.3!-...-'-.-_-; IOIIOIIOI IIOII E`.-.':-.*..:.':+:~.::~ nanny at who to attend No mum at the unlvoulw. ' "Bus ` r' l`ulod. Then on n. .'l`ho oonnnnsa Mm tmuy hnou xv udguuon onud to II anal-ho to thoelty. "Why did Guy it nnlgn Y` ..Ji"...". :"..u'.'J'.'`. "'.....:""""" "" no or . under 80 not uh H0 in llohn not bun ouch: Ivoycuo now. .'.i`.'..`o..;"{.`3'.`:b...':.".'.'.`.:."`..'.". .`. !'..`.'.`.' unm "rouounu Iunnody. I nun." A link wink!` mm (Mo the principal`: eyes. to to annnnd um qunuon 2 "Mr. Konnodv. In and. us. 1 .. ma "wan about no not madam`. uhnlx "rollounua Konnody. I nun. wink!` mm Into lhnnrinnl nycquuounnvona uhqunuonx Kandy. In aid. 0. Ian told. doing night duty; that It I [in him plenty 0! this to attend his haunt tho unlvu-in. lo! we onunpnonamp. u no aid in Ind boontoobuo thhyurto won go outu 306 and Into tho muulumiin Thu shay play an gum In | nnporunanliko way. honld In at hr non Importance to uoshcn Lou winning tho champion- uhip. Antothobonadu 0! thouuml can my nothing them that. Tho ugh- tnr can [In you more lnhrmtion. I have this to any. thought. that It s plnyor agent I uudont. And ya don not at- No locum: . no will no\ con- Iklor him on b on the ham. Tho Io pom N on to UQDI Illnrlnd Li A way. an Cu nu: In '91 VII III II. rulo pomrul y on oolkp uuuvu nuod by: on-yo! Toronto non. not by Quota`: u :1 and in Va not Quota`: than needed Is. ov. a Totonso nnjomy tunuu-ound and nnuinda thin mlmmd Quinn`: will not lnlound ob- mu not or oudlng IL" " BI I.hOnOIllnhn|'I 'rno'|'oroMo ant lnurvlowod principal 0 I Nil football. Th (1 to About 0||nnn'A. ninosnn: unm ngnmlng mouaul. Tho doctor would u nmmnbut Quinn`: ohanoon lo:-than up! lp.uhouIdhohul N0 5% bill? Th '1! MI ovcn nu nun an W. 6. R081. In St. next to olocto car shod: 01: OIPIII In No! lion 5 Instant For Two lull. Tho Tomato Sm lntorvlowod principal Onnl ncudlnx football. The doohor gngvsoi ht P ..,','.'.{'2:"'.3:"-I LN-'* Pnof. uoldwln Smith. at tho nlxtloth umlvoruryot Victoria unlvoulhyin To- ronto. gun the student: some udvloo: "Ohm-vo rogulu hours uul atop rudlng wharf the broth tnund. and do In work at night: And lulin tho mo:-nin'g.' The Inn put o! the nnuuoo ohcllonga man- Non. Whon In the but blue to study. night or morning! Mr. Rays. 0! tho Grand Trunk, In bolng ormol-ad I lot bootun ho ha Iurroundod hlmnlf with than who. on the Wnbub. know him mad hln methods. But wlm N form: could in uooonnpllnhod with nub- oniinnhn who was not In harmony with that method: And not inclined to (In hhnlr nnhhnnlnnmln nu nun-A 9 I their onuhuulutio sue] uvuunuv. Au` PIIUI II IIUIO IN DI WI parod totho pmnlonhlp o! Canada. b Blr Mnokonnlo. It olootod. will nd it I llnluly more qnooblo, Thou an I oonnplnhon In :1 eo.unc||.o! Bollovlllo. Blr Mcokonnio Bowl! in npohu o! u I poulblo candidate lo": tho muyonlly ol Bollovlllo. The plnoo It not: to in com- bun In- -|.I- URL--- ___ _ The Monerul Wiunu up it cannot urge too strongly tho inch that "what in in more important than I prohibition law in 3 prohiblhion poopio. oonvinood oi the need and righunuo oi such I luv. nnd do- lau-minod that it nhnli he oponuvo. How in that to bo'obt.|inod.? 3; education. Angorl. Doojnrdlnn and Tnlllon, whom Tuppor culled to has Aid and whom tho oounory rojooud. in now montlonod n prohcblo candidates for tho local houu. It wu undoueood shah (shun non huionongh olpolltlon. Bun: mm not. They m ready (or Anoth:r nanny.` Carriage Paint! RAM. -I L-4.`... --.n I .___- Tho ohoop burlol movomono In oprooding In Toronto. 80. Lnho'o church hoo on- doroocl lb. Othor ohurohoo no oxpootod to lollow. ond tho oooloby which dlrooto It will grow Immonioly. Thon bho undou- ukoro' oooupotlyn will bo `ono. - n EDITORIAL NOTES. Le Temps boom Mr. Whlbnoy for the pnmlol-ship 01 Ontario. When Mr. Whit- ney mohu bhln onluuon an my appal- olon In the uunbly will ho dlhunt from whnh It In no-dc`. ` . n|L_,1.,,,L n nu. vvulnuilllv III VIII IIUIIIV VI IIII llllllllltjc And Mr. lloldlng la a mu 0! run good `common-nnu. who mum jut what he III III vuIII.@ wlllvll I|lI'I'IF DI lliljry It would oonuldor It not only Mr duty. but hlr prlvllrgo, to look the advice of tho bullnou non of Montreal. Ir. Holding um-od Inn baron that thou war no rouou {or alarm. but nuon for Increa- lng oonldnnooln the future of the country. Ami III, fhlrllnn In A nun M n-nu naval ` alv Iuvvlluavu Va lIIIu|lll' wllll lI- l`lUI' nah bvulmaa inoomu oi Ilonlnal. Tho government would approach iho Cari! qnution with a ainooro and paulanaairo to do its but for tho inloroata of Mao wholo dominion. and thy could "not do this without toga!