"IAOKIC 1537' IKIDIKIII ch: III Anthoohsm i will] In In &nnhhlI0O. wlpnnnnl nmnh ll Illnvnnv aha-n an null, XKHIl|lII;IIl%.II1 Inch II Bhyuy Ilovl up wall. onnndlou fol loounnn. Tononm. 00. l7.-Ib my be who for gnnhd Ihucuudn vllllnvonropIuun- Yo Inna-an bps, which rlddul Ir. I.- M Rs 0' lira U3: coon had! Jon "land Oahu Io ch: An tho Inu Inuw Ill buy! IIUIJI, Incl In one! to move tho goods. I have and am still tolling boot: and thou. the but unmana- sand on this continent. to has than num- hctnl-cn' ptloos. You will wnnt nome- zhing in tholhoo lino Lhll (All. Come in Ind got. our than ol the bargnina at 0!- fou-d'Io shad. I97 PI-inounotuoc. A. Ahnrnnduw II II ululluillllj IVl)IIl l Il- So people are ee ing, the emount of trade we ere doing. at you must remem- ber that there In 010,000 worth 0! boote end ehoee In this Monk, and in order to goods. -Inn bone: and nhnnn u lune. -maul... Im nou rrorn 1-rnnoo per 55. uumnuun. ' and accident oocnrrod at Mr. Walsh : mill at Htdlow yeswrdny. A man nnmod Unntin was occupied saving a plank when it suddenly broke, one and struck the un- fortunate mm on the head fracturing his null and rondorin him unconscious. Ho did I short time tor. onnvn. "me can Dogma no-any. The steamer Savoy it now conveying railroad iron to Anti ti, where Mr. Menior will build I to: 128 miles long to run the length of his inland. The iron wn im nod from Frnnoo 88. Lqumntinn. accident. oocm-rod at. Mr. WAInh'n I mm mm unlmg mm on one moo In men I manner to to draw blood on the 7th Au unt. Conroy hu wriutaon n mrntivo of I. captain`: conduct on the high which he will produce in oourt. It. is on oanvn. The begin: to-day. Snvov now convavimr Qrn:n|u'..Oot.. l7.--The captain of the Boston Murine" wu uneobod yootorday on A warrant. sworn out by Michael Con- roy. a tailor at the veuol, who charges him with acriking him the not in such manner n In drni hlnnd nn thn `In. A Nnrnllve ol a Captain`! Conduct Written nn nnwnn. oonr. nna voeo were wrn on. Clemens left e note. in which he indica- ted that. A love nhir had not one plea- nntly with him. On one side 0 the none was the statement that his name wee Austin W. Clemene. and the address. "Cure of John Anderson. 20 Bee neeld avenue." On the other side wre the word: : I die for love. and entaertaein no ill-willtonnyone. (Signed). A.W.C." went: over. _ Clemens lit. on his hoau md shoulders. and his neck mu broken. Hie teeth were smashed out, his skull was frncturod end his none was broken. All his ring were broken and the elbow bones protruded through his coat. All the buttons on his coat. and vent torn o'. (`.l.-nan. I. . ma. :. ..l.:..l. I... .'...I:..-_ oenma mm. ' - Just. non the bridge he at I lad nnd asked him if that was the idge oil which Doonle hld committed suicide. Tha hnv luau nlm ll man was me Image on which people committed suicide. The boy roplipd in the uirmntive, and Clemons wnlked on. Then be mounted the rail and went. m........'m .. s.:- 1...... ..,; -L-._u__. no uunorau lrom melancnomt. no stopped at 20 Benoouaeld avenue. and yesterday said he was going for a short walk. He left his overcoat, money. watch and chain belinind him. ..- ...... n... |.-:,n... L... ..-. - 1-4 __.| I puuuou Ill uovo. Tonon-ro. Ont. l7.-Art,hur W. Clemons, who suicidod by jumping otf a bridge into Roseduls ravine, was from Preston. His health was bad and he had also been dis- appointed in love. having hsd his en - msnt. broken off. He was brought, to o- ronto on Thursday for medical attention as he suffered lrom melsncholia. He stopped avenue. vests:-dnv FBENCTH.i.'@0BfSETSI '1'l)l'Kllll wnuers tor Armemnne. It cost Uncle Sam 890.628.296.84 to run his postal departmentin 1896-96. 86.127.- 088.44 more than the receipts; increased roooipta, seven roenh; increased expon- dituroa, fouran aha}! per DOIIL} reduction of 91-95 decit. 81.679.956.19. Th: In-nnnh nfrlmn Iunlz nl I2-high rV..I ox in-vo uenou. u,uIv.um1. 19. Th; branch of the bank of Britiuh Col- umbia no Tacoma. Wuh., ubliahod I no- tics wduy of in withdrawn from business here. The rouon given is the unsatisfac- tory condition of business. It is re rtod that the branch of Seattle will I so be withdrawn. nouneu or not maners death. The embassies of the powers in Constan- tinople have sent: en identical note to the porte. refusing its demand to be accorded the right 0! searching foreign vessels in Turkish wsbers for Armenians. Ir. amt. Irma. Hunt Ion non om: cm s. -.... Lne rrencn nave ocoupneg "Madagas- cnr bub the oocu nu dare "not. step out- side of 9. fortied city for fear of being kill- ed. They evidently have And have not captured Mada . Lillian unnnll, rthnr (MAI! dnnv-inn CI DIITOG UIIQI R1333 Lillian guns", rnthor than deprive the chorus girls in the company she is with of a ni ht : wages. nppearod in St. Louis nobwit. standing the fact that she had been notified of her fathor'a death. The nmhnninn nf I-Jun nn-mu in I'V.....L-.. non on NOV. no. A man mu drowned in the west: while trying to wall: upon the water. He should have waited a couple of months, then he cod have done it with no more serious in- juv than cold feet. ha Fmnoh haw; nnnnnind Knrlnonn. by Fantasy. The Montreal bond of trade has called a special moebin to protest. against the GmndTrunk an Cnnsdiun Pacic mil- ways putting their winter tariff in opera- tion on Nov. 2nd. A want: u... A......n.-A L. M... .......L ...L:I.. we rouu. Talmngeh bolio! that tho Lord will set- tle the money question in I shining ox- nmdplo of sublime faith in this age of i oubt an unboliof. Fifty-three horses. forty-ve pace:-a and eight trottorn, hue beaten 2:10 this year. Nine of the pacer: have beaten 2:07. The intact trotting but of the you in 2:06}. Montreal bnnrtl of lands haul nnllul ronw. , . Dun &Co'n weekly review of tnd o- is nubhorit enough for the Itatoment that old it I y Al) I premium in the Unitnd sates. 'l`h. n... .l.....; -4 91.- n..s..-:.. 1. m_-; autos. The new depot of the Ontario & Weat- ern RR. At. Liberty. N. Y., was burned this morning. It In: one of the neah on the road. 'l`.I-...._.|. I~..l:-l AI.