Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1896, p. 2

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J.vI.ru-I. Its:-was-. _,_.--.. __-'-.w., - uv-v-v--vv up nun nu I young man with n non." thin tnoinl dominant being like unto that which modulo countenance cl av-othoruoonb nanAI- -L.-.A._l.A1. ovcnnnuofuuto booonotnorry ovor Ihlton McCarthy : nfounoo 0 him a "u wanna -an-A -duh . _... Iv 4L:_ p.,:,| u-nu vunl Cl UIIU IIIIIIIIUTJ and to an onion which he never filled to the Ann thing. Ho mu ob- lipdtobicuudldln North (any and n'd~ nlnhnnll loin or can hoiuduo totho Imiduntchns holouuonolhinhthor. Ho man: --..A ... L. -- A- L..__- __--, uvvu uuuuvlluuly U] ulll nuuonunlp. Ho own: his connotation with tho Cannda Pacic ruilvny---u om at In return legal ndvicon--to tho hot but born A pn~ lulu`! Ion. Mid hi ouni bin ominonoo In political lilo to hi: E:-It election to parlia- Inont for Winnipeg while his fnthor lived. nnd to his all to tho mnnmry And In An nlnn -Mala L. ....... ' precipitated by the alleged refueal of Lord 1 about the action he wae nally obliged to WILL HAVE IT OUT. The reporte iron Ottawa indicate that the ooneervativee are going to make it ae unpleaeant for the government ae poeeible. and that they are not iodlepoeed to criti- oiee hie exoellency the governongeneral. He wae unkind enough to reiuee to act up- on, the advice oi the late government after the people had voted no confidence in them. eepeoially in the matter of filling vaoanoiee in the eenate (created by the reeignation oi two membere who had eought election to the popular chamber and been defeated.) and in the ieeulng wan-ante for money with which to meet current expeneee while they pra- euuied todo the bueineae of the people. Hie exuliewey. though dehorred iron: tak- ing a hand in the debate, hae readily con- eented to the preduotion oi certain oorree- pondeooe on the eubjeot, and it em- braoee aietter in which the membere oi the late Ininietry, before their retirement. put on record their idea oi hie exoellency'e lunetlone and their own. Thie will male ` inter-eating reading, and the debate in- oident to it ie expected to be very warm, beoauee. III an independent ooneer- vative paper obeervee, poeeibly the reeignation of the Tupper minietry wae Aberdeen to act on the advice of hie ed- vieere aiter their deleet." Pouibly it wee, and poeeibly Lord Aberdeen heeitahd take. He heard that there wee an election of the country and thd the government wae repudiated, and aiter the lapee of a reeeonable time he wee oompelled U eug- geet. in mild and ounetitutional language, that they ehould allow ethere. re- preeenting the opinione and deeiree oi the majority. todo the bueineee they had in hand. Hie exoellenoy will not be pre- eent in the chamber to hear any attack that may be made upon him ae Sir Charlee prooeede w dieouee the grave conetitutional crieie--everything in grave when he in out oi tune-hut he can depend upon thoee who occupy the minieterlal benohee to die- ouee the matter in a dignied and deoomue manner. The governor-general`e training hue been euch ae to warrant that hill deci- eion ie deleneihle. uuuu vvun in nun: n Ulhl . The purpou ol handing Hugh John Mnodonnld into North Grey is not. At A Appnnnt. sure that In via do-ignod to oall up momorion of hi: father. of whom he ulhd A lot. It in: gnaw ndvnnugo to have: brillinntflnthor. om o! gnu fume and diotlncuou. and Hugh John but pro- ood iuunonuly by hi: nlntionuhip. HI nun: his nnnnuspinn ..n|. u.- l`-..-.l- u oouuuu. u now ovum u .- -W Y to 1 cu '%u...`n" "'a:a'd"'&'n .11. W I 0 work: .`.':`.9':`.'.'.'.`33y`.5`""mi lTHE_ PA`!-Y %WHIG-J nub I to 61:0 5 vs] of the publluhor. 1 01:11:: fwqgonmnonu and unmoun- th 0 an up and unblo In advance. __ rs o_f__n_nln_oo_rponkd g_uoolnuomg_1_n '13? WIIILY BRITISH WI-`HG I natal. 0| CI 0 5 oi 33,1: ouu: . an on onolldoil. (Jud III! mm 1 Illi anon lion. Oolwut ndnuluu cm X! wool: nun hnnnnnt not to sinus: `mutilation. 00: i ollowod two oh: no! Inc ; on um. flnnnu nut ugh! for. ab :1 17 ll not be ms n- 31 In for II unxnntnndl of verbal o I} wm dluooxu am! he on .i no 0! Inn. All min In an an III Ital nnnnrovnlolun In It or. gfrun ,:',`:{; n':'M: AllII? tor v uononu nu unmou no ondgamlo D. of nnlnoo mood ` lnuonu or re otln V II In holnonou E rupomlblo or orduu or IIVO. HUGH JOHN IN NORTH GREY. EL- _.._.--_ -1 , , n tr: dlnotlonn should all oltobou valofthopull hunt for unholnontc ' . ' . . . blllhod I .1ul :0II in lggung bid to in puns! In om ol the but Job an. `m?;.5npld.n:yl::h vmd ohup - 'B'w.3. i'?Er'sn. II 031080 Proprluor. Aulnhnt `ulna lung. no Inocx.'sria'n.[ xmotrou. nodi ' at 0 I ..a..`. .'...`I....`.3`:.;`f8..?a'. nngonnunonu no Inb- o . `l\q'o Icu7.tvu|y-Ivoycnumld. Iul good girl. I III]! [In Mr IQ 1 -V0 `E: N I 13.! I` VI&0.m;I:I,oI.n.:vho bio v1i`o.