If III?! M`. "`Ws7nT.':W.u' Io. Lnuosm. dlod anal Il and IIIIIIII-duh Inn. and AL. 1.. "gnu. Wgildli. ltndowno. DOC - I ..s...".f...a.'..'?. .C`5.".."'. vumngnuppot was turns! that the :n Ion-omony. Mr. and In. honing -ul bouluomouiao E. Second nu-not that 00% lo " '5 Mn. I. Q hunk`. -1 II.. I I -_ IYIOP U05 llk" Dr. Honing ho brother Alfnd um. and In. 3. ton that Hons muonchnuoulnu. H. N 3:-gee; hwno nouuuwu Inunzfiully decon- t rostrum ax. v n out-groon Dough. An Moon was ioynnod with ovar- gnonnond own-Mn one oomor n! the parlor. undo: which the bridal party uood.whi|o nlnrgo my undo of whit: roauwiththoiniunh I. IL." wrought in It with pink ounn. by at their hot Avoddingmpporwn and shot the nnptinl on-omonv. Mr. and In nmnn. nu oononrm clocmcr mnggooninn: {Tho marlglggo of Dr. W. J. Flaming And lunllonn Bail, both 0! thin place. wnoolobnhd us at ht o`oIook lat own- ing :6 tbohono of t. brido u mother, at the norm: ol Third and Purcell: struts. Rov. B. 0. Cory pnlol-mod the marriage oonmony in the pntonoo ol about twenty nlstino and friend: 01 tho brldo und (room. The bone was hosnufully dooom Bod with mun. lull. in and onnn-an uuun unumn, In wnlcn IIIO nu noon lor Iomo you: 0 ioinnd choir londor. The nowly wodd ooupio loft. for tho out on the midnight train on I war in onpnd can some wooh bolero returning to Pan-`y und. rrioge Painting pormltuu III A l.'lIl|&`I' -.fl'lX II IXIIICI-I. Tho Pomona. 03: P but thin to any oonounlngu mar lnggboninn: "Tho mmluo Flonlnn Auem nennouy. no uev. uoepnen Unilder- hoei. B. A.. Pnebytorlen mlnleber ol Perry Bound end e greduete ol Queen's, Klngeton. ere wee e le oompeny froeenb. oompoeed entirely o neer nie- lvee of the oonlnotlng pertiee. Mr. Childerhoee, ol Roee, brother or the room, eotad ubeet men while Mine L. . Bell Berlormed the dntlee ol brldeemnld. Rev. r. Beyne olllolehed, while the brlde wee llven nwev be hnr elder be-nthnr. Dr W ooul pnno Iron nor nronnor mu m [old into and chain from tho oong tion of Calvin ohurch,in which uhohu n for mmn Inn onnnhtnnll nlmlr Inulu Tl.- Pomhroko Obnuver. A social ovont of more thun ordinnry in- tarut took place on Wodnoodny ovomng lub at we ruldonoo 0! John D. Kcnnody. Berlin strut. not. It In: the man-in oi Min Bollo C. Konnody. daughter olbho no Adam Kcnnady. ho Rov. Soophon Chi|dor- hoct. A.. Pnnbvtorim mining: of ur. nnyno omomau, vnuo IIIO bride shun mm by her older brothor. Dr. W. . Kon . Guol . The high uuom in which the do in old ubhotadb the In numbor 0! woddiu?.gifu Inolu mg n cos ii phno from hot brother and [old chain from Mn nnnnrnlntinn (J anon oomono. Thoboyo hodno trouhlo In oooul-in Jgood duck ohooth oovorol ploooo up aho oou. Tho duoko ho ng ooohod by oho boy: chom- oolvoo. voro thoroughly onjoyod ond hho trip woo oo ploooont In ovory woy so could ho dooirod. All woro oon-y to `ob book So- turdoy night. Ono ol hho ooudonho woo oo- oidontoll loft bohind at 8mloh'o folio tut. man to gob book by tho Swift. o abort. ti mo afoot tho root got. homo. ~ v - .. = any run `mu unr- I, a 4.-..u .- M 4 nuhaklndo lo- !" 1. `Nut rum"-un glool trimp all Rdltll .:--L-wl n! on -n,; Ill city rtl. tho. ` '..~~.: uhou. Ln took the Itp on the in"-`-t -.~'\ '.tH\v-M uh; VIII: Prol. W. G. .5: '14-. run: -- - ~ futon R. W. Brook I . u 1 k . ...---n. 11. 0. mu... 0. Kirkpatrick O. P. hlorrma. J. D. Nolan- nan. P. r. hunour. w. Klrklnnd. w. E. Mnulr rd '1`. E. Llngford. Tho utaumor loft Kl gntaon Thur-Ida nfhrnoonund Itopn 3" '`f` ' u.`.`." .` ?..s'""u' 1"`: s`.'2" cuogoo on r nonogou n r- at as far up u Smith : l`nl|n. Tho nu- donu abut gathered: good supply of opaci- mom for their furbhor study and mun lino logical structural won nohd. I. Illor and Mr. lhbu took nomo my In- wruung group: and other piobum wlth their 'l`|m|..m. l...l .. s.....LI- 1.. ......A__ _--_n UUUI In Ilouyvuvlnl IIIIIIUJ IIIVIIIIII. pnimptl ot tho ontoot. Thlo no In tho ouo of . E. For noon who on boln tutor- viowod llld : " bod boon on ng for oomo thin with dlntroooln tho book. nor- vououooo nnd dioturbod oloop. But roo- Ing In tho popor ono doy tho portiouloro of o ouo vory mnoh llho my own I dooidod to noo Dodd o Kldnoy Pllll ond proourod ono box. Boin hol by tho rot for doooo I oontlnu tub ng until I had uood "two boxoo with tho happy malt of o porfoot cum " -- WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Dmuu In no look--.l)Inu-Ind Iloop-our ad In Two -an. nl nmm-. nu... rlula Bnuu, Ooh. l9.--(8poohl.)