Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1896, p. 4

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`no may -"-on I H I 3- : II n; dhotdul IlIu|Io.nxu:'| Q1 poIucy.o0o.. ondonud bq yddnm an 5.7-ya. only ny and nibble human. Reno- THE DAILY mum. wH1G'FRI_nAr,.1,~Iov1:MBmB 20. 1896. DBIIDIIII. Not. I). - Wllllun B. lhthbun was hand dad in!!! bodthio mm WIS IIIVOIEOG I0!` lIO|' XIIOHD. Indignmon bu boon round in Donut over the strait of Andrew J. Spain on I ch of murder by drowning bin wile and V9 children. Eyo-witnesses of the accident mm is In: purely Accidental. It is claimed the ruoorrlur the anal. in the unwillingness of an inmrnnoo com ny to pny A8l0.000 ucldont policy on rs. Spun` lift. The ow Haven. Oonn.. Rcgiuut up the vnrnnont will place on ordcr with tho lnohootu Anna 00. for I00,(lI0 rillu `olntlno Loo putMrn-l.l\o ohndud mall um ollln Annrlonn navy. Tho contract in duo In tho rd botvnun tho United Shh: and Spin a dad!` on put ol tho America: [ova-manna bu " "-1 --_'x:2L____ In...` nn 1 1| - -_---_ nmmon mm urongmonoa. Jnmon Allen, mlrriod, Toronto, hu boon pom. to Control prison for six monlslu lor luvln robbed and ruined nlornnt named Mu-yiove, who tructocl him implicitly. He went by oh nuns ol Juno! Thompson while conning her. Ila frequently promin- od to mnrry her. He and her money lonl. him invented lor her benet. lmHanAl.I'nn kn: hnnn I-nnnncl in I\.n--p l` TOUOTICI DIOIIKOT Extemive recaubiona are being union on the iulan of Porto Rico to prevent. surprise: by libuuere irl the event. of the now: received from Cubm and me I hillippinein|4\nd being of such I chnrscber n to encourage a riling of the illnndern. Thodelencea of the inland Ire being ex- amined and strengthened. Allen. rnlrriod. Tomnm. Inn hum was Iou'nu m mom nu. By the premnture dischnr of I re- vnlvor the ten-year-old non of h . Ringrodo, Dougla.-o, met with an accident. a bullet. entering the log near the knee. The phy- ioian was not successful in locating the bullet. He and A companion had been shooting at A mark in a neighboring wood. Capt. O'Brien : dot.oct.i\'ea in New York unnoung II : II mlfl In ll nolgnoormg wood. Capt. New York have arrested three men who nre cup on have been conoorned in the death of Frank P. Arbuckle. of Denver, 0o|._ found dying on Eighth avenue yesterday morn- ing. The prisoners are Geo 0 Stevens. a reputed gambler, Joseph videon and Frederick Monger. Extemive urecnutionn nra hnlna lnhnn IOI" ("II your. The Brook`_vn wntoheue oom ny dis- mantled its works and secured 9,000 of gold from the refuse. The walls, pillu-s and ceilings wore scraped nud washed. oors taken up and burned. and bricks and plaster sent. through I crusher; gold duet was fo|}nd in them all. I)- 9|... ..........b..... .I:-..|.-__- -r _ __ II: III, UI KIIC \.IIILllJ \4UIII' , puny, by Robina & Kathleen. Linn, with an introduction by \`Rgv. Principal Grant. $2. Tlguisara, by F. Marion Craw- `I\'A '1 III\lQ "T Ill IJIIIIK OK value (H35 CHO Wter Kvuf up. *he dominion intormodinbo championship match. Brockvillo vs. Mcill II, must. be played o!T|n Montreal on thanksgiving day, Thursday next, on the M.A.A.A. grounds. I! the grounds cannot be obtained the dominion championship rents in abeysnoe for this year. The Brook`vn watch mun nnmnnnv din. loan m me name wu . Manuel Mnrin (goronndo, oditor of a Havana newspaper. who incurred the dis- pleanure of captain-general Weyler and was obliged to lesve the island to avoid arroat. hm Arrived in New York. He declined to rolnte his experiences. ` OMV two of tholourmen nnttln man An romw ma experiences. , Only bhelourteen cattle men on board of the ill-lubed steamer Mem hin lost their lives. They era believed to e Eng- lishmen. The wreck in broken up and people long the shore are carrying off an thing of value that the water turns he chnmnionahin ror arm: In v.ne'onmInaI court, Uld bailey. The Dundee Courier announces that James M. White. member of perliamont, Forfershire, has applied for the steward- ship 0! Uhiltren Hundreds, the equivalerit of renigning hie seat. in the house of com- mone. mona. Ninety per oent. of the shingle bolts cut. in north-western Wouchington wens swept. down the various rivers and out to son by the floods. From three to five miion foot. 0! logs were driven through the booms and I lost, ithe way. Mnnnnl Mn:-in ,u~m...-in ..l:s.... .: .. vuvvl uuv III UIIU IUIIIII II VI VBIIZ l`lQUIUIllU' fibeml. by Mr. -one majority. Edward J. vary. alias Bell, the alleged Irish-American dynnmiber. was: brought bolore the London Bow abroot police magis- brute this morningend formally oommmod for trial in the criminal court, Old Bailey. that. nmsurer rurvoy. W. K. Vimdorbiit, New York, guvo $150,000 to the republican national oom- mittoo prior to the reeidental election. This in the largest. in ividual political aub- acription on record. The bye-election for Lakeside no the seat in Manitoba legislature made vacant. by the resignation of Dr. Rutherford, resulted fvoawrday in the mourn of James Mackenzie, iboml. vorv. Ball. the Allaood Mexican tobacco promises to take the place of Havana tobacco in the markets of the world. and already great tract: of country are being operated as tobacco plantations. Alderman Scrmmie was anminu-d nitv pmnwuona. Alderman Scrogie was appointed city treasurer of (luelp . and the council poss- ed a strong resolution in favor of more ade- quata puniahmontv of the Into defaulting treasurer Harvey. W. K. Vlmdnrbilt. New Vnrlz, onvn ou. A friend in Montreal has given 810.000 to be invested as permanent fund of the Montreal Indies benevolent 'sociehy to be used for the maintenance of the in- mabea. Mn-in... u.L....~. n........'... 