oom. . ' A royoptlon will In undond the India of I000 tn the home 01 Min Bthol Minna. B 6 Grab I -M ht. n 'nt`o? N . .nhr-nnr lootbnll um: mooning. The rui. mowing oi tho [aunt Iooioty wn hold on Woduoodny niurnoon. The "imhiu"wou cordially woloomod. Mia- E. Honntrid ruignod tho omco oi prai- donii. mud in Dupuil mu olooiad to IIII the vacancy. The following mmo wu than rendered : Piano win, an (io- borz woloomo chorus. [loo club : I-ending Min Houmidgo; duos. Mina Dupuil uni scum. An original poom wuiud by N. Mwdonnld. The proplntul Min (lorvlon. prodictod I grab luturo for the uooioty. A rmnntinn will In undated tho Indian marrow mgnu .1. Is. unorw w Iunuor mu rouigmtlon u odltor of she om-ml. The qmnuium committee will nloo upon ab t. in muting. Thn nl. mnhlnn nl tho Invnnn nnnlnhv or nu worn uon mo mu. 1: Amount. o the Ipom to-day. Mn Y. .O.A. will moot tomorrow morning at. an o'clock. Tho Iubjoob Io "Damion." W. M. he will land tho mublnn. w. M. no will Ind mo muting. The "N: My Nnughu" In tho nuno [Hon so the ruhmon olnl which gradu- nha In I900. At. oh. .I.... ....s... .....a-o.. ..J..u.... s... mm In Iwu. ; M the nlmnmntnr society glowing ho- morrow night J. B. Sham I under his nnhnmuon u ulltnr nf Mm . nnmnl. Tho man man. ouglo BMW will now W0 pro- ooulon. and thorn will In I mind dloplny of fin worh Alon ; tho route. (hm nnnnnnl. n lkn nuns-tn h-Lylnn AI.- \]|IUI'I UDIII" NIJIIII Tho student: wlll oonoludo unlvonlty day wltlu mrolnllghu proooulon to-nl ht. loovln the college at cl ht o'clock. ho Huh co. buglo band w II had tho ooulon. Immd dlonlu I .lVI.U.A. VIII IIIDOD I0-l'l|0I'l`0W IIID DI load tho mooblng. Nuurhtv Nnunhu" at in me ` motory ol Quoom nod rointorod. Tho faculty of thoology wl opon on Nov. lot. Hon. Bonotor Gowon hul donntod M00 toward: tho founding of I choir in momory of tho loto Birdohn A. Moodpnoid. Thoroio now a mud oi 03.000 roiotd for tho urpooo. Tho o kor thonkod Prof. Du us for hi: not- w not in oonnootion with 5.. construction of tho gymnuium and pnotiool ooionoo building. Prof. Dupuio Ioid that oomo timaduring tho wintor Ohm-loo Moodonold New York. on hononry dogroo nun oi Quoen'o. oncl tho loromoot prootiool oni- noor in Amorion. would locturo ot Quoon'I in oonnootion with tho doportmontol proc- ticnl ooionoo. -FT? DEBENTURES. mung: [or uuooni. Ohnnoollnr Flomln touched upon M10 Improvement: add Ilnoo oonvoontolon day. "I wu plohnod to nnnounoo that to fur the lupus number 0! nhudonu In the `history of Quinn`: Ind rlnllbond. Thu fnunlh of hhoulnnv uuoou mm no mo nualonuo. Prof. Glover vs a n londld nddruu. nbowln tho olv Inlngin uonou following I ulna cal education. He uhd tho oo- o rntion of Itndonh In Aohloving grub t. Inga for Queen ; Uhnnnnllnr Flnmlmn hnunhul unnn Mn -'1-or nu I aouy uoon nuow." u. I. Ohown round a olnnu from tho mlnuul of I npoolnl muting ol brunhou. rolatln to the (incision to on 30 Prof. Olovcr. Il'|0O|- lor Flomlng w shod the new pmfouor nua- oon In his undorulug and lormnlly Intro- duced him to the Audience. PI-nf Hlnvmt man: a -nlmull nrhlnqnn | mu. 0 nun. II no. l uun(`uhob-J. Io i 0. Ilm I I. In I . I. A. I Inca nun a......__b A :......m,'n I- tuuuon and we a your. Pr Nloholuon KIVI An lddfill on "Tho Rel nnuhlp of Ancient to Modorn Lntln." Following. this came the lnoullntlon of Prof. Glover. Whon his mum u mon- Llonod lb wn warmly noel by the atudonu. who filled the lI|Ol'y..Ill(1)[ll "For Ho : Jolly Good allow. Ohown rand A nlnnn from tho mlnuhn of n Ron M. A. oluulou. Acfdiulonni uoholu-ohl won won b x The N. 8. Mnodonnld ||!owh--Illa . Mobonnun and A. J. Llolhb. ,'l`ho B. R. MIIILIIIIAII nnz||H|IMnn.._A A Ilnllnnnaun ` UIOIJIIIIIIII IIIU A. J. KIONIE Molamnm uhibmon--A. A. Tho Int numod bring: to in tuition and $70 ProLNloho|non nvu An Idd -12-13% Prof. mover. onumo low In . In- lnlsllod [no onh. _ The n .1 I rm d * 4 won o:rrml o`I.In`vn: qiu-3 hall uhrdny um:-noon no lour--o'clock M 6 5 hour uhnnocllor llomln . nhndod by nlloh profpgoon-1.6. Y. o n and John nm-4; : lod mo tho n and took an upon I 0 platform. Tho mut- Iragnzu o n;d;lr|:.h'7.|-aye: by Prof.` hr- gulon nppolnbotffor the Iullom % B. 0umlohnI.)l.A.. Innhonnlnu . 0 1'.-z-'-N-.:*r'~; *.~.:- "":s'- .. . . onbou. .. mu-no w. Mon.o.M.A. A. 3.. B. -\'avnuumn.' m..A;nnlI:A1|l$oi y|'Ji U. Ilvlirofn. Irx-.n|r..... .A. 0llll|0l.y ' A nllhlnnn anknlg-akin. nognu nun: Lu. our. road 3 lilo 0!` IDOIII UH! II ll 0|) In Illlf. BIO D- Iulnl 0100. or tholoohontowholng yoorl V oddod tho gooorol fond. Ith rolounoo totho olonuo "to promoto tho oduootlon ond monl lnprovomont of tho poor` of ovory roll [on donomlnotlon In Oonodo" tho quooton Io uhod. no thooo tho 0 - jooto for which tho mono: to now oxpond- od?" Oplnlono dlbr. oomo wont tho mono: oonvortod Into othor ohonnoio oinoo tho Introduction o! o public oohnol oyotom huwlpod out tho original objoot. It lo onuootod that o rtlon ol tho lpoomo ho gun tho public brory or thot tho hand uood todovolop o momlol tnlnlng work- shop In oonnootlon with tho public ophoolo. . ~; .h_x Julho orphnu g:-o'I::o,":? 0n.6.o':|.a: .W.0.A.l kl dun an rpoul. and About 000 a.:m'.'