Just to hand shout I00 doun of tho wry Int- act In HOBBY NRBK- NEAR I I.ho- follnvrlng Mom: : lvnm|on.`l`ntnnn n Rpm:-. Polka ta. llrurn-lea. "angina: 170 mm tho 0:- ollulvo right On soil. In. Font- Ihllnnrl sud lnou. ho ul-I alaul. Ivovnhlnn new Ind up-to-Into. Qnoln-`n looobaul suit:-. nut qlltly. canon nah. Hnullod number. Look in htnnlny. H. D, -BIBBY co. srmn Ben Notes. This ha been the first camp for stuff- rergosnlie Hunter and Ennis, er. mhey hsve stoonded to their duties 1i e veterans. The hsvebeen insepu-Able school oom- psn one for yesrs. AI: the close of osmp toheymskes briptolissonri. oreotznk-_ in; s long oouree st "0" sch . `Hospital sugusnt. Meek Ins Insde many friends since; the boy: by his kind at- tention: and expeditious msnner of trest- ing their ailments. Charlie is the life of the aergeunw mesa. his humor being as effective in aiding digestion say his pills sud medicines. I...o. nvnninl! An imnrnmntu entertain- tends. Bri ode Sex-gt.-Mejor Butcher, R.R.C.I., is of pinion that better results would be obtained by the Cenedinn militia if each regiment was permitted to drill at head- qunrteru every you, end brigade camp held only every two years. In, this my the whole force would be drilled end I better clue of men would be obtained. He in also of opinion tint eergee of blue or grey ehould be furniehed the men for drill nurnoeu. tunioe balm: worn only on pt would no rurnuuoa one man xur unu purposu, being only pm radon for inspection. tainod the winning nun; Sou-gt. Battle, R.R.0.I., noting newt.- mujor of the 47th butt. in very popuhr in camp. Ho bu pooivod many :13 in- vitntiona from olobrl of the 4 th to vilit `them for s poi-iod., To hi: uxurtions with the rcruiu of the corps induo thofood showing made at inspection. Ha I an indofatigsble worker and painstaking with tbo.,mon. The officers hope to obtain his oenfriiooa at the next camp the regiment nt- um I. IOFVIOOI Rri D1 uh Hnunra. BnmDiW- 30? NF rained the winning ' a..... n..m. n,R,n,I_. nnhinr lent.- `Ila lost`: lungs. ._Ls _.._ - IxAAI.sI..l...l. Enluhr EVENING. SEPTEMBER 25. 1896. Dunlop. mngstreeb. ' Inst evening at Brock street Methodist church I reception was tendered the teacher:-in-trnining now in the city. Rev. J mnlnll nmumuud an inlnranhina nrn-I Ju. Keaaen a U0. While A. Henderson was threshing at Albert Cowanh, l'it.t.e!erry. the surround- ings were lled with steam. A hole of nearly six inches was blown through the boiler into the re box. He at. once took the engine to Kingston for repairs. Tub butter l7c.; roll 18c. Crawford. 125 overcoat: at your own price. They Are oerried over from last. year. and we do not went. to mix them with our new goods. Dunlop. Kingatreet. lulu eveninn I On0I"l-In-I':l'IlIlllI HOW I DI16 Clby. l V\'. | J. Gmnfelllavsonbod an intoreating pro- gramme. ' ruhmonu were served and the onjoynble Affair closed atacon ventionnl hour. rm. nu. s.......,a n....1.... .... :. n....|...u hour. The "Bee" brand Ceylon us: is parked in (`oylnn and come! to un direct. It. in without doubt the beat pachgo tea in the mnrkot. Jna. Rodden & Co. I ..o -.....:.... . .....Im- ...o.-tgnm.-mo rm- lreehmeute were served. Coffee end we no under the eevere bush 0! the medics` profeeeion. his well known that dyepepeie is often caused by ten and coffee` dnnkin . Medden Cereal is e ood drink made rom grains, and takes the place of tee and coffee. Al! grocer: sell it. Jemeehdulvilla. Bedford townehin. who cnuron will no roorgannmo [or me wlnwr month: Tuesday night. A first-class pro- gramme is being prepared for the opening. Children's suits 81.50. 81.7.1. 82. Sutur- I! being prepared rer me opening. aunt]; 81.50, m, dn blmnina. unlop. ing street. *he new water works pump has not. been workirq as well as was expected. The machinery had to be stopped yesterduf. The engine will be overhauled to-day. t. is expected the Pump will be used next week normanenl. v. wool mnnenuy. Cu more bore for men, women and children. IAdiu' stocking! from 20. We offer two pair of a re ulnr fty cent stock- ing {or 750. R. Me nul a Kingston oar- pob wu-ohouuo. W0 nub coffee once 3 week and grind ovorghgny, shun guuancoeing freslmeu-. Jnui. don & Co. m" IFS, Jb'.'.'." Julfloddon Co. IULII` A And: market. an. Norman a U0. Iut. evening I parlor enmrtninment. for the benet. of Princess street. Methodist. church, was held II . the residence 0! the Minoan Wilder, Conoeuion street. Benidea I good musical programme ronderod,gnmoa of vurloua kind: were indulged iii nnd re- froahmouuu `were served. Ah our` 9.. gm nntlnr Hm navnrn lulu place at no and come. All men In. Jnmelhdulvillo. Bodford township, returned home Itrong Altar seven weeks` vtnentmont. in the Hotel Dion hoapitnl, King- Iton. in vory'grAulul for thb mecca: of an oparntion rformod b Dru. Sullivan, Ryan And hvin, and or the uncoa ing kindnou of the nursing sisters of the iv mutation. Ho conuidon it an ideal hos- pihl. F. A. Oord. ir.. ban to announce thnt. * ptul. F. A. Obrd. 'r., ha ha re-ope the ad cund on Brock nu-oat. with an ontira new and well snorted 'l'VII nary! UIIIIIII II VII. lhmombor I have hon he the anti}: %iro|4bununna shoes tho ht; George Omd. und hnvn both the Brock Ind llrovunu ma moan orulu nu uoorgo Obfd, And have both the Bock Poinnn- shad; ulna-in Al. Hm nlll stand. Duord. nna have now one nrocu ma Prinoan struts stock: 38. the old stand, I27 Prinoou ntroot. when you cm can momy I! want anything in book or nhou. lnnd no [or younoll. The on- tinlackmun in cold r0u'dieuo!ooat. or value. A. Abomothy. 