"5.-:'*..-`-.3 l ;.."'I':.-.`?.`..'..-'r"1rr i . Ion III or 0 Man. on: sour] E':?n'3fM .' 8X?p'. .'. 01 pxfon on 0|: I `o 3`?! Icons lnnounoononh no III M . sum unoguowod two olnn ..`\l'l::.. l'l"llaIoo"nb I no.rMw I `.'."\.."`.'1" n- W.`:..',..' :-.'.:'.=....r:`: $1` 5.3.: 3'; 2:k0a:o'b`h.:r:.:|'1`l.0V o! O 0 mablla ll Jinn: loudvorunuontp and nationw- W" II IMOMOIII I Illd DO 1500!! on All \:ag,..{5. ..-.':'.E`.'.:.':: 2:? W at uo?:'L'::'1I.:::: . .."&`a".`.1`.".'."'"" m":..;g3g;:m. .-:..::.:.':.".-..;:: .1 u 0.1 I you. It you In nun: 1 olunnu flsmlxnv In pubunra on ma- III :1: 0 `Wu unit: you nadunoo: 3%. % .'f=$;'f`2 :n:1.:.1.3't.!.i:"$ W995 rm 1 I081! OIIOID. ' ' honrrodr. u won. The situation In thin out was hnpplly umquo. The Tuppor minim-y wu tho ohm-Inn. not of nu-lhmonhrv or at noon- um could not muonuny In sum to on. Thu Mmkomio vornmont. the death- bod I polntmonu 0 which an quoted n pl can by Sir Chm-In Turpor. wu n gomnmont band on popular 0 IOMOII. nnd qunllod to uomlu the mud power: bill It mu nntunlly dlnpltood. though in all can u pvsrnor-gomnl mny doom him- oolt nuthond. In the national Inunpu. to NM anythin liken looting ol the pub lo Immlon by 0 0 doptrung uncut. "A Ionn Ionun of tho novommom ring THE DAILY [W ITIG. K ` Olll YIAI. K&lm'KI'.VY}ll-I-TIBH mu n ma. an;-"i`?'a:';.:r:a**.'.'a:'.:':ai":a:'r9.:z::: ..- !.M_-._.__-_ __ __. 5?'a';."'I`."?::.:::r.:-.1.'-'.`.'..x'-l."`2'.'?:."`.` .. . . ADVIl'I'IIIIIl`l`l M._ _u-,-.,. _,, Ilu oOhtrVIIIf'l`lJU|l!"I0OlIlIOC. r 3`! aunt: ov`or.ua.pov`l.Iu. hum. moon I n mo . :.|&wi: u can om. . Inn. to k 00. ' . . my 5 will mu. tvolvo `nun Al_NOU_lEMBNT. I mum ton In or a notice. I r'Ln."`':.`3'.....3.`l` "Opt/or :10fV-;'lao-m Dwov! no .. .. - . .... 3,6210 humus ham?` Tm -0". :1 Qnn . . . I cream 4 Tiit I, hop: on. NI- of win: won. . - I`. IAUIIIIOI. no mo nun ? II IXVUH N IKITNC NIT ! I $.`."{.`..'.`..3".'"".im.`: ..`.`.'...`:"..`;*, d L1:-In hr. -gnIgaI on Mango; w`.:-.s::,.=:&,E`:'-`I'.*"".?.T ..`m:mJR."?r itool lnpplh E I` l'IlAIIII'R I IIPEII nuopua mo vorbmu system 0! wrtuuwunu horonfur It will In uugm all upiln at.- `tnndin oohool in shah olcy. M: In a nun \~ man for tho vu-Maul nnhm. n -Ivw us]: u. vuu-vu_v. uvvuuuu m.."a'. Anton dour (human no: man ooeuu. Kingdom 1`. um tom-nod bone that u vhlt. W. ll. LI-shun` noun A 1lIA._J| A girl, - I\.'.I' [T73] IIIIIIX IUIIII |Il\lII I ml" the no of south Amorloun Kidney `(?un." Ru. Jnmu Murdoch. 8%. John, N. B.-. "IInv0I'0oIlv0d om hundrod dollars worth Alanna! lrnlu run both]: 1:! Rank}: Amnrlnnn good an in Mint you In-. tuner: new nnohim in buy slmohiug mm in thin Iouli and all upon: an my an 0- hchty. B. Wmmui in buy drillin . up country. md mun uhuovor Iliing 1: my drynnd badly in mod 0! nun on his routs. A mmhot dour loop! humor: won onion shit annual hunting trip and on air mum Ind slnir gunotoo nnncrou to nation. A pug, up given by Mia Walk on Fri owning. whom I mmhot of hot young nnjoycd thon- oolunaill INC!` nidnigls tripping the light Mann A nodding upoiod uonl,L Vioiton: DI . Mon-inui, at Kan`; Ah Ilnnnn ll (kink: Ilnu-`J In on U. AI-Oh rhplnn noun: nhv dun am Klnxlnlh ll nlorrlnur, M H. Odnhy. Round ".`.'2`..":"`L'!.` ronrmuuououuu vvmu. Au-shun nun I nib-In a girl. FIT UK! A GLOVE Iuvnoollvou one nunurou comm` worm olsood from om bolo of South Amorlnnn Kl my Outs. Bold by W. H.Nodloy.|uu. other to N. 0. Poison I Go, " "-".'.'.{.}.}' 3.-"`f Lnmn. Sept. |.-hnmu an bunny thrashing and gum knot turning out n i hunt I . A `n '..`. '. .``..`.'....'t.. ...."."..'.t..... mm. Ilnnuonnplo olllp abut of-pour. It with no. as 3 lmlnu nan. that tho dmmunmu jmlod shy salon, nndl dunk n. waldo thnnnno polmchsni. Ill collar: to largo will not and hull. with aloha` the government {or Advhlng nu Ian at the warrant: or with the gov- ernor-nnonl hr following. tho Mon at his nlnlntou." . _ _ . _ ...n---A L- _ __.._-....-u..- I"PIII KI` VUXHHIUI-'1 Many oom lolnto oro boing modo by {mpilo ottond ng tho oolloqioto inotinuto, hot having boon taught tho vortlool nyl- tom oi writing in tho public oohoolo and oloowhon. tho no bolng ootnpollod to odo t tho o|d- mo Bponoorion oyotom in tho notituto. A oortoin oollogioto moti- tuto tooohor modo tho romork thot tho own woo my good for junior pupil: in o ublio oohoolo. but hoving pooood tho four I: olon thov muot toko um tho Snow WIIUIH El In NH!` ON]. '1 lI|I II [rut \- ooory for tho vu-blonl uyutnm. an Ulovolnnd might in onllod the home of the old-tlmo ulnnting nylwn. III"I'I IKITI-I IlII-X V-IUKI EII-UVUIII To ovon bunch tho mony word: 0! proloo wn-itsuxot Bouth|Amorloon Kldnoy Cum won cououmo o nowo r opooo. But toko ob rondomwq. low: {En Elopor. Burk`o l`ol|o, Ont: Ono boulool South Amorloon Kidooy (Euro ounvluood mo of in root worth." Mlohool Mohlullon. Choo- oy. Ont: "l xroourod ono bottlo 0! South Amooon idnoy Curo. and kiln; to oooordlng todiloouono 5 immodloto rohol." D. J. laeio. Shot o, Qua: "I opom ovor N00 for trootnont but novor toootvod morkod nllot unul I `upon tho no of South Amorloon Kldnov `(?nm." Tho Mull d E:np|ro In nxloun to wrlta down . mm:-. and no up In In "nomm u Etunnn nor 5 Inulnou mun, but I olovor pglltio/Kl onhgm." What- ovor ho la Mr. Laurie; ms to, be grow- ln In powor u1.d pogzulsrtv. mo noun nonoouo. nun mung puuu mo they up Spon- oorlnuynwm. The pupil: an grossly hum- nond In tholr work in oonnouonomu thu oomnnynwm. 'l'nI pupm an uruuy u|m~ pond work oomoquonomu they a any umnoo got choir hmd museum- bo the peculiar mm of the lnuor cyn- mm uwr having no long and the natural puoluou. The (ilovulnud bond of oduuntion hm pulluou. The Clovolnnd bond oduomon ndophd the version] Iynom of wrH.|u|[.nnd huufnr It bohunht mmiln mt.- 6En:I;y $4.25 I n Innndnnmn In] ' Tho Toronto Now In nob hnprooood with tho oilly rnmor shot Mr. hurlor I: going eorolor who Monlvobo oohool quoouon to tho popo. Bnoh on Intorvontlon. tho Non ooroootloolly roam-ho. would hnvo tho furohor odvontogo of oobbllng Mr. Lourlor for oil t.Imo.". - Whet doee the Vermont. eleouon menu ? Theo the sound money demon:-use have folned with the sound money republlnene n eweepm the state end eo giving a pre- Inninery ex lblblon of whet they mm do. BI-yen end etlver do not `count. for much In Vermont. 