Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1896, p. 3

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juullnnj II) Inc noun POOH). She Wu vary miserable. for on tho pnvlnnu night the had bad word: with her own, And now the turn her haughty Harold will not null. - Rh. nun - clan . pd..- . ....u..- -5- -urvunu III ms nu. Hho will nm Will until In light brnught. but go-ntly rulll. "Como in!` Thu vl-Imp nnlnrn nlul, -In. . -3. we mm: as cnrerul not to reprint Thomas` error. or no mny uIno--my al- mult cortnlnly will nlun--ropnnt his un- belief. I! we do not, like Thomas. mmu hack ugnln tn tho place whrro Jean.-I mow: His: disciples, how can we expect to man Hlm.` Ar lo-an In: no one be so juloua for tho honor of Christ and HM Church that he shall dishonor both by Molding Ihom. tnylng Avrnv From (`hurrh. The hublt at absontlnu om`: ml! {mm the Hnndny services of tho churnh In one vory anally mntla. Snmellmoan II II occa- ulonod by olckneu; very omm some small oxcnu. coma grudgn agnlnn A member, some resentment M. 3 fellow member : fault. In the nocnlon. Jo-us wlll no share. oven ll an unworthy mom her la pranent. Jo-mu may be present. especlnlly In moot and fur-glvo that un- worthy momber: nnd who no wo that we Ihnulcl Judge a lrrothvr or n ulster? We must be careful not to reprint Thomas` error. mu nl. 'l`nluu-I-n In llll'l`!'|I!|l|[ (`ulnar llllmlnoll. Color hiindm-pa in on the in('renm." said Dr. I). L. lliins. M` New York. "The causes of this lluf('(`t in vision that may he ot.-he-rwino perfect are not all vary wail umiarntnml. It would seem that the me of tnhucco hmi a good deal to do with it. I have oxnmim-d a great. many for oolnr hilnvlnau, having on nev- ornl oonauinns been umpioyrui by rniirond nompnniea tn do an, and in ovary Instance when the man 1-xnmined wrul found to ho colohblind he want a user of tohnuon. Wnnmn are seldom ntliictml In this way. imnoo it nnnu: bn emu-mi by Iomething that men do which wnlmm do not. What one: exist among w.man will bn found to in lDllBl`|C('ll from male nnrentnrm. I hum nnver known a woman to he oolor hiind whnno father wns from from the detect. 1 Am n nmnker and my percep- tion! of mint are nnununlly good. no that it in not ivnpnulhie that a man may uuo tobnooo without moi! an effect. but I believe It inrgu prnpnrtinn of tho muss are caused by tohm-co."-- Washington Star. flllll Ol "19". Soon aft:-r Roger Bacon's tlmehln nug- yzenuom were tnkun up and guns were oonuruntod, r-It. by binding Iron bun together with hoops. to form n culv- then hy unsung n time out of buns, with one and clam-d. Storm: of nultnbln nlzo were selected as shot, and the powder had to he cnrrlad around In chants or bnrroln and nhnvnlnrl Into the muzzle: of the guns. In spite nf thr,-an drawbacks, very large guns warn hunt. for there was one mod by l\Io|mmmc:i II. mzniunt the Greeks at the nlogv of (`-onntnmlnoplo in H.511, which throw I stone weighing 600 pounds a msmmm of onn mlla.-Sh. Nloholnn. vary unue use mr II. Poulbly In wns used In warfare long before the hogInuIng of hluory. but the am man In hlamrlcul (Imam to form an Idea of the cerrlhlo dnntrut-.l.Inn whlnh thln awful. byflung, ory substance mlght produotr wns an Engllnh monk named lloger Hnuon. Monks In hln day were the olxunlnta. scholars and wrIumu of tho world. and thls Hogor Bacon traveled and nbudled much and mum! cnnclnual oxparlmonts In hls Inbomcm-_v tn prov: for hlmuelf nnd to develop whit he Ionrnad from ntlmru. He probably saw gunpowder nmnnz the Moon: In Hpaln, and Lrlml for hIm~mIr Ira s-xplonlvo enct. Then he wrote a! In 4-nmposlvlon In the year 1213?, and In Mn wrltlngn mggontaad that It uuuld be use-I In on Inna of wan to dnnl death and deatrnctlon to nrmIoI of men. Gnnp. ah-.. lI,....... u........v.. 51...... LI- ...._ __,. ,__._. Gunpowder : Flrn Use. People outside of mllltnry llfo who have no oonnaotlon wlsh tho making of gunpowder know lt only as in course, black powdu Ilka and. which wlll ush off w|t.h a loud report lt shut up In A cnso of any klnd and not on ro. It In u very queer lnlnuro, made up of three nlmple and well-known substances, no one of which wlll explode, although two wlll burn. No one knows when or how It. was tllsoovered, for an tar book to tho dark age: no records: or trndltlon wlll carry us we tlnd that gunpowder. though not used for gunmwns known. It was. no doubt. looked upon wlth awe and (on by the anolonus on account of 16:: ame, ltn uolse ond Its randlng force, but thv-lr llmlu-d moohnnlool aklll could suggest vary llttlo use for It. Dngnlhlu In an... ....a 1.. .......I-..