!J_.-B:C._Dobbs&co.I '~':"'`"`'``'*='``"`'`~'=`-``.-.~.-- .. III: V""II` I.IUf'I"CC A . ml ..'.:;.;:.,_-.:'.'.'..':'.':.'.'.... .' ' Wants tc; show you his Pipe at 25c. CIGARS. ETC * - - - --'I'-I...... Anaphrodlslc burnt. n. ln....a _. .._.._ .,.. READY FOR WORK Under Direction of `Experi- enced Bicycle Mechanic. IrTWP1iH"S'HP! Handles bent Into nny Ihopo. Tlru vuloualuad. Inumeulnu oven soon ready. Electric Bell hnnalnc. Looks. Umbrouu. oto.. to pclrod. _ -_:wvw-w:TY? nlryolo Ind Typowritor llondqunrton. 11 fl IIIQAIJIDI -Z The valalmlfvod P '7 (`nrnon n o unrlvnllod for perfnut tlt lmnnty of nhh nml ntyh. and have rem-[vat tholnhzlwat nwnr-lg as glnhg lnxpormnt exhlhltlunn luring the last I0 yearn. Ohtnlnnbla In every vnrloty ol uhnpo and style: from STEACY cl STEACY. K (nlntnn. IFiiEfiGH.IJiMOBi$ETSI I 79 Wellington IRPOOI. .*T:'-:+"-"*`---'-" lunmoturm Ronlos Do oomt, P.D. lI|l.lLl\Ill I U VVIIUIJII Awarded 10 Gold Iodnln And Dlplgmu d'Hunncm-. , -433; ... .,,.n. . Ivvl nuuulu 74 cumence sr. C 9II3I'I K (nuton. IIIL, LIKE A GLOVE ---- --- -vvuuyuuu IIIIIWUCK] Q`-, it! 0- new-an ....,.u. in up .- .3.@h than no? Dkl tho Oljbnnnnnhlgnjulo -u-`av vuqvlwit IIDWI II Oruthduuouuooludulr ......--uguwuuwnon n oonoornun Indudld Iotupond ullshonouoy uh-. _.-. unu wunnw new (loci for |mI."1nyI the (lunch. "in to Inn Nu ho-Ihuuptolonshubohopuhouomy hrhlnulf. Andnnhu notnllhdr olrultodo! Wuthollbol noooonhlnd InIhouMo-onHhshovuprnIhdpu- nomllybyllnuuolmonot Andluhn ndnnnu. gang! *5... - .._---.~-- so was vuunuuuwl II III IOI II 00 aim at the pnrmol all Ito boodling I) the powc and inlonot ol wohhoonnrvun puny unlnhlnod (ml! In pent to long. "All u Hr. `Pu-In`: n-.I..... -.--- -Lu `- uv uuuuuvu aunt III ultl HOG llIOWln`ly. '1. In I800. whon ho was raining fund: for tho conoorvativo party. carrying around with him Hon. Mr. Tail|on'o Iottar of authority. (which ho atill holdo) ho had a con- volution with Mr. Paoaud. of L'Eloctour. touchinga claim of Wholan againnt tho govornmont. Mr. Meroior propoood to pay oil` thloolaim of Olt0.000. and MI. Tat-to wan aakod how hio party roganiod tho tranoaction. Mr. Tat-to oonlultod Mr. Taillon. and tho latiar said in ooct that Mr. Wholan had boon ouhocrihingtotho lihpralu fund: long onough.that tho ooonor tho claim wan paid tho ooono'r' tho cub, ocrihing would end. Mr. Torte intlmatod to Mr. Pacaud that the claim would not ho rooiotod. and in l acknowlodgomont of thio gonorooity of tho conaorvativo party` r. Tarto wfo [ivon O-`S5000. which ho oxpondod in nviaing tho voton lioto. and in othorwioo proparing for tho [onoral oloctlon. klr. Tarto did not know that tho 05.000 camo from Mr. Wholan until oolno tlmo alto:-ward. and had ho known it won Mr. Wholan o monoy ho would not havo aoooptod it. Tho (lonotlo in much voxod ovor tho ravolation, and up it in a oatitfaction to think that aftor that trannction tho conoorvativo party woo thoroughly throahod. "Tho monoy did it no good. and ohould havo dono it no good," it adds; "it mattoro not whothor Ilr. Tarto got tho money from Mr. Pacaud. knowing itto havo coma contractor Wholan or not. Ho had no right to tako it." Oh. ho hadn t. oh? How conociontiouo and upright. political- ly, tho ilanotto haa hocomo all at onco? Has it. ovor ropudiatod tho trnnoootiomn by which langovin and klcroovy ` woto oxpollod from public lifo? What ol tho mono; Illchod from tho puhlio oontnctora 3 Should it havo hoon tokon 5., by tho oonoorvativo loadon and chockod cap out largoly by a man who ltll boon wkito- ' waohod and to condounod by porliamont? llthon in to hoa oonhooion at all lot it ho 0! all tho party. ol Ito L...|n..- L._ -s, 7 URI-Ill!` I. X JAMES uIuaunr's.. 5.x -'3.`-:`.".":x-.-'.`... "--""'--"-' ASHAIBD 0!` THE DEAL. The Montrool Guano In uhomod of the rovolnclon which good oonnrvntlvo oounul forood II-om Mr. Tara In his suit again Mr. (lronlor In Montnnl. Anhd It ho had nooivod I6.000 of Mr. Whol|n`n money. he nnurorod that ho had not knowingly. I800. whun In um. um... c.....a. 0.... .u.- NOT ON EVIL BENT. Tho Toronto Tologrom lomonto that tho oppooition in tho iodoi-`oi oommono did not lio quiot during tho rot ooooion oi tho now porliomont. thot It did not onoouroco tho covormnont to think it woo dood, thot it did not oncouroco tho liborolo. by o ioloo oonoo oi ooourity. to moko oomo hugo hlundor. ond thon. rioin; "iron: tho oohoo oi oilonco, prooood to omito tho Amollkitoo on tho troooury honchoo." A ionoy pic- turo. truly, ond on ovidonoo of tho ights oi imoginotion in which man mon con on- gogo. Tho inforonoo in that without the criticiom of tho oppooition some grout o\ i| ` would hovo ovortohon tho grito. ior which rooooning thou io tho oxporionoo of tho oonoorvotivo potty, which. loft to itooli. ond oopooiolly during tho rocooooo of pot`- lioment. got ltooli into ropootod trouble of varying oovority. Tho govormnont which in lod by Mr. Lourior lo not on ovil bont. ond oonnot he oommittod to it without committing poli- ticol ouioido. Tho oppooitlon'o ottitudo connot vory much obct noulto. A vigor- ouo criticism. I oondid onmiuotion oi ' thlngo by thooo not iriondiy to tho govorn- Inont lo. howovor, for tho good of tho country. ond tho govornmont will bo the hottor oi it in my one. But It should he on o highor lovol thon tho oriticiom oi int ooooion. ooohourd in no mony roopocto. ond oopociolly ohourd in tho ioult oomo mon lound with tholr own work without nom- ing to know it. Tho oppooition thot riaoa out oi tho oohoo oi oilonco to omito the Amolihiho undo: ouoh oircumotonooo will bo oinitton in roturn. `_.