MR. TARTWB POSITION SUSTAINEU. Much oommont. bu been mule upon the oboorvntdon of Solicitor-1 -`gnu-1| l`it.npntriv|u in the Godwin one nr. the reopening of it bdoro tho nuhoqnor court. Ill uilllvn _~_-_L._.| .L,. -- - -.... ......... ... um uppouuon are hurt! at in. educating the people by much talk and cnnvunlng. nnd Ioonor or later the ballot. willdooldo which shall relgn for the next four yarn. Whn In tho drm. olprophoc;-Y That Flynn must. go. unuullwi XII. That this change of ,'_baee on the part of | Mr. Flynn and his colleagues in the local government did not please Sir Charles Tupper is indicated by many facts. While he has had time to go oil "organming" in the maritime provinces and smile on Mr. Whitneyas he drew his followers to- gether in Ontario and whispered into their earn his plans of defeating the Hardy-Rona cabinet, he has not had time to help Mr Flynmwhe is in agoniea proceeding the surrender of power in Quebec. Of all the provincial parties requiring the advice of Sir Charles Tupper Mr. Flynn should stand Hut. and he appears to he an ablnduned man 3 What is the reason of this? is it not evident that he was not a Tupper nan in June and must now sullbr for his folly? M.......|.n- n.- _-_A : Monmvhil-0 the campaign In Quebec goon merrily on. Both the government and tho ludorl of the oppoamon Inn! it. un DH: nnnnlg I... ......-|. . , n - `mu-muuuu w uruer en_eIeotIon. L Eleoteur hen hed_evidenne laid before it that the government contemplated A enenl Appeal to the people in June. and at the lame time In the domin- ion house was diuolved. The same lorm of ballot wee edopted in Febru- ery. and Dome other preparation was mode for a tent of public fevor, but at the Int moment it became apparent theta double election would not end well, ;tlnt feeling wee running strong against the Tupper edmlnletrntion. end hint to ex- pouee its oeuze. to link the fete of one gov- ernment with then ol the other. would be medneu itself. 7'\I...AAI,L, I --- I l 3 , A ewr To urns. re- llr. Armour, o very ehlo then end [mid :` Anmu. in e lew mam, ooonnentl upon |` the diiliouity of determining eometimee the .. Ineeoio; oi oortein won-do_,in the etetutoo. end euneotmee e we: out oi thie diiouity. the oee oi Letlu in the oxpreeoion oi legei eoeotmente. The idoe lo thet in--Letin you would he more oirouoneorihed in the uoe ol wot-do. end thet one would he more opt to use the right word in the right pleee every time. This in en lnglioh _ gunnery, emong e people who think their ` Iengeego to no oouaploto . end perfect. in e eurpriee. Why do not the etetutee reed oloerorr Beeeu-o they ere dneltod in e etyle whooe entiquity oom- "mende more reopeot then their greoeiul. none. The ordioery hy-lewije ourioeity` in he woerioome end vein repetition of oet worde end oxproeeione. end the eentenoeo ,heo_ome ooniuoing in their long end in- volved entenglerneot. Would the nu oi Igtin mehe thooe Iontenoee ohortor end tenor end cleereri It`: e queotion. when-eeo Englleh, in its purity end elmplioity. in leoguege euoh ee John Bright ' need. if put into etetutee use it in into the other litoreture of tho ego, would not he euhieot to the miounder- - etendin ettrihuted to the proeent ete- tutee. ut, eoeuming eii this to he poul- bie. whet would the lewyere do if there wee nothing to diepte over ee to the mooning end eifeot of tho low. In Letin there would be some eoopo lor the levqer e ueeiulneer. end eome people, who hove hed to pey pretty deer for whet they did not underetend oi the low in the English or they nd it. will see in the Armour itor ' tion lreeh evidenoee of e desire to irtgggo upon the people. AFRAID OF-JPHE PEOPLE. The Quebec government in efreid oi the people. The oonotituenoiee oi Hoohelege, Jeoquee Certier, Chemhly end Quebec oounty ere without ropreoentetivee in the locel eeoembly. end nothing cen induce the government to order en_ eieotlon. l. I`.Innhnm- I... 1...: -..x4__.-- I - - 7 wlj." II II b Iungwlll Mil uvull u vunn run "IIIIIAI; UIII." I175 xmotou mums co. an. no noun uuooubnn nnuiibh a1:..1.":.'*.:.F.:'w.:: '.:.:.'.*,'." "W ._......_.---._.-.-- 1..p_|A_1..n;_- - -7 - A Iouutnluo Iynpoolhn. Tho Rdvlow of Rovlun for Novvmhor publicist nnnl Inhruu truck: on shoouhn qvmuon. ' Iv from the Brutal M of How. . T. Chad`: unr- vuy." Bubmogmot Luoorgolo the Runs. It clunchrhtlo And Mn. The Ihvhu nhnnug . in Mint." in clunohrhtlo N sin. Rovhw alto onto a r unnu|lnmnlaunu.uL.....u . wmnu my. A row my: Ago the old gm. tlomun wont to Bollumo for u vinit. amongst okl Manda And no m-kvhn with pnnlyoh. H0 in now In the Inoopihl shows. when his dughbr. Mn. Wm. lhvtn. of Ilonl-rul. 6| ulundlng upon him. H0 in II the point of death. III IIIIIIVIIII llolpltll. shortly afar the death of Mo wife In March Int. Wm. Rankin took up his nu- donco with Mo dnuahur. Mn. Tilt. It Oolllm Buy. A lbw syn the old to whit. VIlIl'.K.