Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1896, p. 4

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:`W 15 '5. swamco. V, `U `Tm- The poopluol Kinpun will have n plaunupportuis ch` an 0! ho- ooaiug sequined 51:13:. 800:0 llsu~ .D|d. l'I|nK.L J:-mfnnthal-I `mom, 0! at. Jnuu o-shdnl, ""'........`*"..*:.*:.:.".`.. - -.:.-.2! QI&n`:nn$imn hh. un aemruey Ivenlnqlne [nduetu or Queen`: nnivereity who reside in Ottawa metnclhellnour hoeeeler! Ihopn ol holding their ninth annual In`. There were present Rev. Principe! Grunt. Rev. Dr. Smith. l)r. Annie lawyer. Dr. Thorhurn. Dr. Ami. Dr. Eohlin. Dr. Kidd. Dr. Homen. Dr. R. Bell. Rev. R. E. Knowlc: Rev. Mr. Unnl. Almonee: learn. I). B. Noferieh. G. I`. Henderson. J. D`. We `z. B. W. Shannon. '1' II. He- Gnirl. A. F. Atlwood. W. H. Come end J. I . Sunellle. Princi Hiram and Rev. Dr. Smith delivered reuse: and she follow- ing were elected ofloere : Ptenident. Dr. Therhorn: vioopnddut. D. B. Inu'l`ev- ieh: eecreeerydreunrer. J. I`. Shellie: , executive committee. the threeprveoeding dlloenwlth Rank. E.KnoIeI and R. W. Slnnnnn. ' pol` mung mo general onnrgc. `N 0 numbor of cheese kchoriu 0 ad in Ontario in I896 wu I.l5-0. or I in ex- ceu ol the provioul you. The number of factories has inorouod by about Mt. per oent. since I880. Nearly ltoon mi lions of nllona 0.` milk worn used more than In IR94. and the output ol chum wu I09.- 2-\0..`M0 pound: in I895, u compared with 97.`. 84.M7 pounds in I894. mu. none nnonely. There are four hundred deserted wivea in To ha. Kanaae. who appeal for work orou with which to provide bread for themselves and children. The divorce mill in Topeka in running on steadily. Every week divorces are bein granted to men and women. incompatibi ity of cem- per being the general charge. I I number of chasm lmrnriu nmmtal PHI. Sb. Sunillnun pnriuh in Bay City. Mioh., which Inn for two years been the scene of trouble over the deposition of its favorite priest. which tn the battle rouml Ior sown hours 0! two faction:-. \ hon trou- ble oouod one policeman and nbout. wolvo of the church number: had been injured. but nriounly. Your choice of 15 differ- ent colors for 25: per yard. In MIBMBUG HUI ID Il|F|'I OIXIIOH. A non plan in propooed for numbing` the bubuu mvolution. Father Cue pro- ' to put. in line of mu. |00.000 eoldiere extending from the north-out to the south. end then, advancing three miles 3 dny oblige the ineurgenul to ee from thei:-lend. The clergy greatly levpr the plan. 83.. Sunillnun nnrinh in Run (`.it.v. Minh. An old man named Covlnghon. once It section boat on the Midland railway II Stouffvillo, ha, through the death 0! It wonlthy aintar. fallen hoir I.o8500,000. The old mm has been in atraitenod circum- l IUIIICOS. 'l`|.- .....ip..... .m..,I:o:.m -1` u......_ :. persona nnvouieu or nlllpox. l)r. Slack. one of tho trunteoe 0! the Montgomery osube in Phillipebnrg. Qua, plendodguilty to defrauding the estate out of 823,()lI() by forging powers of attorney. Dr. Slack wu the coneorvst.i\'i~ candidate in Mieaiasei uui uh hub election. A lvnnnlln nl-n in Inns:-\nAA4' `An ..-...I.:....` ' ounces. ` The sanitary condition of Ihvnnn in! terrible. [Ha eatlmnwd tbs: l.'l,000 sick [Spanish soldiers no now in Havana. `Smallpox II also mnking ravages among the population. In lsingle house twenty hnvodiod of smallpox. I Slnck. cm! of tho truntnnn nl Lhn n . ` 871;. Rev. William Fi rald, Roman Catholic Hlhgp of Ron, Iro End, died and- donl this morning at his residence in Shib roan. Thomu Tollord; Poborboro. I will- lmmnm wmthnr nrnnhnt. dlnd nn Ram:-dnv Inomu `remote, rowrnoro. won- known weathor prophet died on Sword: and aovent.y~!our years. He was a Soow Pronbyuriun. A menminuof aha Imdinn momban of the means war wnn nurope. The intaernntionul Epworbh lugue, meet.- ing ab Toronto. in July next, 'nvito procl- deut. McKinley. of the Uni Shoot, to L. ly to the addresses of welcome, probably do iverod by Lord Aberdeen. The Indanendanoe Balua Ind other Con. (IOIIVDIUII Dy ll IIDOITIOOII. The Independence Beige and other Con- stantinople papers have published articles quobing ll report. that the sultan intended appointing an independent ministry. The so-called news is "wally false." The school settlement did not. sninlv so-canon news In "many man." settlement did not utiuly some extreme Protost.nnt.u of Hmgrnvo, Manitoba, and the held In indignntion meeting and bnirn elli ion of Hon. Mr. Lcurier and Hon. Mr. Si ton. II.-.I}...~. ~m....:..:....... n........-|. .|-..:..- uuner and non. Mr. Hilton. Police commieeioner Roosevelt. denies the ullegntion nude by eenebor Reinee.` shut. them no between 4.000 and 5.000` fnleoee in New York city that are selling iquor without. I lioenee under police pro- ` motion. A nlnl lvenn n.-gal (`A-Inn... M.-- - l silks. Sl_LKS/. ---u-- I v is "V vviulni VII-an-I1 I \In . --wn-no" an Ens. `long:-npluo lldlngu I :-on nu Pnruot an (not... nanagnna ma Anlothal for `-11 Inlo Onmponini. the well-known tenor Iin r, in dead. t.riAl nf MIA Winnirna nlnnhlnn nnbj. uoorgo w. u. 1.-`urn, mvonwr gnu builder of the Form wheel, died at Pim- burg of typhoid fever. At. Tom ton. Oonn.. 3 oath, sitar bo- lng aooidont y nhot. throng the hurt, nn home I dmunoo of ball I mile. Th. vnlun nl hrn. Inn:-In In nn.nI-Indiana Oll IIIIOO 1553 II IULUOMDOJ. Rev. B. 0. Homer alookl incorporation on religious body under the name of The Holineu Movement." or church. rm. m...o.....m. ........| 3..-....1 ..a..'