Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1896, p. 1

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OAK HALL nround the board. `me noun 0`! mo um ban. was prooont. And enlivened proceed- m . `gating his six months residence hero Col. Vidnl has made himself popular with thb oioera of the district by oourmonu and nffnble manner. He will leave About Oct. lute. 1. The Illunory Department of nu-are Dry Goods Itolwo. Few eoubliahmonta in this country have better millinory din lays shun has the rm o! J. C. Hsrdy & o. This morning the Indian 0! the city crowded the neon, nnd the cloth had their hands full to unit on them I. The Arrangement. of the dilu- ent. cluoa ond styles ol good: is so perfect that by walking around the dloront I menu pm-chant: can email; untidy t air mind: on 3 choice. The millinor do romont no Iomol dooontod vi at u.Ilo1nn. and rdn. Tlnntlu oi hm OM: ya: on very lnndoomo. onhomontutraotivoicnturuh Ibol-y Iiugunld hot. so named om: lb colo- bnudwmuolbhntnnno. [Ha undo groan velvet. rolling brim hot And Iron nhlomr nmmlad at-own. trimmed vi they Are Not Betlelled. lndignetion hue stirred thoee otoere of the native militia who have seen the zen- erel order regarding hrevet renk. It in en effort to grunt promotion to the oioere of the permanent corpe at the ex me of the other olcera of the milltie. n the im- perinl eervioe brevet promotion is granted onl on the moat urgent reoommendetione Indy for meritorious conduot in the field, while the ollicere of the Cenedinn permen~ ent force, many of whom have obteined their appointments in peoulier we e. will have merely to hide their time. on in the ordinary course of evente will for outrenk officers of the active milltie, who give their -time and money to their country : eer- vice. velvet. rolling am: noon Ana noon, oblong opanglod orown. with moire ribbon and with whim wimn And amnv. A lift! 5 gtooq mom nunon um Imn white wings and osprey. hm velvet ht. criminal hat. in also vwyontch; ltino! blnok lnouon twin ban. oboni on ad . ocean and bh Ihirnd ribbonoa crown. triuunotl abbot-uoly with -inn and mnmv. Anathn an: Inn Inn `IIIO IQW IJIIJIIII I0 'IlIlllWIe Widows, when left alone alter their hus- bands are taken avsa . very often haves time of it where rea estate is oonoemed. A widow. last Monday, had to sell her home on Bagot street by auction to utisf another heir who lived in the country an who was also a widow. The owner of the house had medea proposition which would not be accepted and when it came to a eale only the two widows were there bidding against each other, oneto retain her home, the other to make her pay as much for it as possible. When the new law oomee into effect a widow will be allowed to hold at least 81,000. and in this one this would have given the lady her home without I trouble. ribboma crown. manna onnonuuy mun wing! and y. Anothcr on in lap pa choni Eurplovol onwn, Itin- Hth bheh pt, Md gun that 'bhnn. nhnlnnvul it. Th Ho- iuuuna. Adventure lhvo A Inn `llnng. Out of I total of forty-ve dailies in On- tario, American Nevnpapor Direetory.New York. uooordo Acirculntion In nchunlguree to only fourwen; but the Wum is one of the fourteen. Ind the publisher: of this directory will gunmntaoe the noon:-ac of the rnting of thin paper by 3 rows of one hundred dollars, ynble to the rlt per_z-on who aucoeaefuwy it. Only ' Ali lleotlvo lnthod. loeqiedvdth pen. Each end e gen; the he entered euorchend during put fewdghh bee been trusted 09 edoee-el gen. fheehcthu bed In every ineteuoe. The men none In! the omherde to ll heir pooketln they take bags with them, and the lee: of {nut eueteined by tennore has been ooneidex-e~ hln, hundred dollars, ynmeno ma um. pormn aucoeaofuy uuilsit. Only eighty-seven out of 361 wooklioo in On- tario give adtual gures; the Wuxmr Wma in one of the honest pa rs, Andie open to the I100 not like the Ely. Tho Jewish {out or Buoooon or ought: dnyuio being observed. It in one o! tho foam that oommomornto the wondering: of the child:-on of Israel in the wilds:-non. In modern timgo, on! the first two nnd Int two do n` are 0 , though the entire peri is passed in honta or hnto. oannunhod for tho nurnooo. TM! in to W . :13: "dud hvorih urbane, Ml- le lPP"0d I N3 93% uiomlly carom: uqxonin ootnpnnymlll soon A: Ruth _ in nnio xlcrl moons. The Demon : Daughter, I Ion- Nmonul fares. full 0! oonutiousl climaxes; IIIO the latent tongs, medley! And dances of the tiny. ' entire period is passed In acute or nuu. oonuontaod pu rm. oommomonho the (aims w the founders .4 9.5.. ..... .i..Io.in nun. Thane no not oommomonuo the tame wnon one lollnunt of bin moo dwoltin huh. Thane no not ncbunlly erected out of doors, but no eon- sbruotod intho houses. auuu ble. nu -v pie V- _ V . sail Aamrrs am-ma anon. crrv AND vuydmnv. ` Llllhninnnodyh "lip Bacon`: Douch- t-Jv TIE JCWIII UXCl'VIIul- The Jewish font of Suoooth 0! oighb Igun in Inning nhnnr-rad. It in om ll A FINE ESTABLISHMEN T. :.-;-_ `m law Unjust To Wlaowl. .-l.._- ...L-.. I- nnA .05.. timi- unun rnoauql vim; J 1-..... `D.....L- ...LI. 1... Ah _______7,, T11Uns.uA'Y EVENING. SEPTEMBER 24. 