IICOIICI U -Iu -v - w - - ow I U? ` pucngnaocn .... ...... mm c. 1 n.n.a,s,o 9.10 and 11.. am I ugoodlonmn until sopmuen. VV IIIIIIUY I'1IlIlICIl II. In the main Whittier`: life Wu one of enrnou noxious thought, says the Aron; He who than working for the ameliora- tion and elovatton of humanity, and yo! he was full 0! wit and humor. Not even Sldndy Smith, who was famous for ma wit, or our own Holmes, oould excel mm In . A mun: all-1 who was in the house 1 now we Luann manual nu some u-opwu beollu. There no show, howovor. who no Iolonmlonlly investigating the not.- unl treasure: of Tonal-le, and I have bun lponkln; only of the noun of pov- erty. u llltdl tho lower unlnnl croo- tlon, loll on the mind of tho tnnultory. nntunllnt.--London Telegraph. muay I ox-mun mm mm oeauurun wuu llllmul mun In/vo exlnsod or might be | uoollmnocl in than Islands. There are mid to ho no make: in them. The In- lngohn -In nnunnnnnn nntl lntunnntlnn ' um Io no no Inna xn mam. IIIB m- eet-II are numez-out and interacting. though we were too early for many but- ` terllee, but I obeerved as qumo oonunon V thewrtoe then, the clouded white. the ` hmetono d the rod admu-nl.nnd I ; the In menus and troploel ` hank; That: an thong. however. who wlwr-Wljllu Wm lppenr xnmmnr, nu I few canary birdn"--whiqh are not. haircut, youow--liit and sing. But. that in about 111 vilibio and Audible of animal life, cxoopt I Barbary partridge now and then, onto rabbit and A nix or two. Probably aha thrifty Spainu-d hu canon the othu in I pnobero oraut 0113; their nboonoo is op:-tninly lamentable, for i bright bird and beautiful wild Aninml munl Inna axlnlnd or mllht ' mo BOIIIIMDI on. But while uho road in lively enough with inlaudoru and their block-eyed wives and children in gay handgun-. you will notion 5 and dncionoy in that fun-ed and {anchored life without which any oountryis, to my mind, half depopu- lnhd The Whittle of an occasional qunil inn! ha hand in mhn hminns vsn-inns lantly laid and metalod. wind: undo: and show contoured dehuu And haolendaamho nutdonou, white-walled. at-tooled and -wlndcwed,o! the well-to-do Comrlnn on when chief nale. now no onohl- nenl In mined by aniline dyes, uppeu-I tobolntomntoeuundpotntou. Ispauu oountleua humble hum of stone, roofed with palm leaves, sacking or what: also comes to hand, when dwell o pecans folk, mnlolontly rich with a can or two and the lnnnlmly useful donkey. It anus: spin and Ann: tho gloomy, : In-blddlnn clan: at tho monnhln hunt. 'u73nn-` ': (i`..'::p..a"` `$33.37;? `- Emu o:.I4`o:1oIdu-I7, 6: lo. IAISI C ll. Agent. J. P. l}ii_ii'I.EiVI. Auuit ` II mug. lnu.n_v Inc IIWW-OUVIII and hgnunoou which map npwuvtl no the grad; extinct volcano. nut Intnvuw lng the midway hblolsnd of Luann. and commencing the Inn daaunt In the l Oahu Vnlhv. mu n m Inn nnon an "on ftunwrt. Ioldwlprklouonpkuhd` `lhnlahndnn. IE` XIII Ill HMDIIIII DOD!!! Buhnhobnl to whom none ever um and: ..-...'.."..'..' "f".i..::.`:.:;,.'.'. ;.I..T.'...""' -;_-3-:-_-:_-_-'-_-_ W W I III E nun 3 lclburn Unt: llll rlhlltl Tvrmn DAILY BRI'1`ISHL$_V_EG. Gilli Ill IIIG x to has upon thntlnnmnn. |.ms, nenoan 'a`i:'5?] L-n----J|L-Ag-.-.1nA. |Ch{ldrcn s Aid Society] 1-. hangar`: -nnoqnlndanqnnl Ilgooihll. Ht b- l'Rz.wuaun;uamuouo |!t""Ia'm."~| In every Sunday at I p.n.fmIn I Son a honor I dwoolchnholn Port ope ItII&.)n. 1'. o8.T.B. tnln having ling- Itol I. O-D. BANKERS I BROKERS. BUFFALO. N.Y. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro- visions bought and sold for cash or on small margins. _ . A... , nan`--A-n Annc THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION CO. I. W. Wnufonn. C OIQAIIO QBDUUI 'lnlldlng. lblophonod. : W.0.-')Y Illnllblkll. 