CZ Wjj IITKIICCTVTII Insulin Ihunhnnuluhpovu-9 ls nhgbuouunnuvuhlhodd M Il t U&I hbnd &|-bfupu @101!!!` no Unnn Ilnnlvn VII! yupuu vontnlu tho odvioo that In-II I-ovioloa ohould not ho undorlohn until that NICO roolpnoity nqouodou,wh5oh would dolor Illlnovidon fotnyoor. Sovohvotholo ounnrvnlvo poponou tho. ooo band do- noudkqnn lnuodhoo uoulonont oi tho In-ll lino and oodlag (at All unoonolnty lonprdtolgond on tho ocborhnd I po-Ipoaonont 0! sh oouh-ono of tho ro- nldnn an`: A In-.nL.-I-.. `-5 -I v--cu -nun vvI-'\`u'uII IUIQIIICIIIIQ VII In the ullqul uvnomdnty. has out a nun no light. Mansion at contort onloupoclutndtho huugwum uuldouwnptoculllnqtoouryon in pronto. II-It in examining Into Ibo cpunuoudlhohlndlloainntuug avoylbonoulhiq N-nohuvhlchtbo Int: 1- Jgh-Han-an.-_ L... A. ..LA BIlUl'IIo And Sam Hughu in one of those who do not boliovo that ofooc should [Sow be vu- cntod in the interests of the grits. Ind u.L_ 1.41: _ _ . _ . . _ . . .. t.u...... .- ..-... ................. lvldoundnc .L_ -n,--; - nun nuns: --nun: l-\I\/n| - . Hon Mr. Fielding. the nsnco minister, Hon. Mr. Blair, miniltor of railways, and Hon. Mr. Pnoornon.oompt.roller of customs, witnouod the close of the presidential elec- tion in New York. and were inurolud spectators of many exciting noonol. Tn . -gnu-g.nntAM-A nf OLA nnnnn MI uuvwu nu uuv u-uvvnvuu: an vllv .-nus. -.... tho Idling unong our fellow: is very strong" upon thin point. `I'M: gin: the ooI;urnNn pnpon nnznhllnn in nonni Ahannt n; nnnno WILL SEEK REC! PROCITY. Coal To Burn nlng out ._._.L- oomuonooy. butitinnot. non-so hond.[ ....I 1.. 9.5.. nnuln nhonld sank Wllllloiluy. lllli E II mu uunr-v uuuu. And in the nuntlm Ocnndn should not lo oxtnnd in trade as much an poulblo with tho country no the touch 0! it. The Itauuca of she Int oosl your indi- cate uh this in something very much to be desired. . Glnduone on u bncyole 2 '1` nk of that. The old mm bu not tackled 0 job. but. ho in thinking about `0. ' F EDITORIAL NOTES. The Prince of Wales pusod his titty- nh birthday yeotordnypnd nullhlo motto is, "Ioh Diem". Announcement relpecting the venue of the school settlement is expected to-mow row. Some tory paper: no very mnl} annoyed at the delny. They want. the (note now. I O Q . 9 _ H Psrnoll is declared ho alive and mil in tome western mm. This in the unu- Izion of I man who Inn " Parnell ! life and hos`:-cl something new. I O The London Advertiser has entered its thirty-fourth you. It has given to jour- mlilm lome of in brightest men. And still it in freeh and neway and I model paper in many respects. 0 0 Q Hon. L. E. Davie: eleboretaee hie ldeee on the civil service. He believe: in letting the oiciele vote en they pleue, but when they went leme as politicians they ehould be given ell their time to work it QIIKI U V -w-- -_ and con] th 0 will burn. That's the kind we :01 . the oolehrntod scrun- zon" If: use per ton. Plno lndli out. only `Mn a loud. Goo!` Hod ood. 01.00 per loud. WM. DRURY. "" `, 5,n;`}_ '00 an n.a----. uo....o. lnnnntnn. Ont. The Hamilton Herald conclude: that if Guelph : clay treuuror got. only three months for ntosling 810.000. for sonling $100,000 he would deserve: reprimand. Thu . About it. The bigger the steal the more aympatbyfor tl'1e ofzndar. To those who during the last election declared that liberel success meant nation- el ruih this cheery paragraph from a staunch conservative journal, the Picton Gazette. must be an aggravating discour- agement: "Numerous are the signs 01 coming rosrerity for this fair land. Therefore Ea cheer, ye who are trembling with esrBet the possible epproech of the sheriff. usinees men wno have been driven toextremities by the stress of hard times need only keep I still` u per lip and all will be well. A ew mont B will, it is condently expected. greatly alleviate the present depression. A :1 : EIIKIII HIIDGIIHUIII GANANOQUl-2, Nov. 9.-(To the Editor): In your weekly ieeue of Nov. 5th your cor- respondent does not give all the fact: in connootion with my difficulties with R. Adams, my tenant. Mr. Adams chattel mortgaged mostly all his good: for the sum of 850, and in my nbeonce. about three weolu ago, this pr party was sold private] y to one of his role! on for $66. I offered to allow the purohe-.-vi $125 for the property, by allowing the roaidue to epply on Adams rent. TL. hnlnnnn of this vnlunhln nmnertv he The balance of the valuable property he sold, leai-in ver little to pay rent, and the househod e ects were also removed. The most of what (property was left had lien notes on it. an considerable of it had been lcced on two neighbors` farms. I seiz what I could get for the rent of the farm, some of which was mov- ed away after seizure. and I had to follow it fteen miles. The bailiff had to put a man in charge to watch the property that was seized. On the day of the sale of his chattels I pur- chased rt of a mow of corn. and a Mr. Boyle a so purchased in mow of straw. and the goods were delivered to us on the day of theaale. but afterwards R. Adams lock- ed tlie barn and held poesessioii of the pro rty we had bought and paid for. I. wit. Mr. Boyle's son. went to remove the corn and get possession of the straw. He refused to give it up under a pretext that- he had not ct thirty days` provision for his now. ( y the wiiy on the day of seiz- ure he told the bailitl he had no cow.) He refused to give us the property. and pick- ed up a large club and threatened me if I would 0 