Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1896, p. 1

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And Kingston badly needl- I. "Who pays you for that Ef17asrroN. his dqno ll ' ans. L-no-u ..m2...........-M... undhrtho yarhhulungrudully In tho nun 0! I880 John D. Inclu- mn. ol Pun Hope. cnund Quota`: uninv- myuootndontinu-QI. Bic high! and friendly. yd ununnlng. dbpodon Iona won his may Manda. nooaulv unoagtho menu. but throughout no city as wall. Ahnntunding 0000:`: lot two taboo Intuit indcnduwyiihuuh. uuuqu-.:.:-a In Kinlntn IIII l'I-III: III -IlIllIY Eh UCFIPIII The pupils of the senior clung of St. Vin- cent : academy gnve A surprise but Bacar- dny Albernoon in honor of their anchor : lout. Mother 89.. Gertrude. Min Nollie Sonrdn read an addrou to her in one of the clue rooms. After which the rum nnud with a vary uoolul pruont. oy than withdraw to the large ball. when I bountiful hut. cu upnod ol nll tho doli- ou-iot of the south and they did unplo juuioo to it. What the upnud vu char- oq music Ind dnncing won indulgnd in until oven o'clock. all enjoying them; ulna. The commmoo ol Inmgonam In composed ol : Pnnidmt and tau- mror. Min lam Salty: Ont vlco-push tl In :1 . I (hrlnol Orowloyz d:xndnv t.':h Annie Fohv: --..-. -.-. n-vuuu uu--v . nu-I viuv-yuvui due. and Min uocond vioo- ' 8. Min Folly: I-hitd via-pruidont. lhl Lin Ililno; fourth via-pnddonl. Ihn Kath Hunt. nu-ulrunsu rruul IlI!'Il' nunu. I. lrelnnd.H. Ri~hur:lson,George Irellnd Am! J. Cameron returned onsnturdny lrom Blnuk Uonuld creek. twenty-four miles from Celnbogie, where they npem. A couple of weeks hunting. They secured two deer. F. lrelnnd brin `my one down And J. CAIn eron shooting I` 0 other. About seventy pnrtridgee were bugged. ee well AA A few rabbits. Mr. Cameron hed A narrow escape from being killed by A bullet. from A_MAueer rie, fired by A member of An- other hunting party. The projectile cut. e twig o'n brunch o\ few inches from Mr. Cameron) heed. The Mauser in the Ger- man Army rille end t.hrowe iu bullet A die- unce of three miles. Such weepone should not be eerried by deenhuntere. AA ries ol vexy much shorter I-Ange ere euieienlly effective for killing deer. stock is disposed of. This will be agrand opkoltunity to secure seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. Sales for cash only. Call and sse us. Deer Ilelng slaughtered. A citizen who returned from the north of the county Saturday. where he had been on I deer hunting expedition. any: in in A shame to hunt. deer in the manner follow- ed by some L-o~cal|ed spores. They use the run system with hounds, that. in. A num- bar 0! men are stationed in I line and the door are driven past, them by dope. Only A small percentage of deer wounded in this way are ever caught. Out of five doer wounded by A party 0 . nunmre only one was finally caught. the her four as- cnpod inw nwunpq and girubnbly died from Lhonr wounds. The citizen in question . "will" hunting. bother rooulto be- mg obtnmed. Ono an-pturod. Ono In-npod. Two boys, who for some time past have been cured lor at the House of Providence. packed up a bundle of clothing. shoes. etc.. and started on I runnwny trip this morning. One of them win: captured by another boy, belonging to tie in- atitution, who saw the couple mak- ing off, and who pursued them, cap- uring one of tho fugitives. The other boy, whose name in Focus, mule good his escape. The policearolookinz for him. The lud who was on Jturod ntnted that he and his companion ntendod going to Brock- ville. l':ymeut For A Lm. James Laughlin, of Wolfe Island, father of Jnmeabaughlin, who was killed in ac- tion. in I364. while serving an a private in D company. 20th N.Y. volunteer cavalry, dining the American war of the rebellion, has been granted a pension of sit! a month. dating from Oct. 5th, 1895. Mrs. Wil- liami-on. mother of the dead soldier, re- ceived 812 a month pension from 1864 till last. year, when she died. and the penaion now granted is in continunnco of that drawn by her. uuwn HUIIUI II III!- A popular youn lady of Haughton. LA. the other duy pure need the neweet thing out in lmta, a stunning bit of felt and rib- bon with u good-sized bird perched jaunt- ily on one side. Next day the young lady was walking when she noticed a big hawk hovering and darting about her lint. Sud- denly the hawk made a dive. xed hie talona in the bird on her hat. and before she renlizod the situation. ew away with it, hut and all. into the woods. From An Ilec-tor`: standpoint. At the mass meetm on Snturds even- ing. alderman Donnelfy expressed llie dis- inclinntion to speak on the oil ueetion from an nldermnnic standpoint. e pre- ferred to discuss the matter as a citizen and an elector. In moving: vote of thanks to the mayor alderman Donnelly said that, At the meeting. mm or Elliott had acted fairly end impartial y. As he had always done in council since the speaker entered that body. i I -n-u uuu iuuuuy Innvu. A man named Scullion, hailing from Brewer's Millet, reported to the police yes- terday that he had been robbed of $5.35 in a saloon, on Barrack street. He romised to return to the police station ater on. but, as he neglected to do so. it is believed that he must have received his money back. Sunday School Benevolent Fund. The Queen street Methodist Sunda school has established a fund with whic to carry on It benevolent service. Next Sunday will be its thanksgivin , Ind the officers, teachers and scholars wi , on cards issued for the purpose. state what they are thankful for. as I nation. a city. 1! school and sin individual, and eccom ny it with II contribution. The proc ago to the school's benevolent fund. I 1 l 4 l Ill 3575 C IIIDIE l IIl'n.0I It has been decided to erect A blank. lnr~ nace and cyanide plant. in connection with the school of minen. The blast. furnaoo will be located in a separate building con- tiguous to the stamp mill and will becam- ble of smelting ve tons of ore daily. It. will be of the most modern pattern. Imported Full Jnoketl. Selecbed with great care Auto style, quality and price. You will certainly be planned it you make your selection in the mantle rooms of George Milla&Co., 170 Wellington street. we usve men we monnns running mus stock and not. one dissatisfied customer. All lines complete and on can save lot of monev if you need ts at this great. sale of d"ord s stock, 127 Princess street. A. Abernethz. navy vu valuing. We have lobe of them left and every pair a ba.rgain." Boots for everybod at this great sale of 0`ord e stock, 127 rinooee street. A. Abernathy. W.J. DICK & SON.] No on: Shop Wo;n Stock use mu 1 6|! You loot. ll?