` C` P? ihuuunlllvuuulunau. |VI4IlII C lt nyt: "onill-nyurviou wu vary deantly `rrhrnod undc Ibo direction QHJQIL irourd. director 0! nilnyu, (Royal E nun.) Tho oonuu-notion o! no Ila nil d rt tho 6 oum:crudin:. lo'u|toounIr'ri n:3va much labor and constant nprvidoo on the rtolthbolournd his udnhnu." AJ:.|-onlhonnnuolthoIo"|pod:l|y ::t:I:d," nppun that ol Hurt. Ginn- -I -- -. v. ulidtii lptclli -OIIIOIOII. In the upon 0! Major-Gononl Bit Hor- hott Kiuzhcnor. C.B.. who commanded the Don oxpoditionuy form in Aldon. bu just made public. In it he Va pu- Iicnlu Iaontion ol UNI. I. P. U. imurd, who graduates! from the Royal mllihry college in ICU. and not I oonnininn in _- . vvvnu -uyuvu vu-u ll Inlsulc IIOG IX [Id- ur to oil. M. 8m Francisco. ho point was nally settled in favor of the British contention. Sixuon British chino. with I Iohlof $469.51!) and With intcnnt added from we umoof uhm-0. won Illcd vutordnr. An I. I. (7. Ondnnio lpochlly Ionnoood. In 1}... vnnn-A A, Mu... n.....n m- u-_ '1 The Behring See claim: colnnleelzon open- ed With lpurrlng. \'u-ronu. B.C.. Nov. `J5.~-The opening of the Behring see chime oommieeion wit- neeeed eome preliminary fencing between I`. C. Penere. senior Bmieh couneel. and , Donald L. Dichon. eenior conneel for the United Stecee. Chandler P.,Andenon. of 1 New York, wen chosen ne'c . The Articles of procedure were II: In an up. f Both sides agreed on all but 3:3. and here they were diametrically opposed. Mr. Peters wanted the Canadian oleime dull. with singly, but to this Mr. Dlokinlon strongly objected. nrguin tint. the British eeelern should put in II their chime end the Uniled Staten eul.hori`.iee would unbmit their defence at Ben Frencleoo. Mr. ` Patent nplled them it might. not be neces- ` In nninf. -.. nnII- ..u|..a :_ n_..... -: me pllce in we witness oon. Advices received at Yokoheme from Seoul. the oepitel of Coree. any three Russian oioere and eighty Rueenen sail- or.-- with A field gun entered Seoul on Nov. '2-lth. ea 3 precautionary measure in consequence of the Arrest. of A number of Coroen officers who were plotting to seize the king and compel him to return no the hoe from the Rue:-inn legetion where e hu bed A refuge for some months. mu. cl'|lIDBl`l. The embezzlement: of John H. Holfer. ouhior of the First National bank of Le- bunon. l n., have Almldy amounbd to 8l85.000.`imt.oad of$l09.000.pa previously ' Announced. His poculntion from private lundn intruntod to him swell the sggrm ante. Price Store, we. l`g8evernl of the leading nswspspern of Ilsdrld are very bitter in their criticisms al the return of general Weyler to Hsxnnn and devlnre him to be morally ruined. All of these per: demmd thnt general ; Azvnrra e. t e present minister ol war, he sent to ubs at once to supersede general We Ier. T 0 Spanish have been accused of ar- ' resting ngrenl. many of the wealthy na- tives or half castes ol the Philippine ia- lnnde on suzpicionund conscating their l pro rty whether there be sufficient prool of t ieir guilt or not. In this we the gave '1 ornment is said to have scquirecl a great deal of valuable roperty. 5 The centrnloriminnl court Old Bailev. unrmu man rnaay aucernoon. Exvsecremry And Mrs. John W. Falter arrived yesterday at San Francisco. CAL, from A visit. to the Hawaiian islands. Mr. Fnnfnr rnnnu-In lhn inland. in - nnnnt nu-nn. II`0nl I \'l!l\'4 (0 (D6 IJIWIIIIII Iuanaa. . Foawr reporte the islands in 1 most proc- peroua and eful condition. Li Hung (l`:hang_ia_t.o.get t.l_xo_poat. of re: porous anu own conmnon. `hang in to get the pout re- or nnimr of the whole im rial navy, and Mlgbllild, within ve years time, nix large bnbbloahipe, bwolvo first class armored cruisers and twenty second and third chm: fast. cruisers. Th` nnnkn--I--u.-mt- 1|` `lulu. Ll I..l ._I`.... noun or vxuuanlo ropeny. Bailey. : London. Eng.. was crowded this morning when the trial of Lady Selina Scott, John yCockert.on. Frederick Kul. and Willinm Ayloot. for criminally libelling Earl Run- nell. was resumed. Lady Scott. wore a black dress with white gloves and curied I bouquet. of violets. Earl Russell re:-umod llll place in the witness box. Advices mnaivad At. Vnknlmmn {mm man one passage 01 a permanent term em. The sudden return of Gen. Weyler to Havana. without havin accomplished any- thing in Pinar Del i0. is causing much surprise and is regarded by many as equivalent to defeat. Report sin a that the Canadian Pacic has leased t e Goderich division of the Grand Trunk from Drumbo to Bualo. If [ so the Canadian 1 ic will have a through ` line from Detroit 0 Buffalo. In the foot hills of Mount Tacoma. fty miles from the nearest ph sicians. Mrs. A. B. Swenier cut the t mate of her three children and then cut her own thmat last Friday afternoon. Exvsecretarv and Mrs. John VV. Fnamr ` Wllinln U10 PICK: WWO W%I. The annual meeting of the Cobdon club wu hold in London yesterday. The rooenc Cunadinn elections are regarded as moot. encouraging to free traders. The wric for tha Cornwall almtinn hu OI|OO|Il`Rlll8 TD IP90 EFEUGTI. The writ for the Cornwall election has not yet. been issued, but it is understood that the nomination will be on Dec. 12th and Lheelection on Dec. 19th. An nvrulnnn In-gin An oh- I14:-.n...l......:.. nevarm 01 me passengers were ln]|H`Ol. < ' Toll game in Woodford county. Indiana. have been chopped down on five successive nights, and now the raiders