LIATIO K G8.`l_0N- . . funds I In. Woot-l`r|1lnr'I'.'n no :31. 11338 :-)lun|ltoia ouo. return ouo To- ronto .00, roturntf 31- Kent alum n um 01 M. rohn and not I lnolaod bod: Inn. JAB. B 111` 00.. I. BANLIY I RONB MM Annh. Puunnr Mania. lw-H mu-u..| THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION CO. nnnxins a nnoluans. BUFFALO. N.Vo Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro- visions bought and sold for cash or on small margins. _ Branch Offices. xlnasion. orrr. |o`P"1sN. 'o1>%'EN| nnuun - vnnvevu ---u........... .. Novelty Dream Petterne. in 1 yard '.'{. .i';', from t4 M to mm eeoh. We invite e pernonei inepeotion. CRUMLEY BROS. on THE conm-:n. I'M IN A.... - * PICK LE To know where to pnroheee my inkling nieltee. vie. :-Co|-kn. ling ex. Reuin. etc. In H it-ee we heve Ilene. Allepioe. Beck. White end Real Pe per. Tunnerio.Currie. Clove: U nger end hoete of nthere. Look in 80503 WINDOW. the! will tell you where. HOAG S nu More. Onooeite Winds Rntel. PDMMIQQIDN rn Ilnry IIIIIIIUIIUI. Phyeioiene very often meet with peo- ple who en oerrylng eronnd lmeginnry eiimente. end who reelly believe them- eelvee ee hedly elloted no they euert. Borne eneione oeeee heve been noted. A young women of this city hed been con- llned to her bed meny months with en illneee which wholly deprived her of the nee of her lower limhe. The doctor who ettended her felled to dleoover the nature of he: eilllotiun, which might ordinerily hen hen ettribntehle to eeverel cnneee. lxuninetion, however. mveeled nothing oeiolleted to throw light on the matter. end the doctor. After petient end ex- henltlve enelyeit end ettention, oeine to the oonolneion thet the illneu wee imeginery. Although he dieoreetly kept this opinion to himeelt. proof wee event- nelly lorthooming ee to the Anoureoy 0! hie view. Being lifted In the eheetn out of her bu! one dey, while the mettreu wee reerrenged. the young women enr- rrieed her ettendente by euddeniy jump- ng from the oonoh on which ehe hed been pieced. with e loud expreeeion of elerln. It wee dienovered thet ehe hed heenleid npon e needle ouehion ined- vertenly left on the eote. end thet the Iherp polite of eevae-el needlee hed prmed violently into her beck. The cone Irehmne revealed the feat thnt ehe l!'>_P'{:I'Ei.|5. M0VE- -QQA4QL FINE : nness: GOODSI The oldest and hrgut Ill tun-on of Vu-lull In Candi. nyrnlsnnd unmoat tonylttormyown on an other: tint I an no & dtu-ulngonrhonn. mam nn.Iv_ Japans, NE OF : : : \ THE FINEST 8olect\i}hn of Wool- Varnish, bmus mmura c0.| j Paints, Thu noon Anne Oollu In I very new ant. noun M an: gure. Price: from um to 015.11) ouch. tunnlly attract the Lndlu. We hue In nock 5 choice nuortmunt of French Pnnornmin yard ondu. personal We hnvo hut I-ooolvod an elogsnt lot of LId|oI' Bud -undo Gumnn mud Oun- dlnn Jacket: I dun K) to 40. Ounomon nronounso chem In :1 pronoun :0 7.".`.l_`.5"1.:!'0 --_.-r --- - --- - v ` ho: Prof. Dl.Il.o::%o,f PIHlo':I": on nnrnnu to-ad: ` ; utorn-snbu\rnIludunAnn- : :`P0 ID mna: ?ILlAllI. solo Acute fa`, r A 31133? A Ell 16 to 30 Nazargth Street. IITQIYIIIVIIIICIIIIIIIX Anaphrodlsic -nun Dual 1'): Ilnn-uI,nl Fnvlphlhl RARE BEAUTIES. Two log onto Hmvn-1-ou.DmJur.1.I. wlthkldnlrdheilchtlll Blgkllnu HYIOII In WM all you MONTREAL. -L mcAL. JENBILII A Inunow was lwhnmlnc securely In oulnllowhoohwhlloa out upon the but canyon In nut to oaptnn It for In hlcukfnn. Audio lutnobylu H YIDKIIIII IIIIO DO!` IKGK. 1 II! con- trohmpo nvulod that run could stand cully.-PMludo|phIa Teln- lllllh. ` A Doubtlul lxpcrilnont. Aolocgtnulof advanced up. wholn onnnuud at Ibo ntnotlonuof jonrnnllnn and M: I null Imlllll of avian," In upnund his man to purohuo I canary Inukly. IDII "hm: his worldly condition." Pcnmunmlon or . puu-hb1e In vunlv, tale red noeee are completely outed. The only (irawbaok**\o obtaining a. really oomplete tranetornmtion in the poaelblllty of a qneetion of identiiioation arising. One on imagine the unenviablo poeition of the gentleman who, in the aheenoeol hie wife and family at the eeaaide, takee the opportunity of consid- erably improving hie pereonal appear- ance by exchanging a somewhat hul- boue noee of a deep ehnde for one of clear-out and olaeelonl proportions. being oontronted with the unfeigned au.ouIeh- ment of the partner or hie boeom. end, perhape, repndieted at "not being the men who led he: to the altar!" Suoh n eituntion would not be an only one to eolve. 