Fr'&'n'ThT.7'- Starting Point III won surly nun. Tho annual mootin nrlrul nnnintv -An In-I l'I. H.U., IBOV. U. UII'DWl'|`lIi. he rotirin pruidono returned thank: Inombcn o thc nooianv for the Amiga. * of Kinglton his 1 Int. mmninn in 89.. u vvn us: I- nu u--an-v nun-Iv-uu' sun: .1 I the work. and r. Gillespie wont to drive it. uny. An ho bohind tho Inimul that was being a own. it hiohd. striking him on the loft um I link below thoolbow and braking bout bond. Tho lrnctnn II I nrioul one. Dr. Abbomwillinm Itnot. wu mllod and not the brohn bonu. Ho data not nnuolpnu any notion: outcome at the accident. I13 II I -||IKly IIVIOW H X K . non cannot 3 hp tunic d vidhn vouldhoutnchd. Holhinhlhuihho nllrvuunhdoulortwodnyusho any woulduuulybonblolocnn lcallvlo wuldhhcnhwltooo Ibo autumn: llIjC'ijICwIo TiosIhndnnuuA||Isbh`h;ArnniI uncut. hold so 8!. Pnranholnun oklnvnmnnnnnullnnna-n-inn,-an IUUIIIIIII III JIIIII IIIIIUIPIUI Yeeherdey afternoon John Gillespie. fnrmer, who reuldee on the Point road eome diounoe lrom thin city. not with an Accident that will lay hnnu for eqme Mme to come. Mrs. J. Homage. of this city. hnd driven out. to Mr. Uilleepiele re eidence durin the afternoon to look at I colt. be we: eeiroue ol purobuin . She decided to buy theemmehsnd Mr.( illeeple not his eon to work to show it, previous to In new owner taking it uuy. Another colt wu plnyin about. interfering with the work. And Oillnnle went. drive `IUCK II LIIUPUICU Uh This will be agnndopportdnity to secure seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. Sales for cull only. Call and see us. IIII luv UWIIUI I-nu: Iv awn . aunn-nun ab:-at. it. Away. An In mid bchind Lin nnhnnl \lI'IIlu VUIIIITI III at. --I , I. Grand veepere were sung in St. Mery'e oethedrel Ieet evening. efver which the benediction of the holy eecrement wee im- perted. The einFing by the choir wee very ne, eepeciel the rendition at the "0 Seluterine" en the "Tentum Ergo." The elter wee profueely illnrnineted with wexen tepere end colored lighte. Thie morning et the eerly meee there wee e lerge number 0! cornmunicente. During the dey numbere ot the con regetion viewed the oaithedrel end pr-eyed lore the hnle um-ement. which wee exnoeed in the vmtea use ouneuru Ana pnyeu nelore UII holy sacrament. vhlch wu elpoeed tabernacle. The erchhinhop ided. On Thuredey evening the lorty our: will be concluded with the recltetion ol the litany, the benediction ol the eucnment and the Te Deum. The oeremonieo will be one o! the most impressive and beeutilul ol the ritual ol the church. UIlIIllIIll' Illlnur J-u Issac. The bnunr and upper. given b tho ladies of the congregation of (lb; men church yesterday sfbornoon And ovoning. proved very successful. Durinu the afternoon tho 33190! the n riouu proved uuooeuiul. During erbioleaon view wenbbriekly on, end theonly lull in the business done we: when refresh- menu were served. Need Ieu tony than were of the very beet. end received lull juetioe from those present. After eupper A short musical programme We: rendered. Quite eneenum we: realized from me ale 0! the different Articles disposed of in the banner. 1'. -IIIII III -INDIIDIIIII At. the your! meeting of the Sons of Scotland, [or t. e election of officers the following oloere were elected: Chief, R. J. Mecbowell. M-elected; ohiealn. Mr. King; che lnin. R. Fleck; eecreury. J. Meeeey: nenciel uoreter . D. Spence: tnuurer, D. Oibeon; mere ell, Mr. Gul- Iuore; nmnderd bearer. Thomas Mackenzie; senior guard, Mr. Henri); junior guard, Mr. Ceruwell; phyeicien. r. Hereld; ipe- mujor, Mr. Scott; pipere. Mean. ec- Doneld and Clerk. Come To our Bargain Du lulu On Thursday. Everyhhing At cost price, no matter what. you require. Rich- mond & Co. W. J. DICK & s0N.( 'l`IlO]'I'I IJQIIIII IIIIIIIIII uluq Commencing on the dc lm! P. 0. Small oouod active duty :1 oonnoction with the the local police force the rquulnlng members ol the form have. each man ln hi: turn, been doing double duty, which mum tlnt the men do twont. four hours duty each It I utrotoh. '1` ln Into of Alin will continue until the nowly-up lntod mombor. R. Weir. boglm duty on nnunry lot next. A Indnlgm ouy. A resident. of Catnrequi wnrdn 3 he was onnvueod by An nldermnn oendi Ito alter midni ht Saturday. The candidate or weed imeelf by undying be had hit regular buaineu to atten to and no the other candidate: were oenvuaing he was [mood to do likewise. The only time he oould de- vote to the work we: after hourl, when he tried to see u mnny 0! the elector: an pou- eible. "Our Oonulno Inlo." Hnve you taken sdvnntango of it? If not, do I0 now. Everything at oou price. Richmond & Co. rnyllauy unns. A olblun upoaklng of tho local poncooo referred to it u I unlurlulp for old and lnllrm rnons. No leu chm the ol the clerk: IVO phyulcinnl certificate: to the elfoct. that they are physically unfit for night. duty. This throws the night; work wholly upon a low nnd the tank I! not by any mean: evenly distributed. Wool 0! Prayer. The sub ecu for the west at pnyor no : Monday. nnunry 4th. Thanksgiving Ind Humiliation; Tuesday, The Church Uni- versal; Wednesday, Nntionl and their Ruloro; Thurodny, Foreign Minions: Fri- day, Home Mission: and the Jews; Sunr- dny, Funillu And Schoola. IIIVI Ill! DUI: I IIu- I Thou lovoiy silk out-mm. the moat. Iorviooublo puunt you can make. We no olforin sham as con: price during our bu-gnin u 0. Richmond & Co. `Xian Prounu lot Dry Goods Ihoppon. III- ___ ..m.-:._- -..--uA|.l..a- `A numb. "- HUW -I1: Running in price` from 83 50 So I9'|uva been added to the stock of George Mill: E .00., 170 Wellington mus. next. door to W|ldron I. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9. 1896. $12,000 `worth of Boots, Shoes, q Trunks " Valises nnnany Bu-[Ill nay. Everything nu out prioo, no mutter what you roquin. Richmond 8 Co. .U0.. IN WI Wnldn-on I. . UITIIKEII lfll IIIII Uilluitle Lergest. nook. greatest variety. lowest rioen. B. Uglow & 00., mooeeeon to - ohn Henderson & 00. `Open every even- Allhcfh-nrlndluppg. g-AA-Ag-mg -5 All I.l.A.J L...`- (ll-and Vapor: In It. Inryw. ....4 ..--....... --... ..n.- in it I Aoeldonl `to John ulllouplc. A-_J-.. .'|--._. ._ l_l._ IHII II FIIIIIIII ll)! wry uuuuu -nvyyu--o '0 an offering oven-ythln to coat I at our bu-gun. ulo. Rohmond`& They're Dolng Double Duty .....-....:..... .... oh. .1... alum 1 Ohtlotnu outdo Ind onlundnn. A_-L __.