Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1896, p. 1

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H.D.PBlBBYG0.l '50: Ottawa Journal. What A nnh ll mun:-y. It w No. Hnvlut. Our UnArh -|'Ulll|-IIIIIII. -|l I l'U|lllDIIl Urlmiha Ht-rlmmaun-"'l'hom who In scrim- mnms lnlorpow. must often wipe In Moody none." `ll IIIVIIIG. thohnornl. 'l` A H-I KIIIIDXIIOCIIOI LIPIIII nnmpr ol the hush" loom. Journal. What I roll I.ho:o will be to the court honohon who the Inc Indy hnnma llclnn sppul-not II. viii oonoidonbly oplu Iolnool thcold linen when may have: Indy opponent to hnnlo nfnin Iron than uprluu that My out 3 hard contend out I! lady lawyer hnnnn and nutty. snd whauuo. aha E- 9.-J_*`_!T..['.'_5'-'--1 I055 KOIIIIII 07 HOIBI, EHO "IKE KIIIGFOUI OK trons and the best. All-round sportsmsn in Canarln. All sang heartily his praises, and the (lrsnibes gave their onchunilstin 30". Dr. Clsrke modestly re lied and than presentedto the Grsnites. hose who had played at Brookvillo. Toronto or Kingston. with silver souvenirs. s football wiitch charm. Each member drunk out. of the oham ionsliip cup, and one of the moat. p enssnc of evenings was closed by smllylng song, "The (lrsnibes Play the Game." TL- -`I...-ant.-5 lnnsnrnn nf Han nunninrv and A. 155 anannon tor one warm at large. It was announced that the athletic asso- ciation and the street railway company had agreed to provide a handsome cup for A series of city league matches next year, and tho hoped to loamr I still greater npirito friendliness and sport than was witneuled thil year. with more early nnrl rnanlnr nrnntiom all round. Suwan- nu custodian. Then Dr. Forster. viqe-chairman, pro- the health of the other city clubs. and the Uraniheu ave the honors gallnntly. Maura. W. Nick 0 and J. M. Farrell re- sponded for Queen :-: captain Syer fo the cadets; president Pence. captain Elliott and alderman Minnu for the Kingabonn; T. (1. Marquis for the collegiate inatituw. and A. E Shannon for the world at large. It urn. ...nmmm.-I that tho uthlntjn runn. IVILIIMMG UNI Winn more early and re nlnr practices all round. ful foot. allots were the heroes of the day. and than mama hnnnful n! n arantlv Increas- ml xooumuere were me neroea ux uue uuy. and the were he ful of I greatly increas- ed numher of we local heroes next year, brlngin back not one but at lent two cup: to in ton. The cit hen the me- terinl, but t in year. with t e exception of theunnitee. wen weakened by delay in organization and lack of full team nnd ulnr practices. he only other health propoeed was thnb of Dr. Clarke. who wu pronounced the moat genial of hows, the meet generoun of mt:-one sportsmen thorn. a grant. share or me victory was no. Roapoluu were made by Mr. Webster. Captain Hamilton and quar- ter Dalton. who not only spoke of their gratitudoto Dr. Clarke in glowing terms. but thanked their friend! in King- abon for gonaronn support. and the Royal military oolloge for the practice games af- forded. Dr. Clarke here produced the championship nup, which had been prompt- ly handed over b Hamilton, and tihe Granitoo requoucod r. Clarke to become ILC custodian. foellngl. The tout oi the evening wu that of the Urlniiu and Dr. Olnrke ave their history in kindly spirit. paying I I credit to their retired and present captains. and especially totheir coach. 0. R. Webster. who had been most indefntiguble in his training and to whose judgment and dieoi linnry nu- thorit grant share of t a victory mu um. Ranmun were bv I` ll. ' Thcrzno mum : thlnn In life than I tum!-In on heather. "discovered" them. [or no, nrlu rooo mzeu their winning quelitiee, and hen elpod them up the point where they ere abso- lutely without rivele In the junior divieion. He attended elmoet every prectioo. end. therefore, no one feel: their honor: more proudly then he doee. The enterteinment was but the neturel expreuione of his feellnge. The evening thet FOR WATCH OHAINS. noolnnun nookwooanpnjouot Night -01-. menu 5 God lather to the bed: -'rhe `route nnd tho lieppy Bennie ox Vulone Persona. - Lut evening Dr. Clerke. euperintendent at Roohwood, entertnined the Granite lootbell club to dinner at Rockwood home. 3 reeidonce with 1 ions room: end ne old hello tting it or the ebode oh enerone hoot. A etrotoh oi toblee from rant to nor of the home wee none toolerge for the number: who accepted the kind invitation. The I read mode the boye feel thnt ell footbnl dinnere in their memory hnd passed Into the hu- been beak-line. Certainly no ner spread wee ever laid before the athletic soul in Kingston. Dr. Cluke hes virtu- nlly been Uod-father to the team end may be credited with hovin "discovered" them. for he Brut reoozni jC TU IIC- - T-Cjjj` chat! and Omaha. Q1311. `Ilsa lo.I. And Illa In It-all but I ammo of fonthnll." ` -Hn- Woltu Hoott. Ill] Ilxll \lLll`lIll|lUl vu--u croditodwwitjl-1 "discovered" them. rooo ni hhnir nxinninn nnAIil.iAl. and hll elnad tho weather. And` I by mlwhlnon you nhuuld happen to I - I , _ ` SILVER FOOTBALL8 A8 CHARMS I {elm FOR Tm; CRANITES. Than up. lnrln and at It. though uhurp he ' 7 x[)'Hh'l 0! Cadets- `Ba rm ! one connunt elc-men: In luck. In mmulno. solid. old Tautunlo plurk." -Ilulmu IIUDUJUH. FUPTIIII/U huI In} our future keeps on upward u-our e." PER~86_NAL ME-N-T;ON. iii Eu-mt. ..:..'. ui'.'y"n I.lon."-S|r J `Denhnm :n.. u...l-.-.......-,--'l'I.n.. A Pound of Underwear Worth a ton of Coughdrops. Chou `rho: Inc I`)- unsl. KINGSTON. T A coin ple In rrled. but evening was the occasion of A very )l0IlAlIl; event at the residence of Mn. uruott, Fifth street. when John MeCnul. of Hydenhnm, and Mise rrle Grimahew were united in marriage. rank firimshnw otlicinted as best men, while the bride was attended by her sister. Mine Mend (irimi ehnw. Only the most intimate lriends of the youn couple were present It the wed- din . it r. and Mrs. McCeul will reside in S)(r0llhl.