Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1896, p. 2

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ronwnu democracy. In Icon sonny ovuvvutulnuauonrynu Honda lnnbhsdvtocmmd dcnondnpon hi-In livid clouds ol mail, uwnllu ll-an his own l.now|ad1|.I.|nI. auoona upon mu m Imu onoucu on mun, novel to than lulu own hnowldgmtlut. I the in (IR MIcI.nlIool u..."""......'.`3n'.'.'... '&....l um MR. BRYAN VERY HOPEFUL Tho pruidontiul ounpdgn you merrily on, And Mr. Brynn, at tho Made! the national domoornio ticket. in quite hop- iul 0! winning. H0 In lately indnood no (in I Inlnlnnry ol tho situation II he un- doxatood it. and ho indulged in thin pro- phetic utterance : ul.`..._ -A_A- _...A .1 AL- ll:.......l -L.._ yuvuu. -u-uvn uuvv I-2 mu of the Missouri river and -out ol the Ohio and Potounc river: willbonwopt. by the victorious ns oln roman! dnnmnnv. Ha lmh mmrrv AIIA'1`Aa1awee vvelu Ulwannaa The Hamilton Spectator oennot refrain. even now. from calling to eccount those oi ita party who would not be guided by ite advice in the recent elections. it was a strong anti-remedialiet. though in the heet ol the oempeign it managed to My e kind word for one of the tory oendidetee who wan prepared to Iwellow remedial leiala- tion with or without amendment. It now paye eome ettention to J. P. Whitney. who eupplanted Mr. Mnrter as leader of the oppoeition in the legio- lnture, and who hurt himeell by hia active support 01 the remedial bill. "But." eaya the Spectator, Io many ooneervetivee were crezy about that time." Yes. even the premier. and leeder of the party. and the gentlemen, who are eeeooieted with him, end who. in moment; of wealrneae." diverted themselves by ecting the port of traitore. Sir Ghee/Popper, at a later dete, endin the cold ehadee oi oppoeition, re- pented of hie action. end the oonloleion he made wee understood to ooveer end include all who ehared hie leelinge. Still the op- position is worried about the Manitohe nchool queetion. in enxioui to know what Mr. Lnurier ie doing about it, end he: undertaken to eteal hie telegrama in the hope that they will reveal his aecrete. Then the eelne perty--lail- Inge ere hereditary-onoe ehed Mr. Blake`: private notee, torn into fragments, lrom theapittoona in the Toronto house. end upon odd phraeee they oonteined hint: of aome alarming eoendala. They are equal to Any emergency now. even to the resort of theftin order to get newe. unuasvauan a Va. 5 vnluavvu xauauuu. At a caucus of miniswrialisib. held yes- terday, it appears that complaint was made about the partisanship uf certain members 0! the civil service. who cannot become impartial in the discharge of their public duties. There is, in this respect. a revival of the experience of Mr. Macken- zie, who iound that information oi a condential nature was some- how commnnicated to the enemy. and by this species of infidelity the govern- ment waa more or leae embarraeed. The present government will have to protect itaeli from spies and tattlers, and by the dlsmlaaal oi them if no other device will work acure. By the way there is some complaint on the part 0! the conser- vatives respecting the "harsh treatment that is being accorded to the Hansard translators and eeeeionnl writers. four oi whom are under dismissal for offensive political service. The Ottawa Free Preee points out that there is no ground for this complaint, that the o'end- ers are getting their deserts. and that in regard to the seeeional writers "the speak- erseems to have shut his eyes to a very great deal in order to be as lenient as posi- ble." The Winn demands perfect impar- Ho... -nal nnnnnlgln nnnanalifu An Olen ..-.... .... .. ......-..... ,.......,.. ``.`ty. and oomplolo neutrality, on th part of All oloinln, dominion and provincinl. and will not. defend my one whole impru- dence bring: him under oubigation. nu: wuuv mT'Isn wine I ma. OI oohunm, In publhhod ovary Thuuin morn- H. u as you. I! paid in advance; 0| Irwin II. war. TEE KI-WEEKLY in published on lun- dn and Thnndnn AI 01 I yin In Advance; 01 otlurwlu. _ _ > `nus Hill-W1 as Thnnd Acuchod to an 01.50 tho paper in mu 0! tho but Job Olin-an in Oonsdn; rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine lmprovod tin, prune. W. . B. PENSE. JOHN OPFOBD. Pronrlolov. FITS LIKE A omv; LE1-l:I'_l7`i{*A>I:lAFY-()-F PUBLICOi?`i'iCIALS.v -., | I) _.__ o M In. -- tlnu {wool Io. nrumnu by: wild uumtvulnllnoo to tho Inch. 1 Births. mm or Duthl. on lnnuhon. l0a.- wohuo one `Flo. W Jam .1 i' a Page In mum for 000.. {lefnpor w::l In Hyuming Inhal- -um 3lh"'0T' 160 um named mu 0 OOI . ' Vt: animals: dvonwnonl ncogg_|p_un|u. 1'3: $333312! .`1'.m"dTb`?:?ni'1K`a`.'.': shun for A notice. Illa. _ Oontuotn (or c uncalled IDIOO no modojor charge uncalled mode for [moms for muopntllo unnunn menu. but I no! In] wnntod. for uh. o-lot. nun.- Mnhipa. (an no or a whim; ond notul Innounocmonc of .33 or nun sown: to! I01. an oxolndod. rd moon {or proluulonnl. hunnmoo or Atom! Innonnoonunu no ub- Ilgt to similar ton on. _ I hot mutilation. ' Contact ndvu-iun Allowod two olnnuil Du wank; man ! non oluuun must. be Dds! lor. The ubli or will not be M n- nlblo ior minim nundi of vubnl o n Wmun dinotiono ulunl be on _ for innortion. All udvo manta an Ahab to tho npprovnl oi the publisher. olu for ulvatiulmuu sud subscrip- tiolu In no load payable in ulvanoo. 3:" :'u n n ""`iJ1` .'in.`I' 0 on w 0 pcno moon 0 2:: ordau they civo. TH_E_ `DAILY wmc. Inn on: .:no. . 4' ""::'::.`- "Ir ':.'"... 2:`: A man no qt 0: contrast: lor'ovu non linen. Ilrguln` run oxomaoa. uonupu Innou hot tlon. ndvox-Mun IH1 ' IDWJ. B. PENBII. JOHN OPPORD Proprietor. Aumuat non Hanna. 1 TIIAIPIOIX. .- _.._..w. , TIIE CARNOVSKY COMPANY, nun: A uln n'I"llI!E"l' chain will be uh I THE gm RTY.-WAS CRAZY. I... ll.....Ib.... ngno-Ann ngnnnt -.-I` ANNOUNCEMENT. :"Op"/Ir pk Orbeno Diem. Vl& |0II I11 (III 30 look to any war nnthnn duh. \lIII.IIL. c u u . Iva in 5 Mon lot. of Picture Irunoo 5.1 ouldlncn on hand. Oomo nnd_ ulool frunu and you will nd than n 0 reasonable on thy can be . Work pnlnpy ntoudod to 00 I09 BROOK JTIBIT. KINGSTON. . -/----- unuu um:-.n onou: poncu. wlncn wuuocidunhld than Into the rim of G50hlIlIVI||b{O'IlQII vi! noon- utnhoolluhhno. lndhd Inn tho It onund. ""'."s;'.'." u`E."'....s..."` ' . I , O . toll Cochran: panda ! F?