- vu--uuvu. Alli] KIIIIII IIIO WI[I- an-non. when voioioonnt and in the ag- gngnh rally dam-mlno tho olootlon. no influenced by tho glnmor of tho nilvor man : talk. nnd no they inngurnov-aooording to onrnnio nnnor--| ruin of carrot. Tho thrust in mndo that nhopn will be cloud, that trade will be ntoppod. oh money now in circulation on boluli oi tho (real truth will ho Mhon`ono of ii, and that dil- uiar will In ovary where. The Wmu favor: sound money, but it ought to triumph on in union. Inoimidaiion Ihonld have no plus in any olooolon campaign, And oh: pub; that raoru no it nhould ho dnluhul nlhiEtloti'ln Npw Won-F A; no 75;- n none of who grout monopolist: an oonoorqod. They no that the voudoonna mud n. an -- ........, wmuu mu oounory produooo." Mr. Dopow promptly doubt! that tho word: huluunuod from him. but tboy on will In o!n-qgatlon u org:-ouln of eh lnunlon In no M --- -` ... vur nu-numouuuu. loot ovary Iwlhoh of nil ulogrlphh llnu, and that down our; oullnd Iron` mine lnthovnlud States. "Tho; um do no boonun they control the monoy whinh tho oounory produou." Mr. DODIN nromnllr nlnnlul AL-A AL- ...,n- TALKING ILEOTION ILUII`. Oluunuy Dopow um upoml to but sold s "Tum on my man In New York who an, In twenty-{our hours. atop ovary wbool on all rnnull, olou ovary door at all our minufnolodu. look switch NIOIPIDMC Ilnu. Ami nhnl Ann... ----- THE. DAILY Wja` ANINUAL ATHLITIO IPORTI. "apvu- p.r am`... mm, mm 1. an. on; Park tum--rho mu. $-un---: -on King St. n;xt to electric c'|r mu i`r.7Ii;s"." sr." uy Innnu, mum at tnuollu won hdfy vnnfhd ulna. Dn Mum and Murphy ndm nmond ohlombnn md dnnnl the wound. having to am no wind nu lots 0! tho thumb and II Ilnpr. amour the n dly nvolvf hams. "All but the than and lmln new recount on I . and lnngi u, ".':'.f`.. u. u. u."`1 ...I2`u.T.. ...."L3'z$ ngnglod nip. Hurnhv r . -Q I 1 W T lknhuv Ionurr. ()n Thurudx Norman Mama. Ron- lnw. not VI I Ion-lblo mishap n M: lnhu-'0 plant mill. While at the `lnrhoiphoio 'NIl:`hI|=[.lIIbI|' and n ov I u I 0 MM 0 undor |:o'n ;m.nvoIv WA`: Norunn Iolhu Loon A llud. lenfnw Iouurr. Thnmin Nnrnnn Man-n , an not won a name morn npproprmn for . u gntho ng of luv . doctor-I. momhanu and momboro o! 0 or calling: nnd profou- nionn. whom men who labor wtbh their ' lunch look upon more In the light o! um. bocrmu than man whom pno lml know- ledge of labor In Much an to unto their opinions vnluublo to lnbonn and manhun- ion? Why not osllthom she gentleman`: dohntl oluhmnnmo nonnidonblg more nppm nu than the one choun thin ncmy, which represents not only 0 pro fusions. but has non had when In mun- bonbnnhonnndothonhol nqlolho nnpmlintlo clans ?--WoumnuA.V. --wnrulnglnh" light Nnmo ll. Knuu--mu, Ooh. $I.-(To tho Edllmr): Um nnyonolntorm the Intuutocl public , why tho worklngmonh meetings. no-culled. no not Is-on nu luvyon. doctm-u. mumum. Thou mm an ooldom vicious. and I have omn boon to nurprind that than 6: no mu. troublo unonf so many prioonorn who no no vicious. only nmombor of om one when I convict wu killed. This was long baton my mm, and In In: when 1 oonvlot wu pnparinn to escape. Ar- bltrnry And apoorly ncon mm: In taken. for that man an vinlnug om-try ma apoody nation no vicious." IUIIX. "somo Mme boforo I loft n unni roport,- od Howell to mo. and nfur I ud roprovod him. homodo nn attack upon the nnrd who reported him. nnd after chin 0 once wu com tobho Isolation dopnrtmonb. I saw Mm nconplo ofdngn hofonl came uuy. and he Ipokoln I \-cry plausible Innnnor. ' nowovt fonoo. "Hon Toronto HM r. "I am very much vur rind no Howell`: action. And at the and 0 hi: life." aid Dr. Lowell, ox wnrdon of the Kingston poni- bontinry, and now of Toronto whon lin- iormod him of the tragedy. tinin morning. "B0 was nvory smooth-longuod colorod mm. and with one uooption. you no lib- tlo trouble. Ho bad I var`) hot. tamper. :|0WOVIl`, and might in up: In of ouch of- ones. u ~ ~ ~'w am my bnnlnou. 01! I nntvm it 9 I uh! I . I !o. WI vi :0 ncur?::3 nunltrla I n':no'vI..n on imy nnw qusnon pormltung noun a cop. III (1 l`IIl|Q`l ____. Dr. Lnvull round llowoll not Tempered lint Hot o! Inch Trouble. Toronto mar. "I Am rm-u m....|. -..-...:...