Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1896, p. 1

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For ----' KIN GSTON. ONTAIJO, Large or unnll roll: buster 150.. out tomato oatonp 60., can blueberries 80. Crawford. . 0I'pIII' EOIIII. Contrlbutinno ol - apples, vogoublu or anynhing unefulwill be roooivo& st. Mot- oa|fe ! butcher store, Brock street`. B I U Illly That. new [all jacket see the unrivnllod assortment now din lnyed in the msntlo rooms of George Mil n & 00.. I70 Welling- um nt.mat.. IVOIIII In L! ton street. Koop on comm;-. We have lots of them left. and every psir : "bu-gain. Boot: for everybod at this great sale of O'ord's stock, 127 rinoela nbreob. A. Abernetljzl. ..-.. --..._ _ Dom. To The llouee 0! Providence. The led Denis Downey, who some week: ago told the police A "yern" About having been induced to come to Dennison e mule ship, when, he laid. he cared for end led the animah. was in the police elation Int Band Wlrlnon. If this chilly weather continues even the ordinary cashmere glove will be discarded undludiea will find the greatest comfort in the fancy ringwood an knitted glove! now being shown by the Messrs. Lnidlow. #. _ _, -.. n_.._n.a-_..- laid. he cared tor an an the animus, night for shelter. Chief Honey sent. him to the House of Providence this morning. W.J. mcx & sou. A Legal uneluon. One of the disputed points in the li nor lioenee act, and the one over which t are has been a. great deal of discussion. in whether or not a hotel-keeper may supply liquor to his lodgers in their rooms during prohibited hours. A high court judge has recently decided that it is against the law to do :0. Judge Sinclair in his Annota- tions, has also taken this ground. Pollen Conn To-Day. ` The names of the boys, arrested for dia- orderly conduct at. Martin : 0 ra house last. nighc, were called in the po ice court this morning. The charge was allowed to stand against. them. John Mcllroy was in mrain on a charge of having been drunk stand them. John ucuroy was |u again char 0 having and was ned $5 ollnru and costs, failing payment of which he will go to jail for thirty days. change In The Agreement. Chairman Carson. of the board of works, nit. solicitor Mclntyro and city engineer Bo ger, had a conference yesterday after- noora regarding is proposed change in the wn imz of the street. railway extension noo regarding proposeu cunngu III uuv wo ing railway sgrsemgnt. Theda|.oer::}t`ion ;vss not. (ingen- swe an was ma s In e c was re :1 mg to the granting the comnny the use of e the streets along which t extension is to HA laid Lne atree be laid. will some Protest: Be Dropped Y The Toronto Star says the libernle ere now considering the advisability of drop- ping a number of protests which have boon enwred. it is certain that A number such ns West Toronto. East York, South Brent and North Ontario will be dropped. One Ijoteet that is sure to be discontinued in that entered in Eaet Northumberlnnd, and probably the one against mnjor Beattie in nnrinn. uw-u.v... Qnutlon For The Judge. .l. B. Curruthere and Catherine l)ono- ghue appealed to the court of revision for Frontenac wurd yesterday to hove their evroperty assessed an {arm lends. J. L. hiting up red for Mr. Cnrruthera. The court conai ered that the metter who not one with which the member: would care to deal, and held thet the county judge should be asked to decide, whether or not the ap- peel: could be legelly rented. The en- eeeement of the land no xed by the uuem nor, was therefore conrmed. 'l'hc- Appointment To Be Confirmed. The department of militia and defence has received connnetion of the nomine- tion of major Kiuaon to the position of com- mandant of the Royal militnr college at Kingston. vice Major-Uen. emeron. re- signed. It I! probeble that the order-in- council up inting him will be passed next week. on t e return of l)r. Borden. minia- ter of militin nnd defence. Major Kiteon proposes to lonve England either the first or second week in December. reaching here About the middle of the month, end taking the Cliristlnae mention to settle into his nu: nnnitinn Vatarlnnry Il)l|)0OI.lIl' I-orgnn. W. J. Morgan, D.\'.S., has rooeived from the minister of Agriculture notice of Li. .nnnim.mnnv. an vaterinarv inapochor for of agriculture nouce 0! his Ap intment. ne veterinary inspector this ( ietrict. The duciea in connection with the position will be to inllpect. nli cattle. sheep, mine. eta, exported from this port. to the United Suites and to issue a certicate in eech cue to tho eecl. that the nnimale exported are not alicted with pleura-pneumonin or other contagious disease. No salary is attached to the of- ce. but a lee in charged for each okeminn-. I inn Wlhtor Cream I 0DIO|y .ondon. Ian. Worth lore. use unnll roll: butter 1.80.. bottle aomnto cation 60., blueberries J. Lion. No better man for the poaibion could have been found than Dr. Momnn. who in in very way tted lot the thorough dis~ vlmrgo of the ducioa referred to. The Rev. Mr. "on.-loll MW tit, as soon us I]. FIOHI wn uh.-Iy out of the city, to pub- |l(.`l_V vhnrge mm with teaching contra to the doclnuea of the English church. Id I remninod silent. my own people might. have thought. tint. charge unuuwenble. I nlrmmlnm. showed them how to prove in K|\1:iTlI\. M r. I`. In'u-!:I wan thought. uni. cuargo llnlnowcrnuw. I. lhoroiore, showed provo uwor falsity. noting the plnin Ilulelnonu oi the prayer k to do no. I was also Asked to IIIOW reports M then uzurnnoal to be rent to the pun in order um. than who renal Mr. Houston's chnrge might Also no its: dulproof. This I ponniuod to be done, and it. seem: that the nply hu- Itrnck home. an; -hv dnna -`J. B.."in common with In-not home. But why does molt. oppouonun of tho Church of Englnnd to-chlug. y to lbomolor support? Dons he mnllv muziuo that Noun. Cardinal to-chhig. Romolor support! uou he really Imagine Cnfdift ` ` Vulghnn. Huuaton a 00. no nnthoril-ion on Church o! England Inching ? The cardinal`: auction has boon nmwond no olun than is is neuron worth whilo to un- .