- ileorge Kennedy in, without exm-ptioii, the " uareet" football player on the eld. Even h I opponents ezpreeeed sorrow when he wan injured in last weel`e match. llee NonAl:l;n:h Ahmad. J. W. Beumann, e Hamilton mueivian. hon received a let r from Miss Nora Clenoh, the famous violiniei, statin that the has returned to England. after eving upenla year in German and Italy. She haa begun a tour of Eng and and in meet- ing with great eucoeee. While in Ger- man she studied with the great Berlin mun clan. Joachim. She may return to Canada in about aiyenr. hut ahe manlfeau ng apreference lnr, land. especially old London. onor Ml`. Hunting. Rsmdy Mcbonnnn in a genius on the touclvlino, and not only use: hiaovm head, bub the other follow: gs well, to great. ad vanugo. Hon:-on Kqnnnrlv a. ..m...... _...-...;-.. mos! mucn-uownn. Adnm Bnllnntyne in a nfone. We wish wocuuld find 3 nlmi ll` compliment to offer Mr. Bunting. Randy Mchanmm in .\ nnnhun .... n.. nnlwoonl Rulow. Kin ton is football mud. The can in I heal: (y one. Ind useful in the develop- ment 0 ch. chrynnbhemum fnd-humnn nnd oml. I`m- on. u... L41..- .|.. ._...H- nnu IIOTIII. For the Mme bolng the (latent. mm in Kingston in the one who can make the moat much-dovmn. Arhm IhlI...n..... 1- - ___J _.-..u --~ Household Economy. IMIVAI nrll ylnnr Inning Inn-n mrwmoum geese will be advocated by some of the ntlemen who wish to be elected in nltermen. In the meomtlmo the feeee will etlll holrl oemivnl in the noun government heunte at the usual hours : Morning beth ln Mol.eod`e basin. seven o`ulocl; light bteelxfeet ln tear of nylum. el ht o'clock; ntroll through the grounds ti twelveznfternoon reunlonnnd `(rend review of the geeee in the neighbor- nood. on tennis lawn. three o`clock; gen- eral parade in Redmonde [anion till mn- down. NOIOI U nnnlwooul Klmnlnn 5. cm lloukwood Review. A beautiful new Aqueduct is being built. through Abenieen rix. I`ort.smoui.h. it is in keeping with t o chaste ornaments in this exquisite rk Around the town hnll. The structure is being put u by convict. lnbor, and is built of mass vs slabs oi Trenton limestone, unpoiishod. Next, sea- son um ornamental bssin for the use of l`oruumout.h will be advocated by the nantlnmnn mm mm. On 1... n e or puwuer near me bed told the story. e immediately tyrocured the services of e docbor. who sppl ed antidotes, but it was not for s couple of noun or more that she wee pronounced out of dsn r. Mrs. Youn was removed to the St. incent de Paul iospitsl where uhe is now receiving treatment. family trouble is said to be the cause of the rash sot. Of lete she he- quently signied her intention of Latin her life. A daughter of Mrs. Young wit mother young woman committed suicide about ten years ego in what. was then known as the "Garden of Eden." on Perth street. WOII EIIII Roukwood Rnviow. A hnAut.HnI n-I Broolvlllo Tlmee. Mre. Met Young. a weaherwomln ro- eidln on Aiabob street, ebbempted suicide Tneee night. by drinkln two teaspoon- fule of menu powder mixes In weber. She lives with her eon. who in nnmnrried. He went-out after tee nnd on returning home about. ten o'clock found hie mother very ill. The empby cup with A broken pack- A e ol powder the bed told the story. immediately procured the of a THOII Tu Broolvlllo Mn. Mnrv Vnn woman no one human em ire oi to-dn . London in u Mrge an ew York, {Erin and Berlin combined. Ii: in ninety miles in circumference. In it izhera Arena man in- iubiunu no there are in Sweden. .nch morning there Are umnny men go into London onbulinou as there were who fou ht in Waterloo in I815. It costs ve mi| ion pound: an ear to provide their dinner. Elovenmi ions is year Are I ient upon oharibableobjoctl. Theroaro eig ny- eight hospitals. crlu would leap no mall` lasts ! Croesus. of Ancient. times. possssssd about four millions of our money. Neither of the ancient. emp , lilo thaw)! Persia. Uresco. npr Roms. are equal in size or wealth to the British emgiro of to-dn. Inui- Innrlnn in Al llh-an nu Am V...-L m uwonny mngungu. The haul value of the unlbul kingdom ll Added to this. several thousand million: are invested out oi the country. We own one-fourth of the rail- wnya in the United States. And about Jul! at thu rullwnya In South America. Olive Bohminar. nnhhnnua nf "An AM. I. Iiiwws. 35: Princess! Directly ommnlu Runnall Hnnu ` _,uuu ox me runvnye In south America. Bohreinor, anbhoreu of "An Alri- can farm, aye that If my bi mlnfortune were to happen to England, a nu. million: of English: king people In 0!. nor coun- trlee would up to their feet! Croesus. of amnient. tlmm. m.......I rrenoe, uerrmmy mm Huule oomblned. There are 400,000,000 of people in the empire. The queen would heve to live another seventy ears ho ennble her to eee them I" pun boore her night and def. She is the greeleet Mnhommeden ruler n the world. God Beve the Queen is sung in twenty lenguegen. of the unltml hlmnlnm `entire! Ini ol Ivar in iorty-oi lib hours. 