Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1896, p. 4

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pnunuu no mo luv. nnnor uawuul. Moan. Thou. Homorvillo md Hurry Ir- win, of thlu plum. rooontl lhoh two wild gm u'hlud Latin. whlomwon found to vor 1%, an I r t. nun: Thoy gnu undo: mrgzomothing aim": in avor tmtho tum nu-ioty. They ow our the had: of Mao Iporhmon in clock of nine. Each upon-mun took Aim It-om his onnoo and brought down: bird Into mitten . Wild 30000 no nnly shot. TIIIIII -I CC. III? Toronto Ihr. ` R. A. Ucnpboll. mi . l`.. ol South Ron- flow. can on tho olty thin mom! with ulumpol mchlundor his urn V lab in bond wuoul. The nub! had hon I lump 0| mun |ll|If IIII I-I'II VIIIOII II no cool. found In Raulnw bv noonoutuont onlr. IIopouwuoou.'1'nonnuImaIoon In a (bun hum olourbon. Inna carefully oun- lnod nuho dopntnoncnnd found who Inoupboll him with - dounny nnp.b"olI Iohlvh hole an to lo. Nun is hung shout! I _.l|_huiua ndln tho not-than-uplnd lnattnoo. than Isu- vcy up qunmkn and it tho lohln uddlognphiuopnlou villbolngun od. 0. Aykro VI. R. Gordon of. nl--Inbu-- plpador mi 101' 076. Ad om-nod. E. 1`own VI. H. D. Bib y-Aoulonlor pcgmonb of I36. Adjou ed. . F. Hobo;-moth vs. . L ono-AoMon for psylnont of note (or `Cl 4.06. Judg- -ngnt Inn nlnin. . The Addreaa in Brock Inca: leehodln Ohm-oh Lu! ight. Mr. Dunnest. in Brock abreeb church lane avenlng. I he from the Ian clauae of Matthew xv|.- , "What. ahall a man give in exchange for hla aoul ? Jeaua aah you what you will do towards purchaainq your aoul. He has paid the price and bought it. Hehaapurchaeed the ri M to make the henna. "All that the nor giveth Me ahall come table: and hi` Juan oometh to Me I will in no wiae can nut, and "whoaoever helieveth in Him should not pariah but have everlaahing life." Jeeua atanda tonight and uh you If you be- lieve. It in poeaible for you to reach hea- ven. to aave your aoul, if you accept the term: laid down. You have to make an eort. and when you reach heaven ii. will not he to talk ol our idle momenta. but it. will he an oonauarou. to talk of the Iouln aaved, the hattlea (ought: and Victorian -On. Mn soul! wan wul no give u to save lulu total! I: holn love with t. 0 world? Will he not give 1: those plenuno, which. own if not wrong n thognnolvu, load Into Companion? God bu pluood a rut value on`: man : uoul. the wulth ol t. 0 world is hit. you with All this at Ma colmnnd God had to rob haven of in brightest jewel And nond His own precious Son into the world to an y<)ur nonl and mint. God`: m-loalou mm. and vet blue world in no cure- The In Win I. A. co-pboll. I. P. P.. `runs In In Dino Il....._A- DIAQ '-U I T T TTTTII -i-, ENGLISH ' 3REAKFA8T COCOA .\- Jana: chobllowinc Dmumvo tor psymonu or nc mont for plninuff. Molinlvnv A: Bin vv7'3:"s;o?."'"'"3s:7:'o -'X,oi;n."t5?'06.'3 74. Diumi an to prgidhoo; judgment for nlninhilf. /' for phintllf. / Lunon 1 Jonas vi. 8. W. Hobcro. oh cl --On I note for 88.91. Judgment. for do- :'or::ionu, md agsinnt. Hobart : modlonl hlll. There were sown judgmono summon: cues. one of which was dlnrniuod. one ud- jloumod. and in Mac othor ouu hho do- ondnnu were ordorod to pay from 82 to 05 I month. won. - What. willnmsn Iva in oxohnngo for hin soul? Whnt wil ho gin to an M: non In hnin love with 0 world to non: Ana nuno. uou - rloolou gm. yet uubontthuoulu. Wlnb doe: nnntlon one for I Ioul I A nation whloh for I oortain oonoidornlon will Allow oortoln men to donloue n uomothma to than who hnvo I wuknou {or it. not to the wrong. but to those who nd lb hard to light unnt this temptation, by tho Itorloo of men : soul: the ooffon nro to be filled. Thin In I nnlrl nu-nntlnnl 1-nu-Id A mAn In Uollll VII. 00".!` ITO I. DO IIIIOG. This In A cold ociool world. I mun in vnluod and poo 0 take an lnboroeh in him just. no long on 0 can come up to Ihndnrd of usefulness, but how onrolou about tho Inuln. God in Intorolbod In your soul. He is constantly muting WI 1 lor your escape from your enemy; o w ll lift. you shove the ooldnou of this world. Meeere. .1. he , uerry uoulewe. Thou. Queely end .Hertney, of Egan- ville. went. lm week so Aylen Lake on I ehlng exourelon. Mr. Goulettae end Mr. Hnrtney returned on Seturdny end report. excellent epor.. A lerge number of ne trout. being oeu in. Several 0! them weighed eiq t en nine. pounde. and one month: of e eh weighed eighteen pounds end 5 hell. Men; VIII re celled into Mr. Gou|ene e no take e ooh at the big- geet lleh they had ever eeen. The eh nu pl-eeenbed to the Rev. Pusher Dowdnll. Mann. Berry hm. tcunnlnghun VI. 1 . Lyon: vn. W. J. Spar. nluhoo -Apt.ion. for 052.- 14. Dinmi nu-nidhoe; judgment 74. uuunu: plaintiff. Lunon .' neucacy""o?nimx. SIDGTIIIIIY In Quality. , Lil nl &:LI-n 6- Oh Wlld Goon Alto to In [Ind In tho Noun- borhood of Ponbroko. Pm unon. Ont. Ooh. 20.