Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1896, p. 2

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day may come in Kingtton--nnd tho nonor the bot-ur-wbon the citiuna will do H30 nolninuting A: well ho tho .n..u.... an... ..a ....|. 0}... ..... u.- For ouch e movement es the St. Thomas people have ineugureted there is room in every city. The council will never be composed of the beat men while its cute ere nought by the individuals who on nounoe themeelvee u oendidetes without the eolicitetion of the electors. The politicians ecroee the way have hed e better way of working. Theretbey have met in their primaries in their words. end have hed them eey About whom they deeire to nerve them. einoe the men who go into the contest ere their nomineee, the men upon whoee choice they have elreedy voted once. The week. nae of the nyetam in the bitter pertinen- ehip which it develope. but their method of nominating, in werde, is the correct A-.- St. Thomas has its grievances from mis- directed efforts in municipal affairs, and its people have been meditating upon the ac- tlon that is most pressing the electors. They have reached a decision. It is to form '5 citizens` associstion, whose busi ness it will be to look the field over and select the osndidatee of whom they ep- prove. and who seem to have the qualica- tions for the discharge of civic duty. It is claimed." says a contemporary. "and no doubt truthfully, that many men of the highest integrity, of the best train- ing. 0! the longest business experience. decline to serve their fellows because they are unprepsred,il the demandis made upon them. to give of their time and talents for the public veal, and largely because they have not the inclinstionw thrust them- selves upon the people." The ides of the St. Thomas` orgsnization is to inviw those exceptionally good men to become cun- didsuis, and to assure them of a support st the polls that will secure their election. The association begins its course with an enthusiasm and energy that promises well. -1 I . .i n, on. A VERY SENSIBLE MAN. K Municipal politic: are ngtin under dia- cneeion, end men are considering how they may secure the heel: representatives in the council in the interest. ol an economical and progreuive ndnninietratioun of civic af- lain. _ ON THE RIGHT TACK. The disposition of some conservative papers has been to ridicule the tariff com- mission, which leaves Ottawa this week for such a tour and enquiry as will afford the members of it the most reliable informa- tion on the tariff question. But the wis- dom cf this move is indicated by the atti- tude of the leading American statesmen on the same issue. In a speech made by Sena- tor Sherman, of Ohio, one 0! the loremost legislators and nanciers in the United States. and referred to in the Wm(i's telegraphic despatches. he ad- vises deliberation in tariff revision. Not only that, but he advises a tariff com mission. one that will ascertain the needs of the farmer, the mechanic. the laborer, the wage-earner generally. since the im- pression is wrong and must be remedied that protection is for the manufacturer only. That commission cannot be ap- pointed until the new administration has been organized, and a recess has been had in which to make enquiries. Will there be uncertainty meanwhile! Possibly there will be. but Senator Sherman's counsel is suchasthe president and his colleagues will not ignore. ran wnnuy nixsn wine a pan. OI columns, in puhlhhod oval ! Thuidi " "" at 01 I you. I! paid 11: advance; at 0I'\V|IO I1 . 1'ni"ai'.wxnxLv u vnbl!-h-d on 11- du and Thnrudnn st 01 5 you in sdvnmoo; Ac`:3ao'5'c`3'Zho paper 1. one or the but Job Olou In Canada; upld. ntrlilh Ind BIIOID work ; ulna Improved .D.OlPl0EiI-`SE. JOHN OFFORD ProD|'40'0| - Au!-um. on Hunter. vuuuliruvquuululnurtiv. n. Input! on 0a.. which baboon ....-...n.4l 1.. I|.....u._ I... ..... ...... -----7-, -.--.- v. --. a nnnungm, T1! Guru tor unlgonn osolnhr 82 np`Json1.onr v::10II1!I|` . lmunnu or Agency nnnounumonu an nub- kot to nllu rutrloon. Gout:-soc advonlun suovyod two ohnpqg` -- _.-_ F58/iillu nu:-E "K. " allowed to ohol ` I DO! Week; mom l mu ohsnnl must 0 mid lot. The I: or will not In nu :- nlbla {or mluun nun of vorbsl o 11. Written dlncelolu nhoul bo laced on all no for insertion. All ulvo laments an Ill 2 to tho App:-onl of tho publlnlur. for ndvortlumonu and subscrip- tlonn on unand payable in Advance. Oloon of nulnoo nud uuoohtlonn or Iooluloo will ho lul nononnlly nnpomlbln lot order: they llvo. an-ens. nu-rt or Down. PM In-V"-"-v . - 6 [nu `Inc. an: Lost. ll`1 d..*0|l!Id Pononnll. A!|0' tar u1o.uo., 1.. nor word in daily hm: Inhi- mmn"$I.c'1t?:o'I use. nu; MM Ya`: 5 t sooonvl . :r :2 o.oner:oI.t: for'2.:u'I`II.5nl!nII- ml|"`" nlunn-n In. A an '0 I.` VVUI` \. JJU I IIII'\aC3 \ IrO Directly oppmlu llnuoll Homo. hlh mud: to order; also your own good: In at nuonnhla nun. ..._.?_:. when 5' Win} `idvorduhout seoolnpalml. or on ooznneto for out 510 lines. llnlmtun ~ II I notice . Q gorsnglglor u .i.."1'in.a spoon no mod! for I M, b t .`JJ.'.'.'3'i':.' n' "?.?'.i`.":3?`n.2f3c. poi`:- rnhlu. " u or In!`-Mill ||.fiu*:"`;:: nnonnnungn so uh no I 1 |n'910||1|!_|_' bola they (in. lawn: to the lac! Births. I 50;; two! THE_ DAIPY WHIG. M and tits. b V D n-my ovonhuo'i'i?ill-llowll- &hIt|r :ot, `:0 : 0315.. M In nonuu rn nu, you In In advance othnwiulowmboolnrnd. OFPOV no ww' J" Bi :c$1:15o:3: Aulnhnt lanscot. `IILIPIIIIK. H - - - . ma.'a.':E`. .. - - - =33. ANNOUIEEMBN1`. T mwoo Inunuu now , " omunwool unnuumh brawl {amt In. u an by I now! IOIII. twelve lines ._4___ Household Economy. IIIIIIAI rrnn 'lnI\u main map` I Dentin. mu Insertion, mils. _ _ `_ _ .....u.