-Thon has occurred Inn IIIOHIOI` inuhnoo of the wisdom of using Dodd'1 Kklnoy Pill: In any out of annotated lldnov troublo. W. 6. FROST. I u.. use to olootrlc car am- WIIGON III IIIIII` UOIIWS llltllliy YIHI In any Impacted kidney troublo. promptl lntho Fomunon on balm: (nur- us says. in a mu! noowcu to-nay. mu hohu moo upon many Oundiuu who are now ruldonh In tho mm. and all do- ing well. Mr. Gunn In I ngulu render of M19831:-Inn Wnm, and In on tho old: of Oh "oound money" udvoontu In the Unihd Shun. II II Cm. N In - In KI ' I soon r. Gunn was 3 ulrouongnnd oonlinnt Ant uunuhnn Al-Mm nial 'l'nnnnI-In ll, W`-nu- no uumnot ox -no noyu ximpun ox `run- ponnoonnd bu since his mnovnl uorou Nu lino, boon appointed I dggnti-grand councillor of the order for New or mu. It. now: In Alnhh vnnnlvnrl hmtlnw khnh oonnomor or I110 oruu lot now xox-I II He an. In nlobur uoolvod to-`thy. w ha ha: I nub mnnr Onnndhm Mon at. uunn union: and conun- out lumbar of-the Royal Tompkn ol Tun- nonnoo and his nmovnl mrou 1- H_IY'Il ;u.:. come wn.L. cumin: I! am} Ion um ln'l'lou|II- I ` In-. ` III: Oyu-loo A. Own. 3 wall-known and an. w wontto mutu- mm In K! I ho A . N. Y., some month: aged: ddn voll unongour nbllonn nolghlaon. 0 In omnud II. No nnnlrimr. In Kinn- kn... T.%;V....T.;}n... ;...... luuppnud to ho founded on truth and, laughing! Th: -Ink man nl lumping nhn uvvun uvu uva-nu--- tif x|Nc's7o' MILIJNG co. Uuqvpwulw V, Judaic! `I'M dob Inpn ol_ Amado: who stud! anlymn` and hi uuhutu l`;.bhdr 3&1. cunt havo:1-cutdul Iuooounotbuhuoodnoclnon. Tho (dunno: to the hunt. and bio uunhtllubohnthou mu $33!: no on: hlnllnnluh GEM! I0 Elf Illll GMIIIIOI Il overcoat . lo I ooupllnuul mu ,mtIon which mu-dfnlly nnnuvod tho Ilvuulv uv Hunt IZHIIQII: wjnnwu -can onmono luoompllmno mg nation nudfnlly groin M and M `Inna u now onroom -an nI::,-much Lu W tlnnlunuohho an.` "[110 oounirynho I to lmnblo In buuuuuuaou Ia.-.mau lm? Alum In-ulna will not nan: Enlunlnnnununnlnmnvnlr, | L? K13? HI I IITIIVII. -IX Ifl oonqnuo elm us than, If they 0:3 dcoido to the ngluh channel nnmnnn Innhnd. In Anmnnllmnnl umln A -_l.I Q_- Tllllt. Ilfllol II kllfollln. nnn--- f\.I l1........_ L-. .n., uvluv Iuvnvuu nnvg II UI-I 11] our I I at Mo repairing. In Kim Mun union: and cumin Wedding Bonn. XIVDP, I. Iiiwlws. 35: Princess St. W100! 0990!! 3136 out. .2l'.".".:'t `......"*':.:.:'::.::.`" '- W- . np Outing. ....'. .5 ...l-..o II-`U \lUIllI'I Ion : Ibudonu took ud- dsy lab Thund Altar- 4 main I kind a nanlml -'nsm DAILY nnrnsn wine. Auoynnnr. oomonnn 19. 1390 nmuonu tool |a- gouuhir it: Thu W humor 4 n . Iumgho R d soomn ri up 0 ill! Wt I 0 got Wgen a Mnooht 7"`: Qvgr 0| an ;._ `mm 11.0. of on. s M. "1: pm Elrklond. 5",) 1s` Th: -Inga.-. nun. ` that I -|\n gm `E. . n concluding his address Dr. Wuhan umud Onnudhn prams that they and not lnmddolsootohmn bola; my bio hudovoooduo GM: ooun bouncy ofhn 6 fondly ol 1' sum . And up "to any the broonwi'IInuIuh on tho Ia." and "hunt sh ush`: any 0' Ihgadn IlI|I\HO."l Icahn wu inland to Iholghut with Ihlaun ouontloa. And list I: 3 throng y nppnohhd vu clown rippbolloughunhsollonll not tub in cl putty lunar. an toll in by Ike huh cl npplouu tin Inn evoked by the dllulpjg. olwllduhuowun notnhw. H-Iuolpsmnntvdoullh Hit a nun van. 0 .'`1S.:... .. ........... `hon Quin an-Huh: . II ll 0!" III ` --\M '45. onnolndin g-n -gal l'\.--J.l. wan genuine acown numor. Alter telling eome other etoriea to ehow what Scotch humor really ie. among them one about Norman Macleod which pleaeed the audience unmenaely, Dr. Wateon went on to apeak of another char-acterietlc ol ` Bcotohmen-oannineee. He denied inci- : dentallv that thin involved meanneea. Sootchrnen had diecriminatin rninda, and did not like to commit themee vee haatily to anything. A uine Bootchrnan could hardly be can ed with any etatement They moat argue it out. and draw ne dir- tinctione, which other nationalitlee acme- ti .nee could not see or underetand-a char- acteristic which accounted. arnon other things, for the large numbcro! lgioua denomination: in Scotland. daughter.) Another characteriatio about Scotchnen wae doumeee. Tale Scotchmen on the right tide, and they were the aimpleat and kindeet people living. Take them on the wron tide, and try to make them do eomet hug. and threaten what would hap- pen il the did not do it, and no power on earth woud t then: todo it. Jenny Oed- dee aotion th the three-lecged atool he referred to an a cam le of how the recent- ed didtation. The nglleh eeoures the de- sired reeult by ntle appreciation and de- sire to be uni ae one family. Another charaoterlatic he claimed [or the Boottieh nation waa intelliuenoe, for-which they had largely to he fratelul to John Knox and the ayehm o education he Introduced. (Applauee) The laet charaoterietio he mentioned wae eentirnent. a chanoterlnic which, he maintained. wan aingularly Itrong and deeguin the Boottieh nation- ality. It vllae nd `in the h:`lad:..ol the country. tgeve coor tot r hie- lt came out in that grand romance torv-the nurnor made no groan olll on the inbolloob. In Sootlnnd, when the ollmnh wu bryin . and than were often mono atone: shun :01. and where! 