'l'h. -tlunnnnnn nf Ihn nnlnnnn hn. no puloni can [ruup n [uuruul use. The oonoltlvo nun, wlth o wort on tho out! of Mo nooo, for lutonoo, goes through llto full of tunbllng oolt-oou- oolooonooo. Ho tool: that evory glnnoo lo dlnotod toward thot torrlblo dlogurir molt. ond ho booomoo nu-vomly apolo- ptlo ln hlo gononl bourlng. Imoglno what 5 hoovonly vloto of hopplnooo ud ooourlty moot untold ltoolt toonohamon, whon. undo: tho unogloal knife, shot ooourood wart dlonppoon forever, and how hlo crotltudo on but be odoquatoly rondorod by u oubltontlol oxpruolon of It. El: dollght oon only bo equalod by that of tho kl: youth who know that hlo our: lot out at rlght ongloo wl hlo hot (and who lo olwoyo uncomfortably oonoolouo thot thoy no o oonotont unb- joot at orltlolun to the young lody whom ho poulonotoly odmlru). when ho dio- oovon thot o vlolt to tho toolal doctor will not Inottoro rlghtg ond thot, ln tutu:-o. ho con moot tho odmlrod ono od- mlrlng ono wlth on any oonoolonoe. summon: lo I nooful hall) to tho mmng with oomoxonoe. Elcotrlolly II I useful help thc mm tarpon and by II: nld All kind: of minor blomlnhu an nmovod, and tall- oonplgtoly ound. Iolvo. Tho gdnnugu of the Iolouoo. how- onr. undoubtedly gnutly outweigh la dludnntnga. Wjm wvjvvjijj duuuolthoj Xjjjhj _1-hnT L II menu: on ouuou. `I'M! tho oolonoo wlll nuke lu woy ln Englnnd thorn in not much room for donbt. Alludy n pl-lvuo doolsor llvlng not A hundred mllon from Bond street. I: noklng qullo a repulouon ln the dll*- ootlon of loolol surgery, and hlu hand- oomo oonunltlng rooms on chrongod each day wlth crowd: of wullhy "pullout." who an anxious to personally out bl: powon, and who go nwny omlnontly ul- bod wlth obovoulvu. and oonvlnood elm lf "bounty lo bus okln deep," lt la a pos- ooulon worth hovlng, and worth pnylng fnr. uoru, only won Vuin umoun un- llmlhd purooouo able so avail them- selves of the doctor : obillty-. the open- tlonn no of Inch 3 dnnooto nnmro. Ind require so much Ioohnlool uowlotlgu, Inoohonlool Iklll, alt-pououion, nnd nun on Ibo port of who operator. that no potions can grudge I gonorouu fee. The nnnmn nun. `lilo oalonos ox new Inrgury I; or nouns. not ouooly o now ono. nxporlb nun without nnnhot hovo boon nwlo In tho London and Coulluoalsl hospitals for runny yous pus. It is not very long ocothotlhoopontlonol mnlngsvery booltly tonnod nooo for oyonng woman whoa tuoo had boon mutilated In an oooidont. was suooosstully performed at lo Boyd Froo Eooplhl. Tho brehotbouo at o bluthlld was olovorly inserted Into tho oorlllogo of tho uooo. and tho skin dottly drown not It and sown with snob uootnooo that in I short lms tho sums undo by tho surltcol uoodlo oomplotoly hoolsd. As night he oxpoclod. foolal om-gory can to us from Amorlos There II II proollsod In only lnco sown. while I oolhcofoths spoolol study um: nou- Phodolphlo, grouting diplomas and do- noos tor prololoncy-uouuluo ones, too, It should he oddod. Imam tho -nhnnn will sunk. It-.n wssv In I u mu! dovolcpnonh at movlcm Iuglul ulna. an the London run. In making It ovtdnnc this good look: an no Inn: to ho oonnedlotlaouo born with n Iuugo to them, but may no Duloliuod la the opon mark. Ilwlllnndnnbnnnod an Iolhn Dumnuoa lll Inc max. Itwlllnodonbtlncood ion unhappy pounce! at an uncompromising Ilulblnuh ho HIM acquainted with no not that. he 5 tulrlytupcotohlo nun nl mango. Mn nan! nnnnndnlu can he no no! Inn. tor nmyrupuounno nun of money. ma up! I up oan be scanned Into 5 tho:-on; -going armo- antic IouInnon." with no nonouo about It. and the lplnnu? lady. when probooou not tho pu-rot type, and when uni:-lnonul chum Inn eon- Ioqlnutly `Inland. will hull wlth 5 good dual of ullnhoon. lid possibly nnowod hope. tho tunont that a gamma: too to II; toohl Iurpolf will Innuorm thodcnllng run into thodanrutot little noIun" In the world. while An oxtnpuunt will noun for bur two C than ooquotthh dimples on the about and chin. 