- |...... You Mutt Keep Your Eye open fora Winn Bundle of remlntnltv." The Rev. Charlee H. Porkhuret-. D. D., dlsouuca The Young Men and Mar- riage," in the Ladies Home Journal. "Marriage to a certain degree." he enyll. a young man in to look upon from a utilitarian standpoint. A good wife la to much capital. She makes him to be. by a kind of grace, a great deal more than he is by nature. She oontrihutee the qualities needed in order to convert hie vigor into a late ae `well as productive eiciomey. She introduoee. for iurtanee, intohie intellutuai nature that ingredi- ent of Ientimeut which intellect requires in order to be able to do it: but work. Heart and brain need to couaplre in order to the attainment of the true, and without caring to assert that man ll naturally heartleaa, any more than I ahnuid with to auume that woman ll by nature brainleea, yet heart in its way iijuet as precious no brain in its way, and woman. so long on the in untainted by the paaalon of wanting to be a man, will be that member of the oonnnblai corporation that will in particular con- tribute to the capital stock its aifectional element. Some women may recent this, but I would like to caution young men agniuat oherlehing matrimonial designs upon any woman who in likely to resent it. If what you want is a'wli'e and not merely a housekeeper, you must keep your eye well open for a warm bundle of femininity that will be to you inoper- aonnl way what the are on the hearth in to you in a physical way-a fund of tropical comfort that will keep the stiff- nees not of your thinkl'ng,4he front out of your feeling. and the general machin- ery of your life in a condition of pleaa urable activity." . yo- .____..._ London. Liverpool an Insurance Com; Inna. M... ummnm 1.. .4}. "or You `WANT A WIFE Ill. lightll My culls. "Cam: in!" DAILY BRITISH wmn. RIDAY. NOVEMBER ci'AWr6iii$I` 2:-::---j---&- 'II.lfIOI I I0 III. -t\4\lf-- A Nothing an In Inn to nah noun lot. notblnc that In con ! " thud by, count lnooonlyntdotnoonoctol IO. Ou noclauon-on " Mala Inn " -cad- llohlnd uvornlluq we dl. and the pooh not It. lluoo our nouns. on TDALIQ1 r0 at at other rabbini- It`: CIA`: and W llvl-n: Ou wobm. right. too. gg njopggg -and-lmnnn-O IA_HIGH_AIMl DR. STIRLING. Corner Wllnnm O Wellington Street: Talbhnnn bl) D. II. IVIUUFINIIVIIIIV. lII.II-' VII. lumber College Physlclnnu and Summons Onlnvlo. Oico. ll Ionnosl strut. Talo- phono 5:5. us` uuuvnnu \lo uuunuvrulv. Olco formerly occupied by Dr. A. Btaokhonu uu. nuvu. WELLINGTON STREET (NEAR an Princosn). Telephone, 67. K. KILDORN. II D . H.171 . & 8., LAT"! . Merlin-nl Superlnforxvinnt Klnmnton Gone- ml Hmpitnl. (`omner fm city and country Oman formerly on-upied by the Into Dr. thun- ulon. Tolophono No. In. I` SPARKS. .D.8.& L.D.., l.D., DEN- . TIST. OM00. I3) .rIncou octoot. Bui- nlonco. I32 lfnlvanity Avenue. Oioo houn. 8 mm. tn 0 p.m. Rstnrdny ovonin B to 10. Telephone 3441. C. P` Sherman. D.D. `. L.D.S., Aninmnt. W I. NEWLANDR, ARCHITECT AND Apprnhoor` corner of Brook and King :0-not, over Wndn's hrvu Mon. Intranet on King root. nut to Wma oloo. J BJR.-_()ANN AOOOUNTANT AND mcu. . Entnbo Agenk. Rents and account: ooh footed` Money to loan at lowest rntou. Oloo 338 King st.. over Wnde'- Drug Stan. 3 ONEX `'3 LOAN IN LARGE UBSKALL cum 0. low rates of intorut on City and Farm Property. LOIIJI gnntav] nn City And County Debentures. Apply to TIIOIAB Bmoun. Manager Frontenac Loun and lunac- mom-Sooiety. Olce oppoalte tha Pont0II1oo J. P HANLEY, Klnpt AHIRN. Soc`). Qnuboo. mum: ELLIS (Member 0! the onmxo Auovlntinn of Architects). ARCHITECT AND APPRAIHEB Ofl1c.oo-81 Brook Strut. mm...mn.onc. owv-tn an T~uN, ARCHITECTS. HEB chnnhu Bunk Bunhlinu. corner Brook and Wolllnuton streets. Phone 211. U tor. Notary Public. Commissioner for taking aldnvin in Ontario for me in the Province of Quebec Money to land M cur- ront rate. Oico. Anchor Buildinu,Iur|Let Square, Kingston (VEO. W. BELL. V.1-1. AND D.V.D.8. DIS- `! pensnr and Rmoldenomfrl Prlnoou nu-oat. Consults". om lroo. Telephone 514. Bnnoh oiue-B1bhy`n Livery. Brook street. `H can F A. BIBBY, 129 RRJOCK STREET. THE o londln hack and llvoryltnbloilfthoolty Telephone 0.111. --j1jq "I'6'6"1"'& co., huunuunohudllu.) 8. I1. MGCAMMON. M.D., Cf'|.. nvnhnu l`.n"n-n Phvnlnlgnn and Rnonnnl SHYTHE & LION. BARRISTEJ more 810.. Ontnrlo Chunbon. E. H. nnrrnn. Q.C. . Xilllllll IVITI Ill HOGOIIIPI IITGHIIII IPQO. 1- II A ILIY a noun. Anna. .1 r m|.muuu.nnvn. Aunt VVIIIICI u Write for prospectus. Toronto Mining Agency. Location :'Lookout mountains, two miles from Trail, one mile from the famous Crown Point Mine. Owned and operated by the International Gold, Copper. Mining Co., incorporated under the laws of Bzitish Columbia. Stock non-assessable. Work has been commenced on the Snow- drop and will be continued all winter. lII,'4, P,,, , ,.____A___ `British Colmnbia Mines. DR JENNIE (I. DRENNAN. ... I..-.....-I- ..........l-.1 L.- n- A uA-..xI... I III UIILU [III IIIIIK l'V5%llVJ' Cor. Toronto and Adelaide Sts. TORONTO. L her British Columbia mining stocks lpgveat prices. woon'A'No com. sNo\'/v`5RoP 3c. BIBBY. THE mdlnl llvonltnbloinihoolcv AR(}H|'[E9?QR'AL. AND nrnlnor, King El NOW FAR-FAIIED Bl7.'RMI'[)AF|, with cubic oommnnlbnuon nnd oqunhlo winter tompcnturo of aovnntl detrl. `volu- Illul moiety and I0 mils: of good rondn. hondqunuan of tho Hrm-huu-my and navy II nnrlvnlle-I In IN nnrautlvunonn. ruched` by tho mnnnivont iron Hummer: Orinoco or HOR$Efl..lVERY. VETERINARY. YFINANCIAHI: Jan: I wanna: Tollphono bl) DR. BEGG. .l\!l8Tl ihl RTRI ~T:-23-_.T.' "imcgtoueast. nnilvnllo-I nun by ma nivont I Trinidad n M hours from I-III-L I-I nulncnlug." run. Tho acne oloqullty for the new woman -Whn she holds up an hr with the other follow; ' Iii." Vision: 0! undo! dog In-our-cups: B::ow. and with gun CCU. his I! =- "Oh. due. no! nuhlnn d n kl-A ; nu numuy uau,-con-nurII It III. In In In the dot-hut. corner of the piano um Love on no but. It In only the rich American girl who on lap up crowns-In Europe. Working for free Illva oing through her hubby : pockou st. Inld t. Mnalclnna ought to 9 good Cytoc- uveo-Bccnun they know All tho Ihnrps. Qneor--Thu. doc rs recommend the ticyclo for than who nu "run down." Who mud: tho lint unit for "scotch- ln"---Jouhna. when ho |toppod" tho nun. - nun-nu uwuuru-up. A an. omohl-looking nun, with 5 pookubook In M: hand. and upon our Maud Barlow the our owning. and ohutnd:-- "I In; your pardon. Ilr. hrlow, but 1 hell": you ponuus-nh. ya!