` Ill` YILI. Whu jhclnnulhs Puhplonuhrlndmholuhund wgnuuuumuomhma C II .......`.'.`.:'.'."... " ma" 1. `lhlonnu cl --- up uuuvollullwnog-\-!!!e.*=`.':.' and nunlntdxfolul. ."".":'"" .."..`.."'.`L.`.`..`,.' nhnuhi I not 3 u but of hbndslgqmutlhuilltw 3!. III bulnlip thanked at 1:150! looulduougnowmubon. nntuputhvudhtwuonbnd. eldnwuh om n.p__ _.__- ,, uduvnllulu-q....uu...... ,._.- vv co. In hunting .'.n.n..nm. .._ mm to nrgo him to u M! 3:61.. `V Thin com the ovidonoo for the do~ futon and r. Whiting bum Mo nddnun ` to tho jury at four o'clock. Ho dvnlt ou- phaucnlly on two pomu brought on In tho -Mon that llpnon ch .0`! thoogrim D?:d gnu prowdo? nnd. e P upon tho not tho lam If Mm clot:-I; dgwn. and -* '"..".'. '........."` "; 2.- oonr. r. u ubl lorfony minnntgn.` r. Ilolniyn mum oomonu um ` dohnno and admitted that we point: In- olotod upon 5 Ir. Whmng nut be _hh_n lnlo eon Mon bv an Inn. Rm, s n`: In In-nun... - nu unvcn Mn hundred: of me; To Mr. Iloln n-l ulvnyn an a whip when driving sh a homo. It would be very hard to him _ oomphhd ovidnmn In an -I- to any non to-day. ' thought is won that Wow-town raps- oulllon." nnld Mr. Molntyn. "l Ind fotgobton about tho acoldont." conoludod the witness. W. J. Morgan. D,\ .B.. on nmndin; the hon: In qnontfon in HQ. I306. for Ioro humd uoneohoo. Winn tho hon: in In good condition In oannoc go tutor than at: or on and A-hall miles an hour. M tho who 0! the accident he could um go tutor than four miles an hour. Witness Inn dvon Nu hundred: MolntvM_l .1... .... . ..n- am. To Mr. Molntyro--1 have omn gone with Flddlor when ho won dolivori goodn. Flddlor wnuot drlvln fun and ad no whip. Mr. Canon Iln Ipoh no mo About tho ncoldonb luh full. Don`: rooolloot what ho or I aid on chub oooulon. Ho non -poho to mo about 1 not . For- got whom I hold hlm then. Mr. canon did nob tollmo this morning`. what may In the wltnon box. I vo not a good momorz. Flddlor told no In! not what to my on to-day. "l bhounht in am mhn w........... ...... awp on mo omooln oh would havo run two tho wauvou. aav: or in tho out 0! falling and laid to in` oompanlon. "That woman hao lollon!" oioppod tho care a low foot pooh tho omooing. goo oub. and ran hack to tho womon. who woo thou aiming up. Iowoor apln that I did not ooo hor until I van otarting to maho tho turn. Whon Mr. Conan ookod mo ill had run ovor o woman. I ooid thoro woo a womon on Johnoton otrooh and! did not ,run o\-or hot any moro than oho ran over mo. Than wao all Mr. Canon oaid to mo about who aooidono. I hod twolvo ohoavao of obrovr. oooh woihm obouh aix poundo in tho waggon at o t mo of tho aooidont. W. Alborco agod oixhoon. no in tho cart. with l`idd'Ior on May 3rd. I806. Bio i ovidonoo` In-ohlol corro dlor. bontod that of Fid- dlo r. l\.. Inlnml jlllll u 1 won mnlln tho mm l rrom Clo yours on to John: n moot. ,8! h ` hor pu-uol up and no on the dye ol tho orouln`. Bho wont on ullmo and stopped. I houghu she had can mo And wu nltln for me tn pun. Iwu shout tho oontroo the turn nndhnd Mme so 6 put if-l hnd boen driving huh. bu I win driving at 5 little later ohm A walk. Bho nhrtod to move on, when tho whulu won on tho orouln . I ma mung nbovo oho wheels. Dd nob nap on the nrouln whon lulled Iaotho woman. bo- own wu our in and If I could hurt nap the orouln uh unvon bumhor w nu for iovomlpornoun bolero gain to nor for Mr. Canon, who mu the n man! worhod for In Kln - ton. Wu with him nbouu four mob 6 I Inc. bimo. Wont Io Wnm-town for I wool: that full, wont to Porch and worked on the railway than all winter. And wont to Wnurtown agnln Inn spring. I saw lnlntmjunb I mnlln the mm Clomv moon on no Jnlmn n -I.