1893; per. wnronouse. ~ Don't miss the grand panda of decor and bicycles. comical races. musical ride. Huh hand and the wonderful Poul: sisters at the akntingcrink. Oct lat, 2nd and 3rd. Admission, 1 . I`.-ggl. lnI\v\':A- Al Damn}-ma . olalininun we. The Kingston lodge of Oddfollowa will conduct the funeral oi the lam Wright. Mc- Ilroy, which takes plnoe to-marrow after- noon. Tho ag In put. at hall-mast, over the 0ddiollowa' building when his death occurred. l7`.....-ubIy.i.... .mJ..o- o.....-.A. |..u:..n In-ma . -'1 j/.,-y D kr I ooourroa. Everything point; towards having large crowds to-mormw :6 the bicycle races. Are you coming. K.A.A.A. grounds. Ad- miuion. 150.; gnnd stand. 10. Fnrmawok ulna :At. Boninmin IInnlon a. nuulon. 100.; gnnu auna. me. nlou Bonjnmin s, uevonth concoction. township Wolfe Island. on Monday. Sept 28th, at one o'clock, by D. Grant ; It the late McCIl|um Bros, township of Pimbn , on Monday. Oct. 5th, at noon, by S. . Dmry. (lolfaa and mm mm nndar the govern luh Dan. At. by 5. w. unvy. Coffee and to: are under the severe of the median! profouion. Iciu well known that dynpopois is often caused by ten and coifoo dnnkin . Mnddon Cerenl is A food drink mtdo rom mint, and takes the place of has And co 00. All rs roll it. Thomas C. Dnwnon. nhari of Linmin. Thomas C. Dnwnon. ahori Linoain. u-rived this morning with Thqmu Birch who will serve ton can in t.bopeniton- tinry for burglary. Klr. Dawson bu been down town or eight times within a short period. Bt. Cotharincuhu mules reputa- tion at the ponitaontinry. W. Rana. nitv nmnnnor. Inn At. first [)II% 0! 1 Ind 005%. All 1 ! FBI] II I on All`!!! Ana aonnnwn ureou. It hn t alwnyl safe to judge A man by his clothes. but. in nine ones out of can the ilnpdrtaunco of a town may be correctly gauged by the apposranoo 0 its local new- mac. r. Salter, Division street. complained to tbs polloo this morning thus his boy was acting very badly. I! the lad does not. im- provo the police will have to give him as trounolng. Panes that would he stood value at one nrounolng. Pang: good dollar we are aollin for 50. All new E. C. Mitche I. The electric light and gas works corn- rny no putting in a suction pipe at. the ool: of Quoonltreetl. It in a big job as the men have wget. down in the muck and cover the pipe. Cndunora hats for man. woman and me pipe. Cuhmere hate for men, women ehildlh. Lediee stockings from 200. We offer No pelr of 1 I111: fty cent. stock- ing for 750. R. Mc ml : Kingston car- pet warehouse. l)on t strand made decor- Aammuon, mo. Fresh supplies of R.ownt.ree a delicious chocolates at. E. C. Miuzhelh. TL; nnnn-I 0.}. Al 51.; Anal;-u-O lnlnnzl cuooolwoa M. n. U. mwcnelu. The Annual {air ol the Amherst Island argiculturnl aociot will be held at Stella on Tuesday. Oct. ch; Wm list: may be Ind from the Iocntary, . H. Moutray. In Mm lnnt. inun of Hm Cnnndinn En- onoral Hardware Dealer. ma rrom we Iecrenery, w. n. mounray. In the lent. ieeue of the Canadian En- gineer, A complete report. of the recent. convention of eutionury engineere. held here. in given. The number also con- tains views of the city and of the dele- mum. Mon at tho penmnunry. Runs. city scavenger. of the opiniolf that his horse`: throat. had boon out accidentally by I `act cf glue. Votodnnry Surgeon Boll mi it. must. nave been done by I knife. and Ir. Reeves think: he in now on the truck 0! the potion who did too oonulnptiblo Act. Th": vonnnnr of tho two hinhwnvmon pollen xoroe. um oagm we erecmon 01 three Iolid brick ruidonoes on the corner of Albd and Johnston obroota. 191... : .I...... ..l. 01: :..A.... . mm. In. wllu uuu IIII ulnuvuluinaunu nun. TM you of the two highvn men who man I Isl attack on Michal ` h- mmd Tomato, Int wook, Ina been iden- l by tho Ihthorlol of Kingston poni- hntiury Juno: McDonald. who was Ilbonua In April Inn, slur carving I term for thoh in Blntford. Thootber and older , nun In still nnidoot-Mod. `Flu; an-nlnp -unn"drnnA' will Inn Man suuu nuauounou. . ooInln$ "dvonl will be the Indih do Gymkhana undo: the gooltho Hun`: Aid Sociot in II; rlnl, Oct. 1ut.2ndnnd rd. 1! ho Ill kinduol bicycle noon. nudes! IMO, the Nth kind to an-ndnn, And u war-In:-hnl II|&II"|dO, IO ICED nd D0 `SIXTY-THIRD, YEAR.- some plumbing work. This morning 0. G. Johnson exhibiwd ` on the market. I clematis vine having over 6,000 blossoms on it. The rarity waa_pur- chased by a visitor in the city. Winn such swift novice riders naClearv. caused by vmwr in me any. Wlnn such swift riders naCleary. DIWIOD and Crowley meet. the result will be rooorda broken. Witness it Friday, Sega. 25th. 4-In up-5 nno-inn Q4.-no nnalrlnn no ta. zom. nrly next spring Sol-gt. Snodden. police force. will begin the erection of than mlid brink ruidannes on the corner yVlm'wansIv_v no [or .l.l'ol'w.uln'I'Gfdng tho In You! nation. The dodger h min: um, Thooilon -nnlmxauuuwdlho song. and we can I E. . Mitchell. w n M....1.