. I; oxpunou. the no- nuinlnn M00. Ihonnbonh. lain: nu-lyv 3 Many Pmons. . FORMALLY INIXKYJJ? Quinn : Oollogo Nola. .h..l.mt- mill annulus]; n mo. irno rs. n. I100 r. In wlnnor rot olchnohovnod by A. Ncllqulum ind India Ion! hm opus. [mind J diu- nounll to umridn Ho utonl olsln InIntI'I ujlm INIHOI laid II into I run and humid up Alttd aunt. look on hrs as-nun nnnocnouunm In tho damn; nub mu not. But mm 1 as . um u-r-ax$::.5I`L'3uuu3 mu hhnlunnuxylnlldopu :08 `I. I.J.Wlbn. 0.P.I. IIIOII II . BB!` HAIL Chub? tab of Nblu all an. vat. Buy No :5 your on print. R. Uglow 00. but allot-A out-sling umounoommt tho dating undo nut not. Stu QIKIIJINI nunhrl on n oplrlhd homo autumn llnly In tho hborhood 0! on collqhh mum. q mu- mou. Tloanlnnl all vmhtho tongue olc uni. ovnul I: Ilellnulnn. uul Tlonnlnuoollmul vmnun no Mai. and Icni omn. Knohnd J dip. Inn. am:-d clothing inn. Dunlap Monk v bl" bl 2|. ll wool wmmw h:c.\drmo\:ilo -t volv eollun and in ovory In; 01 in I M mom nods. The nculnr print n then 7oonu an Olld but for Bum-day we put when :0 G. Mr Hull. lm... -`In nl Llhlnn All ALI. up.-L II..- $,UUU""s'u'r'o3 .\3'io'd"'Hii'C"I')oo'nEB3'i. Inn, 100 nblo am Dwain- bor, 135:. puphh nu I . I'M hlqhu or nnhnior no` noon my "" `'`r. o. llmA n'.")'I'o' "' '" IOIIIIYIO. aur lll. In the mum of hi: ntldnn at Queen`: oollqo yulonlq Prof. Glovor mentioned tho hot that he ran dourminod to do his- utmost to ulvtnoo tho lnwuu ol the \mI~ unity. A undonb In tho gnllory `naked : Can n pl: football?" Tho quu-Hon not much (Mu-. [ml out for I Ihrlnn Annmmnnmnnh ovonu union laughter. Look out for I cumin; unnounnomonb In the oloihlng undo non wool. am Hall. I-n.....l-.. -I_n.1..._L....._:..- n....|-.. Mon`: douhlo-bnuud mm Nomi or blum Black made In bho very `out ntylo. out 0! all wool Scotch ehovlot. unuall mix` for em. but your: hr htuniny ab 7.50. Bur Hull. 1.. AL- ....... -1 1.1. _.u.... _. n......~- bcrnch. u.... .4 nun. . I`. J. Walsh`: be u clashing do nrtmom In llod with 3 noox unnmnonb n we and three piece lulu to M boys fmm four to lourtoon your old. Thu prices are right. for tho qunlltlu. l)un|on'n nlnlhlnn mnhu In nhnnn, An. tor mo qmulmu. Dunlap`: clothing roulnn In shape. up- punnoo and vnlun till tho rmout. In out uldo. 800 I hr your nu mm or over- coat. King otnot. LOOK out for I nu!-C.Nnn nnnmumnmnnm nun. Than motght long-oourno and nlmrt. couno men from tho urlonn olvl bnchriu chum bout the dominion. nttomling tho ooh of lnotrnouou at tho Toto du Pnnh hnrrgohn lull. We IN olurin mm ve hundred ue bound bible: 15 ha Iprioo. Bale this week only. I)nn`b mm It. R. U low a (30. \ outhn ulntorn. In tan :1! oronb nhndoa. only. unn'b mlulb. N. U low a U0. ulntorn. nhndoa. (or to u boy: from uhlruon co olghboon an of :30. Tiny won 00 Hr. for turdny they an only 04 no tho Bur Hull. aomm Hull. II I HAlNES& mcxmt noon. lung um. Look out for n hurtling nnnouuoomonb In the clothing undo nub wank. Bur Hull. TI..- .... -1_|.n I--- ._....-- _._.n -|.--. nun. A now machine for I listing leather and to In pltood in 3 duos`: bnnnoty Il`I`i\'O('l no the 0.1 . R. {Night shod: hero yogur- dn . `tech oggn I70. donn. Urniah. The roconb ndvmoo in the prion of when has oonb tho prim of our up to n oornupomllngly hi`h gure. and local bolero hlvo now norand the price of In tn: I-[Al l. W` aawuruny nnrgnlno. lnmlop. King ntroob. book on for nlhnrtliug mmounoonumt In the clothing trade nan wall. Sbnr Hall. A ..g.. ....-..Ll... I... -...luu.._- I-_u___. _.._n Anna unoc. 30 one of Mao mnny buyorn who wl was our whom bomorrow to get. our mmnl Bnburdny bnrgulno. lhmlop. King ntroob. nlhnrhlhm mmnunnnnumt. non. I'I|lII||I' prim mo. Mn. Cnllfu In nmnglnf for: nponlnl elm in vocal instruction or utzlomen. All wishing to join call at no donco BBO Allrod land. it. nun nl AL; um-an Luhnnn ml... ...HI nun. Mulnno J |yno`n Wloch Haul nnrl But.- urmllk mp no. a min at. Wade`: drug non. regular prim No. In nn-nnninu (nu nnunlnl uur nu ma to fool. mar Hull. mnunr phobogrlp or: no talking of rs-o nlnlng the onmon olub this fall for uooln and lnnruotlonnl pm-panes. Look out: for I Imrclilm nnnounmmanh uoonu and mnruouonal out startling nnnounuomonh In the ciobhlng trndo nub week. Bun- Hull. In an: Hall. Kl... `hey no I grout pro- iootlon during the tall mum and you cannot moral to do without a u.'|`.n. n-omm. mean In: ovonm . For luburdnv we will nor I100 boys` uluurc from .25 to 0.100. They are In I360 and In I. Star Hull. -4,-.......l.l.._ AL- -.....--.. _I..|. ALI- Ln 1... guler prloe Inc. A movement In on foot to lorm n nlty oom ny ollnfentry In Kln nbon in con- nect on with the 47th beam! on. (lnree, I0 line. for I60. Orn|g'e. Loo out for I marbling announcement. In the clothing trade next week. Hmr Hell. I l`.m.l-m.....e. 0.... Al... ....u.... ...m .....1 llln Counl nmonta for oho cotton mill and the lawn mlll won received no the 0.1`. R. from t Ihodn Int evening`. For Inhurdnv us will n`m~ m hm-n` mmnou man via the (LT, R. I Mon`: mm at av strut reduction for I Butunlny at the Elm Hall. 07 ovoroonh 04.90 Saturday. Dunlap. Mndnmo Hood`: oolobrntod complexion mp I00. I one to wade`: drug store. ro` gulur pl-loo Ibo. movamont In on fnnh in [mm . nlhv I'1`nc, members at tho Y. M.O.A. am going In lor ohookou. and will orgnnlu n olu this molt. Tail Iota ILDO. Craig`; Mon : ulnurn wo hnvoln mmn duremm Ihldil ind from [1.76 co (II In pl-loo It thl Bur Hall. 