threaten to burn out the president of the company. Comrreeamnu Groevenor in I sinned nurn ouu one preuaem. or me Congressman Groavenor a signed abatement gives it as his 0 inion that the panes eof the Dingley bil will interfere with 510 passage of permanent ta:-i' bill. return Wavlar m oonaemmng me Ionool seuuemenu. General Weyler intends to return to Pinar del Rio when he has settled the have of notes by the Spanish bank and other urgent nntmra. Italian emiqmbinn to South Ame:-in In- omor urgent. mnrwra. omigmcion to South Amoriu Io- incrouing. Over 0,000 persons have uilod from Geneva for the Ar ontino Republic` within the put. two WOOEB. The meahimz of the Cobdan club auu nneeiecuon on use. won. An express train on the Pennsylvania railroad wan derailed at New Brunswick. N.J., this morning and the ongineer killed. Several of the paaaengnrs were injured. i Toll mines in Woodforrl nnuntv. lndinnn. . I DUIIQ Liout.-Gov. Fruor, of New Brunswick. `died at Genoa yoataerdny. Four men were burned. ono fnhnllv. bv am: an uouoa yoaoenny. were burned. one fntally. by an explosion in the Troy Iwol mill. The oioial canvas: of New Jo:-gov : Inn. At. Chathnm Wllllsvn William, I burg- lu-. In: none to tho Klngwon penitentiary for tho yuan. W. J. Brvnn vhlmd Danver. 0.51.. than present. o.uw man an on. A. Bronson. of Mudoo. hu boon sent up for trinl lormanlhu htonhnving kicked I hd. canning fatal infurioo. There in no talk in Bnndon of nnnoni. nu. causing nu: mjunu. There no talk in Bnndon of 0 tion to the return of Hon. Clifford tho new mininter of the interior. A .:.....o..s. c....... r~...........a u u .a.. me mmiuer or me muerlor. A dee bch from Concord. N.H.. states tint wit. in eighteen m nthe twenty-two uvingl benh In that e e have failed. ` Fire: were lurked in the idle Wind0J leee feoboriee at Pittnburg, Pn.. and glue glowing will commence December let. A Catholic meee meeting was held at St. Bonifeoe luv evening end 3 resolution condemning the eohool eebblemont. Wevler loloynphlo `tidings troll Ill Putt: of the Globe. Oondonud and Auonod for In: Rn-din: _. A mum nun In... an. `Y6:-no`n'nI mm: to Pm. Munyon. 1 g. Toronto. Innwend drleo for any dluue. expnouxon In we '11-oy uool mill. New Jersey : vote gave McKinley : plurality u 87., 092. ror nvo W. J. Brynn visited Denver. Col., when he undo two or txxreo Ipooeheu and In: M- oeivod with onohunium. Tim Hnmhnnrn rlnnh |Ahl'|lDl' All!- oeavea mm enumuum. The Hnrnburg dock laborers etrike threeoene to spread to other ports. At preeenb 6,000 are out. A. Bmmon. of Mndoc. been sent nn [WHAT'S THETIDINCS `T0-DAY] HERE IT IS IN SHORT ORDER FOR "WHIG" READERS. WON THE POINT. i `mi; "Fi? us: nun) WIII unwon. I Pun. Now. %.--An oceans named Inc Ohyuln hm bun uivindlod out of` Ol0.llI)wu-tho! jovoll by an American and (hnubon, vho$nIunod hinnoll gg slug agent ol tho gluon company. N York. Uoodnncnuonoy .. S.'.'1`.'u:'.u.... 4...... .1? in that In In fronov vjnn animal _n dpilnr rubbery. n_1_..-__._,,_ vwuuu uu IIIU Ijlllllu IZIICI I) fj- dnou ' tolho Int olcctiomu - ineooEI`:oo in Mr. lauricr, which in aid non-ohvonprunnud Ohoaonllmonta ol Ir. Andonnn. nu IIII luugnod. Tonum-u, Nov. 25.--8omo ucibuant. baa boon oanaad among the Inombora of the Canadian manutacturara` aaaooiauon b tho naignalion of O. H. Andanon. W - stool. gvaibly the largest fumizura manu- facturot in Canada. who haa boon for many yaan a wombat ol the association. Mr. Andonon [Ina no naaon for Ma withdraw- al. but It in Underwood that it in on ac- count cl Ibo Inanilaato ianod by the ano- M ` NI lb. '11 nlonlinn. nlnrnnn. This mite solid oak. Bevel mirror noly . cook nlnh. [Argo bud, Chevnl Jnuur. I land, all on amazon. Xmu prlvo Ill. order M. once. Our tn unllo In tho but on that. Our intonnu no mutual. We 9 uni deliver at Xmas 5- you wish. nuns uolaonmn were excellent in dance: and ymnutiea. and Teddy Simona In: an excel G comedian. The closing tableau Ill very lino. nnd the company can have Kinguoni ondorntion. Laet evening the betwixt compeny per- J lormod aleat of preaenting a spectacular play with excellent scenery In a pleaain and large audience. The dreea circle an llery of the o ra house were packed. he spider and t e y did not enter into play an lurther than the representation onthe rop curtain, unless it could be considered that the dancing of "The l'renohduetists" was quite "y." The caste required thirty persons. The ballot and the marohin were excellent. and a fair proportiono the ladies were under lorty. and had a claim to good looks. The Miasee Goldsmith excellent in dancea and 1|-mnaaLioa_ and Tndw R5-mm. -.. ... 'l'||o Upldor And The Fly. comp 5 (eat. up: oi nllnrv of the nnnm lmnuu -mm Business Oollege Notes. A Inge and enthusiastic meeting of the pllilomstheisn society was held in the class room last night. The object of the meeting was the nominating of oilicor- for the ensuing year. Following are the names of those in the eld for the different oices: J. B. McKsy was unsnimuusly elected honorsry president : president, W. J. Cousins, George Hesle. F. (l. Dun la ); vice-president. J. W. Rewden. W. slsh. T. Laney: George F. Smith Irss elected secretary by scolumstion; sssistsnt seoretsry, Mr. McLaughlin. Stanley \\`il~ son, Joseph Filglten; tmo.