----- one an or the out In roar of tho whool. To Mr. MoInhyrc-l-[nvo workod. oh` and on. (or Mr. Canon for four years. Hnvo drivon bumhor uvomlpornoun boforg going Cu-non. whn oouolon. W. llddlor woo driving quootlon on tho do: of tho onoidont. My ogo thon woo oovontoon Hod boon uood to drlvlng horooo olnoo I woo olovon or twolvo. I drovo down Glory! otroot to Prlnoooo on-oot tho doy tho we dont oo- ourrod. Did not ooo tho Indy until I nu on tho orooolng. Tho horoo not my along at tho I-oto of about four ml on on hour. Hlo foot woro ooro. Tho lolntl wollxod on tho croooln and otop . and I thought oho woo vro tin; [or mo to puo. Whoa I got to tho orooolng oho otortod and otruok tho wogvn with hor porno! ond thon jumped hoe . Whon oho otorto tho horoo no on tho croonin . ond I oollod to hor, but oho dld not IIOOII Bho otruoh tho toll of tho In MoInm_n.. .....L..4 ..n-..`.a tho out In nnu nunod Bnlllo #6 WI. R0-examined by In hitin --wm I nu ouminod in A I II I dmoi know tho mm nor tho dress at the boy who mu with the drive: whonwho aooidoni. hnpponod. When I oooldod liddlu for hho ooonmnoo ho uclnilnod chat he could not holpii; that ho had taken ovary pro- ouubion. V llnhll-n um`- .l..i..|.__ Am- -:.j:_1 There`: Only one Best Place _..._- . no uuvul II\IIlIIl' wisp}: driver`: `0.13 at nosv mum on o . an too him In I hm olgo ozoldolm He had boon In my employ for about ulna days on In `Out. Wu In m employ unnl ll vi Goth! . lunged M ..':;'.m.:::.... 1'... R ml ...."'..7. }' horn but my hm um. um run down a maununod Bnlllowt I`. Rn-Anunlnul hi hm..- nu.-- r uuu vmmu II in would the doom : blll. In up to 5 question no what woul be at of Mn: (wlbnou). Did not Ml Rev. 1-. Ball that the drlnr wn lookln to no It a bundle of straw wu l';|'.g|.l"\Y|[on. and tbonloro did not I00 To Mr. MolnOyro-'l`ho driver Fiddler :'.:'..:.'.'} `.:`.'.";...';f: ".::a :':.'.':.:;z nnnor mnunonn tor note not II tho mo. Rev. Mr. Boll onlld to uowlumn. and aid vmnou If in would point! doctor N". ND`! mlnn u what Imnl-1 wu canon. The noun smoked to the w 1 on the of the uoldonl wu ml -Mupoud In hul contacted the habit ol going at A [onus cm. `II: no nndu treatment for fut tho olllil In nnbllnn-I. -Ml -uunw. nu ouunu wu Iuhnlotl. and nluod Io Iuuunmuu and dlounou baron poms thuuno ol thud- dent. Johnomoo oludoundmtln thou. wu nut ho hone mama no Wldh Oludu of II nnnldnnl hm: ' TO Avon: AOOIDINTI. `no Ivllouo he the Donut In 5 out In Ila Iln coon-1'50 olnonnuooup ollu Wlluuoo low thooollluon-`rho Juno on an OOIOII In In Vordln. On mooning us two o'clock on Tuscany in the Ohadwlok vs. Canon out John Rowan, an. no an em wltoou lor the Menu. lilo ovldonoo Iooholool. and aloud nounnuonn and dlnmm. j lam, but PRIOAUTIONI ran, DA, Luann A g` ..... __ IJOBN CARSOW THE CASEI THE DAILY BRITISH` ? nun uvun unuuln run "IUYAL Oil." III KINGSTON MILLING C0. rvrthohlool land. Apubltonohool huh: vriun to I50 "mm "Gold lunch: hr shhnohc uhou be pnhlbihd I! Ihhlnuon.--Nn-v V--8 non. mu n ruuuuon no mule M Mr. Ray- uon`n puomly invulnonblo a mum. oroluel on-Ilholmopooluon Id be uimmorl. The N10 an Inuhnul In this matter and y want the truth.-Irv vnnuumn. mun nomuloolou inunnonnon hauls Enqlhh church in I the Loni`: nplmul pnunmlnuoo on rm: pu-moo jun ma ml on rigid In implrluzmc mu`:-hl pnnncc 0 upon I: n '0 mm ohoulul In ouuhnll pondontl by r. Hono- vomnndnnmtt on lnmuhol Mr. mmnntlv Invnlnnnnlsln .._........._ Ihul-I lb carefully Poudond. Klrmmw. (')ot.. III. --Sfodthc Edit`:-): It wu m M on un oven n to hour lh v.pfMr..yuon dob?! the tall- mom mule at one o! tho moons amnion meotingn In nprd to the Raul Pnnonoo tn the nonmom hung the tonohlng ol the Church ol Rxlund. The point nomad O0 moto bun colour Intbnonnnn Enalhh hum an lam. ...nn-.1 .-- _ .. -. vvuruuus VIUI` dirk; rW.' \'\r'a'|'nI' Iooonhry-tnuunr. Wilson; captain. lf. Ronthy; commit . ll. `Fund , F. Oorbott. J. Molaughlln H. Bmch. ho turn will practice out n - noon r four o oIooh. tho nrloh qd. In `ham. 5.... .....L-z ...m L- In noon: two noun will l mnuohu with my junior mm. llousehold Economy. now can $25; :5": .:z:.': mu than n: o our on the nu .....u-. an` v-III: will `IIUIJI In about two vrooh I my junior at " 2.7I'.