|. m. u. unwnou. W. D. Muckler does not attribute his illnulbothe O Kill street sewer. but to one at which be was working, executing some plumbing work. Thllmornina O. Johnson exhibibed .. `u F0311`! not In: coo mind for yon. Our Full and Winter Good: on now upon Nifrtrnr "intonation. Inpottod nnd nnandhlg Twoodu, Hm Won-Md Ooodu. the Intel` pclurn. the cor- riat oumgnp notice! M ; oll our good: no nudI..|o Inn. up to dub In nIrlI" CI , 'IIII`A.U.u. hold A an lu6 Inc, which forty c sank` . Mumynctod I Rmhutu~-Non.h Kim! Thl Peak cistern will give their wonder lul performance so the coming bicycle Gymklnna in the skating rink, Oct. list , 2nd nnd 3rd. uoonoItoI~-11ort.n mug um an-con :sun- 1 in!` 5:00 p.In.. week dnys from Port Hope. uni 3:40 mm. G.T.R. tnin. Bnnley, IL (- IE0 ve mile bnndicnp race will be H. ' daily. Just. imagine Martin, McKay. I {largely and Smith all nishing in ca; un . ' Ilium. ....u:.... 1'... cl... ..-... ...:.... ..o D....l. i quuml an ts. ncnurn. 1 I! you In in doubt II to what ail: your 3 us, come in and we will examine them (no. E. C. Mitchell. I IN]: Cant. unn ti -no tho rnnn. nrnihinw ounon. Stone outtin for the new wing at. Rock- wood has 'tnI or the inune has been oom- plocod. be men nished the last. piece -Ad;-1| n w Ann: colon. nnnnu. osnvu, ow. full-`apply, st E. C. Mitchell ; : Omoono come allnud vihneu the local E hlniunim run. at 0 nun W:-inv Hank I '1.`unIuml weoplyannoo II: me was g olnb lwuo took plwo lat evening. here} nu I stbondnnoe. lilac -him and drawers very cheap. throo dietont sing: And twolvo different nnnlinn at D Mal`-nI`n mru auwonn sue: nnu aunllticl at R. Mcl`au|`|. ' `I ! nu. mu :. .I..n|.o .. in D-.1. B_BV CO. uuo. 5.. u. uucnou. Wu hot you will see the moat. exoibing nilhunt the bicycle noon on Friday, 2 p.Ih.. K.A.A.A. gmuufn. Jnuel Hutchooon, ngon for the Bal- p.In..I\.A.A.A.grou . Hutchooon,u':oot moral hotel of Montreal. at Aloxnndrin Bithit Iulnmar, bu returned. `(lgolfollov intonda removing his nhtmill {mm Alfred street. to Me- ' Ir}. 4. G. Israeli; nithhfallp, is mn- inhbndu in the city. mlnn. brnnhu. mnvn. om. I-An'AanAPo-as mcxsn up av own cum! nsronrens. `I150 0! may nay. I.llo-WhlI I90 lOAlIlhIII|3AhoIIt-Rothlnglr mnnthn~Annnunn cl `nun Wholro '`"......'.:.'* .. w III II A.. .-:3. ,.....-..:.......T *'.: .| ;II{6lDENTS_(lF_IE nu. unlu w. Mu:-my ncnou u prompwr. Rocholtu-Nort.h King nil: direct Sun- In 5:00 n.m.. week dnvu Hone. '53- . Th Illllll weekly dnnoo It the whiz xlnb took ohm Inn ovonimz. {`here I Hill 6!. laps. soaps. Our specialty is we. 5 nnd can give some grand values. L Mimhall. IOW IIIKOIIGI l'9IOV|lIg Ill! ldflnill {mm Allrod [{old1oundr , Queen nu-set. A.0.H. had dance in their hall Mal. .1; _I.:.h lnnfu M....I.. ...... n... | :36`. Igmo sriaiar. ` D OIIO %IIO Ill Illa WIIBCI me IOOII v noes atA2 p.ln., Friday. Sept. A.u.u. new aanoo In their nan ,'I:b,|h which ooupleu were pre- W. Mun-Iv send nrommor. IIAlI`l.II.$I'AlZI-lIIIlllll|[X' |thrAsunon oi `rhea whotro an -.1`n, |l I01 [DO HIIIIIB III! 0000 OOH}- a 1 Y IXIIIPIZ WUIV I I prompwr. my nails dimer. 8 pa :-Ifhor 1?: Ir. uukp:I_a h V ow an mu: 0 In ldio no we, strong and higher, under A bu I campaign. There is talk ol the: axilmnoa of I 1100! or sarong ma mgner, unaer nun oampugn. existence of pool combinntion Among the big denloru. Do- cember wheat cloned 25. higher at 850. H. McAlphin and L. Wnlbur. wealthy mg. This morning the city engineer and Ald. Carson, chairman of the board ol orh. looked over the O'Kil| street outlet, ith I view of remedyin che nuleence. B. Holder will begin 0 extension work at unce. ueorgoo cnonr. mm mm: uooompnmmonn. will take part. Rev. Mr. Bcnmllh, ol BL Georges : ontbodrul, will preach. Tho services on Snndny will be of I t.lnnlagiv- in` chnncber. 5.- .u-s.....a:.... .4 n.- n..:...a no... Dr. n in .Indou- to-dsy. Ilia A.. lllol. In In Toronto. . .A. on, olthb noun n.T'on|o. R. . ones. lovIllo,_ithon on Inui- noes. . Bee B|IO!"l window hr bargain: in not wear. . . Pnrick Duly md N. D. Donnuiut - Ottawa. \ - 2 Min Kirby, Picton. in the gnaw o! In. I birling. > _ i Th; `Bx-itinh osptund 900 prhononsb ;='~ ........ . _ are is 5 In|p." All summer a ' . out at Bakol. ' H R. 5 near hold hinnnning horn no Liout. k of '`A battery. | Min Lizzie Parks: In: ntll-nod shot I [UK IIIICIIUJ UI IIIIPIU ly tted spectacles. make a specialty of ting spectacles prop and can guarante perfect t. in is 01 mo mono approved pattern. A delegation is in Ottawa to-dny from Toronto. asking the dominion government. to give 850.000 to the dominion exhibition there next year. Mayor Fleming headed the dologntion. James Lomrharn. mnmmar of the mint une aenognmon. Jmgos Longhorn, manager of the int. works, King strut went. bad the middle finger of his ri ht band Iovonly crushed this morning`; a bind was dressed at the general capital. Last. ovenimr I Ind nnmod Funk Porter me genera: noupwal. evening nnmod Funk was struck in the head by I atone thrown by a companion. A deep cut. Ina inflict- ed. The two lads can-y papers and quar- rellorl on King street. To-nicrhr. A small dahnhmant of A" reuerx mug screen. To-night. 