-turer. Alsxsnder Davis. W. Peters. A. Snvn re ; committee, Miss Lime . C. (J. llaimn. Min A. Ssvsge, H. R. and]. Miss Ml|X well, Miss E. Donoghue, Miss Mathews, Miss H. Mscsrov, F. Corbett. Mr. Hurt- msn. The election will be held on Tues dsy evening. Dec. lst. or wmon are uuuowou up In Inn unor- noy'n "oonu." Tho nil hu beoomo no [nu shut the III !!! runway pron In |u~ goulng the formation of n mncunl pro- Gocuon mainly of noma klnd. II In pro pound to hop n reglaur of the nnmu of claimants. and Interchange lnlormntlnn an to persons who, II II more Ihnn aun- pootrd. man A man of the hnainon and Irnval from any to clly rnr than purpou. neon Inuuguoea. wnen extremists of both portion nd fault with the settlement. he says, those holding moderate views on both tide: of the ques- cion mny take heart. of grace. for it may be taken for granted this the nrrengelnent will prove entirely utilieooor to all ex- cept those holding excreme opzionn. The nettolement in A com min. and all non- tiom involving ruole and religious c`. Rer- enoeo must be settled on then buin. ll the Brltinhensdian and the French-Canadian element of our population are to dwell tpgecherein peace and hermony. Rnuruw. Nov. 25.--This morning as the nine o'clock train from Pembroke was oomi into town 5 men mmed Blevinski, 3 Polls resident of Deere, coming from the mill no the qwer end ol the town, at- tempted too ahead of the train but failed to make the crossing and was struck by the engine and almost instantly killed. Both horses were also killed and the wing- gon com lowly demolished. Dr. Gnlligsn, coroner. nving removed to Eganville, the crown Attorney was notied and recom- mended thet Dr. Crenston. coroner of Arnprior. be requested to come up and make en enquiry Into the circumstances of the case, which he will do this evening. IIIIIOD Wlll DUI IHKU |l1Ilil'llI'Il0ll. ' Not long Ilnoe one of our dogs go! '60 llok to go through hll rolu. To guard nnlnut. tuoh ncoldenun each of the bond bu an undoramdy. We had limo only so give thls undorntudy one I-ehurul. and yet that ovanlng he won! on and dld tho part just as smoothly on hlu Ilok col- league oould poulbly have dono. It wan a marvelous rovolulon of onnlno nano- lty, and I proud man was the prolonsar. : "Pnnlu lurn varvuuloklv Innh thlmn II], Illll I prouu Hlll Wll ll! [)l'0[IB0l'. "Poniu learn very quickly such things as valuing. military movemanu. And the like. and a great danl more can ho done with the hub in their cane. Al- though it would seem that the limit. had been reached. I do not think um we have as you fully sounded the depth: at animal intelligence. for every you micin to tho lint oi` wonder-canning now they oan be trained Iodo."--Washington Pout. II` STIIIIT. PI-IONISOO ::: rnl 1 .----n u u nu. nu -. The eztounion of oiootrio erection he: brought upon tho menu a particularly dnngeroul and oounive Iwnrm of ruonie who prey upon the street railroad oom- pnniel by hngue claim: for pernonni in- jurioa received in real or imaginary oo- cidente. They Ire fostered by a tribe of disreputable nltorneyu, who mnko I proo- rloo of oomlnunimcing with nll poreono whom they can identify an oonoorned in any In-eel rniiwu mishap, and often withoul inuruorionn issue prnoennoe egoinn the nomplnies. Some of those iegei Ihnrh hlve e roguinr and of do- Ieotivon, who prowl about the depot: and urmini of tho lines on tho iookour. for ouu. Fain witnon-on nre euliy procured and juries are uaunily ilboroi in the matter of dunngen, the [router portion of whioh ore swallowed In tho attor- nnw'n "nnaln," Tho null ha: humrnn an I -II VIC: J. T. Frost. M.P. of Smith : Falls. who we: in the city yeeterdey And to-day. does not. Attach greet im rbence to the incipient agitation ege net the Mnnitoba echool queetion settlement. and believe: when the expreuione of dieentiefuction on the put of Roman Catholics ha been inetigeted. When extremists nertioe fnult. with reporrer no mo 2. nuongu. "My employer hu 1: {arm out in Indi- nne where he breeds all the animal: he eduootas to do such amazing tricks. Long yearn oi` experience has shown that the Russian: poodle is who brighten dog in the world and the quicken to become educated. in is exceadlgly hard to raise. but after maturity get: quite hardy. II taken about nix months to oennh one of ` them to perform fairly well; after no not nu been learned it in never forgotten. it is 0 work of Infinite diioulty to crnln them. and the profenor I am with ban about ruined his back from constant nooping. Neither will in do to use the whip often, for u do; shnl in punlnhed much will now take Instruction. AIM.-.5 Innn ulna. nun 1.! nun An... .4.- A Polish Buldont of one}. who Struck by I 'l`lnIn. I v-nun- For the lust slx yuan I've boon on tho road with a show of perlormlng dog: nnd ponlau," sold .1. I). Newman, to I reporter no tho Nulongl. "Mv amnlovar {arm out In Indi- u. I` nu -u-um Innlaobllchool Quoltlon Sonlomont In 1 lnlr nun. KILLED AT THE CROSSING. _.___._.- Ma`; FRO8T'8 opmnou. not A-up um. Jowoh. Ha. GK A- -.A.... 133%-SPEPSIA` cU_1gE. T INIIICEHOI and [The Great Twinsl William to Klnponn. in naiv- cd In oor from I Buhlo dolno cont! nbuhol Iooouny gnln huwuntho pone above condoned; wlnut. TM tunooopud by the sauna Til- loy for':u-tying imnndnid to In tho highonodond 0. in hll. won banana yum huh tho Kingston and UIIIIUQI lot- I vIrdi nnh comxnn'v. Aldcnnn J. Durant unuy ny no mnpcon am manual lot nrding company. Alderman J. Dunn. Iunngor o! the Kingston bunch ol the conlnnv. nnrd tho uh:-no n-nln at-it tiruuyu III nub. Tutis. gun. obtains. I-was ddot. lollnovou potuoa Ne. J.