II upponou. nod. Uuu-coma : may in for -out time. in pining. In. N. `W. Maxim and bar two I an visiting lob- bupot Bhnloyvillo. on tuba church vii! Iona . Juan: J. Idhnn hi to York chute work lotlho Kb Gnu Arohbbhop Dlnuy will addu- lnunlu unaunoutoloonlu-nnoutolh ouldnnolta pu-lab onnat hhuln . Ahuvun ludnl will bohold to-hy Ihllothodld In hull. W. Ion. ...IoIInnuhg lllnouonounhls. Aluhilputy ulglnn I-Llthnhhn-nlAL`l_.-....|_A. ludvil ----V-- mu: an H ""'""""""` whhu. ""' on nouulun. vmolnoluhlihhlhuuolilnnnuhh """- cuuuptiounnnutunollinohnh. IVXUWTI W-VUICT Wnvrron. Sept. !2.--'l`bo vcrnlnult dndgohu comphudsho not ban Ind loft yoototdny to go to K Hill: to wow]: then. Juno Bowl 3 Node boy, Holodbyn horn homo dun |o.io MO outol yet. 80 non: 0 dnoo Ina . Ind. Chnrlnmuo huby, III -out (inn. is znlnlnn. Mn. N. W. my 1: manna 1 D1 sup!-onmonu on ma bonus. Ir. IloTu 0!: (rod data. ol Col- bomo. an lng rlov days :0 lb. Christa . Inland Jobnnon la lpundlnq I luv days with frlondmin Kingston. Inlay`: ay H-Ion. 8m:I.mr'n Bu. So . 22.-~J. Edwnrdl, of this place, May on the `I091. The funeral oorvlm wu held In the Macho- dlnt church on Monday and his nlnnlnl taken l.o(1nI.nnqul ootnoao Torlhhnnont. The banned family have Iympschy of their mend: nnd neighbors. Our bran bmd hnboon root-gunned spin and bu sound the services of B. Sheldon n hnohor. We oxpoot. the npnlrinf of tho Ilothodllt church to commence a I for days. '1'. Hnrlbort. hu boughb B. Euovfl house and lot and will soon uh pana- lion. It A ,l..|....... L.-- - I-._..A..|. -1 L.._| no . )3`. A. Johnson has I In-guoook of hrn|- Imo on hand for tho MI undo. W. Baot- lo i ii bl hp:-onmont. hi: h:II.0.u.Irl.mH-ITIV ah nd dd-. nloni. mo mounonm. cnuron on nunmy evening. A little bo has come to lay at the home 0! Dnvld Mil er. Ming Marietta Tonkin in attending the model in Pioton. Minn Zim MoKibbon has romrnod from Toronto. The Royal Templar: will hold un 511: meeting Point. Traverse next. Tu my ovoning. unmanagunle GIN] run IWIY. 1110 000"` nun were thrown out but eeceped seriou- njury. David Rose has been quite ill. but in some better. Mieeee Velma Scott and Jennie Brown hive returned lroln visiting lrionde at. Schoherie. N.Y. Rev. J. Harrie, of Bloomeld. will conduct the Iermom in the Methodist. church Sundny evening. bov come nu Al. the home vmwa menus no welungwn leer. ween. R. A. and Mrs. Doxeee end eon Hugh. of Belloville. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bredin last. week. While returning home on Sundnv evening the horse, driven by Mrs. R. A. Knox and Herr ; beoeme unmanageable and ran ewny. he nnnu were thrown nut. but. gunned nnrinnn Low Price Store QB A Of` Dr nnnnn -D-QA A Vontrlloqullt vmu 'l'I||I Village-O on I Ynchtlng Trip. Muruuu. Sept. ?2.-Mr. Hodge, the ventriloqnist. guvo an eumruinment. in the town hall on Friday evening. Mrs. Warden and Miss Edith. of Bcthol, won uoau of Mr!-. Sloan over Sundny. Melon. ork. Knox, Welbanlna, Ferguson, Mo- Kibbon m.d Hurley left. on the ymht. Nina i for Octaw on Sundnf. Rev. A. Crooggln lm I visited lrionda M. We gbon last week. R. A. and Mn. Dunes and mu Hnnh. uemmny. It has locked out that. if the opposition had backed up Sir Charles Tapper in his nttnck on the overnor-general, Dalton McCarthy would ave moved I reeolution endorsing the government. for uoumin the reuponsibility for acts which prevon A grub of otooa and n defiance of the will of the poo lo. Jnonb nudnur. tho t-hnmninn mnllaf of ancob uuuanur, mo cnnmpnon ucuuor 01 the world. was last. ni ht prooenud by the citizen: 0! Toronto vnth on (ddrou and n Burro of 8700, which will be uupplomontod y several hundred dollnrl. Gludnur wu met b the reception committee upon ar- rival y the Corona` And onoortod to the Queen : park, where the prooentntion took place. - n... ---ua.-. .. -o---- and deter nnnuswnng expeamone. George F. Curtis, uuinmnc librarian of United States congress, Arreetaed It Grin- dlewnld by detectiveu. who mistook him lor a criminal from Montevideo. And aub- aequently released only to be re-erlteeted eh Geneva and again liberated. hen undo I claim upon the Swine government lot in- demnity. It. leaked that. onnoeition ea nor wave rooms. At. Jacksonville. Fly, the alleged ll- buaterin ut.eamer,Three Friends. bu been libelled y the United States government. for vioiatmg the ndvigetion luvs. Presi- dent Cleveland wnnte be nuke an example, and deter libustoring expeditions. Gan:-on F. Curtis. nuinmnt. librarian ol ot rlmmenb. he British ctr. Chittcgon , bound {or Hong Kong from Altorin, rogon. wont uhoro yoaterda afternoon of!` Tnnl Inlnnd, near Victoria. .C., in I dense fog and in a dangerous position. (iovarnmant. have nnnointod Premier Victoria shortly. Fierce` gala prevailed in the Englieh channel last. evening and dniwninge en re- sorted. 'I`he,It.r. Rhynelend, from Phile- elphia, arrived at. Queenltmvn. re rte that wave: swept over her deck end ood- ed her state At ,'nnIoAl|n|y:"A IN: Hun n"AIAl` IL dangerous position. Government. have up intod Peters. 0! Prince Edwe Inland, end Mr. Bieque. Q. 0.. of Montreel,u dominion counsel in connection with the Behring Ben cleima commluidn, which meet; in Victoria shortly. Fierce lulu m-availed the Enzlieh troo and prevenueu the trauma. . A. Grenior, pro riehor end publisher of the Libre Pnrole. ontrenl. Wu errant- ed eeterday, at. theinntanoe 0! Hon. J. I. Arte on I charge of criminal libel. D. D. R rs, patron member for Fron- tenac, inbr uoedabill in the house of commons yesterday, to prohibit. the Accept- nnee of railway passes by member: of ofarlinmenb. .. D.-:H.l. .o.- rVly.:n..mnn hmuml om- Heavy Flannels, 15c, zoc, 25c. 71inch Flannel Sheeting cheap. all Iiaes and weights. 