'l`|..n...... rm- nn n- m........._ 1...- ` mo cur nll. [ Tho Queen City Oil Co.. Toronto. lmn uhlppod four our lands of'oI| to a local hunlnou via the 0.1`, R. Mnn n nun: Am a nnuno ....I....u.... 3...: v u on want I anchor blbIo-buy In no u&u|o this Inch. R. low & 00. I he, members of tho Y. .O.A. going lor ohookorl. ornnln aln non for Bnwrdny ID the am Hull. It in both! to give I ` llbolo more tn} ` life than no Imlbh oplmphy afar IOIYI wool undorwur ll mule. Btu Hall. W0 have the now and proctiuo In ldlugood quality kld glovu. Orumloy Bm. Y:;uthn' and boys who no I mo redun- tlon for Saw:-dny 50 the Star I". nlvo um. more um is the time V for Overgaiters. The Inc In Ounndu. ohiyunnhumum. Johnson tho Ion-M. " an : and Inna nun-nn-I; nah Om.-L `A Iona: can quolmonn. Urumloy am] 1.. W. Murphy ohlppod tlmo our land: of about tmwuurn ountomoro yuurdny. lino ordorod clothing. Fine worsted Itrl bronun 04.60. Dunlap` King lamb.- var hr map so. g on 0 Ab Wadi: dry uoro. ulsr prion I50. 0 Hull :1 : mg underwear '1 auto. Btu J J. O I I On. O0 .|'|nurd:yI. ` Dunlap. on : lull wool undorwou 75. cult. , Int Hull. 1 '1-|..n..... |.. n......|. ..|..'......u.-........ . annnnon bu norm. '| Mon : and ho n ovoroonuu. not arm. at lowut cub qua blunt. Orumloy Hm] Murphy ohlnnod um. our land: PAIAORAPHI PIOKID UP IY OUR nun? um-onunu. tho lplual Ivory Du) uh-WM! the People no Iuhhuabols-loaning lu- upu In Annals: of then who TIIIII luau. .l......... ....J. '1 n...n._ A n- run. punt: for Ildlnhurdny. Dunlap. k out for n nurtllng nnnouncomonh Itiho clothing M-ado next wook. am I . INCIDENTS 0F THE DAY. 'I`wm In. hlluklgbqlluhid ..:.-m: Innn: V. nk jg-.j_ no can I] no n.u.u. mo- bull hm owning. In In a nu- uogo hon n hint Inn in; vhllu or not she with would pk) u but o'clock Innhul ohubno what with row mu-noon. and r "Will pk) you My moonlight. 'l`huuon\uy ct `l`cmx.hoI|sIl can In spin hlqnrhd to um um: mu mm so z-yuan. union: ml sun on n oollqonu `vb-ucnowm.:I3 thgunowillhnhp by humus: Kingston ul|_tIg `M In ry n in immune. ooupu and nponulmn In connection with the Waterloo sud as OMIIII null for the you ondin Oot. I5 : Booolpu sobho audit of 0 road. I000.9|: I 0! union. N M. 0765; ha]. OI. 5.!l. Dim burnomonhx lxvldond to townohlpn 0! RI: . Bsorrtupon. Lou Doro und .1 |...{`vd' nu \'ubm:;l;.-;V;'n'l|:rWn:)|d by motion tho Wnhrloo and Bydonluu tollluu pri- ll t-oJ II I worth! .9 V l.l.u-uwl? lln nlhmonlol rm VHO`. I0 JOIIII A |NVOI`||I ml 'UlU\ Honwlsh to [Iron the uuhmontol tr ooipu and npondman in connection with lsvdonlnn 5 E. c. MITCHELL`. ? Ohonln IICI optlolnl. Ill Prlnoou Mutt. `Pinon: No. I0. I} No. II for or Night A rule. uuplqy nuvormmg mu um In not- hr mono and If muohnnu do not mag`:-`u uh ll those in other sown: by snwlng ouuldo undo And by oultlvuung my buying It In boonn do not hit ulvan hot the man: It 8 h rdiupoolul. I. Mr . \v on :- u.? u: muchwongm that ol anhrlo. onvy tho lam! olroulnlon ol the 'um. mnguon ooum onu woulo mvo I goon houoo. Thorotoro. llloolmulnro won oonc ouh uklng tho plo who wonbod tho |ochl::(|`i to oor|no niroopomlldbyn nlngdoa one pooh no . pl . I so. which no mbohl)? t-ho [noun dio- cou monb l. 5 In onhorulnmom could poaalh y noolvo. Thon o pol-oonol oolloltr Eion hfixr gums? wu`n.<:lI onoou In? ul. nor ohormn on on and onlmod tho o mpobhloo .1! who loool popou. In oll pro hlllhy tho amount now rooolvod lo am, pm cont. non thou any loom-o ovor on roduood In King- ston and tho houoo wll run up taoovor M00. Tho momhonto ol Kln hon do not ndvoruoo hall on lrooly no do I ooo In tho wouom Ontario union or In Owwro. Tho Klngohonpn roolroulntohotborlnpro - Mon to popu oblon thnn thooo of any o hor Conodlon olty. Tho on roll prIntod.oo ` rulo. dloploy ndvor loin; roll and In hot- hor mnmonn. Ind ll momhnnto do not VVIIII I'l'III.I'I' III. II- 0mIl00 bu bcuulrudy puld In {or goound sun for tho Inn Iholuon IIONN. This ohowo vhu can In clam through ud- vortlnln . Whon thou who have bran ht Rev. Jo m Watson to Kin son were rut ?5 . i'J"i .'J?.`.'. `I.'!..7":i'o'1 ?`3,`...s '... .'.'{`.`.; "CE; appmnonou on but ounpot. we print pun- I and shom. bub Major Pond Imlntod that lilngnton could and would glvo good homo. Thnnlon. lboolmnlnn vnn nnb . .). ID I i'.`&) ,i .`.'.'."..I3'.13.`.'.' 3.3. a o..7`.""{`..`.`. ol bnulndu at al 8:. Pour nun. holr amok. In put chemical: and soup 0! nor Ilnllhy. lo mnnuhohurod on the premium. ho mnorhl onohlng n ouuud tho llama to Iproui rapidly. The ame: oom- numloatod on ono ride to Kan-my Bron.` bu urohouu And on tho othor no tin ol- r habory ol 1!. (loldltoln I00. Tho roman an lmng tho Ramon. which, bovnvor. no 0! ll I-syn` om . It In nporud ms a noon on an on- Anmhnal nnnn ; I-Ill-gm Inn. 40 LL- llK|........ 1:. II rnporuu um muon man wmbod under 3 klllng root 0! the (lilmon bulldln . 0! this numbor on! live hut boon tn on mm. It It found 6 no mm of an nmhnm urn nlnnrl T3`: In .5 nun n m DOOR IIIIOII 000. II II "M111 NIID OK the obhurn no dead. Tho are no chm p.m. wu undo!