-ap imnnnnlnoll. "Logic" in noboorroot II um IIBII. I have won: "njoohd thovold Pronouns. And in in otyunologicnl unto. though not inthopopn|uuu|.lunnPmhnunt.- Ron. W. Ru-nos. lo would like your opinion on the subject. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. If it can non "Logic" innotooc-not in his luau. I .n nnv&"ni0chI`lth0IoldPI'obIIOnt." CITY AND VIGINITY. lore. Isa. - -.. __-n ...n. Lmngr mu, Inspector Iorgnn. I u .... .. H \' SJ hm: rm .-:-:--------- Kup On Oomllll l..5- nl 0l.Am Inf}. anti . - .::-....s...l "hint.- Legal Question. Mr. Rnymnfn In-ply. \`.... nu A4'I`n ah TN! FAST MAIL. ITHUBSQAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 12. I896. _. 1 nrply. ~('l`o the Editor): my R}, an nnnnnl `u Iploi 0! Ivory DI] |.I{o-Whu tho.` IOIIIIQ Al-0 Talking Abont~-NothIng Ev nnnnn nu Acmmlon ot Those Who Are 5 PARAGRAPHS PIOKED up av oun ausv nsvorrrans. ' . J wear, 31.60. Dunlop. A.O.U.W. lodge meeting to-night. to ar- rnge for rand master's visit. . L. uilxer, M.A., of Queen a, has taken his Ph.D. at Leipzig university. Nothing ner t.han.t.ho dances in Ben Hut have ever been seen in the city. nun man . (In. bunmnr nvnrr-mum at. 34 73 Hut" have been In me cn._v. Our men : ne beaver overconbs at. $4 73 are ahead of nllobhora. glmnd Union. Mr Inf` Ml`! A I). Raid. 'I`oront,o. RIO '5 9-. .F'%,T.`3..!!.`_=-':L~ R. :IcF|uI s. Kingabgn Carpet Warehouse. Three years undisturbed possession of I setter dog will destroy any man : vora- city. A stack of how overcoat: which low my. A stack boys prices are reducing fut. Dunlap. In the midst of life nnmn is in debt. thing for ladies. Dr. Ryan will be A candidate for re-elec- tion in Catanqui ward. I-lonvv all wool mmm. suitable for winter tion in Uatanqui ward. ` Heavv pzmba. 8.1.50. Dunlop. A.0.U.W. Indus meetimz to-night. ahead 0! nllormors. gdrnlla umon. Mr. and Mr.-. A. D. Reid. Toronto. the guest: of Mrs. W. R.eid.l'rinceas street. 10 lbs. sweet potatoes 260. Crawford. S00 than towel roll rs at He. and Lie. at `IoF|ul Kings nCurpet. Three Venn possession pnooa are reuuclng lIl!D. Humup. sud his creditors don't allow hm: so for- get it. Sendid vaue in 50. and 7c. Hlumelobtea at . McFauI`u, Kingston Uzupct Ware- hnn Ha. house. New blueberries Sc , can cabeup tic , hm.- cle dried pouches l0c.. 1 lb. rollbutcer Hc. J.Cruwford. Tl... .-mm.-nmnno nininl whn cats `A an n. house. J.Uruwlora. The government official who get, .5` large nsalary as he thinks he deserve 1:; usually over- id. Ir. in I-n`!-nu uiuur In nan nnnh nn anLmbuin- Ben Hut to-r.1ight. I I Boutlo new cauup 80. Crawford. I l)un|op'u clothing. Do you wear it? Royal Arcanum meets tomorrow night. Fuhher collars and capes are` the newest: thing for ladied. Dr. Run a I On much will not. draw muscle to A More If the good: mm! the methodu of that store are wrong. Thu, in tho Manon wo no no punlnulu to huvo on unit d right when on oomo hero. hut : w xy we always ave uomcthlnz new to show. Our but cu-tomcn are thou who exnmlno the hnnum nfforad by our oompotlton haforo onmln to ma. ' OI Hull clothes for hon are nplondhl but I nun : nor-I them. too high rtsul." Wrong nmdamquu onnwuffordt. 0 other kind. if one nun M (5 out llutn two IO M. which In the uhol I 1' Buldea. wo hpvo mica as low on 1-H . No trouble to show on GM n--odn. Money hack If not not pal Wluw mun dc; youymnt r - `I r _.',7_( yji-I`-_a1;\s: usually M. It is refres ring to see such an entelbuilr ment. at "Ben Hur in those days of then- trloal monatroeitios. u.. n..m.. :. ...`.u-inn with hmm-him trioal monabroeitioa. Mrs. Calling is suffering with brom-hitis and will therefore not be able to meet uny of her pupils this weak. Late of romnunta of oilclotli. stuir and 0! her pupils this weak. Lots oor oilclobhs, verv cheap, at, K. A Kingston Carpet, Warehouse. Engine No. 4 of the K. & I . Kingston Unrpeo wnrenouse. Engine rebuilt. and since having been pn the line looks like new. I nun |.|..ghn-win. Rn hnttln m the hne looks like 1 can blueberries 8a., bottle 6a., 10 lbs. sweet. potatoes `. .5c.. finest, 180. J. Crawford. nn :1... cm. inst. Mr. and Mrs finest, 180. J. Urnwtord. On the (itch inst. Mr. and Mrs." Joel Eby, Union street. west, celebrated the twenty- fth anniversary of their wedding. Mnvor Elliott. will in future nhow no mm charged wmn alsoruorly COIIUUCL. V v offer no imaginary discountebr pre- miu us. Our prices. which are the lowest. allon of no discounts. (irund Union. Coinmibteea of Ontario diocese are to meet. Dec. lat. `Ind. and 3rd. in half year- ly session. There are eighteen commit- tees. tinh anniversary or chair weaning. Mayor Elliott. leniency to boys who are brought before him charged with disorderly conduct. offer immzinnrv pre- 808. The sidewalks are nightly used by hi- cyclist!-. Can't the bic cle club aid the polioe in stopping this angeroue proceed- imz `.' ing`! I)o you want a new overcoatx.` Try Dunlap for value and satisfaction. He has them from $3 to 815. Dunlop. King street. \'...n..-A. ninn mun nf "hull heads Winds: street. Yesterday nine tons of "bull heads were nhi ped from this port to Cape Vin- cent. he rh were caught in lakes north of the city. Snlendid values in wool underwear at R. mcmzursnuiz my. of the city. Splendid McFuIl'n. Kingston Carpet. Warehouse. Mm Jnhn Rockwell. Pictou. (ox-merlv of McFeul'n. Kingston Carpet. \\ urenouse. Mrs. John Rockwell. Pictou, formerly Kin non. ha: been revnppoinbed superin- len ant ol Io islntion and petitions in the dominion W. .T.U. Whole wheat. biscuit. J. Crawford. A welcome l|`l'iVl` I 50 bluek and blue beaver overcoat:-, ne workmanship, to be run off this week at 85.50, S!i..