0. small detachment of battery, forming an edvunoe guerd, \ leave for Lepmirie to prepare for I camping out. of the buttery, which I leave here tomorrow night. The Elrvnthn u: wee hoiebed veel leave nere no-marrow mgnn. Thzsthn ng wn hoiahod yacht- do 0 n In, and IO dcrvilboo are in ful ight, an no being purauai by the gunbonta on the river and by the cavry on the west. bunk of the Nile. I"|\in mnpninn `D A nn -ugl A-Ont. we wear. mnk ox momlo. This morning D. A. Goya. ronl estate broker, sold I brick atom on the south side of Princes: street. immediately Ib0V0 Johns` grocery,` ta .1-I. Hnrlmoln. It In: part, of the Dr. Dupuia epmh. The wheat maker. in Chinro is active. camber wnou. ololoa zgc. mgnor at. we. McAlphin and wealthy Ameriun railway dignitaries. Arrived in the city. last evening. on the noun yacht Sport. and left. to-duy on the K. & P. oili- cinl car, for Bob : lake. tor 11 rock`: sh- ln . "zfhin morninu the nitv nmrinanr Ind Ald. once. Thohnrvoat service: in St. Mark : church, Bnrrieehi, will also plnoo to-night. St. (,-'eorge o choir. with lund uooompnnimont. his nnrb. Rnv. Mr. Bnmlnh- 11! BL m cnnncwr. he diuhunding of the Unlbod Shun oot. conoontrnod at Port A la for munu-uvring will occur soon. T 0 mobili- mtion has been boneoicl in drilling the men, but dinutroui u 1-1-Irda douortlom, twenty men having recent. y loft taho Phila- delphia in I body. lPoI|on.' B.A.& nine}: 0! ox-mayor Polnon. and the Rev. um: Rollins. B.A., at Illr I -vnln Ont, l"In lurid: Innind nlnrmlnn in W0` oho'oi. W0 all than $1 an iow prices to we Your eyesight by wear- ing inferior or improper- ly spectacles. We specialty of t- ting properly and guarantee a E. C. MITCHELL Ohomlut Incl Optloun, umuva aunng the summer. H. H n and W. Convery. who left here on t. 0 str. Montoagle, returned this morning from Bulhlo. They lelt the steamer In the dry-dock there. An apparatus for prosecuting X ny ox- perimenta has been ordered from Gormnn for ule at. the Kingston nonl hoapiu. I t. is of the moat npprov pettarn. dalmatian in in Ohhwn m.d.|v fmm ` Vol-Ily the Student: of Queen : Love Inch lnhor And than Principal to Wall. It Ins I very plunnt company that nthorod, Int ovoni . no the ruidonoo of 5. Smart R. MoCAnn, rothar-in-lnwof tho bride, towitnou Dr. Grant. pa-form tho marriage ooromouylaotwoun Min 1. C. Polnon. B.A. slant and tin Rev. ning Rollins. B.A.. 4:! Elm- end H10 HOV. JIDC IIOIIIIII. .I$.A., G Hill` -vale, Ont. The bride looked charming in e coetuuaeol whiteerepon end oerryl e bou net of whiteroeeeendmrneone. I?!-e main of honor. Mia Dupu|e,..wel hemm- ingly attired in lawn And pah. The groom wu ably eeeieud h Rev. A. Brynn. After: hril G course in the uni- versity Min oleon (reduced with honor: last spring. Bhe we: I gnu fever-in with her student frlende. by whom the will he reutly mined. and who join with the day {ends in wishing her evR.heppineee in her new uphere Inhor. number end hnnntv nl thn wnddinn RUM ii! to IE her npnon ox moor. `nu nnlnnur um beauty 0! the wudding `Yb tutlfy to tho warm plus Kin! Polaon in tho bath 0! bet nanny Moods. loyn}lnlIl.InolcnItl1. Atthoannnlnootingfortlolllchollou mdonurionn ' oonpnyyutu- day I hall-yurly Allvidld ah! lb abuoholdon. lnowot yca- dluonol tho loaoatilnoouotruellouol two hkohuhhrnnbdwcnn Tonniond Dnnnnnkl Q-A Imtuunptl nnj won me tram noes. Barrie has A new 0 rs house. thea- terior being of S niah sign. The inwrior is built. on the ranch plan, with setting accommodation for 1.000. rm... .;.. n:|...:... |..I......:.... 4.. . In....., nccommounuon [or 1.000. The atr. Pilgrim. belongin to A King:- Lonayndicato. arrived back rom Ottawa yeaterdn . She van in nforry nervioo at Ottawa Juring the Hogan and \V. Convarv. who left vv"5'v7r1n serve you no that we will keep it. tor some mna. The str. America arrived back from Prescott. at 12:30 us night. On account of the weather being cold many people I took the train back. I1...-:. I... . ..-.- .m.... 1.-.... 01.-.`, ` and reoewea e oeremomoue welcome. Give the Kingston laundry 1 chance to show you what they can do in line [sundry work. Oioe Baker : genta fumiehing laboro. n.. u 1* m.n.., no n....m.... .15.! store. Dr. H. T. Ridloy, or Hamilton, died ! suddenly on Tuesda on steamship Bom- gvieeta, bound-for ueboc, when the hu just arrived. I At. Cobnurcr A vounn dnuwhtar 01 John Just. arnvod. At.,Cobourg A young daughter 0! John ` Luis, nged ten years. dropped dead yes- terday. She had Ind severe hip disease for time. 'n.. ..o.. A.....a... .....:....a L... 0...... Aroumlnop ungevm reecnea av. nom- fnoe Wedneedny, on his return from Rome and received oeremonione welcome. 1 nivn than Kimnhnn hnmlrv g nlnnnn tn now out: ween In mocnuur. n. 1. Fred. Buthu-lnnd hu Icon:-ed s_ tion with I large boot And Ihoo utabl 0 I 3; Detroit. P Ila-Lnuahlin n Tam Nvn. took nnond ' II: DONOR. I P. McIAughlin l Tom Nye, took Uooond ` in tho :-unnin non It Prescott yolbrdny. I The Knlp mo rm. The noun mva nndienoa vutnrdnv Do 10 VG BIIGIOIIX Ml 1 Right. . T. Lohrooquo, bishop of Chloontimi, Canada. ` Ald. J. J. Behnn wu ut the open house last night, and feels satised thnt Min Fay has some great war. The huts no by hhingu in nookwut at Baker ; l Arohbiuhop hngon ruched St. Boni- Wednandnv. on return XI: _ . We buy from the but main. We would like your shoe ends. hlout. Uook o! "A" bans-y. Miu Lizzie Pu-kor he returned visit ofcix wash in Rochutar. N. Y. rm: n..u....I....a L... nuns!