-o black ncnlvu dog will I wily patch on NI- Imus." uuo u uucu Etlwl. Fringe bu morvmoney In circulation in pmonlou to In population than any other country. uuu.wu nu nun.-tuning. There Ara now in Paris over 1,000 Ameri- can fomnlo IN nmdems. nlnunl-A ...... s... L--- A4.-- .. , u - uuua unuunaaucxl l0I' weuamg presents. In proportion to III lite, England has eight time: :5 many miles at rnnway as the United States. v......- n.-- _.._-._-_,~ -, urlgulovn, on we MOFIO There no the male convicts to one fo- malo convict. in English prisons. London firms are said to npend over I10.- (K.X).(I)0 In ndveruulng. Th!!! Ar: nnn In D-pin nl-An I nnn A ........n vuu IUIIIIIII II1 uuuems. Bicycles seem to have taken the place of bus: candleszlch for wedding ` nrononlon m In .5... 1.-....n.....n In from New York` TIM tropical Inland-u, inoludinu St. Thomu, Stun Gnu. !-it Klttu. Martinique nnd Boring. doon, also noral houutlfnl nml lntarosclnl` In a pack of card: then are 685,013,539,- aoo diereut. whist. hands. An l.`i-I ...-_.. 1- .,. L- _.__..,,. . .. LLIUWII 35 III IITIHL III 0. Leonardo dn Vlnci painted ooveml great.- ly Admired nllagorlcal picture: before he nuniued his majority. Ron Jmumn -n-no. III`-..... \I.... 4.. ua- vvv ulncltllu wnlsb lllll. An Eiffel tower is to be erected at New- Brlghton. on the Mersey. Thorn Annwn vnnla n4\nnh\6- on .._- :_ uuunv umuuuul nu 3|. Michael Anglo at the Age of 16 entered an anluuc competition `with the bash- known artists of his time. D-..l...-I ..L.._-.| n.x_ _._u_.x_ ,n,n..., AIIUWII ll I-III-B Ill l-III IJHIU. Raphael Ihowed his artistic abilities at the early age of 12, when he was widoly known as an Artist. in oil. lA.u.-...I.. A- 171..-: .._|...-.:_-._--_u .__, - IIVUIIIJCU II II Il.IIJUI'|l4y. Ben Jonson wrote " Ivory Man In Him Humor," consldnred by competent crltlcn to be his best, at 22. nc unuu I uawuuu nu. Farquhnr nished The Recruiting '0t!icer,"considered to be his best, just. before his death at 27. \n_:.__| __|_ _. .L, .,,, ,.... I-IUIDII III: `II. Hamilton. It the Age of 16, wrote poll- tlcaleuayu that. were croditnd by the gen- eral public to Jay. .5l}\|Irnnnnnlnn'- r-or nlnv Hnunr Inn uncur- London &. Lancaahlro Life As- surance Company. lAl!l'll'!Al.l.I' A nnnnnnn nmua-U ww- uunuun, val van Edison Mlboy begun the chemical and electrical experiments which have made h in name famous. 17--.. II II lllll IIIUIUHB. Franklln was widely known as A writer on economy and political subjects before he hnd reached 25. I.`.._....L.._ n..:_|.-.n nmL_ n ..- nun puuuu nu any. Shakespeare : first plny, Never he wrote any, was said to have been written at about the age of 27. llllnlnlvnn Anlnlnhnn Iunn nu.-.-..l.. .y..._.. nuuuu uuv ngv VI In. (1`uat.avusAdolphun was scarcely more than 11 when he entered upon his great military cursor. lc`;li-nu nu-Iuup hnnunn oh- ..|......:....I ..-.| Sterne was wldalg known in the literary circles of London and England before he attained 30. l.'.....I.. .|.- ul..I..-n.. 1)..-. II ._....|,. |.;....._u HULNIIICII (II. Kent), the "Paella Poet," made himself immortal in English literature before his death at 24. l1.....:|..... .: n|... -.... -0 In ......n.. ._.n uug In society. 'm.. .1, uuuluuy. The dog is n-gm-ded As a distinct. species of animal, closely akin to the wolf on me one side and to the tax on the other. Kllllllll WISH (III Illfulyll Bpllll. The Italian greyhouuld is very small and elegant. in shape. and in the .'\Liddle Ages was a favorite as I ladies pot. llnn Anna in oh. I-Hun}- nf Ihn Ml.-Ii!-r. VVIIVII IALII7 U. lll IUDC Wllll UIIU IIKIII. Acmeon, the hem of Greek mythology, had [my dugs, All of whose lumen have been preserved in Greek literature. 'l`h- Dulnnnninn 1-nnin-A nInnuIu I-nnuru. llnlluillr l'lIuIIIIlh-Ul|l'lllI. I CHM and u ward: single; rolnrn {M00 and II vault. and Cabin #30 Ill!` upward: I 1: lo: nturn (W115 and upwnrdu. S n(o-To lnvorvmnl, I.ondon.Ulnaow, or Lonrlonderry. rll M. Prepaid. 036.30. Boddlng and all ufcnulln (no. `fl II AILIW Jr IIIII, Ann-tn IJCUII |IlCDUl VVII Ill KIICVL IIUUICIIIIU. The Patagonian canines closely resem- ble Lhe loxhound. Cuvier says that the dog is necessary to civilized human nnnintv Thd family |keleton-M|r|o It 16. It In In (It: day-Ivan! nlupn-n -0 .|._ _ uuypuncu LU INIVU Ul'lgIlI(\lQ\l. According so the Mosaic law. the price otudog was nob allowed to be brought. into the treasury an In ohrlng. (`nu-nnlinu Aanulnnn haul 4` t`nd -n amnu-0 IIIMI IIHU l4|'I!II|ll'y I3 ILI Ulilllla. Cornelius Agrlppa had at dog to smut thnt it was generally lmlleved that the nnhnnl was an incnrunted spirit. '|`|.n hnli-n an-n-hnnuul in vain: nnnnll [3535 ME I IlI'UI'I|rI RIB I If-U03 [JUL Dog days in tho lnitude of the Mediter- ranean covered that period of the year when the dog star rose with the sun. _\nrnnnn lhn Ingm. nl tlognle nnnhnlnnu uovu IIIUVVH NU IIVI7 JV. In 1839, by an Act; of Parllameut. the use of dogs in London to draw curbs as beasts of burden was abolished. All -____L,__ -1 AL- ..I-.._l......n.. ......... A- IIJUIIILISYI UL loll`! IJGU DIME- The name of the spaniel is derived from Spain. the country to which this animal is believed to be indigenous. |"h. 9-Hnyn nu-rlnr Q-Inn lulu nnrnn lrnnu ID UUIIUVU DU 00 llllllsllkllll. The Skye terrier taken his name from the island, where this variety of dog is supposed to have origixmuad. AM-nwnann llw Mnqnln law mhn nrlnn UI UUIVUII W38 HIJUIIEIIUIL All members of the dog family seem to have a natural antipathy to cats and to all member: of the can tribe. "'5... ..