` L_.... L..-.... A..... _.__LL_ __.._ . B 4 0` Buy That new full jacket no the unrivalled assortment now din lnyed in the mantle rooms of George Mil & 00., 170 Welling- ton Itrooh. Onnsdn Hay Company. Oic, 19 Willinm street. near G.T.R. freight oioe. Number one hay And straw at boot-om prices constantly on hand. ONTARIO, MONDAY Ev1iNING. NOVEMBER 16. I896. III`! I031 l'OI'u We have been two months running this took dissatised Haul HI: Money Tnken. .. ...........a u....n:.... I... CITY AND VICINITY. loop 0:: Cumin; Int. A` AL... I. -..A W. I. DI'C8ll,D.3.C.R.0"\5OI.0.'., caustics nut to ch&:.'3.ll... "Dr. Owllyllnl .IIuIIN I ' Sc ljlhsionddounol ochtyirwk dbtlidbhdllln tho (I hull lion In J .Dr.0naIyuoI haunts ldhhaliumn Dnnnnn.-u-mul- Commencing Saturday morn- ing and continuing until the entire stock is disposed of. Thin uyill Ln n nu-anal nn>;u6n...'A.. nuv IIIII O VII lll ll Pu-Ion : Pu-nd".'?G'l.. `.500 mile: from St. John`; for that mouth: Indore ho wont to thoonpiul. B0 was in the hospital tot 3 month. Ho nund from dynpopuh nnd lindnd on-plulnh. Mr. Smmvuod wu onqiuoq hr the Nowlound J oil coun- Innv n QJII) nu can-_ . 0. lhthvoll bu arrived but in the cit. to continue NI audio: at the Ichool M it` During the unmet be In: plac- Ing I oblotinouon R. :8 I win: located in the IAIQOIHIO oododiotrict. T51 Int. llnnn-on Hanna-nu.-I -g. HI -5 vv. anonoonn. propnuor oi the Tom- rin bowl. in variously ill wich blood poison- nt ooloo mon fnlnololonon am 0! longu-I. which oooud blood poison- inl non ween. lino Waterman, of the lmpericl oil company, is in the city today. and will plond his company`: cause, hefon the coun- cil thh ovenin . `An n Hun- II` Iglggl I`.._.._ .I:_.I :_ cu um ovemn Rev. D. Bmllo, laud Fergus, died in Toronto on Saturday, ngod eighty-vo En. own tuber-in-hi of the lam v. D. J. Inodonmll. W. Bhuuhnn. pmpriohor of the Tom- nin bowl. Ilrionllv with blood nninnn. Clio . C. Dinghnm. one of the proprietor! of {hp 8v.rat!ord Herald. has urchu-ed the lhunoquo Journal und wil take charge next week`. I...` IIY-o-...-- -1 `L- v.__-_.--1 -1: mgnm. no wu uwrw: Min Sm-uh Walker. 4 mornihg forllibulold, to lrnin` an A nurne in I city. Dinnhnm. mm nf mm relulono. returning In-It to-day. J. W. Bell. grind councillor (`.0 C.F., paid I vinil. to the court. at Ynrkor Friday night. He afterwards bnnqnoted. Walker. 0! this cicv. laft thin $l2.000 'worth of Boots. Shoes, Trunks ' Valises A gn nun torn urwe 00-day. R. I). McLeod, of the Gnnmmque branch of the Merchant: bank of Canada, -pent Sunday in the city with relatives. Mrs. James Brown and Min Hnthnrlnml [Own 'ouny. /' T. ibevennon, who has been nnnncul In the house for some time past, was able to go out (or: drive t.o-dny. I). Molnnd. nf HID flnnnnnnnn hnnnnh aununy In mo city with relatives. James Brown and Min Suthorlaml. Belloville. were in the city over Sunday with relations. returning went to-day. Bell. Irrlnd councillor (`.0 CF, VIFII3. Agent. Mnndonnld. of the (`nnndinn mil- wny accident. im-urnnco rfolnpnny, in in town 'o~dny. // ibevennnn. whn ham hnnn nnnnml In an . (Ira. Cnughoy, Sheila, is visiting Mrs. R. Lawson, Princess ntroot. Mine Georgie Quintell, Collins Bay, is viniting Min Edna Donovan, Brook I-lroot. A, M R:-only n-mmllim. H.-n....). L- vnuunq Nun Imna Uonomn, Hrook street. A. M. Brock, travelling through the went for some week: past. is homo on ll vinit. a rare npocmme. The Toronto Star notes nlrlormnn Allen's visit to Toronto seeking information re- garding the re and coal oil limirn. It nddn: "Alderman Allen my.-a Kingston taken Toronto no its model. Well then he'll vote for the changing of tho limiLn,lor Toronto is modern in this resporb. Movonumtu of tho PoopIe-Whnt They Ara luylng and Doing. Capt. C. M. Strange wns in the city to- dav. d m] r mun -ome people In Uuawu might envy. The Aldermen who have nppove-I the new coal oil enterprise and have rlnnlnrvd they wnnld go heart and soul tho other way ihe public meeting was In inclina-I, have their work out out for them. The ummirrity of so great. a mass of people was a rnre spectnvle. Th. Thrnnln Qt... ....o-. ..M........... A II....'- CLEARING umbnln mom. urocu screen. The (gttawa Citizen given Kingmtvoninnn gratuitous ndxice an to the investment. of their own money. Yet it hut some reason to know that people of this city have had some succena in mnnnszinz their own nffuirs that home people in Ottawa might nnmuml the ceupus vor aux pence During our cheap sale we will ofTer a splendid range of fine overooata. Inndo the same in order work. in beaver:-. maltom. French nnppe and frieze. at prices to defy onm tition. Z. Provost. New York "Inf. inn Rtnnn Ry-nnla uhvnno 1' union nnppe Ilnu lrlcza, at pl tition. Clot. in Store. Brock 1-treat. Th. 90...... rm:-.... ..:.... 1. U18 SCHOOL Saxon & Co., No. `. .'l Bouverie ntreec. Floor. street. London, England, publiozh A series of very excellent pocket guides, the lawat being a medical manunl of I22 pagan 0! good. wholesome advice and re- ceipt; for six pence. Durimr our ohenn mule wn will nfTnr a re:-olumon. An old oitiason who visited the now Frontenac school yesterday prophesies nuc- cens for the institution. Nmr the building he found A twenty-ve cent, piece. which he believed was an omen of good luck for the school. nnvnn A N.