-MI . nanition no vu-ylmuduvn lunch` knllnltpf $00- n_ n..`.n.. x. .n..:..|.. Ind... and.- azusnu; PARAGFAPHB. A HAPPY AF!-'AlRr Eavo audience yutardny L nnndn. will I the I will ronto. nun ovomng. Pto. Pom Hougill, "A battery, con- fined wtho otal Dieu tor the put ve wank: in nnnnvnrina, " GI: . . L. Strong and wife, Clevohnd, Ohio, are mnkin a tour of Onuldn on I Madam bicycle. hey have Arrived here from Brookville. u. cn.;....... .........r...o....-..- n` th. Hun. l. Sea-gt. A. Brough says he has ven up nllhopee of receiving e medal mm the Royal humno aociety of England. Ac- cording to the rules epplloetion Inn to be nude within three months of the rescue. TI`. "`I`lIllIl\ I-i-lhlunnvingn snack: M The old WI or mlnclnc has been o1tlrely sun. 1 pended. ENTERPRISE Mont j BIJITCIO. . The funeral of the IMA Mn. Rubin took place yeeherdey. end the ob niee were conducted by her ne ewe, R. . Elmer. Joseph Elmer and A bert Elmer. and their relative, Edward Hunt. She In bid to rant. rim}: Lhn nrnntnlt Inndernen. novelty in sport. The poccponod practice match boewun the ondota and my Mum will take plnoo on Saturday. Sundny next. weather permitting. a dmnn mamhan at the Kiuuton bicycle doun momhon OI N10 LINK"! club will wheel to Nlpnneo and :- Mnmhars of the Athletic kl! Shae . J. Mohdorine reached at the nnnunl hu-vent. feotiul in 0. Mark : church, Deu- ronto, lut. evening. Pm. Parcv Houmill. "A" batwry. nnoa no me now: um wash. in recovering. T. F. VnnLuvon. ca ween. ll recovering. T. F. VnnLuvon, county treuul-or, no- oom nied by Mrs. VnnLuvon and daugh- ter. gins Annie. were in Brockvillo yoItnr- dsv. ut. skinner, mnnmncwror 01 one ann- nor bum. Clayton, had A putty u from Clnvmn an I vnmhb. vumrdnv. 0 be- mu. ulnywn, mm puny lag n-um Chytouonu yacht. youtordny. longn to the into:-nsblonnl nh commis- don. on. J. H. Honubrid , for I number of years oonnootaod with t 0 oicu of the Bay of Quinta nilroud. bu baon nfpointod to I . D nnnihinn in the G. T. on in Man- name within three momma or one rescue. The Chicago British-American speaks of Jack Spuku, of Kinguhon. and Im 1,500 mile mp to Chicago and return an being ngood performance loreled 0! hit ego. He is returning vi: Toledo, Cleveland and Buffalo. 'n.- r....-..| .1 u.. In. M... inhln um]: need without wuto. We koep all the lat- oat labor curing house- hold helps. rouuvo, mawu-u nuns. uno wu root. with the create tondornou. Whit In 'l't-nnnplrlng In tho Iportlng Aron: ol I'M: Buy On]. Polo on bricyoloo in the latent Putin novelty in sport. Thu uoutnonod nnchioo Sunday non. voucher ponnlnung. a demon member: Kinglton bicycle nlnl. -ill chm] tn Nnnnnan nnd return. club will wboolw Nnpnnoo and ml . Members of cho Athletic lino mun no unxiouu for I Iutoh with the King- ntona. touko plnoonoeluortlnnoot. lit. They am willing to put up a pane of Q5. It. was I live-you--old pqon $510 8. Hukneu purchased. He got Inm from the pnopriohor of Bhutan Maid. Hr. Hu-knots mode 5 bid for Bunion MAM. but his offer In: not . 'rh.I..o. lmt. mm: in an uric: for I lllt ni ht: and VIII pI`000&`I to Monll. D. ortooun. connected with 1. New York daily paper. is visiting friend: in the citl. Dunn`. H.`--can nl tho Pal-ininn `1lIlIl`PV. QIIIIIIA Illlfm. DID D000 I position in the G. T. R. o hmnl. his oor not Tholus loot:-sou in tho node: gold medal, pnnontod b C. L. Bus. will take place in the city par to-non-avatar noon. The nal Hutu in tho quu-hr nib and looynrdfduhwibomnol. Tlm nnorh It Roclvood hdlill VIN boon out down for uot. nun. In on- loyoou whoinhondoon in; an o- E... Thoonnh will cl In hon eon- o..o.4I in an nhunrionohln . Do- lo who Inuna con ovcnh mud. For the ohunpionchlp . Do- Iunoy and J. Imvlou In tho favorites. guest. or nor manner. '1'. 1`. umuvun. T. J. Taylor and wife. Dooorontso, are here to spend I few days with friends. Niolmlnn Ponnollv arrived from the west: ENTEBPRIBE Cho porn mlnoos per- 190' y, uad many tooth- umo dishes on be pro- pued with It at small cost. ENTERPRISE B31511: Seeders are simply con- uoted and Inexpen- . Remove: ovary wute. keep ll -vn -nu -u -... hen: ta; sliaond dn3.r`a"w|-an-vf1:i`;|r-sift . Nicholas Connolly arrived but ni ht. and will proceed to Montana]. D. on-mom. connected out . ghomu Wnrmn. of the Parisian laundry, bu Iocurod A position with Sunny 0. Stancv. nnd looynrdrdnnwtunornnou. Thonportctllocloodh GIIVI boonIotdow.nfor0:t.. ..|....... -h.. inland mnnnntlnn All annulu- lonnonu ot tho Pooplo-What they An Buying and Doing. Mrs. G. R. Mclhy, Baookvillo, is the guelt. of her brother. '1`. F. Vnnluven. Tnvlor wife. Doooronbo. I for Kingston (I-om uewego and unarlotre. The two wheelamen ol the 88. Booe- mount were discharged at this rt. It was claimed that the accident to t Rose- mount was due to their inattontion. The Roeemount ie steered by than and a man Inn to know the boat pretty well as the motion of the rudder cannot be lelt by the steam prooeau. '1'ne an from any or qmnne porno. e steamer Wilhelm end oonoorc Geleten, Duluth, with 78.000 bunhele of wheat. for the M. '1`. 