ion the barn door. I demanded him to rap the club. He lowered it by his side and still kept his back against the door. Had it not been that I had a iistol. which I carry for rotection 0 my life and property. feel quite sure he would have done me bodily haim. I pulled him away from the door. and in the scullle he lost his club. but immediately was in the act of picking up a larger and longer one, when I proceeded towards him and told him to desist from piclin up that club. He drew his left hand to it me in the face. 1 had a small nail hami ' in my hand. which I had been uiiin ying to open the door. and I struck at is hand when it was npiroaching my face. The hammer laii fiom his thumb to his head, full" a small skin wound on his forehead. le immediately picked up the la club. and demanded me to open the oor. He held it over my head in a striking position and told his son to bring up the men. I then [began to cori- sider the situation of aifiiirs. and thought that probably he had prearranged with some person or persons to attack us when we would come for the corn and straw. and I thought it better to re- treat. and leave the premises that day. I may say I had an order from the bailitl for the corn and straw. but it was of no avail. Adams would not deliver up the property, but. kept it under loclr and key and I had to brin the bailiff and cu; down a wire fence and reek open the barn door to t the propertv hnaa are the real facts of the cine and [arty yum. In (mover. luau, in. nu- ncl` n dud with kl puulynic. und iron that mm on no 3 mom or Ian Iolpluu Invalid. Sh: Ilnd. bowovor. M cdobnh tho Iltkth oimlutnry ol Int vnddl :5. will Ihonnbv-ohm circle ol has six childnn uhonl hot. Ton month Iuortho yonpr non. Fnootick. I brmhn_I snd Inland wag phydolan olNow \rioity.|IIuuI yond. and In Lltlnyurdath|ooud\boInoclnr'u ouurllly uhnopund oh hll uohl ulcop. B50 was a downed vih nothor,unduovuIu:y holporin Mme ol Ind and dducn. any van Indebt- cd to but can and klndnun. . mun Journal. Anlhuolho local. jun unlhndhh. ho a the propony. hose are the rail 0! I hope you will give them I 9 co in your vnlunblo pupor and lot. the pa lic no that I van not nggrovnor, but was there u) got. my property And to dolond myself ngoinot. the attacks of (MI mon.--I rennin yours truly, M. Bvusn. At her runner homo in Windham. Cum. on Oct. uh. onto:-od into rat. Anna .1.. vile oi Juno: Warner. 0! Jenny City. N. J., and dnnghur of tho lob Luke and Cctlurino Gunosllon. ol Nowbnrgh, Out. In, Wnrnnr In barn in Kinalton. Ont... hqld furniture. cm. W. 6. Frost. Carriage Painter. :4... nlraal. nut to Electric On Shedx. In. Wnrnor was born In lunglton, Unr... when the pasta her rlbood. and whore In ISM ohonuriod Anon. youngest son 0! Wnrnor. Wilton. Ont. Mr. and n. Warner Inovod annually to New York city, Ihoooo in I862 to Janey 0lty.N.J..Ihon any raided for out (any In Oooohor. I880, In. Wu- mr n dud nu-thl nu-ulytin. Catlurino Carlutllo. ol Nowonrgl, um. In. Warner born in Kingnon, Ont... than uh nnmd Mr nirlbood. LETTERS TO THE 50:70; DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1896 . (Continued from pege one.) requirement: o! the 9'0 oil shed. It wen-on thin point. on the question of` whether the proposed change would effect the of inmreuoe that the question __.__ _:_l -..-_ I..- A..- --.5 Haul-r nn Ill llnua OI . ._l_._h_Ic|.AUGI|UN S, ..,J was laid over lor one Veal. 50 II!` no ` alderman had answered the queetion. As far as the insurance question was con- cerned he was glad that A_ld. Martin had obtained the epecic information which ` wee now before the council. m.` ahcwed cleerly that Aid. Martin had not onl ex-` lelned the ropoeed change but also uide naps owing the propoeed change before the uuderwritere' eeeocieticn. end having theee feet: before them the under- writere` association had decided that it would not make any chain in the rates of insurance. (lie here the letter from the underwriters egscciation.) Referring to the Telegram from the underwriters As- eocieticn in Montreal. he acid that they were clearly laboring under: miFPPI*ehen- . sion, as the referred to the increased risk from t e erection of wooden build- ings. He .went on show that there were two Iimite referred to in the by-low--one referring to district in which wooden builiinge may not be elected, and one in which oils me not be stored. Ase matter of fact the hmita in which wooden buildings may not be erect- ed were several blocks this side of the oil limits, end it was not propoeed to elter this at all, he therefore considered that the underwriters'eeeocietiou at Montreal did not have all the facts. From the remarks of some of the nldermen it would seem that our by-laws were like the laws of the Mode: and Pereiens, they were unalterable. This position was ab- surd, asthe council in recent yeare had amended muny by-laws. Time makes many changee. Referring to the conten- tions of some nldermen that if the limits were changed it would prevent the growth of that locality. he pointed to the fact that since the present by.-law was passed A large number of housee hed been erected immediately adjoining the present oil sheds and only About two hnueee had been erected between North and Cute ui streets, which are inside the re limits. Referring to the statement thut if the limits were changed as propos- ed it would increase the danger to the cotton mill. He pointed out that if built in` the locality euggeeted e by some ulderrnen it would for more A................ olm... if lmilt in him nrmrrv hula. whether the proposed cnnnge wounu nuecn two laid for one week. So far no .IA......... Lu! .n.