` control. `Nu lo. 11.3.. .o...n an I.l|....M..I M umur control. The lb. Pour moot u In umlhd so wnrohouun monblonod. A Iunnor Thu Ilnun Ion An Inonlml Undo! : shod. Mm:-rmm.. Oct. Ili.-A -big ro in mg- thhi h (RII .). It I |l'n`.a) p\In..|n`3'l`im:)rn l\' |mnln.'.. `A II In inn... 4...: IBL4- IITIII. Dooouod won I I-upootobk looking young man Apparently oboub hhlrhy yurl of age. Mriy woll drouod In [re chock transom. blank con and vent. book No nnd whlbo nhn-o. Ho wort I kod cloth cup. The body nu taken to ho morgue. 3 Good Glasses Properly Fltted. llnloldo as the Iloudnlo llulno-Luna W. Olononl Ill: llama. Tmumm. Ooh. l6.-Anothu nuloldo book , plnoa at the Roudnlo rnvlno to-day. Thin Mme the some of tnquly was ob. North brldgo nur tho lnorouo m-oundn. No one wlonouod the maul lup. but About 19:30 o'clock tho body of 3 mm: mm ma non lying In the bottom o bho nvlno. A lot- tor In M: pooh: oxplnlnod bho rouonv for his rash wt. bub the police nfnn to die- ulooo In oonhonu. In In Ilgnod Austin W. Olcmono. . Th: Iuulu nun l4nnl|.In lhlnn-J -pnl II M... UICIIIOIID. The body Nu hrrlbly lh urod and If the mm wu not dead bolero. nth mu have renuluod lnuununoouoly on In-thing the earth. Ihn-g-ml mg: ; Lgpnggkghlg I....|.h... orowuo como mm nu no mo to no dloo polntod infodmloo on on rohgod tho 6 ' hoto ond ovon llod tho dlnlngroom whoro tho doctor ond hlo V fo woro ot mppor. oogorly dootrln ono ooh ot tho mm M whooo vmttn o ovo touohod tho tondoroot ohordo ofthorhoorto. It woo not tho no- uol morhld ourloolty ooohoro hut tho oholooot ond hoot poo lo ot tho Iond. Novor In my on rlonoo ovol wltnooood ouch domonotrot ono ol oootlon ond lovo (or any mon ond oopoololly ono from o dio- tnntlond. r. Wotoon ohogh hondo for noorly holl on hour loot M ht oftor tho locturo. tho oudlonoo roro otlng In ro- molnhm lot tho opportun t . I-Ilo vlolt to Oll W Iyhomhorod. h you hovo onnounood hlo oubjout. Oor In Trolto cl` Boottloh Ohorootor. Thlolo what you wlllonjoy. --J. B. Ponn." .. __4___._.._ _._._... ourol ho on ovon long t.ohoro- ` v nanny. mu. nun: "Monnnxh Oct. I5.--Jun 'm-md with Dr. And n. Wnnon um: I night : M Mac or nthor I broken night. {or In Info `Burhu ton. Vh. nh 4.N thin morning. ! M Bur lngton Int night Dr. Watson was I mob with A grab the who hul lllod aha In open home to 0 much huh row In he pilot) and then 150 chain on oh. my. ovoryono ooouplod and lo Iunding In the AIIICI. Not onl crowd: who from no! In ;'""7.".'*I..`.".'"`":.:5""".:.;.'?- an n n non o no on tour. which. uoordltfgto tho uhoduh ol uoumd dun I-cools-oi, will but till Wod- nuduy. Doe. mm "Monnux. on ll.--Jam 'nn-ind Tno uuluotnou mm nu Mama um uornlng tron lhjor Pond. unnngor for Inn Iluolunn ohroubon hla Anon-loan emu: rain at uomu clnrutu To no In Iubjou Inn. Tho mbjulnod Mm method this uomlnn tron Ihlnr Pond. manna Inn- `___..._._ OFF THI IRIDOI. 73 mouuuu m oANknA. |b Ih nnnlnlnlnnnl n- . THE DAILY BRITISH %~WHIG IIRITJTVDIR OONTROL. mm Patton Ink D000. nun I.-- L..- -I.._..A.. ....I.l ....=... RCQBIUOIXIQ .. .A..A.A..ln..A... ...A. can no loom II tho R.H.O. hob- 3'.`.'.'.3....'s.....n.u. I an. ICIX |a uvmcsmu nnal C m.` ZIUUIICD The Inn!-annual kl puma; In connection with 35. `contain! no hold in tho and hall has owning. `ho nhndmoo no very Inns mu gun and Mn. law was pnunt DIM Inn! pn- ddd. `hon who com:-Ibuhd It the ..-nu; u-nun. Mm run... K ..'.:-':.".....* 2:."-.......z" .. W Rd. wamqrms ma Ina? nu-Jannrlvol J. peciai HF Saturday- SIXTY-'1 nd 0| WMII. The boenl of work: mes yeneenlqy omen- noon. olelrmen Omon pI`\lIdII\[. end Aide. Donnelly. Mnreln end Skinner In nuendenee. It even deolded on tension or Aid. Donnelly. amen! by And. Bhlnner. toonerge W. B. Ihleon 0? per month from Much let. I808. for newer renl for his home on Johnoton may lie. 3MNI]'I use on We Ieteee in to be etrnol out. On W. Meade : ooummh oeuon. te the Rennie lot on Oellhorne meet. it wen decided to olmge ten per oenuon elroneege M II even feel IIII] unit a hoe elnee I mung Mel pee pen or e soul 9! mm. may or I890. 'l`l|O oxporuvuluu OIMII oh! so Amman unclean tor smemont for! that unit month 0! I800 Luounhd t.o|l.ll00.000. This upon value will In rodncod now that Oanndlnn umolhl-I no gown Imollnoto man was Koobmy out. In Hull mints melting and unn- tng oompm . o! Nelson. no Inonulng she onpooity of Mr omolum plum from I00 to 250 tom duly. '1` M`! also adding a ronory. Tho wulhor molar and warm." Inna Vary ohoorlly. 8. P. Shaw 5 pognlnr Klnguonlnn. now Ioonbod a No non. .0.. wrlm very chur- Ily rdlng mining pronpooun In B:-mob Oolum In : "lining dovolopmonb In [0- ing on with gun nativity in Was Koo- Mnu. Tho ontnuh of use will In double mg on vmn gnu nouvuny m won noo- wuy. ontgm I000 will In doubt: that of IBM. in upon s-gluon ol one ohlnnod Amman nmlhn for summons MIHII] IIBOI` Ill. Tflnly OOIITI fill yuborduy zolognn hod on on out ng for A noomldonblon o tho dooloion to dohul and If oulou would pl Bnenrdq I Trinity mm came down. Gulch ulc- lnnhod bank. "Como on. will nlnv. la `n-may mm uovm. umou fl-I` had Moi. "Como on. will my." 9 oly the team will oomo own Anrnnnn [Inn Man unnnnhmu mill 5:: fr: on own. "wmo on. mu ny." In Italy tho thin cfumoon. It on. tho unomhon will be on- muhnlnnl In anion. uumoon. u on. an lhuulmd by dob. will la 5 football much but In- curdny utter all. Trlnly ooll tum tolognnvhod mnnunhlnvnklnn n QM. Jnnlnlnn tn olglnulm I! for an rouon you n M Is not [too on l on` 0 IV! tho no lnmou n I nmluxpnlonoo to any on `hm ylmnu will help. gran near on. K. at r. numon. The manngor ol the Brooivlllo jwxlor football w\m.