|olII|v.viIh MAW) lulu:-uounnnluuuunoan vuely In- mnd. Tb uuulhubouuupll- .llIIU lull. tncloonotnchd. Oldlvnnoonddonblooulnlouynnd. Mtshdirwhuhdumldonqnntho HGT IIIC X3. UKDI$ Illa UUICIU IQ` IDQP and urine. buildin the uent ol choir olnl In Canada. inory hall to who u lnoulut full and the can-{ago bulld- lug v I Iuvoouo ltd more accommoda- II . I now an at Jhnlcil '2 I50 Iain hndlng and Oonlnl Canadian In. The director: at tho Oonu-ul Canada Mr huodono gnu work at luudowno Put. Dunn. They have around now horn and cattle uublcn sud dads lot sheep wine. bulldinn the ncn ol lhdr wnon no an nnpunoo some nruou years ago. and Mn out randy smile shown that botxlttpoooo with the wotldnnd the world if in. In nlumdtl II bright on now. Plain: of room Ill now qunun pormltttnu good nturuo clay I R FIMIGT mI_IlFn oounn mm nrumnr. moons. be many friends at thogoninl H. L. (Ioddu. formerly oi Nnpamo. Ontario. will ho plenod to lurnuut. he in prosper- Inp in Chicago. H0 in hupoomr of the (lunnnhn oornpsnioa of North America. nnd Alto ol the Uniud Sum (luanntoo nnunnnni mhh Allin... .9. All] Th. l`g-nnl- Ill IIX OI In. Ulllu 3 |HIu1r`"$ com n with olooa at 400'l`ho Tom lo. Mr. dot does not look n d: older I when holoh Ncpnnoo some noon no. rndv mu. nhoun mint. 'l`ItI|nn of Nnnnnoo Boys. 1 Chicago Canadian-American : J. A. Loclhond. formerly of Nnpnnoo And Hnmil hon. Ont... arm n ruidonoo of come yours in Chimgo. bu Ado Mn. ,0! dontim-y. hnvin um. comp cod I tho- romrh oounu vi brilliant nuomn. 2i'..`.':'5?}`."'n.".'$'1.'." ]"..7e`.` 3$`.?.'p\'.e.d . rou hoouno brilliant the yank)` l)4..lA- In-----l- Al \1-....... IVIDIII IIIIOIIVIII `I'll. l'I?W'I's Kit in Toronto lull. Mr. Lsurior is oertsiniy smsn oi ox- tnmo sum-sonsi ohsrm. He has the pan? of msk n his opponents his friends. He my not. whsb is osliod s strong loulor. but he hss nndonbtnd diplomatic power. and his grnooiul snd courmous msnnors inr wwsrds disarming his onotnios. T o miormors certainly proseni. s amid phulsnx. This is no doubt. due no the nun who sits osimiy behind the sconqs -s nun of loan insight. oi uasiiiiasnt cucu- tivs snd organising powers. snd 0! un- orring judgment. s very Napoleon in politics. lsllndo, oi course. uflho rent. Inn of the niorm psrly. Jim Suthor snd. The liborsl whip is in no sonno s pushing man, but his is the oontrolling hsnd snd the prosont. upset of his par is the nu.- oomo of his superb msrshsil 3. sdvining snd otysnising. on: was uuuxuu no me noon. ana wee pulled lntaothe boat. It wee quite deed and limp, and in whole body torn by tho muloellon `I teeth. Then the fishermen undo that the blll bed been neinod by the lu-pr sh utter mt. bed been oeu ht; and the struggle to get. It. intomhe L was owing to the Inueoellongeh vigomue he for W. The but In now :0. hi: oloe. r. Squire up he does not expect. an - one to believe this story. as he won (I henily credit. it jlilneelf if someone also told it. But for all that it in true in every particular. A Woman Dleoovon The Power. Illl Ln `Fa-anon ll-II nver. aonnme puueu wan all me mngm. tokee up, but e lot 0! line hui to be ple out. to prevent a break. The sh pal ed blue been for I time. then doubled In a circle, and when within twenty feet. of the boat. nlour-(opt. mueoellonge epnn in whole length out '0! the water. an ejeotnd the belrout of in month. The but was uulllub to the hook. and was nnllnd intn tho bank It in unit; rlnml minnow: tor nut. aonnme beauty and me rowing. Near Lindsey : nt Mr. Brown caught u but end ed to haul it in. when Iuddenly t e line yes drawn eo ewiftly away that the boot wu towed out ofite oouree. Then the line beoure In at the bottom of the river. and no e`or 0! Mr. Brown's oould detach It; the boat wu anchored. Mr. Squire then took the rod, and after some mmipulntlon induced the fish to get I move on. It swim pueed under the bout. bendin the down into the water, end head down the rivnr. Jnhnnin nnllnd with all III: minhl. (IOWII IDIO H10 Wllilf, Illa IIOIAIX LIOWII "IO river. Johnnie pulled with all his might. m kacn un. huh I lot. of line hul to be 1.: natty tom some or mom that ne could buy what he wanted cheaper in Germany. Two En llah sewing machines he takes back to ma. but they are me to him- self and tho empnu. All e leave: he- hind are lnnumerably oi ned photographs. and a few paohgea o Iilk aapreeenta. The governmont haa spent lavishly to en- tertmn Li, and in now urging Canada to follow suit. but while Li get: free tram-it toVanooiuvor. he haI.hmuch agalnat his will, l fullfare for in puua across the H10. He will be met otuounlde of Yokohama by two (`hlnooe warships to convoy him to Tlen-'l`Iln. He will thua avoid touching Japaneae porn. no In Invaup [Inc 31.. Matt to oloctrlc cu shod: Align: For Pououlon. Gonna no Report. but hand: , Moan. W. W. Squire of Montronhnn (3. E. Brown. of Ottawa, were trowlln for black bun, uuin live minnow: for it. Johnnie Bucky d the mwinn. Nan Lindnv'n nnlnt. Mr. Brown nnu nnovo nu ma gru.-om: rupocu to non. Gordon`: momor have glvcn thelingliuh must: I now] cool the Heathen Ohi- noo. Iomo onhhunluu calling their chil- dren Ll Hung Chang Jonu or Rohinnon. naohoouomnybo. The nowupoporu hnve boon llod with instance! of his Ihrowdneu. his demand: of Indian high and low boin "How old are you Y "Are you nurri ?" nnd "How nanny children have you 2" Ho osnnob undo!-stand old maids. Th. m..m0..L...-g... ..AI.. mu 5}. n.-:. unaonunu olu mum. The mnuufnoturou gully. any that. their "e|i'5Brn`tbWo1oi>Tn7o`I"Fnvo not produced a pinch color for wnnhina. mm: or cotton. IIXIIIOIII v Ll Hung Mr. Li doubtlon was much impressed with F.'.:.9`.`.`.2.`:. country which ho nu riot. oorunovou." . oolphndl thin in I domestic 1!