127 Princess lnrcot, Oll ord I old dand.. - -~`-wW` bl `PIC Illtfy - To-& y-uusu-u..'.me.a.aus.. (lI).Ixp Iu?uolIhoIilI mug, und_up ylholonolllo mu, bib and mu. hrlhdnun-cdrill. lunl.uOl70.!ll) yurly pun our Thu dIm&iI`%'|IlO . ':-I-nnnnnniij In lhn akin}. 1|. m 5 mpg. 10 b. table gm 200. Crawford. The youn poop e's guild of St. Jume church willie roorganimd for the winter mnnmlu Tnaadnv niuht. A first.-nlnan nro- no nu re-opened the old nunu nroclt tweet. omits -bnnh nl Iumn ant` -Ln`. trunk: and tweet. run enme am: wen uporoeu ehock of book Ind Ihooe, trunks and vslilee, when he will be laened to see all hi: old ouetomere and :1 who will favor him with a call. No trouble to show ado. Reneinher the old ztnnd, bppoaitae lden Lion. Brock nu-eet. I . W. non. lalol urn`:-mason my Un.. loft aw!-day fot Vnnoonnr. B.C. He L not by InnorC.T.Dupont._. In an Inn by mqor U. '1'. Uupont. if thy` willh:[:nd tho wjyter n ng onjoy t `ulna gunni- Vi It Axat, Mr. Bell will until drfkl the Trust I 'K"| _-'v-cat. uomxmon, mn screen. Nothing has n heard of gunuerurey. 3 who din pgnred from his home and A" I battery gmr weeks ago. His wife has. four: for his nlatv. I X950! [our WXKC SRO. HIS Wll IIIIUI feu-I for his safety. Fresh roll butter l8c., tub I70 . fresh eggs 120.. nnen haddiea, 10 lb. basket. 200. J. Crawford. T emlison medncine compan . of Brock- villo, will send bonll lady reagent of the Wnm I package of el ant perfume. upon receipt of post oice dress and five cents in nhmna. . ,vn nounhlns. A ..wW.Glitl&nyothntull:I) kn` saloon could to tho! nnhh: without nrihlnn unv- neauon a U0. 1 The members of Cook Bros minisbrels. stranded at Smith's Falls, have re-orgmr t izod under the name of Cullertoxfs Elitel high-clue vaudevilles. 5 Innnnnt. nnr Flnmnrdnv nffm-imrn in order. I mgn-clue vanuevules. g Inspect our Saturday otferinga in (:rder- ! ed and ready-made clothing. Dunlop, the ` Dominion, Kin street. Nnlzhinu ha: n Imnrrl nf crummrrnv, au. nouaen a U0. 1 J. C. Msdill has issued A writ claiming unabated dam for libel against. C. Stevens And C. . Cuey, of Napanee. Rnnhnnnn---NnrLh Kim: mils direct. Sun- awvona mu U. W. Uuey, or Napa . Roohutor--Norch King sails direct. Sun- day 5:00 p.m.. week days from Port. Hope. take 8:40 mm. G.T.R. train. Hanley, ngonb. Our man are fumed far and wide for Jmins,` .`-m1v ;lolllIg1o|_3tnot A4,.-no `~ ._.....~ we make mm ooaeo was our Java anu Mocha blend cannot. be beaten in town. Ju. Rodden & Co. I I` Mum: I... :.......a . ....;t ..I..:...;.... ngonu. Our tea: are fumed far and wide for 1 their purit , strength and avor. Joe. I Reddondz o. I rm... ....... LL. . ravage. 0! Kingston. will assist. I Bflrdny in bargain day with us. See our loiytf heavy tweed miss at 82.85. I)un- } lob. inn um-ooh. ` mm nnowr 150., um nunwr IIc., Iroan egligdllm, table grapes 2c. lb. J. Craw- fo . I I {`t--`All `lJ......llt4.... L-.. LA`... Ll... roru. I J. J. Connoll, Hamilton, has been the recipient of aovon bomin pigeons from major-ganoral Cameron. of ingscon. ,,I We make this boast. that our Java and neuuon a uo. 5 Mon : shirt: and drawers very cheap. . than different sinea and twelve ditferent I qualltainl at R. McFnul o. 1%.. .L....'. M` Sr. .1..}...'. ..I....-(.1. 41.. noxi mommy um Iuestuy. Fuldori silvcr pm unrmnhde in 1 lb. pound 8 lb. jun. Ju. Redden &. Co.T Ollubarriu are nlonniful an Wolfe Is- pncuu an una any maran. i We claim whavo the largest. variety and but Iuortod stock of ten In the city. Jae. I Raddan & Ca. n quallnlu an n. mcrnurs. The choir of St. John's church, Gann- noqno. will hold a sacred concert. Mrs. Z. P191046. of Kingston. will assist. hrdsv bannin dai mu----, __ i--- SOLE AGENTS SLATER SHOE. ___.._2,_._____ U. n. uurx mu re-open I butcher snap on Bogota couch. ` Are you fond of good oobe? Try our 1 blood. . Jan. Roddan & Co. ` DISIGAJ-`Jul. noauen a U0. . _ glitz : opening of imported pntternu noxt Monday and Tuesthy. F|I|dar'I silvcr nan Inn-mnlnda lb. WI ID 5 ID. JIII. JIC. 530119 5 U0. 4 l Orlnbarriu are plentiful ' und. Hundreds of bushels have baen [ picked at Sand Buy marsh. i lament. varietv I no Iona on good oo blond. Rodden 00. H Alumna : nnaninn nf inn PAIAGRAPH8 PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER8. ' Tho lploo or Ihnty Day lalto--WluI the looplo An runs; About-Nothing lu- . $930 an Asuncion of Those Who Are Inllnn loan. -...-, __-.- - -._ _.._._~ Oifbtlfflpov P. W. Bell. Nb of tho"!-Indian Bay 00.. It vnnndnv for Vunannr. B.C. Ha Kiwi ah-u-an unn- nu Lu|.r.cs.-tau A-Iunnunn. Ill!` `GD 5 IIXVY VWXO llll ID 92.50. lIl1II- l 0 . l , mg nu-ooh. . , gun butter 180., tub butter l7c., from-h `[ nmn I911 tnhln ornnnn `.20, lb. J. (`.mw. ` mcmms ov in}: my.` General Hardware Dealer. nnjor-general unmeron. ox mngawn. ,4 We make bout that our Java and AML. m-...-I .........s L. |.....o.... .'.. M..." I "I HOW ! lolbs. grapes 200. Cnwford. V T. A. Wilt|o,Brookv,ylo, has assigned to L Smut. - r 0. H. (`Elm-k `will butcher shop A an Banal . quash. `two largo moan In on ._L._ I L-... |.......|.A AL- I Ll_....I. l ---:: Klngnton `bond: The First Dug`: Playing ' wm: nu-|u_. 