Loldlouboq nuoouy do Ilgnlndut lnnnlktnn Ian-luv. TO O-Fl-'ERi|T TO GLADSTONE. uuvruli IIIIII IIIIIII EOIGDOIT BII 50! B00: lnlrly `fraud. Lormos. Ooh. 9.-Thc midlnnd liberal ndnrgtinn ha: nnlln . n nn-`Hun Inn 03.; llcwuunuunuoooy. 11%| (IA II._A -nan. lunllll (Ironing Inn} Dologutu. nu nhin (`ml 1: ,,II"I.:- .._._. cm-n They Are Rupcotablo. mnnu nut, 04. S. l.._-.A Lu NOTAIUDDEN IMPULSE. A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. _..j_-- 1:30 Lily Iamd st. Pull Gold I|nlIwo., of llmlud, British oolumbla. man. um? sin-rzsn wnie, FRIDAY`, ocronnn 9. 1896. mun. um mom .whiIo 3.3 an . I - .:".:r,::.:;.,.. .2. .:..- .2? III!-Oily an ' not (`solve J: lnlnn. I`lIIu'hnolI'P!Ionl0,g. D-mom. "ct. B.-0no onto vort- - X1530 `ghvntl -n.-g! ll STREET. PHONE 800. T1-:-: uwupw uu un Iullnul III my: I. Two youn woman Annie and Alice Knminton. Zyono township. Ont. nuan- dor nrnut. at Bothwoll. Ont... on choc ol murdering the (winch child. Dr. Boll`: ovidcnoo AI tho inquus. which was bid on Wednesday ninht. was in tin Jim: -5-- mono: II tho inquc. which Wodooodn 1: lat. Inn to tho Illa Id god borlulivo, lid. in than bu-I ad or crushed In. Tho body riot! in tho Jud. nu twice been tried and ecqultted on the oh of murder. _ Al red Highton. 4 worthlele cheque operator in on parts of !.he.Unll.ed Shae. hnheennentenoed toe homo! veyenra In Jackson penitontiery. He obtained fty dolhre from I Detroit rm under false pneunoee. He he: worked some big genes and is noted lor I-in eleverneer. Capt. -Gonerel Blenm. of Arena, `ov- ernor of the Philliphine Inlende. he wired the government from limit: that A com- peny of native soldier-r,who were fortifying the town of Monika on tbeinlendo! g name. reoentlv Inutlnied end their ollioere. The government ol Illndeno. Gen. Blenoo sen. claim the other Inky troops on the islands are loyal. vounn women Anni. uni An... . one meuncnl tauumony at the inquest. Madame Van Heclo. a widow of Brun- nols, bu sued on behalf of her dnughur. for 50,000 francs dunugu for brunch o nrotniao of Mujor Lothniro, commanding lgisn troops in the Congo country. who has twice been tried and churn muon or the property. The one 0! the uuppoood murder 0! Mn. Robert Car ntor. nut H nvillo, has been pl: in the bands 0 government detective John Murray. The body was exhumed for the purpmo oi oorrobonting bho medical testimony the Hocio. widow nl Rn... noun Ion rln.UUU. George J. Marsh, treasurer of the Cape Ann Swings bank. (ilouoouhor, Mm-u..Ihot himself fatally yesterday. Mr. Mnnh vu oonnoctod with the mnnngomonl. 0! seven! auto: and nothing in known u to the con- dition of the property. the nnnmnml mm~I..- no u.. people! nocncuu At Wilmington, I)ol.. ro. Int. evening. totally dutroycd the morocco factory ol Gourott. & Bu-r and almost complomly do- uroycd the morocco Imtoricn of Chu-kc Baird & Co. And WA-hingtaon. Jone: & 00. Total Iona I2l5.000. (Inn:-an] Ilnpgl. A...-..--- A1 -l- " on D.- glho dominion alliance by circular in the immediate or animation of municipal plobiooito aaaooiat. ona. II. uh the oo- o ration olall ohumhoa, W.C.'I`.U.. Son: 0 Temperance. Royal Tomplarsand young pooplu` aooietiu. AL Wilminalnn Hal u. I--A ----1-- Price Store, 88 at 90 Princess Strut. urn. to nmwor 1 oh 0! urdor. The Itr. Pu-in, grim: lino. foo Soluthumptonmu Ipoken by the Bilmnmk in mid-oooon. Tho osphln ropormd tho starboard engine had brohn down, but he wu Able to proceed slowly with the port engine. uvuuv. um nuqgnmon ll Illlb samples 6| goods taken for tastin purpose: have boon Ioid to merchants in I. 0 city. oor o E. Underwood, who bu been oonn in Woodltoak jail for oovonl wooh uniting the completion ol 0ltrldi- tion proooodingn, wu uhn to Houston; Torn. to ohsrgo oi Inurdor. Pnric. American lim. rm ngrognmons needlessly. WA sosndul. it is alleged. is brewing in Halifax, in connection with the custom house. The sllsgstion is that samples at non!-an Ii`. H...l-.._.....a _L- L-- L--- me gale. y mordny. In Form In much damage has been done to tha Presbyterian miuion property; the Japanese soldiers occupy the ohurchen, are inaolent to aha miulion?riu and dinturb the con tions need on . Agmdll. lllai. in In-Quinn in IltOl' noon. The Dnunta Rock Ii htobip. Queeni- bown, Ireland, has not. n found. A uborman named Walluh. of Bnllyootton, report: having seen the ship drifting bofore the gala. itaordny. much dnmnaa ha. 5.... An... ea ror. Prince Bismarck is suffering from neuralgia and also niiotod with Insomnia. so that in his endeavors to obtain uuioiono sloop he often remains in bed until long after Th. n.....s-v n....L I:_LL-Lrr- uaglwiinitlmd Korooy, an American Agent of the White Star lino, Now York, it ill. Ten days Ago he burnt A blood vocal. and at one time serious result: were look- ed for. D..a..... n.-.._....I. :. - A-" - wmnoul. poruono. The report published of s genenlssw-of of all election protests in the dominion is authoritative! denied. There has not been even sue a proposal. The Presbyterian church of Oensde hu given the contract lorgrinting ve sizes of ymn books to A Lon on. Eng.. ooncem. Toronto printers ere indignant. President Cleveland positively denies the report that he hes puroheeed sixty Acres of land near Hempsteed. 