-and the munblnn. An ea In Woulu iiiureiaso uiu uillswl dangerous than if built in the quarr hole. At present there was an oil cloth actory niuch closer to the cotton mill than the sheda would be if erected in this quarry. He had gone over the whole district and felt satised that there was no place in which there would be less danger and less inconvenience thangln the proposed site. It was fiir removed from any house. and he believed there would be greater security il bii_ilt there. He was aorr that none ol the aldermen had visi the place,lor if the had he was sure they would agree with iim. He was not in favor ol extend- ing the limits as tar as was proposed by the committee in their last report, but he would favor their extension to a point sul- licient to cover the quarr hole, sons to permit ol the erection uf t e building in tliisa t. He was prepared to ive due com-ii emtlon to the petition w ioh had been submitted, but thought that perhapa some of the signer: may not have been thoroughly conversant with all the facts. Much valuable inlormatiozi had been ob- ninAl' mhinli nrnnf. In -hnw llinf. nthnr nlhl to be stored. Ald. Livingston moved, seconded by AM. Curtis, chat. the recommendscion o! the commibtoe be laid over for It week, pending tho receipt. of further informnbion re the elfect. of the proposed change on in- surance rater. ALI r\.....:.. tmla 91.... oh. fnlnarnrn (mm rates. Aid. Curtis held that the telegram from the Montreal underwriters showed that coal oil storage had raised the insunnoe rates in Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa. and it was fair to infer, therefore. that: similar re:-ult would follow in Kingston. The petition of the heaviest taxpayers and most prominent business men should carry A great deal of weight. Not an Alderman in the council is opposed to the Queen City oil company coming here. All are friends of the company. on the oontmry. Mumuzer Foote. of the cotton mill. said ol the the oonnmry. Manager Footo. his objection to changing the limits re- fenod collie: own dwelling house. Once clmnge the limita and there would be no gunrunbeo an to vrlnt kind of building the company might build close to his house. Ahl um Mr. Fnnm has onlv n Much valuable Inlormauon nuu noon on- inod which went. to show Lhnt. other cities and town: to the west of un permitted oils be stored. Am l.a..;.m.o.-m ynnvatl nnnnndnd bv house. Ald. Dounelly said Mr. Foote ha only a leane of his promises, and no building could be ererbod nearer bhnn 200 feet. from the rear of his lot. TI... .m.mAmant. tn Mm nmnndmant. Ilu the or his low. The amendment. to the amendment. Wu lost on on vote of seven to eleven. The nmemlmont was Ioab. AI.l Rnlmn mnvad nnnnmlnd bv Ald. nmentlmonlz loan. Altl. Behnn moved, seconded by Ald. Skinner, in amendment to the re |0l`l -. that the present. oil limits be amend to mid : that. the limit. be 200 feet out of Ridonu street. and 300 feet north of North street. and the oubern boundary be the same. The Amendment, was lost on the following division : \'.... , I-`.lIinM. Aldn, Rnhnn. 0! DIN your om uuuu ` W. J. BRYSON, _A-.___ n.|....-- . division \'eM--Mnyor Elliott, Aldn. Bohnn. Carson, Donnell . Martin, Robinson, Skin- ner. Strain e, nit. Wnlkem-l0. Nnyn~A dn. Allen, Curtis. Drennln. Hawton, Livingston, Minnoo. Nowlnnda, Redden. Ryan. Hbovvnrt.-ll). On the original motion that the report be adopted the council divided as fol- Iuwa : man lost. The mayor rulonl that only the clause referringto the Queen City Oil Co. was under dincunaion and that the other clnunoo had not. boon lost. ALI I.ivinnAI.nn mmrotl um the council had not. boon loan. Ald. Livingston moved that the Adjourmund the motion was Ian. on a vow of -even no thirwon. Ah-I n.....n.n mnvnd. meander! bv Ald. 0! l|e\ Oh tmrwen. Ald. Urunnln moved. Aecondod by Allen, that the ue, wnlor nnd light. oom- miuadn report. be adopted, uriling out the clause referring to the Queen City Oil Co. Tho motion vim curried. Md. Carson moved, seconded b Aid. Bohnn. that the oil limits be oxtnn ad a propoood by the tire. um and light oom- minoo and nfornd book at the Inc. regular Inootin of council. The motion In: loss on the allowing division : \'n.-._.Thn mnvor. Aldl. Bohan. Canon. following divmon \'ou-Tbo mayor. Bolton, Donnolly. .\lnrtln, `Robinoon, Skinner. Htrningo. T|lt.--9. ` Nan-Aldn. Allen. Curtla. Dronnnn, Roddou, Ryan. Burn:-1.. WlltOllI--I I. Md. Donnell] moved. Iooondod by Md. Wnliun, that tho all limit: to oxuodcd no 400 foot south ol Cahnqui Itnoe. not to extend on the was within 200 hot ol Ridcn nrott. Tho mouon wu loot. V.`-_ Th; lngunr AHA. MILD. CID Ridcn Tho mouon Ion. Youn- The mayor. Aida. Bohsn. -on. Doonolly. lawn. Robinson. Skinner. 8|-ningo, Tait, WI|lou-|0. Nun--A|dI. Allan. Cllrl. Dnnnnr. 8&1-nlngo, Tait, Walton--Iu. N|yo--A|dI. Allen. Gurus. Horton, Uviagnon. Itvmu. Nowlnndu. Roddon. Ryan. Suva-0-10. Md. (hi-non moved. Iaeoodod by Md. lhoonon. am the positions re Quota City all can 1 ho rdu-rd to tho In. was nudlig Ioonnluuloropurtu tho nut nnunn. , _ uuu n'uv -uwu--.