7 Ladies` Wool Underwear for If , 15, soc, 25c and up. ' en : Heavy Underwear for I 9 45, oc and up. `Q envy bol Socks, 2 pair for I . Flannel Shim. extrn value. ' 1 inch Shaker Flannel. 7c yd. * diet Cashmere and Wool ll ..- -L-__ my up Io crop new Ion saw. At. luxco, Puru. nvonl dnyl ago. I mob was {ox-modoo chuck the American missions. The sub- I-fact. called out the troo and prevon the trouble. Grenior. m-om-iebor nubliuhor The Unmormn nnumo omo mvo nonv- ed a deapatch from June: J. Corbett, uo~ oepting the offer of I tan round go with Bhnrkoy for 810,000. The Onnndinn imminn-ation return: to Dl1ll`KOy '0!` IlU,lIN. The Canadian immigration the and of August show a hiling oil` to the extent. of about ten per cent. from tho immigration roturnaol last year. . The stnrm Saturdnv did. it is utllnntad * immigration ronurnaol M50 Baturdny dig}, by runny consul-vuuivo produce handler there. 0100.000 dun: to the Waynaooum -` by lo New wk state. uxoo. Puru. no-ran! dnvl um. ""10 11%|` I|IIl`nI|l|lll_$".ll"?llI lljlfl. I 1 Mn. Dhmnn doloptn (pm In-' din to the religious oongrou ob tho world ! Mr, has again arrived to touch Boddhlun. Tho noouu of tho Anglo E3 on ex- ition roporb thst the dew ban oltod At. Gouda, vo mile: north of Don- II. A man. named John Boyle. hu died of injuries received in I hotel to Iorpon, Ontad on Snturdny night. Murder in llll-. poc . Joan Molh-nornoy. Aged ve yours. was ki ialy a trolley car to Brooklyn Int evening. e was: the 169011: victim o! the can in shot. cit. . Th. glifnrn A nthlnhln nlnh hnvn I-unit. Jonn uoanl. or not-man. uupn in a hay mow. got up in his sleep and its "the oor Iuotalnln nu-Iona Injuries. Mn. Dhnnnnnn _ Hm dnlmnm I-um In.` l "'7" ' '--7n'(a~7'iaEX6Eoiii'" ' toujnphutmhn In-nllrntlnottlo I 0lobo.0ondouodnndAnIorIodtoIhn Hnndlnn _. A alumna Ohm You tin '35`.- Lord Aberdeen opened tho Oentnl ox- Mbltion no Pot:-bom yotocdny. '.l`ln-no non mun. Mn ban tom :5 Hun LI-unanhn nhnmh at GAIAIA. '1`IIl'00 more nmnu nave nun mung II the Annaninn church us Gulch. At a landvillo. Col. muting o_l oitlunn n nqucn to Gov. Molntyro to declare mu-tin] law was made. ` OII ICU Iumn IIIIIOITBII vvhlc 2,000 lives were lost. Jnhn Dmlrln_ nf Harman. gnu) WEATHERI [Furs um T1nis% foiii i I win: n as m an-com ORDER rm .. 11- n Q-3Q mu.` '0 UOVn uunnyn II IIXIIIU mu-tin] luv wu undo. ` The In. Doric. from Jan. brings nova oln rub uumn in Japan. in winks Q.(Il0lIvuvnroI1nf.. ;',,t.l.`;..`;.`;o...l.`.,..,.... ...... .. .............. \ll ...... .... Jncob nudnur, tho chumpion Icullof o Lha world. wu Int. niwht. nmnanmd hv Mn !lI'I In lahlt: Oil`: . ' The Cnliforn I athletic club have receiv- ul . Agnnnnlu In-an: Jnmna J nrwhoth An. which 2,000 men were mu. John Doddl. of Eu-Inon. hnv mat. an}. Inn in hit ll MILDFORD MATTERS. Weapon Wnvolalu. .. 51.... on 1-1.. .. Given Up to Dlo But . ~*-it _ A .was saved by W -1l IUICI II XIII. and In. Wnlhr. 1'|o|uI|u'aH h lullthd $0 ldtuhlum. `III oi vudunnhd vuhlowpn and vquublu. -nun-Iyiviujuuvvicr. :1: Athno `vi Qvieotookphoottho llot.hodidh"ch:'Ioh. Pu-utnouth. . Int L Ron. loan. Bnollmd 0|-nor, mu pinuhon u Pounonth and (XIII: I. A I - ........' ..'."....'..;'3_".......Z' WIIGDDI. TDOIOIVIB COMIC C000 dunno ouciout in will ourunlnlvyl-ouooou. E timely lfflrll at Dr. Bell, .8 and Nordhelmer Dlvoree urnnud. . OTTAWA, Sept. 22.--Tbe eenate commit- taee on divorcee to~day decided boreport favorably upon the application of Albert Nordheliner, ol Toronto. for a divorce. Only two witneeaea were called. Nord- heimer and hi: brotherin-law. Arthur Vankoaghnet. Conelualve oeatimony wan forchooming that Mrs. Not-dbeimer is liv in with one William Cranuon, jr.. an hla vie. She had procured a divorce in Nolth Dakota mmtmn The commit.- hee were unanimous in I` nding. R IICI-`I `IIIITI U-`O Sunni man of horns having bun subbed have come before the notice o! anal`:-(unlit mu-noon: In OLA nits nonnati- nunnioa nave coma` ugloictgln noucolot voter nary our-pom n ty mount y. Only on &tudnymht W. Ronni. any r, fouhdx his lwl-`so : throat ham! nnl LI A Enn, `PL: Lana. pen Iouna, ovary wrap I)! evidence lua- mg to Identify being absent. Deoouod um: about thirty years 0! Age, well do- volopod. In the pockets bre ll silver wuwh, 830 in American bills snd some umllnilvor. IlI'I.'I uulului av `l`0l'|IIIl0. TmmN'm, Sept. `23.-Among the crowd on the eteemer Corona, which brought. over chempion Geudeur from Niegen, lehni ht..wAe e well drened nun, who p ed to the Queen : hotel and regio- teredne "H. Nulne, New York." He At. once retired. He not pumng in An ep- peurnnoe. the Atrenger'e room Wu entered About eleven o'clock. thin mornin , when he wee found deed in bed. On A c Air wee e lees which hAd contained liquid end A pi I box oonlielniug A eelb wder. which might heve been cymide pomeeium or one of eeverelpoieone mentioned in reoeipte for developing uid: lound in deceeeed e pockets. These receipt: were the on! pepere found. every scrap of evidence leui,- Ill About hhirtv venre of inn. well do. unenr mnny menae. Rev. Mr. Soenlon ooou ied the Metho- dlet. church pulpit on undey evening whnle Mr. Re nolde lled his in Athens. Mre. Edeon eeung. who has been very ill lot some time, is not. my better. Mien Lime Garvin, Wnterbown, in the guest. 0! Min Annie Gray. A load 0! our young people attended the honey eociel in Fair- hx on Thuredey evening. DGIOI an lcatlmable Young 'Lldy-(lnno to the far Weet. Lasunownx, Be 1:. 22.