-L LL- I --.I ._.:n _-; KING STREET. PHONE 300. -2 am am: no mo unma Hum. he exports of cheese fromNow York Are 5.500.000 pounds short of Int. ear, mm! from Cumin l,000.000 pounds art. The international sheries communion will mogt in Wuhin hon nhortly. Cum- mnndor Wnkuhun w lroprooonb Cuuda. Pehorboro VII give Hon. Mr. Blair 8 re- ception on oh; occasion of his visit next. week to inspect the Trent. Valley canal ronw. `nm. L 11.1. _..|.I.. .....:-_ ..c l...l_ :- oomnnua an 1200.000. Sir Charles Tapper in I a h to con- Iervatl It Hnlitu oonnul od better or- gn.niu$'onin the vines. The thdruu I ofold from the bank ngigd 170,000 for I . T,',` *9? 2 .0 J"? um manwul or. In tram we nan: __ land Izod: inc ndod a T ant to the united States. ha AI nnrin nf tilunnnn In-nun Wan: Vac-L aclmn nvrlupnafornu linen oonnwoa IIQ: tr]: 0- A . ury. e an was man. P` . W. J. Runbuinogn. a bunker, .of Janet. Win, bu dinppou-ed, leaving liabilities oltimnud at (00,000. Hlr hndlnn Turin`: in . --maul. tn .4... , Ol|ln|0l' IDIBIEIIIQ IIIIO A HUG Ilbflfyn The Methodist church, 01-illin, bu ex- hendod nod! toRov. C. E. Manning. of Built: Ste. Marie. John Evolpnd has been committed for trial Ah. Avlvnnr for nu-hurt In -an-u L- 'It in proposed boturn the dmwn mo-4 ohnniot inntitnto into {no Iibnry. Methodist. church. 01-illin. hu ax- A RAILWAY FOR ANTICOSTI. ,_,__ __ __ _______ :,_____, _ ,,, ' --wt-no" READERS.` `lolajnpllo tldlncl ltonnlhruol the lIlnIn.'l]nntlnnnod.nn:l An-nun! n-Ihnv wnars rm: Immcs T0-DAY] HERE IT IS IN SHORT QRDER FOR n\Al|_nn IIQA mean ` Low Price Store, .uuIu unvw uullv Iv Wlltll IIU IIIUKU WTIUMB III` u~~ he French have occupied Madagas- mr nanta amen ont- It In Ionuthlng Wonderful. mg.-.I- -... .. AL- -__. my mum: nnrrxsn `wine. sATUIinAi'; :-:- DASH ED TO Pl EOES. II III I'll!!! IIG-llII I polntod In Lovo. f\..l I'| A_LA I U'IICl--I -IWTCI-IK_I'TUI I1 '|!!d0IInd|ulAuonodlorluy :-A Ghnoo Give: You In I an n. OFTII `B r'i.;3.i.e;" Cashmere` Hose, : ial, 25c. -j---1 "IP1l$OlC.ht&'.L IJVCHEQO 1%. IVE Ol 4 "lWusI'nrQ-I-Iootnadlu-voinl Icahn:-. can-an 5-`nn_n..u... Iruonnnn. n u`2'.'u...n, can. tune ownhuobunonndln Ihnl-Iunntl anal-unn---. Ianoysna rmnry onuplni ta, .3'.'n'y Bright : `Diana. 1mm; .3 ivu-u-oublu. H Bmon will nnlynnd lutlngly `guuouotlv liko mm- mvutuvumcu. :1 Dual`! VIII nnlynnd lutlngly ououy liko your own huobooncurod In own . horllood, and on nlinblo p-wt: homodwlnt on handgun dg 'l`u'nd-0Ioon vncconn lune. pontoon, Oct. 17. -A d from Bouhuy Announces that: boo at of wag pound out the mm of QIOOII VIO- tonnthuroduri the Me: and that n pain-olold gun was ' around tho Met 0! the noon. oifbl lngusms. nvvuvl nun uvuvuuuu LIl'la_ ' V" In` nnd for U00. "'0 b.l_ldi for Wind. the contents for lhtory III owned Ind run b A. E. Honky. The canto of the fire un novn. choooo Factory llul-nod. Bnmwmx, Ont... Oct. 17.--Thiu morning about two o`o|ock (in totally dontro the Brighton cheese hcwry. situated 5 no a mile And I qunrtar Inst 0! thin place, In- pthcr with conhnu. The chosen In: In- ~~.zasv*::.':_~;-2-.: mutant for Imponrap JACKETS Death Followod Amputation. S1. CArIIAnI.-ms, Ont. Oct. l7.---Byron Brown. oged fty-lour, died in the hospital Thursday night from the elbow of on occi- dent. which bole! him on the utoomor Nopigon on Sept. 17th. While tho bone was going bhrou h tho new oonol the do- ceued had his cg injured b o fender hook and he run removed to t. 0 hospital. His log In on) uutod on Friday. All that could be one. however. In: of no nnil. mnnlry. wmcn procooaea no me scene by A special trnin. were fired upon. The union: between Hnrnni and Buhoh are occupied by troops and the line in pn- trolled. inch 170. J. Guviocd. nnva neon perpetnwa by me Mgnen tribe of Morris, on thorrlquettn railway in Bnluchielnn. A party of men At. work have been murdered Ind the tolegrnph wires cub. A detachment of Bombay nhntry. which proceeded to the by lpecinl trnin. unon. The Iloro Onu-ngo By Afghans. Bmuur. Oct. l7.-FurI.hor outrn have been perpetrated by the Afghan In Morris. the 2.0uoth roilwu in A Vltrloo Argument. UFTIIHIE, 0k|e., Oct. l7.--At. Shawnee, yesterday, while James Wilson. a Itook man, was getting shaved. Dr. Mehmn. I wominent. phyeicinn. entered bhe Ibo end Logan bulking politics. Wilson ui Mc- Kinley ween pluooorep, end we: incom- petent. This enraged Mehren. who ruth- ed ,to the barber`: chair end duhed e bottle of vitriol in Wileon e lace. Wileon died in greet. Agony, end Mehren wee chased out of town by a mob. All kidney and I nchlly Bright Diuun. Dishing ma Dherln nenounooe Brynn. INhlAN.\l'0l.lS, lnd., Oct. l7.-Privato telegrams received from Hon. Simon P. Sherin. ox-secretary of the democratic ne- tionalcommittne, state that he bu re- nounced nlleginnceto Bryan and Sewell. He does not regard the platform 5: demo- cratic; he thinks Brynn in A populist end not a democrat; and he does not believe the cause at free silver will win. The recent fusion with the po ulietu in Indiana. in, however, whet oaueour him to nally make up his mind to quit the party. vvvvn, `vac-J Jvvu Boys U4m_icrvc_cr,Aall "sizes and prices. ` .=x, '- N . Boys Heavy ibbed Hose. 25 per pair. I ....l.'._'` (`..-I......_.' .ll'..... _._ _ , nun uuulruiy lilrloh Saturday : market was a very large one. and produce. an ulunl, Wu not all bou hm: up. Prices were reasonable. at wilf be seen from those (notations : Beef. quir- torn. to. to (lo. a b.; mutton, 40. to ($0.; lamb. be. to 6c.; pork, lie. to (}c.; hogs. 84.50 to 85 a owt..; buster. pound prints, l8c. no 200.; rolls, I70. to 18c.: eggs. 150. to use. a dov..; potatoes. 600. to 60. a bag; carrots and turnips, 600. A bang; onions, 600. to 700. a bug: cnbbngea. 300. to 400. 