1.1.. on which he intended to erect s summer resi- denoe. I-I 'M.uI.....s l(-..-_ 4- AA---~' wuons 01 value. There in some talk in Ottawa political circles of Senator Mclnneo. of British Columbia. being taken into the cabinet without. portlolio. moon nuhlmmd nl . a......I .._ -1: IIVICI. The Nor ' Mrk. u King my; wholly wreck of!` Btookpole yesterday. Eight of her cnv were uved and live an waning. The appeal 0! Rev. J. 0. Ash is sustained. and she Bey ol Quinta Methodieo ccnler-' onco will be compelled to receive him should holet I call. n\nAl Il lIl-...! l.rI-:_|....... ...,_ V na u n can. muol Hilliard, Kloinbnrg, wu unat- _ed by inspector Ro on a charge of try- tonegotlnto an purchase counterfeit to ens of value. Than I. ......... a-n. :_ n..__- ,, --n me umnea Batu by um route. ' Rev. Dr. Griin. oooreeery of lllpOl'|lI- nunbion committee, Methodist church. is ill wibh typhoid (ever at Toronto. ` Ml: Emma Josephine Dryden, don htar of Hon. John Dryden. Ivu muriod. nu- dnv, to Wm. Woz-do! Mchluter. Toronto. The Swedieh bar Chnrlnthn. 1m... in -. _.-. v.... u. uvu, Ivan Iuuanvu. l.lllll'I- to'\7Vm. Wu :-do bar Chnrlotto. from 8%. Thoma for Preaton. in stranded off Huy- port and is I total wreck. Her crow worn nvod. In one nuobnu cone: with Clovohud, osp- turod the Tunplo cup. The new Dominion line steamship ad: loft Liverpool (an Oct. lat llld an-iv st Rimonaki eltordl `FL. B-. :.I. -5- AI-_-....|-_ -_.u u- nu mmouan oltordly. _ Tho Bw inh g Alonndor and the British Itr. Emdon came into _oollidon, Thundny. the former uinhinf. Talon-nmn from St (1.9. ..i.... n... Iuuon. ` Cu-dim] Bcholli ha I Whhlngton on a short tour baton an ng for Romp on Oct. 17th. ~ Ololnl r?cu|;nn lndiuto't.i|l|latb(:ov. At.l'iLn.- con`; major lay in Goowln not thui aa,ooo. _ Baltimore. by winni the fourth game in the baseball series I th Clovchud, Toumlo oun. 1 uunuly. mo xormor unnn . T mi from St. Ontarinn. 0 mm at Chinunon no being mkpu ` the United Stanton bv tint route. nun was umnunon being (1 by Griin. nanrahu-v nl - lot Ribbons 15.c., worth 3g. \-;ul #1` |I...- I.'....;_4_.| I- _u-_4_ Williun ilodl. Wellington. val onuh-' ed tnduth by. M walk so I ro. Ool. lnnouolll 0 to %.000pooplout , 'l`hnndny_uight. B0 in 1 unpub- Mom. '0. In T.-e;..`.%.`..- ...m.. `|'0|0llDpIl `lldlncl lronnllloriodlhoy Glolqoondouod-n,QAnunodIorhny lending -.A 011.69: mm: ran an... I Hans` IT as IN SHORT anon son I WHAT SJHE_TI1)l_lICS mlmi Avon-ynunuuuun. uni-an (LI M A 1.. D: I _. ". hug S __j Uni. . intq oulngu. ,|u and Uni!!! dink, thin nonluntl would h ugh.` ptuuluwuo y Iau svuuc. The musing of tho King : lhughun. in 8%. Georgia hall, Inc on! , was very largely uuoodod. mod In tho I circle: was roptaumd. Each circle nnbmmod I duo:-iptin of the work aceonr p:m`_:`.{ in newborn. III. I Iooklull ohngoolbo moo- ing and an eloquent uddnu. douil- Obvul dun lb dilcnnt oh-an * `I Ch (Humming: anh- -:.j-- lloud ll lloqncnt Adina Iyln. `rule: Ian lvulnc. `Hm lnnnllnn .1 91.. Il....P- n.._-L.-__ x_ I nanny nyle) tor nqunrtor. unto four ly linen oollun for I quarter. men`: goomh lambs wool underwear worth {L50 for 96. por Iuit: your choice of 82.50 Inn- for 01.50: boys 82.76 units for 01.85 and 81.50 min for 980.: hoyo overcoat: regular .prioo $.50 for 81.00 sad It Iinn for 1-2 on noyl noun regular 32.60 for CI Ornnd Union. THE KING'S DAUOHTER8 on man an uowr." Saturday night. bugninu. Two 25 t.ieI(d| |J IUIO) for nqun-or. than ply I nugm-r, m...-. un.xo. um : um: this chance. Grand Union. ' Altoryiltold of one of the actors of bygone times. George hvdorick Cook. Altar bearing for coma time the inbrrup- cionu of I young ofoonho went. up to him. and oichnnlly niobd him with this : "Tho hing (God has him) can make any fool An ensign. but it in only the Almighty can make motor." | Slntnnlnu nlnkn |......:_- MA- n- wu nun -cnnco s Inn 0! thirty ne twood ouih_ (Inon'I). Rqznhr price mu 815.50 and I9. Your choice tomorrow night. for $5.25. Don't min this chance. Gnnd uaturaay mgut SLR). Grand Union. The little comedian. Marahall P. Wilder. saw a aoamp throw some glaaa on I road near Long Branch. Bank podalin Mar-ahall brought hia whoa! to a atop an delivered thin oration 2 You uloppory slab-Iidad a|ob.if I was big enough-I would make 0`: got down on your knees and eat that 3 . Saturday night from seven to tan pm. In tho" norico line of thirty twood Regular brine mu tum Two`linoa of men`: Eantafono hem/`V. the other medium weigh Regular pnoe 82 Saturdny night OL20. Gnnd Union. The Iittln nnvnndinn M...I..n D ,' are Gloves. but makes, : I . adc.. 25c.,r3 c. nd oc. I Fancy ghaker hannel`, I Xfl . u wuuuyoa It the school of mine: hero nndiuvotyneu-I pun. The on in the product 0! the obbor mine in Frontonw county. Two ling: nl man`: Inn}; 5`... l....... aL- r. apnngonbutg jowollor has purchased from mnnngor M|o`donnoll. 1')! the Onurlo bunk. novonl lump: of gold on and the I nnnll_brick of the name pnoioun maul. It wuuuyod It the school of Indilvnrvnau-Iv nnm Tim mu 3- -- uon or the court. I Batu:-dsy night norioo sale for three hours, boys Iuiu sud ho a overoonu. You can an money. Gnu Union. F. Snnnmnbum. iawnllnn Lu m....