It youwnnt my catapult W mu-hot fhe promoters no aiunid 1 no nit. It on and 3 oo thw pro uoor no any other mmo 9 mp. Toronto Mlnlng Agency, Cor. Toronto and Adelaide Stu. TORONTO. mated stookn nmowoot Prlooe. nuuvnu-uvu, --nu v vain. --- Gentlemen --For the has ten you: I ha! boon mumea mm kldne dlaeue. being no bad at lumruln that could nocllo in bed It n ht. nor stoop to the nnd. I hul tr ad m the remedies could nd the mm. 1 ind tr od without. emsct, bu bend of Dodd'I Kid- IOI Pm: and procured A box. Am most. hnnnv to say It for myown uv'- Inowdro in the but to 1 a mm In: good o Mlifj 9"ul g "`l u =3.`-n. Ilovuwolllildhn. Bob ovlvlnv I-onll-non. ....g....g.... puma. um n..,. 00 OWN!-0-I-0* houhmbvuuqunuvuuhumm. . _ _,__ _ __ _ Lulu-uvtinhuntundhoinlrtn `Tho I owl:-0 mine In loontod on the lumen: nokout onnhin. two mu Iron tho umoltln town of Trail and thou one mllo from t 0 true cg-oi: P It mine which wu ronon lyfuru as b t o Goodn- hun Bjmlloau of oromo. A inlnclt on the out in tho II--It. A AM on this claim shown I lugs body of on. running In `or ton. This vain run: through the II:- nn. , Snowdrop % 2 L20 per Share S Y1-ii E 1.v6N.'nKnn1snn.."`soLInx. ton. &o.. Ontario Chnmbon. IIYTHII & LYON. DARRIBTIZ ton &o., I. H. burrun. Q.O. Royal mu stumuhlpa. hsu-pool. Quebec h Iontronl lull Iorvlco from From From Llvuunol. Monmshlpn. Iontronl. Quebec R IL Hon ollnn. .34 0ot...940ne`. 8 p.m `I5 1-. 8|: Inlnn. ..Bl lNov.0|\.m n 0;-,0. Nnmldlnm. .. 7 Nov... 1Nov.ln.m A. BIBBY, 199 BROOK BT11]! , `PHI ludln hunk ondllvunuhloln houlty o ludln hack 4 rolophono o. In. uomzv T0 LOAN m LARGE on sun}. mum. at low mm of Ink!-nt. on 01%! wn. IL mumm%rr. n'nIu617h'i., h fnr.I:|orly onnnphd by "Gold Gun." `Polo- ono . w{ and procured box. um moat. ha py any myown nkeuwell as or other: that I In par boil; oumd Altar uni; 2::-Jr boxes. I I1. MCCAMMON. M.D., Cl'|.. .._I... run... Dhwnhdnnn and Inn-can IVE J IVII) `J IFI[LIVlVr\IV. Ins fnrnwrly nu-vuplod hy Dr. A. Htuihonu _ . :.__:___ IITII TIN VIAII IUFFIIINO DR ENNIS (J DRENNAM .- 1- ._._.-..|.. ....,.....l-.I I... I\. A uonnblu I8 W611 K0!` OM10!` youmddtuuniustl: npwudn. Sonond Onhln OM and `upward: n : rllfll OM15 and upwards. H nus-To hive:-non\, Londomulnaqnw, or Londondarry, _lI.b0. Prepaid, nun. Ioddlnx nml nllnooou-my nhnnlln (no. `I! II AII.-II A nnll A-nun |ALwA7s 'c'lTn"Z wooo AN 0 `coal? }\RcH|jrEc;1f"y;J_ii A17 UN: DIZUU. WI-`4I.I.I.\'u10N RTRRR1` (NEAR l`rIm~o . Telephone. m T MEDICAL ARo s;` NEWLANDR. ORITEOT mnlnr. comer of rock and And you not use win! you psi for. Coal. On ooncnu dlupoco of the due. HORSE LIVERY. London. Liverpool and Olobo Fire I-nnnnonuua-Q fnnnnnnu uunuw.nn':. Ivnlpoow trout`-vuvv I '0| -vvw :'__ -_. llxivnu-ox. n: Ju;r. IQ. ..__._ IL-J DR. STIRLING. an-.. A u! nII|nnOnI `FINANCIAL. WEETCFC ,iDE%NT?5|7A DR. BEGG. l\'ll'lI\\I HT" LEGAL ,.-.-- -._..- JOHN RILEY. Fire Insurance. 7I..nn. Donnl nllnnl Hull. corner tuna; In no no or nu ma now In- nopoung viouno. `hey Ion the villnp jut in nut to catch the midday upon and undo their coups. Joupl Ouolnrg lauchvtshnhoou uthinou 1 and uvonouuw: n-IhhnW.I\ Ills laudhwunr ruIdbyuuohh|o'l'o|lonnl`r6dAyonn- (#.ondIhIurIn out-hunky. laden . I. lIIhnd'l\onuAutInv.luIlouI. fwnlllolnnq autumn]. luau .l.IlIbnd'l\onuAndnv.juucu. bhllnlldq. AI.1lvc*o`ohclpn.\ho unvundjocnd duudny. - ` In. Adnw sud (kn hullln In vldqhhhlnuhvvl. l|ov.J.X. Inumvhlicvnn an no animal A Vol: Ion In The Vlllngo. Anon. Nov. I0.-Jinn lull weather oontmuos. Ln month In dry. but on Thnndny his shots wan nloo rainfall. not lunch hoot. On `Fund: Inc an that [air for Inmy yarn Inn to In this villngog uvnnlhnd ot moot told. that won: nnnbnt at bnynn. MI priou were low. Soho hlln put In an appnohtnco. and ho. gun just them noon tho o|d thlmblo and pan Iriolrnnd bdnn II known an to who thy was doing noonntlodin Iullq In uh I16 no Ii-on choir In- nnuununn `hey villnn In I by Dr.` anew um W. rrew; canny. " xpochotlon of o ChriIt.i|n," by E. [.1 I-`ouleino. won tho principal fenmree on tho programme. The bible uwiety held in unuel mooung In the Methodm. church Monday ovoning. Rev. Mr. Revnnlde, Mellorywwn. conducted querberfy ser- vioeu in the Methodist. nhurch, Hnmh\_v. On Sunday Albert Moore tied hi: Imrnen in tho patron ohod while he numuled church. In oomo manner one of them fell. upoouing tho buggy and druuuilm the other horoo on top 0! him. But. for the prompt notion 0! some bnyo, who cut the holton. one of them would have -um. celorl. on the helmet. being o rope one. had drum lightly mound hie nootriln. The buggy no hodl wrecked. but the hnreeo com with e or hruieoe. (loo. Kenhing lots or Monfone on Monday. Dr. Burke. 0! Montrool. woo viniting frtende here Sun- dey. Min Annie Hmy in vioiting her rents in Ploooent. Valley. Min Annie onlton woo in town Sundoy. Mioo Mnud Moulmn So homo [mm husinoeo college to: o ohort victor- A Dlnlngnlelied Vleltor. Nnwnonn. Nov. lR.