|n mltln no ldono ob- Iur ot tho Gronluo. I that tho [no rooolpu no tho much mm on Bnurthy Int won III. which mm was nun up by nundn-{.:xponuI. While at Broclvlllo the Gun! won told that only via hhon 15 N10 to. Why shin lnonponoyr Onnluo Id no! 3 I can toward: 0:- OM11. IOOIIOIDIIIOPI. 'l'hI mo mm Elmo bo- mormw afternoon on four o'o|oo on who hho K. & P. nuolon. Thu mnnunr nl tho nrmhvllh Innlnr won om nnnoon clunmnu. Phil. Ilnmnr will moor hln brottur King Ben. and E. B. Gallagher Inn mun Baby Uphnm at the lnvom-y Moon. which uh plnco nub wool. . Thu mrhrn will nlnvn mnmh nmn nl [MIDI IIIII WOOL The carton wlll plug: match palm of football lnvln for hair opponent: the local onizmon. he {um when Elm to- ntnnun nhnnmnnn Count n'n\|n4\ nu uh: Ioounu mm mm anon. Nlno Trinity men and an oudou. who mohon tho football uid int Bubnrdny. old nnhool clulmutu. nun 11.0.... ...m `no... Ll. s....u.. ll..- Winn tho noun of (tuna and noun! Iporn An Doing. Capt. lllobh up thnt'1`u por McDon- ald will up hall-book with h o Klngnbon foothill m this anon. Nina '1`:-lnlhuunnn nnul uh: A-nlgmn ugh.` Ian. mun no oonu-nun no Ill. runs won : In. mlluvqy. In Inghm. luau. J. It Walton. J. Osl- Ioun. I. I. lumn. W. J. Knlnv and I. an no noon may mu no. Boovo Flohor nhotml that ho did not wlnh to uoh tho ouo. bub n_1ono_y and othor an oloo hovo boon oholon from Mm. and ho auapoohod ono of tho rtnonoro. Ind vmhod to uooobop to bho Igvin . ho mogmrooo govo B no `pa-Inonoro u oovon Iooouro. nftor which ho dlomloood chem. no lung Inroua. `Anny mu II Juno boron the fonoo (`mm oh: tumor lot. and bold: a junk mm. Witnou Id prison- on to put tho lpo bunk train and I0 would bonll rl h. Tho pub wu than drlvon any. oon nftrwutwiu hho `pa nu on-rlod hook to the wharf from vi loh It hurl boon taken. Prlnonoro ndmltud hnvln Minn Mu nlnn, nnh Lnnwhus tn u-Mum A Iunlam.-gal DI not an In II In 1 av mould. (Mnoru no well M the urn won In. Otho unn wit uomunt ndnoho w an II lolno loos no! lav: bII`.M\lIO tho and oh: comn mm on stain` and C I propor nmod) In 5 put of rmonoro nnmmau mung? when we glps. not knowing to whom bolon . hey lnundod to all In. but. whon to! to Mn is but they did Ran Flnhor mm! mm In did not wlnh mo npo nw not noon on we property. '1` omu Mownuro. who has ohm-go of sh` hnnnory whnrl. uvoro thnb ho aw tho prlnonorn carrying the pipe from aha whnrl ho King Ihruh. Thny Inld It junb wrou unnorv lot. and mo mu mono by mm mm. Four {mung non um ohurgod upu-at. ly wibh he Inroony of n qunnmy of iron $5 from tho unnory wharf. Portsmouth. In ol tho wound gludod not guilty and oloohd wmmnry on-In . Run Ilnhnr. of Pm-Mmnuhh. unhlnl IIOOIOG mu. Run Ilohor. of Porumouth. tublod that ha in tho owner of who plpo. It hurl boon lying on the wharf (or hurt; I your O. The wound om-Ind In many and rd in on the am. in than ht. from whom to Van Ilberwnrdn oarrl back to hho Mnnory proporhy. So for an ho know tho Kip: had not ban oil` the proporty. 2` II: Inns:-an ...|.....l mu-.. A|...A L- ..... 5|... III II III IIWOIVOII Ill DIM OOOI III llII'|l' - mm told the hoholhoo had bother not depend on an 3|-nun . Ho would enforce the Inn mode by the board. Four vourm man can ohnmd mum`. wnon u nuumor on oum uom-nopou will In summoned soap on nl llu chu-pl. " "W" n T 1:. us on 0. lnnpooto ho hnuxmonordohndunz In ordorholob othu-I no that they mum: olmrvotholn. An In n nnnnlnn nl nhnhlmnn as man Mm onurvo um In. A: to the qu Mon of whether or not hho oonunlulonm am war to onwe ouch :- In that luvolvod n the no maclr the hoholhunm-I Ind bum not on ma but mo worn II now In; on` Thu out vru adjom-nod until ondn whon 5 number 0! other howl-hupora w 1 In nmnmonnd hannur on nlmllnr churn: In the In court this morning 0. Im- lnnnu that in land on workmen to make choolnnpo In h u -room. ro- qulnd In the boa-do! |loonuooInmlulon- and lab the work In ll!` om adlom-nod ondlv. law: no In nun. Io IIIIII-IIIIOI Impartial) WIII IO0hnnId-PoI'II. nut: in In cum. on:-god wm lnn III onnund workman MAOIITIATI DQFF WILL I I IIAGTIIIMTH All MUST onsma ma LAW 1 Non our upkndld diuplu lot to-non-ow of Fallltid Glows. Luau us! out I'll]! of Goatlunun gleam` in the city. Full Ucducluhlng In an duo. in ninth mhlu. in every quality. the but podo preamble. Pull `u. Input anemone. noun colon. chub duhn. pnpc prion. We no nib; Y. I. C. A. Juuguhc. >;PORTlN(I PARAGRAPHI. Vll g 1 AA Qnhillhguu OM. uI:.....m ggngl l..A-- I A Mann .I\.OHI'\ n-.l.-_....-l ..--`.Ll..| _.|I "}6i6'{uI+u:}4'Fi T-""..I--....w ~:."-":'..':'.-:.t| oou you nnmg roloion default. 'h1JfNIJfhQfh%1D4 ' Nil} |I\\$ I OIIIIIQIII W `namc:-usaua~u."u'. unulu-\ho.|::o|nrvuu "!.'.'32`.E&$.'1'3.n' FUN` SIN ...~"-:r.,;1 AIR 0009 . II \IO K _ 3 :-.:.': `:T.'.-*"'.'*.......`-"""-'::":.* auapnnuuuuuun no .......A.luL4--.-Anlnnhn nmnj OIIIIIIIIH Ill!