0 have a million o uoldiors in India. An tho sun rises the Brilalnh drum bub follow: noun 0 world. We cnn trnvol I around the world wibhouolonvlng the B Mill omplro. The Brlunh navy in u lnrgo u tint oi Franco, (:lorrmm_y and Russia oombinod. an ni nnnnln in M... want In -njlllllllli lull III strength [I Enlllh npor. I" b o ship: in the world are British. Tho but oi them can be converted into nhi of in iorty-oi ht hoim. A. 0.. ..... .1... AL- n._iu_i. .n_._._ L-.. The `I'm-onim ;$'oI-id in and boouilo Sir Oiinr Mono [IN an opinion IIIVIIIO to lumlny can wlohouo rooumpomo or re- -`ward to the city of Toronto. It up that if he unqonundu this buninou, the App- oation of `municipal law, then in no use oi n pi-ovinoinl nizoorndy-gonornl. It nu not A` vinoial quution. Blr Oliver gave hi: or man u A lawyer, mud in a private capa- 43 0- . What In Iunttudo And In strength [I Punn. O I "The name; or the `retina cemen- tion." eeld e oeneerveblve, "in that Hardy muel go, end the! Whitney will he the neu premier." Oh, come on. Whitney in too oovmrdIy' to become e enoeeeulnl leader of men. le deeertlon of the petty candidate in South Been oennob be ex- plained ewey. `lb w:e bee:-kleee end cruel. truth. And the noun:-min{ unt Ium ha ho a Ian: nhnnhd. `Nu. m.. ......'.. ..---. -nu nu wuuwvluvl fl UH ! to ho I bit plonud. 'I`hoyI1ho noni- dnl. 10': pin to.bbon:. In-immuno noopmi. Inna: nu .-l..|I. ..r Ll. III-I IIIIIVI v\IlI\Jl. I O For comfort nnal that M. The only unr- no nude 0 M In natural ll urn. All on an n to models. Hold on y by No;vYork Dress Reform. 3,533- A law nan mnnnmn AO'tu\nO Walt Ind Improvement. nd lhwlnu-. Tried To End I-lor Days. lln Tlmnn. riouu l)f1`ho (lam; Rn\ Inn THI anman impms. mm nnmr in A Imp Inn. . Iloxnlm. Oct. IR.--An ndhna Min and omit) o! M` tinny nl In my mun nn nonr mo that Inn I bowl- 5 mob. and uvonl (l.A.R. nhnnn pu led tho Brmnh liq down um! can. `die. Brian : moan. Dunno. Beware ot the nut! that pnhmln to cum than N-cans or other nation: Kidney. Primry or Liver lhuunn. an thma N- lion for n umgmd mnko u not won: mm-uni-. km nluuo on Hop Biuon. the nnly romuiy I 6 ll manly and punmnontly cur` yon. II. huuyn and nmonn tin can 0! Illnuuo than- all; um it novor Mum. Removpgl . _._.m (Lu -..... \.._ ..-_._, ouwuy nun the bill on do Hamilton`: Pills of Mnmlmko and Butternut. Then ill: contain no mlomol, never gripe. not mi dly but most, thoroughly upon the limr. and in n wonl. the bent. pnr_ ntivo medicine in the market. Sold by nl dealers. (`nun In nor lulu-Ming. LUKDIDN, Oct. 9R.-Mi8O C|"lVf0l'1`l. )0 (wonky-_voo\r old dnnghmr oi 89 t. Robert Crnwioni, of the locsl police . was found dead in her room thin morning. She had committal nnioiuio by hanging. During the recent ongngomoni. M | pro- fuuionnl mind under hero, nomrnl quen- tiomn wow Inked concerning tho docouotl Indy. which were answered in punch 1 mon- nar M to may 1: non her mind. It in up. pond this was I e canto for the rah act. Torn Down A Ilrltllh I153. MlNVRAP15l.l.I,0ct.9U. Dr. E. T. (lib. non. n i pilvor mun. yueordly hu I in [M h ting in hit from Vi ow. Un ornnth was 1 small Amoriol-n ngond the inscription: "By oonnni. of England." In Inn thou hour tho that howl- ing n.A.h.. nu... -llnmllmvvn `Vi|-II;.;muI I`|IIu - A Ilollnhla mm-Mervnrlnl Purmmvo. one A non. Every household should have nlwnyn on hnml :\ few simple mmadion. No muster need than n 4-fa. mild and ailment purga- tive mm he mentionml, and no romed no onmtly till: the bill do Hamilton`: `ills Bntmmm `PI... rd: Aum, luroum. naked U200 lamina from the city of Hnmilton and the Toronto. Hamilton and Bullhlo rnilway compom for injuriou alleged to have been nuntninu on Jan. Int, INIMI. owing to in improperly connlruotml arousing ol the vompcmy on Baillie street. The plnintiil In nmmiod 8225 dam on mm! the costs. as against the city wh Ie the company is compelled to indemnify the city and pay the costs of the defence. Blur Wnn nor Can. 'l`umn\'1`t\. Orb. `2H.-JunHce Falcon- bridge gave judgment. to-day in the action recently tried before his lordahi ) without a jury, at Hamilton. b ' which Lhry Jane Atlin, Toronto. naked 200 dmnngon city u... Tnmum An an or ohm-i?y. BIu.I.nvn.I.Ic, 0nt., Oct. 98.-'I`he mem- benof the "Side Tracked 00." mode a good lmpreeelon in this city not only by the entortelmnent they lurnlehetl but by an act of cherlt they performed. An eutor by the nnmeo Hoorge Woods. n former member of the "Heart of Chi , got on an spree in this oily and mm oft by the company. He had a rent all hle money and was In a sad comm on. The membere of the "Blde Tracked company heard of It end they pmvheaed n ticket to CM and gave it to Woodn. They paid he hotel bill and gave him 82, the whole umount melting n sum of 8'25. The above not onlle for the loudest prnlee end Ihowe they were not slow in hel ting a fellow- member 0! the profession w to was In herd luclx. mg was mwnne. nnu memcme taken did no ood. At last. it friend assured me that l)md n Kidney Ptlls would cure me. A few boxes have kept that prumiee and I thunk these pills