-'I`he Newborn bm- I hand hold: its rut regular practice thin evoning. -l. C. l-Eaton. the in-tructor. will permenently reside here and give lessons on piano and organ. R. W. Leech has re- turned lrom hie ti ) to the northweetl He lound hie clttle In good comlition and eve thin in general in good ordenlieorge Jean e. ila ery inn iector. made a !el1.lII"8 of nets in the lower idenu lent night. They belongto pertiee who rofune to pe the email emu of Si inlicenne fee. Rev. \{ . C. Gemmell. of Tokio. Jn ion. pi-enuhocl very ncoopuibly in St. Mary in church lent Sun- dey evening. Hie disconreewne principally on the mania and roepectn nl minion work in Japan. \\ hil`e in the village ho is the uoet of Rev. (loo. H. (irout. with whom eettenderloollege. An interesting eeeeion oi the division court will be held Thursday. Some very nomplioeiml canoe will betried. James Render. baker. has oom ileted orgnnizingn singing nlmu at Phil ipeville, and now Nowboro womtn hi- eervicee in the meme (`0lill0(_`l.iml. Mi:-I Aggie Trncoy. Winni; . vii-iting with Mrs. W. H. Leggett. nil mmnin all win- ter and Attend our miblic aohonl. Lcodon Aunt-anon Corporation w. H. nouwnl. Anlrr; A Ilnhnp To A Horn. LAHSDOWNI, Nov. I0. - Home of our citiuona nwondod the duner_ mootin in Brochvillo on Thuradny. 'l` 0 \'.l`.!\ .A. Wu well Ihhndotl I-`ridny evening. Road. In by Dr.` Shaw and W. Fmw; canny. xmcmuon at Chrint.(nn. bv Mrs. W. H. lnggetlt. IIII mmnm tar and Amend our public eelery is about U.`1,UUU. no nna one up intment oi aevernl deputieq who are oeoted at Cape Vincent and M. diiferent polnte Alon the St. Lawrence river. It in quite probe le thet the McKinley adminis- tration will eppoint I nucceeaor to Mr. Pnt~ ter eoon alter next March, or when hie term of oioe expireu. E. J. Tnllmnn, A prominent republican. of Lafer oville. is eluted by the politicians for this p me. Mr. Tollmnn in with the republican leaders in Jeereon county. R. A. Devin in out with a petition trying to procure signatures for the poatmeetnrehip. Mr. Davis` move was not sanctioned by the lending working re- public.-ml of Ce Vincent. There me already four oen idetea for the oiliuo and among them are ICMVO working republi- llll, Inntung mr umca runny. CAI-I VlN(`ItN'l', N.Y., Nov. ll.-Mrs. William Armstrong. Chnumonb, N.Y..dlod on Thursdny, 5 ed fty-vo years. She won I daughter 0 E. F. Powell. (Iupo Vin- cent.. and had been married for almost. thirty yours. Frank M. l'ot.ber in the do- mocrnblo collector of the port. of Cape Vin- conb. HI: term in for four years and the sultry is about 83,000. He has the up- mlncmant. o! daunting Damage To Stock. Hlnuln. Nov., 8.-Tho laughing in pretty well slongin thin voinltv. The apple: Art puny nearly all naked and tho oulln have bean drawn to I. o supern- tor. Cripponu, cidor mill in doing a runnin- ing buninou. Tho revival meeting: con- duotcd bore for about four weeks gndod on Fridl night. The O. O. rnilwny trains hnvo ndoin quite: loco! damage to ntoolx of Into. Lin week Uoorgo Whittier ions I horse by being atrnuk by the train and Mrs. B. Palmer hul n lino oung cow hurtuo badly on Bnlurdny nig t. b the apociul brain thnbit had to be killo . U. N. Pulmor hnd I ne shoe killed by A dog OI! dug Int week. The 03 was: following 3 ng and when near a flock of sheep in oommenood chasing them nnd continued ohuing and biting one bill it died in n short time after. An elfori. will be made tond out the two man and whose dog did the damage. Block Blver urldge Ileponu. BLACK Riven. Bnmun. Nov. I0.--Appie kin ie the order of the day. Jncob upe ee Ielt. the U. A Mcl)unell farm end moved to Cenbreville. whore he ox- xecie to bake his deceased broLher`n, Wil- iam 1)oupe,farm. A. l', of Wau- oe. will not us his aubnt.iLuLe furC A. ev. T. H. I . Anderson. of Point Trnver-_ wnllocoupy the pulpit. in the Mebhmilnb church hereonsundav next. Edward monk- ridqe. ol Cherry Vnliey. wu renewing old Acquaintances in this vicinity on Sunday hub. Ir. in reported that thieves wene operating in the vicinity of S. Pierson`: evn rater one night. hseb week. Waiter We benke, of Kingston. wee making hie ennuel oelia here in! week. Mr-. Carson, who hoe been spending eeveml weeks in this eecbion. left. for her home at, Detroit. on Tuesday. The boys were rather quiet, on hnllon-e en. No damage we: done. tho now-rnnbym-nan cnuron. `Loo up- an pnnonngo will soon bo oomplotud. Rev. Mr. Burk, will soon Inovolnoo his now houu. It has Ill modern lmprovr monu. Min McFadden. Lnmdowno, in visiting her nluur, Mrs. Jame: Broken- lldgo. Chu-lou Lunbort. Delta, bu nurt- od I llvory in Wllllum Gun-own now barn. Bodford strut, I'M `lldlngn from Vnnou Polnu In lul- on ontuio-What Pooplo An Dong and Wine they Au lIyIn[-'l'ho Event: of hunt! to st] Olnuu. Wu-rrom, Nov. l0.-.l{og killing in golng on. Tho Immor Juno: Swift. call- ed born In: Sunday on her last. trip to Klngahon far this uuson. She had I proo- rouu Ieuon. Tho party, who wont. door unbing no Gull IAKI Int. week. returned home on Baturdny with ohm largo buoln. G. F. 30 noldn ha I mm of men Enlnling the now. byhoriun church. '1` o Bap- nm nu-Ionun will soon oomnlotud. NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT OUR OORREBPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL US. LIAVES KING!