.o:...a Ina unoewrvulo IOIIOOI noun navorulou for four camber: Ind 294 npplicutiona were roooived for the vacant mionl. The summer Mongojun _hud I {saber rooewea rat was vnoann rounmonl. Mango inn land I-saber stormy puugo. Health otlioor Wiokwiro found A one ef typhoid fever in the Imog- l. rmnyurnnn. A meobin of the leading member: of the mil trust WI be held in New York next Monday, when it is expoctod tho brunt. will be otoinlly dinbnndod. ~ Tha Snnnhh bank of tho inland nl Cubs mmung n more uuncuvo runorv. - Troop A, Ohio Nahionnl guard. 01 Clove- lmd. Ohio, will not no the military eooort oi proaident.-elect. McKinley, II`: the in- nu uration ceremonial in Wuhington. dounmh from Montreal nvn thnt. the III UPIHOH OITBIIIOIIIOI In VVBIIIIDKIOII. doupatoh any: the cold weather of the pub bwenty-four hours has put. an end toriver nnvi union. An inch ol ice has lormeq on oaubnrnoia canal. Thu Lnnrlnn Timna rain:-u-inn tn nnlnninl me or an vnuugmeu. Wu:-on Lewis hu potted 85,000 with Al Smith and sent articles for the fight bo- ' tween Corbett. md Fibuimmom at Conoy Island. for which Corbett. has already ni nod to Fitsnimmons. I... ll...-S. Din-.. ..............A.'.... .. _.I- !.,ow Price Store.` an nod to rusuunmons. ho Paris F3 ero oommentin on reh- bionu between nitod States an Spain on the Cuban question any: that the United States oughcto reflect that war with Spain means war with Europe. The inmrmtinnnl Enwnrhh lnoun. mount. "WHAT'S rm; nnmcs row] HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDERFOR IIILILI I5" BEA 523$ um r, 2: (Mid. trial of the Winni election poti- bion has been pootponed til Jan. lbth. Goo:-no W. G. Fania. inventor nnd name uuunoo or unu mus. . The vuluo of fun. lundl in Oneu-iolhon n decline of $14,307,646 in 1895, total de- olino cinch 1888 ll I3l.8M,553. Rnv. R. (3. Hnmnr monk: innornorntinn Inc 5 un can: or me mum on uum has run vod to y in bank note; in Iilvor instead of 5301 and for this purpooe will mute tn issue of silver bills. 1.. m....n.|. ......n..... :. .........a n ; Inna Ill nuue ox auvor mm. An English nyndiontao in roporhd to have made largo purchases on the Ameri- cnn side at Ningan Full: with I vinw of making 5 more attractive retort. Troon A. mnrd. Clove- canal. The London Times referring to colonial cable ooufarence expreuod the boliof that both the Pacic cable and swsmnhip aer- vico projects are well on the way towards roulintion. TL` "An llgnrn; Pnngrnnn . -n-...|.A.. ..l YOIIIDIHOII. The Hon. Goorqp Emerson. I member of the cnbinet. will succeed to the vacancy on the N owfoundland supremo oourli bouoh created by the reaignntion of Sir Jamel Winter D-.. Inn.-. (ll-.. .....b.... at (1..-- Rev. James (liller, pastor of GFICO Methodist. Episcopal church. Bloomingbon. lI|., wu found dead in an nlle In Decatur this mornin . He had been a at. and rob- bed of all VII ugblea. Wu-ran Inwin hu nnnmd IILOIXI with " For Jackets at lowest prices go to IKCIWI FPDI I"`I. On Sntnrd onninqlho [nduun of Dunn`: uni\-:,u-sin who rnida in man. uonneu movement." emu-on. The Cheeborvillo school baud Advrtilod has {run lnnnhnpn and 90` nnnlimltinnn warn VIII no omoumy cnlonnuou. The S hh bank of the island 0! Cuba mg roa_o v_od ogpay i_u _ban_`notog u'|vg_x: nu. ruplll Globe. (7 Band In: one-on`! UPIIIIIIOI In othwn. in fun. P-can 300" POIWPODOG DI|l dlll. IOHI. Fania. :11: Fnrrln whoa]. dind gt. Ping. IIII-urirwlvl III! II Auotbd for luy no (MIA: Van th- mum. I Raina. ` 5,000 7 nolica uro- wyy _ __vv 7v`..- 3? 08 a 90 Prlnoou street. Inn tuna Inn not no up till an. acoustic-rintaol lootlnllynrgn-unceo unnkclnuq-houIhohnsnrd`uoo.uud` luohIoQnooa'nool brunt.-II ol npp`led edcnoufot nlhl. I thonno lino in Iptotgaluudooo-can ad \Kl\; Jnhrn nlooocvnphtorcuml 8-..-Iunudhtpunhu. | .1 Onhnl. Union stunt. hu .5- bimullnn csndivhu hr nui- htuulin Vhhrh turd. Ir. (In- ..E'."..."`'. `.E"""'.. L2- and-hand. I. wanna ll romlvingtho congratulations 1:! his nancriondl today. Ilowotonndnuon the polofhiooou oodnbnnduilo. The-0onoolbinhp~' pinouvutholuohthntbovuoeolobuahg tho anoint-Iuy on! his birthday. He II unyvhuo botwun tony ud\inyyurIol an. y no pun In 0 oorncuon out day. :0 should, in All hit-nan. bu potmiuad no [nah hionoond apooch nut and thou the ('0 would in equal talk ooonion. plndid upper. cola.-Q mum: and rud- inp, and It mundane. o! the but loot- ing India in Ibocity as the \'.M.C.A. on Thnrulny. All for Se. AI4|nu-.-J I W-Is.- :. ....x...-__ .L-1 ' CI'l0I ll. TIOIOII XII`. Tho nldcrunnic candidates for Ontario vudonnull the man something oftho depth o! fooling over the eotl oil lock-out. `I'M not oulvunn an unndingtrom under" in fast an and it in only mou- nurytfavhoput oiltodovolopneuo ol tho handout libony of untkncnt. Tho has Ioml rumor is Inlhnnu-t on no Iuuau Inn:-Iy ol unlkncnt. rumor is totboooct that oven when M. 8. Bumocuro his own opoocbcn tot our attuned contam- Eanry in pull in contusion out day. .'*::"`~ "*2" '-*"*:*.'~ P-:~*:=*: XIII II DOW. Ana In CDC CUIOIIIX. (Incl. `Fepnntiona are boin mado for Thnndny I Inppor at the \'.M. .A. The I zadnoo IIl1l.ii`l:tI`]` nut-pun all previous TL. `LI.--...h. .._.I:.I-A.. L- I\_;-_:, 5.`. U. unwnou. Lord Furor. of Abingor. lormotly Sir Thomu Henry Furor. the Author of "Free Trude rs. Fnir Trude." ox runes hi: antis- hclion that Mr. Clulnbot tin : proposals form imperial nollvonin have lullon at both at homo and in the colonies. ll-no-I, `Ionian-xlinnn --Q K-inn. ---AA I..- Nlull WIN]. An Admirer of `Vanity beam exclaimed on Snturdnv M Tomato (bolore the mnmh however) that it hlll gilt. edged luck. Thu in King Ben`: treuure also. Again he hulnnded on both feet. no mun founda- tion annnn-nllv jiiil IIII ll!!! \I\l V Pomona Mn lollowlru l)ht|nvH\-o i Iorlho: -II-- -__ .1 III.