0 VIII I oontlnunl wronblln with ono th n and anothor--in hot. wll. ovoryt.hIng--t. 0 humor ol tho roplo had not such I light touch on thou o tho Eng- lish. Sootoh humor In: mid to ho dry. It. vru nlso nippingnnd lnoidvo. Ab times It had an olomont of rimnou. u for ex- nmplo. whon tho gol r. oomplnlnin of I slow player before him. said In con d nob lay all day that I funonl-t|nt wu not u`mor-tho ouddlo ropltod. Oh, dlnno be huzy. Somothin miohh bnppon. Ho micht drop doon ad." (hughm-.) That was gonuino Scotch humor. Altar mllinn nnmc nhhnr Ila!-Inn In alan- CV01 OKIO TOIHIQ IDOIII IIIOW BIIDV D. W {rho more Iubtlo und inullooounl mind Scowhmm makes him Gm) uh him- whoihor in run A job no I. (lAuh- No one would oonoidor "tho propo- sition more ooroiuli shun the mango Boob. and ii nicer can ul invonbi Mon and oomidont.ion--oxiaonding it mi; 6 be ovu- iour md twenty hourn-(lnughhor)-ho came to the conclusion that it rally was whnt lo Fur rhod ho be. no ono would more will ng y Aohnowlodgo it. (hlughtor and ohoou.) Besides t on no humor nnd humor. He did nob can to say much here in re and i.oAmorican humor. Ho might all t. om. howovor, shut. whilo poo- pin in the old country had 3 londnou for American humormhn prinoi lly imp:-ow od thorn sun in mngnitu 0 and omin- uion. (bughton) It. nomad to oornopond with the hrudbh oi the country from Inn Frnnoiooo to Nov York. (Lnghur.) Tho Fronoh had no humor. bus 0 o brighten und moat sparkling wit. Tho Irilh nun- od to no thing: upoido down. In lioh humor mud: nut call on hhn inhn nah Ilousehold Economy. ROVA|- GEM {225 '.'.`:":' s'.".`. .'t . milk than any other Ian on the nu- AII Vnnl alumni Inn unnvn. (III! I- 3i'z3"}3."J{iF.I'u;LiIio &Jn'.""in:TT|7I grout the into ooh. Sootlnnd. when thn olimnm -n no-vino UlIII`IOICl'I." ' Dr. Wnuon aid shot, In Ipioo of tho diabolical oolumuiu thnb Ind boon uttered in regard to his countryman by I gonhl nouhhorn critic. ho vonhurod so spook o! none oi the loading unit: In the Boottluh clunohr. Thorn vnro vorloun woyn of ahowi opprociobion of humor. When on Englis man our I out in the dia- Mnoo ho hnmodhboly bopltu owl and lot ovoqrono round about know ohot. he now u. H: Inna. nnhtln and Inbnllnnhnnl -nlnul in unnnau uvuoo no mu noon mu-oauooa by principal: ol univoniticl and onoo by tho prime minister of Qnnndn. Thou honors were quite cuicione to turn om : hand were it not for up. Then ho bognn his charming talk on "Tnih of Bootoh Chm-nct.orI." I\I- lnfjnn nah` f.|\AIi In nnlhn Al #1`; p0WOI' IIOI Illllllly . Pnnolpel Grunt nhroduoed theleoburer en Dr. John Wlteon. other than the one known to Kingston for I liteulne. The reverend gentlemen in dreu unit with rose in leppel 0! hi: con begun in e fairly voloe.-whIoh. however. wee not an robunt. u hie npmnnu Ill ted-ex- preuingfleuure on Me 0 ree lecture: In (1.... . hula. Ina Iuml Dun. I-.|..ul.m.4l l'0D|'lI|'v I! ll 5 I ?'3.:Jl' hr nu-I run` an] woo nuon win: no noun mo or mngown. while bho county and noighborl town: ond vmngoo oono In quota o! o ml:-on. Tho Quoon`o otudonto won jolly no In bub grow cumin and Into:-ootosl on mar od Into tho [1-on thron anxious to one ovory word. A monw 0 can hold on nlorb body of otudonto ha: a foroo and war not uouolly l_ _nno_lp_ol Qgout nhroduootj_ tho _|ooburor up mm In: rural. mo nunuon put- too , and G e ,lo Ofllull qniok and domain vs. Barrio. Ono- ioib and Wanton bun all contributed in-ply mm-d inonning the intonui in Scottish lilo by their upon and honoliko notion. aim-utoriuing in up oh:-hing u VII] uh hinorio Boot. lllin` tlloir nud- nbopugu with pathos an honor. the former Iublimo. the other often ridicu- lous. And it won bounce hundndn in the Indionoo knowlnn Ilnluou." an in uhly form. that the wu-mnponunooun growing wu nuoordod him. The Iildhntl run the ilnuii nhhu-ad granny wu nuooruou nun. The audience um tho that pchorod together in yours. Almolt only chu- wu lled with the bush lift of Kinsman. oonncv noinhborimr town: ICOIIIIIYIUIIWIIIII autumn noturrythoudhuo htuorolo games, In: duplicity. I icon in- gm into ohnnuorluloo. And a oompu-hon with othor nuuonsllu. Tho Ilournndnhnllhasnoknwuhrmonhnn. ooupuuon man man uuonumu. no llournndnhnllhospokowuhrtoolhon. seldom um u I_n0Ku mopbiso uudlonoo gnthuod together. The lnghtoc and` In and tho Mon :`.`. . `.:ud'..t e ..:.....,.` .. mm Removed . . . and n... nngl..- -2.4! n...um A IIIIIAT noun, _ IO III 1'50` Il of Ill KIIIIIIIII 4 `nos IIIC Upon III W-HI Pith lunar In Ioq-Io loud I IIICIO Pull IE WOIII III lbl B00180` u.f""""i.'..' "'e?."~..a.,""a' 'a'.'c1""-'-":3 o no on n Maoist?" lled Mu hm. Wb.uunI' the mood 01 III: lmonu-I. whatever nph-it no Iunlhthod st tho bogmnln was soon nomad Into ulno nppoo on and tho Ioatul-or'MIu wan happy on. 30 did nut turn: u Anlllnann ht Inna: nu A'l|_ "MN MAOLARIN" GIIITID IV A $2.17 ldl IQ` scorcu CH_A3ATERISTl0S. rnnoo nu toa-o - :|:o':u:opfh.:b at Jun locum`: ntwioo ho had been Introduced ml: nl nnlvnrninn and nuns; kn l 3. 