- nlthough. u 1 hard I Londoner 0 will probnbl think most. of the b, namely. Amp- all Imposing IIII lovo of oorunony. and above I" hi: gr: Gordon : mnmorv h um-vu.-u-v vuuvvunvu In-vw u u rlvuuvvu - uin Io vmnhipa. gum Li tly told of them that he could buv chnner Hermanv. no otiufilo-nonuw. and `In. button it iunninohmn nuriumdnotuthonon Mamba. - - NKUIDIXDICOIIIIQ. Salisbury would nudity uuub to doubling of tho China: Import duties on Euglhh to give China a revenue whouwi tobuild I now at and nil- wnyn and to inuibuh Into:-ml reforms; but Lord Salisbury diplomatically npliod um the noipulo! tho request duo:-vu and uh! native fnvonhlo oonddontdon, but that he must. however oonnxlc the slum- bxz-nolo|:`mmor1::t. 8 nghnl and Hong ng, W o. u non. proton nub inorouod duties un|on Likin ormnd taxation; bcnmovod." LI Hunt nnnbnnnln this in n clnmnatin Al. IIU IVCU IT.` I-- T IUIFUICIX Way I: the Gout-flnonc. Lo ,1 . 92.41.! IN Chung. with 'l$o:pwh':`oook|. thirty-unv`on mom- `honolhin Iuitgmdopiooadlupgo, luouthun In-dsyon tho.Au:r`lonn noun-at tank. as nlodwibhlh , vlllo. `gluon cl lnndwuno bomdonun. Snlhbnrv would lmdllv nnnn to `Q no Wu lnncpd Inn liquumplonoclo `lIml.l m5 -nos. Hi: imposing II|t.uro..II*.stoly oonrtiuy. ovo oorunonv. down: his nut. mo. an unsure. sunny oouruny. du )|h\hIn grout ago. grace ul rdlpoeta to Gen. ion : mnmorv given the Ennliuh ms vi: viit OVESI. % Taxi" DAILY. nnrrxsn WHIG. MONDAY. AUGUST 24. 1898 HIE CARNOVSKY COMPANY, nIl`l`AIln IGIIIE am his 46 Anti-Doc Iconic. |munon.A|g.94.-0Iohluln|u in link unouinunu shock:-nbnuu-Iof But using ad I! pick 0! nluding But what: Baud an-inn-in `nu llIO[I`lXl'XIX||I'II'Gly IIIVK C dlgus than u-Nola. you-I Innly-A. Hor- mm. Io IUI.uuu.uuu. or Iwt UIJIIMIIJ III- nually. Aha ouch ocnounnu no 050 than who will din dolly thll IBCO in I min! In the oonoonuom ol Iingb tun! `l`houu-ootbornoinhin tho nnlnhu "1't.u."'".}'o"'osb""p'J3.'L's'n"s't.'37'nT.a"" s M ad hnpnoo Jo W. ivannn having tho (lard: Iohoorllici ou nuonoonucmu nnpnoo um um &. ivoryouo In tho (lurdlnn olJIl,ylMhsnd80th tuoukotho uivioodthoputotudrudundinwu-dly discs u-eiolu. nun l.naIv-A. uumo mooml. I0.uuu.uUu. f4- ` Such ovidonoouthiu, And {tom an un- willing vitnun too. ought. to ho conclu- sive. It in just Whll the oddlo sod nin~ lo taxing an oonunding for, viz. Int. um: I898 yours, and htu-yuan llod with such powot ol producing wealth in our minou. Bchoriol and lootu-ho. nu- :I:l'Il volt`? in nI'a'II.Il\.dnnoo and machinery yond I pun tnnoporhuon por- lootod an mvor boforo. the muI;..ol our population in in poverty similar to the puuonu-y in Iholiuo cl IIOCICH, with Ind valoo in our on in advanced to II9.000.IIl). or OWMID nuallv. nun-nu an no our omen. ' v Again. in reply to n oornnpondont, on July 20th, who lnvora tho tingle Lu. he photo uatiuiu which thovl that land mine in the city ol Toronto in 082,000,000: houun. 9,(XX),llX):l`l)n|l. 8l0.000,0\l); taxable inoomo. 86,! .000. Rnnh nvldumnn Al this, An!` hvnn an Inn. Carriage Painting me ICQIWII I0 "I 500 Illgly-HEW KICK; that the inequalities between the maaaee and the olnaaee are not so reat as an claimed by the addreee, but e doee con- leu that "It would be a lnlratatement and one warranted by tho facte to say that with an immeasurable endowment of na- tural wealth. with the improvement of machinery beyond all parallel, with the means of transportation lected ae hover before, with the pain or o producing wealth in ebundenoe vaetly greater then in any other age, we have. no a condition for a large portion ol our people. a wholesome poverty such an the pemnte ol Jeane ex~ uetiencnd. Amllicient ennui; .ol nema- nariee for most of our people. and wonder- lul opportumtiee for work in our eheriee. loreetn. minee. in our factonee. on our limm. where ve million olour inhabitants are induetriouely and happily em oyed. Our homee are moetly plain, bumb and happv. There an exception: eepecielly in our oltien." A...l.. in ngnlu u. - ~..-...........I...a .. not. uuon no nnynnnnp nun mnu. Lund the Almighty much and gave it to the "children of men" but. land value or rent. He did not. make. It. is made by tho whole community. Ever .ohlld born in or emigrant. coming to am remaining in a country, convict. in prisons. bounce of ill- lumo, ow. add A value to land and to no- thiu else but lnnd. Consequently take the und that all cream And pay. the debt that ull incur, i.e.. vernmoul. ox noes. This in justice! car at 'uIt.ioo! ! his in subnunuo is whut the Id ran in the Gunni- E-.. l.. n.sntA...li.u- In- suununuo Is wnur. mo: inn in contending lor. The reviewer, in to Hm nnnnn in in Inn I II" II OOHIBOIIIIIIIK [Of- ly, oontaendu that the nddnou is in too ighlydrawn colon. tlaeinetnunlitien between pom.