{ lhou-mod A Football on. A mowing ol the Itudonu ol tho Kin - (on business coilogo no hold on Mon oy afternoon for tho pnr`;ooo ol omonluing I foothollclub. Tho lolowlng 0 convert olootaod : Honour pruldonh. J. R Mo~ Kay: prooidont. W. J. Oounlnos vlco-pt-out done, W. Woloh ooorohry-tnuunr. _. `Wu;-om Rontlonoommia . > o od.o\nd labor on. on upon s course 5 mun only a uuunng u much-down. which he convul- lmm Walton. bull behind Kln - mum nib. I loo match and tho noon cmnob In to on n I orlurionnn which to ndp the nlutlvo mu-In ol the lumt. he Kin Iton mm nlnr|Ayod withanluortogoo two man. 0 char nfuood nnd Dr. Ola:-to umpind tho match. The hunu won compound of that plnfou: (nmtoo-B. Wilson; Polmor Huntl- ton. Knox wmom. Dam. v\'nu.m.. Hnloth. Drummondu Wtddoll. Btlm-I . ton. (men. J. Club. Chown. Molhwnn. Sbunbonnlo. Kiugnton--Fmnor. J. Elliot Smut. Ron; Dovlln x A. Konnodd. J. . Hunur. C. (JIM-lo; Low. Blltor, . Martin. Got- ton. lnwla. again hllmg on the non : Lnoorlng ton u. umrn ; grounun. The unnlbu were ln no mu. nnd pub up 3 nurprlnlng mo. Tholr op- ponent: oould not hold t om. one] the ro- nul6 wu tho llmoobono boys were "ock- ed." The (lrnnltm an null nnmod; the mm In just no hard to but In tho oolldlty olthonnmolm llu. Hamilton uhomnrdy onpuln of shot mnlm. did all the scoring. ucurlng n bouchdovm. which he oouvor - ed. and on. n has Imm W-II--n .\..--uu vvunl an uuu nllluluoll IIIIIIIIIWIIN club hud 1 rnctlco much at the nhlouo grounds. he Unnlbu am pub um Iurnrinhm mum. 'l`h-In om. rllylnj The name nun-any. Yutordny amrnonn tho (Jnnmn sud I watch hum of the Klngoton Inurmodhu nmmdn. Unnlhn war: In an. 0-mi- no to! tho Quota`: hoohy tumnd M nville played lut {our on Quinn'- ll. Tho tum on tho w oh puns woll. but mods mom pl-notion to work up It: oomblnntlon. A future of the tum in that thnolof t-ha u-It tum. Ron. Bnhr nnd Momatt. and I uood noond tum mun. Plnylnlr. an In the lint of tutor: for th- mu molmb. and grood noond the tutor: for the your. vv-u IVIII-I-III`. Tl Ivy HQ: ulna from all loch sud `mm. ` jj-j-2 man. I wing, LITTIRI TO THI IOITOR. `IIIII wlm '[l'lll|I on UOU- I" III. `rho oulohn uohlo ammo wall and kick Inn. The Kin eon {mom has sun In man; In lndlv dud Man; In romaine to In nun whether 0 air combination will pun unloiono. Om 0! their players In tho vobonn Mu-qnln who in once more plnylng Iorlmmugo. `May no oomlnly 5 vol- uronp can And In prnotloo mntohu hol uh I I II I I0 ' . Th ..:.':.::.::.?.7:..:r'"~ '" . " 0! Mn nnlvnulmp u... Inn- -..- L- { unu prouuoo on HENRI ! III II. V Tho voriouo tAAmA in tho`oi Aro prAo- tioing hord. Tho GI-Anitoo. tho Junior toom. An in oxoollont Alupoa no `A int tom. havo A Atmohooriu And A oouvbinotion And know [A oi can which Aro Apohon of in Axtromoly igh 3|'m;.|;yr:l|`O;O`n|.i0.|IVI wntohod `tihom. n u oy phyoti A row. 19.19. with tho udoto. who woro in hottor ohopo thAn whon thoy ploazd A iAi:-iy ovon Amo with Trinity on t. loth. Tho Kinnton iAtA ton: in mm... , cg: qu-non meeenuy untied el II: from 3 gallery. the eereeee equdeetenell ' 1 $ ."...':`.`::a'a". "' "'.'.`.'.".'3"`;."....m"..`.'.` end ple , has rating however. to what ngetonoen ehw In we elde- voeloneothegene. A, 9 ! vewee recently belting um eoqnetn Rertloipeuon me mph` in . In which ehed hell-bee . "How did you you can ' wee the queetlon. "Oh. no good. the younger growled: "nleue ruled me on for I-on hpley." OI-omle eone- ~ Ilmee 0000: mm. wnlniau the 5 \ ` `" .".':`. .`.`.:'.. ::'.2:'..":..'-.':: 3'-... ... . nun rot Minivan. In . .....-u -r-u-u-unupiuunaoli hnlhllobnu Aiaoolllllonr nun II I only in Quun'n`un Mon bu ulu uoryputollhoily. W nutowdc new .T 1: or mm. In .:.......a""".'a'."?. .'."'..`.'.`.;l r. ui'wm's. asi Prlnicesst Si: Dlnotl; oppollh mmoll Homo. HM IMII Io nnlnn Alan mun mum .....|. Plum; The name Iuul-any. IMHIAI Aflnrnnnn Mm n.....n... . WEIG. wn15z:msnAr. 00130313 :1. use an :,M nln nahw hmuhn.4- min} as yup uh d II`. unnm will It at he "BI-moh America. In ma am d1y.0o\ nm."?