1 doz.; npplea, 26. to 350. a bag. ame ume experienced by the entire party. There are now seventy-ve active mem- bers of the society. It look: by this as though the society has come to stay. The ladies have a splendid reception room Ah the college, and at their meeting: they diaplny as much enthusiasm as their fellow students of the sterner sex. man no me "rreemee." At. the residence 0! James Minna, Bugot etreet. Sixty-ve members were in etbendence. They were received by Mileel Ethel Minnee and N. Meodonnld. A splendid musical programme wee rendered during the evening by members. Re- freshments were served nude very enjoy- able time experienced by the entire aevenbv-ve Active mem- III A uoou 'I'I1I Last evening senior member: of the Queen : Levans society teniorod I neop- tion to the froIhieo." At. che residence of James Minnnn Rumn .9... lmperlnl Ouuoms Union. Mr. Chamberlain's talk with Sir Richard Cartwright. the Canadian minister.and his advices from Australia have convinced even him of the futility of his imperialous- toms union proposal. When asked further to ex und the subject, - he declined, say- ing t at he found several colonies extreme- ly sensitive regarding anything approach- ing dictation by the mother country. This `>4-obably is the end of the idea oi taxinc oreignjm rts offered and raw materials. Instead o it Lord Winchilsea s ae-ni- phiianthropio body. the British produce supp! association limited. is o ning brunc osthroughout England, un er dis~ tinguished patronage to teach British farmers to co-operate in the fight against foreigners in the British meet. dairy and fruit markets. ...-._-- KI! Be The Archbishop. Rev. Dr. Crei hton,bishop ol Peterboro. who repreeen the Anglican church at the coronation of the czar, will probably be the next archbishop of Csntorbur . He combines scholarship with blood min - ednees. His recent interchange of courte- sies with the Congregational union, when in session at [Leicester-.was resented,bysome as encouraging schism, but lug eats reat ibilities before the church, hb shop nson solidied the church by grantin liberty of rituaL Dr. Cre hton might I the petty rivalries in all `ties, social ac- tivities snd missionary shorts. and estab- lish A working unity among all christien bodies. an nsusvsn 'vuvsus usuur. I$|l$ (O-GI , states that the examinations for the Royal military Wm Kingston, will take place on J nne 15th. Dr. Dewson. o.u.a., director of the. eolr-gieal survey. has gene down totbe goulan canal to make an expert ex- aminaton of the stone submitted by Archie Stewart. and disallowed by Thomas Munro. the engineer in cha . This question. which is intricate, is mlng intereetinf. When the tender. for the construct of the locks was adver- tised certain stones were named as E? suitable. Mr. Stewart, the suc- ` ul tenderer. has submitted stone of the ssmecharsoter as, in fact identical with, the stone 0! which the C.P.R.. bl'ldRO ll : Buokimrham ll tmnnhrslntnd I `the 00:30:! non renunci-I 'IIllI un- Incl`:-also zuouun m A wmfma Ihooo.| Manulacturers Rtfyales Do corset, P.D. I-In I-Invnnuv In n nn-`n.--p. nu-lIochAlIAV1 TOO D010! WOOL` `Inn Saturday u-lot. Inn . ....-..I...u .....- .. ....__ I. Had A Good `limo. ......._. --..x-_ _, fl`: oulyolui. uneasy non unuullh yaturdqy dam nooo. lnnldcnvnuooonllnol undone. hunt: a Duhn_|n .....:u'= rnqnrdlng burn and rglln as loan, for we mule fteen dl ennt nylon nnd nlmpon at 15-: per dozen. I uyvv. unouaousooornorolxin strut. nprtouobd a mu hailed from An uputair w ndow by Mr. Ooopu. who nldthon win a burglar In the homo. Ho Ind hard the incnador rain and lowor u back window twenty minuhl holon tho polioonnn arrived. And had hard A Inn moving ahouljn tho lull downohin. Not lacing in hulth, and having ions that an un ao- oidoncuucoountolwh in would not bojuulodingn in; with the nu- dcr. Ir. Ooonu uni In 11: an... stain. - -Irjlnt l- I1 ll0IIOo Bobwoon two and three o'clock this morning. I . C. Dorm], while pacing bin Innonu-noknuuo. Ind his attention Iltltchd iv 3 Iidn In tho Iunnn .m.....a.a sou out no noommonq my removals. Ir. 0 ilbon docllnod to Ipocify any of the suggestion: in would make in the mat.- tor of rolornu In tho nu-vino. u that mun. be mood in his report: to his government. um on me motel Ueoil in the Stand. Mr. Chilton informed the net that he had visited all 0! the Uni Bl-cue conculeiee in the united kingdom. and would sun for Paris on Tueedey next. for the purpose 0! inspecting the American ooneulotee in Fronce, after which he would inspect. the coneuletoe throughout Europe. Indie. Chine and Jnpen. returnin to Wnehing- ton in the early port of I89 . The gener- ll result: ol inspection of the ooneulntae in the united kingdom Mr. Chilton nid, had been eotiefootory. Hehed found thecomuler service to be efficient, though not ebon- Inhlybrerfect. And he had not found him- i declined to nnnnifu uni nf The Ohio! o! the Bureau on a I orld Wide Trip. Lmmorz. Oct. l7.-A repreeentatlve of the United aaaooiaud reaaea had an inter- view this mornin with) Robert S. Chilton. chief of the oonau bureau of the depart- ment of auto at Waahingbon, who in may- imz at the Hotel Cecil In the Strand. informed aha linnrtnr 91.... 1.. |...a mral ammo: wall Include Perth. Capo. Williem Boll bu been up inbod hnrbor mentor for the port of New ndou. l .E.I.. in the place of Lemuel Sims, whose appointment is cancelled. zoo Shirts and drawers. a spec. ,ial bargain Idf, Scotch Lambs Wool, only 50. ` 13-..-) n_.x-__.__.. _n,-:_.- . ecnool eetuemeut. The depolits in government eiwingn banks for September were 8`27l,000 and the wlthdnweln 8282.000. H. B. Mnnherd he been appointed in- epeour of thee? with headquarters at Smith : Fella. {e in paid by feee. The reguletione recently promulgated by the United Stews eecntnry of agriculture re- quired I oerticala of health to accompany sheep imported from Canada. Mr. Men- hard`e district will include Perth. Cunt. William Rnll Inn Imgnn -.......'..;-.I ouawma ncuuues. H. D. Bruce, of land patent branch of the do rtment of the interior. diod nud- donly nut. night. Death was due to heart disease. TL- ..-l.:....L --s I ....... ,,I I an-eeae. The cebinet. In for eeverel hours yester- day, end were in consultation with the visiting Mnnitobn ministers discussing the school settlement. Th: Jana-Mn in ..-..-...._.--A -4r~'r nu mule I q.u. ~ , Returns received At the customs depart- ment show tlnt the totel mineral exports from the port of Nelson, 13.0.. during the month 0! September were valued at 8264.- 315. In view of the re rt of the develop- ment of tho section t e controller 0! cue- toms has instructed Inepeotor Clute to proceed to the Kootenny and report upon It: requiremente in the way of edditionnl ouemme fncilitiee. II [I Rum. ..l` I-....| _-L-_L LAHNI - nowevor. John W. Dowmgovernment agent at Bristol. England, writes the department of trade and commerce reporting the total failure of the English apple cm and the probable advance in prices at I: e end of thin month or early next. unless the mar- ket become: over-ztooked with American and Canadian apples. He reports that the Canadian hay trade has been aatlafac tor . {he Canada Gazette to-day give: the apointmont of Messrs. Nixon and More- dlt ae penitentiary oommiuioneu. and the appointment of A. J. McCall an judge of the supremo court of British Columbia. 'Dnnnl-p D.lA-- at l)-:__- I.`.J,,,, , I I I UOIIDDIB. Premier Po . of Prince Edward ialnnd, is made I Q.C. Return: rnnniwul If. Hm m..o.....- .J-..--; ueeuon II on one ruling of Mr. Munroe or (tlhe overruling of Mr. Bcbreiber. and this Dr. Dawson will have to decide. One thing seems certain, that is. whether the uoneie need or not it will have to be paid for. Prof. Adami, of Moill. hen enmined the none and considereib good for the purpose. Mr. Page, lobe chief engineer of the department, condemned it. however. 1,4... m n.._... __..--__,, . oel sultenle. Mr. Stewart, the `ossmnl bridge st Buokinrhsm is oonstruoted. This stone Mr.` Munro- relused es un- suitable. but it is stated the refusal wss overruled by the chief engineer 0! the department. Collingwood Bohreiber. On the strength of Mr. Bohreiber's overruling. Mr. Btewsrt went on cut- ting stone. and now has some $100,000 worth of the stone on the ground. Mr. Munro. however, still sdherss to his objec- tion, clsimin the stone contsins Iron pyrites, snd t t the surface being con- stantly wet, would crumble with action of the severe lrosts of the close of nsvi s- tion. In this respect it is urged t st the hot ol the stone hsving stood well in the Buckingham bridge is no criterion, as there the wet surlsoe is lrept under water. snd so is not sub'ect to the notion of the frost. he ( uestion is on the ruling of Mr. Munroe t eoverrulinz Schrnihnr, ma mm. VISITING THE CONSULATES. ween In onnullng mnonb. has boon uk- od b the postmaster-general to explain his I can act. Ladies Vsts, Ink; 1{:._aoc. .- _ Misses Ve'sts',~- all lines am prices, ` '. _. . .. ` ,,J. , "1110 mnonlnor on we Uanndlnn S00 canal iano mm more uhidaotory than that of the America: Boo hint vunol-own- on sun thoy can get. in and out o! the Csn in canal in half the time it taken than to gohrough the American one. A milwh general order. issued to-dnv. wan: to mrougn nae American general order. to-day, Royal n. n....... nun .1.-_.-.'._ -. .L_ ms ommm soo camu. is now pursuanc- III Data Ilxod hr Ioyll Illlbry Dol- Ingo Inulnntlonb-Wnunx Iolooun nu Ip-A lull clerk ouna Upon for an Ilplnnlthu. , Ornwa. Oct. 17.--'l`hn contacts with Goo:-gbooodwin. Ottawa, on Iovoul noo- tionu of tho Bonlnngol omnl. but boon onnoollod owing to non-porformnnco. Tho chin: of Mr. Goodwin for 072,000 will gr: bouts u oxohoquor court on Oct. Mr. Dunno. capo:-inundoub ol the hatch- or at Capo Vineont, N . Y.. in hero to ob- n from the Hon. Ml'._DIViC an order for white ab out enough to stock the gub- lluhmont for the season. R W R .`ln|m..... ......'I ..|..|. .... AL- IIIDIIIOOB I0!` {DO ` R. W. B. Johnnon. mnil clerk on the Erie ahd Humn nilwn , who spent three week: In onnvuuinn In t. has boon uh. u. mu.--uu, uuua mat: on hue Er-I; ai;'i'Humn onnvuuing t. boon uk- bv Doltlnntar-nanarnl m axnlnin hi. ocronnn 17. 1596. aonaucn. The mnohinor the Canadian soo nnnl ism nmuz mnm no-.i.lumu-u oh... { coNrnAc[scAnc.ELLEn. Alunubotuivo -4-] `I-A..Ax.. D-_.__ .,, 1 Alurclnrl-The llouo. hA- A-a. -_.l AL--- 4.... MEN'S unnanwenn. :9 9.'s.'1H`. u-v uuuu rvuuunw wuv uIIIIlIlI% III I-llll town. Fad Joann Iul a two - stallion colt. Iogoohor vhf- - told And d In lial`. IIo|Ifn|`Mn |...|.., utlor luollol. Kmcunmn, Ont. Oob. I7.--lone Milo botnm tlnbonuoloaouod loot dolooi this morning but-glut untqid the at mhmblowthouhopunnmt in auto. The hrprhl etpolunoo owoognrovnrdod witrlou th?I'O. unlu- nbk puohgoofoun andnpumoiol Mud luau not their notice. nimoutavol John 1: u no amend shoot the tune clue, but nothing vu token. , .._-- rhlovu In Ooboug. Oonrwm. Ont. Oct. l7.--Iut night twoboldrobbuicnvuvoononmodln In I'll! Jenn Lul A I-n---I.-M THIEVES AT womc. nny'o3c'p7"1c` non oaoo nol chad. Tlcwlluvoloononallnclufoosud Duh; 1|! fgck St, 0830? -IOIIIOL Ynr romplnlnt, she dl.-u-overs hor unonr mdopendonco. It can bo further ahttd that tho pn- sidont dooo not expect that Bpnin will and war by thc tactics now employed during the protons your and that he in full oon- vinood shut the V0 duty will ovolvo upon him of at n a vi can stand In this manor. A h h oh! 0! tho Id- minmntion than auction by the pn- oidont may be looked {or by tho int 0! the IOII`. present term or preaident Ulevelend. Another deepetch to the He:-nld lrom Wuhin ton aye: Ifvpnin doe: not end the wu-n Cube within less than three months the Insurgent: will reaive I Chrietmu preeent !rom the United State: in the form of a virtual recognition ol their independence. mn be furthnr nmnrl mu. .5. ....., Touching The Venunelen QIeeIlon-ln- snrgenu To Be Ieeognllod New Ynmt. Oct. l7.--A Wuhin ton special to the Hemld says: Prsei eno Llevelsnd, in his next. annual msssnge to congress. will be sble to state that I de- nite understanding bu been reached with Great. Britain for the unioeble seociemens of the Venexuelsn boundery dis uiae. There are details yet. to be perieo . but none of them is of such eneture se to in the lens: endsnger the prospect: for the anal disposition of the cue end the re- storetion oi diplometio relations between Great Britain and Venezuela during the present. term of president. Clevehnd. I desmmh in Him nu-.m 1...... In All the World 'l`Imra'a Nothing so Flue an the Friamlalulp of Woman. Ruth Aahmoro. in summarizing her paper on "A Girl : Familiar Friend- girl friond--in- nly India Home Jour- nal, ollara thi . in oounael: How: a ti-land. but guard your In-iandnhip and your friend on you would a crystal var.->. ones the oryltnl vase in broken, all the onreful mending in that world can never malts it as it won, and once the-re` haa coma in your frlondaiiip the word: that jarred. the notions that were unkind. and the looks that learn to out like u knife, tho friendship, ii to the heuutllul vane, nan nevar he no la waa. And who: in a girl wlthot a girl Irland? Sim stand: nlnno. Man think that aha munt dill`:-r from other woman, and that thorn muat bu nomathing About her lean awoot and ion laminino-than that which parvodaa her sisters. I am a haliavor in the girl friend. Any'glrl can with vary littlo troublo. gain the ndmlratlon of `a man. but it toltoa cmmethlng nor. aomathing lwtt--I and aolncthing more oharrning to attract a woman, and to make and hop her a friend. In all the history of Ibo world tharein nothing ao am an the friendship of women; whathar it ba given to man. or whathar it be livnn to women. it atonda out magni- mnt. unnoliinh, aympathotlo and Clarin- lika-when it in the right kind of friend- ahlp. You will mnambar at to Him who want without ainmd)` . tho bounty and the sympathy of friondublp was known. uud that it van a woman who won a frland, who ntood by Mary watch- ing. until the tragedy of tha ornaa had ended. and waiting until the glory of tho roaurraotion had bngun." ` nanny mlmiluu. One opulont ratio-mun in Ihonorlh oi England, who for yuan shut himself out from female roomy. dlod not ion Iinoe, loaning u will tho term: of wh oh diu- pinyod in nu unmiltaknbio manner his hatred of womnnkind. ignoring aha fo- mnin ntireiy. nil Iii: mule raining wore provided with I min. but on this condition, viz.. that e a single one: worn to tuntoio their inha-I-itanoo the moment they married. and the married one: were not to come into thoirn while thnir wivu were living. A DE;|Nl`l: DI`NG. HOV OOHIO wwnln HIDE CIIIIIIIX OI IIII. A man now living In ahondon suburb has A elmllnrly pronounced hatred of the gentler nu. Bum; wealthy. he keep: up an large mm of eervnnu, but no te- mnle in to he found among oohem. Men and boys have to do all the dnmntlo nffnln of the honnehold. even to ramb- hlng the noon and making the beds. Women (even the nlellvee of the nerv- nnt-e) no In-lolly lolhldden the place. and any mgnlnl tmngreeelng the rule by admitting a portal: In pemooeu In In- Itantly dlemlued. Una nnulemh -nntlnmnn In n nnrlh n! any ponuulnuy m nun no mm. When traveling he would onmuzo an main compartment In order In avoid the risk of having a wnmnn In tin can Llama. and he Invu-Iubly ohooo Ibo road in walking for tho much that ho was lent Ilkoly to nd I touch thou. The man`: bound at In tax was Index! on- 1-ted no for that In MI mortal Ilotnou In gnvo order: for tho purohuo of on lot! of [round on olehor Ildo of his [run In order thn In death an fomnlo body Ihould not come within that dlunuoo of MI. A In-n nn- Ihulnn In - IA-ulna -nkn-In lamina vannuro Into nll pron-nos. A gentleman dlod recently In Vienna who unod to adopt oxtnordlnnry mn- Iuroc to avoid contact with woman- klnd. At the chontor It wu hll pl-notion to book three seam and occupy the mid- dlo one. an that a tuna]: should not by any ponalblmy l|I nut to him. Whlm M-nvnllnn ha unnld an-an an llllllll. . Henry Cevendieh. the iunone chemist, Ild such [inveterate ebhorrenee ol temele looioty that from the preeeutlone he took to evoid pereonnl eontnot with any member of the nu, he earned for himul! the sobriqunt of the "Woman Heter." It in eeiti that he need to carry on oom- mnnieetione with his houeekeeper en- tirely by eorreepondenoe. end A rigid rule wee enacted in his eutebiiehment that on no pretense whatever might A female venture Into hie preeenee. nentlemnn died renentiv in Vlnnnn Ladies ` ` Wool I _ Underwar. pan Illll ny-nun. In England woman have Ion power and freedom than In any other country. This In shown by the Inn and by dual- ulom at tho court: no In: than by tho monk sud hunbln manor of the am- un English glrl oompnml with Mr Amulnnu alum-. In mom ouonho antl- wqmnn sentiment In outlet! to absurd lengths. Hanrv Cmvnnlih. Ihn hmnnn nhnnhl, The art. of wolnnn Mills`: has um touched the degree of pa-hotlou In thin count: In ban in England. Than the Amulonn vhltor who. dolnt Into Ipolnl custom: and slots uurnulnlul the nu- uoual.mnnun-ol In amuod to and that than ulna I not at wonpn Mean whom an`-ad. qrlglnplnc about thommo of 'l`haokony and hupd nyon many at his wing: but been reduced to print- ples and by-lam. In Enulnml Immn Ina In-n mum A can-hm: lived at cunt! `III! Ipoolollp Flourish In lnglnnl. . TL- --5 "O -A---n Lghl-\-n Lg- -.A A GlRL'8 FAMILIAR FRIEND. 13+: wqmm rm-ans.` In-Iluoulko oituthhs l.D.GP|l.|S A Saturday Glove Salc ,` at wALsn".s. [;eIn}iEd"EIuTu "Bin? I! JA8_. LEI-DIV`. I I UVIIYXX Awarded lo Gold Ilednlu and Diploma: d'Honnom-. ` ALL; --=---'-===-'='3v**"..aez-:-'.=.-.'.= mu bunch Inlohch blow by . -_:g-.-_--_. Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flour h.B..ruI. Shem. Food. lowed pdoee In tot` . 7&3 lI:l1`.`...."&`.`..'.'.`. anb _--|_ A` 1:, , . - A JOSEPH FRANKLIN, BOLI AGENT [OI IF YOU HAVE THE BLUES DAN... E9:`Ni one use 0! Miller ! Iron Tome Pills whlol strengthen the nerves. purify the blooc and tone up the: atom. Fmy pills in 1 box for 2J5c.. at Ida : drug store. uovyly volllploilonn I The humnno fnoo would Alwnyl hnvmn healthy. too low nnd this In ntuod Ii the use of il or [ran Tonia Pill: whno strengthen blood] up the unborn. rim nil]: in . no mo tor rem-onoo." Mr. Lindmm will be no the "Brltiuh Amoricdn." Kingston. Friday and Sutur- dny, Oct. 93rd and 24th. muown : | -I have been badly ruptured for the pun nine earn. and during shut. time have been Ltod with man different kinds oi truuoo, Innnufnobu not onl in Cnnndn. but in the Unilaod Batu. wit out obtain- ing relief. On April 19th, 1898. I pur- chased from you I Wilkinson trun, boin udvinod by A phyoioinn to do I0, and I he condentthntlmn now rfootly cured. I can nuuro you that I lt.h_anHu| for the results. and if you wlnh you can rotor to for rofonnoo." My lhulm... mill 3.. -A AL- nn-nx_|. period or turee yeere. An hotel lee r wee charged with hav- ing sold liquor In his hotel during prohibit- ed hours. He pleaded not uilty and four witneeeee were called. all 0 whom teetied > that they could not remember having had my liquor on defendent'e remieen on the date on which the offence u said to hue token place. The one wee adjourned. I ........... I One of the many cases of rupture r|dl- ' oally cured by weorln tho Wilkinson true is that of W. J. Allen. of Mc- Donald & Allen, Kingston, Ont... who was ' fitted with a truss by B. Lindmnn, the ex- rt. 86 York unrest. (Rouin house block). oronw, and who write: on Sept. 10th as follows III Lang L44-. L-4II_ ...._A......I l-._AL _ ,, .. Oonorhluuudnlvldclitnocn. Gentf Tan Kid Glo Gents Dal : I c1.7'3-' s`::;s.'&`... Ladies Tau KR GIGNI. ouweoc Q1. Glows. 03.33. one. use. soc-d-d asc- IIIVOCDI non. E. ownrd. chnrgod wlbh hm-in? stolen n Iriem overcoat from H. D. Bibby I store, loaded guilty. He in 3 trump. hnilin rom Utah, and said he had been out 0 work and without mono {or some time past. He admitted that 0 took the cool. when he was sober and know what he wan doing. He won tent to the Control prinon for aoven mont.h'n. ' The lad Thoma: Mitchell, whooc ox- loiu were recorded in the Wmu A few my: a o, nnd who stole: bottle 0! Floridn water mm .1. H. Milli Auction rooms, wu sent to the roformntory at Ponotnnguiuhone for two years. and for I further indonlm period of chm koonar wn ohm-and with hnv. Young lltehell. of Ilnthunt. Itole from I Local Auctioneer. J. Berrignn and wife were in police court. this morning on e ohurge oi n leec- ing their children. They plead not guilt. . One witneu was heard end teati- ed I. t. the children are kept. well-clothed and well-led. but. that their mother in in the habit. of using foul language to them. end of beating them unnebunlly. The one win allowed to stand pending further iuveetsntion. ' la`. nu.-.-.I ..|.........l ...uL L-..l.._ _._|,._ FIVE YEARS IN REFORMATORY. New canned corn. . Now mnmdjonnbou. New canned . New cnnnod 5.11. Ju. Roddon & Co. 1' l 0.): mo. t ' . w'|.'.mv1.?on. 00'!` traIIn'o?II.:oI.I| Ih`Q.:I' will the and fall bolero your utonl use nntH-ull la blue Again. 11:01 no nnu-wlnpoptlo. Al L FOR 25 CENTS. ONTARIO SUPPLY 00., `tori: it I-nnbn -_4..4_ 1-- II I20, s. REDDENTTJEO. lnnuuunl Ilolcnnlnho K I79 Wolllngton CQPOOC. ` ABBRNBTH Y, l.ov_oI1 Oolnploxlon. nan` fun. -bu...l.I -l_. jj--:-2- When the Water Igaplg THE GRAIN COFFEE . -.`...:'fr2"-:."'_'aR:".'3`..?'6&3 oonnll . ing, Excsm` SATURDAY, durinythe winter months. Will lthe general public kindly bear this in mind P In latest styles at HOAG S DRUG sroae {N0 TE WELL nu own! and la tut-on of Varnish IIC mus MANUFG co `Oils, Japans, `I Varn ishli; ' Paints, Will close at 8 p.m. ch even- 88 & 90 Princess Strut. That on and after(ct Ist, 16 to 30 Nazareth Street, _ NIONTRAL. Oor. Prlnnou And Wolllngton Bench. b J. CORBETT IN THE KITCHEN WON'T QHOP WOOD Spdnp 1;: importunt mum am : i. ovodookod. General Hardware Dealer. but It will chop about ovorythlng that nqulnn chopping J and do It right. Thaw tho olnlln n! the nu Porloouon Ohoppu-. You can prov. it fol-0160. TAY LOR S Occupation Gone ll lncuton. ___,.._:. We Ian vholih. 1 311-. . \ uuuu usounllodulholunnliul ICO- Iugvo-onuionut nouhrolthobouool uonnon;vho Mann hon "up" than Gina. vein conch wviouly lad Qnhmw. It In... I. n--- I? '0 "PERU to oonurvo tho! "llqi Ihloal dugout. Anozugpmo gun. dkhlclblnoh |odu.I.holunnnuln'u0- iuvvonnionm. unnh-nnL.|.........: .the'l` Uamveu. ' The Speaker re-aaeerta that Sir Julian Pauncefoui. the Britiah ambaaeador to the United Stator. will be the bearer of in- ltrnctiot-n from the foreign olee willeecure a favorable solution of the Venezuelan frontier diillculty. Sir Ed- ward Clarke. member of parliament for Plymouth. solicitor-general lrom 1880 to l802inLord Salisbury : cabinet. recently auerted that Great Britain e claim to the territory in diepute ie untenable. l Thie vlew oltbecaaebyan ex-ofllcer of cute ' baa excited much indignation among hiu oonaarvative colleag . . U, as aeema probable. the Royal yacht eqaadron come to term: with the pro- prietore ol Boodle e club am uire the premises nowooonpled I) t le in wider to start a London! aetabllalnnent Ieleot cote:-lea like the Marlborough and art will have to look to their lanrvele. `The exclnalveoeae ol `the Royal yacht eqeadnn ie the genuine article. there being inetaneee on record ol oendldatee blllngtoeeenreelectloualthougli Iy npported bythe prineeol Walee; and ll my no ptovlded with a boaae oteall amen street. an at Oovee. may be expected to their !\|IlFl'lI. An authority at the Vatican. writin on the subject of the deposition of bin op Kane from the recmrehip of the Catholic university of America. up his eucoeeeor will be chosen after the arrival in Rome of cardinal Satolli, into papel delegate to the United States. All the Vatican olclale believe that bishop Bpelding. of Peoria. III., will be nppoinwd to the rectorebip in view oi his merit in obtaining the donation of $800,000 made to the univereity by line Caldv ell. Th. Q....|.-.. ..- ___-_._ .L,. n- I :- J-uvuu per com. in now by France, seven- teen par Pent. bv Germany. twelve per oene. by England. and four per cent. `by Aultrin. An ...nL--.'.._ .; u , nrme oy Herman companion. In view-of the prominent part France il now mm in the eastern question, it. ie to bonotedt at ehe hu by for the pro- ndnrating share in Turkish nances. nnoo owns two-thirds of the Turkish debt and of the Ottomnn bunk eheree. Her stake in Turkey. allowing for depre- ciation in value. is now no less than 53.- 000.000. Of the l58.000,000 sterling of Turkish ntork, at preeent prices worth I t L'79,. >0U,0()0 in the market, sixty- re nper count. is hold by France. DJ!` bv Harmnnv. hwnlvn nar | . Berlin nfcialdom is showing its teeth toward England just now. Emperor Wil has caused s notication to be rnsc to certain lesdin Uermnn staamshi lines tbntin future ll steamship: own by companies in receipt of state subsidies must be constructed in Herman shipyards. The notication. which sp rs to have been communicated verbnly throu h a ministerial channel, in said to have n called forth by the number of vessels which are in course of construction by British firms by Herman companies. the nrominent mrt Frnnm `rue rn 1:1 is communion van to have mu its sitting: on the 26th inst ' e in however. been t- pon i nitely i coneeqnenoeo the chm gain the Canadi n ministry and the business will not be proceeded with until u denite pronounoament on the subject bu been reoei-vod~i(o'm Mr. Lnurier. the Cunn- dien premier. Meanwhile the member: nrenll pre nrod to go on with the work and hove n individually collecting a quantity of evidence bearing upon the nutter. Mr. Mercer. the secretary, hue also been in communication with authori- ties in Canada, Austmlin and elsewhere end will have a conaidarnble correrpondence tp present to the members of the commie- eon. . n..n.. ..oI:..:..I.l,.._ :. ..