0 I O The Oonurvnun World upd Mall In- ulnuaho tlmnho order (or the cloning of the bar 0! tho common: In bohm evaded. The only dlffonnoo lb mnu. tho us. In that men uh bholr drink: um. ng own lnntaud. ol Iundlngnrs. In uh All? That in not what the 0 or mount. and Mr. I-Edgar will no glut It. In carried out. 0 Chrh Wullm In not amending the pu-by nouns. and 3 conurvimvo pupor. tho Toronm News. all: Mm down. It :1- mlndn him In cannot booomc ludor of she party. and hop that from In. me! he oun- noc gollt nnywny. Which I: npomrful rouon why ho should Iollpw the loud ol the mom who rgpudlnbod him in thc oloouon. DI-oul Kldny Dlunu onion: Removed. 'l`n Qlon Iunnnh IL. wnnnl nun-ah nl nulnlnn Ian! lllwpuluuuw. -n lvuwr nu `nu- uomldaof how his new of oondonoo mouon luoprdod. 80 Inc Sun pllng to put Mmoll on motd. and It In hopod that he win `he Iomod with his export- IDOG - _ IDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. lhoppud. ol the Toronto Sm, pro- dlou 3 clean troop for tho llhoulu In the Quebec olooblou. And be II now In tho line of prophooy; _ O O Tho Ipooohu of Hum. Tum and In- nor, on Mondny. will be worth hdu-inn. Thou no won`-klngmon. and men who op- proprmoly ropuuno tho dlgnloy of lnbor ...A as. ..-...l. IIII IIIIIIIUUITIA And no repudiated by a Toonurvsuvo. ups-oulng a candid opinion on halal! ol om. hulanuulann Mu. lash: In nlvcn .nVyI`IIUUI Itin it and In fllfdl` U U Labor day In | dominion Iubuhory holl- dny, and {or the lm time In K|n[I6on in to be obui-vod by I labor douonoentlon In IAIO Onhllofnrk. Tum Ind his con- lmo will |IIkO`.NtI: lnurnlng. "';;;._,,_j ...;_a: cnsctmJ% WIRE womcs. mammals and own dgunptton up. 5; naming-_ in mm; mmntr j--:_.-..-:- Pupllu An Oonpulnlug. n ..u..uI-Inn. .- .uA`nn- .- ul among an noun. no nu. county Injurhag Insult. Aoholu on the dds- nll In and No Inger at th build! mdul lmylhounodod r low shin building an In II-on lluo be nolhdiu the Inn 0! loll` Ix in wt no 5: The _` Bee__ I|jve_` IlI1ll`l|`;:I`:|.0\l|0l|IOD0lIl:|.aIhO`llNWl- Ohptwinlhop ni . 9". .!'!'1`9!':'..-!`""..- ..v |.'..`.{ '.'.7's'..s"7-"?."':..'.'a'.'.?'u'.." :`.a"if ".""...J;| lnllrlnn Ihuull. Anhhv on tho dds. mnou tor pan. an. \\ Mon uvon in rroollyn with hi: wife And we children. and in humble npnrtmcnu Va A: happy ui in up could ht It vru About the mist din month; tho Rub tint wu. full of lioning ion. in which the ferry hon gut might and drilhd Inlplunly. la vu about an hour Inn than Janna Wnlnh nuohoul Baum. awn. He no jun ghoul Io unuino hie petition. when I ma coupe told him he wu wanted at the ot- lkro. On touching the acne. an onvolopo mu Mmlul him containing the balance 0! his and his diuuhugo. It was in vain that Anon to n I lasting that In mighu ox in; u an oioor vru culled who umnt him from the non. IO vilo tool sink worrying out in lun- band`: Ion olunploynonn both wen we d to than to I: `got fun: unniiojn: :`|'d.:n'. vunI.h`3 gsuccnss AND FAlLURE.|] greet meronenh lie beneenn nne blue wnvee oi lelie Ohempleiu. where the robber: threw the}? when kthe pureuing detective: were on 6 elr tree . Wedneedny eow one oi the oloein ohn ~ he;-gluhehle hietory cal vieinity ead pri'e we e neheborew on eereo ontno no: or oi inth-eb.end Brond evenue.oioeod ice doom. Nobhing like it hed over been eeen in hhie oounu-y beiom. lo we: more then an rivel for the Bon Merohe oi Perle. On its completion he hed eohieved the meet embition ol hie life. she new uptown ebore being the greet oentrel de tior hi- i or I. e oar H eetreot. irede; end the eplefndil whb? marble uhld n'3.a:. weend.erv?>ted o;l::lu:ively to the whoieeele credo end the reeuli. luau- iled hie judgmenh. lorin the yeerni I376 hie hrede emounhed tohhe i.he.enormuue eum oi fort -elx millione oi uloilnro. In M70 he] d'i`d. All clad reeJt {0|`blil;I'? he eooumue ' w iieir y` u( ton. hie legel ndvieet. Tho Jud ee.hie three 1-o.::`e up in th'e beeineemh Ksheyllmve oar- ri it on will verioul 0 en ee or twenty yeere. end elter in; HR`, was million: oi the jndge e mon. on edneedn their lumkrnpw wee ennounoed, On ueedey evening w en the ebore oloeed. the em- loyeee received no intimation of ti-ouhle. {\ hen :|he_y re!turn3d bi: won: on \\ (A ney oun e oore 0 en e nobioo hobhe eifeouheb the bud`- neee wee oloeed not to be reeumed. LII Tun-ndnu nhehh Anti uni." A.u-l\ Iinl. orono mmugn mo wmuovu on wounouuuy nmrnlng. .\Ir. Hilton and hlo law or. who mu lppulutod lulu unlgnoo. Itrugg on with tlmhurd and lronolod pruhlom of how to wort tho mnulng ruln. Elghl. hundrod thouuud dollm-o must bo rolood boforo tho [am down of to-morrow'o oun. or tho llrm ol HI ton AC0. would ho pootod on tho NIB 0! bonkrupho. tho ruin of which wlll form ouo ol oh: Ioddoot and moot uortllng ohnpboro In tho hh-tor of lalkl. In oonnocuun wlt. tho oloolng ofhhin rout. otoro blue wooh. ln nbbor and hopo- ` ooo ruin. lo I wolrd ond romantic lnuldont whlnh noon: to how boon forgobhou by the (mob mono of nowopopor roodoro. shou h It nmxtod o profound oonooolon st tho tuno. Ono ol tho lronolod who of tho rm van that all tho olorlo mum ho M tllolroutiouo bolonv tho nunouncomono woo modo that. tho otoro woo opon for buolnooo. md tho olorho on oluhor oldo ol omlooin cloth won llohlo to bo diwhorgod lf thoy ullod to I`- porb tho unlortunoto ohoonloo. Jnmoo Wllnh III I Amara vounn [Hoh- porn mo unmrwnau nnoonuo. Jnmu Wllnh Inc I mm young Iris) mum who. lboliovo. wn nunhod to tho -ilk dcpurunnnt. Ho wan indunmoun. frugnl and honest. nuonuvo to him bunt- nou. bright. ohotrlul and obllging: in mm a modal ulounun. and likod by ovory ono in his dopuunont. I: warn in un month 0! Pobruury, 1873. which will long be ro- mombond no one of the moon bitterly cold mouth: ;that thc ooumr had 0:- rrlonod for Mr. \\`u| livod in roollm two ohildnu. out and no more aovouu worlnlppu`. Alexander Tournoybbwnro had pllod up many In/llllonn ol dollnrr. buthlr lure for gold uooodod hlr Aooumnlnln worm) all u Int dasth Itoppod him In b 0 hour 0 Mn 3|-Indus ruooou. and In vo up tho hon {ably murmurlng *' oo luoltoo fmxsoolm 1" no but 'bunuo.