|"um' Nd" b v---g -Inn null! HI In. K" hondmd with II `hmmc kind: at luau. nnmhou not on Sn (Xmas. but In the Unibd Buns. vi I obtain. In; nlvd. On April llth. I308. I pur- ohondfmuyu I Wlmnoonlnn N ndvhd iynrhyuhhnhdo no, I mnlvhnuh lug my cum). than uu'unmy:v:'|hn| '1.` math! hr an It. you you am Mon- to no for rohnnou" Ir. llmlum ll be at the Amcuonn. Kin-um. ha. ....| no... wood mud Wood`, Old) nu loud. wm. onumr. om w..,g_ woo Ill Pphmnn IAnnAl ll-...A..- n... ---7-u-v. Onoolthonnny onus of nu undi- oully and by winning` no tlllnoon mm in that M W. J. Alhn. 0! Mc- Domld & Allan. Klnpton. Ont. who wu llzhd with n man by B. Undrnnn. tho 0:- u6YorIouvu(Rou|n hone Nook). Imnndwhovritu on Sept Ilthu " V0 rt u '"W.' Ionnhdly ndforlho nml dungmnt um :75: I 33'. sea my dlmnnt "$3. not nnli in l`\nu..I.. -v- ~-:., ~"- .r:':::..' =x:,"....... M":- nm 8 n n mommw Instruction; mu and chill that any oouthom am with tho Vuibh ncoptlon o! Mar Inn and Wait I nI|.\vll| for In Inlay In "noun 3 mt." v. Inna con- nldon the nlhd emu cupnmo court to the hoiuomoo to the country and E0 5 II %D'. M SOIINI Qmllnn -W: \\'nnnnrn\',(}onn..0ot. BI.-()ov. John Gary Bum. ol Boueh Onrolim. vlnitjng hm numb that Brynnmlunllthln Eon Onrollnn will In (0, . and u (Ion. l`n|mor'nvoh will In about L000. chiey out In Chulnnon. Ho Mum that the (skin that WI: I0 DOOINI Olconllnn nl M-Mal-n "NOTHING IUT ROT." no uounon sums An an In uni Ir Inn. ---~~- ----vv vv-vu nun-IIIU. vllll dmghhr onion J. E. Robeson. wu unlu- ad In mcrnp to Wm. Wnuoh, manhunt. Jw I sh Id o n one o 5 id :11`! Bdhgllhflgunuddolilg ::Lrh`l.on;:;.. own n n ooh I It . 9 h all a: ago. 'l{o':nu an. n?` hi 0 nnpoc r for tho county of min and Northnmborlund. which position 0 hold Int Mum yous. ununla mm: 3 part 0! ono out on`. Glam 0. Jun. wllo ol Jouph Gold- nnluln. did at the lunlly mldonoo. Bld- noy. on l`rldny_.' The d'o`6|u"n'd|wn am`- on -one yuno an 6 menu ru- dog 0! the towml The Salem Mnhodlu pu-comp. Gol- borno. vru tho mono ol n puny mddln on Tlmnd .lut. when lllnnlo. thins dmghhr ol v. mcrrlnp ol Wu-aw. Jnlns mun` Ann ..D AI-- Ail` ` runny or mombnnooua oionp. Whllo pawn; In the new team pump In one nor o! the rerun Imnm.I)onromo. John Juoloon had tom of Macon bully nnuhod mm! pub o! Juno. nth nl .I......I. n-LI olr Frank. nix .i`nuud.:yn of mom:-:::onI 0:03;. _ Whllo pawn: nu: nu Removed ll`: _..-- l'\...A-_ - U.'l'.I|. Dnnoon Bnwly on end with Uhu-In Gun. lumber. Bollovl lo. nu married on Wodnoodny In Nnpunu to Illa Mury Doyle. Bozlovlllo. u M h ' I H man n t 0 son 0 Inc Pronbytorlnn o umh.Btl`:rm;.`?\In|nlmouI all no onondod to Rev. B. 8. Burns. 8.5,. V) :-mom no mono: oru-mm Oopolmd. Brook-. villa, nym thin with them In the loo: 0! their rs k. I h dlod Tqgrynof m:I|:':::0.|I: 033:. w . um I0 nvo. ' V Mlu Ellon Wade. duughtor ol Btophon Wands Bollovlllo, wu mnrrhd Monday to .(I::`l`ln0II. A popular onginoholr tiho nmm... IV.-A-.I.. -.._.,I-- V I rm of In mmm ooulonnd Iron the mug Inlnnn. A now pouoloo hu bun oponod no Wonulo. in Addlngbon county. John err. who hn lived for mu nluh -I-. vvonuo . In Addlngbon ' for the an uln- ooon B rt In Kingston. bu [om clin- vlllo llvo. _ J Kiln: Ilnn \D-4I- -|-~-` - -- ` mun. Iuppolou to have boon mmbou o! the n . Ind uoppod at n mm homo thou II mile: north-not ol here And domnndod food. Bovonl Unmd Batu mm-Ihnln. hohdod by doputy Coloord. no In pumlt. .,.....,..p mu nu nuunul. hold up n llvor nhbohoo rmd com [Id him to nuppfy them Iv! Antsy of rash hornet. Non nu also rooolvod tom!--v -I ah- uuwull nun: mnnnuw onto. that by lmon. nuppoud to have boon : gang. uonnad an . tn... 5.... .....T n. 11.": o 5'.`.f.'au!.'`. Oh-oo m..$'.'.2.'.?a.J:fm- om dlnoono. Au duh Ins nighb tho mam hot! not boon ovorhokon. Eu-ly thlo morning o bond or tour mon. bollovod to hovo boon momboro ol tho shot roldod Oumo,y.np rod ob llulholl. hold oo ohbln 0! ond oomrllod onlu of rook Imman- nupply them with I relay Tush received today at tho United ltnton mm-||ml u olloo tint two men. Iuppoud hnvu ham mam!