` L-IL El-0. uasy svsr msas vss ms mons`ymsy spsnr. in II card o(_ tbs liquor bit, or, us It s now sown to ho. tbs drink disssss, :3. tbs Lskshnnt Instltnu. Thus men an new in tho lull snjoymsntot robust hsnlthnhs hsvs ncnlnsd choir position in chswot ol businssmsnd in socisty; snd thaw no dnllv sddinn no thslr bank ac- count tuna:-can or aollu-I which they would lornuly Into wound up I nor. What this human: but don. for i_c willdo fol-yon. llyouan a victim ol the drlnkdhuuqotol the Inorphinoorcl - out habit. For particulars. nddnu at Ihyuon. lAkdmnI lnndlntn. Onkvilh mtflln (knoll IO Inverter. nuf 0:. Bird onoooulnll romovod from lb 0. band ol Wm. cArt.lunr, whohu by 1'. H. Phlllir. mor- dnnt (Allen: ollond panel. which Ina nocidunhl Lnu [La Land -LlI- --A-unt-.- -It - an-. I (iulriage Painting nuhnu V'Ild:l Sir. umnxioty; . 2....`."'l..`.f'a..a. .c 42%.. .Ta..-. uif, nnunhl lnn-.-In Lg.` up;-0.4! A. lung.- OIIO IIDIB. KW fillllfl. Idll Till `|)I:no|n, lahhurn lnldsnln. Olkvillql L Found lone Jewellery. J. A. Iaseup msde s vslusble nd yea- terdey sftemoon. A new bosrdwslk wss being built oi Union street met the old skstmg rink end Leeup looked under some plsnking. His eye caught sn old lesther osss end he shed_, it out. The one crumbled, but the oontsnts were sub- stentisl. He lound thst the psroel con- teined s hsndsome solid silver wntch. n Maltese model and A key rin end I few keys. The :4 ins slso sold silver snd hsd the mine 0 Col. Montiumhsrt rump- ed on it. The model hsd seversl French words on it end the dste l840. It is sup- posed the jewellery wen stolen from the colonel men yesrs snd hidden under this wslk. r Ialflgzp will mske enqui- riss sitsr the ovimer. - IICIII llIVTIIUI$ Thou no number: of men who unhol- ihungly umnn that the but invouunont. tho] or made the mom`ynthoy spam. in nxound -.-n A. I.` IL. A-Jul. ;Il..... Ulnlmu -.-ny vuuuum Il the many who, in eome degree, are troubled with Ilfeotiom of the been would but keep near them A remedy which would euetmnble belme it, neeumel more eeri- oul conditions. lile would may n time be saved. This in one of the most Itrilting element: 0! Dr. Agnew n Cure lor the Heart. When pelpiution. diuineu. that terrible smothering feeling, uhowu iteeli. e single doee of this medicine taken prompt.- ly will remove the immediate bmuble, and e little perleverenoe in the continuation of the medicine will banish the di-eve. nhl Lu I II llgdlna -nu-um-gnu on N l` OI EHO HIHIICIHO Wlll XDIIII lv|'|Q CIIIQX. Sold by W. H. Medley, successor to N. C. Polncn & Co. - urtaer mile he crossed me nape tour or ave yards ahead. He want-90 much for the others. although they etuek to the race. and Tel mann, although a 100 yard behind, woul not give in. O. Sullivan, Jaoquitb. Porter, Mont- mery. D. Sullivan. Amey, Taudvin and e mann were the atartere, and in the 100 a 3 race the first four|mentioned nished in the order given. In the quarter mile Montgomer didn't . Hie wind was gone. and e eaw t t Sullivan waatoo much for the crowd. The time in tlze uertor Wu 52 eece.,while the I00 yards uh was caught in l0 I-5 eeoe. Ona level track it is doubtful i! the time would have been as ood. The boy: are now rloctl eatie ed that Sullivan can go eat. own not pushed in yeetorduy e races at all. In the ( uarter mile Porter came home eeeond, Tau vin third. and D. Sullivan Iourth. Oioer George Kennedy was starter; W. Coohrane. A. Moore and Eu h Walkem,judgee; Dr. H. M. Jack an W. J. Paul. timers. `rho Fool llnooo In tho Purl were Very Wall concocted. The foot moon in the city park, yester- dny Afternoon, drew nlnrgo crowd of youn men. The track VIII In good shape an fun. time was made. although. of course. the noon had I big advantage on account. ol u grule on the back part. of the circle where the events came on`. A 100 yards duh nnd I quarter-mile sprint were put on.` Ind in both OVOIWI George Sullivan, who won the moon I wook Ago. ouno out ahead. It wu an any thing for him. In the 100 yards race] he nilhod by fullv one nnd I lull vnrda. while in the The Ottawa Citizen rejoices that the nlo of the Thousand Iulundr has been been stopped. Tho putting 0! them in the market, and the disposition, oi as fow of- them, in rognrdod n An act ol inconceiv- able vnndnlilm." Large language, but nnrrnnm. A Brookvillo gentleman. Mr. Webster, put: it on I-ooord that we our-{ow boll work: well in abut. town. How does it work in Kingston, when the young follu loom to be doing A good deal of guiding niout 3 \ That : my bunlnoumnd 1 cu: moo that III vohlclomoqnl , oto.,ontrIu me will `he returned Au brig I on now. Plum: of room ` .uny now quuton pornnltting good ntoruo ohoop. The foot; Toronto policeman. who carried Li I-long Chnng about the Toronto exhibi- tion, have received their deeoratiom. the insignia oi the double dragon. This in what the four Irish policemen of Washing- ton missed by refusing to honor the heathen Chinee. O 9 I mo mu ynrun race; no umlnou uy fully one Fnrda, unrest mile he 0 V the tape four vn vnrdn ahead. Ha wn.t.oo much for .________ Aw.-as Ian. XI}InOcl&obIInnIlnIrvu vjhiwdhvuuuuuarvouu UTCUIU VII UIIU IIIVUI IUBUIUII II uuv wreck ol Tammshy Hall. It will never amount to enyhing again, predict: an Iuthoxjity. for w.hioh gho mint: be pninod. nnrronm. NOTES. Col. Smith will hardly collide um. Mr. Cuuyuggin. Ho buhnporunt. duties in the common, but one of them is nouto hoop order while the uponker in in the nhnln Senator Eill wu shone from on impor- tant political moetin yuterdny. Add this is understood to mean hi: deurtion of tho nllvor party. But. he : I dodger on gene- nl principles. . than than bonllgnu lilo Bourke Oodlnnond Bandit HlIl,uIo of whom ha dandy gone Into opposition to his party, And tholothu vi|_l do the some now the Mn Buhlo eonvontion has gone dlvor. x , uuvwu. Thnlontoh And the wow apps: to be going for Ira silver without. dintinotion ol nun-hi-Q Anti OLA ngmnninn In namhlna n----o --u vuv v--r--us" -- I""""'I haunt. Brynn in conducting a vigoroua mmpslgn. but no in lloliinloy, and sound may in likbly no win. And now it : the Omws Journal, inde- pendent dbnlorvntivo. who intimates that than ought` to he 3 great oomorvnivo convention. What. in the matter now? 1: than I huh oonupirnfy dent. `. In Ono runlt ol the division in the 1 cubic prey on the silver question .......|. .1 Il'........a.- 11." n. ....'u DID NOTHEED THE WARNING. SULLIVAN LED AGAIN. Why -nu VI: demo- I in the bo?Je;oai.a bu` In an `em. 8 Isl attention glvqn oommorolnl men an olubn. CON. MILLAN, Prop. .