|.....I rouuooro In 1159']. A hint to bufen of underwear. Quick tales and small prots in the motto at Bakor'a. A man named Rut. brought. An Action Against. Earl Rulaoll in the police court As Winchester, Eng.. thin Inoming, buc the mum of the charge Against his lordship wu not publicly mud. The one Inn nzrickon from the docket upon the mound thus the olfonoo all in the oornplnlnt. hsd been comm outaido the iuriodic- tion of the court. ` ghunlgu ninluu .....:n._ ._I- 1-- AL-A- rotary and Miss Hnwloy, Bath. Inluion band oorrocponding not-otnry of the Bay 0! Quinta conlemnce women : mluionary eooht . The next. mowing will be bold in Polar ro in 1897. L hint. tn Inn... on` .....I-___-- ILJJ |-W NW` '0? '50-: boy! regular rioo 81.00 and Cl lino fol-C290. `on radon monlnr mm 0... mm UIIIOII. The Ottawa golf club will arrive here during the night. The member: will hnvo 5 practice on the link: in the morning to got their Iund in. Among the nhvon am: pracnoo me link: in the b their Among playora an: gout.-Col. Irwin. Munro. Simpson, (lor- mull . Palmer, Jones, Flemin . Wanton. B rick. Jarvis and Swoohlang 6 lbs. ginger map: 250. J. Crawford. Mrs. Gang, Na nee, is recording-new and ion _nw|oy, oorrounondimz aaoratarv nf an R... mnanugnu. John Forster. Oakvillo, died Thurodny night. at n rouulc of pnnlyuis. He was seventy-nine you: of Ago. Ho wu father of Dr. Foster, auiltnnb superintendent ol the Rookwood has in] for the insane. - You can't mnka uninr ch... thn ..1....... mo noolwooa nos ml for the mute easier than the chance we offer you Snturdny night. Grand Union. 'l"|.- AM._. ._.u -1; u. . . TAYLOB. S Inumnlu Inlgntc very fairly consider. Anooinltuno wu enjoyed lut ni ht at. the home of Mill Maud Hntatnn. rrie street. Guns: ogd dancing wire [raini- pawdln and I t.`uoy-tp|-and wu id at midnight. John Fania. n.I.u.'n. .|:..a 'l|L.._..I__ auranoe. The formal oponing oi the veterinary oollege will take laoe Tuesday `afternoon at two o'clock. here will be aluitable ceremony to mark the occasion. ` Men : all wool underwear heavy and good, ulsr 31.25 goods Saturday 90. unit. at a Star Hall. _ The union of the public and high school boards in Kin awn. says the Globe, in a step the advian ility of which other com- munibieo might fairly oonaider. A social tune enloved laal: ninhl: .9. In 21.. ugnow 5 U01, 80 Princess street. _ Avrltton tnnty 0! `alliance in in axin- jotlop boinnen Raul: hd Francs, but it is oh! defensive in It: Mom. M Dllfflnd lhld nan-Q nun. AL`... ID Ls. Uglow a Uo'I, 88 Prince: strict. ' The body of Wnulrwin, jr., one of the ` two man who won drowned Inc week, name above to~duy no Northport. A house and oontanu olmad In H, N, came unore to-any no Northport. owned by S. N. Watts. Pommoutb, were destroyed by the on Wednesday. Lou 0600; covered by in- mu can Grand Union. Spnngonbu jowollor has rom mumnr M?o'donnoll. 3! the Ononin ' urgnou nu-gains! Batu-du - nl"l:bl.Gnnd Unrion. or u y a dual. 101. for I dean rubber bippod I Bctords '0. ` Mi HIWQ Fiol and J. Stanton, Ntohwboro. worn united in mu-tinge on Oct. 8 . All the line flld of nntunl wool under- vuur IIINIIHO or this `weather at Baker ; The work of rebuilding Clarke : malt homo. dutroyod by are thin summer, in x51hu.n|a1u':';:'E: mo. J. Crawford. [X Bow Iohool from lnnr me... n... 1 CIOIIIIIVVO tn In prorvlllonl. dies pm-sound dud can very cheap at R. Uglow I: ()o'I, 88 Prince: street. The bodv of Wnufrwin, in Ann -0 51.- _..- ---, urn -avwvu-v an-uuwa Iuu IE UIU` mated to-Inotfow at Waking. Capo. Corbin wlll talent the Brookvlllo- Cornwall intannodloh football mnboh st. Cormnll to-marrow Good All wool tweed aulta. nguln 07.50 at O6 for Batu:-duy. Star Hull. Ladlol purse: and and ones very cheap at R. Uglow & Co's, 80 Princess . A"l'lNAn lth of Alllnntu in in --I. Boy -"i61$66I'Fo'r"at?33?. 1Ju'r'&.'s.'"" gn 8InIt:lx'~dny 01.25. regular 82 3005!: tar . The bodyol GooDo Maurie: will be on- Cunt Cnrhil IHI I-Alanna Hm Rum! nail- sgtgmayana A Night nun IMI nm nnwor. unwtotd. An thin our store Saturday for25o. Btu- 'l`ho vials : nu of gal in [using phat! in tho city up. For high [ndo undo:-not at low print: n ' ` :`r."`:':..%9,':.:`'"- Don't on burgai I But rd: night. Grand M to-any. . V I 170. tub bathe. Gnord. all wool lrduulnm I175. Gnnd II (III. Anmln our don Scout-Elaylor 250. Star L Tub and roll butter. Cfd. Ant N-In an: .4... n.o....|.- 0.. oz. , __.-..-...- ruvupuun --cw-u vvcu lggo onus: nu Imllnofhuoo. ' " Cnwfor Bop Iohoolroo from (our totonr In sltllrdlv IL25. I-ocular I9 - 51 vtflf Imllopfhnooy ' linnnlnddhs" QlIVlII'd._ J. P.0nmwunMnnonI budnoutrip to-day. % , _ , ,.__-,,_.__ >ka:u:nAL PARAGRAPH8. cl-Gio u tho :u&aoo'"o7'i: ,KI and Union duds. thin and nnnu -an Inn-...|. XAGIQQII. . Al._._J._ n__.._ III `I IIDC 7 ELK . 33.50 for `L06. ` g,.Uh!nknble Yin-n, 4c. drain. it` ;.;3|Gd Gloves, 5oc., 75. sud Fl, all. makes, 25c., 50c: '<"3l-aldhi Heavy Wool Hose, 25. Fino`Blu:k Cash men bone, age. I Xt. 1&5 1&3 I70. tub hut llo. roll baht. chain actuary, Inna Lddiu. `J. (noun. Oifldd untbonnnd dolhn worth]?! Pa-heal street. A. Aha-ndln. ji IJIO WIT. Lozmox. Oct. 9.