____. uon uy. Poriumeo at 95c. the ounce V egqunl to most. goods at 400:. and Nb. '1; boliova we have then exclusively for Kingauon. E. C. Miwholl. I mu won I And I`; I-mg: The champion hrnnitou and the Kings. ton: vu. Queen`: at the Athletic gmunda Thnnhgiving day. 2 pm. A lively match at the height. 0! prnotlce. Unless nldermnn I):-nnnnn Inn n onnd ` OI Ild. II . we nought. ox prnouce. Unless nldormnn Drounan Inn I ood witnoua to full back on. like King Ben old in the back ground he will lorfoit. the place so long held irdho affections of the pie. no the George \\'uhingt.on of iduu wnrd. An nnuilar A` '\'...i.. o..... --..I-:._-.: no nu landed on oion lly. Per amen oomoa Ior zoo. an unrnovakyws Irun. wore. It in A singular fact thnb both an ornlty candidates are favorable to the By euham street extension. This matter will likely be revived during the coming summer and an effort put forth to have it carried to a finish. H...I._> ........l....- :.. ..I_...-A _.._ _.n__ ._.._ Sahot powders in almost my odor you could wish. Anowlob of that delicious violet. 'uat. Arriving. E. C. Miwhe|l.: R, . Onlnr. U,(`., _ in in thn nilr "A in violotguat. B. . Oalor, 13.0., is in the city. He is down here for the purpose of delending B. W. Folger And the K. & P. railway com- pany in the one brought to court. by our um of the nwckholdera to rescind I sale of Imd. Th- nlnmnmn l2..n;o.. ....I 53.- I(.`...... uaou mom. :5. U. Mlncnou. K. W. Snider, the new photographer, hnl I beautiful dinplny of phologupha nut doortobhooporn house. One ol the upinnu for the mayor`: ohuir has a con- apnououl lnoo in the oantro. Mun : main mu. unnninn ml! r\nnu|-dun . apnououl moo In we oonu-o. Monk uni: mu, genuine calf oongroas, hmd lowed. original price N, we lI'9 go- ing to all them for 82. See our window, in full of them. A. Abernathy. 0`unl`u 1 old stand. 127 Princuo strut. Q-pg: lI|Ar`nI-nun :l........ ..-.... ...... ..- *5? Nvrvoul Dlnordou, luck It in mi Btomuh sick us. Fulnuu nnd woll~ Dlulnul and Drowni- I. ushing! of Hunt, Lou , _hotuuo_g o .5" 9.: c.I Ol DCIHG. Ill rnncolo Itlla. Sweet. mnrformn. thyme. sage. summer savory, chestnuts Ind three quarts oran- borrioa for 25. at Carnovakfu fruit. Iinzulnr both mum-nln.v 1'50 Von nun emu croumu um um hllf I-nan. IT 7'1 , III? `HCWI UIIIWECI Illlo II. KIIIIOGOC Illoo. Orient (kylon tau. J. Craig t Co. An afternoon ot football. in nu but style. Athletic ground: Thnnkagiving day. No wot-m.modicino who no nlcolv u Car ` The Rlohollou and Ontario navigutaon gonpnn bu diloontinuod it: Io`:-vioabe wean antral and Quebec. TIM bf. lnml football mntnh (war nlnv. woou neutron: and Quebec. ` The boat. local football match our phy- od-hon will be that of Thanksgiving after- noon. New gnnoblo wnlnui at Cu-nov||:y I. The dodaion 0! 'ud Ron in the Armleugo vn. C in y and David Purdy out will be I paid. Tho county oonnoi Ion u-rind in town thin fox-onoou for tho lut union of the council for the current year. ' Extra nice stock of onion. lathum And oounou tor one ourrenu . stock celery, lettuce end oyesere for Thanh iving day It Cu- noveky's. Order euqy. . Queen : Vs. Kinntone and Gnnilze. novnyu. Uruor only. Queen Kingston: and Grnnitol. Athletic ground. Thnnhgiving day. 2 .m. Admiuion 250.: boys under fteen 00.; grand stand free. " An Ilanmr nummnu that A nnnnln nf um. men. Fresh mushrooms ab Uarnovukyh. ` IA Pnix, ol Pu-is, annou noon that the text of the trusty signed in Paris b prai- dhent. `Future and the our will be pu lishod 0 orb . J .u-ninbn nun ........:.... - ..:.... --_ lonmonr. or Urouo ma ulnckwelrs goods. The young mm who forged I cheque in Toronto turn: out to be Hector Flolnin . of Lindluy. I don bal unudont. It. is thouggt. he in inane. mam... -n.,........ .....u -a...m..... ...._-- Mocllolno. ne ll mane. William Thomas. Aged oiphwen yous. yvu drowned in the buy at Collingwood on tthydny afternoon whilo on I duck Ihootv infhcx ition. 7 ntarbuyyour Christina pruonu bo- conoorn IDOIID me pony mung. Select your Xmas presents now before the assortment of beautiful goods in broken. We can put. them away till wanted. E. C. Mit.chol|.| Instructions hnva balm oivnn In: Mr pu-uumm by customs omomls. M. Me) nhon bu returned from To- mnw, where he went with the schooner Singapore to plnoo her in winter quar- ters. Ho up the passage up was an stormy ono. W0 have bid mnil ordar frmn Tm-nnl.n la U. MIDGIIOII. 0. King Ben`: guardian In ol. who gave unk: for his oxiubonoe t. rough I pllpll of Queen street Sundny school. evidently hovered over him in the city oouncil cham- ber lulz owning. A little nvon-vur-old dnuahtnr nf 1.`, uovuy reoovenng. We can recommend our uchet powders n being the moat. Iutin ones made, this in from the experienoeo Lhoee who have used them. E. C. Mitchell. K, W Rniolnp Ah; now uhnn...-.nIy.-... gnnu Inna tree. " Anlector rug (1 that 5 oouplo of all of boxin glove: domtad to the city connoi! or &he use of pugnnoioul nldor- men. mom ;` J. nigtOo. no roooiving a nice as- bortmont. of Crouo nnd Blnckwell u goods. vouna found a charm: in a 1101. Ambuudor and Mrs. Bayard vigil: Windlor oantlo on Thursday next and dine with the queen. They will sleep at the cable that. night. `Frolh pomegranates, grapo fruit, and mlifornin gnpos at. Cu-novsky'a. * With his recent. Montreal ex rionce, re nbaoonder Bell, alderman Wu kom is in line trim to ferret out [the nob reaulba of the coal oil coup d oub. A counle of labour: addressed m H. H. xor, IIIO one no rroa. alonn. lrom Uebrolc. One week from tonight the attendants at. Rockwood hospital for the insane will give an entertainment for the benet of petiente in the institution. The Aldermen