-n,_ _n_._._ 1--.. -II Inns. and Train! among ouoaon-un ncroua. I: don not 1. and Bohwdnfunh novor ongnpn inn$ ingtalnudounotyioldnlntr pm- luoootgohooh. Ayurogo can at- torney Front amended in securing Indict- Inonln against lohvdnhni and uvunl ol his bliovil. on thochnrgo of living in- `ho can have bun postponed bins, in van to Inn can Oouobu urn cl ours. I been OIOYII onougn to cont up an trucks. to that it bu boon diicult. for the luv to reach the ivnponur. Whatever may be and in condemnation of Bchninfureh, no- body can truthfully Inqut. ho Inch -hhwdnul 0| ability. I. may be only nbilityto hoodvink wanker month. but thank no piuoylng the (Act. that In no it in I truly cunning manner. an sun: In ullinn About hindnnarina n. In many ounmng runner. lion aura to tnllin shout. hiodoobrino ontddoti-the lot. It dooi not nu. and Bohwlinfurlh nova omrunn no mlnguruo mo Olpllllloll movement. Not nhwwomonhanlofuboplnoo in dinghot. and law expend him. but be has been clcvor onough to his trucks, as that it Inn n diicult. In tbs law in nre owner onuuron. ' Sohwciniurth ban 3 romarhble ro- somblsnco to the gondhlly Accepted pict~ urn of the Saviour. His eyes an brown. his oolnploxion freshly tinhod. He wears n owing auburn board similar to that M-cribod to the onp ho pretends to person- no. His hair in brushed back trom I fonhoadindicnlin inullootunl force. He drouon in the b_oi t of fashion. and almost my Afternoon n 5 himin the atroou of Rockford. attired like I fnahion pluu. his hand: dni tily gloved nnd I glossy ailk hat on his godon locks. 11. 3- glpikp-n On Inna. Ln - canal.-can ma golaon noon. Hui: driven to town by 5 eonohmnn bohlniunonuun n nan be loundlin thoooumry. Thou bu nlvnyu boon i wrong hulin ngdnu him and his `dock-Ina hon. but In: boon no Icndor nvuuu III vuv vuuuu-,. away a: nun: - 4` ..sn.c'm' .1 hi 'docu`-Inc hero. ha? nylndo: In innnam-nun Lhn nxnulninn mnvnmnnt. docuflno Inn. on: than nunoon lean to inaugurate the expulsion movement. Not a for woman have left the nlnoo [or Inn Iouowon. The angle: come and go from nll part; of the country, and many happy home: have been wrecked by hi: inuence. The oldest. nnd moat. luithful umon the female believer: in the heaven in ru. Aumrn Turtle, who he has `um. man-iod. She had bhnlo bright chik ran who mo in I myltarioun way. Mlry (Weldon, whose father WM hoodwinkod out of his propert, , nloo hna two ohildnn. Schweinfurcha sister in also one of tho Indore, and there other children. n..|....:..a...n. 3...... . .-......-a..1.|. ... I10 I IIVUIQ Klng St., nxt to oloctrlc car sheds unruung rooomulnnoo in mm. The member: 0! the church triuun nhnnt,- ly dignl! the plnoo by calling it. Iounl, Zion. An claim that. the rolnion ol brother and Iillol` is maintained between man and women. even by than who were mnrriod boloro the entered the pinco. , (hm nl Q. n Hut. rnnuinimna lh ulminninh oelore me enwreu we place. One 0H 0 rat. requisites vb edmianion to the faith in that all earthly poueesiimn must. be turned over to Bohwoinlurth. on the supposition that they will no longer be needed. be providing a living mid home (or his followers. 'l`lr.- -.u-l.. ovum- Ant` run `manna `ll -.4-.0. Iyumln on wnurworn. The men. women and ohihlmn. unuully to the number 0! thirty-ve, live in one houno u a large lunily. of which 80 Wein- furth in the head. Rooklurd poupo my he ha I right to exercise palm-nul nul.hor- icy over most of the ohildmn. I o! whom Ire of the Hol Ulnoat ori in, but hour, on writing mum lanes to h In. Tho member: of tha church triuInnhnnt.- coma me nesven. Through his hypnotic work be induced the old men to deed to him this valuable piece of lend, and therehe has ever since msde his home. The Weldon acres. oom- rrising the neet agricultural sud pasture and In what may be termed the garden spot of Illinois, are cultivated wit h the greatest cure and skill. The work is don.) y the live Weldon boys fllld the fteen or twenty other male disciples who make their abode in heaven. The breeding of fine horses is carried on quite extensively and st 3 good prot. Bv various enlargements. Additions and and Ar. good prom. By vnnoul enlargements. addition: improvement: the old Weldon farmhouno hu been transformed into I handlome OI- hblilhmont. well appoinwd In every rtloulnr and luxuriously furnished. It Includes Schwoinlnrl.h'n u.ud_v, library and chambers. ohopolnndoohoolroom. Spread- ing cult and elm brood surround the plan. which hu just. been mud with I complete Iyutoln ol wntnrworln. The man. woman and children. ulunllv Sohweinfurch claims that Mrs. Beekmen was made to know by an inner illuminn~ Lion them she wss the women clothed in white described in the Revelations," the spiritual mother of Christ in his second coming. and she was further assured that he was indeed the Messiah. She announc- ed the feet to the people and at. her death he succeeded to the throne. AIi\l\r\lI oluun mknun mogul nu-anon ha nh, HO BIJOOOUIQQ 5 FYIQ bnrone. Among Lhooo whose good graces be ob- tained and who became I believer in sin doctrine Wu William Weldon, an old gray haired man. with A large family of sons and daughters, owning 5600 acre farm, one of the fluent in Illinois, on which in now lo- camd the heaven. 'l`|u-nun-h Li. hnnnnoin Iunrlp lm inrhlnnll V mat. DOWII. He attended the mission and came to be- lieve in the practicability of man becoming the image and counIA3rpartr 6i`(}od. Mrs. Beokmsn was the first reaoher he had hesrtf that satised him. and e went to Byrommd became associated with her in her pastor. ate. This connection continued until her death iu 1882, when he established his Heaven south of this city and not far from Byron. . Snhwainfurth claims that Mrs. Baakman GEORGE JACOB HCHWEINFURTH While stationed in Alpena, Mich., Sch- weinfurth became acquainted with s wo- man namodbora Boolxman,'wlio was conduct. ing a mission there. Her permanent home was in Byron, south 0! this city, where she ministered to I congregation who aimed at a life of actual holiness, a religion that was not acceptable to the popular uhurches of that town. 11. ..n-...l.A oh- ...l..:,... ....A 4...... on In, Schweinfurth wen born At Marion county. Ohio., in 1853. his early years hein pne- ed in the oompnny of men morn I; In hie youth hie avowed aim was to take the life of Jeeue Ohrleta u 1 model for hie own career. When n oung men he entered the Mebhodiut. mimntry on probation. but gmiuelly became ooneoiouu. he said. that neither the orthodox, churches nor their minister: could satisfy his upiretione. There's Only One Best Place JOHN JACOB SOHWENFU RTH'8 ZION A QUEER PLACE. in Wad: In Club! Angel. run:-rm lu.Wo.