5.. L- LL- In the Days ofthe Canada Com- nnnu hu Rnhinn Kr Knthlnnn Inlunoonmn tor '1 exa.s, I! Dem nought. Letters have been recoiv in Montreal from number of those who left some montu ago to settle in Brazil. The Cann- diana there are suflermg great hnrdshipa. Marshall Hull and a noun. in hot. nur- amna more sunermg great nnrasmpa. posse. but ur- suit. of Black Jack and his gun of ban it.:, had a desperate 11 ha. Bob :1 on was Igillled; Black Jwkaodly wounduf: escap- nun many onpploa .ny mo noous. A cabinet position in the McKinley od- ministrabion for ex-abate chairman Dr. John Grant. now national republican oom- unittoonmn for Texas, is bein nought. recoiv in Mtbntrml IIIOII H] CH8 Worm. A prisoner. who jum from 1 1 oving train nenr Pitt,sburg., 1., won bully in- jured, and an oioor, who leaped nfbor the man, wurkillod. I)... W D D t....:. n A an... ........I... recwrsmp or Muone, N. 1. Two days` Cnlitornin mail, the first time Saturday. Wu roooivodyutordny by nonm- or at Sumo. Wash. The railroad: am still badly crippled .by the oods. cabinet noaition in the MnKinInv ul- WB.ll'lllll0d. * Rev. W. P. R. Lewis, B.A., the lar aaaistmnt at Christ church mthdrm treal, has reoi edin order to-Iooopoh rectorship of lone, N.Y. Two dun Cnlnrnin mail. tin nk ninnn LOWIG U. '1'OWIlDl.ll'y, I0!` IIUJKND. I L Pat.no, the Fmuoh liberal organ. do- clnrea that it is perfectly ntiaed with the oettlpment of the school question. The total mombenhin of the laurua of oevupmenr. ox one eonool quemon. membership of the league of American wbeelmen is now 71,845, the largest poueeeed by any athletic anach- bion in the world. A nrinnnnr uyhn in-an-4| I-cum - . .\..:.... cents per 1.00!) loot. Advice: received from Manilln uy the rising in thePhi|li pines in extending to I" of the province: 0 the iaiaud. John R. Gentrv. the aunt Innlno nlml. or we province: or one mauu. John R. Gentry, the great pacing ml- lion. wu sold at auction in New York, to Lewis G. Towhbury, for 819,900. Pnt.no. the Fmuoh lihanl man. (in. I u '1. Men's White Undressed Shirts, 50c. 75c and $1. Latest Collars, two for 25c. Night Shirts in Cotton and Fllnnellette. l`!-- f`..`_ \'A..l. C....,....`- CHI. A big departmental more is talked of in London. The outbreak of diphtheria At Riviera Ouelle, Quo., in reading. ` The union o the Prnuinn landhg. Berlin, WI; opened to-day. The next eeuion of the n-Americnn medical club will be held no ecu, Vene- zuela. . :- Sir Richud Onrtwriwht hu gone to R0- eheetar to neck relief for an stuck at rheumecium. Th W` d ' 'd h - ..s...a .. '3v5?.'...?"'.$' m.`.`f.."`. .`2 .?..';.`L nu ma. Mum. ' `Flue Iouhornlumber Inhnuhctmron u- uoointion hu advanced yellow pine any cents 1,000 foot. Advice: ranaiwu-I from Mnnilln nu Iclua `rue wmuoor nucmo has been noug- ninod as William J. Mum. of Gnnd Rn ids. Mich. ha nnnmn-n lunuhnr m`-nnulnntann... -.. ug.-ug. I n In In wrvvn I \Jl'II-ISII l'|Jl'| "WHIG" READERS. lulagnphlo tidings tron nu Pun: of the Globe. Oondanud and Auortod fol-hay Boodlnl - A 013190 Gin: Inn thn [WHAT'S ru1a_T_I91_Ncs row] HERE IT IS IN 8|-CORT ORDER FOR I IIMIIJIQII QELPIEDQ , -_-!-.._[. noun or I. o. n. In... --n-n LY-.. GI I`l1nu___ New BOOKS.) ynonoapoou-Iovcrnulod and unluc- cl:-condition. Tboold "touts have but uncut! and 0! Illfnokor 1 Xhmll, Q kt- Lang L.- no the 1! 1,` u_o ll ' Abcnothy. I. C. Gilduuluvo I: hung his ico- nnd pub in Int- ooodidon. Tho old our-nut ohm- DXI Ill WIIII lIVOI'. A team of bone: attached to I weggon. And belonging to J. Ilolliohul. Cetereqni, while being driven along Ontario street. heoune frightened M. I push; train on the B. ol 0. rellvn and run any. A blcyoliot. who Ina w ling by. dleInonnt.- ed. end with the end of Another peneer-by uptnred the remwnye. Very little dem- doneeotbeweggon. .';u`I'0Idlthmwhen Von nee thendnt 'r.|`am:"|' h npu-d a uni intinoii. in to men: Io fotatln dominio: football gimm- piono ip is that the championship will oolnoiaothoont. In sizing up the two ham: it in dioult. to c oooo botnon chum. `Vanity hn tin uni be. but the Othwnihu hnvc ooionoo. trio n Ind oat- neu in their favor. A Qnnnn :50 lung... -6A.-|...I A- - _.-..._ mrroanooa. The wiropullora who davoud much time to lo -rolling on Sunday for the benefit. ol Mon Waterman. and pladgad thennolvoa tomato a oortaln alderman mayor. wiIl aooompliah a ianl: contract in delivering the as hair oounga. it not their mora principles on public quutiona, in to be admind. TL. 0.41.... 4.. aln. ...'a_ ........u_._ AL- noun warming ny om ol the more modorn IKIIOIDI. II in rural | house in built. now I at 5 furnace ind outing system in not. introduced. Thu aria-nnllnpn u-has .l-....n..l .......I. H..- mg u I Illll Ioolung 0| I new Inamunon. A uperior street block in Clovelnnd. Ohio. owned by ox-oon rooamnn R. C. Par- sons and occupied by\ . H. Lueketcmoyer & Sons. wnoleulo hardware. was destroyed by fire this morning. The building,` valued at 375,000, and stock, vnluod It 8100.000. were total looser. Both were insured. 'l`in.mn.l.. nu-I ..I......l..... -_- .|.-.. |._.._ Tinumithn wd plumber: any whey have enjoyed I splendid autumn`: buaineu. Nnrly avory citiun who could nfford wdu no bu replaced the old time system o!| houu sunning by ol the modern Intoml. rural: n hounn in lmilo. nnur UITUHIII DHDOHI. We have yet to meet. the party whom we could not plane with he and coffee. Have you tried us! Jae. Redden & Co., the tea and oolfee epecieliece. The Oueen Citv nil nnmmmw mhmmh Ana oonoo apocunau. The Queen City oil company though beaten in still in the ring. John Morris will remain in Kingston and cell onl from the ours, on that. the op?oalt.lon will not. be luillod oil . but twelve I dermen have auc- nnnrlntl mnnnmivnn in nnnu-ntinn Hug lmlld I' IIllllUI|I7ll C- Ties, Cus, Neck Squares, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc., at bottom -4--- .. 4 Iulou on, out twelve uaormen have ooodod meantime in preventing the build- ing u and locating ol I new institution. UDOl'i0I` ILPOII . blnnlx in nlnvnlnn oonmon sou. Tomorrow will be the feast of the pre- sentation of the Virgin Mnry. It. is also the sixteenth anniversary of tho consecra- tion of his grace nrohbinhop Clear . which event. occurred an Rome as the min of cnrdinul Simoni. I- In..