-L--L `nu OITY A; D VIOINITY. CLEARING Bun You Icon `nun `P -lIA. _.._L-l_g I` loll low lnnol. _ :_ .._:__v l..._ D` Ill Physically unlit. -....|.1.._ .1 AL; Inn: nr upoumg us nun. , . Tho Ind uooung M the on oounuil ol 1 I800. WI! Info: Ilondny. sunny uh. IIW. But. In tho municipal olootiom uioplooo oaths da . tho dnufor an ncoclng will have to chanpd.uiHo htdly prohblo that an olocuon o! the novoouncil undanntingoltbo oldooo illlbhnldonlhnnnndnln. Icvoncuh 00 no Poup|o-'hnI'l`Io:An nnhignnnug-. yin. -II II uwv UII mu uloy oonmuoa `om oto. 1: won onotbor oooo ol "loch gold." R. Uglow 8 Ca 0 ovory ovoning. Purooo. lotto! Iv lou. cor tlckot. ooooo, bill boob ond bond ntoholo at Milcholro. Tho Domlnlon Churchlnon and Chumh Evongoliut. ninoo tho publication at oonon 8 I Iolon boloto synod dologouo at ontnol. Inllodutlugly condemn biohop Sullivan`: oritiolom oo nncollod for. Non than tho old poolniol con omign pooplo for opoollng in homo Tho Ind nnun: M tho our nmmnil n! nowoouncu nnaunnung on willboboldonnnunodoto. All u-gggh in -_ nnnnuonnix HAINES &lEK[1Tl wm on non: on I00 sun out. All nut in an opportunity to abut you ocrphool of `Xmas novoluu. puma. nthnn. om. Ihnnl-ion will all uhnn. lhcnllnlhj. Wilda Natalia h moving into M: cl- dnl nddonuu Rolulnllh. Iorylvilb. Inland. Ionoovury nngu. A box lled with rusty fragment: 0! rock bu bun lying at the K. & I . ah- tlon for 5 lonxsllno put. An onlighunod farmer broug I. the "npooimom" to the city from thobuok oountr in the bolls! that tho] oonhluod gal It "loch told." n. A. mru. mo mun wno ulmmou so huvo boon robbod on Monday night, sold his effect: to I Iooond~bnnd dealer yester- day And took hm departure for Cape Vin- cont. N.Y. He came: to Kimnmon nlaw any mu won nm aoporwro tor unpo vin- cont. He cum to King-won ulow d: I ago no nuand I social function. ow silver goods. R. Uglow & Co. During our cheap sale we will olfor I splendid nngo 0! line overoonta. made the umou order work. in beavers. maluonu. French nappo and friclo. ll. prices to defy oom mion. Z. Provo-t.. New You Clo lng Shore, Brock strut. Tho nnvor nu-vim in unmn nu-not uloumng awro, urocl nrut. Tho yor union in Queen nurse! Moth in church bu boon withdrawn this evening in hvor ol the miuionnry nddnu in 8 donham attest. church by Rev. J. E. (h inor. The Sunday ochool board will moot. in Quoon nmnt. An 8 n.m.. n u- llIl'IllIIIl'. Ill. aunuuy IOIIOOI DOIHI I moot. Queen not. an 8 p.m.. n nnncd. as. U. numnou. At the January meeting of the historicul society Dr. Wnlkom. Q.C., will read I pot on the only fortication! of Kings- ton. dealing largely with those at the dock yard or inc Frodcriok. Blue bbon Ian. J. Craig E 00. Black or blue hoover overcoat. nude to mouun with volvot collar and wool lining, I18. Dunlop {or clothing vnluoo. King St... south side. Romomhar Sb. Anchor`: lnuur in (`.it.v non In H p In. ammeelon to which I! I00. The Colline Bey rehing company bu secured en exheneion of time in which to oomplete their connect of laying waver plpee in Toronto harbor and their plant. Ie now bein laid up for the winner. New ei ver goode. R. Uglow & Co. Mn)-orehy oendidetae expreee regrets thee the ennounned vieit of the Duke 0! York to Cenede bu been cencelled ee they en: in the dim lutnre the pouillllity of I lemilier title Sir John" deeoending upon one 0! them. I-I A :3. el.. ...-.. _|... ..I...'._-.l 5.. II I Uh Kld Olovu Inn and 150. on un Icahn nluu. cm. a um. Punouger tnio on the different. rail- way: that oontro hero in very light. at present. It. in u had. however. that trnvolduring the hrimnu vncnbion will be unusually heavy. Parlnmoa. norluman--Sn our ant. win. oo unununuy nonvy. Porlumos, porlumea-Soe our out. win- dow for an 010 Ant nuoremont. of lunch. English nn domestic porfumel. E. O. llltcholl. Lt. OLA .'Al||l|II1 nunatina 1.! 0|`; kl-5:.-innl lung 5!... Ioucn IIGO. Remember St. Andrew`: bnzur in City Hull. Than-dny, Don. l0t.h. Dinnlr at l2:30; an M6 p.m.. uoroo tionn uhibi Mon to 8 admiaaion to hich in I00. Thl Collin: Rnv nltimr nmnnmnr hn aanea no nu unein at. r.. U. Miwneua. Your wife would like a pair of hand- some curbalna lo niuh her drawing room. Handsome rllk. damuk or chenille ourbaina at R. MoFaul'a. Fancy lemons. J. Craig & Co. 0! courao all the youn people in the city will want to wromenade con- cert, Levana and A ma Mater aouietiea. Quoen'a university. Friday evening. Dec. lltli. D.-...n... 5.-.1-Ia- .... ak- .d.'`......A ..-.'l on ny swam. Cigar and uignrotte ones, nllo tho neocl- uu-iu to ll them at. E. C. Mitchell's. l Vn... -ac. ......I.-I I;|.- . ....'.. ..l L......4.l mrougn me winner. uumop. A oulond of whilkey arrived I! the C.l .R. freight. shed: from Toronto fore local wholeule dealer this morning. New silver goods. R. Uglow & Co. A (`annuity of them pi ing arrived from Hemi ton to-day and wi be need in the outer 0.1`. R. station. which in to be hect- ed by steam. Uiwnr And niunrntln mung. nlln thl Immu- me me, waver nnu ngu oommmoe. All kind: of upholstered. cot-oy corners and window nook made At the Cnrnovsky Co. uo. All kind: of glove: It Baker's; lined Ind unlined, reindeer, mocha, kangaroo nnd bongnroo. S niah grnpu. J. Craig & (Jo. went pnttornu in trouuringl made to order st. .50. Jun the thing to put. you through the winner. Dunlop. whilkov arrived the uumop. lung an. Mn. 0. Bowen hu oponod I bread and cake bakery At. 68 Brook street. Ladies plouelanve your order: for Saturday. Valencia ornngu. J. Craig & Co. Refreshment: too, at the promenade concert, Levant and Almalhlator societies, Queen : university, Dec. 11th. Una nf Mm nmhlau nl Hm Rrnnlr nfrnnf. Rm QUBOITI IHIIVOFIIIY, 1100. I15. One of the gublon of the Brock street the station urgently uiroa the ntwention of the ro, winter and I git committee. unbolatorod. co:-av carnan sum cuuis KNOWS 11...... MIVOG ID-GI POI` MO U.'1'.l"-. I onrload of has from ohhunn. Japan. R. Uglowl Go. opon ovary evening. Market ouohkor Bonnoroonforrod n favor on pododrinnl this porning by clean- in all the crowing: under Iii: care. in tnvnllinl ourlinw mtl. nmnnr u-nu vu yuuvqnlnui VIIII I-Inlluls uy UlUlIIl- ion crnvolling curling sou. amuor ouu. mnnionro ouu, cheap. E. C. Mit- choll. Ill.nL -..A'.l...- -..lL- - -..