--R.obert K `ting, of Great Falla, onhana, who has been visiting hil parent: here for name time, returned laet Wedneaday, but not alone. One of our eetlmable youn ladies, Miss Emma Wallace, eldest dang tor of W. H. Wallace, 0. R. agent here. accompanied him. Their marriage was celebrated. Tuesday evening. at ei ht o`olook, at the bride's houae. b the lev. Mr. Fairlie. Mina Alice Wal aoe auiated the bi-ido,while Wealey Keatlng auppormd the groom. Mine Wallace. who was an eorneat worker in the Preeh iaerian Sunda achool, will be much mined by all. Bhortl before her departure her clan presented ller with a beautiful ailver napkin ring. That they may enjoy a long and happy life in their far weelaern home in the sincere wish of all their frienda. Rev. Mr. Snanlnn nnnnniul Han Mnnm. man no migm; Jlllll Ina I: away quick H the ame: e to qnly, When the wee blazing merril a couple of thousand feet up in the Ill ris- bie oonoludod to deoend and cutting Away his peruohuto, nailed to term rma, while his balloon burned high lb0V6 his head. The rlt prize Inn 8200.. Besides that 'Prof. Frinbie received I old medal and a handsome Ibeol engrnv ng. Friabie has made bnlloon uoenniona and parachute jumps At. the (air grounds in this city. : urea nine; nnnooefen` nun Aavmun w -A Now! leee. _ A belloon nce wee one of the attraction: At the Item lair et Providence, R. I. There were {our entriee-J. B. Friebie. Oewego; Jewell -Brothere, `New York: George E. Lewis. Rockwell. Indienunnd John Sawyer. The elgnnl to begin inating wee given And soon Friebie e bellon wee eeilin gracefully alryward. Johnnie Bewye e was the leet to get ewe end he called out a cheerful goodbye. riebie cut away first and came down with line parachute hanging heed iiret. Sewyer lendedinemill mi and would have been drowned but for F;i.-bie who plunged in and eeved hie life The jud awarded the first priee to Fiisbie on the second toSew er. Friebie had loaned I balloon to Prof. wie. which we: deetro ed by re while being inuttd. Friebie di a new thing. As he ehot in- to the sir I little game wne noticed at one end 0! hie balloon . but he never lost nerve and continued on up into the cloude, the blue increasing in nine or he ehot upwerde, He kept clone wutch of the blaze end hnd one bend upon the parachute rope that he mightjum end t quick ilemee qn ckly, H... oh. .. ...-- |.n_-x.._ __-__u_ , IOIIII IIID ROW !GII'I III]. 1'00 IIIIIOTII will hkoploco I`:-idny from his Into resi- ponoo. upper Oolbomo Ibnot. or very wage. no. 1. l'.A..l'.l5.. mu aunt eh elm-tar aha aimmnmmg Fun `aoat. Ha" I'll N0. 09. 1110 WIl"II$ OOIIIIOOIOII vi hhoA.0.U.W. Hons of Irish ex- traction. Hlucldont brother died in Iro- Inntl I-ah Nn- V...-'. (Inn Th` lnnnngl nrwuon. nu omen nronnor men In no- lnnd Inn New You-`I day. The funenl rill hhnlmo Fridnv from his lam 1-mi. mg to go on we road [or W. J. Grotbc-I. He was tiny-three you: old and lavas Iyllo and oovon ohildnn. Thus Ion: no loostod in Chicago in busi- ness. Thoyqu expoceodwo u-rive homo to-marrow. ` Doeeuod In: I chariot mambo: (Der N 1. 1>..u.n.. h` ........ ';!..``:. 3.. cum. IIMK can an al-Inn our no noun : nun. nun mllu. Inn: tharnhu death onrtook him, bull Il;`_'lII' mug`? is not fully known. I uhought. Mpogxyvru also onus. .W. A. Manny, 3 onion thank. Algerian, non of . left but evening to bring ltonotho y. which Ill pound to IITIVO thin Afternoon. Dznuljnl well known in this aim , Prlcg. No.0 W ' , no `mo wood. on do k, |o|n| And rolnrnnd I at U! my dluuo. Pr on. 25:2. |`1oII'| urn cum curon all the lymp- no nu nun ung 3 II n manu- boturlng ah Iidnncnt on road Ion`- twonty yarn. and la wldcly known man; the oomlnctchl travellers of tho dominion. For ninouon In unveiled for the Into nn of &0unninfhorn, lav-' ingtuogoonthoroodor W.J. Ilxtv-three voul Dlodlullclla Ida: Ionishuc-Apoplixy thought the onus- A hhgnm vunoqjndby hinlriondn` yutarth dhnoon nohiiyi than of the all Wright Hcllropnlcbprountativo dual: of W. J. Otolud bhonie hotory. Ho Ind bow at llorubu in the morning and [Ind drlnn out to ark hill. noun mils; Itrnn Ishnnlhnz dash awn:-tank uIuuu.vu Inn mom: in tau may what llohu raided for fol-by-eight yarn. Ho baboon nting Klnglton hnturinn ulna road for` Ill oxpqoua I0 umvo nun Anotnoon. Dcouuodxnl well known in this city than In In: nddod !orIzv-eight vans. ingot. Iolnulkunt ml not-no unto had cut by I kno. Thohouol out In nnonn wlnn tho dunun MOURNING FOR W. M'lL;6Y. FRl8BlE'8 NERVE AND LUCK. LANSDOWNE WARBLINGS. Itnngo lnlcldo At `l'oro_no. ...u-u. II-..l DO A.-...._.. AL- V-A nutggmng ions... :3: .-L-c-I-Q -n-&.- a..|. ..I-..-A AL- ,.. .?'lFU K I'll inows Iinuounmnu. I cannot manner or ma con un, Boloct Knights, his oorti ogtn ` No. 1. Re In: an enthusiastic allow sad I member at Kingston . No. 50. Ha vnrnlno oonnmhd K D. c. x:..-:-.-.?-;-.-:.-'.-.:..~:--.. I N091-Ih|Im::d`.Iu nun. ma jquI-It-dollar. " `-3.0. fl it Inll`! Cl- Ilihlllo all nthlooton A-3-A--.-A 1.. -__.__ an- ._._ A `typo-Wrlltn Lon latter. Whoa u pal-Ion booamu ooonntolnd to doing I thing in a curtain manner nothing is! harder than to brook tho oil habit. A curtain young nawupupc Incl: in this any has boon in the habit olwl-icing all hiuoopywilhthonidolhvpuwriht. nndlnnwoukhouidownuui snow 3 wry lengthy Inter to hie girl, and, then. In; a duh nndctho writing. laid it ihonity KIWI ! and Jun: hownlii apioooof copy. What: that nun who handle: tho hlno puoll cum to lookout Ibo copy lying on him duh. ho win to ilnd one which stand "Dar ." and aided. Your loving --." Indium to may that the author at culturing cpiulo was nnnuoituily Ihd fa IIBO ling and now hn 4 um tutu-In; opuuo was nnncnmuly Iwmul for some slut. and now he wt-IIII Mn Ion luau _ bo1m\--PIIu- Dug Chronicle-`telegraph. ;_._ opt-ooum um: um onun. On In the hon lubricant for 1 ohaln. but not enough rldcn ma It. With the ohnlm expound as they an n prawn! no Inbrloant. will work wall for any length of nuns. If gear ouu won put on wheel: I rider would expnlonoo none ol the dimoumu uh!-rod to. Our cues no In high favor In Europe. and why they have not oomo lnlo ganenl not has In dimoult O0 undo:-Itnntl. when one can- nldoru their many advantages. 