'l"|u. -ml.-um nl !nnIAl mu-uvv In nl IIAUTY TO ORDER. Inn Ida: Iunry In Do In [apron nun : Dhaka! Aulnnnnnn. To wuqw` "1?" ma about . III of Jrinnn Tnnbh. -.L dnll'v'BrlnI|t I ID60- l0I'. Born, only shot: with almost un- jmlmd um-manna nblo so Innglnnry Allmon KI. I--- _.- ..u.... -....A~ .- ROCHESTER _F_l0U'l'-E [STAMPS solicited to do no Down-odtmitnuonn at aunt color Wnppar. '1'heon.1ypu'!00t Electric lsyee tor Ine nnno. A story heiiu from Rnneie ebout enew instrument for ranking the blind to eec, acid to he the invention of Dr. Noieh- ewnkl. The principle of the instrument is the eenuitivoneu to light of selenium and teilutium, both of which ohenge their quniity M conductor: of electricity with verietione in the`ii[ht to which they are exposed. In eteting thet the blind can eee" by thin inetrulnent, e relative meaning only is intended. While their mutual vieion will he unnceteti` they will feel the various eileoh ni cheni- inz light by ital action. It in chimed the! Dr. Noihheweki hen enabled e totally blind men to iind the windows in e room, end eiter e little practice to dim tinguinh` npproeohing men from ep- pronchinx enimelu. It in further eteted thet the inventor in at work upon im- provements to hie device. which he hopee to make en eeient that the blind will he ehie to tell eimoei with cu-teinty when they_ere epproeehlng opeqne or kenepnrent obieoi an FRAUD at an day. See you get Cane:-'5. Ask for Carters. Insist and demand lcmm `5. Moxmnu. Sept. 23.-There he been e large ettondenoe of buholnerl, but trede in . nettle was slow, and prices low except. for prime beevee. Only e very few ulee were made at over 3 . per lb.; he now: were eold at so. perl .; common etock eold at from 2c. to life. per lb., end the leaner beeste at. from 19. to 20. There we`: on active demand or calves end the prices heve edvencod considerably, or About twenty~ve per cent. on the prioee paid here three or four weeks ego. Celvoe from three to four week: old sell at from O3 50 to 00 each. Shipper: ere paying only 25. per lb. for ordlnery lot: of sheep: lembe ere higher in price, or from No. to 3o. per lb. There are very few let hog: on the market, end prioee are nominel at about 3|o. per lb. for lerge hop, end 44.3. fm emnll nnen. .u-----. - uyuuyuyw. -- Tho London Tuna nun: Thus no 488 nownpnpon published In Inndon. curl 1.367 In the real of England: VI an In mtponulblo lot 100, Scotland `tot Ireland for 160, and the British Coul IIIOI for 90 I top] of 8,855. The lungs- nlnen number 9,097, 0! which 507 In 0! a religion: ohunowr. our 900 at that mngulnu wt-to pt-oduood for tho nut Mme during the put war. It In num- nhd that 4,000,000 n yur In spam In udvenlumonu. and that 1,500,000,000 onpln of nhwspnpon are sold Annually In Londoli IIOII." amour. 310. per fo_r small ones. ' I-Ic'rdN ANb'_3a:LL:-:vn.u-:. 6?!` I IFHI\ -Ill`-II 1IXWEUI'Uc Tonorrro. Sept. 22.-Whou.. whim, per buohol, 660.; wheat, rod, per bushel, 650.; wheat. goon, pot bushel. 50c.; oats, per bunhol. now, 210. to 2350.; barley, per hunho|.27c. to 330.; buckwheat; cue. to 4%.: no. 38c.: man. nor bulhol. barley, bunnolxlc. no 330.; nuouvneu; 400. to 420.; rye. 380.; pen. rbulhol. 420.; duoh, spring, per pair, . to 000.; chickens. per gin , 300. to 000.; turkeys. per lb.. 1 . to 120.; butter, in lb, rolls, I50. no 160.; buttor. bubs. dniry, 120. to 14040330. new laid. 120. to 130.; potatoes. per bug, 400. to 460.; hny,8l3.50 to I15; Itnw.Ihuf,I8.50 W810; straw, loo0o.C6;bool. hindg`,5o. to 80.; bed, fora, 2&0. to50.; Inmbronrcuo, per lb., 5c. to 70.: val. oucuo, 80.;mut.- hon, per 1b., 0. to 70.; dnuod hogs I5.- 25. nour mu teoa-uaumou nnu rouou oats. 33% per bbl.; cornmeal, 81.10 owt.; chops, 818 to M) 3 ton: Ihortl. 13 A ton; bun. 812 to 813 3 wn: family our. O4 to 84.50 a bbl.; bakers , tent, 84.20 to M.40;bakoru . strong. .90 to Llln nu lnnaa II`) tn `II A Inns nour. 11 to 51.00 a oo|.; Dozen M.40;bakoru'. I 84.10. Hay, loose. 