-I'l`(.')N- Gotnu lut-'l`nudIn, at 6 pan. Going WnQo-l'r|dAyn, at 10 pan. IARES:-Humllton M30, return u.m- To- ronto 4.00. rvtnrn 50- Iontrulm re um U 00. run ind main lnolndod bot}: Inn. JAB. SWIFT 6:00.. '1`. HANLEY & SONS. 'p-I-Isl A-Ant: Dunn-nan: `QO\..l. lllddlng for Ibmco Early. . u............ M V Hm; I! was no cum-. aogxcnuajo done. Iuwquonnnuuuu at am cum wnppu. GAR'|'Ill'S `* (I. R. Blunt 8. llothodm Inlniobr Dnodon. Om... 3., "Aha O ptolonpni attack ollu ppo, I wuvocynorvou um! val, tumbled with town Ins. lmnhmnhnnllllllu-`a 031:: Iran: |hoFRAUDd sum. Boo youaotou-ur I. AIXMTCIIIOT` Itnntitmd domand mwo.;aroosoa n . 04.40 to wan; man. 85 to 00: but. Mn I. O6 to 07: bed. font. :_/034.51): muwom 60.5; voul. Obto` Liver. Ihluoy And Inuit`: Dino. ' A medicine um dams the Run: or mun o! Bri M : l)v'aouo. About. idnoy and Livor Mnmmd has won root them out tho I tum. in h N all print. {inch 3 audio no In Hop Bitun, and pmmvo pron! ot this can In found by om trial. or by making your mlghbonmho have boon cunt! by It. i ALLAN LINE] '.I.'.i".7..'i', Z.J`I3?.'i` ' J23". .'.'v'. e.""'s`.'.'.C | hook out but of Miller`: Oonpou Iron Pill: and ul y well now." For nlo by I. 0. shall. per ID. TuBON1\I, Nov. 10.--Wheat. whim, pot bushel, 840.; wheat. rod, r bushel. Rim what. mono. per bunho. 680.; bur- Ioy. porbuahol,'3l)o. no 3%.; rympor bushel. 34; om: per bushel. 240. so 260.; pen. ' nor bunbo`. 480. ,o47o.; buckwheat. per urhol. 3Hc.; ha . (I350 to I15; utmw. 810 to Cl ; cmw. loooo. O6 to 88: amp. new laid. 16. mlica onions pot ` huahol. 40:`. to 500.: turnips. per 1 doxen. me. to l0o.; butter. In pound} mils, I00. L0 l3e.; butter. tuba. duty. ` I`2r~.. to M04 chiclum. pot pair, 301). to 40c.;duoh. por pair. 400. $0000.; (0000. _ mr lh.. no. to 7a.: nohtou. norbnmwc. ` qumuuou, por7 pair. we. per lb.. be. to 0.; potatoes. por mwo. ; droonod h .u.7s to cum. imb. 9 !`?=_"- N '~_!_`.`.7* * .'- `..".'~ lstilistitution { DQ|': OIUIIO W0!` KNII IV JQIL WI` ID.. WIIJI rouy stock at (mm `R0. 60330. per Fb . vth la `la. por lh.. mom or loan, ooomod to ho the prevnllin rum toroommon stock. and I thin lot. of ol con had only lo. pot lb. offend for thcm. Tho onlvoc won all nold on` only at hlghor prices. Shi porn` are pnyinf from `A0. to 22. por I .for` sheep and nmbu sold at {mm Mo. to a mu. over M0. pur lb. Fab h 9 won mthor scarce to-day. and told Kl. mm 890. to la. lb. Tunonm. l0.--Wheat. whim. DO! ungn, 200. 01 to 000. each. Ihrkon lloowhon. Mum-nm\I., Nov. l0.-l`our head of tho but cattle won sold M. 350. per |b.. with nmunmoa nmck at from `An. mam. nor goeno. mm. to two. men. Fruib-C|1I1borriu, I00. a quart; tip, 150. I lb.: hickory nuts. 50. to I00. I quart: lborta. pocm.&\u:ut.I.` 150. in 1b.; rs, 40. per poo ; ntdnn gr: . gnu`. t.o30o.. Mn pound baht; npplu be. to 81 I bbl.: banana. 200. I ohm Cnornla Bnruleu. pun. 200. to 80a. 3 dolun; lomom. 200. A doun; honoy. 100. no Ibo. n Ib.; onuwa. 800. to 400. n doun; quinooa. 26. a but oh. IIII IIIIII -nI'-In ' John McKay 4! Son. IM Block atrial dealers in hidu-, om. report than pou x No I boo! hidon. Mo. Ib.; Non. T 2 and 3, die. lb.; oalfsklna, 300. ' to 50. each, culln. half price. noooniing ooqunlit. ; horse hidu. OI 0001.50; chur- lingn, Q . ouch; lamb skim. lruh, 500. to me. much. VOHIIOH. 00. W l|C. I p0\l(l. Vegoublu-Poubooa.40o. 00 600. I lug; uvoot. pontoon, 400. I ponhboou. carrots. runipu, turnips. 400. I buuholg ndllhu, ammo. 30.50 50. bunch x onnlilloworn. 50. to 150. each ; color . I00. 5 bunch; parsley. 50. I bnnu . London &LanouahIro Life As- uunnoo company. Dunn-mu.I.r A thnnnuu nmuulv Wrrn mu. um um. Poultry--ChIokonI. 25:2. to 400. I pair; fowln, 300. to 500. a wry burkoyo. 400. to H.215 each; duch. . to 700. I pair: ocean. 60:3. to 800. nah. nvely. rnooa rulou uquowa below: main-llnnlbobn when, No. I hurd. 950.: No. 2 hard, 930.; northern. 930.; white wlllbor, 920.: och, `Jlc. (.0220. x buck- wheat. 300. vo 320.: barley. 250. to 300.: rye. 350.: . 450. F|nh-(3 And hnhlnol. 7:1. I lb 2 mmh. 300.: coo. FInh--C and haddock. `lo. I |b.; roh, 200. is dolon; pike. 60. n lb.; Bricin Co~ Imubiu Inlmon, I50. I II).; muo- korol. 900. :5 lb_.: bullheuda. 80. I lb.; hall- but. Me. n lb.: b|ueuh,l2o. I lb.; plokenl and bnn,8o. Alba nnnn huddle. 100. n lb.a blonton. 30. a dozen; kipporod herring. 40. ador.on;o'oborn, Iumdnrd. 360.: no- loot. 450.; nhol , 600. a peck; oinooon. 100. I lb. I m. Flour and feod~-0|tmul and mild oats. 83.60 per bbl.; oornmul, 01.10 cwm oho . 816 60 8|? A ton; Ihortn. `T; A ton: ran. N2 to 813 I ton; family our. 84.00 to 85.10 I bbl.; bakers, mutant. I510: Inlxnn . ntrnnu. Id In uvun. '1-UV in: sun. us-v.-, tent, 35.40; b':|:c'.--mug. 05 to .10. Ha`. loose. 8153 to 013 I tom nnunnd II. in Ilhntr-mu. Illa. now}. PPOICOG, Ila`) D0 UIQIIBTIW. IUO. I DWI}- Mub- Boat. (0 unrtaera. 2o. to Sin. n lb.; hindqunrtoru. 8 c. to Q04 cuts. 50. no l`2o.; lamb, qunrtorn, 50. to 00.: (sum. 60. to 100.; mubbon, quurteru, 50. to 00.: cum. 80. to I00. 5 vul. unborn, So. to 40.; pork. qusrtnrn. 50. to 0.: cute. 70. to l0o.: boofton uu.90o. to 400. each; venison. 