- _DoM mmnmons Do on- N mm: 1 and am Dvocm I. HIM. 50.100 unblo ` I l[E`.'.".jg'!.. `H`n'.f.' `E ply an u an 5 much. R..'$ " ..':'." 33143: M I\lOO. not `Q I1:w3.3:~'-:.!.' pl: ntqact In! .3`. .`:."." `.`5\ ..'.';}`.'.. .S opal: Quulu II on upon. but lntmxlnedt ow ifmovon nd 9 HI: uulu up out , um; out town an II I: 5 o oymont; comm! on or 0:` month no ammo. and non: uloymont; oommlu-Inn oil =`f:j::E3`',$_`:`:.M Ix. PBOFIIQSIONAI. nun` Iporhnuuio one [or an Inn! . II In any :1: country. . omen. We are showing a larger stock ol halos ovar- ulton than over. and at greatly roducu prlcu. OUR nmcu: 25c. 356. 500. 750 and SI. ID 0 around homom bro I! new lm`? l mum. hr msiu R r no I VI Ill :1 lo ; you wl nrpr ov out an nun ufnyoulu twl n or your nun to I I V` S E`I:`:`3:`;3J`.:.a'*?'.`:?e.':I"`a*:"-`-~53`: 7 IIU I60 I IIIV W*"`'M!a'#'=.:.a M-ll! Ix-nu-MAunun.u.n--In Kingston 008. Mil. uh uh. ruldonuo ol Mn. Mn-L Muha- uld. mother ol oho bride. by luv. Dug- Iu lnlng. (loo Horblri XVII. .13.. of Wuhroovm. .Y.. to Built Ifil Mubomnld. A1.x.nx.uuIn\\-nonsas Ill! Union` Club.` ' Klnnton. on Ooh. Nth. 1300. In In. j..._...__- A NR?! (I |\l.. APPQY `I0 III. W. I. II" n-lo nu-00 nuuu mull. mm mm: -In A 0 Hum noun mm. or min: | . one communion on. v 1-Q ir. nmuunou. Unnn|H'nII Ilnnlln. M a. ll. oven N` on. on n- uuoonu. I0: I N` w. I. mul- Inn. luau`: nun Hammock I W3 1 ..-- Mn. mm. mm L um: no.0. Wn'J'.:'|}on.:av"J` ". u:%'u' njj , has ovonuhuhuhih his :3: < ._"*"'3'v_.......*-._...*"--':'::."1:r.: IIPQ IPOIII IINI -HIII. IVI. In Work: blsonhlron. I lolgunnusl nmulmonvn n yarn from II Da- ` I01`. INO- =":>xs.'sa:_;=a on, out. (hm RO0IlI'I'OLI'l`.Wl`l`IlNAID.C shun. . H A onouunon ovnui-3 . 3" 'o-31$ " ' :)`:."'&.*..: "r `mu. :9 H. T. Allin. OolumbuI' 0:18.. `III-V ' I) RO\'.1)I`. Ryoh-nun. Ron Allan. 0 . N.\`. t Berth ll. a|`\`:|.g';::or of o`l)M.o J. 0I`|| an y. Men : Udvorwoar. unnx-uulnmmssal IR Unlon $1 Kl con 0 6. Nth 1390. I 11."? 41:33? o.3umbu.' 5::-cu hr Av. `Hr Ilvnbnnnn . Inn: L-In Ivvlllho for Ink \ I M In you ms P Md ROM 1 :3 (1.B?WlnuI|'o.:..bh.:l xI`.. Ladies Vesta. nc. 14c. 15c, 35c, 40c. soc. 65c and 75c. "\ HITU `N )N A M'0l'C:KT.PI: '.i oynqx :o:|ovo|"bo rum ` x 0 . R N R1 t.R`h -n-_j------1: PIUOFBHSIONAI. l mac n` nmrlonm \O\-III bl V In I bl 0 t k ' """l...'. ...'.'..': .1`. .... II nu NuT"f2'i`fi___ --AIm-- IIIVII II'I"l`II IIIIIUII TIA! `I'll PUII OIL. nnmv mums. u In .`$3.."'?ems. 'o`a3.':'nJ1'u.:`. `A WI k mus - You ohm umm omom II on Ila nor our: pawn`: TWO cum-Q .~ w ` n 1 ` V` M` U \vIn':lI.::0|y `L gononlly Mr and l. Phon n--W yo nut pr ..-.'v.`-`.4.I:":.":E.':"."-2'?-E ; mu _umu Ill! yurl same quality underwent. WIATHII PIOIAIJL|TIIIo.~-.- ' Specinl, 5c goo nnd 730. Best Scotax, `I and 01.15. The above price: In About 5 loan man Int you : for name aunlhv umh-rwnu-, iuvlu ufu uulu yuiljlal lllll ng o uy nu n or . Here it In--we ull Mm qunlitien nt 1 madame prion; good: give satisfaction. which counts in thc long run. Exm value In comunt `Inc:-nu Ina buuineu. ` There in thin? I union for thin. and an very reason In of [rat mo- ment to {on If you are thin?- Nnrn M h_y.l.9. WITII coo L.|vIn'ou.. Db-nnhln 5:. on L. `TO II LIT. JAOKSO N'B &-__.-_-_ -.-- j "w. u. nnnmma. mmmnn Ann IIIALII """'_"":.'Z.." u ;5.'... "`' "```..:-**.....,'I %-T udliy 7 Li I-.l._._A....A -..A...A._ ., ._. ._..__._... TvAN'r:o. l3'."i`: *3 '4 `5``' '. II 1,\`\fl.O=I. `I-lat" `-nU H g I Al!) Al. -H [phi in ovo o tuna.` In. `R 3: lyn`?[onod. Illu sr. ..:\m "": ....*`:'.'..".'`. "EXc_`r libs:-biln ' ""n.'='."! __'\FvTNB.`| monuruoon a aoM'_ uovuor. The nu-. Bnnuookbum and oomortn. which lndon. Iron lore Wi|Num.nnupoo6- cc! to arms nomo than to-nlqht. Th nah-n I .l n.mx.. AIIQAAAIA ...4I so-my on mun to Montreal. Tho ochr. Kan. South Bay. with 3.000 buholn of pan an dloohnrpd to-day at Richardson & M` elevator. Th: all Rnnnnlnhhnnn mm! ...\......m. oounu tor unruon nund. Tho tloop Mqggh I... Howe Island. ur- rivod this morning with 8.500 hulholn of can [or RI:-lnnlnon t Bone. TM` -nhnnnnn UL-nn. |_.I-.. ...lAL ...l.. mu lor Iucmrdnon I Bonn. Tho Iohoonor Vienna, lulon with pig lron from Hamilton. touchod AI thin port to-dny mun to Montreal. Tho ooh:-. Knn. Rmnh lhn, um. 3| nnn monnrunon C 50! \ The bug Wnlkor M In the vormnonl dry-dock ho-day having I now sup add ad to but pro llcr. 'l`ho_oolgr._ v_o Brothon. C0l_bo|'nO_. with on to not proipllor. Tho oohr. vo Colborno. 5,000 bulholl of , Arrlvod to-day at tho M .1`. 00': mo orugo. Tho nnhr. 8. H. Dunn. Tolndn. tlmhnr 'l'I'|O tour. 5. H. Dunn. Toledo. timber Indcn oblrod tho Welland canal ho-day. boumci lot Gordon hhnd. Thu nlnnn unnnlnl. Ila..- I-I....I -... mun a U0. The oohr. hbloln. Charlotte. urrhrod bhln morning with 360 ohm of sols coal for Man M. '1`. ( ` the M. '1`. U0 . The Iohr. Burton ruched this port this mm-nln with coal from Fnlthnvtn. N.\'.. for On 3 & Co. TIM Inhr. Echo. Knuth Bur. arrival thin nor um; a U0. The Iohr. Echo. South 3: , urlvod this Rgaln nziihsglm bunho 0! pa: for a Hons. Tho Iohr. Floobwing nrrivod from Chur- lotto. N.Y.. this morning with coal for J. Hum C 00. `Mm uh. I`.kl..l. nL-..I..u- -...1...J I cargo 0! wood to the urovo Inn whul. H. A. Calvin`: noun yacht Blue Bell orouod from Gu-don hlnnd this morning. The ru. 8%. Androw. Fort William. when lndon. In upoolod to nrrlvo [um 004 do . `Bun Iohr. Bnllou. Wellington In In re gig: 3.600 buuholo of pan {or hlohnrron no. 1-5.. ml... |\|..s....... ....1....