- ..o 5.. -...L ck- .....n.. ...L.___ ...- case. The vote of Florida for president and vioe president oflloinlly announced: Brynn and Sewall 30.160: McKinley And Hobart. H.389; Palmer and Buckner 1,778; Br an and Watson 2,053; Levering and Jo man 868. 'l`n.-um-.-n- will L- ch. 52.... ..t ;L- ....- races Ann [to down on me mldm ht. train. ' IL is believed that Frank Ar uckIo,o! Donvor,Col.. wu drugged, placed in a cab down town. token to thd sidewalk on sch avenue and left to die. The best do- Inntivm nn tho fnrnn um nnnnrrn All or... um avenue Ana Ian . 50 me. The been de- cootivou on the force are engnged on the cue. compeoe mm me Unnaumn artillery. A regrettable night was witnoued on Prinoou an-ooh at noon to-day, A young boy about; eight year: of age with his books under hi: arm smoking I ciguel:-be, surrounded by his admiring companions. All aims of coil. crate. esm. stove. No. 4 rurruunuou ny mu mmmng oompamons. conl. gruto. egg, nwvo, No. 4 and chestnut. delivered any part. of the oil; at 85 per ton b W. G. Cnig & Co. lcliolvoy & Birc '3 advertiaament. vas- cwnc oz) ton D W. U. Unig it 00. elielvey advertisement yea- terdny of Prawn Astral American coal oil. the bent. on top of the eenh. gave I nish- ing to another of the miubabemonta and unbrubharof the "unhallowed opposition. About 100 exoureioninu went down to unnruonuvol me "ununllowed opposition." to Montreal this afwrnoon with the Queen`: college lootballbeam. Many more are ex- poctad to take advantage of the cheap rates and go down the midniht train. 1:. in halhwul mhu. Ii`.-I. A. ....u. ..cl Low Price tore, _ DO .1 OII Dual-unaann Gianni IJIIJLDII, HUI l'I'$00|W- Men : Ruaaia tan, genuine calf congress, bend sewed, originsl price 84. we are gov ing to sell them for 82. See our window. in full of them. A. Abernathy, O'ord a old stand. l27 Princes: street. A nrnnnnnl in nu `ant and ....--L:.... ...:Ll. nan Iummer ona menaly vuub, al compete with the Canadinn artillery. mgremsble night witnaum nouuon a um. . In the can of I yachting party`: ox- perionoo with coal oil. mentioned in last uightfywmu. the article should hav road that the part. headed from Broolcville to Clayton, nob reooott. Mn . ll....:. um ..-.....'..- ..-u- ...... -_ ulu auauu. IZI LTIIICOII anroeb. A proposal in on foot, and meeting with considerable favor. to send an English voluntoer artillery company to Canada next summer ona friendly viaib, andto compete nrtillarv. nun uudttonoollllfnokor nuorn -Ihodtuuod. The havy boon hu -an liglmud. and nloonthor crunching penance. Dr. Jameson, the leader of the Tuna- vaal raid. conned in Holloway rinon. bu undergonoasurgionloperntion or the re- lie! of a painful malady from which ho hum long been a uueror. Tnm Hmihhm f`.|urinI>.m.. nnnh... ....-I nonpz noon :1 uuneror. Tom Smith : Christmas crackers and Christmas shocking: have srrivod at Jao. Roddon & Co's. In H... ...... -6 - ..-..|.n..... __._.-.n_ __. Gil. The jury in the murder char 0 a inst. Arthur Garhold, :6 Brandon, Star tin locked up all night. could not agree an were discharged. Thom will be tried before I new jury. No float on Cm-nnvnkv n m-i-n nnlnr-I1 m- mam no you M7 reduced rice. J. A. Hagar Ind W. tewnrt. have salted for A new trial of the St. John horse can won at the rooont oourt of again by F. Mo- Cluskey against. the two ret. named men. Fisher : for bar in: in groceries. No worm m icine new so nicely as Miller : Wonn Powders: no Dhvaic reuuir. D0l0l'O I HOW ]|.lI']. lxmt on Carnovaky I crisp celery or lettuce. hr jnlrunnnn I-L- I..A-.. _l LL- m____ 25c'." rnunuolpmn. B3. The wife of Timothy Donoghuo, and mother of the Iknbin chnmpion,Josoph!F. Donoghuo, died at ewburgh, N. Y. She leaves eight. children. Do vou want. ornnarinnV l?`m|.m- will ah... waves engnr. onuuron. you want groceries? Fisher will give them to at reduced rice. Hmrnr And W, . tnwnrt. Inn. ..I...A wuen ny me and. Jen. ltedden & 00. George E. uckect. mayor of Hnmilbon, was In the city yesterday. He is e lnrge tobacco, oignr and cigarette manufac- burer. Order your rooeriee from Fisher bo- morrow. redu price to everybody. A gentleman who arrived in the city from the vent yeeterdny loot O60en ronoo in eommnyntaerioue manner. He in from Philldolphlll. P3. wife of Timnlhv Tlnnnalmn .....: no worm moulcme new nicely Powders; phyaic requir- ed. , pnoe no l! llnQl"l. The aovon member: of tho public . school board, whose turn it in to retire from oioo this you-, will all nook re-election. Jlllt fifd Carr : Inf f`.Avlinln\ unann- omoo mu will Ill nook re-election. received Curr : (oi Culisle) qua: wnlon by the and. Jun. Reddon & Goon-no E. uclmht. mumr nl gmilnm nour no minor I. -- J. A. Kintolln. the new inntrucisor in butter making at the dairy Ichool, arrived in tho city to-dny tron Lanoutor. K Extra vnluo in Jnnnn nu: nu! ma`... .9 nunon. Noel Parfait, the French politician and author in dead. Re In: born In 1818 and took part in the revolution of 1830. For one tank mnm All ornnnrinn -uh"...-l won pen in one revolution of 1830. For one week more, all grooeriee red uoed price at. Fisher ; I The lnvan mnmhnrn no 9.1.. n..|.|:.. ...|.....| -'1-Inn." d.V'ionnA wn.!ou-oomouhlng now-st Rod- n n. In tahooug of Laorty vn. Honrt. to ohnngo venue to Kingston, the Application _wu ntuud. 800 Fisher : mammoth bu-of soup at I00. Vanilla and l'0I nugu wnfon by the pound no Rodden I. - The Iohoonor Fabloln in unloading oonl at W. 0. Craig U 00 : dock. This in than- nonnth cup. The Inn on tho Porulnouth vil bull in st hall-nut out at respect to t. 0 mo- mor; 0! who Into Goo:-yo Sexton. A Quick bruut. all-rising buckwheat "-'"'-* *'~'*~: .;- -- '~ 353" Heavy Black Ribbed Socks, 21 special bargain, 25c pair. Tnn Rhino: an-, nnr, 6::-_ 7:c In lull! Olly Irom Lcnoutnr. value in Japan tau and coffee: it Fl|hor u. Nani b...C.:o AL- III..._-L _-u..