| _. n_... A-- nmu. we onmne being so much eimiler. Ho mnoh admired Pemdonn. o perpetu- ally blooming gnrdon und being oooupiod by millionaires from New York and other Inge cities. who spend their winter monthe there. viein with each osher in planting ornnmonusl ahrubberioa and ilowero. imported iron All perm oi` the world. mali- ing the lone ini.ereei.ing and enohentingly boouciiu . The Inns in. thenioro. us good home for the rio . but not for than who have to labor. Buuineu is dull and wages diloult to ho lild and very low. Many roople who went to Southern Cnliiorniu I ew year: ago to I-pooulnia end do huuineu era now returning to their ouhern homer. wounor wu very warm when he left. on tho Qnd inuu, Ind had been during num- mor I90 in the ahodo. but the ni ht: were line and cool And tho sin our and dry. Bomotimo six month: pnu without. ruin. than all inndn require good irri otion. Ho thinks the ostrich farmer: in outhorn Cniifomin mnko more money shun the fruit. growers, oonaidorin mar- kot riooo. Ho now aomo four mom 3 ago our ohohiokons over four foot high and the owner valnod them no 0200 each and o brooding pair in mluod Ms H.000. `int birds mm bothrivo on well there on in Africa. the olimnho being much Pnmdnng. I nnmnntu_ 1`. 1.. Shoot 'l`oI|a of Illa lauunlou to tha Delta. '1`. L. Bnook has just returned from his western trig Ha thinhbaa Vagaa hot apringa. in aw Mexico, are an bonallolal to health an any other Min 5 riugnrarylng In temperature from ice col to illn hot with chemical oomponition ol alka ino- aalino. He also vlaitod Southern California and drovv from Rlvaraido through many of tho avonuan. The orange. h. pour, lemon. g. ollva and otlnr {m t troaa aoom haalthy and well loadod with fruits. The woathar when II `HIE. and had hnnn durlnn nnm. nnu IIIHVIOI. Mlle rnoc-Hounton, Gru-u, Pottor. 'l`imo.5:M. MOIKII thorn. 'l`|u-. 100 an. duh. 9 In 8-W|lkom. Bul- llun. oxen-u. I00 yard! duh, two In three. Mum and nndor--Olu-kc. BI-|lbon.Bhlb|oy. I14-5 um. T10 ynrdn duh. unohon in staining `and ox-pupils--B||ok, Bqulro and mum. n eon. ml! mo rnoo-- oulton, Sullivan. Grlmohnw. ` Hall mlln nos, [moon and undor- Gram. Olsrlx. Hlnoook. Time 2:26. Jnnknv I`|n._I-hnnhgur -npl D.......J Throoloqgod uoo-Bh|bloy. A.. Shib- loy. 0.. Kn lm And Grimuhun Mokorru nnd Fomvic Mlln nus`, l1....-A.... n......_.. |\_A-- urlvol. Ullfll. ulnoook. Time 2:26. Jockey rnoo-(}rimnhnw nnd Pound. Molhrru and Fomvloln. Brlbton and Cro- unnur--uunomnu. anmloy. non. : nnrur mile moo-Wuihom. Builiun. Mo on-u. Quu-hr mile I-too, fiaun rs and un- doi--Olu-ko, Ianthorlmd. Br Mon. Throwing but bnll--lulIinn. Dish, Orobhon. Pohpbo noo--Bhihio . Dick 0. Bhihgoly. Kiuhing ioobh|li-- rs. linmon. - Korru. Milo bioyolo ru-9-Hard . qgrl. 5:11:11. Such rmo--MoPu-land onu. Po :1. wl.!linkr:rr1iraoh a:; heap um` ]ump-Buiiivnn. Rnnn ng hop, sin and map. imun fun and undu--Dic . Olnr 0. ii. Shib- oy. Ruqning high. jnmp-Wnlkom. Ponce. Hounbon. Running high jam . I5 ydn. I in.-- Bhihioy. Lubhorinml. In-ho. 100 `ch. duh. 9 in 8-Wnlhom. ilnn. lf`IIIII"` --Worllngnnn" light Nnmo ll. nun-rnv nu n NI`... u... an THE DAILY BRITISH IX-WARDEN BURPRIOID. .:._-- HOME FROM HI! TRIP. una` , For u---- (' m"'`""] onnunnrnouucunu uuununoan-nn...-.nn.u... In IlInIl.WOUi lain-(bl. Dal. __._ ,_.. v... -r--u [Antwan non nncummn. uen Iectuno. wan the opener : edvioe to the feature. The present Iyeizem hate not ed A thorough teat. (live efeir tritl tothe method oi combining theor with prectice. before making e ohenge. lo not make che for the one o! change thou la in t eee dnye. we ere lectured on iegin ted todentii. A ueetion in unnec- tion with the edoption o longer eeuiom. in. cm the bent medicel men In theoountry ` heindooed to an poeitiona en teeohen in medioel mhoole if they are to he held down for eight or nine mocwhee yeer. when, M in all inomevery euoh pro- Teennr depende lor_ his living on hie eeteide 0` . ` Dr. hloote competed the medioel note of ' the otluerffxrovinoeeoi the doninlon with ' the Out: o wt. (in speaking on interpo- vint-3| mre:iIetretion innizalaio hthe . ed.\;e:.t.- up otter. e e service: noderedjo the pub-xi end the people. by the Onterio medioeloeennil. ` which, though it hoe eetehliehed e high etmderd hes not mode It imetteinehle to the men. Tmw oonoleded en loilowe: "With reciprooit between oer vinoee end withilree Britein we wee oenldeotly its oomnoaition. Dr. ooro. Brookville. who graduatod from Quoou'o twont -aix yoan woo tho next apoakor. Pro. Fowler an `ion. Dr. Sullivan (a good mixtum--Bootoh and Irish. romarkod tho apoakor) an the only profoooora now on the ata who won thon connootocl with tho coilogo. 0 lineal ! hao kept poco with tho wondorfu advonooo that havo boon modo in rooont yoara. omi hoo oxtondod hor bonooont inllnonoo all ovor tho oonntry. Tho fnturoof aurgorg and of medical acionno. woo ontlinod. an Dr. Moon paid that in dayo to vomo. pro- vontivo trontmont will tako tho loco of curative troatmont and tho phydo an will ncoivo a longer loo tor pi-ovontin diaoooo than ho now to for onring it. '1` o opul- or comparodt o uulvontogoo of tho nint- in;; term: of study. comp:-icing four cor oiona of nix montho oooh with a fth our for proctical work. with four tonne of o ht or nino months oaoh with no th h [gr fur nraohinal n:-I I`|h-l--|- ...._, ...vun.mu-. -nu uni lulu IIlVIl'D|K- menu proclaiming their all I \-irwu. The In her would like ishopro union muh 1 do: no u ninab such modioinu. or to have once in law. making it oompulnory bovnymoh to every medicine a nhtounont of iu com ition. Hr nan` lJ.....I...n|- .