-ea. Inns oomg none no man wm navo nnf advantage over any other of his lollowl on y an industry. economy. pouovonnoo. am. given over than who um imp:-ovidont. Muck you! We don't propooo to tax lnnd. but. to tax land nine or mm: rent does not Attach no anything but land. tho Almiuhhv wave to me wunout mucn enorn. Single tutors (and they are the only social reformers who propose A scientific adjustment oi human condition) say tax all the veluo of such locations above the cost of production and irrespective ol im- provementl. and use this value for the whole oolnmunit . l'ut the whole loud value, rent an increment ol land, (these are nll synonymous terms) together with all other rovenueuocumnletions into one general lund and from thnt fund pay all municipal, city and government ox- This being done will have snv ndvnntiure over nnv lupply numan wanna. nut. we nnve OHIO? lands. the locations 0! which an no fuvornblo an lb enable the ownen thereof to live without much effort Hinuln lawn:-a land than nu-A ILA nnlv unannonuon on vuuuuo mm. 1 mro nu plenty of lnnd (oven in Grub Britinn more also in Canada) but lands that will onnblo I man, or families of men. to live nnd on- joy comfort without. extreme oomlort are IORFOB. Farmers` land: will not. It in tho poor- on. land in use, requiring much otfortbo nupply human wanu. But we hnve lunds. pl are urn-mg an. be Address in oontandin that the canoe of axcmme poverty nmid t. o roduotion of Abundant wealth. In unused y Iome mul- adjuuoment of nature : oountion. Shy "scarcity of land." To the uninitlnmd this -Jun-g in minlnninn H in uni. at : my bulnou. and I out that u nhlo|u.oqnlpurI.oo..on mutant 0 will ntnnutl In-lg I Plant: o qunun normltttnc "aonroncy or IMIU." no mo ummuuau this phrase in mialudin . It in not "Icarcity of land but rat. nor tho unequal distribution of vsmnblo land. There in nl-nu: nf Innrl Inunn In llnum RI-imlnn mnra woulu p me romeay. The reviewer in the MIIIO paper in pear: no fight. shy of the ueotionl, an dull more in generalities w ioh are intondod to be n lime alitagoninic to the address. Perhaps A few remarks from Inc may help those who do not take aho Guardian to get A glimpse of what. this address and the re- pl driving at. oontandinlr `rm: maroon to me cnuronel purporu no call the Attention of loaders ol thoughb to I condirion of poounhry inequality among men which aught not to exist. nor con- tinue. It ma on the portion apokon to by ( uoubiona, which, if properly nnawerod. wou d the remedy. newer nonourn `rho lllnglo `lax Question. ' Knma-rox. Aug. 2`.-('l`o the Edltor) : One of our loodln dlvlnuu low Sundnyn ago reqnltod his enrol-I" tooorolnll read several articles that n poured n tho (lln-lntlan Gnu-dim of J u y lbth ind lth. Ono won on oddrou lrnnrtln Ilnglo to: u- soolatlon, trades and labor oo II. the Allied prlntlng trades oounoll, in tloml builders. l|boror'o union, the lntarnntlonnl uaoointion of nunohinluta; tho Toronto typographical union, Toronto Itroot roll- wa om loyoon, the union` benet society. Th 9 ad mu to the churches purport: to call the ntmntlon of loaders of thourht mm m we oonvcnuom ol ungu uni! Thou othot n ' that ntht M`: orflicinhemnnnm '21` um u annospuro Wu. and noun; an "noon:-o~ or" would. it IOOHII to ma. account for hi: wrlbin drama which 0XMbolI10I`0l0h0lll'- nluln I. an Inn iuIn'l. Iunrnrrnntnol In An. wrmn unmu wmon oxmnmnorouonoum shit I. unwo would bournntod in u- ort in no this great dramatist. were he in- dob for him knowledge to bhe trmhingl of the oohooln.-J. 'KNA.I'l'. . IIIOl`Il`y nnu PIIIITFIIIXI I III III III!!- t0!._" A companion ol the gnnbuo man. lnkospuro VIII. and being "ubnol-b~ or" would. loom: ma. for ropuunuonnonouoruonnopoo. ronnmynnou Shnkongonro mu have been I grant ab- sorber. nnd,u `T. D. A."nayI, on "perfect memory and Q! I onloonr nrohonaion of All that had been imnsrtod or 1 "pence: memory am: or Iogvou oom- irohonaion imported I y tho brightest mind: ol one of the most I litonry ond phooophiool Ago: in all Isia- tmv." oomnonion rnnhano mon. uN.so nu Hunolss 8'1`. was ms can-r calm WRITER an ABSORBER 1 flu lllgln `lax Question Oollljol-Id by In lopao-`I'M Oonjunun at tho Up- Iokhu of sun In ncl the length of tin Idleor 0! tin Ourdhn. , Knmnmx, Aug. U.-(To the Editor): "'1'. D. A'" mount hour on the link- n Bacon conu-ovoy in unlquo. to A7 huh. A loud Argument. in undo I gonna moat nmxnmhd. In rndhi: it unlusn. Azoou nrguncnunmaao_xrnAI1 I source not: unexposed. In raiding nlowthonglabonuowmynindslongoho um lino-. I nuemborod reading 0! many man who named to nboorb ovary- th they hand. such A: Lord Macaulay. who only no rad or hut Anything that interested him and it wuromom word for word our nturwu-dc. It in aid that the Inn Rmnnn Ornkllnn could Ilnhn WOHI I0!` W070 IVU|' Il| Dl"II'Ul- 15 II um that the lab Roscoe Oouklln could Ilnton no a lootqve (or hours. in!) he could ropumnonbonoolouon Pouiblython Bhnkenuonro um: note uznnns Io g-..-l...l_A_ ltohum (haunt. El...` ri- ..... a::.':'...'.--".:'.:... *'" ' ' 1Lh:u.::L.. a little Itnoghudutl. I! W tut-Inll. I '.:'.:.'.:r "I .A * - Iodorn Innnuomono, on-ollont. ouhlno and but ntookod bn in the clay. Ixoohl uunllon clvon uommuolnl man on club}: IDVC III I uuyvund. :3. hnbonooH)odd'I Klduoy Pills. thuholuuninly uncovered. and that lgoncvcrhlllntur in hit Ills. and he um `I've Ian` Ibory In Uurod by Tu Ilonoo of Doors Ildnoy Pills. Pnunn-r (Special). A . 90.