`.u'..'; .n-.. .1 .n._h__ nu sum: u. an uncut nothing 1 non can anoint historic Indmon. Icuiltcubulhnlhnctlo. Anypu-Inn wlaohnuud Nu-viii Ibo glC0CI@!O.'0IHIOChVb:.O'IOi' Q Ipurw. In mnmry. am! by moo u-uamon. I Prouount. body. It cannot bo anything also without I Iurrendcu-`of an historic standards. I violation of in historic spirit, and Agnes indelity to in hiotorlc put. Without the out-ciao of prink judgment. and the validity ol tho noon of tho Indi- - aidnnl oouucioneu, tho Enpli-h church oouldnothavohoon. Whon it coats to boProhcu\nt., it will cone to re 0. the spirit, the convictions. and the lleory pl the English ruv--Proaot4nt. not in the narrow some oi the tum. u the oration or Ian]: ol I ptohu again ootuin idola- trou pnctisoo and oorhin ecclesiastical uurpuiono. but Pmusum in the unr- elon ofnllglon libort in harmony with oooluhwionlorrlor. otblnn ohownnon UK ljll IRIEIO OIUIUD. WBIOI IE not lorunlly donhd tho validity M In and Ito ulnou 0|-not church. with which it in almost. nodng in eun- non nu main: historic h-ndmmL" vu-. Iruv -nvvu-can-u us run: uncl- tT;I':(w'rOI|(|oo0l wit. ooc|uiuuon' order. I ho nnon clurly tho um-nifty oi Un- Itihunumannt In tho English (Stitch t attempt to that lronallnyupuhy vi or roooni`:l:u:>l mgnugzdounnounl and apgualllhg poopbupnuud t. noooozurniu olntohu. sud ..":. it Thanh on lndellnnhlo something about I woman`: hunt or bonnot that stump IH lonnhlo or not. We have all the Luv- oot clhh. French and American ut In In ul non {or full and winter won. on no Invited to inspect. thom. unuunu 0 nAnn| n nu PRIHURNI I-uuuvuuvu-Iuuu vuunvuu-g -ull IIIIIIIIK ID intoololoaynglhynnd communion with tho Roam tholio church. which hn nownnnlnllrnnllv knhl thnnlldltvnl point. : "Nochin hu been more incomprohonsi blo to into igenl 4-tudonta of the religious lilo of the English people than the vain lmampt of A small body of udvnncod churchmen and ritunlinta to make ch fundamentally l roueauint Church of En land. Catholic in the narrow bonus of word. The English church in. in has oltan aid of law. I froo bra Catholic church. but it in none the lens, in nplrit. in history. and by audition. Pmuount. bodv. It mnnnl In Anvthina Imna respect. mr menr arguments. " The Outlook (undenominntionnl) thinks that one reeult. of the pe'e decision will be to clear the min a of I great. many people with reepect. to the true eiliationa of the English church. It says on this point "Nochimr been more inmmnmhnmi. VOITI. " `This decision, and the grounds on which it is banned, as presented in the bull. cannot. be met. with a general end con- taemptumu assertion like bishop Potters As the pope says, it. is e question uf fact and of evidence: and hence his statemeiiun and his conclusions cannot. be overthrown except. by specific disproof. 0! course we shall not enner inm controversy. Every- body can read the bull and judge for him- Aell the strength 0! the papal case. But the Episcopnlinn theologians and historians must deal with the ueetion as prerisely nsthe pope does if V. ey expect to com- imnd respect. (or their nrgument.s."' Outlook lundenoininntinnnll Lhinh woulu oo jllllaly uencrloou In ioornoa. `Inc commission, as the pope says, `was cor` tninly not intended to deal with an ab- atract mm of things. but with napecic and concrete issue. It is as such that the bull denlu with it; and having thus sifted the evidence, the decision in. `that ordiua tiona curried out nccarding to this Angli- can rite are absolutoly null and utterly void.` uI|"I'|.. alnnginn Arno` Al... .._.......I. .... OP!|KIn,) Blyli "Every one who undertakes to write on Ancliean orders should know that Pope Paul Ill. could not possibly hue issued the dilpensetions ubove alleged after the aoceesion of Queen Mary, as he died in I549, four years before that event. The occupant of the papal chair at the seces- sion of Queen Mary was Pope Julius Ill., whose instructions to his spostolic legato to England, Cardinal Pole, issued March 8th. 1554. did not require the re-ordinstion oi those priest: and bishops who were or- dsined According to the Catholic rile, even after the schism of Henry VlII.. but did require the reordinntion of those ordained nccordin to the Edwnrdine ordinal. The letter of ope Leo .\'lII. goes minutely in- to the historical evidence, which is incon- trovertible on this point. It is amusing to nd Bishop Potter alleging `large ignor- ance on the subject in question of 3 man who has behind him not only s long life's study of this and kindred questions. but the irrefutable testimony oi the vnticen archives." As the New York Sun. surel_v an unbiased commentator, ssys : `No `large ignorance` is discernible in the loop review of the one made by the pope. I this bull were A lo sl opinion, it would be justly described es earned. The commission. as the none iuws. `mu reor- ant npisco I, new 1011;. In: llcl "Everyone now: that soon after the ac- cession to the English throne of queen Mary in l553,PuulIIl. iaauod dispensation: by which ecoloaiuticn, ordained under the reformed Anglican succession, were per- mittedto retain their rank and exercise their function without ro-ordination b the Roman rim." Referring to this on also Loan utterance of biaho Potter on the same subject, the Pilot( omnn Catholic, Bo:-:ton,) says: "Eve:-v one who undarmlmn tn writn nn Montreal Herald. The full text. olrthe pa I bull relating to Anglican order: has ten received in this country. In the judgment. of the pope. the Anglican ordinal. or form of or- dination, is fatally delocbive both in form and intention, and his judgment and that of his councillors is stated in A brief para- graph, M follows: Wherefore ecrictlv adhering in this grnpn, EH IOIIOWEI strictly adhering matter to the decree: of the pontiffs, our redecoasoru, and conrming them most ully, and. as it were, renewmg them by our Anthorit. . of our own motion and cer- Lein knowl go we pronounoo and declare that. ordinanions carried out. ncoordin to the Anglican rice have been and are n so- lutely null and utterly void." In in comment! on the decision. u re- xuwny nun ana uueny VOIG." decision, re- ceived by cable, The Churchmm (Protect.