\m. They enter wedded lile et- tendod with the best wieiiee of I hoot of l friend}. _______ __ _______A_ I ' Cnuon spanner Burprleed. {OM Canon Spencer writes to the To- nto Mail: "1 have `just read, with no little nmnzement. your account of bishop Sullivnn'e attack upon my sermon preach- ed et tho provincinl synod. As it has reteivod the hearty approval ol I heat of lrientie. lay and clerical, includ- ing eevernl biehope, hie lordship has eurely strangely misinterpreted it. Hie uuuilt is like u bolt from the blue. At the sermon will eppeer (by requeet) in the Church Evangelist your readers may. if they ohoose, reed it. and judge {or them- nelvee whether the bishop`: etricturee are warranted." an to nor eemty. Knte Sol! admitted having used obscene lnngua e to Sarah Baker on Thnrnde . but olannex that she did not me all the 0 oice exprovu-ions attributed to her. She mid she was protecting her mother when com- plainnnt opened an attack by calling her navnen. Defendant was ned I3 and mate with the option ol going to jeil for lonr- toon day-. She paid her line. A Great l.acly e Inn. W. M. Drennen eteted lut evening to e Wmu repreoentetix-e that he would content Rideeu werd, And would come out at the head 0! the poll. Hie having voted Igainet the Queen (.ity oil company would not in- terlere one ions with hie victor . Said he. "There are `50 women voters in thatwerd. end the elwaye stand by Drennen." He etelod e wee perfectly right in voting pliant the oil mmpeny coming tn the city. 'hen he (Dmnnnn) at-lied Mr. Morris if they were going toured the connect: of manufacturing at can and tents to city rms, Mr. Morris eeid that Mr. Rogers. ol Toronto. imd aimedy given the work of making the can to an Ottewe firm. and u for the tenke the would be given to I friend oi his in wen Bound. Thu: the city would not get any ol thin vorhthouuh it could bedone juet as well here. it not better. then in the foregoing pleoee men- tionedi A lloppy Inn:-minions. St. l nn|'I onuruimnonc Int nlghc in n gt-at cuooou. The uobool bonus in crowded, nnd tho man was Intu- cusing {run human to end. Tho pot. formmooohhojuvoni Chrissy nlnotnh. -2:3: ~='...,...,.~'m'..':'- '-:.".:.**..~ II n ,0 ii I` yn. both in Iokn and .:..:."... mrprldng cholrbcuon. Tho to no nnodinn lull-moon, dronod In I win and rip uvdhodthdrhoubluxkonod. Thoyron high whim oollan. and hot: bad 5 munmoth ohrynnlhomun on It luau. Whnn an can-hln nu null- ruin`! hour! I Irllnyn Mary McCartney, who a week Ago pleaded guilty before alderman Unreon to I charge of drunkenness, end was remand- ed for Iontenoe. was before the police magi-crew bhia morning, and was egniu reunnnded,t.hia time for medieel examination to her unity. aulminad hnvina need ll|IlII&II OIIIVCDTI II Z I- lanut.WlnnIhoctrbInwnll- oduidotholuoyopu-TI::n n v-Inunnn nnnnruun. nlolnto W.J. DICK&SON.I HIIBHCIGCI. Deceased was born in the county Anne h. Ireland, and came to Cnnndn forty- re years ago. She was highly re- npecbod by all who knew her. or hue-l band end a family of ve eons and on? dau hber survive to deplore the loeeo an n feotionnte wife And a kind and loving mother. Hepburn : celebrated Cough Drop: Contain no lsmpblack or coloring mut- ter, but are composed of articles long used by the medh.-al profeaalou for the Allevia- tion and cure of throat and lun dinouol. They are not. only a moat. deioioua and palatable confection, but are invaluable for their soothing elluct. and healing properties in all canon of con ha. colds, lnonrsonon and sore throat. le. 5c. and Inc. 1: box. l'llllI.'l lIl Ul luriu nulsurno The funeral of the late Mrs. John Ahoarn book plnoo yoatorday nfumoon to Sc. Mary ! cemetery and was very largely attended. llannuuul um. Inn-n in olm on-unno- ll IlIIl0l' 10 Int vvnruullu Major Snellgrove. governor of the Co- bourg jail, arrived in the ciby to-day, hav- ing in charge the young man Prentice. who was tried for murder recently.founcl guilt. , and aeptencod to death `or his crime. T e sentence was commuted to imprisonment: for life. and the murderer will spend the remainder of his days in the nlbentinry hero. He in only about oig been years old. TIE mm The Debt. The police received a call Thursday Ifternoon from the X )0 U 8" restaurant, to exert. u gentle pressure in the case of two rural visitors to the city, who natured no pay {or A meal they had ordered and eaten. Sergb. Snodden responded to the call. nnd his appearance on the scene was suioient. to cause the countrymen W pay for what they had received. Know Tint Own Interval. Alderman Bebnn in meeting with grab!- fying success In his cuxvua. He can- vusod in Victoria ward last evening. I-It mm thus the people in every hguu will talk nothing but coal oil, and` that the electoral are almost unanimously in favor of changing the oil limits to allow the Queen City company to locate here. now. u. U. vluluay Lnuwu. Rev. D. 0. Crouley. Nopnnee. he! been invited to the pastorate 0! the Cberloue street Methodi-t church. Pecerboro. Rev. C. W. Wat.ch.Bright.on. has been extended seal! 00 Madoog Rev. E. Roberta, Belle- villn. In Rrhrhmn. HIUDR `JD UlPU5CU Ulo Thi will be agrand opportunity to secure seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. Sales for cash only. Call and sse us. Rnnglng in price from 1.50 to 09 have been added to the stock 0 /George Mill: &' . Co.,l70 Wellington name. next door to Wald:-on a. IOOII I0 M5000] I I ville, ho Brig|}c3n_. Ir...._ mL_n.. U I I'IIl'o Boyu Mn Iuood /I1 I pair, just. the thing to won under ubbera. W. J. Dick & Son : cloning ulo. Butter-. Butter. Ilnttu. Flnut roll butter 180.. uent tub butter 17 .. boctl u I both! lklu 10:. J. C:nu(r.;or(|lI.p ,0.` . Po uc., nocuo cnuup 100. J. Crnwlord. -Bnnor. Ilunu. llutur. Fined: print. 180., fine had butter l7o..orounory prlnta. J. rnwford. U--"II I'Ul' -IIIWIII We bun 800 born]: of choice wlnur glen, I hand picked und wnrnnud No. . Hiacook. ONTARIO. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBENRZ 10', Ill um . Hiccook. Rev. D. 0. Orouloy lnvltod. n n n..,.--I-.. xr........ 3.. Commencing Sat rday morn- ing and continuing til the entire stock ds disposed of. `Thin\ tuill I-an g rrrnnrl nnnnrhinihr CITY AND` VIOINITY. Ohoopul Ivor Known. mg nnn In.