3 The first day : ruultof (2533 open nmstnur [handicap golf match at Quebec was the . !winning by T. Harley. of Kingston. Pro- a sent. chum ion. This in the (int. handicap match he ma won. He gave handicap to all others. The score was : IT. Harley . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 57 - 87 , I II. S. Thompoo .04 7 fl 1). L. Herhort.` 168 2 91 I w. A. urmm. u 2 , 92 g. [I d n it I A 0 1. i r I ` , dick thinks that the J. A. Ruddiok, who dllllld lb Vlln rrox. J. W. Robertson. agriculture! and dui commissioner. In repl ingto tlsesu 3 tion Prof. Ruddiok sol he was of opinion that the industry is not ospeble oi much development in this country. The nt demand in Censds is more than sup lied iby the four fsotories in operation or I rt-ion of each year. When 'ees ere rought down to en export heels the in- edustry would not pay. The demand in Canada is not likely to incl-esse.butis more likel to decreese verymnterielly. Besides the emnd for the srticle in mining camps, it is slso used extensively lag vessels sail- ing out of Pacic ports. n ritish Colum- t bis, however, with the increased supply of milk end improved methods of hsndling and preservin the seine, the demand for `the conde Article is {Allin oil`. The ` trsde in Greet Britain is supp ed by fec- `tories in Iceland Ind Bsviturlend. Ce- nsdian makers nd it costs too much for , advertising to enable them to compete tor that trade. Prof. Ruddick does not think there is any neceeeit for experimental work imoonneotion wit the industry; the process is esimple one end the supply at present exceeds the demand. The cost of 7.000 and u plant would be between 810.000 and would require 1 buildin of some size to accommodate it. Prof. ud- ` pressing needs of this j-brunch of the dnirying industry is some ; means of introducin ` (lreat Britain at paying prices. It in the merkets of ` W l 1 What the Lovers W Ounce and Gononi sport: Are Doing. Cornwall`: lebeet echeme is to build 5 covered skating rink 2401190 toot, with con- cert. hell above and ruined bicycle track around the ou wide edge. The ___e_t.ruoture is to cost. 80,000. Today Meun. W. C. Kent. W. H. Mug- noe. C. H. Mwnoo. W. D. Hart, A. H. Cunningham and H. C. Hurt left. on the swam yacht. Sophia for I couple of deye' shooting uthe bay. an:-an nmmdv nave Lhlfa VHI&ldIV l the Ontario cornea. The last. loot races in the urine for a gold medal, pmtenmd by C. L. Bus, will take place this nfhernoon at live o olock at tho `.K.A.A.A. grounds. At the hour named the gates will be thrown open to the public. Immediately slur the noon the modal will be presented to the winner. shooting u the bay. George ennody says that yesterday practice of trebglty rnglay gum WI: ` . '1` no y in km :)\llinL`lgn|3"%eam 3n1:K.a. I: showing if the men at. present playing are lined up in the Ontario series. 'l"I\- l...o hm: man. in than um-inn for I Invrduuun. 1:. -shot illou mum amen `and ft g H TI H ...:::.r.:. ':...."*... ....:.:. U:-In Dotonnlnouon. In Auburn. N. Y., Mrs. Alvin H. Race. w?!o of n jeweler, committed Iuicide by hnn ing. She len the bed where her hue- ban lay sleeping, and picking :3`? I abort rope went to the parlor. hen she tied one end of the rope around her neck Ind attached the other to the knob of the door. The knob was to low that the women we: compelled to u- aumealvnoat I prostrate Attitude in order to produce atrengulntion. A: it won, her lower limbs rested on the oor. but as the min a hoev women the oord about her neck soon choked her into ineeneibility end I thus Ihe died. Four months Ago hot hue- H)-ml muh nn nnnnnnnnful IMAIIIDQ 90 end A. Z. Palmer ., .. W. 1`. Io|ne..... W. W. Wat-1on.. Canon Von Ilfhm J. 8. Hlluwheh... l.Ium..-Col. Irwin H. B. Klprn . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . ..1us I I0! ` A. E. Hwl t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1I4 18 112 In plafying off the tie for first phoo Mr. Harley won. Mr. Hnrlav nnneu-ad ta have I bright Harley Mr. Harley ngpeu-ed to bright. chance for the c ampionuhip match to be played to-day. To-marrow the match be- I tween Ontario and Quebec occurs. . Em-Icy out 0! Play. Qumu-24:, Sepb. 25.--The third day in the golf tournament opened with Ioomy weather. but. gradually ofarod ox Re- ault of this morning : matches are : Gilles- io beats Harley two hole: up. Griith ha Wauonllve u Ind three toplny. Final will be play 40-monow between I Gillespie and Grlith. thus she died. Four months not nun- b bnd mudo an unsuccessful steam his own life by shooting himnol in the hrnn-L. mu DWI] breast. nan.-. -. Ono farm Inough. , This mornin mayor Elliott. III waited on by I largo eputation of oloctoru, who invited him no o'or !or I second tonn. The mayor thanked them (or their kind- neu-. but he would stick to hit princi Io. t: tone mm wuonough {or Inn. no f1 the candidntas. sldcrnnn Dron- nlf.-nal 51: than out M Ola BOG OIHGIQIIE. lI(lC'lllIlI IlI'UIl' n` v ob:-ed to dl-of] out 0! the Moo 6! Mr. Elan would run. The mayor in not yot IIIUO sun that ho_,Inll be `plow drop out the council altogether this . 30 Adam that - ghon in n ocrhn haoinnbion shout tho council business. Re my be 3 oondiduu for nldormsnio honor! in Biduu urd ugiin next year. Imoc Iy Iloocnelcy. Truman Knnp. Aged -mun. vu till- nt. Cunjohdo yhtlntric dock while plnying with hvwnlaznrobu on tho river bridge. `Knapp. H H throunsl: the frame work. `grand two ron whiclnnn in contact. when withlho triclight with. The Iron rods Ind put in nountly and tho vorknon ind cnnknly brain the hmhdoa club alto! than ooh!) fancy nor: 1 r Inn; in; vol nth.