~ hlmlolf nnd hln um I muuooloum which rlvolod tho moot bountiful orthodrnl on tho North American on monk. and bonuth she orypI._ war _a_ w_h h unrblr urgggfrnglsrr, in Arno:-tom mom. and nonunn mc 01 I. van n with mrblo uroo qua. w oh nll oh, mu mortal of h mull und his wlfo woriho ropou hill. on tho ud - mom. day, tho nrohAnI| I mun LI on d uummon the quick And the do: . In hmorv. nnnlonl. or modern. thorn In 'T""' "'`|III-u:uu ., S0 C0 , | a summon the qulox ma we now. In hmory. Anolont modern. no moon! of I nlnglo llfo which oom rim uuoh {allure nnd IUOGIIO. Ho dl the ......nn. nu! nlnhum mm-nhnnt. nu-Inna In mhn won mluro nnu no and me much and rlohuh merchant prlnoo In tho Jnltod sum. 06 lb nvnllod hhn nohhln . Ihwunllucu. b one wlnownnonhorkil`. nor kln. 1'ho;wh to mu-blonl-ooplnguu In the oryge of the buublful oatlnodnl at (lnrdon I6 in unnnbluu tho bone: 0! the (rut more Ant llo bcnuth the blue vmvu ol Olmnulnlu. - 32:1 ` THE OLOIINC OF A GREAT ITOHI `IN HOPILIIU RUIN. no man u my no ouppooou no um. 5 mo looborgo n; she lo. Money nu houod. In ollhho Ion the golden ...|l I.-A an amount tlauuugal wtnuhlnnnl cloud not no no Noumea. All Tuudu nlghh, and until early Ii M broke throng tho window: on Wodnu ny mnrnlnu. Hilton Inwvor. I . A rum vhmu mm human In. our- no=ouc-nnun lndlu or u Wulthy Ionian-A Olllnllndl ldcavol lulu :- nou In lulu-(Inn loooptlon to u lug Chang In low Yon. (Inuhl Gununnndnusm). weenohly lurmehea mun uunen weuun could eu ly orlunury demend. lor the world n leld under trllpnteto re- tlly the venlby ol the dying men who, n e [OI momenue. wet to eolve the dreed myetery of myeerlee-e M-lel thee eooner or leber come: to me ell. Around the dy- lng men`e bed where were no beeumul wetohere. (or uhere were none to mourn. Children he hed none; no lovln ohlld had ever ollmbed hle kneee tocnll lm "(wh- en" releolone heebhorred. end never do- knowledged thebhe hed enyx he had no levorltee on-Keen; no on or dog or bird ever olelmed Ie nooloe or eotenclon, end In Me lnteroouree wlth ohoee with whom he wee eeeoolebed ln buelneee. hle lrlendehlp euoh ee be euppoeed on exlee emonn one loeherne eh hhe nole. Money mo mnorgu no one us. an gu cal! had dovoud worshipper. Alnnndnr Tonrnovhwnro DHO1 -II' IIXIIII ICU l'UI'II (Ipoohl Ounnpondnom). ' NIwYou lopt. 4.-Ib sun In oho you of our Lord I070 Glut, in tho mono msgnilloono white marble pahoo on the Island of Innlmhn mold omolnhd nun hf on his bod of oldor-Jown. wrumng 1: ah the I I o! dnth. Tholalty room was richly mum with 511 that wulhh could umniv orluxurv demand. the mm nun! Lnizmsn WEIG. sA'rUnnAr.`sm1='r:I:Mnnn 5. mos` IIIIllU'IIIIIDIlOlOIIVI II mu:scyuuomnunaung| In: M... full nnA-nn. 'l'|n Inland Innnnh ll \ 'OldC CI`. .n::nm. auouavuuunu:.:unuuuu. yum`! In nish. . mm. Wdcll. lOo..IundA. A. Wright. Ruhr. In nupidtho up Inhuduo:danotr\n'nc|l\h(3Inuu- :30 will to built this 3.3: Noun an l DIIl|1% III III KOVII. TX WOW IP- has bought on tho Munch ol luau. Dnvdall 0 Hugh. Duncan Nehru. and sham chin. uunonn neuron. noun oqlv. 0! DI-Iunond. dial on and In lumen! on \\ odnu-Jay. I-lo In A native oi Scotland, and lint! in thin country hr about slur nus. noon: any Rut Row. J. Ballot. Roblil. went in Oobourp. on Wuluudqy. In and uh lmnnl ol Mn gnndhshr. Willis: Jules. on No mum In will is accompanied by In John. who will aid: with NI. N Ideal Ihhu pal lolly uvrqr.` 0% n-vnvaln. litany? no lumen 0 Memo . I08 lino Bclhnt. BIO Inna ION bu inland. and nl-LAI van nlll In -and LnIlL_ . DRESS ncrom consn. .','I'.'*.'.`...,..`.'.':'T-`'.`.`.1'..`.&$'"'.-'" . NewYork llreu Reform. !`.`.'.`. {.`:`,' #..'x1`x'...`.`:':'M}1:Wnx`"3".``y 0.... Mn Ila. rs. Kihg. am am. Am. C. I`. R. conductor. dad at {Nun on Tuondny. She was born in Newborn. Ont. -In urouo.|ntmuidon nuns hing u-y . nno l.nrh-co. John Robothon. Porch. did to tho ni- clonu ct his emu. In Juan Can I. god oonnty two y-an lhnnofhldch nomidonblo wealth to in divided unongu hie mum w n....s.......... c........a . ..........n.. . no o s n"\Vmt.)::h` hon tornod putnorohi with J. |l.T'|onnt. Ronfrovi on go Inlo Jo drug Imoinovo in that town. `Phonon Ira Inn hnunhl non [ha Imninnnn M Human. mus u ` 3. l\r.Ln.n-n Ag \L -uh I`. [1 [B JKJlH0. E. U. chap. Carleton Plano. culhri hon: tlmnl. ttoublo. hn just mm from A oojmlrn on the Whlh mountain, III". will shortly lave for I dryor ell- Hill`. LI H5 Jnngnln nounnant 'l`n-wanna Illn- norvm. omen mu |Ol` or jump uomn. North Bay. wot nd vows ol the omorhootl. Hot name In nllon in Shul- Muollm .. BIL... ...ac...tn 1:... n II n mo uwrmr govormm-nu unumou oonuol. There in a rumor in N: to that n Ion ol luulmnl John Ourswrg nu will. in the future. mnlm Nnpamoo his plsoo 0! ml- dunes. Tluunnn I\d\nn.nI| KAI`... IL. hm. ..a........,. unmpmumru. ' R. J. Whito. nhi rlor l`ront.& Wood l Smith`: ml-. and in Ethol. duuphw of the Int-J. 1`. Honda-non. I5:-sh. were mar. rim! on \\'ulnomlny. it. run Jnlm Fnrnunnn IITLI). uvnnnl. TIMI on \\ KIHOUIIY. It. can John Ferguson M7431). wood- ing to the publinhod uuvnnnnl. to run his cnmpnign nuainot Mr. Hnggnrl. II out Mr. H: re 3398445. '3 ll ninn f`.ArInLnn lung litmus molly. Runny. won ninrrloa on Sopu Int. J M. ltintoul, Tnlook. in Ihooing A horn. mu kicked and his elbow lmockod out 0! joint. 'l`ho Minn Lao hum numhnnd uh. oh! J. 1'. momnnur. Juno lilinboth. roliob of hue Bmol Warner. died at Smith`: Full: on Sunday. ngod eight -four. Andrew ln\'don.M.A,. Almonu. Ian-on mums, .\ T`?B P4X-..'" W.- ____ AL- -....|.-.. HQ.` Thomu Ilowdnll. boforo tho IAN vomv mom. mi nod. mu I )pointod Alumnu- bar. :1. Bo `I l.n|xo.|n place 0! she Inc John Kerry. lhv. W. H. Hmhnn\.CAm|nnhin.' IA] unuau nu murrm to man Muuo unap- holl. Inn hour 0 Rev. T. M. Uunpboll, of Cnmplmll nni. Whito. Ihinnor for Front. & Wand. man A: St. Jonoplfo convent. Toronto, Min Dorvm. oldest in tor o! judge Donn. liar. tho Kol u [NICK WI')I'Il with which he a I to pctpuuu HI llama. The tnllllouo thlt In putt! to high hnvc vnnillnd. Th mu-blo mint wham- Uhli, l`|II|0_nI|.,III'. " xom Olin` F00 LI " tho prl coop n! to ho rootly doilghbod wit tho udrum on o In- bolu. Evory tlmo tho oymbolo crook: ho ohontod," HI! holly good! moro! moro! moro! " Wo hovo boon doing who oqnnro thing ha our Ohtnou ooullm his room: an the 'o|dorf, ond than o! M: IIIWO. no oooulng no vo hundrod dollnro o dny and Lhlo dou noblnoludo tholr " Yam Vom" nor Tong Boo." Ihwnnlrl hanntlrnlv nnnlnnn far on: on nwoula noenurely uuleee Ior me no uttaemptto all the story ol hln reoepelon and ent.ert.alnmenb Ilnoe he landed In New York. No such dletlnollon wee ever ehown by the Unloed Staten beloro tothe re renn- tutlvo 0! my forel n government. troop of onvulry uooru llu who vor he you. an honor not. even eooonlo to our own roeldonb. Urent. thinge an expected from A Hun Cl|eng`e vlolt. I: may mean the down 0 u now olvlllutlon lor Uhlne. 