50. to 1 e. I pound. Veaoubloh-Pot.nbooa.40o. bum pound prmu can no purcnuoa nu rrom I80. $0200 nlb. Roll: or hot! butter is worth from I60. to Ian. u b. New laid out being 200. n dozen. and pookod from 160. to I76. Iinuhu-n__(`||lnLAnn 9Kn On `(In A ugh-1 Iuvuvv on uvo nu-ecu: Ivan: gnvvv-nag vu Fridoy. 0! blood poleonin . Arthur Hud- dlouoon, undone, pteoo ob Addison on Sunday wenln. E. J. Pulleh e a Sun- day on Fnnkv le. Rev. John T onpoon. of Portland, Penn.. oonupled the lplt. In tho Preebyterlnn o In-oh on Sun oy enn- Ing. Geo: L. To her has been oompelled to reelgn xi-om of h I h eohoohldhlii owing mono tone to rings. on unroo. of Torcfttqto. euoooodo him. The C|t|oem' bond burned out in hall !oroo and (M10 en excellent. open oir concert to I 1:? crowd. Hinke Eaton, teoohor In the m I eohool, loft. nn Mnndnv lnr Klnolulm Knmnron. Nov. 10. -boonl znln donlon no huglng omnolvon ovor the continued rlu int. 0 p of what. Thodoopnohoo lrom,forolgn mlrkou go mallow thnt rt-loo: are still on the upward mud. and In tho local market: the nu Ilnoo Int wool: has been from live cent: to lourtaon cant: I bushel. Balton In club the ndvnnoo in the prion 0 when will not materially affect. the l'l0O of brand. the Advance In the price 0 the Iactor oommo~ :1? being only two cent: on bho four-pound on . loll. Thom wnn vory largo swondnnco At. local market. thin lorenoon. and crude was lively. Prices rulod uquotod below: when. bird. mama LEAVE KING-S l`0N. 11:00 A.m.-!'or Otbsvrmlonu-ell. unboo. M.John,N.B. llnllfn. Bonton Toron o. Chl- o .Do|i)vor hanlremsnule Bio. Inlo.Dn- In St. nu`, Winnipeg. Vnnoouvononttlo, Portlnnd and San Francisco. om fa In.-L000] for Shun-bot Lulu, connect- Lnf V th 0.! R. East and Want. :46 A.m--Mondays. Wcdnendnyn and Fr!- dnanl,mI\kln dlreut. oonnactlnm no Bonfrcw II 0.P IL x roun fur points In the North- w tum! Brim Oolnmhln. putloulnn at K. & P. and O. P. B `Hoke! omoo Ontario aunt. I`. oonw/N. 3. w. rowan. Ant. Gen. Pun. Ant. Gen. Innsnr. nag. noose. um W on n I pruned, CI to Ollautrnw. 400. I owt. Boal. loreounrtaara. 2&0. SE bunch. Butter and opgu--Frooh butter in pound print: be purchuod so from me. come nmkod mun moon, tanner In an n left. on Monday for Kingston. , ____._.____ `rho Ituadnrd Batu GOVOIIIII the Loan In-hnln. nullcmln tuppoiro. h. notrool. oto ,voo dooworput. down` thlo month from I :-inoo oorooo no Wollington otrooo thonco to tho En Mob church. It to who: hon boon nood for youo. Woltor Boost; P.L.B.. ourvoyod tho drain Fridoj. `u Pnthoroon, of Broohvlllo. In vi Mu; on A. D. Younfo. Buphon Boyoo. who bu boon Inoku ohoooo thin mmmor. ob L'0rlgnAl. roturn homo Frldoy. Mro. Manson dlod at the rooidonoo of hot Iothor. Pom Hound. on dlueon. madont. moon Will known In IIll O|`lI'UI|Ml'|0. III III!!- ornl uh: plum Wodnudn to Glon Buoll. Mlu Pool. of Gronuar In d. In vinmnn am an: plmo woanuan no ulon nuou. Mlu Pool. ol Gronulior d. visiting at John Rnppoll I. Elwin an-cot. into have 5 It-and sum` not Unlonvlllo. K0 was vorgnpopulu and run woll known In mum` hrlo. HI: tun- -ul tglnpn n`AnA Iligolnn-llnu On lllnn Run, a.uu to 30.10 I om.; Latent, bakers . strong. I510. Haw. Inmm. Il tn I13 PRODUCE AND PRIOEB. A.m.-For Qt` llnllfx o .Donvor hanfre Pnuf, Winn F: for Ema! mm --Monday: (`lol I Ontnrk P|u.A Llttlo Liver Pull. lSutherland s Buy your Rubbers where you can set the boat. We keep only the best. Rudy Iliad-Paint; undo. Try it fat will in non `ha Laund- 1 We're Strong on Rubber Goods. [The People's Llle Insurance 60., Toronto. issues Policies on every plan of insurance. including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without profits. Do- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any othet company. IOO Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company lmcmvm & BlRGH S. CHAMPIQN RANGE. STEAMER HAMILTON - BETWEEN - `? - Innllton. 'I'o|-onto. KIIIIIIOII. 1000 ll- Iunu._lupld- or the as. buttons: Ind Iontnnl. n - . nun -p-unnmnu CASTORIA H0171) , r.nwu'wl nu I] uflull, llK1I(Y|'l, ur 4-Iuvcnux onlwulluldg III N which won local to lnunlty. Conwmpuon and an only (run. Wood`: 5"." T' - Phouphodlno ha been uwd uucouafully by hundmdn of can chntuuncd Almost hopolou-ouu um. had beau tuned by the moat. ulomod plun- ohn-ouu that were on the verge of donpalr and luunltg-ouu that won touarlnu over the grun-but with the oonunued and ponoverlng moot Wood`! Phonphodlno. those cum tint. had been given up todlo. were , nomad to muxly vigor nncl hunk-Radar you need not. dupclr--no mn- Mr -hn hu man mu no u |naunblo- the nmmlv In now within vour Wood`: Phoophodlno In cold by rupomlbh wholesale and null druulau In the Donlolon. rtod to muny Vlgor lm lIouuI-IInar you noon nor. uulpur--no mal- ur who hu {Inn you up an Inourublor nnmdy your lunch. by In me you cu: be nuwrod tn I Inc of uufulncu and Inpptncul. PI-too. one psokuo. on M: pwkncu. 00: by mall M0 of mouse. 00: mtllplnu. Jltgmmulml to nmr. Pumphlot has to my uldnu. Ch- illngd Ii;-um an-nu Ill]-Anni at _ finnnnln 1 QQ9%Q ,---.21.? A i _ 7 V De-1-lc-a`te or Nervous `Women should Drink 'l'etley's. in {anal Basins. in nunnalvn nun. I-aura-nan. rcnnnuhcunam Trusty Shoo llouu. .'