shipped to .Trenton Tueadn night. The into of the lone and death is bri y thin : Gil rt Green was the only chil of e well--to-do farmer ol Franlxfo He was always well supplied with one . and from childhood whatever he Inn he nnivn wnr lnlnn aha . Inn '1-Il\All hi- -1'0:-onto, ox uunern la. urns. ms: to tho conclusion that it who but repai- cion of but old story of dsoprodlpl non. with this ditfomnoo, however, that in th nnnnnlzinntnnen than '1: no mturn tn meunouut. cnurou, DOII'D0l 0, wu runeu Ill 1 the presence of about. I dpzen rt-idente of the oownlhip, reeve Richardson end con- auable Tidaberry. of East Toronto. and undertaker Hunter. of Little York. There jwas mu um I-`on BURIAL | llo Wu I You] In who our `rind ol I turn Llfo. |Id,WI||lo Wol-Hg; In Icon Took to Drill. Wilch Olnpod unrnl With an hum. The light now thrown the melan- cholv death on the Kimntnn mud. nau- BODY OF YOUNG GRASS CLAIM- Iauvwuvn Pl-2'l`I2RlIOR.Ib, July 2`2.--Four thou:-and, ..,. L......1..A ....| ..a..l.o.. 5...... utnra |........a `El;-BY. HIS RELATIONS. 2.; mm an age. y , choose. 2.l(|6.ut. I3-Mic. j QIIII CPIIIIIQT T Innlsgoldolnr B Ano-I`ol|. I'll In dual! WK 0, Inllh~-No._h'I dud. . u. Inuun-u| 1! I Ind quit drinking? E Ano-'cll. I'll noo IIROCK smear. KINGSTON. IIIFIII. The only method nl' olennlilig hwolry wlthuuc kntchlngjt. In to mull: In hon may-cud: to which n In drop: of un- monln have `been added. gnd than pho- lng thojowalry In I ht): o! jewolu-I` uwduot to dry. Tun nroollco nulnn In Him: MAY be remand by moInton|ng she upon with mgtor uutlboldlng than over the tuna at I bun-hing much. Then wash Inno- amanv with can In which . nub at binning nnhh. Than walla Inno- dlnnly with 17:00: In which snub unmonh II` and: Inn ban dluolvui. wun ner nn nor summer tru-n. For A Ipmlm-d ankln-, `lmmc-rllon for neen or twenty minutes In very hot water, and fnllnwlug thin. nn npplloo tlon ul hunting:-s wrung nut In hot wu- hr, in hoonnnendm M (M but mm- IIIBIII. Th. nnlv ....nm.| nl ..|.._-c..'.. |....n_ The bloyolo hag" with places fur watch. money. hnndkemhlef. bloyoln tools, etc In on n! the most valuable n things that the when-lwnumn on Intel OIIJIOIII '0! Wlfllll OTB? BOIII OOIIK. ` with her mi hi`? trlpn. For A Inrnlnr-d Ankh. `lmmo-nlnn tnr Dl gnu lI(`l'V'0llH uynpapvun. Wnmr vnrrylng n um. cull In solution In mid to be an excellent wall for tired nr lnnnml vyan, when Itrouger nolutlom may pruw |njm-Inun. Tho dhmnvarv that nnld nnnn In nn nu. . may [`l'0\'l` Injllflllil. The dhamvt-ry that onld ooeo In an er oollent tnnlv for growing plum should do nwuy with the hut N-mmsnu of the custom in! warming nror mid oqu. Thn Mm-oln `hnn" with nlnmu fur u -w---on -I nun--o (Mary In mm of the moat foods and In A pmitlva I nunn-rn from rhnumntlnm. bias and nervous dynpomln. Wnaor vnrrvlmr u um um Every piece warranted perfect in color and nish. Prices, 37.c, 40c, 50c, 6oc,'75c, goc, $1.00, at Agood stock to be corzgrletel cleared out by promlesa prices. We must. have room to make our 1 PRO EMENTB. Sooner lose our prom. than lead our principal to the moths. Are you the man or woman who said you couldn't (word to huv? Luck In principal the moths. ou buy? now hunlin for you in the abs a of Barge. ns. without. oer or araliel. in the line oi Artistic urnit.ure,EncliIh uota. Brass and Iron eds, ameled or Black. i Antique Oak Dressing Cases and Wash Stand. sold separate, at 254 and 256 PRINCESS (STREET, v Dawn Mohairs, JAMES RE] D'S, `Issues Policies on every plan of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. i I00 Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company [00 W r/In co/ms. 5 WC?