-..:..h.. AL- All UIIDHO IWOOI WIIOIOIIIO nm N- oolvod to-dn the O.T.P.. oarloadl (NH: oinhunA_ Jnnnn. nuwn underwear and Lu onnor Ilndl zotlzlo. had no Bckor I, oppoaitn Windnor o 1 Ln llnlupln -lunar. u-Iuxl-gal; run .4 onou. Black and 'drou lulu I specialty. the nobbiut line of black good: In the city. Dunlop. King 80. hu omnod I brand and n. Uglowa U0. o n om evening. Com-nqui lod o. 10.._ .0.0.F.. mot lA:dh nlght, Ind ve onndldnta worn initia- l. . VH0 0| lcDOI"l`|. H. A. Bird. the who ulnimod to mvn hnnn rnhhml nn Mnuudnu night. nnld pnoo Inuruany. Now in the time to buy a nice silk nonrf. Baker nu them. _ Than were no out: to ho tried by police Ink Du` thin morning. lno ordorod clothing blnck wot-sud nuh.Ilt_ nunlnn Rina 0., K 0I|'_I|1NI C 'A-II MVOIIIC. POI` RN08. cu. shop!-ion will all than. k 0. lsleholl. "141-own mono." Richmond & Co. oor everything at. coat prloo Thursday. the aims to buv nine silk non-l. X "'.'3-- ::.,__~a.a:'1 ulna nuns oraoroa cleanings. Dllck wonwa mitt. Dunlap. King 9... Japanese Io:-eons. ver prottil hand pulnood. 81.25 each. E. . Mischa. R. Uglowt Co. o never evening. Inn}. nlnkb n-ul 3. nnnplhlnogn nun- x..:o:- `III Igloo or Ivory my uu-wnnnn Paulo Au `talking About-Notuxu lu- oopu the Annual of Thou Whom-0 `lath: loan. ?-_- .._._4_A_ 7 ILA]- I. I1. I-I-I Xmu to. J. Only & Co. B. U3 oIv&Cn. opon every ovenin . _ Doliolou as no St. Andrew : uuu "Crown Blond. Rln|u-ummi A n AH... gag--.t.|..... .5 ....-A PARAORAPH8 PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTER8. lowl. * An Onlhrlo Itrool wholoulo rm Illvntl l1\_-u nap lh n T K! A nu-Innnl LOG Ifuloh underwear and all other kind: (1 In 1...! .n n.|...v. .........n- w:...a..... INCIDENTS or `um um. PIIIONAL MCNYION. :wur.H| an an I005 Inn was sum or pun wood. uhh, shavings. oo.. and than qzunud vmhooslombhon showholo not on u. Who eonuldonbh hudny had boon g|lnod.t.hoonunh of on ol tho mull uhuwuponnd upon the b|no.und is in Quin lubed Alcott Instant] . I0! [-11- g -annual nnnn Ln.-mg-n -u I.4L NWMITII Iholnptouolionolducna I nluohlo protection. Iucu annulus. uuun lotus In- yoarvcnolochdulolionx P.C.. Dr. crud; 0.0. J._!_ol-Pa Ihzz ll-_A H D ,I ll.` -. Lg...- nun ulna! Inuoinllyu mom mu In rm pouocuon. nu norm nlmolt incredible that than lnil birds. `Ln... . nnnuu-I in -ninhh -hang ulnno` nunou Incrunono mu mono Inn mrao, sbouc a pound in weight. when wings mnunn onlybwolvo inches from up to up. nhnnld mnr no nnnt. n diuhnm um] Inc. . pa um. um Finn! Undo won. tlnnd ouo&r nun. on'l Uni: ndrl I.-lhlrtn, Ian ond . on ! LOIII vlod Shirk. we. we and `Mo. H. D. BIBBY 00.1 onuyuwolvo mono: nun up to up. ohonld oovor to great. I dmanco and uno- ooufull ndxthoir wny arms: the conun- ant ban to their old home. Such in the power 0! old ucoolntionn. It in not known what. time they undo. n the data 01 thoir departure in not known hero. nun -IVI-VI III A crowd of two hundrod lumen and other: oollooud on Monday nflamoon at Wolfo Inuit: nwitnou 1 an of htho Emu-gone] to oxtinguhhor. no M In: [won on the mar! -mun. Kinguon. nhw wuhngo. Tholiu machine was Anin nut Iucolnfnl In luhdllnr n In A low wuungo. `(no nun uuomno again most Iucoushl in oubdnlng n In unlncndibly choc-sumo. A fl-um unno- nro can hot high hum of pine wood. nigh. nhnvinng 00.11.. mm! Ihan nznrnnd ca-n u':ou-|'nountl For lnruon poonl non l w lack Ihnlnprououonolomuu Iowmllh - -nlngklg nnnhgnnlnn Thloonl "bin" 1:! tho Knight: 0! sh %sInu not but owning and lnithld cued enndidnun. Oloun lot the In- gngul-QAAD-n-nnlgnlgnlnnf-ullnx. Ilf` unit. 0-. r. J. unnsmnooul Iupnnu. (hnovtkyzohn n. Rev. 0. R. Banish; . Dr. . I. Icnvich; C-want. . limb; lunar-as-nruo. G. I. no- -u Int ll. olO., ll. Oh:-ndorlcrg I0- d I.d0..0. Iu'iIr:IuIlnol.B. Ebola: plquu. 5 Burton. A main: ol pnpuumoulu nun- iudlp H but noulvd. and lit Mn hln om!!! ulldunnry audition. profurrocl tgllncb him. Convict '1`. Buckley, from Toronto. wu then placed on trial, uhu-god with hnving conspired with the lam ' convict Howell, Ldmnboioo. and othoro. in uoapo from the prioon oi inclusion. in which they were confined. Buotloy nlno culled oovoul vntnonoc, und made I var addrou to iho ury. whom be u to find a verdict in in favor, llld so do him "the first not oi justice he bu ever received lrom twclvo oi hi: ." The jury rotimd to dellborutc. tn Ldnmboino was: next. placed on trial. The oonvicu found guilty to-day will boponlanood thin evening. wu prooonbeu mm A numoer or oerner pigoomb nnerel Cemeron. They were oeken m ribiah Columbie by Dr. Welkem end there pieood in e Ion. A do or two ego two 0! the birds retnr . herring own ecroee the oontinent. elnoet from ween to oceen. The bird: evidently did not etop many timee on the journey to teed, er they were in e thin end veekened condition upon errivin hen. They ew direct to their lormer ome er. the Royal military coll where their old oereueher. John Sen re. etunded to their venue end he- them emlll in hie poeeeeelon. It -n...... :........m.n. .5... .5... o..n s.x...a. ii "I wviv vivlntu II IUIVVVIK l .\/- Tau J. u an 2 lung 0.. P.'J. Oahu; nngaqnr. ('1. (hnovdn ohnnldn. Rev. I-nhhx oumon muulo In oonnnea. Wimou testified to having noon the or unit oommittod. Biddle culled several witneuoo whom he examined. Ho thor- wnrdh nddroued the jury on his own bo- holf. Ho wu found guilty of tho oinrgo `preferred ogninot. him. Convict. '1`. Bncklav. Toronto. ndrlod hlrtn, ond dc. cart in Ion'| ool Uoohno for two pain. 3:3 : Nookwon and Collars In ondlon Aaron Tho Oonunonl on Wings. Whilo visiting hero this autumn: W. W. Wslkom. M.D.. M.L.A.. Nnnnulo. B.C.. prooonbod with number 0! carrier niuaom bv nnonl Thu Convict Buckley. of Toronto. Triad -nu Alufnoon. In tho court. of gonernlloanionl before iurloa Price Elmer Biddle wu nluood on m mo court. or gonernuoauom nuoro iud Price Elmer Biddle wu placed crin thin morning one: ohnrgo 0! having oomnitbod tn uuult upon gunrd Pum- aon. of the penitentiary. in which inlt.iLu~ cutinn Biddle in conned. Winn... In Inning nngn dun An. modal. Accompanying the medal in I letter from colonel Aylmer, ndjuunb-gonorul. who mm chub the gononl oloor command- ing the Canudian militia, direct: him to "nxn:-an his nnmocintlnn of the Inlondid mg we uanunan mums, alrocu nIm no "ate:-can his up uoointlon Iplondid wo done by t 0 team in bringin the trophy to Canndn onoo mom. and n hi: name, to thank the recipient for the part he took in the competition." one man mu 0! man. Inc onopmns ll nur- moun by an imperial crown. Tho ribl bon in orimnon. blue And orongo. Ind tho (we of the gold olup-pin in Iurmounmd by A minor An hour: uh: Iauond Kolnnorm two 01 me la oluppm no nu-mounwu by I tigor an hour: who logond Ko|nporo- Bialey." On the rovorno Iido of tho modal in the Inscription: Prooonhd by tho ovornmont. of the dominion ol Cnnndn to tn. M. D. Cnmpboll. {Ooh hm." Tho Kolaporo cup Inn olferod by tho rnjnh ol Koluporo, hence the unique form 0! the modal. Aaum...