` no cnh. ulnnguutn-0. Commqudng. Huh}, slgoull unufinrhc adios, that (hp Vin out will Inn Klqhou at 51.3. and 2:15 nun. dun .. In nu. N he an hion Ina oubmmad to Prof. J. A. Rn ink, who dinbuuod it with Prof. .l, W, Rnhnrtnnn. narinulmrnl And dnirv nnmmamng was was ooum no lwolnpulnou by_ In experimental oou:-no in the runabo- turo of condensed milk. The trade In this article in n In-go one for Swihorlnnd. The srticlo in in (Int demand in ourilhin `mining town, in imported into Boa imrioo And ooomato be inerouing in do- mnnd along the lines of mining cochle- manta. IIOII. Somn week: ago Joseph Buvdon In-ob to hincipl Grunt with to abod- inc the Iuelnlncu ol the ry odnool hon. inbimating that this could be wooupliahod bv exnorincntnl ullllu IIUI nu. beau `.1 A n.. . NO OPENING HERE. A lnxguuon for `flu Duh ! Ichool Gover- SIX-'l`Y-THIRD -YEAR SPORTING PARAGRAPH8. .q..;..._. THE GBLF TOURNAMENT. 1..-Col. In . Kip n.. . L... OBICOOYTI-on 4.. Il__J-- In-.1 his goods. As this I! to no In: last. in this {all those in need of his nrt should on I on him. This summer he bu viuiud all the large and landing American cities, when he picked up an tiona to usiat his ideas of new styles, w ieh be shown on this visit. Hi: my in limiud. so be there on time. UIIUI VVIIII XII. As mud eotnrdey, farmer: in Pitta-r burg tovmnhvp have been enjoying the s rt. of shooting pen And rook salt. at sol- ders who have entered orchards in the vicinity of the militery comp. Several nnge were red upon tub night. In one farmer. who used pen for unmun tion. The nl ht. previoue one former ueedrook alt. in wed I little more penetntlng, the result ing that three on of four sol-. diere. who enhered I psrtioulnr orchnrd. reoeiled a done 0! salt. It. took eect. u nurgoonn cm keenly. The men belonged to infuntry regiments. D. Huh. manager of the Banana hl.I'II. Mina Jennie Sinclair, gnduufn of `rho women : medical college, Kingafaonu `'1 fund: on n furlough. shortly return! to ndin. Int... 11 I `u-.. (`an-rlinn nnnnr Indie. John (E. Lnven, Ctnudien pueenger agent. of the Michigan Centrel railway, in doing business with the looel ticket. ngenu. T. J. Nnvlor. Deeeronto. his espoused J. Nnylor. Deeoronto, espoused Scrub E.. daughter 0! John Cones. of NI- nee. The ooremon was performed At Rt... John : church, nth. by runl dean :34; KEIO STREET. ` !"_"'% ""`.""_`?* DU. :1 0| Bake r. Prot. Dorenwend. ladies and gentlemen who uire heir goode should not lorget that Pro . 1)oren- wend. the t heir e artist. wlll be in Kingston at Britia American hotel on Saturday, Sept. 20th. with new temples of the very latest and most becoming styles in wigs. tou . bangs, waves and curly lronu. switc es in every length and shade. His skill is well known. as is prlctloelly demonstreted by the thouunde who weer his goods. As this is to be his lost tri hlssrt should_oe Thom Corkill, aged 79 yeen. ' ____wAN_frBD. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY A1` CM Princess street. 00]) WEAVBR14 A1` KING!-|'l0N (X7110! I mu. Study work. PABDOE IAID AT KINGQION LADIB (}o1.ums, Emily Itreet. ' uoov iYI>u.n:uc:u Nunss. urn at once. Bxmsu Axnxcu llonl. A l)l'\l'Il'| IIEITUDAI CUDVAIYVI AIIIILV KI WII TIIIIIII] IIJIIUC. Dr. C. K. Clarke. medial superinten- dent. oi Roekwood hospital, met with nlnl injuries rdey nftarnoon. He heenstthe A.A.A. grounds each- ing the football practice. In returning he mounted e bicycle and proceeded to ride down toward: Union new on the nidewnlk. Whennbout half the dlnbnoe had been covered he enoonneued tome Lain -|uu1uuu-tIA him M IQ IHIQDQIH. had boon covond no onoonntcoanomo boymwhouowdodhin olfthooidownlk. Bohllintaoadiwhqaoddooltbovnli And buidol Ilruill hi 'niinnKnnA nldadll hm. nlfholaau Khnnnr2`uIdllIoo0IuoinviudOo on M 0loIdIo|dIund.l27 Prlnoc Eu-cot. Wohcvonlololehonoolnnnn uotgoodn our uwndwi I mum: tgloriginnlprlos. A.Abor- tobo yesterday. T. J. Rignoy loft today for Toronto, to onmr Olgoode ball. A. Carmr and wife. Montreal. have been to spend A couple of ween vmnn . James Moffuct. mmhiniac, of ontreA!. {onnerly of Kingston. in hero to viulh old friends. An nnlnvnhln rlnnnn Dl `Alta DVD- Rockwood. Dr. Oronhynwkhn, 8.C.R. of - Foresters, in on his way to attend the high court of the mm of California. |( w n..;.I..- nl lhmilmn. u-rived in me clay no-any nnu wm Up! gnllerybn Prinoeu street. Gnome 0. Hart. Bunk ol gnller-y'on Prinoeu Goor Hart. Montreal. St. John, .B., is visiting his brother, W. the Sundud bunk. Minn Jennie Sinclair. Iznduufa Was I on. .We an than go: 1 at low prices as we a. Ind DONG will llll lukinolono Iidoolh boo. Ongoode ball. A. Carter wife. vinining their father. R. C. Cnrtor. Mrs. S. Shiblov loft to-dny for Almontae vinining their father. N. U. Unrmr. Mrs. S. Shibloy to-day spend couple of weeks vinin James Moffutt. machinist. friends. An enjoyable dnnoo was held lut. ing at. the residence of Dr. C. K. Clarke, Rmkwood. mg at. me n Rockwood. I 1.. numb the of California. K. W. Snider. 