--- .. ...,-._ DOINII . Ald. Linn Ltd the puma has nlurnd to I50 on-ciao II `no noun. van nrrld. the N . an. Dushlly. Dunn, Llvlmnu. In- na, Robinson. Stunt. It up, Wn|h$--I2. lhyo_--Alb. Alba. Oink. Ilowha. Inna. lovlnndu. Bodies. Rm. luv- Iowa \'ona-A|dn. Allen, Curtis. lbrennnn. Hewmn. lnvingnbon, Mimics. Nuwlundo. Rodden, Ryan. Stewart--10 Na a--The mayor, Alda. Behan. Canon, Mnrun, I)onnol`|J, Robinmn, Skinner, StMinge,Tnit, alkorn-I0. The report, wan lust. Ald. Dmnuun held than the entire report. lost. ' 'n.- mlnl thnt. onlv than nlnunn CMIIIAGES. CARRIAGES. luuolnlna-19.!--rltohlouomu. 'l'nIt.-~9. NnyI~A|d|. Hutton, Livington. Minnu, Novlmdn. Roddou, Ryan. unrt. Wnlkom-ll. ' Aid. Donnallv moved. by Il`O-I. Ouillulkuudun qua-Into Wothtuluhnhluls -...-.. -L-L.--no` `jinn PERFECT LOVA "rill lion! he laughs Anon Ivvu-nhlng ` Elan. DIICO -Wrltton by A. H. Non-rlngeon. u--4. -|.|-- c- n..- It... 31.. "Third Blaming." ow. The Free Mobhodiab church mks: no higher olnln olchcr in hich or tloo than Weuloyln Mothodlum; and would to God that u I church we stood in thin as high` in practice an In fnlbh. Entire u.not.|cIt.ion.wu deals:-ad to be the only I log for tho ulobonoool the only on im. Thlnlout. and the became .- ntlmp nlnu-aha: Around chum. nmiimr uetnomsu. Inlllolli, am: we oocsmo ss other churches sround them. nowing the history of our origin es s church, should we not insist in every congregation `the importance of thle climex doctrine of the New Testsmentl Mr. Wesle wrote. September Ill, 1782, in Works. ol. Ill.. Er H3: The more I converee with the even in Oornwsli. the more I am con- vinced thst they have sustained great loss for the wsnt of having the doctrine 0! Christian perfection olesrly snd strongly eulorced. I sec. wherever this is notdone. the believe:-e row deed end cold." Same Vol., ps e23 : "I examined the society at Bristo . end was sur rised to find fty members fewer than I ch. in it a year s c. One reason is. Christian perfection Ens been little insisted on. end whcnever this is not done. be the reschers ever so elo- quent, there is iitte increase. either in numbers or the grsce oi the hesrers." In Vol. IV., pa 83, he writes: Here [Lsunceston] found the plain reason why the work of God hsd gsined no ground in this circuit sll the ear. The preschcrs had given u the ethodist testimony. Either they Id not spesk of perlection at all (the peoulisr doctrine committed to our trust). or they spoke of it only in general terms, without urgingthe believers to `go on unto perfection. and to expect it every moment. And wherever this is not earnestly clone, the work of (iod does not prosper. It is not more tslent and master learn- not prosper." It router ing, nor you the "third bloaomg" or "ful- neas of Peut.ooost." than we preachers need to make us more useful in soul-winning` but to enjoy the perfect. love of God In heurt. and to preach it to all. when wa consider the nuccesa which ` hen In Doubt heurt and to preach It to all. When we consider the success has always attended the preaching of en- tire sanctiostion by men who have enjo - ed it. mny we not tremble, as A ohurcfl. at the little advance we are melting? Why do so msny of our ministers come up to conference from year to year and never re- port a reel revival on their circuits? Why are not the largest reportsmsny fold greet- er then they ere? Stung by a deep sense of our lack of success and experience we should humble ourselves before God, and if beck-slidden. re it; if never entirely sanctified seek for it. 'The arch philo- so her comes forward with s remedy (3) cu led "Pentecost power"; end already, in other branches of the Methodist famil . it is fast becoming s reoo nixed boon. ft is claimed that the spost es were sancti- fied wholly prior to Pentecost. and wrest- led ten ds s lnpreyer for this third bless- in "-pen tel power. 0 Amount of argument csn mslre A ude or eoove It. Mr. Weeley writee: The ground for e thoueend mistakes in, the not consider- ing deeply thet love in the highest gift of God, humble. gentle. patient love; that ell vieione, reveletione. menifeetetione whetevenere little things compared to love. The heaven of heevene in low. There in nothin higher in religion; tl ie. in elfect. not ing else. If you look in. anything but more love.,you ere looking wide of the merk. you-`lie getting out of the royal wey. nd when ou ere asking others, `Hove yo reoeiv this or that bleeeingf if you mun enything but more love, you mean wrong; you ere leading them out of the we end putting them up- onelelee eoent. ttlo it then in your heert thet. from the moment Hod hm: saved you from all sin. you ere to aim At nothing but more 0! that love described in the thirteenth oi ret Corinthinne. You cen go no higher than this. till you ere oerried into Abruhem e boeom. u... 12...! bmln u. an inrlivirlnele and no carried into Abraham`: bosom.` May God he! us uindividualn and M A church to not and obtain entire unnt.i- ontion. than we need not. (nor will we) seek for ought. beside? Amen! llolpocl by tho In-nt Ilo:-CuuIcI Not I.In llfly I'oIImln--Uurod by us Ifaw lion: 0! l)odd`I Kidney Pills. ARTIIUII. Nov. 1!. (Speoial)-Amonghia more intivnolo friend: it. hu long been known horo that Mr. J. (E. Morrinon had grndu|ll* been failing in health for many cars. he ucuteueu of his euerings won noun only to A low. His complete re- covery is a surprise here and in causing much talk. Of his cure he says : Yea I got. hol from the first box 0! l)odd`a Kid- nny Pil onnd l have when ftnen boxou. I kept. getting better every dnv. When I commenced [could not lift. fty poundn: now I nm on strong and well an over in my life." l'lun:n-Vulloy I'nr|;rnpha. l I.Iusn'r Vu.1.:\'. Nov. 9.