for a perfect And I Believe permanent cum. The weak spot. the lIIdney'e-`l`hey Ilmi. Be uun-deal on Life AdnmoeI-Defenoe Stu-nliened by Ibodcrn Kidney Pills. Pom Hunt. Oct. 20. (Bpeoi|l)-Citimnn called on here to vouch for correctness of the following statement without; an excep- tion endorsed ii: as true. Chas. Gilchrist. chief of police and government ilnhery overseer, of his own case said : "For ten yours my distress increased until the doc- tor nailed it. lioheiu. At. times mi miller- ing was intense. nnd medicine ta en did no KO0(i. last. it frinml Annrnl mg Hun clung lor-lb." Hnelder walked away. end In I few moments two red pnnel eklrbe dropped from I.wo~hlckor_v trees. and two bulls. with teile in air and heed: down. oeughl the uttering gnrinenbe on their home," brmnplotl them. towed them. gored them and tore them. and nally ruehed oi!` tri- umphantly. The irle ceme down end pleluled with Bnelrrer not to any Anything nhout it. But Bneidor could not keep the story. explained evorymln . "Let. 30 these alt rm," he cried; the bull: we tlnev are red Ind will never 0 way while tlfoy are there. In`: the on y thing for-It." Hnelder umlluul "nu ma 1.. .. 0.... nreee will hurt their hgde. But the lmlle heed: were herd and well thetched with hair. And the didn't go away. They zed at the giro and he I; on onergingtie treee. After A whllet e Firin grew frightened end eoreemed ior ielp. Philip Bneider. former (lebler e hired man. heard their oriee end name to their eid. He tried to drive oil the hull: by throwin stones at them. But the nnimele pei no Attention to him end kept on butting the neon. Sneider need to think. Ae he need et the Me no noticed that the wore red annel e irte. He alto obeervo that the bulls looked up at the skirt: every time they booked may from the trees. To hie experienced mind thin explained everythin "Let R0 these HI: rtn." he nrlmlc HM.- vvvu vvvvI.LrII1| I III?! C nlnnh from all loan sad Tnlnn. T-- uuuanll uunvwu WIFII llllic Neer hi. et Fremont. live Helene Geh- hardt en Pauline Schmidt. unn- teen end elxteen respectively. osether the went into the woods on Betur e{ to pic nute. While than. on ed hey were etertled bi e oreehing In t e under hmeh. and loo ing up new tvio of Mn Uehlu- ered Jersey hulle wetehln them. Jersey huile ere noted for their erooity. "Hovv wicked they look i said Pauline. The hull: oeme oloeer. and the girl: on that they were really angry. "clilhh e treei cried Helene, stunning` up the neemt. Pauline climbed enu er oloee by. end as the girls reached the rat lltnhe the hull: ohnrged the treee butting them with euoh force thet eente owere of nut: droppin to the ground and nearly shook the ireii-om their snrchee. Then the bulls mocked oil`. oolr ng up at the glrle.Juuved the eerth, hollowed end oherg the trench am. "They will noon o ewnf." id lgeuline. "butting big re_u wil hur their heedo. 1 t r J awn ." Id Pauline. {nu wlfl hgdn." worn A In-nhund Dluovond mm In one ounce! nu Amman Ind nu-nu um. mun tor lnfolv. Pun Jnvu. N.Y. out. I8.-Nur the mm nobtlomont of Onhonhmr In lulllvnn county, no great groves of hahory mu. tunoun through I" the ponnbrnido for tho mo Ind qua ty of their mm. The cold npoll hu torn mmdor the huh. and tho brown lure: thu outt tho [round two thickly am-own with nu our Puuilno lnhmldh. nu! -n-. tan cums BY BULLS] fun HAD A nnmr mammal BREAOHE8 IN THE WALL. nntrmn Vwme. "3'-"-`.`$.&'.` Int-\u.oou.IA -who human or lmulu."-lI lingo. II. I 1 Ila nu. II. I. Inmmuml. `n: nl unul BAD: Inn; nu. u QI none. but. nemtmr mo doom-'9 mrmlcute will have to be mom Mod by a permit. (mu: the lo`;-bond o honllhrnhnd undula- od the go matter. in n a- tion on been rnptad with a view mnfmb or public safety In the hrnmnporhmon of cor and to yrevont the ponnibllity of in In which oath unmanned by intac- Mon from being curried to oubwnrd points without corwn prnvlnionn being made. An npoiof lly Unknown. Hmpuh. um. I really must I lngiue. I mun. mynol abut ; And bond m ulf down to the ground And grove `on my fnoo-- I hue taken or? my clothing. Put Iwlnloth on Inntud. 1 vv nu-nu Iuluull uu NIIIIIILV Dy Welling neclvm n hothe nmp ; And dld not murmur when I nrb Myeell cinema etnmpm. And I net the cows and horses My nggerneut to be. Ami w en I lay myoell drum to Well: nlowly over me. And then In make my punishment 0 pnee me very eore. I r.3.a every dny--l.hnt le When I ronld on no more. My bean he 9, llowln mnetently A lnnn yetngem An when the cloude new on murh wet They ohnnged from snow tonln. Alan 3 I wrote that only one poor Ompeh cheep we left. Then wives or (I the lives of all The others had relt. But now I gladly wrltn to en Home cheep have yet been und; And mutton null you an buy hue About six oenu n pound. But alas. elee sin for me I all here elI brlom. For nll my bonnie bonnie cheep Before use now we gone. Between the Inge. \he wolves. myself. l Thought once In eheep wen teeny. 