who Lhouahlz thn nml nil pmenu In one Inamumon. The Aldermen who thou hi: the coal oil demonstration would more y be a nine days wonder no being Iurpriaod into a lively concern about. the pesky thing. vour nreaonm now before | '_op1fH A IUINIA A cox. a `B III . man u , t c ly rutoro cmalu to hhnjl . ffhoy promptly _n-amovo u. uu.cneu.1 Inatruotione have been given by Mr. Peterson. controller of customs, to Capt. Douglu to enquire into charges ofoenexve peruumhi by customs oioials. M. Mel nhnn has rnmnrnul frnm Tn. awrmy one. have bad mail order from Toronto and New York city for our violet socket. wdorlo ou may soohow popular icin. 2. C. Mibo ell. u-uu Avvw Juan wdor no n 0. Kit") Run`: I oor Iuu ovonmg. seven-your-old daughter of (L W. Km p. Queen Itroob. when to the on! nonpihnl Friday ni ht. uutfering mm diphtherin, in out. of anger and is slowly recovering. Wu nun lmamnmnnd nnr umlmt. nnun-hm: `:55 -and will nos ho hpp an nn| ueoustio-Ichtcol mm: .......' IWIIO. ADIIIOIIO grounal ZICIIIDIISI VIIIR Cly- worm Jnodioino nicely .Iillor l Worm Poqvden; no physio requir- 1 9: mon. ntabuyyour foro seeing the pretty articles at J. Cmg & Co's. Amhnnulnu Ana. RA... 'n....-....| ..-:L Ia . All to: Do. | Aldc-an J. B. Walton in romiving the nonnatulniou nan! in-had: Io-dnv. LDC COHI Oll 00|lp (1 Olalli. couple letter: addressed no H. H. Gordnier remain at. this otoe to be called tor, also one no Fred. Sloen. from Detroit. nrm umalz frnm onminho. uh. nnpnnnou GENEQAL PARAORAPH8. upon the Vital Ornnu Mannh- ` ` at W muscular Iyoum. tutoring the I Complexion. bringing In tho the. and non nu WM: 90 2:`.-. ave rs In _hot___cIlmnu . UIIUIUIII vu uuvvug [milk mack-.-| few don: will work .,. I (1 00 NOVEQI JBII. unith. walk on King shoot. and in oonnqnonoa had his hotel. fxorgzdlhnnioun. ox-I.P.l`.,ol Humv- anrioun full on the icyaido ycoutdny nlgu-noon. Inna moon I hotel. ma nun rnorvon. mlma nnnno impou- Ior. Kingston. Ont, won mu-riod in New York Nmrunhor 18%. [horas [Lani-m gr II D II -1` Il--._ mmo I uvoruolo unpnmon. Chalet! 3. Bnton, who giva hil Iddnn u "34 Wood tenet. Kingston." in undo: arm in Toronto {or forging I cheque for 89.700. Thoroin no nuelntnot unan- tionod in thin city. R07. 8. Bnlmn. Wnlford. Ont. And Minn uonoa nn um: cny. Rev. Saloon. Wolbrd. Out. And Mini Lilla M. Rumll, gt-And-daughut 01 the Inn Paul Peoorron. inlmd impou- lor. Kinnutnn. Ont... won mun-ind in Na: worn, nowovor. Rev. Mr. McPhAi|. oi Picton. preached uh both nrvioon in St. John`: church. Brookvillo. Sunday. The Tina: up he made tunable impnn-ion. Chills: S. Bntnn. who zivm his nddnn nuen nenr. Phylioel director Wbita. of.t.be Y.M. C.A.. is suffering from I severely epremed Vrilb. He is able to continue his clue work, however. RAIL hlr, Mnpimil A0 Pith-Ln nnnnnhpol clay. ne is an grauuuo or me lV0_)'Il`\lnIIl- tnry oollogm I`. C. Small left. this Afternoon for Nix rn Fnlla. from when he will prooeod on in tour through the southern sumo. D. A. Davidson hu returned from Eng- ldnd, whom he wont oomo time ago III quest of I fortune to which bin family had fallen heir. m....;...i .u......... nn.:.. .: n.- v u ihyful" "bugs-".7 H}: II n . It! nwlngi avg" l.I\d!`:g:_I-EIlII|.umU:u | I nnowna . N em a:'-uni by houundIul:|.u1I cl `u `of Iocmy and om of tin bolt Vnnnnuu to the lhrvouu and Dablllund - that lonhamb Pm; hqv_o_ opp zuomrul last. ovomng. Mina N. Kilputriok. Colborno nu-cot, is recovering from I serious illneu. Llinuan and A unn:LAhn -uillhuu-u ( ncwn. nave auspenaea payment. Revs. Burwn, Mudoc and Spencer, Flin- ton. exchange ulpiu for I brief period. Fnnk N. (HEN. Port. Arthur. is in the nah: II. in .. nm.l...n- nl uh. D...-.1 ...:|:. vioienoe an regnmn social matters. The workmen : league of this city, equal-` ly with All other orgnniution, in a body that giveagta whole time to the advocacy of oeful method: of reform. Mon who write for the pnbliv press can give a false setting to anything said if they are so de- termined (and many of them are), end the only may that such reports can be not right in by explanations. The men roaponeible for the social science club of this city are absolutely satised thnt the ` Wnluhee time and again given its re- porters the moat positive instructions to write [or the workingmen'a meeting A fair and accurate report eofer as space will permit. These instruction: "have not always been followed. To conclude. let an not makn tnn Inuoh uwnya noon Iouowea. To conclude, let us not mute too much of this matter or appear to botoomuch ulfronmd or indulge in this instance in Any inainuations. We have given our explana- tion and therewith are contant..~-M. S. B. nlovomonu 0! tin PoopIo-WhAt They An llnylng and Doing. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paul returned from Montrul last evening. Min N. Killntrink. Cnlhnrnn ntunt`. in rocovsnn Iran: ssnous mnsu. Misses '. and A. Mcivorn. millinory. Picbon. have suspended payment. " I Burwn. Susncsr. Wen In Whleln Better An-nncenente can I be Undo-leleotlone Should Not uni Talented-W. I. IIIIIIIIO Ill! 0 Word to Bay. Sl:xw1w.Nev. 2--(To the Edita-ix The new low atfeoping quntyrennneile. though defective in lone _qpeot.I, notably in per- mitt'm cumekti voting, will undoubt- edlye eon ecu enhle Ievin in the coat. of muni `elation. In _ nbemc not only hev _ been 000 many coun- oiilorl. but. the oolmnitteee have been needleeely lerge. and much money he been treated in duel peymenu. Commie- teeeheve been selected eeemingly regardless of expenee. Tulle for inetaenoe the com- mittee on count. property for 1896. Thin committee, cone etin of eight members, whom, individuelly, hold