Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1896, p. 4

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ry Anus:-non : wholo lnmily lnnt lbs: over may 1uui'.Y BBITIBIL ware, THURSDAY, oovrombli 1. 1.896. , cu mrougu uoldon (Mo pork. ho mod from tboClI' houoo to tho hood: to otoor. and wbon about holtvo . down tho poo to tho rochwoy in VI: (ion. who won oootod brolo. Tho hon-on glam ldrvord. throwln tho dvor on- ort vhoolo olightly in uri IIIIII. Bo- lonthoy could run. howovor, . Klnholl ~`uadMI.IoK6oodok unxpod fl-uluttour Illa smear. Piionasoo. I I1cnA-...._ --(r list A Olooollnvo. SAN FnAmvuIm,CaI.. Ont. l.-0muIl' Nelson A. Mihn, In command of tho Army. had I nu-row compo from dash yutuday. (kn. Milan. sooonpnnlod by I part of friends. (Iran to the ptootdlo. you _ y. tooomploto the impaction of that post. The party then drove to the C11! bouts, afurwhichthoyuurud In return to the on through Golden (ma _ toth W.'r:n-r-own, N.Y., Oct. l.-Nowa con- tinuqn to come in from nll int: in north- ern New York indicating t. at the effect; 0! Tuudny night`: gnlo were widespread. Althou h, except in I luv inahncu. only minor omngea are reported, tho total loan will Amount to I large sum to be rmdo up of the destruction of fruit, nnrooflng and oollnpoing of burnt and other light buildingl; tun, windmills, and lance: were domollahod. At Donor I Itonmbarge wu driven on I and bar. and at Point. Ponlnnln A vouol loaded with cool wu bombed, but neither were serious- l! dunnzod. |, dI|n5.d ou II: )ll)U,Ull). A colored ohurch in Manchester, just noroae the river from Richmond, was un- rooled and the steeple blown down. and rte of the steeple of the Broad street. gethodiec church and old St. John`: epis- oopel church were carried Away. The to- bacco lectioriee especially seemed to have suffered. \A7.-um-....-.. Mv n-n I u-_- gnu worn were aescroyod. At Wapneaboro. um miles out of Bunn- ton, the creek rose fteen loot. and wrench- od buildin s from their loundationl. One man was rowned. Reports from I" nur- roundiug country re rt. (rut loan to farmers. The loan at human in estimat- ed at $160,000. A nnlnu-no-I nhuumh in \l-....|...n._.. 2.... one oouwn nein down and off the Itnlka. Rivimoxn. a.. Oct. l.-The heavy rain at. Suunton, on Tueeday. resulted thet. evening in the bursting of the dam of the lake at the fair grounds, the Weber: of which rushed into Lewis creek, which run- through the city, end ooded the lower buaineee section, destroying vi vent. amount of property and oaueing e loan of eeverel livee. The Wilkee building wan under- mined and oollepeed. Burk u livery stable wan turned upeide down, the bridge: over the creek were swept. away and the Crown building in e ' wreck. Thorns- hurg`e eteblee were dutroyed. and there in general wreck everywhere. The Itreete are e mu: 0! Dobria. About forty horses and mulee were drowned and the bodies ol live negrooe have been re- covered. Otlnerfemone are mieeing. The gas works were eetroyed. Weuneeboro. milen eaat. nl Run... 1 r_DA\'_A.`1NAl_l. um, Uot. l.-Reporte from I the coast nre mee re. The Bee ielende, along the count of ( eorgil and South Cere- line. had almost a repetition of the norm of i893. Almoet every cottage and cabin in the wake of the storm wp deetrpyeli. but the weter was not iled upon them In in 1898. ooneequently t e eufferin wee ntlt so severe. The number of fatelit ea on` the See island: is not known, but it in not be- lieved that it will go over 100. Over twenty negroee were killed on the rice plantation: by falling timbers. The See Ielendicotton crop was bad! damaged the cotton bein down And oil` t e Steunmn. on 'l`u..I.... .....Io.a ID win exceed cwo million dollnn. SnAMo.uu.~z. PL. Oct. I. --A terric wind storm visited this nootinn oi the coun- try yoaterday morning. Buildings were doatnoyed and woporty of ever duori - Lion laid wutn or miles. The onto! 0 o Patwnon Coal 00.. whooo break wn nlmoat ontlroly demolished. in over 860,000. John Chalmers was fatal! injured. r_SA\'ANNA|l. Gm. t. l.--Rannr-ta {mm Oaplhltuuon 1,1130 Ihnrn. 01:4: !IIlgd].mid- p And non- __4 1- Oh: [mouth] A nurncnne passed Into Ueorgin deelroying I logging settlement in Camden county just. across the line and killing four persona. Folkeabone, 03., near the Floridnline, wee also acruok, the Ichool houue being wreck- ed and {our children killed. 10 is impou- aiblo to accurately estimate the property loss in Florida, but conaervnive men uy it will exceed two million dollare. SIIAMOAKIN. PL. nnr I _A o---uh me noueo collapsed. The mother eeca . Two eohooners, loading lumber It Kima Ferr , were blown from bhelr mooring: and {ended in I marsh. three of the sailors being killed. From Nassau county the hurricane passed into Georgia deetroying oountv iuer. deehed ncroee Duvell, its edge striking Jeckeonville. but doing little demege en caueing no lcee ol life. In Neueu count . however, juet north oi Jeckeonvllle. the hurricene eeemed to gather eddltlonel force and did ewful work. At Boulogne the echoolhoueein which there wee over thirty chll n wee wrecked end ve child- ren killed. iee Ada Stewart. the teecher, escaped with K broken erm. Lillien Relnee. e twelve-yenr-old girl, ren from the school houee juet before it oollepeed to her home. An she entered her home it wee wrecked end the child wee killed. Herry Johneon,who wee with her. wee eleo killed, end Mre. Reinea wee fetal- ly injured. At Hillierde the echool house wee wrecked end {our children were kill- ed. At King : Ferr . on the St. Mery'e rlver,Andy Johneon. oeee Shelter, Simon Hendereon, Mar Jones and her child, ell negroen, were illed. Mre. Fleher wee nursing e eick child end the inient died ee the house oollapeed. The mother eecaped. echoonere, loading Kinny`: AIIIUIQTO WI! [BEN |;SA\'_ANNAl_l. 03., Mn nmmr Lung -mg: more several injured. ............ vl yvuwuu won: nuwu Illlu many At. Fort its. in Columbin county. it in reported that mix persona wore hllod. but the report: bu not been conrmed. From Columbia county the hurricane striking doinlr dunno An VIII HIV! DOOII WIIOIOG Illd it persons have been killed. svhila pro- bab y thnce as IIIIIVIBOIO received wounds more or loan serioue. About four o'clock in the morning the hurricane, which had had been churning the gulf, left the water and svoo down upon Keys, a town of l, inhabitante. about 100 unles eouth-west oi Jacksonville. The onl re- port from there comes by way of G nes- vgle, it mulee north-eaat of the li ltle;wrl: ..;: in to the effect that Cedar eye a swept awa an many none killed and woundedgy ` P. Alter demolishing Cedar K.eys,the storm, moving in anorth-eaeterlly direction struck Willistona. a village 0 400 inhahitanu. At that place eleven housee were wrecked. one ' killed and fifteen wounded, some it is feared fatally. Near Willistonia is a large turpentine farm on which many` atate convicts are emplcxed. Twenty of theae convicts were had led in a cabin, -.-aoroae which the wind blew down a great tree, cruehing aix of the lnmataa. Leavino Lave nnnnizv ah. tort} or Inn ruin. .. I I D100, oruemng ux at the lnllntal. Leaving Levy county the hurricane duhed Apron Alwhue. one of the most populoun counties in` the state. where` A: number of peuone were killed and many ' ite. in Cnlumhin nmmtv it. oodu-Ioyolvnpt Away by Ilnonlnnou nny Illlod ruonguuvhou-up-14 ospodlron Oufhoo coho Illhd In Anoclur-Gull luau of Pnpony. ATLANTA, Gm, Oct. 1.-A ml from Jncksonville, 3711., to, tho union says: The Wat-Indian hurrimuc which entered Florida at 0od_u- Kay: yahrdnr noruing, and owoptrthrougb tho` Iouuhcn, e in I north-cum-I direction, Mb nth and dottruotlon on to path. negro to Ihow that our twenty town: and vi ugu hue. been wnokod and lo:-by-or . fty killod. vvhllo um- onus:-azo m `TH: wnsoxaos or son-noon. HOUSES. [Linn cmLnmwmLEn.| --_-" no my lay and 3t.PnuI Gold lln1ngco.,Ltd. , olosalnd, British columbla. .__...:_. ' on not loud nrwould Amount to. "'l'lnlI'd.ony gout-nlnont adopting tho above Inodoo ol action will canons a potty in bochqityund coon klucwlll lost no oppoolllon. I vorily lion that it the government would ad that proposi- tion: It would dnpllfyoralopu-odoooo. lu- -onorlmoond lmgntlon so much that in- uood ol odvnnolnn our indnnn -In-1.. unmoru would an more on llll in coal oil than one pot cont. ad NI land hi Id "Third. An! anus-nun-at. uh-.A a ll umnay axon. and lot this be for the vornmonb. If we uhould adopt both of show pro Mona wooould stand pro- hibition and In our tariffs vory mn- tarinly. Tho poor mechanic and: II landlord would hit an r nd oouloilulnn Id iuonnl hi Id Alnnnnh In Iulnnugu would nun [not 01' the ropk, which. I hut, will ho n Q. to up It from halo; ulophd." IlIIOnU- "Second, tax All land Eho`n'o|llng price 0! whlch_ia above. any $1.000 per . moroor loos, uclusivo ol bui|dinp,m bull to one per cent. Additional above what is In already cued. and M this be for the zovornmont. we Ihould ndnnt. hath .1 government. "This willgiveegivee better ole: of eervente. It willoreetae en eepirlng ten- dency in the people, it will take the pore: of corrupting the electorate out of the hand: of eeheming Ealitioiene. will eeve thirty per cent. in on rice. and atop penelone. I "Second. my all Igml n..`*'..Iu.... ...:.. It : about your last chance in II! fruit ling. -"We could reiee the lee: of revenue if we adopted prohibition, ret, by letting out all. or nearly ell, of our oioiel poet- tione end eeleried eervnnte, exoe court. judges, by tender. Everything e ee being equal. give to the lowest. under. and let them hold otoe during the pleasure of the government. "Thin will Arhvn A chm . inn... .1... -1 ....w w n-no nuvunun uncle! rrohlbltlon hIOCII)OII- . The Ulobo rooontl naked for pmpoulu to make up 87. .000 revenue to be ubolilhod by adopting prohibition. Among the replies I! this from A. Hoppina, Kings- ton : oerunn pm empeied by the scavenger. After the bueineee meeting of the King- eton yuoht. club. on Monday night, there will be I smoker. one of the chief ethno- tionn beingntug-of-wu between beams oompoeed o! married and tingle men. It willbepulled on oleeh undeuthe latent rulee governin euoh oonbeete. Upwerde oorty enilnnln comprise the b monkey theatre which Manager merby will hrin to Kingston. They have nttreobed mno attention elsewhere and hove drawn crowded houeee. The show embreoee dl-emetic ecrobeuc pugi- lietio And other perfonnnnoee by ooetumed monkeye, whoee smut, able imitaecive power: eluuye oeuee Iote 0! fun. 1 I i A own eloumng and make it right.. r Dr. Fee. medical health officer, we- ebout to In informetion egeinet. e oertein alderman. 0. in morning. but. wee prevailed upon not to do, II the alderman hed eon- eented to have e recently-eonetruooed drain trapped in the proper manner and to heve oertein pita emptied by the meetinr the Kino. qua. Have you been the unfortu moo umhuor of my of the inferior clothing IV on which the city teem: to be now ooded. If so do not IIIOW your friend: to commit the same mistake. bub advise each and every one 0! them to buy a nu suit. or overcoat undo by tho Star Hall who mete all ahei own clothing and make it right.. FOO. omen!