-Tho wou- thor in nl| that oouid be desired and turm- er are hiking advantage of it. by n plying diligently to tho wrniu of the poi . Mr. Burgou and fnmil . Artington. have moved ham. Hawil ruidoin I cottage lnuly around by Ha. I`. Wuoon. Mr. Burgess in to manage tho buninou on the farm for N10 onnuing your. Viniton: Mr. nnd Mn. Abnhuna, Mr.ClovI. Hurting- hon; ll. Burke, Ooo; Minn Wutoon hu ro- turned from Cloyno, when Iho hnd been visiting her Iinur. Mn. Thoma: Tnpping. Ilourn. Barr and Wnuon st Kin man on the 3rd: Mr. Watson at Elbow he on the Mb. Our oohool in prngruningDl:vor- ably undo: the mnnnguunt of Mr. y. In'--penwcoeun power. 0 amount. of argument. fellno trueo Men may profess entire tenet oahion and be deabibube of the pow- er ofuod to win eoula, and may er ue that we should seek "power," the gul- neee of Pentecost," "the third bleuing, but the one need 0! such eouls in the per- fect love of God ehed ebroml mbheirhearu hv the Holy Ghost sent. downfrorn heaven. 0 mm who eniove nerfect. love will ever M the Holy unoen sent. uownxrorn neaven. No men enjoys perfect. think of seeking nnythin ebove. beneath, or uide lrom lb. Perfect. eve is the climax of earthly ettainmente. No man who en- joye it. in the degree the early Methodists enjoyed the second blessing" will ever be found advocating or seeking anything be- side above it. Mr uh-ulna un-HAn- "'l`|m ornund for Oonplulll. III. I you- That punly vqoublo pllll ban (or ton you proved to thousand: ol Iuffonru that they but no equal u a remedy lor liver mmohint. They act upon the liver In 1 they Inn oquulu runway Ior uvur com int. They upon tholivorinn mi yet my thorough manner, rolioving oonguuon And runnvlng obnruotlonn. Try Hamilton : Pills ol Hmd onnd Buthrnut. tho nut hlnlly y. All dcnlon all then. Iltltlod To Tho Ioqioo Nnw You. Nov. l0.--Judge Tran in the soprano court today donidd I'M-Haunt`: uacloty. known on the nocioty forth nntiondodno. was onmlnd undcr will ol the Inc millionth-0 Bath- Bocltolho on: o! $110,000. The =:uy he tboouppnuiolu d viouoontond- ad thuthnuociu In Ihoom noun. :1- .......Ln.. um and tho "nociuy uuvun IIIIII Iuuu-up-V n--.....u- untnounu zunnntood. Ladle: null and MI 0|` onrulvu. French perlootlon system hucht he of ohnrgu for the cumin month. can from tho nook to thu toot. Lu Ion hnve your daluhtorn lolrn. BVllNI:S C CO. No. 9 lontrnl Strut. Kxnuton. for II ohlmon huthulh 7&1! "nu dou"vuuul. Ir. Book dial in mint. Inning Hg h. `'````.`3.``.... than ~ in h` nix m A Mmveuous Eons. OII`I IIIIIIPIII run vu oonplolll. one 3 Don . .....-In -.4.-tghln nllln LA: Un Sunday Kev. ur. Tonnage in ms ser- mon said : In this last half oi the last de- cade oi the nineteenth centur thetempera- ture in the churches is very ow. and most of the piety would spoil it it were not kept on ice. And. taking things as the are. ordinary christisns will never rose the point where the outcry of Paul in the text will not seem ' like extravaganza. The proprieties in most of the churches are so xed that all a christian II ex ted to do on Bundai is to get up a litt e later in the morning t an usual, p t on that which is next to his best ntti not the very best, for that has to be reserved for the levee-enter the church with stately step.-bow his head, or at any rate shut his eyes in prayer time. or close them enough to look sleepy. turn toward the pulpit with holy dullness while the preacher s ks.put _s ve cent piece- or ii the times hard s one cent iece-on the collection platter. kind of s oving it down under the other ooin so that it might be, for all that the usher knows, a .5 gold piece. and then. after the benediction, o quietly home to the bi t repeat of SI the week. That is a I the majority of christians are doing {or the notication of this planet. and they will do that until. at the close of life, the pastor opens a black book at the head 0! their casket and reads: "Blessed are the dead who dlein the Lord. They rest from their labors and their works do follow them. The sense of the ludicrous is so thorou hly developed in me that when I hear t ese scripture words read at the ohsequies of one of the religious do-nothings in the churches it is too much for my gravity. Their works do follow them. What works? And in what direc- tion do they follow them-up or down? And do they follow on loot or on the wing 2 And how Ion will they follow before they catch up Y glare appropriate funeral text for all such religious deadheate would be the words of Matthew xxv. 8: "Our lamps are gone out." One would think that such christiana would show at least under whose banner they are enlisted. In one of the Napoleonic wars a woman-Jeannette by nnme-took her position with the troops and shouldered a broomstiok. The colonel said. Jeannette, why do you take such a useless weapon into the ranks ? "H/all." she said. "I can show. at least. The Prop:-lotlu of In: church on They Now Stand - And Thur Worn Do Follow 'l'hon-W|loh Wu '!-0nr Lamps Bus Done on. On Sunday Rev. Dr. Tnhnngo in his nor- A11-In nl oh. ninnfj-Anmh mnmrv thntnmnnrn. III `twins; - v Then In An lndonnhh uomothinn about 3 woman`: In I or bonnet that sump: llf lonnblo or no . We have all the Luv.- ut |hh.l"ronoh und Amorlonn nylon In lllllnory {or {all And winter wear. \on no hum or Pnfsoun HAVE] IT CAN ONLY BE PRESERVED ON I'llVIII rulluuruu ]'I.hZ\'.`1A. Nov. 9.7-(lord Bros.