` M. an n..........:.. ..n....... pyn boxes on more man he can ntlonl." The Aldermen who put great weight on the petition before them last Mondnynigzhb and, by the way. signed by many under false pretence:--should pub greater faith in the mass meeting of 900 electors and its reolution. An ..l.l ..:A:-..... ...L.. ..:..:A..,I AL- ._-_ EHO HOD BL HIE OWN OXIDDFG OIUIBI`. A. Hoppinl made the statement at the workingmenfa meeting yesterday that "un- less a man does not evade the tax gutherer he does not do justice to his family. for he pays taxes than he afford." The alderman who nnf. urnnf. wnioht. nn poi-ea to contain gum. Searching indoed must be the work of the investigation commission at the peni- tentiary; ll farmer guard is being brought. fmnxBritish Columbia to give evidence. and not at his either. A, "(Inning mm-In lm ntnunnnnr. 1:} H... omnwr. A name was held at the residence of I`. Corrigznn, North street. Friday night,w|Ien fteen geese and A dozen dnvkn were dis. posed of. One young man secured a hn|f- dozen . ` A quantity of mispickle or refractory ore is expected to arrive from Mnrmnrn this week to be treated by the chlorination prooe-e at the wheel of mines. It, is sup- pou-ed to contain gold. Snnrnhinu imlnnrl mu-t. ha Hm u'nrI: nf H. D. BIBBY 00.! unv. $0 to Wndo s for the Mnximus nmmlnrd horse and cattle; remedies. mm-iat|n;_v of condition powders. cough nnd onlic rnro, gall cure. linimenb hoof oil and absorbent blister. A I-nmn um. |...l'l .5 Al... .. mom. I Queen'n football excursion to Mnntrml ' by G.T.R., going on nfbernoon tr: inn Fri- day. Nov` 20th, nnd all trnins of `JIM. Return fare 83. Tickets good until Tues- day. {In `A 7...l..7. 4'... cl... 1u....:..,.... ..s.....I..__.| on umlul new we puunc'n vmcer A local liveryatable keeper had A m:urr~h for a horse and rig than were thought to have been stolen on Saturday. He found them. ncung sergeants m ma Dll8ll(`O. A public oice is E publiv trust. Will tho aldermen who oppose the changing of tho oil limits heed the pnblic n \`nice`.' livervatable koaner had m:urr~h zungswn uarpen Warehouse. Sergt. Snodden is on leave for n fow days on nahooting trip. and P. C. Megurry is noting sergeant; in his nb:-once. A nublin ninn in n nnhliv r.ruaf.. \\'il| Hm lplcl ana span us new. Five hundred buggy wheels fora Iocnl rm, arrived here via. the B. of Q. railway from Yarker this morning. Lnhl nf rnmnnntn nf nilnlnth stnir nnnl lrom varker uma mornmg. Lots of remnants of oilcloth, tair and oov oilcloths. ver cheap, at R. Mc~Fnul s, Kingston Carpet Vnrehouse. Serum. Snoddan in nu Imn-Ia lnr n fnw luv: ury pzooua mercnnnuu. Splendid value in 5c. and 7c. annelebtea at R. McFaul'a, Kingston Carpet. Ware- house. I} 'I" D n....:... Mn ,4 ) Lnn lm-.. ... noun. 0. T. R. engine, No. 43, built and is again doing I apick and hundred bumzv whe< U000 . I10 YIN! BVGTY reason 50 be proud 0! in. Double-Breuted Business Men's Suit Ive an 110. Let. us show the quality. Ulltern. t. a good Irish Frieze, $6.76. Don ! forget. however we have the cheaper kind At just half price. Make no mistake about than. J H Mnnnmm.-.u M .... .. nun. n. lVl0l.'Blll'l, Jung:-con war a n arenouso. The continued mild went nor in knocking the bottom out of business. So any the dry goods merchants. Rnlnndirl \-ulna in (in, And 711, nnnnlnnnn uwouu me lorry quenuon. Negotiations urn in progress for the sale of the Albion hotel to :1 Kingston citizen. Soc thou; towel rnllarn at 80. and 15: Ar. mu morning. Wolfe Island council meets tonight. to discuss the ferry question. Nanatintinns Arc in nrnnrrenn for mm min ox mo A-union now: no a mngswn cmzen. Soe those towel rollers at Sc. and 1.50. at R. MoFau| a. Kingston Car bwarehouaa. K Thu nnnhinuad mild want her in lcnnr-Ixinnr norm mung. _ There vu no union of the police court this morning. Wolfe Island council meat; mnsum. tn flu Union of livery my LIfo-whnI tho Poonlo AID Talking About-Nothing In 1 cups: the Anantlnn of Thou Who Are Tnklnl Rota. New boiler: no being placed in the North King. There `In no union bf the nolina mm-r. PARAGRAPH8 PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. [NClDENTv0F nus DAY. PERSONAL wiemuou. ` Plllh Illbtbi n__--,, n-nu. n.- wnrml onnquotau. . city. left this I. Mn-.. when she in the hospital in that I, has been re- duty. looking 0 unsoolpnnmuoopttnni Iluyuodovdd ongnooo. lIl0otlut|II hoOooOoIWCl'Do|r." Whoa "Ion Dlnclnnh" dolivud Iii ho- hninlllo bout. to and an an illustration Ibo vovd ' I`-I -I. tho ouihdool tho 8 hint! inhaling hcrull. Applvnayhhduvuhuuu usqulnod with tho looolnllinn (hm. Thia morning J. loom. of Willhnm vil|o,cnt from no tun on My ` as hosting 1! ll-blown mungwmg I oo- lo huuhcuoo Thom. Md. Allen but returned from Toronto. Ho up ho did not no ohnirnun Robhino ot the Ontario undorwrituf unoointion. buttlnt holnd I oonvuutton with the chairman ol t-ho nuoointton. Ho could not a :zntidaotory otntononto Eng t the pl-opmod change will the city`: immrunoo nun. but but: zonal oolmnnnicstiom on tho qultion. none: snuninisorsmon. "Further. every teacher, irom Christ to the modern newspaper. hss hed sensation- si methods. I say. with all reverence. that when our Saviour snnounoed his mis- sion. when he turned water into wine at Cnnn, in Galilee, he used the same method the newspaper does in heading its news. And I have no doubt. that if Dr. Mec- Arthur were to have some famous preecher in his church he would edopt the some methods to drew people to his church." A Plenum surprise. A very euceossfnl surprise perty occur- red at the residence oi Devid Trotter, Pittsburg. on Wednesday evening lest. oc- msioned by Mr. Trotter s family leaving the neighborhood. A very enjo sble time was spent by those who had get ered, and during the evening en sddress to Mr. end Mrs. Trotter was reed b Mrs. W. J. Frsnkhn. shot which W. . Frsnllin re- sented e hsndsome easy choir to Mr. rot- ter Mid Mrs. Junes (Bordon e similer one to Mrs. Trotter. The presentation was followed by short speeches by severe! oi the gentlemen present, to which Mr. Trot- ter feolingly replied. Before dispersing the oornpeny pen-tool of e Ins spreed pro- vided by the leoiee ol the party. iei-wn won me otner lldei "Tho fact is, the newefnpere never had any moral chamcterunti recently. With- in the century the papers were at the back of politimil parties. At preeent in this city the leading republican paper in ght- ing its hardest against in re nblican men sure at Albany, while the ending demo- cratic paper in criticising a democratic na- tional nduninintretion. uIi`...o|.