-~`!'ho British gun host Juon" 8l0 ton: arrived It Qnouutown from Bonn-an-Buy to-y with hot dock t- ting: and In unuhcd and her dnviu bent like wins from tho flora and giga- tio nun which swept om hat. Bonn] 0! hot mow Inn injn a -II III 10] Illlotlo DA.\`\`ll.l.I, PL, Oct. 9 -'l`be b rolling mill here. operetaed by the Reed iron colnpeny, wee the eoene ol en en oeion leet. evening. The boiler wee lifted by the fame of the exploeion from in bed. hurled through the mill well, and yl wrote the etreec crushed through the I I velle of e Hn rien bonding houee, killing the baby en one of the inmetu. Six men wen eerionaly hurt end eeven other men injured. even though they mnybo pmvidod with foreigmpnnporu. which will not how- ooptnd. All fu iuvo Armenians mourning to Turkey in odnnoool thcnoondiuona will be Arrantad. ruuurn Inwln nwo momnl they will Do for- ovor afterwards dohnrnd from Mnrnln though they mnybo pmvidod vi fonignmnlnortn. which will not hm- Iuluu u lUl.l U1 PFBBCTVCS. Peac es are still coming in, _5oc. to 75. per basket, Qnmcu, ne ones, 40c. per pack. Florida 0ranges.rst of the season. 40. per doz. I no Turkey In ad I be Arrested. mu nrruu nnoorn we puma : attention." C()N81'Ah"l'lN0l'Ll, Oct. 9.-'I'hopoI'h hu ieouod an indo declaring that all Arlnonhno who honaaor an Iron Turkey uhnll Ian their oitiumhip and will not ho purmtwul to return. Thou who hon nlnuly lots the oountr are warned that If tho do not return vi in two month: they 11 I ho lor- from rlhlrnlnn Absorbing Attention. ` Luruxm, Oct. 8.--A dmpnmh to the Times from Comuntinoplo up the cabinet. council has diaounod the oonaontion of of rocl property of lngitivoo from the country And for oornpolling would: Ar- menians copay tide indomnitiou Aimed by Iouignon for do ouuod hi the riotorn. "The policy no to union. thin dupotch uyu. "bu cntin Ill ad the policy 0! reconciliation onvlvprouoontionn and arrest: absorb also pulses ouontlon." C()N81'Ah"l`lN0l'l.I. Om. 9._.'l'Iumn. i... I I. ETC. '0. AHHTABULA. Ohio, 00$. 9. (:2 , `n.)- I'ho Snnilu: in safe in thin port. She came in ostarbny morning And In: wlndbound are I" dny. D lean That It wae Lost In the Gale and no Orew Per-Iahed. Emu. Pa.. Oct. 9. --There are grave ap- reheneione that the atr. Banalao. of Ba `it . wae lost in the gale which prevail on he Erie Tueeday and Wedneeda . The Sanelao left Buffalo, with Oneonta in tow, Monday night, for Midland. Ont. The gale increas- ed in energy, and the eteamer and her barge being light were terribly toeeed. Wedneeday afternoon, when about fteen miles west of he:-e.Cept. Hanna. 0! the Sanalac. blew elgnnlu to Capt. Sheen, of the ha e. that he wan gain to out off hie line. 3;. Sheen wanted in: in run for Erie. Hanna replied that he wan einking. then Shean obeerved that the crew of the Sanalno werefputting pail: into thelife boate. pre tory to abandoning her. The Sana was headed for Oonneaut, Ohio. The air wae eo full of nnow that the eieamer was noon loet Ii ht of. The One- onta drifted about and nally aaved hereeif from goin ontothe beach by getti a hold with or anchora. There are no d- inn of the Hanalan nr M In: nnnn: at o.-.I... nolu vmn nor nncnon. Then Lid- ings o! the Sannlno or of her aunt of bwolvo men. nouuon. Running high jum . I5 3 Bhihloy, Lonthorlnncl. lnrko. 100 vdn. duh, 9 In n__w lay. Running high Houston. Rmmi..- |.;..L IUU ul. (Inn. Man, corru. -Ta urounom. Potato 1100-Shibley. Dick. 6. Shiblo . Kicking !oo&bal|- Bears. Houston. c- Korrna. Mile bicycle rnce-Hu-d . Sou-0. Smith. Snok noo-MoP|rlnnd. genes, Pound. Running hop. I and juuIp-8uIliv|n. Walker. Houston. , Running hop, '0 And jump, fhon ours and undo;--Diok. Clu-Ire, U. Shib- ev. That's what you'll say three _or four months from now if you've been wise enough to make u lots of preserves. Pnnr an arm chill nI\n1:nn JIM) UOIOOK WM ! 2 Standin broad juInp-We|keIn,Bulli- ven, Fonw ok. Standing brood jump, fteen you-I end gnder-CleI-he, Shibley. Lenbherlend. "Runni broed jump--Welkem. Sulli- ven, Mo ' d Running jum , fteen your: an undor-Leebherlend. Slbley. Hon. Quu-tor mile noe-Welkem. Sullivan. MoKerree. .; Quarter mile nos, fteen your: end un- der-Cler|xe. Leetherlend. Britten. Throwinnr buns hA"-RnIlivnn m..|. Crothol 3. Dana. .. ..., -..- vvnv.IDUv nu-uvuw wot Inc. In the city park to-day. The when anon of npochhon wu good and the event; won opiritodlyoontnitod. `I'M wlnnnn Ian M Ipaowuon 00 opirltndly oontngitod. ` 3:30 o'clock were Hbnnrlinp kn-uni :. ` The annual Iporha of tho pu ' upend- ing the collegiate imtibuu Inc: in -noomon in stand an an --o- -- urucnuro Ivan man of rod. whit; ma blue. Mmy of the 31:07 Windows also were olnbonuly doom-ntod in honor of the occasion. l'`..H.-..o.. .. A-. AL- _..._L-- ,- Estintao u to tho munbor of men. in lino of the pnndo my from 715.000 to 100.- 000. *2 uj-,--.-- Edd In the (my Pork 'l'o-dny-'l`lu 'II- IIII. wuyv npomn we neevieee tnlo Iincecioege day etabhe wot e hir three your: ego. Benuau end ` mung at frequent intervals town e nu-ecu. end from every tell buildi when oeted. whilethe {tom} of elm e e&ruct.ure of red. white MI! ID IIIDI Window: Alan IIIOII I IIIIIIITIP N M on the Itrouu. Tho d: was mad ml holldn . The of tndo and mu- Iy I" In: non bonus won cloud. and to well the crowds thouundl of pooplc cum from surrounding country. the rail- wny n ......._ ..I3_'`:`._.