--x__ ,_.u who 70!: lawn low: crowded Into an Inll:-t nl In--. um: so par can at. W. 0. Craig & Co`: Albani will be here thin winhr lkunt. Vinnnn `pal;-n_.4.....-sl.i.... ..._ -5 D mar; 0: we nu uoo:-yo sexton. quick all-rising buckwheat our at l'iIhor'n. J A Ylngalln bk- ..-_ :...A.......-,-_ :._ new nuclwnou our It l'i|hu-'0. Coal 35 hon at W. G. Craig & Co n. will winter i 5-: VII] IQZI IIWI UIIIUVIOI Ill lnnllut of lvooo. New buckwhub at Finhu-`n. Ca-llam:-mn.o.w n n...:...sr GENERAL PARAG RAPH8. 39. [b uuu III-0 Big Boys Rib! ids Wool I 8} incheo. goo doaon I goo dour: I4 Boys Shirts on His`: Cuilq boo Lulu!` ":`:`I5`!-i_ uung MIVIIIIIBIOI um cusp non!-lion to tho moeroplh to-dn. roI'OIlIOIOI`hO um. any only one Japan. 810. w ioh amount the oompsny" inated ohould ao- oonpuly ouch uppltutlon for: loan, "as I [nu-unto of good men." Mr. Martin vont. to Iontnul to-day to luvutlglh Ir. Bolro dinpmnnnoo. IPCUIQI Ulllsulu, 3l. Pull. Tqp Shirts, 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c and .1. ' An'n k:. "l`\I`l`{.IEC!)/I Qldrfc war. no uancnu no-a dhnppuu-moo. uorouoa In my tmnppunnco of Alumn- dor Boll. the mining mnnngor ol the Scot.- niah-Cnnndinn loan and investment. oom- pony, Montreal. E. R. Martin Inn up- poinhd loonl agent for the loan company, which oorod Io loan money at four-utd-r lull and n per cum. Within 1'07 days Mr. Martin sound about nuns; thousand dollnn worth of risk in tho chm. which In lntnml -an mu wouunnu uounn worm 0! fill in the city. which he intand ouurnz personally at tho louuul bond Igoncy, taking sdvcnhgoof tho chap excursion moeronlh Ionumnlv In was in nppu-. nnour ocnomuea matches. The Regiopolia Ind bulinon college loot- bnll team: were billed to play I nturn match yeobrdny Afumoon. At. the ap- pointed hour the buninou collage hum Inn on hand, all ready to plny. but the Regio- polia mam did not. out in an nonunnoo. nor ._rr___. Khutoulnn lnunohd. Then an I luv oiolnnl ol Klnplon in horutod in the diuppunnco of Alann- Boll. miuinz mnnnnor of an int. as nine umee out of ten it is handed out to the quarter- back. thus making the aommage a blind and a farce. y the referee placing the bell dead, an opportunity in given. the scrimmage to measure strength. the primary object. If the scrimmage rule was so amended it would do away to a great extent with the custom followed this season of ecriminaging the boll in- stead of throwing it into touch. Some provinion should he made against loss by teams who enter the union with the bona fido inwntion of ghting to e nish every round of the schedule until a winner or loser. Each team should bemade todepoeit a forfeit, My $50, en a guarantee of good faith. Take the tune of the Granite ham, which went down to Brockvllle and layer! the junior: there, the last named ing all the gate receipt: and not givin the Urenltee a cent towards expenses. an refuting to pla a return match. If the Broclvlllea {ed been made to forfeit to the Granitee the amount aug tedebove. it would be no more than t e mey team deeerved. Of coui-ae,at thecoeeofaeeeeon. all money should be returned to teema playing out their echeduled matohee. Th. n...a......u. ....a L....:..... ...n.... a--. on nnnu, all many :4) pity. l)_uI`. the negro- polis ut up I-anon. was my noun 0 rod for xfniluu to Ablllf. unmows. I There are one or two matters which the Ontario rugby lootbsll uniqn should con- sider ntits snnusl meetin on Saturday, Dec. l`. th. ()ne is t e strengthen- ing of the live yard clause deal- ing; with the question of s plsyer catching from punt. The union should insist that referees and umpires have this clause more closely observed durln a match. It is safe to say that not` Ice; in `during the past season has the clause observed as it should have been. If u player got ve or six feet grace in mlking a mark he might consider himsell lucky. By referees neglecting to insist on live yards grace a premium was placed on long punts, which is contrary to the spirit of the ve-yard clause. Another matter which should be looked into and im roved is the scrimmage, which would fui)| its. mission if the referee was Allowed to place the ball in every lnstsnoe. Under present conditions the team plscin the bull in scrimmage has s deoid ndvsnuge. times out of Ill aunuuuugu [Ill I 0001000 Ml\'IIllJO. in hnndad out In than mu.-94..., v.., . allhhopoond nylon. We ask them to Iliognoror n I you lilo. : ptlvou IVS` r or sultan. lmmon-co no-~k. ,T Cell! Corners. Window Sous. lllnhgnugml 4.1.. w. _.|.. .g.,_, . -U-U- _ Cllcmo. Nov. IL-30: nlhnnh. rm-mad uul nnl ton. Cph. Rosa injured his knee while at practice with the team on the campus yesterday. Heis not, in very good condi- tion to do battle against the Montreal athletes. Th... .m n... M. in .. ......u-.... _.|.:..L .L- uuuuu Lu vuuiluuro Queen`: college football team that left, for Montreal at 1:25 o'clock this after- noon. to meet the Montreal team, Wu composed of these layers: Back. Wil- son; half backs. Curtis. Scott, E. Elliow uunrber-bnnk. Mn(`.nnvilln- lnrI'm|nnon' gwu. donnsoon, Drool. Tuuuope, ' chlfe. Mohr: tpare men, Shaw and ton. ' (`gut Dun. {.u'......A |..`- I...-.. . son; nan oacKs.Uurua. 50005, 19. Elliott; (uarber-back, McConvillo; acrimm e. uordon, Baker, Paul; win 5, Ray E, :30... Johnston, Brock. Tuhope, @- cllfo. snare men. Shaw and )5]. consume nun M00. saying man no gob In from McCarno_v to give to Douglass. He was arrested. McCarney was arrested Thursday morning. Miller had 8400 on him when arrested. Both of them have been remanded {or eight dnyi. O'Neill is at large. Van Blarioom is held as A wit.