.=i!f~tIz!1!!1% -'IJl ruuav. ux`-n-nu-uwu Iv uuv. n -Illyulvv uvu vv nu; -uu-nun l The Wood company. Windsor. om., Onnadn. fcieIieu& Ontario Nuv. Go. "non nuemn man an own? canon.- In tho I-nun. or over no you! ujuung unouundn of cum with all how: drum. until ll. Inn. in have dluoovurod {ho trun remedy and tnnmunb-A oomblmuun nut. will amot I prompt And pormnnnnt. ours In all undo! Srncl lhbnlily. AM" or I'.`:rrun, Nrnmu: "'mlu.u, Elliuba-I`. Milk` Worry, Iixuraxitw U of Ofiun. Tubanro, or Almbol Stinnhlt. MI 0` -ml.-h man Inn! to Innnlcr. Oonlummlon And onrlv urns Wood`: rlunluau vul uuv uU\\g .u vu.-sun... Older lenve contain strong acid: that are !.IOI found in those we use. Are noi injurious to nerves or stomqch because early picking: only `are used in blnding. I\I.I_.. I--.._; -.._n...- ..o....._ -...l.I- 3|.-. ...._ ....n I.-n-4| wows Fnjospnodlne.-2 nvwu vvuu vv Va-awn: vnnvunu run: In Ind Puckett to pflIO|`VO their Fragrance. I00` ICII .000 7C. PIC LI. ii0P . BITTEIIS Hop Bitter-s,686Broadw;y NEW 1'03`. I` (Ill IIISUCGUU U1 IHUDIU Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kid- neys and Urinary Organ, Nerrousnoss, Slooploseneu, especially Fonulo Oom- pl.-uhu. D03 (`HIV 0!` ll mpnm orlqlu 3. Ildlnnd. all point: Hovun to ` tutu} Hort It nollulvu, A 10 to Oobooonklm oluuln. moron to Hsl urton lnolu Iva :1) Inn on Innkoko that (via Iunko u Nav- otlon 00.) and 3 I poincn on Canadian some 3).. Mntmuu to Nopigon and Hpnni.-In Inchulvo.(v1nNorth DH). and roturn. ' A II D11 I the Stomach, Ru w.-::`1?::u. Linn-_ KM. MEDICINE, N0? A DRINK, ` CON`! AINI ops, Bu 1:, Man- drake, undellon, Am! the Palms! and But Mmlical Qualities 0! all others. II` Knflu WOT` "If XVI`! M -W uonodou an at the |Ip0rII| oonnlq hovel-uIo|altnnolnootIl\IIn.cII% III\!IOOlOI00lIIIOC|I\Im Mvouullldnohololontlillulnglh duuoulthooloulocldvolunhu no. I Itonhnnollo your aft! 1 in not. `Yunuhonnb. I LQIAQI :ou.n.Iu| RLIHOILI or 1-an cm or llla Luna. and (hnhnoln-I nquthlbck nnolluu ocndlnlno for Ibo Isruclh d uoclwollluuun he luv. I have 13 and Oahu-Io ward to: nun! nun. u nnnontlnn all nl IL. I-nnnnnl M The Cheapest '*" -....~ xmcsmu &_PEMBROKE| W0 (`any in stock as full lino of repairs for Hum rnumu.-, and supply moon and do huh-I qulvk ma you like. $l,000 IN GOLD -`luh-Q`-QQQj~H mnosunsmum. MAYORALTV, 1391. nag`..- ..- -u-n game an --u-n4-.. MAYORALTY. I897. 69 6: 7| Brock Street, KINGSTON. First Class -770: Great Iiugiixh Renmty. Cooking Range Canada Pacific Railway: in the Market. RETURN AT SINGLE FIRST-ZLAS5 FARE. Tlohn good going Oct. 11.18. on, 30. I1 and Nov. I. Valid so I-churn lonvln do-tlnnon no! Inter than Doc. 16, won. . Pun Moo nut no ladle: by ud- lm pdloluo 00.. LO.d..'l`aron- to. III. ` "cough cuurv {or cough: nnd odds. 100.. all an-nuuu. not wl Tn; up to publhli bu` none. wlu glad) I out an to and It to any antic:-or who or o It In It It Iqld in Kin km by I. C. Mitchell, I94 Pcuiqiu Sol-0:. . knee lately onnd by Indlnn Woman : In. 0 mother to do! Mod. And whllo ng publh bu nuns. will gladly 13:30 ul_u_i l_t 991 gngong vb} HIJNTEH Eicunslnusp A lather `tells now Her Daughter Sleted and now She Got Rcllet. In Out. PDI'iIlln........N Nov.. 6Nov. hnunntlun ....l0 Nov.` fj III` DAIlAnE_.l\ HAMILTON Q FIONTRBAI. LINE. ....__._. Alottor nine 00 up also other day tolling I III to II 3 rod ':'o3 uun1mo:t`;o1s:Eno|aIo.nhv`M `..'.f?.`.`... 1 1: $100 out In: onus to Mod, um an n: pubug n_nno. v_Iv_lll lnlllng Through ma Boy of Qnlnto. Tmmn to mm. BVVIEI |I\l.l Frolght Agents. IIIC GIOIGO Dlllll OI HIIIIIIIIISO OIIIIUI KILLS l OUNNINGHAII lolo Aunh. Klnnmn and mmloo. IIII. IQUVCI "VIII 3 \lII'I I Ituurnnca Company. I nuns IIIIIII III) In ndlllnn In uuv-- ---vv wv---r--cl Find: our .mn.ono. In addmon to which the polio hol on Inn for security tho unlimi- "olll of all tho Itoohholdou. Cod I BM 1) OITY PROPERTY lmnnd cl Iovoat noulhlo rates. Boforo ronovlnl old or Ullliiooilu Iutnomaro `.&*."oon nch. llllllllllllll U. ALLIII A Hill im"11'f n"r'rfr7 1 |I_l|V||l|lIlMllIl| lllllllllllll `ALLEN A son _..J__._._...___?__...... `-2.14 TRAVELLING. '1'. KANLIY E 30173. Aconh. jj-- IIIIJVIIIII C IKHVD. FARM AND poulhlo ronowlng giving now bmlnouut nun from HTIIANHI h IITRANGI. Annna. m From ronl. .34 Oct`. .. 1Nov.l p.m Nov. am `J0 Nov Ip.m (unlit. vthopartyerna now haell. ehudathat One of tho planks in tho platform nl Mnjor McKinley. the l'ronulont-nlnot oi the i'nlti-d i-itatoa, was reciprocity. Tho Rnpubiimn party has pledged tho Admin- iurntion which It hit pinood in pom-r to moot hnli-wny any foreign power whlnh may desire: to exeouto a "give and take" arrangement. The uttnwzt iiovormnant will probnhly be this to effect name kind oi agreement looking towards tho ox- ohunge of commodities now paying imnvy duties. The (lanndlnn fnruior would hour with eatlatnotion that ouoo more he would have n ohnnoe oi nailing his barley. hi.- boann, hla 03:: d his live stock in the mnrkote o the U tad Htuteu. 