` mill is nearing cum lecion. They have I huher running cm are well pntroliised. Deer hnubing in in full swing. Bevornl nrtloe have procured A lioenu to kill; ether they kill or not in unouier thing. our cheapo fnctory has closed for the season. Ind Mr. and Mrs. Knapp have ulnn their departure. There in quite an excitement. over Lho qold nd near here. H. B. Wood. while opening a small pit, found 8 piece of quartz. On showing it. in Mr. Blue, 0! the mining department. Toronto. who win hero ll abort. time Ago. it. was pronounced I good uiecimen and well sprinkled with old. A. ', Wmd. owner of the uronartv. in lied a Fire ot Oonlldonblo llu In `the HI- Iago. WI~:I.I.xHu'rmz, Nov. 9. --On Tuesday night. hum at 11:30 o'clock the Methodist aohoolroom was noticed to be on fire. Soon the body of the church took Era. The flame: spread to the sheds. pcrlonngo and an adjoining dwelling belon ing to D. B. Tones. Our citizens turn outln full force nnd uuistad in removin nrticlea from the pnrnonage. Rev. Mr. ell`: loss was very heavy, nmounting to About 8l,000. He carried no insurance. Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Boll will occupy a part. 0! the Wiamr dwelling. The meant. heavv wind hu done consi- vice, will be held In me old town nan. A. Clmbternon, late of Bri men, has re- cently moved in town ans will occupy Luke B. Jacob : dwelling and intend: col astublinh a permanent l rlculturnl huni~ ( none. Mr. Jacobs will be e up his abode with them. Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer, of Picton. are atop ing eh Cornellue C|app'a this winter. Irry Leln end wile arrived here. his native home. this week. from San I*`r.mclnco,e\nd purrosoe remaining. The funeral of Mrs. Come iul Clnpp took place on Saturday lust. and wu largely uh- bended. Anrlnw Hniahl. Hnllnn-all. An old-time bonded. Andrew Haight. Hallow-oll. an old-Limo rolidont. of this county. diod on Friday lut. after an illness of About two weeks. a recimen and well epnnluea with old. A. '. Wood, owner of property, several offers In diefoee of it. butie waiting for 3 full report. rom Toronto. Robert Wilson was hem last. week buying lnmbu. Visitor.-: Mr. and Mru. Williams. Marl- benk; Mrs. Elkington, Ompeh: Mrl. Mil- ler. Ardoch. Quarterly meeting in the Methodist. church on Sunday Ieet. Llrnr. Kidney And Rrlgh Dlleilo. A medicine chit. doebro a the cum or cause of Bri 1hl.'I Disease. Mnbeboa, idnoy and I iunr nlnnlnIiI'II.l, nut] hl DOWOI` `.0 R000 BOISE! W63 "Well. she said, which side I am on.` dwelling. The recent heavy derable damage. E. Leavers sheds were blown down on Friday morning. A barge wne seen by Capt. McCullough panning down the lake on Friday morning. and suddenly she disappeared. The captain in under the impression that the barge lounderod. TL. nnn nvunn Hnn nf the Method lt It CARNOVSKY COMPANY , III`: III`! fj J-=.PuvnI.l65Prhnno-cg. founderod. The oonre etion of the Methodist. church wi eld urvioea in the music hall until the completion of the new church. We are yroud to on elm our present minister. ev. Mr. Bel , is quite capable of drawing big houses. Prayer meetings nnd W.nwnrt.h league of christian endeavor and OI Uri m. I muuo. ulltocuauuuuuy and Liver `om lninu. nnd has must 1. root them out, 0 the nyntam. in 1 vs II price. Such a medicine in Hop Bitlaru. and poait.i\'o prool of thin an be found bv one trial. or by asking your noighbornnvho have been cunt] by it. drawing big houses. rrayer meeungn nnu E North league of al meetings aside from the Sunday nor- vice, will be lnold in the old town hall. A l"`.lmM1u-Inn Int: nf Rriahtnn. hll PO` know. L It in kidney education. Kingston pooplo no burning fun. Hon III come been : John F. Wilton. tho populu grocer. No. 5 0`KilI nu-not. Klngmm. an : "Dunn's Kidney Pllla. which I got at Noland`: dru won have done no much . H `L... that -an lntrndu Ink) Kinn- Ill wall In: nvun Don Sirn.-A!hr Iuerin for two gear; from scum indionntion I trod B.B. ....|. ....|.. uh... r.l.lnn, whinh mndo mo II In is IN `THE AIR] uzonhnvodonolnonnoh `hon they woninlrodu intoKIng- Itonlwnunotnblotogofonhcunundhnd tonnduyboytogocnbox lornototry. I am now my thmhlulhl I not him In: nun In: nl nllln. ".l_"_E_:-%:{-.{. I my mum lot that box 0! pills. "lune: turn I hm that box ol pub. "l`oHanyunlhvo luau aqua!- hnr with terrible palm noun Ihonnll olny hotnndlnn Icnddo. also Iron nrinu-_v dillionmu Ir ich cunt! no gnu inconvenient and dhbnn. nuhun. I -I-nlnnnnnm and li. Own-1` HIIQ, ":nd`"t:`ntnn. W. own: n I . worn-on ng. all nndoIIylonIIIdon.un|lwu tho a union: hon rlnnubvu. um... nhlnn l)un'I Kldinr Pllh I Kingston Pegxilk About Itl It in in the air. d Can`: Itop it -pun ing. Can't hoop down I good thing. People who don`t. know about It. want to KIIOW. HIOW. Pooplo who do know vmnt [so all about L no aoat Inn rlnnunn. "Since kiln; Donn : Kldiny .. L... uamnn bunt this along. `nu WELLINGTON WAVELET8. 38 2] T Do It Now. n....vo -.n mull mu pon moo we run! show, least. wuu highl Ltlm. {NEW CASES OF ...1`lANTLES... FOR SATURDAY. lmcmvav & BlRGHj,_ }E:33:AMP|oN One Hundred of the very choicest and latest London designs to be had only at |Oils. Japans, CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATERS . . . FE:I:_L.__Tk!1T emu ? l\ ..A unnu has RICHMOND &CO S Paints, anus mum co MONTRIHL. `ltoouootul Input moh- unndvu-nlnlncnnh. 