5 mo nprocnu Mm men we nwycuu nus that he isn't getting All the wet on! of the chain thet he should. I: thu eup~ ponmon he In correct, because the mud use up friction between the teeth of the eprookot end the chain. 011 In the hen lubricant for a chain. ll Illll, wnmn ll WOPX mun "DUB. Every rldor had: noticed that I! he It caught In I uhower. and Ma ohnln you wet, the chain rum: much huder. Thus I: counted by the dun in tho nhnln being turned to mud by the ruin. The nmd make: It wny lam every part of the chain. TL. nnnol annulus (noun 0.. uh-In An In Tho: mud work: (mm the oluin on In the npmchu and then the bloyclln fool: I that ho Inn'| actual All the noun am of me oomrano:-u "Don't you think we hed better hke e dl-Ink, Captain?" "With all my heart-." replied the letter. Gregg dellbereeely unscrewed the top from the link. end holdlnglt out, eeld:- "Well, old men. go sheen!" Juet then there we: A sip. a oruh of glue. end the liquor etnuned down over Greene bend. Gregg releed hle eyee. and king them on the Johnnlee. where Ihe hall came from, over on the hill, shook his flat at them and Pxoln1med:- Wall I! can l-lIn-- .I-we nnklna Inn Koep the Chnln Fran oi Dirt. There in one pan of a hioyoio to whioh the ordinary rider doe: not [in enough umem.ion-tho ohnin nu his whooL mm chain: are not cleaned onn enough. The road: over which the bioyoiicl I-idea no covered at all time: with tine dun. which you into the chain nnd causes more or iau friction. When than in no dull than in mud, which in worse chum duct. w.... an... 1... nnllnnll cl... u 1.. u. DIG [III ID mam IDG PXOIllIlOIl2- "Well. |t you {allows Mn : golng loo mean to llvo!"-St. bouh Republican. II was st uhe second man of Ilslnrn Hlll, August 5. 1869. He wee e esvelry ospleln then end his reglment wss on!- end to euppon old Bull Bulnnsr ln hls movements sgalnst Lee. He was on the rlghn. and wss In the eld ln e oolumn of oompanles. The Johnnles were Inno- lnc. end presently [no wllhln rune, peltlng the Federels with s belief; and I llne of shnrpnhootorl. 10 `us very hot, snd all the more uncomfortable beesuse the re could not be returned. Seconds seemed hours. sud minutes were days, as the Federal troops set under she desola- desllng re. Dlnotly behlnd the need of the column wss Gen. (ahen Csplaln) Gregg : oompany. But the General never wlnoed. He sat hols upright ln hls sul- dle. He motioned to the oepuln oom- mendlng the need of the column. who rode hook to where` he set. Tnklng s smell that from hls pocket. he esld Io hle comrade:-u I|l'\--Ue -an man an. I.-A knhhmn Q-Ir. lad huto tin Grout om `..-v-_-- ` 30- taint In Out- ...yo.I.".:..u...""" , A goon awry II and brnvery of Gen. who commanded 0 the Army of the I War. IIIODG. I Perhnpe the moat interaeting thing about the paper in that it sleo hen the distinction of being the only publication on earth shes om oelmly ignore the love at libel. The editor: on teerleeely eey whet they pleuo in in column, for tiny know that they will be able to get out of the oountry before trouble oomee. The ru leeue of the paper was published nix or el ht montiie ago on the departure of the tore from Pull. It in their in- tention to true] uound the world, and perhepe in enotner twelvemonth we ehell eee A copy of En Route produced in New York. . ' preu. . The Inn heard 0! En Route and In ednon wee that they were In Bombay, having just publlehod the Bombay edi- tion In three language: - English. Frenoh,end Guuretl. They were about nertlng for name other land. What land In not known for the movement: oi En Route edition ere_.Iecret And never told Ahead. - `IJ.-5..-.. eh- inn-D I-.a~..._..M-.... nu-.. union. nun no we any manua- pthor to study the cm . Thcy hon dandy pond thonulvu on IhOlIl'I- otmu and history. BQ0w&iI*tho Incor- uh at night-uotu than an hours Illd hull hour: of in-mug. and baton one would think it poanlblo that Ibo city could hlVl been explored And wrmon ubout. the we couohu no oonpluod. und this numbor of En Roma In on tho hrnl nu!-noun nullnorl IIIVO ICC jlllll. thoprotahulng nhendypnld nllthdr trawling nxpuuu, and I oolntorhhlo llltlo bdnnoo IIIIIIIIII. The two journnlllh having arrived In I any. out all: down in his hohl and begin: to wl-in lnduurlounly. dmorlhlng plollu-uqunly the Inn l of than Journey and tho hnpnulon at the plum Ihoy hue jun: u-rtvodsl: tho othu you to and printers, white pups: and mu- Grnoru. Thou tho two sully forth to- nnhhn tn ltnrlv the nth. Thaw hnvn $0!) IIIIIOIII IIIIII. in Bonn II n eight-page pond, and In ulnntnbd. In Iploo ofnll olalhoha. In each city lnwhloh luodlton not thy nnnuotogot out the pupa-qndlnho mom: on In all wllhln mlmndlhly few days. A oomploto Inn in puhlhhodln Ion:-ol lungugu. The Itnmcn pu-Lo! All In that while lboewo nonnu-Incl outwith Ilnlduo! bu-Inn this traveling nunppc my only I portion of mu oxpauu. Ihq nova- umoipotod man than that. En Route II. from its wry nanny. ulna; lib boo onion, and inking In ptoptluul rich in 5 null wq. lo tar. though. but I halt-doun number: have has nned. tho nrnh having Ah-aulv and All nun uuuunn. Thhnnlnolhiutlnonlhdlnlouh. Edith ud:T publlnhod wlinvar ontu-prising toujnppoulo In IhcKAn|u0lI7Jonrul.'.l'hqAntour- Inuu world on the Auction glob Ilvmng plnn ofao may mlnuht to each funouu light. In Rnnln In An alum-nun: nanny. and -- v-w vuuvuu Two Ptrldn jonrnnlht have unab- luhod the mo ougunl In tho world, s papa` without An not-Isl homo or any pooh: My ol publication. and ihloh ubolu lined in vulouplth at the calla. 4 mm. ...`.nu.. ma; 1. .11.; a. mu... _A hauling Nowvpopn Which In on I It at the World. l|_.- n._A_a_._ I__.._-II.A_ g--- ,_.,; "Se"; 96 :3r}..'oS.. _a:F.'.