| :...... nu.-- I I)fIo Tho Iohr. Elm Fhhor olonrod wdny. II It for In m. `l`|h.o Itr. Ben cloned 6041:} for Bollovlllc to 10 bnrloy lor Montreal. The barge Oolnmbh In tlioolunimg 0! wood as the Urovo Inn what H. A. Calvin`: nhnm vnnhh Rina n.n Anlvnln And bopsnuron AI Thu Ilnny Ilnn. Plw It Wmu olllon. None-u-PnrquoMo OI; Dllu Olrvlc Mo.; Balcony mu. : Gallery 151-. vyvuu IIVIUU. l\IIl`llllll. Saturday Evcnlnx. Oct. I7. few dozen very ne quality for 25c the pair, any value for 40. Our DoI lar Shlrt m Pmoou an. lIo`rtn smo - T imam] \N.-__./!1KC1AREN- 'mI:iwght And medium weights, single or double breasted shirts, 01. 81.25 and 81.50. Natural Wool Socks. V -f-r;t'1t,_t-:_r;i>x-*eakab|e bosom,` see it. Added to ;{.:v Itoclt, (`big job ne Scotch Ind Union Underwear at 50c. usually sell: 65: to 75. Natural Wool Underwear :.-i~I'o. 241. .T`|ke one or a dozen-when you see them it'll be 1 dozen. Ulpcygljwbar DO M.'I'- `NT IIIOIIOI` l)u.n`n..` Toledo. timber It'll). nlnn-ul LII` I-"And nnnnl On nhn Saturday we In! for nalo _.a5 dozen now tie; vs no 25 to soc at l9_c Each. $22,000-4:.-.2: 3:: .1-M. 5.9`-_% Tie Sale. LA7L.(J'ld'| }-VIII` wt-unvti.-' (`iponl llouu. Klnpton. nnulnuu Eng.-In-n I\-A III I jl III1 Buldo Tho Bonnln flrlnr llunh." The Dan at Auld `any Sync. .'.':'-'-. --`I villus nquspnylna run In tuuoo mu common 0! tho bluuvo council and u- uublicld U node. oonoutuud and Inns . and aunt oh shod :1. an utpml In thpulhpont cl nu Bmuln. 'l`IQt.onI|oI duolqy non Alon than he a mating $16,000-'-::'.::.:'. L. :r;-.-.; -'-.*'.'.-.3: I) nun from Ind Ju 1. 100. Q I E [Hill WIIAI `Hunk; Ihhnnhupnn IQIII Cav-IIOI Ill IIIINIIINOII DOOM aduxrtlvvxo and ot ru`Lbunlt to I WKX. ....'L`u "Jam `ho mu .m.".:'."."'... ml 0! In Iqhlnum (H BI II Inmlnd In tho him`: most ax- I not . aunt: . uwnnr and -Ilsll Io fnucuoug uh:-Ohnlannnhdudlhnbtlb. nnuulu-muIntuvI.nw unsung: III Ila poroung mo noototyz ` "Whonn. fund-a hovohoon oollootod and o oonioby Ineoly fnrmod In .l!`.n)onddoo|gno- lad "l`ho nomvnmoo lnr-pt-omounn tho odo- mtod ol tho poor In Up nor om! Lowor Con- odo.' tho oboob ol vhio oonioty Io to `pro- mouo tho oduootlon ond morol improvomont o! tho poor ol ovory roll imao donominm tion In Oonodo ;' and, V . in {unbor- onoo ol Ibo wiohoo ol that Institution. o oulaoopuon boo boon omorod Into oi Kin ton. In tho Iliidlond diouloo of 3:: v noo. to oooloo moorrylng Into o 6 E3 bonovolonl anrnuumo with roor;lM0.o to pvovlnoo. on In to opptohondod 6. H oountonmood and oupponod by tho Ion ol tbto provinoo ond ooiobllohod upon o nous looting. And vooood with uovron Ioooor onobllnn tho nlnorlhon lhonm c-mnom Iooung. and mac: mu: butt onghlinp who uhocbon tllmoto Inwonouuon mu ohorihbh and lo Inlll inch Inotmmon would hdnumlvuuonnd of nnl hand: an (H tho ling`: moot ox- Ila nAjony,by with the Moo sud oonhlol tho hlhhlin mnnnll And 1:. spocuus x "Proposals for oroctlng a school hours in this town ior tho accommodation of all the children oi both socto unpmvidod with tho moono oi oducotnon. oto. We. the rub- _ scrihor.-, pronuiso to poy tho sums onnoxod to ouhos xoctivo nsmooior tho ocuomplish- mont oi tnio important objsct. on consid- orotion that tho logislstivo will grant to tho trnstooo. who moy bs choson by us,tho rivllogo oi holding prvport and trons- Ectin hnsinoss scoordin to low. This ootshishmont should ho old in shoros of no such. tho pro iotor oi ooch shoro should hsvo tho lhorty of voting in oil mootlngs of tho snbsorihors. and shsll hovs tho privilogo oi oonding ono child to ho in- struotod st tho school ton por cont. ohonpor than tho childron oi non-suhscrihors thst on odmittod, and prcvidod that my rson his two or man shsror n this ootobllshmont. tho ssms pri- vilogos nholl ho grontod ior oooh shoro. Tho plon oi instruction to ho odoptod shsll bothst which hos hoonlonnd most suc- oooslnl in (iroot Britain sud lroiond. (iron: ottontion sholl ho psid to tho morolo oi tho clnldron. but no intorioronco sholl ox-or tolioploooin tho school rospootin onto- chisms omi nllgions (`l`OO(II. All I. o chil- dron shsll ho uostod to ottomi divine worship ot such t mos and at such locoo os thoir puonts Ind guordions oholl iroct. Tho trustoss shoil ho chooon |nmIo|l{. h whom school instructors sholl bo prov doz and oil nocoooory bnsinoss wlrfh rospoct to tho school tronsootod." Th- nanbnsn An mhinlu sh- .ui.II....A Al. mo moon u-nnuow1. " The uyuum on which the midlund dio- ulut nooloty propoood to mm: their nohooll In the Llncuurhn Itor tho mom had both nuboorlbod. but not col- Inn ILA nnnlnhu mob. nnul ngn-gel n and`: Slelml) TEVDIIIB WILL Bl RIUIIYID nuyontho nndnnlgud an to II o`olooI. mom nun noon Iunlonnou. ma not con- Ioohnr. the noomy mob and pond as am: of ruolumonn, providing for tho creation of I schoolhouse ouloioncly lnrgo to In- oommodnh 600 children; naming I com- mum. to pnunl n won to parliament. om. liorowith