-_ um: xrregulerltlee are charged. Lent evening a light took place on lower Prinoeae atreet between an employee end en ex-employee of e livery Itable. The ex- - employee wueo hedly puniahed that he P0(FliI'Id the eervioee of a physician. rank Quinn. bagge maater on the etr. Spartan until the id up, and after- wards trnnaferred to the etr. Bohemian. arrived home from Montreal to-day. The etr. Bohemian is being laid up at Sorel, Que. PUBLIC 8ER\-(ICE BY TENDER. no need on me nne to pull the veeeel oil`. 'lPhe write for the bye-election in South Eneox for the legislature are in. the hands of the eheri`. The nomination in fixed for Oct. lsch, and lm election . week later. This morning Meeere. Welkem & Wal- iem. on behalf ol the oouncil of the town- ehi of Bucnrd, issued I writ egoinut. John E. rown. lute treasurer of the township. Irreguierltiee charged. evening light. book nlmn nn lm... V- _- _. -Iu|I\-SUV av: wlluvlllll Ill Rideeu wnrd at the ooming elections. In liberating the eohr. Cue the tug Regi- nald and etr. . D. Celvin destroyed sev- eral Inge linen. A terrific strain had to be laced on the line to pull the he bvo-election in Hanoi. . V urnclll: wnnnocx P M e.w.n.n it .'h.xM'2!.'." t."'V'3"';:.i'I`1._'Eo-'orI,o. nelu unul next. lpring. Ald. Mu-tin say: he did not nutborine any n or new: r to state that he won d not be e oansi` ate for alderman in libel-ntinn than ml (1.. oh- 9.... 11-..: n. a u. wreak. The duo of the Royal military oollo sport: has been pout. nod indenitely. t is nltogethot likely t. onporu will not be held until next. spring. nn he did not .unm.-.'.. XI - ), Dr. Spark: in attending the annual meeting of the Ontario dental society in Toronto. Int night he rend A paper on the Dental Preoeptor. There will be no Temple cup game in Baltimore to-day. The train carrying the Cleveland players mu detained by the B. & 0. wreck. lot we 11. C ll.`l`. U0. Hon. John Ro Nowfoundlmd we do. in dead. it! Rev. G. W. K rko. of Conception Bay, 11 known all over Con- e was eighty-hlno -yours of orby. Bt. (kthnrlnou, -hu ooooptod the call of the Brunt avenue Mbthilh to be chair nnntnr Im- n-w b accepted the call of the Brunt an Mobhodluta to be their pastor (or year. yawn Uoulna. [III um. `~ Theta nold left, thin nltarnoon. with two for Big Eodnl to loud coal {or the K. & J`. 00. Han. John Rm-L. ll. .........u.... n__ .3. 800,11. 1!! gold Connoll s new Budge In `:6 Bolton on route for hilndolphla. She bu drpdglng to do down there. ' II: is rumored in New York bhnt Chauncey M. Dopowhubouno be murriod to Miss ` Edith Collins. his vud. Tlntno Ralnnlol Inh Old. .u........... zrno Iwunor Teutonic, which II` New York from Europe to-duy, $2,850,000 in gold. - Connollv s nan dndu In Ah Rn nun you-. The Gun! l: oounoll hunppointod wom- mittootao o t I uottlomonb with ex-tram nuror Hu-vnv. v to Igloo Bovonno Under Prohlbltlon nntmnntn. Pu ulna. 01.0 OO0II,fIIl]Oid- non-ouooubld. Ornntnd an Impcnl Lot of mi. Hull) Hlguop nn_'l'_;-ouun stock {or dual noun. Mn. and Min Junialon. Gnnnnoquo. no visiting Mn. 0. Boyd. Johnston um-ooh. _ Mn. J. Rudd Perry and Mn. W. Tum- ploton. Nnpsnoo, are visiting friends in the olty. Thopo lation of Ottawa in now over 51.000. uncut two thouund more than Int you-. Tho Gnalnl: mmmll hunnnnlnua nnnln. . III I31 I DOCK In UORWI. I. J. Hnnoy. contractor. Wotan-town. N.Y.. In in tboolty on bndnou. Wllllun Johnston, Ballovillo. innpootor of oloorldty. in hero on buuinou. Tho `In tho bu-bot hu gone down -dnrl the put week. no park. otonto. the rdidonoo Into Sir David Mnnphonon, will be 1 10 ll Inna uni non. Willi: hogllurd homo in Ottawa. . "gnaw, nnnhunnwnn w'c'o'r'ca`u'u'n.'?z'3E""""s""""""" '"'"."' " mwaai :0 r lat for I shooting on . \o- . {Z In mud at Hon. illinin Paterson I in hand hang in Oumn. urn. . Mn. Rnthbpn. Dpnumh. in in the city to-dc . Gin loco. Tamworth. Iain um city for AM! dun. Mn. 0. Illtahol;_L}!g|t.|ng friend: st Wutortnwn. KY. ` " * n-n-A II Ital... Lu 4... - _I..'-.:__ l'hoVoul-nutlowu onvdodlnooihu Knlljnlnan. nuror unrvoy. The Ibounor Teutonic, which u-rived at '0' York from Eur-nnn u\.oI-v hlvnnnh}. .- v-rynawuluowu IIIIIIIIIIOEI ulna. I`. QIIIC`. jr.. lljpouding A wank in Ot- aun. GENERAL PA'nAiiaAPHa. m.2"s'%5""' a Idwu-d-C. URI llllod II A .'I'O0I. . Pn-rsnvlm, Pm. Oct. l.-A dioootnuo !roi"ht wreck. ouandod by o Ion of llfo. At. `hon Station. noor Bond Pmh. on tho oiootorn olo of tho mounhoino. on tho 3. & 0. RR... o I2:l5_ o'clock this morning. A opooiol tologu-on from Gumbo:-land ototoo that tho onelro I-oln otov. onglnoor. II-ocnou, ooftdnooor. two htokouen and o . ond two N-oupo, otooling rkloo, woro klllod. Tho thirty-loot con which woto loodod with cool, and tho ongino ond ooboooooro pllod up on tho suck. and ammo bothout and was in ontiroly noo- pondod. Tho Ichr. Ouo. of-mood oh Both Point. no mood into tho port thin morning. Tho vooooldroggod onohoulnring notor- dov morning`: norm and tho wont hing W0 I "`.'.':."?.2i."i...`.`:.?'..."1":';.ff' Inga JolfnH`unol|y mp vi no yoototdoy - noon onxwpollmi at tho vl. but could not lihorou Ihor. lotly this moral tho Calvin oonpony jig Annllnn 0-. .-.l tL-A- h du buns I; 1 Mann: maln- Death 0! In W/0. OOWII. N APANII, Oct. I--0:l Tuudny morning lut. Mabel Emma Bhibloy. don-ly bolovod wife of W. G. Cowun. And only dnughtar of U. W. Shirley, puood pcaoolully uny ` at the Incidence of hot tuber, Palace Road, altar nvnnl months illn no the only age of twenty-two nun. Luc winbot aha oontrnotod n cold and pneumonia developed lrom which tho novor noovond. She llouilu ongh ohlld.P.'lhlao lannlana and fnmiy AVG 0 syn y 0 com- munity in thoir cud buuvumonk The lunonl taken lam to-day 5: two o'clock. Services will hold at the house. thonoo to tho Nnnnnoo a-mun-_ not-woos VIII be hold at In Nupanoo oanohry. urownlng. B:cu.n:\'u.I.