-d to tho iniarom ol Ionu-ool. Ii: nil ohangaa which might ha Moollary HA nnnltl nnnnhlnu It Ana nnlu Ida ulna: Ina The Gay pepen hue endeavored, uln- ly. to ereeee elem In advance by Innuen- lng Oh! the lnduemee 0! else country are going to be deeoreyed. /lpeeklnc sellou- Ireel. at the lunch on the Ieeemhlp Cen- ndn. lea. Wllllun Fielding. the Inn, nlnleter. enld : "They were told mute government wengoing he deuroyall the Industrial 4)! looked. in ensured then that the uenheu el elnegevernent weee jut on ordinary. nepulable lot 0! people. who. lfnoheuer, wen proheblynovmee when other people. The govetnmenb had no Intention of lnlerleelng with the legibl- mnhn hnnlnnnn I-.m....t,. Al Ilnnlnnnl UL; lutlriunuuplnbrlclhcnlh unu- Nnuunluudthounuluhnauw night.- LII YOUR (IIUOII IOI "ROYAL OII." mt mcsrou mums co. wt-T??? numnto. 1-rm DAILY nnrnsn WEIG. rnrnnn ~-Oowonnn 16. There`: only One Best Place other Mrtouol the unonnt olnllgiouo hull ptnndl I notion. Theda; in fur tutor kept in England. or oven in cotland. Taking the whob ulna. Iowa and country squint. Ibo Lotd'I du,y.whothor uadqy olnntornnuon um cannon won nunon the only occu- uoltluoptnnonsontlnolrwuytotho unduyaolsooln. Eton I tow cu-tinge: II the doors ol tln not A which wu in tho attest. Whoa the elm-qh hollo run; than were tlnongod with chamb- unm ohunlz. at tho top ol mullroudwqy. whore I wont. wu woll llllod. Thou II no any non dlntingulclnd In the wotldtlun in Now York y rollflouo and ohnriublugonolu." TM: unlnon Bngllnlu otlltorbu written many {ups In I similar in and we will level with cont 0! tho (Xnudhn dllon to auto Ilulr plum wltln lulu. W0 will uouonnunonund oonoludmon page .hOhn: Abhnhnh.p......z.-... nu nyl: --nu um sunny in Amado: Ill spout in at York. lyuunr ted by an oumnrd oboornnobl the A} 0! not lnwnono ol tho Incl-day bunk ol tho Bropdwny. The omnibus: won and running. Group: ol roll-dnund ohlldnn and hnchou almost the punuolthunnuom ontbolrwumun um um: wnung 01 MI tour 9! Auction, any: : In tho high 0! all olomonh In national wolhn. tho lnluonoo ot monllty and roll Ion. the contract In In [nor 0! Amorlon. number 0! olwmhu nnd of Sunday school: In hr In cdnnoo ol thotxroportlon with us. Tho numbor 0! nor Ingmon In Englnnd who bolonp tn_ any church can oonrooly be nolonod at fuon pot cont. In AIIONOI I boliovo that thorn no not Mun cont. who do not stand public Ezonh and cfontbutlodtio in support. not I an gonon i - [union of bible touching. have no Iosnnod the nation thus It in boon nblo. up to thin um. (I87!) to bring undo: the inomuuonn ol the land the ms hordooot loroirn luiul-' `rants. and U0 nninuln the position 0! a gun ohrmhn and Protoounb mu" On nun )0! sh. um... .1... m. --....a. gnu uurlluln and rrohotant I08 tho odlior in: his upwi- onco In 3 ns Bundn in I York city. Ho nyo: "My am until: America yupuuuuun, IIIIIOII DOWN MIMI HON. '0 on not 0! thooo who hollovo than tho olvllinuon of tho groob Amorionn ropubllo iubovo ropmooh. but. on tho oonorory. bollovo thou oold olvillntlon in fun pn- pulng tuolf. ooonomimlly opookiu . for tho moltlng pot of rovolnuon. on she ooonor to count tho honor. But on tho huo ol Sabbath oboorvonoo tho Unitod Man in o much mollgnod country, and than this ouuomom may not bo unou ported. wo to quoto tho lol- lowlng tom Lolouro our. o publiootion of London. Eunlond. On mm air!!- nowmgrrom Munro Hour. A England. thirty- unn fort-ho inns of l87| 0 odltor. who In: writing 0! his 9! ugyl: "In high. at All me Americen union. It hee been our rlvil eleo to reelde during one enmmer n Boot end end eo we give our opinion from pereonel obeervetion in the looelitiee mentioned. We erequite even thet thle eeeervetiou etrlkee herehl upon the Gene- dien eer which hee ever n ettuned to e ler different etor . But leote ere ieote endeo it oomee t t the Sehbeth ie ler better obeerved in t e New En lend. mid- dle. eouthern end mid-weetern etetee then enywhere eiee in the world. not even exoe ting the city ol (lleegow. Bootlend. whlo hee ever en oyed e proud promi- nenoeee rdee beth obeervenee. We heve the Bebbeth dey in the city ol New York end emrm thet the Bebheth dey ie ee well obeerved there ee it II in thin city of Klngeton, end. ooneidering the veet populetion. much better then here. We nivilintinn nl eh. .....e A...-...l___ _--nl-' 01 we eeme. With theee prellmlnery remerhe we come to the main queetlon. to wit. "Ie the Snbbth dey better oheerved In hhe United Scetee. taking the owner ellt (heathen en where elee In the wor d 1 " e enewer uneelteungly, end with eome feeling end omybeele yen. decidedly. Weheve reelded in t. nle dominion !or ten yeere end during then Mme heve been well over the country from Wlndeor to the eee. We reeided for neerly forty yeere In the um of New York and during then Mme unveiled con- elderebly over eome eevenbeen etetee In the Americen union. It he urivilene ho meld. dun... M. ........... nuna mu mo Amorloon olvlllntlon u ro- u-du Sands oburvnnoo `II Ipomd" no to upon. 0 man by this that in our- tnin largo centres of nlutlon. Iuoh u Ohlongonolnolnnnbl. In, San Fun- oiooo. oto.. then In A oonnldonblo Infusion 0! foreign blood. web In tho Gormauu. Polu. lnllsm. om. who have oonblnonul Idea of Sabbath oburvnnoo. which In many rapoou run counter to our notion: of tho wm. 0.... ....n...a..