__L, ,. n gmmyun success. using innoculstlon e einetc olere.end it hits been shown t at persons not vsocinsted ere ilve times more lishieto attack by, and six times more liable to death from oholsrs. then persons who have been vaccinated. The treatment has been used with equal suc- cess in h drorhobin oeses. Koch's tuber- culine. w ile t was is lniluro es s cure for tuberculosis. is invnluohle us s means oi lin nosis in cases of this disease. When use in the esrl stones oi the disease. sntl-toxine ishig nlyeiilceciousindiphtherie ceeee. The eiiloecy of sanitary meesures to prevent the spnod of disease wee dwelt upon. the progress of diegnosis end treet- meut in brain disesee. and the use of lsndulnr extrects.in certein other diseesee ue to A Isck oi plsnclulsr secretions. were commented upon. Prof. Dupuis en in e reminiscent strain. end referred his connection with the Rays! coll oi physiciens and sur- geons. when Eth that institution and hiueen's were at low water. But by in- omiteble courage Queen s hss been reieed to her present high standing. All the diseases commonly met with in genersl rectice are to be found in the generel ospitslend the Hotel Dieu. There ore ed ven s to students who ettond coil in A sum I cit to study. thst ere not to iound in n erger piece. Each medioel men. too, is eeegonersl rule. in I smell city such es this. more opt to be a special- ist in some psrtiouler diseeee then in larger plsces. where doctors hove very lerge practices end ere devoted to the msking of money before the reotioe of their profes- sion. Prof. l)upu soontrsstnd the choreo- ter end sbility of phyaicisns in certain citiosin the western stetes. where there are neither medicsl colleges nor universi- ties with the ohnmcter and nbilitv of m icei men in other oitlee. which hsve colleges and universities. The public must be Hrotecwi sgeinet itseli. because people e not ee s rule know enou it to distinguish between these pseu o-medioel men and en eble well-treined physician. The public is gulled to an extreme degree by proprie- tury medicines. end the ieiee edvertise- etl speaker would like them-n nnnlnn ....|.. Carriage `Mm . u..- |...-A..--- A.) 1 ..__-_ nonroro would no botror to proooon ond imitoto thooo whom thoy hod Iurmorl mot in tho thootro thon by niohingido Iomontotiono. Dr. Oonnoll. proloooor oi histology nnd hootoriol v.woo tho rot opoolxonhio topic holn u " lotologyond Bootoriology." In opon nghorolorrodtotho rootodvonoothot hoo boon modo in modioo ooionoo in rooont yooro. It in only hy o hnowlodno oi pothology that o ooiontio oppliootion oi modIoiI}o ho motto: thghoufol oi diod- oooo. to oomporrvo Ioogyon snthologv thot tho progrooo royorrod to in no. ho grootoot pothologiot hnown won Pootour. Ho first. by hio oxporimonto and roooorohoo. ohowod thot oortoin dio- ooooo woro duo to tho gmwth oi hontorio. tin Pnotour provod. tho prooooo oi lor- montotion woo duo to tho prooonoo oi hootorio. no use might hodiooooo. Anthrox woo tho rot diooooo in mon ond hruto. tho nnuoo of which won troood to hootorio. To Koch on woll on to Pootour bolongo port oi tho orodit of tho bootorlo thoory. Lo- prooy. typhoid fovor, `oto.. hovo boon ohown to ho couood by hootorio. Tho thoory ond prootino of Sir Joooph Lio- tor. in relation to tho oonnootlon hotwoon wound favor ond bootorio. woo tho ioundo- tion otono of lotor onooooo. Tho oxpori- monto of Pnouur. rooultlng in tho uoo ol cultures of buollli to glvo immunity ogolnot ` onthrox. woro troood ond oomporod tovoo- ` oinotionooo pvovontitlvo ogoinot omol|- ! pox. Ono oi 1 ootour o pupil: in now with notifying ouooou. using innooulotion nloro. and not vo morolinhlo hll MEI) llllfl wlhh Inun` nun I 3 moroliohioto * I or. (`null nu Prof. mun Adana one lcudanu-Profnu oi Iodlool I0|OIIO- Ihon u. Inn; Ioulon-Advlooh Pn- nuon no Itndnu. Pmf. D`owlor.dun o! the modlosl faculty orQuoon'n. hook the plan 0! Principal (Inns I5 tho formal oponln of the mod!- onl oollqn yutardny. '1` mo! wu hold In oh: lonvlok opt:-sung 6 In tha gononljnooplhl. and n largo number ol "man" was pm-none. The profane ram-I-ad in coaching mm to the and mommies that won Mahmud h the moat- Ingln Shut. uonlnr tun. onld his humra wond do bob 1- wpxcuon and (mint; H"... ...|..... n.-- L- 1.-..---.. [MEDICAL column ommc.| C-2.`-n on. Moon, our anooxvmu, man AN AIL! ADDIIII Twine. s,urUnnA'"r. ooronnn 10. use wt -1 vuj vuywjj hnInvInK.hIbQ-n Zgnh-_gL.A`nh-_A. 15.4.. but Itonhd bnfln eh 'oley.""' """ "` 3 Jul nttantlnn gun oommorolll non " lE)N. MILMN. Prop. .0! mlnnh from all loan. Ann 'I\-`I-. : one In 0:33 hlpu. Knnnvl Oat. Ooh It--An olM- ;L..mua."'-Fludcunu Wilton . mu. add II ` mlknutohh phat. medium. In A menu plnlron nun hm! wheel the had nalvod Ibo pnviouo at naked. [I nppuuo Chit wills the hunter. 