`>U, $8.50. Dunlap. King street. The maulnr weeklv dance took place at. ` Uunlop. lung street. The regular weekly place the yacht. club house but evening. The nuendance was good and the owning proved quiw enjoyable, Snocml for this week: 45 men}: extra proveu quwe enjoyanuo. Special heavy. extra length, extra high collar, lrlezo ulstera. at $4.50. Dunlap for cloth- ing values, King street. The; ntudonts at Reuiomlia t-nllezo have ing value-., King street. The students Regiopolia t-nllego orxnnixod a literary and debating societ. '. W. 0 Brion was: up )ointaod chairman. T 0 opening debnm wil be held shortly. Men a dark tweed overcnuts. well made. opening debnw will be held shortly. with velvet. cnllnr and heavy farmers satin lining.only $2.75. Grand Union. Mrs. M. J. Hynen. Deseronm. died in Toronto on Tuesday from vphmd fever and attendant. com lainta. S e was taken ill after the fire in knieronto on May 25th. (2.. on w...a.-. on. um. Mnlimu.-I nlandnrd ill after the fire In Um-eromo may '.'.)(.n Go to \Vndo's for the Muximua r-Landzsrd homo and cattle remedies. consisting of condition powders, cough and mlic cure, gall cure. liniment hoof oil and absorbent. bliatar. lo 4. .. elm."-4-I far than murohnnt. nnt. to bliaur. It in MI ab-urd for the merchant not. to udvertine becnuno name ntlvertining doesn't. pay, as it would be for him tn refuse to do business. because half the business men fail. All Ant knnuinn urn annninn, '3 l1l|\`6 (PS DRUG STORE 3.15..-nun T`. Union. Alrl. Robinson will be asked by the elec~ ton of Cntnmqui ward to stand for rte-cloc tion to the council for I897. llia u-nn.Ititu- onushoartil undone the stand he has taken on the oil 9 ed: question. A Wnumnwn nanar nnenlu of the vil- fail. All our In in: are genuine. We imitators. A I good things have. Grand Union. ALI n..|.;....... will 3.. nqlrnrl in than nine- In . glans boy: was trusted last night lor -otcltlnxta diatnrhnnco at .\lnrt.m'o open home. They won anion to the police station. when they expressed conu-ition for their cpndnct md were allowed to go by mayor Elliott. Dunn; our cheap sale we will oll`er_n the OH aneas question. A Wnterhown paper speaks lnga of Belloville, over on the ot her side 0! the SL Luvronce." This in matminl for I war to the knife. and the knife to the hilt, between the two cities. On: nlnb Inn. t. vnnr hndv, (Ml! DTIICOG fit. our pocket. book. unua umon. be members of the re. water Ind ll ht committee who oppose extending the oi Iimiu have Loon specially imiibed by Aid. Robinson to attend tho mam meet.- ing in the city hall on Snturdny oven- inn. botweon the two times. Our clothes t your body. Our prices t. pocket book. (hand Union. ho fire. ICIIIIQ All 'I'IlIIl|[ Anuln--au-.unu. n.-- _ I ospol the Attention Am ` Tnkinr Human. by Elltou. Dunn; we odor I oploodid rungs ol ne ovoroonu, mule the anon odor work. in heaven. mdtonn. lunch nnppo and lriou. no. prices to tidy com `lion. Z. Pnvon. Nut York 0 Eng Stan, Brock um. Two at Ioldn. 9.111).!!!) rounds. ol the Invent-duo ammunition for the [pain- hldrilo, and an hundred chat: ol the uvlultlmohsdhnbounuivdlron Othvgu IMO: 1'. R. fuightobodgnndnn hing ulndu-nd In tho military atoms at You Bury. __..`~..`.,.% '-T .m'":-.3"-....`:;'.*.=f:.*tt.!:..".;' all, tnvollint pamnpr rLTauw. for tho ammo |_ino.uIin IIIIF Vlrvvuu Igvutuuu J3 unothorluoljoh in ovu- ounb abut 0ntenauI275.Nl0. nmnmigu-uh,-nlmnnundlnnvun. L has been ` put. back on ! new cubaup ., r0_ll butter, 1. . McFnul s. SIXTY-THIRD `YEAR.- HAINES & LBEKHTI . l new. `Loo party IEII nun;-uuu gum-a-_y _ ` evening, h the K. A: P.. [or Bedlord. I l Through t e oourtee of the K, a P. of- flcinla the boy: found otel accommodation . in the etetion house, and the unusual ep- |peurnnoe which that landmuk euumed rather ntnrtled the early morning travel- leru. Before daybreak the enthuaiutic ' unfavorable weather, started for the Glen- dower iron mine. The railway cuttingl along the Glendower nlforded excellent op- r rtunitiee to become acquainted with the ome life of a great number of mineral species. The Glendower in a typical ex- ample of an important class of economic deposits and thin, with its geological relu- tiona. occupied the attention of the party for some time. Returning, the Godfre micu mine wua visited. This entirely di - ferenr. mode of occurrence of on economic mineral was also an instructive study. A number of tlne specimens were captured here. particularly magnicent crystals of zircone: so ulentiful were they the] the young scientists were utir end,deepite the" Ihlpl on A Field lixcunlom The field excursion of the minenlogy and geology classes of the Ichool 0! minus Int. 1 week was one of tho moon Iuoooufnl ct I hold. The party len Kingaton'1 hu y `avanincr. bv the particularly magnmcem. orysuus or zircone: plentifl wgre they fifty cent. ne levied upon zheindiividunl who failed to bag 3 crystal of zircon could not be saddled on anyone. Th mumrn nmr Badford which conceals be saddled The cavern near Bedford in its recesses such splendid calcite crystals was explored by the smoky ame of a birch bark torch. On Friday evening the party took the train for Sharbot Lake. Theday`s hard trampin had so far failed in dampen- ing their at or that they examined the shores of the lake by lantern. Saturday morning found them at Tichborne siding cooking breakfast on the roadside by the light of the stars. The Boyd Smith phos- trwgiatte mine: at Eagle Labkhe engaged thefat- n ion 0 is per y or e morning. a to!