--- --._,-- IDIIIIM SOIL WIMP. ud huh. I Ilunon um plant In Hd.AU6lOI.lN`S. .. nun umwu sum. no you Iona` in tho nbovo uouoionl, in bin common opinion on 3.maa.m. Tim thin notion in ontiroly orronooul pun: without uyin among than who have midod in tho noriun republic for any Ioogth oi him. gnd inn Jud oouion to put to ma fro nmong that P092`!- II: P o mum romombor om tho Unlwl Emu hu 1 population now ootlunhod by tho unlolnnn no 7il.000.000; wo nun alto romolnbor that this populnuon In uootoorod ovor I country 3.000 miles long and over 1,000 miloo wldo; no man also boar In mad that tho Amorloon olvillnon Sundu ohnnrnnm `I. H.mo.m..w .. mw um and oomwa-ad II with a Sunday In Canada. can " hora tho Sabbath ll not properly bbaorvad than II no commu- olaloraoclal uomuda aa,ln tha United Buaoaa. eta." Tho onlnlnn .0. n.|.|..u. ..s.......-_---- IMIU. CDO. " The opinion of Sabbath obnrunooin the Unlud sum. no forth` In the above quouolonl. tho common nnlnlnn ........- IIIII IIJIIIH Iulo Prof. Nolnghlon to :-{o'uo-1.3 .mlI{:e':'ad 53:71 `W """" n n I now want to [00 It'I.au|. You All! 01's J. Iluuh any`; Would the pub: Bubhuh d... or: go. tho Babb: I: o! tho Unltod States. :00? ha. obrlntkn Sabbath, or tho huh I :11. which It nohrmln Bub- Now'Yor1'np.; I pmml.dw:ths in In Canada 020 . `Bind. . 3 on not nnnnm-In klugpuul AL... I. -- --.._.__-_ Awmun uoplnlanrntonnun lulu Ahulofllo nu onrllo Uni-no lonuholo uadiuldloullt In Vmopununl. Kmm-ox Oct. ll.-(`l'o the Editor: In your Iuuoo also mu Inn In . m. you-mun cum Mu: Inn. In I mdnbln column containing an ubbnvluod upon 0! the Lord`: day nlllonoo undo hold as also lull at tho Y.l.0.A. bulreil . In this rayon Into PI-oi. Nollugh nyz__'1g _ _ l_.'_fn_|ugl_Bb_Mn they IIIVIIII [on SABBAT_l_l_j-_(_I_BSEi!VlNCE.| Tl-II UNITED ITATII II NO'lLAW- I 1 -Q- -An -1.-.-... xxi5u'-Jz?"5o{'ia.-(ro ldltorlu you-luuo chin Huh lnu. ta bl: containing an nbhnvhlnd .......a. `I. lil`W|N S. 33! Princess St. Dtmup oppoolh Iunoll Hone. blurb onh : ulna you own good: In M uuon lo nun. ;.".m; as. i;'..`...'..g?n'$".'.' '.'..'.`.`:.'.';.' "II nndny I spout I urn mm.a...a {too on wmnv. II lull` ouwvol Inyvhnlu tho I I-Innnnn LL.- Household Economy. Rom GEM Q33: :3--:' -`:3 flu than up 0 our on uh uh Munch: |IIlInC.wI|MII\hO Chum an in any. for induct. bub uodov Ilypu that monshu willuoluvul son tllouuraulou and toulvnoo ma ll uhll Inoul Iououcuounuuctynuucnlulnoo haunt Yet, haul) tluodn ha rhlnunvuoldhulnh. hhnndn. .:-..-..-T-.'.?-E- .-+2! II Ola` I 'u,uuuupuv.\nnA out III! In I000 Inll,` l)n.(ll0(`nn inouno uuuuoom In N75. 09.086. am. In I885. 03.650.000.001; Bcbndhu tdnncnwiluutho Chan onlun in nth. ho Innumg, Ln: nuuwn nu l8|I'CIlIl III)-cl] IIII mil!!!` 0! .`f.n'.`3.'."'.`...."." mm {Z1 's?.'L'.. I1`. mulu. not Including Rh link at nuhna, I I d 1 NM. '1` l ` 7 .';',_..z':. `ax ::.....,J a.:::r:n T 0 IIIIIIIOIIIOIIOII. Bo onyhy Iewvocu Dress Reform.1,:.E*.`:`_' uhup. [.|_fE|KE PAINTING . . . l\.._ .. _ . . A _ . n A _ . . I _ _ I I -....-.. `III BIINIVIOD IIIIDCI `.7. O hotwoon :3 and oovonsy years up. Chnion [on now roootvo hunk ouch you for tho dnglo uuolo ol plows mom money than in our involtod in owing thou Iolnndo. That won a good invontmnt from A worldly M ol view. God luoanxiouo tooury rdshioworhthuoviu ton pot cont. o monlh to thooovo Iilcdvusouthononn. Ennhnd Axnnndn nngounon oonnocoo. noonuu mo nuuaon have no but wonto. A nun who out 30%: brook- hu out o! an out : non with a sharp men, and drum hinul! I your for annoy nu. oumoo do much for oouunuoo. But. ohmunnln him. olvillu Mun. and In will nd ohriothn wait of oponding monoy and vi - his ouhounoo inorouo. 1-L. n....|..4..s. l.|....a. ...... -...-_.n_..: mo nuomoul 01 Ill! oulnrm. II} on wioo the wing pom: o! my other oountr . In [nu rivor. tho \ ong-no. $00 In CI obovo In mouth in tin mile: wldo and for hot doop-doop enough for oholnguuhpo. `TMNII no mononu- ` oops in roll uh that nu lind with in unponl hdholltho ould not boo nlgily {cover In the common: ol the world. But hulbonlun mono! crash I oonnomo. known the huuun have law noun. A man why. can an. I-....|., on numon mom on mo nooloz I. 0! nouono. Tho nooiono thou omellyy mono for God no prooporouo. ho wool: at tho world bu rovitohod to tho nontroo 0! christian blur! and induotry. Whoro oro bho ohipo ol Aolof Bbo hon r`\'ono-nono but punu and junto um con- not llvo o lilo on also oooon vovo." Whoro in tho oounoroo o! Auioo? Bho bu nono. \ Tholoooon w tho ooilo ol thooo conci- nomo do not Iv Soon our woeoro u out do shoiro lo o thool Ioolroooon. Chinohoo Hun Imam hlnnb of and nnnnnoju In L... Ioul rouon. the boooblook of d ouurth. It Inc main: tho nnnrlnnlna nn-nI nl nun nu..