-.._.. Al Al... -.......|..I In A--.3-.uI (-1.... L |-IIUIIHX tllll lI|$VVllHl.`I!. Puppies open their eyes on the tenth or twelfth dny,nnd shed their first or milk teeth in four month; I ML- _..--....- -_, -3 .I.- .1... :. an .......... Iloynl mu Stoannhlpa. l.I;:,a-pool. onoboo I lontn-cl Inn lorvloo an From From Mvor ol. Btmunnhlpo. Montreal. Qnqboo R Q. IlnnInllnn..... N ()nt...N Oct. 3 par: 16 Oct. Rnrdlninn... .31 OM. _ I Nov Sin m I! 000. Numidhn . . . . .. 1 Nov... 1 Nov.3p.m I0 000.. Pnrlulnn. . . . , . .14 Nm-...l.`5 Now-.9 n m $Nov. Lnunntlon .. ` .19 Nov...l0 Nov span BATES OI I ABOA(l-0AI|lN. III l'I g-ul nun-A-J- -l..-I-. _4An._ Innn _...l A Ul. 'A U I -`!.'.%...".5'h..';?` LUUUII III IUUF HIUIIIJIB. The average age of the dog is 10 years. but in isolated cases these animals have been known to live 20. 1.. union I... -.. A... -0 I)....Il......-..o I... u... WU! VET, l|Il'U. The Buansuah of Nopuul is a peculiar wild dog. believed to be a crws between the wolf and Jackal. Ln:-A `Runum had A lawn:-HA tlnu Rant. JNUVVILHIHI IIIJIEJ. The wolfdog of Southern Europe In in variety of the shepherd. but larger and of A erce dluposluou. 'l`hn nnnlamt. nlllu hnlinnlul that A dnu II IIBTUU IIIIVUIILIUH. The aucleut Gnu): believed that a dog knew uf his master's death even if widely separated from him. Han:-nannrnthmn nf than nnnninl lunm KIID WUII II-Ill JIIJIII. Lord Byron had a favorite dog. Boat- nwain," which is buried in the garden at Newnead Abbey. 'I`h- wnlhdna nf Rnnthnrn lI`.nrnnn Inn uvpnrnwu IIVHI III III. Representations of the spaniel have been found on the Roman monuments of Tuscany and elsewhere. ' punnhnu nnnn their nvnn nn than tnnlh Ill` IFIIIUIU III III. The Koala. or wild dog of Indlg may be rocognlzed A long way o by its peculiar shrieking cry. In lmn wilrhlmn urn more nnmprnnn Iurlulmx cry. In India, wild dogs are more numerous even than wolves, and hunt. in packs, like these animals. n..-...|.... ..-..- a........._I.. .....A In n`n..l.....I IJIEUU Illlllllll. \ Beagles were formerly used in England for hare hunting, and though slow they were very sure. 'l`hn Rngnnuuh nf Nnrmnl In n um-nlinr we gruynounn. I The Polynuiana, ,Ch1nQo,nud American Indiana :11 regard dog ash as In uteemed article of diet. 7IV|.- II..._I- __ .-(IA ilnnu AI I-`Al- -`nu ha 'ABES:-HAmllton H.310. return $8.50; To- ronto 04.00. return 01 50- Ilonh-ulM.m return I? ll. Barth Ind maul: Included both ways. JLI. BWIFI` &C0.. T. HARLEY & SONS. 'vnInhO A-...o. D..........-.. 1--.... I-lxnsry angles, uawm In nun uy oun- tul bxendlng. Sir Wnlmr Bpows t tnvogne days were Mnldqtho dconbu . and Ham s, the greyhound. Who Dt\ICl|An`nn- (Align and Lunar-innh |lKUPuUUI.-- ` , The Nawfoundluui in indigenous to ` America. It was found here by who oarll- ; out uplm-on. Lnntlnn in--la. nun Hun Ila-unllnntn nl , JJIIIIOK IQ I? II I-lITlluLB Ill I uxdinsr! bangles. lodlwld in me by bx-endlnz. All dogs and u.. ..m.a species of wolves, foxes. and oven hyanu, are liable to lay- drophobln. Th. RYn-lnnntI1-nd In Inlllnnnnnn QA hscm-lam fact that nation: which no the esh of dogs are. or have been, cannilmls. N IOVIH... I1-.. ..l.AI.- Q--ugn I--_._nH --- Isnuullulls. j "'1`boDogotthe Bonn Sleepers" was ` named Kamr. Ho Ipoh with as human vnin-an VUIIIE. Therols n rod wild dog indigenous to Austrslin; it is gregarious, and huntaln nnckn Ell: Ul[)lIlI"I'I ` Lnpdog huglq up tha dnnndnnu at urdinnn hnalaa. ndnnd min bv can-I FAMOUS YOUNG MEN. HERE AND THERE. ALLAN LINE Dlvloo Ovnouhlp. -54-: I.-LI-_ -__ ABOUT TH E DOG- GIOGLEB . Taknnoothar. Bolldbdtodono. Bvwunduntnuan 20, 1896 lcmm `I'hoonLvPG1'9'- Ibo FRAUD on Ihoday. See you got Carter : no turnout. Serionuu-an oi purpose and Ioftilou of him wllllmnko n mun M n ndtlon (not. It wu thin which nun tho old Puritan: the tremendous toroo shay bad. And made than Inch 5 powcr In hinory. They had high thought: of God. Ho wu cxtnuoly real to slam. Thin undo than terribly In earn-at Whcruvn than in I faith that aim rm hold of the uncut: and the nu-ml. there In 5 m-ouch Union which irlvollty Illd falsity go down. 30 urinua, In In Mrnut, be nu. ho Itnlghtlorwud and plain union. 30- hold God everywhere, III! llvo true to that boboldlng. daily loving and curving Elm. STEAMER HAMILTON lsubstitution Imam; pnrouls. Amid much lnughlng the non man who Ion the on In company with A lady Insulated thn aha walk In front of him until ably MI tho ground. Clll.'|' UI IlIoQ'UOII'". "l-wnnr.--th'-h'--lu!y-ln nu-rs," gnpod that man. nvlnglng hln but at the opon car door. The car, hnvlng oomo can ulmul unndulll, n wonun Aron, dellbencoly walked out of the on And wan moaned by hot bnnthlou noon who had no nearly loll hor to the {no of mlulng pnrools. Amid mnnh Innnlllnn 0.. anti .....