` which the railway cuttings to I-`arhnm were examined, and the students embarked for Kingston stocked with specimens and in- formation. The richness of the buck town- ships as a eld lor the mineralogist and geologist may be judged from the fact that no less than twenty ve specimens of mini- erals. besides numerous interesting rocks, were collected on this short outing. A cm: or smnenu vmc no Buck 1-own"-' Ihlpl Field Excursion. mu- A-|.a .........;.m At oh. n-inn:-Alnlrv and | llloon Iuver. Mrsxoms V\'n.uw, 0nt., Nov. l2.~A and termination of a deer hunt he pened at Bale. on Moon river, on` ueeday morning, when Andrew Bnthgnte. e re~ tired gentlemen of York Milla. was shot by W. N. Berry. of Drumbo. in a mistake for a deer. The accident occurred about ten dolock in the morning and Mr. Bethgete died about three o'clock the same day. Mr. Buthgate nrrived at Muaixoke when! on Saturday last, but missed his connec- tion with Bela nnd did not arrive there until Monday evening. On Tuesday morning he atnrted out with a party of six- teen. made up of gentlemen from Drumbo. Niagara Falls nnd Toronto. Mr. Bathgate and Mr. Berry were each stationed one runway about sixty yards apart and had been in this poeition about two hours when Mr. Berry notied something move in the bush. After watching it about ve min- utea he decided it was a deer. took aim and tired, ehooting Mr. Bathgete in the abdomen. The bell through the body and came out at ck. l)eoea.sed was hillhlv esteemed by all A York Mllla Gentleman Shot to Death on Ilnnn Rlvar. back. Deceased highly by who knew him. He was very fond of hunt- ing and had spent several deer seasons in this vicinity. He leaves a wife. one son and two daughters. He was nbont sixty years of ago. Mr. Buthgntda wife and son came from Toronto yesterday and return- ed today with the body for interment in Tnrnn tn. O0 IA)-uuy Town to. Three Name: An Submitted to The Lower Ilonle For Accephnnce. .\lox1-mi:/u., Nov. l`2.---At the special synod this morning. called to Appoint an archbishop to the vacant diocese of Algomn, moasoge No. 5, from the house of biahopn, wan received shortly before one o'clock. It referred to the question which had called the synod together and was on fol- lows : "That the upper house has adopted the following resolution. `That the lower house he informed that the following namet are presented toit for election to the biahoprie of Algoma in the order in which they are chosen bly the house of binhope: The Van. I-` u . RrinlfnnI(_ |).l).. Archdeacon. OAK HALL, KING STREET. chosen b use house or mnnopa: um v on. F. H. . Brigavock. D. l)., Archdeacon, diocese of Fredricton. rector of Trinity church,Bt. John. NB: Rev. Goo. Thornloo, l).C. I... canon of Quabec diocese and rector of Sherbrooko; the Van. .W. L. Mills, I).l). , ll`Chd0nCOIl of St. Andrew's diocese of Man- treal.` " n ..-.. nvnlninml In Hm nmlocubor that treul.` " It. was explained to the prolocutor a majority of the votes of the members, both clerical and lay. wu neceoury ho elect. Voting takes place this nfmrnoou. 1`h-e-(lunnerI 0f'IIlIIO- At. a meeting held by the non-commie eioned oieers and men of A" eld bar.- tery. R.C.A., in their library on Tuesday evening it. we decided morgenize n eocietv to be named The R.C.A. socsnlclub." The following oicere were elected : Col. Drury, honorary president: Major Hndon. honorary vice-president: Dr. 8. 0. Neil- -on. vemrinarv eurneon-major Mannie. vice-president; III . a. u. nou- ron, veberinery surgeon-mnjor Capt. Ogilvie. Capt. Burelnll, Cepn. Cooke. Lieuc. March. honorary members; The following N.C.Oe. and men were up- iuted to committee: Br. Kelly. presi- enl. and munioel direcuor: Br. Pnmdia, vine-president: Br. (Joohe. secretary end tren.-uner: Capt. Somerr. Br. Sump, (Br. Bremnh, Gr. Johnston. Dr. Lemen. members of committee. II. was decided that the lint. pmoking concert. be held in the librery next. week. IIOIICVIU 3-` I nun-. TuIu).\r0, Nov. l2.--No word has been roeoivod 0! the misain prop. Audi: from Fott William but W neudny with 26.0% bushels of when for Ogilvio, ol Manual. and iv. is pnctienlly admitted the must. lnvo gone down in lnt. wont : norm. The Inxioty in regard to tho nfoty ot the nu. Acadia And her crew intensies ovary hour. And during yonotda and to- day the owners ol the scanner. 0. um! I`. B. Muchy, but ncoind many (o- gnphic enquiries for nun ol the ho-.\t.. Tho Ihchy Bros. have heard nothing from tho unmet. but will think Ihu oh: my 1.... ma inm -nun nlnllaud ohm for Ilnvo runinto noun nnolunu plus rot nhtyfromthomrmorshuhohcdboon dinblod And delayed in oounqnonco. Iliiliiruyijiuo Judge Print in ohmic-I. this morning nnxodthodohlldnnt-in\hoe|InolKnrG~ wall vs. Noonun and Janus S\vifIl0o.._ hrthoooouoftlnnnit vdnronoutd loan on phintifn wink: Pooorduuddo hndnohlomlrt. l'sou|to.nnd nlntvoln dduhnhibundvq nnlnnblhulo -guano Ibupr- lloucncbnhlpny. ruin-tvolliolio vilodllcv.GR.llnn nhdonuyto (hing. J.l..WhIiugnppnud SEARCHING FOR MINERQLS. "TV Iwil `I50 "Ia HI! lnlnb have Io tho Ihpdouhnh uIin'Iap-u| Io- uhhuulh-nu-nIniNvl_lI.iI-qyio bo\ho but pnpau-anon on than market. `I041: lot mu-In; rough: or -ol-In. an hmthu tn-I i Aaunthn-no&QC&u| ibnyouovn. MISTAREN F672 A DEER. V_VHO`LL GET THE PLACE. do no nlunun an-I oflzuolnnn nnwly '0` (via I hands, son pl an-I rnugh i I, Mo on ux I WIILII HAIVIOI `III In uunl-r. light be Broken opp-sleek Ben] is look from New York-Iportlng Notes. , There one some who would like to see the , present Granite football team enter the in- termediate series next year. claiming thet by combination play