00.. arrived Int even- m`ho eteunhu-go An-hone Inn to have left Prescott at ten o'clock this mo:-ni In Kingston. She will be moved up and we I new crank pin put in upon herlrrinl. Rae in to the Iteemor Roeemounh were oomp eted Inc night. and the big freighter loat no time in getting own . She has the schooner: Winnipeg and umnon in tow. There has been quite A strong wind and hour eea on lake Onterio for the pun ooup e of days. This ie the cause for the dole ing of I great many veuell bound for ingeton from Oewego and Chorloetae. The noun ooqpuou-A In-cu; vu-u - lalo onhllouglhllrblllprng -`l'hnl4unlov|Inlu-Innululu. Thovsliu-inoholurbordroppodnninoll dll . Rixuduoutlouuolouiing I bugs `with pan for Mental. ' Tho Thomson, with six 3|-sin ladnn hate for Hum-all to-dn . eta-In drum In hoisted u nom- inthagindioatonhuvygulofl-ontho vat. ' ctr. Gknclrry And oouon Minno- don oleuod, late night, for Fort William to loud what. The sailing yacht A:-iulno wont into wintu quarter: below Onhnqnl bridge this morn! . . The ntr.libnndbu-gohinsuupuohd down from Douronto ho-day. They pm- nnni to Ottawa. (IOWII XYOIII 1%` end to Otlmu. Th. glam-an Mm ended. ` ENTERPRISE ` bonnet: Dor- ` oooawoomn. Thonloopa nndI4nnD.u-an Riohudnon t elevator with oak. Thug from Bay of Quinn parts. '1` n.I.o.. n..I..u. ..u_|. nnnn lmnluln of ARJUND HAR9`6lIH Ilnluornnnn Wu Ialnodllla Inn- n.-_.n...|- an an manna I2 I WHAT I8 TIIANSPIRINO IN AND tirookvllle. Mr. Skinner, manufacturer of the Skin- mp Inn` lnutnn had a nnrtv nn frnm The non! extensive ungo- of_matoriIl cu mm Ind aummgnt} i Inn-us-unhnun. { uonnoluj. ] Fall & Wint? mutton : dlng Clothing Home IARINE INIEIILICENCE. SPORTING PARAORAPH8. PERSONAL `MENTION. Latent London and New York Fashions. Street. Phonn-W 01. Lowont prion. T. F.l1Ll$IBUN. Uuolrrnn Ann Itlunun. Phonn-WnrorooIm, 9-8;! nrioon. ilil IIIIQBI. . Ln Ulbll In m..i .."'e.....o:!`.'1's.`.a".';.a...`.s..."""# nhono communication. Prlnoou strut. Oornot E phono ROLLINH-P()l.B()N-L-Ii`;-Egglbon. Out. on Wednoadnf, 23rd September. tthho ud- donooof . 8. R. Mocnnn. Ibo Rev. Prinoi I01-sub. D.D.. lbw. 31%|- linn n Elmvnln, OnL.m Rnnn C. RI. Ell OOBPOEATION 0!` THE Urn ur Rln con will ronclvo under: {or the ar- chn 0 about `lnngroas tom 0! Iocond- and tall`! .RAlL:l. all P A'l'ES.ltc. Scaled-Tendon (mark an hr fox V:-ullg;_wIl_l __ nlln. MCILRl)YAuddOnl , near Morrhlm m.....a... 9..., nu. `mail: In Auv-u6n3],y:::vv. lICIII\l. vv el-uv -gaunt . The funeral will leave hie let: residence. 216 Oolborne ebreeh. on [1113 afternoon at. three o'clock. Friend: acquaint- nncal Are reeneotfullv invhnd to I21. `nu Uolborne wrote. trim uurnoon ances no rel tfull invited to thud. 8w.uN--At. Mi iury tons, Kl . CI Ram. 23rd. Alina. [om-uh dun: In (I I. BOPII. '3|'(I. AIIOO, IOIIITII lllitllf C In Swain, Aged 22 you-I-. Funeral on Fridnynornoon ngtwo o'clock sharp. Friends and noqulnhnoll In respectfully invited to ntaod. BOOK. WITH OI. WHEOUT whoro I you; man could (in 4 bar urgo In nun lot In III. I... no oo- I8.WI RAVI 1'!!! IE1` PAW non our oond sunk. cu c t tun bound: by on man on vocal. lodonht about I . lnzcrhl illvawuo ., Box P. I , Wlndnonon W. E. IJEENMAB. lolnu. DIIIOIOI urnln can Iuou. block nbovo old nun . Tn: Lunulo Ulmnnl strut. hlophono mu. 1 MuNAIIn-In Kingston: 85 Wlllloln It:-cot, on Sept. 24th. 1896, to Mr. and III. I. McNnmao. n dmmhhr. m~:'i.1.nuLs.ru1 Boalod-Tendorumnrk for runs; will ho roodvod bbtho undersigned no em 0 o'clock 7-In.on ION AY. Oxmobor Mb lrom whom ILH-juthuan Inn: be obtain . A certied ehoquo for 060 must sooolnponx MI tender. %gnod.) 1 . 0. E31033. 0101 Engineer. mason. Sent. lard. 1:90. zY3.5y`:n2.i xf T..`.'f_:u."'J an new noovwy may I and: hold up an tnu. {moon And Introdunu 3 dfsoovwy uul throughout. town and ocnnur ohm ulonnont ; oomnlulon or , I ll: d . lul 2:." .3 ::r.."'....u #52: `~*..,. WI !!! W'EOU'l' N you; `H3: bar or nu-vloo In. I8. I HA `I'll! III!` PAW of"!!! nnlr in made In any inoiu: mil oxpounon. and In Inuit" ' ' bank In stoned. W m %:lE\O01I'|I:O Wynn?! Indlool Iootrh , e! 0| M ,,._,*f':'-' o""'."` *" / ',',':"" ,3 ?- Allllnd UM: Quanta : Unlvor-Icy, Alford: I fall Univonlty oouno. The lubontorlu And other sprlhlvu of the Univ-cult, no 0 :.`.`...?.':'.`L 3.....'.`.`me'..n.'.."' f1I.'..""""' ' ` V1'uhp an packing ' lIo%._I1_| .5315`?! Pligleqlod :3:-.{-=~*-v........% --= --r `23..-:-...-.*:::-..:..:e.'.w It may be the styles, or quali- ties, or prices-perhaps it : 1 com- bination of the three--or it ma" be the fact that ladies k that our whole stock of t ' goods are new and up to dual _ style and all this season : buying! `Buy your Mantle. early aid` have first pick. tbt throngs the department with rea'dy buyers. . .- . . ... wsxn-can PROIAIl_I,l_`I I,[,_!,V., 10 um. -8uon; `_% plush-on with |nd'VIIiu `n .. ;"`\ signmc"ant % Something ` ---'-ABOUT OUR-'-_-'- J [ N cw Man'il6's b`v.