1 We`ve gobbled up he hleeeed lot / , And new I heve`nI nnv. n an-Inna: mun: Ito:-alnlonuln the In- to:-nis of Health. The nlniono vorning the l'.mnapor- button 0! In on hournnd Trunk rall- vmy have been Imendod In seven! Im- portant. particulars. llontoforo ncorpne was uhlppod on the production by the un- dertaker of |\ doctor`: or n coroner`: certi- cate. but heronfbor the doctor's mrticnte will hnvn tn ha umnmvunhul In: . nun-n1H> lode A BI; Oer. Brnlmm, Col. Oct. 99.-\\ . B. Btu-atton. tho gold mine owner olCrlpg.le Creek. eeterday made an ollbr to b 100. alnet $300,000 that Wllllam J. ryan I be elected preeldent. Mr. Btratbnn agrees them If he wlna he will we the money to the Colorado 8 rlnga ree library. and ll the others wln t ey are to have the money. A eymlloate of rloh men of the my in tryln to raise the C300;00t). Mr. stratton aaya e does not make the omsr throu hangpolntere he has on the election. `Mr. tratton la the Colorado Bprlnpa carpenter who became a mum- mllllonaln ln Crlpple Creek. IIDV. II. I. IIIMBIODG. mg-.:r.-.::-:*.:: .:'":.~ :5. .. :~.::m..`::':- W ':E..35r9!3]~r9._s-i`?rI. III. "#70 `III I?! ` ..`:"':` .`.".';.. And a h In I,__... AL ._., u,. A A -- uuvvu. nuu some III!` I! wagon will no OIOIBII this afternoon. men moms in obrsd with takers. thnt McKinley wfli onrti this city I) 25.000 and the state hyl .000. On obruh the betting is even. with come token. and on Illinois. Indian: and Ohio slight odds on McKin|oy are olferod. with lit lo sign: of encouraging accept- nnou. I HIV` YIIOII On my !3ID| :H|l\3. Inntud. And emptied all the uhu from Thu above upon my hand. I've mnde myself dn name by n In-I mm ma munu money man were loan can dent. but the thought: they should nu at better od 3. Two beta of 010.000 9.500 nn MnK|nInv warn muln Ann 11 Ht IURK. ucu. am.-'1'ne elecuun beb- tlng In not bust. The sound money men are leer dis ed to oir very heavy odds null bhe at var men were not yet encour- and to mnture much on their candidate. Tnaeda ni hh McKinley mane was abun- dant: a od aof veto one. etlneaday, four and three and a half to one were omn- ed. This change was due to the publica- tion of claims by the Bryan managers; not that the sound money less con- clanh. huh Mum Huumha than .|mn|.I um. ymmm on Jicnlnlay were made down town. and some Inge wagon will be cloud 1 van with lgknn-n that Mnlllnl-.. an I! .m...... ALI. new gonna the man now I Imam any. ~.::==.=.`s}zz~::`jsx':;._::.s_za-= unuuw. wuy WOIIDIO Ill 1 WWII Wm M1` [M10 I win make in jog to Kingston hoe-n? Jun deieuit to us end Nlrtlo. The oeddiee young ehoo in their ehoee. And trembling much peid. we rehiee. To lneeour ehence. we eennohdyield. Without a struggle on the el . -They mob the lembe in deedld etrife. The "hide" ehi ped round e full of life. With rueh, en peee end frisky hop. Mede oi iohoee lambs a muohon chop. The my now oomee from og town iuld. Our gaze:-e oennoh play when cold, Our men did not one to toll. On neck of bne 6 ere reebe e boil. And you the ieci) mnine.*~'l`oi-onto`: pebe Did bite the duet wee oedehe. lllnlu ulnlmn Into Bound Honey sport: Olnlm mm: Oddl. Nnw Yumx. Och. 29.-'l`ho election bob- than in nnr. hrhl Th: nnnnrl tunnnn nun: vv`-&`o`1lI;; nu w-rv. vv uuuun .`::fn1n|r`:|om`:?r School Rnppllon and 8. C. CHARLES. I ".`{~EL9" puyou II Inc II it would have boon ginyod. hair; and olunly, under inn iwou in oirounubnn . `hey hue iowiaouoo irons. and on they should be nblrto rt wgothor n mm to my tho senior any and congrnimlniioii. no in | main ior our Their dofub o ho ` much-minted 'I`.A;0. on Sum-do wu hnilod with deli ha in over town I To- ronto, mm! if they mm o 0 trick I uoond time. they will hooomo almost an oololmtod n Roi-ntiuu at the bridge. 'l`oronto had so mm limbo Tim we only with poor old am. with ml: n lowollod. Toronto`: pet: Lqnhod down with mom on our cation. and the . we're champions horn. rue:-ml I for mo. Cndou. why trouble us? we'll win the ninoi * on uyu. tor oono poor: |poot tho aldotool tho Royol mllltory oologo lmvo ollon from xrooo In tho otlnlotlo world. on hon boon loll od 8 out local Atlnlotoo on oooolmt of tho ootl t tlloy clloployod to our own ployoro. 1` In your: woloomo ohmgo hu tohon ploool tho oadoto lnovo prov thon- oolvoo gontlemon" In not no well to an nomo. ond lnovo olaovm tho "tn-no oplm ol ogort In A suy that hoo won thom t o loo oi oll Oonodo. ' oh- lootbo tomlo oxeollont and chop am ployod the mo on It as ould llovo boon gluyod, moot luunno-Anhuo nls..........A......_- mo.-. l . _ THUBQDAY. oomonnn no. mo , `III CICI IIIIHIO I. `lVIOIIO-`I'IO Illlb or mm. Ioolwoocl Inow. tor um `put the Mount tho 10!! ...``'...``.:"'.'{'::'..:'.'*... -..P:':.$-9:9. 93-: on newer ouul. `two new 0| IlU.UUU to 2.600 on McKinley were made down um. some lama vmnn will ha nlnuui 8an1i `mt OADKfl`iMOlI1'.ALII`lD. w-u-nrvu.-v - vv IIII-. vv VIIIIUQ Mowifndn and ovary dnorlptlon DAhIIIlna:- an nnnn n-an-nu. THE ELECTION BETTING. OARRiNO A OORPBE.` `An fpolnn: .Hmnn|\ lhn I C `A !\`..'.`.`R`3..1`..';'.