1! lo. wlnh lb will come ordere for hnndrede of mlllloue of dollere worth 0! etenmehlpa, rnllnonde. bolegrnphe, Army und nevy eup- pllee. I|[I`l0lIll|I|`ll lmplomonhe. and the mllllon end one thlnge ueoeunr to build up n newer end grontor olvlllnet. on for the moet, puloun netllon on the leoeol the'g|obe. Po lbloe III at [ever hang. _lb Io_om_e _n moor. pu noun union me nsooonnoylono. lover host. It mm: as Htho canny of mudnou had mind tho buy oloquoub from the Pluto. Ho has mound the populism indorumonn. and now In reaches out [or unnrahlntlo nu?- port. At. the Steuben county fair, on Fr - day. ho uid. " Thoy call us nmrohlnba. and I come amen" Wu the rutant unar- chlnt. olthom all! III (In win? Cm It win? Are the poo do of the Unltod Bum romly to place I. 0 mutant nunnyolninh n! than all In tho 0 air Wuhlngton and (lrnut honored and hugln. {or and that t.mo..1...Is..I for? mu not notion in. ~ [mu m mun an. rno mun me new: puronuou an: old Ramon homutaud. Napnnoo. occupied by J. F. .\loAllm4r. Jung I`.Nnnh-5.`: u-glint Al lnnnn Bum]. ngou OI|{lI\ -loul`. lnydon. M.A,. Almonu. lava next. wool: to pmluo his studio: In hho luv Iclmol at 'l`nrnn!.o. m....|.. um..." |...........|.....a 0...... M... ucnoou mu. 1 ammo. Uluu-Ion Ii`:-mall hupurchuod lrnm Mrs. Dance. l'ioum. the nnltlonoo now occu- plod by John Smith. Nsnoo. Sxxtv vars euro Ins ondI'v~John (Mb- -w-.---_' --_.----_ V 7 , Alum qunmy dlmt from the orchard. ` ohup. have your ordu. ,, _. _----._ .._........ `unnu- [M00 D] IIOIIII EIIIIBI1. NIKKI- Saxty your: up own [um loouwl in NnpAnoo.nJ oominuoun ronidonc ovor Ilnoo.` n.. n.......1... 13...: n.. .....` mun n swung. nroumg mu Ion. am. A new pout nioo named lrohnd hu boon opened in [ingot (Ronhow 00.}. since the lawrior govornmunh uuumod oonbml. rumor in Nunnnn Hut n mm Hn\hnn\.0un|nnhio.' In united in mama to Mint: l\lu.tio Gunp- _Im_:_;`htQr Iandlorao tnrou bout Now hanglana noon to wakou thor toata to o alx o olook hroahlaot fty or xty yooro ago. La aoon aaLi caught tho awoot molody of that moat poworlul ol muoioai motnunonto. which aoundod liho tho anaahi .0! Ion. mllliona ol ohingloo. auppiomon with a charivari oi tin no. tho old wan5ior o atom foaturoo ro rod. and, tm-nin hio ofoa okyward. ho twiotod hia piztoil hroo tmou about hia nook. and olaaping hia handa in oootaoy. ho ooftl murmurod to himaoli Oh. root Fat or of tho Bun. who only otia hla lilo`_!rom thoo. ilrot oouain to t o moon and grand-unclo to tho aovon atara; oh. ro ol pug-mug of tho 977 dog:-oo. with art t on not horo to onjoy thia magni oont tintinabulation. Uroat Qonfuoiuo. I thank thoo. Valhalla in not far on` whon Inolod liko thiodolighta tho oar." Whiio tho hon no playing tho Uhinooo, nai.in_naLnIr. " Yam Bung Foo Li." tho nriuoo annoad nnatl! Num of tho Dl|:I`|o| uoutouud Iron the WM; Inohnulu. Min Ada Tonnont. Ola hon. and J. mlrrl Sopu liinboul. Tnloolx. in Ihonimr I hang. `Hugh howry. OOIIUIIIIOIII I 0Il(IOllU IVII` INK}.-" On 8uturd.a Earl. the young son of Klorth Fndonoluburg. MI [mm an swing. breaking his loft Am. nonl named lrohnd hu Thl Inlluou Inn in puoa no man have unkind. The marble lmo In hr dlodI1 `now 0 club who`. when run noun: 0 r o mpugno and :9! high jlnlmntll u otnnln o! tho morning llghtnopo bholnnnd corn ul. A low cannon; and his mm vlll ho (or; n. orlfnnombondubovo It will In wrlmn. `Bankrupt In body And soul." In In aid that |Ol|lr.unn I Has 0! on- no wmun. "ucnlrupo In may no noun." n0hlnunnn'n ymont. la none. 1! MM In true. but Ll ugg (llun mu have hlokod MI Inch up ngslnot t. o oomng ol Mn noun-com an In pound the whlh oqundron. Didn't we bun so him! Well, I guess no. In addition too bl; guns nvnrzultonln whlnlo In tho hnrbor put in II B doml-mnl qua- vorl, all numbed In the kt 0! X. On board of covers morohnnb nun I worolomolnrp Ohlnuo gongu. such an all tho country landlords than how New England and am to o`olook hnAAL'nnI M. an '-0.. annnnnon Ln nnnn anvmau I uougn. Hahn. shout ohlsy. I Druunond. v and um uvvu nun: -uvnn-w vuuu I --u n uuu L0!` lhwould boontlroly union for me to muomntto IIDIW o! rooonelon '|.lfEI.lKE PAINIIW )l I] I5. 'l`ho Mine: [.00 have purohuod tho old lulu-ton lmmuund. Nnnnnn. oommlod In THE Tsrmor man-Its. ohn (Mb- I. . s...... . IgII I-I-IIII- I run`-uvv v - Ouf nproduou In In `an. on on and V I on or III rov nu In It 1 an. no- tory. onrod to yo I won awn! rn V0 I O0 homo. no out no and oxpmn on II nwulorn 0 pr nu. ll. QZ\fQ'I`. .......K..."""" ".'.`"'{ {as2'" ""lf.."u.; not for tho gulntan mutnsuon in to cuvuuou vu tho lull told nun. -nlor-can-nl IQHW. &nIn.dBIonh. a. uovouuuwuoluuugovuau-u aouulnqcgthn. Winn UIOTKHQ nnnhlnowcnt Obionqoinlnlltoput puller (inn! Chnhnd our 850 annrn hr nrddut on $50 dono- UNVU UDVIBIGI OVC UX oouuhrpndduntcn shalom :;t.`uc|:luInl'bwrwu|hn unhuuupng ......'r`:n `N00: uuou huh and uh. ..-gun glnnlnd M` n-DI: uuulv unlnown Inn ouuido ol morn oilgol names: which in vuthon -( mm (lhvolnad. In an IIIOI in hp-tho 'Ndon-nolino rodorouhohod out an coins and Cleveland vu noni- ..s-I Inn 1 -nln-its :5! Alumni About! In A ovuuncouno IMI uuuuw vu nom- unodh nunhrityol than swan Inn cblqugnotlnt. Hi: I nth, no cunvcnuon no In: Iona In IuryW.IIooIn.olBnok- 3:. vohnd wuolnhtl puma: a quaint obuon. an Tilda ';he um y uheinuen in ex(lov. Roe- well I`. over. e millionaire from our neighboring city at Welaertown. N. Y. "Rnee Flower. II we elweye oeiled him in York mu politioe. eerly diecovered e proclivity ol ever hei on the _vron aide en convention tine. IBM to I890 the [teen end Ieee Bunuel J. Tilden. our oendidnee ptcidene in I870, end vrhoweeeieoied has cheated out o! the preeidenoy by the repuhlioene. wee unecon- trolling re in Mark euteend national demoorei. o politic. lmin ell Lhie time Bone Plover pppneed iden Ineohine in York eeele After thedeeth ob John I(eIIy.l`iower heeenne the heed oi the oppo- eiiion to the Tiiden Ineohine end ee each hiuerly uppoeed II at the Tilden nenhine eeweneein eteeeeonveneionlnthenoneh Al Hnnhnlnhnl Ill Al Ih`-0' nvpg. uwunoun vuuconvsnuonm unnonu 0! bar. I882, at Ihooilyol 8yn- ouu. .