-ugh nl nlunlnn ml Illh ID III! IIINIIIIIIII Iii` MRIIB. 600 ovononu to claw by Jan. I. 500' hrgnlnolorw luokypuoplm TM nu ulo opuu Saturday. An you uho`ut to Emhunmovwmngshhhywr chutes.- Mop. King shoot. , Oocl-I honnmo. No. N. lndopondonl OI-doroll`oIQt0lI.douidctI|u\ovoningmo' hold I blloinuhllubou ol thir ollopro In an Iy hull In `January non. Nowh- bodug cum will be hwihd to have then- omn Innullod tho nun nhln. Dr. not-mg oonru sun on mum: to nun unm- 'o...."'.' 'u.'i'..""'......' .'3'o'.':' ......."""" .'.".a Y` N - ' high ehhlnngot Ionlr will it Inn ht uh condom. cont pnce to-Inorrow. mcnmonu (V. L0. Members of council No. 121, C. 0. C. F.. hnvedocidod not to hold the Annual ball on New Your : eve this year. Instead they will give us rand concert. in the opera houao about I. e middle 0! December. M . u... .\N`_-:.... Kn -.-n'. ..l.oA.-- Rnn vnu no cola one: . mar nan. Better than morioun or Engluh card only half the price. our 26. chooolatu. J. Crawford. Lldnvnnnn I`. H \.I.nrHn In-n human I`. unmuno tor mar Innrngu. llylbo. but twat potatoes 2512.. pure npplo julco cider. huh buuar Inc. J. Crawford. Ihnnlnn nun AL.`-u ml: 9. -ill nnr - CLEARING u-uuoru. During our chap Isle we will olfor A nplondld rung. oi no ovoroonu. mode the amen odor work. in heaven. melmnn. French nlppo and Men. at price: to rlol com on. Z. Pnvolt. Now Yor lug Stan. Brook muck but ovonln Dn. Kilbom sud Cunning- hunonui Ghoyonng man ulun into om-Iodv vnhrdnv on n nu-nloion of Iain nun uunmou uuyoung mm uun Inw om-tody ycnordn no-pinion 5033 Imam. In medical men were In ad that In In mentally unbalanced` nnd ordered MA nnonl In Rookvood Anv- KHIIICI IIIII II. II mllllly IIl'|DIlI'I' and nnoul to Rookvood any-` Inn. .00. [Anon md.AIkon cooothd him to shut Inltlhtlon In night. MI`! nvu-anal: In plan hi Jan. Int. Ml)` mm d. urowxoru. The India: will appreciate the bargain: we Are otforing in mantles. Every one at cont pxico to-morrow. Richmond & Go. Members nl council No. 121. C. (). F. nouao about we mnumo ox uecomoer. Wo me offering in men`: uh-tors fino Canadian frieze, well made and durable or coat. that others would have no hon-imtion in nnHn you 87 for. but. they must. be sold and nok quick. So $4.64"! in the price; all shades. Bur Hall : retiring mle. A mun Int. nl Amnrimn whim nuiltn I` Qkitc I ripple ol excitement was cruauxl on 'ing Itroot Thursday Afternoon by a diminutive porkor that olcapod from its owner Ind need nlon the street. with the farmer and I small bu I )up in hot. pursuit. lt wn captured slur A only chase. '1 hnvn lift ono small counter which UPIWIONI. Aldormnn C. H. Mnrtin has been ( nailed to be an lldotmnnic candidate 9...`. npnnrl hm, gun. that in `nu . IIICCTIIIIH U. H. UIIFIIII HI! 0000 I`- for urio wad. but. cum that he wnll not desert the electors ol Ridenu vmrd. who have up:-nod um confidence in hum on over ooounon on uhich he has been In -. M. 6... Huh nnuain I337 "ooa.."'"".TJ. '33" ."i."slii"i.'.' o idnoo for choir onhge. lulu. but nwoct mum PTICO |'o0'"IOH'0\V. IVIODITIUIIU (K U0. A lodge ol Companions of the Fomal. is being orgnninod here. Women are eligible for inltiuuon into this order. and it in paid lm local lodge will have A large member- ` I ll . I`l.2c'l and II dreu shirts down to two: HA|N[S& UICKEHI pnoo on mwuruny only. mcnmonu av. LA). Court. St. Luvronoe. A.0.F. met. in uguhr union Int. evening. Oicinl or- gnniur W. F. (fursuirs. was present. and gun the members an explanation of the new ritual. Table And cooking gs. J. Crawford. lirown blend. purest. and boat. black Lou, for role only at. Hilbert`: grocery. We have will left, I few [min 0! Enulish lo!` KID DIN IL IIIIDOTI I grocery. an ill pairs English make of the out kid loves. Tho origi- nal price of I . one gcggn was 81.60, but they must be sold. 0 750. is the pn'c_o now. Star Hull : retiring uln. ' Csuup 013., pickles 100.. print butter um J. Crawford. 'l`l.. lgplig. will nun-Anintn Hun hnnpnina nooaqunrnera nor nouns l|.ll' A 0yc|ono could not I thin our overcoat; by chonpnoou. are stirring N your new garments. street. nun. . ninnlg Al -n-GOA: 1:. copnuron uwr long emu-e. \\'o hove left. one small counter will too told (she: Star Hall. |l..n-.- oh... ....p;...n nr I.`....l..h gm! ' Imp. N920 and 81 (iron shirts down to 500.: 350.. 750. and 00. dreu shirts down to 40. Only A few lolt. Smr Hull : retiring sale. (`..o.....u.. ninhlng Inn .1 f`.-.....hml BRIO. Cnuup 00.. ickloa I00. J. Crawford. Every mum. e in our hr a shock at cost. price on Snburdny only. ichmond at Co. Court. St. Lawrence. MIMIOS. mar nun murung mm. 4 A now lot. 0! American whim quilt! H 50c., 000.. 75c. and II. at R. McFnu|`a', hoodqunrbem for houao furninhingn. ovclono could make more noise mcnrnonu a uo. Look out for cheap clothing as our time in growin vor Ilnort and the oode must be sold. gtar ail : retiring an a. He bu:-n`aCough Dro used when going to botrthoy loosen thop legun and nllovinbo nll irritation of the throat. For sale every- when, Saturday, ovorcoatl. barguina. Dunlnp. The bargain day 0! the season :in ladies and children`: mantles. Everyone at cost price to-morrow. Richmond & Co. A Indus nl Camnnninna of the Forest in an uun. umloo mnnuel as con. Bweataro, bop ehiru, ovemlln, odd veabs and rubber coat: at less than coal`. at the Star Hull`: retiring sale. A Prinoau street. drucmilt. will onen R our mun reurmg sale. street druggilt. open branch store in the pmmisea lately occu~ glad by W. N. Dollnr. corner of Barrio and rinoua streets. 80 I overcome: at coat Sntulday. Dun- lop. ing ntroot, south side. Sooum at cost. price ono of our choice mantles. This offer in only for Saturday. Richmond & Co. I MI. mu I... nknnn nlmhim. ... .-....