- noes. A Few suggestion (or tho lixocntlve o! the llnlnn On nnalnlnu nrsnsierrea one money to Miller. Short! afterwards Van Blaricom got. over his {right and went with chief consta- ble Storms to the police magistrate, who saw Douglass and told him to take steps be et. the money as he was responsible. ouglass hurried to the station in a rig. found Miller in the caboose of efmight. and vnrdmnn Richardson held the train. Miller was asked to go down to the Pais- le house but. went, to hloCsrney s house. w are he was summoned,snd then he went. so the Paisle house, when he handed constable Hu 3150. saying that he got it McCarnev nrive Dounrlsss. He asked for it, end on Wgduesde , too. Mc- Cnrney told Douzlsse he he! id Van Blerioom. John O'Neill and Miller. from Kingston, arrived in town on Wed- nesday afternoon, and about dark, Acoust- ing McCerney and VsnB||ricoIn, accused them of stealing $330. and MoCsrney handed over the money to O'Neill. The men then took the other two towards the lock-upsnd then told Van Blericom it was ndirly place. and if he would sign A re- ceipt for the money and promise to Appear before a magistrate in the morning they would give him 820 to pay his ex- penses and he could stay st :5 hotel {or the night and they would write to his mother. Van Hlaricom signed the receipt. got the mono and the men lell: him. O'Neill trans erred the to Miller. Shortlv afterwards Van Blnricnm ant. weaaay no goo word to oome tor the money. but MoCarna puthim o' when he oduoads Curnav hnld nnnalnnn In in mid V... fafurday and Saturday Night... jmsmnnn FOR EIGHT DAYS| Ionoulqnl Put In Quantum. 'Iu'vAnn an El _Il.... AgL._- THESPORTING ARENA. _Uu- vvuuuuuu_ucuunuuI nwu II: Inc uulumx "cl, 4 to '3 liq : Soch, toe. inc, 3 to 50. ...*;:?g`:r.:.r':`.:.*.=.`.:.*'.*.*..`.:**'*"`-'~~v~=r~ =-= =9 -P- Mk : cum... lain: 9:`: In In 2 ` `K p` 3'81 IUD: \I 5c. 7c and 8:. in Hana` R LIVIIPOOI. IAIKITE LIVIIPOOL. Noon. Nov. l9.-WhoIc N. sun, 7: I`I,`l:`d wIntI'.'lM; N4`. `LIP non 3 9' ' I ' bdk: Oumw. Am'.,Ib 0'1; '|:oo'n-l ' can: but .hM:l%1| M- vhon one 3, In . Chou 00.51: 0d Colonvl, Ml . Alanna: nu-n|ulO-4 Al)! . Y conu- Oatmeal. H.110 to 1 0); Oommoal. me to 01.00. Pnovuuomu-Pork.u).noto11.50 - bud In to 1n; Baoon. no to Do; Hum. no toio; 0110000. We to 1110 - Butter, tovnnhl . Mo to lie. , Wuurn. lie to M0; I311. III: 0 me. -IuI I -3114 rnuuuun -.J I351!- Ilorrrnun. um. Nov. I) --l"unu|-ooopu. 3 Avlbghrln ; mar 0! quick. Quotation: : P-mm W1ncor,u.m to sun: Faun: lagrlnl. boo to 5.30; t-Itrnlahv. Rollar. 4.30 to t. .- xtn.4.l)) to 4.15 ; huperno no no 115-Efren; Baker- 4 m to 5.00 - one... o 2 ad nu. v GIIux-Whut. No. I nnltohn Bud. can to !lla'Oorn.l0n tolls; Pun. Mata &h;0ItI, lldorlo; Bulondbctodio; Oontodlo; 0 . Oatmeal. u.A0m1a),- Oormnon . `mu t um Pnovmmuu-l-`ork. 011.60 to 11.50 .- Prinoe Ohm, of Srnlberg-Wernigorode died last. ni ht at Wernigomde. He was born at. Geaerern. Oct. 30th. I837. He was I general in the Prussian cavalry and pmeident. of the Prussian diet. lJ()SEPb1.()u;TEA()lEi!`)NKll~ l `E.E-."";-.--".E`'``*"' 345`! A ioplnto Ouro for Each Dluuo nu.:.nxwoau'rs-uo. ; non-x.I. , I t . 7 oV: unted-0o\t.n nnd other ulna. will my I highest prices at Railway tntionn. Corru- poudenca mllcltod. I II! Hannah (0 VI-nadnnn fl-I `ri ' Lqd by. he ordinance official: th5?t,`I':'s%'a%,on| rd or to the 10,000 mugs- zina ries ofhho etrai ht. pull. amsll calibre pattern nubhorized y oongrou for which n conkrrnct was entered into with the W ineheator rapenting Arms company on Oct. 3191., I895. Dunn nun: EU Roger? Celebratgd ' Manitoba Flour n--.. nI....o- lr...A I.....--o ...l..... 1.. A..- IIIZIII UUIICI I IIIIII Bran. Shorts. Food, Iowan. prices In ton tn. oWunted-0M.n anlnn. my What We: ordered. WAHlllN Nov. 20 -In regard to the war were story from New Haven, that the navy department would place nu order before noon to-day in that city for |00.000 `rinulan ntnmd bu Mn mdinnnna nfninll Dgore noon [40'0yb "1 III ' he ;x5?e:?}.?r ._?_on:, riflj c.7cnd8c. ' " 3' 'RibbodWoolH sac. and ' '`.J_s3"woo: and_Cu|nnc:..Hcuo izplvo 43:-u nukes. 1 ta prompt and uuauocory manner III which the company hm adjusted my claim is particularly appreciated in view of the fact that my ep- lication he! only been handed you two mourn before the accident occurred. and only A few days have elapsed since my ciaim paper was oompieted. Such prompt- nees and liberniity on the part of the com- pany you represent must recommend it to the inzuring public. With best wishes for the prosperity of the compeny-I am. yours faithfully. S. H. 1(C)\MM(IN, M.l). mcujgmu . If he xtywrma PM Trynhoulool 'l'IlBILDIAKBR' . . . lthl uulgundlfthodlrue don otllnunlollom od,"'l'I0 Ik" I8 SURE TO RBLIBVB YOU. IiylJl|l l"Hil'iL DJ. K.cADlI.I.C0..AnIt.l'In-tad. action '3- A Letter Of Thenke. W. J. B. White. Eeq., agent London unrnnbee and accident company, l.td., ingntaon. Dear Sir,---I beg to Acknowledge the re- ceipt. of cheque for $62.50 from the Lon- don gunmnbee and accident. company in full payment. 01 m claim for indemnity under accident. poioy No. 043l88. The prompt and satisfactory ediustad mv claim in nu-Lioulnrlv 21:- '3bTOR union. The oeptein o! the steamer Ooeen called st the police Itetion to-de to ask fore werrent for the erreet of I eok band who bu been working on the vessel. Yester- dey the Ocean was windbound at Charlotte and the sailor in queution. to the surprise of his ahipmatu. managed to eoquiree notioeable "jn . The captnininveetigeted and discover that the tar had broken into is eaten containing twelve bottles of whiskey, eleven of which he nbetrected. Six of these were found hidden under his hm neu. As the Ocean remained here only [or en hour And the captain did not know whet day he would return to prosecute, he de- cided not. to hnve the men Arrested, but. to discharge him and retain tbegprice of the liquor out of hi: wegee. IF YOUR___... HEART I-`LU'lfl`ERS Bunk of Month Ontario Bank Bank dn Pounlc Bani... ...... .. Pouplo. . . . . . . .. Iolsonh Bunh.... ...... .. Bank at 'l`oronto--- -- Iomhnntr Bank ............ . . Iorohcntf Bank at Hulllu. . Union Bank ............... .. .` Bank of 0ommuoo...... Norunnnt Land Oolnpo Montreal Ootcon 00 Gun. Oolorod Oottol Dominion Ootton. l;ont:l on III ans Blohouou I:uv.0o .... Kontrul same Bnuwuy... nlontrul Gas Co. Boll Tolo II0lIO.. Bonl E ecu-lo.. Toronto Enllwa Ionunl Bunk... nuts! 73: w 0 if 3-9. 