|I::'I.n`:.`l'oI I rrtnoa I ut-nub. u.u., NOV. Juan ml- lino,a Elmvale, Onb.,to Bunn 0. POI- oon, of this city. ipclgag SMOKING- McILn.mrr8ud.denl Mgrrhbn . on Tuonda , Sept. ` M], `Wright Manny. unsd vmrn. 5wun--Ar. unwary stores, A: Sept. 23rd. Alioo. lourlh dug ht ol I. Swain. used veu-I-. n nope. um. law, no 4 McNnmeo. 5 daughter. ,co cA"""wm 4 For Fatlguo ol Mind and Body - Nu-vounncu and slooplounllli lv..- -_-.- nu.-. .-.. --.a--..\ nvu vvu-uv-u --nu vnvuyuvu-n-uyo (You cant Iuuuou Icnuv) AIIIIIIOHT. NILION O 00.. lbuhlhotnlvnurnnlall. AN IXPIIIINOID nousnum. "PL! so In. NIOILI. II) lul strut. ??-1% IIHIIBIIJ WE E too no I wool. Don R(K)Il l0hI l`.W!'l'Il)AID.$W I V --T WOOD WEAVIBI AT KXNGUIDI (XVPIUU J Hill. Stood: wort. DANJEGANI P111011: '1`W6_ KBHJOND-1:455? , HIGH 0 In cod 0 r in Inna and Ion. dim A110! `IOVI $=:.r-.w"i`='5`=-=4 _ an '1`: . GENERAL SEBVAHT. APPLY A!` $ Prlnoon strut. T I "c`:`.3%':`. .`., u,`....`.`-`~'"-">""" BOUBIIAID. APPLY '10 III. WAL- L lam. Barrio nthot. POR BALI OR TO Rm DIIZIZL HHILD FUN DnI..L.. 0! THE CITY OF under: nhnno About 10 non _Iocond- n AP! tom. noot. .)l'l'lD - BIL? - IIJ sun looulfl? ; 0! Ir: I noovuymul For Sula by All Drugglntl Tizmakecnrs T0 II I-I1`. V w. u. nnninmt. hnnn-mu Alh IIIALII HINBY Ill-All. unln-nun: All! lanai _ ..J , I Thumb Contury Wundul T. F. HARRISON. II Ann Hung`: ul WANTED. BOARD. LOST. There IVILY GU TH__RAIN COFFEE vn nnonmu (`J nnnn Ar I I . L .... ll AHIHE Eva L Fay, ;` __..,____._._______. PAI..l'. SEASON, I896. THE FAIR I IAHATIA. . . om! PRICE stroke. 113 Prtnm 81.. lorth Slda - Klmtol There's a hint or two of foreign style yvorked into every one._of them, for the Millinery chief is Jul] of ideas gleaned {rpm Paris, London and New York, and they are modestly priced. Parlors, ground floor. Mantle Display, second oor, same days. `HA TS may BONNETS Hundredsx hair! been received during the_ past two weeks. Friday ..Day TROLLING BPOONS. 360. opening " THE DAILY LBITISH Wm. STEEL`;M'l LS`FOR SALE. mu nnnunnA'l`YnN nl' THE (`,l'l`Y () They'll get their first shoring inod.) ELGIB, Llnguton. Sow. --1- ""-"`"V"""""" hq|qouu--0 Annals-Mhaluu. Aluunvuu d-unlit-inking. moim In run can all 9. IIL. UIIIIIIV vvu I I... A great. nerve rontoror. Chmtuer Ind more (run-nnt than ten. or coee. Gro- cer if. I 79 Wellington Btrest. HARD%Y S "Uu-*-ru-'vvr---v-r-- ,.-q...sa...._.nAs..n|nn. Dvevt-rlnary __ College -IlIV&IIIl 3 Pipes are the kind we are showing. They are good value :1. 400. Your choice 10!` v The lost Wonderful Per- formance ever witnessed in illlnuton. Everybody nun zed ilatoot 0|-lontul Dongntlon, -SOMNOLENCY Kingston. Ever body unnzed Don min uolng the tlemen. The men in oemp who has seen the greatest srnount of active service in all its varied fo is George Muller, head chef of the 47 I) mess. Mr. Muller has seen sc~ tive service in India and various other eastern pens with one of her majesty : creek regiments. end has been in the front of many I stubborn fight. but his verbisl modesty makes it hsrd to get im to tell of his personsl experiences. Never- theless seven ugly scsrs testify to his hav- ing been s men of courage and slways in the thickeet of the fight. Of late years Mr. Muller hss been engaged as either chef or steward in hotels or on upper lake steamers. and the recherche spread. which gladdenn the hearts of the 47th officers when coming off perils. exemplify his skill and thoughtfuln . This is the fourth time Mr. Muller has had charge of 47th kitchen, end so satisfactory in every detail has been his service that it is now understood thst his engsgement is im- perstive whoever the csterer msy be. Arthur Smith. associstod with the 47th pernbive whoever the caterer be. Arthur Smith. meee end who has nlwaye been known as an admirer and close observer of noturo. found 3 nre hotunicel specimen Tuesday evening on Ordnonoe etreec. The plont. belongs to the lilieceu order and Mr. Smith hevin onrelully preeeed it will Add it to his her `um. (1--n Macho. Mn '7 (`A Innkn -hnrnlv it his horbunum. Caps. Mnybeo, No. 7 00., looks sharply that the need: of his men And by his many kindnounoa bu made himnoll very popular with the boy: from Odooet. Ho supplies the men with v ables And other extra. linking their bil of km more varied than that 0! most. of the others. ~ It. and Mn A R Jnlun-nm, (`mishan- Shoe Facts..... UIIII DUDE: 1101.6!- The 47th but. band, with headquarters at N: nee, bu undoubtedly the moat. skill drum me or, Mr. Ferguson, in cen- tral Ontario. e bu perfect command of his baton, the movements, of which be he: over thirty, being Intricate but all grace- lul. Ac nearly every camp he has attend- ed Mr. Ferguson has been asked to give an exhibition ol his akillv for the entertainment of the commanding oioern, and many are the praises he has received from these gen- blemen. that 0! most. ol the omen. Rev. sud Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Outhou- dnll, called on Cpl. Hunter yeaoerdny, and won Ihown through camp and enjoyed the bomalion drill. nvo men were on one not uuyosroruny. Two out ol (our vionh left the hospital unrgdin the mom ng and three others on- m . - ' I To dny nu`-:20:-n Injor Neilnon delivered ulectutetao tgeominesmpon Con- veyance ol lick wounded end netvioo ot the red and society." Row. A. W. Riohndnon wunvieieoret bk. nu`:-on -MI Wlthll `Ibo Llano. Thp uh Hutu: were examined in boll ring at the bums yoehtdu Five were the Iicllintyosrordny. Tun amt. en! [mar nnnnta loll. hhn hounilnl tho can y. Tho boa. willloovoior homo Friday night. Pornidan to an olocl In boon obninod. 