the team could, win the championship of thst series. Those who sdvocete this lose sight of the fact that in the intermediate series the "little fellows" would meet with teams composed of players much heavier than themselves. If the Ursnitee wings were broken through it would break in the combination of the beck division. be great secret of the Grsnites success is the admirable way in which the wings held their opponents. el- lowing the buck division to break through. This would not be possible with a heavier teem. Better be satised with being big i s in a smell puddle than small frogs in A big puddle." A meetimz of the Granite football club , WILL may TAKE A Sm} up :2; ' But the whys An nqullv Bo-roadbl- H nu lth Ila-vlnr Ian to CODIIII THE GRANITES' COMBINATION: big puddle." A meeting was held last evening at the oice of C. R. Webster. president of the club. A resolu- tion wns pneeed requeating Dr. Clarke to assume charie of the championship trophy while held y. the club. The president ennouneed that friend: and admirers of the junior chamione intended presenting each member of t a team with a small silver football for a watch charm. Each ball will bear this inscription : renitea. junior champions. I896. On Thursday, l9thinet.. the team. together with in few friends, will be tendered A dinner at the residence of l)r. Ularlie. The Grunitee want the Montreal junior reeidencp 0! Dr. Ularke. championship team to visit, this city, o"or~ in`; all the gate receipta for 5 match, or v nlunteering to [.36 to Montreal for ex- penses. A re ly in being awaited. Jock Hnrtv as returned from New York. A ly is being awaited. Jock Hnrty He went down last week intending no play hockey with the St. Nicholas club against. students of Yale. Some of Yale's hockey- iats were injured in a football mnmh the same week and could not. play Saturday ni ht, no the match was called oil". 1.. umnnnanunnnf. nf nm.w.. mllmm loot- ni ht, the match was called on. be management of Ottawa oollego loot- bnll toam ollered Queen : college team the entire gate receipts tor a match on Subur- day. A strnight. guarantee was uked for. A reply is expected to-day. Rcnionolie college football team will Inrlno Item: P|cko(l up Along K|n[Iton I-Inn-hnl ll`:-nnt reply is expected to-day. Rcgiopolie college meet. the Kingston bur.-ineaa college team in a match on the athletic grounds this afpernoon. The guns will be culled it {our o clock. 1nB..... IiI|`DOI' I` roll. The tu Walker, with five grain laden barges, o eared for Mofm-cal yoaterday. Tim mhr. Slnmmore. Detroit. discharged bargea, cleared for Montreal yoanemay. The com`. Singapore. Detroit, dischar ed 12,000 bushel: of peas M. the M. T. 0': elevators yoaberdny. The nmam bnrae Mamzie May and con- yeaberdny. The steam barge Maggie May sort. discharged 300 cords of wood at Wolfe Island for the Rnthbuu Co. t.o~da . 'l`l.. no Pi-innnnn Louisa with Donnel V Wolfe Island for the Kebnbuu U0. no-nu The ntr. Princess Louise with Donnelfy Bros wrecking outt aboard and bowing the pin at. rnhed near Cornwall, arrived in `Fort this morning. he an-. King Ben is expected in from Montreal today. She carries A heavy car 0 of merchandise. and has been looked for ere for a couple of days. Thin mnrninv Richard:-on & Sons l0&d0d here for cou no or days. This morning Richard:-on l0,00(bbusheln of oats. 8.000 bushels of wheat. and 3,000 bushels of peas into the bar e Colbnrne for Montreal. vr ..n)u- (`.nlIinr_ Pm-t; Dalhousie. ur- bar Uolbnrne tor momreai. T o acbr. Collier, Port Dalhousie, rived yesterday with a cargo of apples consigned to Montreal. She left Inst. even- ing in tow of the tug Walker. The: air. Bothnin. which left. Fort. Wil- of the Walker. The ctr. Bothnin. liam two daysnfwr the str. Acadia. arrived at Port Huron this morning. No word has yet been received of the I ding Acadia. The gloom Echo. 3.001: ahels of oat, been received 0! the mg Acuuln. The aloopa Monitor, 2.000 bunhels of oats, Madcag. [.000 bushels of barley. all from Wol e Inland, arrived at Richardson & Sons, ole` water this morning. Tlm nt.r Mnntmnle. after discharging this morning. The atr. Monteagle, discharging her cargo of wheat. at the M.T. Co`: eleva- Lou. clenmd for Oewego to load coal lor Duluth. The summer will make another round trip before the season closes. The Ontario & Richelieu Navigation 00. the cloeee. The Ontario Navigation has olfered Capt. (`mig A light. draught. steamer for the Wolfe Inland ferry and also the captaincy of the per. Page rt, for next. season if he can arrange wit come- one to take his place on the ferry during the summer months. The captain has carried oil any honor: offered by the corn -`zany during the pant. ve aeeaoml. He M had command of the Passport, and his aerviees are certainly upprecinwd by oere of the ebove nature. blllnvll Wlllw lll|)l `||.y yuu_n-nu . v ~[ _'A_`~,'p-'.~.,'_`(ul-._ 3'3`-.~41s:_ -.4 J. H. $7lont.gmn%ry , nnawr Cioth-` inu Damrtmoub. lronu-use Wu-d Appeal: Won Board In- tordny Afternoon. Court of revision mot. yesterday to hair appeals ngninnt. u-aoaamonu in Frontanuc wnrd; chairman Skinner and Alda. Tait, Robinson And Hevnon were present. I ll Qnnnnnln mrmnnl Dronertv re- Robinson Ind newton were prauem. L. B. Spencer, poraoml property duced 8300. assessment. on yacht. struck o -. P. A. Moncriof. unooamont. cut. from 8600 to #50; J. B. Carrut.hon' ve lot.- wen rated lb 8`l,.'r00; T. Rice. do Lu .......|. ..n'- C It`, M|und.I odu06d to .500 8600 to gjiau; u. D. unruuuu... ..... ..... struck all": C. F. Mnund.roduood from 84,000: E. A. Pruner, statute labor tax conrmed. w Nnwlnndn &8ona reduced to 8300; reduced $50: G. Pmtchell reduced to uuu; A. G. Frown. dog tn truck o`; Mm Hit.