0410 `To; Conn .a,I Onundlnu Pulls nanny- . Duluth .... . . Duluth Pro! WALBHg SATURDAY SPECIALS." Illlllillul! HVIIIIJIIQU . 117 Brock st.. Kingston. Ont. command/u`C IONTBILL BT00` IAIIIITI. All. 0" Canadian Factoty Yan,nlloo|ot:,ncundciiuu.3 zoo u. Unbnnhblo and other Inch: of Fingering ocnnd Sc. D055 Ollay IO!` lUU.U|! he an tn n.-m nnn rnnn-. .111 .11. ..m W: on inking` nmwholuono Crumpots (nth oven In. Cents ... .`::':1'::. "'. " .. .`2"':".`.'.'.`.."`. .!.`: the r:'..'.:...*.:'.;'.' : '-. ' thing" cal` I chance: on lit`!!! nlu. ;'R. H. Tova: A nun. nnjd nuns. 3 Quinn lm WI} (113 1 A . DDI TDFFT 3 lbs. Fancy Mixtures. 25c at |4lbs. Men's Furnishings fffrom our. large stock. ' Prices low. V-vied`: Ribbed Underwear, 25c. "Fine Lambs` Wool Underwear, -A- R0!!!.QN BR05- A-. (ll- `- |SutherIand s Bare Walls We Fit We Git We Sit We Fit CH_O_COLATES Low Drlced Shoe Store. May look well in a burn, but` in a house you have to make- your rooms look comfortable and neat. Wall paper adds a nish to any room, i selected with care and put on by competent `workmen. `HA :-n n0 Ivnuurtllnnnanl a} an`: U] bUllIPClClll V\'Ul l|IllCII- We re at your dl8pOi&l at any time. r--nv:vuv jug? Painters. Dooornton. Glulun. -- - -n.nau-n -cu .jj?--:-j-2-1- A thin; well done In twice done." I0 Ccte; Posing` uxj 5u'u74cr;ss STREET. . Royal llxtures " ,' White Sun: Goods` 275-; BAOOT ST. Your Your Your Her Feet. His Foot, Your Font. Foot,` :10 I Underwear, all svzes. Men`: Wool Socks, two pair for in UP glib. 5 aye Weeks. i25c. c. Fine Cashmere Socks, 25c and -\rvv - --wt -rowan` as 88 6: 90 Princess Street. The` corner Bookstore. T AX l_.Ol5_lfS BEIJEDIES! Younsnmr rgxinu II] JIIIII I rlnl All n on U00. mm, to want u in lane. .5 Wm. w ,Tho ....."'e'I.. whl Elnolnoy wu not to jail was that of hill. lag In-n, at am am legacy u- ncut. dad can done vrlllo lnohoy nu crud with liquor. Black; In: lwunly 5 nuldontol Bollovlllo. 0M.. Ma punch and btotlnn and duh:-I still living than llo HI Bollnvlllo soak an or men um mono . nnc nu-guy mm Aunnmn nuurisl. horood cannot be ad with until non anon. but will nwud u noon u the Pol-ho rim: in {no lrom ice. ` =' V ON`;`AIlO IUPPLY 00-. 1" Ibttuhl. Iauuofnu-cal: (mania . A couch: Pnrdoood. `henna, Wulm. Nov. lD.-Uovomor Iloonw bu nhnotl Ton inohoy. un- Ionod by] Frank Aim Doc. ma, IOII. Irma nan In nnnin-mun Eur nu puuuni wl IIIO bzunlow u"a'h.Dl|ta ordgn outrun: uagnnd. 5 rum in hand olyth tolugnph dullne- iltntlon in China. Mr. Briuol amid the nllwny will certainly be bu It with Amori~ om rnom; and largely with American cannot. ho nronnadnd unto me Hung LI Iunon nu received 11 none. odnct Appointing Shun Tnomi. dinotor gonorll ol railways. an Eating him porvniulon to construct the untow- Cunumsonohov lino. NAOJVA rnnlarinln -nuns L. --...I.......I -- A Inllwny For Ohllln. VA.VH)l'VKlI, B.(}., Nov. '20. A. Spitul of Chic o, who in closely identified with the pro ted American-Chlneoe nilwny between Putin and Canton. arrived here" from the Orient. yesterday. Mr. Spitml aid the T-mug Li Yemen hu received secret. uh.-I. nmmlnojnn Rhmm 'I'...s.; unnwn aononov nno. Native unuriuln must. ho cm and u far on possible on the Hunter nu, but ford!!! Onclnttl Inn 50 Cnnnd. Shana m-ppymom. or one 65,000 with Interest. at l al rates from the day it was taken. T 0 'ill-gotten money prospered in hiu hnndn. and to-dny nlnountas to over 827,000, which will be paid to Mr. Daven- port. no I'll up roacnmg U10 gnvo, the thief made I wi I in which he provided for the re-pnymem. of the 88,000 with interest. at local the dnv in Int: Lulxnn And Good Intel-oet With lt-A Wlnd nu For Ir. Davenport. Tm: I)/muax, 0re., Nov. 20.-Over thirty your: ego Louie Davenport. of Moeier. was robbed of 88.000 worth of old duet. Recontl 5 stranger came ero hinting that` e might make u disclo- sure about the thelt. The mnn visited Mr. Davenport at Monier hut week, and yeetordny u A result of that visit Mr. De aenport came to this city. The rnnn who picked up his grip containing the 88,00Uiu gold dust wee known to this ntrangor. some time ninoe. realizing that he win up roaching the the thief y`.n.umg..p at 55.. an nun _:.L 1-`- -- an Inn upon mom-nngual uyotsm. l . No pupils to be permitted to be pre- sent at any relifious teaching unless the parents or gusr inns of such pupils may desire it. In cuss the parents or unrdlnns do not dssirs the attendance of L o pupils at such religious tasching than the oupils shall be dinnlusd before the sxerclsos or shall remain in another room. .llI' (HO OOOIIIIIF WOI'K. 9. Where the school room accommoda- cion no the disposal of the trustees permits (nomad of Illomng dieront. days of the week to different. denominations for the pulyyau of nllgioua teaohln the pupils- mn be Iepurntaod when the our for reli- gion touching arrives nhd placed in topa- rsu rooms. In IL-.. 0-.. ..lo|.- ......n. 4.. ...... -..L....| 1'. i=. HARRISON co. run room. 10. When ban 0! the pupil: in any school stack the French (or any language other V. n English) as their native lnngun o, the benching of anal: Eupiln Ilnll ho` Qom uotad in French (om other language) and Fznlilh nnnn Q. A.hLHnunAI -valor I In IIUIIOH IOU,-I D OCHCT lwlllgl En linh upon t obi~IKngunl ryotom. nunila nermitmd La b anon. 7. The department. of education shall have bho power to, pulse romunviona not inoonmunt. mill: `tllyprinolplou ,0! this wt. for the carrying law aoat. at &he provi- alonn of this not. H. No separation of the puplls by tell`. Ficus denominations ahnll tulle place dur- n g tho aooulnr work. 0. Wham than nnhnnl rnmu x.nnmnmm-In. CHIC ! non-nolnan UIUDOIIO BBICHOT. ii. Wherereligious teaching is required to be carried on in any echoo in pursuance of the foregoing provisions. and there are Roman Catholic children and non-Roman Catholic children attending such school. and the school room accommodation does not permit 0! the pupils being placed in separate rooms. lor the par o!'religiouI teaching provision sha he made by regulations of the de- partment 0! education (which regulations the board of school trustees shall observe) whereby the time allotted for religious teaching shall be divided in such a way that the religious teechin of the R0- man Catholic children s all be car- ried on during the prescribed period or one-hell ol the teaching days of each month end the religious teaching of the non-Roman Catholic children may be carried on during the prescribed period or one hall of the teaching days of each month. '7 TL. .I-....o...