-nu n, UH` . I -I`: I Illcnlou tin plan In Md Annln nun: .... nu uwuuuu no mv. B. B. Burm, 3.A.. Wm t. `rho Mon olllormnn >_I|l9. nympnohln In um Inn no ~ so g=:lI:`|O|".'lO that thou mlghobo yin. IIIWI W IIHI 0' Null` ` Imolm And Jowollor. Iomnl nmnllor mm nu also nld Bum onto:-In; Cum: tho outln: lnd ulna tho - union to out tho ulophom vim MR3. no Inn. During tho |`lld tho lnndlu kept up I mum 9! ballot: In nll dlroollonn. an-mm the lnlublunu no that my lltslo om run much to mm tho nldon. II via some that alter the lundlu lud lath lnlon order could In I-utorod and un on-gnnlud pun-null hogan. Finally. after oonnldonlalo doloy About zoo and non nun mu Ionoovuo SM olviluo. sh ' nldod '13 max. oo'3u|nn"'ouo pnprma ml men! travelling nun who won mp- plng than to Mm: our Muir money. Jenny. ntnmn nan Alan n-I-I `I-1 * ' /I out Oct. in-1 an w:'ouaJua um: L ...J `.'.. mu town ol amnion: want; 00:`: I60: night. About W 0 N `O U. ouo! |h naming. 1:! PI. DA. luau: up A rown.or'ooo m-' LlLQlUlAA`Q THO-ll DIITIIOT DAIHII. "nmalnrnys 4_cm:7 rs Ivvvvii `VT nnmmh. $5.50 a Ton '-:..~_*.;:.. ;:*m:..*e.::::.'.:.*:.~:r'.-..r* n5:`:?`A :::a;:r' '.:.'n.::a:* WM nmlnv am` can. 5 an In use country and (lrollm h n Ihnv nlnnnn In IN` mu noon at the nu MN Dolphin It kept bully building (Inuit ha actual Ire . as Inn. n! nonuunlnnnnin Onhdnlnhg lunch! up Tmvuun !n.A.~m Punt. Ont. It--'l`|o shunt Junmhln on t: (. huh phh 3* New on but cylinder had In: put :uuu- uruulvuivvw I I I _- no o."253"`o`$ :1 fun`: ",'_~I_';.r:g '.r.:. .mm":'::$E Ihl cu-oAitn.\3:r.`::: mint! _ _ __ _ Pnlnhr. rnunhy. 0 win. :1. an may also nound I no In the boynorolus. Thoeom an nvoroly uthhndno! tho huukon on Wed owning. whon two lmklnpvnn in II win. one at Allure u `n undsln thorn W. 15-tngl. On urdq and hi uohnol no cloud. our umber. It Pringlo. uuondt th\uoMn oonvonuoI onthoudnyut spams. 01 I ooumnndcbh noun II In phuun to new um Wm. Hw- Ioy. 8. (I. Hurley and Mn! llul D- omed nut tho owl much on run.-J33. Out. I h. Bhnglncuy nloonoundu nlnlhoboyn Ins. Tlnmmnu nvonly .smm3mc tho Wodmuln av-ntn-V uunwwc mu an plum mm mm to mm but also mun normal on In - mcunq the uhnuon 0! sin public to mutonohooinl (Mom! arid frommy dohoul mu tau-ouml mo. on-gnu things of ooumnndcbh In nhnun In nab. n... 1... n-_ pnonuon 0! but It In my tnbmio porminlon. new on oumncoc gm 0! lift. that In n.Mr Editor. with your 11):). ohmnlolo the oo- 0 unu wonla or mo post. "tho hmiy none 0! rnnuc mil." An A community wo . would try to mount I follow-fooling among u and to 0 all we om for tho common And In thin n can than I gnu! up- pnoinuon of gift 0! Nb. my tnunumu. mu. -uh ----- F33 ""ci hdru?ndu nnmo Innate, thin Inc: In one of the plu cunt spot: of can . and no one can rightly my chub it II mimunod. We un- doround blunt In the in-ly part 0! shin new wry tho nuns mu given by virtue of tho plcnmlnuonon or an lnmothu ..:.a... ..n 1,. ---2: Inn: Mount People Proud 0! that In- no muuco. Mumvr P|.m\n.urr. Ont. I0.--An In mun. nuns-u, thin Inoo oltho spot: . and um Ann nan nou npmd. Min M. A. J. J. Murphy. and n the groom. nuylu unto mom. urn. John Downoyg valor cob. Illuu Annlo ind Illa Kon- nudy; mm at. Mia L. Donovan; vuo lam l'.|M\:rphy Ira: llugnnhu Mair- gpuor um nun fl. ). ur ; mtln dunk. rtlanr Bluoh ohlnn 5'3" no. M an [Alli ood; wlnou A. and . Bum; nllvor ll-nib dlnh. Rev. r. I us; run bowlv. J. Murphy: Flown box. . B. Momma" gt`-Int dun. J. Mohrhnd; bod mun . In M A n...... 3.-.: ____A - in: nu. vI.lvl `"3 3}": 5'.".`{;; that oil nut III YOUR OBOOII YOI "ROYAL GIN." Z IlIl|l1`-tun: nun: . n..- _ ..-. -mun. v. Auurpn IOVI 00!, T. B. MoNunu lm bod Ipnn . In M. Groom bodnprnd. J_. mid bmooln from - n gonomm ublo oovor. Mr. and Mn. I ghllp Mm-ph 1 bod aprud. Min Annlo McDonald: non pillow. Mn. A. J. Flood; toll out, 13. Gavin; Inn water no. I`. Black: hnngln lunar. r. and Mrs. M. Judguohopllo Babe oovor. Minn mu Flood: vnhr M. L. Hill: lomonsdo 006. Min Llbblo [van I: II In Mr. and Hm. I . Joyoo; pntr min. rt. J. Dovmoy; Ir Icon our-ulna '. W. Wnbn und uln- ar; tabla olobh. Mu Ron Lnppcm ublo cloth. Mr. and Mrs. T. Konn ppoir ` mwoln. Min Gull: Konnody; pnlr woln. \ Jnmu lklYh: Illvor humor dlnh. Wm. J. , Boylo; who cloth. Mn. John Downoyn . mil 1 In cunt`- --A 11),- D K. A. M h I II 0* . .'