{. ` ma LAra"_f'_u_nwsPAPnn.' - AN onuamu abunnn. .1 told of who ooolmu a. John Irving On. I cavalry, brigade In Potomno during the :wALsH*s llrlmutono Can: nlpiuhorln A few your: on. whom diphtheria wu raging in England. I guntlomnn accom- panied I-ho on-it-hrnlod Dr. Field on his round: to without the In-ooliod "wonder- ful cum!" which he rorfornwd, while Ibo pniuntn of other: won dropping on all uldn. All Inn took with him was powdcr or nulphur and I quill, and with then he cnmci every patient without an oIp_t|nn-thru in. he put I: uqpoontni ol laur or hrlnmono into a winning of water. and tin-i It with him il[I'I' In- omnd at a spoon. nn nulphur data not lndily nmnigamnu with water. and. on Iho sulphur booomiug well mind. he gun II no a `mule, and in On minute: then nation: wu out a! danger, as brim- ntono kilin onry pooh: of fungus in Inna. but, and plant in I tow minmn. lmmnd oi npmlng um tin nrgio he ro- oonmondod Ihc nwnlinwilg ot And. In utnmo nan. In which ho had hon cnlictl Just in tho nick of tint. what: the lnngm wu ton poorly cloning to Hiaw- in[ tho gurgling. ho biaw no unlphur through a quill law the throw. and unit we fungus ind shrunk to allow 0! is than the gurgling. Ho IIOVC lost I potions fl-an dlphchotin Or. it no pun- tint cannot glrqlo. take I my and. pin it on I shovel. and mnahlo I cponnfwi nrlwnnlsho hrinmnnou 3 than I|lI it. In Ibo nunn iahaic it. holding its Ill one I Ch lllfill VIII `K- hndon I4 WIYIIIIIW 0!! `III ppll INIO 0' `D. `*7. I An' he calls Mmu-If p4'I'fosnnr," be and h hlmsou. "Don't know how no In anything but talk Greek nnd things. and calls himself I pet-to-nor. Talk About nan !" mu young `tour! mu yo paruuor." I Am am In-u-nolmr In (luck, rhuorlo nnd ancient hlnovy." "An' Va nan`: do no In-ink: not nl-o "UK OVNIPIO I105." Th mun turned And [nod out of tho window on the oppmm side of the on. ``An' he nnlll hlmu-If nnrfnnnnr," ha n um Inclanu nmox-y." 'An' ya can do no trick: not play munlu, nor hypnotln!" "0! nnnnn not." ._,, "Er :humoboMd." "I nover board of the gums baton. " "Well my. Pr auouod yo this slmo. It`: funny I didn't think ol It baton. Your I mesmorla " ' I'm nnchlng of tho klnd." --won. I'll gin up. What In your mm I know ya`:-n In than his. 'onuuo I hound that young follrr call parlouor." `'1 sun nu InnI.rncI*.nr In (ll-uh. rhnm-In Imllgnnlt. The min was about to loan the IM- tlon. and a young nun Iocnod ovnr the Ian. shook hands wlth the middle-and gentleman. and uId:- Good-by, l rofouoI'." A mun with wlclo III-lpnn In Mr uhlrt bonom lookod at him nnrrowly. and said u the train ltIl'I0d:- "K|n you do any trloh with cards?" No. I never touohod 5 card." Ilebha yo play tho plnuyr" `'1 know nothing of lnunlo uxnptlng u A um!-homutloal Ilnlcnoo. " I UW.II -nu .|-up nn pm... I LI- ... II II IINII -IIOIIIIIKEI KVICDK. " Well, you Ain't. no hour. I kln on by yer build. Mobbo yo play pool!" "No." ml wms m man u: clrcumennceu. Yeetardny C nmben. aged Iixty-nine. hie gure bowed with the weight of years. returned home. He did not expect to and hie wife. It was to learn the whereabouts of his child. who had grown to menhood, tint he left Cnlilorniu. where his fortune had been made. The Iequel wee that he fouml in Mrs. Wolke the bride 0! his youth. Chembere pay: that the euooeu on which he first eelouleiad did not come to him. He became discouraged. and. leerful that the newe of hie failure would be I crushing blow to his wife. he ceased to write to her. When A fortune was within his greep word enme tint the hed died ohbroken heart. He ve up his life to the pursuit of wealth, opin thnt hie fortune would become the inher teuco of his only son. Tho wife did not despair; Ibo clung to the hope and belie! that he would return, but mouthulnpood inbo yours. Mn. Chun- bcn, slur ten years of waiting. concluded that her husband wu dead and donned widow`: woods. wufnnn Iynnrn from 0.1:. than (`Is--`I;--. widow`: woods. Flftaon your: from the time Chambers loft Indiana Mrs. Chamber: again mur- rtod,and five children wore born. dl ol `whom nrolivinf. Hor uoond hunbcnd 9. wu named Wol and hollvod until I891. dyin at. tho col uvonmy. and leaving his w to In in nt circumunncou. Vnnnrdnw I`. nlnhnnn M -1.0" ..h.. lndlann Husband. Auor Long Aboonoo. Iurprlll I'll! WHO. Willinrg,\ChamberI. after an absence 0! fort ova? yearn. huroturnod to hit home It. nglian hie. Ind. It was in (he npring of 1849 khan Chambers. than n youn mun. loll: hi: wile. I bride ol ltoon mon s, and ono child. I babe in the cndle, to cool: a fortune {or hit {Ami} . 111 sold All hi: nrnnnr-tn nvnnnk. Ink; `mil-v Lam- no not zorwne I0!` nu usmu no Iold all hi~ pro norl. , except the Amily home. and with 51,050 started overland for the pnnln nnuut. whnnnn I-nrl Anni` -in-in nl enu mm u.UUU oversea ovorleud tor the Peclc count. whence had come notion of fortunee made in e dey. Chamber: took up A claim. end letter: to Me wile mid ol the wealth he wee steadily accumulating. He was gone e year when the letters twp- nod. 3100] new gun; or none twelve yuan end in I drunken frenzy best. out :5: brninu of- his per-amour, Bertha Robinson. with 1 ohnlr. Alter accom- plishing the deed he calm at down and on n beefuteak the Inn women had cooked (or him about ftecu nilnuhcg before her deebh. He was efznd in this occupation when arrested. late chic! juutioe Gnlt. had I oonetitutionul evenlou to pnulng as death eonlenco. end directed the ury to bring in I verdlct of men ughter. Thin it did. andeothelndi nntlon of the whole city I sentence of ur yen: In the peniten- thry wu imposed. The preu of Ontario, without exception. protected in vigorous term: and so intense we: the excitement. that Buckley wan recalled And his nenhence chnn from four to fourteen years. On the vet. oooulon he told the count conun- blee when he could do the four year: on his hands and knees. On she second he was crying when they led him to the cell. and Riblnd. to qulitiu. sq: to 01.5 Ribbodnsctoygc. top:-ion. * onu'I an 15:. soc. 35. ulth Bnndanhiauiou. - one menu note. rue govt-nnnene Ieeoweu to have Lelremhoiee tent to ' penihentlery. where there ere specie op- portunmee ol Inhdnlng refractory coo- vlche. Before leevlng he told the e the he would never vetumellve. butwould owing for eomebody yet The St. Vincent de Paul nnthorltlee were well pleeeed tobe rid of him. Tom Buckley. of Toronto, enjo ed the dlnlinotlon of being twlee eenhen for the eeme crime. He belonged to the noborlou Peddy Rub`: gang of twelve no drunken henxv heel`. out PVC. Dill ; II BIO IICII Ofllll ll` X .