--l`or I Ion time much syn boon felt. upnnodlorwm. NOIIIMI. I vary hroouduototol me. P. R.. wbohnd nndond lull hr duty during the nnuhvydunhyn liar and dictum torn kidney It" now unu- -Jlu. nuollolhohlhhtd his frhndn. IIIVE ll'll'i7 lllllll IIIO `F! I I0` "I ZIKIII, in which moi: party make: the other umlouundthniu in not inn. and on this mutual hnnin tin borgnin in nzrnok. Ann ruio nnthlng in written iinwn or IIpo(`|l|mI, and if in the oouru of nonunion extra noumping nun he intru- duntd in: tho plumber It ll dons,,Bo ` ruin Ipouun an undo of old koroaono i sin. wu-r up-valves -an repaired with nld rubber. Iooco pipe nunwn are ght.- anui with a bit of run. or string or putty. ouoloni iron pipn an patched. Minted and told as new, guitar: an undo of -hoot nine an thin u pupor. nnd the plumbing mule am only he oompnmi (nr dam-ndntiam In the urn: In Ihloh lhn mo PIIIIIIOIVII IIWIO HUI only no nolupnnn tlogl-Mlnvlon to the pan to which the lmllrm growth at not-ton has oomn." II nu lumuy amrprlu-Ina that the lndlua odl nor In mmmu-no about American xlumhlng. lndinn VI. American Plumbing. An lndiun journal speaks in highly novnnienilnmry berm! tel-nu of the excel- lence nf Amorionn plumbinn. nu well u! ninmouio homing. lighting anal vnniiln Hon. he critlciem in promptle-i ivy the purnaul of an American plnmhlnu ])u|-ur. and it refers with envy in the v ienoce of an American house. Amunq other details Am Ineniinnmi "the IIwun~ heating apparatus. which in n rnrilntor of nrtlnin form. that may be placed in In)` room having pipe connocti-mu, and is generally removed in nummcr. iin. pcnnea with 0 llreplnoo. and in\- In labor except that at turning ii n on and oil. Their iioutare for tlwsc urn of innite variety. many (if Shem in-hm ml!-feeding with regard to fuel. 'l`hm1~ is u dnmcntiu iurnnoo which -irien and hum: all then garbage tram n house of any size; wuwe papers. old ixxm.oloi.hing. imski-ts. .ur other-annaalnble nmieriniu nre thus quickly disposal of. The smoke pmao-n into the home chimney. Their bath and .-ionot. fittings are an qnnl credit to an .-moi noienno. In overythlng there in ovi- icnc u nu-iving to econcxninc limo nmi Inlmr ivy lmvinu the litter nothing to nnko." In onntrut to this in glvnm n kemh oi the liopiimy plumber oi the uvnrnue mu-I. whn. it In mind. would be: mi'm- oi wmlih fur a New York oomlc paper. Hi: wnrluimb in like in marine ulore. whore Ievond hnnal mnoerinin an mnre efmnpimmne than new stock. The new stock in cnu oi the vhenpon descrip- tihn that money nun buy. nnci nmvh of it would hear no proper ten. He puts: ill second-hand and hnlf-worn mniarinl whercwr he mu. nnni chum-I all he dare for in Hill charge: me I-Mail on what hu think: he can get mil of his client. nmtliileti by an nhntement. with-put which no client would arivo him an or ier. Them must also in I lol 0! Inlking. in whlnh nnoh mu-tv nnlknn Iha nthar (INTI UIIIIIIDOPI A law yam-I ago any luuln lcholvw would have been lmpnnnlbln. ho-mun M the but that It In nnly mommy that Mr- podoon. whose vnovemuntn could bu ll- vvru-(I from uw shore M the ship whloh mm them nut. Inn-o boon lnvented.-N\w 0|-leans '1`|Iuan lknnocrnc. Wlliil. It lshhlo ululmod that tho exact range of n glvon point in the harbor be-lug known. cum can he u-Mned on the ships lying within that range and tired wIt.h- uuh t-he gunnura In any wny uposing chomnulvel to oppoilnj lira. the nhu ho- lng taken by the nuuno nyntmn of m|r- rorn wmnh shown the pulun M the Ihlp. It In nluu prnpmd tn and mum ulou from the Ih0|'O, direct them under nhlpn. and than oxplodn mom, lho upon- ton nll the time remaining ante and ms. oure from dnnger wlthln Iho bomb ronf dark nhunben A In- mm... ...A ..... .....|. -..|....-... IIVIIIBII. '- It in to overcome thie diilioulty that the eyetaln of min-on and leneee and a dark chamber have been devleed. Wire: connect the torpedoes in the harbor with a battery and keyboard within the fort, and the poeltion of all torpetioee beinl known to the defenders end noourntely marker! upon the table. it only remain: to watch the inetant that the lnmge oi the reeeel comes over the marked epot and then the preeeure oi A key trunn- mite the current which explodee the aub- Inarine mine. Another advantage claimed by army oilloere {or this pin in that it allow: the nae o! the port by friendly nhipe. without danger to themselves. an in not the cane where torpedoes whiuh are exploded)-y oontnot ere plncmi in the harbor nhnnnola With hundn-tie oi tor- uedoea lying about juut {How the sur- (uoe of the water, a friendly ehlp was in much damuer of being blown to pieces. with a system which shown the move- ment of every ehlp in the hurbor and with torpedoes which Mn he set oi! at will this danger in prmmlonlly done uwny with. Frlouuly nhlpa can pus dlruotly aver minen of torpodooe with no dungrr to themselves. and the minea or tnrpednus mmnot explode until some one within the tort sends the current through the wires. Ie I..'..I.m ..|..|.....e an... ab... ..-..-. _-_._.. lll'II|)l'o ` It In 3 hot. noognlud by all mlllmry nutborltlasirthnt In the event of war who United States would ho oullgod to lo- pond largely upon Inrpodoou for WI oomlt defence. but It II also acknowledged that unlonq Ibo movement: at the honllo lhlpl can be wntohod and tha torpodon exploded at uh proper tlmo then In 5 large alamunt of olunoo ln their ooo; tlnncu. IQ In in nvannaunn Akin tlllnnlu Ahnh In. All YOUR GIIOOII IOR "ROYAL URI." TIIE KINGSTON MILLING C0. eeu In A meme me. By An arrangement of lemon and emnll `min-on An Image of the huborln thrown upon a whitened table In a clerk chum- her, well protected by bomb-pg-oof nhleldn. Seated about the table, u-cure from any olusnoe shoes. those who are dlreotlng the operotlnnn from the ton on dmlnotly eee each `move about the harbor. Ii In - `An. nngnnnl-ml L- Q.