in the higheeo eetoeuncoet. the county 871. o! which 845 wee required to pay mileage. More than half the coet of one o the meeoinge of this committee wu mid out. in mileme Lures. If there is anything concerning which I chim eapooin! prominence. it. is in being a socialist. and hence in rsiutont and con- stant. advocate of pm u mouurol of re- form. I have never neglected An oppor- tuniby by voice or pon no doclnim ngsinat the war spirit nnd prnobioo of this ago. On the contrary I am not nlrnid to sound It now of warning that there in dnnger 0! violence regard: social minors. The wnrImon n hnuua nf thin nlkv annual. "' Qhonu' ` 6!! MC - Erin: l0lI.JIQUk|n u`glItur:ed Dnlmu. am! all Nervoun I Iouuuonuku. nu mm `Er IIIII 1 I Ill. TM! yo In on! I urnutly on of thou Plus. and `_ no owlodndvobo aUg_og1_-u oumu A cox. _.llIaIlAI'I PILLI. A SAVING IN THE COST OF MUNI- nun me can ox one OI mo mooning: xhin paid out In miloqzo to four of the eight members. No doubt. the on '97 will show I oomidorablo nav- ing are. 1 Another mnthr. which has nnulnd Lha ing nere. Another matter, which has caused the taxpayer to wonder. is the selling of the toll gates on the Kingston and Napanee road. Last year five councillors travelled an aggregation of over 150 miles at a cost to the count of 825, simply to grace the occasion wit their presence, while the county clerk. acting in his professional capacity as auctioneer. occupied two minutes in selling the gates, for which laborious work he received the modest fee of 8l0. Think ol one councillor journeying fty miles and another oversixtytowitness this great rformance. Consider also. ye.who pay t e piper, that the members of the committee being only ordinary mortals received but 82 for their (is , while the clerk being a professional for t e time re- oeived a rofessional fee of 810. Again a considerahle reduction should be made in the clerk's salary and reasonably so. Apart from the extra remuneration which that oiciul receives for being on the board of audit. balloting for jurors and as auc- tioneer. etc.. his salary is out of all ro- portion to the time required to per orm the clerical and other duties pertaining to his office. In view of the fact that the ol- cial duties are so slight as to enable the incumbent to devote a la e proportion of his time to magisterial an other matters, and that without in the slightest degree lessening his elllciency as clerli. several gentlemen of unquestionable ability have expressed their willingness to perform the worli for 8100 less salary. The remuneration of ocuntv auditors WOI`k|II[mIn'I looting. Kl.\`H.~'1`(lN, Nov. `24.-(To the Editor) : Having been rather savagely attacked by tho Wiuu and by several prominent. citi- zens on account of the remarlra attributed to me in your reportof last. Sunday`: meet.- ing in the Winn hall, I deem some expla- nation advisable. And first I will say that the report. in correct and that I did avow the sentiment! therein set. forth. Then why explain it may beaoked! For sev- eral reaeons and particularly that to report an iaolnoed statement from a fifteen minutes address is much like quoting a single verse from a chapter in the scrip- lures. ll bl`;-n in -nn.|u:-an: an-.n._...l...... ...L.'..L I work Ior uuu less salary. remuneration county hue been reduced from $40 to 820, and why should not a reduction be made here more eepecislly since a reduction in the number of councillors will make the clerk's duties lighter than ever. Speslring of county auditors reminds me that those at present in office have been subjected to much ud- verse criticism. reflecting seriously and, I think, most unjustly on their ability to correctly perform the work. The council would do well to intimate that unjust re- eotione by one county otlicial on the work of other olliciels will not be tolorated, but will lead to the summary dismissal ofthe ofTender.~~Yours respect- fully. Jl'.\'ll'.'4. LETTERSJOWTHE EDITOR. Inl IV. HIDDG, l'0l l : Aflalllll , I! In U10 He is graduate of the Roy|l\mi|i- uollanm PERSONAL MENTION. u3AL L6l8LATlON. gunght _. PIIMIIII ONLY IV V JIMAI mom. Ir. Mum, mu. 0' ALL DIUGOIITI. ._ . r -' ` ` ` V V .` ` can-m' tlavu. 55%,. `M w"".' W ""......'"`"......"`.?'s;.'::r....-..;.... ` ConoptIy'l'Iy. - J~ qmim W cuuuunuu u Iauvu -nu u-u urvvuu 30, uuc. 75: (0 Q `iotonncn and 1'amston' Hqhvy Gloves and Him 5- .' 9?` . ' . . Luau` Salk Lmcd Kid and D Lpl, 01.15.` _- .I_.A__ I -4I.l..I -_.I l`L2I.I___ All __ Notice in haul-y fivau that a dlvirlond at ' tho tau 0! om-hal par oant. a month In I the par value of the paid nr oapllal otoo of this emnpany has boon doc and` and that the lamp will be Daxablo at the bat-llnushonaa of Lovnnbron I: ~ 00.. on and attar Taaaday, tho lath da o Docamhar nan. The tranalar books will -on-laud from the kl to tho Ill: ol Docalnbar nan both day: lnolm-lva. By ggdar of the head. CHARLE-l A. llII.lR_ Colorado Goldllnilg and Development co.` Cheapest and best assorlnlenr of Chocolates, Creams, etc., at I Pure Fruit Tablets. Try Horehound Tablets for coughs, colds, etc. Rowntree's Licorice jujubes, 5oc per pound. nnnnu:--nn ou--.---- TAY LO R S JOSEPH FRANKLIN,` BOLD AGENT POE Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flour IJVIBPOOL IABI ITS. LlVlIP00l..Noou.Nov. N -Whuv. N. Hm . ' nod. rod wlnm. nu; No.1 dol.,'ln6; corn 3. 0d; pen. 10d; H.503 0d; Ind.` 20: I` ; u.Ilow.Am..3nu ml: uoon-lonn mm. rd; ullow. Am..8na M; bnoon-lo (mu. hnvy, 99: id; I M. 21: old : short out: uv . In 0d. 0hoon- hits. 61: 0d Colored. 5|: . CoM.on-AmorIonn Ixddlluco-4 11 no. 1 t . o\:lunted-0Mn and other (nine. Wlllpu ` hiahout prices at Railway btntions. Corru- pondonoa solicited. 