- uu:`>:'unoo. h In 0 now pl-ooood to in o 6 I. truth 0! the an Ihowupuolf stud w?r h Io- ulf out In tho skin of men. 140 no look no human alhln the lock: 1, nl Illhlnnl Th: nnnnn than AlO\I\|AB wlolh to much M b clvln food to the hunk. olothlngt uh . bible: oothou who vo none. mission: and mlulourlu to than whom in hnthoniuh dnrknom Rand: tho bltnhcll tumor. uh l dot! to r. an y pnuo you or own- Ing it to ho pnaohodngo the poor. Whn we oannoi do pononnlly In any do by our uubounoo. WA Iu\- nu-nngnol tn -VJ-A Ann` L`... AL- D000? UK II! III. U 0! EHO UIDDIIH. Bo I100 In it In the matter ol giving. W0 u-I fuofron tho old luv. bub In no at when we mun 0! nooouity compute VI At. God bu done (or In 1nd what In our oon- nono duty to Him. bur IIlblIllIt.`0" lo. ol oouruL.hdworld- lygooduwomuypoouqundtoro In no wu in whlnh we can honor nu pin.-Mum. I 'vvuU wv Inn, yvvuvuu. nuu III!!!` II III! vn in which we om honor t.hog|vorbhoro- vi Illlllhllbz. bunch. nlothlnn I ml: , hsln mun... $5.50 a Ton ~-.:-.:.. .'m.*..'::1::.a.`:.*:9'.~..." '- `3*.`:`.%tr`.1:a-so::a;:.-:.s':.~. .:.::*~ % wu. onumr. 0*" owgg, Wow 31 lung...` |n...A I|_..A.._ n. nneuner 1: my. we no nrml bound y o no e. rm hoe ed one eioi. oomrnen ed bhe heeled to oerry hie bed. plucked the one of oom. ehelled ohern end eebieed hie hunger, and won laid down the prlnoi le. The Bebbebh wee algae fern ngomlnnn 1;: the Beb- . o e no en t. 6 we me do what we like with ohe bbnth. It Ii eolll I do{ 0! N00 end e holy day. Worke of nooeee by end mercy on allowed, bun It in demended o! ue to exeroleo en bone end you'll judgment ee 0 when Are works of moon by And men]. and how we may honor God In the nu of tho Sebbelh. H1; `Inn in II, In Ink; mnbtnn ml min]... I1`- uuowloo. mm rogord Io Hobhotn too In . God ooid vo tho Jowo "thou oholt" 0 oh o. ond bhou oholt noo" {lo (hot I no thing. No Jow could moko o ro n his homo on tho Sabbath. to proporo o worm mool. to worn A cold room. or ovon to comfort 1 ulok poroon. Ho woo bound by olouor of low.` Wo no rml bound In A npinnlnln hrl-m Inga! 9.5.. no ououuvoo VIII menus. The undvioh lnluzdu wononngolinod notwoon duh nun nun mg I nun ll "too ooulty which God givoth." - To ho ion to (in oooordi to ability in tohoputln o pooltion in w ioh wo con honor God by our iving. It would ho no honor to Him to 3 vo ondor companion- ono-ionth or two-tontho oimply hooouoo : ohligodtodooo. odooonotwont no to ` ivo in that woy. Ho nut: in o oortoin ' horty oiootion which did not allow tho Jow. Ho roqulroo III to think ior our- ooivoo and to out u in udgo boot. but hold: no otriotly ooooouto lo for tho uoo wo rnoko oi our judgmont ond our oppor- tnnitloo. For inotonoo. God inotruotod tho Jow on to Jrhot` hioloiaiould oiolt Iondmnot oot. drink on no rn .opoo yng o voryt ngo. Ho dooo not no troot no. Not that wo oro lowlou. not thot wo may out what wo ploooo ond drink whot wo pioooo. ior wo oro undor o low oo iinporotivou my in tho Jowloh oodo. "Whothor. thoroloro. yo out. or drink. orwhotooovor yo do, do all to tho glo of God." But Inork tho dil- ioronoo. ho low to tho Jow no portion- lor; to no it in gonoroi. Tho roo noihility oi dooloion in upon ouroolvoo. o must oxoroioo o godly jud rnont ond ho hold to I otriot oooount. ndor Hi: low tho uhriotlon hu no rnoro right to out or drink whot in nnwholooomo. or. throu h ozon- pio injuriouo to othoro thou the ow had to oot on-lno'o ilooh or oyotoro. Likowloo. with round to Sabbath hm. mo IDIIII ." or "on ma nun prooporod Mm." ll through tho now toooomono whorovot hob noquootod to givo or oom- mondod lot giving, tho Itondord not bolero him In "tho ability which God givoh." civo oooocdinn to nblmv In aw" ':"... ;..;':*.':.:f.:..t'a?'.'.`:":::: the topic. In man an In all I tings honponl und nplribul Oh no 0! unponl may hohuuuutlmonln Jon. The In undcr which wo llvo. howovcr. In dllbunt from um whfah governed ohm. The pro- porllon which ag wan to dovohotoodh bod by a latter of law- ono bath. can not under the law. The law who ohrllunn it "according to his ablllxy." "M God huh proaporod Min." ohrounh tuhmonl Inn. a quota unto luonoulu oluol. n I nrlu upon the Iubiool oflglving. I h8IIllPl`0fOI'III,lll.-- . n can- nltlnnn u man. In mm ul AL... I...` flu 01000 0! Glvhgqlu A law. In A I `Duncan. an: uncut In Iglvuj-710! I IJV. III A _. a non . . . On! May h:-.mh:t Rev Dr R at mu. cl Quotas lloohodm , bolus upon nubloou at china. Removed . . . _ ".:.:1:::a:.".":.r`1::'.*'.a$ .'.::'.s'..'. C IRIIDLIIQ Q2: ,I,_,__ 104 luv. on. nvoxmim anuoml MD II'|I|O'I IIOIII 0 IIO|'I. Llkowlu. with regard to Sabbath ho nu. to the Jan: "thou nhnlt" 1! an IlI|IIl lINYE- 0 l1U HIS: "I have uond from violent POI 50! fat the last time yum _ land 4! yi`: nun doing work I could nut. n the non unruly I9. Inn -any hr y but got NIH` till I Load`: gut ` M .7. -cl I rib: g nvuuann IOOCIIOVO nun coutu- ly wdoouod ll "Ruins ock. an In- xrinwnnaln rind don-ytnu thuhnol Y. . row. D. D.. the roll-hora likr ml IL: Mnlndh MA-gain. Anal IA. Ho -K `(F|lVTo Ilcl Oluu Ian W: :1; and Ornnonnl l . nlolh. lMwour1!:noou MM Irool Ila. amllltl mu nouns. uopuol Wi rov.D. Dnlhovoll-hora dihrohlu Iubodht I and lb- vhI.1`ntoMa Iuhn colwuooool nL...a....... .n.