-.- mm... o..-..I.-- 1-..... nL__-_. . , ITIIIIIUII. A subscription in aid of ex-1-tail-sergeant Williams. late of B" battery. wee taken up among the members of A" eld but- tory. R.b.A., on Snturdny Inc, and quite n sum was realized, the men of the corps. ull, with one exception, giving generously to relieve the nocennitioa of MI old comrade- in-nrmn. Exiaergennb Williams in in reduced circunmtnncea. being unable to work on Account of I para- lylic stmlie receifed some time ago. in oonnequonce of which he was discharged from the service. Although he had been in the force for 3 very lon period, no pen- sion wns awarded him. `Effort: will he made to induce the present. government. to take steps in the matter, and to undo the wrong done by their predecessors. The Senullonnl Newupoper. Rev. Dr. McArt.hur undertook to score the sensational press recently in New York. and this is the wnyUeorgeCur_y Eug- len-mn took the other side: Th. 5.:-o in oh. ..-.....- ....... ........_ L_.: We are selling. it ha: all the excel- lence of ood tailoring and so far M tis concorneg ours surpnneen mnny of the beat. effort; of the merchant. tailor. Our cloth- ln man has made his department his ho by. He has every reason to be proud of Double-Breuuuad Runinnnn Man : I F for the changing of the coal oil limit b a-or tne lumen! of All. KlNu.~4 l`0.\', Nov. 16.---('l`o the Editor): Although our rm have specially applied law. we are of the opinion that it would be in the uenerel interest of the citizens (and of business people particularly) that the by-lsw be so smendeil that sny rm wishing to store ooal oil can do so under conditions prevailing in other western cities. We do not ask for any change which will be conned to our business alone. We regard coal petition as being healthy and "the life of trade," and are desirous that sll job- bers and others be placed in the best pos- sible position to compete. and that no un- reesonsble restrictions be placed on the storage of an article of daily consumption by the messes. All such restrictions mean increased cost, and as long as proper sele- gunrds (as established elsewhere) are pro- vided for here. there should be no restric- tion on the part of the council to put the oil business on the same footing here As in other places. We do not want the council to gmnt u-4 lllly privile es \| lIir`ll cannot be also enjnyul by sll otier parties now or hereafter engaged in the oil trade.-Queen City Oil Co., per W. l). Momm-. 'A DESERVING CASE Wlll In Brcught to the Noun ol the Gov- "nrnunnno uw. quartz, tourmaline, spnene. A`ter A lunch at four o clock the party started oityward. the journey being enliv- ened with songs. etc., until the arri\'a.l at 9:30 dcloclr. This is the third trip this season of this class, and'euch one was more popular than its predecessor. Students are beginning to realize how benecial they are. Students in mineralogy and mining at Queen's are particularly fortu- nate in having nuch convenient neeess to the mineral regions in the north townships. These courses are bound to become the most popular in the curriculum. J useu as an multernnt tor white lend. Here was discovered specimens of con- siderable size of anthrnxoliln, the so-called Sudbury coal. Although only small quantities were brought to light, in sp- geernnceit is superior to that found at udburv. The Foxton mine was reached at 11:30 o'clock. Dinner was first in order. being psi-taken of around I\ osmp re. Then a raid was made on the various dumps around the mine. and for A time the woods resoundod with the sharp click of the hammers and the merry shouts and laugh- ter 01 the embryo mining engineers. Among the specimens secured were: Burytu. calcite, ectinolite, lluorsper. um- phihole, snthrsxolitn, ungite, wilsonite. siderite, scspolite. chlorite, orthocluse, nhoudrodite, plsgioelue, dolomite, mus- covite, phlogopite, hornblende. biotite, mnrcusite, limouite, pyrrhotite, hzernatite. magnetite, serpentine, pyrite, wernerite. graphite. microcline, galenn, celostite, zironite, unhydrite, sslenite, gypsum, eps- tite. quartz, tourmaline, sphene. clock the mu-tv I lpeolnene of Anthnxollte lonnd Wlthln six Mlle: of the (my. ' Saturday the student: in mineralogy At the school of mine: enjoyed I eld pros- pecting excureion to the Foxton ' situated north of Sydenhem. Nin gereone embarked in e 'hue drown by 0 panied the party. They are etudyin mineralogy And went with the cl for the benet of the results. The weather wee beautiful for the outing. clear and bright, the air crisp and invigorating. The first stop was made at the Woodru furm, about six miles north of the cit . Here wee inspect- ed: baryta vein. which in being worked to supply white lead works. borytn being used adultemnt for white leed. Hera wan diiinnvnrad nrnninmnn A` ......._ practical] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. COAL IN FRONTENAO. uunennae noticed. The clergy. clmrchverdene. ley dele- geuee end lending churchmen of the oily end country. comprised in the Frontenac deenory. heve been invited to meet. the nmhbuuhop on Wednesday at l0:l5 1.11:. at St. George`! belL They will confer le- gerding the Int-hnhuon of general olmtoh and mieenon work. the creation of 00- am: dlooeee having ceased the old On- urio section to he eevetely sexed. (heater energies and Ieedier ayvnpeshiee end - cinunoe no required. `Ill 00 TQHOOYHL Revival meetingeby the Free Methodists. under the labor: of Rev. George Shower and wife. from Burlington, Vt... were com- menced oi. Queen street. schoolhouse yester- day. The attendance and spiritual in- tereamnhowingn marked inereue einmlut. Sabbath. were very encouraging feature: of the newly begun work. The services are in continue every evening at 7:30 until otherwise noticed. Th. oi..