1 Min lockup. van than at noon. Iona cl Ihoollklnn hqnn hupodng In. with the nails that tho demand ollldhqnn ignihd. Down the dual out of tho oolool. .. ed II I win run. than gmng Nut 5 unit: ulvnluo to u an unnnnm. uugtvlnglhoblnur dvnlogo -mud out he , , Wj`-Rufffh A link no-Annals. L-.-sL.......__- I.. vs. Luv. 0! Tomnso Junorion. Ont. ': I In ob! to In pnppod up i Ind ~ 3:3. vp;I`|:om`mo6thtoon month, 1.2.; : M mounting 0 am would own one ~' Mn whonovur nhuapud Iollo down I No mntmom. Md gone mypod until! I mod Dr. Agnew: mmfor the hurt and has omdou V0 N|:sI0|.l Mild. mdono mu. on `him: to- zouuoynhplunruot hulth not- poophdo. lieu-C Inna will NIH! notonnd. Bold by W. H. Ilodhy ouc- uuocunnronnngom | I `rho Iulonn on Toronto Junction IluI- ,` dun from Inn nluuo. Not an omopuonal out 0! hurt dio- ouo but very dlunatn ID`! that 0!` auto I.. W. Luv. 0! Tomato n. ' who ma obllnd to ho nl-nnnul .... c.. 5...: OOULD NOT LII DOWN FOR [ION- TIIN MONTHI. DUI loll Bld--WIIIIIIII Ranllnf our mill. homo-mule brad--A. Cllrh P. R. R. Mlllor. um nngu-nun. R. Bonnets. but muohod driving ham ( Idinp or mam). style and action non- I cloud-Amos Bnidor. Ind Aw. Rrunuuown modioal hull. non. for honviont donon of hon`: 4. I). Clark. 8. J. Bpmulo. Dominon howl. intone troiibin and pacing Nun--Willism Doylo. Juno: ohnuon. Harry Hnnhor. Ron! hohl. NA not, but non! rpou um--Amoo nidor. B. Mb rs. nunlmorohumod but in: u n'2a-WuIa.m M. mm. `M , R|n|ln|' Dill mill. rhllllsn R-n |--t IHOIIX IIIIU I :2. Bennett. uuonb hob]. but ungu. driving hone (goldln or mm), yin and action oomIdorod- lliun ll. hum Rd- wml agornun. Bonnets. bun mnhnhnl 4pm.... 5.... upoolu rnlol Awnnlod. Ah the Oduu fair the followm npoclnl priul wart awarded. the [Ivor be ng mon- t.lo'n:od mz . nnnngllu n..__..\. .._;_| |_.,. v u -vvv I\rI.lIIvIr ll\lIlI- O O Iodun management. fnollont onlnlno and but but In H110 1. O. npoqlql 1 Von nan nu-cu Iwny ououonly. no In buried In oronn on tho lat. Juon On-cor Ind Mu-ohnl Uronlor. Wosbporb. woro nnowing wqnolnumoo hero Int rook. A. Omn- looo I good now rooonttr Hunklng but an All tho mm. B: or a Down no moving their nunmuruhor thmu h thin nolhborhood and on giving gonem unlo- faoh on. KAN: Bnooi hu rotnrnod mm Wootport. A woddlng horo In tho nur Mun. Mn. lnfnnoo hn out hot hand vory badly. Mr. Burlolgh In nblowbo around again and look: improvod. on and got qum I ohm-I dono. hrmorn an buaydlnlng choir baboon. Miu Pug hu nturnod from nfrow. Mr. nnd rs. Yeoman Ion on Monday for Euglnnd. Mn. 1!}. Al. Bnook Ind bar name won driving homo from Bydonlum and oomothln you way oboub the humans on thoy won unending I very amp hill. but forounnbdy. tho hum Inn gsnhlo nnd hhogou on` with nothing moro than a bad Mg 5. H. Cnmpboll mrolvod word that his non Wllllom. Ilvlng no Brontlord. In very HI. Mn. Albomon. on old mhlont. voted away auddonly. Blue buried Ink Jnmn Gun and Doooro Lalo Dolnn. Dunn L/nun Oct. .-- !'hroohIn and corn cutting in who ordor of ohodoy. light troooo ol tron hovo slroody boon ooon nnd much of the lormorn corn hon boon llllod. Ilro. Koooh bu rooovorod (mm o oovoro lllnoon. Min 1.. Leo. from Now York to vloltlng roloblvoo horo ond Inbondu curing o low wooko. J. N. Abmnohod an Inn mg boo out! you qulho ohoro dono. III blllidlin lnlr Imhnhun WIIIII Bicycle lllrion and the Public to Know no In Ourori by Dorm`: lid- nq Pills. Tmwwrn, (8 inl) Ooh. I.--Pooplo gon- ` orally who in cm iniaoruoin nyollngu well an Amateur: and proiouiomll avari- n ` whom. will mnombor I namo familiar aportinj ovonu.-I.ouiI H. Bounloll. who ruldu :6 578 Kin Bomb Blue. this nit . llioyulo rider: willn upooinll plouod learn that hi: ruppursnoo ih I anon in ood form in due to hin onbiro moovory I-om carious kidney broubio which had for n log] time been interfering with his work. Ho aim nil his iriomiu u well on tho rnhlic ho lmow thni his rooowr in anoin- y due no uning three hour oi l xi`: l(ld- \ my Pills. 1 wu nooopuu. The onglnoor wn given povnr no not In tho mlbhr ol Bur Bron`. Apomlon for the romovnl 0! I d true from In front o! their premium tho oommunlouuon ol tho Roclmhor tar nuuoryrobrua. was ro- fon-ad no the park: oommmoo; the Moor ol W. Mum ro drum on Oolborno am. wu rofornd to tho onglnur. It was da- oidld to grunt the ponlblon for run: on Alborb and Brook normal, If fun 0 cm In urovldod. mourn am provldod. In no pm: on a con lor the rulla want the lip. B. W. Fnlgor superinten- dent of t. om-at rnllwny. 0 [M60 per Icon for the ram and on mum at Am. wm. noon nooopeod. Thu Innlnnn: I I'IUUo A npoolul meeting of the bond of works vm bold yum-da so oonoldu bho Icem- of J. Scull & .. I-ding tho oom- gnnyh son or for the ol tramway niln. hora worn proum. ohulrmun Onuon. Aids. Bolun Donnolly. Suwul and Sklnnor. Thu `foronbo ooncorn wrou declin- lnl no nu I19 . mm on. aim ...n. n Inn-I pun iEiXi33IiL|N's, union on. nlunom Ipgoarumoo lpu Inn dot no a noticeable o nngc. I hun- drogzolpoo lo In this vtomlty om my to the new no! Illa {won Mm. THO I50 '00 an nlvnn In n swam no mo nlw loan 0! mo [won Mm. than look on given In n worn dcolnntlon undo Won 0. 