-Tho greatest. trout. over onughb in this re ol tho conn- bry bu boon ouund at glen Inks. Moan. J. orry Goulottn. Thou. Ounlv nnd .HnrI.ncv. man- [Ito AN I8-LB. TROUT CAUGHT. THE VALUE OF A SOUL. FOUND GRAPHITE I A. Ilooay-aumn II n- : cow valued at 010. ijnmn JACKETS TED nJumr smnsu wnia. |%wnn's rm: nnmcs Io.m'j 2-jx nun I1 as m anon? (anon Iron ' "--{Said-7'ui':)Li:uiii. '" ' ' Iollubplll IICIIII Ilvollllllltlol I50 lllnhgllnulnnnndnld Annnolnllnnin Anov onrplli uouryll Iuolnlnjlp ll Godqoh. A ' Anoworlbla bola puntntho Inked Oodorloh to extend Inter supply. - The dash of Dr. Pollookmho well-known ung: player. In unnonnood at BrIuol,lng- land. ' `rho uhlpmonb of 96.000 nlnloroumonh from Quin` to Cuba will lugtn only In Nona . nu Tminiln nnlnh An Inll `MI rs. mo Gun , an . "9n"'" mo. ll: me my in: klllod on Hominy y a trolley on that nun no the nonltunl oollqo. Art Now ndon, 0onn.. Ron. I. N. Hun-in. philanthropist. buhkor and mu- ohonb. onoo president of u Mont:-ul nod!- olno company. In dud. Th. nb ouloul o!.,t.h|| anon`! cup 0! onngu wu ohippod from Loo Angola. 051.. Int night to Chicago. but wukr on-llor shun our bofoit. Anson: nl nu-hnnnvn nl int Am thn In-nor tun nolon.. lullcru of prisoners or war no the rule: in Cubs now. and u lpmluh general Boinnl in and no hnvo oondqmnod women-and children to summary noon- Man. mIn'.'3n`y"r-'i2.`p`', 332'? flllumination, by H -4)- _..- Mon. The Canndlnn hora Cyolono but a bi; uid ntWind|or on Saturday. rnnnl 3 vo_ sad ono-hull fun-long: in the vary I than of 1:08. Tho ham was bnokod all our tlnn I-Inn mo rung. Al fro a homo on hurodny night and but him. Wnrnnu are out for Thoma sud Roboro Jonas. Aborriblo storm vpllod on gull of Cnlifornln oh B0 1 oh and mu. Thor! wuo oolnbtnn on of I cloud-buno and Mdnl wave which wlpod tho lmlo town of Alma out of existence. H. (n ..m . a..1 has Ingn nnnnnmmnhd rtllookor. 3 Toronto printer was A ms ad for lilo b ma non who nod him OK I 100. | tho ring. Albert. . Coll. `OVITHIIIUIIV WOIIIII I` lain choir man In r Egg) boon forw?-.dod to La Irom gamng mama. A hoav mow Iwrm not in no IronMoun- Min. Mic .. yonurdny, nooomponled by I tiff wind from the couch-wub. Thubotm continued nil dny nnd fully four inohol of snow foil, with every indication of I con- tinunnco which may impair traio i_.hrougb- out the upper ninnuln. A dupnmh rom Hanna to the Mldrid l...........L.I ..... slut in 91.. hgnanh n-Lu...- A oecpemn u-cm nnvnne no one ueunc Im in! cafe that in the recent min; in inner De Rio rovinoo Meoeo oeb -\ number at oliioern. minding his chin! lup- portnre. Hie men the deepebch Ieye. ere now split up Ami wendering About the oonntry without. onmpe end without: food. The eeelin schooner St. Lawrence. which nrriv eh Beettle, Wuh.. After nine month cruising off the cone of J: n, in which the secured 8.000 Ioel nlr nl. renm-ta tint on Ann. 5th hhnh mu pm an tau amp. 1;: no: I 01:81! '* ,lo uoonld bohumd uodnuqnwudono. , 'l\ovnor'in tbolm-bot Ind bani 5- |. tlnn-nnnlnnlnn-nan: -nah: Innh an TXVIIWII IIOIIIIT IIXIIII I- llydmudqmnuo wool: book. II; no panning unit-n winds. no pnnut Nowwlllbotho mound n:'uaIuun to Iouothl ncululunor . Thanh: In dnlnnnuunnnolnn lootoflrootstnutshh morning. In- Iunnduoonnloo hrniutol lbohrn Alum out. or oxmnnco. It. in add A deal but boon oonuunmnud botwoon Hnmllton and tho Wutlnghoun air-brnko munufsoturing oompony. whori- by the company will utnblhh a brunch mnnukoeory In thut olty. 1-1. B. Bhnubolb. n mombor ol tho band manulnohory In um ouny. H. B. Bhnubolb. of mu-ohlou who onuud who hny mnrkob riot In Ohio: . died at oonnumphlon in San Bornnrd no, CAL. luv Fridny. The ldnnhltv ol thn nun wu nob dlnnnvund un- nan mrnnrmno, Ull., mo rnany. `mo ldenmy ol the Inn was nob dlooovu-ed un- til `yootatdar an-nlnt n u Adnntnrl hi u. Rnnlhta nl Ml comm . zuolut. on ndoptod by tho Bcpthu at Great. Britain. axon-using regret at. aha In- sotion of the point: Ind tho ho that oh: govornmone would upudll as fully unlnin position run to Turkey. Z:".Z'}'5vI}..F.'.'ne"L'.Ii5 .".'.'&"r.'.Tu',7 explain position Turkey. has boon forwnrdod L0 Salisbury. Rev. Fr. Nmnnt. of Du Molnu. ul- nu noon mrwnruoa to non: ncunoury. Rev. Fr. Nugont. of Du Molnu. ul- dreuod MI onthunlutlc nudionoo I500 night. lncontul mnnlo hall. Chicago in denunciation of tho gold Ihndtrd. `rho lull um. nu-nwrlul In nOAn(Iina nnnrn nann- aonuncnmon or mo gonu numnru. `IIIO hall was orowdod to standing room cupc- city and police were noodod to hop other: from gaming inside. huvv an In wmon uno uourou u.uw our all no. ropom shut on Aug. 5th that members of the crow. John Junn, of Saw James MoNut.e. ohlunouu: And Fred Wil- liams, of Sith. Aluh. were vruhod over- hnnrd and rlrnwnul. t Agmcourt, by G. A. Henty, . o. ith Cochrano the Dauntless, ` I) G. A. Hunt , 8x.5o. yn u Yrnanrldv. hv G. A. lnnlngo of 3 Nowlpspor lhoprlotor-- Ranting Pnnloo on nut 00. (I/nuuoqrn. Oct. 20.