--. ..|.......|._...:-.... I-.. .a-i-, vnurwn rurugrnpnn. The young people`: guild of St. James church will have I mgulnr muting bo- rnorrow night, when I good programme will be rendered. D...'.....l m..n.'....-|.-n.- Ir..- u-.L__i:-._ 9 on VII wna-thou; lancluunlu nu IVIIIIII |jlIurI`lI- Rev. R. W. Rayson preached last even- ing concerning the teachings of the Eng- lish church in reirard to the holy eucharist. Our Lord's sacrice on the cross took the place of the sacrifices offered by the Jewish meets and was intended to be the last hloody sacrice ever to be oered. And yet in I sense the holy eucharist ,is a sacri- lico. for. although the sacrice of Christ is never to be repeated. it is day by day pleaded in what is known as the sacrice of the mass. This is biblical doctrine and is therefore the teaching of the Church of England. Some peo lo assert that Que thirtyrst article con emns the sacrice of the mass. But such people quote only part of the article and omit enough to alter the entire meaning. The articles were prepared centuries ago and were intended to combat error widely prevalent. One form of erroneous teaching was that every time the mass was offered Christ was sacri- ced anew. and to condemn this false duc- trine of "the sacrices of masses," far dif- ferent from the sacrice of the mass. the thirty-first article was prepared. The preacher quoted from the writings of dig- nitaries of the church, who prepared the prayer book. to show that they constantly taught that the holy euohsrist. is more than a more symbol. and that it is in some mysterious sense a sacrice as well as a sacrament. ruwnys true rinnc `charity begins at home." "I wish I complete list of the contribu- tions. with the names of the contributors. to be recorded in the parochial register of ovary mission. and I copy of the same to be sent by the priest to me for registration in the archives of this palace. as a perpetual memorial of the religious opirit and good- ness of the priesu and people of Kingston unto Ill ages." "It will not be amiss for me to` state sl- so that. seeing how destitute this diocese was of churches and schools and relimous institutions generally. I proclaimed in 188] that the practice. entire] too com- mon,of foreigners roaming through our missions and extracting money from our generous people for expensive projects in places for away, with which we had no connection, and thus exhausting our men re resources of religion and charity. whic ought to have een expended at home. should no Ion or continue. I for- bade and abolished t at unlair method of dealing with Kingston diocese, and from that day to this no priest or layman from beyond the Atlantic. or from the Usnadien dioceses outside Kingston. has been per- mitted to regard our missions as A common hunting ground of questers. The result has been that the riests and people in all our missions have n enabled to reserve whatever they were disposed to devote to charity. and sppl it to necessary works of religion in the r can districts. It is always true that `charity begins at home.` complete the contribu- Catcrcr in ma Class mm- G '!'.*3T"J%` ?~ momma. Touching on the subject of collections his graco calls attention to their rarity, saying: "It. will not be mnin fnr ma tn` mm. Al- By Appointment or a_ll Gentlemen of `Pg- - { mg negro )0IlB college." ('2) To in boys with bri lit. intelligence and love of study and goo: moral disposi- tions for the various liberal professions proper to the lniby. By means of the scholarship fund this can be accomplished at small expense to purente and students. To aid in this work the collection is asked, and if liberal his grace expected there would be no necessity for another call for many yearsm come. certainly not in his lifetime. l`mm|..'nn An oh- ...|-.:.u.o at ...n.....:,.... A Olrculer Letter non Ills urnce Arch- blalsop oleery-The Mans or the hutl. tution-Not 3 common Bunting Ground or Queue:-a. Next Sunday I collection will be taken , in all the churches in the diocese of King- ston in behalf of iopolie college. whose stability and success ul working lie very close to archbishop Clear `a heart. A circular letter was read on guncley in all the chumhee setting forth the benets of the college: (l) To educate and supply the diocese of Kingston with a native Canadian clerg . Now half the ole y are Irish, secured t rough his grace : friendly relation: with the Irish hierarchy and the superior: of colleges and seminaries. But this state of affairs is not credi- table. it is frought with danger, because while it has been hitherto possible for me to obtain a sufficiency of priests through the ood-will and old-time friendship of the bin ope and the euperiora of coll in Ireland, my eucceeeor may not, an probably will not. enjoy the same advantage. and his ap lications for help to work the missions in tie diocese may. and probably will, be attended with little or no good reeult. It is our manifest duty, therefore. to lift ourselves out of this state of dependence. and without further delay make preparation for the future. This can be done only by establishing a aemi- nary for the early education of our youth and the formation of their mind and char- acter in accordance with the holy state. to which many will doubtless turn their thoughts and aspirations when the see the opportunity aiforderl them. Tiis is our hope, and we believe most condently, -that it is God who. for this end. has in- spired me with the thought of re-eatablisl ing Regiopolie college. I ('2) bovs with briulil: infnllirmnna TO AID IN THE WORK OF REGIO- POLIS COLLEGE. the most pleasant and amt-uslnun romodg for changed hands. -oro Ups and tong )0 Ikln. Mo nlas. III"! pus ASKS FQR A COLLECTION ( church _l'urngrnphn. nna nan:-Jo`. nu-ild nl C Ill Iongrunurvnu Ill IIII IIII I11` olioll And. in A mum-hbh Inn. 30 pn- parod fogcollqn In Gorthnd. N. Y.. '15- ing In n printin oloou an H%. N! mother and in niuor. ohl D hon found Nnoncroc ol V11 0&5- nbly onny 1.