REINDEER. In tho uuou for glovu. W: on I slmout any om. Our Bands:-. (love: on pool 11 In And Dirt 0 ml III no con). Try I p|Jh'. hoover the age limit. boloro nnomor Ion- non. Roynergooe out And Sunlo Wil- non, brother to the fumoua " inky." takes his plume at. full back. Cu 3.. Hum- ilwn will have to leave. no wil "Joe" Clark, (lama, Palmer. Sbnubenaio and Etheringtoii. Halon. will likely gointao comm half-back And George MoK|y into the scrimmage. _ The tug Active. with {our light borgoo. Arrived from l\Ionuonl yesterday. 'n.. .Imn Lnurn 1).. South Bay. Arrived l\Ionuonl yesterday. The sloop Lnurn 1)., Bay. this morning with 2,000 bushel: of pen for Richardson & Sons. ".u..a n. nmiu & Co`: what on Sunday: 'Jn||o1l :1. Craig & Co's Sunday: Str. Alexandria. nu. Molbournu, m. Por- ais, \II from l\lom.rv.-Al. rm... ..,.- Nmum. gmr dinchlrninn s \" from !\Iom.rv.-Al. Tho nu. Ningnru. other discharging cnrgo 0! when At. the M31`. Co's elovnmro, cleared this morning for :Ni|gnru to load up ileum. ' ho aclir. Singnporo. Dotloit. to King- ston. pens. was rou hly handled in Fri- day`: blow. Put. 0 her bulvnh won wulhod away. The nu`. Myloa. Fort. Willinm. nrrivod this morning with 41.000 bushels 0! that for Riohnnlm-on & Sons. Mt.or'diaohu~g|ng aho cleared to re-load. TL- -Ir MnnunuIa_ Duluth. 5.1.11 re-load. The Mr. Monunulo. Duluth. 5.'l,Il)0 bushels 0! what. lI I iV0d at the M. '1 . Co`: Anchorage to day. SM will clou In noon at discharged for nuothorcujzo. Thn K. R M. forwarding company`: discharged lor nuomorcu-go. The K. M. fcrvnrvling company`: barges HinwnchA.'l`hru-I1 and Lnpwing Arc fmnghtiuug coal from Charlotte, N.\ ., no Prescott. and Brockvillo at girod noon. 1"}... .1. Rmnmkhurn. `mt William. and Brockvillo It glgoa nun. oft Tho ntr. Bmnoiburll. William, urnvoul \'ent,nrdu_v with 06,34!) bushel: ol whom! I-yr the M.'l`. 00. She van dir chugml Mnl vlonretl again to-dny for In- other cargo. Tim nI.r. Rm-amount. Fnrl. Wllinm, John C. Allen wm Not Trauma Incluou um. `toronln Tndtn. Tomnm Nous. Tho game in when ngncuhtim was trie too aim for John 0. Allan. 0! Bul- hlo. who conduct: the iniunntiounl com- munion bureau. with mnnoctbom in To- ronlound tonal other Ouwliun cilia. ....a 5.. .-.3...-I onion smnm nom- vuvuuan uuu vy uv-uu. ll PI-Inca lnvi. `Phone No` No. D (or Sunday or Night Onlln. ronlound tonal outer Uuunun mun-. and In refund onion Boturdny ing. caning out tho virus us his vu-ions hunch: bunches It in ropofhtl that Mr. Alla [:11 all lb nocounu duo in Tooonto. and would not have mm the put. only the when -Arid -nu unmet Mn. M70 qnu not [It vu nnnnot E. C:-.!._!.T.`.t!_l:1L~ mg MARI NE INTELLIGENCE. WIRES &UT OUT. rs. "A7 wmn; Laps. wan I member of _ MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9. 1896. PARAGRAPH8 PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Iploo 0! Ivory nay uu-mm tho Pnnnln An Tnlkhu Abmn.-Nothln In ; picture: not in elaborate scenery. A big cbonce to save money at the snle of 0'ord c stock of boots and shoes at the ` old Iunj. 127 Princess street. -1.. .......r...-. at aha board of works will The members of the board moot. this Afternoon to inspect the route of the ropoud street nilwny extension. " EN HUR." n rened and beautiful uu-wan mu ` Pooplo An nnun; About--Nothln3 ; upon tho Attonuon of Thou Who Arc l`|Ilnl llotu. ` ' "BEN HUR" in I suooounon of brillinnt in elaborate hint any Inlvvv uuuw nu... ..--.. ,V ni|wn'y EN HUR. entertainment. Good-bye. nhlrt wnlntn-:s and farewell. Rug:-cu and Mun are plenty : You made old girls of thirty Odll Look lilo young girls 0! twenty. A --........ ...;n Inn hid in pclmol No. 8. seven o'clock. Go to Wade : for the Mnximus standard l horse and cattle Iemodioa. consisting of` condition powders. cough and colic cure, gall cure. liniment. hoof oil and absorbent hlinhar. 