*':_ '.`9e"T.-..x*---=r.-;r unuloy, mnnorunu. Ullrko. 100 do. duh. 2 in Sewulkom, Sul- ivnn, . ` T `A GREAT DEMONSTRATION WAS NEED TO-DAY. u-----:- jcmcaco nggs um nsrfl l6|'-U|Il'ko, Lumerlnnd. Britton. Throwing hue ball-Sullivnn. Dick, Brothels. jr-_.:--j. A LAKE STEAMER MISSING. dcn-dthub ANNUAL ATHLETIC SPORTS. - uuy nun Io no-nouonto to onnnuotrwunty-Ila !IAg6- `rho IAI.|vu,yIlhdVu1lauvy`l`I|In| woIInI--'l'hoDooonoIouWonlanI- oat. ` A -II III Kb] Illlod. IIII` D; (1.6 II OIL- I.:_ U-nu) An-lung 545m. luvro-o'.Iuymu. Q 1: -Q- n--..._ -l_.I I It-I Lilo Incl. n.. n I1. I:_.-.;. Tho Sunni : late. ... nu- n-. n .. jump-Wdkem. Panto. onahhoovunuworo Tlhowlnnuinpho ' llnvonulnltholxqoltho Ilelehrahd Club House Tea ' w.u.sH's---' 'SATURDAY Bnnenms Inl T-SPOOL -A3K`I`- mu I~oo:..:l on. - when N. u --*-.'.-r: ..-..'r= *: '..* .:.s- E:1. *= @f'II ; I. I ' :.':."`= :.:'oz.'"":--.':: ..':*="`*:*-":.' "` , I - { I CI nun am-.LIn'1u.u.m m~-..u: 0oUI-Anu-InaI:Mnnn-n4-and. -~ v v----- v--v---v-u-1--`*~"' -"'I 1. atom I In -oonunnl. one to non. rnovnwukklyrk. a' to 11.00; bud no to `lo ; Button. Do we ;'HAnn no to loot; Chouo no to No ~ Butter. \own.iup... 150 to I70 Wutorn. 15:: to No .- Inn. 110 to Ian. Kg` 'Al%Bll.L. Oononl I-nu.:.1 .` ,,_, . ..------..-.~.-~ WV ...... ......... ......... 4.mod.l)-Ontnrlo mlfotollo. 0nIu-Whut. No. I much: Bud. no to 150,-0orn.Io-xtono; PIOIO. Mom 520:0; leto no; Bulo .uatouo;Bn. (Onto no; Oatmeal. n.lJ to - Oornmonl. rnnvmo:u-l pr|x. 050.00 II .- on Io HON`! IIAI. PIODIIOI IA IKKITI. lmrnr.*.u.. uo..0ot. 9 - rum--Rooe ta bauo hrlu ; may at rm. Qnoutlum : Pa 11` Wlntar.uw no no; hum. tgrtv. no to 0.00 ; Htrnlahl. Rollol'.lV0 to I. ; Inc. 3.10 tq LI ): Bnporflno. III) to M0; Strong Hahn. and. to I8 SURE T0 RBI-IBVB YOU. Ankyowdnghhlt. :1. K.CA1Il.I.C0-.A|'H.IOh. IOIIn WusnMd-0cu and other ulna. Wmpay hlghut prion 5% Railway cations. Gonn- pondonoc uolioltod. ll? Brock St.. Kingston. Ont. commencuu. IOITIILL ITOOI IAIIIII. - LII on J0S[|:O'lI!lAGn|'):TRl&11Nl(.l|~,l I an-An. Shorts, Food. Iowan prion in wn 0 n Il1......l n.4_ -_; _n___ -,_:,- ---u " Hgvy Coulottcn for hull. 3m.. 79'!" 01.00 to 81.00` "`CIdf'I WIIUOIWOIII Hut, . Futhot . and: salmon. 02. 0 03.90 to two- `.".':'..."':.-::.':.':.'....*--., .......,.. **'-*~,.,==:;~_;'.d... Po Iouinblnchvuud. C. j spu:hlsnhofl.uIhu'udGau'KllGlovu. . A 81.20 to 01.73. 1m: score puou an tnry in fourth plnoo. a..iEiIoS&"eo o'.'.?8:I1.&'I1.."o'}.a `i.'s."' "' " " Any neck He in our store tuldny for 250. Bur Hull. 5 lbs. ginger snaps 250. Cmwlord. UUIJI l|\1El.' EUR! Rogers Celebrated .. Manitoba Flour Vutu, x2}c:, 15c... 20c. Q3. ` .. Fire discipline. 77; total mike. 109. Kinzswn-Firsb aerial. ht. gun, 1.20; lot shrapnel. 6.5; ordinary re. 8.21; run 2.100 yu-do; 6 common, 18 ahrapnel the ; 8 hits. counting 24. Second series. he gun, 1.23; In Ihnpnol. Gminutu; ordi- nary re. 8.20; 1,325 ynrdlz 6 common. 24 ahupnolz 13 hiu, counting 20. Third series. III: gun. l.l0; lat. uhnpnol, 5.45; ordinary n, 8.20; 1,200 ynrdu: 0 common. 18 lhl`IIDO|: 47 hill. connhinn 36. Mnvinr uugu, .3 mu. marks. 126.5 This than: us . ' r"' Limoutono I No. 91, A.O.U.W.. inithood two can {data Int. nght. ADV nank A `n nnr shun nhuwlnu In- IF YOUR___ HEART FLUTTERS Ihrtthelllglltndgutho, yonr:`Tedm "you rundowI:,m' Trynhol1|0q(- 'l'HBUL%DAKER" . . . II M n -_A xr.L_ .u--_ ommnry nu. mm; 1,200 yards: 0 shrapnel: hits, countin 36. Movint target, 3 hits. Fire dincip inc. 85; total rnno 2,300 yards; 5 oommon, I5 nhnpnoi she, 1 bit, scoring 4 points. Second aerial, lib gun. 1.15; In Ihnpnol. {.163 ordinary re, 11.20; 1,350 yards; 7oom- mon. 19 ahnpnol: 10 hits. mooring I6 points. Third series, in gun. 1.20: hi. ahnpnei, 5.15; ordinu-y re. 8.35: 1.300 ynrdu; 7 common. 15 shrapnel; 27 hits, Iooring38 inu. Moving urgohhim. Fire dnsoip ino. mu-ks. Kinnamn-F`irnt. nmvinn In. an... Ion. wen snnounoou.Thundu .ufollo1u : Guunoquo-Fint nriyu. ht gun, L16. lat. shrapnel. 6.25; ordinary n. 12.45; oommon, scoring nolnh. amend Q unwary dohol f-he eld ring CAI. Annnn -nu. ~_----v-; uwuuvuunuuln WIIIOII Willi ring competition m K; were snnounood.Thuud:`y. as follow: G5nnnouuo--ll`irn .. .- Inh (Inn I VUI Ek I` Goods. Tho I00!!! 0! the Two Douohncnu I Ilhsh Pnnlaulngual, ...- my-- vi an: Ian 1"`! UOBOIDOIIM Which Pu-olpotod. I Thouooruof hholut two oi tho eld _hntMry dohohnunu which eomroud in .tho rimr .9. -n-`I-h lower. boouno she did not know the prin- onor, and hold him that if he left the lotto: the would burn it. Ivory mlly loft ml- in tho Mac with him. fih AI-rnr a nu... 8... AL. ---.-- -uv wvluu uulu Iv. Ivory IIIIIII] llll III` intho with iaboch Hnrpar. 3 nurse in the osnonr 't|l, idcntiod Ivory an hdving vilihod ll may while the honor wu ooouod in the hospital. Police nmnlnt. Ila-..:.. .a.g.n..