`'&'5n. "'1 "' "":a'..""` s. .,."'s"`'. "" on non. ng vu corn. in tho forungon ol uoompincy to ill governor Ouinot and bring about a _ jun dolivory. Tho governor nhood him and the other oomnintorl In I:aa 'u'".. . ..`.`.i n.'."'I."u. .'. black bola. Tho [ovunnnt unolvod to Inn Idnmboinn nut to Kinnhn woo plowed an owns an not to cheapo from the Kingnton punitonllu-y. fl'IhI l:0i!O I `near; It not of the in outrun. at town yum ho ulmooo nabbed to tire lnfonhind when the hits! wu visiting him in St; Vinunt dz Pu! iunuhry.w|:onIu|nd bun nut hr K-'31, through thooloru of that aoat. Anhiutimo In Ind only than you-no curve. but at the nut criminal oourtho forbho mmgud rd in: nonmo oouvuon ----L--- r * `rho Bayonne- Otnllnbt at two .0! `III an. ' HQME AFTER 4'! YEARS. TAY LOR'S UNDERWEAR min on mt Oolobor. This hound It *:"-~ *-*`.-.`:.`-.3- *'s't..%..-'.-s::=.........""` mkglum '*"""*'E." ....`..`'3";`P W any. 9'4 shw uqg :- II3 I On in nude unuouhhlo hfull um I In on. and many new one: `D ::,::::.9'... .:.':?f"'? W '" " - l_)_0N'l' I=on_a_f..., In min! wail] I. Inna! nod to ' bgnuuon , on .0... `no not hnonpovoul ol 5 Mn oi but black. in. I pniglahlu bhloll. 0 dun)-or and I and brush. In four photo mokod In n nan boa lSutherIand s |r_I_o_1:12r IJVIEUUUD -Q.H'l'Io mvnroot. Noou.Hop0.lI.-Wh I NJ land; rod winur. on 00: No. I .. In corn. in 10M; pgu. in ON; pgrl, dhd; jvoun EYE -.I}Il'I'-.-lla IIIIIIIUI -.JIIl'l'n- In-4 Bout. II. - Noll M upon hb .; -mus union and not 2 1 mo con unun 0.0 33.3; 3f.'u3hr.'i \om:' '50 M .33? 0 on .00 so It. - Inn to : :;]n.'oEa'xou'.. mi ?o"35.o3;'onuuo L. gag "0?l"I. [$.40 C0-C3); `Ontario E4 WIIND-No. I bald Innltobn. M \. to FDA 0011-60 to No. ...:'..::*.".:'.r":".`.'.':::::' '-1'. "A" Q . n u .......... .::m..... ' "- (II! Luck at. Kingston. om. my mmxai. ll .- Al'I IIC 1'!` c----w _- . `- '--_..__.._. ., v -on ant to`: Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flo"IIr Inn. Item` food. loiut prion in to: loil. `_"`.&'iior.7"1l8 Klui. street. Toronto. . "I Iqvo`huou ul euumuu: agony for at .unI'| -mu muucnlnr onen- whl I ro--.=-Iml n-1 wmnn an, 0 umoa om pom sum 1 ` In the room-u lead me to t It In tho Iuout unable of Iny "Linux _ no f"Il'"I!|IM'0\`3I1!d. I -:u-r- ll lqeomnon . ' "-11- " ..__ 4%. am :1 mululrml ollemnt ` A1-nu.-01.10 to 01.! II-10.1!) to mm. nnn-o Ion IOIIIIAL IIODUOI ILIIITII. Innis-uni. ung, an ._Iuuu .AnAIl|hn IH THE FEET FITTER. N OW REWAD; A71` H 8.8LI_;x:Fren_-_ The price: have dropped w.c.h tho mcrmomour. For Inaunoo. 0. con lb. burn or red and blank Bonn or Nu. can Gr-upon {or 200 and 250. H. TOYE Posohon. Pout. Bunnu. Hunk lolonu,&c.. have come down. too. STREET. PHONE 800. should not be nhut to what goes into your stomach, bo- oauso your hum: In oonotrn- od. I! you want to produce good health on lots oi (nut. u----9-- , of Inc. Inn: and mo to 0 nun lvocywlnro Iwt} 85: ad ;' lho one: hot - hm-. on 0d Ooloro-1.46: -Anor|oAl Inuuuo-0 u-ind '6'of.. and`; OM-pout, do 0d; 1014!. no Oi; -long elk , I on 003 Oolol-041.: u. n..,....-. -. `I n.. M. ' Vhho. STYLES SHOES , F'!.."-`.'."_'.`."?.""" "'- 'l Ilnnnntlun Cure seldom V III rd In one to three hours, u|d_ 1 days. LP1-Ice. I `ure ve turn ..of ndl|.eItIou Wgnd Jomnuh I'|`Ooid dun Invent: eumouln hvnp I I:0I_ In I saw homo. av`! .,...,f 1'u0i" ' nvu-I-__,,,g..um _, ~~ .. ` wu_:'.b. the WP"-LICII r. I lxlug. Toronto. vfhou II.` . T . " I 00 V 0' II. I M Ti '|`:g'nmn lily ll:e`|II I. __9?v - VUUI , loun- with a .:::,_"5 ' a. . in 0 wind h .......-'-- 3.: n! ".'."'u..-"-'-';"..:.'. cj baud hm : ml nnoy an man no nun:-Iy . Holcomb thopl-In. Anew ltonluoonuoboopundhun luau. l'nnrnitIcArdlo.olPutl. wnddinq loo: non. Vldtonx John Irvin Alil. Ilng-.... I N V `I. II- "1-.."ls`.'.?.',"'uu..."`v?.....""'3.`a7iu.'... 1" . .7; NOWI; P Fi, hat. Than DUI VIIIOII: JOIII Irvin uni . Nolan. 8 N.Y. M Mr. Eninh; Alla-WdIuu . MJQI. mum. 1-5.... mm n...L, .;-n.._.. mo (noun-.wno nu gooo no.n;umon,wbon w reside [or `come Nmo.dYm. camping or some at Om-!ook I landing. upon-M tho llohing the bcuholu nu` an. H; in undo I SI`-W Q-jf-XI` Amnonrn. Bcpc. 28.--A ud mcidont In to Him Knuo Norris on Sunday. in nu seriously upnlnod her IIIHO. Dr. Gain dnuudlhoinjury, and In an glad taohonrllutnlnwillnoonbonnonunn wnunnn no gnu noon on I an n. We nllmhu our triond. Mia on- n 0 Crock:-who has &o.ElIiuon,whon |lnlnhm!nInrdIclnrnnnnMm Wm. would no nmnu no you. H won no In no oollogo and the country no large. at nqnire you to rennin longer in the position ol commandant. of tho college. I trust" you will notooulldc my oontinunnoo of this nnnznnhnm nnnnnnrv." noon onnnuoroa by no mo government; but in new ohtho own roporuof the boardol vinimnundol than olon. uuooi no. the govommono olb thus it would Injnot to well an to the mlhn md tho mum." as In-no. tn nnnira octioo sutnour. uoing me too soam: )|lIlil0O oi rotting it in my power to defend my- sel by Elaoing at my disposal the evi- donoo w ioh you doomed snlcient to en- able you to arrive at a dooilion on the quootion so momentous to me. The {acts upon which you baso my conviction you withhold lromme. Your condemnation of me on publish broadcast. Tho oourso (allow in my case is one which. to me, ap to in- oon-istont with the ordinary reqn rements oi oouriasy. tho