In 1; von. In pnrb, I copy 0! who not punod Mm-oh Nth. lslli. Incor- porating the society: "Whcnn. fu ndn hnvn hon nollmlod nml uvoru grnnu tor ouuomonu pur nu. En-ly in the your IBM the mi and dil- trioo uohooi society wn org.miIod.nnd noon afterwards I Iubuoriptiou pa r in: circulated. which ruulipd in the on looiion 0! C447 10!. wvurdu bin building 0! In school house (or thuooioiy. Bum: nmounir in; from no to $50 worn nubooribod by mun oi the loading oiiiunn ni. oh: Limo. On uly mm, law. the midlmd district. school society iunod bho following pro- npootul Promuln for uranium n nnhonl human in wn nmown as one "non mu unoumr | Item." An in boonmo pninr um um- oatiou wu formed in nglnnci. ori in- nlly tnbitlod "Tho Roynl hnnouior an inniimtion for promoting tho edu- cation of the children of tho poor." Ind nubuqnontly ior the amino 0! brevity and uimplinity, "Tho British nnd fonign nohool society." The chief future of tho nynborn Inn in monitorinl ohu-actor, Ind Illollir or : judicious mingling oi nligion, Amun- nt and inniruoiion. mwo it popuinrity. nouur visited the Unibod Shim. Won India and Loworunnndn. Thai inlnturo of the Inc; named mvinoo V0 to him nvnrul grant: for ucntional pun` Em-Iv in the var IBM I.lu| mi and diu- Jonph Lnnouior. to: founder. wu horn in Boubhwnrk. Englnnd, in 1778. His father mil I Uholnol Romionor. who had nrvod In the Brim u-my durin the American Mr. M. the up oi oi been Jouph was an nulounb no two no ooio. onus bonding. tho other | dny school: and thus ho hooamo aoqunlnind with all the datum attendant on the old I atom of tuition In both kind: of oohooln. 0 took up the Rev. Dr. Ball`: Mndru I noun Ind improvod its doianiin. The coin inod a :- tom of monitorinl and I Ibominod bench ng wn known (ho " ll nnd Lnnoubor nun... H A. in l.....m. nnnnlnr ... um, CIIIIOIDIOII on IDIIIII Iyllllh THO IOOIIO] vu promptod Ionoclon In this mm b nno nnluolon In London. En.. whlu had n lormod chore to promou hbo oduouion of Mn poor In Upper Ind Lower Olnndn." Jnnnnh Lnnnnnlnr Mn fnnnn-Inn Inn: lun-n won in puouonoo: Tho houoo of uoomhiy having Iollod in Ito oorto to oohttituto 0 common oohnul not for tho ono ootohliohing I grammar school in ouch diotrict. n movomont woo modo in Kingston in lslt-I6 to an ply tho want of olomontory oohoolo in th o neigh- borhood. Tho popularity nt tho timo oi tho hnoutorioo ryotom oi odncoting chil- dron. to latch in not in England. oddod arootly to tho Iooloi thooo who oinod omoolvoo lorothor to form tho M diond district ochoo oocioty. ior tho romoticn oi oducttion on that oyttoru. ho oocioty Ill nromntotl tomtiun in thin mottor hv bolng munllouod by oltlunn an so not lalnlu the Act nun I In Inorgan- tlon Wu loaned-Who at In IIIIOI Wu-`I'M on IIody-'I'ho In in I Inn. At pnaant than in oonnidouhlo to which tho launch ailing I In tho Lunouurian endowment In being put. A: the ondovnnono nnd tho not lnoor nun; the Midland dim-lot wheel at; an mnmrl of 1 put . uryolow nlbluno an full conversant vr eh the aim! and ohjoou. AI 6 In 0 ruhllo mutter and one upon which every on non should he conversant. und wloh I vlow to onllghhnmont. thlnlntotmm Mon In puhllnhodx Tho houn of unmblv hnvlnn hllod In LANCASTERIAN ENDOWMENT I THI AIMI AND OIJIOTI OF T!-GI "i5c:?ai}i PIIDQY. 23rd OCTOBER, I896. KINGSTON. 0N'.l`ARI(). FRIDAY EVENING. OO'I;OB.ER 16. 1896. n. A. mom I. A. IOIIIIIOII. ~39` Jonp- . A. Juqultl. D. I. Du? lm yuin. In hub-hm. W. win.` Ilcndlz Mm II I-6. hull. . .4 III. w. a nun Mu no 0-5. I`! W.A. nu. w. nu. w.|.puaI.u-.|o"33 ' nII*Ihl):l` mon'tn yet at um. um: upon-In to on the ounpu. Then won 5 en-chgmnu on the pan 0! uudonu In munhc. and In! slnuhrnom the mmht no uguon by may when `no mn- mndshowonhukhtlnooblwl won: but no . A. aqua. min Klnpomlll. . Nlmnoui `lino. 00 IA ' landing howl jump--N. A. Molina. W. umnlm. D. I. (hndhr. Dhhnoo. ton Hurdle not. I!) you-du. nix hallo. I It 0 In. h B--W.A.JnoquII|. W. I. he-ho. D.M. adieu `nnqllct - II and 1`. I build W. 1.:.'.'.?..'.`.`.t. w. i"F;.. ?u......'. to n. lilo ru-ll. Nluno. II. I. Shot. `ha; I min. I! mg III I'll-II. NII `Bus. 0 Ila. II mm... .L.;_.I, ll.- mu on us mu) puyuonon. TIN nnun rink nil ho oupgod and the ban wl pnouon uollln . 000.. as night. fury obrnrillbo toyotdbononl good eondluon for the mo! mu VuI|\,y. Alt-any one nvonty- vohno ngmoh odin the lruhnnn you In Arts. and I numbor more no yet ad. The nnnul morn nlnnn In-dn on D B IITIID` | -0-l`||.lI|- ho line of tho .n -{door football mntohon. botwoon '07 on '| . will an pinoo tomorrow morning at an o`o|ocl on the campus. Another mating in iho insomnia of foot- ball mu hold in tho chains room has ovoning. virhoro won us info nhndonoo. including nun old onthnuiuh. Onpb. A.` I}. Rbu i od. Criticism: in rogud in Wodn Y`: gomo won undo and various mprovomonh pointed out. lloncoforth Capt. Ron will oonoh tho lorvmd lino uni Guy Ourtio will look slur the buck division. Tho ohnirmon rud toms` Ham! on ioohiiholl can upon or por. on oi 3 non willbo M ngplnyuonoyo. The than rink til be unsound and tho hon ii for an pumhnu of the who!` or any omen of I fouowllln dobonturu nrlng neon I an 9 run ! DO! out. not annum. panbro um! snnnn 1:.