117 Brock St.. Kingston. Om. 1lIl"I'$Ia TBUIIUIJE IC-E'I'Bu I Memnuszzm. Que., Nov. N -FI.olm-B.eoopta, ` 5,300 brln : mnrket. quiet. Quotations : Pntont Wlnt.ar.N.m to 5101; Patent lggrllig. 5.00 to 0.30 : Straight. Rollentmto L ; xtn.d.00 to 4.15 ; Superne, 8.10 to 100; Strong Hahn. ` 4.50 to non - onuuxo Ban. 2 uo to nu. l Glu|N--WheM. No. I Ilunltohn Hard. Mo to Hard. we ' Com. we to do Penn. Mo to ma ; Oats, we in I70 ; Barley `ho to (`lo : R 0, 400 to Ho; Oltmenl, 61.bl)to 11'; Common .::no on elm. ) ImvInIoNs-Pm-k. sum to um; Laud no no ' Ontmenl, 1(1); Oornmenl. me I Pnnvlnlons-Pnrk.i-11.50 n.m; 10 ; Bacon. lie to 90 ; Hnmn. no to I00; Chouo. 3 I u to ma ; Butter. townnhlm. no to I30. oatern. no to Ibo ; 333:. Ian to l.'Iu. ' IIIKIIIDVIIK I I\IIII ?ran. Shorts. Food. lowest prion in ion 0 n. Cuudinn omoo ol the Tmasurar. 22 K1n"St. Bnst..'l`orouto. Ont. on mom 3:, 01.15. 7;? 5o doaem Lidia and Childtufvsmsvcntockhp. All oiuljg milk`. .".`s`:`u?:'&:J.-13 To-motrow and wivot :3. following spec} I : Imitation Ostrich Ru nd 15. 25:. cc. 55, 60 to 90:. Gentlemen ! Lined limnd Gloves 30c, . 75: to 01.35. > Mmnnnnn and Tanmamnm I-hump lm... usual in. and TABLETS. {uices 'sr-nEe? _____,_______,__,_ ,__.. _ Tihksaivilia Sale COMMERCIAL. AT w'ALsH' HILLINERY AND` lDRE5SMAK|N0. 15- kI-I_._ E-A_ HOAG S DRUG STORE It 5 I Conch Ouro. [Argo Bottles lie`. -Cuuraux-Coughm !A RE' ' `Illa Y I who J. Th I .#m.._:...,n:mm3P; ..::'".`;:t i".!!..'! .9.!1 mos - Can You Hatch IANNUALS, 1395 Sutherland : Ool-nor of Prlnoou um Wonlnnon Jtl'IOCO- }We Fit !We Fit {we Git nuts. In an IIIOCC IIYIII. I34 I portoot nunoootumoc ormunho. sow ABERNETHY __ Q9, n..... Lu--- -_n vu_.,.., {1=. NISBET S Containing I thomuahly munblo DPODIFIUOII @1101! - - - . 1, you `Ii ltgmaoh, L mpulrod Dlgutjon, nlnnnlm-ad Llvc Low Drlced Shoo S tore. u`-`roan-nu IIUII V\l0 For Nobby Btu. Toquuorlcou note. In an Inna: stun. gun! . Boys Own Paper. Girls Own Paper. Chatterbox. Pansy Sunday Book. British Workman. British Workwoman. Children's Friend. Infants Magazine. Prize. Band of Hope. Sunday at Home. Leisure Hours, etc. Up any sort of reason why you shouldn't have that room papered now? Don't want to take up the carpet ? Lis- ten ! The most dainty carpet can be left on the oor ; our paper-hangers cover it with great sheets of cotton then proceed to paper and paint and when all is over remove the covering and the room in ready lor rearrangement. Here's a hint worth knowing. The Corner Bookotoro. r ---n v-av: V &IlIV Pulnkn. Doeonton. (linden. 275-7 BAOOT IT. la sow on View It Sit &~`?:z &~:z:.*.. 33$ gm U` . Your Her Feet. His Foot. Your Feet. Up mama. D Days. 3% 3/`co: 3. ' IIUIII Ul'UU|l"Jll' Dloordorod Llver, .- -nnph-_.n Gnu: damn: up!" work wall Dllordorn. . t II. Inn: lu nun up n Hnt,Lou Bnuh. coo- chn on Q nllln. Dmurbed Oonulno Scranton .4 Ruvoul Dnlnliutod II I V0 0 `I PI ha (oh I say cont. Mod!- nil l.r..cI ugvughtboddul -Q dlhlov. undid` unnnon. at we com: um. now mo Pncio cab And Itaunnhip not-vim jock no vollon thorny toward on. In noel the tendency of South Africa And In an dircouon 0! Inc undo rather than protection. the Timon An: "'l'hcIouo limit of the sinus do urvinga oudnl eonddcnlion and give ooouionto pun blue Ioohutil uno- ciulnnhnnu-hl nnnnthhn uith An- man 1 houdillou um `hm W`|uoA.1nn`m.ovoun . ` . 3 auction Inc (`or- Iiuvvvw -l-uuuwu-u cu ullluulu. lnotlngtlc Inc Tndo. Loxbox. Nov. 2.1-~'l`ho Times. referring Iothooolonhl oonforonco now aiming in London, at an holiof that both the - has. ._ _.II ._ AL- .._.. n.._._...I ..- :_. wvu In ooln case: In oraor um: nu "om oooron mat. the prisoner could bo not- llod And noould start snow. The scores on said to be numomun. Although an {mung mun. ho ho: soon a dual of Ho mud in no ordinn thiol. p to a four month: he movers in good nooiot and in both uontod ind Accomplished. bout tuhlil non ago he won awarded O.'!.000 on on oooidont. policy for up loan of his loll. arm. which won run over by a train. Thin money ho Iquondond in Chicago. .___..,I,, .-`._ nunuor uo. Ill mo rnormng Kou pl|(l~ od ulll. to otanling l.`l`. 5 from the safe in the Joy houoo on the ma. inn. Police Mnilotneo Duly deferred nnunco for I . woo in both cues in ordor tlmt all old nnnrnn" ....n..t, 0.. ...~;....... .......|.a L. .... Beverly` lion} Adult: ma im...... NA:-uni. Nov. 2|. Beverly H. Row- ploudod guilty to-day to I ch: 0 of stool- mg on overcoat. belonging to A Am Taylor. bnrolling npronontnix-o tor the Toronto Rodintor Co. In the morning Ron plead. Lmilcv otaimz 8325 the mo IOICIIII Throeunlng lounges. Nxw YURK, Nov. `J-I.-A Sun special from Williemeon, W. \ n., says: Re- lative: of the Rutherforde who were killed by "Cep Hateld end his eon lat. olcc-tion day. ere sending threatening meeeegee to S. C. Burdens and judge Mcinnis, who have been employed to defend the HM.- elde. tolling them that if they veluo their lives they will not Appear for the prisoners at the lnnuery norm. Shromr hints of Ivnchinu are heard fre- 1 uonuy. ur. numorrom. IIHIOI` OI aonn uthorlord, who use killed, puns most. of his tlmo at this place {string that if he remains at his home in Mntovun an nttum O. on his life will be made by the Hntodu. "Cup." Hateld daily writes his klnnuwn ooumollin them to ro- mnln quicb. `tut. the notion of both fac- tions nun no indicnbe thus further trouble n buying. as we Jnnunry mm. Strong hints oi lynching are heard fre- uently. Dr. Rutherford. father 0! John uthnrfnrd. who run killod. Inna: monk. Penente Ate Denoe Whlle The-Ir Ohlluiren Were Oremetevl. I-hunxrow, 540., Nov. 24.