-on And children Under one \>"` loof-ouIu I lacy Italy. `A Rockford. IIL uyu: Geo. Jwob sohwoanmnia. :3 inllqod --M... ninh. wlmuu mogul: mnrriun Ah Minnes- brought nun mm pmmmonoe n. In one of the best known ohnnotnn-ifnuthiu noc- tion, having conducted who in tanned Heaven. six miles south 0! this city, for A down or more years. It bu become fu- maul all over tho want, And no man never came to Rookvood withoubpaylng I visit. to Hahn. ,, Hnhlininfnlrhh um: I-my-n At. Mu-inn nnnntv. Jwoo uouwonnmrun. mo nuagou "mu- ninh. when uncut mnrringo ab Minnea- tgghtgalsiamohidannl. Mnzutlo, ha 6 inc prominence n.inone of mu}: but character: in this A was In uumns. | :IIuuI'II;..V` nun lp mo ma oucsouu Iuyonty. Togo: than he has New othwish thirty-dz sun. as wo think. (In ongiving thin cppocislly fat the bond: 0! lib an); Indiana. vith any fuovl: Illinoh. with U1 twenty-four: Michigan. any button: Now Jonoy. ton; Win-oudn. In hula. We kit thnllrynn Dd wollwillb mi In an In-nu`: nniuilvnnlhn Inn in we gnu. mu-aomoomuc una- nlidoollut. .BoGlIuonfoon gononl principc-:hin you hr the uilnt tick. BI-van willetrry on main: olohollidnnipri unlock ho Minnesota. I! usdthonbow nod only fourvohn to nnkn an his IA ulna:-nl nnlh-u admin, MdAU6Lm S, anatnonnownl noon only rourvohn to make his 2.`: olcctonl Info:-icy. To put. ch: ho Now orh.uit.ln mu navmg we age. oram and money. to- ther with much natural water power. A 0 developed her manufacturing induc- triee to n eurprieing degree and no made the west and south pay tribute to her until her wealth hu become so great that it is said that the state of Rhode Leland, (which in territory in not euiciently large to fire a vnnnon inlhae agreater yearly deposit in the eavinge banks, than has the entire dominion of Canada. When. therefore. an election oomee in. economic in nature.and the two parties divide oil into the weelthy and the poor. on is now the once. in it not lnin that those old oeleh men, known aa izlow Englnndere (we cordially hale them with all their merits hecauae they are black). willgo down into their tari stuff- ecl poclceta end hu every purohaaable manin New Englan . vrhic . of course, they have done, aided and abetted mean` time by such eoalawage and political Judas Ieoariote an Dan Wayne. Grover Cleveland. (3. J. Phelpe. Bourke Uoohran. Bob. Maxwell. Dan lament & 00. But thank the Lord this ia a aeotionel and an economical war. and thua the very eaueee that have opented to increase the republican gold atandard vilqved clan vote in New is`. land. ll ehve to in- oreaee the silver emooratio lehoring elaee vote in the eouth and sweet and central west, as it has lately done in Arkaneae and Texan. The silver ticket will urry the south. for of thoee eleven items only two, Maryland and Kentucky. were ever known to go anything but democratic in the i- dential year. or any other year. a that in the great anti-democntic land- alide of leak. ear. Both are aafeon onunecu. That the republican vote in Maine and Vermont has considerably increased. how much cunnot be told until the {all returns. exorybody admits. and thereby is iven a key to the probable result of the e oction. although we think the News inits inl- nute zeal turns the key the wrong way. New England being an old and cultured community has exerted a potent and eon- trulling influence upon American politics from the beginning of the government un- til within recent years. or representa- tives III the congress have been among the moat learned and able of that body. such an Webster. Summer. Hrwe, etc. In this way they early shaped the tariff to suit her an having the brain and to- uether much water newer. gwon smnu xumon unujormoo. bno nan never in her hintor gone anything but ro- publicnn, oxoopt w on chore was a fusion ticket, in the eld. such as gnnqeriam, groenbockiam, populism. etc. Therefore. when the News ambod that Mnino is considered snfoly republican in A preci- dentinlyonr," it. was outing A hard hia- toric truth in oxquiaimly far {etched and volvoty Innguago. The population of both Maine and Vermont. as every one knows. to most inaignifi nb. We have not. uhlm an hnnd. but than nnlv Nmw Enn- KIIOWO. moat. malmnnonno. we nave not tables at hand. but the only New Eng}; land sums of any population wort aveuking of are` Connecticut. and Macaw 0 Iunatbu. Nqmwalhuwuihlacd It yudul. lolnrolhgdu surely, original niawry was never written. The only one of the six New England states, Maine, Vermont. New Hsm hire. Massachusetts. Rhode Island an Con- necticut, that ever out its presidential vote for the democratic ticket at any elec- tion in Connecticut. She hss on several occasions given small majorities for demo- cratic state and national tickets. Muss- chusctts has aevereltimeegiven respectable majorities tor the democratic stste and fusion ticket. es in the case of Gen. Butler for governor in l8H`. , and (iov. Russell recently deceased, within the lsst few years. But ss to president she has alwuys gone blsck, black, black (e common term for dyed in the wool. straight out. simon pure and unadulterated re iubllcenism nmong democrats over the bor er, and by this we by no means include the Cleveland democrats lor they are more republican than democratic.) Maine, on a few occa- sions durin the last fourteenvyenre, has flven smul fusion mujoritiee. She has never in her histcirv Rona snvthinu hm. m. garden as nryane oeatn aneu," etc. There is an old saying that a man must go away from home to hear the news, and surely we thought of this adage when the News said : "As goes Maine so goes the union." Except that the responsible edi- tor of the News is widely known a man of exemplary personal conduct. we I ould attribute such a statement from a writer. so well informed. as the result, pure and simple, of the opium habit." The fact is that since H356, the year in which the re- publicon party was rst formed out of the o'd whig party, it has been a constant theme oi contention between rival debat- `ing clubs as to whether Vermont or Maine was the blackest of the black republicans? The tide of battle has ebbed and owed. now one and now the other triumphant. until the standard of victory nally settled in favor of Verinont,for the reason that she had never gone anything except republican at state. district, county. town, cit , vil- lage or national election, whereas nine. withan impudence and perildy worthy ri commemoration, had on one occasion, in September or October, L880, forsaken the god of battles, and of black repuhlioanism, and thus earned and received eternal con- demnation or something stronger, by giv- ing. not democratic. heaven save the mark ! she had never done that, but reenbncli. There is nothing in this mun- ane sphere. so says the classic Cieero,that men so much crave as immortality, and all critics are agreed that no qualit will so much contributeto this end as t t rare and radiant poseession-~originality. We will thereiore lace the crown of immortality fort with upon the head of the News, for it has richly earned the same in arguing that Maine into the way to republican ascendancy, or, if this in not original history, then, auroiv. orixrinnl hintorv never written. earned ne same In arguing man uses: history, surely, original history v The nnlv one of the six New E popocreu In me noum mu ween. rnouu Maine hu ooouio ly gone democratic n A state eleooion. i is considered niely 10' publioan in a idencialeeleobion. and the signicance OJ the result in the September preceding a prelidential elechion. lien in the size of the republican majority, etc. A piumiity exceedin 60.000 iney well be re- garded Brynn`: enth knell." etc. There in an alt] nvinn that A mnn O I l\I\r\r I\lI-IIIVII u-vvw- - - Iodorn mnnuomunc. unllont ouhlno and but utookod but city. noclal [Ivan me nmenom eleenene. no ll he puts that the Kingston New neo- luwly not itself to the tank of defeetin the silver-delnooretic tick- et. be Nave oomlnenoee the lat edicorielu followe: An Meine goes eogoee the union he luniliar nying In the United States. This year in perti- culer it he been` 101$ theta en unueunlly large republioen msjority in Maine in September, following I Iimiler majority In Vermont. would mean a republican vic- tory an bout. the union. whenever might. be t e ebnormnl strength of the popocrete in the south and west. Thou h Meinehuooouio g -6...!` A`AnD.:nn i. in nnnnhlnngcl -nlnlv IA- I IIIJUI7 rrlu -In lstu IIIII. Knms-mx. Snpt. l8.-('!'o the Editor): A few dug: nines the stub of Vermont: had an Alnnhnn and Oh: (nu-M-.1: Natl A row as u nnonne sun or vennonu nlu an election. and the Kingston New and an editorial therein. hludod A Good run." In the sforonid odi_toi-ial the News made the usual porforvid pndictionn oi republican menu: and democratic do- lonb. one. In the in: `of the News of the 16th inst. than inn or editorial ontitlod "'I`|\A Mninn Elnnhlnn wn- thnfvf IBM! lnlt. DIIOIQ II IIIOIIIOR nwnu Olllclll "The Main Election. Now. whatever mnv I-uh-nn nf u hm-U nun-n nl nnndl "Tno Maine Election." Now. whatever _:my botruoof the _toI-ynrx-nu .ol Cundn In general. an to their I ooooorning the Amariom elections. in bnvond dil- QOIIOPRI. '0 I'rDO|.I' nuwuo the Ame:-{om elections. in 1 nnh mhn aha `Kimntnn Nan 1-an-on run And" luau Anna. Puma... g.-.5 In ,I'l|. 48.- van LEnEi}6`{n 336: 5c;,"'sAfi"i:nI1inAr.` smlrrnimmn 19. 1896 -Summer Millinerx lhu Old-..n-nnlInJ- 0.1. X...` > uhuunllpuynounnunonnu . than pruuncpoviddhriu uh Inn At Anisyvilb. L 1.. than vowil luuvoltntutlhops-aunt, and :9- un In Rd Jinn loburnou. no bunny. dKhKh'|H`II$|- XunIh.&Iht&$hlId In II- otueuuluullunncr. nnunoaanounnuj Iloruangnluudhhhuhu-. and noted In hinIiuhrKnUII.vboIIhoqubo|l I-vInpIod' .`.'.:'.;..".'.'..'"".. .....``..`.'1.'.'.".?.".'..'..a..`;'..;" ..:'..". tully hohanono violnnulu It was aounrylocoulnohl-Inn unit-juoiot. uhuonll ydanlnnd Isl not. tlghn m&`nnov'|K 5:1`: thzlun. mn uopu-I. Tnopnuuonlot an umua Stnannnd oongmuvnn nppcnlod Io. to inhroodo with thorithh government. in his behalf. I?! tho hwon Inncooohl in miuguung In nu mom. Final`. -health um: ho- ounouo unpnlndtht. i of punish- ing tho . is Mount I punishment wtho ab gonrnnont to Mid him, ands nuolndtouuhinfru. Tho` novuol luxpooudlibonuonwunoivvd banluunuhnnd than the inhlli thngbo ind nhofunlly Oahu-ted ' was on lawn to ondopudoonntry nohu-go oH.voh,Iotn uudn Iodlonl ntundnnu. Hounnocindhrob npnnyol inun- nufriundqvhowuot to -cabin, onnchrhullusuncr. lnnlnoidnonnncj L.._...._l..JLl.L--nhan _-4| g-I-1 In- am to no In. uamgnor or nmouyn. ' ' lydoniod thiI.doc|Ar- bar In: not. in Eng- bho explosion. but was n. All corn 0! Mao- hondu sun had in vnin to prove an nlibi for the doc . o In: triad, con- viuud. and oonoouood to lmprioomhont. for lllo. From nch time nporu reached the doctor`: Mind! of the dfudhal cruelty pmotiood upon him, which had nbnurod MI honlth. and hit him I mldlnnn. Plum (or hinoconpoworout. on foot. but they mono no naught owing to the vigilance at his hunts. Tin nnddonl. of tho Uniud in the city of boon blown to nwuu. mo tower was com- lohely dulm ed. and Woutminutor hall Ad shared in ooommon diauhor. While the loan of Mo mu not In , iv. was uni- ciom. to crown glut I arm. Bands of Armed men paroled the nnou. I number of arrest: hnd been made. and Among them several man Iuppoood to be from America. Thu domntiva fame ol Scotland Ynrd several Iuppoooa w on Iron America. The dobootivo force Scotland Yard wuilnmodinloly put. upon the clue, and nmong the man u Arrested won 3 man aid to be Dr. Illghor 0! Brooklyn. in In-inndnnI.r'm\unlIdnnind thimdnnlnr. no we oauno. While Brooklynvunull in nmnzoment. At the sudden dopartum of a citizen as wollknown us Dr. Gallagher. the whole onunlny wu Itnrllod with the inwlligonce that me ptrlilrnenh houooin London hnd boon blown to nmmu, the tower wu oom- nl-tglu (I-alnnun and \\/Antrninntnr ha" ponce oeperunem. naa m Iuempnoy. In all the meetings where )lane were matured, where to strike and w o to kill, Red Mobermou. wne always on hand, and A he seemed ready to undertake any work, however dangeroun, so lon an he mighul have the poet. of honor. ghere was one thing that troubled the Clan-ua-Hael lead- ` ` ere on this side, and that was that '3cot.- ` land Yard always seemed able to frustrate | their beet. laid plans. and to forestall 1; every move they might. make. No matter . how eenret, or how oloeely guarded Red Jim Mobermou. was, he elwuyn seemed to 1, be in possession of the latest. news, end he fmxuently contributed quloe handsomely N m m Id 01111. T YOUR (HCUUIHI mu "nu! an un-." lslll` KINGSTON MILLING C0. and nopeless l uln. The years 0! I882, I883. I884 snd I885, will long be remembered for the pernicious sotivity exhibited throughout. the world by the enemies oi.t.he British government. All sorts of murderous schemes were cell- ed into play, and their use was publicly edvocstaed. The ison of the Borgiu er the Assassin's knife of the Indian Thug were slloonsidered justifiable when used by the champions of Irehnd s emancipa- Lion. Early in the ei hniess young man sppeered in New \'or . who was one of the bitmerest snd most unrelentzin enemies of British rule that New York ed ever seen. His fsuher had died in s British prison. and his mother soon sfoer died of s broken heart; what. little property they had was nflsoabed by the government. end one rvin I term in prison he es- csped he United Stntes. snd he was here or. in out some plsn of vengennoe which woul balance. on time's ledger. Irelsnd s account. of eight. hundred years of En lsnd's misrule snd oppression; at least, i. iie was the story concocted by one of Scotland Yerd's sblost. detectives and most notorious lisrs that. that celehrnhed police department. had in itseinploy. In sll meetinrrs nlans rule. It. is not yet decided that this constant pondering on A single and exciting line of thou ht. mty hue unbalanced the mind. whic now comes back to us a shuttered and hopelou ruin. Thn van-A of I882. I883. 