|, Sept. 30.-Heertrending. indeed, wae the intelligence, thin mornln . that two reaidente, Thomae Irwin and W5- liam Irwin, father and eon. who lived on Franklin street, had lost their livee in the Buy of Quinte. Early inthe ruornin they eat out in their ehin boat to p down the bay to lift the r neta. When near Northport a terrible equall etruok the boat. also that of Laflue brothers. neigh- born of the Irvine. whose boat wee driven in on the north ehore owing to the mile. After this the Leltuea noticed that the Irwine were wuahed away and all tune of them disappeared. The apot when the accident occurred in one of the mo heat in the bay. and old-timer! deolere b no- thing ever ualled this atonnea eerly aa Se tember. he uddeat leeturee ol the occurrence are thet a widow and lawn children are left in deetitute oiroumatanoee and Mn. Irwin in a delicate women. Thomne Irwin was about fty year: of age end his son twenty-live. Two llollovlllo Ion .|.nu woman was urrutaod. A cordon of troops has been thrown around the Turkish qunrtar of Peru ht. This notion is believed who I precaution- nry mouuro ngninsb trouble growing out of the Arron of certain Tun-h_ connected with n........_..-__.. .I:_,_,.,, SAD ACCIDENT ON WEDNESDAY. ..., -uuuuurv ngunsn orounlo growing Turin connected with the growing discontent of the Moolemt wich the prelont government. wnmly Innocent. Conaiderablo excitement wan caused in the Yoni Kapu quarter. last evening, by the explosion ofa bomb. The police say the explosion. which did no damage. was the result. of an effort. on the part of an Armenian woman to get rid of a number 0! bombs which she had in her pououlon. She was in the act of throwing the bombs into the ma when one of them exploded. The woman an-and. cordon at human: I... 1...... n......_ It Ia Felt That `lheee Persona are Innocent She Threw Bombe. C()NH`l`AN`l`lN0l'l.l. Oct. l.--Up to yester- Aduy thirty wealthy Armenians, including one Armenian notability, had been arrest- edon uuapioion of having taken pert in the recent revolutionary movements. The general opinion ia that theee persons are wholly innocent. Colllitlenhln avail.-..-..o _-- --..--J L- mrrsoum or uongou is concern laud Eng 1896. The whole provinooo Don- gola will be held. and Korti and El Doblo, strageticlpointa south of and on the road to Don o 0. will be rmnnontly garrison- ed, on gunbosbs wi I patrol the river. A former wnibross in a Toronto restaur- nnlz. Mina Boll: Adoms. hss mnrriod I Chinese gonernl. high in the favor of the emperor of the sun. Six years ago Mrs. Wong Mong noooptod A position as as- sincanh stewardess on the Empnaa of Japan, but soon becoming tired of the life of a sailor she settled in Hong Kong. where she met. Gen. Won Mona, And after I short courbship, morriotf him. 1 II.` vlddon, Principal, Gt: lulncu Oollcco." llunon. -_._._- -. .- uuuuu nuuunuu, w9n'y and CI- penae, that he is quite willing the city should carry out. the proposal to take it over. This morning I tire was discovered In the ronidonoo of J. Ha rt, Pehorboro. The re brigade turn out with real. romptitudo And only the utabloa an out.- uildmga were burned. Estimated damage 8500; fully insured. No ndvnnoo of the Anglo-Egyptian ox- goditziorrloutb of Dongoln is uring whole nmvinn... non, ea 0; mo Iutl mature. Vlilliun Mo engie, of the Winnipeg street railwny. any: the concern in the cause of so much friction. worry and 0()0VpopulAt:i<;|, u rovldc ed by tholutl in turo. enie,V_o! -A_-_L _ ,-I uovemor Morton. New York. appoluood a board of live person: to oondnob enm- inntionl of hornahoon in uitiua nl nnnr m . noun 0! mo oondnf cities of our 50,- 000 populntion, rovldod by n luv pau- od_!)ly_At3ho lnqt legit v xomry Bnnw." The steam yaoho Intrepid, owned by `Lloyd Phoenix, New York.` pnuod Prowlo Point. huvinon board the crew of the borkontlno w ioh wnwrockod o` Mutable!- hotd on Sept. 25th. Governor Morton. an nnrnnnn On .......u..... -_-_. uow York. for U l, yutuordo 3:7. nu`. Gormmion. mpoo` L Two wnrnnta for the arrest of G. H. Morrison, the Ronuolur county defaulting oreuuror. won luuod in Tro . N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Fonnoll. org. will Ipofad nix mont.lu`ela:h Eh priulm !or,'pro_- cuungn oun r or tumor: urpoooo. John tologn, jr.. Wlnnlggg. died Wodnudoy from the ronmof internal lu- iurion. naultau In boon-0 complications. roll: I lnoyolo Ill. _ ' Wilbur F. Pm-hr, 1.. . .a.....n_n- -- Inc rnuoyumn miuion board In ad- Ilha black lfnd IMO` gbgmswdy o u 0. in Tho United Su: trounry statement. for Boptombormhowod a deciency for the month of 01,600,000. Mr. And In. Jonoz Chamberlain nihd Iron New York. for votpool, yutuordny, on__t.ho ` "Wt!-IVIVG" nuocas. vii HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR nnuuna-n -up A ____ Day. wuAr'sr1ii:_Iy1Ncs tom") gnaw J` n: ___;j-._.._._. THIRTY UNDER ARREST. I -00 I000 Drowning. 