--Five chil- dren of Mr. end Mn. Snyder Neel, living five miles north of the city. were burned to death Int night. The Neal dwelling wee burned while the parents were nt- tendlng e dance. When they reached the burning building the hither out his eleven- eer-old daughter lying] burning in the out doorway. oluplng er three- yeer-old brother in her arms. The emea prevented rescue. The (ether tell in a neon, end he: been A raving mpninc ever since. llrrlluvl QIYALITIEI l'Nnl\'AI.l.l:D IIQInr\ot~Poum1 `Pin: and Parish only. lnundl JAMES EPPR a.- (` `,l.H.. 'OI.0\IIo| Oh0lII||t~n, London ? Rn`lund. jn 30"` 1; -H. On-Awp, No:/u5l.-Mr. Dovioo .hAo ro- iuood tho ovnoro of tho otoomohip Tibet to order A morino invootigotion into the ion oi the oghoonor Mogqzio which woo run down by tho Tibor our tho oooot of Now- ionndhnd. Tho miniotnr dooo oo, booouoo Point... Doliolrooi an io now l::q:|"l|n l n t o out A on on 1' wonlld intorioro with tho Admin tion 0! int; "i. ronoumondotion oi tho minlotor of mor no ond lhorioo An order-in-council bu boon pooood Authorizing tho Aword oi A binooulor morino looo AA A tootimoniai totho mootor oi tho tolion Ahip Torooino ior oorviooo rondorod to o diotroolod Nova Sootin vooool. On the 19th of August loot in tho north Ationtio tho Torooino hovo in "'m'a': z.::::: ..".' u ,' . .. O V I1 o-ilnlkin oonditlon. A volunteer ofow of tho ItA ion vooool woo mode up and the Zobino (3oudoy A ontiro obi `A oompon woo ufoly tronoiorrod to the coin An Aub- ooquontiy iondod At on American port. . Iolduod `lo I Dlnnuod twain noun mum II `to 30 run`: . n|n..1'|u out Won atoms; TH! on-vnm us NOW ` liolnaonue TRIAL. I To Our} Flour to The son Board at u no. mnrhbly Low mu. Dmnon-, Mioh.. N . 24. -- Erutnu Wlmnn in in Dacron r I dny or two unh- ing the Inherent: his mammoth Ic emu {car thohutillllutlon I the` Erie onnul u I 0. roug n -um be or bran: rtntion of the nafEh- tern our and ogger pro- ducts to tho on rd "A in nrnnnliin A ducts no mo ro He is organlain k compang to be composed of cans boat men and uaineas man for she purpooe of consolidation of Erie oanal interest and bringing abouba bower oommsrolnl standing tor men on- ga ed in transportation on that highway. r. Wiman proposes an equipment. of a tow 0! one aboemer and five consorts at a time. each tow hsving a capacity of 15,000 barrels of our and making the trip iron Buffalo to tide water in six and one-hall days. His ulnn will carrv our and other one-mu days. Hi: lnn carry freight rom Buffalo to the on board for one millpor ton per mile. whereas the cheapest railway figures are llvo mills. Herotoforo the nilrouda hue monopolimd nonrly I" thin buslneu. '-'`r~`--j->----~' * The Onnhlor of 5 Lebanon Iinnl II Very Pnnllnnl. Nnuonu nun: or lannnonuslloll-oonleuou omboulor, und onminnbion of his book: Ihovn I dofnloation nmountin to nearly 0119.000. He has confused judgment. to the bank for 830,000. Hi: bond cannot. be lound. It I! not. known what amount: it. is [or nor who are the nureuoa. Hotfor in very poniunt and denim: to make mama- bion Is In A: possible. He says he sunk the money in I Id mine In Colorado. The impairment 0 the capital of the bank has been mndo good b the directors and the bank will not. be I acted. l IIlIlIl-Ila Lnnuox, Pm, Nov. 24.-John I-I. Hof- for. for twelve urn cuhier of the First. Nntaionnl hunk o lAbnnon,insolf-confessed -nah-owl-r and nvnvninntinn n' his hnnhn REFUSED T0 lxvnsrlcf u -0!!! Dellcacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspepllc. Ilrrlluvl 0l Al.l1`II|.'l l'Nl|l\ ALl.Il) rIOIIAr\nl~PnunuI `Nu. nml Pnninn nnlv `ITO I liI-'l`lO utuw VICKI` Iuoaua union 4: An Allorloan 1 Iain. , ,_ \ ._.-,,,-__._, SUNK IN A GOl_.Ab`i'lNE. A MAMMOTH SOHEM BURNED TO DEATH. EPPZ..Q900A) `IT I'I-U `Tl CW. Phi? Loni. blind cl luv-inn. Nov. phnundllhndhvo 1: with thud Wot Indian Iwuhllono to tho but donut Irihh) 11nd- hlnlil mid HI lad-n u-- rvr Incl-any. Wuunxuamx, l).G. Nov. 94.-0oncul J. C. Ilonighnn writes tho department 01 um Mun Clminin shut (Bu-mug} njoiou onrugood bnduun lot thonl thun- quu-uu ol this nu. lncnuutl Inporu. clpooinlly olnw unual lornnnuhcwni. and Inenund upon: at manufactured cruel: no the auto. Anoagtho nruelon nouou'Mhn|o'naho '%:.05fuIl In (at- n|n,y.i ptopntyhod . r. nut. n up. an wooden vucl, osrrhgu. duh. human. thou. nun. Biol. outlaw. bio- cuilo. rulers. and typovrihn. mun mo once: or an uuuu. In u-om up ioilil that ho had did. he Ouudinn cruiser Polnl in in Wind- uor. She report; having ooiud thitty-vo mu holongin to Lay Bf1I., Snnduohy. Ohio. She purluod the but from which they won lot, but the shermen got but Into Auotionn `nun bon they `cc-::|d ho ovotuhon. The not: won full of uuponnnnuou u the nu: goes through. A nport vu brought no the city on SA- turdny [mm Bollo River to the effect that 1 I young mm nnmod Alfred Flouty had diod [mm the affects of I kick odrninim bond by A companion named Herbert. Dr. Resume wont. to Balk River mm! in- vuzignlad. Ho found tho it was not from the ooot 0! uuull. In from nnnnntlinhin lhgl LA haul Algal Wnllhm Mongor. .I'..for North Essex. will noign hit out and tulle the position ol oollootorol cuwomn no this port. Mr. Martin. tho uruont. incumbent, will be oupornnnnu it the dul through. moors bmmrht city on 8.. |I'0 I CIIHVIII Ill III-IOAI OIYOIC UIQU A Deal by Whlrh n Polluc Change In: noon :- \Il"`|lI'. Wnnsnn, Ont... Nov. '.'4.---Thole is I re I curnut. in litiml circle: than nlllnm Mnllnmnr, ,P Jnr NnrO.h I`.--u ulu new IllIl' nuuullu HA.vui.mx,0nt.. Nov. 2-l.