1:3 I IaDc|`IOAyuhu-uutuhla. ' `You; -u-ruuqyau human 0 '::iC5lUI'-Wiillilllihihy . n 1.. Irwu J IIIVUI fill!` Peon`: llnon.OoL I7.-Arthur Davin. Ucnunoquo. returned on Fri that I for ' with with Mo pucnb. A. Guild Ala. Ion-nu pud Mal wn Lud- mg a lying mu on Wad y owning. Ila Tun; Morph In Ipunding n lowduyn with IIOP punch. phllnkmd chip luhootdcot dqy. J. .1`houp~ In In nodal |hcpp|u\oA|onn- can lay. he lull u randy marks for than. Won:-nuoun bu nhnod to |hor|nn\nnno._ vmo. Ln nun nuncon undbo [ow New Yo: holablfy. but rolund haunt 0! old up and Inlrmmu. and snip lon- tlonlu made Iotho onpnmo court New York for a commission to oono hon so an his Iuglnony. H0 in uvoney-n youuorld wu born In Mnnsohunohh and movtd to Tm In I840. In spin 0! Mn old up I In In wall pnurvod and hunt: on Ions momory. Be an: "I know Jay Gould very well. 1 world with him when he turn tho Bu-nag: nnd Ballnton nllrond in 8434" Ho Inn to know Gould`: nub I! my wollcnd ro- nomhu-I when the obnmony wn paionm od by Nathan umn. I olorgynun of Yonion. N. Y. y won nppnnnbly V.{ happy. Im holnow nothing nbout. tn r upnnuon kw. They had two olildron and Innnhun nu Gould un- umr npuulon Inor. Thy Md two Ingnhun up Gould won my fond of them. Tho yonn bride`: nsnnnovwuu-uhbulholun ha hot In nuns. o In. unn Ann Anpu. ol Ununplun. . Y.. upimt the hoirot tho Ink Jny Gould Iorononr hornlhgod dow H bu on HIOOIIII HQ I50 III Gaul `I ma uuuuu cu nvuvvvu I-cu uuu`vu uuw r that the was Goal '3 wits. In Imnhnboon uhdbo, E-1.?" .'-.-N! Jm r-N.-d .k~ $5.50 3 Ton -CA9 Oh` an A Iqtnal Ian-An In-onion flu Innlngo. Mum BM-Ins. ~Mhh.. Ont. l7.-lIuc M. In bun. n fnrmor. min at Crosby. Ian In on out ohhh city. is holy to out oonaidonblo of 3 gnn In tho cult bros: ht by In. Bush Ann Annll. of Olmnnl n. 37o}'.J'i8'o"3t"a 'E;7n:?3'si.'.'L3Ti'u-37.'i b Anpll. Chump! n. J Y.. Iltinlt ha Jnv u no on gun. "W. ouuido foocbnll no: on Batnrduy ntulbd: At Brockvl Io, Bmokvilk 4| ; Col-mull 0. M Iontrnl. Ottawa 18; Montreal 6. A6 Toronto. '1`. A. 0. I8 : Hamilton 1. At Othwn. Toronto `Vanity 3`1;0tuwn N. Nut. Sutunia Queen`: moon `Vain and mhl Royul mi iury col- lege moon oronto nthlotio oldb, both tnmuin Klmnton. The Klmnmnl nln v...-uv-- an-no vv nllwuu Hamilton. W't'i:i';ll' Dclhgn ; Chown: Halls. 0. Oltrios tnubonllox Ether- innmn. Bank`. 8. Wllnn. J.Clu~|x. Dmm. rlngln 3 Icon, ll-U. Thll ind- od to oooring for tho Codoso. Holnilton Inodo o mu-i. kiohod bohind tho I. forcing Btrothy to mugo. wring ronitooono ino. Hamilton n oo- cnrod tho in out] gob o tone -down, muting thoocoto Iwolvo to vo. Dolhon byo moot. brilliona dooh ond orbiul dad in; oroooodtho lino for o touch-down. wioh Homilmn ioilod inoonvoro. ond tho oooro oiood nino to nit. From o mork Homiimn ondoovorod to kick o goo! but ioilod. oom~ polling Stroth . how-ovor. to rougo. Gronieoo oooro odvonon co ton. Btmthy woo ogoin com I to nu iromo long drivo lnodo by nor. moi Groniboo noon olovon. Am dob tho widooo oxoilomont. Eomilton kiokotl tho boll bohind ehoiino ogain, forcing tho ouioto to rougo. which undo thoooou-oo ti and o iow momonto lotaor tino woo coil 4. Tho toorno woro : ' nldl -- Rtlilhi 1 "Aroma Danna. ur|mnoo- Iuynor 3 KNOX VII KOIII, Wtddoll Dclhon; Chown. Hula. 0. Chris: tnnhnnnln 2 mm... nuuow. u. uuru; ausunonuo; mum- Ingeon. win, 8. Wilton. J.Clnrk. Drum- mond. nor. 0. Watch: refund and Dr. Clu-to nmnlnd him mm; ` U. wooowr nu: rodhho ho foocbu Innnllno. - As Ilpnnl maiduno wnan ouioq. Tao mm: ou- out y arvo . Regan. Kinnmlll Sn! 3 donmno . yl`. Harris. Ln! ; D. Arrln. Bennett. thbun. Shor- wood, Bkinnor. Baldwin. Canola. GnnImo-Rnnu- 2 Kym: w.n..... LIIEIJKE PAINTING . . . Out nprodnotlonn In oil. on u an to m ontuno and up on % 'v:"' y,x':.':':*.::.'::`.'.-::*: -2; 00 co nodal . ummnoo. round to ovon up. Tho lint hol! ol tho gonzo woo dooidodly In fovor of tho Oodou. owing to loooo pin on tho pro at tho Gronltoo. Bhorvooc oftor o toot run. kloiod tho boll bohind tho lino. but Roynor woo unoblo to rougo and o touch-down mntlod. which Syor oonvortod with o goal. but tho umpin aid "my." Howovor. lohor on It woo o rood to glvo bho Godot: vo poinu. J or pooood to Oourtnoy. ,who oooupd o uoh without o try; oooro. N). Roynor hmhlod ond Byor got o touch in pool; oooro, ll~0. Rogoro mod for o goal {tom oho ovoney-vo-yard lino on o ponolby kick bub follod, Raynor ranging 3 Iooro, 13-0. Thio omi- o ll.-nllo... ._-.I. . ...--|. Ll-L-.I n__o.,.; .1 , wuuuu was mu 0! OIIO 0! H10 Illb Ennl t oi the anon. Gnu an on land not evrloo bo- foro this uuon. ooh hum Mvln mound 3 viotoracnd nob mm ruolv to win this in in. From sum. to nloh the gum nu mo and fnrlouu the lollowing plqon oapooinll dmungutihlng hhunulvu: For tho Gnu hon, Roynor, Duloon, Oahu, Hun- llton. Hulott And Chown; and for the Cadets. Kingunlll. B or. Hurrll. Oonnull and Sherwood. ob Hnrrlo In: con- pollod to rotlro tron: tho mo. having his thumb brohn. 8. son, from she Omnlbu. rotlnd so nuns Inn dnnidndlv Inge mun `rot-onno nnlouo own. both amuin Kin ton. The Kingston: phy rookvlllo in roolvillc. n tho K.A.A.A. of mo of the mo *a':z:.'::.':'"o...""'a~::-"sued-"-' V In . unhr. |l|rq'ul3l&yhlra Elliott. bunnlnghun, Illllnr Lo Low Qno.nn'n-Wllnzk. 1;hl.II.(ldl.r..,` '1m.. Illllir. Illtu-' Lowh. Low. Glldonloovo. onun'o-vl'nu.. uumu. E. Elliott. Ilncksllooog Paul. Bohr, Gordon 3. Hunter -3. nnuor. Johnston. Mo 06. Ron. huh: Rio n. Irvin Bunro nhurd. and. W. Mon um-y um rod tho unto . onhtutouohomnrou and I who I run mu, wnlon moved up wall 0 day. I. O. Gilda-Iloovo and A. nlnghun, two man who inn nun bulon. math lhun m Mon onod oh l.'a'i';'..';.'u'.y'n. m'.'::'on: 0!: Aa.m. BMW. ROWO. 0010: Donna: J. Hunm-. pun. uuwnr Inno mono: and two rougu. Kin ham hu 5 man for- ward lino, wh oh abound wall on Mr- doy. Glldculoovo and A. B. can. l%'%'*~'3"' -an nhlun-n voou, nunnor. nnmvnn. uuoolo. 0r|nlhoo-Raynu-; Knox Wnlhm, HIMHUOII. Dnlmn x Uhnun, the gigantic was fun gun`:-`rho Ihnnlnlnn -nu lnnllnn. r_oo_Tuu. emu ikrunnav. Kill l\|ll I30". TI. kvillo Inn A llvor Point. . Inn.-- f\_A IQ A_.L. VII VI VII` IX U-J hgcd no man nip! 3.. ...\ 5.. F`. HIUYFUIVT. Elli Olnu Bin Puget and Ornamental hub I|.. bolwun sad Brook 30.. BIIIII ` Bu 0IlI- ` lnuul king` mulnn poopnuul oononlooow uownnnd wouhip not truly (which to only data by tho lgnonnt clans) To not I upooholohtbonouwodul womlol-M omovapnunhdlonorhlpn. uuunocdoodn out-ulna. `ho roll- Bee Hive lino [Inn at Ohlu Crook- dlnokwllro. Tlnwun. oodon no In :0: iohol Suppl! and C It. i HAM" ` N -" "_`,; we ooona rwor. mo uongoo. uo ooid pooltlvoly elm ouch o thing novot l:oppon- od. ond shot tho oondluon of womon woo good tlnoro. Tho moot wondorful lo In tho world in tho o noo o thooo minion- orloo of all ononluollono laotoro tho woolth ond Inoolllgonoo olthio old lino- ooono ally and otloor Auorloon ond loropoon oitloo with o nolutodo ol llulo Chinooo godo, oolllns tho Tulllblo plo (nllglouol ) who roodtu loolo. dboeo. oco..Inoot lhoChinooo.Jopooooo. 'gJl_- -.....I4 -..J `AK-.. A- L-.. .I_.__ _,j nun unlnx gun. um!` W0 qtllllblo um. um Indian poophund othonhbow downnnd wonhln not LI-null {thin}: in nnlv rlnnn hr ml npnnnuuvo Iron man (I I Ian-nod And ulonud man. u binds; shown) mad. the chansons ch I minion- my mm told the truth about lndln. mu drum in vor lnhmng nsding. Thin speaker and so it was nurvod lot-hlrn sooomotochl eond outthulsho mother: of India mt thlr ohildan Into lh nnnrntl I-`V2-, ILA Inna: A halal u um um I "nuuun nnuonfvmh born boots. om.--cuoh II tho uni My povnt o mliglouu pcyudico to blln who cyan Ind In thoju `mom. a nun mmne with van pun Allah. In mu plugmonu. Wh mun aooopc with very [Nat allow- anoo all that ahorlaa hold about China and othar an-oallad haathan oountrlaa by the mianionarhn and mm och` wrltora. At. the llalnont ol I-9- Iiulona at tho Ohmgo world : fair the napnaantauvo mm India (a vary t Iaarnadand uhla ad no nhninl marl` hhn ntntnavanaat. than - Inland... prool` ox mu ue one unineee egneuon. u we could hold our own with John Ohine- men. u we ere eble to do with other netione. we ehould nob heer enything about enti-Clnineee legieletion. The fee ie um Chine ieinuneneely our euperior in every department of eiviIin- eion end likely elvrnye will be. one ihi onl ' exoepiad. the art oi killing men, en ei. i`erenb periode of her hlebory ehe hee ehown heneli to be quite on edepe ee thin hind oi hueineee end in likely. unfortunate- I . no in prove heneli e in. The mie- c ieini the enure Chineee uelneee ie than we allow nligion in blind our eyee. etc. Beoeune. foleooeh, the oeieeuel empire doee not believe jun use we do about re- ligion: metiaere. we ivnmediehely us her down an e "heathen nei.ion."wi home . hank. nh\,...Annh in u minke. no.-no A or me mlroponnn. W0 poo In of what incullod bho Omen- Iinn race {the white not) an no blouud with unit. and oonoolt that we Mun oumlu-on V. 0 mod clover pooplo in the world. in I rupooh. vlmou, In an In- oontrovorubly who blunt. bolt. The proof of um in the China: nglhucpn. It It could hold our own nllh Jnlm nlm... OHPIOIVII Ilnl H10 UIIIIIZ. T110 [I00 In tho Chinuo In A much smarter u the Yankou nun who word) class at pong 0 than an either the Oonudinnl. or she union the Europonnn. noonlo of what in mllod Mn (hum. ` uou lot` on; mon to ooy. Tho hlnooo quootlon In much llho tho torlll` quootlon. It lo prohohlo thot ovolybod bollovooln froo trodo on o prlnolplo on louglngly looho for tho tlmo when tho oorth oholl ho boltod by froo tndo. But no long on tho moot of tho root notions no u r- roundod biy o tori woll. othor notlom hove to lol ow unit, ond tho oomo nolplo opplloo to o otondlng onny. oto. out, no long on ooolot lo conutltutod olong tho oonoolooo and o mlnoblo linoo of tho - oont oyotomo 0! compotitlon ond ln M- dualiom. oo long will In hovo to notoot oumlvoo ogolnot tho Ohlnooo. T o hot in tho Chinooo no I n-mnln nmu-hr tn lm .h0VII1olty\o bu Bncmoukoo. Idiot. Bods Wain. loo Outll and Inn. 8 tin blue In MA A mun mm either that romhu or that oonolullonn or also ho uld ugno wish this policy as hurt. If he would not`! thon In In uninha- onood b uluh oonni ontlonn, which in 3 stood on! {or mm mm to nu. Th. II II W30. 0! oounowgr. Bum-don notngroo with B` uo'ol'li:l:'`;oI|1.:i`or:It:|';::,'1 {or to hinin nnnntlnn fl in D\uo\||nL" AI.-A Ion man an nunano comm. Now can In onchly our View ol this mnwor. This whole quublon in not om of udtlnuonulley. And wn bhruhod out In tho United Subs vo yuan And Ian. and II: will oomo ouein 0: the am n It came Mn the Ihhmholng consider- ed In in min bosringmnnd ought to to oomo out. to who undmund thin to well n the wow. no umn. J. IA.-.4]... ....L -..... ...n|. ` plrotlon ol thot tlmo tho rovonond ntIo- wont no no oavonotng. Wo will now ouprooo thot Oonodo pur- ouoo tho oouroo out lnod by tho honorohlo ntlomon for tho noxt ton. llltoon or wonty yooro. moro or looo. ond ot tho ox- mon. boln oo yot o man of mldcllo . lo tronolo to Wlnnl . Vonconvor or on; othor of tho many 6. that no do- otlnod to oprlng up In t root northvroot or ovon in oootom O Whon tho trnotooo ooh tho woohorwomon. tho no- ohonlo, "tho lohorlng non. tho Inorohont or tho prolooolonol non. oto.. who new con- trlbuto on llhorolly oud hondoomoly to Bydonhom otroot olmroh. whot will to tho rooponoo 2 "whg, I would hko to pol` on muo oo your Eu-lohom on d twonty you-o ot Ingown. but you know vory voll t t tho 0 lnooo hovo boon ollowod to oomo ln horo on tho did In Son Fronolooo. ond run no out of o - moot oll hlndo of work. buolnooo. otc., ond oo wo oonnot poy vor much, If onythin%" whoroupon tho onnuo oolory of Rov. J. . Storr oncl othor olorg mon lo rodnood to ` looo than an hund dolloro. Nnlt this In nrnnhlv nnr Mm. l\' old. ponlyond ruhorlnndoouo nun oco. ' Now why all this personal writ` shout Iho rovorond (onblomon! In It to ur- outlo And poroonolly olbnoho! By no manor of In but oolol and only to nuke on ooonoln o point an Inn tho upt- monb ho to odvnnolng. nunnnn than Canada In"- aim-don. Him we no not abltto look so thin Mum quotlon h the am upoouolu no out rovorond {H R. J. ll. Burr coon on the pnlplto! one o! tho loading chum uolcuudu. Ho drawn a you-Iy at from a 01.000 to 01.5000:-more; ho lmlnu Inc homo which In wall fnrnldnd. ho wan clothes, in which ho` looks well. ngn portly And ruhor hnndaono oto. IHV all Ill llill -I-M nu Ahnnk hhn In the ohlllx-In : a...."` " `i.`."'Z'n.?2 .3 .-'..'7I"I.%...a"" T; buoohnoblvu.u Ibo Inhnulnhu III nnlnhv nun-m I'll Ollf ll `FBI III Dlbl I5! WIIIOI Q `III OIIIIDOIO All Inn not - `rho Ollluo olvlllnuu Lil OI Olllo _v Kntonol 0M. 00!. I1.-(`l'0|oIdl- tor): 3. 5. l:.am.a Oloononl dlvlna. of urban lnnnnn I. 4.`. non: Mr. J. I. slnrrmognuivo and oloqunu dlvlno. qt when upset: I: jub- ly ugruelulvo, ltludl u onuuloln ts- vor thoohlnuo. Wu on em tho tlonnnln um mm: In nobuud by bh nl InnMvu_ An ch. Inlnnnnt L. L..- uuarutuuo onouuoa "nun Ivl A lAnAn-&--n `vac -v-----.1. unwr- I -Into from :11 Int: and `lulu. ---:--..i Il1lICRATI_0}_J` cm. `X 'unmrru.' I D [luau III-II Iluljlj jg Mr. Francis Somcrvillc. one of the but known man in the sham- brantngc (nth: npaund lnkoo o n o, via; enppd in this bocincu for lily yarn. and who noidu at No. 193 Uppot Colbome moot, Kingston. speak: a follow: of hi: memory from the debut which Ian ahead him for some time. Said Ht. Somorvillo: (:5: Id! me with kidney ttonblu I vol. I Ind nun pain on: hiducysndiathumgll at my back, ulna hat-nan oh. 4 n.' r`=="us oumnfnl tiring: or non " (Ala! h llnn hnnlnhnndlnnn-u 0:1}! $4.25 n hnmlusmn fol an wanna muurl Unnpounu Iron liuronunun. Oodnugo. lhrnlohv LO. lhnhll. HUI I'll" IPOI KN XII. lluuaouymc. Ihuhll. no II now OIII or Inn oolplul. and III Sharp In living with Month at No. II Iluoonunot. Brooklyn. In I ling ol grdonpgomont yuhtdny. an tor Button "I wluhtonythnthnd I but in V non`: phoolwonld Muncudu be 1! . His mother Mid I fool vary our tho mthr.mdm onunly nu . R0 to shun Ind und has you thnugh trou- blo thnsnot may of It could and." mm": manor. no mumq moan. Inuuu of hot omohncy and hithhlmuq ahllo nding him in the Brooklyn hotplhl. H0 in now out of tho bonpihl. and Mill Shun living at No. an `rnogolu Inyun 300 la 0! MO Rooms lduth I K::v'.'o"e'.o':? the cough and nmo(?'h:: from tho bonplul. The numbers ol an family. however. dooluo that In loft she honolhnl human In Ind In A magnum ra- runny. novlvor. atom! tutu Ion the hoopla boomm ho bud In Annuals ro- oovond. u Duunoln In I........- - ...u...n _; BA 1 corona. Roconuy ho boouno 0 patient :0 83. John : honpnnlln Buick :1. Min land In tho nununo mhd. And. - glxnough. tho again boon his nu-In. Ind boon nloohd by tho young man`: mother. the tuntly doolnn. haunt her olohncv Ind hllhlnlnm nhlln i'J$`iu;'n'T.""3 {.1 `I.'