-M|u Stall: Thomson in npondln a low voolu with frlondniu Ouhuu. m. Stony. Bron - villa. in Ipondin nfowdnynin town. '1` Icon-on made no t. 0 Inc also at tho rt run wore: l).J. Id 59 nm . WI in M,J. Donovan M.R. ondu-son 74, C. V. Kotaohum 22, W. Flmnoon 22. J. Bole 45. Geo. Funnoll 88. The Dolls Rose Emnllo oonoort. oompon guoun ox- oellont. ont-orminnnonb in M0 undo : oporn houoo Int. ovoning under tho nuqiooo of the G. P. A. of Grace church. Tho ultr- uinmont throughout. was oluhl h chat and the oudionoo wont away ollghhd with the perlormunoo. A In-go nunbor of hunting panics no out. both on the river mg. u the crook. Ehoky dohonot. up- rto ogging many no I. wont mugh thoy on do doubt. hulng spot; Mme. Thanh hrumor aoat. boro thlt gold in 'lnrgo quunmiou ha been d|IO0VOl`- ed on tho roporty owned In Algonn. by n re-idonto (hmnoquo. The ropol-Ha not much believed, howovor. nnn nl nAnAnnnun'n nnnulnr Innnn man mucn oeuovou. nowovur. One 0! Gononoqueh popular young man, Jun. A. Thomoon. profxriomr ol the Gun- nnoqno Journal, run an tad in mnrrlngo to Mina Home May. of Olhnu. Int. ovonln`. The ooremon was performed at the run- donoo of the ride`: pnronta, Mr. and Mn. John May, In the Rev. B. E. W. Kom . ol Hormlnga Mills. tn mtlmntn Mom`! 0 the fnmilv. Thu bride wn vorv uonnlnr in I'l0"nII I"l MIIII. In IDIIHIIID IIIOCIG OI "IO family. very po ulnr in her native town. u was who by tho numoroun and costly prooonoo ol which uhe wn tho recipient Though the rui- donb of another town the bride hu many friends here who will welcome her to their midnt. We join in winning tho happy couplo n lonnnt. and pronponnn journey through ifo.__ 1-up sunulu an DAL: And the Winn Bollod In Ilugo Illlown Along the Inrbor. The ntonn this morning from tho unth- oouth-wus wu much ntrongor an ax- tod. Fortunate! the blow wuloohd r and pnpurnuon been made ton- ooinit. All the both Alon: tlnhu-hnr [or Inn purluon nun nun mun to N- ooivoit. ulong thohnrhor from were made Inc and than that could and ohollac in home II-fondly In won snugly mud on . The wind ng ml- mootduooonthltbow uptho Mr O. I horric nu. luhtng the VIIOI` Into imp bullovu and crating nah with I Map of white fun. All tho wnuva along Ibo lronlvnnwuhod clan and In nut in- stance planks won nu ~d n and thrown Into the want. A! I. T. 00?: Ian: rhu-I Duran bmn nlnun man. A IIIIO III WIXI. AI II. C. T. [XVI 3 that want vim char out a mm_~"-`v'-'_- `:v-'3u`:i-3}!-`-`-a `~` _"-3'. ~_~"`s Illml, OI DIIZII, AIIII board and drowned. hohtylu.|ooml_njnp 5| D QDOOIII &f I I"-C UNI` Tho doing Im and II Illcnll In undo I I 3OO|ll.-A llhno mun You the luck. "NEW % BOO" K `s'. | ouufeoqus m.uNmos. E WIND BLIW K3 TUESDAY. oomonnn 20. mos. the Vanuatu Iovootowqgglplolho mmncunnn. : . Innluuolhuo. vs` lieu Oh: Rally an; rho Ipuulnh lu- Anus" W. lulu. piano taut. hue orders at llolulofl. - V1 Douala: that In Chioqo to-day cold Inn mo. to `NM. uluunlu vuu III umujv Io-My Iolu fun 77,0. llcu In dag Who? Ohu. lolly. an old Kln:on boy. The Mill fulluunb will to-ultmblo on Jun. Shh. 807. Thus wu not nnulono! tho polloo can this not-nlng. AI-cyan ngoohux-Bollnnooolnnho lumen dnudny nl H D ."m'-- as-m *2:-.:..:' 1 $ D . . Q.Io|oo|In :1 VIII gma n?ilonlnlIn by lling 00: load of wood and bolng run our. . noun. One hundred non u-rind no Tweed yu- `wdo boom-yonbulluilngwork on N10 0. P. in that loallly. - Bur Ohu. Rally. onoo I Klngooon boy. now the oololu-nod bun. ulna "I III] I om. 7 7 7 The win covering the mutant oho clu- uipm loan was torn oil` by the wind but 9.. n u now Tho Thuuo Eplnodo" 30110 Bonn Iulio pnnonu nlno char- nnhn non unu. xuuy. onoo mngooon my. now bun, sing "I an I Rouisor." Reborn Tnmhull was nrrubod At nmll-_ ton on | chap 0! nhoong uh Ila Mll- dnd Bllloll with Inhnt. zoo. no mo. Dr. Monloy. oil out-goon mt. Owon Sound. Ont. dlod on ondoy nfornlng of hoort uoublo, oovonty-oovon. W. G. I-oi & Go. on rooolvln choir third oorgoo oool. Tho dollvor o I olooo in my port of tho oihy ob o ton. W. I`. 1"lovo'on")-Woon. `lb- noo, to llko to ho (ho non pooooro! Wooloy Ildb in church. Hotnilhon. Montrool morohonh ooh tho rollwoy oomponlootooonolnuo tho oummor rotoo in Ioroo untll tho olooo of novigotlon. Min Nolllo 0 NoIl. for tho nub two IOWIIOIII C I Ollllf OI Klll IIIUIIIIII II on was: Onhoo col `nu. an nnIu1=ul,y pmuma~:. Wod- chant "he Vnnnhhtvabuonvnpaslho : `H .'J.l:dn' vat).-1 3.....`.: dick: 0! (ht-Indy Ila Vanderbilt]. km daily to ho- and mum mu: mum. To-`marrow night. me o to hone`: Bollo Ron Euclid Oonoorb o. `Hahn 960.. II.