-unulnn Hug -nnolnl in A 1.... (nun re cup an many mu our. The medal in of ol and in in the form of an elophnnt, whio ,with the tiger. lormn tho imi 0! India. The elephant in mmm In an imnorinl crown. Tho ribl IIUW IIIU IJIIIIIIIIIII l)1lVIl'IlIllUIlI l'4IIlUlll'- ago: Cnnndlnn Inrkunon. Thin Afternoon Lieub.-Col. Cocoon, D.0.C.. miliur district. No. 3. lent. to private M. D. (gzunpboll. 45th but... Bow- mnnvilio, one of the handsome gold modal: preoonmd by the dominion govornmont. to each of the eight members of the team 0! Cnnndinn marlmnon. who won the Koh- pore at Binloy thin nrol lfloln lWI1J$ on N10 |IIlII,0l ('0 III` dime for one negro. It. was contended that the block would not Attempt: to run own) from their matters. In the would be captured end killed by the ndimu, and on the other hand the Indium token to the West, Indies would soon become do- muoionwd, no they would be for from home And would not. Attempt to run sway. This scheme. however. did not meet with the approval of the French court. OAK IN-L KING STREET. Iocueram uoumana xounu vu annoulcuo secure dolneetio aervantn. They aecured permileion from the French oourt to kid- nap Indians: from the remote went. Mont oftheae captured Indians who were put. into domeebio une were Pawneea, hence the term came to be a plied to eleven. Quite: number of hheee ndlana wanin- porhedinto Canade and In in almoet. oer- tein aome of them were owned by reeidente of thin cit . Diioulby wee experienced in domeatoating oheae Indian Ilavee, who ran away as every opportuni- ty. A scheme wee pub on foot. toexport these Indiana to the Weet In- die: end there emhamrinn them for ooexporr. nnue manna no we was Ln- die: and there oxohnnmg them for Mrlonn nogrooe on the Ito! two In- one noaro. contended mo manner I: am: mu ll uni oxplnnnuon given: Eur! n the Int. century the French Iottlorn In uhinnn found `to dlioult to lnnunn Anlngnht ...-.....a. VP... BIDDLE GUILTY OF ASSAULT. m wa macory or the oonnnano. ulu rau- donu of Kingston who ownod alavaa had and the word. ma dooumonta they had left. behind hatiod. At the mootln last evening Dr. Nollaon anawarod in own nation. In the lnurval ha had lookad t 0 master ur and thin In the explanation Riven: Eu-Iv n khalul-. nanturv tho French Indian WON lldlllppod And Icld Into Dlnvory In Early Timon. At the Novembor union of the King- ston historical society Dr. Noillon nqkod for information concerning the use ol the word Pawnoo" in oonnootion with IIIVOI in Canndu and tho oouthorn provinou only in tho history of the continent. Old rui- donn of Kimntnn who oinnd nlnvnn had nuuu on -no Iao:ohuoo. - |...I LI... .1 AL- '_A.LA. .4 A QJNIQUE DECORATION. SLAVERY IN CANADA. &.'.."2 ;'.2".'=..'.`}."..:1 -into at home. A.-.4. `I-.. -_.I __._ Ilfhfa D use WIIU. 1 III! I0l'l' Ior "1' Mr P ny," or it in the principle o the thing that the Wmu hu connuntly dwelt. upon. "Fair Play" And hi: model uldermen keep the prinoi le out of light. when they harp eotedioue on "the imignicanoe of the affair." T e queeuon At tune In not, Ihell che oil llmiu be chenged lot the benet. of the Queen Clby Co. alone, but. shall our Al- dermen turn uvny {tom our doors uny compeny who uh Do be ellowed no locate here. to expend money here, to pay buo- here, end to give employment. to come, no cutter how low. of our oiciuene 9 `FL. ..-at-Man that hhn nnminu nl Hm how low. or omuono Y The uuttlon that the coming of the Quoon City Co. will not ohupen oil hero. in not worthy ol nlntlng. It. ocrrioa with it. in own oontndlction. Elna why in the Inperhl Co. to vor nnxiountokooptho now oompuny out? W at has the lmporinl 00. holes: if "Fuir Plny'a" ohnbomont. in cor- nea? Mono-or the Queen Cit? Co. In: already reduced the rice 0! con oil here. u witnou d|lon' voreiaomonta. Illnlmnt. -ninu intn FAII PIAv n" lunar witneu denote eaverueemonu. Without. going into Fair P|ny e" lower any more due ly. which I could not euil do, lot there we ver mu. depth to it. e - low new place be ore your reader: the re- aeet. omho Queen City oompeny n I, .n e tor, View it. That Ask us he nllowed to nurelnee and to uni`. now onngc no revenue no mo oily, and in Iniw:|- lot no other purpooo thnn that lot which they with to an it; way at who ullowod to such building: than-con ntuooot ol hotwoon 8.(l)0 and 034110. which mum givin work, for av. oral wash. to quite a nun 0! working- non who and bully in mod of ompIo_y- nun; they all to be allowed in oomph umnnomnmnv that has nnutdllv ru- nontuaoy not who nuovou an oompou wlthnorun y nputcdly ro- luodtoulconlollby tho barn! to rs- IlHI,Indih5&ill`OCIO|ltN Ibo prion paid by his vol-kl for their on nut bonddodthovbo la danish` pro- llagthoynh to ho inn: ohmoo to nlldlbyshohrnldroccbotho nuilor. ndcllnto an both vorhinuun the Iiddlononi or wholculuh prot; they at In to ullowd Ioadd at but on huily to our populnuon. to occupy at Innnmoolthnlnnnv vnmnlhonn-In Kingemn end In on me name nme as we "'t.welve eteedleet. Aldermen." One thing in very epperent. end that in bhet. the wiehee of their oonemuenu do not control thoee ebeedlur." imperiel heroee, between election: at lease. "Fair PI: " eeye Kin Ben wiejgge the twelve edermen turn out. because they declined L0 be- come hie toole Lo oerry out. his behost.a." etc. Three eentenoee later he say. King Ben has become too much of A nuler of our elder-men end oitinenn." Here is more 0! the hnperie|" oonelehency affected by Felt Pley" end his twelve nelwerbe. Your ver eouhe correspondent. any; that the prinei eo( chin men-eria he bout. 0! eifht. by t. e Wnuu. 1 Am eorr or "Feir D an " up it. in Man nl-lnninln n that thina elector, new II. Tboy not to be lllolnd purchno and to pa About H00 hue: nnnunlly, upon I also know bring: revenue to the any. And in IniIad- lot no othar numnn Iplto of Far l'lny's" wonnerrul acumen. "Fnir Play" any: the owner of the quurr hole lite "prooumou to control onoug 0! our rs ronenuntivoa to induce than to do u be pouon." It. looms to me that tho only mun who controls "enough 0! our roprooontntivoo" in not. 3 ruidonn of Kingomn And In the side the '"nmlva ntandlut. china bully In population, Io 1| lauunoolthounny vnmnthonuuln KI nnddouuy with the nanny up nnnohliounlolhaluullord volae. I can on the authority of mnmger Morris. of the Queen City oil company. (es per his etetement in the Wnlu that the company would rooefully retire after having sold the oil In storage here. and that which was on the way here. and would leave the citi- zens to the lender mercies at the Imperial oil company) contradict "Foir Plny a" on- eertion that the Queen City oompnn will locate here despite the reluaal to c an e the Iimite. Doee Fair Play" know Morrin` bueinoee better than the: gentle- man knows it hlmeelll I think not, in eplte of Foir Pley'e" wonderful acumen. Plnv" save fut." (Y) Aldermen. The Agitation {or a change of the oil limit: in not. In the interest of one party, u "Feir Play" says. It in in the m- tenet: of the working men end of all who we ooul oil, end wish to at. thet. article u oheeply en pouible. ub. of course. the worklngmen, the coal oil connumera, Io not count. with "Fair Play" and his twelve pet eldermen. They are worthy of notice only at election t.ime-t.hey hnve VOMI. I lean nn Hm .ut.|mriI>.v nf menumr Mnrrin. where ll H10 conslswncy or one men Univ 1 sent their chairman to Toronto at our ex- penee to ssesrtsin from the fire under- writers whether the proposed change would injuriously sifeot the city's insurance rstes. end who, when he returned with An oiliciul reply given at s s isl meeting of the eu- Ioeistion. snd stating that such an chsnge would not cause sn increase in our insurA mce rstes. nor lower the city's rsting. re- fused to believe the sssociation, and by their votes repudiated the notion cl thwr ohsirmsn, the action taken st their urgent snd Ipooill request. Fair Play" seems to know nothin more About what consist- eno mesns. t sin do his twelve, steed- lut' (l) Aldermen. Th. Auihntlnn lnr A nhnmre to up nish. the utmost an ad cleanliness is btonght to -Jan Ed! in the making of our Rnnv iumnnninannnn reply to. And rlt. permit me to aek--Did you notice that the letter above relerrod to ap- y with the arrival peered eimultaneouel on oi the mnnwor of the Imperial oil oolnpany-Mr. atermanl This in six- nioent. that that gentleman ie anxious for cem tition. in it not? air Play acoueee you oi being one aided. because you have taken Iuoh a etend on thin question. and any: the twelve Aldermen, who voted againet the change in the oil limite. acted coneietently. The WHIO in to be commended for ite manly, independent stand, and has won the worm appreciation of the workin olueee by it: poeition on the iaene. here in the con- eieteno of Dr. Ryan, who at lint moved in reeolut on edvieing the oounoil to change the limite. or of his oolleaguee who en- doreed that advice. and who. after the or some 0! them, had been bntlnnhol by Mr. Waterman, verod about Him weather- oocln, and voted egainet their own recom- mendntion. without condeaoending to give reason: for their wobble. Where is the oonlittency of these uldeimen, who are now seeking the euifrogee of the electors, whoee opinions. and publicly expressed wiehee, properly sommuniouted to them the; recently treated with contempt? horn in the oonaietenov oi the men who govnrnlna re ly to. and r D Kmanox, Doc. 8.- (To the Editor): In your Inns 0! Wednesday Int. appeared I loam banded Tlut Cool Oi! Location." Ind signed "hit Play," which. in the in- laruu ol the citiuna of Kingston in non- ornl, of the workingmon in particular, nnd Alan in tho Inn:-an of mod municinnl oral, or the wornmgmon in pnrmumr, nnu also in the Interest: of municipal government. I hope you vi 1 allow me to ronlv to. ln cue: of lore Throat Time In nu laun- nl 'l`h|l|'-A Loner Regarding the Goal Oll Qlutlon and the Anltnde oi Alder- VARIOUS SUBJECTS DISCUSSED BY CORRESPONPENTS. i{.;$'o'o.".IEn'y"}S.c".?i"vFiE|i"cI;.L}fnpc r hero in the oonaiubenoy Ant. Hxnir n}|Airmnn tn Toronto I TETIERS TO THE Emma. M. I ngular meeting at council No. W. C.O.C.F.. held Monday night. {car i- dntu won initiated and can tpplim I won rccolvcd. A Ipocltl muting will in hcldnoxt. Iondsy M M to teccnulodcu I cuudidwn who vo boon . This council in within six In palm cl uln- hcn cl lacing the bunnctcounoil olccth. Exhiliu-stint "loom" min at t An. `line A Great Helper. KlNIl'l'0N, Dec. 9.-('l`o the Editor): The statement ol a local phyaician in the Warn of Int evening that oaeee had been lent to the hoepital and reported to the medical health authorities as diphtheria when a` little delay would have proved the non- contagioue character of the diaeaee. in dan- gerous and mieleadimz. During the put ve montha ell eulpeoted oaaee. an admin- eion. have been subjected to a careful bacteriological examination and only once was the diphtheria baoillu; not lound. If. on examination. no bacilli are found the patient in not confined to the ieolated wards I nor Ie the oaee reported aaone of diphtheria. Without a bacteriological examinetion. an early di noeia la extremely dillloult, if not iin lb e. During these ve month: the en deethe from di htheria (two in non- ber in the general oepltel were directly due to thin very delay referred to. Deley ie dan no. not only to the patient. but to t e ooInmunity.-Youre.eto.. Jnna Tmno. medical auperintendent. T W1C II IIIKIIUO I"I"I way. (In ad t d - tI::l;:pnla.r. l\IN"5'ITTN. I100. U."(l'0 DD. lidlwt Being an aye-wibnoaato the IoCu| - Mcllro fracu. mentioned in Iaat. nix |'a paper. lhonghtib orual in the altrana that a countable ahould draw hil club for no apparent. came. and baton Ilollm had oven rulatad an-not hit him on the : and than. an a mild parauadar to can alon , hit. him In on the lag; and altar all `a to lot Im got away and ban _-aI.: .. 5.. L.x.... A.._.. |...a - I.-a 11...... 11 Ol 30. IIIO DIDIIUQOIHMI OI (li- Exhilhrntlng "Iona" coho us 86. An- dnvfo hunt. I R. Uglowa Oo. opon ovary owning. non nu. nun III on one leg: ma slur all in I -rlrotaring to bring down but I hot..-YoI|lI. WOTK. WOUIO II : 09 I "lmlll lIlIDUDl'.' I "matter of interest to one petty only 7" Even il employment for one men only een be eecured. doee not it meen thet eeverel other pereom, the members of his family. will be led. end clothed. end wervned. the! the landlord will get hie rent. thet the grocer. the butcher. the beker, the ooel merohent. end other tredeemen. inuludin even the coal oil dealers. will get the! lll'll'O of the wegeo id thet men. How oen Feir Pe " ee`y tbeu thet lhie ie an "smell metter thet elfeote only one or two pertiee. It molt P` 1 Where is the penetration, end the ecumee 1 of thie very intelligent end ehrowd gentle , men. who eeel treachery end guile in the requeet of e company who wleheilo buy I querry hole. end ecente e plen to corrupt and oontrol our eldermen, end to euhvert our liberties ee Cnnediune end Britieh Inb- jecte Y Heve our eldermen e right to de- cree that not even one unemployed men ehell be given work. thet not even e elngle hungrylemily ehell be led? l trow not. This III e long letter. but heving given "Fair Pley" e ehow. I hope you will not refuse e eimiler nrivileue tn-li`en1 Pr.n' `Inna long nectar. our. mung glvon rolu-e A umilnr privilege m-FAm PLAY To ALL. who cannot et work to do. Their outlook for tie winter is bleak and disheartening indeed. Many of them, with their wives nnd innocent children will know the pangs ul terrible hunger and cold before spring. Some of them, all use by the daily papers. have already felt the grip of the relentless imnster-vIant. It is hard for uman who in anxioul to work, to be compelled night after night. on returning from lruitleas eenrch for em- loyment. to meet the pinched and pallld | Races 0! wife and children. to hear his little onee asking for bread. that he oennol: give, to see them shivering for want of the re that should brighten ; the Itove, he I00!` black and oold-il he haa not had to cell or pawn it-end to have to turn awey help . 1 u. less, heartsiek and despairing. from the piteous looks of their beseeohing eyes. Is there a eight in all God : univeree. more heartui-ending. more egonlaing to a father. than to know that the requeet of his innocent little ones. and bin suffering wife. for food nnd warmth. cen- not be granted by him`! I think not. And if it were possible to give relief to one nuoh family. by providing the (ether with honest work. would it be a small matter." a umanu no` :..o...-no tn Ann nan" nn'|1 " .` I which will commence _on THURSDAY. DEC.` 10th, and for THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Reduced prices for cash only. Everything in our immense stock reduced in price. C3 In view of the anticipated changes in the Tnri now under con- sideration by the government, we have been preparing for the last two weeks a surprise for our thousands of customers, in the form of a Tho IZIII-oy 0000. KI.~m.I-mu. Doe. 9.-( l`o the Editor): Inlna an Ava.-itnnnn tn thn II:-l`.nI|g-h. Latest Nofoltl; In 2 ' Gentleman's? 2 Furnishings. I uummou varmy. Atmcun ooou. lo trmlglo (0 show goods. 5 !'FE`IE'J 1'! Hm. Jew?! 930- '~ Reindeer; Kid end cape! Glovu. lined and unlined, eager: sGIoov:, Dunning: owns, an In gckou, Silk Hnndkuch L. a lumen. Bncu. tubal. ` lu.Undcrvur,Si| Knicket Hone, Py` Cardigan jackets. (`Allan-ax Cni on I A01 Hunakuctds. 5513. Colhm Cul. etc. Lap at stock, cornct uty Iowpricu. ~ U905 zzj:Dnv GOODS ss FREE TRADE SALE WEATHER PR_OBAB|L|TlE8-8trong wind: or plan from Iouth;o-:t'a and won, Mr. um. change in temperature. To Buy New. Fresh, Up-to-Date Steacy 6: Steacy. A Golden an Opportunity tins. who Mn not moo nloouu. Knnooth Gannon niooynoht it nonlvin I now econ punk And not bnidon lqnln. It will In Ihippod to Hamilton on on only data. Mr.(hnota: know hold at tho ambition oily. Ila` o.."`7.'....;.I.'.T'.';.'.". '.""'s.'. tut. layout and Remain :9: 15 chapel : an the -nal. at Linn; I Inn: new I00 yuan: um aauon. Loo bu pumhuod H. S. I-`olgon-'1 foo yuohe "Now Then." but season it. In tho handuomoat. can in the harbor. III I` 'AnD, n -u.- hm. umnht -hl In n. no nanauomoat. cure in ma nnroor. W. 0. Kent : uow ion yaoht. iIl be n- iohod in mahogany and quuur och. nnd wbon pluood on the ion will pnoont thund- some ngunnoo. B. rnonky in niahin u two ion Iohu lor H. S. and B. . folgor. jr hey an very handsome. boing construct.- Id of Britinh Columbiu pine. Tho Kingston lootbnll club mill ho to- and at the noocinbg ol the union. In otonto. on Sun my. two I'OpnI0nh- tivu. who have not P0 goon nlooud. Ouagron qioo p1_:ht._lg nothing V Trnu offers [or ule 15 full lots, laid out in tho wont side 0! the property. two frontlmr inn utnol. two on the lulu shore. and llm I-clnnlndor fnolngoutwuu- on I urut laud- lnq from King dot to tho share. at prion nminurom 08 All per foot uncordlna to Iona- ull. I Inn. tormn. nun. |?pIJ to J. A. Allon. Alw ngton Holuo. or to . . Muulmr What II Tnuplng In the sporting Ann: of I'M: Buy (my. B. Chmovlty ll completing J. Gukinh yacht. Run John Flnhar. Portsmouth. will I MR. Uglovhcnfu. ouooouor to ohn iondonnuloo. Oponcvoryovcui ROOIH. DOUBLE AND SINGLE. WITH bond. Hitting room if do-aired. With ii an comfort: ! I I: ll uppoi bed in . zddrnz L. Wlllu ooioo. . n om yacht. Boon John Fisher. Porumouth, hunt too yacht this flank [An In: numhnnd H. S. Fnlzafl ILLA 1.o1~.-Drum ;u.wmu1\mm1wn: Tran. {or I on Iha wont -Ida tho nronntv. two frunnt [FROM THE FARM 0!` J. I`. H. FERRIS. . Bath R.nId.on November amh, one two- iyenrold Iloln Heifer with hurnn. And one ,{nrlln| Holler. rod and white. without. wrnn. Rowan] to nnyonefivlu lnhrnutlnn an to their location to A. nun re, llll Prin- oul Iqrogt. g `Working Capo. Inn nod. In. ::___ TEACHER THIRl)GLAR~1. INN! SCHOOL Suction l3`ivo. Htorrhuttnn. mmr Wuh- hurn. Slate uulnry ox Cod and provlnun axporlonoo Apply to cm: Monroom. Jr.. Wnhburn. ____.__._j_'._j__.__. THREE OR. FOL`? BOUlI)B!L~| CAN BE tooomodntod V th room: and board M. &Qnncn ntrooe. I I IT loin: I 1'. r. mnuusuw, UIIDIITAK-ll um ltnn/u.uIn, Prinueu Street. Phonu-Wu-oroomn. 90; lluidonoo. 01. bovine prloon. .INl$X BK-All, LIADIIO UKDIITAIII AID EIIALIII--l Prlnoou strut. Connor Sydonhun moon. Talo- phono communication. ` lllllo ' (inns!--AI Brookvillo. Dec. 7th, Hatbio. beloved wile of Thomas Guest, aged `27 yearn. `j__ I non 1 Hn'iXiiu bi".:. H." IYQII-old Ilnnn Hnnr with 1....-. w. n. mucumm. Pollux. Duucfmn nu: l*.`unAuIn-_l1 Put. an -trod. bloolibovo old mmd. ___:_:_______: JAS. IUHU. `I'll Lnnnca UImn'run-iM-Ibo Prlrmou strut. 'l`olophonou'IA. Open Dnyund Night. .__._j._._____A_____. IIALF 0!` THE I"LA'l` OVER. 0()llRl(lAN & 00': Dry Goods More in; street. pd-. wnlng Dame`: Printing dioo. Apply st mo Olloo. to purchase H Christ- mu presents. Fancy Goods. Purses, Pcrfurpery, Noveltien. Dressing Cues, etc., at prices Ihnt will mike you wonder how we can sell them so cheap. See our windows. The Knowiif 0ncs Come Herc mo: nous {No as Unix uTBF.`l. Apply to J. 3. cum 5. ROOM: TO LET WITH BOARD. Ynn, no Brook sumo. ___j.___.:____. {ALF OF ` _ Q, 00:: Good: More. In: unset. Ml-. L-:_ 1lNRAL HEBVANT AT THE HUI]. HAR- I he Fquuro. WINE. _o1= con LIVER on no u-IVIIIIIII mu mun. Improve: the nppetlm. and [month tho Modlulnal Vlrtuu of the nu ull wnnout DISTUIIIIINU THE DIGBITION. ll uurooobln to take. A IIIIIIIIID l'IUl IIIIQHQHTUDIJ "130! .onran och:-lull non. H0313! W115: to on an`: alt: Hun 11 ot or dulllu com mod. [I ton, o1-onto and loncrullnolud. od. 0 mun of tho pooplo cannot hunch b`nnyoth rlnodllun. Arum luau unolnlmwnlo I ENRAL NEE SIXTY-THIRD Y]l.AR.--N0. 286. svonrmo iilkdnapiasf` A OIIOITIBL not OULIAITIID Ian. .. .-..a. ..--- ..... ..n.-- a. `nu... Fiiicn 7rW_o cm: TS KISOBII IQOIIIIVII n,n___ L(I_I_ ... _ 5 For Hula by all Drugulstu :V_-.1._:____-_. _.,________.r.__. - . __To an LIT. J'ACKSON'S _FOR SALE. RINBY BRAKE. Ininau Inn A nu. II... `GLOVES. gig` ':-.r a'-.-::::'.."-.. *::.3r..:: [ {an olntololllo 3-1:. 0 love In the o 01. .l"lHIl'H'_ ` 1-T-2-2: w. u. DRENNAN. Ilnnn-um . an I`... . . ... - STRAYEDT WAN';$ b._ us. rum). Hunnuuunn-_ continue CIIUEI WIIH COIU (DUI- That s Ipeciully true of the children. Don ! spend all the holiday money for toy; and have `em shiver all winter with cold feet and blue W313 Santa can buy our lhoglt about any price he pleases. He's a level bedded old chappie. He knows that a man, vgoman or child cm ! enimoy Christmas cheer wit cold toes. 'rI.-u_ -_--:-n-. .___- ?s'ALE H ARR.Y 5 In DHIAAII Flnnnhu IIIIII 30 it II9'I"III| (Pupil 0! Bit Walla! Pun), In: the Inn! Ooll of Iulo. London, Inclnad. [1705 Iononn n Plnotono. singing. Harmony Ooulo In! or fun. Turn E (I A monk. ll) WII Ion not. ` E. C. MITCHELL. ' Clht Ill Illllh Opllolu. "!:`S%'."o`-an .. ::..o'3'-`E-.'."' "* open Every Evening. -\-u uwvuuua vu satin: Vuvlno RAVI N0'l'II'lID THIS LICENSE oonuhuonon of nm any that I In to move with my Rho LI- ouuo to the promise: on Prince hut formerly ooou Iod by Robert (`anpholi so 0 tavern. an the: have dooldod to IIIOOI to nab?!` the III! :6 tin Inn tot`: (min: on W: ISDAY Nlul` NIX at I o'clock. lnnton. uh Dooolnbor un. nhns moumox. ll EXT. II IIIII Olly. OI IO (HI- wht allot onnnuudlog military dint:-in No.8. that Ill on I10 I00 npplhnuou lron scuba-Iolvuiou -mu. corps In tho district. for ndmldon to the cavalry and inlualry inch-ncuon n'l`oI-onto. New Union have no any npplionuom bun $IIIlI.t0dl|Il'pOf outage of than vlllalnooonlly. who to rejected. an Ohoonllnbloupuooudthctoltho oohooln in hnuilohut to uceonnoduo not a Envy lulu cl ',`,INl' count non." A. no ionuono ham ban :9- on! In dc no the uulluty school at lulnotlou Inn. cl Wlliianovillo. In`;.ucn up. u I scan Indrovozb || '0' a.u::.o.t;f:`l'l|h:|3hIly. Inn ntnotlom D-hm. In. in. ._.| nn. ll. . lon'I Hurt and Unndorwou-.O6o per call. Ion'| Heavy ool Undo:-won. nun. cl and 0!. un. 17.3-'o'n..o Undorwoqr. O! and nglo per .. ....... u, u; uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -- UTHURSADAY. DECEMBER l0th. tho stool. onnnmin: 0! thru (llmintnno iiloilln, one Victoria Isiah. uovon Montreal Hloiahn. two Ponlnnd (mun Your conund- hun Outtorn. one pair Hmwy hoiu-. one pair in Robs. um llnqjiu. on: Piunton. with A o\ 0! nnnclrion no. Bola at I o'clock. J. I. HlT l'HItRON. ~-m&`aa:';a;`"aLL.~~I Cutters. Sleinhs. Bobs. Buggies. Etc. Renown. on L_|_:I5_rg._| n . nu nu...-.-. THU_l'!--S-lg-IYVVI-)iE?2`.v`l"()th. Harry Lindley Co. Onnnlnn Night. l'h-at Tim. "urn van, uuuu, Iuauuguny auu DI Tables and chairs make Xmas presents. We hold deliver at Xmas as you wish. |T. F. HARRISON co.| Great range fancy parlor tables. Oak, birch, mahogany and bass. Tnhla-e nnrl t\|\u:rn rnnbn Rn; as Pnloou}tns1ae - xum wn In : 1 Ian I v--v uuupvu xv-u-v vu vunuv-to 5c, 10c, 25c. We are very strong on games at 25c. Big well nished games, the latest kind for 25. Tl:o_ Jck_et Offer ---v vu--r-Iva vuuvi Saturday is worthy your con- uidcration. Ordcrto-day. - vvv -\'\r--un- `All kinds, all new, price; from 5c to $1.50. Travel, adventure, history, etc. Case After Case of Games. _-_ .4. III Santa Clans, of course. That's because he's doing all be can to make other people happy. One of his distributing depots is our store.` 2.009 nooks. AUCTION SALE At (.50 ones. In shin city. of the not elm amnnndlna niliun dim He s a Jolly Good Fellow. HAVE RECEIVED INSITRUCTIONS N) . II M the Wnnroomn n! the Into 0. W. boblmon. Sydonhnm Strut. on R. H. TO Y-E Ilhnnll 4.! II. Walt II.--n THIIII NIGHTS AND SATURDAY HATINEE, OOIIINCING Oponlng Night. llrut Tllno Hon. . Afvochtoulonotndo. -_J.4 I.I-AIIl_A._ .1 XIII.--. DARLOR TABLES. .______._ _4_.__...~,.. _ Appnuuon run}. In? ...Q.. I- ski. ..u- -1 A EDUCATIONAL mint THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. This Is a Man s. Storc--i ll lA33t ne and IIOOIIII I 7 ana ICTOHK 001% 0' WHO InDID|- tants. yacts passed in I764-06 certain gold coin were rated at a trifle above par, which was not at all satisfactory to mer- chants. An observer at that riod of Canada's history said that Can ian iarm- ers weie very wealthy. They hoarded their wealth ior the purpose oi endowing their children. monsequeritly much of the smaller currency oi the country was stored in strong boxes. Among the reater sui- ierers irom worthless French ills oi as- change were the signiors and the nobility. whoee riches seemed to decrease with the increasing prosperit oi the iarming classes. Nearly all t e English settlers in Canada icllowmg the conquest were traders. There was alsoquite a sprinkling oi Scotch element, to which is due so many Scotch names" among Montreal mer- cantile houses. Alltheee traders weretnint- ed with the freedom which Britain affords and conducted their business on recognised British principles. The British colony owed its rapid recovery iron: the conquest te this name adherence to British loyalty. (loveruor Murray sug tel that hillsto the extent oi l00.000 put into circula tion in Canada. sketching a system by which he hoped to popularise that form of currency. A year later he suggested another scheme. neither oi which was adopted. In I766 a memoir was issued setting forth the condition of the country and contrasting its disastrous preeent under English rule with the pros us past under the French regime. t was suggested that as a means oi bettering the condition of the countryalar-go standing army be stationed in Canada, either that or a eet oi ships be built. On the other hand. from {certain quarters emanated a iavorable comparison oi the condition oi the country at that period with that oi the past. The governor succeeding Murray sugguted that a quantity of small coin he sent into the country witha view to relieving the congestion cl hcsineu. On account oi the scarcity oi small coin mer- chants were forced to issue "due hills" These aerded teal relief and came to he a In ordinary hesi- ness tranncticne. Their circula- tion was ci necessil very limited. betthepraeticssuni many ylrs. An auctioneer at Quebec petitioned parlia- ment for the privilege oi the exclusive t to issue promissory notes crdue bills. request was reiused. This may he looked upon as the lret application in Gnada to icend s hank. About the period cil7'i!thecharaehr-cithecsrreney in ` sssi the ind. The .....a.." $.`"'..e'..'.".3 u. m m In - no-us ah. aknn -as-n-su \II III Ufa Ill IKIIIIKI IIIII ,_ , . .___.____.__ tnnncom. Tlluho It woman In A 0004 nun. ' ` C. II. Hutch. whohu upon! his ootin 4 lilo In oonnootion with tnvol. looking `far 9,, nu og an mung. pg. 1., P""`l' ` *0 uugonndin. therefore. In a men to. P. s 5. V :;ItI'I0f:fnlI(nILInI::O`l|| o:neo |.ockhu.\=o ; `h 5" sunounhrpununlnt ofvidtunotol Q"'d"'"'d`5N"5~ A5P"" compo:-tot 3 oh: 1: I nilihry nviow. "779WN'|9""5'9""`!"' 'l`omnIorooogniIIIIh|Ihotond`uhIIIo ""`5"""!'""!'"`- Lhopopululuh. 'l`bouundn!roInll |-WM `rIol0uIu'l|usdIhoUniut| dd`... 0' M` a gala pour In Toronto to whats _g'_Igf__. --rh-I- 0: -0 g_a..._nua_.s._-Huang; mu-up Shun hm shounuluhnhuhnnd nvhwshgn. Kmpuu in hunt dented lunch 0 and Ir. Hunt in nodonbt II A Iillhty review in bold hon ____I.I L. L._. L. lA_.._ AL- __........._g Iomohlnc to into:-out you in the way of Gent's Furnlshlnzs. by the amerent epeakera. Prol. Shortt read tome extracts lrom e per on the early banking ayatem in ghnada, or more properly currency and bill: of exchange in une at the period of the conqueet in I759 and downwards. ln- lormntion on the subject we: gleaned from the dominion archlvea, and from many librariea in Caneda and the United States. After the oonqueet of Caneda all the tnde of the country with the outside world pasaed into the hauda of Englilh tredera. Their method: were radically different from thoee hitherto employed by the French. consequently confusion rel n- ed in the colony fora certain period. he French lelta lot ol billa ol exchange un- paid, and aunt reault o! the conquest it was a doubtful question whether or not they would be redeemed. The eil'eot such a condition oi eifnire `would have on a young. thinly eettled and not over wealth country can be readily understood`: The paper money. in the lorm of hill: of exchan . waa practical! worthleu, and to d to the lurther ieccnlort cl tradere and othere the motel currency be fan to diaappear and aoon become aceroe. t cannot be aid to have gone out of the country. Most of it went into the "long utoclxin a" and atrong boxoe ol the inhabi- tanta. vacta neaeed in l74.66l nnrtain I00 . 13;. Deon Smith moved I resolution of thsnks {or the retiring president. The society ought to plsce on record its sense of appreciation ol his untiring eilorts in its behell . Prof. Ferguson seconded the resolution, eulcgising Dr. Neiison for his keenintereet in the societ e welisre. He wee peculiarly sdspted or the ition. being conversant with much of the earlier histor ol the country. President Wslkem wsrmy sup rted ell the previous 9 kere he said in regsrd to Dr. eileon s Ability to ll the position 0! president of thesociety. His knowl- edge 0! the earlier history of Canada was unique. Probably not snother person in the country the some fund of in- lormstion concerning its et then Dr. Neilson. who soknowled the tributes psid his knowledge snd returned thsnke or the kind resolution. Secretory- treesurer For us slso came in for u shsre oi preies. his intemt in the sifsire oi the society and the seal he displs ed in the fullment of his duties beingeu ogieed by the dlilerent epeskers. Shortt reed some ext:-eats from s i me rsunn prcsiacno rsuumori tnsnn to mombors o the society for the assist- ance rondorsd him in the formsncs of his dutiss since taking 0 00. Ho pro- diotsd that the society would prospor un- dot the gsidsnos of tbs newly olootsd prcsidont. Dr. Wslkom. in ocooptiog the presidency. said he had tnksn s docp interest in tbs society ovcr sinos its formation. The socisty wu ons worth; the support of every citizen, as its object was that of roourch into the earlier histor of Kingston snd Cnnsdu u nwholo. Al the meetings oi tho society ` hsd boon loosant and instructive and the l'll3fIlbOl`l ad Acquired much useful know- I I no. Wcttnuwcn hdlyngjil litigi- nxlhnnnhhnhnhhl-n aulung 2 President. Dr. R. '1`. Wnlhm. Q.C.; x-at vioo-president. Prol. Ferguson; nooond vioo-president, Dr. E. H. Smyt.ho.Q.O.; secretary and tuuurer, J. Fortuquo; uainunt. secretary. Mia A. Moore; cor- responding uoroury and librnrinn. Prol. Shorttgcouncil, Rev. S. Houston. M.A.. Dr. Neiluon. Rev. Canon Bponoor. R. V. R 11. Q.C., Rev. 0. Cartwright. in nnn-ah`-. A bk- -...:.p- I... LL- _-.:.s when uoomy wu held In: ovoning In so. Goon-yo`: hull. Conaidorln bhoinolemono of the voucher the Man nco Wu After the reading and adoption of the mlnnul of mo Int provioun mootin the eloooion of officer: In: proceeded wit. ro- aulhingz President. Dr. R. T. Wnlhnm. O13: Ounuyln Use by an Inn: lacuna at Onnndn-the rlnc Atunpt st Found- ing 3 &nl- lomponnon ot the Pooplo In thou Iuly Dun. Tim ........I ......x.... AI I(:......o.... 5:. Tic of his torlcnl uooioty he! lab evening In 85. Gnome`: Conaldorlnn tho inolemonov THEJANADA or Loni; Aco. PROF. GIHOITT DIALS WITH SOME ANOIENT HIITORY. Commencing Saturday morn- ng and continuing until the entire Itock is disposed of. Thin uni kn an nu-ant` nnnru-Onhn