uaon's regulations appli- oablo to tho oologo'ando opirit of jus- tioo. Under thcso oiromustanoos. I reoorvo :7 mysol! the right to moke this letter pub- o. ' Dr. Borden. tho ministnr. replies. undor data Bopt. Sllst. He quotes tho rooom- rnondation ol the 19th of August, that Oon. Camoron s resignation be aooepmd. Tho aocond rocommendation is to grent (Ion. Cameron a gratuity oi two months additional salary and travelling ox men from Kingston to any part of nada whore ho dotird to take up hia abode. Tho minister on: "You are now in on ol a tho information of this do- usrtmont rolntive to vour one. You or on we Inlormuuon on ma ae- rtment relative to your one. You urthennote nd fault with the govern- ment for not having furnished you with I oo y of the eupplementery ne- pott 0! board of visitors. Hod I uuppoeed it possible the late government bud not lurnllhed on with I copy of this document. I a ould certainly heve,doneeo. It in unoonoeinble to me how Inch Ill omlnlon oocurred. But I do not think thut {on hove any right to hold me ntponelble n the slightest degree. I have no mean: otkuowlng whether this re- mt. or whntn rto. Lifer.-ting you may have n In tho hm tmvnrnmnnts IICVU IUU I'll. Ul`-|lVWlI.` WIJUIKICI VIII. IV` an. n by the hto government; but in now olmln tun nnorhnf tho B Ijjuiuunn. VT`. .. -14} jlll Xnhjwna mar oi mum: on rouovn: Subeequent to the prenident uint.imo- tiou to me. you kid on the table of the house A hitherto unknown tomelupplo mentary report by the Royal military col- lege board ol visitors ol Nov. 18th, 1895. It contained expreniom at 0 `men moot injurious to my npuhtion. o in- ione, It Inn be I`ll.llnOd, even to me, been cons: and `by your predeoeeeors in oloe. yet. they did not take action on the report affecting me. But go have taken Action without. doing Ionnt jnotioe ol numnz mv nower Inv- A Paaaaga launch an llnhtar ot Iuma and Inc General. 01-nwn, Sept. 22.--'l'bn minister of militia preaontod to parliament`. today a mpplomontary return regarding the re- Iignation oi Gen. Cameron. Under date Sept. l6tl:.Gon. Cameron writes the min- iaur of militia follows: |`nla|aaAna|AIaf. Q1; 5.1.. nnnahlnna inkling. % onmuuo supnv co., W uusponu WWII ll! IIVIIIUII ul vuv nan now rein on, or whether I revision had to to 0 before the election we: hold. A: no the writ. [or Brendon. he exnootod to no can place more one ewouon nua. As to the writ. Bundon. expected have it iuugd at an only day. The noun wcnn mno oommmoe on way: and mum. which ropottod 3 resolution granting Ill ply of `$728,671. Aaupply ill punt! t. rough and lorwu-dad to the gunman. lamb. MI I. Qnlh. Mr. Inn-ier mid thnb in regard to the school queltion he Ind no information to give fizrther thm ho Ind given A few days 0. In regard to the writ for Buhw even. there we: I diioulcy in the way whiohthe vernmont. woo oonnider- ing. whethoro ill should be introduced bodieponu with the rovllion of the list . now Eoin 5.. 9- - -\ um lmlmm IRA nluulainn -nu Imlni debete will he continued to-marrow. Mr. Rcgere, patron member for Frann- tenec. brought in e hill to hihit the ec- ceptenoe of peeeee by men: re cl perih- ment lrom reilwey oorporetione. While he dd not believe member: were inu- enced directly or indirect] hye peee. yet the rellwey cumpenlee dl not nt levore lor nothing. The people 0 the country believed I) t the peee exerted its Inuence upon legleletion concerning nil- ` wey com lee, end there we: e puler demand oreuchemeeeureee he in- troduced. He condemned the practice of member: in eccepting peace: and charging the country mils . The home went nto committee 0! weye And mnnnl. which renm-rad qr: I u-.--- on----w.-V _ V 7 - -aovznuutur sum-I:. ` ll-s'~!hntcriI Inalou '11-ac lo Boner. nun Ihlll lloohu Incl! later. It III ?IDO Id OOIIIIIOI that full qul ..,,'rna'oumou. 3 Onu. elopu. al2.-llr. Foobar to-day mlhdnmnthohouotonm tlmnoro Ie culled I the govulinonn to un- medlnul lmho the uncertainty in who pu llo mind dlnolodn? the ndplo which wil guide t in resonant ol the trade question. " Hflntloduood an amendment to en ply, embodying his views and prelumnh y than of the oppoellon. Sir Richard Gert- wrlgho. who '1-eplled no the ex-nance min- letor. second the home shut the liberal policy as ulrold enunoieaed, would be can-l out., and t 0. she solemn declas- tion blue ln ury would be done to no clue of the p would be rodeemed. He ud- nn may strong` reuone, which apps] with eepoulnllolueto the great huelueee and nnmduoiml lntueete. why the lovem- witholpooinlltlnobo we gnu: nuumuu and ` noingintuutn, why govern- mon Sninon rating scal clnngoa nbou not not vi undueosrocipitntion. The debate will he oonoinu to-marrow. Mn IL-mm-n, nnI.mn mnmbar for Fron- wnms F|ENll.l IUT NINE MILLlON VOTED FOR gnu;--an:-AQAA-D an Inn: V A sHARP connespouosncz. nus nungnsnou up: 1 /1 % inino m ONTARIO I'III'j' rm 'l'omno.80pt. B.-`It hum!-ochlly nnnonmod HM lb: puma monbur tor uxtatnc. Ir. Rap:-I. will mxtudon non Ibo Adoption 11! the khntknl racin- Uovu nondinthc Iutpnrllnunnt by Sir Bhhsrdcut ` tho Hon. W. Ilulool nndlr. Kola doolarlngln font ol xv-udoinood Idlu:.I[rioI|hnlnn- . doaoupc oupunnuuuon -9:, and a...:1.. ldnnnh-at In vurwml aowmmp murderer. who neuron from tho'l`oronb uylln jut weak. in In shot:-Mon hull jun, uniting ol- eut M can Man he . ~ Bnovxvmu, Sept. 22.-YutUrdA \ French Canadian potions hailing In 0t.uvn,'umpotl from tho lum About nliso o'cl<'>ck.,, Ho g uh of. i wunin c uguud. I was bk than lnIowt:::hunmoM. when In Iiolntgd snd ocean! I undo Mn "'a....'l."a.... n_2'.` w... .1. uuoounmly made an Sanxu. Supt. 22.-~Al _ Wilson. the Warwick Gohuhlp Inluiont. who not hnthfmmm uvlln Inn uni. In manner. ma ncuumcr ournumn. The Itngo had dunno , had duoondod from in oriiinnlly onltndpluno. and aban- donedita hghrurooa, nhotnob dhoto no inaeitmion no . but no In managers. be thought It. too, vonld imp_I'ovI. -_.._A_.. A -_a__. Ln._A_ Pros: And Inn. CHATIIAM, Sept. 2l.