0. Jam. Noun` Public. and dated` ymdon. 0:10.. April ooh. 1000. Bald by . B. Mound. town In um um. um with an gntloudo 0 new M! Ma testimony. an ar oath. to the wonderful Inc M OM mcdlolno. Tho u hsvo 00:103. MI nppomo hu I`Ibll|`l|0d nnd huloopn well. Once or who only ulnoo ho ootnmonood tho medicine In In: folbullrht dinlnou. but thlo hu non nomad o. Hluntm up rum lpu dorlono min. and hun. TR#MWAY RAIL! BOLD. II. I. lolpr am `no lolnl AI A nu- Dllnn. IIDI IIIVI [ll '0?- o dot on which in taking ltyhmnnh ootnny Om-0 no 6 0 turning n In his Ilh. And with doc gntloudo MM! ALA uuunolnnlnl run--n 1.! Ah. _.-A|..l..- IIIL- ol lpnopm rug In! I o! In no In `rho rollon 96 uu!y -Indrou luv `no out. Samuel Damn. farmer. Wm Minoan-I. county I Middleton. wu nub out to oplloro u nhwo 1800. and durng tho put we mu bhuo u visited him ovary not. He had the but uodlonl udvioo that Illl could command. and upon hundred: o dollm argue to broof. bub nll am of no wall. 0 to be con- nuntly watched. his nlghu won nlooplou. and be hit ohu M0 Mo was gt-ndunlx ebb- ing any. ill: Iommlon oonid n non- ::'ad;m:'.~. .::::. ......9"'." I dun an ululnh com or am nu-ooh runny. ollind m.oo ml: motion 0! AM. Ewart. nooondod by Aid. Bohnn. the aim nooontod. ;HI MOIT WON DIISUL OUII There's Only One Best Place T5 t3a"a'SrT-To"e.i3'?u'r'o"'&'.'.'g"r7.'n'u'.l'1T"'3T;'! \ n any. Iogllmlon nox - y have boon W n 'l'0l'0nl0 dealin- 'bo pny I19 can for the rally II` ICU W. Inlnr, nnnnnlnlnn. Opoolnl Pun: Awarded. . n.|...... 0.1.. AL- n_n._......_ WAVMATIUR 'OYOLlBT. MI-upon-us -@121}; Ill :1. ulu-I. Oolllm Day but I. anon. k. 0. Jun`: Klhq Nb hunt IHIOHYII I'U\ uh :".:.'f` nan mun unuuin mu "ROYAL all." THE KINGSTON MILLING C0. W. H. Uudno. Port Burvnll. Ont. ny1I:"l mm a load with Bhwuulun and mod nllcunn. I did not relic! - ionbmnn. " On `by E. G Nltoho I. um" I mod Miller : Oompouml Pills. and bofon I Md llnhhod M00 hols" In oomplobol cured. und now hollllo I Oth- aoonhgporbox.--Bold Dr Fouls:-`n Inn. at nun n._-_.. ,`Ati"AcJhiiig%Back VII wmmn IL Price 800. Do not dupsir clean! your clothes!!- aoho when you an nounltv obtain (heath Lmlo um Pills. hqy will ohm A rum and pa-nunom had on hp;lMu\d mmsl. an r .0` ny as. u nmoholl. ' Dr. Fowlou-`a Datum 0! Wild uv- ` 501` (`N In . .,.,..:. .;'.':.'...".:...:.:-.."'.......`"-..;;::.":. md-all loosen: ol the bomb. River In- vul without IL. Prion lb not (hand: nl nun-In- n... .).L L-- .n Dear Bin -Mm auhri tontwoonn from menu ndi onion I dd 8.3. I look only then men. which made no so vnll Mom] Inc. I highly noolnlnond B.B.B. to II dye puns. Mun. Jun! I Wuma. Aunt?n. Mun?` ` nunlltown numr-mu Pill-IIIII. Incle- uhlnh. one than Thuopllln no not small. No they no noa drastic-Irritating; onthutlu. :0 null pills mush mod: ho. The oonuin lotivo vogohnblo oxmou which we dim: N- modinl notion u n the Ioomuoh, liver and bowola. Ami In-mtin drnuo pill: by uuingllnmilhonh. Bo ynlldonlon. Household Economy. Rom GEM ":. z'.`':' :3 cu.nuI.y thnn my other am on tho lu- an Immouo Pool. N Lxxnmmn. Ky.. Ool. 0.-l`lvo thouund snark aw tho [mo 'l ronnllv|n||_ am. on dud hon today. The rtoh no wont to Senator A.. a boy horn y Tmnp Pnnlo. who had won we host: yaw-day; uov. Btronf. who also had two hosts. wu oocoud; A cldnllo. third. Time. Bxll. Bcnntor A. won the {norm In tho hotun` today. There nu 0000.000 In tho box when the horns nun-and In tho ml hub. Innlung as the gunman booting not In tho hlntory o! MI tmwng. - I one show Yul ! oi the brush through tho blomr nupp lot! with ouch homo of Dr. Agmwi onurrhnl powdordlmuu this pow- dor our the nurhoo of the nut! Pulnlou and dollghuul no mo. uollovu Inahnbly and pmnmono our-on mun-h. hay fever. cold: an 0 non bhmt. mnulllun and xiafnou. All dru Mn. Bold by W. `H. Modloy nuooouor to . U. Polnon O ()0. now by w. _1 _ ,, A: Inn A: Ivan -Afar auhrity to mm noun Enrnnnnhlrm I A -I rnnuor TIIIIO raotorloo. Txnumm. Oot. 0.-Tho Ontarlo vom- mont nu. yootorday attornoon. an od to dlooontlnuo tho mnnnlaoturo ol Hndor twlno at tho Oontrnl prloon. Mayor Elliott and Ald. Montgomory. of Irantford. oold that an prtooo for twlno woro now oo low and tho otooh on hand on largo tho 0on- tlnontal Blndor Twlno 00., 0! Brant- lord would havo to ohut down it tho twlno machlnoo at tho prioon woro to t running. Thoy thought It would bo farbo to glvo tho oonvluto a root than to allow tho mon working for tho Oontlnontal company to looo tholr omploymont. Promlor Hardy prognlood to glvo tho mattar Mo oaroiul otu y. ` Oatarrln And Onldo llollovod In ID `to O0 Ilnutoo. Hun -Sumo. -u.tI`-l LL- L___.L u, , A -- now the mney:{T Ill`. IONZII. Dr. William` Plnlx Plllo onobo now blood. build up tho norvoo. and blmo drlvo dloouolrom who Iyobom. In hun- xlrodn ol ouoo bhoy hnvo ourod ofbor oll othor modlolnoo lmvo fnllod, than oncolo- llahlng tho ololm that thoy no o morvol among tho M-lumpho of modorn modlool nolonoo. Tho nulno Plnk Plllo on oold only In boxoo. rln; tho lull M-odo mork. "Dr. Wllllnmo' Plnlx Plllo for Polo Poo- plo." Protons urooll from lmpoololon by roluolng my pll than dooo not boot tho rogloeorod trodo mark oround tho box. commended o vu-lone Mende Lind the on ledydeo ded no ve them e briel. yAh:doeen boxee wot-I: bombs. end by the time one box wee need ere wee en lmprovememln her oondmon. and bofore the hell donen boxes were ueed._M|ee Wet- eon wee, to we her own worde. e dllerent person eltogebher. Her entlm nervone eetem wee relnforoed to such en exoent. t no she I: now eble to dlepenee with the we of the leeeee which pnvloue lelllng eyeelghthn mede neoeeeery. Mlee Web- aon Is now uuumnoh Mend of Dr. Wtllleme Pink Pill: end eeye: "I have leeeuro In recommending them to I" elml rly unilat- Odx " Rev. ). Miller. e Mend ol ahe femgly. vouohee tor the fence ebove nob fort. . I). unm.......