0! Hnmilbon, arrived the ciby to-day and will open I photograph nrnllar-v'nn Prinoeu Iovononu of tho l`ooplo-WInt They Are Buying and Doing. Mina Laidlnw, Detroit. is visiting in the air. J.'1s. unnmng tobo yesterday. T. J. Rianov Passed down Woluna oann1-aur. nuc- ViI.t.ie. Chicago to Ogdenaburg, general cargo; Niagara. Thoaealon to Montreal. lumber; Beguin And barges. Duluth to Kingston, wheat; whr. M. '1`. Downing. Detroit to Oswego, wheat. The sohr. Floetwing Arrived this morn- ing, from Oawego, with coal for Swift & Co. She had lain at Oawego since Sun- day, awaiting flit weather. The winds have been from the north-west, with big blows. Capt. Shaw says the uoumbargo Resolute had to turn back into Oawego on Wodnomgy. son. The R. &0. N. 00': stewards hid up their boat; in I couple of day: this you while in former yearn it. took nhroo or four w'eoh at greater oxpeneo. The local Ihoro steward looked after the work and it won mbinfucmxx. Passed own Wollnnd cannl--Btr. Mc- vma- (`b.i...m. m urinnnhnro. none:-nl Wu uuy Iavu-A uuv nu-u .a---..-. We would nko your shoe trade. W vml serve you so that we w keep It. tri . Fho str. Ocean pulsed up this morning for Toronto. There was quito I heavy gale blowing to-day. The Ocean hu Itruck some very rough weather this sea- Ill. Thoutonn Iigmlnsnu porn val ox- ho-dny. turning marinara ol a blow mm the south-west. The Itr. Edith Ma willbp sold to the highest bidder at. nybon. Oct. 3rd, by virtue of I mortl The Ichr. B. . nnn, in at Garden 1:- llnd. has made uvon trips to Toledo this season. Capt. Dix will make one mot-0 Lrin. WHAT IS TRANSPIRING IN AND AROUND THE VHARBOW The Morn IIIIIII Oll Itlll Up 3! till Port -Conn! loan have Already Gone Into Ulnar gun-euwlunl of lntonat to Shlppon Ind sumo. Tholtr. Pi lnllldd up for the wink! along tho 0. .R. dock. Tho SS. Ronnmount goo I t rolling shout. on Lake Ontario my. Tho IN`. Jamison in at Cnig & Co's. With noargoofoonl fmn OI The Iohr. Dunn. in at on Ialnnd. hu! 1 on-go of 28,000 foot of timber. Tho. uchr. Acacia cleund for Chm-Iowa, youtardu . to load coal for Swift & Co. The no 1-. Annie Fuloonor hu been hid up for novonl dnyn uniting 5 ohuur. The six. Bnnnoohburn and oonnoru an up for town! at]: awaiting 0 onnrur. The Act. ex tad to arrive hon Sunday night. 5.. nnnn nnmmrv and cannon hid in ted Il'l'iVO has aumny mgnu. he p.Glonu-rynnd oonnortlnidin under nth Boy pain!) yesterday, becsnu 'w"`.2 bi` '.".....x new we storm ' O I van ox- nnnnd m.dAv. wnrnimr Fall & Wintc a uuncsma no.1 MARINE INTELLIEENCE. v ..'E. Cnnninghnm retumod from Mani- ) vaahardnv. seed without wuss. We hoop an the lat- oat labor saving house. ` hold helps. PERSONAL MENTION. Latest London and New York Fashions. Wu Painfully Inland. I7 fVI__L- .._..Il_.I _..- Cmun1.I.-At the residence of hot sun. Loughboro, on Thurndny, Sept. Milt. Margaret. Trimblo. widow of tho lab aged ROOM. VWITH OB Wl`l'llOU`l' when a young on would [in I boy or service in urn for no Inc. 3... Wild Oloo. A w:fu. No wuhhi . Inn. be VOIIII mend . A ply In 0. o evening to BLACI. no K an Itroot. GENTS IAKI III A WIII IABY A sun. sand uyour tddnu |nd.wo ' Ihow on how to do It. In: rlnl dlvu-won 00.. x P. F.. W!ndnor.0n . IS, WE HAVE THE B381` PAY? nun our offuod agents. In I Ouultbo mode by uni man or woman. I 53:31 lodoubt obonti . Inrd Bun:-vnn ., Don P. I, Wlnd|or.0n . atructed ma xnoxpen. alve. Remove: every waste. knob IL m#18 n't fall to! . 0'. 31; co.,nox 1-'. .. Wl:dnoll.n0||'t.'. ANTID - HELP - RILIABL ovary locum ; Ioonl or In Inlrotlnoo I new (I soon and he: ends hand up on emu. lonou I throughout town and country olonnonl ; commission or uni: st. :4 Iponnu. 5 4 213` s._:n;'-u.-_ _-_es_r_e'.` 2%.? ` Dunn- PI-:nK1Nn-At Lnnnrk, Sept. 21st. to the wife 0! William Perkins. a non. C.uumoN-At. Flower Station, on Sept. 17th. to the wife of Samuel Cameron. 1 daughter. AN IXPERIINOID OOOI LID How- sc I:AID. Apply to In. Nlcnl. no ll POO . ` A GENERAL SERVANT T ONOI. CCXJD In .No-vuhln uubovollu BLACK. ml! an uh-cot. 11 M10 ribbon ground not with ll! W. Brown. II Union nun. em on rccurdlvu hh vhoroobcltn lull: nod nd Indy: will In n}%. .o':`.'n:.`u9!. 35:33 R' `'.`.'."..`:`.'`. :'.3!'l3 mus. nclunb. T. F. HABRISON. UNDlv`.ll l'AKlI AND EIIIAIJIII. Prlnoou Street. Phonoa-WnI-oroomu. W; Ruldonoo. 91. Lowuc prloou. _:__.__`_.____..__.j:.__'-- IIBLVII I BEACH` Lubnno Dnnunxn Ann IIuI.ln- Prlnoou strut, Oomor Sydonhun Itnot. ' phone communication. IIIIBIB WI POSITIVILY 0UAl.Al- too 8 utnghkn. full to V 00 once. a will a nu. Innorlal no- In P2/buy Iron: the but union. up- .__..1.a In... An. shag RILIABLI I naval Inlmrlnm n nnw menu ha: a W. I. UISENNAJV. Pmulnl. DIIIOTOI AID l:xuuaI-Il ?lll- oou ntroot, block nbovo old stand. JAN. Illnlllg THI Lnmuco Uunnnxn-!6Hu P Itnoc. Tolophono 141A. Opon D51 and la ' --lillllnlh Dlcnvna-BAn'n.:1-r -- At Bollovillo. on Thurodny, Sept. 24th, 1800, by luv. Id: ward Roberta, Funk M. Donyol. ho Hattie Bnrbletb, Bellovillo. HAM!-lN'ADBl.`K)N ~- Sept. l9t.h, in tho Church of the Tmnogurntion Now York. Fredrick Hamlin, 0! hi. unl- vernity, to Catherine, daughter of R. K. Addison, M.D.. of Athena. Ont. `Buy your Mantle eady'An`3 have rst pick. It may be the styles, or quali- ties, or pr,ices-perhaps it : I com- bination of the three--or it may be the fact that Indies know that our whole sto; k of than goods are new and up to date in style and all this season s buying. ru :1 .1 I ,_n Signlficuant 1' Something . ---ABOUT oU1z...,!{,'3g lNcw Mantlcs that throngs the department with ready buyers. A U CTI O N SA L Of Furniture. Flue Bedroom Sets. Parlor sum. Etc . AT RESIDENCE. N0. M5 ALFRED SIIIIEP. ON MONDAY SEl"l`.l'l'Il,I.ln oootu v|1., olld 3-lldohonrd. Wnlnub and other Hod` onm Ham. l)1nln| Chairs. Hlhllsinn Tuhlo. Hull Rm-ll. Plunh Parlor Suite. Chanillo Cu__V.nln<. WEATHER;PROIAII,l1}I|'- . l0~n.an.