`33`.3 """ " Icrrlnanxuolutlsh Auhtuuo mu` nus ` iunnuucounm :.`..`u........ ` : $m.`.B. '..;, |Cldcr_MlIls.WIIc Prcsscs. ' Tmhn hum In nah: UV. "In In Dun`: Kid y Hlh has our. Imam mm: ma ml generally minnblt "homes than I ml to Minn`: Hllmt aclpod`n`dm; nm1mdInvshkmvMmMO)nmnrulI'o- who for good. `ay Mn numml n `grin In m"ybae:.:o':mun.: gm pr Mn 5% I Cip- uon on has winch Md :5 avion- ly ntmbn so lhlmy Mouth I now Inlh\1'vun m`n:d Ixy ht.h:::`mhn\! coh- nmm us mmphhl nmovul. nnzl W in patently oh: unrlunvrhmn News an unborn om. BIHK . V " no puny tmalslud the with an mnpumon maouml tho whlhnolhn eye was mu low. `PM but work ngg\-umber! pain In my Met. Ind made me foal generally minnbh "&)moummmn.lnnnInnusumI.I.... ... uuv --unu ul Ill uurll. III\l IlCI'\I- chung mum a gum in the back ot Imuino pad he at umu I vnul omy. rnnorvcn .1. name, I who my. lung- mm a mulzinmto our npnnmnum. gave in! ow! mury 4! me can : "I ham and nriomu umabh with m{ n ht kidney rm three n. with ma pan in the mall or my vi. and nem- f.?I;`:'.`...".`.`.`3 `.'f.'.`.'t.` .2'!.!.".":S2.'..'.. C WLII WUEI. In DLITIIIIOI. no xnm BTBIIT ONT`. Donn`: Kudnay Pilln out directly on the Iudnrvn. make them I-Mom and healthy and amp aching bush in every cub. Ken is n mm to can : I":-odorich J. `ado. H Vino mus. King- Mm, npulmog to mwenmnum mm me um am In M mom our hnoh who. 1%. in onlv a `little no Q, the kidneys are only I lime pick. H H. in a big pence-dutmymp. nerve- mvkin nvhm the kidney: an mom than a little n ck. In nlsnm AAAQ u ......s L -u_..J_ A . . The hhineyn cannot Mlh and the only may they have of letting us Imnw when the? not in hv mnki banks who. I IHII nnlv n "lmln an n. H... |.m....... Mr map Be. a one at Wade`: drug Acorn: regular price Mo. CASTORIA IIIDIFIIE. ' Rocha-tar~ -Nm-th King ails direct sun- dny Mm p.m.. week day: (ham Burt Hope. who IMO mm. U.'I`.R. tmln. Bushy. agent. You hardly nanlize that It go medicine. when mining Uum.or`n [Jule Liver Piling they am very nmnlli no bad ebcho; all i troubles from torpid var an nliavod by thairn.-e. Dmkusu M....n. in... __n_ .5..- 4. .. Ir nrlrl II 5' on After mung nnme M My puma! up sum. with long too-Hmonin. mm to llup Bit- ters and have no fear or any Kidney or Vrlnnry Troublen. Bri ht`: l)lneno.|)Inbaten or Live:-Umnplamt. hone tliamses mm- nnt; mist the mnrntim power of H33 Bit. mm besides It In the best family lame on earth. The Bee Hive_ For cold Wenther Buy the "slinguhy blanket by far the] best Canadian hmket in the market. Uemdinn blankets from M an [mar Rein. i~}mrIi-uh Bath blankets and Boo ch yr- nhire blankets. Uomfortere mm min. to OI7. Our own make nf comforter iilleul with best white batting and covered with iine sateen fur 32110. Pillows at l.i2(i. $I.liii. [52 and 32.51) per pair nt R. Mu ml`: Kingston carpet warehouse. The omen of rock and other debrln mov- ed on the work would form. if loaded Into {might core with forty tone to the our and a locomotive for each forty oars. um` endless ohnin of mm long enough to en- circle the earth at the equator and overlap a distance M174 mllee. IHID MOI. In either one it. must be nt-mndui to at mm. Dehrle of the Ohlnnme canal Inuit! FIII a ulobe-en-cling Train. Cillmuu. Oct. 29.- l`he engineering has oi creating the giant drain e canal in rapidly nearin com sletion. early nine- ty-ve reen. oft n excavation iqnow nisher nnd now the eurlace water col- lected above the Banbe Fe ri hr. of way in being lei; tlnwougli a tmme'f under the tracks at blue rate of L000 cnble feel. minute. 'N.. ....... ..r .._..L _.._n _.n.,., .4... . -e ~- e- 1 A Dreonful Murder Hens Brooklyn-color. ed Men Under Arrest. Bn(mKl.YN. N.\ .. Ooh. 29.--Mrs__. Ulnar- lohis Saunders. ol Wesi Meodows. near Cone Island. was found murdsnd in the yard not of her home at. nine o'clock last ni he. Beside her body wss ssbone cover- with blood snd n hstoheo. Her slxull hsrl been lmeiured and her jaw bone broken. Mrs. Saunders wss about sixty- two years old and in poor oireumsbsnoes so l.-llilli robberg could scarcely hsve been the motive oi he deed. lmte last. night blue police oi the 2~lI:h n-eoinotsrresbed Frank Thompson. aged icy-three years. sud his sun George. twenty-two years old, both colored. The live near ishe scene of the murder. Bloo srobs new found on the old men`s oost s seves snd also under his nger nails and the polluo believe the men were connected with the murdsr. ncumy mr une Iub four or me ween eon- vhmln I o! then In H hnvmg theirl .e.\3'nf :n.ur.a these Laid Mmon. Mn. Mculn end den Mar luv: today be Ipend the wlnur In 1 llndelphle. John Lowr and mayor Cm-nun are mmn men s In Rochester and will remain um: cuaer the elections to wltmeu the fun. lino min Machine in n Nnpuu Audience by haul mm. NAFANHI. Outs. Iii.