-..o ..l ..A......s:.... -L-n TQI |'4lVBly employ ll : IBIIBI ONO GI.l|y CBl'I1l- Romain Catholic teacher in such school. In my echool in town: and cities where the even: e nttendence of non- Roman Cntholic c ildren in forty or up- ward: and in villages and rural dintricte where the average attendance of such children is twenty-ve or u wards the trustees shall, it required by t e petition of the parente or guardians of auoh children. employ at lent one duly certi- cated non-Roman Catholic teacher. ll IL;--u4linuin.m bgunluinn in .-Anni-gal weaning day. 5. In any school or towns and citiedwhere the are e attendance of Roman Catholic children ll fort or upwards, lld ii. vil- lages and rural istriots where the average attendance ol such children is twenty-ve or u wards. the trusmes shell, if required b t e petition of the parents or guardians 0 such number of Roman Catholic children, res tively employ at least one duly certi- Romnn Catholic teacher in such wnen no aumoruea. 4. Where no Ipeoied in each resolution of him tnuteel, or where no required by the petition of the nu or guardians. reli- gioue touching uring the prescribed period may take pleoe only on certain specied dnye oi the week, instead of on every teaching day. nnv school or cibiedwhere nerem aner provided: (1) lleuthorlsed byareeolution panned by: majority 01 the school truueee. (2) If a mien be presented to the board of so ooltruueee asking {or religion: teach- lug and eigned by the "arm: or unrdiane ol at lent ten ehil ren acten ing the Iohool in the one of a rural die- triot or by the parent: or guardians 0! at least lswenty-ve V_ children attending the aohool in I city, town or village. (3) Such religious teaching lo take place between the hours of 3:30 and four o'clock in the alternoon, and to be oondupted by any christian clergyman whoee chllxeincludee any portion of the school diet ct. or by A person duly author- ized by such `clergyman. or by a. teacher when to authorized. A Wham an nnnnlod in anal: rnnnlnfinn H10 IIIIIIUJDI H1001 ql-IGIVIDD WIIIOD IIO I! follow : 1. Logiulntion shall be introduced and runodnb the next. regular union of the oginluture o! -Manitoba ombod ing the provinlono herein that not forth n mand- mouc to the "Public school: not 101' the purpxo of nottllng the educational quel- tlionl Iihnt hnvo been in ditputoln that pro- naa. ' ux'.Iuu, uIe., Nov. zu.--ur. uunor gave out to-day the term: 0! nobleman: of the Mnnltobn school question which an Al follow: 2 Man Made Manly. 4 _.._. .___,,A vlnoo." 2. Religion: teaching to be conducted u horon that provided: . (ll Ilnuthorised bv I resolution outed PREMIER uumsn awas our ' THE RESULT. I `rho Innltobn lchool Qnutlol and the Way In Which tho Inner u Boon Anuenbly .IOtt|cd-Eow Bollgloun Instruction wm In Mun- Orluu, 0I0., Nov. 20.--Mr. laurior nave out Ln-dnv tha farm: of utblannnr. of ma muss or smumnr. 1 WILL PAY IT BACK. npm man no` Qonuuowl ml-Ilmzunl lvotem. I m IX 3* IT Nnr Yon. Nov. l).-Polioo upwin- hndoac Iollvur. cl Itooklyl, In said our Ibo win by the polio: d Tomato. Canada. this It north I! luil It-no, append to I nuidut 0! Drunk- In. in mining. `ho anthormu than hunched!-tlullonlddovhiohtboythink hlhnnnn Inhl. Idwlhdnxul Donn of Prlnoou um Wellington Jtrootl gonotbmogls. Bnrmthbo It ,h|bud cu. Onoounhnubollxntoh vhi outnrovvlvoc nnduhotutnlnn. K0 is . I-our L-uh ulhl not Ill! kl-n III. cl`..- ounnrovwnc nnauuoouuunn. noun a boy but did not kill him. Ell ulfny with Tbcotlou-0 Ullluu took plm at an cum-Idnlncnl In Augut. I896. Bumou mind 0 dhkrhnoo and an n I-Ihho ntghnil lIInIn,Qhn nljnhnd h\l- Inha- mac asuurlonu son Iuulu unhidllumwhoouuuphdtoput him on. Ana the runner. Nuutnt. Ont. Nov. 90. -- W. R. Browne. Louluvilk. Ky.. mlvod In town (Mo morning db: the pt-honor Swot. who In 011306 to his but with Mu an noon an the noou-rg prooudinp Inn boon gonolhroogh. urmthbo ,hubod nan. Ononnnhnnballnntch vhinnnd I u `tho Rouponnlhlo Pnrtlu. Mu.~rrmu|., Nov. 2lJ.-'l`he court of re- view hu rovornod the finding of the jury in the cue of Dr. F. R. En|And Against. Korry, Wnuon & Co.. in which the jury hAd Awudod until! SL000 for A minute mAdo by H. . but & Co.. druggiou. in iving A dose ol tutor emetic for one of hmuhh which they found lad Acoolor-Ahd tho dual: of tho pIAinti A wile. Throourt. of review hdd thAe than was no lognl |iA- bilie Wtwoon tho pArt.|oo. DA:-t & Co. pl ed t.hA: Kerry. Wuoon & Co. hAd mudo tho mluuko And that court held thAt Pr: 0; Co. wgo rupondblow Dr. En; I . ll. 1;. I)r. County is about {art year! 0! age. He wee born in Ireland, ut was reared Andoducntnd in America,end in an Amen"- con citimen. Ho its deep thinker and is in every way well ex uip to be the head of the univerlit . I`):-. lonely is identied with what in oefled the executive coneenm tivo school, nlthough be hnn not taken such an active rt in the diecueeion me to render him:-el obnoxioun to the other party. ' or the Marco nun. woronuwr. nlua., w succeed bishop John J. Koano. an rector of the Catholic university At. Washington. I). (I. ' UT. '1 HOITI II J. bonny, l'O0I 4)l' OI WHO cnurcn of the Sacred Heart. Worchoutor, Mus, to -nnnngd hinlunn .'nIIn .'I Ifnnnn ul I-anlnr nf IIIIS VVIUI XUUIIK INCH, Uy Lay` n '-Vtmn B.VSperry, 75c. The Second jungle Book, by Rud- yard Kipling. $1.50. PeIoubet's Notes on the Interna- tional Sunday School Lessons fbr 1897. $1.25. Tho Rector Named. B.u.'r|.muu:. Md.. Nbv. 20.