-!'nah tomongui _ in; towcntnnd no:-thwart wlndgol to night, flit. cooler mom uncut)` E,`rn`. , 1 3*`~"-'i=o'i`n`n::;.2:..: SEOOND-HANDBIOYOLI. 10!! CI in good order. (Mn nn 0 Indda GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY '10 Inn '1`. Mali. Rounnnn. nqunlon Dual. II ngreonhlo to take. Improve: the nppotlu, , ` In manly dlgoltoil. -A Nl|_. J ACKSON'S Nurnnms wm PRICE TWO GENTS OOUICH Tllllll `Hill I bho ground not with 0 . Brown. All `nu oponn. of nllfnoeona lllllon to All Linn lnrnh. -Al'\l)- ulvu n:n;nn nnnlruu -A THAN -I-Ilia I-mu om. um I z&nfHi ti" '5' Ilia." ` at: gK:'.l:...`|ou 1'::H. " coo J?/Ban on. For Sale by all Drugglutn. 2-112:---1-nj TO `SI LIT. w. I. nun 237 )lIl`lVIl A In In-nu man mnuzv nuns. IIIIITAIII I III III- NEH K)LID. ["12" ..".'.`.`}3}(.'.`.l.. '1'3..':` BOARD. .l)Ininl Cu Min-. Mantle lrror. Funny l'|blo4. Rookn.Bom , Hnllsmvn Imwn lower. (hudon Tnoll. Ign- nnvin n. Wawr Colon. 8 ring Mntrm-..eu and M. or Iruolon. Sale at (kl). JOHN H. KILLS. Ant-Nonoor. _'-7; There} FALL SEASON, I896. THE ABERNETHYS u n -nun-In 511] ! U IGreif!!1!'7`5%h`"{ 0' ll]! MIICII: AITIOIIOBII EIIIOI, on Tuesday a Wednesday, Sept, 22nd a 23rd A...l :-n....n..- .1--- All Ara I...-um! 1I.III' UIII'BIo I hut. evening, At. All Bninu church the tint. of: nation ol miuion norvioon wu hold, with Rov. C. N. Fiold, of the Cowley hzhon. Boston. u Ininionor. Similar services. under his ch: were held st All Saints : you :30. thing for his text. "Tnko mylolo Eon you. [or my yokoio nay. An an urdon in light.` mmhew n 29.30) miuioner Watched |M|LL|NER_Y oI>NW3| *!'.3_$.$!_'T!`%3~_18.3 Pi.Ii99s:I at noon one 0! no to religious. Roligion in now than more fooling and shot: our every act. mining our thought: And bringing us in propu N- Intent to God. It in tho moat joylul thing. for nouvithohnding I yoke implie- work. thin wot-k with ch:-us`: holpia one of joy. Chdat dial thnwo nighbbo nude children ol tho lithe. 3 nhtiomhip no to ho nndorstood manly in 1 a iricnnl Iooumbntwhiohiaonool onh blood, Christ : inonrnnllon placing no in the sumo rolodontolhofolhotuhloovn. Athupdonu Ihololy Joonontouund bindouto Olldpt. 0' In its not ol main atoll. Ir. li all no all-lotion thou houllonodolth puociomwhioh indiu- ' in tho urliut up of the church. which pnchhu our nllgioo. showing that 10 no chrhsiuuo. A Bible clan will booooductod daily at line p.n., Tiodnyl and 'l'huurkr hing oxoluivoly for woman: uhildnn V II and for iaunotiou I Inc auction cu.-It um. noon II 4:|5. and lb regular mission nor- viun till be cool wooing nt 7:80. 4` E Kai"; a.`.2Z."l n "I." 'F$d. n"i. 'Ya'gh?f" (Matthew punched i-nnnnnnivnlw H. in thn dllti (Dill!-HOW `I I impressively. M nah HA|NE31_l0KEW lSi|ks 50c for Saturday! i.--NO. 223. tv-----u-w -w,- --.-w--. .... so that everyone may see it. As of the Millinery, so of the M'm.. tle display The general opinion was voiced in the expression, Never thought Kingston had such a mantle store. Every lady is welcome to look around and see styles, hear prices and get quotations l'or.any paxticulai style she may require; buy when you get ready. I my l A new lot laid out for to-day's opening display. The large crowds who_' visited our show rooms yesterday hall but one opinion: "The largct and most V stylish di-Iplay ever seen in King- ston. We will Cq_ntinue for Satur_day " `Autumn M llllnery 99377173 . FATHER ratio m KINGSTON. -cw--1 - -v-_--__,, --r.. ____ _ _ And following dun. All In Invited Shoe Facts....., Inna`: g---an--v-J v'w_... ol the Latest. American Etylon, on _.|-_ 1 IlI-J---.I-.. lI-_6 nn-.| I n on THE CORNER. I . Dept. ICtI. HONDAY.lllh. - * *-AT uoner pmncnoa the duty I In to R row, Friduy. The 45th and 47th butts. will parade in "muching order," u-throng an pouible, to-morrow. Fri y, at two o'clock pm. The two beunl nu will be formed II a brigede under up oommnnd of Lieut.-Col. Hunter. commending Huh bow, and will move to Bnrrleold common, where the in- apeopion of chmcorpe in betulion drill will take place. Capt. Cortwright. R.R.C.l., will report. to Lient.-Col. Hunter at. two o'clock p.m., And will notes his brigade me or. ~ he Illbh belt. will leave camp at nine o'clock p. m. on Fridey, 25th inst... to embark on (l.T.R. special at city station to leave as ten o`clock p.m. sharp. Lmul.-A, Jnhmuml and McAl:iue. With leave o'clock sharp. Lleuts. Johnson and Mcmpine, betl... have been granted leave of absence for the whole period ol camp. Thu dihrnnt. razimanu no reuuented to The (inherent regiment! requeeteu to returnas muohaa poeeible of their camp equipment. on Friday. to the camp quar- termasler, thereby redmrin the worlr 0! Saturday. The balance wil be received by the oamp quarter-master ae early as possible on Saturday morning, on the ground in front of the kitchen: of each regiment. The blanlrete must be well shaken out. neetly folded, and placed in the blanket valieea, twenty in each. Valiaee are not to be laced up until check- ed by the ca quarter-master. The tent- are to be ad in the valieea and delivered comp to. with` the two poles tied togetherand placed across the tent, and the pin-bag, with mallet, on top of each tent. The marquee halee are to be neatly tied u and produced ywli the "ma nee. ma to and pine eoiiiplete. Al trenehee cut round tent: mu-the filled in. and before recimente leave the ground the regimental quarter-mentor will eee that the camp lines are thoroughly cleaned and all refuse burned. The latrinee and pits must be lled in and the earth thrown in end heaped over them in a mound. Thieie neoeeaary in order that the spot may be marked, and not re-o n- ed another year. The attention to t eee mature by commanding oieere ie impera- tive, and demands pereonal lupervieion and strict compliance with order-I. "|"PV"V'p -I-u -r--v p ----v -v- --v_,u ----,~- Kni ht. 4th Huaaara. edical ofoer-ol-the-dny, to-morrow, Surgeon-Mnjor Dutf, 4th Huuars: next for dut Surgeon Liam. Curtis. 