|.n...n.... ...m. ....u. VQI." Tullu IBIIIII UK `II $00 U50 picuouo Cl Hdlodi SUI II- Il. and I}. Within` Ignrunvnn .33. n mruuu oonnnu no an. an uaouull ups gunning upon tho Iain. outing nhrinq. boionowialii |onIdur[ocn,op- onuon to ms an out: lndonhll piano at uni! ol the bnln. --u yu-y ygw VI CIllIZ|w| CIZVC II C` 7' log hints on not holln vor'y In tboovonlnq ho wn khan lngly nnd all olbth to tho dluuo pm nmggng. hurt iluro lacing tho own In. Noll Mohthur. Blur-goon Falls. not wl\h an Aocldonl Int wlnhr whioh bu [inn ho : nuohl,uo:db.l: ulnoo. Bln an posing urrhd u n d laou-cl. 5 not unplug low .5 inch lnr bud qulnukln with cool: lore: shun olthouhllwn pnuod in upon 8 brain. An than or tumor lonnod lnhlnd the an. and |lIo"chlI hopl on-in Icon 650 hula. ounlnl nhrim. um vs vs: . IllIl"lIl. rlusuug Illul II In ." ".".' ?#:`."`.:5`. "`.`...'""".. "` n 0 o n y. 3 n 0: nr`y tboovcninn hi III Minn I lnnlv inn-an IONIIIIIII u will no saved. R. Rlolnrdu. Fnntvillo. book to Brook- villondrovo 0! 000 lambs. which hind purohuod !or an Amu-ionn rm. The pricoJ:sid wu two and om-boll oonu pu- mun . Thinwin onolou:-sh cont. Ioubbhcn 0 gun pa in voul yuu, at In onolounh com hiya: thnnomo buyon nu ylng. 1` dead: 0! Hm. I` uaon. wifo of the Inc John Forgmoo. Bu ch`: hllo. occur- rorlon Wodnuday. Mrs. lirguun vu univousllv nnnooud. 8);. in nrluhn anon woanuuay. In. nrguvon universally nnpoobod. Bho wu Hahn uuddonl with nlydn. uboul twowooh I20. 3 In hhnlnn van-nnlnngnml on no mo onouldor. John Biol. I young Polo. o! Ronlrow, foolluhly nn hi: hand under ch knllo of I Icnw cutter. The null was that ho got bl: tour in ruovondolou to tho knuck- les. `Pin 3 umb Ina ulna out. but the doc Ion think it will be and. R In.-.|..ul. I`....|...m- s....|. .- n...n. no: mo nruwn. nowovor. mu, :6 Groonwl . Mmlhbt. on 15th 80 ~..(Ioodwin 0. orbu. Ho wan born at orthponin IBM. And wu the olden non of the In. H. (3. Forbes. who ourlod on the ununlth budnou for covers! you: In Northporo. A and nooldonb oooun-odon Friday in Buhum by which Ilr. Blair loch hi: Mb nm at tho uhonldor. Tho um; mm was helping us hruhlng mm In. when MI arm wu caught. In tho owllndor And nnnnl. uqvvv vvjmv .-:n..:.-:.:-- unplug at I nnrolnlng IIIIODIIIO when MI caught the oyllndor and mangl- ed to tho uhouldor. John Rink; n Dd\nn- Hal. .0 D-_l_.... to mourn nor durum. Min Maud Worden, only daughter ol M. B. Worden. Piston. And Harry R. Car- at druggm of Berlin. lonnorl o! Pichon. In 5 son 0! ox-mgyor J. N her, was muriod on Wodnoodny. Bylvootor Buvyor. Some: l`|l|I, N. Y., Into 0! Pioton. not with an accident 0! I very notion: nature. running In the loan of I hand. which in: out 0!! at the sum by I Iwlnilng bun aw. A Ildd mt In!-II in Arnnrinr unnh Im- ny uvnn mg was wodd ng party In Arnprior wont lor o drlvo nhor tho oomnony Iuh wool ond In doooondlng Wurnooih hlll onoo! tho ho:-In Hold and bmlo o Indy`: jut. not tho brIdo'o. hovnvor. m. ll rxnrni Klgnnhn An IRA): " ZIKII -?"-C CUVKW. lhhudiu Mouton hum conllsl` 0 -nlnnnatl An "golnng Hush " An In. noupnul. On Sunday Inc Mn. aloud. I-olioo of one Into Jamel Shbrd. with`: l`a|l|.d|od In the nlny-Iooond yooro! lm-Ago. Do- couod nu stricken with ponlyolu nbonb 3 month Ago. ` Mrs. Wllllun Livingston. Oobdon. dlod than Inc woot. ngod any-cl: cu. Hooro dloouo no the oaulo. Bho vol I hulbond. vo I0!!! and shut daughter: to mourn her domino. III "II". \'AndAn -nlun .l-....I.A_- -l wrougn DIN wmur ulluon bud ol onIblo._ Dr. Diohon. Pombroko. II uuiring from blood poisoning. tho ruult of 5 out from a nu lonl Inutrumonb nooind whilo opvnt. ng on I potions In the Pombroh hooplul. On Bundnv Inn Mu, Runul mum nl ow ma ll now dlnpoud 0! lot 08.000. Vinconb Bbrlhr. mold and boomed ruldonb oi Bloomeld. did on Tuudny slur I long and Ii ring lllnou. Do- oouod wu uvonty-o?Eb yarn ol ago. Fred. J. Robllnyol allowoll. In nummr --ww- - nun. uulu III VIII!` IIIIIZII V'- uvonty-align Roblln -ol allowoll. noting the nluhln tannins on n I00 (on Io. By mum of in tile in intend: to carry through oh. winter ulxtaon hood 0! ont.lo._ DI`. Diklll. Pmnhrnk-, In lllnfhlll luun nrmou noun ow-wt. ohlldron. ' ,Tho no an no ool board. Ronlnw. hnvo oon noted with 3 rm in Kin non for two on-loud: of Scranton shove oon , do- Ilvond M. Ronlrow at 86.47 per ton. Jnmu Mobnron u numhund Andru- `an urohuod Andnw Dumbo : lsrm near loulngton. Thin (arm 1 low year: ago wu hon ho for O6.- 500 and It dlnpoud 0! {or `$000. Borlhr. an old and nnmnmod vwvvu IVIII-I-rill`. II Cs ulna from all Into an huu` _ V ormonn. Min May is Bklflin ton has resigned her position n the pubqlo Iohool. Lonu-k. to an a non ndnnood count In the Perth oolloginbo inntlbuq, _ The annual tho anon lathe Roma rem: oouoglubo lnnmuq, Tho Onhollo church. Mon-Iokvlllo, took place Int Friduy. whon archbishop Oldury oon- rmod nbono two-mt. ohlldron. The Inmmtg .. ll` t.......a n.-n..- nu." 'r. n. llmboll. m A.. Iuoonnn. luv of Rev. Thoma Nixon. BmlI|'o Falls. hu accepted I unnnlmou all toBaro. Vermont. ` Inmmm. `ha ` ' , I-oportod on to ont ot onto 1: N tho ontluhnog h13rmmd'mot.on 1 pngrooli n . mu. o on Io zooonboox `todo'!torthoooo|:'|l`ont that I to In. . 