105 piano 0. I.' !BA.!3:`!5.'i1!F ._.G MONTREAL. Tho onion and |nrgut' manufac- turers ot Varnish In Canada. [Oils Japans, H 9 1\C_3_ ..S ALLAN LINE A Paints, "a}n2fici$.,iiiasrou{ om. ___.__.._ __._ -_-___ ` hon hot. Dr. Blood. of Pllo In only can n-uhblo randy lot to- may nut: nun udu nann- 1 1 1 1 1 I 'x ironnn mum non ram 901. `(OOH lot U. 3. L. L nhllrrl` L f - 7 :? Y ._ on-u`. man. oupom. wumoc Halal. 16 to 30 Nazareth Street. Amiphrodisic -nun In' Th Klan-I nl D:-in. I: Ch: uouu wuu-nIIIA!I. II 10 pan. ;,.'*._:%_-g,".s.-.v:':.u::.-r:. 22:3` 5 mad: inuludod mm. JAR. DWI ! hill. 1'. HARLEY L H)YlI_ sou Alilulw u. 3. A. A. RBNKBIH C (11. [III In III` IITII TIN YIIIO CIIIPIIHI |ALwA7s ':Fn'"// 4.. P/mil (oiling hltu. vil. :-0otku. Alina ax. Ruin. on-. In 9 icon In hnvo Inna. Alhnploo. Buck. White and lied Po per. 'l`urmaric.0un-lo. Clove: 0 nut and host: o! othon. Look; in 0A6`B WINDOW. tint lll mil you where. To know $.00 to pnrohno my IIOAITB WIN] fell you Two Io: cu:-0 l(n.vn-rou,8uJnr.$ u u AA _ _,,uL-J alu`. $2."-..":". u---:~ I no` Idaliul 3 31 '3. S.`&.. An '33, : JAE. BWlu'8: '1'. IlANLlYlK)N8 Fro M nu. Pulonnor Aunlu. JOENBILIY. ;. TUESDAY,` slat-Vrnumm 15. was "",,';:';,","',F`.,."3.,,..w.-55.... young woman wu union pn-hr Manda with unknown- Ino Jim was ncnua an I" Onnuuhcmnuogwbnuh Iuannlnln mourning I nug- huly call. this young woman nil: I-ll. rqlh. mun nxrun mm In- "Inn. runny, you man man no; no wohvohddckn-nod dud: |n tho IoulI,|ndvIovcI|!" "K.."'``'` II no doubt that the longing to II Inlbhhnfm-tho need of cup. nan inn and working women want nnd Iynomncio Jones of dating, Ann 3 non: bank In the shade of all out that nuooetdlng mason: have nnod Into I tonemem. for song bird; In noihlnf that can approach I big or law. on; couch placed In the . when kind nnum can turn hor to the Inn and slurp And done own tho doom.---'l`hu Fnmllv Dnnmr. Iounowulnnuolerpnm none: In .-The Funlly Doctor. on an lll mo nmng-room. Thou no Ilmou when no mnny of the Illlgu that district us could be straight- onod om and the wnymnudo clear If on only had 5 long. oomlorlnblo oouoh on whose son bosom he oould throw him- Ioll. boot: And bnlnn, snitch hla weary frame. unmlndful ol tldlu and tapestry. olooo hlu nd eyes, rain! the tension 0! hi: muscles, And give hlu hnrrunod mlnd I ohnnoo. Ton mlnuhl of thln soothing nuwootlo. when the hood throhs. the noul norm for ondlm. dronmlou, eternal Int. would Into the vlolon clear, the news nudyho honrtllght and the stunt hope Inna Anln STEAMER T Foin KING Tho llleulngo ol I Conch. A room without a oouoh of some sort I: only hnlf-nu-nllhad. Life in full of ups ud down. and all that saves the aanlty of the manually jnded and physically ox- hunbd fortune-ghter la the perlodlonl good 017 and momentary loan of con- oolomnou on the upatalru lounge or the old (A In the nmlng-room. Than u-n time: than an mnnv n! tho mg IIIO oxpocuro or we pmw III we anon. And In the onmplewd picture can nntum reproduces In npproprlnoo color. In theory, nl loan, the Llppmnnn leaves little to bodulrod, and the aotlul re-ulh give rouon to believe Ohm color photography In now an accom- pllnhed hot. The simplicity 0! the pro- ouu In vary much In in (Ave:-.-Bnltlmoro Bnn, I OIIOIHIOII POIDU OI VIEW llllll ll changed. the result being a uniform bruwninh deposit nt roduoed silver. In on nary hotognph this depoeit II I lens 0 and of metallic particles. but I the Lippxnnnn ooior photograph the cloud hue nhntioutions. It in divided into is number 0! equidistant strum por- ullel with the nurfnoo of the plate. These IIPOIZI by their action on light decompose it and we the ethos of color to the pic- lnn. oolor of the Ipootrum produom ill appropriate eanmm in the iiim dur- ingthe expocuro oi the plum in the tannin. and in the onmniemd nictura .IVlll[ a ooioneu. 