- ant Episco I, New York). bu said: "Evnrvnnn nnwn Lhnhnnnn Altar than an. Hm [Inn of China Omni- wW|n. and Glnuwnro. `nwno. Wooden III Oooklng OI-ooh coo. H003 Ilnrton [or dchool Supplies and School ulnitu. o I! IVIIAIII re : um nnmnnm-A The fact that the Imperial oil company s uhedsarelocateda hundred yards further to the north will not aifect their business. and it is important that the Queen City Co. should have the shipping advantages, by rail and water, on which it is guring. It's not the limits question that will affect the competition between the companies. but the article they sell and the price it sells at. It's toaecure the option of more businees.and an alternating business. e business inuenced and en- livened by competition. that the WHII: supports the Queen City oil company : application foralavorable site and hopes it may succeed. The Text of the Plpll Bull on the Hulnjdot _.l`.n-nun-nil nf Jnn I-nnln. has been adduced ooting, in dieouulon lffumll to was-um. the city in rejecting the epplioiifon of the Queen City oil corn- pony. So for nothing hoe been pro- duced to Iliow tho: table company should not. receive every enoouregement to come to the city and do business in it. So for nothing has been laid on show tint. the by-luv ehould not be Amended Ind the re limits oontrocted. Ieeing that other men have modied their regulntione with- ouz (Yak or donger. (1:-nnfgoi that khnon In n nntll-inn in `Ann! U vwvu lvuvvvul. yuunu vyuuvu . The Wmu baa taken eome pains to se- certain the mind of the peopl, and thoee who understand the situation are very em- phatic in declaring that the Queen City oil company should have every facility to lo- oatn here and do all the buslneee it can. 9-up..u..n_v,, u UIIU II.` III llulrl u ' Gnntad thnt. than in I petition in favor o! the present oil limih, signed by deals:-I. nu-gmunnhlu :n tho int ;-Ant-. A . Oh; Tasha :-in` In vuv ylwuuuu vn uuuu-, -|`uUu u uw-Ivar. presumably in she inthrut. at tho Inindrinl company, that shout the oountar position which has been largely signed and which indicates than the aforesaid denier: have not been reflecting public opinion? A Inn." 1... 5.1.-.. -nvu|A uni... 5.-. ... ANGLICAN ORDERS. Iupuploupluuou III the nu olnrohu. um it nnlndnnnd annnnnhn with DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19. lam; Dr. l'o1Flur o lune: at mid oun- guacuudbnhng dyQhry.I=u.= s. c."E?i'XiiLs, I :.".'. .:"':':"..."'.:`su""."`n?.`.uTa."2" "" u I n; In many {nu-I. {'boocuhm-olhlnnu-Inpvu mum only to 1 low. Hhmlphuro covoryinon so but and in much talk. Moounhonyu: "Yon gotholrhovntbolntboxol Dead` Kid noylaond I hvohhon llluaionn. lknsnuinahuuovu-v dnv. WI:-nl .`..'.`."".......a"""'i'..7.":.`z".7.I"3n'u'r'.', ........"""' ', mnlau utluagnndvclluovotinny I W` rut -up. cum. Ohio. Nov. I2. -11-; lullaby II wlllbqj'l|l'I.0uo -Au vnhvlnunounlnuln-`A.- Rovivnl union will 0 It At Woodbnrn on the lmh instead of I, llth. Many of hi: old lrionda hoard W. Pimlou h on Sunday Int. Ilia: Katie And . Ghnn. Wuhbnrn, upon! Sunday at J. |lArtin'I: Min V. Fnnklin vidud at her hhat I. Chas. Thompson. Woodburn. drop! down our way oocuionnlly. Iii` I Clvy rllll. Annnm. Nov. II. (Spocinl)-A his man insimcu Honda it bu -Em known here that Mr. J. C. Iotrhon Ind ..-.I...n. Mann 'A"`n. In MM '19 august Iolpod by tho VIII! IoC-0oIII Not LI! rm; Poundo-viral by 3 law Diana 0! our: Ildnoy Plllo. A..-.-n- II... n :n.....1-n A_... LA. was at. man nor nuaoanu a ooueaguo usov. Mr. Mil`er and others "No. No.") Speeches won than made by John Harding, John Davis. John Parke. Mr. Iillcr and Mr. Johnston. All joined in"'Sha|| We (lather at. the Rivar." and um nartv nl Mr. aonnnwn. an j0ll|OII In "annu W0 (lather At. the River," and the fnrty ol gilta, gold. lrnnlinconoo and Inrth wu clued. OIIIIYI IIIIQI to Inomna. D014] only 01 NewYork Dress Reform,{,'2,{"g:'_' A In- -n-- Ill IIIYIDH _'nA.A mra. Jonnawn prononwu new wim n purse --the gift of her friends in the circuit. Mn. Johnston expressed great. pleasure It the good feelings enhrtcinod for them by their plrinhioners, but. she thought. she on ht not. to accept. all the purse but di- vi 9 it. with her husband`: colleague (Rev. Mr. Mil`ar No. No."l monuny evening. l it.t.oburg circuit. held a very successful quarterly meeting last. week. The uuswnrda report collections ouy. Zion church had A clear sheet. for Augunt. quer- tcr and will do the name this Limo. W. .l. Franklin mid J. Hordon are appoint.- ed agnin M stewards. On Monda even- lnga large crowd came to visit. r. nud Mrs. .-lolinnbon. each one bringing some- Lhing uaeful. Many lent. word they were coming later. They filled the grnin boxes. collar and pantry. and than on down to I aocinble evening while the ladies opened the bulsoui and passed the coffee llld cake. Evoryone-Met.hodint., Pne- byterinn, etac,-conI.i-ibumd to the suc- cen `ind ha `nose of the evening, After lunch h: n served the recording steward took the choir. and uallinu for Armor mncn nnu neon aorvea one rooormng chair. calling for Mrs. Johnston proaontod her iith purse um. the circuit. "'l0I'|dly ITNIDCH ICTIUOI IOCHDHI LVO. 5 Int) No. 9 recentl on ll Mi - jhppyrfer without nutriidl,-.' lmo nllrlltqthey did gain they seem delermin to keep and not run risks by further encounlerl. Itil generally cuetomnry in A contest of this nature to play a friendly time In return. Olcoure the so-called A eohool in the township (at lonnt so termed by one vitally unteret-ted in Joyceville school. in lint weck s Woodburn Went notes) he: not the slightest fear! Why then the reluul.` However, it is rather late In the eeeuon to discuss foutbnll, for if the wow doeon't noon bury the "hatchet" it _ will at Any `rule entomb the 'bell. \'n-iting brethren from Hunbuty, Bnttoraen. Bnrrielleld and other point: in conjunction with Imml members held 1 meeting at our Orange lodge on Mondny Inst. Four members took the nrnh de- gree nnd, judging b the length of the meeting, they must two (one through the mill and grndunutd with ying honore. 'l`he mljority oflooal farmers are glad out wheel dollars nrenot to come in fuhion. nt least not just yet. Mine Lottie and Edger Pimlott renewed old ncqueiutenoee at the donation party 1!. the pnmonnge on Monday evening. Pituburu verv nucceuful tiie viiiage on aunoay. Ei.ii Mll.I.S, Nov. 9. --Farmers are all bu:-iy with their fall ploughing. Husking bees are the order of the nights now. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson have returned from Kingston where they have been attending the funeral of his brother, Jose h. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deloiig spent iiturdsy and Sunday with friends here. l\' Corn Wiltze spent Bunda the uest I Miss Edith Bates. Our gone 0 Tem r.ince just started here promises, with t e pre- sent stall` of officers. to be ii suooess. Sun- day school has closed aftera protable sea- son's work. Miss Essie Steacy, who has been very sick. is IL nin able to ride out. A visitor at W. H. wson s: B boy. Miss M. German. who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. Woolf, has returned to her home at Belleville. Byron and Giant Hiillidiiy, of E1 in, are visiting at their uncle's, Wm. ooll`. R. Eaton, Lynd- hurst. passed through here to-day on his way through the eastern counties in the interest ol the Bonnet churn company. A. Johnson has been engaged as butter maker in our factory for the coming ear. Cl`|l|iZ.\'l).\l.l.. Nov. l0. - he primer coating of frost appearing on mother earth these cool crisp mornings iii soon dissolved by the permeating rays of old Sol..but still it stays long enough to remind us of more to follow. Our cheese factory ceases turn- ing out the solidied product of the bovine" on the l3th inst. Many of the piitrons will likely dispose of their milk at the dairy suliool. A fair quota of our tillers of the soil attended the ploughing match lm-t week. Several olforts have been made _ to induce Joycoville school to return the friendly match school sections No. 8 and No. receiitlv oiwiiivod. in: but so far out on Dan unm ran assures. MILFORD, Nov. 11. -Arthur Dodge visited friends in Kin ton last wees. Miss Ella Carr, Cherry `alley. was the guest of Miss Ethel Vsnoe last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cole. of Main Duclrs, have been visiting friends here. Mrs. Wilmer has returned from Collins Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Em y. of Pioton. were nests of Mr. and re. H. Em y recent . Rev. Mr. Anderson, Point raverse. wi l reach a missionary sermon in the Met odist church on Sunday evenin . J. Graham, Picton. was in the vi Age on Mon- day. Miss Marietta Tonkin spent Sunday at her home. Mr. Morden. of Picton, will address the E worth league in the Methodist church on onday evening. Division court was held here last Saturday. Mrs. E. Love is (nice ill. The parlor social at H. Ostran er : last Friday even- ing was fairly well attended considering tne st-oi-my time. Miss Lillie Clark a nt Sunday at her home. Messrs. Rel . of Trenton. German and Welbnnlrs. of King- ston. Carter, of Northport. Davis, of Napunee. were guests at the Central last week. Mr. Chitley. ol Ureenbush, was in the village Sunday. ELI! MILLS. il.--F`armers man A. ammo, lure. 1.. r. vvem. mien nu. Shields; secrete . Sydney B-One; tree- Iuror, Demon Foyd. Lewis J. Switzer and Mice Alma Jackson. both of Enter- prise, were united in murin. on Wednes- day. Nov. 4th, by Rev. J. . Le . B.A. The trial of young Cocklin was in nl here on Monday lasts. Evidence was strong enough to send him to jail. bub he was let out. bail until fell nseiue. Mum... M... II _ A..u....- no.1... u `lldlngn rm-A Vu-Iou Point! in But- on ontu-lo-WhnI Pooplo An Doing and What They Are layIn3-'l'ho Inns: of Intense to all Olnuon. TAIWOITE. Nov. l0.-'l'hore was I very enthusiastic And well amended meeting of the oung pgnplo of the Methodiot church on ridnv ovonimr Inc. The nnrnoso was me pgbplb or we Memoauu omn-on ridey evening purpose the n-orgeniution of the Epworth league. Over thirty geve in their name! ll mem- bere. A very enooureging feature In the has that I number 0! young men have joined and norm of them were Appointed to oicee. There it promise now of a large society And A good work. No better choice could pouibly have been mode of oflloere. They are u followlz Honour preeidenb. Rev. J. G. Lewin; preeident. re. D. E. 12.`... ..i... ......m...s. u;..l:! Aul..-.-no.1. WHAT OUR OORRESPONDENT8 HAVE TO TELL US. Removed . . . (1.4 -.....- 5. .. ....a u...... Iney rouovn: uonorcr pnuaenu. Rose; vice-pruidenga. Miu E. Aylosworth, Miss A. Smith, Mrs. L. P. Wells. Miss M. Shields: mcrnmrv. Rvdnov Rune: tn-an. [ms mom oun masons] A MARVELLOU8 CURE. WT". [Klan Nan I0 _Il-n fil OI I-II IIIW WONG nanpuu I0 llvll ` growth. The Hessian It bun csllod from the fact that II. III bronlht to this conntryin straw. and In 1170. `thou the Houlan cavalry was Imported to ght the Ameri- can; It undo In Int. lppOI!'IlI0O on Staten Inland. near the usable: of the I-{tutu troops. and noon traveled over Connecticut. Ipnullng throughout Ncw England and the want. at an Into of I) mlln I want. Jul`- Thu um tempo!-Inca Iocloty in the Unlmd sum in: organised in Snntogu, N. Y. in 1&3 Cnrrllnnl Rlchollouiu said to ban boon the nut chocolate drinker of any fume, and to IIIVO not. the fashion ol unlng It. Th: unano nnnn inn Inlnntlnnnll (nun -Illl UUIIIVU Xi |4llU IXIIIUII UI IIIIII` II The sugar cane waa Introduced lnto Amarloa aoon afar tho dlaoovory, and Its cultlvatlou rapidly apraad over all those nan: of tin nan Iorlrl arlnnhd in In I-ngllnu um min I you. IIVIIOII Io IIIIDGGI cnom. IIANNAY & HAROLD, For lull Levon. To unto milk dlpoublo all that In noon-nary In In mm It wall. and to me It clowly. emu Ibo milk vlolouly for n towmlnuun Inn nova-M (able; and then drink Immodlnhly. but not Iutlly. hum-I II Ma tlno Io any-u-no again. Alnr nhntllug for cone beam. at. for lacuna. slloiqy milk In donon In way In howl. Ibo rcrhctly hcnognoom uohthuenlnonon thooowhnapqw a0d.mby Ibo thing (tho onul fnnlhogmonn or Many nut. and Inn by the undue; In divldolno why no end. Although-IN: mu pt-can la plvcupblo only In uoulhg am. no IIIII ndu-you ouch combs! chap: an Ilchoald nlwcyl In nial Ilhv-0 CI-lulu II. also It in tin qnlh van hon Ibo cow. ' . Regular hnblu, proper food, and long hours of sloop no necesuury conditions to a healthy lninnt. The three prime es.-wu- mum the nursery are fresh nlr, gmxl food and pure wnLer.-N. Y. Ledger. IUI XVIIKIUI Ian-I wuuuvlu Ill Running." The rst. rollgloun journal in this conn- try wu the Recorder an Chlllioozho. 