3. Ho! tonoorlol nrtlot.ond Illoo Eolon loll . ol Pioton. won unltod '.'f"i.~`?"...., .`. .".`i.`K'.. ...... .......... I`. . amp with D. A. Scott. Iran-k. ond will opon n ootock of Wlurnlohlngo. Will o Bnooton. loton. otudont. fourth our of Toronto unlvorolty. bu boon glvon opooitlon of uolotont lootnroc in col- onco. K. A. Aohworth has not nooivod word at Mo tronotor from tho otn ol tho Bonk $Montuol. Brookvlllo. to tho Toronto to. At tho loot mootln o! thost. Lowtonoo pl-oobytory Rov. All. gltopotriohontrool. woo rooolvoddnto thollnorloon P:-oohytol-Ion church. II. II! I! un-|.-n n n Lyn - - nu Aooopl M In - luv. 5. Sheldon Ind lnamosum It.` In manual. `moo 'IIOIUIIPI'IllIO0QiO llhllhlotlll Arnprl .m.c. n..".'.';. """'" Bu. 5. She on and imuy remove from Dolto to Barth. Hr. Sheldon`: dnnuhn-A -_!_..'.!F_'E_`_ .!!.'_"". .'.c2_R__H I I ....g /. IPIOI OF THI AITIOLII IN Tl-III Illlllilso u-nu--4 ____ .-- rvvu I ICDDC ll` ' \-nB'nu'Irv NIWIPAPIII. nu wally Iron .`Bhak|on'| departure nu.` ulluilu W. urowley, X10 Ordnance St.. Kingston. Ont.. n engaged in this occupation for some time and the monks won an mud above. a I-lo onyo: "I hung Inhn In-n -Sal.-n Iwheelinglmn llre.| If tho ohilduu nqnln pl none not no nholyu llllhrb Wan vvdon : my mnthtuu For nlfby 8.0. Ills- ll hcuudl cnntm hr. Anotnuontunalidtlolu .747` .I'.I.'.."a'.d."r'.n's.'i.i'."p...l""' Ii liouootwhct oplmnn hand an den nuumey on me trey tron unenmn. mom- gemwberebe bu pntohened e km 0! My acres. which yielded this Ieeeon I. 70 bnuheleel in. baidee eqeenly 0! hey. me new no In pleeeently dunes- ed ve mile: from we town ol Gledwin. *1. '1' HXO All Ndnoyand urinary complaints, on- nlly Bright`: lxnus, lluholu and ix-urttonblu. o&Biuon will calmly and Iutingly con. attuned} like your ownhnnbutuonrodlnngur on ad 5` nlhblo 8 borhood. sud Lou an 8 Lawn` Al ulnnt an. Inn... Lg. .-A g... 4|. moan: non. II`. no In. 1}. wood villtod Manda at Nowburg rooontly. J. Hunbl .'l'oronlo. enllod on Honda has C.W.l nrd.nloruornti- demo! iupluoo.psnoJ'|hrongh honoo Saturday on his way from Ohdvin, Niobi- nnn.v|nrol\ Ian nurohnnl I Inn: at oceelnerlegonbneluuaue benluu bed She epllnhe removed and doing well. W. Guest in leld up with mueoulnr IhOll- metien. B leenioel ere In progreu at the chute here. conducted by the pen- tor. B. Ounpeull and II. Clow intend sling lurneoee In their oellen this fell. . Moore. er.. he: returned Iron hie ttip te Montreal. In. A. Denbyehlre intend: moving to Hermwunlth next week. Chen. lreeunn bu tented D. Bu:-gee term. and Ir. Bu:-gee bee rented Ire. Funny Wel- eon'e. Innlnccon llnory. KAu'm4u1ou.0o|. l5.-l`urmorI In vory but gomng In their potato crop. which in n In r lold-not. no abundant n lat lon- Ion. hon in no school :9. pnoont.-tho M-unuu an hum: um aahool room n-- throng: the mo: 0! November lot an who a con draw than own milk I have It undo up tor om cont pot pound. In-I. Pslrdynvho Ind tho Inlolortuno to bnolhorlqontbolbtho bonlm h_A_d _8ho IpI|I_nhg_romovo_d_ dping yell. non. `Anon II IGIIOOI an pnoom.-uno having the school room n-W pnlrod. Tho chute hotorylu to run lwrou h month Novomborlor on!` `Jan A hl\QA in ah.-.u..1. A-an mill. -.. UII IIXIIIUIIUIIUII II] I IIW IIOIII Ill Doom`: many nus. Bnocnvlua. Oct. I2. - (Bpoolnl.) - As stated by Wm. A. Bug himnoll. the Inca ol his qnlu moons per 0 rooovory from votknou and ailment; runny you`: nullhrod no u lollovn : "To I low hon: of David : Kldnoy Plllo I on my oomploh mm from walnut: And lune book which had chin to no for mnny yours. At noon u I dool od than the aunt might in from do- nngomonb of tho kldno I procured I box ol Dodd'I Kldnoy Pi II and I an lad touqythat only: for boron won t on baton I wu no well as over. Putty lard work. A lot of stooping to do. That it had on the buck. Causes 1 strain. The main weakens the kidneys. The kidney: cannot` do theit l?Qbty_`,konble follows. `I: I.` `ll f`__...I-.. -_- "ITF133 Ikonble Mr.` In W. Crowley. no Drdnnnca SL- Riluninn nun ll W wuul. _ I. DA Ilnol. -V-an xnm mm unurooy [or no ouo, urn. Dom will visit hot omor, Mn. Bayou, oi Cornwall. and Mr. DIVII too: to Montrul whore be on- poou to Ioouro I luornivo olbuotlon. Tho moukoy chow draw I crowd on Wodnoodoy Afton-noon And ovoning In tho oporn houoo. Tho porformanoo ol the troluod onlmlo wu wltuouod with plounro by tho undi- onoo, sud won in out; my A good thou. lldnoy Tnnblo of Iona lInd-lAno Incl lld Woolnou Olud by 5 I01 Bonn ol lbdalh Khl-I Dllln. nnor. J. F. Bowormn ol Howloy, oxhibitod ` tho Cmnon Borloo, an illustrated chart. lot All oubjooh. And oxplolnod tho udvonugoo to oohoolo using tho sumo. `Phil is on on- tlroly now dovloo. and lo intondod to taoooh through tho oyo. Inopootor Burmwo rood out-cots lroln tho now school low. And lnld tent: on uomo ol tho olounoo. for tho guid- moo ol tho tooohoro. Mr and III. `I7 `I Thuln I-nu An moo or we uuonon. Mr. and Mn. W. K. lkvll Inn on Saturday for the mo, Mn Duly will VIII! bar ulnar. Mn. Envoy. of Gnrnunll. and gun: nno nddrccc winch vu llutoncd't.6 with much inmccb and bcnct to the teachers. A. E. Lnng,_B. A.. read an chic any on Raccdlng" which was dlocuucd at comclcn th by Mr. Henry, Mr. Bill'- rows, 1. . B. And othcn.