` u...I|IL--.- TKIIIIIBIIIOI IO Uil `IQ _ Ilo-bfnll. ` ` Thnbhundjunono oonnddonou II Inoqdnjgaglformottho oldmnornob nous. Arnioanorb low cousins in; l 9-uuuuw. and Ill cloth I: bnlng nudotouooul-otliouloplion ot shunn- hu bythowur I. '1`bopnolnu|u uqnlnd value of the noun, an upland! byl. lu Vlman. hthnlluhowuthe dehndnnol I tan Ihouovunnllcllholhlpn onto nnemy. and Itthonmo limo dons uuy wlth the noounliy otnny om oxpollng Inm- nolfsonhomloilro. R1 An auxin-nrnnno: A0 Inn-a -uul -um-II -_-j-`.- Ll/oloaouolulubor to Occupants" olnl Ih-I !-ad. - A "c. P. n. oonoucron. iiannoaa m Marina, There : only One Best Place uulusaa. wags vlnollht. Mar lion, I to npulllbll thololcvrln`-d mama: "5"" "I h!` Mn-LI: -an -- IJu|n'|l:.u`n|y run you mrr:Iy.::|:o kidneys. othcuolrong udntagiualinghndatnovoryuns. ., Ron sun can Fnduiak J. Iv"... a huums. King? spanking our nnnunkuvo. min Inc nnmoyn unnos Ill! and moon!) Iuythoy hvo ol Hung no not when that anoint in by nclimur hots who. I it in only I IMO tho Hdnnvn ff- CW IIITI. I Am I oomminoion merchant doing busi- noon in the War. India. "I and nomo 0! your Puunnn'o Painless Corn Extractor when in Cumin. and think it It Lhoboob can for oornn I have out-non. Plans and no I luv dean for lrhndusnd mn- tomon in South America and thowut ln(Ihn"__\Ihu.nu Hnrln Np. Van]. For Hal: month wo oor onr llm nook M. nutly roduood prlou. an In do not intend urrra the good: I to nut on-on. llun mm sun In Boating unrI0y- ollna us. all nhadou. UIANNAY & |IAR0lD. `g`}`.`.``,8P"' """' " I i!!! In BOHUI 511$ IIIII IDOWQU City. Indiu."-Wn.z.I.n4 noun, New York, III! we Ioumr nu nun muahooolnr. Jo n M. Forgunon and Cyrus Ornn drove to Athom on Snndny to Attend tho 0 - In 0! the Horncrih church. John lo. Suud Buy. so badly kicked by` his ham. in improving niooly and in able to drive out. The Mitten Rhoda. 8woo'I Comon. No this week viliting Chunk Slibr. I). Brui- Ioy. hnodowne. nuood bhrou h hero with him mat wnggon to-day. ohn IJIMIOTI, jr., Lame Inland. in the guest 0! A. E. Slitor. . Dulnomnluo Dolngi. l_)rI.-nluuxlc. Aug. l0.-Mr. and Mn. John Moulton and count. of Collin wood, Mn. Thomu Mouloon and non. C ntrv, were vioitin at Jame: Moult.on'a lut week. The urvuting in nut-ly com` Ialod. Maura Crun and Wont. Ill` ohn E. Saucy and Iona have stated their alum threshing machines. Mina Allyn. Delta. In: the East ol her oounin. (Thatch dliur. Int. woo Since tho ruin on Bun- ulnv Int. u unnlhnr ha: hnnn lnnnls nnnl-n unuar. Inn wool. mnoe mo run Hun- lnttbovuthuhu bun Inuohooolu._ tn Adm... m. n....a-- 0.. .u-...I L- ....._ Why llloyolee Are lleelthfel. Ba-ithli Iedleel Journel. Moot oi the Ailmente `commonly celled "bilioun" Are eAueed by too much food of A rich neture. and too much drink of A evleet or Alcoholic cherecter. oombintd with ler too little exercise in the open Air. The liver Attempte to get rid ol the on r- lluoue Ineteriele thrown into the clruule on. And. being overworked. rebeln, And gout, I rheumetiem. grevel, dyepepele. heedeche. . And conltipetion Are the outwerd And visi- ble eigne of its inection in those who live too well, A eedentery life. The ription 0! A bicycle And the recomm tionto nee it wieely And well works like A oherm in such cuee. end the Iym tometlc Ailmente Arise from too much AcId" in the a stem. Cycling eometimee lie: the elfect 0 thin- n ng the obeee end lettening the thin. And this mey pertly he expleined by Mur- chison`: ohoervetione thet exoeeeive leen- neu. As well An exceeeive oorpulenoe, in often manned by inection of the liver. end the etimulue of regulu exercise, setting the hinctionl of thel. fia right. iiiiei the dieeppeerenoe cl whet vuuonlye nymp- tom. WHO IIIOHBII, July I55. Thomas Froohnd. Rontrow. in out on bail {or having noolvod stolen goodn. (Ioorgo Oarruth wok I "Smith's Outliuor for cost: and vents worth 330 from R. Fnobome and sold it to I-`rooknd {or 85. Cnrruth acid Freeland made him wrong temptation: no can it. The judge lot Cnrrnth o on suspended lontonoo. oooumg uonnun. ow. A nmnrhbie ooinoidonoo oi the moidont on the 0. A. & P. S. Ry. oonutruction of July 31st. hy which three min ion their livoo, is that the similar nooidont which took place two year: :30. on the name cou- utruction. and by which throo men lolt their lives. ha poned on the name date of the month, Ju y Mat. Thomas Frnnlnnd. Rnnfrmu. in out nn r. w. my. l."r0nl; moan. and NOV. r. U. Chisholm. Pnkonhun. wili join the Among Reporbor hunting party this fall. Tho Chuholm-Day part. have I location at Poo-we-mo-u-bah mic. when they invo I snug camp around, provided with the noccoury cum outt, such an beau. dogs. cooking utonni 3. etc. remarkable coinnidnnon or tha nmidnnt. &'I< r'. Arnnur moms. nook-keeper Ior nonry Mou. Konfrow, has disappeared with M0. He was I Itnnger in the place. hnd good nddreu. but 3 none tint. donotod I love of drink, ndmirnblo book-heaping moohodn and u love for the church in which he had acted twice. since reaching Renlrow, u lay Nader. P. W. Day. Front Road. and Rev. F. C. Chisholm. Plkanhun. wi loin lm Athen- mouuynuwo nos. 1! i in puoodouvy"|I- WW Hdnoyu on -on than I ' youn uonlrew Inomlt. nu ma- arpeu-od. lleaving 3 non for family. ox- nlning that owin to ntoriea that won in`: circulated a ut hil oonduot be than ht it bother for the family that he ohou d disappear. The family in respect.