18to$N'lll.Nth%'OI% -, Nexttoour food than in nothing more important to the mainunnnce of health than the Agents. HAINES 6: LOCKETT, Kingston. hotelu. Chlbil AaN`I'HV Q X The Cheapest We marry in -tovk I full line of repair: {or tluuo rnnm-~. an-I uupply plonu and do npuln quick nu you Ike. /2 `"!T. `!:`. (0ddfol|ow`n Blnohoor. Prlnoou and Rule: L--n -6-`A0: .7-NIH`, UIlCUT WIIJA III" K ESDAY. NOVEMBER IMII. PnQootunIIoonc(IooIhoIhhJ. thong; Durham and I31! 11 I to An shlo. Imbmnun and ntudlonn youn mum who wlllgh-0 part of his than during tum. Apply pot-onnlly M. the ` 'Closeburn." u ONT. II Union with The Loud`: oolhco at Mule. Wayland). lull mm o! l'n|vonlu crsdnuoo. Icahn III lnhomutlou and Punch. `u nlouoll and culture at homn oomblnod with tho Ingl- ut mental tulnlnn. nun. II-nnnntnnl In nhu-no of limb `humor: llool. Priloou 06.. Illolhl U l-IIIFIIIII. PIIIANSIIIP. ANTI- IIHO. IIIOITIIAIK D. TYPI-WIITIIG. 010.. thovolv MICHI- bnlvlduol In-suction. Aalvdled nth- oda. Oomlonod hoohn lot Oucnlnu and full pnlollun. III] at --n. ma HILLINERY AND DRBSSMAKINO. A Business or shorthand Education Free for hum. etc`, apply to III. OOIIWAL mental tulnlnn. lulu Dopnunonc In ohu-lo 0! Stocks Hammond. liq.` Inn. Doc. mpmnnn -nu--n both: Ion-in IMI. rllllno I nvlud oinw nnnnuv I: ' LIMESTONE cm | BUSINESS COLLEGE. Hammond. liq.` Inn. uoo. olrlnnu `torn begin lovouhu 69 & 7: Brock street. KINGSTON. SCHOOL Of ART. IVIIIINO OLAME WILL OPE OI -nQ$I;nQ1 naln QAAI Klngoton Business College. ... n._..,. _-,. :.._|. OIIABJ. Wlllllltlol-. Prlndlll. ---- First Class EDUCATION AL. Cooking Range Ionool Iuqmumu. . c. cmaus, | IL IMVlI. I in the Market. him: I. IIVIIOII to unpeou man IIANNAY & HAROLD, '9 Bee. ".?Y. '!E55..'3FE9!3k'..S!5- imlanery Work. ouun mule to motion. noun unu uy NewYork Dress Reform, {', ,,',",`:f` A J... _.-__ In nnuru -. ....-a II Innnnnnont. It-client cum nookod bl! In tho 1: I]. Munuon [inn oommorolnl `Eon. MILLAN. Prop. ' jhg walnut. lunn All non. Anal TI fofkfgflfily Use. 4:-.__._.:_T_ In Style . C . 'Mnr- In An Indn Removed . . . 11.. -..... nl._a..- ....a 91...... 1. uiiwws. 35: Princess St. Dlnntlu nnnonlu unnll Hollu. an-- uvu--u.-vv.--.- .-...___. IIIE KINGSION GILUNG co. Household Economy. ROYAL GEM 5"; ':`.":'E:`:.': Exam; than any othu our on tho nub I . vvuvu ..-.-.---' -vvr- '.0Io nlnnlo from all loan and Tnlnl. T-j to Oooklnn Crooks. ate. OI? artorn for School Supplies and Iohoo ".qux.n.... n n nuAn| rc I IIIPRINOESS w WIN. um ullllwlrv. nuwuuu. u vvuvu Ivvvv iv: nu -- vvv ------ -__, u'.._ `av non BLOUFER At amt. Hm of WHFPIWRAB vory nhnp. ..l000lS|.AND|IOUSE.. It-client cum. uad ED500301` , In. All YOUR UIIUOII PUB "ROYAL GIN." --_ ..--.-_---. - .nn - --.1; an No Uo ITUSI4 bill I lllgc I uninv- Kin; nlroet. next I-LL IIIIVI v----_ - Now htho time to (at your hosting ap- mu. in work order. an flrnloh you V: th umvn sud furnaou pm your old one: in proper condition. n I nnvcnn nu- vy--w--- I-\J\l II.-u v. Ior oolnlon And tnrloob u. Tho only cor- ui mod: to N. ha natural urn. All otlun undo to modoln. sold on y by u_,,,\:_ ,1, I14--- n---.. ll)Prln- ZCU"' JAMES l.ATUllNEY'S, mxmj Anklhlnnlmngldw nu`: `uwuaup _--. _ Flue lino: of Chin; Crook- WIN. and Glnuwnro. Tinwuo. Wooden it quarter _ IUIINISS POINTERB. Vvv wt ww--- - Ohdnnfg Ooh with Bprln; Human II-om OCH. Iron Bodl. Ollloo Railing Win guards And All kind: of Win Wotl u! Wye Oioth nunnlsctuud by Iwrrmoet 0-cm WW I WORKS fl! King u. -::-_-u?_--_-- Ffo'g}_c%s_gnas. IVIC IIIIIIII I ' xnul I'M Prlnoou um-e. Klnnton. Ont. IIIU I \II-FI\I\I Cloak and Mantle Making. I....u-. ...II ....I I IIOIOYIH OI IIIC WDINI. fl. J. IGDOUOALL. ll Iontnsl men. not Prinocu. IHVVIIV 0. Jul I I Iuvoww uwo Dlroetly opposite Bu-cull zrolcdolo ordor; Aluo you own good: In M uononnblo tutu. nuns haven in H nnnnnAIIAlInndnl|nA| UIIIIIV \J\I O O 9:..."::.'%?.13%:3`:31'$1a`.122%t`:; I U9 5"` I UV"! nu nngow Iwuu. Botvoln Prlnoon and Brook Sn. Tin-mlthlna promptly executed. .._--__.___:.-__..._ I ml. M. Robinson has started to do llllllnery Work. orders ulkn at the Blcyclo store, I I _ A. -A_--A sydonlmn street: ---u--:.__--_-__.. ` Sausages _ var nu wook. our own nuke. `II VIII: \l\I\aI `Iv may never be nvulod, but than : no no G In the fact that our work :0. on no lntin ,t.|-lmminu and re- DI na n.'por nit. and ornunontnl lining in 3 vlng [cod satisfaction. othl nooonvtnoinc u I practical tut. us once. II. Ivvvvo Don ! wall. until the snow lnlls lneforc you think of naming your nlelghn lntod. Hnve no do them 5: once hon you'll be ready. We've plenty of 0! room for uterine of onrrlngou. lwuu hqld furniture. etc. 9 3--..` Dnnnnnn Dninfnr IIUII III uvuvn. AA to where you can wc tho but. OYBTERS come to In. o'|l guaran- mhnt our: will ntlsly on. pantry And oon ac-tlonory u! .11 Inna. n :34 AIIDIII IIHC Flno Dairy Butter. |7c. VVU l`lIr:-- w an Prtuonl ltroot Three aim. than On: Home. nnhnnn I15. INDY! Umrn nu Tlhhhono I16. r|hh.l"ronoh und Amorlonn urz And . ohnpeot than .uv n uAnnIl\ 10'! PF HXCU I Irwin and supoor quality In Photographs at It nA|Il\l"l|QQ I It-ollonl OIIIIIO sad mod I oommuel man no hr lulu. [onto and children. at onto In the lat- unl not ol the would. I I QAJMIHIAI I don nomad. Our 3 lull: In uuklnc to order d sad loch: Gloves for lullu. and children. Lona upon-lone. __T.---:-j4 ` In 1 common nproulon It-L} nnllnd. unolnlu unnkln 9-".1. Barrie street. between Prlnbosn and Brock. 5 GENERAL GBOOII. 9 Pdnoou Mutt. II9 Bnuot. duct. g-ul naval Ht: A 019.92 Secret l.-nvnnlad. ` '- ' vv m-'.......----I III PRINCESS STREET. Work. AA!