|.....:_._ :i. .__;l oem Iouuny IO!` mem. Bir Matthew White-Rldley hee expreee- od. in decided terms. hie viowe M to the miemanngement. in the cue of the Io-celled dynamite conspirators. Then there he been gross bungling somewhere is evi- dent; and in is not improbable that the re- eignetion of one or two of the leading offi- einle et. Scotland Yard will be Announced before the last is heard of the "brilliant. captures" of Tynan and his friends. More- over, the mother will certainly be brought. before parliament. The Paci 11! lo oommiseion to hum run: A M. ainimn Ilfl H... on. tne romenaaee Ill run or evidence she erself was th only respectable woman there, a statement that was no sweeping in its characterization that it rlid not meet with belief. The men who tea! i. lled in behalf of the society gave evidenc e similar to that of the women witneet-e~. Their sell-conceit and sell-righwousnoea hadabad effect upon a majorit of the conimittee. and despite their evi ence the licenses were ranted, much to the eneral eatinlaction. t is thought that t e 50- oiet will now, perhaps, devote itself to war which is more properly within its 1100 ,work on the London street: which oal e loudly for them. \ Sir Matthew White-Rldlev exm-ear the llld not wsnt the work _ be social purity sgitstors hsve received snother set back from the licensing com- mittee of the on county council. On Wednesday and Thursdey the committee took action on the spplicstious of the vari- one music halls for licenses for the ensuin "ear, and despite the ob'ections edvsnoeg y members of the main purity society. of which it will be recalled Mrs. Ormiston Chsnt is one of the lending spirits. renew- ed ell oi them. The society, which once succeeded in reventing the iuumce of A license to the Anpire music hell. has based its objections upon u class of female visi- tors. who frequent the promenudes of the bells. Each woman who appeared in opposition belore the committee this year said that when she visited the romenndes in rch of evidence Immnn them. A statement that win an The new remedy "Oi-iontal Pillu," for all weakening disorders of the mic noxnnl aymsm. impotoncy,eus., in highly ondonod by landing physician: us being the only satisfactory and rolisblo t.ront.mont. Ranc- diea horowforo omployod prove moat diu- oournging to the patient. The Orionhl Pills encourage from the first dose and give untold hatiufncbion at the Gulch. Bo- ouroly mailed to an nddrou for CI. Plain practical pointau or coll-can sent with each padngo. at but 80,000 in order to allow of nino vouch more pubioipsting in tho sum un- nudly set. aside. Among the new condi- tions imposed will be normeroly an in- roan in the number of chips. but. greater ;`0iOiOl|0 in their nunnin And equi - lnonb. t. is reported that I: 0 price to so paid for the new that-clue oruinorl in 446,000 each. The ifalhest tandor wu Mum. Arman-ong a. oir prioo being nbouai 500,000. evidentli showing that th? id war In Irv-in] nnritv urintora have rannivad I 700 and rumor nu lli win no mcrouoa I20 limonted _me "very nne escort." woven any ` nnel squadron eiforded him in his droning from Portsmouth to Cherboora, incmnedintereeb hu heenteken in the condition of theBr-itiuh new . Mr.GpIhen. ue lord of the edmirelov. II been devot- ing much thought during the reoeu to the whole question of naval defence, and he is credited with the inteuti n, in next year : novel estimate! of vary considerably inoreuing the can at pruent. provided for a dis- ing merchant) veeeelu no not on rmed cruisers in time of wer. The relenh amount set apart. for this rpoee ll 48,- 7C0 end hu it will increased to n hut. rxn,000 in order to of nine rm: L1caN_s_kEv1mn.[ swsepma osog_.Aiumou or i , A _. _ .. _..-.-u A;-nu-A-p-_- T the lrmnh lulu to In ntllllihonod-Ilolh `mu. onoucon noun; nu tutu - [nnoe Ha I navy lab In `turn,- np um 00: the Iootorlhlp-1'0 lot. Ila tho DOIIIIIIA ~ ' Loxnmx, Oct. l7.~8inoo the our com- limbnoed _the very ne escort." which tho Rh...-..l lrlllldlll him I socm: PURIYYV AOITATORIQ` wllIIIoI.UIt. U03. I1.-nwnrlua Id lib nlrivd M Whihwythy Ihndunhnnnndnn-sauna: un u nnlu SUV` 1'! Vlntorin t. `bronco. _/_________._._ n pnoo not ulna 0! gun at town coduggthh icing tho Iooond Induc- cidun within 1 month at uhonwn emu. .=u.i"J.'.i?.l'.'?`..;`.1'..';'.'.'1; l.'?..";....` hag: lat oyo-vmnnu won onmmou. `nu jury nturnod I ntdlct of woidonhl dash, but wrongly noolnncndod the town nth:-luau to live the Gnnd Trunk nil- Ilnd I o 0 to ...a" .;.""1"3"L.a... .13 ......a" ?...n 2!.` VII and oy corona uomonou nu nugnc to Invest! to thoduthoflrn. Bridget Shana, v wu-killed b A G.T.R. tnin has on Tlmndcy nanny lat. Four oyo-vitmnu onmincd. The jury mound dash. on-ucu. tum. Ho aid thut. hen well as Lady Lock- wood and their daughter had been gently glen-ad with their visit to the nibod hoot. Thootor of Lord Chic! Jultico Rnuoll Invin In t. the Bryan mating in Tammany hnl by way of the re eaoupo. which an: ubhd by as. special eon`. nnndan. n! n lnndnn nnwlnnnnr and nub. Warn: Promotion AI Oroahgu. Colovm, Out... Oct. l7.-Au Inquest I'll hold by col-our Homobol has night Invntlnh tuhodouh of Ira. Bridnn Men Made Manly. Bum: mm mm umor ansuco I-cuuoll. arrived st. Liverpool l.oda , having sailed from New York on board I. e Itr. (Inmpanin on-Oct. 10th. "A n-hi IL-O. Inn an urn" an In.-in Innl. `Twin A New York urn. Ln'InrooL, (Jot. l7.-8ir Frank Lock- wood. Q.C.,M.P., who wont no the United State: with Lord Chief Justice Russell. ..-.'...A .o ',`un'nnnl us (ha |....:.... .