` IX III .-KC-j 0. mnng-nu you has mnjqpoub @ '3'" `"'`.'.'.*?P`. ... _. _- . _ _ . _ :- -av-two-jyutjuun Aquounocuouuaipuu nu ma nll.|nIIuIu:d.I&l:. ix: n and [Tno Poonlos Lilo Insnnnnoo on, Toronto. Iv-v IYDINHAI U . You are always sure of a nice assortment and bottom prices in these lines at |and Mantlesf Carpets, Dry Goods, }MillinI;y MCKELVEY& BIRCH RICHMOND ace; PRESERVINGKIETTLIES Wood`: Phoophodlno I: sold by ruponslblo wholunlo and null drugglsu In the Do-lnlon. n urry, 1'.n,IJlvI'f l/ll I] llprlu, 1 (macro, or 4-uroawu: 0 llllll. [II o[ which soon lend to insanity. Qomuuipuon and An early grave. Wood`: B7' T""" - Phoephodiue hen heenwuud successfully by hundreds of "cue: Lhnt seemed Almost. hopeiesa-cnseI that bed been tmud hy the moat. Lnlentod physi- ciene-cuee that were on the verge of despair And inInnity-ouee that were tottering over the gr-uvo-but with the continued And peruevering nae of Wood : Phosphodine. these one: that had been given up to die. were reewred to mmly vigor And henIt.h-eednr you need not denpeir--no mu- uar who hu given you upu incul-ehle- the remedy in now within your reach, by in use you an be mwored to I life of uaefuineu and hepplnene. Price. on package, 31; nixpuchgee. 85; bynnilfleeotpoeuge. Ono willmu, alt guarunlml ta run. Pamphlet the to my Addl. The Wood company. Vllndeer. Ont ~. Onnedn. McI.AU6|ll|N S, .__@._X,____ _ Chlldnlrn Con choc . and not an , zlflon of Who ork And In manufactured M. " CRESCENT WIRE WORKS, - -A QlI|1!- an Inn; nu-any Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers wuo ronur, andguunuurru w I-7'. I uuyuno IIUI loo III] Iuunt. l company, Vllndoor, ., 69 d '71 BROCK~ STREET. KINGSTON. n moat vnlunblooi remedy Inc nerve trou- .n.: dunnnn.-|- The Leading Undertaker and Furnlture Dealer. In the result of over 85 your: unsung thousand: otouu with all known drug-I, unul M. [an In have discovered the true remedy and u~au.monl.-n oomblnulon um will eoct. I prompt And permanent can in nu luau of Senna! Doluty. Abuu or l`.`urnu, Nrnvau Wmhuu, I.`-uhbu, Maul Worry, Etcutfvr (/1: of Opiuu. Tobacra, or Alrololic Slinulault. All 0! thin]: noon land In lnunltv. fhnnumntlnn and An urlv -rnwa wmul|. Wood's Pnosnnodlns.-2 R. U\lALDRON S J I I\I\l\I Iv-.:u--o --vs:-'-. - - Ioorn management. excellent cuisine and but Itookod bn in the any. kl ntontlon zlvon commercial. men on olnbn. Lustres, .`_._ . , REID. Undertaker. RUr1LI_~=!R0s~ wriow extn the quality 2 and -piece Boys` Navy and `fund its In be gland at nlmouull yuuc ul IIIIEJIIIUIB III , uooau. Special reductions in Dunn Goods, Prints, Ladies and BoyoV Blonsu, Parasol: and Lnce`Cur- itains. A 1-.. _..A,, 1- --- ` - i For the balance of the month we intend rnakin I big cat in the ` I I Good "".c5`......'".i'.'.'.i.;.?...'.- .'. n...` __.____.._.