.'. fI.. 31'". Mr. and 2373 i*'m'. .`.I.'u3.7 hf; ohon lo ublo Ehrllp Murphy: nnrud. mu Anni- uun. II`. I I .".``n`. 32.51. 33. pimp, Min K. and MrI.P.'J. bumr dlnh. Mr. and Mrs. P. rum . Inp- ourhlnn, '1`. |loNunu; M. Bruno: lune oonm A. Mumlnn n: r nllvl uoovnmo A oiioo. hu. nonoma. odor at . Mr. IMI Mn. N. 3 nlr m-. Pot Downm putt Inc on M. Oolln lur- hi; pair Inoo om-ulna. hbh cloth n donnnn Ina. Hr. and In. Juan urphy; II obonrd cover In. Oh. Oonnon onohull donn hum doyltoo. Walker Black; hohogmph album. W. J. up an almm able cloth. Mn-.nn Mn. [Minor loovonn r Mo ourhlm. Mlu Much Ilnnnmna. Ann P u M umnauon in wlith tho yoiIig"_5;up :0` hold by choir nuny Momll. Thu follow- !x'g'._'11._.':'.`f':q:h::Ia' lo o::'.o.'.'.'i..`l'.'5..'f.'.t ....u-nu vl IIIII IlI|lI'I u. VHO" I bountiful dlnmr unload thou. They won Joined byunul neighbors and ro- hum. A roooptlon VII Inn In an oven- lng. whon oven hand:-as Invited gunk. nuuly all nlnqlm of brick nmmu. om-Id congratulations And but up for the h I at an estimation n w lob young couple no hdd .1! I'll`! Inning L.l-...l_ 0l|L- ` " _|T'I NAM! NO MlINOMR. ..... nn-.._.___... . A- i>A}~I_Iy maimllin min. at 'r"i'o' Cd It I I III dll ol I dolloal: I'D:-doMol'l:::.`MIIr' u Ibo gipllony _tho_ bridal nun! dun In on rm am:-.:.:.':-. ....a':?'?;:'."i-35.2. oHl.u\d u . u no: w.ao-nu. 0'3; 7th. "'K'oinnr:a..'3'aeo'3 may and nu ma wu oololu-sud In ?`9'94 % - lygv. 1. Ian olldmu M- ` \/ `V7 -- A Dunn: lull noun Jenn `I gunp- . nus II vuu. I Mr. And llnc nun GI`! _ WIDDINI IILLI. T T IIIIIII IIIIIII I0 IIOIOII. Bold OIIII bl NowYork Dress Reform. 2,.'.f".`:E' A In: -an ltnnlin .1 Mn pnunu ullod to Na - My follow. *-.,*3.:r.:;.'r.:`.'.:*"..:*:.-' IIIZ DI: nglnhnumml 1.. love `I B: hm bod nnnul. I.s.Te.7.;_.r s%l"--..=-.-.-- Mot; Made Manly. I -uuuuomnnmoonlnn wnuntnnln ova pnrucuhnhc Dun`: Kid Pillo on noolnllthouubhnvh hm ` in nu - "`l\o'r`4` diloulshnbn dhnppur ul. `l`Mpnin,u\d " and tho riounuhn 50 rd? I feel `I m I All Ann`- don! ot the Limulom ON. "I have howl my bad urinary unable: non than the you: The urtmwu ltko an in color um! Imklad no In punt IL "I Von an can all out no I naiv- ul a noun thnnhlhg and his kind all We thus Rheumatism has uoublod no tot nus. and I oomhhnul Innnll :..........u. Mr` I dun houlvorybul The lidmyn an all! ma lion In come Klngnton I e hlwloow he I! you: gpgtruthg Qty pus. Yes. But It Is Kingston Talk. The Kind tnnt Tells In Kingston. nroou wanna Buy tho "alin by hlmloi by for tho but Ounndinn` hut in tho inn-Im. Onmdhm hlnnhou from {L60 Er pair. Ennlioh Bath blank: and Elm h Ayr- ohin hluikou. Oonnibmn from Mo. to 017. Our own nuloo! oomforhr iillod with but whim batting and covered with no atom for 09.50. Pillows AI R36. "Loo. N and lmpor pair all No ul'n ` ingoton on-poi vm-ohoun numu A` uunmcn. (l Mlcrluh. Ont. Limo wrmon In loving cyunpntln no Sir Richard and buiy Onrtwrlghs on ego dash 0! their hdovod Ion r _ :...'.:.: .:`.'.`.':f`.'.`.`:'.:.!`... th 0` ' h I I :\\\I\ |sO.I13.l`|z nyu m. lI-o-d.T| our lungs. Ilolno A` Ilhnlnn. (I Mlcrluh. Linn nun... 1.. |....:.... .... Mn vounuou Ind dmurbod olup. BuHud- ' lug In the pupa om city the pu-Monlnn ol 5 out very much like my own I dooldod to no nodal`: Kldnoy Pm: and procured ono pox. Being holpod by tho Hm kw an... uu man : Iudnoy Hlln and box. Boln In! by Hm tow don: Icoutlnuurnk nq until I had mod two buns with tho hnppy mum of u porfoob nun." u-- U! n. n. nr anon who on boln Inter- vlwdd id x " hud boon nullhr n3 for Iomo bllmtlun dlotnuln Mao bunk. mur- vonnuou and dmurbod olup. But [Old- pup in tho mu-Mm.I... nl Illnnu In on Iuok-DmII-bod Iloop-our ocl In Two lion: ol bud`: Indus: Hm. Buuan. Ooh. lD.-(Bpoohl.)