- Able. '3 Arthur FAD-\n luusl. I.....4_ In- ll -..--u IMII mw HOT 0%`. Mr. And Mn. Alex. Mouton. leaving Ronlrow to take up thoir residence in Montreal, were pruentod with I nolld silver fruit buht, ploklo dish And Ipoon holder bi uoocinun. Rev. 0. Bohroodor. fol-many your putor noluor n uoocuun. Rev. tor of the Gormm Evnngclioolbutahonn urch at Pembroke. hu uooophd I call to tho puwnte of the ohumh of his donominotion an Thorno Centre. Pontiac. 1 youn Rnnfrow me 6 ha dia- Annmrod. anvinun [mm for n funilv. ax. The kidnap eunoot talk and` thoonly ruthoy Iowan nmenea IIIIRIIIIIGIII KN". EV! convenience hue been (Eovided. Mill RIM. Icahn n a nun: nn oonvonlonoo HI. I VNM. Min Birdie Kuhn. nu, courage- oully ruouod three ho a w o were out sailing and capoind. 8 o pulled down her own all. took to the our: and pulled the lulu into her boat. Mr nvul Iva LIA- unlnna-1 I......... ousehold Economy. ROYAL GEM 9.22:. '3.-':' .23. : um! shun any othu Hour on tho mn- nonnnv. nndhnll N-puns; 'l::v(o:o!t in w.%.... ho 53:}. hot hu- ,, _ . The brick work on tho lloAndrow block nnd the many black. Ranlrow. in about oomplpud. Bobh willbouuporb and im- Dodnz utmcturu. uumpuewu. noon mu oeeupero and Im- pod ru- At. n.-ouunwn. on Aug. uh. `Bobut A. Mu-tin. Dene:-onto. And Min `Allie M. Oliver, Brook tovnehlp, 00. Ontario, were united in wedlock. George Eolliday, memheua. and Alex. Honda-eon. jeweler, Arnprior. have cloned ur bnlineeu end will hie to the gold elde o Britiah Columbia. E. U. Burton, Uxbtidge. diepoeed ol hie luvniture. stock and goodwill In the Queen : hotnl. Tweed. to Francis Lynch, the ownerolthe petty. Fnnoie Allen. . bioklnz huckleher-_' With Ho 1 ,,_ _. .._ -_...-v-we -1- -v-- VIOIN-ITY NEWSPAPERS. ` ` lllologolulnooana-uIl|np-llo , lptudurlnolmuldkhtuouuo |!vI_IlIuuIoIIo-.A0nlInnolh)u- 00$! In-I m mT Isndsoi THE An*noLu m tall nuts.`-nun. gu-.-.__ - ___- cu-U Icvw In IUUII III IIIUW Vjl .'."fmaoamby..ns onrhohuoho. IN: only little :5... tho kldnoyn Ionlynliulodok. 3.. Arthur Ferns, hook-koepor for Henry Hole. Ronfrow. dinnnnmd with I-M). now the Kidneys rm. - I vuvvv "Iv ..-. ,. mu'|l.!uMhomuutpll-h\o, :- Jn the o 0.1. Prion ndnood dnrln thTh0l% non for dun making. The 5: mm Hon I 13:10 to order. Bola annlm to: the mmh rfoouon Dun Onmnl rlypnm. A [.u\s. REDDEN a_;__co.| 1... ._.._.g An- A.._,_ _ Atgnatlymlncodprleu. Your choice of our laouea Pollclee on every plan of lnaurance; Including Ordinary Llfe. Llmlted Payment Llfe Endowment. wlth or without proflta. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. I00 Welllrcton atreet. Qttawa. Head Office * of the (}ompa_nyL me People's Llle Insurance 60., TOM] 284 and 186 PRINCESS STRBBE. I: I Isvwx .o.`.`{.`u..".`.`. ``:."'.: &3"`:` `"2; ol Arunuo gurnizzoro. 113 3:1`; Antique on Drougna Au: and JAMES RElD' S. mo WI! TIIEY cams. ' S . lood mud Wuod. Iwu pa WM.` IRUIY, `" `f.'t in n-`-a|-an MA-`-6 I!lnn..qnn buy the ETPPY THOUGHT. !McKELVEY & BIRCH Manufacturers of Millinery and Mantles. The cheapest lines in the city. Carpets, House Furnishings Fancy and staple Dry Goods, RICHMOND 5: C6; Wool`; Phcpbdlm In all by A k be t 1 01 d 1. b nu :1 ...::.;.:.'m,.".:. o..`3El%1a6v:.m~3-a `hoo.. ?3.. '.':"..%ef. ur principal to the noun. , ,_,,,. __ --.. - - V-..-.v....-cu u lnhorc-ultot over an yarn trmung abound: olouuvnl all dmu.unul an Inn. In hnvedhoonnd the wmnmdynlnumako oomhlnnuonuutwulolhotnprompc And permanent ouroln clldaguot Saul Ikbility. Abuse or Eratnx, Nrri-an Wmllou. lubot. Huhl Woroy, aw; rhv I'M of Ufhu, Tabor, or Alniolk Sllnululh, In which man land In Insanity. conuunpuou and n urlypno. Wood`: Pholphodlnohuboon and mocoafully bylmndndlol euunllnuuucd nnou hopolnnn-cuIuMund hon: trawl byunmou (Ahmad playti- chu-euuununnon u:over|ooldupnlnndlnnnlty-ounu.hu\von 4 tout-lnqonrdn gnu>-but with an oonunuod and pa-Inorlnunoot Wood'|PhophodIu.tbunoonu|thAthndbuontnnupUodh.vIn rutondmnu1yvIornndhnnh-anduryouncodnotdcq)uI~-nouns ' Ann - hrvhohu [Ivan you upon Int.-unbln-I.ho randy I: now within your I~onnh.bylIunnyououbonnwrodmn lltoohnumluunudhnplx. Prloomu paohgglguxpmhgcgjb; bylnnfnoolpoaup. %lIlll lmu,al:(InnIn!\Ilo an. hnpllutnnouynddnu. Q m Ignngnnn Illlndggn ns ---A- grpnncloutothomothu. ' An you the mm or ounn who sud u couldn't tuord com: 7 I B . t ?Xr :`i'a` ' a u..%n.8.\7"d Sx`. {. n.2'..Y{"x ?3`.. .' .`? -E`.`T.`. . .'...".? "We Imowofwptlnvrlllnn wow: so gnu ncnneu m nunem aumuwu n combines Iuchadvnntqu. :0 thin water. , Plofcuot Dr. R. C. TICIIIOIN. Ll..D., l-`.C.8., F.l.C.. Dublin. 1 ` 0, JG! ruuwwwu an Mm`! opposite lmmll Home. 8 Inndnto ordu; ulna your own good: us up at nuonnblo noon. 38! that the Label ban the wall-known R35 DIAIOND lurk d `run APOLLIIIAIII COIIIANY. l.m|-run. . :- " This Water In ticket in Mlnenl Sum-A than ' ill Coutinlnl litter Waters. and In cicuty is :0 _..-. .5.