| 5L. .. um nonplm. Polioo not-gdnt Mnguiro dohlled the Ar- rout of Ivory in Glasgow. who, what: ho' was taken into ouuody. said: I hnvon t noohlng tofonr. I funny that somebody bu brought something to Glugow for which on blnmo me." The in; wu further odjournod for I week. K Ito ' Bonk). Ionk`:z!.'l'oronIo Inmhanh Bank" 176 Iomhnnlr Bank 0! EAllhx....loI Union Bgnk.............. ...... ..l0 Banlo! Oo Inotoo..............ln Northwus nl0onpu|y......(m) Ionlrulcotlon 00.. Ion 0oMon.. Iontncl Ga 00. . lull 'l\1Inhono.. . . llonl `roronlo Inllwu Bonk ol Ionian! Ontario Bank. . . . . Iontrot Bunk du Po 0 Iolnon'|Bsn Bank at Toronto. Illfll. V3.0 This score places the Kingston eld but- ery nlnoo. I XIII, VIIIIIIHJI Ind IDDIIIIOI. OFFICE-I6 IROCK IT. gJ.anarumon.nwLy.. U .u.....-.....-......... Dunthhol ....... .. gzmlnorolnl Ooh]. , ontud lbunonh 00.. IHIIIIIIIIIIHLIIII W. ALLEN Q CON, Inna: I'I.ll'I' 2::-'v3:{1`0~bu....._ IIIEIFI-oIlIIIlNIAInEK" Ilka Innk,Ind|flhodlnc- [inn n-nnlnulho--6-II--- l.l \'II.P00l. IAIIITI lll. Vnnn {Hal 0 _ XE-`A B Lt-1-. FIELD ARTILLERY CAMP. |l_{lll'lIlll|lll| \ There an other nnnl Rania lmpofted Jackots flntgit styles and lowest prices at I II I IIIl` SOLE AGENT 170 ,IE I I I ' 7 I :When the |\_N_z\t_er Drank Will close at8 p.m. each even- ing, EXCEPT SATURDAY, during the winter months. Will the general public kindly beat this in mind P HOAG S DRUG STORE NOTE WELL : ~42.%-E:"..'?'--- nu IInIVI\IIK I I ND. MONTREAL. Tho clan: and Iu-gut" nuanc- tunn of Vlflllll In Candi. lOils. mmmmm Japans. Paints, Ool-not of Prlnoou and 'OIIIlI[l0I Itllotu Varnish, The most complete stok in the L . _, . , A. OURBIE,lioout|ry-Trouuror, .L'.- . _ , yr-1 NISBET S Queen's College Text That on and after Oct 1st, 16to3ONazareth8treot. Fountgin Dons. Exercise Books. is not from Caledonia Sp`rings an important health factor is ovetlooked. The Corner Bookstore. Books. :-.-u- uuI-wUUn 74. JvvI' ,Jw r, v Ilfrpiap Skim, 5oc.- 75c.. 31 cit) 50! 75 I3, H. TOYE ono Iona! lltu. Onozuuon. Mich, Oct. O.-~l`oruI. n: In am :1... in us. vicinity. Thou bu hunno njnovathru months. Ilnoh hrn ulvmrlv in bun d-umgn -M..- Anoporcoornoud. Losnux, Oct. 9.--Tho report. nooivod Iron Montevideo. ycshrdny. that the Italian but Ungi Rn ' . from (`ndix for Ionhvhloo, had Erma dovn by tMBriI.6uh summer Bulunin vu errone- ou. I! ran the Italian bark Tomrnuino hon Bnonot A on that was nrnci the Snluain. Tommuino found , carrying dowupsrtolhorcnv. Thou of Ihoonw whohoro and won landed st Montovidoo by tho Balunin. `ro wnol Ilor Dlo. Cnwmo. Oct. 9.-Dr. (Jul F. Nita, a German physician. viviaootod his wile and than killed himoolf Wodnoodoy afternoon. The murder ol the woman wu done In the non cold-blooded monnor. An shown by Iota! found afar hi: duth. Nit: not by the woman : Iido. wntching hor die ulowly. Mid now and thou. to noon the effect. of Another wound ho would nub his knife in- to borognin. oouolnlly noted all the Iimpiomn ol the `woman ! approaching hinuoll. wrote them down and then shot. ` I IIIIII UI'II'I sue; nssu u vvulllln Wltll A EDI -Proteets Entered. Munun. Oct. 9.-News hes been re- ceived by the govemmeut that the Riff pirstae ere sgein committing depredetions upon pessing vessels, having become bold- er then ever. A stmn bend of Riiilens hosnied the French sip Corinne.-on Atherceme, end siter pinionin the crew, plundered theship'e csrgo. `ne Bpenish str. Seville. conveying Cuhen exiles to Cents. sppssred upon the scene end ilred n pen the piretes. The re wee retuined end s ght ensued which issued some time. Four men on hoerd the Seville were killed, induding s Cuhen prisoner nemed Oecer. The irstes nslly retired, but cerried ewsy wit them the csptein of the Corinte. A Spanish wershlp hes gone in sesrch oi the nrstes. Premier (Jenoves del Ceetilo.. t rough Senor Descerrcgs. minister oi Iver. has ordered the Sfenish diplomatic sgent at Tsngiertome e en energetic protest to the government of Morocco egsinst the depvedetions oi the Biisns end the ov- erninenthsshopes that Frence will oin ;8pein in edministering to the Riff out- lews such punishment es will put s stop to their nets of Blue! in the future. Tiny Ind A Oonlllot With A Spanish Oran -PI-nun: Intarocl. or a ennman patriotism. A Canadian council of ohrielian endot- vor was formed by the members of the va- rioua executives. The Rev. Mr. Reid of Montreal. presided. The council will con- Iilh of the vineinl pneldenu and three member! ted by the annual convention. The work of the council will be to estab- lish a bureau of information. to lune litera- oura. gather statistics. ooneolidabe chris- tian endeavor work in Canada. rovide for acanadian rally in the lntnrneuonal con- vention and in arrange for dominion con- veneione. '1`oI'0nw. Resolution: were pound in favor of pro- hibition, commending abolition of homo oi oommonq bar, and urging the development of christian patriotism. Canadian nnnnnil -I nI\rI'-Han uni... TASTES LIKE MORE." nun , 'l'l10ll'llB llofrll, Hamilton; tran- Iurcr, . J. Doherty. London; unedi- tor. Rev. J. A. R. Dickson. Ga mjunior Iuporinundonb. Min Lottie E. Wiggins, Toronto. DA-nlnbjnn. -.._ ..._..l :_ t...._ .1 _._, Ottawa Convention Ileeee Oloern and Paul leeotutlone. 0`l'I'AWA, Oct. 2.