188-I I885. Thirteen years ago aatalwart. handsome, intellectual young mm euddenIydieappear- ed from the city of Brooklyn, where he wan well and favorably lmown. Doctor Thomas Gallagher was not a common man: hin aims were high; his intentions good. and be we: loved and respected by all who knew him. Though born in Scotland he was lrieh to the core. From his childhood to boyhood. from boyhood to young man- hood. Ireland`: wromze were he constant. t.heme-- llll thoughbeby do and hi: dreams by night; he was a lover 0 freedom. and he Inn to see the beloved land 0! his forafat. era emancipated from the British rule. to :. mu ...o Au.:.l.A 0...: Mn . nmmnnr. their knives. The government oered I rewerd of ten thounend pounds for the street and convin- tion of the murdererl. end ve thousand more for any rivnte information which would lead to t e u-rut of any perlon eon- oerned in the crime. It wen` esoerteined that the person who planned the murder and who named theexeoutionere wu known my " No. l, but it wee A long time belore the identity of the terrible No. l was known. Among the non: arreeted on suspicion was Jame: y, a town coun- cillor of the city of Dublin. He turned in- former, and the result wine the arrest and conviction of the four men on god in the murder. Cerey received a my reward and started for Souzh Africa, where he intended to settle. but his late hnd been decided by " The lnvinoiblee, " three of the even are having been deputed to murder him yB.J. T nen. No. l." The took with any on the Melroee aatle. and murdered him in his etateroom no the Iteemer wee enterin the harbor. Now that the euthoritiee o Frenoe have him, it in not certain that he oan be extradited. should hie crime he decided to be e politi- cal one. 'l`L:..o.... -y_..-.....\ .. .b..Im. at La nu-I-nun; Uivwus uorneponueuoe. ; Nsw You. Seph. l8.- Just ssthe nes- ulon of perdonln the Fsnisn dyns tasn wubelngbroug the s sstlstsctory con- clusion. snd those who hed been sentenced to Ills lmprlsonmenc out their. prison doors open snd their say to psrdon olesr. e newlntorestis iven to the motor by the nrrssh, st`. Bon e. of B. J. '1` non. the oelebrsced " o. 1" of the P nnnix Psrk essessinstlone. which sent s thrill of horror throughout the oivllised world tour- teen esrs . The bold darlng or the Inn erous ugs ln ohoosin one of the most. public pleeeein Dublin on-their crime. where thousands of people use cs.-zatsntuly psredln , and st an hour of the day when this den htful resort wse ususlly filled with peop e, showed s stem deumninsoion oolesve no means unturned to terrorize the vernlentof England into grsntlng its emnnd for home rule. t.....a u-.....u...a..|. n........u.|. ..... .5 11.. was one at we vncmne. and mu menu. T. B. Burke. we: the other. They were making I welk in the cool of the evening. and were near the Phasnix monument. when glnnnlrnd That! had Avidnntlv mnda A don. and the rnusmx monument. wnon stunted. They hndovidontly made I dot- to ght for their lives, As the unuinl ad literally hunted them to piece: with their knives. ML- 1-..u...-nnggnl. AM a mammal nl inn nu uomuna tor nomo rule. Lord Fndoriok Oavondinh, one of tho moat populu ung nobleman irt En hnd, of o victim. and his riond. "l` R Rnrlm, -an (aha nl.I\nr_ Thaw III! It In I 1&3 `lino Baton the ldoqtlty 3| No. 1" Wu Known-The 0rcot`0noI- than New I: luv" vs. 0oId-`l'ho Unlud 1.0.: II.` n.C thn -1|-I llI-n-QIAI Io Invvlw up ear I uuuoaa u Directly opponlco nnull Homo. Bun: made to order; also your own good: undo up At rononubla rntu. lmn Almnslnomocnn. VIGTIMSOF THE PHGNIX PARK FIX AIIII ll BIIVUI VI. Illllll-IIIU IJIIIUII Ihhl on of who loot Glgnntlo Donovan 0! Ancient and lodorn (Bpoohl Oorrupondnnoo.) Vn-r nnlu II _ Jnno. n-I11 lss" a'sTuA+iEni." ;|_.gnE THE BEST] ..l.L_L_1K_...j wads`: hhndnko Pill; will pnvont dot headache, and cure all blllouunou. con- utipntion Ind liver troublomotoo pill 1 don. `.25 pill: [or `.33 oonu, only II. \\'ndo`u drug store. wmon came an n vary provnuonunl mno. Chicqxo bicyclinu have I curioua way of nntifyin cousin: through rubber band: Itrobcb mm the aide: 0! the forth 0! the wheel to the handle bu. As the rider Ipinl along they vibnho munionlly. It source the pedestrian: And they jump out of the WI u quickly 5: they cut. U. H. Lhionnl hunk: rill rnlnnn nhmhn or me qmouy u may U. S. uiovul banks will ulna ohooh. now. drufu. 000.. "for collection." for ac- count of. tor ctoditol," "fordopooil. only" or much word! a! I nouictivo elm-sour. This rot uiromom. in undo on account. ol a recent. oclnion of the oonn. nppuln. wnn mmu.wU. Forty years Ago A pro:-pArouA oitimn of CAunoviA, N. \ .. Ave A pour boy M00 to go no A diAt.Ant. [An . The boy And the in- cident. were lorgotton. The other dny an elderly gentleman and bin wile viuitod the village And sought out. the rolAt.ivoA of the boy : donor. And returned A puree of .800. which came At. vary providontinl time. Chicnno bievcliau have A curious nu nl Ollnl HIII, l||I IIIIUU HANNAY & HAROLD, Kidney PIIIB | A home. N. L, may ntbyclnat. Min ` Lona Humnokor, recently thrown lrom her wheel hu from her injuries become in- I-HQ. ` IIIIG. Tho mnmger ol Fort Williun Henry hotel at Lake George has diuppou-ed and with him8l.800. Fa!-0.11 want` nun A nnnnnarnnn nib}---. nl without. any pain or bld reeling. In Addition let. me Idd thnt. m rheu- matilm was so bed at timel that could not move myi-ell. I am now like eiorent. man and conscientiously recommend your medicine, Kootonny Cure, tonnyone Iulfer- ing from rheumatism or etommh trouble. I am glad to have found the remedy and willingly furnish you with this inlormntion that it may help others who are similarly elicted. Wishing you mooeu, I remain, ours truly. George Brnun. putor of the Ivuugelicnl unocletion, Hamilton. Aug. |HI.h. I896. reeidonoe. No. I40 Market. street. Sold by J. B. McLeod. wuurv r vuvluriuulu ' A new pout. bun pound in Iawiu ooun- ty, N. Y.. It in n rown bu ,u1inoh long, which ecu nquuh llld pum in vinel. I A Rome. N. xx. my ghuclinm. ma- Kldnoy PIIIO .. Romom liar I .