7 (mu 0! twenty. A concert. will be held in school 8, Montreal road, tomorrow night, Nov. 10th. Van will leave Hang`: drug score at nn on wads : for hence to the 'w-dding. i BEN HUR" pictures not only the life ` of the hero but lnichfully reprodurea his` times. As the re. water and light nomlnibtee I lmn reminded its recommendation to r-hnnge the fire limits to acnnmmodnto the Queen City Oil Co. there may be no meeting nf I the council this evening, an the special` meeting was on be held to consider the matter referred to. n....:.m nnr cheap sale we will offer A 0! ("6 A. I mettervheferred During our cheap nor splendid range of fine overooabn, made the name as or work. in beever-, melmn-, French nppe and frieze. at priren to defy com tition. l.. Prevent. New York Clot. ing Shore. Brock etreeb. Residents obliged to traverse upper '1'!- liem street. between Clergy and Rnrrie streets. complein oi the condition of the lidewelh and oroeeinge. A portion of the eidewnlk in mieeing and a mud hnle re- mains. The name may be said for the crossing on Clergy street. CAPTURED IN NAPANEE. Town. The countable who went to Bath on Saturday in search 0! the men accused of Iteuling $39 from Nicholeelhslmeter had his journey for his pains. Ho di:-covered that hie men had own. A nieeenge was tale honed to the Nepnnee police to be on the ookout for the lugitive and n descrip- tion of the man was sent on. Latorin the evenin word was received here that the man ed been arrested by constable Styles. A King!-ton policeman went up Ind brought the prisoner here. He in n Ne NHI00 men. and his nnme is Avona, not M ormick. Hehnd spent a portion of the money alleged to have been stolen. and had tted himself with a new unit of clothes and other nrticlee. The price of the suit who returned by the denier, who sold it to Ax-ens, he retaining 3| in my- ment for alteration: made to the clot ee. Arena had 82-8 00 in his pocket when he was Arrested. He was nnxioun to know whether or not Pnlmuter could identify .5... ........u ha nhimn be had lost. INCIDENTS DAY. -C;ra-C9ugha- ;[;g I'nImnu,or cmuu the money he ohimn Mnnnrmlck rofusod to sham! u commuuou to Elm mutt of using. lovononu at the l ooplo-Wvu\I they An - Kayla; and Doing. Juno: Swift. and Mn. Swift. IN) visiting: in Syrnouno, N.\'. hr. (Mndior. I graduate of Queen`:-, has left. for I-In land to milk tho hot-piuuln. -~-n u-rlv. Pauorboro. luu come to I-In lend win: we llilllnuu-. Owen erdy. Peterboro. King-hon to reeide. He in representing I large book publishing home. Trrdey Col. Duff end" Mnjnr Knight. uh Human-. left. lor Toronto tn take e special six day! course in "C" nvhonl. ` Min: 8. A. Weller arrived back to tho city efter ependinpz two vroolun \-inning friende at Montreal and Lnnmulcr. TL. ml. and hmilv of J. Ah~nvmk_\`. n Montreal and Lanna-zcr. The VH0 and family Ahmvndky. loud poddlor. arrived `At. New York yaster` dny from Ruuin and um oxpoobod in the out tonight on the Cape \'uu-out boat. l~`.:.SanI.. Robert. Car-on. mentonqor at ciu to-nigh: me blpu - nun... ......... I-Ix~Sorgl.. tho oowoma house, in receiving the non. ....o..I.zim.- nl hi: mnnv friendn. This house, in roceunng ms nu tulntiono of his many mo in; hit wife pm-canted him with the oighhouth nhild. The g-Ilnue sergeant. and hi; unwound wife now luwo the can 0! cu oven dam, six children having died. Goomanshnuruoa nonnoru tr du-iek qua Bunnlny and thin nothing in NZ" hi t I in a. .32.. .c'`'... :4 than (lpuahounn hoingund con- tuh dtnhmmriq. I was hitbi-In a [sh Elhnilnwvllurilltoccng-pzrai fiij T-a:: huvavlovn ll0AG S me smius wno-Chou. Iuuulunlunn. . AUCTION BALI: GPIIIIIQ. Ihlliunllauc. Hunt; Is. I Allngod Thlol Caught. I nu-u |W? Capt. . Richardson never In mo plus ulrw yuan . Richardson Queen`: senior team. Nut. season the Gran` tonm. Next. season Granitoe will loco about one third of their present men. who will be over limit. before another non- Inn, Ravnersmoe Stanley ubctn-om. - Something new in Snchot Powdnrs. Try It.