--'l'he Ontario christian endeavor ueoointion elected the lollowin oioeu: President. A. E. Hudy, Lin - lay; vice-preeidenta, Rev. J. F. Barker, Hamilton; W. W. Coulent. Thomu; Rev. E. E. Knowlee, 0thewn;Rev. W. Johneton. Wnrdville; councillors, Mina Render, In real]; Rev. Salem Bhnd, Smith`: Pal ; J. N. Mo er, Btntlord; eeore ,Thomu Morris, nmilt.on;trae- IIIPQ. . J. lhhnrtv. lnnrlnru nnnnn uli. wwn. mu swan nu-mar nna 1":-on soon were quietly married in Kin (on one day thin week. Owin in the noiomonoy of the weather on odnooduy Int. the ne- `tnnclnnoo at the chain board In: mull, and nothing was done: moat. of the cheese in this district bu been oontnntod for at tonoonu. ~ oyou neer uorven, u, we are pleuea to beer. Illghtly bettor. and hopee are now euhl-Mined of her ultimate recovery. Benl: Allen took in the excursion to New York on Tuesday lut. where she will vlelt lrlendn for I few due. 8. Burmwe, of liellevllle, diebrict agent for the Ontario Iunhul llfe ineumnee oom~ puny. end~Mr. Evin . of Oobon . are in tnwn. Min Rnhh u-mar uul Rnnn. Ill IIIIU UIIICTIU TIIIIIIII IIIU IHIIIFHKIX X111 town. Min Ruth mr and Soon VOID llllihlv mu-rind in Kinnnfnn nnn IIAU IIIIII DB5 IIOVOT IIXIII DBO Willll . Mia Stalls Nollnou. who Inn in mud on Monday morning by falling from hot bi- oyolo nan Morvon , in, pleased to br. Ilinhtlv bathe. and bone: no now an ulajguuo wu anomou nnncoeunry. Im- thou pron n warning to boy: jumpin on tnlnn (or ohm rides. We undorchn thin bu been I toioo htaoly with I num- ber of oath: 0 [all age, and they burn boon I no Ind Again warned by the min non but never hoodtd the warning. MI- mm. u.u.... -3... .... x.. .....a .. on we own: nae at an nu IIIII nu may batman the trucks. His mother, a widow, is employed with Mr. French. teacher `in the col no Institute, and Ibo wu neny dict:-no when the add intelligence was oonvoyod to hot. He can her only child. mwnm wu doomed This Irovnnvu-ninn tn hon lumnina III jllm 01! IIIIIMI III "000 0! IIIO U. '1'. _R.m onnnduthuonlnwuundor con- ddqnblo headway. as tho reached the gmundln loll back under he an und wuoomnhhlv out. In two. hi: Inn lvlnn IIWIIIIIIIII ICII XDI IIIIUUP NIB QII IOU wuoomphtol outln hwo. bin la`: iylng onthoonur dooltbo nilnnd In body tho bnoh. Hi: mohhu-. 1 widow. OXPI`. J. OURRIE, Rooutnry-Trunuror. 1m..hvI0:u`fnnd, Brlthh Columbia. Ollloon. `bronco. Ont. ' loulnnd. 3.0 III I I I0 lnnlon Dintrlot. I. I E, Auoclonoor. lining and Ru! 0}. Voluuor And nppnlur. : nnmr_n_.nA nnnrv qr "RU III I T IUIII. ' Nurung Oct. 9.-A (rightful nouidont ooournd-lnnndordn afternoon at tho GI-And Tmnkwoution fut After the 4:10 08 wilt. i hi h J In o'E::u.. :"'d .4 .u..u"u."m.... ,3: ollgqloltlb to. AIM ht tnin {rm thovrutlwijuoooomoiu tln`|r- rlnlolohouupraundwuon the irt? nuhllohooxprlupnntd. O RonrkoboI - ad tho {night min and upooud thy 0! Almost in front of the G. T. glfnto Mhonutl ht. bdoi % hmmaan on u no ng no ` E} unto as one man but non come ikjim onlmnu In nnnnduhhnhnlnwnnndar non. I Ayadluilthudndlut Ilnouucul ma non; unsung to as non Wind:-pou`I`n|u-(long-ullotoo. Wnnnnum nd: I__L I-Iplulnl nnnhlnn TI-I6WN UNDER A FRIIGHT TRAIN AT IIAPANEE l our on BY can wnnf ' E3:Avon:ns- oFFucEns. THE RIFF PIRATES. To Intel llor Dlo. f\.A n n- ILA I opal! Groydon Int ovunln . mbvuubm doolon that the .45. cutout`: policy wu not to Iuppnvo tho `ha!-Md ctllo. but to no-opunh with tho pwuntauioon 3 id at -out I gunman chrilthiu and Ahounnodaws. "W0 an :6 going to lunch I nu, said Mr. Rit- It III! In launch A War. Loxnox. Oct. 0.-C. P. Ritchie. concur- nuvo D&Ib'd`crH|lIllt for Croydon and pl-uidout of board ol undo cubi- m opuhhnbnto Oroydon Int evening. lawn gov- Qnnnlfn nnlhw -n can 01; ...._.... .L- IIIVUIVIII XIII IlII'.IICII CANTON, Ohio. Oct. 9.-`Thin pmmiou to he a momonhlo do; in Canton. Bovon delegation: uooxpocud. two ol which. the But Tonnonoo npublioono and the ox- oonfodonto veterans from tho Sbonandooh nlloy, orrivod bolero noon. In addition to tho activity hon. Major |loKinloy in Inlblod to bar tho shoot: And sound: hovnthognot domonouttion in Chicago today, and the sun; of u laubndnd thous- and matching rope icons, y long dio- hnoo ulophooo. ' mrougn m was pornod being l.l73. The uaeumono of Ottawa in now over 822,000,000, nou-Iy n millior ol nn inonue during the your And the population for l890 in `Von at 61,640. M compared with 49.074 gr 1895. Aomnw In A low Glyn. The total number of vouch which put- od through the Canndiun Scult. cum] from oponin 0! mu-ignion in May to Sega 30th vu 4,`g4,wit.h nbonnngo of 8.'i.749,4 4 `1 ton: nnd carrying [night too the Amount. of 3.- 340.006 mm. It. in not pouiblo to give oomparstivo figures for 1895 u the omul was only opened for about ten wash last year, tho total nulnbor of nasal: pond through in that poriod being LI73. Ottllln in nnw nun- uugwuuxlu loony. 'l'onono,0cI.I.--Aenn pauuon no thlnnonlnglnthoauooltlnorch in-&Ion nnlnn 1;.` ll... The Ottawa Budget. 0'I'l'AWA, Oct. 0.--'I`ho Chrminn on- deuvoren Ian on n trip to Aylmor this foronoon. Hi. Dl.\l.-..I f`_-A_._:._LA x...___n_ _: .-.2, roronoon. Sir Rlchnrd Cartwright intend: winning Toronto in few dnyu. number of vnnnln uhinh Inna- t Whit rum ll!I- llloxrnmt, Oct. '9.