- cum! Wllnll DIIIIDI (IIIIIUN. "Whu d'yo wnnI."' abound the pun- chor of pnu-board. ` ' l_\-nnz..th'-lh'_luI-_l- AL-.. H Ill III" DIV IVIUVK 0-`- lnmunly a mm an Inn! up from the Ian punnlnr. whlnh lnroodonod Into A howl of dupnlr u the dlnunon In-Ivan mm and the trolley union wldnnnd. A: be nbrlotnd ho also run and waved his hand: fnnmully. The oonduozor. am-In; tho shadowy (arm In Ih! ulmmu of the night. and homing the unearthly nrlml, pulled om hall strap and thus In- dunod thn motormnn Io hull. which he did with a junk. Thu man In pursuit cnmo wllhin balling dmanoo. "Whn d'vo wnn|"' lhnnlul um um... mo -IOIIIPIOII nvonuo our III. The our was well mlod with puma` gun. and no an op Ina mndo AI IoDou- ynll nvanno A man no '-4 all the bunk platform, wlmo ha noon nnndlng, Ind Nu our mnnd n-.. lnnnnllw a usual nun: -.-n .... 0...... n.- I'nI[o| III: Pun-cl. A rnhor unlquo Iuulnnuo or nonm- mlndodnua ooourml the own uvonlng on the Joonon nnnuo HIM. Thu nnl In: Hell lllhnl -In. Inn--An LII!` TIME! 01 my OHIOI`. " SlnwIy the tllsnppoimz-d youth turned to go out, nnylng:- ' "Como, 3-`Al; let`: go." "I my, rumor," nnnwarocl Bul. with I wanna`: wit. can ! you mun] III A: far us the wax wlll go?" "Yet. I can, and will." ropllod the nqnIro." lnughlng; nml he did. 1 u lnnrry ynu." Reluctnntly the youth wont om to whnro was hltobed the horns upon whloh. Darby and Joan fnshlou. Iha palr lmd rlddon. and brought the wn In a not On being welghod. ml value wu found to he only about half in dollar. "Wnl," nnld thn nnrlnnn an-nnm Hon- so on only anom: nan nonnr. "WM," mm the nnxloun groom. "tlo the knot and I'll fetch more wax nut wank." -BETWEEN-- Inlllllton. Toronto, Kmgnton. 1000 ll- luadn. lhpldn or the st. Luvnnoo nod Ilontnul. nunn-a nu-..n,..-..... ' WEEK. "No, nlr: Idon`t trust; that`: I the rules of my olcr." Slnwlv the ll|nnnnninI.ntI lnnhh uvvny: "Yen. nlr." "How much do yrm charge!" One dollar la the lagnl luau. alr." "Will you take your (us In beeswax?" "Yen. ll ynu onn'u [my cash." Well. 30 ahead und no the knoc, and I'll (etch ln me wnx." No," nnld the nqulro, thluklng there was us good chlnco for a lmle fun: hrlng la the beeswax first. and then I'll mnrry you." 1 Halncltnntlv tlm vrmth want. mm on povnr or sun soulely. When the approval is secured the couple merry themsrlvee. The eerernony is appointed by the society to take place at some regular meeting.` or else at one epeeisliy eppointed. In the letter ease it may be at e house, where any one of the society has the right to be present. But the most interesting ceremony is that whleh takes place in a regular assembly of the soeiety ot the meeting house. Any one who has been to n Quaker service known the fashion of the meeting house. with its high seats in front. facing the rest ol the meeting. The elders uauelly sit there, but when It oouple of young people are going to get married they have to ooonpy this conspicuous plnoe,and eve to stand up hrnvoly, without min- ister or elder. and marry themselves. An old Quaker minister who said he lied seen six couples stand up in this way before the `congregation was asked why the young poope had to do it alone, and he said it was a matter that did not concern an intermediate persnn, but rest- ed between themseiw-s and God. Then die described how tho young man would stand up in that high-perched pinoe in the meeting house along with his bride, and, taking her hand. say: in the presence o( Gmi anti this nssenIbly,l take thee, A. 8.. to be my wife. promising to be unto thee and affectionate and loving husband until the lmnd of the Lord by death shall separate um" The bride then speaks in In similar fashion. At the and nf this om-nmnnv A lnIn|n. lllllll. uooulnpnuulu l)_V nynung wnmnn. Bo you the rxqulra!" asked the manly youth. "Van. nlr. " II VIIJIIIHIYI \Vll- Many of the nut settlers of Illinois were rude In npaaoh nnd rough in man- nor, money wan sauce with sham. and service was pnld for in produce. Uuvernor )3. mud to Illustrate the-no incident: or frontier life by the following anecdote: Ono lay whon he want It Juutlce of the Peace thus came to hit: office a young man. sooompaulad by nynuug Bo vnu tha ymnlrn"` nlknd um nunnlv spans: 1:: n umnnr m.-uuon. At the end of this ceremony It minia- Ier pray: or spanks, and then, when there in a pause and the spirit moves no one else, the meeting is Adjourned. At the close of the m-eting the marriage certi- rete. which in mudu of parchment. is brought forward. and any one can sign it. A special law sanctions this marringn ceremony. 'l`hodooument,whiohamounts to the legal ennutiun,or the marriage, in! greatly prized among the descendants of Friends. so much an that the children have often similar nmrriuge certicates made for themselves, though they may have been married outside of the society. --Worceeter (MAIL) Gazette. ow Isabel-I of the society of Friend: Wed Inch Other. ` A young men and women in this oily. I belonging tothe Society of F:-iendn. who have certied their intention or mur- tinge at the City Hall, are having to undergo the regular form which the ` I eooiety impoeu by waiting for the ap- tprovni of the xuonuhiy meeting before they on be mu-rind. The lint stage in h g the ptooeeglingl in for them both to ap- pur It the monthly meeting or the eooiety. which in the only time that nny ` I huaineu is done. and make known their iintentione. They both stand up before I the meeting. and the non says: "With Divine peuniuion and the B`riend|' ep- v probation I declare my intention to take this woman (and he um her name) to he my wire." and then they nit down, , But She auction at the Ioclety tor the J.