-'l`horo hu ooourrod hon nnoaor lmhnoo at tho wisdom of using Dodd's Khlnoy Pill: In any out n! uupooood kidney N-oublo. prolnphk uh Mn ouuu. Thin mu intho cm of . E. For man who boln mm- Illdx t.lInI4Mhh dlnhnnln mm. s....|. ..-.. j `hit that tolls. `hit that In ondonorl. Ever my tall by pooplo that know. CI? Ii. KI my talk. Do the lldmyn hli ? Well. yon. bot-h loud and I . I\.':>u urn lusrninmgh lId|m,y mgnqq `L- A- One Hundred of the very choicest and latent London dulgm to be had only at .h.. Inks In nlson no mo. - vo umun tun. 3 NEWTCASES or-` ...1'lANTLES... FOR SATURDAY. WHOM MAY OONOIRN. ::-j '3_=_._I3_9!sMT`..`c`"`:>atI- neTu'te or Nervous` women Should mun: reuey-:.`~ In loud Paint to pnuwo their rruluu. gm :'*:.*.m*.:.: M tun." For cold Rumor llllhungh... LI- .4.-. Au oot Infurtouo to noun: or stomach booouo plcklul only no and In blending. ~ Older lava contain strong acid: thot no not found in than we gm. tllON`f um um. vuuuiu puuluu Ul rruluu. on. us. 000. no. nun. J H.. ,nn..,` Vatish, 's'.'?."c`:'o"u'/1'ii'L:s.1 -.;m2:_-~ AOIAROIUOIANINIIOITIOIOVIID Inlton-aunt Iuluonoolluchud lhuuufnt. Iulcivounollhih nu us soon. Apply uncanny M LIMESTONE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. nunn. lg) mn....._.. ____ ,_ I W". .. `N""" N001) mt. Potash I IMI I\luoh. to an aim Mum nd uhvllou NIII an who vlllclngut 0! ll: MIC the hon. Aulypornuulbultho _ ---- --ww wv:In&\lE human Incl. Murat. lupus. Q:-pg`- A . -uuv-you A Business or shorthand Education Free` the Bee__ Hive` nunuu1`oN. ONT. mum will nu-own on TIIUISDAY. hob. lot! On 0! the Inn oqulpoul mm- In cumin` Nil mu 0! Unlvsnm commas. Inna In luhomnuu and node: In- nuu. ho nsnnmuu and onlun cl lolo oonblnul VII}. the hhhou maul udlllc PM nun. 0%.. only to Zn: lunnnnungnn .. - lx"`'""ungston Laatesmouege, "Cloubm-n. KINCCTQN. ONT: VIII I-oqmnn om 'l`uIl|nnAv nun unit 10 Pommg an Ir: 3: 3.. .::a.\ ..'.3"&...u. no 3 m;-=.f:.-. om Ill A n_..-... .._ K|I:';t'- Tl;u~nou Collage. Mdhnhus. m....n J... g._.._ IGIIIIIWI Hull utnotm IIIDIO II CRESCENT WIRE WORKS. momkndo sud every description IAIO!lIImI, nu Inna nvnnumm . ' `V rhea? A L`:%'-`.~.'\"17':r?':='~='w :r""w'.'. " E 1'5" . .... u.ol\ono No. MTTM onoo WANTED. I m`,8_i:.n:nodv?:`|snrc-. -j"_1 Ano_n-nuo1'umu.. IDUOATIONAL. """"_'.",*,""""""""' VETERINARY. L Wm: wont. ' E ILITIIKI. no In!!! BTBIIT ' vnu. ug-pay uv III. OOIIWA " i`fIi`KhT6fA"L. .. 5 1 :- I II IS. It not IVCVV IYIII T93? I`7IYI I g.1ajx'..-.--:.'.-m:w`..-:.:":-.2-. ' '\-V'|'lI"5 iT5.'"Yon on buy as to "I JOHNS, ,___ - v... V... -vvu II` how!) an to buy Broumoalu. man. nods Wnm-. lot than I hut '/ nwfolgulzl` R:-flute: won. You on nmm & mnow. "ms?- -----/.."""I mw qt-;.*`-`:...=:9g51'-`-.f.:". 2"-'.'.: @' ' .:L`5;i 3'-. """"' M IIIIOIII oppolllo nun]! Ho` IN modulo onlo (aloe you I In M reasons In um. j f':..i r-In-Irv II:-IJIIIIVI UVIIUI-II no to 5 d that no. oonlyoo unt? In 0 nntnrmrgqnr. A onn Momodoln. so on: 1 nn.\I.._l. ll`.-- n-`.`4_ IIPIIIL. "."1 ..'.$ rm .:.`,';:..::'.'.:.g.*: @ `33.33... 'L"3xuh.'vu' Ito. n :::Iu0.|0:\c.oI`I:I6on. T ii?-Style . . . Chang In an lndn - uruuvui I 3 `Am Id Prlloou Mn. llnnton. OM. :uT It nitolluu in pro) uoldmo W; 5 HY'30N. .3 :::..,:,..._ ng prelim 1 0:30:10 r"""Is.s1cLafS_ ?I'i1E_f._:`"`!'..~_I'A9=!3IL_t?{{ I - 31' % Clock an'v7Jtu Making. . . .1;... .1` ...s'.'.'..-." 11?!E: ::*..?-$1.:-;.::.` ---, v .._v mgrlno a folding IRON AND an 5 ' wit spring nntlrau. u an:-norm-r nnnr nunnun V- iv: ---vw lino llnu Ohlnn 0|-ooh ,",,'_l`,`$`:: ::a:;*`:;';.f:::: ta. cw-wvvwi VIII $11310 HIIIP. .v-' cw v-1: IIwIl\lIn I O z;3;'$Ilo|\ Olltlld nd nu oonnomul non 11: I IIIII Vullt I Vlowu Maw "Hon hum a ;$`..ni':.`:`.":.'."..`-`3..`51" IUIIN II POINTIRI. .. u..;J.}.f1 nunulu `M. W. ROBlN80N`8, I ITIINIIAII WMAII --, ,- . hug E`o`.""'n?'o'aR"'ul..`::\`Va'.7.5?': inhuman In AA onln. oauum --%--5-7 u C O O I{3r'I35.'i..f1{3'd9:'... `.".'.` a Writer 4 In. on now aw: vo 'Yon I I! PRINCE ll`. ROB|N80N 8, IIDINHAI BTRIIT. I Y" I` To H3: and Ornnunnl nnooh Ind Drool nu. a-2-2: s~,:sv-..:-'.