-Mr. Terte we` in in the witness box all morning in his euit egeinet W. A. Grenier for oriminel libel. He wee Asked to give the mines of the coneervetivee with whom he had shared the $6,000 received from l nceTid in 1890. but the questions were over-ruled. He explained, et len th. the MoGreevy- Lengevln scandal a laid Sir John had relueed to eat on being snared b [Ange- vin end Mcreevy that they were nnooent. After he went lnto benkrupto he heoeme an organizer ol the llberele at r. Lenrier'e requeet. He In to receive e eelery ol 84,000 A year, but only received 81,000 or thereeboute in three our time. Mr. Sheughneeey edvenmd .000 to hie lone whie they are repaying in printing. He nteked all he llld in the content. inoludln the uvinge 0! his wile end den her In his insurance policies. He ved e Cl.- 000 eubeoription from Hon. Louie 'I`our ville, but spent it in the L lelet elections. The hearing ll going on thin eltornoon. auo receiving onora or aaamanco Irom all rm of America and Englahd. It is earned at tho United Staten ombauy that Soorotar Oiney vouohoo for the char- acter of r. and Mrs. Cutie an that the mayor of San Francisco. the attorney- genoral of the state of California and Baron Rothachild will also certify to their respect- ability. Illll IIIU Cl`! I$.IP'0ICIIIUe l4mooN,Oct.. 9.-Ic is learned by the Uniud Preu that the United State: em- buey here ie making every poeeible effort. boalneliorate the position of the Ameri- oanl. Walter Michael Caetle and his wife Ellen Castle, who were arrested on Wed- noeda on complaint of several furriere. charg ng them with stealing valuable able and chinchilla shine. and. upon arrai n- menu in the police court, were roman ed for I week without ball. Tho nr-innnm-A. mam. In mo ponoe court, remnndod week without bnil. The rioonorn, who claim to be well-known in ow York and Sun F;-nncinoo, are receiving many talegrunl and lemon of sympathy, and are also rocoiving offers of assistance from all mm of America And Ennlhhd H. in W 3' I Pnuldont. W. 11. Brook In 0% WE`-Jlou 0 buy Good: Toronco.0nI. h .-001.. J. I. muhnson. no my Pnaldont Dnvldnon &. Hay. Lod.. Wholunlo Gwen Toronto. Ont. . J. HLBBIS. Ind Vloo-Pruldont. Innu- glgnlgolnglnlng And Smolnl 00.. Lcd.. , I ,, oy ueeire one Ieeaerump OI Bl!` wumm; aroourt. but. others. including Spence Watson. president of the nntinml liberal federation, and meet. of the Scotch liberal member: of parliament. declare that Lord Roeebery has not been fairly crested. IIDOTII "I, 50 MI`. KNIIIIIDDI, And In "IO ovento the refund of the ex-premier to uaume thc leadership, to ro-atrm their condenoe in the leadership of Lord Roco- bory. The various opinions exproued by the plus and the gouip and argument, of clubs, show the oxiubenoo of a wide-rift. in the liberal purhy. A ma`orit.y of the by desire the leadership 0 Sir William aroourt. others. includina Snance wrwon. U0|i- u.-'1'no mmuna IIDI lodorntion hu called`: meeting for ` Purpose of otforing the ludonhip of I ibonl rty to Mr. Glcdnwno, And in I event. 0 tho rafuul of tha nmnmmmr Llboi-III who Thlnk Booobory in Not Dunn Ihlrlv Tnnntnd. mnnor uvmg onroo mun iron: can city. A neighbor in going to the bone And {oiling to got I ruponao to NC up forced his way in and found the bodies of Bay and bin wilo and their two limo children bhrooond nix our: upon the oor of the bedroom in w loh they slept. _ Bray nu uillnlivo but the cube" were dead. The hthor expired shortly afar tho diu- oovcrv without Irninlnr mnmimunun. A 1noxIu1or expired Inomy slur tho cun- oovory gaining oonnioumeu. A bloody:-uorwn laying at his aide Ind is in he committed the buwhery wi t. with Buy In: thirty-six year: of age. I mom- bor of the Friends church and Ind nlvuyo homo: good roputotion. ll uuponoa no oolnmmou mo buwnery --_ A rather Inn ma Into um ohuaran and mm mnuu. Nonuavu..u,Ind.. Out. 9.--Evidonoes o! I hon-lblo tnndy were dinoonrod thin mornin utthohomo of Albert Bray, I tumor iving three mile: from this city. neinhbor Iroimr to tho hon: nnd wanton to ma naaon nouon in nnigm tho ludnnhip of tho 0 add: `lt wu not nddon. _d Ion hadboonuhhmhloloroomol time. and I duo:-mined upon this com-no when Mr. Ghddono named his pennant utmndo in certain mnttcn." Duuzt, Oot. 9.-'1'ho Indopondonc. min In orltiolan o! 0110 national V R005:-y in ndgning the londnuhip oi hholibonl put . aprons in belief that tho pntnior wil booonu I unlonm. nun-on-UI7 -In-any -I uullluli ` Io-altkslupcnor. hnunon Oct. O.--'l'|u Dally lull hum snommkuny nu coma dune -ma Inrdoahotyohlhlnony , his aunt in Edinbur . Thowrltor Dyljlllh tho ` ox-primon nhtor hound envy mutton. turning to irnlonnt. topics. . in only notaworbhy mark was in no to an nllnion to hit unddou action a migni? tho loodnrlhinol llbonl mrtv. o Osplnllnuon I. poo sham. Pu value. 01.00 ouch. fully pal -up and non-cuuuhlo. Omnnlud undo: tho Imperial Act of non. uopno Hhoru no Tnuury stock for vol- omonl, Inns and for mining and w kin; o ulvo y. who met 1. otuoa by public lboorlptlou In block: of la! shun or non, Il.l) paid up bad non-nnuublo. 0l'l`l0lBlx 01 Wlholun it .-001.. .1. r. nnhmmr 1.. In...