|nu-tinge :1-quire: more than IIIII form- 'nlity. It is never granted union both portion are Friends. and I0 I! one of the young people in not of the told they have to be married without the formal up- nrovnl of the: society. When the nnnrnrnl in uumnntl the QUAKER MARRIAGE CEREMONY.` Ill". "Yen, nlr." Can you lo a knot for us right my?" I ngnlnnt LEAVES KINGSTON- (loin; F.uv.- Pnudnn. at 5 p.m. (loin; Wont,-lrldnyu. at 10 pan. CAIIDLI. l.l__lIA.._-:11; __A____ An: FIILLINERY AND DRESSMAKINO. and nktrottod Ohlldroa. Oloo In on Build! . Kl Ind. I. Int. An'0. In |\:o.Itln||1=' 30.3 n 1.3. III! noon on `Dunhn. Thurston and lath ililll oolldutlolb Inthd. `blo- lam. hr "Ei'uu...:n_. Coda : child Adar lrwinunuuwllo Inc UIPOOINXDOBC iChlldrcn s Aid Soclcty -an Chg D-gm..- -_A rt... .1 nI-.n-.4-4 9@Ei...PR.U _].I9aE n ___._ -vv_-_' Iortholuouo and Ou-iotogloahdl nu:-neon Ohrnlm -CuraqCougha- IA RE%?:.g:::J mum vi lulu lozkhliraon-"naloolol. New Goodl. Clun Goodn. Cheap Goody. nu-u-u cu-ow vvu-I hand: over ,um.mo. In cda polio hol on have for non chili ol I" the ntookhold All ND CITY PBDPBB . lain! noulbln nun. Hhfon run QRUMLEY BROS.` Buy your Comfortables` ABERNBTHV & C0. II--gpa-...-_AIu_A..I..-....;. 'How to be Comfortable. u-wna-`uvnauuul 3 TI Gt-on-hnanlllvlnlonolvuun. issues Policies on every plan of insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Payment Life Endowment, with or without profits. Des ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower rates than any other company. I00 Wellirgton street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company [Too Poonlon Lino Insurance on, Toronto. Oontullna I thoroughly rolublo prepcrntlcn oulod - - - - xurnu :D`%T 3-? II n a cough Cure. largo Ionian lo. IAII AND CITY PBDPBB'l". =vuI poulbln {on run VIII luv blulnou us trod STRANGE STRAND` ' .I IAII Inga A:-A In. Is the very finest brand manufactured. We are getting new customers every day for this oil. If you want the best try it. COOOO&OG |M%cKEALVEY & BIRCH PraJtt s Astral AMERICAN and Blankets from Wood`: Phosphodlm la sold by responsible wholesale and null drugglnh In the Domlll. Q ` 6%$ _ nurr], ILJGIIJIVI L/ll sy up u, umartu, or cvaaus ouuuunu. `I Q which soon lend to Inssnity. Consumption snd s.n on-lyg-nu. wood`. 30'0" T||i|'|!- Phosphodino has been used successfully by hundreds of cum ll almost nopeles3-cu;es that had been crossed by the most talented physi- oinns-csses that won on the verge of despsir and inssniiy--cuss thst. were tower over the gs-svo-but with the continued and porsoverinxusoof Wood` Pbosphodino. than cases that had been given up to die. were rum to manly vigor nud health--R4wder you need not desp.-sir~-no ms!- wr who hss given you up ss incursblo- the remedy is now within your reach, by its use you can be restored to A lilo of usefulness and happiness. Price, on psckngo, 31; six pscksces. 95; by mail tme oi postage. Du will Dleau. :1: rlaralsttrd to run. Pnmnhl. his to Anv suldrwu ITIOG, one pump, ll; LIX package; I0`. D] ll-ll '60 OK wfllylrau, guarantrrd ntrr. Punphlot (me E) any address. A `Hanoi l\4\-an-so-nu \lll-dn-- n` l\---.1- L1}? 9' *J..."'""l nu. runny, cu 5-mu-urru Iv - -rr. 1 uupuuu nu: u: buy nuuruxl. l The Wood company. Wlnduor, Om: -, Canada. 69 d 71 BROCK STREET. H01 . BITTERS _......-_,. JK`S:_mV\7lFl` co. 3- '3: .CE""?*Y- , ,AC_A- _-Q_.__'4 AN INFERIOR QUALITY OF COAL ____ L,n-__-_-_ -_ no. on IIGOIIIIIII Ina I170 10ll'I' CIIIIID nhlo o! one o! tho non Inpo Jlvlo nommltbu (Court of Iovhlon), I in old mnol! u I uudldou {or In nunnly lot 101. Al tho nqnul 01 I largo iii of oloetor: Into um sup. bollovllq Ola! I ION owned tho honour which I Ink. and yhhc Innolf, In one of my election. to I133 306 allot tn the Ialouuo of ooou-Io and I0- gnuln elvlo govonncul. You: can. ` Keep Out the Cold CONTAIN! ops, Buchn, Man- drake, Dandelion, Am! the Puma: and Best slmlical Qualities 0! all "otlzcrs. Cums N) THE ELICTOIIS OI` KDNIEPOI Lam and GonI.Iomon-A!ui 1! N0` 1 who In alderman Ind u nan hl-nn. il'.9.'i9!__3!__`!'!!@1EF9A.N!Y;._G- n M! no pill] 101' I DIE ll WW :2 pt cum or he! or mr an uhpuns or lruur)'ua Iound Lm: Hop Bitters, 686.Bnoadway NEW YORK- 1; A II Diseases 6! the stoma ob, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kid- neys und Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplounou, espe('iaIly Fa mule Oom- plaiuts. ,,_..,vvv --- `n`r.--.-r Will be paid for A one 11 wt! nun half, anivtbl hnnunn nr lnlu nun Innnd I Ann-In unuluna UP 111:; til I`! U! ILNUUIUII Ladle: end Gentlemen-I reepeotfmly oh! myself us candidate (or the lnyorellr of the CH] 01 Kingston for IE7. I 31070 HD10- eented Once:-In ward (or several gene. have Iorved on all of the lmportent committees. hnve been chairman of most of thelmand fool elm . the axperlonre gained In those poelonl have qnnllod me to elllolently dhohune the duties of the onion nhould you select Inc. I therefore solicit your support and llI.IP enoe. Youn sincerely. . - . mmrrons or -run cm or xtnas-rot. Lndlan And llnntInmnn-Y ng.n.n|,On.l- Am.- MEDICINE, NOT A DRINK, $1,000 IN GOLD II [II In: --LI 1.... - --_- `A -.H TAKE N0 SUBSTITUTE. 010. Pnuangar Station. corner Johnston Ond tulo ntroots. Fire lnouranc 'l'.'1{1........"` "`..`"u..'.`.".` MAVORALTY. I897. MAYOPALTV, 1897. Iv-tvnnnn nu -nu no-no an .