` Alul HM cud 500. Thu Mnnlnv, IIDIIIUI IhIl`l I-IIKII. The oh: of vonuo bu boon nnhd In the Townuh p of Butud VI. Jo n Brown out. The hearing will take plant at. Brochvillo. likely at the full uulua. The wind this mornimr rlnnad o 1 nor- many. The Doll: Ron Emilio Oonoort Go. given aohoioo nloouon ol readings. vocal sud inntrumonul uloouonn. no opon honu Wodnudny night. The on mom of Miss Luo Uhl duughtnr of on. Edwin F. Uhl. niwi sum: uubuudor so Gormnny. to Guy Thompoon. u Itudont. in Yak univorllby, in Announced. At Bnpt. Mum. Ilondny. Mrs. Jon Bnchnnsn. aged oighty-In -guru. wh lo crouin she trlok non tho Itatlon mo cu-not y I westbound frolght. min and {sully lniurvd. I Champ onnhlnfootboll mM.o|a.Vu-nib: vn. Ivy U. n. nuuty, On the Irnwnacllqfb G. A. . I O Honky 81 so y Y (or. In will out tho city upward: of 075 to maka rapaln to the mo! of tho pumping aublon. blown ol by aha foroa ol aha gala about. a month an A lot of now malarial had to In mad. The work la aboub oom platod. Ilra. (la:-dnat and Wllllam Incomn. to onu-go a.3an:'...u1.m.`..?.';'.?.'.`" 'I`n_`umnu- nlnln. at nn um memo umou. not me pm; we wooh the non of Illu L. Dolnn. rotun- od tohor one at By:-noun, N.Y., lue nhrhh. nlslzb. mlomnn ondoh Goo Vol-non Brow- ckl Inn. on the dbl: Oak. 890. gnnhod hll gahlmvn the Royal mlllury oollogo `II VII. 0 I dloo tn of On In par Jm or uonuu. Juror Jnmluon, on the Chidwiok u. Canon one, In: Bad .5 (or boing twenty mlmahl law for the oponing oi oonrt oh]: afbnrnoon. RA:-an vm. `lnnnvnnnn raglan: 5|.` nnduu. nuuou, upon 5 onu-go o1 ly llbolled Earl Ruuoll. The olnrn vonno bu UIOOIVIIIC. IIIOII II IO [III HQ- Tho wind this morning rip o 1 por- tion 0! the tin root cover In; bho court. houu. Tho part duhroyod hoes the south and rooolvod tho full force of thc wlnd. Thnmnnhnnhnn n unnnn Ann Al HI-uh`-\ am: rooounu mo mu roroo or we wind. Thomuhoohnn. I oung son of Stephen Shoehm. of the Gun nmk. Bcllovillo. Ont. {oil from tho roof ` a burn Int night. And did thin morning from hi: injurill. Ruidonh of Boohoniar Uownlhin. Euox IINI IIIOG Illll IIIOITIIIIS IIUIII nll In]|I|'|- townuhlp. county, punish In working on Sunday. Loni man will ntobnblv In him on com- the 8m by V Q: H. TOYE jj -nAnn- ggg oounuy, purllau In worlmg Bumuy. Lofnl shops probably go. tho Advonlh to respect the Bnbhuh v. Wud. poubmnbor Lb Culhondnll, was found dead on Monday morning. He died of hurt dlnouo. nnd um: um. -vo van 1:! nag Ha Inn: a nu. Ami Ara-n u nuuy m um. Chump onnhl footbull mM.o|a.Vu-Iiby Quun I. Sun 3 , Ooh. Nth. M. 3 p.m. on K.A.A.A.g1-oun 3. Admission 250. Gnnd stand 250. .l...M.u I`.-.-nun. .... 4.. -.......I-..... mun nn no umponnu mummy. M. Kirk. Pruootb. will known hero, in noonrin from an attack of Sntormlunnt favor. a nu vor low but but pullod through the critic: stage and In the count of 3 fov Inch be around In. _ Hunt 0. W. Drufy. of We Roy: Cano- _,.n|____ ;, ,,_,.,; n,, . mpmu onnmn In uunun. nu aooopuu tho call onondod to him by Mn con rogu- tlon oi the lint Bcpmt ohumh. ood- oeock. ho onooood Rev. Dr. Dndnon II pu- tor. own. I will-0. lloconn. Woodstock, Ont. bold In connection with thoduth ol the femur : husband. Inn oonmmud to ohnd choir trhl on I charge ol murder. All tho push: In the one an nu'no-mono: Ibo Ancient om. ol Hibomlnm Mn I-mud 050,000 for the - downonl of a chair ol Ooluo monsun 6 .3. w..u...... n.u...n. ...n.... on... ornoromp or non Amos on account. or Ill hoolhh. and will probably bo provldod with A pooh no homo. A true blll hon boon rohurnod uninnt. J unioo Fe noon Inn. in nooordnnoo with the timo- onorod ouleom ptuonwl with A pair of white glove: :5 tin opening of the full unison. than boiug no criminal owed on thodoohia. E.-sling nnnnnghln n..-.... ..-. Hun ....s ones unoaoonu. Polio. oonnlnblc Downoy up that nub Con hue boon very quiet. lutoly down Monlnnl root nnd In the vicinity of the outer do t. Tnmpnus very IOIPOO in thin I G] this tall. A dnntch to the Inndnn Phat from 5' Price #3 o;---". mun Ioouuy mu nu. doopntch to the London Phat from Borlln uyl than thou no rumor! of an- othor ohsngo in the oolonhl adminiutrr tion Involving In menu: of 5.000.001) marks In the Smporinl Inholdy. Kirk. Pnoooth. hero. or mt wean In around In. dlnn utillory. In gnnhd bunt uni ol liouhonsnb-colonel; Capt. Hudon. King (on. bunt rank of major and L-'ent. BurIu||.,Kin ton, bunt mat of captain. Rev. E. R. aohv. mnor at tho lint. Bu-on {Von Wiumnnn resign: tho v- ornonhlp of Em Afrios account o Ill hulhh. md will nmhnhlv In m-ovldad with n no noun. returned qninst. Lady Tina Soon; the mother of counts: Ruuoll, upon n charge of having crin|in||- lv llhallod Enrl Runoll. am: 0! noun umuo. mu nu -uvo rm o! :30. Helene: I wife and urge anally. Tho Emilio Contact On. rival II IOIW |II'|I oIl BIO BIZ OI IIIVIKODIOII. Min O'Neil. pub nah the numb Dolnn. nt.nrn- CINIIAL I-A'n'AonAI-Ho. RV. N. N. Ml` Mat ohnmh A: II nuhqntlnrl IIIOI OI IIIO l'|l`ll. nun, bu accepted 1 In Mn connnm. 16 ind drawers, a spec- LI haguin lot. Scotch Lambs .,~ II 1n~A_|_ ___ I cup: tho I x Ann`: Oouou Loans Ill. 0 In III! the funny lulu-laconic: oudlluu out In torso-Wall on no Iruhlnlu to lent: lonhwlth. A in nothing of oh my oounoll no he! Int owning. Present: )1 Elliot. Aids. Onion. Donnell}. On In. Dronnnnlovhan. Btonrl. Skinner. lin- nu. Lllmon. Nowlnndl. Rlohndnon. Burning. don. llolnn. `hit. d Then ofmnnnluuou won and and II o I M 0 Hamilton. in hot nou- Ing and 0! works. Q 317" :. {"u`....a1 28.31%; on 3 { pa e oo oo n3 0 comm I I Innhlhnhn Tju: mi. mun mo mom 1'0 RI- PORT ON THI OIL OO'I OFFIR. - -nu-an Ion "" " .'