` An llotol Inn|[or'I l'IIghtr-'I'l|0 Why to lawn` Pndantrhnnn. Kldnoy Pllla Kldnoy Plllo .,..... ..,... . ...... ,....... ....-..... 5..- in ouastntomont nrdin mv one of rhguyinntium. with wlzu I WIKI niictod for over thirty years. For the t vo or six years the pain bu gradual y npproachod my breast And affected me lo I could not sleep on my left side. Another trouble I had was: kind of dyspeptic, known as gastric indigestion. from which I aulfored considerably. I had to be very guarded an to what I ate, otherwise I paid tho penal: . At present since takin your valuab e rouu.-d known as Rye lnIII'II Kootenay Cure, Am able to out ll meals without any bad effects and sleep :3] night l without pain bad fooling. mv rheu- Household Economy. l-IIIIIAI lvrln Finn. main: man IIIT DH. Party line: are completely broken down. A correct political forecast. is impossible. The friend: of to-dny may be the enemies of no-morrow. We om only witch and wnit.-~ BuQ.munnI. .s?TZ?'2.i'.";IE"'I3'.".'. ing you a statement. lng I rheux_n_npi_am. w_[nic _I was; exonnnger" The serious nature 0! the ( uoazion is Ap- parent. in the disruption o rbiea. and the clnnge that has taken we among those who have been acknow edged lead- er: for the last. forty yenru. Those who have on eye I-In le to the national honor look to McKin ey u the Moses (.0 load them out. of the House of Bond: onnd into Lhejovn of the mmioed hnd.t. ough now D00!) from Piaga `a height. dimly and Mar off. I)...-Du ling. -.-4 nn.....I-L-lu I`_..l..... plan... 0.! Ryokmnph Kootonny Onro. S. 8. R clunnn, Hamilton, Ont. Dear ir.-I aka great. lecture in giv- im: vou ronrxrlnw man. " um: mmonu pcruuworo torm- od on the qualtion alone. but those who had charge of the government, And who had {on t the vvor ohmugh to uuooeuful inauo. an d. Honor before oxnodiencv: " reau y ror cnrouumon. On the trial balance-shoot of the tron- aury they rogreaonlz a thousand millions; their actual ullion value is ve hundred and thirty-three millions of dollars. The abaorbing question is. " Is not our nation- al honor worth more than the dilfonnoo of exchange?" The serious nature of the uuonzinn in AD- menu or modern mm. Al. the cloee of the war our indebtedness to ounorediboru was about three thoueend mllllom of dollm. end it became I seriou- queetionu to how the interest on our bondl should be id. Greenback: were I legal tender for ndebtaedneee all over the United States. and the premium on gold wan two hundred. Never Iinoe the oran- tion of government. among men wen i nation's trial for honor and honest. put to so severe A ten. Honor said. " lyey in md;" expedieuo Ield. " Pay in green- ke." Greet lonnl pertleewere form- ed question alone. those nnu mu no (no wu onmugn no uuooenxu: inane. d. oxrodiency; md clue decision. in the hour 0 our not out peril. has placed the United tutu national honor second to that of no nation on the face of the enrth. Dunn ruin:-A OI.` nnoinn in IA|Iw|nCAt. In-I we moo or me urnn. Once more the nation is tempted. but this time it is silver instead of greenbach, a thousand millions of which are ooined. sucked up in vaults of the treuury and reody`forciroulat.lon. On balance-sheet the tran- u as not 5 now quuuon. so was oncom- ly ntroublgoomo quack: tvyo thonnnd yura Ago. when he who npnko u ver nun spake. toying. Silver and gold but I none. but such an I Invo I (In unto thee. " From the earliest Ago: lnMmat.ion- an audit and mercantile oxolungo have been we of the most important question: among man. No vommont over in- stituted by nun bu n able to support iuolf without ooouionnlly calling for out.- Iido aid, and the Unibd Shh: hu boon one of the moat glguntio borrowou of an- cient. modern duo. Al. Ink: olnnn nf H34 -Ar null indghfndnnnn T. Ii5wm's, 35: `Princess St. Dimntlv onnunlh Ruunll Houu. - + I to thsthovunoultqd-hcrrig ` mmdlm hi: utcodupnoinion 5:} the British gonrmmnb, and `Mn: resolv- odtoputhlm out ol tho way. Howu nthohd ouo oi M.` In 3 low noon on Willihm utmost. roquontod by mu-oblate A and dynnmiton. And. After I clonpontn ght. escaped with hi: lilo. Ho din r- od from sight. for over I you-, w a tlomun from Brooklyn met him in who g?1nsmpIE|yuoI In Pu-II, dressed in tho hoiht. ol fuhion, and the owner at I bonu- tllu yacht, which lay on tho Sdno. Ho Ind married I rich Bunion lady. and was 0 rting himnolflikenmillionure. When h5 :Brook nlriond informed him than I n-(4.. haul n An}. an his hand and that rsorung IIIIIIXII "I9 I IIlll0lII|l'Do VI III! I Brook n friend ioo had Ioton hi: hand. and that undroda of men were bhlntin for his blood. he lnughod heartily, said he would no hnlvm with the m shat. not the u. ngxrt, all obhor question: on dvru-fod now in the all-absorbing one o! silver and Id. In in not a nut auction. It. Inn ovi :- DING. DO IIIIRIIOQ Illilly, um Cl`! BO would go halve: with the man that. got the l rowlrd. ullv Ill vvubc Uiuvuu uni uwnnlvu Ilvw .x:..b.o:b?`n} In in not quutiou. ovi ont- l nhroublmomo uuomon two ma; .`.;. .;.;;:.:;:5".;:.;" Rome. Y., Indy Ybyclin, Minn mllll Humnokor. rooontlv thrown from DOAN S DOAN S ADOAN S DOAN S U000 Hlllll W00(l. IIJIJ DCI IOIII. WM. DRURY, `" %{`33f ' -u D-A-..-.._ nIA_.-A lll.._.o..-. nno ON UN E;i8-TATES' SOlL.. A CLERGYMAN'S PRAISE "" E.'."';.?`?".."I'!"..':` ruums, A 11--.. Q`. g :u, , Fmicy frnch Dfesses 03-so. 04-oo. 04-so. 85.oo. NO TWO ALIIE - 05-50. 0630: . ___ _.__-. v-ww-uu-vu can (I 28410436 PRINCESS STREET. Q I m nnAs.A4 JAMES Ri-::"i'f.>'s, lhn 1`-nun I'huAm-o.5.- -..4 -._ ..._. o.-- Low Prices 75 J 77 PRINCESS STREET. 1 c:e}."n:;I.-r;1u'n and wzmo Removed . . . IIAD unnn Yin-In- and Hnnu This is the finest grade of American Crystal White Oil manufac- tured. For the present we will retail it at, the same price as the common American Coal Oil, and if you are not satised with` the oil you are using we will be pleased to have you give PRATT'S AS. TRAL it trial. MCKELVEY & BIRCH Door & Window Screens Manufacturers of Millinery and Mantles. The . qh_eapest iines in the city. ! wE HAVE JUST RECEIVED `A SHIBTHVRF7 fPRATT S ASTRAL . . . Carpets, House Furnishings Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Jlvvwl. .. Prof. H. llnrenwend, Manager DORENWEND C0.. Ltd. 103 6:. I05 YONGE STREE TORONTO. ,,_._ ___-V: AIIpodoottuhvrIthluhlo' ml hluloh .......'s..'i ugahuuo. rlowu and Mu::'Ih':: 1'3`:-0.0.53 h|:o':r:'uu.. RICHMOND 6: co. I! you want to incur all than In worth Inovln` about the High ulltuld In Low Pr . oonoondl no an Mn 1 bucunn Inovhuhnoo-In uni oo- c :`r:: Io|I-n:o:'I0 In vnh [onerous oooooulou In prion. .. ..FURNl'l'URE' OF ALL KINDS.... W. '0 BWYSON, gp Donna Pdnoou an 'Dulu In aton- MAI ` Ice Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. Garden Hose- ELLIOTT BROS., DW Prices "`.'