\`.. to being out and nominal; m unngnlu nnbnnun Inn nulddn AI Inhn-n lloml IIIOII Wnotl. II-ll! DI! IOI WM. oaunv. 0"" ovghg nun n-A....--_..nn....A II...--A.un lln of XI`, I533. II IIKIIIIIOI Hyfl` uuulv unknown outside of hinovn an--J Ilndnnl `Moi In tn than main: momma. A mom ondinh. oumgoouo. dinbulionl stumps In not noon-dad in thopqzu of history. And in all this. I predict. he will utterly. wntchodly. iguounlnioualy fail. Ind than be oomlgnod to I well merit- ed and [using iuluny. And tho onormilv ol this olfonoo in the um; uvovunnu Ana um-oummon. not us my a run! about thin lndiuupoln conun- Lion. |w1m ctlgvmuo wms} TIIO reason or ulovoumu Ippomung Phelps In now most up rent. By A turn and uuon-hug oommun on 0! soul they well know such other. it no the but- lng 0! one about plumorntio hurt. lnlt tho other. And what in true o Pholpo the lnfnmoun and than ma, I. Inn. nl um-u nunu nl Hm man I! n Inv- nnn mnovou mu am: a pomuo oonpooor Hoddon. boonuno ho h ut. out there- publlouu and `llod the I` place: with domoorsu. Mr. Mtgono took much plu- uun In Announcing me other day blunt un- der no oimuuutanooo could he think at vot- hu%for the ngulu nomlnu.t.ho Hon. Wm. J. rynn. ` Anln. It. in well lmown that the malari- J. uryen. - A ein, that majorl- ly oi Cleveland`a pnaent cabinet. have promulgeted their Intention of bolting the nguler demonretio ticket. There in ne oonapiououe exception in the oeee 0! he Hon. Hoke Bmlth. 0! Ueorgia. eecretery oi the interior. He early let it be known thet he would aupport the Chi ticket from pletlorm to oendidetee. an (or thia notion Preeldent Cleveleml immediately appointed e men in thet department to eome eubordinete noaltlon that heppened to he veoent. Aa t rulee ol the depart- ment required the prealdent to ooneult the eeontery of the interior belore making the eppolntment. and ee Clevelend hed pur- roeely and olfenalvely n looted ao to do. lohe Smith et once cent In Me renilfnetion end took the tint tnin out 0! Weeh nuton, whereupon Clevelend hee lilled the vuoent rtlolio in hle oebinet with e men from liav-ouri. And an the light on. The 0 men 0 deetiny hen. we leer. bitten m then he oen meetioate. With epoleonin determinetion he hee evturn to deleel the demooretio perty which took him uplrom "darkeet obeour- ity" and three timra mede him lte etenderd heerer, end twice put upon hie Int. un- cultured. evyzty. stubborn and unuretetul heed one the leireet. tnoet powerful reeplendent orowna ever worn by eerthly monemh. A anna entnnh naakluoonnn aliehulin-I ou mu tuung numny. And tho Ono:-mil more nououblo w we nool. thus the and mu: 0! the domoonuo party in undo up 0! the poor man and the lay lnbonn. um] that the `piston: campaign in tho American ropubl o in I utrugglo botwoon homo toil on the one hand amd bloutod u-Mooney and bondholders on tho othot. Pnnimr now [mm the rouau rot. of own- uuloormy nun oonunnmon mo OMIOI . Panning rotten ovary- khtng Chvolnnd and Clorolcmdloh, lot um an n lndiunnoln OIOVIDIOII. mo wmur nenol mun DIII IIII lull nhu-o'o! ruponulblllh . Clovohnd oornmonood 1: (int udmlnlI- orutlon lag the nprolnunont. 0! Hon. Ed- Inrd J. hol , o Vormonb. u mlnmor to the court. of 6. Junou. Tho poamon o! En lluh mlnluhorhu our bun rogurdod u t 0 rah loan in point of honor And in- lluonoo In t 03m 0! the udmlnmnulon. In no. bhouhro. I grout. Iurprlu to the domocnblo ptrty that tho pruldonb should tutu hln representative to En lund an onrol unknown mun irorn 0 Imull mu 0 Vonnonh. which mu` nlono ol til the IMMI In the union. had onjoyod the proud dmlnoelon of having ncvor olooud I democrat from pruldonb to puthmutnr since in orgnnlnon. Ex.-'nl|Mr Phnlm. hhu OHIO!` day. In- ho returned an biluln in now. Plan ol mom zany mw mutton normlulnu coon noun chap. W A l>`IIl|S`l _ . lime in orgunlnolon. Ex-u nleoer Plaelpe. the dey. nouneod _wlt.l: e rent lourleh ol orum pen, that God wlllng end helpln he would no woll to it thew be won] not vote for Wm. `J. Bryon {or proeldeny. end no the acme tlme nook ocoenlon (to chide the gold huge for outblnf up Another llokeb. for. sold e. whh consider- able polltloel ecumen, are you old do- mocrat: to blind on not to be ob e to roe um ll you pull up another democratic ticket tlmt. your vote. being democrats. will only count one. whoreull` you vote directly for M:Klnley your vote will count for two. or lu other words. be e double healer." Th. nnnnnn nl nlnv-lnml nnnnlnnu Inn: tho omor. Ana wnnu to blue In two of vary nun of tho mun w o hnvo found fsvor ll lb: and: of our nocidonbul and plutoontio president. Our nur neigh- bor. tho Hon; lhnlol Mngono. o( Ogduur hum. N.\'.. wn nnnolnmd collector of tho bor. but Ham Iumcl nugono. 0| uguour burg. N.\'.. wu up lubed Luna of Now York y Cleveland. after he ndromovod hln lino apollntno oollpotor Hnddnn. humans In In nut. out t.h'o ro- IUT HI" I! T MAN ENOUGH ll: lulu-I Inn Youod for IK|nlo.y- Iony to lo; I. --I`. ower Anon; Clan Gold Iun. In In In Ivor on tho wrong uo-;nm|uu_-Iwm mu pa Wound Wltl luau. ' Tho Io-culled convonblon ol the gold buy. or sound uonoyuvlng aloha domoon- lo Family In: come and pm to Indiana- r;In.4:n::nI::'n`?ndvnnlInn h:h hn`l|.l' Chicago. Winn GrovoI"0l0vohnd an M: ruh ndmlnmnbton in um um ad that - ho was smut tho 6 mm or the hi I tool that our vod n he rev nil known And nooopuci min In pohuou. 1 : In llholy an tho uquol 0! his two Admin- mnolom hu lumped him as tho uubllmo Idiot o! the nu. an be In the greatest no- oldonb In history and for when polluonl olovnbion. the wt tor hereof man. his hi: lull .