&I'H. I uv w-Inu' \.lKI`Ifl'] II wing ligation 0! bar coal on-go, pnpnruory to going into winter quu-urn. The Kingston and Montreal forwarding no-npnny laid up Ii! of their baryon in win- urqnnnon yuutday. The Intin loot will be laid up this weak. Tho bra Cyrano nnd the two [ruin olonton will hauled upon the marine nilny for tho winter. 'l`n'. _A.. -.....A.4l L- AL- .A.._.. lllxl IT HBTHTYIUIIQ Tho In Bronson urrivod from Ilonuul (MI morn In` with town light Tbontouncr Glonnarrv In hula: M-and "sea 90 Princess Street. _isuoxis cums CRATlTUDE.| Fle Gene Would Not. Work Among llle countrymen. J. H. McKay. the "horse buyer" who borrowed money from hotelleepere here, and who pretended to purcheee horeee from eeverel pereone in town end after- werdn phi pod in e ekilf to Wolfe lelend. ettempt no work hie little game in Weteruown, N.Y.. Obie week. He put. up at the American howl. ietering ee J. H. McKAy, Cherleewn. .0" lie mede enxious enquiries {or the proprieibr. Mr. Merrien. and eeid he had nrcheeed end shipped eeverel oerloede of oreee in Cen- ndn. He made en-ehnlgemente to buy four- been horeee from r. Mu-rien fer 850 each. but "hie c e" bed not en-ived end he felled to ace Ir. Merrlenbo consent. toendoree cheque for 81,100 or 8l.800 which he eeid he wee expecting. Then he took hie denertnre without. bev- u.uuu wmcn in sun no upcoming. d to without. Inv- ing pnid hi: baud bll , which unonntod to seventy-vo noun. Inrln luau Picked up Along the Klug- nton Barber front. IIIL- A..- 12..-..- __.z._.J n___ 1: ____ _,u an evening so noer xnnnnglvmg any. Cinderelln." A tableau, we: presented in exquisite atyle.and en excellent concert. in which Mrs. Cullfu, Mn. Pmvoac, Mien Grady. Meaern. C. Cook, E. Mullen, Bor- gor. l.). Mitchell, Level! and other: took part, was given. The receiuu were wrntifvinulv lnnre. mo rerreanmenu ooomn Ieealng. In the evenin . under the gas light, the scene in the hnl wulike a vision of fairy- land. Business at. the booths continued toilourish, the voting conwet between al- dormen Behan and Skinner went on with , unabated keenneaa and vigor, and the crowd: were merry and happy, as twd nn evening so nour Tbnnltegiving day. Cinderelln." ublenu. nreeented n snoe on nanuruu last or me uearn or IV rs. Celrns, of Part . It is only about a month since the deceased lady's husband died very suddenly. Samuel Milligan Sweet, of Nupsnse Mills. and Rachel Truoey Sales. of Olden, Frontenac. were married at Napenee on the 2lst inst. by Dr. Mcl)iarmid. J. Rudd Perry received the iron bridges from the Canadian bridge and iron company. Montreal, yesterday to replace the unsafe bridges oser the Big creek. North Frederickshnrg. Nupunee is steadily growing. In the wesant year $33,000 were expended in buildings. At the present time there is scarcely a vacant house to be had. W. G. Wilson and John Pollard have entered into contract to erect the .slutin and curling rinlr, and already sod he `been broken and operations commenced. The new structure is to be erected on Sir Richard Cnrtwright s lot. near the railway ` bridge. (lovernment detective Rogers is in town. { Ballwey construction Wm Proceed at lass] PoInts-chIaa to Purchase at let , l.e|anre-A `treaty Between China and Japan. . Toxlo. Ja n. Nov. 7.-(Correspond- once of the nited Associated presses hy steamer City of Pekin) : It is positively stated that immediately before the depar- ture of the Ruasianre resentative. Count Canine. from Pekin, ptemher 30th, he succeeded in ooncluding with the Chinese govern merit a convention of great import- ance. The document sen out by declar- ing that the concessions made in it are by way of evincing China's gratitude for the aid accorded by- Russia at the close of the war between the former power and Japan. It gives Russia the right to carry her trans-Siberian railway in Kirin from two points. namely, westward from some station in Siberia and eastward from Vladivostock. It provides that the Chinese system of railways is to be hrou ht into connection with the Russian, to which end, should Chine find it inconvenient to construct her contemplated lines from Kirin to Shan Haikuan and Port Arthur, she may delegate the tank to Russia. It commissions Russia to provide for the security of any lines built by her in Chinese territory by stationing troops along their routes. It rovides that lines forming part _ o the Rus- sian system, but running through Chinese territory, shall be purchasable y (Jhins nftera period of thirty ears. and that lines formin part of the C ineae sys- tem, but built y Russia at China's re- quest, shall be purchasable by China alter a perlod of ten year. It concedes to Rus- sia the privileges of workln mines in Manchuria. It states that Russian olcers shall be employed to drill China's Man- churian levies. It leases to Russia a por- tion of Kin Uohou and promises that, in emergency, she shnll have the use of Port Arthur and Talien, and it engages that every facility shall be given to Russian trade and travel. 'l`lm nan: nnrnsnaarninl In-AAOI1 |m>......n v Ivlul. l'lIlIlIUI NAPANILII, Nov. 25.