11100 image By tn neual meane; and. eeoond, a metallic ulnar in immediate oontact with the lm during the time of exposure. The nneilive lm may he made oi` chloride, Iodide or bromide of silver contained in a lnbetratum of albumin oollodion or gelatine. The mirror in easily formed in contact with the lm by the use of mer- `onry. The photographic plate being first "Induced In a camera slide, mercury in al- loved to ow in behind it from a small reeervolr connected with the slide by in- die-rubber tubing. The slide is then placed in the camera and the picture taken. After exposure the slide in re- moved from the camera and the mercury neervoir ie lowered In as to allow the mercury to low baokinto it., The plate B then taken out, develbpmi and ilmd. The ordinary developers amused, and for Ixln cyanide or bromide oi` pntaeelum ll employed. When dry and examined by neoeed light, the picture diplaya the eolon oi the object photographed in all their hrilliaucy. Thus. it appeare. bright-color photo- gapha may be obtained without chang- Q the prooeeeei of ordinary photog- llphy. The eame lms, developers, eta, are employed. and even the eeoondary op- nation: of ihteneloation and ieochro- matie action may be euooaeefully applied. The mirror behind the lm during ex- poeure makee the whole alumna. From a chemical point of view nothing is nhAmmd. the result hnlnn A unifurm "ho. new method Stlllm we well known fact um. ugm mootod non: ha nrluuo! thin nlmn-u In the oolp bnbblo--prodnoo| color: by the Interfer- ence of my: loss than a whole wave longthnpnrt. Newton's 1-Ingu" nord tho typlon! enmplo of the phenomenon In quuon, and Newton hlmuelf bu fllnlnhod who explanation. M. Lipp- un'| method nqulroa two oondmom io ho mot. Hut, 1: transparent gralulou photographic film of any kind apnblo of giving: oolorlou, xed Image by the noun! mum: and. second. n nmtnllln w pounung, or wnm_ uewxng, we ` but by tho qspllontlon of un- llbuqnont to the production of the Tho thno-color method. an M. manna, (Iva 5 very good approxi- ntlon to Olin truth, and probably has 5 '03! future baton It," but It requires nuoh null and Inn at but but I umltod mm Inns. 1`hoIhitdAnd.lsizest is that of I. Hpyuunn himsoit. which he describes os`0o inlurtorontiu method." A do- suiption of it was ill-st published in 1001, and in intact results were axhib- ihl II tho Royul Institution by the In- nnlor to the great satisfaction of on an- dionoo whinh oonminod many distin- guished soiontzisu. A numbor of photo- hkon by the intarfu-ontial method Ihown. and she colors of stained And of notux-sl object, such as iltoundoworqwanroprodu "says tho London Time; with wnndax-ul bril- iluu nu unwou, were reproduced." any: ` Iaolou Time; with wonderul Infil- wu noi u: up mlcuuunnd wu duhoyod ox- plllolodnylighl. Wlthlntho IIII tan-_ _ much Md bra: uomnplllhtd by _`tho method," which hu PIOTON ANb"Tsa:u.:vu.La. 313 I ll-Ijl-\ Bandeau-ibodtron at TIIIPIIIIIE U] than-ooior lime to time in its opment. It in. V podnoing, or whnn_ viewing, the but In Ihn umlimtinn of Ani- Lou-hlnyoxmg wunnxlonl nlnujhn h-land: ullh hnrknawl. {hut nhon`uuu.Auuw1u'u|oo-c In-3 Ianlulnn ilk` D-.I.I.- COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY. ootn`n`uo--ru;d c I 5 n In. (Join; Wonk-l`t&!ay n-.'n| no gm. IAI1 n-IIAnIlln- ILH1 nnlnrn Ill! '.T..".. ..'.".s"u'7'..'...'&.'n".n .'i'.' ._..........' "" "` " As Well As From Private In- dlvldnals. l4IVIl'. DIIIICI IIU Drljuu I luuxuvo I A medicine that dutroyltbo gum or muoe of Bright : discus` dlnbotnl. lidnoy and liver oomplninh, and lxupower to` roouhanoutoldno I Item. in show I] prion. Such I medium in Hop Bitten, nnd no-itivn mm! of this an ho found I) ill!