..'." COSTIJMING PARLORS. .5`-'3-1- ggvy Ribbed I-lou..35 m-onnnn,-novrnn. anoint: L ton. Nowlnnd oomnnnluuoun din oh In -`tom John Mwdoml: nnhllo nnhnnl Iunul, nnhlfh vaouldo ALI lb` public oonool noun outgfng no oonnou of the dam of the umlpmulon with the oollqhlolnulbub baud. linunoo oommmoo. Ihwnm nhnlrmnn And nnnrnhnlw nl nnlln. mu. newton nun wnounr or not no nedlol ale ot the N-sunny rub will ' gluoodeotho audit of tho brugnur Ill) . Md. Onion hid ovary cont nooivoll from tho nlnol tho nil: will haul In A|- [LIKE Ell OWN , 3 IT from the ale 0! duo nil: will it loud In ll! In the bnnlwnur. A . Riohuduou moved. noondod '3 Ala. Horton. that tho n nod lronthonlooltbonlbh Iodofny the nponu of III! In tho bculnur. Md. l)nmnn--" hdnnouon to that U10 Ilh OI Illll III II IICIIIC`. shut ollbot on an book: long 030." Md. Shun -"Whn no vs going to 305 mom for tho ml: 2" .1.` .'..:.""....."'l{'. &..."".`."..."'.'.'2 nun uonn unuuu. n plyulj tor ox- omphlon from taxation on may (or Ian yous. Finnnoo oolnmlbbu. from W. 1). North. to tin? tho lmporlnl on company. to build ng ol oll shod: Into. The Iobhr bu Illd bun pnblhbod In ohm columns. AI . Sklnnor nuiguhod that In inferring the manor to B 0 u. wubor snd Ilghb oom- mlbuo. that body he givon pom: to not in she manor. as tho oornpan wu anxious to build bofnu wlmar. A cl. Richardson ukodlf bho oomrny had not and to bulldlnaldo tho IO Hum. Bin worship` ranllod In tho nfnnnblvo. Iounary. pupo. uo'1.vu; ugnu. nu ma wot oompnny. ll? . OM70; Rm. . aid h Bolb . uundr co. H.711: .1. Br! Iononinga, 90.36; London & lanouhln rolnnunnoo com y. 096.90; Nnuoml mover company. pntom. OI; mitt worh dopurtmont. por vuhlolo company. $92.64; Bushnell oomsnny. Manual. oundrhn. ::5.()B; MoK voy t Birch. mndrloo. H 10.48. ` Hhnh-vnnn Pnrnnn nrnnnlAI u: Inn:-u-I. nl` U3-30.05. Chairman Canon pnoonud tho n 6 ot the board 0! works, which has cl y boon published In tho Wmu. Ald. Newton ukcd whotlnr not tho nnnnnnrln nl an]: n. III: Mnlnhnv lull: mill TA}Lo3 s oomnnwao. From chairman and contour] oi collo- glnu Institute board IO Ibo Mon at tho oollqlnu and public ooh boudo. Ilnnnoo oomvulbho. or mo oouoglnu am: I Ihnmu R W- Wnlnn I mnnoo oomvnwnu. From 3. W: Folgor in the rumor ol 0:- tondlng the nu nhwqy to the onto; dopob. The oompu: in ready to build at once. Board at wot I. lfmm Jnn (`Amman and nllnnug nklnn Board at worn. From Juno Cameron and otlm-0. taking for on romithnoo. Own cl I-gluten. 'I`unn Jnlnx Mnlgnd, nnnlul In: `I. lire, want and II no oommmoo. Aid. Bchnn ntod one that the slight- ui. incl-out o risk will grutiy inn:-out the nu: oi tho city : innnnoo. While hnving tho but: rupoob for the u. water and Hg 0 oommitho. uni not being houtiio to an oompany. this wunn oo- ouion upon which ho could nob doing: his privileges. u m nidu-mm. to tho oom_- mimso. Alrl mun mnvncl nnnnuu-Incl hr `IA mmoo. Aid. Bohnn movod. Iooondod by Aid. Livinglhon. ihui. the communication 9! who Quoon City on company In nlorrod to en: tire. wnur Ind light oommitho. Aid. Howton un-cod chub ovary invasi- nre. wnur nnu ngnu oomlmlmo. Ald. Hutton Igrootl ovary lnvuI.l- gmon should bi nd! Into:-I gunning my prlvil to an company than Ind boon refu no snot. or eompuny. The motion and nmondmono won withdrawn. and the oompmy'u rtquut. wu ufonotl to the tin. water and llhh oommltuo. F-cum `H (`Jain ` x nn hnhtn n' water and II no oommmoo. From W. . Only & 00.. on bolulf ol the Klngubon Foundry Co.. nquublng that tho uxu duo by this oompsny In oompromlud sh hnl! tho amount. nurnoly. IMOJ5. boroduood ho $958.18. to mnh the an: the nine an Inn unlomont pending an unnuul uooumonb for I mud nnmbor ol yuan. Roland to nnnoo oom- mmoe. nnl|I1-Inna mannnu-I-tn l`I'I'l'l`l0NH I-ulaIN1'In. Ald. Dnnnun--Fmm (I. A. Pnyno. uh- lng for druin from his house. Referred to board 0! works. AM [Join-ntnn_ I`mm R J, MnDnunII_ Ald. I.4IVIllfII0n- From N. J. MOUOWOII. aim for use of any lull from Rani huh. nntll nv. Isnh for the nhurmlu of "Ban Jlvm Lynn, 7 c. The Heart 0 Princess. Osra, by | Lab`-A4-u "A-uh Alla uur." rmuon gnnua. Ald. Now|undn-l`mm P. Fsllon. for re- oom nn for throo monthn work on Rodnn Ind Ioard Itruta. Rohrrod to board 0! u-unh- Tm oommlwoo on nnnnoo Ann neoounu rooommondod the ymont of then no- counu: W. Drury, R .l. hohorhy. Ol7.!l7; (L M. lhodonnoll. $1.40; Booth & 00., M635: Ontario Pi 00.. Ol62.|0; Runny. Reid &.:Bo|by` II7. : J. A. Skhmor III) 90: J. Corinth, l23.98z 1.1.... ....v ml: rm. uh. n|.mn.n7. R. 50zJ. (k|h0..