-Owin to the in- clemenoy of the weather on ondny ovon~ ing I amnll but npproointivo nudionco liuwnod with profit. to the lecture in the open house by Rev. Dr. Wild. The lub- joct was The Prophetic Destiny of Omn- da." He in A man of commanding upoct. and n uent and any Iponker, and those who brnvad this alamonu wan nmnlv re- nllllull Daub-ru The olwerbainmont and baunr ivon by the children of Mary in the city all you- herdny nfurnoon and evening, was omin- ontly nuoceuful. Largo crowds thronpod the different. booths. And I rushing buai. nous was done bv each, l)olmonioo o and the mfreahmenfbootha loading. the evenina. under the nu lizhh. the IMPORTED mxers trace and travel. The new oommercinl treety between Japan and Chine embodiee all the privilogee hitherto enjoyed by the eubjecte of citiuene of weewrn powers In China under whatno- ever treaty or convention obtain . It eleo eecuree to Japan the ouetome tariff trenoy convonuon ovum 1:. J: n now in force, no t. at Chin: cannot. by special Arrangement with wutcrn Inna. make any chonge to which Japan In not I consenting part}. non. Thoma Jnlnioaon received the and inhal- Iiizenoe on Bat.urdu{lut. of the death of I. an (`ah-no A` DA:-D It in nnliv .L4un- 1| I Meet With urulfylnx Buooou ll Tholr Lnnnnl ll--nu-_ Tho Town In 0|-owlnl And Then Arc low V-on-nt [Inn-a. and uuent. and Ipouer, and mono who braved the elements were ampl re- paid by the excellent. Ieotht. B has when A rise. It in now twelve cant: oer pmu Dy we excouont. Ieuwro. arena twelve cent: per loaf. Tknrnnn Invninnnn -uni.-AA L- ...I intgl. mu not-nun; with light Thootounor Glongarryhhoing binned nlhoroonlou-co. nnmntonmnolm urn. gnven. Tho receipt: were grttifyingly large. THE HORSE BUYER FOILED. TAY LO R S IIIUI 0| Ill. HDFII hldnu, (lroonlnn. F` cm In and lint: banal `g: 0 ,',frmt R. H. TOYE IN M_Anm: cmfss. cmfona or MARY NM;ANEE NEWS. I lliln II [IO XIIIO IOU}. `rho tbnalln Oceanus. The am lnlah -III of shown In- llolllu will Itchy than 1001. "BM CURE h."nnJ will does at was mm. on rklny. who an Inn. and 0 Friday thnolur II the lane hour until no Ila. Phnvln for dounloh should it Inudd In hon} until 7530100.` I : la! a tank Idiots I :: th'o'.0cn:r'|lm nn Joni pan II- A s|u< SALE ON FRIDAY AT WALSH S " Change ol hour ololool mun lull: vh New York. The mull for Mt LIIIIIII " will clean in thin oloocl Iholh III! at l.I!p.n' ad {or the Ru. "leads" on Us nu. Incl. II the hour. IIL. n-_.An-- -.._.__ Cheapest and best assortment] of Chocolates, Creams, etc., at | Pure Fruit Tablets. Try Horehound Tablets for coughs, colds, etc. Rowntree's Licorice jujubes, 5oc per pound. lslnnnlp-ualnl alumna- J AIS IiIANNO. Pennant! 3 I hdoIoo.lInciOon.dIhNovoIbor. I1.` ` IIIIOOUIOIII. lAllO..09I'|~ IUIIUI UUUUS III CIIUIUI rlety. Perfumes. Atomlzers. Soaps. Brusus. Combs and Whisks. Pains`: Celery Compound, tho wov|d'n land- hm modluine. ulwuu In stock ; tho kind that Ollffi. HENRY WADE; D}uggist.| When your doctor write: a rowriptlon for yml, it should he vary oorolu 11 pro rod. no that the result: dulrod lay your me: [on] ml- vinn may lollnw` The propurntlun ol phniolnnw prescription: in om Iona. `Toilet Goods In Endless Va-I 1-In` ll JOSEPH FRANKLIN, 5 SOLI AGENT FOR Rogers Celebrated Manitoba Flou RI-An hn-on FA-(I I.u..-.o A... I... 9-.. contort. wnEN YOUR DOCTOR. I t . ' ' v?'.nce.1-0ac. and other ruins. Will pay hlahoub price: It Railway tulons. Oorur pondonoa nnllulud. I17 Brock $1.. Kingston. Om. Winter. $4.30 to boot; Pntont Egriuig. 5.00 to 5.30 ; Straiqln. Roller]4.40 to I. ; xtru. 3.90 to 4.00 ' Superne, 8.60 to MID; Strong Baton. 4.50 to 15.00 - Ontario .2 no to no. GnAIN-WhoAt. No. I anitohn Hard, Mo to ma ~Corn. too to no ; Penn. Mo to Mm ; on-. mco H70; Barlomlotolao ; R o.40ot.o u; Oatmeal. $1.50 to 1 ti); Common , we to um. Pnpvmous-Pork, mm to 12.54); Lud tie to Cornmoz, 12.54); 7c : Bacon, 80 to Do ; Hnmn. 900.0100; Ohoou. Me to we ; Butter. townships. Inc to 180. Western, no to [bu ; nun. no to me. I 'In0d, rod wlnur. nd; No.1 0ol..1n7.l; corn an 04!; pou.u Iil; porhmn 0d; lard.` 21-03; N\lIow,Am.,11h ud; bmon-lon$ onto. ` heavy. ma ad: 1 hem): M; uhon cuts on . In M. Uhouo- bite. an M Co!orod.bl| . 0ou.on-AmarIun |hddllnn-4 ll-SM. -IJ&I'l`5Al.a TIIUIJIJIII _.LKEH'I'Uo I Mmc-ruI:.u.. Qno.. Nov. 95 -lfx.nun-EooopI.a.` I rm hrls ; market quiet. Quotation: : Plant Winter. 14.80 : Sttainln. Rollor.l4.40 : xtrn. _f)-(:i(r 2* -- rii'i"i3 L"ioo MAKER." than n -I mun. IAIV QEKIIUI4 ZQIIIIYTUI i mvnrooz. Noon. Nov. 95 -Whon N. pr'l, 1. 0d, mum. so No. 1 dol.. 1-7.1; mm. 04!: Dean. 81: norhmn 0d: I;rd.x IIIIIIII IIIIIII I IIIIII I {BI-an. Shorts. Food. lowut prices in ton ._`_- , , DIICI auuu uilcllj, II, IIJO, I135. Colored Bugaboo. , 0 . Black Talctta Silk. I 9o`c:%t. Black Dun Soa. size. " Drudand1`|lntu in gnntvl 50. 790-!!!):01- jnpnuoigue alluilkndhcnmtight`::`II.I-om? xoooudgchnsih . X:noIncy_ 3 TABL_E.TS. Bhck Sarah Silks, goo, 65, 75, 33, Black Poi 00 505. 90. 01, 0140.31.15. '.3.':.`.{.` 23:: .'!..'I`.'-.Z.5." 2`:-.2`.-1 .. __ DIICI anun -Irv. 75, c,px.' Black Satin Duchooe, X, 81.10. 81.25. Bhck Bonnlinn. -nu. arm A. - COMMERCIAL. IONTBILL I`l'00I IABIITI-' All. 0 Ouudlnn Pacino ll.ullwu...... 4 no Duluth ....................... 5 lhllwu. Dal Oommuolnl Oablo . Poutul Tol ....... . . . . . Iontroul Tolocnph Richelieu Nov. 00.. Iontusl Strut B1 lontrul Ga 00. Bell 'l`ulophono.. Eon! Ilootrio l.lborio.. . Toronto Ballwn Ontario Bonk. . . Bank in Po 0... lo|non'I Bun .... .. Bank 0! Toronto... Inrohnnil Bnnk............ Iorohnntf Bank of Hnli!nx.. Union Bank ................. .. Bank of 0ommoroo........ Northwest. Land Company Iontroni Oottou 00 (Ian. Ooiorod Cotton Dominion Ootton. ll 'l`ulophono.- POS'f_0l- PlCB -N'0TlCB. SATURDAY] " a nu nloml maxcr" \\ -resclilred cu-r silvo fur 4 Luilding up was ml-.|iru|. -no DI nnn u AI/r`r unc ' e? IJVIBPOQL HARE I'll. um: N.-um Mm. uL_un.--u u ....n. K. CA.\IPBF.`|.|. a cu _ A,....., AILID IJV nu`-.1 lM(I.v.4.I~|\ - . nqws buys smlus __n._.LnL.. .._n.A.u-_nn. :-Cura-Cougha- --T--- /\ RE'3?i.a`i iR0!N9N mos- - _. I-__n__. _)Sutherland s Can You Hatch Special Sale of ;ANNUALs, 1s93s.\ Corner of Prlneou gnu loulnguu Jttooll -jj [We Fit {We Fit [we Git }F. NlSBET S ooncumuu mozououyrounni W"X"C`@CKd . . . o Low Priced Shoe Store. Boys Own Paper. Girls Own Paper. Chatterbox. Pansy Sunday Book. British Workman. British Workwoman. Children's Friend. Infants Magazine. Prize. - Band of Hope. Sunday at Home." Leisure Hours, etc. Up any sort .of reason why you shouldn't havethnt room papered now? Don't want to take up the carpet P Lis- ten ! The most dainty carpet can be left on the oor ; our paper-hangers cover it with great sheets of cotton then proceed to aper and paint and when al is over remove the covering and the room in ready tor rearrangement. Here's a hint worth knowing. AND The Cornor Bookuoro. rj-nvjvnv -Q-iv Pnlnton. Dooonton. Olnbn; 275-7 BAOOT IT. Sit Ber Feet. His root, Your Feet. Foot," 8{i raga. Your P0110.` U I ma. DB Bgva. Oonulno Scranton rt. Coal. Ln! lull}:--LI- 38$. swu=/I co. And Row In loin; Inc for Invy nun- ngon for Pornnnout Injury. lh.vm.1on, Ont. Nov. 96.--0coI-go Bul- htd, Ibo well-known lootlnll phyl , an at public school i Ballad. in unfund- ust in 1 unit lot 4.500dunIoI btonghton btholf of Itinhonl Neville. thing {or him- uollcndhloooo. tho luhrhoi nowonly noun yunohp. It iaallthnt. nur- tvo yuan go, you; Bnl .nnnun ohi|d o action in culhng him thicken .:'.. :.":.".':`...""` "`..`.."".,........""' ' inju cl . Baikal`: but In acid an dm3MI I I25] In . r. MnKiu|0y hu ponud out that I! hril nviuion has left. tn the ngulnr ooonion ol the new congtuu the law could notgo gnto oool. bofun the autumn 01 I893, or an on the on o! no congressional cloc- tionn Ir. Ilcliinloy had one ox `once 0! that uonwith ntu-inndho oonnot. can to have Another. To Page 5 Iodol-no Hagan to his lou In July? Wuuns-u-rox. Nov. 25--Ila ruonutivo Dingloy. ol Mnino. will prob: ly be noc- nury ol the tnuury in the McKinley ctbinot. The Dingle] mri bill will not be pnuod for pnnngo the coral union of oongrolu. pruidont.-elect Me inlay bip- glx opposed to it. The new president will In cpuoinl amnion ol the new congress ID moot in March next. nnd it will be uk- od to pal: oonaorutivo tariff bill to be Evpnrod during the winter l y Mr. hing- K`. - |l-.I.(:..I-_ L-- ..-:_;-.| __.. n_-. u v run pane union, rnuaaelpmn : "My dear sir : By I happy coincidence your letter In: received on the day the Announcement wu Imda o! a board 0! ur- bitrution to settle the long riding dis- pnh botvoen our country In Great Bri- tain. Thin fact given an emphasis to the greeting: and good wishes of the peace union. Most certainly the citinm oi the United State: huo I ri he to take pride in thnt their country in orornont in their oortn Lovnrdn nrbitnting inmrnntionnl diopotoo.-Wn.I.u\M M(`Kl.`l.R\'." Ielihnoy Wrltoo 1 Lone! to the Foamy!- vnuln Pence society. P||n.unu.mu. Pm, Nov. 25. - At. the thirtieth nnniverury meeting of the Penn- sylvania pence society, In branch of the uni- vorul pence union, hold yesterday at Indo- ponoo lull. the following letter fmm president-elect. McKinley wu rend : "All:-ad H. Love. EKL. nrngident uni. IdOI'O|$T: MOIKIINOI VII IKU "Allnd H. hove. Esq. president uni- vorul union, Philadelphin "Mv dear air Bv I hnnnv mincidanm M'KlNLEY WILL CALL CONGRESS UIIIITUI! 01 IIUVUIIIIUI T030510, Nov. 25.--Itis said that un- der the new hunting regulations the game warden'e department has become an im- portant sounoe of revenue to the Ontario overnment. Something in the nei hbor- oodof 810,000 has been reali this year out of licenses to shoot deer, and an increase is expected next season. If the proposal to issue licenses to shoot dupk and other fowl is carried out, the revenue will be`.' reatly increased. The game warden is aso receiving shi ments of uns daily from his deputies. unters gun ty of breaches of the law are not on] ned but have their arms conflacat . In the case of one rie seised on Georgian Bay because its owner shot a deer in the water, It was found that the weapon was an armyyrie and beloqfged to the militia de rtment. t is reported that the number of deer sacrificed tothe huutsmen's sport this year has fallen off about 2,000 from last year's kill. Among the suggestions for the pro serving of the larce game is that of in- creasin the bounty on wolves to 825 per head. hese animals are responsible for a tremendous amount of deer slaughtered. and it is thought that the increase in bounty would serve as an irraentive to hunters to kill off the pests. `rho Now (lune llognlntlonn a Protable Inn nan nl Ilnv-nlln. of the on-0'-nine Mlll. An inspection of the Bnis dos Chnleur reilwey in now being conducted by order of the government. The engineers en- trusted with the inspection are Mr. Ridoub. government. engineer, and Mr. Beeuohemm, C. E. Of course. until the report of this inveati nt-ion into the nondition of the line has n made. no denite errnngement. for the purchue of the reilwey can be entered into. The duhv on mbncco.enu" And ciirnre for eooeuible. Sir Oliverowntieho be informed of the doing: oi tram , and asked to mnke bliem the Iubjecoo npooinl le ialecion. He will be requested no women the criminal code that any trump Arrested with a revol- ver or other weapon may be liable to six months imprilonmenb and fteen lashes ol the out-o -nine calla. An i...n...o.in.. M an Rain due lmleur the nllway be oncorea mm. The duty on mbacco,anu" cigars I898 wu 82.351399. com rod with 8`. . 