-onus wool! sin 00 rnuhhlo onpscisy for work. MI ll onthnduun hoping hi. tlvnynul I h ind night. He can dovith IQ 1' Ncpoloononopu-to, bothoqlt four hours ouo.onn:u,y-toannoqh . I Prohuor Burr, of Oornoll. {so than upon. ol the Vonunolm oonnldou, `Q. In |ongnoonrohcnlnIIIoIMhIlvO' ol ollund. in I nmnrknbh nan. Ila nu; vvnoro Y wny to Inc gnnnuotl "0!- Iord`o" stock 0! boo ohou. rlhill, tmnh. vnliau. cm, at I. old soul. I37 Prinooo strut. A. Abornothy. ` BLIZZARDS DON T COUNT oioe. also tho rui-lonno nonnoohd Cum 1! donlfod. Apply to Jnhn Iudlo, CIIIQOO ll 7 V 7 j Nah m L'N[VIRR:~\ITY`AV`liNUI. Illa mun. n ncw, n nll. mndarnv-1nv.a.nrlo'ncu. Ron modonh. I` 3|`: on tho promlus or to B. Nllll. 0 mean ntrut. HE DESIRABLE I-mm: muugu owned lag In. Town. noxt door to oioe. also! 0 than II India. n- HE DIHIIIAHLE h Irn.1`ovn. dc ofco. ulna I n nuhlnmm nnnnnnl _-_- '0. I (1l.Yl)R TERRACE. BYDINIAI . uh-pot. west. Apply to In. Dovll. cor. Enrl and .\'yvlunhAm atrecu. j.____ A NEW IIIHCK HOUSE NO. 100 8'l'UAI`l' non-no. with all mo-urn oonvcnlonou. Apply to (learn Wilson`. I45 Klnntrool .1!` Nani: nu-In throughout plnynwm ; monh Ind 1 "Al`()l""THg OVEI} 0O`Ill.I0 ,0`: r o n.`on ..nIrIO\, ulnlnn nI|0,'I Printing dloo. Apply 06 mo Othno MIHCl)lATEl.Y. A (100!) COOK. ALSO` hum.-.enmi1 who will help to him nan I one .-MM. Apply at the Wlllu oioo. _-_ to he tho but pnpnntlon on tho market towlny {or curing n-onghs or coldn, I50 bottles and Two MEN Iron. THE IwAu'm TAKI on- slors for Purtrnim. Uond ohllloo. `I- na-ric-nr-o nut. n..-n..." AMI. u A u._ lVIfII`IIII!AI o MAlLu|mN-H/u:A|un\I -- At Napnneo, on Nov. 7th. Chnrlos Maraden to Mini Oorrio Hngndom, both of Dosoronto. DrnnA,\'-Sm.uv.--At. Nnpnnoe. on Nov. On. Louie Dubeun, Kjwj.aon. to Mint Mundo Sugar. Nnpaneaf C0\'ERT`RAs.-II-2'I`l'--~AL Nnpanoo, Nov. 12th, (-`--or e F. Covert. to Mnu Mabel M. Bu- sotc, th nf Deneromo. S.\ll1`II-Cl.F.\HINT--At Millhnvon. on Nov. lllrh. Schuyler Edgar Smith, Ernest- boun. (,0 Mm Currie Gertrude, dnugh at John Clounont. ` {W intrc IIIJI` Hum-so.~'-At Nnpnnoe. on Nov. 7th. the wife of J. E. llumpson (nee Mil: Kim- merly) of A non. HANNA--At Cnmdon East. on Nov. 5th, wife of W. Hanna, of n dnughhor. HI:`Ius-At. Bnrdolph. on Nov. (Mi. wife of J. ic|ie(noe Miuuortio Richardson) of I son. '1`. F. HARRISON. UNIIRRTAKKI AND Eluuulll, Street. l honma-WuroroonnI. 00; I V1. Lawns! prlnou, . .:__j_______:.j. ruuus Y alumni. Llumnm Uxmnn-run um EIIIALIII7.-`K Prlncou strut. Um-not Sydonhun nch phone IJUIDIIIIIDIOIHOII. Prlncou It not. bl -.:_:.-_.-_- N0. UNIVERSITY AVINUIT house. marl! now. In lood nu AF. KELU. `hm Lunnm Uumrn'rAnn-IM.Iu Info m-cm. Tolophono nu. Open Duynnd lg 50%| 1-?` Y When Y Why to tho [rut uh d `'0'- ord'o" ntock at Inch. uh: I-Ihhng No. I for Sunday or Night Cnlln. w. I. ummnuv. l`mtnu. Dumc-mu nan EunLInI-Il I'll- oou ntroot. block nbovo old ound. `i{iuc1nn~i:1.v. use A who help An II , _ ` . ,,__.._.____j_ max H()U.*4E, N0 96 ovum nun. Apply to J. B. OAnnu'rnInu. ' ._.__.___.._._________ ALII` OI!` THE ll.A'I` OVER (XHIIIOAJ r Co'1l|ry Goods Hon. ..lnl ltnotu wu MEN Iron. wria-nr~e nut, noveuary. Apply 0. A. Io- )onnI-I. Anulo-Amoriv.nn Hotel. VANTEI) - HELP - RELIABLE KIN H` rvury lonnllly: lootl or travelling 3D ntrodlwa an new dinuovnry And loop on IIOV nrvln nu-kwi up an trees. lonvn and DPMCC hrouulmnt town and nonntrr and` $- `lnynwm nonnmhmion or nhry. `rt Iomh Ipenus. and money dunno" I) n hunk when atnrtod. For pnrtlonlan rr to The World lodlonlloolrlo 00.. lol- nn, nun. Cnmuln. V The Best $5. $6. $7. $3. 09 and $10 Vlacketsinkingston can be seen in our cloak rooms. All New and Up to Date Styles. Your in- spection of same will confirm our claim. ylhfu And yet. not an unworthy thing Among them. Made by artists who know how to work in all Lhoaeliule tips of fashion which marks the stylish cloak from the slop Eroductiun. It doesn't. coat much bob ' nnduomely cloaked when you buy hon. Evidence I Garments Galore Ia to gain the Iriendehi and album at every pncmn who enter: w thin its doors. Want you to feel um. every Atom of b- nose intelligence we pouou in boip laud to further your buying Interests. 1 believing that by so doing we been further Olll` OWI1. OAK HALL, KING STREET. IHEPOLICYA Of This Store I0 n.m.--Fino and mild wind increuing to plea from __I south-west. A cold wan ` likely to reach the lover I ngion by Wodnooday. P3137; TWO OENIS WEATHER PROBABILITIEC. For mule by all Drugglntl. HENRY BRAKE. Imlrnln AID hm _vy A N 1'/E7 I57 w7."Ii. bnimian. Ivnznvrnu A an Iran; 1 nm PRIIIBX mr W Ddthun II TU lII-- 9--il chemist and optlclan. .-_- I . In t hr! t and %._r.:... 3: ::.:s:*-. :`.'.:.':r.. 3.2. ` nnutooon. Iota his uuufnetlon I ":.f`.'..'..?;"':.`:i. .::.'i'&"'a..`1"i.`:.':.: ~ 1:`... cm. .rmu?n4s,'m w:1n-uton n. THE..... Magic Cough Cure If you have one of those extra long STORM KING ULSTERS ndws mum; STORE Ihnlh-kl'h- l4...L4n..nm. nu. J. H. Montgomery, Mnnnger Cloth- ing Department SIXTY-THIRD Y]11AR.-NO. 267. M POI CALI. A IAIBIAGI moan: `ioano. -sALE] '-Pno:T.'N6.'ao. . "':x::.,""`*..'. l.lN.ndIu . y XVI. mt-c. ` - Duuuwllho. Nnnxll. Ont. Nov. |I.-AboI0 four. 1` on It can wail N3! . oahd lauahluhnt u-unwm . Ir. Iolznywu soon by: Wulu nporur thlo moaning and mud thtlhoovnon ban ulnndomd tho Acadia to tho Indor- vl-Ian. Cbpt. Ciilord wind that ohough could be saved from tho In-net. even In tho vamtl knoll 3-H not to an . to pa oxpounu snacking upadguon. Io ndorvriulf usochuon tbnupnu dcqnteho Phrhr & Iillufa wnotinc wand Interim. with Gnu. uuuunpuu uw|uI:=IIu" rlriw I -Indra necking hvoriu, rich Capo. ClIodbo|rd.lroI Ddromhrthunm olsbowncinvhuo Ihoworlonnvingnll thncitionunibb Ionvoiaaownhgan IXWIQ W1` IX'CINQqIII rink?-npunibb tonvoiauowplngcn. lnvlng '10- Tie What. A. D. Ilcliny, ol Hunilton. om of tho owner: of tho vrockod ohamor Acudinnvu In tho oily yesterday. He eunodown on tho nohooout Ia-rmund wanton to Mon- tnlltodo II: II- -- -.- -.._ Lg- ll)... ..___._.. WIVCU HON). Mbort Downoy. Ouvogo. will have n number ol uhipmonu o!_om| for Cundion pans to make. before the cloao of the loa- son. Buuinou hu boon brick during the coupon and the shipment: exceed those 0! I896. uvo. Tho oer. Ilontooglo u-rivod at Oswogo from Klngobon About 4:!) o'clock Thun- doy oltornoon. Al. Iovon o'clock l.$)0 tonaof cool Md boon dumped into mold And also won ouoming out of port for Clnioogo bolero oiglal. o'clock. (U I. he ctr. Chieftain. with ve barges in tow, in share on A shoal in Lnchino lake. A tug has gone to her uoiaunoe. No par- tioulnrs of the accident. have yet been re- omvcd hero. Jnhnp l\n-nA- (Iguana-n -.:ll L--- - me ur. mongnrry art-won lrom Froc- cott last. night. and this morning cleared for Ouvego with two light barges to load coal. I. The uchrs. Merritt and Suffol reached t.hiapoIt.yooterdny. They an bound for Montreal with npplea. The Merritt, was towed down to-dny by one of the M.T. Co`: tum. llII'DIll' I roll! The tug Walker arrived light. from Montreal Int. night and cloamd Again this morning with six grnin Indon barges. Tho I-trn. Binmnmk and l`rinmmn Am cu. :T--- IA R mounung mm ml gram Imen urges. Princess are ex- pected At the K. & M. forwarding com- pany : wharf. Porumouth. tomorrow. The Itr. H-lantnrrv arrived from Pun. V ..`u-' v: u--uunvltn/. IYYTHE OIYDFELLOWW RELIEF A90ClA- TION. Klngnlnn. Ont: Kim! Ir`:-en! thunk: Inrlha nrnmnt nnvmnnt nl` mulm... TOTHE 0l!I)FElAL0WB'REl.lF1F Ont: thnnkulnrlha prompg payment of myhu.-:- hand ; nlontb ulnim. MR8. FRED. (IONNOR :-- v v v-vvn. They will be assisted b Mr. Andriaux, teacher oi violin in the olleas, ADII-L-(ION. lb oentu; Reserved Seat. 50:` Proceeds to be van to the Gymnasium and Workshop Fund of Qyieen's Uni- versity. and Wm CONCERT In CONVOCATION HALL oi Queen's University on `'5 I Iucsaay'i"1iiiig:]"Nov. 24, DR. smcxs ,HAMMOND' 123 Pnnooss'st.. norm smo MN King-noun. Nov. Nth. -Cura-Cougha- | To purchase or order Mantle or , Hat without first seeing what we can do. We believe sincerely ` that your own interests demand that you see and inspect our stock. Mantles to order, $8, $9, $10. l Millinery specials this week : Walking Hats, Sailor Hats, Felt Hats any shape. , Hats trimmed and ready to 1 wear $1.50, $2. $2.50, $3, with all ' the good style of higher priced ar- l ticles. ' rvvvviu -w vitv u. u. .u. nu-vuunug unm- nny'a U-lengnrry arrived from Pru- ou. uinrht. mornina nlnnrul TI-IE DOES IT PA Y YOU l To give th_e best service oh- i tainable to our customers and a we do. This is particularly true . of our Mantle and Millinery De- partments. Not in this province can better made, better tting or better nished garments be had than right here, and price is al- ways low for high "quality. SAME OF MILLINERY. The best ar- tistes of the trade are with us. Every market is open to our buy- er, so that all new ideas and novel- ties are obtained as soon as brought out. . -1-4-1 _~..-nu--nu u KINGSTBE LADIES` COLLEGE IT PAYS US CARD OF THANKS. I nnnnnv I nnynu nnv run . r\rIl\ MARINE VINTELIJIGENCVE. We would like your Opinion on the subject. There are other Good Boots. but none are better than ALLEN'S BOOTS. Try a palr. and the Students or .-;... .-_.__. _-.- I Pirloul up Along Kingston llnrbor I`:-ant. V M 8 O'clock. W111 Give a. mims. FRED. conxon. Kingston E` :_.. .",!.TnC...'.`..'_5'-'-~ WOKIIIlN$lII|fO. DoIowuMhoQuoaCnydloupnny bunch! Jr: Ya! Ya! You in nu lbvodud tolaonnytliqihoy antic? OH OllI' PIIIIIB ." a "DC IDUWOP `I0: ll 8'!` limit: be changed to that extent. it will incrnuo the unto! wooden buildings." But it sum not the question ol n limiu. but of on] limib-quvu A diorcnco. I! to want to do buninon in Kingnmn. In no on- coungolndmuioo to com: bore. 1! we don't want to do buinou lot us put a Chioeoo null round our city. The Queen City company uh only lair uutmont. Btoeivillo inporoo 1 luv dun oil uhnll not 50 cured within tvolvo yudn o! any odou- building; Ouun, not within twenty-vo hoG:1`ocom.o. tvontylvo foot. with tho onphmdo onupt from this lur; London, whom Mr. Wnloflnon lira. in no :1. atrlcuon. `Than emu oridon y um tho oilthodo. Tho lvnpnhl oil nupnny.u the rooordo show. now: and to an. IIIO neon: now. and to coat within: Uuurn oil Iiniau. Tho on`. pun . though uldorunn vi did uh lint. lhdr shod: nhoold not Do mend hrshoron. Thbitionotpropoudtodo. We want that inudhtion kn. [in an ---Q CL: (Luann (`ha .3: 4m-..._- onus. 1-0 unpnnu on vupnny.u show. noted Iithinlhn lnnxn til Iinin, Th. an-.