47th butt. h'e dnlla for to morrow will be as de- -=___=_=a@_._- """""" '=='~'--"'--I .,,w..-...-,... .,...., .... --....._.-. .-_ duy, he tailed in "Course ol Training, issued with general orders of 1896. ` Commnndimr officers will be held re- general orders ol mm. ' Commanding sponsible that, the target procbioe returns of the different companies are sent. to the brigade office by ten o'clock n. m. t.o-mor- Friduy. The 45th parade ....E._I.... The null omoon were photographed in a pyonordny. _ inhl. men was neutered ut the hon. 'nt.monInro regum-ea 3: ma non. rggxpudny. prgciptlly Iubring Il-hu.l`no I-02:98: nnnnl 9):. II`.- oi use mom. Capt. . Hunter don not like Ioldiorin in ranch cold washer. And any: menu not be induced togointo ounpng-ninoo Into in tho nunn. I`-wnounln Knnnno Khan and I`!-nnilin ._..{V Brigade 0|-don lunod lth Inn. The 47th butt. will furnish the main guard. to mount. at 5:30 o clock p.m. to- da : next for duty, 47th baht. ield oicor-of-the-day, duties to com- mence at 5:30 o'clock p.m. Friday, Major Spooner, 47$!) butt. ; next for duty. Major ..H....I nmnnu-.nl_t.lm.rlnv tn.mnrmw_ Iron colds. Info! Got. In one 0! the sul- voruohhofilhh .h|cug pnynuoer of the mom. (`gun Iluntnn Anna nnl. Iii: nnlim-in Q mu wuuua "U" Ionoou tcnn nnfng Jnnuu . I897. '1':-non Smut.-Mnior (mar. ' ut1I_n hqinmng aunuu 151:`. B roopotgk 1' ant. " " V. I: Human, he with hnvi `mo thohighntoeorontthobulu. oinn `'.`u'`' `c".?.`lI`2" k$"`c'5`,"i.;. 1 njot It . t. I In trough lab cup Inhrokau, In Inning Iounhil only ones. Now it vi lolloc Mu nyvhon shout the camp and in mi 0! muting. V1] and I& nhl-oknn AM- the men through the venous menteuvrvee. Theee were executed in e menner hl hly pleasing to the district oioer oolnmenging and won {or the regiment the higheet. marks obtainable. In the course ol the afternoon the 45th butt. was given a march across the hills to Fort Henry, where the men piled erme end in: ted the hietovio old Itructure. iiicere of the 45th are very active. They make good use of their time, also trent the rank and tile with considera- tion. In the march yesterday the men were given 3 team of oroee-country march- ing, whivh will prove benecial to them. at the same time they were entertained by being nhown through the fort, thus were two birds killed at once. There iment will parade at nine o cloclr tonig t and march to the city.emborking at ten o'clock at the (}.T.R.. station. They will be given a heart farewell by their comrades-im arms. w owill not break comp until to- morrow morning. V Some companies of the -67th will leave camp earl in the morning. The balance will leave t e city at ll:.'l0 n.m. By noon the camp ground will be deserted. All etoree will be returned by nlalitfnll, Uorpaul lunacy. aunt and rmnnnn. Nu. I 00.. 470: but have I id {or per- m~' eouuoud "2" so during the Inna nnlnl Janna". IEI7. nlghbfnli. the Ioul pal-Iuoncnr in client: lunch but owning. 47% ha. In-utslaod with than we won-wnmuo 01 we emu Thursday Afternoon the 47th but. inspected in battalion movomonta, eld oioou bein onllod upon to that man nhmnah 0. a vnrioun manuzuv Inendeble 116 we: everywnen euro:-neu, on tbepu-3: nnd, in. the line! or an the streets of city. The volunteers in camp in September, 1893. beve left behind themegood neme. end they take eway with them the well-wishes oi the citizens. 'I"knr-Jaw nfhrnnnn ILL: 47!}: hum, with ISIIIICIIIIII Ulllglhnl -Ilnw III unga- Inenu Looked and llow they l!ehaved- they were Quiet While Ilere. ~ The annual camp {or military district No. 3 practically ended today. No re- gre ving will be exp:-creed b thoee no ' one . however. upon which the oili- eara connected with the camp may be com- plimented, and that in the conduct of their men. Not a aingle com lalnt ha: been entered against then). hey have been over to the city. have walked about the, atreeta and always conducted themaelvee in a aoldierly and gentlemanly manner. '1`hia knowledge is highly gratifylng to the officers, who feel proud 0! their men. They have been ahown every consideration and given an much liberty as military discipline would allow. and in..retnrn have shown their appreciation by conducting themselvel in a manner creditable to themaelvea and the honor o! the corpa ` to which the were attached. Thia oom- Inendable rit everywhere exercinnad, * mu. am-mind. in the lina or an 1 331.7 35053 b'3I.""".L1n."".TpT;n"'?'