` \.CTlXlI.IIi T VV$ul`IIl nndBgInckItnob,dv|yIhuonhnnd I -1.a.."-1".;a Ibloohng '":n':.:" no lolzcuh. gdaphmqlli. P Ielnt1re'e leeeeee- ' Iacxmu. sopo. u. - Threehlng in be- ing done hole {or one cent. e buehel. the loweet. re ever known. The funeral of Robert. dwel|'e little boy took piece It Morvon on Seturdey Into. He died Alter e brie! i I eeu 01 two deye E. Bhu-pe he: no- wrnod from-Iiohlgen. where he eeye the gold bug: and eulver be enjoy pugilim | tic enoounten to deal 0 who heethe better side of we argument. I prion. such modicum in op muon. und positive to! thin by ' one trial. or y uklng your noighbon who have been cured by it. . l GIRRIIPUNDINUI 0l'IIcl-oou-nu On- uio and Outs uhuh. OFIIQ h YAI.D-(bI'$ bula and Odlltoh. 5--o'-"ii-`55-'{.~?:":.*.'...;.`.."-"-"-'*"'5-" `HEHBKV 7:3 All clump in ash. III. Kiii Words Come From v------v unuuwuwu --- --.. s5iEAMn .HRMILT5N| __II'l'IlIII\1_ 1 nay IIVIII nnsnuuuuuu nun;-. T0luuN1'u, Sept. l4.-VnriouI rumor: no Aoat on to the Iuooouor to bishop Sul- livnn, whom it is now oonoodod will resign his mitro to accept the living of 80. James oathodnl hero. Canon Bvoono , Bl. Phil- lip-. church, is prouxinontly upo on 0!. and also uohdenoon Lloyd. The latter bu boon bishop Sullivan : oommilury [or the put. four yum. And In Iooond In command under tho biahop in almost. on fully pootaod in the niromontn and duties oi the posi- tion an inn lordship. Tho porinhionon of the dioouo no I unit in doliring tho art.-hdenoon'I promotion. and his condidr luroia being wnrmly oonvoood and up- portod. i nc_u_._..o. u....-.., nu:-y lDf$IIIl| In (DO GIIOFIUO. ' Mr. Mills ya there is no money in threshing. but whether it. pt I or not. ibis ' well known that he book nearly one r.....ar`.d dollars from we tumors for leo- chnn four day` threshing. The prion of all kind: ol gnin seem to be doc:-suing ateadil . and iv. in but. right. thnzo riotorl of mac inoa should ohu-oin the times. Two cents per bulhol for threshing nowa- days. is harder on the firmer: than live cont: wouldjnvo boonun your: Ago. Mr. . Burrows made one of bin regular oolln. recently, at the schoolhouse. and reported nrmn-nu. I SIIIIIII TIXIIII rullltvru. Mow? PISASANT. Sept. H.-'l`ho mom- | bore of our quiot. community mu woll loel proud of the success of our gen [1 choeno- v mnler, W. F. (lorow, who Iocurod A large number of prim: At. the Toronto exhibi- bibion. Local manufacturers have tried in vain for Imny yearato out-riul Mr. Gercw in the quality of their cboolo. On Wed- nuuduy. Sept. 9th, F. W. Pringlo an`?! Ion; Everette, left for their home in Chicago after a two weeks visit. Mr. Pringlo bu bcen pi-noticing law in the windy city (or About five cu-sand in rilin in his pro- to-sion. nrvo Mills. of WI ton, in will bury threshing In the district. Mr. Mills nn than in monev xeeeionem ll'0llJ uepe vmcenu to pawn ror then. end enother New York etete men (neme end eliee refueed h the cepleln ol Beth foam) to notch, en et lent two othere, not citiunl 01 Beth, to eeeielgwhen we and precedent for ell thle we will ellow Beth ell the honore end eey Beth deleehd 0deeee-hut not till then. Ode-e wee de- leeted thet dey by en ulnplre who rendered eeverel unfeir decisions, thet the verieeh echool boyoould oritioira. end by en im- rlod bettery. It ie tether out of piece or Both to cleim victory. If your Beth oorreepondent would give us the lnlormetion soon it would be of the grenteet lrnportence to ue. You see we have been playing none but our own men heretofore under the impreeeion thet it was e meen, din-honorehle thing to get out- aide help; but if your (B) Athenien correc- pondelnt neye thet it ie right to import- that the low ellowe it end the court nwerde i:"-wel| we heve e few gemee yet this season end heve oerioul thought: of onminu the nimher. mmher. beaemen. this ma mvo aonoull unougnu or tting the pitcher. ontohor, buemon. elders. span mun and mascot of the Grnnitoo to nails Ill 00 win them. 1 Hunt-.. on IDQ. oh- info:-an-tjnn in tin: unmmo to numb to Inn anon. Hopin to get. the information in time on profit. y it. I remniu-0umsAs Coauox. . jjgtj I PINK ilvlll 0 (hack .