--..._A4. Illfjttl Aruuuloulcuml Ill] Cash. _ _ Coal Oil J. 3. sxlnuit. KIFESTBEFQ FEMi3"1t't)IT12| from llnuton to DU stations In Conldmgood going on all cl-sin Wadnudly. November am and Thnnduy, November lath. Good to Iutnrn luvlnc destination noflntor thnn Honda}. Nov. such. mo. -a-n-nun-v up; w u- '\p gran u Wlll laaue ROUND TRIP TICKETS for SINGL g]i.RAsST3 FARE Return tlckots will be Issued at uv.... n uuv-.~uu-;-. -u nu yuan 'ABES:-HAmllton 50: Ilonh-ulM.m. Single First-Class Fare Ch 'hu no aqua) Ior uonoctlna lrronun pot? . nljovlna pain: and reason-inn pnla`, was . worn out girl: And women to print lunleh. Price 51 I bottle :0 all dx-uuhm. 0-OCIQII Ohnur onus Children : Caught. In: to `Into. Prloo loo. IAIJ in W. -no-0:... ha I`. H lllhnlu-ll I01 DIG] ll! Innis rtlvu luvs bid in Kin awn by E. 0. Mitchell, J Ptlaoul am. . .-...'::'.., '.!.`: 3`..`.'.'..:.*.:`,;.%. *- - *'~ 8 HAMILTON R FIONTRE .L LINE. ` -vi` Landon Anon-qua coruontko w. n. onwh. mun.- tool We louuowau `Iotlun lookalogt for ca. dz-den sud rtull I ma no own out ch on-."%'..1u.. u . . 1. mm m'm. nl hunhottlq o! Indlnn -mun : In. n ht the lower of her life be wlthontlonbo {I111 blown. '1_'h(u,n:apnArs- `Chin. D3n bwor We be wlaprotl In M be This unpara- Ilol has lrrogplng Doodn. gnd -v-v---w - -nu-----v - -u-u hvlllng Through the Bay of Qulnto. THANKSEIVINE DAY. '..3I.!T3 5..?.!``.E!..`3_'_`Ex-... BVVll'l'l/U.. '1 Freight Agents. mu OIIOIGI [HI-III ox uuurunco OIIIIII KILLS U OUNNINGIIAI lo]. Aggnh. llntutou and Ilutrld. g:._.-. WAY, B. W. l'0l.(}l!B, L. (ion. Pun. Age. Gan. Hunger. Isunkrigz. - av - -----nu Look to Your Dnughul-I. n A I In I.I'l'l3l'nd tonrmnll raurlmd by utunmnhlpu of Ihu ()uol,oo Btonmnhip Company from New York spoolnl Ornlu-n to the `I`I-nplou. mm January. IIII. nth and 91th February and Hill larch For-hocrfbliw onm hlotnnnddatouof ailing apply to A. EIlH.llY. ()U'I'lBB.[DOE h C0, Anntn. 89 Broadway. Nu: York. or I out Irnujnuu--u "t'):R`i'JonTeRs -_u_ ._ u-.._-- TRAVELLING. November 25:11 a turn untl1Nov. 30. HOTHBRS .1. P. HANLEY, Agent. vX:.."`.f"3-\ root. l'll|.`l1I!n X I 55.11`-'1, Pnungor Agents. , 19 IIIITIII UEIUIlT'- Iuorvoo an dopoultod nnnull at Ottawa and not amount to one mlllmz. ollnu. Batu Iowa than tho IIAIOPIII u! dlou T IUIHUIT-TV`. Dunno-sow. It I unlurnni Iy. as am pump! of uoohihn In In IMO: with your better nu? Inunnl-`l'hu-n In clan`! mint-A `IV. VIII IUIP KKK? TY Vqlhl- l'Ino you IOI'I ninth! I all-nu-Ily. The in! pvlodglld ashl- thbnnhyoit kahuna: uIv-_ ` MIIIIm U . "You will pardon the question. I know. I! you oolmdor II ohttullvo." a-Id the enterprising newnpupor npnrm-.. u be alkyd through Ibo prison born In the pun Inln tobhnr. "but why do you nnuomon shun go through I tnin ho- lun bra-nkfntv" "-all I A..--n -_I-pl A.IlI-_ -11: _. 1 um on-nunnr" "Inn. I don`! mind Irlllng you. re- Id In: bandit. nulls; that lam illo- ytohronlolthobudnanlorn nun: um. Wadolhlhpouhuddthodlm In our pln0u."-Pmobnr[ Chronicle- fulinnnh. nnu uuu away. no nru pull me won on: In In place of safety. then can hlm-III! onmtomnbly near you on I ground. and Ale! n bfG__Ih|ll|~IpOll 901 when no Inn to My._. " . not undo nnnd bnrry. _v h a village noon to-day. ln:O\` w Imporm ll mu be In hop mo he ohlnf wi fool very much map If you I not npond Ibo whole :11` en day I I camp In or our M: H "ulna 1 the [Ian at Amos", ` hootoh Cnnlnrv ` | dollars. nuority Inn: And oholoo plun of Insurance olond. IILIAAOIINNINGHAI, N Canlnry. ITIIIICTIIC I|Il`lI Il| NIIIVPI. Tho nntlvou are very dallhnrnto In Ibnlr fnrmnllun. One who bnnga you I mu- saga dno-u nu In-vh up and deliver It. ` and bolt away. He (Int puts the wonp- l can hlmnllf nnmlnnnhlr nag mm an ah- IIIIYO IITPIXG." Mr. Nltnch acid. In conclusion. tbs! l It might not prove poulblo. but It wu open to nrgumnnt and upnrlmont, and more was nu tolling whu might come of It As to mothodn to raturn. Ihonld Inch 3 High: an plow:-ed ever be taken. Ohm was npnkon of an A thing that would be qulnkly solved. more manna 1: Hugo oommarnlnl only. No! alone would we be bummed by an lnonuued oommoroo with then won- trle-. but wo would also who thll mug- notlonlly guided nlrahlp M homo. We would use II for excurnlons and for the tnnnmrtulon of mall and Inerohnndlln on short II-lpq as well an on those I have dooorlhod." KI: Kllnnh nnltl In Qnlvu-IA- .n-; IIOIIIIIDIDI I0 IBIOII BOW OIIQOOI. "New dlutrlhuting oonmra would be outnhllnhod In the North at. such polntn as are In a direct llnr with large diatri- hutlng oonuvrn In Uantrnl and South Amorlcu, and many I Northern town with a Imnll populnllon may become by then mean: an largo oommarolnl city. would In he hnnnmul hr pllllllolll I0 PHIIYOHKII IDU HHIPOPVI. "Enterprising North Amerlonm would go south and oultluto on torture soil uuch products I! would my them but; Many would onrry their human by balloon to homo markets. and and the nlrahlp. exhausted of In gas. back by full or Monmlhlpn to fetch new dlnrlhntlnn nnnlnu wnnm ho \ pmnu near Acapulco Ann ronma. This mode of transportation would open Immenne olds for all Central and Soulh American oonntriu. It would ro- move the uponllve and dlloull trans- portation of the product from the Inland E plantations to railroad: and senpoml. "I-inlernrlnlmr North Amarlnnnn wnuld 0 I'll] I0 pmnu WOBI. Vnlpurnlao could land In good: In loan than two days to polnts between the loch and both degree: nnnboru lull- tudo; blunt and Pnnuna produotn could be landed at polnu In North (Jarollua, Vlrglula, Pnunuylvnnln nnd New York. Chlonuo could hon ltn depots of Iran!