0., in 1814. m|._ n__s .-_._-__-.. ___l-a_ A- .|., Miorc lnfnnw lives are uckon by over` feeding thin by |t.arvM.lon; never llkun an infant; dlguuon or (Hot. to your DWI]. Cholera Inhntum would be 0! rare occurrence If proper nttentlon was always given to the quality and quantity 0! the food. ` The Ansyl-Inns l-It Introduced the heel for uocul-Icy and comfort. Iu wulkIng.- ` "I'M. u-0 I-nliulnuu Inn:-nnl In this nnnn uni will uunu yluvu unIIl.'I'UIAB. Do not feed the baby bouause she cries; this mny beduo to pain, and II. is harmful to M1 an Int|nl.'n stomach at such H L I me. A_. I..n-... 1- _ ___-..._,_ ,,: n,,n,x. , I LIIIIU An lnfnnz In I cronluru of habit. and usually rupouda to the Wlsh of the mother. I! the mother Inn urdorlu her will. 11..-- l_D_..A_I 1:--- __._._|.-_. n_. ,,, J ID! IL . Plalu. boiled Inter. given between feed- lngu. will often nld the dlgeution, and nullify the child when restless. \.'-vn- null 11 haul- ..l....I.. Inn. ........ IUIIVIIIJ IIIU \4lIIIlI WIIUII lCU|Il'HH- Nevar put 3 bottle nlpplo Into your IIIOIIUIIIMI then lulu the baby ; mouun; Lhlu wlll oluu prove dangerous. Mn nno lnul oh. huh L-nun..- ..|.- ......... The Bee__ lI_ive_ An infant`: thirst In not quenched by mllk; It need: clam water to drink wmr nauulurlty. Dlnh. hnllul -mo-- nlnnn h.o...--.. I--.I_ Inlnv ulv uuuv VI 3 uul uululltulllhy. Ba good A minute at n Mme and you on I ulwuyl be no. Borrowed trouble 1 working capital. A IInvvLHnIt and A nnonunlllnn man. .. A wo.od-tick and I caterpillar make u I poor bed. I V IIlUIIl|4 ylI$\ElIIIII- Unless you are I little better than your neighbors you are not. doing Anything to raise the tune of your community. Rn annll A mlnnhn A! n lhnn Antl rm: [Inn VVIIUII IIU LIIIIIIJ IVUIJI LU UIILUII IJIH UI'UI|4Il. He who would live for himself nloue should live Alone by himsell. LN: Innilrnnnn nnlnnlnfnn amt -In}. Dllllllllnl IIVI IIUMH U lllllI80|l. Life Insurance companies get. rich. though much at their bunlneulusdud loss. D"... 1.... -s....x-.. ..__ -... _|._....._ n, luau. Even hear stories are not always the naked truth. \n... ......r. |...-. `L- J.... :.___u. .._.n_- uunul III uul. You cnn c hurt. the day break or the night. tall. Everybody hua right to live right. Be good And you will be Iumelonbly great. What. mnnhl Lvnnr nunluun luv n||.\I|O Aw - -Uounolonco In A private decoctlh and a vigilant poqcemln. you 1-our Ills XIVIUU ll-V I:I.IllU|.I WI 'IVU- Gear your thoughts high enough so that each revolutlon will put. you ahead in the world. |l.'|.(I- A)... ...|..._ 1.1:... :___L._ .., .-n, "'!`55.'?F`.'?._9?`.FT.- Wvl Au. While the other fellow lnnlntn on tllk- lug. you can. If you are wise. think up a knockout. argument. to spring on mm when he nally stop: to catch his breath. Ha uhn uvnnlrl hr. (nu |.inu.-I0nIn..- no unuu: nuqtguy uluuuuu Ul IIIIU aplueruul. The mum: of tho clove is derived from a Latin word. signifying little nail. It is I remarkable {nu}. that in every civilized language the name of the clove has this aignicatiou. 'l`hn nlII.rnAn n-an I--n all-6-lknnul nll lUI' lI|IUl'UD\JU}lIU ELuIIu.`4IUu- Afar being peeled from the tree the clnuamon bark is pllul In heaps in order than It may ferment. and thus enable it to be more regqlly cleaned of the epidermis. 'I`hn nnmn nf thn nlnvn In Au-luul frnrn II.uA uuuuuu. The nutmeg troo wu dlltribuwd all our the Eat. by the nutmeg pigeon, this bird being fond of the fruit and tuna- portlng the seed to many qunrtora when the plant. Look root. and grow. ! HII UWUIIUFI III DIIII UUUHWTY. Oil of clovee in an exceedingly veluebr adjunct. to the microeoopiet, being used to render trausperent. slice: of nninml tiuue for microscopic examination. Altar hnlnn nnalul from um rm. 0).. The luvyer and doctor are fond of alv- iug ldVi0Q auo much perglva. flnnr wnnr Ihnun)-Pu hlah nun-uph an 0|.-n nuur uni luau I.uI' ulll purpole. During the Middle Ages, In Italy.SpAln and Southcrn Fnnoe. nun]: of the city house: won lnquelnly paid in whole or in part. with pepper. 'I`|un Marv-Inn nf lkn nnnnnp ilnn n-Ann An Ill yum: VVII`ll pl-yyvl u The berries of the pepper vlne grow on It splko. In this respect closely resembling the berries of the ordinary poke. familiar to all dwellers in this country. (HI nl nlnvnn In An nynnnrllnnlu v-lunhr` VA: VI uuluuluu. In medical practice smp|I_ doses of nut- meg an regarded as a stimulant. large dose: at I narcotic. It. In someunnqn used as a substitute for opl um. Danna! was wall Dunn-In in 1%.`. hainn ' "III! umerence uuwuu DIIOK um wmw ginger In in the retention or removal of the du-k-oolored epidermis. The two kind: are from the name root. r1_...._.I ..l....-........ 3...- I.---. -.a..u.....;-a `av:-nu unu -v-u-u--V u----...3- ahotlnn uuurontood. Ladle: (`Ill and uunuslvon. french perfection nyntom I gr; Ian: I no of ohnrgo {or the nonglnqrmqnth. `III? ICU IIUIII LHU UKLIIU I'UUl- Ground cinnamon has been ndullerated with many foreign Iubuuncee. but gener- erelly Indian meal. when our and pen our no need !or this purpose. nun-inn tlm MIA-Idln Ann: In H.-Iv Ru-uln Meoe in the covering of the nutmeg eeed. After the fruit he been removed the mace dries eroud the need end in enbeeqnentiy taken o. White pepper in the nine u the bleak. with the exception that the outer dark cont 6! the berry he been removed. The white pepper ieoke mneh oi the punzenoy of the bleak. 1.. n.:.-__.s.-.. l_ _ n_,n,. .L-. ___. II in IlOVUl'Ill.s Interior cinnamon bark and the broken pieces are all withheld from commerce and scored for the purpose ol making the oil of cinnamon. In .-..Al..-I ._..--u-- _..