-_ place. No one responded to the call apeaker in opposition, and the chairman cidled on alderman Donnelly. who gave the aldermen holding op site views credit for honesty. right to reasons for Ma votes and to ask oi-ory his opponents why they voted against the change in the oil Iiniite. He read the n company`: petition to Kingston council some yearn ago anking a change in the oil liinitu in order that they iniglit eetnbliah a wholesale oil business here. Thin petition was not granted. Last month another petition wan sent in, and the fire, water and light committee recommended that it be granted. At their next meeting the committee recommended that no action be taken. If electors could show good reason for voting against the company he would vote that way. but in the absence 0! any auch reason he felt it to be his duty to vote tobling in any ihduetry that would Rive employment to some of our idle men. Ten aldermen voted against changing the oil Iimiu even lty feet, and the speaker then thought they had decided to haul! the whole matter. Alderman Martin obtained a statement Iron: the Ontario underwriters that no change will be mode in the insur- anm rates if the proposed change be made. A teleeram ' was sent to Montreal by the opponents ol the change asking. "H the tire limits are contracted for a he electors have a mo opponents ol mo cnnngo suing. I quurlor of I mile, uvhnt will boxho ooct. on our ruling? And the vnn : chanced am. mam. in A VUIUOI "nnu l\|ll8l(0H 080] "800! enter ri.-ie' Al ormnn Tait : The petition against the Queen City company was got up by Mr. Waterman. who learn opposition. And that in the reason .\lr. Doyle says we can : support two companies. (Cheers) The Quoeirtfity companv will sell a barrel of oil to any man who went! to buy, thereby doin nwav with the middlemen : or hucluwern prot. They nek nothing unfair, but everything that in just. If the opinion of the electors should go against the Aldermen whoo poee the new vompany the speaker woulg willingly resign and allow someone more truly representative of the views of his constituents. to take his plnve. No one rennnnrlnl In the all lnr A apoocn r Mr. Doyle : "Another t.hing-you all know what the queen city moanu -t.he hog cit . Support your own company." oioee: Time! Time !' Alderman Tnit. said Jack is now as good in his runner, roads the pa re Intelligent.- ly, and has got A good i on olthe ulfnir from the locel preeu. The Imperial oil company belongs to I combine Lhnt will not sell to nnv man if he does not belong to the ring. The Queen City oil company aeke leave to build I structure worth $2,- 000 to 83.00(), on I site that in tie for no- thing else. There ie a deadlock in council and noblninc can be done lurtlmr by that bodv. Therofore. this moetimz win Winter Cream \'0IC speech ?" D( BOH II DO HIM. John Doyle in opposition acid the Im- perial Oil company has given good satia- laction for five or six years and it was un- fair to give a compnn connected with the moat gigantic com ine in America a chance to crush it. A voice: What combine?" Mr. Doylc: "The Standard oil com- pany. You can't support two companies, Ind you must uhooee between the two. It has beanatnted that if the new com- pany be allowed to come in oil will go down ve ccnta ll gallon. This was in correct. The Standard oil company could buy out Canada." A uninn- Hflsn nan-n Iynn `mp 05...: anu no prexerrea w mun: may mm been hypnotized by Mr. Waterman. Ex nnyor Wright told the apeeker that he hnu been asked to sign a petition against the Queen City Oil Co., and had been told that in change in the oil lim' would increase the city : insurance rr . He did not sign the petition an ' .uuld be ashamed of him- sell it he hm. Jnhn Ihuulnin nu-uuioinn ...:.l 5|.` 1..., mg. Alderman Robinson was greeted with vigorous applause. He said he had called the meeting because the fire, water and light committee passed a recommendation, that was moved by alderman Ryan antxb seconded by the speaker. that the oil limi be changed to allow the Queen City oil company to locate here on a suitable site. Before the next meeting of the committee a local combine, afraid of opposition, sent a man named (lray to get signatures to a petition against such a change, although the committee was unanimous in recom- mending it, and had sent alderman Martin to Toronto to get a state- ment lrom the underwriters association. This was done and the statement was ob- tained that such a change would not ef- fect the insurance rates either way. lt had been said the workingmen could talie care of themselves. He believed they could, and to give the workingmen a chance he had oalled this meeting. He did not believe the report that the five wabblors on the fire. water and light conr mittee had been bought. He believed they were as honest as he was himsell, and he preferred to think they haul been hvnnotizedbv navor The mayor stated that in his opinion there wus no serious objection to calling such I meeting. The meeting would give the electors I chtnoe to know whom to elect me their representetives at the council. If more meetings were held the uldermen would know better what course to take on public questions so ee to meet the wishes of their constituents. Everyone nt _wes entitled to 5 free end impurtin beer- mg. Aldermen Rnhinenn was orantpd with muow oocu won me cnur Ana nine:-man Martin wuc ouon secretary. On the plat- form were alderman Robinson, Donnelly. Tait. Beban. Skinner. ex-mayor Thompson and J. L. Huycock, M.L.A. The nm or extended an invitation to op- fxonente ofthe propoood chan o in the oil imita. and on ialli the Al ermen in op- position. Enc open or was limited to ten minutes. Tho nnnnnr -0.0! aka, :.. l-.3. ....:..:.... At tho Inn loath}; on lnturdny Night- Nou of tho olrnruotlonlnn Patent- Lot nu Queen (my Oonnsny connin- Enoounge manner: and oompotltlon. The city hall was packed to the door: on Snburduy evening at the Incas meeting of electors to robeslz a sinus the poaition taken by gs ten nl or-men who 0 pose chnngin tho oil limits to allow the new Cit Oi complnytolooave hon. Mayor Ellotc oocugiod the chair and alderman Ila!-fin Iunnn nnnn nan:-Al-nun On H-an nlnt, .j-,-. IT RANG OUT EMPHATICALLY AND UNMISTAKABLY VOICE 0573? morons. mung can no uone lurmnor ny mat Therefore. moeting was We Honestly Believe

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