--Severel other members of the crew of the wrecked pm- ller Aoedin returned home lent evening. here is 3 romance connected with the last trip of the anropeller. It up re that (leo Fmn . nie eririna, the cook. were married at Amheretburg. and were enjoying their honeymoon when the Acadia WAG blown ashore. Mr. end Mre. Freud returned to the city with Capt. Clifford end the other members of the crew. They any thet when the boat was struck the worm we: no fear- ful in force that the breakers could not be henrd lor the howling of the wind. The eleven member: of the crew who were taken to the lighthouse rowed oi-er ll rough eee for six and it half hours. and it won a wonder`they were not drowned, In hot the men leftin charge of the wrecked boot did not know they were cured until the Tilley came along. The Aoedie in A total wreck. the cargo 0! rain having gone through the bottom 0! t e boat. pureer. nnd . re. An-, vii T T il ENGLISH 9RE:`5l`.E.I_ .9999` tur. or Montreal. uenverea ml lecture on Element: of Manhood. The lecture wee bright. wittyand eloquent. The lec- turer paid a glowing tribute to the grand- eur of manhood. the world of man-soul, as he called it. which had to be separated in our thought from several pular miscon- ceptiona. The reetige 0 high birth and anceetry. thong no har,did not comtitute manhood. Neither did phyeicaletrength. Bone and muscle often went for nothin . Even more intollectuality wu not the meaeure of worth, becnuee oltentimee ae- eociated with moral baeeneea. and much 'eee waa the reetige of wealth and social ntanding. he elemonta of manhood could be included in in single ivord-charecter. But thequcetionremainednvhat is the eortof character which conetitutee true manhood 2 It ehould com rice (I) natumlneee an op- to arti ciality. S imene of tho unnatural included the op, the pedant. the chnrlatan in politics and the pulpit, the cynic. and the obatructor who was alwnya eayin "no." would likely die paying it an no one would be sorry. Theee were all unrealtiea. Other ele- mcute were in ritv. benevolence end eell control. Wit there governin the life, would come the rich reward 0 loll- ntiafaction and independence. The Tort-Iblo Ilporlonoo or the Crow of Mun Rtxlnnr Lnnnll-. Jndjnont Inland by 0ouIont-'l'hn Then at the Inn. The out of W. Rigno and J. Hickey in bobs of ehamolvu an other creditors of Mu-gu-at Konnody, VI. Elinboth Mart n. ouonu-ix 01 Margaret Kennedy, and El u- hoth Martyn in non, ootlonlto not uldo noonvoynnoyol ' . Judgint. no on- uaod by oonunt. ` Prior to botdnth Min. Kennedy, who kept a hats] in hho village 0! Enurprho. undo I oonuyanoo ol Iund kg n nomiml sum to her naloo, Elluboqa, Wolr, who afterwards hoouno Mu. Martyn, And Also onoutrix of auto oi Mn. Kan- nulv Plnlntln In-math!-. nun Ito ro- Richard Vauetone tor delenannb. 4 The cane oi Upper vs. K. & P. raiiwa company, wee brought by certain bon - holders of the railway to try the queetion whether or not the bond: tuned` by the company were entitled to priority over a mortgege given to defendant to secure money advanced by him for the purpoeee of the road; the bondholders claiming that their bond: were entitled to priority over the mortgage. The queetion depended u n the conutruction of the etatutee under Iv ich the company wae incorporated, the bond: ieeued. and the property mort aged. and on the authority of e la e numlher 0! one: both En lieh end Cana inn cited by- counsel on bot Iidea. The ueation an n `nt 0! law wu very oomgicetod. The jud reeerved judtgmont. B. B. Oeler, Q. ., ap ared or pleintii: R. T. Woikem. $0.. and J. L. Whiting for de- fendent. B. W. Folger, and R. V. Rogerl. Q.C.. for the railwa company. In the notion of udwick ve. Chadwick. Can 91.. nnnrnnli nl nlimnnu inrhnnnnt. oncumx or am nody. Phlntls noay. rumuuo Mon III nu: I no Iv- oovor tho land, oono ting of village loan in Bump:-loo, nib wu olcimod tho oonvoyonoo wujnudo for n lnudnlont pm`- pooo ond with I viow to dofroudlng erodi- boro ogoln-6 tho Kennedy eotaoto. An nroomonb woo entered into by who ugslmo mo nonnoay tau. Igrooluonb Inn by partial. whereby Mn. Mu-tyn become: truncoo for the catch. consenting to some nll claims ngnlnlb it on or bdoro a certain duo. fnilinr to do no the deed ol the. lnnd in dis urn I to bo declared null and void, And t potty in to put into tho hand: 0! pldnt. In. John Mutlio for plnlntiifu; Riohnrd Vuuntono for defendant. Thnngnnnl Unnnr vs K h V. l'AINlV pleinmn; .1. L. wnmng xor uelenaeun. In the one of Low vs. the inoorporetod a nod of the diooeee of Ontario, re the 0 orgy rust fund, an order was made by the Ju dismissing the action. The one had been adjourned from the Perth opting eittingu until the Kingemn fell eitbin-"I, but wee nob entered for trial here. he leintiH"| eolioitor lied written Iteting that no did not. intend to prodeed with the cue. R. T. Welkem, Q.C.. appeared for the deiendnnt. llllvu Ill . llulliirp Ill -IuIuvuI. uuulurvu Iu lydonhan Bu-out church. In Sydonham ntroot. Methodist: church lecture room luv. ovonin Rev. Dr. Hun- tur, of Montreal. delivo his lecture on "E|nmnnt.n nf Manhood. Tim Inntum u.U.. lot we nuwn for the payment of alimony, judgment. was reserved. J. Molncyre, Q.C.. for plninti; J. L. Whiting for delendmt. In the man of inoornorntod /9535 600125. SHIPWREOKED MARINE!-I8. ANOTHER CA8! 8ETTLED._ ELEMENTS OF MANHOOD. Net? FULL or FISH. ocodnhovooo-say. unuunu Ill` MA- ILA to or an. un- bron M nub Ito ro- nib man mumr 3211-Ian wme TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1896. -54 inch Tweed Dress Gbodn, a bargain lot just rceived. 43 inch Goods, 15c, 20c and e per yard. `-Fancy Plaids in many ifyles 25 per yard.

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