__n .I__-- -4 _._. U H IIIIKIIIIIUIIU IUI' Upl ""1- Pepper was well known in lbnea. being brought there In lnrge quantities from the Eutln exchange for the products of the Roman Empire. . vm...nn........ run... 5.1.. ....a -5. UL UIIU Illlju In Gonmhy than is -I ballet thut nut,- megs nidin the digestion of cabbage And cauliower, hence this Iploo In otcen used as a nuorlng. Inlay-(tn nlnnnlnnn Inn-Ir mm! on. I..mI._.. Aonrlou pnportyol (Inger whoa land as I Iuhnmuu for alcohol to tho not an it unto: us victim: Idiotic hofou canning dumb. I UUIIIII. Thu red pepper plant may be null: grown In all part: of the world, A: well In the mnpcnco and north tnmponu no as In the tmplos. " Cinnamon trees hogln to but In :11 or novon you-3, undfng forth at that than nhootu thus an bu spud and quite III`. for poellnx. `lung In tho nnvnrlnn n! 9).. nntmgn -4.] l'Ulll:. What. would your mother my about ` U ` nululu nuuyue. The dlerence bwlu blunt and white wlnanr In In Ihn ru.n!II.|nn nr I-nnunvnl nf CLEANED FROM HISTORY. 301%! uunl\7on. II. comin month. alto (tom the neck to the foot. L: In have you dnuhun lnm. uuuu rlplmy Ipnnu over Ill mono ` of the IMF world ndnpud to In th. NURSERY HYGIENE. common encia DRIFT WOOD- in CD0 RG05 CV01` WCIXP. notlloop. "lhulhton nmnomu numodlor my ulicuon. but obhlnduo mid. lhuu-dotronarhbloounuolaob odb Dpnn'oKSd Pilhuudptoourdn ho: llolaollfn don. Front) oommovocounntf n gunn- IH. nditaothuuhtopflhlvu nothunbanublnogoton dlhhoun lnthonontunnvuchu. Inn-an--I-lcnnnnd A-nnndnm work . Everybody also nloepl but he has to work. All kind! of weather nd: him M. hispou. and honuon oan fmm thoro- nnlt of exposure. This uh! the font. in mom. can 0! hidno trouble. - Ylulnnv Itnuhln I 0; Lin infill -valn, luunoy woumo Am-cu an uncut lyiwu. Can it ho 0'I|l.l:dj W `ch Road Ir ouaph Kronor. In - mu: at the opus homo, nnton. Out... Inn to any of his oxpwionco. H0 in Idl- lnovm in Kingston II I ropohblo Nun. who null nmomlnn the pulmy days ol Sir John Mwdomldh time. In tpuling touonr ropnoonuuvo Ilr. Waggoner .u||l:|\..- ha... hnnldul -`id: Iltlnnv nam- d : M"! hr-vs been tvooblod with lnoy oom- int. nrngnslnan yuan. I Inbred cprttsmo yuttiuznh-onplnintho back. My nut wu oonunlully luvhn at night by n lroqnont chain to urinate. and I had hgdlnplo oon lhotloollll noubq L I-nmh rs: "I hul him nn-Inna: UIIIII Inn Drowned. CUIJIOIINI. On!:.. Nov. 12--\'esUerdn_y Archibald Cunpbell, I well-known ruin declor, who has omool in Toronto. to I off oh- unlxnu-I Innrn nn.I man duxunnrl A In: OIIE neck 0.01 you dnughun RVDNh deuor, who has omou Ill `roronw. Ian on the wharf here and Inn drowned. He was one o! the wealthiest. men of the district. Ihot By A Flljltlvo. WI.\'slI'lcu, Nov. l`2.--Word has just ar- rived from the want. that George Wilde. of the northwest mounted police force. while pursuing an Indinn fugitive named Char- coal, wu shot. dead by him. Grout nym- path in felt. over the loan of such n good mom r of the fame. A Dlvlno Injured. Turmr~'1`u, Nov. ll.-Re\'. l)r. Alexander Sutherland, gonnrnl secretary of the Math- odist. missions. was iwhod out. of I buggy at. Clifton Springs, .Y. . this morning and rendered unconscious. Fortunntol he wu not seriously injured and wi I be around in a day or two. Mr. Suthorlnnd was at the Springs for his honlth. mu 0! the mgmv nu u-us n nun-unu- Nmi 0l(l.|-'.A.\.N', l.a.. Nov. l`2.-JImu l\liclmul, the Welch rider. broke the raven mile American record in this city yester- day on the new cement. track. Paced and winli a ying start. he covomd the distance in thirteen minutes nine aocond_a. breaking the boat. previous record by one second. Michael also went. ngninnl. the tan mile record. but owing to wind and rain he was unnm-ceanful in lowering it-. A Print Kldnspped. l.oNno.\'..Nov. l2.--The bishop ol Mul- borough, pveeidin st the bible society meeting on Sun ay. made :1 statement to the eecb that an eminent Roman Cethoiic prieemwho hod been int.rn.ted with impor- tant missions by the pope. cum to London nnd asked him (the bishop) to pro are him for conversion to the Church of mglnnd. l)ireccly the prepnmbion was completed. the priest wns kidnapped snd wee taken back to France, where he is still kept un- der restraint. The papers demand that the bishop shall give further details of this remarlmble case. IIIIIIIIIIJIII nInI.I'I'l|uI l'lIlI bur! hlvur Oomplnlnt. one I bout. Them puroly vegetable pills have lor ten years proved to thousands of sullerera that they have no equal as as remedy for liver complaint. They not upon the liver in :1 mild yet. very thorough mnnner. relieving congeatiml and removing obstruction!-. Try llami|l.on'a l i|ln of Mmulmke uml Butternut, the yrem. fmnily remedy. All dealers sell them. n In nu nrluln Uuluu I-0 VA.wui'\'n:n, B.C., Nov. ll -Some ore brought. down from thecoeet north of Van- couvor end assayed for zold end eilver has been pronounced by the eseayer to be tin ore. Himaelf I Cornish men. the ueeyer compamd the ore with eemplee he hurl` from the Dnlcoeth mine in Cornwall, end found them to be identical in oheraoter. end he is satisfied that n depoait of tin are ha: been discovered. How large the de- Eoeit in will not he known until the ground as been more fully proepected. u the discoverer, being i norent of the nature of the minerul foun , did not inveeti Ate closely until he had the sample ueeye. D0 0 y. Csn we afford to waste time in bewsilin hard times. when times are easy on us; an treat us flu` better than we deserve. Let us put aside ugly tempers; look toward the sun; smile at. the shadow; all sunshine makes the desert; W: A pretty world. senor;" enjoy its beauties, let us boriow no trouble. shed li ht. on our neighbors; quit. us like men, an times will seem better. enrunu ul ; we wont II ; to our 001 [more ecroee our smooth lewne or thmug our plete glue windowe; we green it ee we reed our evening peperl, our plentiful magezinee and our coetly libreriee; we dreem of itin our soft and epringy bode, while our coel-fed fumeoe keepe the whole houeewermzwe wonder eboutltin our well- equipped otllcee. ehout it through our tele- phones, ring the change: on it an we eend telegrams end teke expensive summer out- inge. We meet in our political, eociel, literery end burineee conventione, and ring the changes upon it while we ere e ding freely upon railroadu, hotel: end p eoee of emueement. And et. in theee day: we do not know what erd timee are. Many in bueineee men know: of n time within hie remembrance-end he ie no petrierch-when ell exchange wee by her tor; there wee no oeeh payment beoauee