Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1896, p. 2

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nuv as nuvuv yevunuuu_v -uuu-w-van`. Sir Richard in 0.: mild I mannered men on people meet nowedeye. but he in equnl to an emergency. end when he goes upon the stump, or been the ooneerntlvee in the commons. and in forced to cell thing: by their proper name. he oen do it. More- over he be: e memory upon which he can call at in] time and quote experience: of the moat vnlunble kind. He con disease the issues of the day in u kindly e epirio on any men. but he can fight when he ll forced to do it, and he can carry Ihe WI! into Africa if neoeeury. Thoee who pio- Lured him so I men of extreme sourneee. who could not be epproeohed. who would be rude to the business men who had ocea- niontaooell upon him. hue been simply lying about him. end they ought to be ashamed of tabemlelvel. : SIR RICHARD CARTWBIGHT. It in now the London News which con- Inenh upon Sir Riclnrd Certwrighe genielity u 3 member of the cum oom- mieeion. Sir Rioherd Cartwright. it toys. in uelully pictured by the concern- bive paper: ee I Iorb of ogre. going about with I frown on Me face, blue and blueb- ing emee coming from hie month end I lound of weeping end wailing, eooompenied by some gnubing of teeth. following in his fnntnfnru Ln - nun`. 4.` lnn than. -Inn u_y uuunv IlDC|llII_ In UUUIIIJ. |vuvwuu- III In- foolsatepl. A; I author of foot: that who had tho pleasure of nesting him in London last week found him I smiling sud IQIOO-` `Able min of the world. his eye: twinkling npprooinhlvoly behind his tinted gluon. and hi: mobile mouth betraying hho kindly human of I well-inlonnod And philosophic mlnrl ip Hlnln--nih -mllbhul -0. null uuuuuu In In wvu-unvlllsu III yulnu-ulauna mind. Sir Richard : polltiool wit Ind method: may be uncomfortably rough and nggrouivo. on his opponent: declare. but socially he in I most charming mm, on tho India: would lay, and perhaps the mom of all our Canadian public men whose guard- ed and knotted pooullnrinioo of mind and cbu-moor nah him to-day moot worthy of study. It in not Always tho leader of men who is moot profoundly interesting. u`. Di..|..-.l :. .. -..ll.l . I-\-ntunnnl` -nun lTHE_ ADAILTY _wH1G.| WORTHY OF RECOGNITION. _ ;L- |l__._.-_| ll).-.,___ AL. _, EDITORIAL I II)..|. :_ - 2) - JRIAL NOTES. ..I:~'..r.':s.L"*......~--*- WXVH Innnnnlnh-lb Big Bargains In vul puupouuivi IuvIIl-'Il)l II. WWI bu ban t the tll wink:-. 1'bcn.P.ndduhuv :ill [:0 quovcnlu", `buns dnvlngnuono to Eln. P. Iuphy Erchundlu in bone as . 'l`touIt`o uh. - IIIICI-Inlboool-0. Dunnnt. Duo. B.--`l`hoeuou-I hold on tho tuning of Novouhu fish. in tho anboolhouo, was :1: unqualied luau. 150 IIO eoodnod 0! songs. redh- uou uudingu. A vary pub; drill was hultlculy unsound the puck, undcthoaulul Inning lid! , Ihunllnclnr. Ancnnuna nulls! faith which will go In par. clan ht distribution snug Ito cbutiu. Onrdwohnotiu That: nun who `in: his whole and undlddod amnuon to one particular nub- Ihonld sequin I grater prociency n It. dun onovbou ' An npondod in dlonnt directions. his in true 0! tho medical nporintoodoot. and bin at ol udahnh. at Inhabit-II inldcuto. In thdr lnnunontol Alcoholism and kindred diu- cnu. Enryhuhouo nddnto the ox- porbnooolyunu. and to tho nnnlnr of thooouiaulully trusted. Tbonogn no nddcn dungeon dept-indoo li- nhcnunnobolusnd lunatic pn- aonl (in: up Ibo drink habit Aland un- oouciouoly, and. Iron that moment, onion tholruuaponhio and aunt. oun- Iuonolnglibnhulu hrighhunnnptcu. For pun lot nnd unu odduu Tho Iluupr. unt|mtitub.0akvillo.0nt. 0-IIIIII-I III III I/`OI .- Toronto Seturdey Night has for ten yeere iaened e Christmes number with well-told emriee end prettily nude pic- tures. For sever-el yeers it used English. French end Uermsn eu plements. but for two years it hes irsu reproductions of biswrioel peintinge, originel end Cens- disn. This yeer the Bottle of Queensta Heights II the subject. e picture neerly three feet long, psinted by e Cenedien ertist end reproduced by Oenedien pro oesses in lourteen colon. The surround- in e are the mountein up which our to nnteers endeevored to climb. the his- toric gorge of Nisgsro, the blue dietenoee which stretch through New York stete, end the mists which rise from the repids. In the foreground Generel Brock is dying in the sum of hie lieuunents. The regu- ` lere ere cherging put him. the [ndiene ere skirrniehing through the rockeind trees to the right, end Oenede'e hero. with sword aloft. cries out. Push on, York Volun teers." Colonel e T. Denison lur- niehes the history of e ght. The open- ing story of the pe is by the Isrquis of Lorne: the other .5? stories or shewhes ere b Cenedisne. who lumish the numer- ous ll ustrstioos. nun Anglican rllooolo ol nlnguon low I good olorgymnn when he went. into the liurnry lino: for n porlnanoncy. but the world `ruined a clean, wholooomo Author uddnmoult. nuaoena one noun 3 mgn piece In arc. There in no doubt. of I. auooeu in the nubee ol the new dnm Beats of the Mighty," by Gilbert Parker, the novelist. The Anglican diocese of Kingston Ion. Rood olennmnn went. into the chants of Wlsdom. Fun and Irollc Packed Into Olnse lpeoe. The Fer o Argus runs its msrriugee, births and euths under the s pro rintp headings of Bells, "Yells. nel 5. Owen Moore he went. sway, Owen Moore then he could pay, Owen Moore osme beck egsin, Owen Moore. The Church Evsngelist. of Toronto. de- olsres then 85. Peter's, the rish church of Oohourg, impresses the holder with the dignity of worship. Solnegood peo le who have visited this church as regu sr service will attest to the dignity not only of the church but of the people. The are toodignled to be equsl to the slightest courtesy to s strsnger. Harper's Buur presence s lull psge re- groduction of s psinting by Mrs. Sbsnhope orbes. of Englsnd. lormerly Miss Elin- beth Armstrong. 0! Kingston. Like her husbend she holds high plsce in src. the success in the me puipw mngnt. rouow an example. The twolzh annual Columbia pod calen- dur has appeared in more loaning form than before. hnving imny o Arming illua tntionl, with an upprorpinu thought or verso for each day in the your on bioyoling. outdoor life and good roads. Tho public hu uoquirod I dooidodly lriendl feeling for the Columbia calendar. whio oon be nbmlnnd for va Iwn none numpc by md droning the Pope mnnutnoouring oompony at. Hutford, Conn. way no auvemanng In nne newepapera. A bod of olergymen in Boston rocentl diecu "The Uae of Pn'ntor'a Ink. ' They were unanimous in declaring that the ohuroh must make more use than here- tofore of the newapapor. Truly "the world do move." Evangelist Moody thinks that newl- pore are a valuable aid to church work, and relate: how a eonaational headline lod ro bhe oonvereinn of a St. Louie convict. Mr. Moody loolu for something ood and he finds it. Some of the leaaer ighta oi the pulpit might. follow his example. nad oalen. run or noes. Twenty diereno styles 0! rage and mete. some of then: re uler work: 0! Art. bochooee from At R. cl`eul e Klngeton carpet. warehouse A former got mad end ordered 5 per dieoonzinued heoeuee. on he fenci . it: editor mode fun of him. He did just. right. A men who can't. teke e joke should never take e peper. Some 0! the leading bheetrioel xnenegere in New York have decided to discontinue the practice of bill posting. They will de- vote e pert of the money expended in Nut way to edvertieing in the bodv olenzvmen recenmlv plenum to an. no pnyuo required. Wuko up. brother merchant. and `Fat your share of the holiday bualneu! ho Iloopy_Dnvid whoiu on ht napping will bohkoly no nd his 0 riutmu stocking ml! of front. `rump- A:......o, .o-I.. -0 ....... -...a 50! all kinds Tailoring Hm: Alto}? "I'm lonvhic this 01911 n'orv]o'o." IE: Id, Why no you luvlng It, my puny mnld P" Somebody Mud me. lit." the am. When children are pale. poevilh and melon at ni ht they require I done or two of Minor : orm Powdou. They are pleusnb to take. phyuio required. up. bl-other merchant. Ind mt. It willbo well cum: I: to cold weather ox om and gratings and dub than ready for no. Mnntlu. mills-. non-ma. Ind intarior llpnollf by 000 l.IP0VIl;)I?:D[;Ipl|yh. ulrnovuy uo. Anv Iool can start I noupnpor and my shall! shun 003:. am. bulii, It cake; a wise man to In 30 ng. New dl.v?- Uglow t 00. Copihl. un cu booked by nun. and on- dnnnoo. will notgo hr towards maintain- ing oven tho hum hub nownpapor. "E511 ! lotion: winter 9" Ian; tho bud,- _ And t. qn G_hor_o_!oll I huh. 11:0 unnu `trunk runny oom ny will ray by ohoquo on the first of no month named of on the 20th, at in now done. Twnnhv thnnnnrul mgn In II-.. Vaxnlu HIWII j U 3' VII laponou on `Hair loudl- New silver goods. R. Uglow t Go. Bot: cushion: nod too oollco ready for oovoring ut B. MoFuul |. Next to I hone of lrioudu few good eno- mia no oi real union to I nuupnper. Tolonhono 74 md Inn vour lumitmn ro- mu IN or run union to Telephone 74 have your furniture to- u olltorod b the Onrnonk Com y. plhb 6'31: onounh loinnb $3" tho Ana nun anon: racy tor Mnntlel, grills-. scream, and interior houno doooncivo work `undo to order The Carnonliy Co. Anv Ion] nan ntnrlz n nn-nmmr and Ana -.,. -~v.. --. --...--- --vu-r-r... on than loll Boonnu tho hall in wnhlod of End In-nlghtwsy turnod to nlmh. An ouol would nah I nice Chrhttnu pl-cunt. white And gold onnmol. :6 R. Mo- Fnul'a Kinptan osrpet wsrohouoo. The Grand Trunk mllnv oomnnnv will manna or me `man, il clone. Twenty thousand men in New York have oxpreuod their willingness to go to Cuba. So much for who first old snap. "When no you going to. In putt mud P" "I'm lonving the civil new 00." I I It. my nuts! nun mngnan osrpu wnronouao. Trunk milny will at! by cheque no month When In Doubt ............. _ _._._J|__ ._-. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY. NEWISKPAPER NUGGETS. nucnosurtbr ma DAY. ,PIohl Up By out! I Thai! Bnnnaln. `X U'CIIlI' C ljf XIII. ID I ndings amid the nick! has the which can It- VG , mugn. unsung on mo IIIU VII 0!- oollonornfowdayolnuvvok. and some of oubrupnooplo took udnnlnngo oi it. Watt suspended at II until 'l'bcnt.hcnvilI boon during tho atom Erchundlu I un1Iv.uI'I. OIIWIIIII. no. W. 6. Frost, Carrie Painter. King -true. mu to llootr o On Shodn. nnmo Ina vumo uoyu. ununyu C. Hullidny sud wife. I: n. Ilomln bu nond lo `I u. . u... n...u.... .1... I-.n III" DID IIOVCI W Ul|IIIU,'I Ijt Ir. a Na. Bolton. Johan` Fnllo. upon: Sunday at Mr. Fania. Tho mud: an very rough. Skating on tho lnku oullontfornhwdnnlulavunh. and -man mouuon. unr gonna: ouucnumn. John Flomi . has bought. who shing not: from his and rooulnod his work. lint M. Mummy hunhrned homo. Visitors: N. ll. Bound and nib, III in II: Annjg I_m_! Williqboylg. Cggloyn Loch: n. u. nowuu ma mu, lil It: Annio and Willie Doyle. a I Hullidnv wife. lllnin. Gann- WXI. Ulfl I` IOIIIIIIK IIII IIFIIYIIE I Kmanon. Minn Jennie L can I Sun my no Wutport. Bani ton, Forfnr. upon! I for day: with Manda hora. Tboohoooo fun: In cloud for Ghounon. Our genial hmith. John Fkminn. bounhl. thinn from IIIII-r I 1011-: navuua-. F091-tn ; Loan, Doc. 7.-Wo Ind n bavy fall of lnow,but. it. hu all diupponr od. A. E. Fleming in gaming honor. Philin Ilnrnhv law a valuable oov Int. rump uurpny low vuunolo Inn Inch. Charles Flominghuntnrnod from Kmnutnn. Min Jannio Lvnoth llnnl X. 5. In. IIOIIIHI` ll RUIKIIIK XWKT. Philip Murphy Ion wank. Charla Flaminl hu ntnrnod from to Montreal. The officers elect of Tichborno L.O.L. No. I038. for the ensuing your ore: W.M.. William McKoovor; D.M., Mu.- thow Bonner; olnplnin, John A. Kennedy; secretary, John A. McMahon: nnncinl uocnurk Charles Clarke; trounnr, Samuel onnodv; D. of C., John Knapp; looturor. J. A. Dormou: oommitwomon. UOOOIIIDIP. IIANNAY & HAROLD, annual Iunnoav; u. or u., aonn nnapp; lecturer. Dot-molt: oommittaomon. Thomu Bridgon. Henry Bworbrick. J. . Kennedy, John Kennedy. Juno: Keith. U. uuruenu noon oauoa LO mo noamuo of his mother, Mn Clarke. of Odoun, who is dangerously ill. B. Kalil: and larnily, who lI`l'iV0d here last week with the body of their little daughter Nomio. who died at Ban-y'a Bay. hue ro- curnod to their home. Rov. Ir. Bciloy, or Barry : Ra , conducted the lunonl nor- vioea in Fig Crook church. W. D. Black in buying`: our load of cnlvol for shipment. to Montreal. Th; nlna-n about nl Tinhhnrng I. II T. Tlohborna Toploa. T|<'nnon.:u'., Doc. 8.-The anow is about all gone again and the roads in aomo parts are nearly impassable. School in closed owing to the illness of the teacher. 0. Clarkeban been called to the bedside nl his mnmhnr My-A (AI-Ln nl (LIA... I rwlusuvnlu I Il1lIII`I. l n.:s1oNv.un:, Dec. 8.-Robert Haley. cboeeemeker. of Maberly. returned to his home last week. The pupils of our school are preparing for the entertainment to be held in the school house on December lrth. We hope it will prove a suoosse, as they ere taking great peins to prepare a ne rogramme. Joseph Harding and John cott have returned (mm the shanty and report dull times. Jsmes Molarlane re- turned to Carleton Place on Tuesday after spending thanksgiving at home. The meeting of the ladies mission circle. held on thanksgiving evening, was well attend- ed. Messrs. Buck, Kin ton, are visiting at their uncle's, George orning. One of our men wanted to spend thanksgiving in a neighboring town. but as he was not well ncqueintad with the mad he secured the services of another young men to direct him. We sincerely hope he got. there all ri ht. Miss Allie Homing and , Fred. Homing. of Perth, spent Saturday ` and Sunday at home. I KIVO III I Iflnly Olll on I. uuaay. 1 I13 rie match on Thursday romiael to be one- ol the ne event: of the uturo. S. Pierson expects to close down his evaporator on Tuesday. Messrs. H. and H. Grimmon and Mn: N. Grimmon spent. Sunda at. Royal street. The young people are my preparing for the Chriaunao tron. Blui Blur lirlnge Blpplee. Bucx Rivn. BIIDGI, Dec. 8.- l`he Ven Dueen Brae. hue closed down their cider mill for the eeeeon, hnvin nenufectured conlidernble cider. C. A. cDoneld bed a hueking bee last week. The weather in: rether cool, but the ho e managed to keep themeelvee warm. Wi linm Kelli. jr., of Syracuse. in visiting his parents ere this week. A. E. Grimmon & Son`: oveporetor cloned down on Saturday for the lesion. They heve evn rated about fourteen tom. Williem eye and bride. of Man- treal. id us A ying vilit on Thuredey lut. bert Hughee, 0! Go: rt, also gave u e friendly call on Tu y. The on Thuredev nromieee ` our Ohnntry Digest. CHANTIY, Dec. 8.-It hes been oloinlly decided that we are to hsveschriscmes entertainment for the children in connec- tion with the Sunday school. Mrs. A. Bnken, who has been visiting A6 8 L Knowlt.on's, has been very sick for e few dsys. She is reported bebber now. If our school doesn t. prosper for the nexc year it won t. be the {suit of the teacher. Mr. Empey, for he has en eesistnnt. (it's e girl). There is talk of several of our citizens et- taendmg the Alheni oonoert in Broekvills next week. e Rose butter leotaory is running full blu .t.elnng in grestqnsntities 0! milk end cumin; out I very hi h grade of butter. Rev. Mr. Betas. ethodlst. evsngelisb. preeched s very eloquent sermon to s large and epprecistlve nudi- ence on Sunday last. in the Methodist. church. new In nwwnrrre mu, rnuny mgnu. "me L.O. L. in preparing (or eoonoert. E. E. Johnston was home Sunday. Mine Annie Grey is spending e few dnyl with friend: in Springfield. Miu Nelson, of Brook- vilie, in vieitin an D. McFndden'I: Mn. Franklin, It .Redmond I; W. Keeting. In R. T. AIien I. Sunday. lrmws FROM oun NEICHBORSI The mung: rronivunou Polnte In lut- ern 0ncerlo-Whe People Are Doing end e: they Are IIyI.n[-'l'he lvune of Inlet-eet to all oleuee. M,|:woln. Dec. 7.---Mrs. Jemu Low- men in very ill at present. Bheie being` waited on by two eietere ofoherity from the Home of Providence. Kingston. Michael Leppen end ledy spent Sunday in `Trevelynn. Mine A nee Lappen has been engaged on teacher or next. year In Qusb- bin eohool. P. Doneven. who went to Kingston eome time ago to undergo on operation. In getbin on very nice! . Min Rllnh bu recurned one from A ennde |t s High Time you had your sleigh: ovorhl tmpn nu rowrnoa homo I1-on Alonmlm Bay. N .Y. Wllllo Guln I nu Sunday at home with his mother. lmu no dull at protons, the:-olon llama of new an very sou-on. Mn. P. Hickey. Athena. returned home After Iponding A week lth her sister. The nlo and dsnoo at P. Ralph : was well Attended. I-JIMIOWIO IJOOIIOE Lnmnown, Dec. 8.-'1`he member! of the Epworth league with their lriende and my other: who winhed to come, spent Frlv day evening very pleuencl at Mn. ' `l)1Ilcc:1?`rdeon I. The !nnnerI' nebihuto VII e are yeeterdn with e verylerge nt- tendnnoe. Anobhyer eepentor bu been pieced in the oreelnery, one not being able to eooommodete She supply. The nnrore boreeliu are very seldom nu beautiful :5 they were Thurndey ni he. Adnnoe was held in Bbewnrtfl hall, ridny night. The nmnnnn lnr nconoert. WHAT OUR OORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL U8. pPlokIngI. . n ma... gunmen,-nun:-nuInI`unouor.u vhayou:Lun to studs in II-Iuphd nnh.Jn-no . lcr|vh|I|n:tdhdlnuln_ nun: u a run. I omnon-going and ht-aHd:= poop|o. and by the not ol 6 5 ' prind and Blair industry, on To cl pan and pros- pority. our young pooplo no nwcnrhulling. while onrl no standing the check 0! lydtnhnnotnlltcon. . I Emu huoholboll in I`, vino own-nu-o naming ydtnhnot Kingston. . an noon:-inghon mantel lung woublo. Millard [anon Illih alumina wood nu-any an L5. II nounaoa on we ...$':.',"':f.'."'o`i1 :';-. ........., .... u. . south by Mr. Connor : og pole, and on thoeut:Lonlunginu-ylnno. uudTo tho Hr pa-oomgo pomp. n . mu {ood to K on the north`, Cour: nlontholou Jllonhuruioon the out Oloonlo on the Von. Within that limit: In hon om church. one school. a tanponnoo howl. u ohoooo loo- torpopoosooo with daily mil. two atoms. two hlochomish two on- mo' shop. our or t. no phase be cute: grinding. oovorol good Inna: and linooeono enough to top It. Quick buy with his honlnot during the nunindc ol mrih Our old on on A Ill 306 Ind hvgwntonlo. by nno:u'oo cl lltlnburg ltohlngs. Emnuscm. Doc. 8.--Your oorrolpon- dent enter: upon the duties ol local ro- rter with ndoop some of nnpon-ibility. gr motto is: "Not all to urn or plan. but through the pros- hll totho world our now: with fsIl.hlul- non." manor. rrot. u. u. aonneuuer, All nnny City, Pm She will be greatly mi , not only by her relations, but also by the large numboro friend: and acquaintances the hu undo dnrin her any in our villgg_ H. Sibley nd amen Irvine are avny to Montreal ' I ouloud of hoof cattle and lambs. ` an or men nave un wcur. loge ror illee Broe. near Copeland Creek and aeveral looal jobhera are ing tobegin operationa on a emall eoae. which it ie hoped will improve the prevailing dull times. It ie a matter of univereel autiafac- tion that the truateee of our village eohool have anooeeded in en ing the preeent nrinoixal. Herbert. Gage, or another year. Mre. . Yones in very aick. The eervioea of Dr. Dolg have been called into reqmai~ tion. He ooneidere the cue a very grave one. The ceiling of the sitting room in the Chateon honae caught relaet Satur- day morning from the etovepipo paaeing through it. Fortunately the fire waa clieoovered in time and ex- tinguiahed before it made much headway. The only damage done was to the lathwork and plaawr of the iloorin ol the eecond uory. The tailoring eetab iehment and barber ehop carried on by Albert L. Stein on the premieea adjacent to Paul Stein'a etore have been, it ia hoped, only temporarily cloeed owin to thehard times, and Albert ie trying hie uck for a while in Montreal. Mn. C. A. (Jarrett ia mahn a protracted visit at Rio ard Edna a . near Griith. Miee Freda Schneider. of Allegbany City. l a., who haa been ependmg the peat eeaeon with her brother. Rev. F. W. Schneider. of this laoe. intends to return to her, father. rof. C. G. Schneider, All hany City. neetlv . me I I I 1 1 I I IXII" Our villa much ha I VIOIIIIIII Kall XIII, nun JOHN IJOOI Illa I of men huvo begun wcutloga for .4..--4| Ipuul :..|u.L.-. ...4 ..A:.... 5.. I....:.. D:Nnmu.Doo. 8.-Tho weather has been winter-like lnoly, but we hsvo hnd hard! any snow and Iloi hin in very muo vvilhod for. Very few `umber-in open- tions hnve so far been that in this vioininy this full, but John Dool And um: of man hnva botun tocut. loan for nen one oesr. er wen. His msny rien s sre pleased to learn that D. Brsdy, who has been dsngerously ill, is rspidly recovering snd will soon bo able to be sround sgsin. Miss E. Hugh- son hss reuurned sitar spending 1 couple of weeks visiting friends in Bydenhsm and vicinity. Henry Hughson is beck from the county oounoil end, we understand. will run for district representative. We wish him every success. He bu slwsys shown himself wide sinks to the farmers interests end deserves their support. A. E. EROD S;- - ._ n1...|. mo nuuu anonnnn orou no forth the praise of all protons. in Woolfo IIIO dung I comic son that. mu hurtily roooivod. P. Linton n ordod ex- cellent music on the violin. Pracbilo in being hcld in the school house ever; even- ing And the promoters are dobermmod to main tho programme for Friday ovening non the butlyet ivon. in Innnw inn - mm nlnn-AA on I-.. nn, or ncwn, ll vmung mrn.1'. go this weak. Hours. Joneo,o! Do- Ioronbo. Brown and MoDon:|d, of Welling- ton. Strong. 0! Bollovillo, and Collier. of Picbon. were guoltl At the Control this week. Mr. David in ndinz the winter with W. Dulmngo. v. T. Anderson will nddrou the Epworbh lecguoin the Methodist church on Monday evening. uuumur uocnl KII`I'I'-jllill. LATIIIE, Dec. 7.-While reotloing hie horee on Mein street E. . Patterson : hired men wee thrown by the horee eli - ing, and nerrowl eeoeped being eeriouery urb. He eeoepel. however. with a few bruieee end eoneolee himself that "e men muet have hie neck broken twice before he oen beejockey." The live cent reeding in the eohoolhonre on Friday evening wee e decided eucoeu in point. of progmmme. Owinqto the etormineee of the evening the audience wee not ea I: u would etherwiee hue been. The children eoted their pert: remerkebl well. The song by the Mieeee hermen brogfhb nniee nralenh. in Illford Notes. lxuoln, Dec. 8.--Delbert Walker. Kingston. is the guest el Wesley Blekley. The children ol the Methodist Snndey school no preparing for their annual ,Cl:ristnes tree. Rev. A. Creegen attend- ed the oenferenoe ol the An oen clergy sndleil? st Trenton reoentr. Mr. and Mrs. . Hod spent Sundsy st Port Milford. The .M.B. held an open meet- ing In the Methodist church on I reoent Fndsy evening. A good programme was given. A social no ivon under the all oss of St. Philllp s e um}: in the town noentl . A good p rsmme wss inn and v. A. C :5. sbly lllled t e choir. Emereon Mur ey has returned from Cressy. Min B. Love. of Blmk River. sue the mam uruuy. Mia B. Love, of Blwk Rivor, sun the nest of Min Louis on Sundny. E. nnduuon wu eloctnd Ioloob oounolllor of tho R.T. of T. lod Int. Thursday oven- lnn. Min Blanch. In via the aunt. of uno 5.1`. or 1'. Ioa mo '1'll|Il'I(1Iy Ing. Blanche wry the (nut Mao Badie Had over Sundny. Mn. Egan, of Picton, in visiting Mrs. T. as this weak. Mann. Jonemof DECEMBER 9. 1896 old frlendee vleit here on the 5th. 1!. Lockwood hueold hit houee and lot on George street to Stephen Bennett for 8400. Jueee Mocenn. hleokemith, Gen- en he, will in future oerry on the bleak- unit in hueineee in Arthur Bennett : |hop.C arch Itreet. J. H. Whelen. one of the ioneere in the nmnicipel life of North by, will run es en independent candidate for the oonuniuionerehip. Mr. Whelen doee not intend going into con- vention end will not be bound b en! choice or party. We leer: um . . Webster vxllheeoendidete for the com- mi-innnpnhin in bhn"inkA|un!A nl Olin Infnl-In wooaur wuluonounmauo tor we oom- miuiononhip in t.ho"intonou ol the reform party. Tho Prob toriun church. Wuh- porb, in 00 b0 odioatod by Princi I Guano! Quota : col . on Down 20th. About half of Lmlo Ridesu Ink: nan In-nonn non: Innf. -nab {land IIIO WA! W010!) 070! III? W! . uoou shun; on tho pond.` 0. Clark And N. Moum will run I chain: rink hon dur- W Fashion unung up pond. u. war: mo in. MoOnnn viii run tinting ingthowintar. John Sanlun, Saginaw, Miuh., in visiting his brother Tennoo. Min Oocilin Bosnian in hero for some that viaioing her uncle Teronoo. Turko {sir will be bold than on who loch And ill`. . Lutlnnr Locnl Pnngnphl. mm. 11... -7 mun- ......n..:. Dolnn II Donblgh. .. I \... II 'I"L- _.--sl.- ll bounded the nnnrnmuu-numb. Kingston i eo_1l3[mk About It M. w. Iz'6nINso~, pnauuuu our umnwrl OOIIFIIO In N10 matter raga ing which oomplaint Ill made. aoma time ago. Mia McNeil. of Lanadovmo, ha: bean visiting friends in the village. It is rumored that than in to be a custom bonus ooor a intad at Mallor town landing. A. . Mallory paid ananoqua allying viut thin vaak. A nnmbar of our village pla an attend- ln at Broekvilla t in wool. Th. olutar, ol Brockvillo. was in tho villaga this weak. Our bntvar factory Items to ho progracamg iavorabl nndar tbamanaqonant of Mantra. Ra aol and ms IN my Ami v Iowrloul ov one vote. We In [Ind 60 Utah that Min Jennie Lolruo no Able to be about Again. The port oioe inspector Inn in our village In: week and we no glad to state be perfectly juution our tmuurh course in the mnuar roan inn uhi.-I. M.....I.:..o ...-. gun: no no illf. `s map 3 opnndi . Con : hop down 5 3: thing. Pooplo who don't know shoot it wont to know. kPoop|o who do know vutho all about Itiokidooy otlooouoo. Kingston poop|'o.::|oornlnglut.. Halon-ooono - MALLORYTOWN. Dec. 7.-Election talk , is slowly springing up again. 0. L. Buell is attending the Brockville business college. Farmers are cutting up the fallen trees in the woods. E. Mallory will ship a car load of cattle in Montreal on Tuesday. J. Mallory was the guest ol P. Mallory on -Sunday lust. Dr. Beelnan seems to be meeting with success In our village. Al- though he has been here but a short time he has several ver critical cases under his cars. A. W. Mallory s factory closed on Friday last shot a very successful season's run. Erank Blanchard manufactured the choose this year. He has now charge of the creamery here. The annual meeting of the Union cheese factory took place on I Wednesday evenln last. The patrons de- . oided to run the actory as before. All the old oioers were elected with the ex- ception of J. Du , as salesman. Wash- ington op him. and was V notorious lw nnn mo. W- It in in tho air. f`.nn'& .0... n .. Polt. ollloc lnvootIgM.Ion-0nuoInI Donn llnlnor. II................. n._ -u nu .- . -- ror one rnmng 0! "seed tsters." Byron Lee is another most successful farmer in the growing of wheat, having a large cmp notwithstanding the unfavorable season. We have not specs to mention all from Ontario on whom fortune has smiled. but a low of the most prominent agricnlturiets are D. Hugh, Charles Benja- min. J. Gordon. of Odessa, G. Daley end S. Mouin. Nor have the ex-Cenadisns discarded their chiel characteristics. enter- prise and business energy. for among drug- gists Nelson Blrley is a careful oompou nder of all substances desired by the customer for internal and external application. J. Howe. senator for third district. promises to be one of the leading politicians ol the west. 8. Hsmm. secretary for the league R.A.Bs., has lately returned home after one yee_r s sojourn among us. W. Garnet is a successful blacksmith. Malcolm Fraser. J .P., took an oratorioal part in the late silver campaign; Wallace Rose, a skil- lul machinist of the Herring binder works. Napanee, is doing business in Nickle. Apples are scarce here, and when an indi- vldnal obtains one there isn't any core left for the meagre pigs who cast lurtive glances toward on. but can't express themselves. Wit eernsst wishes for the Wino`: welfare we will close.--THI Oun- mo Bovs. All Are Prosperous. Plueky. Pereeverllg And Enhrprlllnj. DAKOTA, `Dec. 3.--(To the Editor): It is with gretitude thit we have the o por- tunity of perusing the Burma ma. which comes like a letter from home, And all ere gled when it arrives on the amule- ment it Afford: euinte no tly in eveding the blues. Winter hu ong ainoe driven to their eylven rendezvous the ophere end their boon oompenione, the gen, whoee instinct leeches them to ee from the oc- cuionnl blisurd end the unwholeeome lieu. But norms for the put your were. fortunately. conspicuous by their absence, end at the present time of writin the thermometer registers 56 in the e me, which oi oouroe oompele us with antithe- tion to haunt the reside. The Red River volley ngriculturieu ere. with the excep- tion oi a few, nearly All from oountiee bordering on Like Ontario Around the limestone city. Among the moat proeper- oue inhebitente in Jemee Allison. of Ernest- town. and formerly of Tipperery, Ireland. who emigrated here. and in now the happy r of three hundred end twenty noree of rich treble lend, eepeciall y Iuiteble for the raising of seed totere." Bvron IAO ll Another mosh nnnnnnnfnl uoxnon, uoc. u.-uon. '1`. Jr. Bayard. the American nlnbn-dor, bu written I lcbtcr to The Daily Tclcgnph. concerning than journal : prots! to take up I ublio subscription for is purpoco of pure uing` him u national Christan: 16 as the token of tho Ochoa of tho D The may-_ uhinh 1. mg: n....... no.1. .... Most Decidedly Tho but place In 9.) my to < tr inwaen or tneir appreciation or my eyortto eetablleh between the two greet Englieh-epeaking countrie: relation: of harmony and good will." Mr. Bayerd then proceed: toeey that be we: touched and gratied by the propoeel and the Telegraph`: general eul of him, but a few hour : reeotion owed him that, holding hie preeent oioe and idveeted with it: diecretion and dutiee. he ehould ecrupulouely obe the epirit of hi: coun- try : law, whio inhibit: anyone hold- ing an oiiioe of tmet or prot under the American government irem accepting without the coneent oi oongren. eny pre- :ent from any hing. prinoe or vermnent. He further eey:: While live Iehall not oeaee to thank the people of ,the:e i:- lead: for tho wholeheartod. unetinted wel- oome. `I have received at their hande. and the warm hoepitalitiee that have been ehowered on me and mine." The Tale. one warm noepluliueu was nun been showered on me end mine." The Tele- graph, in I leader. will to-monow un- nounoe the withdnwel of We propoeel It. says there in no need to inquire wheth: ` er any high otlioiul nuiehoricyinuenoed Mr. Beynrd to decline the propoeed `ft. The reception to the propoeel hue own how sincere in the goodwill of the Englieh ne- tion commie bun. BAYARD REFUIE8 BRITAIN'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO HIM. Wnrnut lxproulou 01 lung! Board And luoon Prolouod-An Anbuudor cannot Looopt A Gilt Without Oonuut or cannon. Loubon. Doc. 8.-Hon. '1'. F. Buyard. ambnndor. written 3 ol one essssn or one smell `the lower, which is dcted 5th, seys, in pert: "Esrly this morning teie\'eph- ed you not to proceed further with your kind and generous proposal for s testi- monisl to me from the people of the coun- tr in token of their appreciation of eyortto mus THE PRESENT IS nncumi MALLORYTOWN MUSINOS. ONTARIO BOYS IN DAKOTA. ,-----, .`..a:.'.':`.2`. lnjudhflhhd Iu-I j Issues Policies on every plan of insurance. Including Ordinary Llfe. Limited Payment Life Endowment. with or without proflts. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bands at lower rates than any other corr~panv- I00 Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office of the Company [The People's Llle Insurance 60., Toronto. IMGKELVEY & BIRCH. It is simple. works rapidly and is easily aidjusted. A labor saver. Subscription books are now open in the oice of Lownebrough & Co., where J. Grant Lyman, managing director will be pleasedto recive your subscription for the number shares desired. Shares are of the par value of $100 and are full-paid and non-assessable. being subject to no further call. f. PARTRlDGl_I, enable us to handle a much larger quantity. the best investment in the Dominion to-day, and we condently recommend them to you as such. transportation charges to EIGHT CENTS per ton and At the present time our transportation facilities are very_limited, all the ore having to be carried on mules or burros; this is slow and expensive, costing $2.50 per ton to deliver the ore to the mill. By putting in a wire tramway which will operate by gravity, the loaded cars g .g down by their excessive weight, returning the empty ones to the mines, will reduce the plant and wire tramway, to run direct from the mines to the mill. The Colorado Gold Mining and Development Company offer to subscribers 150,000 shares of their treasury stock at 40 cents per share, which, with the present rate of dividend, nets the investor 15 per cent. increase in the dividends, the same will be doubled early in the new year, and when the, improvements, now under way are completed, it is believed the com- pany s earnings will be $1,000 per day, which will in- sure dividends of at least 3 per cent. a month on the SKAIES par value of the shares. will be used in putting up a 20-stamp mill, Cyanide per annum. Al the prots of the company warrant on [5 PER CENT! ENTERPRISE nmsm sEEnEn. At the price these shares are now offered, they are Correspondence invited. The proceeds from the sale of this treasury stock Prices Greatly Reduced. '..-- "$1,000 FOR` = 1 unit- nbuutk vu uiio $3500. 0 0 0 . Sleigh Dashes TINNED. 69 & 7| Brock Strut. KINGSTON. No. 36. Family Size. seeds one pound in five minutes. `lholuunulhlulhotoohvinlov InIIo0uIIIuu( button In lchi not h nch. vutouululvnlcuu. hauls .., BLANKEIJ*`~` Ifvouvtntfhwocnnhuorauaas mngmnnndnnn our um-In Kn IIIVI III lino. Alto 0IOll||l|| and Prun- hrzy Ira Bl: t.IDAI.no'r|ou: gilnnlfo . . u` coo. &roo`;ry '33pm lluuo oI:o Phin- cou nun. All work nnunuod.` I III VV IIIIOIO In 50 Ml Prlnoou shoot. whom you can not ol work dam in the 'II\aII III IIIIUIIIO nbout Anything rdlng our hutln I up nun. Ilmni Mn`. 0 ., the has no Inf Into lnvutcuu ho nutter than ` out: 1. U you do no we uh: I cultomor. Thboct poulblo vcluo or your money In mun. Btovon. Plrnsou, cm. I nnvonn |II l1l'|WIf.- HIOVC1 IRWIN. .. In Al III Dplnn-4- An nolllng 1`:-lunnod an. at [not ndnotlonc. Nova! . hot as and hen voting: a In unu- It vorluunhfp fn 1Adlu' unt and owning ooohnu. Olvo Ill non . An ulllu Trinnod Inc Nun d1lf1u. worlunu p In adios` snug} 7 \.r -u-an: -UIUIII out do I ovorhnnlod by roll- | nhlo wor man. In; ch In to In. you'll be nuullod with the tun M. We have Plant! 0!" upon room " for Info, oom- ortu vlo not I of bloyolu. huuuhold fumlturo. our sun. 00.0. r 1---.` n-.._9-__- n-9_._, 0 II Baqot strut. Dawson Prlnoou uni hook on. no lnvltod to visit our non frequently I whothu the wish to buy or not. Our trlmmln 0 con no oxquho and rep- ruont 1 c oholuns ntylu. lloduood riou on In lino: of mllnory for oombor. \r\I9 Ir`/VJIIIVJIJI place secure the nut Boot: and on In an E w)PI-(noon Strut. 0 I Opp. Y.I 0.A. Bl'd. Ountom Work I Ipoohlu. Repairing promptly and nutty dono. (AA nun: AJIIIQII IIAAI BUSINESS POINTERS. yr Indo and Redovorod. Oloo Railing. Iron and Wire Cots and Bod. Wire (lands and I kind: 0! Win Work And Win Cloth mnnulneturod by _ . ___-_ .. - nnnunnum nnnn In culled Softand Hard Wood. at Corner 0! On- tario and Earl Streets. somn ' 1A-; Their Special Sale -S-l\_a:pened. Repaired. Hoilow Ground, Plat- lng. etc. 'uInyuy lnu noun] uunu. See our Hockey Boot. 1.x... Go to relatives for nothing. Go to Laid|aw's for Go to strangers for charity. Go to friendsIfqr advice. