`GI. ITCI lld I7lh fob? lurch, For dmptivongl Idling apply to A. II b 3 G). ARM: D Brondwu . P. in but mnguon. AEIBH. 8eo'r. uuoboo. V--_-U'-7'7?7 77 7 Q I Closeburn." K I NGBTON. ONT. In Unlol Illh TIC London 0011030 0! lulu. (England). lull in! ol Univonlly nsdutu. Inalon III Iulmnnico and French. Th nlunnt and oultnn ol homo combod with tho high- on Inonul tnlnlnc. Il..-l- l'\-ngpt-ng-0 In nhgnnn nl Ilnnhn lhlfmlp 9.`-v.m" I vvllllvl 5, vvuu. Ihqunlny In nn-urpnuued. Indispensable In the homaohold whore only tho but call In _|!'_oqulired for heating and cooling purponu ry I JA. SWIFT co. lKIn8sI9,n.La9.i9'90|Ieel on menu: uunnu. Iulo Dnpcnlnont In ciu-[0 0! Mock: llnnnond. In. In. Doe. on-no-u torn huh: lvvonbu lltl IIIIII `to CO Iuvwrvuvu III. (PIOII 0' SI! '8'! PIIYQI-Q tn-:`n:`no1.1coI 0! I.'.. IIIIO . VI IODOII I1! 1 llcrnou. 0o'u0ondnI at aifl \C94[:`:i>7:99dl IND Ind HUGO!) IBIIIDII SALES OFFICE YABD-0ornu Ontario and Wont. nuoou. , _# ___-___ I .l A Hnndli Ona BRANCH OITIOI Tolowhnno N as. , . UKAINILIAVI KINGSTON. ' 33%--.Tor Octawmlontrenl, uoboo. v ::.:- nnr :1 row . . - $aPIll.S`.|li?IIlp'O(`, Vunconvor. Sumo. I: an n nno moo. {oz sh:lsr`bol than, oonnootp . . . In an on . Mam: --Iondnn. Wodnndnn nnd Fri- an.InAIln dlroot connections at Ronfraw 0.! R. xnrou for mint In tho North- 14 E33? Kingst(_)-I-1_ (DER-ESPONDKNUE ( trio And Queen strata. I-1Al.lH O|7II`ll".Il h VA All other British Columbia. mining stocks at lnwnnt nu-lnnn, All 0131161` BTIUIH UOIIHIIDIB. I at lowest prices. Oorrsspondends solicited. |Toronto Mining Agency,| SNOWDROP. 3c. 3.9.. :::.t.; in to buy I [and ntook at I low price. IOOII DO IIIVIIIOOG. WHEC III pm M ..._- REEEAG E. 755C. 3', ` Join: thu Hnyowor. and shown OI` IVIIY IDIDCIIPTIOI. ooannsroxnnxcu onrlon-ooi-nu On- nrlo Queen British Co mliia Mines. Silver Bll, 10c. ALLAN LINE Ihrnuun IV B90T"H"& 00., nun-nun-n In Black I Booth.) MR. C. J. 06_B1'H. 1b..._n .0 an. $_IA-- Cor. Toronto an}! Adelaide Sta. TORONTO. \.L2u unuuu, :73. "W .4. Join: the lnyowor, tomat- nbly hick nun. Write for ptospoctuu. Anul over 0100 to ax ton. Illvor Boll (hm promlu of turning out one of tho but proportion in the camp A Inn lot ol'.nu ovum nhlplnont over u new Bod loun- taln Bnilwu. Write for prospectin- SNOWDROP. 3%. 33o}'iu`.'.! ity buy good prion. wm be ndvnnood. Write hr prolpggqul. .,. \ ~ Home 7 \I `I I I I it T \r ` (Inoouoon to Brock I Booth.) --DEALEES IN-- WOOD AN D COAL. THE DAILY BRITISH WIIIG. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1898 R. H. TOYE :bucA`rioNA1.. (.3'(`>lmtort. In- I. ..-..n.ng.... Business VW-v -yyq vw "" ! "'-";.&.e.~.. `II. J. A. H dry` Oill oornot Jo::I::ntoI:ud(;:- ` math QOJUQOJ Years Established MEDILAI. Genuine Scranton rt. Coal. __- _,,_,: I_4Ix-_-_-_|.I_ Cdllege. Thln prop- - ud- wvu ` x1NcsI0N_q; _iEMBROKE| sauow Colnhloxlon a Sure sigh ot Disordered or Ovorworkod Kidneys. Dnluemuna Dolnge. DUUIIIAINI. Doc. 3.--The ronda could not be much rougher And the farmers ere dioculeing the road machine mood Int. num- Iner. Some say take it nwny and drown it. Chicken pox nnd Icarletinn among the chiidren hu le-uned the Attendance at. uchool oouuidernbly. Mien Konting, HAn~ Inoque, in the guest 0! her sister. Mm. Heulip. Herbert. Cook in home from the Bellev lle boepiul where he underwent a very crmcel operation. Strong hopes are out-trained 01 his complete recovery. The deal: 0! the only son of Mr. and Mn. J. R. l'o|e occurred Int. week from bnln lgnno u In-um Oh` -vmrnlhv nl thn called upon. Thus we nd that alter years of nuering end helpleelmeee Dr. Williema Pink Pills have proved successful Altar all other reme- dies and the beet of medical t.rent.menL had ubtarly lulled. With such marvellous curea en thin to in credit. it in no wonder that I)r. Williams Pink Pills i! the moat. popu- ler medicine with I" clmleee throughout the lend. and this case certainly jnntiee the oleim put. forth on its behalf that. ll . "curee when other medicines fail." K. role occurred nut. won Irom mun font. y have the sympathy ol the community in thoir loos. WHAT A PALE FACE INDICATES IAN HONEST MEDlClNE| u "" {'22: hitch ' A ullovba. vitlnho plnlnnd hIdInh|nbunI.noubtyonrIId- an ad lorhnhh. HBO!` DUHI H `R. ..a no sign 1 Ill try run mu nuns. an ddnglhdr y. _ then forced to go to the Toronto oneral hospital when it was found thnt e was afflicted with tortioollis (wry neck). Dur- ing the first six months in the hospital he was under the treatment of the stall" electrician. but the )0WOl`l of electricity entirely failed. and a ter a consultation of hysieiuns it was deemed advisable to per- orm an operation. Six, weeks later a second operation was performed. The operations proved successful only in so far as they afforded temporary relief. He re- mained in the hospital from November, 1890 till January, i892, and with all the modern remedies and appliances known to the staff of that well or iii ped institution no permanent reliei cou d obtoined. He was then advised to go home, partly in the hope that the ehan might prove bene- cial, but ins he continually grew worse. and in March. i892. was again forced to take to bed, and those who knew of his condition did not believe he had Iongtolive. At this time every joint in his body was swollen and distorted, and he suffered the most excruciating agony. lfa person walked across his bedroom it intensied the pain as though he was be- ing lerced and torn with knives, and if tnuc ed he would scream aloud with agony. In this state of hopless suering he re- mained bedfsst for eighteen months, all the while using all manner of medicines from which relief might be hoped for. Then he was ut under the treatment of acelehrsted oronto specialist, but with no better result. After this last experi- ment failed, he determined to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, at the_same time dis- continuing all other treatment. At the end of three months there was a very noticeable improvement in his condition, and so much so that his mother thought he could be lifted outside. He was still so weak, however. that he was only able to remain up a few minutes as before. When taken back to bed he felt a sudden tingl- ing sensation going up from his toes and through his joints and s ins. The next mornin when he awoke L e pain had left the y and Iod in the arms, and then for some weeks t e pain ilitted from place to place in the arms and then dis- appeared, and he has not lmd a particle of pain since. All this time he was tak- ing Dr. Williams` Pink Pills and slowly but surely regaining hisstrength. Then an invalid's chair was procured, and he was wheeled out, eventuall he was nblc to wheel himself about. he continued use of the Pink Pills constantly added tohis strength, and then the chair was discarded for crutches, and then the crutches for a cane. At this time (Sent. H95) Mr. Molfatt had so far recovered that he was a frequent contributor to the columns of the Advertiser and procurin a horse and buggy he was engaged as coal reporter for the paper. The once utterly helpless invalid is now able to go about, and to get in and out of his buggy without any assist- ance, and is at his post of duty whenever called Thus we find that veers suflerimr Itoretigl than ha been aocompulneu In Mr. MoEatt a mee.end he deenu it his duty to mankind to make the feet: known through the columna ol the Advertiser. Ten eareago Mr. Moat wee workin in the ewmarhet hat factory. Throug the inuence of the dump mom. and poe- eihl eome careleuneea in regard to his hee th, he was attacked with e eevere cold which eventually settled in hie limbo. For come yeare he wu an almoet constant aulferer from rheumatic purine and spent much money in treatment for the trouble. but with no result beyond an occasional temporary release from pain. Finally to make matten worse he wae attacked with malaria and rheumatic fever. He wee - IIDIAU WARD. `: h1`h ITOIII TIII LIOWIIIIIKIV AL|\[l5l ulI1I'. We Ill polo there in not a roaidbnt of Newmu at who does not know Mr. J. A. Mont. who doe: not know of his you-a of nuoring and who bu not heard of his roloua [mm I life of hellglounesc and in through the medium of r. Williams ink Pills. lndood we doubt. if in the annals of modioino than is I more romnrknblo ro- Itorotign thun hu hood nooomplilhod in Mr. Mn'nmt n nnumnnd ho deem: um. From Tho Nowmarkot Adxertlnr. ur- _...__--_ u.-.. :. ....o . ... on 0! The Ion nonnknblo One: on H.ooord-l`on Yuan or [Menu lnorlng from Auto BheunntlIm--The Whole Body contrnclod And out 0: lhnpo In Ivory l.lmb-A3u|n lutcrod To Aoclvo nu. AFTER TREATMENT IN CANADA'S BEST HOSPITAL HAD FAILED. Pirhot hnllh null. simply. that your nl In 1-1` Ill %'Od And Iltd Ill!-& union Pooplo. Ind :10 worthy of 01.. (Innlltlauu-an n! All Whn Hood no oonnuuuoo OK In wno unit: I Kidney Tnsunoat-Dada`: no. 1:01 Pm: Always euro, 1 AN lNCURABLECU'RED. The Oompnny In Iocurlnx New Loun- 'l`ho Depth Of The Well. Fnumlticsxnnlviui, Doc. .--The viork of boring for oil in muting lair progrou. The rock ll oonnidorsbl softer thnn that. of the first 100 loot. `ho prooont depth oi the well in in the neighborhood of 300 loot. or over. A very nu-onn uh. vein ha been struck and nlno fruh gn pookou. J. S. Hulott. phooognphor. Nnpsnoo. was here on Wednudny and Iocnrod uvornl ne view: of the woikn. One look in a bird 3 oye View of the work: with the O. T. R. out root puainu. from the roof of Mn. So all : reaidenoo. Another was taken afar the well ha! been cleaned and gun owing freely when I nntcb wu n plied md a snap ohot. taken no the vol wu burning with ung: high I the drilling room. We undonund l. umo oom- pany in nnduvoring to secure control of that tract. of country lyin bocwcon Links Mill: nnd Odo:-on. Al y Iovonl louu hum hnnn nnnnu-ad. MIIII nnd uau-nu. have boon secured. Th- nA- -Ogal Mil full Ilnnton to all Italian: In lhnsdmgood (II; on Ill tnlu Wcdnoodny. Novunbor IInndfl1Iundoy,Novcmbo: nub. Goodto nun luvlnc Institution not Inc: than lands). Nov. Mb. mo. Wilson on unev- bc . wan III in camp bywhlhv. lube Enrupn. On Fri- dny ovulugucnurhlnncngwuhold lnthoohuv.-thy Illolludcyuhool nohohn. Quiuanlnhurtrouhotohom n your excellent. memcme. ' Allen Outhoune, Justice of the peace. up: Ioenoertily that the |b0\'O amoe- ment. is true in every particular." hue bun noonroa. The now stool bridge our Big Crook nt Clout`: is completed. llon m...`.: lolIo-v:d -1-: so mum. Dr. Agnow n.Cnro forth Hart Inn porfoot Iollol in clients ol an-gun or sympathetic booth discus in thirty minu- hmnnd npoodilv ooou noun. 1: ha parka nmodot pslpibuon. shortness o! bnnth. smothering Ipolln. pain In loft ml. and sll symptom: ol I dinuod hurt. Omdnnmnvinml. Boldbv W. K. Iod- ca. tunupnng any on wry ht! In thin village. oul wt in 3-latch, was ohurvod vs: the also Agnawllooa sad I ). Iowan. olNov- bnnh. and in autism The mejority ol reople cured by Paine`: Celery Compound_ eel com lled to melxe publlo ebebemente with I v ew of benet- tin other sufferers. Cured people grate- ful y contribute important. toetlmony in order that the nick end elicted may cease nnendina monav fnr worthlen nrennntione oruer man me me: am: nnncwu may cause 9 nding money for worthless pre rntiona l. at can never eect. a cure. ruthful leavers coming from renble people. who mm to the worth of Peine'e Celery Com ' poun . have I mighty inuence for good. and are iully eppreoiubed By thinking men and women. J`. (`A--nknnrn Ir Al 'I`ivAv-tnn N H , and Ju. Couaboom. jr., 0! Tiverton, N. 8., says: Ilh uh... nnn n|AnhunAAnr`r` nnvhnnmnnv CUPS." "I can heartily recommend the use of Paine : Celer Compound to any one suf- fering from t e enme troublee. You have my beet wishes tor the future success of excellent medicine." Allan Outhoune. Justice mace. node and MI nympwuu on cannon nun. Ono don oonvinoou. Sold by I-w nnnonnnu in N. C. Pn|mn I. On. . I P Sun J I: to .35-Quantum 1. on. count o In I: In-rlodhl Oonrovulo. CIl'l IlVll.l.I, Dun. !.-'l`ln wash: in nryoold and the hllol Inowwohudn couple 0! Inch Ago undo II ho! that winter Ind Arrived. During the put two wont Ihovcuhothuhouu ohnnpsblo dnntfhnnhnnhznnnnv :Hnmmt.rnnI.. ed. Thnhgivl dc I qubtly vllrnp. 0 my IIII 5% IIVO % XII] 1!-I'Xl< _Ll-L la inn: `L-n-ad 40 BE9_-coA'rs Ill tfxhtl II III] I IIIIII "It giveamepleuuretoedd my teetlmon to the value of Pnine'e Celery Com un . For some years put I have eutfe from etomnch troublee. also pain: in the head. I tried many mediciuee that were recom- mended to me, but never received any benet from them. At leet I wee edvleed tonne Pnine`e Celery Compound. and be- forelhnd niebed the first bottle I ex- perienced: happy change. I continued ueing Paine`: Celery Compound till I had taken ve bottles, which mnde I perfect mnrn Unououoonvmooo. sonny w. n. |oynomnoHaoN.C. Polaontco. ad equnoe aajuumeniu. Hence the settlement by mean: of con- ciliation bu obtained privilege: which could not. be had in any other way. and Catholic: should pause and learn to ob- Ierle and respect. ouch KN olOlllOl'|lo Ind leave well enough alone. lest. the meme- ment. may be vnoatad and these concilia- tl0r privilege: pan out of existence.- I`. .. B. Paine : Celery Compound Does the Good Work After other Medicines Fall. ooeellletlon no Debt Plen. Kmon-rozt. Deo. 4.-('l'o the Editor): I notice in the deil re thet public meet- ` inge ere being d in the province of Quebec in 0 tion to the eettlemeut ol the Mani eohool qusetien; and no doubt euoh meetinge will he lergely et- tended et thie sleek time oi the r when eo meny leborere ere out of em oyment. Also Cetholioue" eeeme to be in his political war peint olemeroue for oonetitu- tionel righte, which in eynouymoue with ` equel ri hte given by the Menitobe eohool act of l 90. lot the imperial privy oounoil in their ret judgment fully deoleree that this act is etrio y oonetitutionel. eound. just end wiee. end thet ii the peoulier teeohinge oi echuroh oeuee dileulty the feult ie not in the lee. but in thoee who strive to mehe the lee impreotieeble. The eonetitution eeete upon the pro- vineiel legisleture the"'exoludve duty end power to mehe lewereleting to eduoetion, end the wt being in strict conformity with the oonetitution end eound. juet. ctioel end neoeeeary. bones the eot ol 18 is un- eeeeileble. , But the right to petition the governor- generel-in-oouncilie ever open. elthough the Cenedien supreme sourt held other- vriee. but thet en-oneoue deoieion wee re- vereed by the privy oounoil. Hence the right of petition oannot be denied; end the is the full tenor oi this last judgment. And my extra judiciel oonunenre outside of the ieeue in eppeel must be regerded ee obiter dicte or impertinent. The riv oouncil eeye the eppeel is well found . his is not dleputed. for the door of the oourt nmet never be oloeod ageinet the right to petition end have it heerd, end the_ alleged grounde must be inveetigeted by the government. Had the remediel bill of leet eeeeion of llement at Ottewe been peeeed it would ve been ultre viree. inoperetive end feroioel. for the eimple reeeon thet the dominion per liement could not repeal the Menitobe eohool eat of l890; nor oould thet perlie- ment do enything elee till elter inveetige- tion and dieoovery of come reel grievence arleing euheequent to or outside of that not. end which required redreee, and the Ottawa government hed iurniehed the Maniiobe government with that nding and the ree- eone foreouding end e reoommend for ad equate adjustment. Hence the settlement bv 'I-yl'IIIIL-SJ 'l`\JlI}II. Ctf:I'vdun run nxuuonoorau ?Vvlgm..mnnang lulu we-urn '3 Icon In-' lnnyfnv By a Justice at the Peace. Stitement conrmed Another Victory In Nova Scotla. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. BORING FOR OIL. In this ban! than thouundn of smut and bright woman In Ccnndn and that tho Diamond Dyan on gun and Impol-has help In oconomlni . With bhdr"sld. I an lnuhnnd. the chi and the mother . IIICKIIUIIII ll ? DI` SIX` DII\I IIIIFIIZIIU ll tho husband. an chi mother honoll can bohnndnonolydl-cuodmlthough nurly In tho olcthlng my be old unaud- nl d ad our. umnd Dvu nah Inch Innlnn And Llmportant For The Home. Diunona Una Inn non mung mu bnutilul colon that [code dyad with then cnnnotbouold tron now. Any one can ioturn will be luuod at Single First-Class Fare nor an "us-om uyu," u can up dycn an only poor iulhuono. Iwhvudnlt u "South of the Crown Point (rant ere three claim-. the Southern Crou. Wol- wrlne No. 2 and Iron Hill, on the llrst of which in a Crown grunt, owned by the ouihern Creel and Wolverine Con- eolldaied Gold Mining Compeny. On the southern Crou are two open cute and two tunnels, one 75 feet. the other ` 90 feet Ion], which are made in the very iron-eulned diorite to develop e well-defined lleeure. in which the ore ` in places widen: out from nothing to two or three feet of colic eulphldee. In the 90-100! or working tunnel. at ten feet. is encountered what. in probobly the Crown Point dyke. down Alon; which n winle wu eunk I feel with two or three feet of low-[I-eile pyrrho- me. copper pyritee. end blende. when water ceueed work to be stopped. On the Wolverine there in I lute exposure or iron-nteined rock with etringerl of sulphides. but no work he: been done yet to develop the conditions thet may prevell." , -_,._ L_,- .__n___n Then proportion hue been tendered us on I\l('h ntlstuclory term: that we believe we can ncoomplllh our purpoee And put them on n peylng bull At an early due. - .. _,,,,,_g,; ._ ___e. In nlno months we Iuccoeded In mak- lng the COLORADO GOLD HINING AND DEVIIDPIINT COKI-`ANY I ..,_..._.n _-.... -A _. 551-5 -. ..u. A. NU UIIIVEIAJIZIINL \.U-Ka\.n: . vldond-pnyC.nI V0 think In an do `I luv: DTIIIIII UOIIIITIDII. pcrtloulln M K. E P. and C. P. B-. 6 omoo Onurio uh-cot. . xwuh n. w. moon. Ant. lion. Pun. Act. (ion. Ihnnur. Fl NOW FAR.-FAIED BEEIIYDAS. with cubic oommnnlutlon And oquahlo ght temperature or novonty dccroon. has I memory and lo! mile: of good maul . lunar: o! the Brluh Anny Ind navy 0 vtllod In Its ntuutlnnon. romance`! 0 -arnlloont h-on ntuomen Orinoco or Idnd nu honn from New York. The hophnl hlnndn. Including St. Thomn. rm Onu. St. Kltu. Knnlnlqno and Burba- oos. 3 nord buutnl and Interesting Iolnml noohod by utenmnhlpn of the Quoboo liounhl column from New York. spam Onlua the nylon. loch J:-ury. cusuy-u;. Owing to the violent objections made by many of the subscribers of the COLORADO GOLD MINING AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to their names appearing as shareholders. none will be published by this company. The Bonn! of Directors, an it stands. is provisional and subject to ratica- tion at the first stockhoiderI' meeting. and at the same time the Board will he completed by the addition ot two more directors selected from among the sharehoidera, as the majority decide. The KOOTENAY will operate in the Dominion of Canada exclusively and particularly in the Trail Creek district of British Columbia. and the new On- terio gold ileide. We have control of some of the best properties in these districts. but our especial attention at the present time will be given to tak- ing up and actively developing the Southern Cross. Wolverine No. I and Iron Hili.owned by the Southern Crou and Wolverine Consolidated Gold Min- ing Company. Tluozee pmpertien udjoin the Crown Point. which. as everyone knows. is the moat iumouu properly in the South B-cl`. Al the present time they have probably 200 or 300 ion: of ore on the Crown Point ready to ship. which will average 868 per ton, also from 400 to 800 tom with an avenge value of 880 per ton. The following it taken verbatim from the oniolni report of William A. Car- iyle. Provincial Mlnerniogilt, to the Minister of Mines :- Thlu company In an Auxiliary Com- pany of the COLORADO GOLD MIN- ING AND DEVELOPMENT com- PANY. and will be under the name management and conducted on the lame line: as than which have made such a marked auccou of the parent company. ,..-__ -n-`A `c. s. HARTWELL, President. HON. CHAS. A. KEELER, Se l The business of the company as per `its charter.,tvill be buyin . ' . . . . g. sell _ , - g mining properties in he Dominion of Cdiigdaosdibllggl leasing, prospecting and developin where. Also the buying and selling, as principals or agent of the stocks bonds monk ' - `ages, deeds etc, of mining corporations ; also smelting, mining and assa ' . ' . . . . . W" etc. - business pertaining to the mining Industry. 9 g ' mid `my `l`" ------- - IIA .. _ HON. CHAS. A. KEELER. SUBMITTED BYOIIIOOQOOII STUDYING ECONOMY. J G N nnnnd Dyan Inning nnntllul union the rd: dv with than llut ubln. Don: Illd [Avon-pool. 351.50 and . ntnrn I100 and H10. Fooond t-shin. vorpool. `Derry. London m. stun, normal. Don-,v, Bollut. Glasgow, London. In In; found. 326.50. 0 H. B. Nu?-ruin will not call M Port- ts ugh`: % Ollvlohflohfllhlo .___4.;. A_.|.Jl._ DIAJI. . Full Paid Edd Non-A ssssss. ssssssssuss s KING STR ET EAST T0 { -. BIHIKBIS HIUKBIS. . .. PROSPEQ ms. .. Carpet Sweepers. Il-_L IN]. ununcau ua un: Lvalaynu]. | We have a large number of appii-a- tiona to develop. lease. buy and opor ate minink nropertiea all over this country. acme of them undeniably good. It in Iuoh. after careful examination by experts and engineer: and |[1pr0\' ed by us. that we take up. suu-uc,a lay that 97 out of every 100 who enter buaineaa tall. Can you imagine any auch number failing to secure [old by mining it they invented the aame capi- tal and applied the nine thought and work in that line `I `PEN THOUSAND DOLLAR! IN- VESTED IN OBTAINING GOLD FROM A MINE DIRE CAN PAY YOU MILLIONS i win. . _ . . . .. a_-..-.._- _ -L-_-\._ua-.. In All of which we hop [ginica unortmout. And Plano remember we handle in such qudtitieu that you are sure of bottom prices. | Indhlu ' 8 Inld. Ami will not out! thongs puunun. |McKELVEY a Blmjg Nice Litt|e`Things Suitable For Presgnts. In lIIEII' lllls |\.su. As we purchase only such propetiles as show an actual value and will yield I return on the investment. and dd not buy undeveloped "prospects." whose chief asset is "hope." the elemem or loss. so prominent in the svc-rage nin- inx venture, is practically done away with. Then, too, the co-operstionium der our plan of so much capital vlpuld allow of failure after failure Ingour developments. and yet enable us td pay a handsome dividend it only one mine out oi` 20 proved good. The xnaJy.;iy of miners have not suicient means. nor are they in a position to procure necessary capital to develop their claims, even after their value has been ruccessruily demonstrated. no that many of these properties can be pur- chased for iicures which are norsinnl in comparison to their true value} and we expect to develop is large number of such properties. ` -- . . n. ,,.,,,..i. You an not asked to nubaerim for Itock in 3 oompnny having but one or two claims which cost but a. few thou- und dollul. and were then caplunlxed at I million. 5 Imnll part of which was sold at Inch 3. price that more `than paid for all the chums. including de- velopment work. leaving the omomi of the compsny with a majority of th-- Itock at no cost to themnelvcs. hula, and you are entitled to your Ihuro oi. the profits from nil properties now belonging to the company. or thni it may Acquire. und your proportion will be in Jun. ouch ratio as th-- nmount you have invested. as no Mock is set aside for an omcer or director. except as it in subscribed and paid tor. the name an by any other nhnreholder. and I." are equal participants in thn prom: us their interests may Appear. Under our pun all ntnnd on an equal 1 This In worthy of your Ierloun con- sideration. (or until the COLORADO GOLD MINING AND DEVELOP- MENT COMPANY was brought out never before did the small Ihareholdor hnve an equal chance with the pro- moter: of the company. nr- |._..- - 1---- _.._.|.-.. -n ___u.... nuu -l|l.aaaA\IA1v I When you hecuno n shareholder In thin company you are an much of I minor in proportion to your Invest- ment as though the title was voded In you direct. on every dollar [on for tho promotlon of the launch at the who]. company. L KID I Lucd and Buttoned. Eve A . pair reliable, at 81 and 01. Beautiful Dedgno, 40. Fancy B10115` 5oc.75c.9oc,a1. 31.25. Down Coslcs and pnym, sumac. equally us well. If not better, wltli tho KOOTENAY EXELORATION (Xm- PANY, LIMITED, an the nronelea we have are of well-known nprn. which need but proper developme to mute them among the beat prod V ern In their dlurlcta. ' - 7*-.. _....L. nu-nnnhlnn ;:s_AAAtAI2|rs:~uRsL.% .mS'ec.-Treks. Nickel-Plated Kettles... .I_-L `- R. wi.1 %_ :bB'oN. o I \Jub` C -t-----. K 1. GRANTFLYMAN, Vice-Presiclcm reins. E. JACKFON, Supt. of Mines. " .DIRl!lO'1`ORS. . . C. S. HAR'I`WEL... J. GRANT I Y ' `lWe'a"t' `Shoppers. Raisin Seeders. Jelly Moulds. Z KOIUUUJ Pocket and Table Cuery. runny ncuusvn \u-uguu uuuug \IIua. --unr- It In an certaln an the sun nhlnen that If the mlnea In llrltlnh Lfolumhln and other favored parts of the l)umln- Ion prove one-quarter part In guml MI experts and mlnlnu onglneerll rt-purl thm to he that we shall see one of the zrenteut booms In mlnlnu pru|wx'- tleu thla country has ever an-n. uuml. bad and lndlm-rent wlll advance. but ll` the Investor wlll he a llttle consor- vatlve and look Into the scheme that In presented to hlm. atudylng Ila pun!!- bllltlen of prot. and (ulna In at thn` heglnnlng. he may rent assured that prot: Iurely awnlt him. A thnumml per cent. prot over the actual mat In only a falr return In mlnlng. Already the orlglnal shareholders of the C0l.nltAI)0 GOLD MINING AND l)EVIEI.0PMF}N'l` COMPANY um da- rlvlnx an lncomo at the rate In! 60 nor cent. per annum. That rnnlpllly ox- a_._a.a- lA_ ____ .....A unI.. "I n n: I unu The discovery of the CI-nv'n Paint`: Bonann on the (`omnmvk Ludo ad- vanced the price or its amok within a yelr from 82 I nhare to 81,826 umi lifted Itock of Bc-icher. the ndjolnimr mine. from 81.50 a Ihuro to 81,525. men the capital stock was W0" "\\'nior-d" and the price per share in-cums pm- portionately ieu. During liw ya-urn thin mine paid out nearly $18,000,000 in dividends. .I._\_. ___u_.._ __.n_._. .... .u., n-._. -u v nu;--un. Alpha. another mine on lhu- (`om- atovk Lode. nuntuated lwtxu-1-n'3:l and $1.570 per share wlthln \'e ye-urn. with many leaner chnnxoa during that llme. It I. .. ..._o-I.. ..- cl... -.... ..\.I....- [IO s1ne'e1.' va'oN 3-30-07 OVER-CAPITALIZATION, WITH A LACK OF SUFFICIENT 'l`RFiABUl(\' STOCK TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR PROPER DEVELOPMENT. RUINS MORE COMPANIES THAN ALL OTHER CAUSES COMBINED. Every share of this company's I-tuck In (reauury stock, and ALL mm: for development purpnueu. Instead of unw- tenth: of It romuinlnz In the hands ml the promoters at no (-031 to themnvl\'vn. up has been done by the Average min- ing mmpnny. The prots from legitimate mlnlnu are enormoul and the Iiuvtmnlunn In the value of stock: nlmoal beyond Im- llef. 1.12:1` Us LOOK AT A rmv Ex. AMPLEB: _ mg- ; . _ , , _ _ _ ,, .. .. A . .. . .. per Intro. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND SHARES HAVE AL- READY BEEN TAKEN UP AT THIS PRICE. .u,_.,_-_:_u.._ |.....|.- gnu Dunn! nnnn nr Bulmcrlptlon book: In now open A! the 011109 of LOWNBBROUGH Q CO.. banker: nnd broken. I! King street cut. Toronto. Ont.. when J. GRANT LYMAN. Mannulnu Director. will be pleased to receive your nubaorlnllolr. No certlncuo will be Iuued for lean than !00 shun. .u___-- -.. no nm In! vnhun n! II. than 100 IIIIIVI. share: are of the par value or 31, run plld and non-uunublo. and sub- Ject to no further call. Corruponlnuoo lnvuod. _,' lrI'Avr1|A\I|Aun4n1n \, ` . . . . . . . ... ... ... pecta to double ltl present mm of dlvldonda early In the new year and when the Improvements. now under way. nre completed. It will be four tlmen the present amount. up- L._n-..- Ilsa l lnn"l`lI`.NAV RY. times In!` pron-m nnluunl. We hellevo the K()()TENAY EX- PLORATION COMPANY. LIMITED. will be equally uuoceuful. and invite you to join us. nnd should he planned to receive your auhncrlpllon for my number of nlurcl desired. Price We Ihnre. nuns HUNDRED AND FIFTY JA8. RBDDEN & CO. bvuuuullolllld lnmldlnn. .. 69 & 7| Brock Strut. KINGSTON. GRANT LYMAN. :l.`:a Trays. THWKSWNF W B00 to uni Tmploa. January . I1 and February uni I18! vb, am.-Inun namnhlon and duuo Oysters in their natural juice. -Fresh shipments regularly. When you buy a pint ora quart from us, you can feel to a certainty that your pur- chne will prove eminently satisfactory. We guarantee t II. hunky. Nov. um. um. loyll flnll Stoonulllpn. Llnrpool (ollllng at Iovllle). Portlnnd. Ha runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N: eura-Cougha- Iiuawouvhvn iiacts - nape STORE -_l|...Ll\..-. Q 3.:RMUDA-... -.n nnnanvs nun: Rh oouahlo k . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . , _ , _ _ VICTORIA WARD. Cw: TRAVELL NO. J. P. HLNLIY. Amt. C. IIHJUR OUTIRBBIDGI I Broadway. New York ol one. An-rrivn IUTT tut lnlpbtlluu. 60'. A" z . N I Kit x:....eo...'om'.' AKIBH. 8eo'y. Quebec. prunry Im- lon duct ol OUTIRBBIDGI n. Nan Ynrk. or EIIUBIIJUK 7 or Annivn Hnllfbx. ...Nov. In 5 mm made any Illch allusion to myeeu an I do in thin ltatement. I know New York thorough] ; I am well n uainted with the police epertmente of hot citiee; I know the points oi their weakness and their ntrength. In the last twenty-ve ears I have had better opportunities for nowing the individuals and meterinle of which both departments are composed than eenntor Ruinee line. He iieitu the city occasionally during the months that the legislature in in eeaeion, when. on I member of A committee appointed by the senate, he ooinee here to invcati ate some one or some thing. Two or time day: are used up in the investigation, end on the information than gntlured theypredi- cate their report. With me. the personnel and doings of the police are manor: of dl intion. Up early in the morning, to bed I e at night. and thin with on no . quninta with the heads of the depart- ment, put: me in I poeitinn to know what I am writing about not enjoyed by every- one, mil I emphatically declare that eon- ator Reinen in mistaken. and that his etetement in not true. TL- Aiinuuloina in II`: -1Il nl nnllnnllnn ne Accepted rrorn uuune. Referring to the chorus: made by senator Rnlnee, ol the polioeolblew York or Brook- lyn affording protection to 4.000 or 5.000 uloona within 3 radius ol ten miles `of thin city, I don t. believe it. Senator Raine: in on honest man. 3 worthy gentle- nnu, whose intentions are of the very best, respected and honored by all who know him, but he in opt to put too much reli- ance on the loose etatements of men whose investigations have been on protleea as hi: own. I l.-..- ..-....- :.. o|.:..5.. um... at inn-rm. mu Ihnve noverin thirty years of journal- linm made Inch allusion to myeoll I do in this nmtnmant. Iulomonl. ll nut. Hue. Tho diicultiao in the way of collection an than of which I spoke before the bill boeuno I luv. and which will continue to trouble chem ll long as the court; rule as they do. The bill IHOVI hotels to nerve sarong drinks on the Chriutinn Sabbath, but only to quota while At. mesh: and right. hon Anson I number of oxooodingiy troubluomo quouionu. I-`int, what. in n howl? what. in I guest! And, Iucly, who: in a meal? Ono npionl. jud a. who-no lnowlodgo of Blncluono. or 0 upon Lyman. ll on-ictly oonlnod to the out.- Iido of In covers, compounded with hi: ooucionoo. by dociding that Anything in I IIQII that Iunod lube apposite. from n bun undvioh to n Fnnifurut mango. A angst. -an A normal: tnrnnnrnrilv nnhnr. IIOIIOIDOOOIIIIIIIII nouns lap! lot I. noooauodcolon ol truulom. noun or In- volun With such I Ilbonl ruling and nllownnco. no wonder that the police gruv Laredo! 56 Inning srruu which the casino at tho count Innodiculy nullied. II. b nmlmlv Imp wank: Hum I mlim DGICII N 53 outrun Iiioaluoly numnou. It In unholy four wooko oinco n polioo ovum-iooionor Iron Oalilonlo no u vioit. Ho bod boon lnvoling lovot tho wa'ld.ono loot ol ohootvuion. lot tho pnrpnooolooooruiniog it thoro In: any polieo nyuonhocoorthon thoir own. Moor I on-it-ion! annoy at all tho gnu oilior o! In and tho United Eaton. ho unequi- y owudoll tho palm to Brook] n, which ho onnoidorod tho moot podyoct poliuo oystan In tho world. hr nrpuoing artsy P: :1 coho: in tho Uuno:'8m.o-. nun-no man 0 ant 4,!!!) non. notvlolotondlng oono non|do'ooIo.nolo|lyoIuooqoolulsn oohor Mlwnou. Ioho loondhoho the nor- viodonyoonuryh Ihovol-Id. moot nl -hhx lojllullli nliho for (}otham s wearv millions. While he was tnhing care of the money of Gravesend he was a liberal patron of the church, and the pastor, in speaking of him when the question came up of ranting him rdonashort time ago. be are the cone usion of the term for which he was sentenced. bore testimony to his christian character. and spoke particularly of the liherality of his donations to the church, and appealed to have perfect condence in him still. notwithstanding the crimes of which he was convicted and which led him to rtates prison. lf the minister had reflected one moment alter MoKane s con- viction. hemust have knovmthatthe money John Y. McKane gave the church was stolen, and that a curse must follow it in- stead of sblessing. It is an axiom. almost as old as the 501.10 < MEAT oysnans. awnu ol Anleumg. [Ha axiom. Anglo-Saxon Inn ungo, that the receiver iau budu the t. id. It coruinl look: had in nan ILA lnnnl that nhnr I din. II as aw at one mm. 1:. cerulnl noon bud. $01: the hut, tint. After {to covered bio chnnctot of the mun with whom he had been dealing, that he never nuempted tomnho restitution olthe money he wcoptod lrorn Mclhno. Rofarrinnv to Lha nhnruou bv n nan unavnon no uunuurur nuggo. I ponon tpmponrily enur- A was Mi M a an or blic homo, and I boulbodcrnzdun nun kept for tho urns-nndnllnn ll tmnkil. Inll or gig duo! via .S'`" .. 'I Xffllj Inn to was So- dputynr lu- hu"hnn ndnna.k: becuon, vncnour. wmcn mey coulu ooo ex- ilt one hour. What a state of affairs! Are we never to get rid of the rum power? In into dominete every department. of the government. end even to follow us into our nncbunry when it becomes a power potential? In the time of trouble. when the world potenman trouble. forsaken us, where shall we turn? There in but one lace where we can always be sure of po act. rest and peace, and yet. we find this haven of rest invaded, and the shepherds who should care for us and guide III, false to their trust. and worship- nino Baal. When John Y. McKane was at J. P. IAILIV, A 0. Grand run! station. > J. P.G|IaIDIIIl4IIVI. Agent. 1 (I Olnnncu Strut. guide raise so snelr trust. and worsmp- ing Baal. When John Y. McKane iberty and was known as the Phoo Bah of Coney island, he was the Sunday school superintendent of the only Methodist. church in that delightful watering place for Gol.ham millions. un.u.. 1.- _.- ...i.:.... ...... ..t n.. ........n munonl more. If there are over 4,000 uloonu that pay no license in I ndiue ol ten miles from this city, how many are there in the length Illd breedbh of the state. from Chautauqua to Montnuk, and from the lake: to the see? But the most. startling feature of eenebor Raineo revelat.ionie, that hechnrgel the lioe wish alfording these uloona pro- ` toe! on, without. which they could not ex- ht ona hour. Whnf. A mm; of affairs! Are no bemoan 4.000 Ana o.uuu uloons, mu. no lioemo whatever. and which. if oo looted honestly and id Into the scam lrouury. would "roll 1'. orevennea several million: [I thgnu -nu nun: A nnn nnlnnnl that ngu II 0| BIC IIIPX I Iirlul l)loolpllnorbn-1'Iee.Io[lv|lt Dey `I'M: leu lore Oenereuv obeerved `lien lornerly. (speplol Ooneepondenee. Letter Nos. 10:8.) New You. Dec. 4.-Some month: ego, when the life of the Reine: excise bill VII trembling in tcbobolencennd the vari- oun oonlioting interests nlfeoted by in peuege. were lightin fortoheirlivee and were pouring out the r money like velar todeleeuit. I ventured to euggeeb am very few dollare of the money collected would reach the nuclear county treaouriee, and lurthermore. that a hundred way: would be dieoovered to but it, and that it could nevel-be entirely enforced. At. the: time theeetlmwed revenue, erieing from- the chen e, wee between live and an mil- lion: 0! ollere; instead of which, up to the present. time. the receipt: have emounted to over eleven milliom. or more than twice no much on Inn originally euimeted. But. now come: the eeurzlimr reveletion mucn ongnmmy eaumuou. But now come: the startling from Mr. Raina hiunolf. that within A ndiun of ten miles from the city hull, there between 4.000 And 5.000 uloons, that. nnv nn Iinnnnn whnlmvnr and whit-h. if POLICE OOMMISSIONER OF CALI- FORNIA IN NEW YORK. . nu: was mu AGAIN] ' TMq.m --Hondnyu. Wodnndnn nnd Fri- a(|||.mAIin I run point. III and Britln Colnmblu. Ian ....u...n... . It A. P nu! 4" II R. rooklyn In Doolnod to Ban tho loot I'oI'loeI'PolIoo Dylan In the World- -n..` Hnn 1:! un Inrnn n Ilrlnl Don`: CPOIIIO Antngnnlun. BERLIN, Dec. l.~The Hnnover Anni- .gor says that the emperor paid 1 visit. last. evening to the Hanover riding school where he nddreaeerl the young nicere Hi: mo- jeety. in the oouroe of his remarks, de- plorod the act of Lieut. Baron Von Brune- witz who. I short time ngo. avenged an insult by running I civilian through with his sword in I cute at Cnrlerupe, And can- tioned the oieore ninet doing anything to create Anugonilm between the oifioer oorpe and the aivitun clue. Any how, he said. oicere had better not show any feel- ing 0! nnugoninm toward ctvilinna. lo Icvonno Jlaglnlutlon Llkoly. Cunmt, Ohio. Doc. 4. -- Ex-governor Nelson A. Dinghy. of Maine, who ro- lnqlnod` ovot night :0. major McKinley : hobo: in not.-oonl. 0! I noun cokI.lIuo ` noel: both! that ho loft at. throo o'clock this sllorooon lw Washington. Boloro his dopu-Into Ilv. Dinghy remarked that to tho oomploxion ol thooonouhodnot changed it did nouooln vary prohblo that uni nvanuo loninlntion would ho mooted get. the beneut. or my experience. I um not I philentho in, nor do I pose no In enthueiut, but. I. ere Ire thouunde of men nufforing the mental torture: of weakened menhoou who would be cured at once could they but get. such in remedy en the one that cured me. Do not try to study out. how I can afford to pay the few postage (Lamps neceeeary to mnil the in- formation, but send for it, and learn that there are in few things on earth that nlthough they cost. nothing to get, they are worth a fortune to some men and mean A lifetime of hn)pineee to most of/ue. Write on Thomas B Mar. Box I97. Kalamazoo, Mich.. end the information will be mailed in A plain sealed envelope. IIIIIIIIIII Ell I'IIIIII'Io Digtrening kidney end bladder dieeuen relieved in six houre b the "South Ameri- can Kidney Cure." his new remedy is a rent. surprise end delight on eoooum. 01 Ill exceeding mptneen in relievin pain in the In der. kidneys. back an every per! 0! the urinary p-wage: in mule or lemnle. XI. relieves retention of water end pein in peuingitnlmoetimmedieuly. H you tum! 1 nick reliei Ind cure this in your remed . Id by W. H. Medleyuuoceeeor I11 N I Pnlann A (Em rolnou aolaoy vv.x lv.oN.. Po|aon&Oo. onnngoa nu ma nouoon my pronuuo mu any nvoouo legislation would In thin winca-. (hr: on It. . .- . Dlubouu. Bright`: Diuuo. Kidm . Urinary 0| Lint Complaint; oumoc. . contracted by you at {our family it Hop Bltun no and. and i you nlnndy have ua{ol lhuodbuo Hop Bmn It the on y uodlcino Ihurill voly can you. Duh l thin. Md '3 got one pul- od up no that rm only has you. lllu Elan l llulhlla Painful diseases are bad enough. but when a man is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness. the mental lorebodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There is no let up to the mental sulfering day or night. Sleep is almost impossi ls. and under such a strain men are scarcely responsible tor` what they do. For years the writer rolled and tossed on the troubled sea 0! sexual weakness until it was a question whethe ho had not bet- ter take a dose of pwhnd thus end all his troubles. But idential inspiration came to his aid -in t e shape of a combina- tion of medicines that not only oompletely restored the rzeneral health. but enlarged his weak. emaciated parts to natural size and vi or, and he now declares that any man iv 0 will take the trouble to send his name and address may have the method of this wonderful treatment free. Now when I say free. I mean absolutel without cost, because I want every wea ened man to get the benet of experience. I am not a nhilanthnniat. nor do I nose T1 THE METHOD OH GREAT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNBS3 OF MEN. happy. .,, Force back your tears, forget your aor- rowa. be young once more. and Iejoioo once again in the Yuletide of the present: it may be the lent.--B1u).urnmM. - lII.. tol&roo{I 0! mu. 0 . onlounlannd in days. I00-pogo booth-oo._ WHICH CUBID HIM AFTER EVERY- 'I`lllNll IIJII` ULIIIII, com naamon. T 9 day paused quietly. the poor were not forgotten and even the prisoners in our jails enjoyed A turkey dinner. We are buy just. now cnbinet making for McKin- ley. but we are waiting ilietruobions from Canton. In all Hm 4--mgr. nl-AI-An um an. alul nicrnn Uunton. In ell the rent store: we see glad signs of epproeoing Chrietmae. Wonderful and beeuuiful are the display! that delight not only the children elone; older lolh nd mething to dream about And talk ebo . when time rolle back in nderoul wheels, and we revel in the Yuletide ol the long ago, when lile wee young And hnnnv. Uemornwe e Ienuna tribute. Thenkegiv ngdey received emore rel oheervenoe then he: been peid to it here ' for many yeere. In the olden time, before the Itetee were formed into e single union, Thenke ring wee regerded ee eepeoiell e New nglend feetivel. Chrietmee. Ivhici wee held in euoh reverence by the Englieh end the Dutch, received no epeciel observ- enoe from the New Englender, while he would trevel thoueende of milee end enh- mit to ell kinde of herdehipe to I nd Thenkegiving dey et home. Aside rom ite eociel oheervence, it hed e etrong re- ligione cherecter. It wee not only e eee- eon of thenkegivimr for the bleeeinge of the penning yeer, hut it more eepecielly represented the deliverenoe of their fethere fromthe houee of hondege, when they fled from their netive lend to Holland, end even there, where relizioue liberty wee one of their proudeet boeete, the pilgrim fethere found the reetreinte no great the!) `oven love end ion eeeocietion could not endure them, not ey foreook old friend: end ever thing thet bound them to the peat. en daring stormy eeee end eevege foee. eought e home in the wilderneee, where the freedom to worship God efter their own feehion wee deemed euicient compensation. The dev neeeed nuietlv. Door lutmon uouuo I . ......{1.. In n.'!:.'.`.....' ." "' % CASTORIA &.IOl.nl| oouunll auhglso pal _ ,62_ -'!u'.'2.':E nhsn FREE EA_C_H MONTH A H3933 3-75-`L-!a"r""'i'si*'!t policeman. end no unueruwou one wuma of the department. On assuming oom- uend he gave the lame under him in un- derstand that every man on the force vould be expected to do his duty. Strict. discipline was the order of the day. and` aim in when bu eecured fur them who California : lendid tribute. Thenhgiv ngdey emoregonenl Our nel hbors scrossbhe river. withs single h commission, hs_ve done bet- ter. snd yet. the pdiioe bhst received thso splendid compliment from the Gslifornisn commissioners little over two years ego was in s worse state of disornsnisstion thsn we sre st present, but Mr. Welles, the present oommissioner, is a strict. dis- oiplinsrisn, snd when he took commsnd. he (ound s demorslined force, end an aged superintendent. holdin the position from which nothing but. gesth could remove him, unless he resigned. Moor the roil- rood riots which kept the city snme for ssversl dsys, he sent. in his resignation, snd snew superintendent. wsn sppointed, Mr. MoKelve . He had been on ideal policemen. sn he understood the wsnts of the densrtment. On asaumimz Anon! youu use 1 mos unnunu mg whiuand gnltl onunl. :0 IL Ile- n Klnpuactpntvuouu. Anal yould | ale; Qriotnu u-an-A -KM;-Qgululn-nn-nI at`. `In. FREE TO EVERY MAN. --'\Ei=3E3'} A / An;-._____-nn_ so Chnrfond Accountant In china 0! Bull- nunlkapnrlmont. Vertical and 8 noulu: writing taught. PH.unn'n Short and la- ntruotur mnllovl on ncolrt of price. 0150. ram] 101- "Pr-smvo Proo " regarding tho nupulorily of QM: oolloqo. Addnu. JOHN B. IolAY. IlnnQo|I.0I|. gnaloul. (Ivan hnnon`f|. Plan onnon Oocnurpo n O I nos. 3 Iunh not. Canada PEI??? Railways