|-my-In! mnnnnnlhlllhv. Mo 1 III oomo Ina [om In l.lI(llIIlI- lo. Indium. and thcvb hangs I bio. ! count this convention had but on object. and-that no the defeat .01 tho" IOTIIAI` domoono tloiop nomlnnud ac Ch ago. bum To rs<'a'r' 0.5333; Clovolnnd appointing wt nmnront. Bv nun VVO `I0 IUIVUIQ ' King 5%.. next to electric car and IZUI IT. The livnr ulumlulnp ptopuuol Enn- ilt`on`n Plllu ol Mandala and Bnthmut muhthun tho non outt and N-nod; for Nliounun that an In :- dil`. llyouhnvobunnb Io Nllou nt- uch an an dinohd. Amman`: Hit 1:! Iluodnle and Buucrnul - thy um Ml In em. Nliounuo. EIIIIIHYI l'IllI. Wnlior Stacy. Portland. Iponi Sundty E bo:n.Kl{;;t8.r Boyce and d: Mar. M. . ot . oust. In 1 Inch in 8In|l.h o Full: visiting friends. n\`. A. Blanchard And wile. 0! New York. an whiting at Ma fntho. A. N. Blanchard. A. M. Chunoll no-urmd homo on Wcdno any from Nontnnl. Quinn unlnhar from hon uhondod hunt Spun`: picnic on Pol-slam! on Wcdnn. Iinlvyijxvitj UT? qdqlul Ilduy lady iupnlhqth ntgthyhunnlkhdthhnooy Mvouhhdhuoopunlthvsylus but of t-laden uni IIh\ih& IO Ilanvlolnohnonnvlol PILLS in In up this hhnb Iijndjghjhln Wjjffjwjm uiIipuih\y\InADnn\l& M cuduhuuhnxnnhhh .-u..nL.nL._|. l mouu u-sunny an `uncanny. I). W. Hinu. of North Daou. in hold~ in; down the town hall oven IVOM loo- tuni on mu-llomorlnm. 0 ha cum 0 to hour him but in not having my gun in . Mr. Thompson cou- monood h I duties. Hominy, u prlnclpnl ol modol school. Mr. Sim-tun nnovln to Coburg. lbhnmor Krupp. Plum llol vr, I: ulovlv ninlimn no bonus at his nmvu-v. uonum. ummor mupp. rum Hollow, slowly ninkin mo hops: of his noovor . Morfonl Anna! in uniting Manda n Smith`: Falls. \\'.In. nu..- n...n-...n .....n .....I-_ non nuanced nun 5 vmuguy. "fI"iaf"'Jiiciiif7m::.~.9 ....!=~ \ v lacuna`: Ihndnho Plllo Olin Hiba- Q-nA_l'IQA-Ilsa` I IIIIR Oll "FIRIIIIIII on I. FIQIIIO t." Hi: diuoourocwu very Intonat- inn. Both hi I: and modal oohoola reopen- od on Mon n with lug: Itlondmoo. About twenty vo onllnud in tho nuts for model training Tuooday. Hinu. Dutch. is hold. lam ojnimuno. tunic EH Qsix ' moan In found I hnllill. ' I WIND 0,||'GIDI|'Il|i | our in louud A holler. nnma. nl u-Gov. ll: he lonnd holler. Outside of on-Gov. Flown It'll prohnhlo that tho most 0! tho mm at. elu `old My oouvonolon would like to no I']||I c- locwl. but that why no not dupumoly bent to this and lo ovldonood la the hot slut. they put up mother oliloornlo ticket. `lo: the most. unlnltlsud In party lluloa cannot. Ml to no that ox-mlnluor hol ll right when he an that tho but mi: thing that could In Brynn la puma; up of Another tlo at lmund of voting for the ropublloan tlokob dlrootly. The gold bugs have put up John I. Balmor. of Illinois. for bhl 5:06 pltoo. And me rsov. w. n. vnnnrow. u. u.. euuor 0! the Cenedlon Methodlot mogulne. end of other publiootlone of the root Metho- dlet church ol thlo oountr . e le e wide trovollon, end on oye 0. o opportunltloo thot trovol ghee o Jud lug hroodly of tho morlto o! my orttolo. o hue exprooeod the written 0 Inion thot Dr. AgnoIv e Ootorrhel Pow or lo o~moet excellent rernod for ooldlu the need end vorloue ootorr nl tronbloo. One ehort pad` of tho brooth through the blower, eupplled with each bottle of Dr. Agnow'e Cotorrhol Powder. diffuoeo tho powder over the our- looo of the noeol run . Poiuleoo end delightful to ueo. t rel ovoe inetentl . end rmonontl ouroe Ootorrh. Ho ever. lde. Hoe oohe. Bore Throot. oneilltio end Doofnooo. 00 come. Sold by W. H. Medley. Iuocoeoor to N. C. Poleon & (30. The latest Arrlnll In town Asked to 00!. may with numy. (iammoqvn. Sept. 6.-"(iatl`" Shields, who athinod notoriety heroin formoryun. but has lomnrly amend olonr o! the town, Arrived Wodnudny ovonn and ' - ed to mnko things livol . own mmodl nnlv nabbed In hhn no Inn And vnntardnv on no man unngo nvol no In Immun- ntoly nabbed by the poloo Mid youcerdny was Ivan u ohnnooto got out of town. llivla on court WII held here olhrdly. Tho principal one was that o the John (lrllllthn bimrolo oomnnnv uninlh S. A. Inn prlnclpll one was mu. or we aonn (lrlllmn bio ole oompnny inn 8. A. Molionxio an which hu boon nbho oouru lor some time. The mm. vs: brou M. for tho price of I bloyolo, I100. Ann Van nov.t.|od~by dohudant ngrulng to pay 080 and coin. M. ....n M... n v u....n...... ...... :.. Mr. and Mn. 0. V. Kotohum were in Kin mun youoniny. J. l).,W. and Thoma Danny. ol Lunodowno. won in town you- Mrdny ntunding divloion oourt. Charla \Vu.u. who loft her: i kw mouth: to nooopt. 5 noutlon In Now York. In arm for his hol dnyo. The Omani bnnd pl: - od I numbor of choice Ioioohlonl at 0 (hmnnoquo Inn yuurdly. The band bu been an sued to lay for Pnnooto Mr on Sept. 2 rd and J3: run an oxonmton down on chub dnv. Tho humor New lahnd nu mouunu puuu. Ra BRYANT. High Olno Hun wnm and Ornnnnul 7 Pt_ln%or- ... . _.. JIIIUIII MIDI!`- Arulnxs, Sept. 3.~-Mm H. mm: Ion. on Monday to vim her dwghtar. Mn. Ed. Robooon. 0! Toronto. Row. Wfnloy. 0! Port Simpson. B.C.. ooonglod the pulpit in the Mthodm church on undn ovonln . I hing on "Pdguninm $0 Pacic dlauoul-sown nrv lnunnt. DO'AN"S` I.|IIuqyP|l|IIlI\puviI\oIIoyQb I A hint H... hnnnnhanrnllg Inlnnlhn Too 4 on neve pun Joon en. Belmenggfl Illinociz. hheget eoe. Simon puokner. of Kentucky. eeoond pleoe. u` I ticket. ~ Olevelen oennob oerr ell vhie oebinel. in this ticket ior ooriein b in um. hie wet eeoreizery. Deniol Lemons, will never be iound in who bolting renke. 0! oonne, ivin hie Behenlo melon` hie due glove end he: not you open deolered am he will not support ryen end Sewell. end the ioeno reoepoion um Bryen received in evelend e own any oi Builelo. Au . 97%|. tohe an ever given _ my men. n oulcl oonvnoe our wooden- heeded exoouhive then he oeenoe too eoon tdown oil` the ien`oehend jompboin the ryen weg en 0 e . or else be the $3 badly I h :3. on `next November election dey who ever lived.- M. S. uenml. j.._._----_.: KIR Illl III TLIR |Alf\QI R uopo. um um mu excursion own on day. New Wnndonr hu oonod her regular trips [or bhiu lawn. The Son: of Tom nnoo din- trlot. lodge will moot no Muporovo on Sept. 92nd. . on-nun A- I A-c Anou-_l`vu van or Ilury Indnrod Ilaol. who lluoonmbo to nodal`: Klduonllo. Manon` (upooIn|)Au .al --In a hen like thin, pooplo on or and nymgu. in hope and mourn with ouch othor. ut` ho r many friends hurt. us olnwhoro. who htvo long; been IWINM tho pnou-ions haul: an long-Iuoring of Mn. J. Forgunon will be plcuod to learn that her pulniul sulfarimn have ondod gt. Inn. and that in- nun Ivu --nu-cu: nu unnu- II I '- -"- '-"V" boplouod hhth rnlnlul sullen-in have ondod st. lab. and that in- oleoul 0 being unable, to nhe an I. to turn homll ln bod" uho la hone! once more at tho tuull. of ualn I luv boxes of l)odd'n Kldno Pills. She urbhor up that from the thl day was oommonclnu to non than plllu. the ma Inc from I" palm And. that now the tools at woll u ever bo- foro in her life. lov. W.Il. Ilchl-ow. D. 9.. Now `l`o|I-Inf llnpo I'|lI I onundhl Put]. In one 0! the Inn) to full lavonply of Dr. Anow'I Ontu-I-In] Powdou. Thom are fut more notod travollon tlnn thn Rnv `U H `With:-nu, n, I) , ntllhnr 'l'hOl`O [IN IIOIOCI IIOVOIIIII unn thc Rev. W. H. Wlbhrow, D. D.. odltor nl Lhn Fnnullnn Mnhhndln. mnonlna. and OANANOQUI cmzatimoa. -7- .7. -.....- _... NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD. _._, -._ .-- You we can bond 0 cm any Ilklpo to mm you :`..*'.-`::::".;.,'`:*:.s... ,:*.:::r:':' :;..r:..a.11 an [16 pnrucmlnru M M. ROBlNSON'S. - ,._ ,.L_....__ n. -_ u._ uhno 3......-G maintain up. and ,,,.nMn_clhpuugumhhlu I--cs`-"Es F-9!!!!-!*`"'1' KIDNEY ENDED AT LAST. Newiweedbressoods (ac. soc. Goc. 7sc.0;oc.9oc. Or-ooperyd All Wool Serges $.35:-4oc.:oc.6o. Intri- ABargaiIinCaslIIIIere 1% ` 3pahhtO'x.oo.`, , V R.l \NALDRON 8 |Tne People sL1Ielnsumnce6o.,Toronto. issues Policies on every plan of lnuurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited . Payment Life Endowment. with or without profit. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. I00 Weiiircton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company IP01` Motl1crs,LWivcs and Girls Tnooolost oi Women Journalists looorsos Poloofo celery compound: o o , ,_._.._ ___;-.....-..._._..4` 75 in pmncess smear. and ropnuuon. Tho ootivo prohooion 3! Journolinm hn koph Mro. Sport u to (lot; in Inform- lon and reg vo nthouzho. When thou woo ovi. one nood 0! a rotnody in her [om- lly. oho woo woll unto thou l'a|no o Col- ory Compound no the boot. medicine no mo. Tho followiu onthuoioollo lessor. oont. to Wollo and lo ordoon 00.. ohpvu the happy N u rom tho uoo 0! thin but of IN modiulnoo: ha.-n I-ll:-m _. A In: cumin` nun nl Pains`: all muanomaa: > Dear Sin: A law vaaka' use of Paine`: Colar Compound by mg. 88-yaara-old mo- Ihor nu bean 0! Nat mm to her, and pmvad to my sat afactlon that won : no- thing Ilka II. for tha haadaohea and alaop- lounou lnoidant to lmpaind dwoation. A ulooa In my family will alao cured of insomnia by nalng ona bonla of Patna : ` Ualary Com nnd. oura van trulv. aoomhorn; 1 drop on `om. Mn. H. B. Sperry, who in now the am- inone and nupootod pa-uldont ol tho Wo- man : National PNII Association of we Unlul Shun. is A lady journnllut of nob: and npnutlon. Tho orohuion 1 our: my uruny, HANNAH B. SI-mun`. In every part 0! Oanndu sad the Unihd Bum womon an now In-ongly ndvoonlng Door & Window Screens Carpets, ' House Furnishings Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Manufacturere of Millinery and Mantles. The cheapest lines in the city.` RICHMOND 6: co. Ice Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. Garden Hose. Ef`Al.. Lh Goons; I\-ELLIOTT BROS., Tile Pipe and_Fittinns always on hand. $:50 a Ton u nu n-l-Imnml llnrnn I nna. our: var truly yHANN'AIl --F-`OR-- tho not 0! Paine`: Celery Compound. Won- on. old And youn` know well tint. bhln modloino ll Ipoolniy ldl tad (or All the ill: noculhr In their ux. hon It. is mad. IIII WUIIIT ID Dnllf ICI. VVIIOII II: II $1; the nick end suffering onee ere eeen to min lholtdilf in heulbh. etmngth end vigor. go room in on for doubb to the etc No and etubborn-minded lndlviduel. The oy- oul brenlformntion from elokneue to health in going on In thousand: of home: ell over thle broed Cenadm ol ours. end theee onoe alarmed About the safety of loved end deer one: now rejelce As they no the bloom of returning heuloh Ii hung up end heeutlfyin teeturee onoe pa lid and Inn. Dnr eic lrlendn. remember the Von T.'.'a'sL's'..I'ii'. p'.2'n'1iy".'5." ua"':oF'Iu'u "ii; ill: poculhr In tax. hon and. the Iuffcrim: 0CI|II'aIly|l| ICIIIIHVC OIIX P-IIIICI Illll VIII. Dar Iio trlondu, romombor tint cannot. trie much longer with lllo.\\:ur troubles. it nob bonithod at once. 1 ukolzou off on Any moment. Bar in mi tlut. amino : Oolory Compound In gun-snuod :0 ougiiit will mat ourhoub no unem- ow it may . I uvon V0 Nth Iuioiont to use nylons onofootloyrl n|Inro`a curing Incdinim. In ordlr that you I11? be oonvinood that It. in who! you mod. 0 our: and make van wall van ,0 ml DC OOHVIIIOQ III: II II WIIII ,0 mod. 0 our: and make you well Q mm (at "Pninu"; Iubobituho and in an` hiohl will never do the good work. ; Sprinklers. Water Coolers. KINGSTON. ONT. lnl. MK YOUR HROOII ION ROY I. Gil." THE KINGSTON Ml|.|.I C0. There's Only One Best Place Carriage Painting _.._ .... g..- ..__ -...n v ........ W T r- ` M` 1 bn nu-and 1 main an R: vol: n .on .n..on mu-I n'n vol return M: lunar. Ian 0 :33: Removed . ....- h..-I.._ ....I ||...\n 1. Ifiwws. 35: Princess St. " mmu; mnmnlu Rm-null Hon. Byrnes & Co Win); )0 intern tho Lpdh llluh man W`rl:or and Ornuunul or. Bun-lo Se... loiwoonnnooun In-I Brook rm. Summer Millinery In. cI.l.. mum: in n-I nnr 't...'.":. ':";.'. W 0 I I. .l nmmv & HAROLD. *~.m$94?=- Household Economy. ROYAl GEM ""`.'. '.`.`r':'. 2.': n`sl|ty thun any othn our nn en or- n . Mc|.AU6I|l.|N'S. ---.-uj |;::|o!`!|aI`|1|.J:,oll|n| whine and R `:`M!onNon nun onmmu-Mal nun I an: alt: `In 1 v u vvu vuv:u--v-- ww now In your nhunoo ho an the drop . hunt: and ornamental wood work ..._.. n... ..m mum nmnn. Pnnnpuo '| gl]IYVIl` 09 JJI TI Illuvuu use mm; omunno Homo. H in mu-Io to onion also ymii Win [owl ma 0 up nu` rumnublo um. ....______.__..._...._._._.__.. vvuvv u-u---my` - Iwrv non. mlnuh from all lost: and `Paint. -j- -.-v.' V -... -,,, ln ovary am In Imp llruxhoalos. .UundIu. Bods Water. Inc Omun and halt. in llnuton um plus In I DLI. ; W03 00 II IVS: I hunt 0 nine : I 0 `V7 the Inw|y I you n plum Mun ol- den or null n.ok~ '0 Jo "mi . "" .::-..5i1':` 7:.-......'""' In Chub: In _. ISLAND HOUSE . . J . 5%? III-III. I I u v ?i.'.`1:.'*?.`.`*":'I":,':"':'T:.:?':?..5"I . nuonblo M n in ms . Work promptly uh Mai to M IUIINIII POIN`-l'IllI. I4 Ionu-col moot. nu Pmuu. I II, Z `I 3' W In! II I I sn11sn`3y ...'.'.':.`.:..'."f. 5.4 A--A nA..Ig- 4` 3&0? `I IV :- for tho t\r\o|hm cl union 0051. ll: our mm In M cal hm Mom. In. I an ; :0 ohm` Inn lm1lnwou0.oIly 150 land. Homl Incl nod. 01.00 not cm. L: nnnnv nrrv nnn. In Wni vuv Iruuv-I u ' xnuu` UH Prlnoonrlllnot. Klnntomom. YIIU\ V& I I_I at ynnr I Inc and no`? In Olu Ina. :ouIn.'l`n luring tn pnlrlng om I Miiu. MILLAN. Prop. ' n- -n nnln Dunn AI| Ingtn Anal `IN lnlll IIIOVI In Wlndu IIIIJ M. 9. Mutual uhu. 9"..l,'%`_[.-:_..-_: .---w- . . . . _ _ . . . -_ I For this rnonih V: or o I` no nun-I M on m 7 PI mm pro .1: vs -On nut mum muryln ? 043 good. h`In nut. n anon. (ml 5 Oh Mom I? 1'II%|n| uni In: ur...nu.- u on. xv D nunnln Ml PRINGIH "'b'.`."""`c`.i1s `la a nu M nIu`r|`:Innu'l Ioxl iaovu n mllomnnto an n I I` ...`{ 5`&'..7.".! .`."..':'`i`a?.'-'.`:%`. ' . J. MODOUOALL. |_.I .A-.| n-I Doing..- In G on mYn upnulnn u|., "'6?."'`:i|\ I ..`n ` r I main :1 am Ioolnovu w ---v mm mm IIIVIII. kn. no. '.`. 3.`.`$`f`w`. .'.`.tf.".: HIIWIIUQ W IMIIIII comma...- H135 Kuraol Inppllu nail |I.`J Iuauruuw uuw-w- v - mnonl. Inllonl munlno In the o u. ` No Plan Wo ":.*'.#?'.\';'.g: gnmvu v. in 790- D. gnu .-_::---.-- wt- n:.-:5. VII Hnvo Hunt. Or- Ill PRINOINI IT. A BEE T; lino gnu. Inner .......__.._..__. 1| vvioon rQIII|"'-[vv_wIu~'jII-II"wIX\ ;,un-iv!-t.cuauu-puuuongu wishdsnculopublh lIIu\yn1luuIl~ u\6onI|I`NNIIII|." . .. Ilr.l\uIIr`IcOutvu|o\vuO|idcu| dhunvihtv llvuppbuld .'nnwNn lhhndlwu ,.p.unII-hnonluuhuhlul pthihthldnhnuiou uuhbusnhmbvdlhaiunl .._.| ALE In An. an AL.- n In-u IIIIIIIUIIJ UVVIIZ Ill! qllttlllu. The condiuon ol than undo: sholno govommont. and whon Motion ooounsd howun I-on! Abouloon and sir Chub: Tnppu. mu unique and no nmhohd by unpnoulonu which air Chrho quota. III did not ropnnns Anything or Anybody. Mtllhhul pmporl, ohoohd in NI UNI VIII Inn-vu I-v1r\n'l IVIIUI-T illiivlj ounccI.YNII|0fyp0hO0l now. 0! I50 ._,. .._L.mnl|L. hm ....n._... I....J ..:_..----------- fo;hImily Use. _,k;__An. --A n'IIOK'I ' Illllcvuu-`W--U-Iypwwvuu VIUVH - I-U lutunnimoltln lat puliu-cu. Mud Juli with tho Iihnh he and` to pan ugnpplinldoiqtlublohlo cl u..vuvuIMvu'\a ohudpvu _...;.4l(n|&$unnnnn-n-nlj-.nn-nu-H guuuuu--w... 'r1UIIIl Dunn`. Hr. Matt`: nuling at the Audit nu. winch um tho luv covering I80 tnnno` lion in qull `Q I U 19!`! I&\ .5... womanly In oondiuoumndu which ;Q.ovII`IIf' vrunnh could island. (I) for accidonh In cash. or to that with um. and (I) he lqu unhuun. and Wu at that oouunudu Ind 00- "pm. `honupou lo pnoulld In new N. .ouon which mound mum.- _,,_._ I-n--n...._.t_A Al .4... .1 nk- II V III UIIIVIIFV Il'II$|III`llV In Tho cloorool. moot pointed nnd"mooI. ootlofootory nvlow ot the Abordoon-Top pd:-oooo oppooro In tho Toronto Wookly Bun. formorly tho l`ormoro' Bun. mu] now. on thou. tho oxponoutof patron pluluoophy Goldwln mm: In contributor to oho an. ond (hf "B_vot.ondor" whooo rovlow of ovonto ram Mmo to hlmo moot Inololvo ond lntoroothng. Tho orllolo rolorrod no ...:|.. MR. I`O8'l`liI`8 (IRBAT WIIINI. The r-Inntol oonldcnoo motion on the pun ot the oppoomondn the ooqmonn. huboonnovdhy Ir. moon. is to in rohnncc to the Inn cl governor-pn_onl`o wnmmn to not tho out-nut upoua cl udninmodng public shin. kl- I\uAo`- nngalhng `I `L. -...an ..-A .0 5'3` ' mug. aalsn. OIM human. T:-y""'E :."':i ":.."1.'1t:`:'.`.`.s.`."..'.`I'.:t' . .. . ."1:*".":a:.:-.r..*...':::'.'::.r.:.:.';. . ulna lludu Ituuo "But on the mnin quution tho position of tho governor-gonoroi loom: to be sound. and ho will prohnbly be sustained by pub- liu opinion, thou h. in the pruonunion of his one. ho wu ollod by conventional nntriouon. Ton .u Sir Charles Tu?- gr dou. um i 0 fovornor-gonornl 0 und at once. moohon oolly. to nign uny- Ihing which the minilur ioyo boioro him, without sin oiinlmoe onroiu oi` dioontlon. mm; wnnon mo nnmnur my: nature run, all: we dloorotlon. wlohoub I-ugu-d the clnmmounou. hho nltunlon or tho roqulromonu ol tho publln no-vloo. In to any that the ofoo on In an be nbolluhod; I lump. whluh woul 00 no nothing. would urvo tho purpooo Juno roll. WW1: nlhmnn In Okla nun: wan hnnnllv umque. `me `lupper munury Wu one oilhprlng. Ilcmenhry or cl popu- In vote but o ccnepirccy. and Much it would rightly be treated by the gucrdlon cl public honor with the rigor of announc- hionol law. when it wnn formed parlia- ment lml expired. Upon on orpeol to the country in nu Ii onco deciolve y condemn- ed. It. therefore. never [or I moment N- preeenhed either the porliunehb or tho people. Not. for I moment con is henid in have lwi on oloctive hell: or I conoi.ii.u- tionoleoivoin olpower. To ho o continu- otion of the govornmonb oi Sir Muohennie Boweli it could not pretend ninoe Sir Mcchemie llowoll had donounceil in the ebrongeu mm: tho mnchinntiono by which Ii. woe formed. Wheu delcched and con- demned it was not inornlly oonnunont. to dichnheloiho governor nerol impoi-uni. meuuru cl governmeu or |gpoini.I_neuta not inmodiuely demnudod y the e;- i nciee oi the public eervice. which oh. ling up of tho eenoionhipn long kept ` voconb or eoulcmentn in (nor of contac- tore could not roneonnbly be cold to be. Tln Mmknmin nnnrnmmh. the duhh. puouo Inumon by one uopuung numb. long the govornmom no birth to nuomblo ulnlmn on the no undo ohm u\lp|I0u..whloh an also cam: on tho gratitude o! the pnbllo, and II In proplt llquldnhod on the on 0! Mon. 0 such claim: oould MN formed during the ophomml tomato 0! 8|: Charla Tuppor. A party government mun hnvo uuppon nnd mun ho nllovuj to. mnhrl ` iumau rennin on in an \- on. It I not In his own IIMII, bun n the IIIMO of parliament. and the pooplo, that the (mo lninmor Ipuh Io thoorown. Sir Mrlu1`up could upuk mllhortn tho man 0! put Eamon! nor of the pooplo. `rim mmlly union the qnuuon. TL` ~m.im.... Al `n-u n-..l.. IL- ht; I pun-7. ..- I00 IIOCK ITIIIV. -E|NOI'|'0N. T