9...: an Loco `lholr Live: by vnlnl. . zlnob anm. P. J. WALSH [TUESDAY NEXT [GRAND -vy, q)1.UU, 01.: Children : ing-makes. men a ouxrlu anu U1 75c. $1.00. $1.25, 31.50. nhf`DAv\ a anti 7 -J3 Ladies Vesta and Drawers, Wool and 40c. 50c, 75c, 90c, $l.00, $1.25. Men's Shirts and Drawers, all new otoc 75 mnn most as ::n A special meeting of the onmmittee of the city council and board of trede we: held in the mayor : oioe lut ni ht. M- fein connected with the pro elevntor wen dioouued but nothing delluito wu done. The meeting adjourned until four o'clock to-day. The correspondent of the United Aa- eooieted Preuel at Honolulu any: consul- genernl Mills will send the remains ol Kate laid to the United State: {for cremation. Friday, bnrgnin day at Taylor`; l W unit `In. uoou. A rather sharp trick was played in u down town hotel eeterdny afternoon. A stranger entered t e hotel and offered for sale a suit oi boots. A oitisen tried them on. an nding they tted him. borrowed fty cent: from 3 friend to pay for them. The purchuer was not going home juut at the moment so left the boot-e in the hotel oice. from where the originel owner gain- ed poueeeion of. them again. Taking the boot: into the you! he sold them to the yenimen. who put them on end eold Ml old one: to A former. The question in. did the rut purehuer loee anything, having borrowed the money 2 - Spdclal offering this week of High Class Dress Goods in Fancy} Patterns. Tvi/ends and Imported Blacks. Notwo pgttorns alike. Patterns confined to ourselves for this city and district. Price. $4.50. 35.00. 35.25 to 93.00.. we mnnngemenc or me movement. IAPIO numbers of the Applications from the United States for poeizionn come from old Cenedinn operators who wish to return to Canada, if by doing so they can secure remunerntive employment. unto ll aoomad. The grand chief of the order of railway talographora ia onrouta here from Illinoin toaaaiat auiatant grand chief Pierson in the management. of the bran numbnra nl IJIA .n..I;...o,:..... 1...... uman salmon! are closed. The strikers mwd the Ontario action from Montreal to indoor as their wonk- eat. district, and have sent men out oil over there to try and stiffen np the striker: and induce others to go out. It would ap- pear now tint. if the trninmon and en- gineers do not extend a helping hend the strike is doomed. Th: an-n 1154-! Al ti.` -..l-.. -1 ---'|----- min; W'i{a'u';'. gT.oa`n'.{.I.s.'r'3}'o "'33 Are being sent to point: vueeted, on Are A number 0 see where the men who did not leexie ark the tint dAy heve now gohne out. t in An ueured hot t t the trAlnmen Are lntereetln themeeleee in the settlement of the etri e. Thie move he: teken the {gram 0! A pointing mltteee to try An rin t e telegrep ere And the com ny toget er to no upon A P` . . com mine. Advice: from Winnipeg any the ooomotlve enguneere Ar_e likely to eup- E:-it the gtrikermb Frellight in MAnitobA le 1 o ok'ed. ut t e pueehger tr-Aim Are moviv Along. eomewhAt [Ate however. you A . A mg Anmov en en '33 `"} "i.;`2i'`i` ` '." f"a weet An that the deepemhin pointe ere nl:lAn;|ehd Iran; the cont to Wlnmpeg,though e or An . To men the line from the Quebec bound- Ar to St. John, N.B., veoperewre reach- Megentio last night And freight train: ere now moving to And from the maritime province though A lerge number of the smell etetione oloeed. Th: IL:-ilam-A nan.-A oh. (Lu- -:.. -_.s:.._ '-: 5?.-IQYE and the following days there will be the finest display of Autumn and Winter Novelties ever displayed in this city. No cards. .-j-_ -i-' DDOII` uemonon. MONTREAL, Oct. I.-1! than in n ohm at all in the O.P.R. strike ilbnnon at th I point. It in in {over of the road which in now Inning to move none freight. tnlnu. hilo A good number of 0 ton beill LO nnlntn vnmnlmnl, 0. ma Ann fflje Tononro. 0cI:i."l.- .l'ho ltariko :1 0.P.R. opou-more in It in pt-ognll. at from pneontindioeblone ltloohu though the oompony would win. an n number of the operative: who went out when the strike we: ordered have made oppllootion. to be taken back, and in esoh one their new hot beongronoed. Thoee cull out c m um. tho oomgnny will eventually accede to their demon 1. Mun-nu-u n... I II n.__. x- - -L-__- jjj Oponton Won lot Anxious to Don TIAQII Plano`. Tl1j`Gilmorc % Patent Li3ratcr `SEE THOSE HOLES?! It_ is cood Coffee. and _If not satisfactory you are Invnted to return it to the grocer who will -refund your money. How it works. FLANNLT% I! boot The lloou. .- .l.--.. .-LQL ._,, ARE TAKEN BACK. --v, 'lu\I\I- and Ladies combinations in all the loud-_ EMT-I -Inch Bliiched Cotton, 500 _.for!n'tday, cyd. . ' `nch Unbloac ed Sheeting, . _ ~ diy only wk yd. ` , - Ladies` Vests, .2 for 25. ' Inch Unbleached Table ; - 39. regular price , _3dI Q_nb|eached`*\Cotton, w . f6i'1"-.Ptice' 6- K I . - _tj_B_!gain or 49c;\tegu- 07:12.. I MILLINERV That hole will grate cuet ner than it an be chop- ped. That hole consti- tutes the difference b0-\ tween the Gilmore Patent and any` other grater. Free with one pound of Vienna Coee. When the _Vy_2}gr/T Drank uncuua-a Poet L-uneace`. ;'n6:i'.`ue"d" "uIi'63i ml Ice (octane a fund to build the cannon In to are for the lnnllyoho helavdd pod. lune ma Ilouncu sounnlr Ind. uolunoluukchhcnu at book stone at Int 0. The lave ofulngto publluhed uncon- b_u!ld,Ihe onion! and 811.00. Porp Freak! on ncel ofsm be M : unccte. alive to ctgntgg fgIud__lo handful of the III! of E ue-Mel . `Inna- namely llluntntggeby lhlrt fr: of the world`: [tented u-mu as their con ributlon to the lion- `umeut Fund. Inc In no ublo contribution 0! the nut mus tibial can not Iunhou unha- Purple p_I'qn_n_|_q _9u_ncglJ>t of sun. oiu-Into .- . an uuuu uulvl III III -00! III III! OI II} nun ptlonlfnu the Mud um at n I Hold`: Inn ollan." Couulnnn nelcctlou 0 Jim hcgutlfulol poem: II: Mel Han - Illutnted by ve lffllelf lflllll :1 Huh mu -H...nl.... 5.. -L- :1-.. ---up`:j&LI l fhrgaih Day Sal `Jan A. an n..n._--_- -LA- ,- vwv --gvwv gnu: Iuv-u-vIl UVIVICI I -' The most benumul An Production of the cen- tury. "A null incl at (In -on In not 0! Nu- ptlonl tn: In 31 l,ovg._'j Conulnng She not uvnnroo1.Tunxn-u. LwnPooI..Noo .0ot.l. - wn c N.ll -. f.'..$.`."`.`. {$3. -""`n"a.`.... ` "1' ':.`&a .'".. gt:-`x tg`-103$` MT. 'l,hogJ."`Ii:o::n-lau' 3m` nan ' chug`.-|`Vi1u'.m'or'I t')oI%:od.a' ' Ootton ouIor-Amonun Inddllncs-I `ll-`I vu v-Ilu cvupvrnnu. I III 1.0 III; $10!!` Bllon, am to ho - onmxo an -1. 1 no (.0110. uu1N-Whut No. S nnlcohn Bud. one to Ilka -Oorn. 800 to $80 ; Penn. Min to Me ; Olta, no Co Mr - Bu-loy, new 480; R1, I10 to m ,- Outmonl. ,4l.I'0tn 1 S0 : Cormmm one to 900. _ Pn_ $19.00 C-0 11.06; Lud ac to ,-,.. V-uu-u, Oatmeal. $1.30 to Corlnlnuf Pn no.0!) ll.nb,- to 70; Bnoon. 90 to me ;Hnnn Inn to no ; Ohoouo. an to 9:0 - Butter. townuhlpu. No to lav ; Woutorn, lio to lav ; 333,100 to Ho. .3; -us! `IIIAL IIODIJOI KAIIITI Ilmn'nI.'AL. Que..Oot. I --;FL 0300 brlu ; market Ilrm. Quotoulum : Patent`. Wlnter.O-17.5 to 390; Potent Hprin , (III to M1) ; Htrainht Rollm-.3 mm sun. ..4.. ...... Winter. 03.75 Hprlni, Ht:-night RolIer.8.b0to MI); xtrn,l.w to s.m- superne. unto tun; utronnlluon. (.nyN-Whut, Hlnl. mm on ELI AGENT IOI Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flour martin. Shem. Food. Iowent prion in ton Wanted-One and other rain; Will my {chest price: at Ballwny qguom. Corru- pondpnoo solleltod. " ' uz Brock st..,1K{u:toi:. om. [JOSEPH { tXiK1T:, SOL` AGENT Inn. IOIIIBIAL rnonool IAIIITI. Ilmn'nr.'AL. Oua.. Out 1 _:Im....._n......-a I III . no'.5ou`una. nu-mu. Oolumbh. mac... `I50. Ont.` lloulond, B. . I` I 0 Klnnton strict. I M ,. Anoonoor. lining and In lnnrnr :1- Bonkdn Pan 1:. Holman`: Bun Hunk of Tomnto Iamhnnw Bunk Iuolnnw Bank ol Halifax . nlon Bonk ............. .. Bank of Go Northwut. ndoompanyn ..` lontrul Cotton 00 .. .. _ Oolorod Cotton Dominion Cotton Bank of Ion! Ontario Bun!` Bank du Pom: Ontario Bun] Pun] Ban Oouunonhl Onblo I tun! Tel 1-o"."u.|u.1\1 Ionenul'8tr.o'o'%iiv lontnnl Ga 00 loll lhlonhono. ii. lontrul G636! loll l\)o hono.. Bonl oomo.. Toronto Enllwn Toronto Ifootrl. . OPENING. COMMERCIAL. IOIIRILL IIOOI KAIIIII AZ. TV A Plomollullvnm. .. 01 E=g`.'i5:'.':'.'.`II""".'f.'.'.'" _`a ll .._-._A_| A. 7* is not from Caledonia Springs an important health factor is overlooked, atocu, 25c, 50c, jj`TAyLoR's ! orple X oftmo. -2--we-9 2-b.I.tehe_d mu con- let. Ilrm. Qufotnllunl P-Eii r rlolI>e`1-.8.b0to Iuunul aounllr Pill. no Ilunounot. cusp. III. Union, 25:, :33} no -wr 4% U V ' & 90 Prlnoud strut. -3:--.--.--------------- I IBOGl.Kb l;ruldont. W. 3. Brook & Good: To!-onto.0n. L. J. 1. Dmlmaox, m Woo- und Running 00.. Ltd. I viduon & Hu.md.. Wholoulo .n 1'01-o 1. in IS. BILL. Gononl lonuor. Bou- . A`. OUEBIII. Iloontory-Tnuunr. 1100. One. ' on E` , Ind Vloo~Pronldon. Ian ; I :."L... `and. Brim}. n..:.....:.a- n-..-.. Goods for 25, 9.3 V _ ~ ` Dfe8_wds 15 per yd. .-2 _.ncuu.-' PRICES FOR '__DAY ONLY at ~ sun umur tn: nnporlnl H noun '1";-ouury devol- %" n`."`.'e...`.'i }`.`."1.'r':`.`.3.i n.`."i.'.3`+ II Icon of la) shun or more. `union non-uuunhlo. v uuuor Int! Appnluor B-86 BROOK 81'. -_ OFIIOIII : K Dwnnhlg-. O In Inn in no IITIM. an t:nnG't.bon will be lnmmonl. oh. and than an . Dill won will be 8: Pb, and thy `Sons ol than 1 them? Odd dgnllloun I summoned An lldleatlou of Inc In be lxpoctod at no lnvutlgntlon. C1.u.:mz:v|u.:. Quo.. Oct. l.--The Edy lnquou will ho l'I'0|J0llOd to thy or Friday. That. In the val mnnin of tho - nnoo ol hi h oonsublo Ga 0. of Que Thurs will go Armin. nu Mr. (M.- - vuv I XI Illfll I III I tgo. 2;: ll: 0: ll \ but 85:` I)? lnmmnm. DU Iunonoal. . Sir Charles Hlbbort. Tapper bu been on- gngod A: senior ooumol In the Behring in leisure olnimu oommiuion by .tho oulln ruu bnving the Ingest. claims for illoga Ioisure. . The Ionutao bu passed 5 resolution ro- ltrlctlng the an of the nlhnnnt to mom- ol the touch. Thin will provont. common- on Iron: pmnv drinks in the buildings. EI\\l lAnp\n---.- -- -- - Capitol Topics. Mr. Iaurior. in the house, moved that tho `Mug of leather trunk: and stationary trnn I to members Ind senator: buboliIh- ed in the future. This wu carried. John Ron Robortoon hll iuuod invin- tlonu to the members of the promo gnllory to lunohoon. Rh (`ha-l.. HILL... In..._..., I I 9 ? _ he thought (it was permanent list. The debate on Senator Kirchho`er's question calling attention to the impro- priety oi provincial premiers receiving ap ntments with emoluments lrom the ederal government was continued ha` Sir Oliver Mowat. He held t t the princi le that a federal premier should perfectly free in choosing his cabinet from whatever source generally admitted. With regard to the three premiers whoee selection by Hon. Mr. Laurier no incensed ` senator Kirchhoffer. the reason of their ae- lection was no secret, but had been public- ly proclaimed. That reason was that it was considered that men who had retained (or so long the condence oi the peo- ple of the province lrorn which the came would be a source oi strength to t e cen- tral government. His answer to the quee- tion asked was that the government was not aware of any objectionable policy bein pursued or any impropriety In premiers o the various provincee was tiny appoint- ments or employment wit emoluments attached lrom the goven ment of the do- minion of Canada. EDY. INQUE81 TO BE OPENED. government." The removal of H. C. Dixon. stomp vendor in Toronto poet. otce. wu debated in the tenure and ooneidereble fooling menifeeted. Senator Power pointed out that after the nerel election of 1878 the ooneervetivee iemleeed elmoet every om- oiel in Nova Bootie who was not on the permanent list. The dnhnh on Annnn In....I.L...u-...v- , _--_._.. -u- nuuvvo Lmnsroma cm ~I >--` nusmsss coueca ; ___---- eopecneuy no the telegram from his excel- . lane to the ooloninl_oocretcry. I wish to ) any And I have obtomod the neoounry n_g. Ient 00 the meking of u_ Itatament of this > ;'::':.:;:':;;::. ;r.'" "`.;.*""".: I nvewo to not tat the cabinet hcd nottonderod advice to the ) :>.Vo:t;::-' orelio It woulnllid be opgn to GM] use I own incre- ? tion in the I_nctmr; _yot., after enmin. , in; the royal instruction: as Amended. I came to the conclusion and no informed his oxcelloncy that, In my opinion, the pro r oouree under circumstances would be t at 3:0 V?L|0l'~gOn0I`Il odhould ellow IT- couroe. on rccommen is cxcellcncy. i_! he had any doubt in the mat. ter. to communicate with her majesty : government. " The rnmnvnl M `H (V. Ilium .5... menu a that the minister of iustice (then ll` Hlbhert Top ) advised his exeellenoy that as the ca inet offered him no advice he might use his own discretion. This statement was not altogether in ac- oord with the facts. 80 that he might be Elaoed rightln relation to the matter be ad obtained from his oxoellency permin. eion to make the following statement to the house. Sir Hibbert then read: "In order to prevent any misconception ro- gardln my own position in relation espeolaqly to the telegram from his excel- lenoy oolonial secretarv. I Iriah tn noooramg no mo rintod oorrolpondonoo ue spponred in I enpatoh uent;b his ex- oelloncy to the coloninlaocretary. t a state- Incnt poured that the minintor of iuatice (I'.bon_ I:Iibbert_ Tapper) ihis 61,000; loaned .0: ui river becween Kingston Ind ingeton ills, 83.000; to complete dee ning no Merriokville and Nevvboro. 33%. Be!ore the house went into sup ly the question of the Bhortil rdon wu Brought up by I nation at by Mr. Bergen-on. It gave it Hibbert Tupper an opportunity of muting an explumtion. He nid that. According to the rintaed correspondence thut sppeu-ed eanatoh sent-bv hi: ex. expense: none of Major-Gen. Cameron, Cl.000;hodned Ca ui river bobwoon Kimnmn And inontnn m. n ma. ... my enu enneenulny at the undertaking. There wee I divuion of the home during the Afternoon on e resolution by Mr. Devin to put binder twine, ocel oil end agricul- ture! implement: on the free lint. Twent. - ve members voted with him, but the i-. benle refilled to be am hi: by the pelpeble trick. end the let 1 of the concern- civee voted with . The government : mgncrit wee therehre 102. npplementery estimate: lor the current ecel you were kid on the table at hell-put twelve o'clock. The hotel in 0867.208, 0! which $347,000 in cbergeeble to ooneolidehed fund. Amonn them no womauu, on wmon 3347.000 in chargeable Among them are those : Two months nlnry And bnvolling expanses home of Major-Gen. Cameron. "JW: todnedo.Cnh|-mui rivnr hnhwum anon no me '1'!-enc valley canal. He laid that the government had not. re- commended any more money for the un- deating than had been contracted for by their predecessors. because he want.- $4 look into the whole w and decide for hlmael! whether it ahou he proceeded with at I or ahoold heahao oned. This, he laid, he had determined poo in View of the dierenca of ofinion an to the util- ibyand advinhillh o the undertaking. _ durinz An Iutotunnuag nnnou cement w undo this altunoon by M2. Blair, mi:: but of nilwa I and ounnln, with mien { once to the rent Vnllnv mm]. Ha now I0 vo IIIIGI nrollbu. The work of toholnulgn should in done. no hr an the homo oi magma in nonoornod, this went, onto allow of prorogction inthont day: of nut Inch. u I Ivoul yc the fruit line._ loollltjwood lube: onu-lulnnod that 0! BIG Work Il00.000-0on- -uaulbvodmhwln Liquor I lhlxtolnr. ` 011' VA, 8opo.,80.-`I'bobo 0 to- ,dnyb:rd at 170:! with all: sad undo-uoillou pngxun. _'u Imnurlu won two-ux-an puud 2?: thohouumu. Analnrdsynhonldnhh them. Tbonohonwill boonlythofurtbu supplunoutu-ho. which no no Inodatu ~ not to we maul! trouble. Thowork of 4 II In Ihnnhl ha llnnn, an fun as lm 1 THE TRENT VALLEY CANAL TO ` IE INVISTIGATED. [ms nonox ovznwnmnml ""0. or quote. up Mr. (Mo; I. an un nan I I DIIIIIWH5 IIIO ol ` thunnlg In I ouuu, Vnlloy canal. rnmona mm mor- He not rs. The best way would be to or- der some of those Flemish Beau- tidl, Duchess or Sheldon Pears wofre tolling from 25c to 50c a Pck. IC'.WIIIIIX~l nononalnoocu. `a 11:0 make those preserves" woo`! get it done. nuv mo ngln. no In six day: old to-day. Mn. Navarro in now In the homo hind ol a dam of lady Tennyson At. Wimble- don. and In making great on: for mung tar. Blues All tho was ex- pcdonoo In low, wedlock and nothcrhood. nhooould nomihhoobou. return to tho Ihgowlehthoourhlntyolunhlng 5 pho- may no; as uncured ly the no he the most wonder ul infant over uw the light. H0 in six day: _Mrg. Nnufro hind nary Anderson`: Baby In}. NIW YOIK. Oct. l.-Julim Ralph osblu Imm London bbo lollovlng, which will interact nanny: Mary Anderson baby boy is declared the he sh. mm}. Innnr nl i..l...n n.-. -..-_ -1-. numuou nu luelfnod. OTTAWA. Oct. l.-J. A. Ruddiok. oi the egrioulturel end dnir cornmieaionere stall`, eevered his connect on with the de- pertment yesterday. He goes to take xermmont charge of the dnir school Lunch 0! the school of mining an agricul- ture. Kin Iton, under the` Ontario vern- ment. Ruddick has been in t e em - ploy of the dominion government ilve-end- n-hull yearn. and durin tint time has be- come well known in I meet every part of the dominion, but eepeoielly in the west. when, (or the put three yeera. he he: been prominentl identied with the de- 1 velopment of t e dairy industry. The dn.i`ry echool at Kingeton open: on Doe. I 7t . - . xor Meaenl. Clayton, Wiaeman and J. Iiudd Perry. We understand that apples are as high an eighteen cent; per bag at. the evaporator for choice peeling appiee. The corn hulker purchaeed laet. aeaeon by Maura. W. U. Snider and D. Smith seems to be in great demand. D. Smith pur- poses commencing work with it very soon and has a large aeaeon'e work on hand. Several attended the county fair at Napa- nee last week. Mn. bowie Hartman. ac- companied b her niece, Miae Mabel Sni~ der, nttendetg Picbon lair thin week. We are glad to notice than Mn. Lewis Clark. who was iii, in out again. Vlotol-In VIHOQIO; Vnrronu, Oct. l.--Moee people have their threshing done, and we presume cheap enough, pomo of them. Of course: hrmer can : pay too much when dealers offer all of fifteen oente r bushel {or onto. W. C. Snider epent. e ow days [net week at Violet with his engine, cutting corn lorfeilo pur- roeee for Mount. Clayton, Wleemnn {udd under-sun ..... -- Lx..L -- -:_L-H asked toexplain. One of them. Mr. Pet- tet. replied that if he had voted he would have voted for the amendment. He was informed that, being in the house when the motion was put. ie must declare him- self for or against it. One after the other then declared in favor of Mr. 1)avin s motion. and against the gov- ernment. with such evident reluctance that the conservatives laughed very heartily at their expense. It seems thet the patrons had a oaucus of three over the question. and being equell anxious to sup- rt the amendment decided to do neither. Key omitted to leave the chamber. and `lore consequently compelled to make the o oice. - naugn Al The Patroua. O1-rum, Sept. l.--The house had a hearty laugh at the expense 0! the three patron members, Meeare. Rogers. Tlmie and Pettet. They eat in their place: while the vote was being put. but refrained from recording themselves, either one way or the other, when the you and nay: were called for. When the a;- tention of the chair was drawn to the fact that the trio had not voted they were asked toexplain. replied he had vnmd ha -m-IA umo elapsed before the trouble was located by the company : oioinla. and I great. deal of loss of time and Annoyance was ore- ncod. The boys will most likely be prone outed. and the Great Bellevllle Electrlc Ger Ier. vice mm to ltop. BILL]./11.1.3. Ont`... Oct. l.-TheTmotion Co. experienced considerable diiiiculty in running its urn through sn unuaual cause. Two boys. David Stusrt snd W. McKee, wergapietly experimenting with the trolley wire and endeevoring to obtain connection with some incandescent Ii ms in their poeeeeeion. They threw t eir wire across the trolley line, which broke the oimuit and stopped the care ab various places elon the route. Considerable time elspeedwefore the trouble by commnv : nininls ....i . ..--..o Threateiih; ` nun nuouua n Inlay nmuonl Pointl- lloudytoo Out. Ornwn Och. l.-A strike of the mom- " hon ol all the rcilvuy orgnnintionc on the 0. P. R. Iyucm looms to bc imminent. The railway tnlnmcn. rcmon. conduc- tors. locomotive on near: and tuchncn at Ottawa and Al the landing divi- Iional points. clear through to the Pncic coat. bold man meeting: lul. night at which ncolutions were pucod aym pcbhizlng with the railway tologrcphors. approving of the lhnd taken by them and oxprouing n willin nun to go out on Itriko with them. he resolutions con- clude by calling upon the grand oioers of the dllforent. nniutlom to rocood at once tolontroo and callout t olr mem- bers on the U.P.R. cyuoom if necessary. wager Inmlommo under the board In 522, with 49'! nuimnu and I member- ship on the mission stations. home and foreign. ol 47.055. an-no an: ionic: noun. Tonox-ro. Out. Oct. l.-This morning tho pool-II boon! of tbo Methodist min- oioou-y.o'odoty wont Into sedan and in I likely to bo in,oodon until It even- ing. The nonclol condition cl mis- sion fnndo is considered romorhbly moh- foo whoa the re ol tndo dopreo- sion oonll Tho total Income 0! the board for tho yoor bu been $242,740.- 82, A not Inoroooo of 05,243. The total ox- pendltnro bu boon $229,941.27. The are now In tho homo miooion work 3 misllonorloo. forty-two sonistonto oud ; .895 members. In the deportment of .' Indion mission: there ore now lllty-eight . mioolooorieo, forty uolotonto and 5, 1] members. The Fronob misoiono under the Montreoloonfensnoo have Ioven minion- orleo./oevon uslotsnto ond 278 members. 'l`be.0hlnooo minions in British Colum- hio are conducted by oeven misoion- orieo and Aooiotonto, ond hove 239 members. In tho Jopon Methodist eon- lerenoo the twenty-three miuionorieo hsve thirty-two uointonto out! o membonbip roll of 2.137. Tho Woot Chino miion .of the Canadian Ilothodiou is conducted by two mhoionorioo And oix nsoistonto. Tho totoL,of minions:-ies under the board I 522. With 497 Alnintnnhn And A lnnrnhnr. Ian Anderson`: Baby Q` Your hot. I _l..I:-_ 1 ___:______ Ir. lluddlol u BOII| lIO(|. `nu, On I __l A n...u:..:_ THE BOYS E)TPERlMENTED. A Laugh At The Pntronn. nu I-`hub I mu- L.,,., A GENERAL STRIKE. METHODIST MISSIONS. n-cu-uuuulllul-wupu lononldfoluljnfhld. um nus n..n. I _'l|Ll.... 3),!!!) 53:3: II ! T . d 93" . u&.`.....:. { 0 Bloch 1 npind loll-II I ua. ` onm W mock hum. lo 4%. $ .~..a: ul nioronco, I d V lnl'nnund I. . B l1lA,GO! gm? 3 A. . uhnd. nmm Io. Bonlond Xingu! E, Anouonot-I or. Vnlunor -86 I

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