..'.'.'.um.u""s'. "Kai": nu ma 0 by Na fnthor. In Blur sun at the me .n Itudom In I aim Hnnnlz vn hnnnlhnl, Annl nlm nun an-Inn. vuo wuu Inc 0 by Ina mm:-. Blmr the Brook yn honplhl. and the wu an! n- ed as nurse to amend young Eamon. Itch mm and hi: uuondutb won thrown V0!` much togothor. bonouinonvunnhonuum of an at W WOIK. I. DA IDGI. m lmlo smlrr nno ooouum oanm nun nor govonunonu won on. loan L500 yours old In the olmo ol llooon. In tho mnmr ol dlot tho Ohinooo stomach hu bocomo noountomod, through oontnrloo of donoo puloelon. he I null amount. of food. 0 got only tho moot dogndod of the Ohlnooo (and our outmod- oriu do oomo good thou.) for tho woll-em do of tho oworv Hnndom lhlnk And nnonk Icon! [July to Inn! |n the Inrhgo of I Toronto um to u lroollynlu. Nnw You. 000. I6.--'l`ho Bun oonhlnn tho following Into:-clung Incident: Thou in oven `nrounoot 01 the marina on'ora|'::v'rnn moot-ooolng Inoollaan: o ovory `proopoot Inorrl ol Allrod Eamon. tho oon ot oloy null`; Butoon. Brooklyn. to Illa Blonoho Boom. Toronto. oomo Nmo non you. Tho dooo bu not you boon llxod. You Mr. Sutton hod boon olllloood olnoo ohl hood wloho dloooooot tho hlp.oho molt ol lojory.ond ro- oon o numbor o! lnlol oponolono won loon nooonor . o woo tokon to tho Brooklyn h sol !or- orooomout. ond o nrlvooo won onnnod by Mo hum-. mu no come gooa anon.) tor the won-w owery kl om think and Iponl o! no u "bu-barium. boonmo to do not bolluvo I-uliglouoly jun n the do. In other word: In no "honbbon." o Broohor Burr. _bho Ohlnou mum (o.-. 8. DUI- NI'l"l`|. Thoohlnuc olnim Mm their history In: In Antiauloy of 60.000 van. but om of 'IllIUlIllIZ OIIIYII DIIII lnII.lI' IIIIIOT III Anti any 60,000 yeere. the that edlnit that her government 1.500 veere Mme ol One Hundred of the very choicest and latest London designs to be had only at RICHMOND &C0 S 3 NEW CASES OF ...1'lANTLES... A FOR SATURDAY. "nntaunoucnnnnuoruwotn I IIIIIIIGIIIVO but [-1 5 ...-' Ila "-" cumin; in an bu-g.-`I:-gash gm Vto mm. A nllnblouduthf A c."-"Mon. u totho I than um lnvi knowledlv 0r'?: (.'uu&aP.d.;(ll'lII.A rN..F . ` P. u. THE APOLLINAES` COM } ANY, 1J1}! T`D;V on the the Label bun tho woll-known Run Duncan link at `rm: Al-ounuln collrnw. LIIITID. - L "Get III In Ill action. lknuhhlo llchn ' :LP:;f.::" ::'3':'&:L."::F..."'..*sr.x:'v.:'"u.a.,"'3".':7 Wm` "K -tuned the ."--"I In comm . punt II lhunnablud to nlrnnwnfh rcu`l:n.'.'E:`A Hm "A ' ........J u}. a.'.......... mu.% a'."n`-EL wR."7XO' - F I um mum to anus quluuu not alone mnIu.'-" A Nmnl Nun."-nu .21.t`$2`...`:'..`.a.':'t.`:'u.'"`,..a...;.'.':I`.-- .`2.'1.!".";`..'?.:'!. "` bully caciou."-n`Iu| llodnnlunul. LOVE IN A HOSPITAL `me am` mumu. mmsur` wmn. % nomad n an [H HUNYADI 3,.-mp. aqafau.uungm. Icahn. _L.II .._._ - Print: 15 can 85 outs tad 86 cum per bottln. OF ALL DRUWISTS AND NINIRAL WA Tl`! DEALER` |SutherIand s lII_oa_z_3z UIOCXX WIDE DI IIVFINIU WEDNESDAY. October Zlst. Procpootnn at noon: (Mk: II data). than Prince: and loaned Dunc mus. I. WIINIIALL. Hutu. --...__=_.-_- A OHANOI FOR AN INIIOITIO YOUNG IAN to moan I Bullion or lhonhul Idnnuon Inc. In one pan 0! no u doing the urn. Apply nu-noun) u" ___-_-_. _---'.v. qoddrullowm Nook) cor. Prinoou um Inn- hnm man. 6"RES_ m: .m:" ;-cuss. :2 3 to In ablo. Amhmou and uudlou nun who wlllclvopsn of Mn tine duh; tom. ADD!) Mnonslly at tho LI1vJ1BsToN'I'3'<':i*r`\"r*` `VII -vuunVV VVIIV V "Closeburn." Kl NO `TON. ONT. Oluou will moon on TIIUIIDAY. lot. 100: on at tho huuqulppod lndlu'0olhnI In Onulu. lull -an of Unlvonlu nulutu. Icahn In Iuhomnlu and modern III- cmno. he Mlnomom and OIIMIII 0! Ion: aonblnod with the Mutant uonhl NIIIIIC For hum. oto.. apply to A Business or shorthand Education Free JKInst2r!n!@9!2.'9oIIeee. BUSINESS iCOLLEOB. Putuorn Block. Prlnouo-09.. lingual. scoot 9r.hJ_\.IsZrT I ! .AIIl IIVYIJ. I Klnto Bual_nou (College. u.Io.|I..._u, h|A,L\ _ . |lllllIIIlIW'I UC00 nch. __.___._.. .JvIIVVI. VI IIIIII OLAHIISWILLBIBI PINID EDNESDAY. Octolnr 2| ICI- _ All You: onoon Ion "nmm. an." cnn -n-154531;-. A-Ah n -gnan gnu now mum gri- WANTED. IDUOATIONAL. wvvu` uyyq -v III. 00!! WA STYLES Eu worn Clo. tonun law II JWS _ : T-_ JOINS. `"'.."`...`3f`.`. .."" n I-A|._n ....A__ L Strange nth nlllnn um um! v_ tau "unwary,- ::-..: -;':a......:-.'$ a.. ;3..'.'.. .`.'3`s..`..`?xr....... ju `I iinilnl wit novouu so Juou onunwoboroo'Im`|1o V. won`: 9 Q goiltnot. - Iulvunnn and nch Ila. Cum-can _.. .;.g.._..; ._-_ r'I i3.'s` `I L.. TiE.__l.%I!'.6_T..'.'_l_.l_?._ 1|. '."u'Coouam. II Ioliual #000. an hunts. Ivvruuu ECU-&V T? U U U you I die 01 I &'.'-nu. Hot `n nngwals 3:11`; uoou IIIOII wood. uuuu pol noon. ". way, om! woon II ?I*tIoou Illnd. Ilnntomont. TUT $ I -hltho ooh nuoocl b IUUVVU UIU:: v m.'.-.:r.::..% - :::..'