- pnrunlon ln Costa Rlcn, Nloanugua, Honduran. Loululnnn and along the Mm- Iulppl no In on St. Louln. Omnln oould ortablluh dlreot oommnnloatlou with Mexloo. Tenn and Arkansas. Denver could be In dlrooi oommuuluatlou with points non Acapulco And (`oIlma. Thin mode of lrnnnnm-tnlnn 1-mum VIII!!! 5! IIIODOPI. Allde from the poulblllly of roach- lng by those means In a vary short than the rnnametlo are doponltn In the north. which would probably prove to be of great value. and noooulblo by land or Inter, and or rooohlng tho North Polo lnelf, A mods of olr nnlgotlon oould thereby be uinblluhod that would lnvulnbly guldo the hollooums from tho aouth to the north. We would thereby be onnblod to carry mall and merchandise quloker than any railroad or ntoamahlp. "It would not uurnrllo me If tho mu qulonr Isnan rnuroua ntoamshlp. uurprllo mug mmu force would produce a veloclcy of much more than 100 miles an hour, at , which use In oould carry tropical hula In lou than u do: from Venezuela in New York or Boston, and dlntrlhnto It by rull to polnu West. Vnlnnrnl-n nnnld hun! It: unm-h In don, in-I interesting special nl & idblnnlnlllv-'. groan polnli woum unorony no gunoa. Tho nloolty of motion would prob- nblybo grouse: than that of the moat poworful locomotive, but could be rogu- lntod by 0110 size and shape of the alr- nhlp, which would have to carry the magnotqund the and of I voyago could bodourmlnod by lowering and using than an anchors. "lnldn fnnvn um nnallhlllw of ...-..L. rumuly Iowlrtls the north." Here one of the lergest megnete In ordlnery use was Introduced to lllustrste the ldee. The magnet was of two pounds welght end by ll: ettrsotlon the llttle orou sustelned e ounslderehle pull before glvlng way. The ru xgnet Itself gured es the megnetlo ore deposits, and the her es the elr shlp to be sttreoted. "Now," continued the gentlemen. let magnets enough he ettaohed to e belloon to feel the tome of the ettrectlon neer the North Pole, and the oer would be drawn ln that dlreotlon. I! trlels should prove the oorreotness of my opln- lon, the problem of elr nevlgnllon from south to north would be solved, end e greet polnt would thereby be gelned. "Thl Velocltv nf mntlnn wnnlrl m-nh. new; menu at real eeruoe. I believe," geld he to A reporter. um magnets could be suspended in the air of Iumoleut force to counteract the reemnnne of the elr, overcome the adverse currents, and move more or Ieu rapidly toward: the north." Han nnn nf Izhn Inllannf. In-nnntn 1.. plri enrongnouv me eenn. It ie the Idee of Mr. Niteoh thet the enbtie magnetic attraction that hold; the needle or the mariner-'e compete with nnewerving iideiity to the non)! on be utilized in e magnied form for men'e oonvenienee, prom and pieuure. A_ooept- tng the theory edvenoed tint veet de- poeiee oi Inegnetio ore exiet In the imme- diete vicinity of the North Pole, and from there come the megneuio onrrante dietributed over the globe, end it le the attraction of thin time (er unbounded eld thet drevre with megio power the needle of tbeeompeen, there Ie nothing, ee Mr. Niteoh iouke In it. to prevent ite being mede of reel enrvioe. I believe." mid he tn . nun.- An entirely new eoheme looking to serial navigation and laht hoe been enueeted by Mr. A. W. Nlteoh, of lim- ton. It in anal: epdecldnd departure from all the propoeltlohe heretofore edvend tor utmeln; the etmoephen for pnrppeee el trnnm II to commend Attention from the eotentlete and othere to whom it ha been preeented. Ineteed of dteohnrglng the letter from their mlnde u visionary "and lmpreotloahle, deolnree the Boeton Poet, eevenl profound students have etopped end` pondered upon It. Why eonldn't It be mode pneelble?" they nek thenaeelvee. Why Isn't It poeelble to nee the enormous eleotrlo force: that play e myeterleue, yet potent and Important, pert throughout the earth. It In the mm of Mr Nlhnnh :1... th- Al:-non Ian Flu I Remarkable scholno by Which u llollovu Aulul Nuvlgnlon PROPOSED TO USE MAGNETIC POWER FOR AIRSHIPB. Polo Eu] ly Bouohod. l.'Il[l.llY.`!()UTll1B.[D0E ECO A onto: Broadway. York J. 1* `HA LE9, KIngnton.`()nI.. Awrvn ~ry. ` .v'` I! ` wholam` nr VII 0 Aoo zlll --J..- AL- A NEW FORCE. -u_v. tutu 3|! y the I breathing-spell mm 7'` . under- at %\ Important Io will mm It Inn an I nrogunlnrupoll 9011: 0 o up do a 9 In in on", ho Detour 15a. 2011.. 250. and we. holnnlllot me. at u Bur .lnI| I ntiriog T' In all mm and eonly murrnur-5:- "O, my darling. I am In glad you have come! I lune no vented to make I: up end nettle. " And he of the embrace revnIrked:- "Well, lulu. Is`: v-ry nice at you. and I'm very glad. loo. that you're pole; N9 eeme up at Int." - It in tho nae uullnom _ -1...... nun up ll IOIK" II in the gun ool|oc;or. -- Spun llovnuu. HIYOIG WIII IIOI Dill. BM burl n step, A ring. n voice the know; and sumo on speaking to the norunu In the hall. Hhn -III nnl -.Iu null` . n_L.n- urnuuuu. lllll [0-nu] run. "rains in!" The visitor onion and. with n ugh of awful volume, the our mm outs: banal! In his um: and mltly `'0. mt dnrllnn, I All! -n -Ind -mu L... An-Fnupoq-tool uroo-ting. The gentle I-llnlo -no dronrlly In tho [looming In the from room. Hhll In In" I-nluu-nhln In: an 05.. Dill -I luv Uvlllyully . Pun-nun. A cuumu OOIPAII WI-n Bllll sncmm.

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