-- l`ho hidiu oi St. Mary Magdnien ohimih hold an enm- baimnoni in the otaora home on Tuouiay evening. ab which his play "The New Wu man was uh on by local uionia. The prices for mission wore within the reach of i\" and n ood house in: the ruiiliz. B. Briuco gave {ho India: the opera house free and a vow of thank: mu bemiorod him by the Indian lid for hia kindnou. A goodly iiitie sum mi: Added to the church iimd. D. Ewiiin. nanh im- Min nnhnrin M..i....i none nddod the ' Ewing. mania for the Ontario Muhunl Life Insurance Uo..`hu been in town and vicinity for the lab four vinoinn poonlu Mm nnnuniiw int imm... . eleouon. _________ '- Dr. Milne while in own received threatening` tel mm (mm John Dunoan end,upon lure um here. Duncan ballot! on him. not word: followed shoot the brother ! diemleeel and Milne ordered Dun- i can out or M! omoo. Dr. Milne hu plncod the lower In the hand: of his lmvyur. Tho penalty for thoobnoo In bhroe years In Mao panltonolqry. Hg... .. -' ' Iol. _ All mun (moon Iron --nmm. um.-v TIE Illlmia-nu-An. A... n g... _ mm to lnpmonuont.--no uh AM no mmod for n nul- ordered nnnun cm of mu olom Vncronm 1!. 0. Out. IO.-Dr. Mllno. tho dolonucl liberal undldm. on Bntnnn do! rooolvod thli lotto: : Yon nnllod mo ni ' d liln-. 'l`lmtnunn I and nits not Ill t x pout. um: our noon giohln forty-dlght noun or In,ho tho? eon- oneu. lI!,nod.) John A. Dunoon." .1. John . noon in I broolm of Dr. Door 0 Duncan. qnmntlno amour Ila Wll-. Mums and. who won dlnmmou for allowing I nnmllpox suspect to voto at tho dominion olooblon. hp "Ila- ...l.1I_ 1.. H-- How the Kidney: Talk. jiiui IHOTHIR OF A DIIMICIID OFFI- OIAL IIIUII A OHALLINOI. ., 30% onAorEBTN HER IKU#L. A GIGANTIO WORK. `"THI haw wdmmu ' n "m~niy' Dina` ........ I.1..|.|_ .... I Only $4.25 vo ew BOOK~f_ Isms. J1. Ihtmew. Omumehul `hon- my; the army M his boyhood; ll by V. lathe:-cl. nan A` r-fAL;L. wcLo'rHs%. Theneslrannclnkl f`:`n'. .5.'.' '%% a!+"'T`'.T` -._- _..... wnnuvl u.--xn 284 and 180 PRlNL`.BI3 STREET. AmI\nlnmml"nll In A h .9 anon JAMES RElD S The Land nnnnn dart. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .... Impgggigp? &BIH`(}~ll:.` in CI ' 6" ' wlrotnhovo no In A.I order. Call In or young 5 M. W nonmson-s. H VDINHAH RTIIRI` ;We Are. on. IIJIII Remember thd Jpvrfcz;-l;t'h-af same It the Oommon American Coal Oll. Delivery made to any part of the city. We are getting new customers every day for It. and we want you on our list. Try It. D...........|...... AL -- . _.. _-.- -uu - I\IlVI Amlmlu\m~e (MI. in A nu `you I PM I! Have you;m[cxtra%;.aaniy* \'-m Nun fawn luw on mm nuw. Hun. (`mun Anal an One Hundred of the very choicest and latent London designs to be had only at ..... .. .. ...... um . .. rnn|I'u In-.u-v_'nnn m mm at, qmulum om-I Imam why nmllolo. ununmul--us mum! me or In wnomr mm uy wn a nu, Um n-in-mu wll1uIua ~mn-1o nr 1;. n w ulnmy. (bur mu qunmlnn will `lam I n M: mg In. mmm, `mm .a um um nu maxim I\lp|\ lam Inn M Inn`! nnul ms. with us 2-Imp y Im-'11:: yum Mn`! 1 n s I-Me 9 an mun p n minus :0 hm. - "3.ii1'.:.-*:.'.- Black, Blue and Fancy. ,?;..._._ .._. __._._____ ......_._._- .__. _..__-.__._.. 3 NEW cAsr~:s OF ...1'lANTLES... FOR SATURDAY. 1 Famous Author/9.- w 1 um um um u mar 5! wk unnrnx-on -wary u my gun M an m. son 0 Is 1- m -3 an n-Mum nr nm at umnllum mu! mum w y um mmml.-M vwhhalr will gm; want} glpsrd at hilt NI mu-hm I Ixhs nnlm. hut in 1...u _-.... . .. fowl hgr when `mu .-mo 0?!` Imln MM urine-, \ o\lm9n ox-pr an Qufu K`: `ham IR. WALDRON. AMERICAN COAL OIL? re-zg5'r.*-*5 *-..: `rho Landing Undertaker uni Furniture Dealer. bg.nAn .34.. A ........4.... M$klng` It I-ioi Fqr Hard .. .Tlme.s. .. Ir wuwquauug I. J REID. MANAGER- ..v.. v`. ---av RTs'3n3{`:`a T.'..`; {.\1.a'.`...'.? 1'3: w`?u}`.1 n In run ohngu yet you have not eh I R30 is our wimp` to no no A mu. I you an money in mm. -vvvwui noaeismbiuc mu h\umunn... |.....n..nL.-n. I tut` '"'_`:99" vvvivvn VI TIIIII OIAQR WIN. II II~'.)l`IlOI|) WEDNESDAY. Ochlor apt. |`yo-mm at Itmmmguuu 9|! 4. mm up noun a nunlmu M Elm mmnllm rm. Mm! curs pom 90 In /-Mum Mus m. Ami; Mmsnlla |\ I ILA:-14;; _.--. Li{Ais$6rE"Tr"'"" uusmass coauoa, 'NInMI\\ lm-L I`Mm~on..I . Inu.5..n A OIIAMSR P0]! AN mmnmrrm YOUR! IAN My hunlmu llulhuvl rm. Ilmtnlu an J n. n... on an Ms. IMMNMM nml mum: nun ` man who wllluw ms of Mn mm mm ! hm. Apply pwmmlly M the K I Kingston Bmllmn Collou. .r\.|..ln.n...... |s|....n. _.... mg... . , -, . V"--- .- __----vv- vvuuu'uQ \ r0eMh|Inw`a Blwlir. hmnu MM INQI` hum .-mm. IIEUIVBDUN V. VVIW Cy |`Mu-em mowussnm hm Ibnu khan nun Innulnl In B|CYCLES-fAl.l. SNAPS Aausnnegs T M M` or shorthand L Education Free muggy C CIIUW I Ihuuol ---II V-I!9 UIIIIEKUE mm. mum-... lmmu. F An--`-4- _ m.A:-an Win). In Imrmnnnn I The finest range In Klmaton at rlcen bgyond man. 7 c $l. I.` . snso lo $2.36. IIIITPIIHWT IHWI` jjijljjj KINGSTON. _yenuoArioTNA{.. [ n I nnlmil IIUMIIII um |. Ann! Iunvnmlln n xmasmn. om :\ BIIQI1 E for no DO! lb. worn: whlla to It mu. it av ; money 0!! is worth me. You can I I n Innnc nlmlnu. nun luv lnrn. h!`I`:IOH'F :am-. buy It 7- ||- - JOHNS. f>`.?.*.`..".`.%Z`'..&?" . . I000 ISLAND . . I-4... _...-_...