__ -_...._....jn ifslalu 1 WISE III! IOU II INK` Fl not ulnhn nornl JEL? All votodolalnynio ollllldl Tonic Pm: at Wade`: d:s:nn. will build you-up In dart . Juruluu -tlll'. Mmz'rvu:.u.. July ?3.-A`cortnin Toronto now:-paper ndvocnl ing the holding of u conurvntivo convention obtained the view: of prominent Montreal conurvntivol but not one of them hnd `tho nlightat idea that the object of the convention .lO|l|d ho. II in now stated. to repudiate the prolentcom nrvutivo chienin. When Sir Adolpho Caron nnd the other mrninont consecutive: notivo in tho Quo- o niutioo expreud their viown fnvornb o to I convenlion. they had not tho nlichtut idea that they were to ho under-, need I! favoring I convention that would took to attack tho preterit dintinguiohd louder ol the ootuorvnttvo party. Prominent loan-val connrnclvu loyal to llr Ohnrlol 1 upper. Toronto Ilnll. Bicyles for Sale - I.1l'\I`l IIIAIIIII A Whntiat-he ulool noornlnhnnornn nnilnn`-burn! A `dash? ATTACK. Niw non: - 77}: Great E nglixla Remedy. Qrepons KINGSTON. ONT `TR Mur Tnklnl There's` 1 "m.an"' " "p'E'3~cus" W }:' in ol the and wgnaon F4"" ` `O0 ` I. I\V|N S. 35! Princoss St. Enoch onnulu Inuoll Homo. All YOUR 0300]!!! I011. "nuxnn. unzu." TIE mostou mums co.| Iron Beds *5 low loads III. OHIO! II onoo. ' J wM.._DRURY, Om %{`nS. WOOD nun n_n..-.._ n.m...o Ila-nmnn Ont Q Sumnger Millinery _ 41.1.. ........oI. tun ngn nnp cling mu. nu unmet. IIANNAY & HAROLD, `"73;-' ,', .,j" We Are inking Orders In: IE1 lAnnn-nnrhn u... on UHEAI` UU TL} 6 M. w. Rom~s`6N, g-pvucnmvll . u nmn alum nu A n nn H Ilougehold Economy. lIlI\IAI rlrll Flour mnku more 755. ___._l9e*!_ IHTIIVITIIIVNI 0 I Blonul from me u . , ndonklrh Irom up. hht. Dnuoo from an up. VV 0 U0 Illl I k"I|" '39 [;.'o` .",G.'`` 30 van Prlnvou and Brook Stu. CD00 or In Move: and Hot Ah Furnnou. Ia`-nit u----.--v, - .-r- 30:5 Inlnlh from All Bonn and Tnlm. uunqpn. noun W In", and Fruit. In llnnton that place is All ions unocnn Iron --noun. mil." 'I'lll' unuvn-I-nu nil I nu: PA -IIUIlIuIu IIl'III Ulllllllj. BYRNB8 & CO Itlxhugl -A-n-A O nlnnn --..o ..l D-In... ..s.... max n-`LA--. _L_A__.. g AAL __. _. F03 ISLAND HOUSE . . 7TY`CT'. 3``_l'-.~,".:'.'.-,.:".*r`$..".':l"..-`--T.` _ I ` Iolnhu-It's nnd 0 l(oo!u'o Colo- bnhd Loan. In one (In: ham... sou pot dolon nv. ' Alva ha: a nlno lot at Plotnn Frunn and ouldlnn on hand. Come and ulom. homo: and you will nd them In nnonnblo an the; nun ho mule. Work promptly nmmded In M. 1, J1. J. MCIKJUURLL. 16 Jul! thou. l.'Il|l' Prinoon. v---v----.. ---~, I now GEM mi. -:.-*:-..:;:.':| nudity than nu other our on the Inn- fine lines o! Ohtnn and Omel- g.Wha.n:.`l!|wuo. Wou-in Won. Oooklnc Illhnonnl In-null. In. an. 5.... 3.. ..... in only um lo Onnin, Cod; ' ovou to buy Brnd.(`ntu. nnndn. nd: Water. Inc Cream IVIQ.-IIIIIJII I 5 `Ann. ll Puou Mme. KInu09n,0nt. H. 1-H: Inuunnl A00- `.'.`:"`:':.'.`.`3.': W than In). Hour WIN 09 Juli I Ilwvuco vs- tlyoppulto luuoll Iiuo other the you own goods` . I II at nuonnmo Illa. CON. MILLAN, Prop. N..- ._L....a- 0...... .II Inna. .-..l 1'. NLQDLII I vv Inn. vv vunuy I IE IIDGI. in 1mm swam 3 '1 uuuu. no. law numuu u. be . nu Ibo qua wm.u..'." on..p.'