- Natural ccicnoc In public schools." wu Inndlcd by L. D. Clou. Ncwburgh, In I very nblc mnnor. It noon tvurglilveg lino nddrul which llutonod to much iutnmnn And human On uh. .-u uu-nun-3 nu nupuIo9-'I'II0 AGCIIIIOI lode It bout) lumen. Nnnlu. Oct. l6.-T|o annual moooin of tho lannox nnd Addlngtou ouohon uooolmon oponod hora yontordny. In tho bountiful uumbly hall 0! the oolhgiau lumuu. Tho not-ulna nation wu nos! nuuunn uumnly an at the oolloginu ' morning not VOIY IO Ialld. MI! in tin lfhrnnnn A m-mun. `rm not-mug union woll nhondod. tho Afternoon 0 very fair ropnuultoonn ol unohon uuworod tho roll call. Alter tho roll call cum tho pruldomfo addnu. hy D. A. Nonhm. Nowhu h, slur which professor DI by iron Dot: oh. who unto: poriodlonl vluuto the col! not in tho provlnoo und who nooidon ly droppod ol tho train Wu called upon. Prof. Dlghy The Been l|jve_ DWI. In. J. Tuylor. Glennie. in mum Honda hon Ir. md In. 0. Wm Ibo Onlurlng In l|pnnoo-'I'lno Addrouu lulu Ir (minty lnun. One Hundred of the very choicest and latest Mndod designs to be had only at {RICHMOND &co s . '3 NEW C A ...1'lANTLES.., FOR SATURD\AY. TEACHERS Aasdonnnou. HE AILED MANY YEARS. jhjfs g:-S-inn n..n_ m"g Only $4.25 mfg Bf'1'.`1'.'.'.'.J: a`.`.`".'..`.'.`f?. .f.. "`.`. cncsczm wuz: womcs. I-A Ilgnngn `lg; - A ...anInlInn When the Watef Qrapk Sutherland s THE FEET FITTER. I/may II |.un|.avn I . vvuuuul` `III. Pronpootnn at lloouu mm that data). cunt rrumou um nouns! lunch. CHAS. I. WIIINEHALL. Principal. ' shnoraii-logplug. A'r`|`Ih|n H;o.M "miKn'?7lp. n `urn: . o. II on !orl0l:v:iJ So" an :00 0! to u I on one u r Ignllvlduul `inutrnouon. iosornmlotiodn. ommeuod Tonhors. Into Arnngunonh now. (`All In Oollon Ooo or vrlto n n-_.2.a_-.. --..n_ .n. -- Ill. All YOUR (DIOOII IOI "ROYAL 13: Anon. --A.. A......._ -i.w.su'Ioi:I. $1.1-5. Ull~`UhH VVIIAIJ U5 El IFINIU WEDNESDAY. October Zlst. Pronnnnhn At Run:-u 1.11.. ab. algnx , - .--_-__-- -_--'.v` (0ldloIlow'u Block) cor. Prlnoou and Sydn- lnm Ilnnh. LIMESTONE CITY BUSINESS to an this. ambitious and ntudlom yon; Inn who wlllglvo part of his time during torn. Apply pononnlly at tho "sun fI:u::n'n un`t`vuinn.y. I13. I d ' OI If I (III II III so one Imu, ?vn.1.u' "' '" W Or to (none: W. BILL, V.s D. .1).s.. Rum A Business or shorthand Education Free usu1\.I- I LJIV. LJlVT- Oluun will n-opon on THUIIDAY. but. 100: On of the but oqulwod bullovoollocu In oundu. lull null or University nuuou. Icahn In Iuholuuu and nodal IAI- (mun. Tho nnomonl and culture 0! homo combined with tho hlghut DOIIMI trolling lo: hum. 000.. um]: to Illa 00BNWAIslI..t..L CV: :58 Opcm October nth. - Omen`: Unlvonlly gnu:-du a hull Uninv- Ilty oonno. , The In ontorlu and other oppllunou oftho Unluruit an All opon to lho V0 I-I cry Student: or 3 thorough nlonolo no ooling. Pint Roulon `mitten Foo, lnoludln Is- lnoulnlon uni dhuotlnc mun:-Isl. on .1 II) Bocond 8ouIou.'l`ulI.lon ho. lnoludlnn tho am` an above. MI. Th rd souuon tor thou looking in Diploma tron Quoon'n Unlvonlty. I10. _ [qr fljjllf particular: and onlondu Inn]! now. \III II uouogc union VIII! D. Davidson, Principal. Kingston Veterln_aI_'_3 " '" "' " I II: In !KIn9s1.t;I!..!@9!9.' Qollege. vvxxxv Po moon : Block. Prlnourat. llnntu Don -looping. Ar|Ih|no'\lo. Imam Shark!-And. 'hrvovr1_|In. to. an I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I W. ALLIN ION. luumr Illl Tjgnu-j--.j_- 9r.s:;I- KInQto;I Blllllltll College. u.|n_n-._u _ n|--;. IIIIIIIIOW `I UIOO Much. \.rII\r\lI- VII (VIII! OLAFISES WILL BE B!`-')PINID I9'\lI"l`lll l|,n,A Q; __vw`v 1- 111.7? CVIIVO Closeburn." xmon-row. on-r. um will n.oun nn mnlvnnnnv n. NOW READY AT is not from Caledonia Sptinp an important hann new i: omcoom. n---:j--:-.j-_ I_@_Y`CI.E8-FAl.l. SNAPS A--A..._A.._ An A EDUCATIONAL. STYLES SHOES __<.29.t.t._I:9. "3i| ege n [low Strange :a.`g,_t.'..-'::,:..:: :'x`:'::.:gg .:.' .; _._,.:...`.':s1:-=:.:.;g;_._;`i_:'.." :.. }'.`.`.L E7'sTy_I'e'._.'T_'_"' 4r:'.: lam won. out on EMMAV D, IIADIII II. I IMNOIH Wa"m'\\'r""o'u'\"n'6Ln. "um"! I`III$I TIT? Cloak and Mantle Making. _ uh I: III. ' ' lvlhl A (`AI , CU IIU IIIII IIIII OIIII I W. J. BRYSON. .nA-g.- I-I-gnu ` nnsr cuss plnnlo And n-am %% `ft CHILL? . `u%1ai3oomqn1q _ ` olpluoua on nylon! can on in I lnvnnu C Ioo'or"RN huh uh`? 3: II. on o on I won nu: ram 10 VI l I on no u upnulon b lotion on A. in YAN1`. Ilnl In: or H. '.l'.-`IOEIMALL. Illuinslwcwuuhtuuu. 7.3%? II1I YIIIVI YVII@1 I I noun cm to in Inn-Lotta. (butt. Ion Wm. loo Out: and II llno llnu &?;2E:{??3?a: RIIAIII IQ I .... _..-.. . , nun,` I6 hlnou mun. llnnoon. OM. R.`-'.'.'I`.'3\$l"` `..`.'.'r.