=.-.':"!.r` 1.. unwlnlor on I on; goods I10. 7 Ollhd. Pu-`nun:-tj Ih ~ hI|IWnhunlVImIhI|ubQnIInhnI ugunguunnuuuvtunnnnwul Ishhnupnhulnbcuuduq ualunnwpuuuluuu Vina jinn: hubchndcull 01:! Iquhlnqnho` quwuuuuuuuun-nu jpn-44L..-I ....-u-gun--uuuqxlltlmviwtln nnqu|lvunu|.hInnInuIh Wm- olq pained uh ad!-an run. his will `IN:-tnvopndnodnuhn Oulhuwhmcrhrm In! ` I --nun puwnnwlo Mn hvond tho-Mum nqorpdnoiplo us bqin- ,nInIovnndorlHhonun not two sides \ bllnlqnnuoautlwimhorlt in IA?` duulupogdhrnntviulhhunw hnunhowu-I.` . . Tlopublh IOOIMI stamina of On- Iuhlqlohulvu-nnbly nu Inn ur- IDITORIAI. OOIIIRNTB. Ir. Anld. Ibo lllnnl candidate for North Eat In the provlnoinl bye-olooon. had I plunnt use at the polls yuhrdq. -Inn an it u0I'lIlIlU"II|0hI- U0 fll I. no bu Mun onupuo. and economical. lgyoun Co In this in will duorvo suontlonmd in will got it from the Wnm. ..... gun It VIII. IIII lllll]. HO hll HM oomnmud any wrong ll a cabinet omoor no hr. Ho undo I ninth In oonnlung I dole: onndldcu shows I cool common but no qulohto oornco tho error by wlthd ng Jmm ouuldo the common snd all In oonnldononn. So In Mr. gab. }jnnnuu-`Ah; --A A-4----'~` ....--cu V wuuunnou. no ubonln oro oxpoobod to do Imolnooo honootly. to pro- toot tho public lnborooto and public lundo. ond whon khoy ml to do thlo tho llborol popom will probobly opook out and cmloiu ovonu u thoy and tho oomo. Why out who Mr. Monllon to going to do About sho pon-knlvoo. popor cuttoro. otc.. upon which nmo 06.000 5 your Im boon Ioroooloro oxpondod In pullo- Inont. and for no Inonbon. ooolng than on motion of Mr. but-Ior. all shooo potqulnlteo on of tho pub. that bhoy will nos in cup` pliod In tho htnro. and um! for tholr obo- mlon Ir. Ilollnllon voeod? Tho Bar In o woll-lnlormod popor. Why ohonld it Iolk nonoonoo shout Mr. Molullon or my abhor man 9 I I 1 I 1 ....w an man: 0! IIIOOII Y" Lu ill dnl with hot: and not hnoion. Tholihonlunnob purpond to ho [ov- omcd by choir opponents in anything 0!. gun the am in the [nu oloooion. any would be undoing the wrongs Ihoy ` formerly oondomnod. Tho libonln M351] In n Ilnllnnnn L....__u__ .- mm-n -qunuor momy In pan-Inlvu and wror canon boonn the bum: dldoor II no I mlmuorol public works oonoldor lnull Juullod I! he does nob beyond the Ilmlh In by I fol-mot hol or tho mm portfolio from when failure ho draw the mum of noon: 9" [AA nu Ag`! ...uL .A`- Till`. TU QUOQUB ARGUMENT. Tha Montraal star la not a fair-mlndad aala and to, ba. It quota: tho wllll'D obaanaalon upon Ir. Hardy : mmarka at Owan Bound, on tho Paharaon alaotlon, and an r "."l`n quoqua.` `Lot in In bha davll with Ira !' Ara thaaa llbaral max- lma ? In It a good anough raaaon for tha Mam party to do wrong bat-auaa the `mar- Iy that doaanol pl-Int I-alormon lumla oaa wrorgfo? It wan not Ihua than old vauarana ` al rm van wont to talk. Will Mc- ' Mullan aquandar monay In ` agar pualan am-In dhl .. y 1 vwuvl u-Il I Mr. `Pub in doing Mn duly. Ho has ommmnd um um... .. . ...u--- A-~- ........ nu! urgunu non us we IOMIOII hnvo "wuhod hholr hand: of them." 1! than prlnolplu nu "jun" or "om-nu! why thin duo:-Mon because of one dofouw Iuv --uuw Iur wuwn II mug, OI` lhl IONI- on." Porhnpo nob. mania the Humilton Timon. has it in worth noting that some of the iuuu for which tho party iudon pro- fund a wiliinynnu to dio, and which won hcnldod In All Oanndn u Ito:-mi princi- piu" And "oh demand: of Juntioc" hu-0 bun out uido Hit a pair of womout shoes. The organs to no the laden lnvo "wllhnd hhnlr hand: no as... -v I: -L H- " W. 6. FROST. III 00.. next to memo car than WHY DESERT PRINCIPLES! The Montreal Guam up the J: (odors! olooblon nu "relieved the oonnrw Mvu ofmnny disturbing question. and. u 5 manor of hot. one puny wu mongol- tho day um polling thin tho day before. It had nothing to ho uhnnud ol. alum In the luau for which It fought. In loud- Ofl." Phnnn nan, nnnnAnL- AL- I.I-...n.-.. 1 IT?-._.!?AI!-Y _Wr?I'-I jopw per om. VANNOUNQBMBNTI