- choll. uaonamonv. out from 8700 to Slim); '1`. J, Wright, ineorno cu struck off. E. O'Brien. James Cullen. Mary Cau|~ eld. Mary Doyle. M. J. (inltnn. Joseph B. Ahem, Thomas Dawson. J. J. Sullivan, Leonora lnmhan, '1`. Welsh. J. Goyoth. June: Kelly and J. Fuuso Into phood on the roll :1 separate nchool supporhrl. conrmod. W. Nowinndn & Sons W. Hm-old rated at. 83,201); J. Houston, Prltchell reduced to 331]); A :1 Front. rlmv an atrnok o`: C. J. Graham bu gained pou-omon 0! two mane house: at. the corner of Eul and Syrlonhnm amnou. hnving traded two brick hounooon Union uroot. om occupied b |.:.....Il ....I an other in Can. Rodnwol , hbunuon oocupnou u hiunoll and tho other by Capt. Rodnwolr, with W. J. Moore. Hr. Graham will modernist the two stone dwellings and s...:u ..|.m.'.-u. mooormu me u build uldiona. jj FALLAND wuman A The most extensive range of meterinl for fall and winter overcoat: and pain ever than in eton. Direct importation: of the finest goods made. Call early and get the choiceol complete stock. WITH. I-maan.v8. lo uvincsrou mm C.J.(; ha ha inod pooeuion of nu. .o.....r:.u::n It I.|`:comar Latest London_ and New York Fashions. woaK...wouL6 wm. IN MARINE CIRCLES. COURT or nevusiou. iThl`0_l\__S_ Of A `Cloak }B_l_;_yers "W" 15' Visit our garment roorns `daily. We're adding to our reputation as cloak handlers. ` Hundreds of handsome. carefully made gar- ments to pick from, and many a satised woman has made a selec- tion during the last week. If we have pleased others we can please you. Suppose you try us. ' Tweed Coats, $5 to $9. All-wool Chevints, $5.50. Freize and llouclc Jackets. $5.50 to $10. (`nvprt (`Inch larlmts. [O Io. I [or land ot Night Oulln. Q UICVIJEQI H10! 6. non. n`a'o?."'n.f our ohm: All 01 1:10 In Jpzu. We shnw only the latest styles in Jackvts even in our cheapest garments. Call solicited. non. Ian Do any 1 Klnncou.'l`nroz $5.50 ID no. Covert Cloth jackets, $8 to I) .... gr In:-lzaoa Q; in CI: W. I. unuuuvuu. Pmtlnl. Dunc-mu um mum.un-I1 Pun- con iti-cot. block Above old stand. :____ quo. Beaver jackets, $4 to $15. High class,tailor made jackets, $10 to $20. uI.. um... r\nl\l elm Intact ahllnl !sfE}4CY&seIEAcY J AB. umu. Tn: Lunum UNmznnxI:|-IM-866 Prlnoou ntroot. Telephone 147A` Open Day and High lYnmun'uu-zn AND EIIIALIIII, Prlnoon Street. Phonan-WAu-grooms. 90; Boddonco. 91. Lowest. prices. - IANO FOR SALE` SEVEN OCTAVI nqunro, in good order, fine tone. Or! not value. r.`JI|, null for 3150. Also Union I: un- .l|n Cabinet U:-nan fur min cheap. Apply to Hy. lhndenmn. 1IOPrincass utnot. N U Cuuvw w - vu- slhtu hlunbub. MHEI)IA'l`El.V. A 1 Miss Ferguson. -or. K A GOOD (IEVERAI. HE Min llohartuun. cor. llngfon utreotu. UENERAI. HERVAN romvnxmonclml. No Min: Ololneutu. 2M Klnn ANTEI) - HELP - I over] lormlily ; loc inn-mlunn A nnw dhn-oval ..:___.:_:.-_.?_..---_ RELIABLE In In Iormllly; local or tnvolllng no inn-mluno A new discovery and hoop our IIIDW curd: hwked up on trees, hnnu And bridill throughout town and country` stand Oll- I loy ant ; nnmmhmlon or 5: I7 I`;xon'th and oxponuu. and mono: decit I I: 1th tn Md. For puns :- '$"r{c.'$n'L. wm'n'.'n i'm'so.|Ic1oomo oo..`}l.:n. don. Ont... Conndl. PRICE TWO CENTS _- ..,.,., .V_ . . _: \'0. 4 CLYDE TERRACE. YDINAI A street. won. Apply to In. Davin. cor. Eu] Ind Sytlanhlm streets. _ nun-n .....- . , .a......,,, , ,, , , NICW BRICK HOUSE. N0. IN STUART street. with all modern oonvonlonnu. Apply to Uonrgo Wilnon. I48 Kinntrool __._____.______:_::.. _,___ _- A_ ........ nan-.un.gg. ___.._:.::__.-:_:..__. HR IFESIRAHLE HTORE Pllmn ownod hr In-. Town. next door to Will oire. Alan I no muhlonco connected lhoruwlth H doulrml` Apply to John Indlmolnnnoo It- modern nonve gly on the pun ulmuton rm --___: ..,.,.., (DBEIGE I AL? 01' THE FLAT OVER 5.` Co's llry Gouda Elton ..IlJ[ ICED`. I4 olninu Bulb`: Printing 00. Apply I Vmo Oica :_:.:j. C---"IIYf}ARI-.Gl7?~ Magic Cough Cure Try us lor all kind: 0 nludlu in now complete. oor. Picture Framing POIDDIOIQ. Kl] on (hogan! oor. Picture I-`rnmin,Copyhu And Illa- ing. Our lotto: Pint.-alum work and piled rinsmmblo. LOCIIIJAEAD & OSBORNE, n.n.6- n|...o~u-g mun Fin. DOIAIII To IO `M LnsIo.\', Nov. l`2.--The lordgn has communicated oicinl iullornatlillljo the United Alaocinwd pun Uh! GIG! ll! still mun detail: of the Vonunoln I[I'O- mcnt no nrnnged helm`! H13 an X` plotad sad the bu-in oi ncnolno M3 ' record gnoli ' 1' $"...s::'. Britinhdnmhcnag 7% _ (Box. APPL '10 IMMEDI_A'l`El.Y. nor. King and Gun Itrooh. __?__: \l\IIJ III V I4!-I T` In agreeable to tulu-. Improve: tho appetite. In coolly dlgc ' om I nignoq I 1! up ffnhunoeulao. British smhncwb W d- I--onn gun! on. Kii - Mn The foreign ooo inside an '8 oommunio-Mom on the subject but It possible. Sir Julian Pmnoobh IN medium taking his inltridloul tron Lord Bdiobury. who no! mount cone .0: tho lodod oop & torn oi convention. I B: IO Buidusirruonu-a Javdbuny. vv Ian! on: `-77: 'mq,rInmkIndm l`k| Uohonniguodto Ibo 1'1.-ic.i nhanboluothouIIInhu lorll ol convonuo upon `An uchnn Cl\oII\l;l_ _|;td` Ogtlclan. " cnL-__ N. All the Advertising likolywhlnlguuw :- Eitlniunbolcothnlr \ HERVANT. APPLY 1'0 llohartuunmor. Cluonoo uni Wol- `mnfon :. R()0MH TO LET. WITH BOARD, $ QUIII ntroot. "-`._ _ ,7 . ,, ,:`-`-`,-__- RICK HOUSE, 310. 05 QUIII HTIIIT. Apply to J. H. CAnu1'nn|. A__._ _.__ ..-...-..ou.u _'_.._,_.____.. uk`.Nl<:2u1. 1`. lUu'1' 3: WELL wuohlnl. Apply IO Ii-an street. is 55.1 m. 3T'.I wexrnea PROBAB|.l`l'lE. -AND- GIVIII BI'Il`Il! IIIUIIII TIIAN Till Pllllll OIL H Monrogamury, n ling l)apartmout.. Urll DI uluvuu-vu. u---- ___- upon :-. oldocuuonu. Bouduit W051.