--The un- nounoement. is made here this morning. that the holy father has appointed |Rov. I)r. Thom 1: J. Conny, rector of the church I nf Hm Sm-rad Hurt. Wnrnhanmr. Mum. m not even injureu. Word comes from St. Octave of a recent crime there. Two brothers. Philip end Francois Leooure, who lived with their pe- ronte at Kemp Range. in the parish of St. Octave. were occu ied working on the line of the:IntercolonitS railway. l'hili . hav- ing indulged pretty ireel in w iekey, went home in on intoxice condition and reiueed to go to bed when told to. Hie brother. however, went to place him in bed by force, when he drew a knife lrom his pocket and cut him bedly on both hands. The blood epurted out in jete about the oor. A doctor wee summoned. Later on the wounde proved very serious and mortioetion set. in. The young man euocbmbed to hie injuriee and an inquest wee held. The jury returned as verdict of murder in the first degree. morning n-om ma Injunee. About eight o'clock yooterdn; mornin a horse, which wu coming up since hil , slipped end fell. No time wen lost in un- harnessing the enimnl when the out con- tinued in course down the hill, running into n carter : horse which was coming up. It was at first supposed them the horse was killed. lb was lound that the horse was not injured. \'Vnrd name: from St. Octave of The Charge laid Agulnlh 1 Brol.hor-`l`he ' llorle In-epod. (,)l7EI1Is`.f?, Nov. `20.--Mr. Caron, of St. Anne do Beaupre. was the victim of an accident. on Wednesday lust. which proved fatal. He was lacing the frame on n. new when it snap .a rtion of it entering his breast. Mr. aron died yesterday morning from hie injuriee. einht. yooterdny morning , uuleepie, Ansley at uixon. llonry Ellwood. jowellor. 394 Queen street. west, was, this morning. committed for trial for receiving goods alleged to have been stolen by the man Bette. who was re- centl convicted of I large number of burgl r \riee in the city. molding ma rauoraon. William Hall. A farmer of the ninth con- oel -n of Kin township. who was bring- ing I load 0 grain into town, was run down by an electric our at the corner of Bloor and Dundu atroou this morning. He wu taken to the hospital Iuiforing from severe injuries to the buck and head. Willinm Euudwiok wu this morning lrom Injuries to une Dncl anu nenu. William Smedwiolr morning sentenced to eighteen months imprison- ment. and his brother John to sixty days. for stealing lurefrom J. G. Strohmayer, of Gillespie, Ansley & Dixon. Honrv Ellwood. ieweller. Queen The subject: of Oonveraatlon With the Ministers To-day. Tuuowru, Nov. `20.--'l`he teriif commis- sion had private interviews this morning at the Rossin house with a couple of deputa- tions. One represented the boot and shoe industry, the other the iron trade. The boot and shoe deputation were anxious to have the duty on raw material decreased in contradiction to the tanqers deputation yesterday. who wanted the duty on leather, etc., increased on account of American competition. The deputation, however, wanted a decrease in the duty on the nished article. The iron men s deputa- tion coneisted of (leor e Bertram, Lyman Jones and Edward urney. They con- versed at some length with the ministers. but nothing was given out regarding the interview. The member: of the commis- sion present were Sir Richard Cartwright and Hon. Ml. Fielding. Sir Richard leaves town this afternoon and the deputa- tion by appointment will meet Mesers. Fielding and Patterson. William Hall. a farmer Gd. Mr. Booth : weakness overcame him upon several occasions, and be determined to save his lriends from the humilistion he felt he was causing them by livin pmong strangers. He went to West 1 street. where he lived for s time or until shout s month ago when he moved to his jresent residence where be occupied A bnclppurlor. Tuesday he left. And on his return show- ed signs of heving been drinking. Yes- terdny Mr.` Thompson called and relieved Booth of all his money to make him stop drinking, but the latter obtained it, and et midnight was on the verg of delerium tremens. He became so isterous that the police were cslled in and he was re- moved to Bellevue hospital in an ambu- Ienoe. I UIUHIG, U] `I IVICI IUII KIIGVV` I I' 5 L `ford. zvols. $2. The Grey Man, by S. R. Crockett, 75C. The Murder of Delicia, by Marie Corelli, 75c. Talks With Young Men, by Ly- } Ivnnn R Venn:-ru nan west am street. Rev. Mr. Booth is ,5 ne looking men, forty-one esrs otngs. He is of the Epis- cops_l llil. . Outside of his sole fault. his lslling {or drink. he is I men 01 strong ohsrsctsr, sad in possession of nanny st- tslnmonts. Upon rosohing this city (mm Csnsdn Mr. Booth spent several months with the Rev. Dr. Greer. of St. George's, and with Mr. Thompson. menu or of Under the Polnr Star tlxestricn oom- pnny. All three attended college to~ sther snd continued the friendship form- una mm; m Inn city mo mm mm (.0 get. along even enduring the separation from his wife. but the out-Io olung to him And his latest. mp wu thus of early this morninv when he was removed to Bollovue hoopiu from hi|_ ldginga at No. 228 Welt 4th street. Rgv `Ir Rnnhh In I nh Inniinn IIIAILI we on. at Montreal. Ummn, mo cur-o ox drink row the Rev. Oliver J. Booth tron: his nnl-uh. nnnl nu-I-h Ila uuushl-. A nnfnnn arm: drove the Nov. uuvow. noonn xroln hi: pulpit And rich. Ho sou his I refuge and living in & in city and and lard to n-0. nlnnn Av-II A-nlnrinn thn nnnnrnnn III lnlung Wu l.lqur-Iomovod "lo tho uunun nay. uni IIIIIBI yvnu I.aquIu'-nuIuuvvu nu any llupuu `lo-cu. Nnw You. Nov. 20.--Fivo yum Again I the cit of Montreal, Cumin, tho of drink rmm the Rgv. Ollvnr J. Booth from A OLERGYMA'N'8 DOWNFAVLVL; Eating. Iotlnlllnno. .. \'n-u Ihuu '|_IInIhu. -` ACCUSED OF MURDER. THE TARIFF INQUIRY. F. NISBET SI

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