`ll.40;- "I'll Ill`, 'IU.9U. The following nooounul In connection wish the mtnr worh dopartmonb won nlno ncommondod for ymonb: labor DAV lint. Oct. Mhh. NM. I It hwrmm Il YUOOEIIIOIIIIUI IOI' wyllllbi IADOT ny list. Oct. Huh. 82%. R St. hwrnnoo oundry. pipo. 0467.00; light. but and mwor oomnnnv. linhb. IN.70x Rmu. repllod In tho smnnmvo. Ald. Bohsn rooognlud hho hob sh tho ally hu Aver nlnmnb l> -law oovorlng uhe erootlon o such lmlld np wmaln the ho Ilmlu. I-lo thought It would nob be who to leave aha mutter wholly In the hands of the u, wutor And llght commit- ho, bub merely to nport on the oommunl- nation. I Ahl Hlinnnr nnlnla nnf. Hunt. nlrnnrlv Uni DIIHQIHII Illllr I30 IIIIIU WKIIUII IIIIU comnny pro to orocb oxmod In tho noi borh and within the fire llmiu. Id. Curlon uhd whwhor or not tho the by-luv rovidu for tho oroobion of ro- roof bni dings Inudo the Mo lunihl. A d. Donmllv noinhd out thn. ruin DIIIIUIIIKI II'B PITIIIIDIZI Wlllllll VII` Ill` limit. Ald Dronnnn thought tho oounoil would do well to allow hho mush: toga to tho re, want And II ht oommlthoo. `IA Ind... run nbn nnh khni. kh -Nahh. unfil" t'3'r"J-"."Si"8u}.;' Hi r}'{n;' i'nTa"u'.' until ov. 12th for the rehearsal: 0! "Ban I1... " D.m.lm. -manta. nnm NOV. nun tor one In Hur." Pomion granted. Ald. I nuuu mama Inc an umm repliod tho sinnnuvo. rooonnind t ?"!'a '13- Denouncod, by john B. Burton, union. Ald. Skinner polnud out. that nlmdy bhroo building: nlrnhr to abut which tho nmmnnv nmrnnnd tn aunt. nlntod In tho nro- root ouuumga made one nro nmuzn. A d. Donnolly pointed ooruln building: are prohibited within tho n limit. IINI I"|O works. REFERRED10 comr hnIiIu' ' nu. ` .:.-.*..~'---......-.-ma`-.-*.'z:..---'.... AH. lid It INMID ODIN mun Hahn and Lnnnhnhnolh lnvun unlit VIIIICVII uuu VIII-nu. us-I or vldon. From John Mound. I ply for motion may mm o! worn. Ald. I.Ivlnpton- From R. J. Mobowoll. mklna for mo of am lull from VINANPI INIMMITTII I\Il'0|l'I'. Tho oommmao nnnoo and account: -nnnmmnuulnl Hun nnmmnnt. nl Mun: no. 'lI_lV` rms! qtylu at mvm. .19; ` IIIL Anmmnnulywnnuusnunyuugin thosbnntuu "nhlng down." uoiu In pvnhou who was about at tho lm pcofnmaun mutt . `I. h` N onrooo':i` m tb|IIIMoI`.M\d he dldnoh wlul: to on that ho had puvlonoly told @s who do not utohd in than duh. um rap:-an to choir du (`.nnnnIl K Iuuuol In `no Inn no Injury- 'l`| Iowa 0! `I30 'I`U'I. NAMIIII. 000. N.--DI. Iluploa. Dour- onoo. has .,aovod this m.`.ln\o.Dr. Onnvn` tuidonoovon Bridge mm and will con"- Mmn Mn m-nhnn. Dr. Dun! Imv Ihmb. I nuuonoton anon mun mu mu oun- Mnuo hi: pnibloo, Dr. Gun! have: short- ly for tho Pacino onset. The lnhnh non of oonduogo:-1 `P33: 0% the B. of Quill- wu u n npsnoo concur: I` lay mu-noon. `rho bomvdoronoh have the u mpnhy ol 5 largo min of Mood: In spams. Juno: n. haul muhr or In nhhllnnnlmnlfnl-nnr nlmlnn rain. And 2 Juno Isovunun. new lunar or In! public nohoolfor our nlnouon ydus. and who: nnignod his panmon to remove to To- ronto afar Ohrmnu. vu pnunbd with I my hnndnomo ohdr And tnbll on Fri- dng gumgongzoe by the hobo? ohmo on n . r. um-nun wu In In on b mu :0. sad undo I vory"?ul to . Barron. I. P. B. remark that null than run ha And Mr. Ilnuu-Inn: I . *.: .'.r:'.m.':.:':..`";`..:`.:;..`*.'*"' gmmbr. kiln; <`i`ro\; tab Bo.l l.ov|Il'o 19;) tun. av... uni-no - noovgmplod the pulpit. of the lantern Obadiah church on sundny ovonlng II. In dolinrod 0 var hnproulvo urmon. '--' .:..:.'...$.."".:*:?;': yarn Kgnquton ponlunuy by magi-mu Daly or pa-Jury. Wnun. A farmer from non Tnmworo . wholh in uldlnduood Oopolmd to non- lnluly. mar rdturnm to his homo on Satnrdu night oommlthod unfolds. I IIIITOWI. L I . B. IIDIIIXWIIIV 0| Mr. ind Mrs. C. A. nlnm hnd It. And- IOITIIAI. PIODIIOI IAIIIII. Ion nu. II.,0oIs. I'D.-- l'muI- um. W hr n ; Inn at rm. Quotul nu : um noor.u.nu inux; Pnont B r v. 0.!) so am; ssmlnhx Ior.4.uH.o A. ; xh..I\I) to M0 - suporitno. Mu to M0; throng ion. 4 us so no - nmao .21 co nu ()Iun--W on No. nnltohn u-11.369` to an :Onrn.dI3Io ho: `Mun. unto mo: 0:. 0.50 (gnarl no, mo to l.l(k o. knnltolun llu-11,! o I00 zoom. to :0. so mo; 0:. hutollog rlo inocoum not no; ouum .n.m. .1 `S comma .l:oo :3 um. llovmuu|-Pork. om no mo - [A on to In : Bacon. No to Do ; lllmn. Io $05003 hI`ICo Do 00 me ~ Burn, sownum . the o to. MM:-n, u to 60; I330, no 0 ID. Ill 9 ' I r11?::n{n':Ci , {>yHaro1d Fred- n nun J0sEI31-_...I:M_~KtI~| III V -BIUIJIA KIKCUIII mvnnroon, oon.0o|.l|- When Jim . hid. ndvnhr. noon; No.l0n..1n 4 oomhod.-pou.!h0d; rl.4'l mus. gunk; .slcIIo?'w.l@:[l: gggoon 0 can. v . ` 0 on u . ` ` 5:Iora.uonVa3. IIIII. lM.I mm; allow. ., I10 5 0011-10 hon J1 0:1; .000 ; 00;`. N: . 0000- I00. If J00 . W on rm, 0In0ndl ,. 0 can one: I` I. 00 1 s .1 odn . il::.,.'.'. . wnm'3q.T'c\oo 3173:: 1:000 '31 3. IF YOU HAVE THE BLUES null - 0) no nnu-lump e. Baturdu night oommmod uuioldo. The Nnpnnoo 1):-umuo. club go to Pio- ton this evening. whore tiny will pub on bhoir plny The New Womsn." BOLI AGENT I03 Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flour II-.... n|.....a_ Ia.-.) I.....--s ....t--- in Ann Winn clomund 31. hold": one: a1" ;...."."J:.`..