there wee nothin to pey with. Among the beet end rlc eat lemiliee (end there were many who thought themlelvee well- to-do) beef eteek wee e once e week vie- itor; a round of beef was e luxury; 0 etere were an unheerd-of deinty; corn reed wee the usual, wheat the rare food; the cheepeet pipe tobecoo wine a diseipetion; cold bed-rooms. aoenty wood flree, wooleey end oelico were in the houee; a weekly paper was en extrevegence. end served eeverel familiee; ten booke male e good. fair library; bode were elntted or oorded; reg carpets were acce- eionel, ingrain ecnrce. end Brueeele e tre- dition; the sole vncation wee a ride to the annual picnic in the one horee ehey. Men worked from 5 e.m. to '7 p.m., (the aristo- cmte ehortenod the time by two hours) and the women worked etull hours. And yet it is doubtful if there wee in than timee euch n univereel spirit of unrest and discontent. euch a concert of growling ee to day. (`Am we elfnrd tn -um time; in hmvailina `II Klnl FIE J. McLAUGllI.IN S, wnue we eeu neereteek es, twelve oenu e pound. oyetere at fty cenge e quart, Ind three kinda of breed as the tune meel ; we ehoutlt while we emote oi are. three for equerter ; we think in win we etretch our comfortable leg: on Bnmele eerpet, before; bluin grate. with well groom- ed boye an expemively clad me around us : we about it to neiih re ecroee our nmnnrh In-nu m- shun... .. . mow want and time: no I We ting it. while In on boohtuk twelve nonnd. outer: Ar. mm mm. . M... ....a A nightnvnchrnnn hn uncomfortable work. Mu: Ul unyuvuuv. guru wuuuuu vuv -mu. -u nest Iidneicu-oublo. u Kidney brouhlo I an the ontin -nun. ; kn it. ho (mud? ` now lenere Go with e Greet Inn: of u -A contra} with Ian; Den. And let What I Ooneert of Orowllng we do leel--'l`he Need of the lien. Somebody has revived on old eong.popn- let year: ago in perlor and concert hell, celled "Herd I.imen,Come Agein no More." Weill sing it, we all hope it, him do we know when hard time: X We sing whileweeot ez ----"\-.-__.:---r-- [no WE FEi3L_Iig\1lD mes vi As we ENJOY use wrru MANY :1 Ann . ......_.__ MAVNY LUXURIES. ;":_'|ww':ifu"EIiIi"IFi:'Tu| lJ""A~-.- BE`? '97 We-"_.-I or plu your mu one- W. J. BRYSON, n-A_--_ n_n........- ` | cIgcr_ mug, wmc_ rrcss_c_s,| B. H. Camovsky, I'D! `III 531" III UI-If OI IIXIIOIUG and mmaua Omicron. Ooo In 0191 Mini Klnnton. Bowl. I Blumnnt. n at Manon hon ll 1.-. noon on Tuudnn, Inlay: and In ; nogoollafhtv. 1Il!d:n,dlnI't::. `Irv. J. no n I not 3 N lIooII`0II..'F`dI)l, 1| . magma: oonldonllllll `lbloi W tgoco who Ilodn I ohlld bf In Madly oonnnhuo! V __ NIONTR B A L Tho cunt and largest unche- turcn It Vanish lfcanln. ' 9m.!4r.=_n: JISL -.$9!s!v.l for the Rescue and can ox Nocloctod and lntnnhd amen; I Oils. hmus mmurc so |J_a_P_a "85? Cl:`- 'lsn`t this just.vvhat you%: been Paints, Varnish, ' win then who olodn oonnnhu One Hundred of the very choicest and latest London designs to be had only at In. from Mar Mniestym Comulll at Hunllln to the Net-t. that -lmlem has been racing fanrfully. Ind that the only IIEIRIIV of an uervh-e wan (`.uI.nnum'NIc.-Hoe Lulwuf. Inf lianamber. INC. CAUTIO -BEWARE OF PIRACY AND lMlTA l`l()NH. CAI'Tl()N-Vloe-Chnnnollnr Mr W. Page Wood uQ.nt.onl that UK. J. CnI.l.III Bnnwnl Wu nmloumeully the Inventor of C1IL0l(Ul!\`N|t; that the whnln story of tho` dofendnnt Fnomln wnu deHburutely untrue. which he rogronod to my had been sworn t-u..-Heo 'I'lmon,JnIy 13, Hill. "Dr. J. (`olHn llrnwluu Chlorod no" on the Onvornmom. Snunp. Overwhelming Iodlull To-omony l\\"U()lI`||)l|llh!N ouch butt 0. Hour. Muur.u:1'UnIII--I. T. DAVENPORT. aoumu. Russell M... Bloomsbury. l.onIon.I ng 3 NEW CASES OF ;..1'lANTLES... FOR SATURDAY. McKEj_yg-;jY & BIRCH i:TSZW:.. bHLORODYNE- RICHMOND 603 houses. all kinds ol psi`: 35 :.!:.':.'...'::..".."".....- W "- --- ,.f_- 11 VI IIVUVUI Crose a Blackwell. Li`d.. London ; and Export Ollmen generally. Sold Wholesale by the Proprietor: Wnrnantnr 2 u LEA Mill PERKINS 16 toao Nazareth Street. ~ou'rnn:n;: wanppnn of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL YVORCESTERSHIRE AGENTS : J. _Mu Dough: & Co. And Urquhart & Co.. Montreal. lnlnlutuor ol lnhor Dunonuous. Am-ms Wood Floors. Iouun. Orlllco Inn-ulna. Upholuhrlu and (Run! IIII Work. Flinn ml any-. nbnllbl. laotormloaldlcuul -0 Jlncmo. Ronni. A. n"Aff' RITAII. IVIRYWHIRI. ..i___.... -.... ..........;._.__v._..: . DR. J. coL.|..| BRO\NNE S y medinlna no oimnclnnn an an Antl-upuummlin and Healntlve. I have nxerl It. In (`on- n. A.-cthmn. Dlnrrhum. and other Iiuammn : and um wrfewtly untlnnvl win: the rouult." `I Rusecell r-ommunh-.ntod to HIQCOUI1 e 0! Phynlv nu that he rooelveul n donpltoh r MMesty`n(`m1u\|| Mnnllln the c act. that -hulem hnu fenrfully, nnd l|1~nember.lUM. lMlT.\'l`l()NH. H From W. Veomliun Petuurow, M.I)., fnrnmrly Lo` `noun llospltul,Lnndun--l have no hbulmtinn in arming V v merliulne elmncinun Antl-upuumnulin and n. wrftwy mu 1 I the Lollmre l hvnh~ am: that h ` THE ORIGINAL AND ON LY GENUINE CHLORODYNE 2.'.:3.'I.`;ftiw`. ut.'?..e`1'.,`i.'f.;?.J`m`.di:,.f3`:..'`?' '"' gr 13:`: Roiv:l..nAn;ll:ym|:f:own fur Coughs. Conuumptlol ouotuall (`banks and arronrn thong too often (uh? dhoeueu: lphthorin. Fever. Group. Agni. not: like A harm in `lilifirhtnn And In the only wool- u in Cholera IIIIII l)ynent.ery. CHLORODYNE5{!.`:`if.`;1L{..`I.f`.I`:?.:3:?.2f..'S.l..:.t" ' """' "* In Hm only pullhnivn In Neurnluln. Rhaumntllm, Gout, (humor. 'l"u)t.lm(`h. Monlmtis, ctr. FOR SALE BY I. ll.. In. M., In. M..1\nd 11:. each. None in genuine without the wold: n'u Chlorod Iullull :4 69 d 71 BROOK STREET. I M.l)., fnrnnu-lg l.e(-mrnr at (it. (hollow hnvg hbnH_uMnn ntnhnu that I have never mot -vpnuvuv Q-I-ntj Wuilfll Z |tuesoAv. Novena mu. Pn-nAnn AI Injjonn A-In: hold mrmuuo, cm. W. 6. Frost, Carriage Painter. than -tract. next to Eloch-it-. Car Hhed. launch`: `non. PI-lions u.. nun. v noon-xnmco. nlnxnnr unl- nno. manna n. n . 000.. Ihonhly unit. InnIvII1I Innis-ullnn AA-nnnnl --QL. IS-u IIUIUl XXI`. Inlvunl Invnoihl. Mn-at 3&- ob htulnhlhnolul. luundnnudllllnnlnhlmnllct villain IIMESIONE cm BUSINESS COLLEGE. . III Ituuuu with I-U IJIIIX UGQI CI . lII|e.