- ohm. A---SALE $12,000 ocvorth of Boots, Shoes, Trunks " Valises non. Tender: for bho erection of oliicea and surgery for Dr. W. T. Connell have been awarded on George Wilson by Power & Son, nrchitecta. Chickonn. turkeys. duch. J. Crawford. Bamnin day on Saturday M`. Richmond & Co's. Ladies mantle: at. cost. Hm-nluu-n I1\unh`rfA nunrnlln ndnl un-In an . Eon` three-piece suits cheaper than the coat of making at the Star Hall`: retiring I sale. CDO. Remember the clearing I zhooa. trunks and vulisu. Ulll Ind DBO C i J. Crud & Co. Mn n: Oh. WDOIOIIUO drug IIOFOI, llblllitod Rh Moll` area] and Toronto, were in the city yester- dnv. ponu 5: mo mar um n reurmg sue. ,Don't, miss getting the choice of our nice uock o! nookciu: cwo for 250. at the Star Ball`: retiring ale. Print 181).. sub butter Ha. .I. Craw- nun romnng sale. Marina 180., sub butter 17. J. Craw- o . (`nil npul -. l\II- ghml. Al l"|...l.A....... ..l..'.... up an unborn grocery. Bummer underwear at. give away prices Al: the Star Hall`: retiring ule. Tho creditors of Dunonr. & `Wilson mat. . um a U0. ,No goon thnn ve repreaentmivea of wilolenlo drug Itoru, situated at Mon- Toronto. oibv vost,er~ PARAGRAPH8 PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER8. In Ipl 0! Ivar) DA) Llto-Whn the Pop]: Art `lilting Abnklothhg ll- ospoo the Athntlon of `those Who Am V fulllll Iona. Dunlap`: clothing. Do you wear in Bologna 8 lbs. or_ 250. J. Crni a Go. And-monopoly Queen City can nil at. Gilbert : rooorg. r Six clot. in cabin for rule, chug, ntfbho an Hnll. Print butter. nut, 18. J. Crawford. Choioo or-nmery butter. J. Craig I. Go. New Ilx crown gs. nllo new Itewing 63: at. Gilbert : grocery. Bummer undnrwur Riva mvnv m-ices `I'll undonulcnol will nod` and I r 31:39:09.: up to noxlm nu " ." 0 You'll have to buy one or the ~other. Underwear will be the `cheapest in the end if you buy it here. It's comfortable, warm, protective underwear. In any `man's store you can buy the cheap kind at. 25c, 35c and 4oc each, we have it also, but it is the eece- lined, Scotch lambs wool, Aus- tralian wool, natural wool, im- ported goods at 50c, 75c, 31, $1.25 mp to $2 each that we would like to show you. No trouble to show .-goods. '0- H. WlLMO'F, Manure! an we but nun remnng sue. The oreditore of Duponu Wilson mat Thursday evening and decided to wind up the buaineu. - Pure apple juice cider. J. Crawford. Cisooel end heddlee. J. Uraig & Go. Now in the Mme to get I bargain in odd pants 5: the Star Hall retiring ale. ,Dnn't. min ntmlnn the choice of our nine mo. Roll and print butter I80. J. Crawford. Finest English breakfast hen. J. Craig t Co. ` CH1 and our stock olchristmna china. I nrnln h (`n mcmms or IHE DAYT III"ll\IlIlIIR'I. `. their value and ' u . Boo un for Bunlop, King ' sale of boots, W. J. Dick & or Iommona vn Illll noom mno mun Iouga Runnin clan t. mugh thin ty Ln the Suyellill mine than in whwm Hum- mond calla I dyh" of quart: in chloride, which given a general u of {mm Clo to II) to the ton 0! Iron mil in! gold. The gruuut. width 0! this dyio in .00 hot. the mu-mwot. pant being at tho oxtmno and of the location. when It is novonu.-on foot. wido. From uinn lo hnncy-two men hm-o boon omployod during the oulnmor in dovalo meat work. hut nothing has been said a um. yot. the own: unnowoll ntiood that no Itock vll be put on the mark. Mr. Hammond hn nnocinud with him. the Folrr bl-ethos-I, ol Kin - ...... ...A n M I`.. .... a. ..r M... V... out to other an-ton 0 (Moon um mormng. The one and rig. hired by M('Kny to talmhin girl for I drives. were returned this morning McKay yeohoniny nogotint. ad with A. Mollquhnm to purchnu six house. but the contract. has not,.aofnr. been carried out. The girl who accom- panied the atrnngor hut. evening had been employed at the Windgor only a vrook. . __:,___._. A Morn) hangs. Tho unmet Bothnh upomnood a rough wasp on her hat trip down from lfon Illiun. In running down Lalo Bnporlor Inns vuhcd completely ova tho ucunor. burying hot to but nil. Enrythlng movcsbh was wuhd away. `Two canon. Dutd Cummings and Pour Iuohhtd. Walk lolnnd. wan lnlund iv "two uuua wnmngn Ind I-we Mud. Wolfo Island. won Injund by forooohhovnvu. `ay `man for `ward cloning any nmtl bunker v a hung hang can-nnmd OLA u-il tlunnnlnn One Dollar $1.00. IIKIWXWIDUWIC '1' y WWUU I3` n oul tron hip van nounbl tho nil. thawing Mach 0! the loaned and quart Ibo two non. `ha: Iowa links can hndlv Il0lIIOlIX|&IIllIlI'IlIUIIlHI'D non, when van badly lruhd. Onohdhioknnnkb Input. Iona all-Inn hing nquiud cod:-av III Innlnluulhr. Bonn cl Ibo -an hdn nfhzdutl In annoufsd (hat ldnud on olnplb. . Sir `nod van oolgowlqod unla- ayes hluunucul hind tho rllfpltl ` uiiuuhn. Iowans-ridllnounu. sno nu raI.urneu.' The police wore working on the one un- til two o n|ook thin mormn . but had no round on which to arrest. 'lvKuy, unle-I r. Frnliuk wished to lay an inlorlnntion against. him. This was not dono. and the horse-buyer engaged A. MuCor|Lill to take him to Wolfe Island in n bont. They not out to other at.-ton o'clock thi- morning. Tho nruo and ria. hirnd hr M(~Knv tn I IIa|I|Cm.u$IlI||IIIlO'I`plll` Bevan:-riodlhno Mutual Mb hing I Ila Isiah. 1InYuri. aometmng was wrong. My sun-pronoun row acronger bowuda evening and I put t. 0 police on Mr. McKay`: track. Last. evening he engaged a horse and rig from n livery unable und took one of our inning- room girls out. for ndrive. Neither he nor sho hut raturned." Tho nnllnn Innrn may-Linn nn Dlm nnln nn. . V M tho ylnm tor the I London. inn-tun. Hnmlll 1 ~ iurvuwvuu William Hammond, whose home in 15 Fort. William. in the qiby noomly direct from Saw Bill Lake. in the Rainy Lake diacricwbrln 1 3 wonderful nor 0! the grant. minor: wealth of that neon. He was on his way to New York to srrangn for a mill of not lost than one hundrodnml o..,...ou nfnlnnu nrhink hi. nnrnnnnw [Or I "NH 0| "05 IODU lcllln OHI HUIIGIYXIIIIH Lwout atom . which his company. the l(nmunOur.& l-`ulgor company, will hang nlmod on their nmnartv u soon In mo nnmmcnn a longer company, wm have placed on their roporty M soon pouibla When Mr. rlunmond mention- odn I20-uunn mill the nuumont seemed almost, inc along. (or II twenty-sump mill is considered a large Ilhir. but when ho told of the axiom. 0! the "old quarry" or it. cannot. homil- og I vein) on which It in to be placed thorn want nothing at I" ox` Lruordinnry about it. Hammond at Fol r`: minoin aitnnud on both nude: 0! the w Bill mine. and oompriun auric- ol looutiona in nll nbom ihno miloo long. Runninn Ian Lhmunh this nrmnrtv And nx. rue winusor howl. registered as .1. n McKay, Richmond, Virginia, and signi- lled his inl.enl,ion of remaining here for a few days. He said he was in horse bu `er nnd was here to purchase A largo num er of horses for nhi ment. to Tennessee. He had a numbero hand bills printed at. it local printing oioe and roceeded bo nmke the acquaintance ul Lie leading livery stable keepers. Recmrdlnn his l.rnnnnnl.ions with the nro- sumo Keepers. Regnrdln his transactions pro- prietors of t. 0 Windsor, 0. Frnlick told the followln story to a Wum representa- MV8 : "No any re xrosonbod himself as doing an extensive mines: in horses: and told me he had in deposit. in n bank here. Running short. of cash he naked me to loan him 3|!) until he could draw on him no- count. I complied with his roquort. and ahortl afterwards I began to suspect` Llmt. aomet ing My auspicious in-ow acronner ovonimr but And Borrowed Money. Ting In A: Vol NM Ropnld. On Wodnoadnf ovomng a ubrumger cnllod at the Windsor motel. registered J. H. McKav. Richmond. Viminin. ginni- In which rolgor limo. rs Qnluntpd. | WIFE Cl ll] ICED. The utmost. rot. is felt at the death of Mr. Sexton by n who know him. and their mine in lo ion. The stricken widow has the heart. ole. aympmhy of her score; of friends in the hour of her bereavement. I54" "Ill Unllrcn. o is survived by Mrs. Sexton. who in A daughter of the lube J. Hooper. master tailor at. the penitentiary. The couple ware childless. I Th. mum man; i. an .9 AL. .l-.n. .-.4` non OI u nsuerman. Mr. Sexton was for many eats a pro- minent figure in municipal po itios, in both the township of Kingston. previous to tho incor ration of the villa of Ports- mout , and in that village J53 it was in- corporated. He served as deputy move. and Inter as reeve of the township council. nnd on the incorporation of the village. in IH59. he was elected the rst reeve of tho municipality. This position he held for many years. retiring at intervals. but near. ly always being successful at the polls on re-entering the contest. He was chairman of the county property committee in the Frontenac county council for several terms. During I886 he held the position of reeve of Portsmouth for the last time. In nnlitinn Mr Envy... Mal.-l am.-.unoi.,. ' IONIIAY. NOVEMBER IVTH, me. P! tho nupnly of bnvoluorf moat hnhor. Mn and onnmorl. living Men or onoh,_ It oqtmonl. DON\h\cu. eon wood, om.. fw hptlllowlng institution: duu-Ina tho 1! .v :- ox reeve or rorumoucn tor the last. Lime. In politics Mr. Sexton held conservative princl loo until a number of your: A 0, when no adopted the political creed of Q. to liberal pnrty. He was a momberof the Ezwliah church. - in ...-..i..-.I I... ll..- Q--o.... ...|... .'.. - wae one to nears nuure. Mr. Sexton wan born in Suffolk. Eng- land, where he lived until he was twenty year: old. In the early part of 1337 he entered the service of captain Sandham. a British oilloer then stationed here. With this ofiloer deceased saw service during the Muckentie rebellion 0! 1887. and particl- pated in the bottle of the Windmill in that you-. Upon_ returnin to Kingston, after the suppression of t e rising. Mr. Sexton aooepted the poeition ol steward on tLe steamer William IV. a lake passenger boat ceiling at thia rt. At the close oi his engagement int in capacity, he was `appointed and at the penitentiary, which post he re inquiahed to open a butcher : store. on the site where Shortt's hotel now- etande. For a number of years he remain- ed in this husinees. doing a ilouriahing trade. Having received an olferlrom Sir Henry Smith. to appoint him ato- ward in the penitentiary. he gave up his business end ncoe ted the poeition, which he held for eevere years. Upon his re- tirement he aln started in businou as a butcher. nnd.lIaur he followed the occupa- tion ol sherman. Mr Rnvtnn was Inn nnnnu nun. - nu-A u A Long. Ivonttnl And lluful uh cloud ' -A Llfo-Lon; luldonl of the Vlllsgo. Goorgo Sexton, J .P.. Pornmnuth, pun- od to his not this morning at the mo of Iovonty-nine you-I. Dooouod had boon In fable health for` name time and his dumb was duo to heart failure. MI! Imohuu nu. Iuuwu in unlly Pun. EX-REEVE GEO. SEXTON DEAD. CAME TO BUY HORSES. __..___4 A WONDERFUL MINE no fol?! ontnon. on Ann M. Fo gar. jr., ol New You- - u--u uuuu un uuuu uuvuvur, nwuuuuu v waif of the Snow. canal. he four inspectors are obliged to render fort.nightl_v reports. which are of tho rontoat importance and nuiaumce to pro- umeru. Luci. our New Zonlnnd exported 3,500 hone ofo otnhnd 3.000 buns of but.- bor. the value of which WIS about two millions of (lollnrn. or in the neighborhood of one-seventh port. ol the value of Can- ndinn exports. One factory alone axporcod 460 tom: of butter and `. R0 tons of choose lost. your. A; lnr M maaiblo Mr. MncEwnn in uaimz ovonmg m uuruungo run In the vu- T: azhndnnoo :|x|od Ts: uncut I qldi . concurs givcn by nut ol the Inn nod bun I ddloul nae!` .3... l|u.o`:dIt.un |lu.A':d ran wool unmn an un Ohms. Doublo-Bnuud. R5 Bud. an an Moo. lot: and 759. Iluliuu was. man: Wool. Slim and Duncan. olonly wo- VX. 7% MN. `L Envy W M. Noun! Wool nun. ad was ILU and iaai. year. poaaible uaing Canadian eyateina as a haaia in developing the dnirying industry in New Zealand. At o coiiventimi of dairymen hold laat winter. he doecribed the Canadian ayatom ol roll- ing and shipping. A resolution was pana- ed by the dairymen endorain the ayaiem nnd l`000|Illn0l1(`lln ite arfoptinn t imughout New Zealand. he matter ol eetabliehin permanent dairy echoola there. similar to t oee existing in banada.ie under conaideratmn and will no doubtbeadopb ed. The liret claases for inatruction were hold them in the winter of I893. They were well attended. appreciated and proved moat beneficial to dairymen. Two of the heat lactoriea in the oountry were uned wherein to give instruction. Mi. Mecwan eaye his tour through Canada and more especially in vinit to the King- rton dairy school haa irnpmaeed him eith the importance of eatahliahing schools throughout the country. no that the oduoa tional Work can bemade eliloient and all pmducera taught the name method, working lot the good of the imluatry on the name lines. The pant two years have been devoted wwarda organiling the dairying industry on a firm and practical baaie. The country in not aituated ae favorably aa Canada to the market ol consumption, but nevertheless in spite oi obeteclee the work ia going to succeed and develop. The shortest route to England in by way bl San l`ranciI.-co. but the extra coat of hauling produce 3,000 tnilaa overland and hand- lin ittwioe. make: that route impractioahle. A aater ateaioehip* oervice between New Zealand and Londonmight aid the dairy- inlindua . M.. ,-An .....aa..I nut. In "mid m mmn r. Mao van mgnthd that ho could not no Ibo Iona! dairy animal In oponuou. I-lo oonoklan It. the but uippod. mo comploto and ofcionl. Ilohoo ha ha: aver inapooud. and say: that with each `In ad- vantago In in favor. Canada ought to load the world in the dairy buainaoa. Mr. Nac- Ewan Iuft. Now Zaaland on Uotobor 8rd. arriving at hi: home in Stratlord. Ont. on October am Ha will nmaln In Canada until that hqginning of Daoambar. and ex. navy w at. man: wuu was ond)nvuo. OLU Ln. ' ` mm. l'I-um Lind IN: f run your will About l`..'l),UUU. The dairy associations of New Zealnnd , are not formed for educational purpoaeu, as r in the ease in Canada. The government controls the matter 01 education. and the dairy auocletioue are nothing more or lees than commercial organimtione that seek to secure the beat markets, most favorable conditions of ahippin , etc. New Zenlnntl being so far from tie market where the dairy product: of the country are eold. it being A matter of forty days nail to Lon` don. buyer: will not purchase outright. as they claim over fluctuating price: leaves it impossible. hence the wyewni of shipping through ooinmiulon houeee. It was thought that when the system of rnding was adopted better prices woultiz be ee~ cured lor produce sent out of the country. no previoua to that produeere had no me- thod of knowing the quality of their out- put. It wu found, however, that prices did not advance ll expected. and upon inveetigntion the loot wee brought to light that the London handlers were practically undereelling each other and thus keepin (lawn the price. It is to look into this an euggeut a mined . observe the condition 01 New Zealand do ry produce upon arrival at London. and its distribution, to ucertain the need: of the London market and such other information of interest to the dairy in: industry that Mr. Maowen in journey- ing to (lreel Britain. where he will re- main three or four month, returning by mi ' I`. l`.uu- in...4u.a.\.. ...-.. nkl..-ml on U-An1`Ar In Men`: Full and llntor Undorwolr. lo M It? be-v. preparation on Oh Innlu today or new slug oonhn at oohh. in bottles and uoonru Iwounennpa m colu MI` chambers. The government. ya for III the work of grudin and free: ng. as well an the Q41 mries of the gun` inspectors. This is done with a view to encouraging the industry and of placing on the London market. an article that WI sell well and compare favorably with that produced by my other compete- eive country. The coat. to the government lust year wan About S`.. 5,()()(). dnirv auunintinnun of New Znnlnnd I `III Into: of Dairying In cased: the lulu of the Industry loin; Developed in New lenlnsd-A Deity Oonlnisaioner ls-on the Antlpodes In the Olty. J. B. Maesvan. dairy commissioner of New Zsalsnd, is in the city. the uest of Prof. J. A. Ruddlck. au rinten ent of the dairy school. Mr. acEwan was a member of the Canadian dairy sta` with Prof. Ruddlck until two years ago. when hereeigned toaooept a commissioner-ship in a country situated on the other side of the globe. He is now on his way to Eng- land. being sent to thst country b the government employin him, to invest gate the methods of reoeving, handli and distributing New Zeeland butter and cheese there. The system of exporting such produce from New Zealand is entirely dilferent from that in use here. ere by a s stem of boards the produce is so out- rig t within the country before being ship- There everything II shipped through commission houses. A few London buyers have their own representatives in New Zealand. Others employ residents as re- presentatives, so that one agent may re- present two or more London firms. in some cases uoe is shipped through the banks. utter and cheese are received from the factories by the agents. who sd vanoealoan. which. of course, is always below the standing of the marlret. The produce is then sent to one of four ship. ping ports. where the government two years ago established cold stor plants, where butter is inspected, rad . stem with the inspector's ra in nnd t ion frozen preparatory to mg oaded into steumshlps for transport to ndon. in the case of cheese, it is inspected and graded. then placed aboard ships into cold air chambers. The not establishing the cold storage makes it com ulsory for ship pens to have all butter an choene graded and butter frozen before being placed nboard stcnmships in cold air chambers. rrovernmont mm: for all him wnrlr nf : CANADA vsgzgy A ZEALAND. 3 COMPARATIVE MET HOD8 INDUCEMENTS Wills Lind Ihirh uul llnvu-qlunulh aldloud 0|. rglnlth UdulvuI .O|.I _'?`'."}- Blunvica. pub to tail from Nov; Y Q uf lhl month. WIIUI :'O CIHVC ` Cy |...mnlNow7.onImdwulut\Inohh Q ;""""'-`-"~`-*.=.I..=. ; DOI\|0lNIW7:QHlIdO$C2H outing thoootviooc 0! out 0 muutolthodulryi industry. ,5 npnu-ontM.ivo0nmdnn.nn tan h K lnndolhhrlhlndnldi Q counuynoog_h_oj_n_al_;_pvaII. (V I00 0! IIOC. .. ,._. _._.-_ ___n.. n..a.. II... n- rupocuuuy mvuoa to uuonu. HIIIRUN -- Ab Hlonvnlo. Tovmohi 0! Kill`- aton, on Friday, Nov. 20th. 18 .3050!-O Gibson. lured oinlntv VOIPI. Jl`.'l'l` ONE NAN MORE 10 OOII v on! forth! mud. Allulponuol All Apply (1 Ivllonnhl. Anglo Arnollobl \ VANTRD - M ltl.l - IIELIAILI II every lmmllvy; loul or tan 3 :00 mtrmluro I new dim-ovary and loop I N\r<|n nu-kn-I up on tnon. (ammo Mid thrnuglmul town and wountry' I ulnymout; oommluion or nhdn. mnnlh and on-nun. and mono: 0 an hank wh-n I-Mnod. ht * wt to Tho Wnrlrl Iodlnnl Rlouttlo ., don. Ont. Cnmuln. `W30 nu. lcldwinu. W P|ppuu.,lInuu J. Juno uw:h.Q.0..vu ukl . uooounuom by tho a_unnIi$U& vulluidhalnuulytiy. '1`. F. HARRISON. l'nnIn1-Ann um ICIIIALIII. Htreet. l honon-Wunroonu. 90; I M. Lowest prices. Prlnoou st not. Uomu El phone communication. awn, on l'l`|(lRy, NOV. mum. |uvo.lwIII'I Gibson. :4 oighty yearn. Funeral wil take place from M: Inn l$- donce, (llonvqlo to CA uloonolty m &`rtondl next Sunday at I0 3. nmm\int.mmu gm mnnonhlullv Incl h um TIAT l' IIEIB AMPS t cool: nn. n mm: In; or Iona]. through Wum olno. % 3-mmm \'0. I CLYIIK TKBBAOI. U): A ntnot. Iron. Apply in III. Karl nml Ry-lonhun -true: |`H IIKSIRA l|l.l KIORI owns-i h Ira. Nvn. mull o on, nine t o l'Q2\IuIOI'IBI oonn oulrod. Apply to John I I0. , _. _._ .- 0. In! l'N|VIRRl'l'Y AV III.. A homo. nearly now. `- modem oonvonlonoou. . 3|`. on no pnmhu or to o anon uncut. `lung about ugmy ulnar nus Iugwur nontolNow7.onhndOIoluI'hn0hh .....:..- .5. -nu-vino: at on us a-k A flloll I IIIIILZM Lunnm lumurnxltn um IIIA Prlnoou not. Uomu Hydonhun nub. l)r.\'A.~\--In King:-con on Nov. Ih, ll. Cupt. I . Dovnna. aged 70 yum. Funornl will take place fmm M0 M09- nidonoo. Division a-trout, nut Iun I p. :11. Friends and noquninunoil no rupocbfully invited to Attend. (muuw Ab Hlonvnla. Townnlnin nl Klan. CED IA. . won. our. y-lnnhun ll` kuln` in Ktnnton. Huninon and Ilmlm. nor In 0 :IInl Prlnun sud Inoor Rolornnory. tron o. , I. Ul` rmclnu. Dunn.`-mn mm EInu1n-Il Pul- oun strut, Monk M an old stand. JAS. REID. 'huI Lnnnm lmnn|1`AxII-$G-In strut. 'l`clophonol4'(A. Opon Dunn nmur. ' ` Dr. C|au`|to'n lecture in Ch|lmerI' ohm-oh to-night. b 1 : Is a specialty with us. The variety is immense. and mi" never so low as now, quality c It- sidercd. ,, Is one ofrlhe latest production: of this celubmtcd maker. WI show it in four qualities, Ind call recommend it with condence to anyone requiring a handsome. black dress. ' ` xv Drio!stley's Eudora Black Dress Material; ow; Run ikiufn m oonm. - nrcvtfnrthernud. Allulnolulnlvtl . wucnl I ALF` OF` THE l"|.A`l` OVI I now on um . alnln linw. mic -:'."dau. 'Im an next uummy II. III mm. l`I'|Onll mqmxinunooa nro mnpooblully lnvi M abmnd. -wI"'I-u "n ma Bale-Iv?nn. Omaha: maa: ROOM! 1!) LET, WITH IIMBD. Q QU` uroot. , , mun norif. No no 4 Apply MI I! CAIIDII :6T57:l:T m~n~nuii. an-:.\' IN MI Iv!- K uinuto Ira. u H./m.n.m mutant. ________.__,.. II I'l'QOInII ll! IIIC. ` Y lm pmvu the nppolllo. Gd. 1 Import: the Mull:-lnnl Vlrmu of tho ` nu -|lInnnI_ 1 NuT"I'2TTTv'i3 A WINE.` or con LIVER o1L| In ngroouhln to take. Iunnnupnn 0| OAK TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1897 `I-`on KLE on TO LET. 10 mm. -- Modcnb vu-lsblo '1. .J2.`3'a5:i7..` `~"""? pnfom 'rw'o on_M_'_ w:Arje-can pnoaummn. A For Sale by I Dnuglnh. `T6 3": * LET. Iu + Modem. winds. fnir And call. ick JACKSON'S * HENRY BRAIN, II\lI'l'AIlI AII1 Inn ' b I ;:`.n:.`.. .2: `.`. .:..?.':'.'.._. . : w5+:f BOARBT will at brlngtnnmnn ol the cannon vs; ad. Ho nudn tho mu: Brand a satisfaction outooon. late I him :5. I blah . 800 I 3". Ni . 011.11. uh-glut 131:1: II no onoo In the cm. 3':nx1us.m wemnmn . SIXTY-THIRD YEAR.-N0. .271. ' Magic Cough Cure in 'O- WlLMO'F Inning: Gents` Furnishing: pnnmont. A IAIIILGI IJOIIII A Ladies Fina` Slipper, Don- gola Kid. strap over instep, narrow pointed toe, neat and shapely. Our price only one dollar. u duo Iullllmonl 0! nah contract. Illa-anon; and lnrmn of candor can only 50 MI by mulln I llontion In tho I-ur-an of the rupavurc nu tutlnnn. N.B.-'l'-nrlnru an no! roqlllrovl for tho Inn 1 0! nut to the A:-ylumn In Toronto. Lon- dl Ohobontnl any land" not IIIOPOIIIHII b, KING smear. L. yjj album eoulon I nil: uunlncon .1 m. Iuuco pogno supper out not an IJIOIFOWH ax pomw. How are you on the on question 3'` in an interrogation put by eloctnra to all aldormanio candidate: those dayl. The mauaria likely to be a "burning quea- uo \unt.i| ahar the January eloociona. ` oofraphiual poaition is low and or- n 0 ochin an made low to mail: . our men`: envy all wool pants at. .`.'5. Dunlo ). King atroot. The wife olbaniol Dohorty. tho young man Ibo wan am. no iail fora montha queen. Several ol the Aldermen who. It Mon- dly night : council meeting voted ngninnt. changing the oil limits. enjoyed in chem- pngne supper but not 3!. theirown ex penae. won (mention The wuo or uumol lronorty, mo man who um: um. to jail for: weak or no :30 for rooiuing urroat, `mind on police ma inlrnto Dull` this morning to mquou that or huobandi sentence be re- duood. HVLEI. -unlnpnina I -on-x -mg:-I-A! anal;-win: uuoea. While returning lrom market. yeeterdey eftaernoon I teem ol hone: owned by 1 (Armor from Storringoon wwnuhip ren nay on Princes: Itreec. eonuering the contaenle ol two barrel 0! apple: along the reed. No other damage occurred. Thu-e IAI I In-In etmndnm-e Int. even- road. no owner carnage occur:-ea. There nu A large attendance Ian even- ing at the revival eervicen that are now in were at the Queen eueeg eohool home. the earnest note! ol warning were countl- ed again neglecting the great. uln- tion. The interest in lncreaelng com- Inendably and the rlleeeinge will continue. The steamer Pewel arrived at Built : ICU !|-IU noolvo tendon ' In hi Inn noon nu ION AV. NOVIINBER IVTH, for -umnly moat. hut Ia cmcuuncou no mun In In Innunl nuulr. Cold wonthor and cheap ovorconu go hand-in-hand with us. Examine i! you will our 8.1- overcoat. l)nnlop. King ntruat. Inanoamy anu uaa raaum a nu oonunuo. docl aarly t.Ma morning`. Bha will proba- bly claar tor Pieoou. .8.. today. p- um Mclhinnay want aboard and had a look ovar tho vaaatl thin morning. A: aoon aaa pilot arrivaa ban the nasal will Mia him aboard and alas !or aalt waoar. QCCI I `C: A noouulnl concert And his mut- I .I thouoplocoollhoubd Iooioty ol tll Motbodlol ahurch. can hold lat owning In |ho'Onno hall In the vil- Inao. Tho nhndnnoo and the lily: piano colon by In. uuuunfby loan Ioyontl ()not:Iuotn- Lllou adh- I and l' uuod. diglihvudby llovnl. prqnnnovu doltvcndby inlaid. licence:-I reluctant: (is The amhynl ucnhs -T'I. `V. II. -CID . A. DIO- IIBOmDlI$ Ill HIO \VlIlH mm I.0~nl [In Show have been rod recent. 3' At several member: 0! A" eld bauerv, R.U.A.. while walking slang the Iidewnik in Bnrrioold. Nllnndn nu" hll um t unu with nun n' lung wroou. , Chmrmam Canon. of the board of works, point; with Mtinfncbiolr to the unanimity than ohnrncmrimu bhoddbornuolna of the ` board at. every meeting. ` u Ladioo.` tickets. for the Kinmton vnuhr. board at moeung. Lndioo.` tickets. Kingston yacht club hall on Doc. `Ind, can be nocured It MoAuley p bookstore. *\ Fonv cnrlondl ol ninnl hnvo been recent Monuleyp uoonwro. *` Fort. cnrlondu ol been race ~ od It I. no (LT. IL freight. nhoda hero for penitontinry, where It will be wed in the manufacture of binder twine. TL. nnalnnbg nl Dnainunlin nnllno Iuum mnnulncmro or mnner cwmo. The lllldantal 0! Re iogolia collog/hnvo under conaldontion t a holding of n con~ voruzione during tho coming month. In is calculated to mule it an unuunl ntfnir. l`_J:I mnnohnr and nhnnn nvnr-nnnlA an FINE ENTER FAINMENT. A Well-couduotod Tun Ioothg sud cocoon H` `I D-pn:nnlI. " "' n. onnmll. 1'. I . CHAIBIRLAIN. . JAIIII NOXON. hqookn 0! Prison! sad Public Olumu. `atllunoll lnlldlncn. Totonto. luv. nu. nu ma. sweet. potatoes .1. urnwmru. The Htnley and James orchestra given another of its well-conducted. porulnr IL I. nsombllea in tho Wmu hull to-ni mu... 5...... 5.... am. ..........- . In unrrlonolu. Hands up" till we t. you with one 0! our 86 men`: heuvy wood auita; Dunlap, King Ibroot. Chmrman Canon. works. mm. A onrlond of oil lroln-the Quun Cit oil company arrived hon over the 0.1`. R. thin morning. Tomato mmun 80.. bottle nickles lVk`.. 9 Ever offered now opened. 1,000 of them, satin lined or all round. Entirely new designs for the holi- day trade. HARDY S, AIM) nnnnnnnn (IO In-Oh MA; In..u.n.. Nun: Pungnphn l'|(-ted Up By Our lloponnn on their loundu. Cntaup ($0., pickle:-100. bottle. J. Craw- lard. 123 Pnnoass 31.. nohu smo - x1ngs'ton morning. Tomato oataup 00., bottle ickles lvkn. I0 lbs. awoez pombooo 25. . Crawford. The Hlnlav and Jnman wives vlllo Ami Orlllln : tho Contrnl Pris on Iuformntory. Toronto; Qhn ry for Boys l`?notnn ulullunn; the lnnhuln lom or `In ll uml mmh. Bollu-lllo, And that Ind 32 Brnnlfnnl `Iva nllolo-M. nnrltiu wlll ho rvqulro-I (0! tin Iullllmonl mm Inoolc-ntlnns only (nuns ln \ Hnmllton. Ilm The Best 25c Ties Ulli lord. L t\ anu _5uc. Lined Kid Mitts and Gloves of all good sorts. Tkn .-n`nL.-ulnar` Wn1|;nn'c l7nn'_ ll KUUU 3Ul ID. The celebrated Fowne's Eng- lish Calf Gloves, lined or unlined. Also Mocha Gloves. Our big lot of $5 Coats and Cape: have beeri replenished by another purchase. Your pick of Coats in Boucle, Beaver, Serge or Frieze, $5 each. We've others too. Hose. Big, heavy ribbed wool hose, 25c. Cashmere ribbed or plain hose, 25c, better lines, 35c and 50c. Mltts and Gloves Will nd a place on your want card. We can supply you ladies` and children's mitts, 15c, 20c and 25c. Dinaumrul Clrnmc ' ant` 9:1` `---.--- vuuuvu no V..- We open for Saturday ten dozen Men's fancy wool Underwear with knit skirt, 5oc each. It was in- tended by the maker for 75, but we closed the pile. Blg Jack_et semng; We Honestly Believe VWa`rm Underwear. Olimunicipal politics at present is coal oil. yet notwithstanding the weighty arguments, pro and. con. `ti: only a light matter com- pared with the importance. of The Burning A Question THE DAILY BRETISH 5(:. ' Ringwood Gloves; 20c, 25c, nrl ann msnusurs or me am. out within Ibo nial -(Illa-mania mt mount. Mn. noon-go uovlln. ox roan. Sho dial Wcdnudny m ht. lint-Mood Inn invalid. Mr. and tr. Wright attend tho funeral. mo mnorou. T. A. Murphy and F. Fallon not up to Toronto Io-an M witness the great. Coma- dinn foothill o npionohipurunlo. which uh: plum tomorrow. A brother ol tho lutnnodhdonn ol Own collogonnd nnnnnu ol tho lmchll lam. Winter Cream Um. ' The ploasnntonc feature: of the evening were the compliments paid to the Grulites for their scientic. manly going, free from gliahonorablo umtica. and ch Jbroaa laid upon the conducting of mute on through the union and referees on honorable prin- ciples. Thoco who Ind felt some 3 mpathy for the Wmu in in battle lor man _v athle- ` were plonaod nt the nonernl expression ` of L `on can imonts. The mohu bore those appropriate motloea: --Tlnu In our fntun hr-am: an upward 0." Cnptnln of (N-nnluI-"Whon ho hml put (Ma dmlaory upon thuua ohm aapovl fur the uurnnt-1.1! was 0 found of lnuuhtur in him."- llu. up. nnvut. Our Qunnor Du<`k---"I have touched .tho highest point 0! all my aroutnesn "-Hh|ku~- man. penro. Unptuln of I uoon'u-Annph|ona Hoke. In thy unset. mar on grow. wrontln for on toll. in c-harm for every woe "-C|mp|wl|. Pu nonln nl l"`.n.InO.n._ C'|'Il\l'"| UH CV81`! V Captain "Ba run In mmulno. OOH: -IIUIITIII. Cnptaln of KlngutonI- " What. though IIICPIIII will not Attend nu I w Who bruvoly dnron, mint nomollman Huh 3 full." _ Tho (lrnnlh Club- Vo-m-lu largo may vanhlro I But. little bone: :4 xonld hag "IS. l'I l|lIKIll|. Hnmllton llI-T!|lsTlnr-fonts-I mu when It nlmll nd the harm uf unm~nnn`\l nwmneun will mo Inc No lunlon pound; to`: huln."- Hhnkumnro. 0|-Anita Full Bamk-l hnvn Hmlmvk trlnk nhnly an In-nun an any man in Hlyrin."-- sh: OIDOIII. Iovononu at the Pooplo-What Tho) An laying and Doing. Min N. Kilputticl. (`olborne shoot. in noriounlyill. J. Kimnlnv. Wolfe In|nnd.ia mam winn I"0|lII III. J. Kingsley, Wolfe lal|nd.ia spurs wing ol the Oumvn college lootholl club. He in twenty-om yarn of ago and weigh: M8 Ibo. llo bu wnn his Ipllri. Mrs. C. W. Wright. mourn: the duth 0! hot mother. Mr-. Hoot-go Devlin. 0! Perth. I-lha dial Wadnndnv nmht. lint-mud In would like your Clinton on the tallest.

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