369.831 in 1895. Liquor utioa collected I398. 94.011387; in I395, 33,901,579. Th: -nnnnl nnnnumntinn nar hand of the I896. M.0ll.287; in 159:5, $3,901,019. The annual oonsumption per head of the undormonuonod articles was M follows: Spirits, .823, compared with .666 in I895; beer. 3.528, compared with 3.47! in 180-`); wins, .070. compared with .090 the your reviouo: taobaooo, 2.120, compared with J03 in 1895. lend them on to Uuewe. Mr. Peterson. controller of customs, while in Toronto Inn -ted the pulvicofoes oonnooud with Me epertment,and nding oboe the parcel exprou oloe at the cue- taomn house wee Inoonveniently uitueted for the public, bu determined to have some Iltaeretlone made which will render it more eooeuible. Rh nvnr Mnrnl. in In be informed Hon. 8. A. manor an Ienu written no- tioee to lumen institutes and other ugri- oulturel uuooietlonmukin them to up- peer before the urn! oommnuion end give evidence as towhut qhengee would be in the interest of the forming induetry. The tariff oommittee will arrange to meet thoir del tiom, or, if neoeeeery. the agricul- ture societies otn pun resolutions and send thorn to Ottawa. M. D...-um nnntnnllnr nf cuntomn. oil? Ih'.'i.'o'Fo'Ii'iI nnd ooolllt Pinocc- -,,,..-' ...'..%...-.: SEEK THEIR VIEWS. II II Probable `lint Pllllnllont Wm 30 In laulol lnrly In February-To lnopoot n Rollin:-`rho Dlnlu oouuud on LI; Gum and Tobacco. 5` 01'nwA. Ndv. 25.-The cull! commit- alon has issued I cirouhr to ngrioulzurnl nooiehjoo of :11 kinds. inviting them to give thoir view: on thoquouionn now before the country. Then in I Mr nbouh t.ho.oiooI of the There the oicu parliament home. which humus Indiana that After All the undcrlhnding in October lut. will bu nuliud and the home be in section only In l'obr_nu*y. A cuntoml oldorhu bun named mnking section only In Fobrnlry. puud mking Mount Faust. pout-oioo I place when cus- tom: dutlu nnv he oolleohd. Mount Full`: pon-olnoo pilot wnoru cul- tonu duties an he collected. Hon. 8. A. uhorhn sent written no- tin`: On Int-inrm innhl fan And nhhlf lilti- |ACRICULTURlSTSTO SPEAK. THE TARIFF COMMISSION WILL KICKEB A sruu. aov. n-:1 Ilolnuul sao.ooo IN Licenses. BED sums s.| PRIDE IN THE ACT. nnruuu. on. nov.u-'r|ol)uko ol0r|unInnd hilt. lb vehicula- Iluh [Rumbas ol Andria. arrived has this nothing. `I'M puns Jul-to to nslothoiturivolthoooouionoln toys!- btnnniluhlhn Mid. ullq lnopold sliununlunnud it. Ihn Qwhlochut. lhunx. N.8.. Nov. %.--'l'bo prisons owmnohhowunnur Banndn hon Ip- pliodlothonnthoritiuouothvulora ruinhr. Thunninnnn-him: mi...- The Ioboln Inn A Victory. Tonto, Jnpnn.Nov. 25,- ll Announced than Jnpsnooo val-Ihlp will be Iantto tho Philippmo island: at onoo. A doa- polch nndvodhon Vanilla, Ibo on '|al onhg Philippiuon. up tho robolo no won n victory our the Bpumnl force: and that an attack upon Murillo in hand. sun: or oulwr vvunun rs. Tnompnon. of Nyack, inn. school commissioner A..FnvoN. of Nanny. for 35).. (D0 Mango: for nliomtion 0! his wife : n`ocI.ion,wuoonolndod todny and the jury thin evening brought. in I vordiot Awarding Thompson 010,01 . SIIIII Ulunvvv I-III llll WHO`! llfclloll. 1 N\'.u'x, N.Y., Nov. 25.---'I'he trinlo! um I suit of editor Wiliiun R. Thompson. of 1 Nnck. Ilrlinnt comminimm I A `fungi (in: Inn In. 1 ()LuN, N. Y. Nov. 25.--'Phopo|ioo have '1 :0. Int. captured the gang of burglars and ' foot,- 0 who hue been robbing stores, and olding up pic hero {or the put. two wash. Al the criminuln no more I..I- Th- -\an'nA oL:_|. AL-A n|.:_ , - nnu nounng put) new lor the ' ' hda. The police think that this gang in ` ulna responsible for the mmy (iron which have occurred hon lately. 1 C0030 Il0.000 Int llll Wile : Aocllon. \1....... M v M-.. mt -rm- ._,-_.,... 'l'oIu-ry'l'heQnoon`u Gnndwlanghur. ! LONno.\'. Nov. `.. 5.-Acoording to special a dospatchea from Vienm. there is a min- talt. rumor there that tho king of rvin. in to marry Prinoeu Alexandria. the third dnu Mar of the duke of Sue-Cobourg and Gotgin and grand-daughter of Queen Vic~ Darin. King Aloxmdor was born in I876, And Princess Alnnndria wu born in I878. ll uuy In DC! IIIOIGI l'lll'. ' Bnm.1.v. Nov. 25.--Emperor William 3 line deei nod soup three ieet. hiah to be `[ mined I. e Jubilee cup in commemoration ` of Queen Victoria : nixhieth nnniverury of her reign.t.o he smiled for by British nchtn next our from Dover. En., to the aluid. 