812 to 814 pressed, on to 815. In llldl KAPICI. John McKay & Son. 151 Brock street. dealers in hide, em, roglort hide rice: 8! nubjoinod: o. I bee hides. 8&0. lb.; No. 2, 2o. 1b.; No. 3. 1&0. lb.;oalfakinn.30o. to ma. mch. nnonrdinnv maunlitv: culln. nan pnoo;no1-no moot, u to 61.00; unar- fnga. 250. owls; lamb skins. 800. to 350. each; cleanly wuhod wool. 160. to 180. lb. nuncn. Fruit.-P|-mu. 40o. I pack; pun. 400. per pooh; Bogimw blue borricl, 81.00 I box; wabarmolona. 100. 00160. ouch; lomonn. No. to 250. I down: Conn- diu) pol, 250. to 30o.,tAn nd bukot; Ca inn mocha. 600. to In bucket: new applet. )1 I'D 11.00 I om.; many. ac. to 160.: llmbcnnnu. 150. to me. I down; Cnmornin Bnrtloot pun. No. to 30. ndoun. Butter and oggI-BuN*or hu advanced in mine and now brinn from 180. to 20. '40. ID.; No. :5, no. In.;ounxInn.;1uo. no 500. each. according toqunlit ; culls, half price; horse hidot, O1 to 81. ;oheu'- fmn. 250. emh: taking. sXE`:i '"iiRIn"ii1*oTN ACID I-`BN7 munqoonooingunlvupnoauoz Gnin--Jhnitoho wheat, No. 1 had. 709.: No.__ Blind. 0811.; nutlurn. 880.00 I9o.;vhitawinII'. 700:0ob, 180-: boob wbent.!Jo.: barley. 250. I-yo, 400.; pl. 450. I -CT R IN. to 509. "it: 1031.: to nail`: tun-h,n..wo.`|o geese, we. to we. own. Moatr-Porbk.,`?uu-tau. Go. to7o. ; outs. `Io. to loo. ; , fonquu-tun. 2o. to 3o.;hindquArfArI,o.| 0 C-I cub. l2o.; lunb. urtcrl. 70. to 90.: outl. Bo. t.ol%o.; Inn 1:, qua-tarI. Io. to 80.: outs. So. to l0o.;venl, hindquutul, to 442.: nound: Innnnu-tan. Ho. ho : no 40.: pound: xonquu-wen. no. no no; boofhongueu, 200. to too. ouch. -Fiah-Cod and haddock 7o. nlb.: . mcxndoun; pike, 50.: ib.; BI-MI Co- lmnbil. ulmon, 18. 5 lb. muo- kerol. 200. I 1b.; bnllhondl, 80. I I .; lull- buo, l8c.nlb.: whmhh sndh-out. 80.: lb.; bluonh. l2c. nIb.; Alslsntic salmon. 20o.ulb.:piokotol and bun, So. I lb.; oysters. standard. 650.; Islam. 500. ' Vegetable: - Boob. an-oh. tmmml. uyllarl. luuunru. nun-i Iuuw. uuu. V bk: Boob. an-oh, bun-mpl. rad` ea, Iottnoobol. tgdbo. I bunch; pontoon, 400. I an : moot tacos. 400. A pooh: cuoulnbou. in down: tomstoen. 300. to36o.|bIuhol; mint, 2c. 5 bunohgoulilovon. No. to 150. ll: bhllf h I I), `In 920011: nums ll-I*rnI(:L%| '10. U0 90. I Gill; (DUCT, HI). I bunch: pu-slay. green onions. puuulps. 50. I bunch. _\ II`n.io_DIn-nu Alla : ngniu nnnrn HM manner ma oggo-nuuwr numvancou in price and now brings a. pound. Fro-h gontinuo tooell I from Ho. to 130. oun. Flour and feod-Oatmesl and rolled nun: IQ OK ngu Iuhl - nor-mag! II If] nau- moouoa ANI5 I-Riots. I In Iunvhnd lolpolovunhg as tool I Ii. KT: Knlanox, Bo .22.-Anviovdpriou in the loos] grin Ind:-little or no change. Fu-mun an bri quantitie- of prodnon into the city for And this abundnnoo ouuu print: to nnain at the bottom noun. The nblolslod npqn hr- ninhmnonnotnnru nnmdnh: Hog! --U1 uu.Ino.Iowo. a put: sgwll, R to oo. Sal`: tun-hp. No.10 1.26 each; dncku. to 701:. I psir: 500. to 800. each. Meutr-Pork. nun-tan. : outs. DINO. 30.00 IINJVQI. IIIIIEIIIPKI, bole. dl;::.;! | npounzonq boafhnnnrnu. No.00 Uanumn peaonu. we. no u I can apples. $1 to $1.50: bbl.: honey. I be 16a. 3 llmbnnnnu. nootom nown. "rm nluonua n niuhcg oonoot gural up to date : Gnin-lhnlmha what. Britain : llcwupopon. wo.,wn no nuur; I I hutch; :1 m. nu . 5...... M. ,';s'-Fglr. NISBET1 I""'I"'J -- """' l"""" r--'- and Amuican Ncwqupon Ind Ihguinel It pnbltfl plied. 0uuao"ll-umnlI Daily Neil end Empire mi Glo weekly, 15; monthly. 6oc: half-y rly. 03 oo. delivered. Daily Star, 25: per month. All yearly eubeeriben to the Daily See: are heated for 0500 egeinet Rnilwuy end Steamboat Accidents. " A-Il`II$l I -I uwvuruuw C-fr:-cu promptly ntlowatpodbloptienl __.l A_.._l.._ II._.-___..- ....I (X)IIl!l0ING Im'I`8BPl'., Mr] 8 I 5 .ho "Kl O. hkhr dA';In}romnPor: o`: nunmn. ht. arr. mu hum nun.- -_ ____- _-__-----4-n lsmtui EM _ r--_:---j IILIPIOII I0. III. -sis:-sliil IT IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS . . . QWIFT3 OI` WI NICK. :LIoIITuJo|||`0uI' -21-5:1 3w-- 7 OI IVIIY IXOIIPIIOI. OOIIIISPONDINOI OFHOI--0orncI 0|- udo and Quota nch. nu.I: nrrml A YAnn-0onu (undo mo nu uunon nu-nu. 8 onto] 5 YARD-corn: onuto sud contract. ` (J, A, I315`: (Inn. 7v v::__ FIQEIEUNH EU. I Boo*rH"'& 00., rlnnannnnlnlroalllootln i1T?TiI0N & PEMBROKE Canada P;-:`l?l-c- Railways WESTERN EXCURSIONS Oct. 1, 2 8: 3. Round Trip Ticket: (pom Kinncoui to Dnnon. mob .......................... ... onnvnmum. Ohlo . .................. .. smnuw, Iloh ......................... .. Y CITY Iloh .................... .. AND nkmua Mucus... ........ .. ntonm AT]. ohlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ammo. Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,pw:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l\I\I I I I urn _\r-< (lnounoon to Drool I loath.) ._nnn.xnn m__ Emo'DIcALs wooo AN D COAL. noouonionnouun-nu -DIALI3I 111- 4 4 -:r it ma . FAIL 5' TOOIS i B ITTERS $1 Hop Bltte, 685 Bmadway NEW YORK. Oolnnouolu Tnudu. Tm. mu. ntumon onhlonno V II Inn I unon lol Inn at no I m. on Tiusdvvn. Thursday: on But- Ird .. 00! G 08 . B:Jl.l:I'I`ll l'ItoI "u o:m1 n"xmuuon. IODI. lh to ink. All Diseases 0! the Stanza Bu wels, Blood, Liver, K - ueys and Urinary Organs, Norrousness Sleeplosanou, especially female Copa- ' plaints. u-II.7.L',..u" .22`. '5..." u .- not can orhel mum lmpun orlzqlna-catlouad MEDICINE, NOT A DRINK, CONT AINI How. Buclm, Mn- drake, Dandelion, And we Puma! and B ya Medical Qualities 0! ~ utlzcrs. Gums Fire lnourangg- _ ID Kl. n"-`.`-1:! ~ I Bllielieu & Oiltarlo M. 00. Inlllng Through the Bay oi Quinn. _-_""`*-<~. HAS. I`. IIITK. N tor. Not: {uh o. Oouun taking sdnv 0. n hrla lot In 1: . I to lad PI-ovl 00 of an! r: 00. Anchor Bonn. ton. photo $1,000 IN GOLD I'll! L4 n.-IA .- - ggng ll n-n TAKE nu. mm: a. nnlums is; ARCHITECTURAL mun rniftxcuasmu MEDICAL CARD . HORSE LIVIRY. 7E; INUURANOK FINANCIAL.- cnlcneo. IETROIT AND """'Tv":1esi" i>'r3'rs, ' Oct. I, 2 and 3 A0. um lnilnuinn hub from Klnnton: ace mnoou Istroo-'1 I. I.-Alain IIW GOOD. I-Jl"IId" IIWI . of Ohhllno n hand: Thurndnn MINNEAPOLIS. Ilnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Aonordlna to llouvo.) koh good to return until 000. 1 Huh. I particular: at X. E I . and O. 1 Thin! omoo. Ontulo mac. _ \-I I III III-ll .glAVI8 3.03 Ptomnnwlnx DA8s:.t. ; I an u.#i `o1nu Io n.u.'3ln.. ""' 2 hot nofuongon opp1.y_to_ .rJ|u In ' u-oguq-u-an... . rs Indvain-..........,.............1 `Hahn od to return am!) out. min. For {Int Cl information top]: to 1'. IIAILIY HHKI. Alum Sold Insli by. 66. 0. Mitchell, Au V V U I I g - on I -19 At Oh: Following Tani from Klnuton: -------- --;.-9' until 000. 1 Rh. I P. B hwu . 41?. n. w. town. Am. (in. Pun. An. Goa. lungs:-. Royll Hall Snafslbo. ml-pool. Oloboc 0 launch! Inn Iorvloo `tom hon Iron ijruool. Duonnhipo launch Qnoboo um Nlmldlnn . . . . ..I) JIln...I)JIm.I p.|n 1:; 8000 donbln pl 10- n Iu-nl nun-- o Luorpood` ndomulu ad Ivvnrdn dnulb and n can no or londondom. ' - linvoldm him un...I)Ju1i.I Bum Pnhlom. nn... nn.|u.I: an urontlun . I nly.u.m Jun onolhn......n y..nJnly.Ip.m IAIII 0" PLQAOI-0Alll. Quad ngwudn ro- Qun; sooogd Qnbln nlpclog O0. ';T""*.'.7..?.'?'.f:`.".'. ?:'.`."?.".";`!.?L"7 I531 7.`... man nllnooonoryutomlh an -A -I.-w A QQIQ `A..- ::.'.:',::.:':'.:L:. .n. 1 5...... DR! LY LIVNE. .-_-1__ ll\..-_)__ n-_A IAAI. -4 I or KINNI And want..- ha -nml tn u-A031 :13! Dollivillo %%?h II` I`I`II D1\iEV STR. HERO In -nu nnvvnnn mint n i TRAVELLING. , ms. xm'a`.`. Honolulu: 1 ;.I;'i.J;1i.e` cams ca season can be found 3:) at thefntore of II lnI'0l II1II|0II Ippu I0 '1'. EAILIY l. Alolltc. :-T.--?--j.--:- 1. Qnoboo I)Jnn.I di 1 P re?! . u'.'.n'1?.v1?a :31?- Tailor, 5-34-A ; aw; LETTER 1 'I'III QIIIIIDII IU QIIIIII. Tharn hon boon o hnlloboloo about tho `no-oollod mlulou at Abbo Proulx to Homo. That unoolnoh champion of Protootnnt lntoraoto. Tho Moll sud Em- 'plrc. In Angry that tho Popo should ho `oououlted About tho hlonltoho School 3 neotlon. It who all rlght for Arohhlohop . ngovln and othoro on the Tory this to try to projudloo mo Hollnou against tho uborolo. A bloat from tho Votloon ogolnot lnnrlor would hove boon hollol `with joy ot tho olootlono by ovory Tory Orongornon In the land; on It woo. thoy orlod bully boy" to Blahop Loooho Ind Blobop Comoron And could not and It In their hoortl to any A word ogolnot that other blohop who coolly propoood. thot tho J ndlolol Couunlttoo nhould be got at. Tho Moll hoo boon bnrplng for o month on tho monotrouu ohomo of Interviewing tho Popo about tho Monltobn bnolnou, jmt ll ll now ototod thot Abbo Proulx will ban nothing to uyohout nnltolu, thathohugom to Rome to no no Itop oonnot bo put to ooolulutlool In- tortoronoo In olootlono. Mgr. Conroy oomo out on Popol oblogoto oomo yooro ogo to ovorhnl tho prolotoo who made It cholr bnolnooo to hit o IAhoral~` hood whorovor Ahnu ngu nun Anal far A ihlln lial-A run | Dllllu I0 III` IAIXPII IIIIII WIIIFIVOI shay saw on, and for I while when wu puoo Old qnlolvu-nu. But at his the vloo loll 'l'o!-In unong the. bishops but to- Innud Chg old warfare, greatly, I am told. Io tho injury at Ibo Church In Quo- bou. and III. [mu-lot In duo:-mlnod um Ibo Pope shall know of II. In. [An-uvln. who ha: in! ninmod the rope luau Know 0! II. lg. Iampvln. who but just I-oturnod Iron Bout. out he has thus for heard nothing from Mr. Lnnrlor about I nttln uncut of tho lobool quottlou. All the pun tho mutter II la a hit way or bolus tottloll. Mtwlthltnltdlng tho effort: of `ratios Illa Ir. Lurlvlon to keep the quoutlon upon by luoltlng the Catholics of lnltobo to plunounoo nplnut I oompu-omlu. No doubt In-. Innguvln will soon hoot all about It. Hlt lo:-duhlp ulwnyo In-[oh or teams to forgot that lmltoho wu wlthln her Itrlot Oont|tu- tlouul rtgllh In uhollthlng Bopnmto Inhoull, uud that without hot wllllng oo- opontlon It would no lnpoulhlo to glvo Catllollu any oououuloun that would be worth I button. To pt-ttnnd that tho lbtlcul purlluvuut oould tntabllth Sepa- nnn school: All` an-uh than whothu did no! Inner muon [mm min] In oolu Itaorogo for oovonl wooko IOOIIII olonr from tho foot that on Ito on-lvol ls won vnlnod olclnlly no 90 ohlllllgo per ow! . whlllt tho 89.000 owto. which we Ihlppod woro vnlnod no only 80 ohllllngo. Tlnooo Jguroo will no found in tho Brlmh tndo rotnrnn (or 1896. Al for the olougbwr .honoo It Qnoboo, ohlppoh any that oven I! Mr. Bondor klllod tholr oattlo for nothing, Iboy would protor ho wand them oorooo ollvo and have them kllled :0 [Av- orpool. Owlng to tho embargo, came golng to England have to bo fat. and to! ooulo who by Nuo long rollwny journey to tho aooboord but plck up on board nhln I0 UNI nhlp. 0! run Inulton Inn nu, our oxporu ox -truhbut 0,000 own. oompuod with 95,000 from the Arpnlm and ($00,000 from Auunlls Surely it tho roman oonntol can do I Inna at Inch dlmon dons with slow cold-storage alumna. `It In not nooouuy for In to Ipond I150 .- 000 a nu on has ueunon. But what about butter? Well. Inn your Anal:-all: shipped over 300,000 own. of hunt: to England In the IIIIJO way. and that It did no! nude! much from bola; In oold um-An. for nova:-nl wank: nun: nluuv "CloI0bIIl'n." KINGSTON. ONT. wl noon on Q0112. lat.` CIU0iO|O1?dl&'OII$ Ihlolsluluulclnuvcudlruuncn. j hlnhnnlnnn-njulh UIGWI. Qiyl. II.--.I.une'n l'IJ_,.uy.eee- eente ior eebeldlee need to ptetendthet the enterprieee they were booming were geineiao naeke Oenede hloeeorn ee the roee. To-dey the Donne-hnnttr iliee high-' er: hie elm le not to develop the unper- elleledreeonrue of Cenedneoinneh ee to build Ip the lupin and reproduce e hende-ul-mend feeling pmonq Inglieh-' epeeting people the world over. such It the lofty pnrpoee of the prelnotere of the Bodeon hey Reiluvey, the tunnel between Prince ldvverd lnlentl end the naeinlend. thegeilwey to Lehredor. the I0-knot eervioe to lnglend, the hi; elenghter hoeee et Qnehee. U I em not ieiehken it vm the pnrpoee eleo of the gentlemen who tried `e iew yeei ego to eet the Three Rive:-I deed-meet eoheme. Artelnne Weed told 5 itory ebout u lol- low who ` during the Amerlenn Iver ehewed hie loyelty to the Union by buy- ing old horeee end eerving them up ee oenned boot to the Union ermiee. The 00-keel Itlvlee end the his eleoghter heeeeue, eo to epeek. twine. Ir. Ben- der weed to build the elenghter home for e enheidy eo thet o'ettle mey he killed et Queheo end the eeroeee put on bond the feet eteetnere in piece of the live eni- niel. The feet-eteemere ere to get is enh- eidy of 0100.000 e you for oerrying Mr. Bender'e meet, together with butter. It ie ellowed thee our other exporte. tim- het, Ilonr, wheels, tnre. oenned iieh. im- plemente. eto., do not require e 00-knot eervioe. but the butter end meet do; in feet theee two indnetrlee oennot he prop- erly developed in my other vvey, end of oouree it in quite imposelhle to build up the Empire by meene of the pi-eeont 15- knot eteenm-e. 'l'I.I. In the amt nf rnhhllh with whloh not uounu-I. Thin in tho Ion 0! rubhilh wih which Iinmnn are boing panama. They urea, hownu. with the Patron: that as good Intern of cold uoran would servo just at well an I (an lino ooutlng I7i50,000 I you, botidol boing much cheaper. but your the A1-[amino Republic and Aus- tralia uni 9.300.000 own. of fresh mut- ton to England on ordinary noamon provluod with cold storage. Our upon-In oi iron mutton nil, export: oi 1.... 9...: Lnm nun, mmmnd with -no manna nono--oust-M -I I100- aklonhoub Geno-ll'Io om- annuumu. lfmuouvow-corn-pond-all VAIIOUI ICHIHI8 FOR BUILD- ING UP THE EMPIRE. 1.110 which 1- obann. lulu oormoniy. Exalted Gent--They rc oorroct onongh. Bu what in the result! That. Inmonl mu: coma in Inn nigh! and tuohu nun |.IllpMl.|.I'lIl ngln and lunch stub. n-.,.'n'.'..'L.'" n i".;"'.u..."" `-" "`.'.'a u..a.." "'2n` .1" no hi. gdqlmg III. P "TIC IJPIIII DI IIIIIIIPIII. A lataar has been diaoovand in who Britiah lluaanm which given the origin oi this game. [I waa invanaed by a Lon- don pawnhrokar, whoaa nama wan Wil- liam Kaw. Kow not only Ianl money, hut in aold cloth. and for the lunar pur- poau had a yard manure with which he mud to oonapuan tho amonnla. One day, Io dlatract hilnaalt. he took the thraa round hall: which an aha amhloma of hia I'rada-hay may still be anon in from of uattain ahopa-and placing than on his oounlar.-bacan to his Iham about with his yard mo-aaura. no go! a kind of akiii In making on Mil glanoa oil the othar. and hia Manda who aaw him chm alnplqall uallad aha galna Biil'a yard." to waa anon ahananad an hliliard. But aha yard waa aha lnamuaanl with which aha haiiawun knocked ahont. andtha dioalty alum what In all in They oaliad it ante the name of the pawn- i:!okaa-a Kaw. sI5Ax1ry1Lm1onrg;_ me Too nch liubllnlly. Exalted Gout-Yon go so Jericho with your paper! lmltnr `(who II used to lG)-Wh|t'I nn 4! union: oonvon. Mr. Edgu. the Speaker. has planned both sides of the Home by hi: nbaoluto lmputlnllty. und u nhonou Mn. lingu- hu Iurpauod horuolt. (JATINEA U. nnwr lslxolnod 0onI--You sum! the day be- Inro yesterday that I thief had ontarod my room. hrokon open my dock Illd uul-on a mum of mnnoy. but that, tnrtun- ntoly, no bad ovnlooxotl the gold much which nlunlly not In she bottom drawer. Edlmr-Wnll. I bollrn Ibo huh no which ununny non III mo oouom uruver. EdlIor-Woll, hollow and correctly. Eunlhd GnnI..._Thnv m mu-not nncmnh. all their noun-M. Without dbuht there in a good deal of ieeilnq over the prolonging oi the eeulon hwyond thirty days no that memhern might drew the inn Indemnity oi 01.000 Ineet.-Mi of 0800. it has not ruined the new parliament in public estimation. Bum nu one who he: followed the debate: mm lay the blame on Mlnmete. They did their uemoala to geemhrough within thirty days. The depertmente were choked with business requiring their attention, and no long In parilnmeni duvdled 'Ihe time away they noulul do nothing to relieve the blockade. 'l`I.. -u-flu-A unnn Lnrrl Aberdeen in the nloonuo. The wurfnro upon Imrd Aberdeen In dylng out. Tho oompllar nf on Saturday page In The Mall knpo II up my wall as ho onn. hm nppu-nnzly ho hum Lord Aberdeen not for running to let Tapper hnvo the run of mm public ortb afur the debut, bu! boonulo Lord Ahordvou wan n Glndutonlnn and Homo Ruler. The daoont. Cons-erullven, howovor. an wllllng to II- low chm Lord Abordoeu dld whoa he be- llond so I right under the peculiar cir- oumuhnou. and do not relllh the na- uulta that bun boon mono upon him by such rally Inuential Tory papa:-u M the Hunmon Spectator. What The Mnllnyn . don not ooum for much. It has got to be vlrulontly Tory in order to none (or it: put. but rather ovm-docs Ibo part of union: oonvcrt. ll. Eda-r than Hnnnknr. hm nlnnnml paper! ' Mm: `(who lG)-Whnt I up lmw? |.