` -n-no-I I11] IXVIV. u ILII IIIJIII u vuuv-uu Artists. Photogra phers. Etc. 262 Drlncess St... llngston. \\'l'l'" coo LIVER ou. ml vnmnhln tulu-. For .\nlo_ by all Druggluu. _-T-?..:._ WCCQ yuan . . - .. JACK SO N'S : u...n. Anugu. xv-.. In TL. Canal-n W. I. DRENNAN. hum-mm A un EHIAIJII T. F. HA BIUSON, urn Ann Iunnnn FOR SALE.` 76 B E`Ii; .- ,__.,_V V-___ :\i(ANTED. "OARD_. cugonod. \'n_ "Vs/TN E, 5 A Ladies Fine Dongola Button Boot. Pointed Toe. Patent. Leather tip. Neat and Stylish. Taste For $1.00 1 \p ...~...- .. ---- ._-.- An all nnemlblo man do, he want: to know, lat. where his money will be sate. ' 2nd. Where he can got the best value for It. H. D. BIBBY G0. i.-N0. 264. y ~ BARGAIN ` A4 in pink, cream and fancy colors. Pillow Cottoti. 5c. \Vc wiIl put nn sale 20 pieces wide annelley e, just 10 pieces to sell, un- bleached, 40 inches wide, 5c per yard limit. Silk Veilings, 2c per yd. Flannellette night robes, EA- C. Flannellette drawers, 25c 500 Wings, 9c each. Beehive Yarn. 7c. For this day only. Buy all you want. o-_1:... unml. Rn all an you want. Berlin Woole, 3c., all 50c. ` CUIUFI. Embroidery Silk Filos, three for l0c. CLEARING Reduction off the price of any Suit in stock on Fri- day. This is to introduce .onr.bo3-5'. suit department. Bring your boy and fit him and save a dollar too. When the Sensible Man 123 Princess St.. north Side Boys Suits, $1.00 auu. vvumu uv van .-. -.... ..-..- am. Where he can get the moat ndvnntaaee In one contract. Oorn Iulvnntuau unexnollod lay nny nthar nnmpnnyln Unnndn. The fnllnwlnu rnnultu of n Lilli pollvy. hol-I lay a Klmtntonlln. whivh will mwtunv in I low vreolmnre worthy of the lnvoutluntlou ol prnfomlonul and l-uslnmau man. an well an the mouhnulo. who wlnhu to oomhlno rotootlon wltln lnventmont. In up: on. Cnuh 51 mm incl. Pnld-up lnmnm-c. pnyuhlu at ulunth ia.Mn.m. :Ird. us I nvernmem aunmnleocl nnnully for l|l'ou! ul 1 an. Thane result: nml m-oral of Iho Above company have never lnoon oqunllod luy any company doing: huslnun in (hum-ln. Appllnnntn '0! lnuurnnoe. cur thou who are dlumlnml Ilth ollolon they now hold. wlll nzl ll. to thulrm vantage locnll on. or can rosnon-I wlth -_ . ....%__ . The NI`)-lit}! American life Assurance Company . . . . find their respond W. J. FAIR. Inspector. Ontario Chambers. Kingston. :-q IVVIIVIJ VI I Uvluv nu-au--.-u. D ALI. WHOM THlL\`I PRESENTS MAY U1NCII1N : Whoruu. I. Robert. I-` Elliot`. Inynr ol the City o1Klnnmn. hnvu mooivud tho following requisition ~ We. the llnderninmlwrtngvorty~I|nIn|Mn and nupngn nu no-G HI: unhiptlm hlnynrvn oslls ll-|`lo ooululn the City ll-ull.oh:ht. o`aIocl. Hum-vlni ovonlnu. Nov. Nth. to un- uuu tho mlvluh lit: 0! cxwn-Hug who onnl oil noun llmlha. to onublo mhvr In-vltutiunu do-&|'roua 0! locntln In our on y to coma In .RoMnnon C. Martin, John Nrodnn, W. ll. Icun. J. Hnllhnnh l`o. W. M. (`an- IOII. Wood Bun I. A. llrwl. Wm W_'l|n.nn, Lynn: Bro: . WJ-. IoDunu|d. JI\-. lhlo C Robinson. Jun. Rt-I-I. Ilohlnuon Brut. m. lhiluylk (`o.. D `uupoc. U. llontlu, Jan I` OH-non. ll) . H ` urpo. (ho Ourrnthnru J. Y. Pnrkhill. W .\(nal|or.Rul-I. Neahm. alm- Inom Bmu I Pnlllo J. E Iolpod I. .. Mon. Jun. Omvlord. f). A` Hmuv II. J. Dink. I. 5. Ram. A. J Ron, (3. Ilhoeul.` II. C $|2.000 worth of Boots. Shoes. Trunks " `I Valises I!0T!GE..9Eu`i!!.!`L!!!3I'W W.f`.. \ . Pol In .|. Ran u.\V. I|hod,`~E. Iobunum. Jn-. nun 1= ohlnuon . Ilhood II. Illcho. J. Hhcook. Raht. wu... W. n. Nnmhly A. IvConu-wk. W. A III:-hull. ll Ohovndoror. J. I-vllonnhl. J. J. lholusn. John Carbon. J04 Palm. Thou V-own, Jan. Tana. Jonnton Btown. \\'. Allan. `l'ho-no an ohorolore to male known that in com lhnoo with the plan nqnl-III-`u I I. born by com-one 0 Pnhllc Ioovln who luv-Id In the City Hall on SATl'BUA\'.t I Nth Inst. at lo`n|url p.II. 7 _ _ `_ _ _ I o't~|ot-l p.II. In wltnou who-root! inn can-ad thin Pro- olumullou to ho Inndo puhllo st Klnllton. thin lh dny 0! Nnnml-or. A D. IQ. II. P. EI.l.l0l`T Mayor n! the GI of Kingston. Knot`: Oloo. Ilnutoml h Nov III IR. H. "rovE|..m.-' hhuilmhuoodu-. n cnalnnthl-on alto-unlnnu . mutant- HA RD Y .S 7c per yard. ...eC.'lIraeC9ugha-| lnsures His Life HD3810! T: jcommlma 1131 CHANCE. Opponfqu ot thp .{ulI30 Dlnclnlm Being ~Vlnl'-linnii sad Wobbly` - Oluhn They Are Actlng In um lntoruu of u l:Io_cto.n -Ala. IIob|nloII'I lltlnd. Ohnirmnn Martin presided at the meet in; of the tire, water and light oommitwo glwrdny nftornoon; and Aldl. Allen. lnnol. Nowlnnda, Ryan, Robinson and Rfnunrt taro nreaent. - ` STILL RECOMMEND THE I EXTEN- SION OF OIL LIMUTIS. Stmnrt. were present. The petition of about. one hundred busi- ness men, using: the proposed extension of the oil limits. wu read. n. :11: .r..md than mnnnkor Motrin do- Minna. .NOWlInul, n. Thu nazition about read. _It. Ivu noted that manager oiree to secure a site near the water {ront..as he is under the impreaaion that the preeent liberal government will cut off the existing duties on coal oil, and he proposes then to ey hon oil direct. from the boats on which it we been brought. from the United States into the berrelling establishment. Ald. Minnee end he had ascertained l.lmt. the wholesale dealers in coal oil make a prot of only about lteen cents on each barrel. Ald. Allen thoukht the committee should cents each oorrei. Ald. thought stand by the re it presented to council on Mondey night out. He new no reuon why he should vou otherwise than he did at the lost meeting of committee. Aids. R an end Minnee took occasion to tell Ald. obinx-on that they were neither week-kneed" nor wobbly, und Ald. Ro- bineonlnlormed them that they would find the supporters of the motion to change the oil limite more substantial and intelligent than men of straw. AM Allan mnvad. seconded bv Ald. "men straw." Ald. Allen