-. ...... oh. gmnlla-uh (Inna Iemuun [ha run Analyst: and ummonu -re-umony and tam-mauon gujspxsoa by CH8. GRAB!` Q CO., 32. Beaver Strut. Now York, Solo Agonu of V yv _ v THE AP0LLI1VARIS'C`0Ml5:4N_Y. umrzw. APENTA Bottled nzvy. great Ilchneobqln mnenl sJu.::vhh Univ Ma cholera: n3_nl`mI run x.`-., .: Iiuou-Eu cuhw 1-man (Miuuhy 13/ Agwun} [Jada Put. " IIQII llllel wlun. Inu Ill wnuuy an IV on `. that even the smallest done seem the ......h. M , -nu rwuw, nu`-runuru av u-rv. |'I--1 uh I9 II] -$lj. Tho Wood company. Vllndoor, om-, onnuml. Summer Millinery In) this Innnh in nnv nnp 69 G 71 BROOK STREET. KINGSTON. nu: ass? naruaxnqpeaxsur wmn. prion: xagnli-. so ....g. an as cont: per bottle. The landing Undorutor And Furniture our. ., ...; UJ HUNYADI cam-. am an. H-Mm. LACE CURTAIN / SALE. duudprlcu. ` T /R. \l|l_ALDRON`8 of Cnrtum --- F`OR-- " "h? n.w?c`'}`c" `:'r'Bu-.n' "".`.'m ` mtm `Inna: ind gran `Iu.J.. unolod or md uh Band. Iol upstate. at r AND JIINIRAI. u'.4 I`A.`k 0:41.538. 'fl`_t_1sDAy. August mh. . -____- 4.. .11....` L..__ AL- -..L-_4I Idbk UI5` require them repaired or wish to trade for a new oh: do it EARLY. YOUR OLD STOVES, and ifyou If you want a new COOK STOVE _ ,, . , Sn/om C_au':I I'll Bull %. lutdllrucgmnhthobouldu. Kmusnou. om` m`u- uijlu s'ro`6fs Ya we can bend Ionian. up! . In rat unit A -1 ......oII --;_ nu $.50 a Ton nu Eh. mhhntnl n:-An F50 ,I.I IIIIIVI DVIIKII. I 0 '-' .; , _,,UUIq*;:-Qt. ` ; ' m`-' and cum. -nun; R53 '* ..:: .*:`...'5..".'.`.-':'......'.:,-"5 ,""'M - -x u```' """:!2:':: .:i-vvorvnru-nerom.':.*<::- g`:.'.......a~v-a`.In -i'*::-.-:-.-........_..;_._.... - . 1 m r o. d _A...t..::'..:.-.'..9:.`. q .-..::-.., .......* -,;'.;';_.;'.:.-'.`..-'.;j:::*:-..... .5. 3 ... . I , _ - __ LlIl'I0IlI;Iy dlnol from tho Qshntd.` ' than have 1?: ogtlor. I x gg-`.4 n-u-nAv nnnn ` ."`.E |.l_f[UKE manna . . . A on not M I ll. ndv ooforzro 'v'I:'."u.'n?y.$ :3- ton. on to In your wot sway lrom home. '0 yo not mum and upnnlon nl nodun eon. ::[-:-.-..-.2 -13 II IOIIIIIII IFIBH. R. BRYRNTH nun Olua Illcn Wm sud (hnnuonhl .1; n. 1.. _ ,I0_||.W- _ , . -___:,m_ YICIVEE 6- (JKJ - Iolnovodto I1 Iogtnol nrooe. In-AI` Brook and. Inntnn.0nt I R`I`_Y,e`.!_ :_:..__ if 3 bunlnoumnd I In Plum Q`l`IVT . 4- I .; r h'D4ll."ln Quail: u.'Iou: mfbnm consn. . -" `79NII|."-9H2.` r.Me_.!!_ ."'!.` `"'?'.': Railings hr Offices 1.. 11...). V-1-...-- nA-..A.. I.....l-.. `V.-. n-.--.--, . uvru DOM minute from all loan and Tnlnn. l I in sun ole; to buy Brawl. Oahu, Onndlou. Sod: West". has Oruln and fruit. in Kinnton tint plum In JAMES mumrs. Q1:-`nun: 1nu..A..o_..n.a I no no order. aolu nnnm : Fqnoh um ul man of Dunn Psnonu on hand. In `I 1 LI L ("f _- '5'? '.?.5F. -- Al Inulloolotolflnt nI`n-0: and on Inn on hand. no Ill ulna: nun nut you will an than an nuonhlo on the: an be undo. abet hang: will and than undo. Work wound: ntudod to at union for dun making. The Autumn Ilnlul Dru! noh ml man III is &&. II Inlnnol thou. nu Prlnoou. II [III]. 0! UIIII l'IIlaIl III on unuu. BYRNB8 6- CC) mmvodto Iontrnl um. Iron IUIINIQI POINTIRI. I000 Iliotl waou, Imu no: man. M.` 0"` %:m?. V" In Prtnoou mun. Kingston. Ont. YIIITV `I? U I I ,,.u.'::. :1:::.::`.::"a.`:'.a:1`::'::.:':; I JI\I`I `I I `III I tho I) 8 Co I. H agar coal nf?a11:ds\ .?'}n'.pc'.` lat. " 331: c 1 `I50 I a no . nu .on u on . good IEIodn$Vood. $1.13 not loud. Ln-. nnnnv nu-v non. In WOOD axlny Any our con. MILLAN. Prop. Finn Inlnnln (mm Al] Inntn and I` -_, _$_ ,s WI!-I Guards.` Flour Mnndngoag-gr` :33 Mwofmwnnougix by , ,,, _-_-.__;_ ~--u-v v--- ONTARIO ITBIIT. and ll:-1.-A-I III`. ` nil uwuvIZI-vUI-I VVUUI VVVIDu .Il'_r| Ollhw Pmln . Puqnouo . No Hun Ml In Oun- , and Baum in latest IVII vvu -vv-uvypw-v vv vi. io"v I you than Co not the ma non nude on my uhopo to sun you '::2':". r.....**"'`?" -'7*"`*'`?"'-" (or Indian. [onto and children. Inn: on mm In the lar- cut (mm Cu 0! the world. M mm no--uv-uu-:Iv$ZWC|In|Q.T|.l, `lhlltolulutllo Id w-.--3:53am ----a-.--..':..:.: vhnuwlu-van-nn...n.... to ordor KM Inil Ioohu Glove} lullon. unotloneo In 0 ooniln n oxvmnloh ul. don rnl . Our Inonlnlu In lnnhlnn don unllnod. I Inlay 3 king M and 0 own lullon. nun N S, 35! Princess St. 9! ! onbodu Bmmll Homo. T "5! W I 373: o( .11 m min. " n Ouuovnr. Ilnu. I.-Plot D. llnuu. I W0! III" II - w. uouusows. ..... A. _....- -|......- 6.. .4 Al Id nhovy. ll should In I you Inplnoinc you or :3, oh ion. In. luau-I : 0l:llAb GROOII 1 A nounlltuoh '>' uh ' c n 35%-sfi, .3-i`.`1c-_'v`3.'? L-=-.-.~..-A-.2-il NIY so u u:nnovu now). nhou I 1. Wood Work. an-.. n__.-_4._ for family A l-5n-_An. K11. WOOD v-uuvwvu-juuj Iii uhplhnhnuhnhbh -hkbnlidudo .-21.` no-nu; Iltttliilivu But Hugh John knot shcnioo young nnnhovu wllloaroddont ollilnpton. llohuhoon onto!-uni; with tho`l`uppon. in union titular n Moldul chann- mvulvo oonhhnl.nndIu.|unIu.ln- Nlndhlobolil uullnpudonl spirit. Bolt hllnlnunoollloquohnh Noni unuhnl-nan-._L....nL. |-...;.. gvvw-u-u - Iuqu 03533. lunch thnnuuudoohnd who thl xnndnn In An... -:4-A A. -_.. .._..__. --v-'- -V----uuu-vIljIT WK II npnrluinonrynQoouoanyoonnru- u pvu-nnnltvlhh Cuudnhu ova Lul I. no a. --|.. .L-. L- A BEE .!';.i`. .`i'."u..'..".." {f.5} `.50 IQIQJN Pl, In

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