`l`J&.. ?a'l`:"`n`%':`. I9 1 - hmlu lI1[M.lII)oI.L ormn. (huh mpm otlm Annrlonn. eat! I. coMou-AnuIou I M. lII|IlIlD\V$ I IVIUI I ?rnn. Shorts. Food. lowest price: In Ion o I. I'II....o...I,n..A- .-.A an... -unlnl IIIIII ngu IDUI. nntod-0M.n and othor grains. Will M7 M3 on prion u ltnllwu tnlonn. (Jona- pondonoo nollonod. an! In... no vagina... nun IDAN EGAN] T? '7 - - -vv 2 7' - _ Q O 90 Prlnqoqu strut. DIE lwlfullwllifl WIUVICIT U` o . Oouncll gloat-ad. was um to moon. Blanket Department DINIIDOI IOIIOIIOG. III Brock St.. Klnbton. Ont. ouuonuinanuvuunnus Amzamcm. OOMMIROIAL. l0ll`l'lIIAL noun lAIuI'|. All. on main man. Ihuvum... on av n|h...................... . 6 6 vhf VIIIO1 w tho :1 cut uni- nllu-alnupl no womnnnn In-ac. 1. 1: Up. .3 Aaaanarnv. LIVIIPOOI. IAIIITI uun Ilnnxn l\nI I|_ Illhnnl H ZWAL.SI'I'$ !`.W_Y JF`..?'FS Er H Imlmmn mun am. mm W I man 13 ncoasnw vnndul In (On! Indnln nml limos. ` ` .."'- "..'-'..: .m::: %*=-*-,g;""'.3`..-2'x`::.*':'..`=.=::-:.=-`.-=.-: I n .'w an 411343: 41 THE GRAIN COFFEE . A page um mum. onus: mid -nu --y- --v-- 01-nncv 51-nu` cv,' llnnnum. slit of: Indin, by Rudyard Kip- I. Inc. Ready Mixed Paints no the but made. Trylt tot-noon. You will In more than phuod. Got nmplooudut . `AUTUMN::L-;;; When the Water Drag [N038 r CURA-COUGHA HOAIPS _ nape 3:033; ISutherland s You Ca\t\_6? DenyL __'. . v... ..- oEA6HA'Nn. HIIXIIVII I U VVIIV-IT Avfdod no omnusn uwlulouus "g II`. ., `ALL: A IIIII" (IT 3' houn|.1llIindool_pnIIu: unclni . `- m......m v-*~ - 7 ` The hot Mm-t wm what In Inmo lmpllon. Tn I homo for um nnbbu-I tough. hon homo: Ibo Mon at .%l!9I2!1w _n1e FEET Fl1TEP.. NOW READY AT in not from Culodonh Springs an impomlit health factor In ovetlookld. n Dlll l|0l|I ll ! (tor than l.lN'S BOOTS. ry l pnlr. llllllllllllll M AIIINL Qfll mu, gum ` L ggvmr. :11 sign and .n.: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WALLENCQUN ---fl.--n ` +5.."-. gr. gum Good Boon. Dill none IN hnlfnr nun I Kingston 5 STYLES SHOES ."'.?a':Ti:"a.':;'y Eh. um so I In dnrlnl the I E` Cuiaiiaere Hose, Ipec-_ I I` all, _. T. PIIONI $0. of Broad TTTT | xlrlmuuvo -- uuvvuu p lqqufuvc M will? UIIIVQILID `brin-{cunt nnuu houuomy. _ n-nnnnxnnnn o...:.u.. man up I0 and -.._.u. OI-um. Ooh. :D.-Rohnd In}. tho `plucky younghrnur at tho Xingu: din- mot. who hnvnly named Mn. Arthur I I I #122` ~.:.."'."..:.`25; .`. .".`......':".2.'3'.u'i |ro nmmn 118 331% -- -w-- u - --. . ....-. OIIVI had lmlnlulanhwlnnnuno Inc-Ir. hull In orcuodouum n-nlunnlnnlho-soon-luon !1.IKu.v` TEX : mu. uuv mu. at.` - .___..I. _ WIID UIVIIJ ITIIIII Btu -uuuvu IJndn,cl this on . Iron drowning In lake Mrlonoon olnonhlu .w|ll likely In nmolahond by the ammo sedation at Toronto and tho by Ibo British moldy. Tho olromnnunou of tho cour- upou mom Ian uovod mad man- lnn of tho loosl society to tho tho inm- Mvoln hvlng Ir. In Inlhbly rowordod for his bnvcy. M nub nothing 0! `uhuocmythonnmrwlllbohhnnp. Inna down o'clock on I very dark Vesti, I2}c,15c.2oc. A . Vents, Ill size! and unoenwerm. .- Ihuocmy Ihonnmr will nouun up. It In: down very nlhh chm Mu. Llnduy mind A nap and to Iron the wharf near St. Cnthu-Ino- inho tho vqnuu at the Into. uito a nun- hero! pooplowonon thaw at the thin, but none nomad dlopoood to risk tholt llm I3 `dog to Mn. Lindnyh u- omsnoo. nu ly you Mr. Msy In: M.- onotod to the soon by 0 about: of unit- od women and throwing o` his out In from Nae whu! and swam to the drow ng lad hotollfoh oooododl I . I!-.'.w. nap, lfinn. Dbl.` otoohnd I noon : oounou by air aonn nll. but. u be novor paid tho omnry too. .80, until lub wook, in not not guottad until Botnrdny. Blr Oliver Mount nooonlingly had nothing to do with tho appointment. and hunob gone but on his prinoiplon roprding power to npro queen : oonnoil. \ Hon. Dr. Monuguo lob last night for Dunnvillo. whom it in nndontnod in: will ammo eho pnotioo of his profu- I (III. oooutuonawnuo our nonunmp ll nanny flowing. `ho oxlstblln at tho Auditorium nolndo til the Inuit appliances for urea nllvny buincn. n..._. 2. Q..-._s. A.s_...- UUVT 1'5 W" W Lennon, Out. IJ.--W|ll|ou Prltohrd Iliad lab! 0! Ibo bout ol cannon ht la-Iln 'I`rlv.hI cannon- I.f'Ti.`_ - non. Mr. Ho wood, of Livu-pool, Eng" on important gt bacon. in bore. Ho report: tahnocanndlnn bcoonuuo now ullnont up to tho Dnnllh Itondnrd. Ind he in in Can- ndn no no If he cannot further dovolop tho trade. He loan: for Potorboro and Toronto. Mu I`l-hnr lnnvn OAJIAI1 lnr lm mu-3. Iii)! Uxrvllu Blu. ROCK. Oct. I9.-'l`be body ol Mn. lnveck wee {mind on Thuredly Inc. about one end A-hell milee wee! of her home, on lot ft . elxth conoeeelonol Camden. in the moeb neooeeeeble G of the drowned lende. The pert. w o (mind her oonelebed 0! nine men end a wee the Int day elm. ehe weetao have been eeerched for. When found the old led wee neerl etripped. agn- perenuly having an; her 0 othee up u I gain; to bed 6r to dry them. The oorpeo wee weether beaten end bed ueb eart- ed to deoompoee. to In general y thought. then the never enrvtved the eeoond night. The friend: and relatives of the deoeeeed have the eyln 3301 their nei h- bote hero. The Inner: piece on t.