- .. --alu hnuubnn-Inilnn -gl-Allan: we up-run nun an III llIll|l|I'I of mo, aunts allow `pinion and ontohon I fun-any Tuba or Roma? Di thoynllow Bcnnodu Alluri- oanns to all Mano]! "Dixon the (3)M-be niun" and `pitch for N Ashen: nino! And didhhairmhnhnrnvu-ohnnn mhnm un- Illlll" Ind PIWII 10! IO AKIUU MK 1' AMI did uhelroshohorovurohsnoo to but un- nnmn h-ninllnp hvun lh-in no Annihi- pumgg I now can III Anna 1' This inlonutlon will he oi the paint moment to the "hue |n`holon lnontionnd portion of the second " 1.0.. the cm- unuobodun Itwi roooncllountntho (Infant. um nnnnlnnrl n nmhnnu Al`: Al: u unulu. ups -Ix --(`Io no lunar): Your Both oorntpondont and ion ar- dont Itudcnt cl anoint Gnohn hhtu-1. at but one would judge to hon Na conun- nicntion re the Bah-Odnnn lull nun. iron: Irh loop and '. and noiunh in tho dutol tho put,hn ynudbly might gin adIi:tlo lnlz-nation ton luv oi nnhnnighhd luau nnohdolkcus. who know nolnn and menu. The inlomnon requested in thin: Win the (B)AI*.honiuI hall team played t|'Io Bpu-in ulna did 050 LII: aging: A In: EJOALAIA A n nunoq u-uouor u-on run: 1: pulirgg but day: in Athens? Thilinlormnon hill 5: ol bl: lens woum wan Iron nu the Bah-Odes: lull gnu. nivon in I mum hnnnl vonr nunr. mcuwn we nun-van: nu gnu. Even mount i-moot your Irhdcopnndi nndruamh ntho club of u mm nukln nndblv aluunolrmuonorovurontuoo IoD0|nun- mmod tnvollor In-on Putin OI Auyrin mnimrnhwdnnin Athnu? ` Llnr. lube: and ll-Iglro Dlunu. I _ - _- AL_A .l..A.._- AL- gg... . no lnpublhi on nuan- Omuu. Bop! M--(`l`o tho lklitu-):` Your on:-nsnondnnt. nun ban I5ubiic Institutions I7 A of Ihlulhuo will loud at I! I In. on Tue I only. (loin mm or hotl to mu. `Hwy favor Archdeacon Lloyd. .......-.. Ll--L IA Vg-lnn- pnnuu-u LETTEi|8 TO THE EDITOR- and Amcticnn Ncwqnpuu up IoguIuutpnhlI cpI'Iea;_ XIII 3T `.9 TIT XI apinst Railway and Stanton A -_.!.I...A_ |r=. NISBET SI .. Daily Ililnnd Empiro and Globomoekly, 15; monthly, 6oc; haltlyony. 03 oo, dclivctoll. Daily Star, 15 pet mouth. 5 All ...-_I.. ...L._.L._. A- AL- ISEFANTIIN lIAl ll ll'S(ALL COAL. BURN rr. wuss swurr 3 90: W III III unyi. Fnll putlonlui M R. u `Halos oloo Ontario -on: I. oouwn. Ant. Gen. Pun. An. 7w_ : V. 0' IVIIY DIOIIFTIOI. *5--___wm1xAnnmtm EiiIb'bi<':}\'I;S{ WOOD AND `GOAL. BHIEHS A NEVER HOP] JBNTJINB i BITTEIIS Ion-it It-us. ` hrdo 055:. Full nnrllonll Hop Bitters, 688Bmadway NEW YORK. O (I II JJIBUCBUB Ill IEO UIUIUUQ Bo wels, Blood, Llvor, Eld- neys and Urinary Oman, Nervousness Bloeplounou, especially female Cou- plain. MEDICINE, NWT A DRINK 7,www --` Wlllbopaldbroauuvrl not cunor or-hr lnnn-nnnn-lnl Innnnll 0081 AINI Hops, Buchu, lll-2 drake, Dandelion, And the Puma: and Best Me-dloal Qualities 0! all an lmrn. J71 TIIIIJGI ollwrs. mT1elleu& Ontario Nuv. Go. All Disease` :;t_1;t'onaoh, Bu wels. Blood. Llrnr. Kid. $1,000 in G011! K !!! L4 -`Aid lung An.` It :I TAKE IIOSUBSTITUTB. ___j.__ IIDICAL CAI"- ARCHITECTURAL HORII LIVIIY. V31-niinanv. Cu;-_e I Ituti 1 Puuoou Strut.` u.n..'u.:. nu ooonn. INUUIANOI TFNANCIALT MONTREAL AND RETURN. II. II II 11 And IR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0'f`l'AWA AND RETURN. I`-.5, IH In D! 91 an!