`...u.I nn|._.Vnn gum! Ihn In ha. enough I0 werrene Inc uurelon mu une renoality wee enormoue and apparently ubiquitous. It will be neoeeeery to send eomehody tojell and keep him there no wnrnimr. The old Tory heelere heve evi- dently reeehed the oonoluelon thet the party ie done for, for they are fairly tmnbling over one another in their anx- iety to inform on their pele." There le hardly a tiny that Minletere do not re- ceive the offer of information of this kind. I would not give them ewny now," wrltee one. only they promised me e job and did not live up to their promlee." They lied to me," eaye on- other. end did not dlvide fair; in (not. they took it all and left me nothing." The ex-Minletere would be surprised if they knew the men who ere turning Turk on them in thie manner. The won- der in not that the Tory Government col- lnpeed At the eleotlone, but that it held together no long with In much rotto-nneee at it: oore. I euepeot that eeveral loading lighte will hue to retire to prh-eta life, if Indeed they eeonpe the penitentiary. Let no guilty men eeoepe," In the cry from the better element In the Coneerve- the party, end Libernle re-eoho it with all their he-Arte. Inmne rllmht than in A mend dual nl Parliament In about to proropue with- out wltneulng any rnpproehemont. an the French eey, between the Bowel! fu- tlon nndlthe Boltar (notion In the Tory party. Slr Inokenule le tolenhly lrlendly with the two 'l'uvP9lI. but that nut neat to Mr. teeter and hue no use `tor Heuert end Montague. Then Heunrt and Montague here no net, lnr Poster, at least none worth tpeeklng ol, and" hate the elder Tipper cordially. Alto- gether. thuelore, the Opnonltlon It In rather : bed ehnpe. It wlll he In woree Ihnpe next eeulon when uhe Home and eonntry learn how tleeperetely corrupt lt wee. -Blr Rlahnrd Cartwright euld that eenntlele like the Om-ran brldgo and the Meareevy-Inngevln beodllng were mere- lrelentlone that heppened to protrude Above the great omen level of oorruptlon,, and he wu right. So tn. wnlnun have had no tlme to make 3 thorough explore- tlon 0! the departmente, etlll leee of the outelde eervluo. yet they have learnt enough to warrant the nuertlon that the mnmlltv nnnurontly Ilnlook would romovo mu puuoluor mm The Mail will no doubt charge nwith poilooutinz the wldowod and hhorlull who happen to ho Torin. It would ho just an uuonnhlo an annlntnlm lug at Llbi-rl have no right to any boo to I Tory mom who choose: to go on the stump. n-..-I_aa__- 5- n..._- ALLAN LINE Ilolllllwllujomw III `II 3 non-nwno-noonor noto- wnutpi to hvnliond 0! II. HI! hallow- ou uld. him. Why now put It nut doc I): student : nhopi" I stand Italy u rules tag the dopomnont Inquire that branch pon-ommohull he at oorng-r afoul only.". Yet he wont to work lid 1-hood the once in anon that In: In the middle of I block higher up the chill. 'l'hooloottonIeunoonnntluomo- hndv. ulinnnuonul nhnl lm 9. III ludly do no," he npllod. hut unfortnn-_ 00.3! QIDOVHOII lull III! I. r. wu dnwlng Chi nut ot this store. HI: tol- lowon oomplnhnd. "onllunon." In IIH. In I lop-lofty way, hue gnu no bowel: of charity! It In true`! an draw- lnsthomn of that note. but I` an dniving it not for myself hill tor I poo! logo widow ivho does no: mo In the 010." `IN: was ntlahntory. But A few dun altar:-nah the healer: learned thu tho I H10 0 In ._uj.. _" u..\;"._." z".-.__'.'....2'.;'_'.;",;a.'ii':"... .. thy` pou\\lono widow In: none other Ihn the II. P.'I Inotlu-`In-law. III Auction: lad wot-thnmllllon. `It In. llnlook lhou d this buuoulu no-h_nhA Th. Man will no doubt ohm-an Tho vngin of Bllllu-duo. khan kn; Imam tllnnnunxu Iwhoflul ahhruuinu-omou III p InIIn._It uunannnr noto- ind II!` DAILY BRITISH WHIG. `WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. . 1990` Rheumatic: and pticn can be accommodated at (,1 N D HOTEL, ` canywuu smnws Dunn; Scptunbet. r----`~s..T Rf!9i.!~ =_~.-<=~| TIMI] III! III nooontry IIOIIIIII H00. 1- Q IOII. `Aqua. _J. P. IIIIJIIIILIIVI. Alll r