$ pi)"; the through 0. e mnnuauvroo. .Tha-1| ware axocutnd hlsrhlv { THE SOLDIER IOY8 GLAD '; O RE- TURN HOME. I 0 L 00:. Prim-on Ihd Wolnnon Stink. I ; Lut Inlpeotlon `took Plnoo `lovlhy on . nu-uannld cannon -l!ow the Barl- gmlmm cm ms ENDED or the whole pertou ol The dieront regiment; requeuod -ntnrn An Inunh an nnnniblo of ODIDD group yonordny. K Eight non regime:-ed inl nun nun:-du. nrinoinnllv Iuorimr h K ' sh. and )- onncy. w rsnilin. In. I (h. sh hnu... hnn nnnliod ner- KINGSTON. ONTARIO, IIKIB put IVPX. St. IlArk's llnrvest Service. St. Mark's was tastefully deoornted with fruits. flowers and grain for .the Annual harvest thnnksgTving held but night. The church was well lled with an attentive and reverent oon regntion, and the entire service was bri t and in irlng. Mr. Harvey, of St. George's cot rel, presid- ed at the organ, sssieted by Mr. Jscohe, organist of St. Mark's. and four players from the Nth band. The surpliced choir. to the number of about fort , together with Rev. Meters. Bemnii-h, `olemun and Jones And the rec- tor, lorxred at the door and moved in pro- oesuion to the ohnncel. ein `lug. "Come. Ye Faithful l'eople. Come." rom thnt to the close evorvthing was carried out Imoothly and pleuingly. The choir never sounded to better advantage and were much appre- ciated. Rev. Mr. (folemnu sang the ser- vice.nnd the lessons were reed by Rev. Mr. Jones. Tim nnrvnnn um: nrnnphnd hv Rnv. Mr. Mr. Jones. The sermon mu preached by Rev. Mr. Beamish. from the tan "Give us this day our daily brand." it was an able and elo- quant, argument. for the duty, privilege nnd neceaanty 0! thnnksgivin , ahoying the true position 0! the lawn 0 nature As given by Hod, the great. first (mum of all. St. Mark : hnn-ooh services will be con- fessionala, has oxocuuon or we nornp: and double nhule being particuluy clover. The night : amusement. was cloned bv a farce, Verona English," ut. on by Hanna Pnrnv. Anhwin. Amev l.l`d and % J. CORBETT, by Hod, the grant. nm. or all. St. tinued on Sunday. There will be celeb- Liona of the holy communion st 8 n.m. and II n.m.; services and cerrnonn at H n.m., 3 pm. and 7 p.m. The npoclnl preachers will be Rev. Messrs. Lowip nnd Coleman. They Ian on Phi Flynn. The McCroady Pink Flyorl lnva nddod another record to their nlrend long list of victories. In the li..Q.'I`. roo runs at Tor- onto. H. Cuaidy, on hit McCrody Pink Flyor, broke the 20 mile record, doing the distance in 59.08. Unlike the riders who started from acrauzh. who nltarmted in making the pace. he hnd to ride practic- ally unpcoed the whole distance. The time would hove been conuiderd akin to marvellous if he had ridden the W mile: overs free course. but the {net that he had to ride in I blinding cloud of dust. threading his way here and there through struggling bunches of riders, over I road boneycombod with rut: and holes. nuke: it I truly great achievement. Culidy hu quim.g__mpntntion u A truck rider. And hm hasten All the but men in the amateur rank: at one tiruoor another during the cannon. F. (lnvoqnloo on I MoCrcIdy, won the nocond Limo prim. medicines. Last evening an impromptu entertain- ment was given in the marquee by the mess staff, assisted by outsiders. The artistic decorations were designed by Sergt. Percy. The chair was occupied bylieo. Muller, jr., and his introductions of the dillerent performers and their characteristics were interesting. The entertainers were stars. The chorus. Up to Date Phrases, by the whole mess staff, was heartily applauded. Mr. A.shwin s performances on the hormon- tal bar were unique, the lightning rush and backward throw eliciting plaudits. Mr. Card, in his legerdemain and sleight- of-hand tricks, gave an elaborate enter- tainment peculiarly his own. Various articles were held before the spectators eyes, then made to disappear instantane- ously and without ap rent effort. Again and again he repea this part of the per- formance and the closest search failedto discover their whereabouts. Arthur Smith brought down the house" as he feeiingiy rendered Down Where the Lilies Grow, and the encore. Between Two Loves." Messrs. Amey and Leeman gave an exhibi- tion with the gloves of no mean character, and with proper training could make a good bid for a featherweight champion- ship. Stslf-Sergt. Ennis rendered, in a masterly style. on the mouth organ, The Campbells are Coming," with varia- tions. This was followed by a hu- morous addreas in which Sergt. Meek gave an ex lanation of the hrase Get them. Eli. The dancing 0 Mr. Percy wa] equal to that of many highly paid pro- 0 fessionals, his execution of the rnpipe .....i A.-...hla almilla hnina nnrticularv bv (area, "Verona English," ur. on n_v Messrs. Percy. Aohwin, Amoy Leeman. HOW II II IIIIUI Now tint. Mlee by bu left the city eheteie rent. hlku aoehe manner end trick. The reading 0! none glee eome. While I few people think the trick in dune by "pln re around through the endi- anm. think the eoheme is done In by "plu rfnrouna uarougn mo Inl- onoo. by mum of tho pad mod in writing, that an impressions in mudoon thopnd. Pow in- deod villa:-gno that Him by in a mind reader. Tboidcnoln woman sitting on t-honhgonndrandinghhomindn otpaoplo In um ndionco noun muxaotonn. `"'`"`I` In the IM : 1' (T -C_.I "I've brought younliulotlll olny own, " Tim Pose not aid; 0' Editor I 3 , And Iiool NI &J I . ,_'.~_,._ ngl. cg.` _.n_L-.I, I '":..'f:"'* "1" lllm. pvoc ` "IlIoPu\dI|od; T`l.:.l-dieor gunned men that- Holhocghnohinulllhulho Pod lid, Anpoouhoddouobdoa. `l'hPou Chougaucu will Dunno 3 (low: "ll.oI will not In Mm: -ny rm.- ` niehtlw ullhnlanuuly in" The 1:1`: Ihzhbn FOR GENTS FURNISHINGS.