` I . . . . . . . .. -}._._,.. xlismn & Plzmsnoxs Canada P33}??? Railways -rononro /mo iunn. nun. L! n A.!LII.1unnul ll . . . . .. hhlohlhllnsldlfhlvulipunluhn. I h Khan} and mulch Ist- QL 1nj:nnA.-Jn-II--nlln-- n nun Put: Ilanl hlnll Jun loam Central `Ca Iiada Fair. Ottawa u__A -1-; __.I no.3 Provincial Exhlbltlon. Mon- ` troal. NIVIV I lliilila IIIVII nu. I vnnu sopc.u.1a.1undxn ........ phllundlol ........... clot: good to rohu-n Sane, 31., `M. mmuuou a 'r|-o_Nrna:u. una. ....-4__+_ --__-_- 1-- I UIIUIV IV rlnu ICE I van. Supt. I. I, 8. 4. 5. 3.10 um! 11.. gnat.'H\ndn .......... nu good to return soot. 14. `I50. UIIRIIII nnu Iuilvluu Supt. 111.19, H, 9| and I6 ... . . . . . . . . . . . .14 10 g: 3| and 931.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 170 Tiokotn good to romrn Sept. II. but cheap IIQIIIIOI to Canadian I til. Ion ll. `lloletl [Col lbrdo 053:. """"' 7' "" """""' "'-_:""U ' Celery-Nerve Compnllnd Is the G mat B-`fick Strc:n:z.t|1cnerjL, -o_ n-,..-_. I 4n.._o. Ion-A `.5111 I Cult -|JaI.I\-`I. Id!-llliii "Backs, Pzlfnful` Backs or any kind of Bad Backs. Manley s i " ":""T7 . vvnuu-cu v--.--- - _--, - --__-_ _. llophnu |Iulnrd........... .... .4110 Bofl. 1I,19,D,ll,N and ............. 6.10 Al mum good to return un6llopC.!Ot.l:. 1'. IIAKLIY A son. Alum. Ioptlllhlndlmh ...... .. .............'l5 81ft. 1!. 18.16. 11 um! 15 .......... 5.15 A mum good to nturn unul 8090.11. IMAM PIFIXI. . . . . . ..ll ...- II I `.3: in `I:?.'.'.`.'.I:u, .'I:J:II:: null: or rAhAI-0AIll. |nnJ --:n-|I- -In-In . 11$ --J -ax:-A Clooclmrn." K INCIOTON. ONT. II! not Q HIIIZMI. hut. LndQn|n.n&-lIa1&}nn , by I. 0. lmhollo 1 Inlllng through the Buy 8! Quinn. liulustrlal I-;a_Ir. To"roto- _-.n...L M counxomo mu l!IP1'.. I nun c .1 I .::.'.`.'.'.L..a w'.,'_u a.'y"-'no:'Iro WW` IGIIV-31 )oInlnonoIn1'l`uudny. Hope. mu. nhnmon this Mao V II luvo Klnnton [oi East 4:!) . Thursday: In Elu- I. 01 I I3 . . E. on m.': at): .I.o:tnBlmIxI|||r|Mon. III. III autos. `Mn: III ton. moo Isudl. Ilpldlo Ila cdawnaoo and lontrool. wr VWeak `Backs. Lam n--|._ n_~:'._n.r n...|._ ._ .'.... Selections of Wop!- eno for the coming (`:3 canon can be found 33 NE oFTT@ THE FINEST -roi-'-int." (inc; vmmx -" I , - at -1 n 9: ""` mclifu nil.` luau the can 1 cuualtul rum. It nrbncnuglo vi, KMIIV Mmum. now! no hum-{mu nut: .IlllI_!It. ruumanm;nnIw I ky -~91-:2` '0 H`! Hunt: '0 law *,.'w:CFm9'.u`.".In4!. If '-In nm or vine h:.1r.'u. III as \ am. 13' lm mr. And I but 1 ca rot-an 0: it (or I noun: law." I-_ \luI--us u--w-s -.-.. ....` . WI: I-.1. I omm Tim!!! (at. Wtiln-l~" lwllhst Jcqn `l_m_n ] DAILY LINE. .-..-:__Il\..--A-.. u-_A IIAL .4 IIIVLI QEIOBEV 'Tn.HEno ii 111 EIIKII 1-3- I1 - TRAVELLING. blood to rolnru Inuu aupu. nun '1`. EANLIY 5 IOISI Mum. . nngn . -Il'l`WIIN- Inn.-on RI. pain- ctII_""""| at the store of WALSl1l1_$},`_..., 7. P011} Ion. I|n`|:`or. In Juli!!!-H xmnrn. u . town. on. Innnnr. `rrullllon phat: he home of Dr. Watt not tho llulo hungry on Southampton want. Ioollnjouton the [non [hits of thNuv Pond. lo wulnvltad toupud 0 law `nth with funds In Sonthunpbu, what. owing sodoknc. be upon thirty- dx nun. 351'? III IIXJUG-Ill and -:.-.