(II| IIId). hull mm o! Unlvonlty crndutu. India In lolhomouou and Pronoh. no who-at and dultun ol homo combined with no high- on mental tnlnlnn. Hnnln Inn-unnun I. ..n._. -1 .AA...L. Cl IIOIIBII IPIIIIIIII. lulu Dopntlnont In ohm-[0 ol -Ouch llnnnond. Igq., Inn. Duo. Olllupnu Ian inch: low-In IUD. for loan. uo.. only to ((N|df0iio;v'I Blnnk)oror1. Princess and nial hum ..n .e. I to an nblo. nmhmmu and nudloun you man who wlllqh-9 part of Mn Mme during term. Apply pononnlly at tho ]Kingspcq Ladiespollege, l._ ..:$_1~.<.?.-15."-. >~*- ._ _ -u..--.._ _. I VI.-wvn I . HVIIJII-Isl! IVI hpquhuuslunnmluluhco. menu Ilium not lnnnnl n A Buslncgs or shorthand Education Free whee !s!u|?921!>!_. J.iPaIII.B5hhcnnn-ct. OF ARI. B333 01 _ 'um...' 'au."""aL IIQQIIICI Qlli I311 IIIII IIl)W'l lll hum ntrintq. ____.__.._.._ It lngatory Bqnlhoss College, HAPPY THO! '0 HT RANUB. "\7a1'nmAmr. EDUCATIONAL. I. unusual. I-caulk `ER WAT ._!'.'!E" vv-vu vv-as-an-v, U -17?- .'0Io ninth from all look and Tnlm. Coal To Burn Viv`-u - v -__- -_ and coal that will burn. Thu`: the kind wo tell, the colehrated"s-nm- ton" M 05.50 per ton. no lndll out. only 151 I load. ood Ilxod ood. 01.00 per loud. WM. DRURY. "" ``,{`m{ ""0"" an n_I_--__ uA..-o Fin--inn lint. A G_u_'9at Secret ..-u.-bu nnunnlnd, but 1 00 __!t Now. n I o u . : t n noll flu -vvw -vnumv-r u-1rv\pu. u I laden nnnnnmonl. ueollonc cuisine and ookod bar In the city. ntunuon [Inn oomnorolnl nun club- `llihery Work. Urn upu vv nu vnvv-A ...-..... `r. P-ARIRIDGE <,2,Bggg s'3:.'s`a;.;;` 0"!-KE.jL Ind supcnor qulucy I- W? _'ST`F+'T I I3"i"if`S._ __ 1:`- -St_a_nds'. -vvvv - v- -- -- vow --v.-- .--, 6 f 1: non BLOUFRS no/cost. Man of WHITIWEAII vary cheap. . . I000 |Sl.A_ND . . ----:_-_.-.- JAMES LAIUIINEYS, hh__.n_.n Allhl-A.-l-_.a.n. uuu-\'v ---. v----- V------v for oomlort. Ind that t. The only cor- Iot mud; to M he natural I! re. All otlun undo to models. sold on y by I_._.\l- Al, l\-__- I'I-R-__. IhPpIn. Holst-h`oo`nd0'Ii'I&Ih Iuhllnpnlnnnchubottlu. ,&lIlIuu 11:-. 14.1: -`.4 -4 Na 1!: I l`u3l., burl Inga ruuncu Kiln; Ihoet. XI--- IIIIII V----_ - ow htho time to no your heating Ip- ntuu In working` order. can lurnhnh you w ch stove: and furnace: put. your old one: in proper condition. It I IIDVQIIM " '3!'i! E99-. II. J. IeD0lKlAl.l... 14 lethal stud. non Prlnoou. Flonr make: more Brand ol a boner aunt: than Ill] other our on the Inn- VIUIVVIJII I U .;..` 'r:.'. 'T':::::.::.*`::`:.'1`?.:a: .'::':.`.:*:.- I lII\I I \JI-I I\a\r Clock and Mantle Making. .u-c...u.... .-nApI'|CAAt' lulrllnu null and T ausmus POINTBR8-. VII Iauuv-I I ' Innu` _ an Prlncou strut. Kinntomunt. BYRNBS C CO. -. No. D Kontnnl I-ltroot. llnncon. con. MILLAN, Prop. Thin nlnnn Inn.` 3 laugh: gnal `Pu mi ! 00!! with Spring Intnu V 04:35. Iron Boob, Ooo Bailing I (lauds ind all kind: of Win oil and Who Clobh mnnufnconnd bi _.___.-no nnuunnum unit! V` "" ' `-"' `V In DI[0I uncw. Botwoon Prinoou und Brook Stu. u Tlnumlthlng promptly stunted. _.-?_-_-?--?.._. lI\Jll Ill lI\rI\rIn A: to wharo y0I1'*"0|n at the but OYSTEBS coma mm. o ll (tunn- too that our: will nuufyryou. Brad puny Ind con at-tlonory 0! .11 hand. at put. at. u_n Anon: u 7 I` I`\'VVU Don ! wnit until the mow falls before u think u! netting! your Ilelghn lntod. Huvo u do them :1. once hon you ll be randy. We`vo plenty of of room for acorns: of cu-rlugou. hounr hold furniture. 1: . 9 74- -A l`-;_!_..- lI..2_o..- Ill I/Illa \J\J\II `aw any non: ho nvoulod. but thou : no secret. In tho {act that our work It onnilu lntln . trimming and ro- polrlnnn n. 2 run and ornnlnontnl lntlng (mu; good ntbfuctlon. olhln no convincing u n. prsctlcnl toot. nu once. 1IIc III: IIVZII1VII uuuu -v- -vw -_v.._-. v----v.-u... ..._ V. V ` . to do Mllllnory Work. orders nn:g.n.:u..ga:.nh1.::`-`zgf om.1g:-.w5!n- IIKOH It CHO Bicycle store. two: In unosnd QVII. Ion. " I `lydou-this '.'iI-.217 ,' `hula week. Our own make. ' T ' '--' V7 ' tbll An. Al. Robinson has started -43.5: '3'on3u'J':u"o ::72'5m"u"o'n'. :'c'oa. ..nn,__-- nn-_n. 1\_.I-_. -., . . A ____ un. ...-I 3 III! Wail at all Hun`. Onnovuv. lapt- I. . Fun. 0. Iuluv. I :A_ Fine Dairy Butter, |7c. '-'w'_ W7", 0 non .II bv.a.Lg:'n n.'nuu'v`.'|unuu I3&.`.'-`n- o'."".Q.`a'- wvv `cu:-:-_ V ill nut; 81.306: Thus 1! |bov?l0n0rI Bonn. mm ihlnnhmm [IL DVD worn nu liloviono. us. ICVVCU u `rs :-I. and superior quality In Dhntnnrnnha at IIICII lIIl'l'I. Strut. ll: I0! IIIIIX. IIIIII Illll Olll Long ox rlaneo In tho! not {solo ol the world. u I nunnunnn u lo a common uproulon ul- `3':.""".`.`n .. .:.. III to orIlor.:l Am ! loch: Nov`: to: India. nuts and chdnn. onlor lid llld loch: Glow: India. (one: tho In- VVUUC `V "'1 : :'u?."n'.`2``"&*..'i`a'}`c*.`.``. I ul Dl'I'HIl In I BIPHQ street. between PI-inoene and Brock. ll! Bayou stun. ...a Ilvnni m.., ` COMPANY, nu PRINCESS STREET. INT WIRE 5 ms line It. Ii? Iuucsibu Mniiiii; co.| tvfvuwvu wt-vu run-rm -noun-u nu-v pjhvcnllndbnllovdv `lbphlhrlhoullunnhouuldor h I` ht VI 3 ho I-pub! Oil cuqnqliuo-ulpuluovhuvill may out put. `liq hive two upbadlu: mlovvm thin- ulxnludlbdtyluuknnlh ii! od(IlovvCIIIunr- _._n._ ` L.-;....I|._.L.._.. Vjkjo vgzuui` Iuodlnprquuldduln! .41.`!-QLI-hnl-In--ngAl:Lg %u- vvv-cg w- -I F [Inn b the onupnny that Ibo by- Inwvoulilntlbaooulndiauypnrbr I..AL.ng.--u-Hal-.I-A-..I._.. l III IVIQUIIIII Iv: unlit FII ulllhdhnompolyolllntruholtho city and vicinity. no In no oounnicnoo ...| ..2.....u. .......|m.... ...u .4- 1, its: vuzrv-town no u-IIU ....u.s.m.a...a.u.....a..'u?I| -jzlz n -L-LI- H-it EL: u-out Iv--u 1- I--III. IWGIIII` Iocho by-Inwlnhvaodxynn A: Inn jg gnu :--1-A-g wan saw: u-- -nu-nu-u-' nu wwli -1 but electing. Than And only than on tho wally able: an In indnood no submit. to 3 all and a ballot. OPEN THE WAY FOR TRADE. Agnuugihlioulluhunocmnionotlh by tho sppliation of the Quun City Oil Co.!orpol-Ininioninloonuoonl oil abode within thouocnllod and oil limits. And vlmiatlnqoutionntiann? TL; l--nook! (NI n -LhuL kgnhngn I. wws, 35: Princess St. Dlnctlv onmnlta Ennnll

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