.'c pm; ill or . Allslunin nook. S. C. CIIARLES. "9-`I-'`:";"1',"' nu. -vw-v with Win Hutton oolnploto. A_luo Gandhi : 009; ohogn. and ov_or1__io~ oomph! Qlldnl choo. and 1 Iorlnon , ll u --v-- will come when on will wnnv. some {ob In the Tlnum thin; line prompt- tended to. On nun oounlon 0 man to uvo Mme for you In W. e.T FROST, - QAII. In Algal:-Ir 1-nu 51301000. 4: not. Iw_II_`r- -.l;.-_--_--- , ' For this month In olu our line stock at [Natl] reduced rlou. n- us do not intend on :1; _g.hug usual: rodnooa noon. n- do our n that `".*~..".-'.' -3:.-.':' 0 5 I n I n an - Iianqllnqall shades, ` tv I IIADIIIII 1051 PBJNCEH9 "0 VI Invuug `next to oloctrlc car sheds 'I1looII Mun. nmnugn , ~ 111.3 noun 491. 1" YOU WANT A GOOD SXOND-HAND BICYCLE CHEAP GO TO .: A New .|ndustry...V A, IIIVAIIT ' rv-w -v- cu...` TRLIPHONII II. Iuun. Won. Oooklu ln 3 common expression u~|. dom ranllzoal. Our I isle: in making :3 order id And Iloohn (Moves lsdlu. nun nnd uhlldnn. on; or rlom-o in nu lur- unt {actor on of the world. . - |n_I\l\IIllAIl in Win Hutton common. l|_Il0 Mun choc`? dr I Man In . J. MCDOUOALL. L.._I -0--A n-.. D-I-nu VII uuvun---`av-my ` gTREE'l`. NEAR PRINCESS. Ely One Best Place` And Sn. ndonklrh Ion up . ght was Oonol. Von from me n .llNl All Whita- wou otxully as show. Iorutn. our own Ian 0 only. Conan, Hyglono Wulnu. Ind Blio dot Bruno: made to ordor from Any puonn and porfooc t unnamed. Il....\IA_l. l\.--_ lI-l____ Ill Prin- "J3 ' by naming the can: at r drugght of Ian '0 (North ol 1-rh Tab- Curo will ondhnu tho I d nhpu when-. dark oolocrl. anddhboun. Prleoloonu .-._..-_, -_. 7` Ian 'I Kidney Cdro curt: pain: in the book. loin. or groinn. {tom Kidno mpqolbolou ondlimbo. I htbld IHIIO. Iudlmnnt In the wing. or wanna: or awmncn. noomu_:no Irom in digestion. noroneu of the Itomwh. coated tongue. heartburn, shooting pain: in the utomaoh. constipation`. diuineu, faintnoas, and luck of onorgy. Munyon`u Norvo (Jun cures ||| the nym- ol nervous exhaustion. such so do- pnnnod I ritouluro 0! memory, nuclea- nnd IIOODEU nizhta. min m u bud nu] I TIIQVIIIHIIV 0| IIIOIIIOTI. TCH1 ptvuwu nighta, pain tip and diuinuu. It cum gone:-Al d `my. oh`- mnlua and ncnngzhona tho norvoa, md tom: up the whole body. Prion 26. -.._-._ -_.. - Mun on`: Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure cures A I forms of indigestion and stomach trouble. such I! rising of food, distrenn Alter eating, ehortneu oi breath, and all affection: of the heeit caused by indigen- tion. wind on the ntomnch, bad mm. of- fensive breath, loan of I petite, kintneu or woakneu of stomach. eodnghe lrom digestion. ntommh. ,.-.._..--_.--._-.- _... -_. Munyon's Rheumatinm Cure in guaran- teed to euro rheumatism in my part 0! the body. Acute or muaculnr rhoumnuinm can bocurod in from one to ve days. It, opoodily cures shooting paint, sciatica, lum 0 und all rheumatic min: in the book. ipn und loinn. it no dom fails to give relief slur one or two doles, nnd al- most. invariably euros before one bottle has been ullod. Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure ` __ .___,v, cu _,, LV`JU I VV \ U'IKII Inow to the man utylo Ind It In her nun. We no pnporod to out ol pattern: to your own munnn I otlno. We Ilso mnnnlsctnro the to Oh Oonot and Much tho nnum lo Drou Outtlng. Z`IE1lZ A J`:-\