-:|-.a wmon wu noun ny mo spoon: bola London novnpopor nnd pub- ibod in that journal. `ho denounced u huolnhly without loundnion. OI ege,wee eoomenuuy uneu eoouu e mile eeet of this pleoe, opposite where e lighter wee loading J. A. (}egnon e cord wood for Quebec. Mr. Onge wueebout to climb the hill ebout eeventy-ve feet hi h to help the men on top to pitch the corgwood into e emell dem. He wee not eeen by the men when they began to throw the wood end unlortunetely e heev piece jumped over the dean end etruck t e old men. It wee some time efur before St. On wee rniseed end on eeerch bein rnede ewee found lying unooneoione. e wee taken home where he died in e ehort time. uluuui. EscnU.\1MNs, Oct..\ l7.--An old man mined Bruno Be. On 0. uixt -novon year: of ngonna Accidental y kill about mile nlnco. onnoeito where 1 liahuar noncn xor criminal noon nu ma muanco or Hon. .1. I. Tnrto. minister of public works. Grenior was admitted to ponoml bail and two bondlmen of 81,000 ouch. Mr. Tum wont. to Sorel this morning to inspect the public works there. Amounum to 390.000, ueo insureu. W. A. renior, proprietor of IA Libre Parole, we: fully committed this morning by Judge Deenoyeru to stand bl: hrinl at the November term of the court of queen : bench [or criminal libel en the instance of II...` `I I 'I`..-5- minigbgu I`, nuklin -n.-L. ounl nun. T 0 coal loan in now placed At Il25,000. Tholou on the buildings will be about 8`l).000, covered by lmurnnco. Uoldltein & Co'a`lou in 018,000. the covered; Kear- ney Bron.` lou, 330.000, also insured; Glimour Bron. & Co. sustained A total loss, nmouncin to 840.000, also insured. " W A ramlnr nrnnrintnr nl `A Lihnn are nnprovm . Ina nocouoa are to be given 1 pubic Iunornl Al; Notro Dame church Tuesday morning. the police and fire brigade turning out for the occasion. The three men were workimr on the too 13. H. Tova nre ongaao uurnmg our. lot me occunon. The three men were workin on the top oor, when the roof fall in, on oor after oor broke uny. letting them through no the ground. A number of other remen wen buried under the wreoluge and uri- ouzlz hurt. g tntgl Inn. in nn-: nI;n4rI -0. `I05 Ill} lung and unrponmr mica no youwrauyn re. It in feared that reman Bennett whohu Iunhined internal injuries may not survive. The other injured remen improvin The docouod to be nivnn n nub ic lunar-Al Nobro Dame An luqnon on llromon Who were Through the III; Flro Yutorday. MoN'nv.uL. Oct. l7.-The coronoril to open An inquest. this Afternoon in the death: of foreunn Ll no and remen King and Cnrpontior killed at yoctnnilufn re. found Bennett being 230. During the but half hour the mnrkot bo- camo 5 rumnny affair. Everybody buy~ ing and biddin {or wheat. and rushing neon from 74 . to 70c. for December. he frenzy lutad until the close. _ cnnngeu xronu nnu oovoroa. Inq muauon Q1 oonooded to be I ntrong 013:, end in she preeenc excited condition of t. as market. it Ikhot poeuible no conjecture where prices me go. December wheetopened st. 73c. to {ion ldvenood to 74c.. where it held Itrong. the bull advance from yeecerdey being 290. Durina but GO nuln OH no IHUIVIGIIII OI` Cllqll YOI' he`: n going beyond the control of mono lists if any there hasbeen. Forei n inuences and crop deciencies rule t e situstion. Prices in the English markets continue to rise, this morning's Liverpool cable quoting 2#d. advance which is equivalent to double our gain of yesterday. San Francisco reports no abatement in strength at that place and qualies the statement with good shipments for India and Australia. he trade this morning was broad and comprehensive. embracing all classes of operators. Soalpers, professionals and out siders, all wanted wheat without regard to price. Few had the hardihood to espouse the bear side, and any that did quickly changed front and covered. The situation in oonoeded to be a atromr one. and the ....- ..... ....., - .,........... .. . -....- -....... Mr. Abbe the head of hherm of Abbey, Bhoeel & ran, nt. became a com ion- ourgure in the amusement world In 881. It wan then that he eigned a oontnca with Sarah Bernhardt; to tour America. Mr. Gran : en into the firm was due to the fact bhat e was familiar with o ratio aaira. The Ieaaan of opera at the em- politan opera house were uniformly auc- oeulul but the promo in that and the Irving and Bernhardt seasons were lost: in minor theatrical ventures. Thorn Wu Incl: lxolulncnl In Ohlcog Dnl-Inn nun Dav. IIIUTU "-- XIII7- IIJUITIH-Ill III IIIIIWW During the Day. \_ Onxcmo. Oct. l7.-Bnoh 3 wild opening to the wheat market no book pleoe thin morning In: not been witnessed in nnny monthe. . Trade in Active epeculahion options. December being ever he]! I cent range and in advance of from lo. to lie. over yesterday : clone. It. `won evident. that (be market was 8 eel!-auerting one derendin on no individual or clique for hen All amino bovund the control of cor. mm neevlly upon me neuw. won: wu slreedy broken when It took place. Hie wile noon deer-sued for I eepu-ahion end this only mode matters worse. Hie lnthnetae frlende noted his olnnged appear- Anne and failing abnngth and felt that. me end we: only 1 question at I short. time. Mr. Abbev the hand of hhorm Abbev. The Faultfinder uu wan vv -can vu nu:-cu, -yuu tlu bed will be taken to Northnnpoon. Mum, jntornont in the lot buide that of his nh wlfo. Mr. bbly wu born in Akron. Ohio, any n ngo. It is uldtlnt Mr. Abbey`: uro. lut win- ter. told heavily bio health. It wuslnndv brokon took nhoo. mg nomoxrnagu an um mm mm mo mouth. B0 In: oorucioumnb the time of his death. and spoke a tow words to Jake pot-non: who Ivonne his bldaido. "1'IIofumn| will be hold on Tuudni and (lubed hi N Hill) 9 Mnnu in inmrmnnhuiln lib: oglot. Q uunorno apusmom. noun. on own lumen and 7%!) Hanna. ` Kr. Abbey `no first taken dot at two gclock I`!-fdny morning. Dr. Pholph And . Guru: were Iunlnonod. Be In: hav- ing hemorrhage: at the time from the A Wolhinovl Tiuldl Bu Puoodlolnot. \T-up Va..- l\.L III ll...-..D ALLA- Km I0 $3. ! Nxw You. Oct. l7.-Bonry E. Abbey. HID will-known tlultrioul Innnnfr. diod Iuddonly thin morning at hit us! onoqtho Ouborno sputmont. homo. on 57th attach STRUCK BY A STICK. THREE WERE KILLED. and JUMP m was. ozifi-I or H. E. Aiiev. The celebrnod F D Cornet an nnrlnllnd for purfonl t beau! of nish lid style And have POONVOJ the h (hon award: M II. the Important. oxhlbmona during tho Int In your. Ubtnlnubloln aver] vnrloty of sham and mu]: from STEACY O bTBACY, llnpunn