.'71.':.`3:f.`.f High Quality l{`oy:uP:ou know! 1 ulltuud '.'........ -.. '..::.?.`.?2. ':'..'::.:`.." .'..".'*'.!::`:"_"_'.':.`:."!*`__5:'!_-,'T'__' -.!-L._9,- QTRA VALUE. Tile Pipe and Fittings always on hand. 69 d 71 BROCK STREET. KINGSTON. - 2 `.2---: Tholaodluuvnduulunndfonlaanbahr. Inga;--1`- ...._._. , _ , _ _ Cloolsings 75. Oloo, 81.25. 01.50. Lug 01.75, $:.oo. R. WALDRON S TELEPHONE NO. 35. --F`OR-- Our reproduction: In oil. en on and want color are rov|n[ hi my such so- tory. No nood to um your war Away from uomo. wo glve rtoct outline and exp:-culon 5% moderate pr cu. ` A n n v a nu!` I110 00!!!!` W .l'0up0Il DllI[l.l'ruuunIu HIV] Illll Ourl ) Iaonrhl-Aired 8\.vI0.ohu (wuvomailuffy AMI Straight; ave nut rotnrnod from I long tour of the loading emu of motion and I am In I poultiou to aim: unmnlou of thn nowout. Intent and moat boaomlnl Straight). I have uhow mm In tho nuvout, becoming doulxnu. molnbet, one day only. at Brltlnh American Hotel. Klnntun. anager Id. OPE E 0 , 0' REET. J 10UP E Q8 with un entire new vnriothof umpio Man in India and (haw WiI.'l`onpooo. nu.F`I-ontniooogwnvy and Oul-in Lon aired Switches (Wnvoy. luff: Sun in). Jnnt LICHOI and Oontlompn ol Klnnton and Iurrnnndinc canny nlioud with Baldness And Thln Hair. remem- ber A Ill be in Klnuton, ` `At Brltlsh American Hotel. on SATURDAY. SEPT. 261h. Prof. Dorenwend MY FALL VISIT, 1896. Kingston and Iul-rounding nonntn Halt. uk. xsc.. soc. 15. soc. 35. 371- Sprinklers. Water Coolers. &c.. &c. KINGSTON. ONT. $5.;9.,9..I29.. uthunuon In _ Elna line: 0! Ohms Drool- Wwm. and Glnuvuo. Tinwon, oodon on. Oooklng Oroeh. om. . Had Inner: tor Bohool Suppllu and School uhltou. as an Inn: A can '0 I aim DIYUADIH For comfort and that M. Tho only: us mud: to M In natural urn. other: mods to models. Hold on y by NewYork Dress Reform, 12,`: , nu nvvn-u ,;-,-_. LIFELIKE ' II In0(I0l'IIaO DIIUII. A. BEYA NT, High Clnu Sign Wrlur and Ornunonul Pnlneor. - . Barrio St between Prlnouu and Brook 86:. \IIII-\JvI.vv - vv --u- v v v--uwwy Also Flower Stands and oven duotlpuon of WIBI WORK. . - DADGRIIIQJ rm xnm RTRIIT of Wm: WUIII. I`. PAITIIIIGI. flb KING STREET The Bee__ |ljve_ nuuuun nnqu:-won. S. C. CHARLES, | "3.'?. ,`,'%,'_` '!E55.T'?F_`.9B`..9FAFI- My $4.25 hdmfl \llII IvIII.I.:uv - Iwrrv ` Q'Ono minute from I loan And Tnlna. _:T --wvv v-- ..--- llnuu H0: at to to 53:... s...'..Is.;...g.:'.-:5` .',g:.. nucn on V0 out. 0:3` with o to '1" tunic]. Pon- !`.1lGlI"; 'x".3.'o'm. iI`:.n'YoIx an buy (I {or we DO! lb. tivivuuaw uv---- w---- ml` 'd'Tur:nt:.l.I`A.llwdnt. 1'Lnd1u' I 0 u I OI OW. us. 1GontI"!1oo0,0!b. naonnu-Wm. 1 now than. All the above no `in L1 old. 0111 and no lo: yourself at M. W. ROB|NSON S S YDINBAI El` IT. Hill NM] IEO DI` latest Styles 3?"nressW I I... n.. Full nan. Tho nun Inna]: ---v_- V ...V' - , in every any to buy Brnd.Onho|. Ccndlon. sods Water. Ice Cream and Ftnll. In Kingston that plnodh BICYCILS--FALI. SNAPS 1-..: m_-_A.._ an: A Iaungn 1 -vvvuwv------ ------ , ROYAL GE 5235 '.`e"`:` u.'.*`.`.'$ 111:1: thnn any other our on the mun o . ASK YOUR GRUCEB FOB ROYAL GEN." -rur I/nnnnornnn AAII I Iul: (`ll Bymel s `& Co. Wlah to inform the Lpgih - ow Strange n.....I. In nun: .m.. Ana and uvvvv - Vru -- -- V-` --V--- _--, 0'-`I A low mo BLOUFIS nfoolt. Pull lino of WHITIWEAB vary chup. _:T W031` 00 FOR HONIYM I now It onlcl ho boocnu II In bl. and showy. Ibo on way with you In placing your or- don for nunlthllc. no ;i;- ilth In 1 .. n IIIIUQRN B. B. LOUCK8 IOTA} T j. __. _. I000 ISLAND HOUSE . . III I IIIIIUII wwav- lulnhudvo sud 0'Iouh`n Oslo- bnbd lag". in no (In: bolol. Dourdouau unnncnn nnrnhl: Cl v-I--\.rI.a u--.- `runny: vvc-\p--- H000 11%. Thu only cor- All othnn mud: I by r---, V. _-_- n For 5 hand-omo folding 130)! L8 WIRE 001`. with uprlng math-nu. u nmplo It ' CRESCENT WIRE WORKS, ;u_- In-_-.. nA-...I_ -...I -u-- A..--I-ml..- [vuu nun".-. u. ...- 7.....- fl. J. MCDOUCIALL. It Iontronl and. near Prlnoou. :__________.._____ \JIII`IV\.I`J U I I `:;.:r::.`4:::3:1:2.:..'1::;9.k::'::; I vuu nauuwuuu 1 xAnu` I74 Prlnoou Strut. Klnnton. Ont. u'U\J\r IQ II!!! for the oolobrncod Sonnton Can]. Have your can] bin llod before Sept. In. Or- dar at once. for the Fall season. The lataat Fianoh and English faahlonauall atylaa. Gan-. mono panama al van on hand. Saamlua urmantn ahown In window Saturday. :*';:*:.:;":.;".`::.-:.-:.'.'.:':: .:'..':.::"%.:*.:-...':';~ In... 0 llnnnnnl int. BUSINESS` POINTERI. r- F..f29"'v Se- - .-4| tVIAnh`n I 'I\I\J K \I' - tol I NI Lodlu of II] con um. thoynl:Or:`l'OD5.|'Id to gin go ' L__A. Q`. J... -` l|.......-I.!_.. IIIUCU IIU, Ivw vi urn -----u--3 The Infant Pinball Bullish {hr Pine Klndlin out. only 160 I load. Good Ilxod wood. 0111) loud. I'|l'IIlII\I l`.I"I`V HDAI. L `INN Iflllllll IIOWII Ill WIQIIOW XVIII No. 9. Manual ltroot. .. L vr ._nno-mi '9'!` "3 n It bl: showy, [I o iv. 6.. FROST. _...O on glgnnlr 14 . . . . .. .......__._ I _E?5!.N.4r'.YI1.`!M'x I`IYp`I5r our no I ock not greatly ndnood `|ll'lDOIq u vg do not inumd on-ryn than good: lmo nut. uuon. (All and nacho latest in Boating and Oy- ollng H|tu,n.|l nlnden. mu 9 uAnnI n m PRINCESS nznuon for ludliouzfgonta and children. Lou 0: than In nu lu- [ut (seen on 0! the world. . an,-\l\lIlIAI I A BEE_ ..uu.n dom ronllud. Ont I hit] In nuhlnn to order id and Koch: (ilovou lorludlou. cent: Lon: unotlonen 6319 _._.______._._Z_ In 1 common oxproulon ul- dom :FAINuN(; . . ll reproduction: o` GIOOII OINIRAL n .` U U` '\ K H \ V nk` k\ "I l PRINOISR 81`. '1 In PRINCESS STREET. my In I!) Prin- oou SI. C0 IIIL \u'IIIvIvvw--- V-.." ._.,, orunlo Mann. Interior and Ornamental Wood Work. Stan Bunk nnd Olcc nln . Parquet!-0 ur lnlalvl Floorlnu. No Ptnor ork In Oun- ads. Uphollhrlng VI During In Loud all I at! Doulcno. IIII W k . Cnu1-no'(}A:novuu. H.upf.. Inst. J. B. Pun. Pros. D. luuu. Ihnnu _..______...______._____ n-hays-nuudnumauo-us. nndthplu-nndlnglh uulnnui.-annnrunnay 0"..l"F_r-_.:-:...

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