-_. -_4.--W Then In In lndonnlhltalomothlnn bout r womnnh hat or hosmt Hart ntnmps H In Ynthlo or not. We have ul the Lut- olt 3 In .l`n oh nd American at In In 3| unto: fnl nn winter want. onus s . rt 0 I) met mm II In I` h 3 d A I II n r( for IV 0 Inspect thorn. nnnnuv o unnnn n In M: IIVIIIII ID IIIIDGBB IIIIIII. IIANNAY & HAROLD, ` 3?1-`,`. ,', .{`; ow Strange % hnnln In nthnt nltlnn urn an-I Qlulutlnn quunneaed. Ladies u no r Imhelvon. French porfontlon I] 6 I100! oh 9 for who uonnnq OI Km than I olho tut. ml your ughtu-n urn. nvnunn A rn ITtyTe... Thnu In An Iluln OI DUI [OBI 01!] 0110! W. J. BRYSON, n.A....... u-:....--- ` rugs! CI_DASnA - - v--.v -v--- vuwru V Mafia Trenton. Inn. A. 1 order. 1 Indian no ord. OM. almost new` I Lmllon` Pronto. E I 001100` H000. OM. l_J_lontI Victor, (M. -.A`l`E..".I...-- -.. 1.. A t.....a-- n_|I__1 nu notorloo ol the world MODOUOALL. N. J. M Iounol ma. non Prlncon. r"=_7f_ `rim nun? VV _"&U' -HI TTZTC on you on I M coma om. O'll| I at our: vi ntlnfy on. puny and con No II Jo at . -J. I|clAU6l|llN S. .., pm. pppppppp nu "- W; .N.!P'.F_'.`.~ Beauty Always Pleases. unwrwr-I III,` v 7 r - - - v- T R0YAl GEM E1235 '.:`:' ..'.".`:.': iasllty than any other Hour on tho mn- Finn llnu of Chin: Or rnaa Tad Gltunwlri. Tlnwnn. m , k n Crooks. oeo. Eafvnurton for uppllon nI.u_- . IOIII YIIIIIBIIII. OW W. 6. front. Carriage Painter. Inn u. nut to Iloomu On mm!-. When. !s!_|?9!a!>!_. ` for family hhluav. and nvlmnn. 1 nmplo M CRESCENT WIRE W0_Rl(.S.,. -- -|_._-.. n`- ... Invun o. JJI rI'IllI.UUU OI. Directly oppmlu llmuoll Homo. ah limit to orvlor: Also your own good: In at runonnhlo nun. Do Now. h...n _-u AL} T5: TI7 Ill OIIOI LA. mm. -5.. '%T 4 %. -u-- uuuuuu vs-u-- v low In tho Inn to [at your hontlnq Ip- rlntr In war In` or e . out Iuninh you V: In Movvu and Iurnuou 0! am old In proper uondmon. II I IIlI\IQlI|I IIITVQIK U I U ` " .`.' . `$1113. :} .. .i"}z'1'?.!l '.?.".`a'.`.!'.' II`? ' `IL! I\I\ Clock and Mantle Making. LIIn'AnIlnn -nu--nogml I.n.Il.- nnll -uni BYRNBB C CO. No. Dlontronl Heron. Klnutnn. '!lK_{ J0 no Bigot: strut. Dunn ? Prim: u and Brook st... hnmii Ina promptly out-nu VVII ruin": a `Any II can Imul, Klnneonyont. IUCINIII `POINTIRI. Don"wuI mm] tho mow (sun hot "2 W` :: :.-":::- '..;-:..-1:: n o 4 yo '1! 0 ready. 0'70 5: no mm?` 329:. colon:-luu. ow to 2-___. n'_...._.._ n_s_.. IIO IUIIVVO , DnnwuI mm] as. m nu hint of nectar your -1 nan upon :1: hluphono no. :1 lo mam. mm nd a Hlulri`. an on Home In K 0 I!- an Into on o_l tho Iorl . L .l, nI'IlhmA| I rs-"mm. Street Turn . I vs Open Houu. 'l\I-nhnnn llll. to men. 3 sum: lgz-13?: upnuhn ml. \o0`v:Ior.r|nih|'I:: Hurst -...`t: o Irn. A unorhneo n A-. TI TC \IX\0I $3 -" T '..."'.'r.'. .~.* :.'.;'::3'-':*.+ .;;.`r' :u.w:3m.:=.:. 1: .'.*. .. cmcw am: to uni ' In onv ohm on l mu I lllilfl lllfn. CO. Qlnutranleran. Kl: . duomo folding IRON I .wl9.h spring manna. Ill ITIKCIW nouhlwul Won. . .`:"O*..{`fB::'. H In his nvuunavn J. RTBRIT. winked. call and nysotom no coming munch. v ----v----I cull F Vcont. I Bury uholp. EISTJ I. \- ulu Jnnaw I I I. but rna:n?:ndB:oc`. 'lB(\[iI0l'| I "L.'\`.1:'.7. '.. -6. -_ -- n of-onon c 5 Sta. t 1' executed. the hon vllguonno yon. Call and 0 I- wo':a.. an . In have ' un for ling to h nght rob- h f ".1.'a} 3 I0 0Il0`}' door: _._._ ..-... ., .. wun. mu nuronpr pnnahon at tho gowrnnonru out to *nsdo.wunppIov0dol|yIhodopI-ounnl oljuotiumolwbhlshollvu Ionkom ohollmtohlllqnlnthormulln the doulnhmlc the hood." l'i0P`P'|`|.|5onlors,wMoh up Inlho lltapnldotlnddununucuun upon Ir. hrtmhngomdo ollho mark. Tho dnpbwhltlnnlolu nun-k wblolvu hunddcuuvnogpnulu. honolhlnm sh Monaco that Mr. has in bun vnaglnlb jnnpnl In another. Tho` rchuludlhncmnndunnowuupiou. * nu ICIIWIIIII "Tho doportmont oi juItico,'.' my: the _ Mnntrool Witnolo. "evidently VIM: oi the . opinion oi Mr. `Porto in rogord to the vnoritl of tho cloimn. and dooidod In con- tont thom in tho oxohoquor court. The doportmont won, liowovor. convincod tint the claim: ind in tho lint ploco boon Iub~ mittod inn rogulor In to Jndgo Bur bridgo. oitting on o jndgo in court. ond tho ooiioitor-gononi. on boholi oi tho govorn nont. including Mr. Tnrto. oi course. door I otnightfonnrd fuhion oc~ 1 knuwlodgod tho miotolo ond withdnw ' tho oriticiom ol tho miniotor of public uv-v-w out vluIlIl|IlIl' O0llI`l.. it willbe remembered that Mr. l`i\rt.e wen dieeetieled with the decision oi the court. end. eccepting it as 3 result of nrbi tretion. declared it to be hie intention to have the incte reviewed. Mr. Tera Iein he end the oioern of his department would goover the evidence. that if his impreuion Inn conrmed on enquiry he would con~ eult the depertment of jnntice. end that if it eqreed with the nonclueion oi the department oi public works the one would be reopened. II'l`L- .I.......A..---A I - u u -vvv I\II.lIl`II IIVUQL rxnunspm nt. mllonv cnhlno sud oh` odhulnt Only. ` Mhntlon [Inn oomnnnlnl men 0 llln Anna a AAA .-