- m._n. Inn, (rum IIII hlnlllll POII It In ot lout oomnondohlo to how homo I tho Inovltohlo. But what oppooro to ho Inovltohlo may ho dolnyod or oltogothor ovortod. Whntwoa-ooonoldorod monou- Ily Iotoldlooooootwonty-Ivo or own too you-o In Inn Inotonool no not now ploood n thot ooarary--tInnho to IodI- ulondoolontloohll. LI!oIo lwoot. Wo malt olthor control tho not-vol or 1:! v/Illmutor us. Kyoto:-Io no` provofo . It rondoro tho roan oIlII holrhu und unrolluhlo on onto o oontlnuo ohodow upon Imimeo hrlght ond ohoorful um. ltoo tho oonotltuuon and union om Invo Imton-Ily uh. "lo Ilfo, worth Min 7" Mm Fanny Wotoon. doughtor of r. Honry Wotoon. llvln on lot 99. In tho townohi oI lomorvl lo Vloton-Io county. Io ono thooo whooo |IIo~lor you-o no undo mloorohlo from norvouo dIooooo. At tho ago of twolvo mu Wotoon mot wlth. on oooldont whloh oo oorlouol oootod hot norvouu oyotomthot during t ouhooquont vo yoon obt won oubjootod to vory novoro not-vouo rootrotlon noultl In convul- olono WI unoon ouonooo throo or Ionr hom-o at o tllno. Thlo oondltlon con- tlnuod untI| March lut whon Iho hog on Inorooood and prolongod ottooh by w Ioh `tho wu oomplotoly grootrotod for tho opooo oIo Iortmght. ho dloonoo to AI- Iootod tho optlc norvo that mu Wotoon wu Ioroodtowoor luooo. Mony romodloa woro tr-Iod but vvth no oval! and both Mlu Wotoon and hot Irlondo Ioorod that A ouro could not ho ohtolnod. Ulumotoly Dr. Wllllomn Plnh PIIII whro otrongy o oommondod h vol-Ion: II-Iondo on VOIIIII hdrdon dad has pun shun . Add vvuu vvuIn.I.rIIIp I I Com minute from all loan and TIIIII. --'j-< Tho Victim Ilnlplnnn and UIl'oI|nIIn- II In: the Onnnitntion nnd Inna one lnrolnninrliy An! In Lilo Wont Elvin]. mm tho mndnnr Pout. - h. In .0 Innnl ...__.-...n-u_ .- L-... LA. 7 THI FRIQUINT OAUII OP MUOH MIIIIY AND IUFFIIINO. hEnvous_pg9mAr1oN. ..;......--.:...... Illndor `rhino rulorlu. mm no`: In JIIL- n..._..:_ . .__.__.__._.__._ Aulnmonolool. run If. A.A n In. ]Sutherland'sI h 'f:.v` \ n 6.0: w...-u \`Moon. I Principal. '1 `r W" "" 3 to (}Inu;'W. IIu.I.. .3 .___Z_____ 1. Iiiwws, 35: Princess sci] DIEGO! olmnnl Ilnunll "nun BlJSlN_SS 1,- In with q..:.`..: u nncmunom ho : :'..`. E . :'"v... w M- vorol no to la 0 .3: n`1umIonu"or u Kingston Ladles'College, "Clouburn." KINGCTON. ONT. Oluou will I-9-opon on `Pl-IUIIIIDAY, llum. I00: Ono 0! tho but oqulpoul lndlwoulhnoo In Oundu. Pull pull of 1.-'nlvnn|$ynmlnuu. Icahn In Inhomnluu um modun lan- cntnn. `I'M nmmnonu um! onleun at homo oonhlnod with the Mghont monk! snlnlnc he unnn. um. apply on I3 OOINWALI} . 0.. I` :____.________.;.l { Kingston Veterltlap . _ .__-._. ..__ -guru .-$0.5; We .*:--.7-5;.*:,;-:35: lama u ohon. no IIIOO ooorw tow - j New Black and Blue Nigger Head (;loaking1.75c, 81.00, 01.25, 01.50. 01.75 and $1.00. Colored Cloaking: with Plaid Back at wholesale rices. New Tweeds. Dlagonnls, Beavers and Chcviots, c. 75c, 90c, Loo, 01.25 and $1.50. Row nunv arr _.<. The landing Undornhor md rumlturo DO|lOI;. 184 and 286 PRINCESS STREET. KIN: Ambulnnno nun. m A I J I-vn H A -- - "-- JAMES RElD S mum: Una ..................... ..` uoml mud wood, um pg]-10.4, WM. nnumr. om ormivvoon In ll:-humu |u...m I|..-.a.... 'N6WkElfC!oa}kihas _____.__.___..__g....g if . We Arejlaklng It . . .Tlmes. . . 6? `Hard If you are fltted wlth one of our NEW MANTLES. Another ahlpment recelved yes- terday. The etock ls now com- plate. The most beautiful Cloths and the very latest styles to be had only at lCHMOND &co s -wi tilt CCV I I\IIV` Ambulumo Gull. M! A You Will Enjoy the Winter um um Iuu r wnon `you no 0 tunnel: and prlvu. Vnlnou our no mnvoll law an r [ht now. omp tonun 0 our it ok uunrntmion ovory u 1|] port hum Hun. Dom: nnd no M n ulm c-o ulo Man of uncut qunl Mu uul urn w 1 am vmmomlo I poop! p In to u nu d Mu I mono: with uu. Our roe ll; V0 '01" F0 at `now tllunlty. Our llnu quulmu will that 4 you In don 9 For: I no nw out n 6 phylum lulu prloo bu . M Inu`\ and lo. \ mule with Ill limp 1 boonuno you nun` up mm 0 no numln as pr on In low. v -u 1 2. .T"n :|'.\ no3o. W '03:}. '3: (`I mumomloul monk nnlu ho nun `:_ouoA'rIogAJ:_ oer. Prluoou mg lydonlmn Isl-sou. (odd-I l.QlI\IIAI 1.. . , .- - LADIES; We .`.""`.f.I'{ J`..."` mu 8 out . _ _ tfanma SIYLES I stmmu cum ,_-...._-_. 5 nm .. {inst "`3u _99It.t..