- nrdn at the Roman Catholic church. Gen- trevi le. where the romaine were interred. 31'. Mun, lo., 00 I).-Tho fhanth Annual oonvontion ol t.bcAmoricon utroot nllvqy nuoclnion oonvonod In the Audi- torium. Om thousand two hundred dolo- nntnn nun Inna Ibo-{dank H II [Jul- Ioruun. Um snounna we nnnaroa dolo- ptu an Inn. Pnnldonb H. M. Lmlo. ow York. odd Ian night: Our mombor- ohip I: made up 0! moot nlln men from all our the country and inc udou mmy nnulhu-nu-I and wash:-nan. Tho u.-an Ill our mu country nnu Inoluoou Ioulhormn and tum-non. The rune all-nu Lndnn- hm Hi: all author lnnlnn. oouunorncn mu tum-non. `rue ll-ROI : railway balm. bu. Ilka All other Indus- trial. Inu-ad from Qho Illnr agitation. Int It wl noon put: away And things will resume thdr normal condition. Tho ..4n.m manna-In -m .1..- up... u.. ... Toronno. Mr. Fisher leave: to-thy for the mar.`- time provinoa. Sir 0. H. Tupjnr has re- 0 tun-nod to the chi. Sir Henri ly bu re- hnrnul from On: . . I turned lrom Quo D|ll'I(I 00 M10 OIL . The PolIee)DI-ej-net In Denver seem-ed Vety Good Gene. DINVIR, 021., Oct. 20.-'l`he "lone highweymen." who he held up twenty- three pertiee in end emund Denver, teoting himeelf from oepture b the ree tale of hie revolver. roves to . by hie own oonfeedon. e Cell ornie murderer. He eleo committed the murder of Joel Anh- worth. in Denver. whloh releed reet ex- citement et the time of the or me end which wee eeoribed to jeeloue of e wo- men. Hie name in Albert H. I wnen. He wee henled in A police drq-net Int night end broke down. He eteted that in I885 he murdered a men in St. Jemee'perk. Ben Joee, 0el., who reeieted hie ettempt to rob him, end in A few deye leter killed In wo- men whom he tried to rob. He no et the time en lnmete of B0. Quinton nimntiery in Cellfornie. He wee en in robbing Southern Peolflo treine previoue to thie. He went to Montene efter hie I-eleeee from Sen Quinton end then drifted to Cheyenne end Denver. Be ee he will pleed guilty `to murder when gned in court. IIIOPDOGIQIO football Iltolh Bnocxvmu. Oct. l7.-1'ho game um.- dn 8 p.m. on the Brookvillo grounds. Them In: neither wind nor nun. The Brookvilh Iorimlnngo connnnlly broke through and the forwu-J lino lnlbwod u no nnldlv MM. tho Cornwall nluon no - F. NlSBET SI II mm. 00 mnomnono mu mono men was Madly unohookod. The Corn- wall o uh does not `understand the gum thoroughly and this nooounu lnrol [or Ihdrdohnool (I to 0. Brockvi 0 u u strong, nrm and onthuduuc team that will Inch my club they most. pl: tho gum lrom Itut to nloh. They lul _v ox- noonodcfut tho Kinnwnn nut Sutur- DISCOVERED IZIER REMAINS In. lanai`: Body loom-ad Ann Inn: lhi Inn:-ah. Iulnnvu u-nu v Iivwvu r.'mny u.."e'u'.' "comm-$ii' 'i'.,.u doml our I-oturnod thc bull tar in I s..... o.......| .r....a .1 u.. n......|...m. ` com I: rewrnea me neu uuer no net: been forced nheed ol the Brookvllle for- nrd line. Oornnll pluyen did no pau- . in; while then wee some very clever end |l'I d work done In thin line by the Brook- vl men many-ol whom are experienced nlnu-L I-ookville e hell-beoh nude enme uh. nrfoxporiouxeod rlnyou. iaroomlwa hull-booh ma. some on; and sum runs with the ball, but than It must in mnombond the that u-mun I\lnt|D.ll|A"U nnnlnnnhntl TL- g-on. mt-new uIIIIlQUIh_ HE COMMITTED MURDERS. can win Inow not mo 0:- en: the annotation In In splendid luomwhllo nonbonhlp In nandily mint. Audloorinn no u-om sun to nmnn. may IIIl|_V rt taodolut Kingston: fPPi.9.D00Al III I00 IIIO l0|"ll'(l IIIIO IOIIJWOG . idly Inyorl 1 i not I'OMII'Od thn hr in I jllllo l 6-: XWII- __J ll ).-HUI. Ml`. POIAII VII council by Sir John but. n he novor mid .a, ...-,_. uuvmowooulrr. i .......,.._. Onuolbuuuquilthluuuguu . t W. D. luckier VI. '1`. MIllI-Aotion for psynont olnooount for IBM. Adjourned until Nov- I. Luv] n. A. lloody--Aee|on in IQ- nlnvln tn nmnr I can vnlnod 010. until Nov. sun. I. Roddy VI. A. lloll|ohul-Acti on nooount for 040. Adjonmod until ov. sh. J. Hunk n. I`. VnIu|yoko-Aotion on no olnifor 07.48. Wmadnwn. '1`. Bonnn n. J. G. Muhor-Aoblon for P:.y':::=a:nn IOOOBIID for 025. J Hgmont Prlce Store, an A an Du-I-manna Rh-Ant Dimluoa. K. D. Bibby VI. J. Plw ob Al-'-Aot.lou for `augment of now for .71. Adjourned nntl nv, Kllh. I0!` IOIIW untl ov. sh. I! MI :1, A Foymono or In nooouuo [or gnu. auugun-nu or Idn`. . lgnn & Wood VI. J. )ohu-Act|on for rymonb of n non for no. 90. J udgmonh or plsinul. _, J. 8. Quinn VI. J. P. On` -u-Aobion gr payment 0! oooonnt o! I}; Adjourn- for phinulf. Moliolvoy Birch vs. W. J. Bolton- Intorplotdor on wu-nnt ol nuuhmont for I150. Jndgmonb tor claimant. ll. Ohown E Boo vs. W. J .- Bolton oh :1 Jndgmonc tor olnunno. ll. Ohown J.` :Aotion on non: for 0191.09. Adjourn- Tho corner Bookstore. than at ruuou and woulutou amoe-

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