-Rov. Dr. Bnttiaby,` pastor of St. Andrew's church. preached I powarful sermon Int niaxt. in which ho dincuued tbo,p|-on and I. stage no moral ngoncion. Nut to the pulpit. the press was the tent. lever in the world : pro- gress. bile then In: much in tho mod, om newspaper to doproonto, no the un- donny of the time: was towards Inonootor. cleaner. and bcnlthicr ourmllnn. The .o..... 1...: .u.........o 5...: .a........a..n nre dent;-oyou we on: mu-mo worn build- ing. The lowot oor was occupied by George Sohtnldtfa shoe And moccuin fac- tory and Griin Brothers Itaoam lsundry, the upper u by Lovoroon I robo and mitt, fnohory. Lennon`: lost in shout. Ill.000. The origin of the tire is unknown. u: In Ontario. 8 rnx`s FAL1.-t. Sept. 23. - A dlnutroua re occurred thin mornln . dttroying T. B. Tail : shingle mill. a canal: un- known. as the mill land been shut down for nmonth. The loan in H.000. only partly covered b innunnoe. Damn, gk: 6. 23. - Earl this mornin re destroy She old mnrh 0 work: built - ' . u l 11 ed b !','.....?a?...3X..T. .31 .`.'.'.`." ._.`. .`. .".`. - .-. ` . _ . . . . _ _ . . .. A Pluck] Glrl Afnln. Tonox-ro. Sept.. 23.-Yeet.erdn_v e youn men tell into the buy it Morse mee Lethe Fox. fteen-yeer-old dnu hher of Robert. Fox, I pluterer. rm to t. e end of the sewer, and renchin over, grasped the youn mm by t. a head As he rose to to surface. The girl had not the strength to drew the victim to the whnrf, but pluokily held on And nhnuoed until neeiuhnoe came. The yonn fellow heartily Iriued his rescuer end then ed her for her heroism. [AMA Fox also eeved the life 0! R. H. Dunn lut summer. Other member: of She Fox fmnily hnve eleo rec;-ued room from drowning And An uncle ho d: the Rays] humnne society`: medal. new 01 nouaenom enecu on zura mu. mm Mag ' Leberge. who has been visiting Men I in this vicinit.y,hu returned to Rochester. Mrs. Oeterhout purposes opening up her nook of Inillinery goody, ot.c.. in the shore lutely occupied by Mia: Vnnbuekirk. vacating the shop for some time occupied by her, adjacent. to the Queen`: hotel. me premises vnouea ny w. 1". uavla. James Lnfrionere, of Ottuvn. called on lrlendn hero I few days ago. -James Quinn nnd June: Murphy have resumed from the Montreal exhibition. Mr. Oakley Bruahoy, of Smlclfu Falls, in visit- ing her mother-In-law. Mrs. Brunhoy, 01 this place. Dr. Pomcroy will have I sole of household oocta on 23rd Inst. Mien \l-.-n- 1-5--nu u-kn Ln. L...` -1:-{H-up `brood `topics. Twno. Sept. `22.---W. F. Davis in soon nbouoomovoinbo hit new buck block. M. Clarke. jowoller, urpoaoa occu ying the premises vacate; by W. F. Ignvls. Jamel I4!rianere. 0mm. Oongrgtnlntlonl Showering Upon the lost l'oI-Innate of Queens. LONDON, Sept. 23.-The mnyore of Lon- don and other English cities wired mes- sage: tot-he quoen, st Bnlmorel. this morn- ' ing, oongratuletin her majesty un hw- in oocu ied thet rone longer t n an ot er Bntilh sovereign. The church bel 3 throughout London end in other oitiea were rung in honor of the event. and the nntioml pnthem will be Played in the theatres this evening, but in accordance with the deeire of the queen. the occasion will not be oelebrltod oicielly until 1897. when she will heve completed the aixtieth year of her reign. At noon the members of the neck exchange, the merchants and their employees in sales rooms aurpeuded banineee while they sang the national en- t em. ea we note. Two of the Huntmun children. coming from the poet oioe. were picked up on the road by two men in a buggy and accused of Iteeling e pocketbook containing 880. The next night I party of men cune to the Huntsman hone. eeiud end dragged him outeide and beet end ebueed him in e (rightful manner. Then they curried him to I gr-eve end covered him with eerth. After us while the dug'him up egein. Then the boat en nbueed him I second time, an nally buried him egein. Then they dug him up for the Ieoond time and again luhed him. end then drove away. The two children eleo were lubed. Hunte- mnn is a respectable. well-to-do-farmer. rm 1 tanner named nnnuupn It not- nn Station and burying him dive. The Hnntnunn bmlly wu nfrnid to communi- osto to the uut.horMeI.hut. neighbors loun- ed the facts. Tun Al 6}.` uuntnnn-n nklllhun nluninn spacial Iron: Constantinople so was a powerful eun-snt of Mosleln Ivor , though undomonstntive. takoo the grsvsst view of the snti-Kohammsdsn ohsraotor ol the En llsh agitation. The Boftas have hi hoen paulvo. Should. however. H the conviction gain ground that the twi- lifht of Mohammedan min in Constantino- p e has come the lloslems. nmembering their warlike past, have in dea `r :osolv- ed to light the funeral pyre. nglish at- tacks u n the sultan hsvo inoroaaod their detenn nation to lsoe the wont. " Oh ';'$ Wh Touno, io, pt. . -- itooapu have created nnoehor sensation gby whi - in {Armor named Hnnu It Ho - P 5 ans tnllnn nn knnuinn Iuhn AHIIA Th: noon Innon nun nunu-no na- voonud inhcrvoniion of Raul: in -Turkey. now anomaly nllndo ho blc lneorfounoo on tho put of but print oolnnnuof odltorlnla. communi- cation, I-qaorh of matings, dlroohd `nnobhonlhn. `rho gonornl tone of t nrtiolctllin dopnoudmol holltad notion any power in Turkey, \_bn& gugncly voringnnhnnndlnho concoct of u. . Nmhx,Y , 23.-'l`ho Honld Ipoolnl fmmamxo that. novmrfnl . thonzh `u Shooting Treatment ot a farmer by Chllnnnu. THE EASTERN QUESTION. BEATEN. THEN BURIED. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. man DAILY nnrrlsn ware, WEDNESDAY, snmnnhsnn 23. -13:53. WAUUIUU UIIIIIIIUID IIIU VV UUI Hon cheap. Drou Goods from I c yard up. Ladies` Rudy-mu e jucketu horn Oso and upwards. For cw Goods go to