`.'r.. KID` QIADNN ou..s| I091 IUQIIIIIQI. c. CHARLES. 1 --,;m2p_- `Emacs: POINTIRI. _;_l_o; I BovI5:s.l.I6:dcI!unson. J. msou. 3-...m.. I . uombwkntod. ` " " "o. unounnna pm: , ... uutuuu 3 VII oonuomsl IOI nun" II M. W. ROB|NSON S. ll VIIINSIA II il Nl.Il p"n3of'o `to In A.1oMu. onuna M I IOOIIDI. ' "L...F`- '33! Villa` 10 %'3'3nT II I (ON I- lun:v:r:..'l`?nwnr:.. w`3ff1.n no |. no. , `I vvuuuu vv v-u--cg and: and won donorlpuon -_ - - V 7 77` rV'`.-v` _ A vnv man mocnnmu. 5 nmcoun a. lion. Ir. Luurhr. ms. lunohon board A nun ulnmr lhnnnn n.....m..r\.-..n- :n..._:..z-.. -L, ,- bltol ll ROB|NSON S. IWDINIIAI STILIIT. wool Ouppllu sud I` You on buy It I-'WWW "W-"7Fn"'I't.u_-W` . a.._n'|.&E ff :0 ..E%:.owo :. 1:11 .`n`.`-.`."-`3 - 0-Sohln ' '93 olluuon. I :: . ".".I`:.h: `am. on 3:? am` . -c'.:::.-r- . m :=:.b.'1..-:r..*.'::':: :E'I:2t:.rL.".::.s. ?"*"". "` &`E~.`-33: ..._.. --- u-punuut 1 Z}! numnhthnnlvoujutluludhh Idluhiltbpvunnuuouhrhb wound udlltbndnonho ohm Ibolihh uuuyvll null: lulu rush` Illa: pupa: II In a mm Bananas! huh Ila iqlunhg. Ir. Iqpgcltho F It :-uuwuivtj "I puuuuo pods. . Ihqhcqy. vtcrpnddunt. gun sh upuhIucMloC.P.I. in \honuu-uo- duclhnbuhtupunonguundhdgh` 39%. III n muhn in-no-...n vvuwvi ! `nu Ilvl I QNIII IIII W3. nutty Ilollll pt) 3780.00) annually In 0 union which will 50 lilllod II III MINI- ny nu] -has .m .4 n._...... An -- -uuvu wIII- VIII II nuuuu ll I` M` nu. nod which vii! not improve that op- Duhuhh hr Ind: In ...a.s.u. ...A- '----s -u- wuvvu wm II I-FUN lll pus-muvuuuo snpmusugual II`. Ilnulnnv. Imondoln-A -g-g nL_ .--o in--uuugvusvv. Iurvnw mu. and IO {and hue colleagues vnuuuowlm ol itbooplnlon thlthoyohouldhvonhn '1:-olgnuuvioo at well 'l`hohmorIn'o nlhohdby the oondmomol undo uh hdnotbooubolun. llovulnutuhdin Ihpnpoud utnuohlp urvknudbo wuluolhnyuponthouuoor. Ilr. lauthrhgn. 'l\ohrnc.npmooNn I very mmuou chat. to I In-go uhnsth bound dnovolsho mum, um nos bonunld mun-` limb` nkanlul Inga DQIA nan ___...I-W nun. -r. I4IlIl1U'. II 5.0 ||IlI0h on DQNI Wino` uunahlp Onnuh. (Dominion lino) nhnilu In tho fut Mlnnuo lino which tho" govornuuu Ind undor oomldonuon. and which it no propoood to nuhaldin or A nuubu cl yuan. aid that Ms Iniulotry had not ban dlopood Io Inouontbooolllnotloh bytho lnogom omuont. Noun It culled for n has puunnpmuu-vino mu. and he and in: Inlhnnnnn unnn .._.-.L-A Al Wutuouoil;-mzhlhu I .& Illllfo IIMIIW. IIIUIIM The WIN does not run a notion din- Ourhnnoo olpubllo olou. bulb but In umpuhy with that who lost tholr pod- uouboouuo they ntmod thou. Public odsh should to noun! In oloouom. They should oonlm MM: cotton to gunning -`J ...u-_ 1.. ...L-_ vu nun vu vuuubuln Ind IIIVI OI ulunoo In odor that they mlgln 003-30 In politics. And any won non Indutrloun. The oonoon bo- ing provon they will be given I long holiday And an opportunity to modi- hh upon the qusllty at their punish- mont. " uvn uu Iur Illill amour. The nllwqy mil cloth no now rc- oolvlng umnuon. Reports have ruohod Ottawa to un hot sun some of that wonsllowodoion vacation sndluvo `Luann. In ...J... m|._ .u___ Hr:- that ho allow-ad one who Ind bun uulu-In; from Iunllpo: to have Ma Ino- Mod quarters and all among the pooplo, Tho odor-In-oounollnppolnung him; and not yot put 1n opu-nlon. Um at onoo oun- oollod. A man 0! hi: Ioooo idea would not do for lnslth ooor. IDL- ..n...-.. .._An -I K Om wu Dr. Dunn. at vmom. B.0.. one 0! SM Ian uppolnhu ol tho Tuppor govornmont. and holding who ollloo olqunr nnno director. Ho wu no oqor than Col. Prior and Ir. lu-I {should in oloctod nun L. .u.......a ....- ...L.. L-A 1...- III-V IIIU 'IIIIVUIIl` II I'CIlI -U WlXIn 3.7` on! ooo-holdon bl boon bolmdod and not without reason. A_. ._.-_ I\._ n,-,, ,;uo. . . -up: IVIII I-Iylllvvlllillb III yvllllllllllllllc Further. the London oollogmo Institute bu rooolvod within in wollo pupils mm school: In vnlouo pom ol the country who write vorhloolly. "sud." up the Adver- tloor. "In have never bond my oom- plnlnu (I-on tuobou." Our oontoupoh ory up tho oohool board should oorulnly ouohomo VOPHOII wrmng "and than hop ulmou ot the slum." ML- __.-_| 1 -, .,,. NIIID OI` BOIII ATTENTION. Tho my pupon hut [Inn cnohhor furlul about to tho pooplo by announcing that tho gulllouno it Again as weak. Bov- nlll nnAJu\h-Inna Inna: Inngn Iunlmgolnnl `uni LONDON NOW IN LINE. Tho public ochool board In London hu undor oonoldorotion tho Introduction 0! voruool writing. Tho London Advou-Moor to In {over 0! tho obongo. ond for tho roo- oon um "whoro vorhlool wrmn; ho`: boon glvon ofolr trlollb boo prodnood 'morvol- Ion: lnprovononu In ponmonohlp." Dunks tjon l1uu-Inn nnllnplntn In-Moon -- -5%.`? 335.``s`$:". `.'..""!:`.%$.'.% -'2 to in manna`. um buwob m m gm I75 g: Inn .. .,. ::'" `at [an . :{`-'-- ':'.t.S`."`r:;-,;-38`-$2.... 3&5? Thu world mono. % rHE_ pA1pY %wH1G. * '-'1-'-".""';".;\:" '"'"'; I|nuhono. m" _.__ ___-.. uuvulu UVIIIIII ICU? IOUION W gnndvotlngfovwhon they plousl ANNOUEEBMBNT. am 7..I.'&..'.. 24;...`--'