.-' *-_-ti--r ' CI In noun Ip- ` no utunma gulps one a on Mon. u " I In-nntbnnn 3-uslnau POINTERS. IIILFI `ll-I`-I\I\I and Mantle Maldu. .A1.A__A.l... ...-_`nA.44I Igtllnn nnll Anal I30 . , . .'.m'.:"uo"%Xf.'1'.;....a. Ulug ya ~ ' ""' $-lIlInIwI. 1 ".'.?.:. .. .m I`I:.n`Yonun buy It '- :.Jxeo1lont ouhlno and I W nk. .tnn'oonnonhl nu "i'.'"w'f nomusows. IIDIIHAX BTEII W I W'- on mm to con. In uegbu a':a $'.?:n'v3ops.us. 0'3 .5 9.x. ' . ,, . _ IIII pnou. A. BRYANT. no sin Wriur Onu ,'.'I:n-' ....`..':'.'.'.::t .::.'.: I xv n Innnln unnntolas 5:0 In Adonlu. Onllnnd -w.-w [ dunno folding 130]! AND Lwtth nprtu hum-nu. Boo 5| PRDIOIQ II`. IYDIIIAI BTIIIIT. WIRE WORKS. ' _ hallo "`..F."`{ ` `.2-"'.'.T.....u: Iv Inna v v vu---vy n nnd oven duorlptlon Obj nunoolon ul- -fl` family Use.- ` hhLnnl|ugu|ul..A.n.a -u.u2-int!-vuuurylllj uqndahutd naval nqhuuunu-y." V nnhuuuly vutlo ulna Iohpuni llnhlblqun-I jiha--an--.n..|...._ TYNAN ATLAIGI. r.J.'ry'uu.nuHq mnduuunn huuntlunoo align:-Inutluthloobou land: tsiklvuyhlialnupnlhlduu. lohonunhtulbylh luprhounont. all: this It In duo inhalant gut. luvhlnyhohuu Q). In cnluuub.hvovu.b nun-hunch hnhuluuvunlpluuoh In-spud Iluhhnluu upnnp:qupuh"Io Iunbluqunnuluuhov charms Ilolllcwuuuolndolluhlull llnuvilunuunuhhunudvo hnuyapuuuunp dlonlunpw ` cI1OvNdhuI|Ql,ynnInnIulao- mupguuugnu-u." ncuuuun ` ` gnlh-an .OIAAg..A__.||..ng.L vuu uvIuIunIvI`nI`y I`Il'IIUl IIIIW. Thoounpuny and tho pvummont an not working along parallel lines. The gonrnnons Vtntl to all thononh-vat nth dull-nblo Imnlgnnb, with pooplo who will hdovohd to tho dovclopnontol (ha minnh-I : In-nuns: `Pin a..-....... R- unuuuuu-wt-IIwI`y win In)! IVWK IO o dlopoomou olho loud: mun [ovorn-w mont for out. but tho propoomon no not, oppnontly. In ouch: form ulo ho pnotioolly doolt with. Buppooo thogow omnonl ond Ibo ooupony ulh tho motto: ovor now. ondooo wlntoom hodono Io- wordooponlnglotoooolonouuholondnow hold by tho oonpony. Tho bu-pin ol giving lingo ollooo of tho public domain In Iloootnonoy coebo company woo ottho Moo oonddond on oxoollono unngomont, but It lo not oo hiqhb ngnrdod now. nnnnnun Anal Ah. -m........_n -.. IUUCII III III UIIV IPVTTIVII VI IIIIWI XIII` punk: and Ipoonlnion. Non-by unlo- mom would Into It much under {or hm- on Io provldo school: and churches. and greatly add to the comfort: of tho mum but II we nld uh I puny ponny from the Mxpuyon of Gunndn to undo the mlntahu ol the mo govornmom.." II... _....In h... -_...L..|_ |.___. In out luv! 'UVG'lIlI3IIn How much? Does anybody know? Bout Mun ago [own nporhdum the Cuudlsnhdlonllnyvu notnono to A lnnlnlllnn nlhn lunch 0.465.. ---mg _ IIIU uunnrw II UIIU VIXIIO IIIIIII VII` IMII In the :0-nvndl of the government. In- msd at In tho pouooqllon ol runny oom- ngnhn and -namlgh-urn Hunk- ..u|- NORTH-WEST BENTIIENT. Rev. Dr. Balm-hon, Inporlntondono o! PI-ubyhrhn homo minions In tho north- west. complain: who put methods of nwouont Inn bun vary objoouomblo. Ho Ayn: "I! Ihofovornmonb could only got but eho Inndl sllouod tonllwny oom- punlu. and throw them open to actual attics, I think I [ran Impotuu would be glnn Io noulunont; other-win uoelomont In likely to prooud ulovly." "NA llnnhl. " n-un ILA In-In-. A4I....., ll IIIUI K TI UlUWI'n "No doubt." up tho London Adm- Mnor, "It would be much auto: to some tho north-wow I! thonosnt land: were gnlll I-. AL- L-..J- .1 Ah. _._..____-_; 1, . ..rIeee\AIlIl|' III` I ireetngetion celoiiletod (I) to show the ` good oilioee of the United Btetee, end (2) to eettle. Ineyhep. the diiouity thet hed beeten ebler men There in, however, no- thing in the netnro of erbitretion about it. end, leaking in judioiel oepeoity, in the power to get et ell the hate, to go into thinge ee erhitretion would. it mey not be the euooeee looked for. In my even`. the Britieb government it not bound to eooept ite delivereeoe. Englend hee right: to protect. end intereete to defend. which oennot be ignored end oennot be efeotod by my convenient eheding oi the Monroe doctrine. The Britieh government my eooept theooee oi the United Btetee oonmieeion to reeoh e eettlement, when they heve done their work. but ie not ob- liged to do eo. v -u nu V nun can I nann- A rumor II [ding tho ronndol the pnueonolfoonhnt the Unload Bmu Ia making great headway within Veno- suolnn enquiry, by n spook] oommluion, Illd am It may. pouibly, give I dooldon In lnvorol Englnnd. The Unitod Shh: nuhodlnlo thin oomnlulon. Mr. Olen- lAnd o rudlng of tho Mom-oo doctrine. with which In bud booomo lnhtuuod. lad himtn hliev" ` ` .~. ; . ' TH'.3.PA1.L_Y WG- "r `NM much u M _g.. :3Fvugm-3'3. `.1, 2%` 's'.*-:*'.".:'r .';..'.'.I`t::.;`':'..-;:..1: ' """`EU nu. .. `WEI-LY 351'"-1133 mo 0 9.... :.r-1.-_~;-:_-g.:.'..`'*`.... ' V "" '" Il7W3.'iTI')5l VINIIZUELAN AFFAIRS. _._.-.. 1- -4]-.. AL- .._.____|_-- nna..-un -1-j m~ou_N_c_anmrr. I. '?i'sm hoprlokir. L": .2