0! He igoland. Hi: majesty will. in pereon, pneent the on to the owner of the win- ning yecht st iel. To nap man The Docket. ` Qrnnnv, Nov. 241- Aworneygenerel Pelletier hu given notice of his intention of introducing A number of bill: calculated to dispose of the block of legal bueineee in Montreal. Judges of rurel dietricte will becelled no continuouel sit. in Montreal in order to clear the doc eb. Another bill will authorize the lederel government to upint 1 third judge of the circuit. court. ; in nntreel. end the judges will be called upon to oil. from nine to six o'clock. The 2 police mngietretee in the district. of Quebec will be given juriediotion in civil cues` in- volving unounte lees then 850. I and lost ror ever. But the most dillicult problem that confronts the new company in a large city is to so plsn the constructive and engineer- ing features of s plant as to insure from the start as satisfactory high-clees service toeubseribere already educated toe high standard of telephone `service. 1 It means enmething more then placing s switch busrd in e room and connecting thereto the wires redinting out to the subecribers tele hones. or the building of the m ern telephone plant in a large city includes the plsnning or the construc- tion of outlyin exchanges connected to each other end A so to the main exchen by underground trunk lines: and in t: proper errengement and dis itlon of. these trunk lines. And the repi handling- ol the ever-increasing trefllc in converse. tionn. abides on engineering problem re- quiring capacity. nbility, and ex lence of the highest order to estisfsctori y solve and thereb evolve a successful modern telephone p snt. 9 `We offer special bar- g.ai_na in the way or an purely specuinuve anaer- risen, snd lesving no return for the any investment. Now the shrewd nancier is not putting his money into investments thst. pmmise as fat pluckings for promoter and lawyer as competing telephone exchanges do. He may loan the use of his name in return for a protable conaiderstion. But. the plum. will be built. (well or poorly) from the investments made by "lsmbe-honesb and unsuspect- ing creatures who ere so inexperienced as to believe that because a certain prominent. citizen holds quite A block of stock in a new enterprise he must. have invested a In-an amount. therein. And us the "lamb" onwrpnse no must. nave mvesnou I: e amount. therein. And as the "lamb" sol am has the reserve onpibel necessary to protect. m Investmerv of this character. he soon Inc I nrnctiml illustration of how protect. unvesumorv ox mu onu-actor. no prlcticul ouil his venture may be swlowod up and out forever. -ID... H... nnnnf .l;:n..lb n....l.I-... Hm wssubsoriber toII7.') ssunscnner, ae- ndingon the sins of the exchange; the srger the plant the higher the sversge cost per subscriber. A rst-elsss telephone plant having s switch-bosrd on my of l,000 subscribers cm be oomp eted for 8125.000, while it would probably require an investment of 8500.000 to complete every detail in s modern plant of 3,000 subscribers. Many opposition tele- phone exehsnges have been built for I less sum per subscriber. notably, To is, Kss.; Fort Smith, Arl(.; Selma, Ale.; sukeshs, Wis. ; and some twenty others. But these exchanges no longer exist. having gone the of all purely speculative enter- nriseu. lesvimr lpsnnx. Nov. 8.-A ldupuh ` nu lull: an Ihc Dr. Pu-vn. anal. ngtreeoh the ublldm-ggq-s|-tne ouym cl So up tele hone exchange mlghg seen several hun red or a thousand or two subscribers, and yet the oombinationa gfforded have no notice! value to the '6notant user of to ephone service or the ggnerel public, and the secured subscribers nu-ely celled for. But the progneaslve merchant must` pay his tribute to each company just the same`. Thus it is not only the greatest number of people you om reach with the lid of the telephone, but the greatest number ol the very people you desire to reach thet renders telephone service invaluable. HA n-nnnal nrnlulnm and an: nnt. an dim. lO|'\'l% HIVIIIIIDIO. A eeoond problem. and one not to dim- cult. of solution In that of securing the ne- oeeenry deeinble eubecribere. in to secure the capital necessary to construct I modern telephone plant. Such a plant cannot. be properly constructed for leee than from 895 e eubeoriber to 8175 I eubecriber, de- nauulimr nn Hm aim nf the axchnnlra: the HUi'Tj BIPIIIIJI. Nov.$-`l`boDu'k lolnnnnnlul Leila: IL: -nnLd-.L._ A wriwr in one new xorx roan up : When s new telephone oompeny stueinpte to eecure e foothold in A large city. it nds the: one at the great problems is must solve lies, not in the soul number of eubscribere it can secure. but in the number of deeir- eble eubeoribers them will prove permenenb and peying pnurone. For the service of II telephone exchenge increases in nine in tube seme rstio as the nnrnee of the dealt- eble elements in the community are Added ho the lieu oi eubecribers. In other words, while e newepeper cirouleting only emong ssloons end princi lly by the uenters oi such pieces mi 0. prove ee le to e core, 3 osrhein clue of were e generel ed- vnrhienr would nah use it.ecolIu:nne.|e it. would oorhuln olul oi Idvemson, one general su- vertioor would not use in columnnu ngyrouoh the publicmgmq-nl-tho buyin classes. so I tolonhono iaohnhzo mlghgb Ava uv-vs--J... -..v-_,J-----. 8]: it big reduction. I\o old sfock, Everything new. Come early and secure first choice at A writer in tho New York Post. up : *W||an A non. hlgnhnnn mmmnv nthmnta TELEPHONE oompermbu. A cup To Be Bnood For. y... K -.. n: I.V___-___ I THE DAILY ZBRITISI1 VVHIG WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER >25. 1896. to know ntnn-L`. I nan-3 `rho Ilopo. Bmuu, Nov. 25.--Adviou n-and lnn {run Run! Had! my hull) huloujlng Iolho twenty-avail Pin 5 rqnnt din tiouddltu mhounoriotonouhvdnyoogoul cnnhuroluhqzn. wound fbr two days. Everyjacket 'l\....I.I