'l`o gain this con Ion (- narlot might well naroo tpndmg ertnln rnannincturou frro of duty. .t. n, oonl, pig iron. hlndnr twino; al I then nrticion might well bo placed 11 tho free list. or eunju-vtod to much nmallnr impact: than them now in form. Cnnndn has it much better ohnnoe oi aoourint no equllnhlo agroo mont now than the had under her Intoly dltmlaned rulore. In bunlm-an Iiro it would -hardly be oxpeotod that A. who has horn In the habit of decrying nnd outing nil mnnnl-r of ulure upon ll. his rluh and pownrfol rivnl. should but able to suddenly vlalt tho ohjuot of hinder nunointlone and to arrnnno with him a mutually bonolloinl hmlnnsn tranenotion. lcwn tho heat and most ohnritahle of in would not bu anrprieed to hour that it had told A that ho had no desire to havo any connection with it man who had [pent yonre in viiilyin him and Mn relations. The Gonna Ive lovornmont for year: was in the position of A in this little apologne. in plooeol daniringtolive in Amity with our neighbor: tho lett- Adminintration wea oontlnuaiiy on tip too to hegin a heck fenoo quarrel. Tho new not-ornmont will look after Cann- dlan intoroete fnithfnlly and well. The Americana will not [at the battor nf uo. Neither will they he regarded as enomioa. eoehing to lnjuro on without can-o. It!-conarntloa ot Conenvntlvn. Thooppoeition preea oontinnaeto eirnn- late oondenoe in tho allogod remunera- tion of the Coneorvativo party. Sir Charles 'l`upp~r addreend a meeting of his iollownrn in lontnhl iaet week. A- alwnya. he won prophatio oi euooou. "We are in n magnllloont poeition at Ottawa." enid ho. "Wo hnvo a etronu Oppoeitlnn. and we are working harvnonlouuiy tn- pthor." The country will agree that the {Honda at ltyhtrtl ol lournvy. of Ir. v St. Donia. ot Coma hrldp lame and of uonooel. are In the poeitton that enlte thmn and Canada heet-th-n poeitlon at the loft oi the speaker. not we may in pardoned for dooliningto eoon-pt the utete- nnont that tho ntmoet harmony pi-avail. it all in unity. why did Clarke Wallaoa, during tho tut eeealon. deollne to attend , the (imposition onuooeetf Why did Sir Charla announce the roorgaalneilna of ehnuld doprin Montana and Hanan` of the chie! plane In the tall: of the unmrlo L-oneurvativee and main new man the alienoee at their power! Hlr Charla nlwnrl III hon able to oonvinee l hlnuoit that what he daatree In what , anlate. D-le wee anon! ol vietol-yin Jane 1 leet:hewae eertnia. two CFICGIIIQ` -ore ago. thet hoeoold eonpann on John leolenelfe dewalaii and npplent the old In an Ienlarolthe party. The Ino-t etnel proof e! the w-ohnen of the Con- Ill I\l'l(l uguroa. WIIIII l"NIlDl!. IIIIQ-'1 .`-lr. Blrmlnghnm. oonld the Govornmnnt glvn for lgnorlnu uhln lnformnmlon? [unor- nnr-o could not be nllrgatl, for tho gan- Ilaman ln quonllon would rlne up In ul- denou ognlnau tho Axlmlnlat-rmlon. And, an thu Secretary polntad out. In often was man dulrnblo that tho (lovernmenu nhoulxl be nblo tn plmd Ignnrnnoo. l`hn nnponluenesu of Mr. Blrmlnghnurn nrgnmantn was at once conceded, and tho commlnlnn vmu abandoned. The enun- try may but assured than M chlnonse the-re wlll be no rlluurlmlnntlon. The nurse gt-Mlemon who are In vlnln our nhlaf omen an In unroh of lnfnrmntlon that shall Ild chum In uholr tank of revlnlng the Nu-l. They hold that Query (`ann- dlnn has n rlghl to oxpmm hln vlawn on any mam. Tho greater Mm number or ch:-lr lnwrvlowen the batter will they be planned. lkclurm-Hy. I Plank In Mol\'ln|o)"| l`luI- luv-In. [From Our Own Correspondent] Ottawa, Nov. io.-For some time to come the merchants and manufacturer: of the country will be given an oppor- tunity of roprenntingtu the Government any views which thay may hold in re. epeotoi the revicion oi the tarili. Under the Ccnaervetivc Administration the friends of the Government wore consulted aml often ohligcdqvith valuable concea- eiona. Sir Riohard Cartwright. Mr. Fielding nnrl Mr. Peterson. the three Commiuinnera who will asoertnin the feeling of the mercantile and mainline- turinginterc-tn. will lrnow no politics in their investigntionn. Thry will visit all the important. centers in the country, nmi will be accessible to evurybotiy who doliraa to one: any enggeutlone. The hilniItcre_ know that the task before them is or a delicate nature. and that some may huitatc. from personal mo~ tivu. to lay their view: before them. To such the usurnnoo il given that the covnmiuioners will treat their informa- tion ac condential. '13! Cunaervntivc newspapers which are clamoring for publicity in respect of the transactions `of the commission mutt know well, that g in many cases the interests of the coun- try and of the private uitizen would be injured by publishing the testimony of the letter. in 1894, when the late (lov- crnment made what was h\l.'ll0l Olll|_\' do- eoriherl as It rt-viainn" oi the tariff. i-lir Mncironaio Bowcll. his Minister of Fin nncc null his Controllers mode a lull! -W hearted attempt to elicit the views oi business men. But Mr. Robert Dinning- ham. the Secretary of the Conservntive organization in Ontario. discovered that certain Ilibernln hull appeared hefora the commission and inri given evidcnoc. 