-.2 ::.?;`a:`.1" ~' - , III,unno- vo : IA 55: her." But E. Watt: upooiaiiy ohsllongos our admiration by ch: tnunonndont vividneu with which I0 piozutu tlu life beyond the gun. Ho cum: to Ian lived ton-manly on Inna`: homer land. One who could ny. "I on In my bud hack tonight and die without alarm. might. well writ: of glorlu that alone so near. In did in ll lanvimr our mum norm was non: Ho died In I100. leaving our seven hundred hunt. and today may are being may by God`: children All the world around. I-II: body run In Bunbl Fields. the Woomlmur Abbey of the glorious Pnritumclooo by the 0, and not-tn hon Bunyan`: gun. I plum tomb. which ban Ibo Into 0! [sun Wntu. tho tuber d tho Iulbl Inn. By his on request. at M: fnnonl, tho hymn no dun song out. In this day. wu nal : Den: Saviour. in thy honutioa In My Ioul'ui.ornnl load. And [not commanding hurt away From all around good." It. in An ovidonoo of` wondrous uh utility of genius that while Watt: oom- pmnd the iinu which Daniel Webster rnnnnurod on his dying bed. "Slow pity. Lord. 0. Lord. forgive," he 0150 wrote the most. perfect child hymn: in our [sugar In ill in became tutor to Sir John nri.opp`I children. and wrote for them "How Doch the Limo Busy Bee P` "IA: Don Dniinhl In Hark And Ric." man "now uoon no uuuo may Hoe P" "lat Dog: Delight to Bark And Bite." Wbono'or I Take My Walk: Abroad." lid Huh. My Dcu-. be sun And Slum- Int. Jeeul unues." He wee one of the little great men. I never Ineaeuring ve feet in height, end wee proportionately narrow. He wee never A favorite with the gentler III, though once he secured the affections of a . oung lady and retained them euilicieutly J an to formulate an engagement for matrimony. but. was soon doomed to per- ` petuei bucheiorhood by her llckleneen end londueee for as larger and hendeomer men. lliu ions in thin caee proved a gain to the oivurqh, for this oiroumnumoe was the on `n on hymn. frequently mug in some ol vr churehee to thin day. which wae Wlh u on the day ol her marriage: or my canon. 11 xepo to thin any it: would hove yielded to it owner esclld I million. This book wee followed econ, ettethryenother. In the second volume ` the lemon: Old Hundred. which begun with the worth. Notions. ettend before His throne, With solemn leer. with secred joy." llrst eppeered. John Wesley Altered theee lines to the grender ones : "Be!ore Jehouh'e nwlnl throne. Ye notions bow with sacred joy." Then he ever composed one scored song which con teke rank wlth 'I`opluly si "Rock of Agee" or Cherie: Wesley's. "Jeeue, Lover ot My Soul." we do not claim. But he wrote more of the greet hynnne of our; mother tongue then any other men. No lay of A crucllled Sowlour I hes ever yet e proeohed in pathetic `rend In that o ering which Wetteleld et hie eemer e feet: "When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died. My rioheet [III I count but lose. And pour contempt on ell my pride." Thie hymn wee written after hearing I eermon from the text. God forbid t-het I ehould glory. Inve in the croee of our Lord Jesue Chrlet." Ho tun nun nf Oh. llnl. no-`no ...-_ n hon this run] loco Ito little Invalid ; Innlnn-0 an-..n-ugh. at nnnutlnn AL. ` Why ulonld we tnublo to conny 'l'h|n body to the hub! Than the den tom oldooun lay. And Ion Alon; portnno." mum or me world. I In the you I'M Wm: gun to the church: an orizlul volumo._ ontltlod "Hymn: And Spiritual Songs." and for tho oopnight ho roalnd the munioent mm of my dollars. I! hpa to this day IQ, would hum vhldod to IE owns: Anblid no Innnn nun Ill mo rnoenung sinus of Chnrlu 11.. the int r having` horn in `ad more than Ongifl hi: ' nonoom rmity, In I memorandum by Dr. Wm: at thin tine occur: this now: was. my father porucnted and imprinolr oduix months, for nonoomlormity ; nftor that torond to inn higlnmily and live privntoly for two non." The boy grow up and in his eighteenth r aw-hind the gun deacon: of his that`: ohnroh by doolnrin; that tho i hymn: they Inn; in church were sadly looking in cute. Gin us Ionuthlg hotter young man, was tho reply. Tho young man did no, And the church Inn in- viud to clone in owning service with I now hymn. ` "Bohold tho oriu of the Lamb, Bdorrin nt.hor n throne: Prepnro now honor: for Bi: name; And noun baton unknown." This who his ilut hymn. and to Wntta lnnlt ho nnnicnod the prniso of beginning. in our language. n clan of hymns which in: tnkon 5 dooldod hold on the Christina mind of the world. In (It: ran: 174'?! `Fall. an-A in Oh. HOW H10] GIVICIO Olll` WI\'9|'|l1' ln|lIll And Inn but half for God. The tondnon of A craI.uro'I Ion, . How strong It strikes the sum; Thlther the warm uoctlonn move. Nor can we call than houoo. Dr. W was the non of I tutu-t. pm: and _wu born I III. plau mu nmincncly mom, and Inland inch In the mounting time: of Clinic: 11.. the fat: r hula: Tho brlglnut things below the sky Glvo but I uttering light ; W0 should unnpocl. some dnngor nigh When we poueu delight. "Our dental. Jon and numt friends, The partner: of our blood : How thoy dlvldo vurorlng mind: And law. but. In]! for God. "How nln an all thlnzn here below. How {A100, and yet. how fnlr ; Each plenum bu In p_olson. too, And eury sweet I mum. `III! II A OI PIIII DILIGIT." LT. --- TI III IIXIIT guns 0!?! nmoxnwnx DA? Ill. Inlay: an udn: going ` In hrmnhornnhuhn to H HI. .1. P.() IV .8 I ICX)-..ll.0lLD Vl _n_n_;_ nnuuocmn uunng snoput tenyou-1 tho man has Incnuud nearly 49 per aunt, nnddnring tlpcpu-lndtho tapio- dnoodhulncnnndovaasporount. In 1901 888.506 pa-non: wire pa-nun:-ntly employed on the plnnhclom In nddluon to 150.190 othal-I who lmrivod employ- ment Iunpunrily. or the mun Indian in poduottan about 00 pa cent. In ax- Io Ibo United Klngdoln. The onnunnpon of in In India In eucl- Innhd :0 7,000,000 ponndl. and 0! this qnnnllly about 1,500,000 pounds no for olgn podnog although 1.000.000 pounds (I the Ink H nun Cobon. Roughly the Indian consumption per Io unrfuthtl of I pound In such villa In tho Unhul Kingdom III maul fin nu hand I: ma- I I Ill 1110 WIIIIIIB UK In 1'08-BIUIIBI qllllll r. may be heard la the luplm; varlous 5 km! and hawks call In the sky. and y thenuemnnygnynnd green llludsto r be non glldlng over the roots; whlle or 1 small blnll. we swallow. black-blrd and I water-wnghll will Appear lunllhr, and Afar "cnnnrr hlnln"--whlah not. 1'0-aculturu In India. Fur persona. probably, have any Idea 0! the lmmenn amount` of land demoed to the onmvaclon of the ma plant. In In- dia. According to ln!ormat.lon publlahod by the lhvonua and Agricultural Dapartr mom d the Indian Government. is ap- pl-anthatatlho and of IBM not let than 428,56l aona was planted with tna. tho prtnolpal dlnlcln being AI-m. Oaohar. Aylhot and Bengal. vrlch smaller anu In the Punjab; Hadron. Travanooro andcochla During thopant tmnyoars my pony nnurl no mo ngnu, no I! to tho lots, The stable poem he struck It, He broke his leg shut of!- And their added Mr. Whittier- And then he kicked the bucket. No worthlor on Ivar not on I ma Or caught I nl Roquluoat. The nine little girl : pony bmke his leg. and again the pool wan called upon to oomlort the child with poetic senti- IDQIII. an. ..m. H! L... _.c... ........ 11.... men: She said: "I have wrmaen some lines myself, but I can thlnk how to llnhh thovona" ' HT}.-0 lal -nu up-lt..0`| -uIp.;I Il- Vern. ' What did you write?" asked Mr. Whittier. My pony kicked to the right, he kicked In than lam ux wpurue. Ayoun girl who was in the house with Mr. hinier And of whom he was vcryfond, went to him one any with onrful on: and metal face and said : "lly don little kitty, Bntiuhoba. in dead. mad I want you to write a poem to put on her gnvuoouo. I dun bury her un- do: I rooabush. Without A moment : hesitation the poo! aid in solemn hum: Bnlnhnhnl to whom none ever mid Ioylldl SIQDIIDO. Ia'\:ot:|ool.9uobooaIonttvo| Inllluvho 'um..oo|. nmnoup. I man. I ma Innldlnn. II lI...II.Ip.ln Ildul , II. I!-lu...D tun