-2% R. WALDRON S up on-\-InI. I. J RIID. MANAGER. . rcoocl-and our mnrvollo I l 0 3'f:,'.'_i'..,"n....'.":" `3;'.'."eI."..'i.`n`it`i`.!".f.. : .{..`."'E.'.!..` 22111 $5.50 a Ton; I n - A L . . . I . L . . A . J n _ _ ..._ -A---'A-- -& T LOUOKI _.._ .... .-vv-p --guwul. K- R NR. ll NI) PM W\S(.ll-A(:l1;'1` M. `W "M`" M . A o u-nnumum now. For putloulnn ml at tho Od- IT IS SOLD ON ITS M MERITS . . . WI FT S aanggn guuouIIuunnIIulu""" """` "" I ILID-GIX QIIIIO :::.~::'..z:w{ - - - v 77TTTW'77" TILIPIOII I0; III. BOOTH 6: C0. (lIouuunIoIno\OIoo0h.) -..l)IAl.lIn nL ...-_....- -... no -av I J. B. MoKAY. PI-In. In every cup to buy nmmonu. Oondlu. Hodn Wuor. loo Oral: and Fruit. In Klnnton that pins in nn I `nan:-n -nu.` -T IIDIOAL CARDI- l._... .. __ ...r. J). ....V.._...._._---. rd-Follow: Illool). IIIQIOIII. ..u...._.. . .... _v_g9_go AND com... ulna IIVQI` I nrly pulrt angel I In I um M I III I ltnI.1.`| :unul?>l.o.-r {195 1- Kuiasron. om` Ont nprotluotl nu In fll. on on and Ink: color no rov nu M In yum Io- tory. No need to Ian 10 war away! In homo. we we that ontl no Ind upnu on at modern pr on. A. BRYR NT. High Olun Blcn ~WI-Mu and Ornamental A. BRYR N1`. I}v`n::.- I n r. Bank 30.. lnewoen Prinoon and Brook nu. .__.._._____.____.__..........._ LIFELIKE PAINIIN6 1, ASK voun (moon ma noun Gil." T: IIIIIIICTIIM IIII I Ill!` 11 um mnuo no no the num I II um.` All other: made to models. 30 d on by New York Dress Reform. " "'*"' OIII BI. A few more BLOUIIH |t'nnnO., Pine lines of Ohlnn (hook- Wwnro. nndolsuwuo. Tmwnn. nude on. Oooklng Orooh oto. Head Inn In for dohool Supplies and School qn Ilka. S. C. CHARLES. "g`-I~`g`,.`?`.`_"'_ uu-eon: oppunno lluuoll none. 83: undo to order: uluo you own and: mm a up at rouonnblo run. _ DRESS nnf(_)_g;_I_$jn_6g';Tz's:tf. . . nooo ISLANQ .T .v'_ Il...l--.. __ .. _ a'\'v'.rowuI. Iahhcluid. The Bee___ _ive_ ...-.~..v..- - u v v Inn. VV Vdg MA hgoaganlfndn and ovary duorlptlon I . PAITIIDGI. n KING BTRIIT :::-j "'Y .`3_3_5: ,, -_- _ .....-u v -uuux, n. now M Alltfxlnbovo no in A.1 order. Onllsnd no for youno I M. Ky: aonmsows, BYDINBAI STREET. --v u v-u.u*-I r1I..|. OIIFITC 1 India Trenton. 096. A. I or I. Bnnclord. olli lmout Mn. 1 din IIG. Micah` `at. an 1 Hunts v - --a-n`1. ow Strange .*.`:;a*.`..:_:'*r.'..*.`...`-.-..:-.: .'`::: .`a:.'2 6:3` It o\:rw`:.lu'c) "I :Il6'n.|`:ml.. oblbhon money so turn. 3 L! In worth no. You can buy It (or loo nor lb. f |.| Illunn n-nan. . . .... - _-.._ I Lgnlln 'l`-`.54.... an: A I0!` [)0 . " "V I. n. 'Ii'oIms, 0-rag,-3_ggg_ogI. I IIIIVIIIII I-III non-n ....._~ mum: to nupool lion. W IIANNAY & HAROLD. "J vvvv Iv:-nu ;`.. `.'..!'."I.N Then we on : `- """3.l` no at .`t'3::.:-:'.?. r:.1`! at lugllnh. In: nlllmr for fnl lnvl o taunt II A All! A I1 I III!!! IV! v-nrnun '1 uttlnfsoltonl no r mun . 1 M 0 I ...':.' .. .:.:.::.:*1.'1: 2'. your dtuchhn rn. Ivinnn A 1 or am your all mu 1 W. J. IRYSON, Dalian: DIhu-- A `ha in on I: _n_b_qnQ p wo_q::|.'|h.b': o:_%o::n l*|_-n-'_-.n IL 7 rm um emu Now in nu Man` A. ..a .._._- ., III] IIII. VLIVI 3` _" gamut: our .3]! \.InIIn nnnn-In nun nnllniout nun... V.--v\: -I-I IIIIIVI \0\II`\II-II For oomfnu and that M. Tao only cor- u made to he he nun: I um. .4..\/..-I. ll--.__ II-IL_-_ Innll-I-, ITIIBIO I Work 3 \rIII\rV\a\l I I I Get your gum; snd Eoovulnglclunlu. Prulnt. nllorlnc nnd km the den, :1 ci3E'"c'ENI wan: wows," All!) FIOWII Itlndn Ami nun .I....a..u... .-- --uv-u - ' IN Prlnoou ltrub, Mnn6on.6nt :-- u'U\I\I II I `III {or an oobnud nton Ooal. H N aour no: -In llbd on Sopi. Int. Ol>II game. III H In OJ, JJI l l`Il Directly oppunlu llunull Ilouu. `tn mndn tn nnhn Alan um... nu... ` Now In 0 M: to "Lia tlhu or . can turn a 0 mm mu ol In no u I nnunnm 1-1: I III ! In 5 Mn partial n vol uuuor Tnnoon. no. A. 1 1 Lu... H rd ':..:'.'-``.'.':*.':-9..:-~.-(.:.,*.*:' -.:,'.::::-.'.-.2; wtrn. ` Jlt 0 shown An In A 1 ...|.. 11.1. ,, . *~- v -' If h d W333: 05 .5 nunplo no onrcnrnw Ior uno oavnrnud sgnanlon Ooal. 1! our noul or u once. Plno Klndungont. uni] no load. uood mm ood, nor on. I HDIIDV (HTY (YIAI. A um -- BUIINIII POINTER! --- - I-Iv I VI-FI\I\J cnoauand Mantle Maldng. `.`_`!'_'1`!?..!_`!|"nw! mm on: --A vunuunnn mm. V `7 IYINIII O 60 No. 9 Honor! Mun. llnuton. ___.._._._.__.,_..__.__.... nu-I I I or M: NV`. I `353: o|5:nuIn:r;w?:oi'4m7: J. ts: lam-um. 9-"-.9::".;.*a.'r.:':..:.: .'.`.':m. no-- -vu-IVIIIIII O I IL: ll prov nu hill: nu mln,l|'l on no r( {:11 an II Inspect Shun. uv n nnnnn ,_Fduomo folding IION AND ,wm: wring mum... Sn 50 III PRINCE ll`. IIVUIIVUIIN O, B YDIKBAI STREET. ._._._......__._.__ CARR"Ml;lmS.C_A;' n'u" GEE I I.....|-|...... :...ag.a.|..n.A.. ` club IOPXINIIIII >0 and P Bumps ` 0 I I 0 Lu- rl Ann Mn :1 uln wlnm won. onus um. Q *0. V 7 ' ` :nD| |I|DIf7'o`l.;ou!o-1. ` : I L: MW LOONIIQ 5'. Anna. A-. 5..-. ,._.,....,. ;..:`P,`.:.-` .m0,ll| . Ltd! Lop Pm. , 4.____vv * 'JAs.""""'naoosN a"`oo. &v|n--I an. ._..._.a -. For family Use In-hum-. Al` minus. I [me emun cosse IICQI Inn o-n.._. nn..___ t_1'`.`$`.' _ui"re7snsf "v roots DAN EGAN] [Dan Egii 0'11"? - -as