moved, Ieconded by Stewart. that having read and fully consi- dered the petition, the committee again fully recommend that no action be taken townrds changing tho oil limits. Aid. Robinson moved in amendment. Commencing Saturday morn- ing and continuing until the entire stock is disposed of. This will` be ngrnnd oppoitunity to secure sensonable __ goods at greatly reduced prices. Sales for cash only. Call and sse us. towards changing the Oll nmiu-. Aid. Robinson seconded by Ald. Martin, that the mattiar be not decided untilafwr the mass meeting of citizens on Saturday evening. Aida. Robinson and Martin voted for the amend- menb. Aida. Minnea, Newlanda. Allen. Stewart and Ryan voting against it. Aid. Allen`: motion was then put und . carried, Aide. Minnea. Stewart, Newlanda. Allen and Ryan voting yea. and Aida. Mnrl.i:| And Rnbinsou votinir HEY. Are They sun OI ltrew `! ' A local judge and one of the most. pro- minenb wholesale and retail dealers in the city went. out. this week to ins L the locality in which the Queen City il ()0. is Asking permission to build. They came to the conclusion bhsl. no suitable site can be obtained unless the oil limiu be changed, and they state that the nldermen.who have not inspected the proposed site. should do so before opposing the proposal to make the ohunge. A nmminsnb Aldermen. who is slim R unluuu. nuun. u.u.....~, ...-.....__ . and 1 yea Martin and Robinson voting "nay. change. A prominent also medical man, is orodiwd with having mad: the assertion that the alderman who favor changing the limits are more! men of straw and cannot carry their so ems. object To A lnu Ilootlux. Ald. W. Robinson spent an hour yester- day nibornoon obtaining signature: (.0 a re- quisition nakin the mayor to call amass meeting of thee actors to dinouu the ques- tiou of the extension of the oil limits. He My: he did not meet with a single re- fusal. Am Mam... i. of tha oninion that such Ald. Minnee is. of the opinion I a meeting in unnecessary, and ehyn It does not apenk very well for the eldermen thus the cannot settle such a business without. luymg it before the people. He uked the mayor last evening who would pay tl'\gx- \ game 0` advertising the meeting. Mn, _/ \ Elliot? answered that the city would do so. Ald. Kyennleo opposed the mun meeting as being unnecessary. (nharn feel that the opposition of home being Other: feel opposition peoplowa meeting is a confession that they cannot readily {ace discussion. Am. Ilewtolrn Contention. Ald. Howton has not changed his opin~ ion on the question of extending the oil limits. He will not be able toattend the mesa meeting on Seturrlny night as he leaves for Montreal tomorrow and will not return in time for the meeting. He contends that the petition of one hundred of the principal buenneee men of the city should curry more weight with the elder- men than should in petition from A much larger number of taxpayers. each of whom pays leu tuxea then each of the peti~ tionern against the exhenninn. l'0I' M r. Furrelly. at the funeral of the late Fr. ig ins, in Hastings. said a hell cen- tury ha I since he ret became ec~ qualnted with the lamented hither: his veneretion, respect and admiration uf the eterlingqualities of mind and heart. of Father Higgins had growth with the pass- ing years. Hehad known the diilicultiee that Father Higgins hail to meet with when lilty [gums ego he crime to this parish oi estings. He was the only priest between Belleville and Pelerboro. and made long sick calls over miserable roads. in all eeesons ol the your. It was is lot to have succeeded Felher Higgins In this perish. therelore he well knew what the deceased had to undergo. yet he never wearled. Twenty years afterwards, when they were together in the cathedral at Kingnton, the same virtues marked his Me as when he began his priestly career. His whole deeire was to do the `work of his Master. Like the youthlul Samuel he seemed ever tosay, lnrd speak. for Thy servant heareth." His arduous duties [III -IIIIUIH were ever accomplished with the nine characteristic humilit . patience and charity. Thenauie of ether Higgins is loved end blessed today wherever he la- bored. Father Higgins was a humble He ins more. he was charitable. bond. Fuhor mgglno was a numulo nun. He was more, Ho npom. his Mo among the poor; he know thdr wnnu. that trial: and their oubr inn. umdho (unto than with the nu cpuing hand. Lihotho Hutu be loud poverty. Ho bu indoud diodJ:or in thin world`: goods. but rich in things (lod. who will not tail to rowuvl tho fni ~ ful nrvnnt, who but pnntvod the faith. uni who has lmnrhl. lb! road 51'. . 3: anm hue sum nulvod noun ` ' " mutms. THE D AILY BRi'I3ISH_ VVHIG. -11 r\1Y'l1Ill I`b`IIl'I 1n ful who nu pnurvou v. and who but fought the good ght. R. L. utingn. Boston. Innonnooo an onlujod odmon 0! Oman`: (Brook-English lexicon to the not Iusunoln. Thooriginnl wotkhubunbofotochopnbaic nines 000 only pun cl the conury. having boon mg William Gnunold. who did m n In]. In tho pnpnnlion ol Ihhlolicna nub:-Al cu drum from ovary unihblo name; the Ioxieonool Pnrlhurit, n.L|-snap WAS` and Rnhinlxn BIZ.` nnihblo I-no Iuiconlol ruunuru, Sohluuor. Wok` And Robin-on Iui-gar Ehlly cunrlvnl and Iairl undo: outri- l.hu.h:naod by Begun A Son :1 to-pn for n puohlo i- nn d lhu (MCI Io-(uncut it & NI - 3'.'3""'u .2. "'i"...""'....... `"5. nd An uoolltnl pnrpuu. At I Eh dno it was antully nvbd with uddmonn ad ` sinuous nu `-If{ Lute Fnlhor lllgglnn Wu I Laborer Inn than nnlnl`. IX T13 Iuuu Hujd j lqldh III`lt.nvj.uupO;. .5...-Inga; jg _ , OF BLESSED MEMORY. I tI_o.D{un:o .....o um wobbly -Olnl|n We Honestly Believe;

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