47bn mu. Medical oicor of the day, tomorrow, Surgeon-Lieulz. Curtis, 4751: both; next. for duh , Surgeon-Major Duff, 4th Hue-urn. ha drill: for tomorrow will be "as do- he drill: ballad In "Courn of Training," issued with general orders 0! 1896. I Brimdo order No. 6. of 2131'. hush. ro- dut surgeon-Major uun, Ann ue-arc. I genenu oruera 0| wuo. Brigade 6, inst, lating to muster e, is hereby cameo!- led, and the fol owing substituted 2 4th Hus-ere, nine o'clock a.m.; 45th bat.t., hen; 470}: hem, eleven. non. Oooneomnnodingoorpa In can In tlntndditionnl radon should huopboorz Iorvod totholnon during thlhoold won- Lhor. utho hon. bnoinl utmosphoro HAlNES& Loam no;.m Armnrrn SLATER SE03. ntiono, The AMI: bub. vino nanny words of who from Ipuouton who want: the men uunounu hndlululln. Brlgsde Onion. luuod 23rd Inn. The 45th butt. will furninh the main guard, to mount. st 5:30 o'clock p.m. to- ny next for duty, 47th bath. ield olcor 0! tube day tomorrow, duties to `n at 5:30 p. In. to-da . Major Brown, 4m.h M..; next for duty, njor Spoonor. 47bh baht. Mnrlinnl nin-r nf than 3:17. mmnrmw. drill. 000., by Uol. Vlau Incl M.IJOllflll0' way. The 4th Hueun were iven e leaching inspection by Mejor Eeeeerd, R.C.D., on Bnrxieeld common yesterday afternoon. Each troop was examined separately and made I satis- lactory showing. Col. Otter, inspec- tor of infantry, was expected to ur- nve at camp to-day, but the official inspection is not set down until Friday. To-day there we: I general muster. Psy- mester St:-sage was present and checked over the pay sheets. During yeeterduy and today many visitors ins ted the camp and were shown through t e lines by the courteous gellsnts-in-Arms. lupeeon by the commanding ooet C.`UU.C`->1-E0" the Inn Dllod - A not or nation human as capp- Genunl Notes by me Way. The volunteers in comp lulu-ed terribly fnomoold during the put two nights. Des- pita their ntnolt exertions they could not we:-In. Tho In their blood hirly one in their no. Tuesday night the wenther wu tinululy oold, end more than one -he defender 0! hi: country wiehed himnell no home, on ly tucked nwey under worm hlenhetu on n bed which nlfordod more comfort thnn mother earth. mum the oicou admitted thnt if some one started the movement they would have left comp and come over to the city, remaining .4. 3 hotel .11 night and mturni to comp in the mornin . No one was and who would lead in one I breech of discipline, no the oieeu were obliged toremein under come: and on- dure the cold. TL. onnu-I in III-nninu In A lmrminnhian than the com. Tho camp in drawing to n uuninotion and no one connooud with it will turning hit back on thonito and being homowu-dn. It in manually ldmibhd this previolu camp but at the uuxxov Dime mili oicials oonfen that the net- nonia too at advanced for the holding .0 ....d.. an imrmnnh Affair. The semi. ` Om. Prlncul and Wellington Shoots. Ionil too far advanced lot line nolamg of Inch` an important niir. The nomi- oicinl inn tion of all the corps in csmp is over. we inhntry rogimonu were in- I taodjn interior economy, company rill. am, by Col. Vidal and MajoI~Gallo- van. The ziven WWI GALLANT MILITIAMEN WILL VAOATE THE FIELD: [CAMPING name A CLOSE. C UNIX! t the dolly Kmqsfrox. oNrrAB1o, DCIWCII TIW nun. . Mrs. S. Lowe, Portemouth,he.e dieoovered that a letter addreeeed to her from New \ orlx was opened and money taken from it. Thie particular letter wee poeted eome time ego. The other day Mre. Low re- ceived another letter. and found that this too had been opened. This latter did not contain any money, however. The last letter had evidently been opened by a regular letter opener. The t oice oiliciale told M re. Low that the rd material of the writing paper ineide would have a tendency to cut nhrou h the end if the letter received mnch han lin . How- ever. the fact romaine that the ret letter V wee robbed. and many poo le think the eecond letter wee opened or the name P1301]. lfurewell To Ool. Vldnl. A farewell dinner was tendered Lieut.- Col. Vidsl, district oicer commending military district No. 3, by officers of A battery, R..S.(3., end the Nth bett. The dinner was served in the mesa room at the barrecks, the scene 0! so msny historic meetings. After the heavier pert of the function had been gone thmugh with, the remainder of the evening wee given over to amusement. Songs, recite- tions. otc., were given by those eeeted around the board. The bond of the Mth L. um. nu-nnnnl and -nlivnnarl nnnnnnd. J. CORBETT,

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