-g.. ...n.An_ PRINCESS STREET. I Prlncen St. HIT HIM VERY LIGHT. Guelph had 5 brouuror who enjoyed the oondonoo ol ovoyono, who was supposed to be woulbhy. who bid 3 nnnolul inter- euln I pronunubly prognnivo bulinoll. and who. out day. when n numbing ondit. wumudo. who found to lnvo miuppllod uvonl thonnnd dollnn. ML-.. 1- _- ...x.I-.....:.. oh. rmwnnnnnr |THE DAILY _\_m__uG. 'VKII UIEUXIIU IIIHIDI In Therein no ovidoneo in the newspaper account: of the audit: which won nude during the thus Mr. EArvoy o doluloseiona wore taking place, but. In many munioipul bodin look upon tho Innml audit. u n lnoroformamyn in not lurprlling than nnutlnn ooculonully oooun. ......... n...|..L -... rlinlnrhn when nonunion oouulonuuy oouuru. "01 oourn-Gnolph wu diuurbod when in Napoleon of Homes Ill lound in fault, and ho went to jail pending the trinl of hit one. Munwhilo he and his lriondu mode restitution. and when the cue wan called this week his counsel plondod guilty to all tho oounta in the indictment: some oighfaon in number, though three 0! them were dnpliootau. Then his counsel plaud- -.a :.. H. .I.:...... mhn. ha "Ind been WON CIIIPIIOIEC. LIIIII mu uvuuum yw-u ed, in his defence, that he "had been puniched enough already. that he hui im- poveriuhod himul! and hi: relative. in uniting restitution to the city, that he was I moral. nlooinl and I nanoini bank- rupt, and um. prolonged imprisonment. could not ndd to his humiliation. II-IL- -_-___ -....| `L. .......o ........-I on In IL "117 Ill A. nii'vA NT, oouiu non Inc Do llll uumumwuu. The crown and the oourt seemed to be elfeotaed by this touching recital, end Hur- vey. the dishonesh pnhllc treesurer. was sentenced to three months` imprisonment. The enneuncsment of this sentence elicited en expressidn of "Oh" from many in the court room. They saw in its lightness the proof that sometimes the punishment does not t the crime. There may be justicebion {or this occasional mildness towards distinguished olfenders. but it is not ulxdersteod, and it never will be. u. u ____ ._ ....n ......I-..l.ln gnaml his not unuerenooa, lnu In never mu uu. Mr. Hervey will probably spend hie three monthe in the Guelph jail. and will not even lee the inside of those great cevernouaiuetitutioneto which the theft of 820 end less has relegated meny lees pre- tenaioue pereone. BOUNCING PUBLIC OFFICIALS. The oonoerubive pupera are very anx- ious thnt the public oiclnla ahould not be romovod unless and until they have been tried for Iomo offence and found guilty. ur__u._. AL- ..-....A:.. .3 LI... Int. nn\I_ trlou [Ur Hunt uuuuuu -uu -vuuu aunt! - Wee tint the practice of the late gov- ernment? Hon. Mr. Blair hu given to the preue letter written by Sir Charles Tup- per to In Intnrcoloniul railway employee, md diemieeing him for Alleged oeneive conduct during a preceding election. There wee no trial, no attempt at it, end no prelerring of spe- cific oherqoe. It wu enough lo know from relinble and private eourcee that the men wee egin the government." And the man who hoe oeuled this diemiaeel in not willing that hie euooeesor in oice ehould exerciee eimiler power and die- oration. an n u ,n _,,|:..-,_ L-...-.._.. :- The model men of politics. however. in Sun. Hnghee, M.P.. ol Linduy. who caused in his day the bouncing machine to be introduced into the public service. The poetmutere ct. Minden and Coho- conk, in his oonnbituenoy. North Vic- borie, hed in come wny expoeed themselves to his dreedlul wrath. and he wrote to the poetmuber-genenl, Sir Adolphe Ceron. and euggeeled their dinmieul. Sir Adolphe referred the cue to inupector Spry, who. on inveecigetion. found that the one nu I purely political one. on the merits of which he declined to exprus an opinion. M- l.l ....|.-. mginoginnrl ; nnlvn nnrl khii hi 0! n plvcclo jglulnlnnllnuhnlauu-to hvoincuujndun. In L--.AL--.Aln__L_..__.A__I._._ UIIJTUIS III Upllllvllo Mr. Hughee maintained I calm and dignified silence for I time-lrom Febru~ nry until Ju|y--but nally he mu compell- ed to wriia Bit Adolphe Again and observe that the feeling Among the toriee was very strong. that it we: rising on it became evident the grite were gettingup petitione. that be was prepared to neme men for the veeenciee u soon a they were created. and. referring to the olfending postmaster. he edded, Meanwhile, kindly bounce AL._ 7| `W15-III Ul IIICIIJ Ull|-Ill!!! IIVIDIIT To a representative of the press Mr. Fielding expressed his satisfaction with the election of Mr. McKinley, and saw in it nothing to disturb the expectation that a number of questions. about which Canada and the United sum were at variance. would be amicably arranged. He did notaee any reason why reciprocity in trade should not be looked for, since it was expressly declared tor the re- publioan platlorln. The Canadian govern- ment will make overtures in regard to a reciprocity treaty. as soon alter Ic- Kinley'a inauguration as possible. and. un- like their predecessors under conservative rule. thealnhanadose oi this government "will be earnest about it." -ILA- AL.-- -L- ____ -___aa.__ _-_-_- uww tutu-$-I|` ICU? Vllwl III Into an Jchhupu luv to uh. Iblghslunonnbhluvunotnbloto dhonrthu. onoudoaphht iotht Iulotho gwunnnlbvunndpuityhulnqhvon pudnl lads. and tho In-man Ipubbbqdlopuunedluhuhthg liinnnmnnh-ch-AL -ALL.-.... .'--cow-u u-`-vow 'uv-u-wvvu 1- W hInhcnnuhvohuI nuhonuo 1 Wlultmlollbdiuoovu-yr j|InIL:ln-.-aha.-.._..o In In Pnototrapnu In K. W. SN|DER S -- ----4.-_ an... In.