'i`hie. protested Mr. Birmingham. would never do. It wus anicidni to allow the enemiol oi the Government to oer oug- gontlnns and arguments looking towards thn lowering oi` duties. It was possible, Mr. Birmingham pointed out. that the Government might not find it desirable to ndopt the advice or these Lihernis. even though their arguments in favor oi a change might have been hacked by innts and figures. What renaon. nneri .`.ir Birmingham. nonlri Government loolprulty. I Plank In ektnlerl run- loru-Ibgonnouon at Conurvnuvu- llr Charla` lonlronl Ipooeh--Cnrurrlglu and [fielding noun: From Now Yuri. 31511 M`TAWA LETTER me man comm/aaaonsne WILL 1 KNOW no POL_|TlC8. l4|VIf UDIDIC. IIIIIOTI Will IIIIII, um Incl ly can 3... onotly like yvur own Juan curd in your own migh- hothood, ind you can nd nllublo pron! nt bone 0! `Hal Hop Ilmun ha nnd can do. J. 8. says: "I Inn in 5 drudhlly with Md norvou condition. Imblo Io nuuaduwcrl unt tor work. and Ill- |or'I0oupoI Iron Pill: and no." lot talc by I. C. Illoholl. IX! I106: All kidney sud urinary complaint.-. upoohlly Bright`: [)6-an. Diabetes and Line troubhn. H Bitten will uunly and lutlnnlv onotlv llh tour D I! [lost voluo. Bo found that `amade this one Ipccoh. found that tho whoio oystoat of partlaon warfaro had ohangod. Ho found that hlu. intimidation and am: noo hod s pooplo wanted reasoning and statomonta of fact in their place. Anzi, sod to rolote. ho found that hia friends of tho cotton and iron compines had lost faith in him, and doolined to "whack up" tho customory hooks for olootlon oxponota in May loot. He went to Montreal to raiso ono hun- drod thounnnd dollaro from tho manufac- turors. Ho got eight thousand! At that atogo in tho procoodinus tho old osm- painor-tor ho is still o resourceful fightor-must havo dooided that thoro woro worse posts than tho High Oornmil- oionorship. with its ilttoon thousand dol- lars a your In Iolory and porgnisitts. The much talhodof roorgoniaosion of tho Oonsorvativoo will not omount to much. Tho man who mot in Toronto tho othor day hogan at tho wrong and. Tho party nooda romodolinc : not patching up. Even for the ropairo which an to ho mado the structure has arohitooto with- out soionoo. Tho ilrat aim of tho dologatos soomo to hovo boon to bow down and worship Bir Oharloa. Tho publishod ro- port: of tho broooodin ohow tho moot- ingtohavo boon not in; but ahugo ulcriilcation of the dotoatod loodora. lr Mackonaio BowolI's entry must hovo givon Sir Oharloo o tromor of romorso. The ono-time loader of tho Governmont made a little apooch that waa pregnant with aignlosnor. Ho axprosood his hope that tho party would roocvor itself. Not a word did` he any of Sir Charloo. Not o syliahlo did he oxohango with Montague and Haggart. Woro they not two of tho noot of traitora," who in January last cohalod ogainat him and who atotod in tho House of Uommnno that they had talan oloe undor him with "many misuivinn," booauoo they had oonaidorod him not to be a pro- mior who could command tho uonfldeaco of all his colioaguool" During tho pro- ooodlngs of the contention lr Mnckonaio If roport apoako truly, it bids fair to be tho last party convention which he will attend. Ho ho: told friends that ho will rotain his seat in tho Sonata. but that ho will take llttio part in tho procscdinga of tho Up- por Houoo. -In l\hno-In-' MIIIIDQA` Innnnla lug: nu mgu u.-nan. Obntlnute pt'()pI!. who In nrmnment rely `man on mu-eulnrily Hum nu lnlollrctunl pow--r. nut the fest. Inllv uml rmly on the m'uIIIIll. mull: hwwlly and nlowly. and mun! with leg: rmly piunlml uul tn |InrI.-Honu- Dunn. [K)"l'l'. IVPII (II! IE.` I Ilmu nutml rm IpIrI.-Home Queen. ....u.u.m.. 'l`lp-mo walking aymhnlilos surprise, cnrloa-Hy, xliucrq-Hun ur myntery. Tun-In men M1-often found with pre- occupied. absent-m"imIocl pa-rmms. The Inlm-I-`n walk In n-p|'MeI1n-I M umoplnu. and vmlselewn. with short, nerv- um, unxiuu.-u nu-pa. Slow It.e|)~4, wlwllnor long or nlmrt. rum- gcnt A gm-nlle nr n-llectlw nuns of mind. an the case may I. Wlnerv A rev:-vu;efxIl purpose lnhldclen under A feign:-I amilo the Map w|||bo slllukilmnlnqi uuhnele.-m. '11.. .........I ...... 1.. .1..- ....a ........._.n Rllllllllu lulu llHIHI'|!.'HHs The pruml an-p in nlnw nml mrnauml UM men are conspicuously turned mu, the leg: nu-alxlatcnnl. fihntlnnln noun`: n-hn In nu-n..n....n -.l.. NOW IIIl'Io i-iir Riohnrd Oerewrighe and Mr. Field- ing have returned from New York. where they have had inurviewe with many prominent Amerionne. The Min- isters found then the genllemen with whom they talked, and who are in touch with the leader: of the Republican party. had very hope that a favorable measure of rooiprooiiy would be nooorded Cennde by the incoming Adminlurntion. If our Government will meet the Ameri- oene half way it in certain that the no- gniinlinnn will not prove eboreire he did those begun by tho Coneervneives. Mr. Lourier emi hie Alden rooognize tho! the (`nnndinn farmer he been unduly headi- /cnppoci by the eeote of our present Mri. Their iirei: eiiort will be to one his bur- xienn, both by eoouring for him A larger market nnd hy releueing him from the power of mo combines whoee prey he has inn-n fur ymrn. The men now in power at Ottawa recognize the! the agricul- tnriuc in tho man who ieode the nation. They know, mo. than the fnrlnnr spends his money to more advantage then doee the member of Any other aim. They Are ulriermirmi to no lo it the! he Ihnll ho given full junction. The any ie not fur di:-Mm when their promises will be on- rind nut. Qulvk step: are indicative of energy and nglnmnn. are often ...m.m|..A ...........n...|..| ..........- HIP |)IIII'IUI' IIIOIIITUIJ Ipff. In his Montreal soeeoh Sir Charles as- "snred his henrere that Mr. Laurier. it not quite a criminal, was a very suspi- oions oheraoter. This aoouention was based upon three grounds: (A) That the Mnhitobe Bohool question had not been settled oi!-hand; (B) that the new tariff had not been brought down within sixty days of the swearing-in of the Ministers; (C) that the Premier was too eiever to divulge state secrets at public dinners. As for the iirst charge. we have the as- suranoe oi` the Premier of Manitoba that a satisfactory agreement has been settled upon,and that some minor details are oil that remain to he attended to before an announcement is mode. Mr. Greenway is a Liberal in polities. but he is a (Jreenwoy man iirst, last and all the time. I! the settlement is satisfactory to him. we may be sure that the people of Manitoba will have no reason to oom- plain. Thomas Greeoway knows his promise, and, if -only for personal reasons. he will see to it that the people who placed him at the head of the Council board are done full just- ioe. Mr. Laurie-r's views are best set forth in his statement made in Quebec the other day: "We shall have settled it by giving ooneoienoe the rights of mo- eoienoe; we shall have settled it in such a manner that those who believe in re- ligious instruction in the sohoois shall have satisfaction on this point. We have obtained from our fellow-oountrymen of the provinoe of Manitoba. represented by the Government of Manitoba, all the oonoeesione which a man of honor nod to men of oonsrienoe. whatever may be his religion. whatever may be his race or nationality, h the right to demand. The Premier a tied that he did not or poet that the settlement would setisry the extremists on either side. As to Sir Charles` third oharle. the only thing to he said is that in piaoe of being a fault. in such users retioenoe is a vlrtuo. Cartwright and Fielding Return From New York. Hon! [8 - van? DIM! CHARACTER IN WALKING. `RICH III YMKIIIIE- Ul)IlIo homo and umndu nln1lo; romn: mm and Illdl. ond Onh n and upward: nah; romrp 0631.75 'unght `soap "" THAT QUEEN 37- SUITS. 'I\IO9IoII I. THE DAfLY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1896 AN INFERIOR QUQLITY OP COAL ___g.;.. _ ...g __;n, III-IPIOKI I0 III- BOOTH & 00., 023 T.* " OI II ZIFIIII nnhudnul Ilodtllnl um nunoou-nry nunnm Im. `II Il.\IIaIY Q IOII. Acoltl. -I. P. G|IaIIIIIl:IIVI. Alolt. - We Are Sifters] CRAWFORD. ._jj? R K. KILBORN M.D.. |l.(`..P. &l-\..bATl -0 Mmlk-Al Ruporlnundont King:-can (kno- ml Hospital. Coroner for my nmlmmnu-1 om. lormorly m-nupiocl by the Inc Dr. Houn- nlor-L Talophnnn Nu MI IVE: HI II`I4IIV\ll Com:-r Wxlllam & wemnnon struts Telephone &l). Ontario. ` phuno M5. 3. ll. mswnmmvuw. m.u., vu... Momhor (`olloco Phgiolnnn And Fnu-[mm om. In onuul Iron. `Polo- nhnnn HM. E. RPARKB. _"D.H l..D.R., Ill. DIN- . TIRT. Olro. III) noun aunt. Eul- donoc. I8! Unlvcnity Avonnu. Olloo hnun. 8 mm. tn 0 .m. Snturulny evening 3 to lo. Tolephono . C. P. Hhorman, l).1). .. hD... Aulntunt. AND APPRAIS Klnnton. Ont. Q A. AYKROYII. D D..H.. l..l)R. Dentin in 0mm nvor |Io|u\M`I Mmllnnl Hall. rlnnuu and Haunt. Htrnhn. Kln non. Talo- phnnn Mn. Renhlonna. H5 Ynrk H IDOL UIIICIIIJC \J\lIll[)-ll'- Pn A Ouunmu Oounn Wm Blmn Illutnrn. Hanna no dopoolud nnnunll nl Dunn sud now amount to one Inllllon ollsn. Bah: lowu Man the majority of once Inn: and choice plan: of Insurance olforo: IILLRH (3UHN| N(Il-lAI. HA9. F. SMITH` BARRIHTER. BOLICI tor. Notary Public. Commlmonor for taking ntdnvltq lh Ontario for mo in tho Province of Qnohon. Mono! to Iund At cur- rent nun. Olnn. Anchor ulldlngqlnrkot Square. Klngnton 1 ,IONEY SMALL A nnmn. Into!-out (.1 And Fm-In Property. Imam gruntd 3% O.) Ind County Ihhontunn. Apply t OIAI Blloon. Manner Fronunnn Loan And Innat- mom. Booloty. Ollloo opponlu the Poul Oloo owx a non .uwHm:c'rs. Inn. shunt: Bank Building. oornor Brook and Wellington struts. Phonn III. _l_ WI. A OI-IITE01` AND ADD? r, King gluon over ado`: Drug Moro. Intnnooon (Ina shut. next to Wino oico. L mum m.I:Mn:N7rs. I..n.s. mcwrm-r lrootly onumuiho the Post Oioo Wollln ton strut. Kh.,:nton. Enuhllnhggf In I (1hEMICN l'.`4. strut Kh.,-non. Enuhllnhod . Pun-phone No.33 . Ruldonomlol Kin; In-out Int. 8.11. IICOANN A UNTANT AND BILL o Eutnto Ann . nu nnd account: col- houd. Money to lm\n At lowest mu. OM00 J 8.l1.IlcOANN hoI d. lowest Isl lug IL. over Wade`: Dmg Moro.- BTHUR ELLIS (Member of th gnarl Au (scion of Arehltooen), ABE AND AP KAISER. 0lIlou-ol Broo Shoot. Klnntomont. giving out uulmougu run: In) HTKANGI I UTRANGI. AIIIIN. `I .'.8n!.A:h.D:=I-lol Agonl. KIIIC ION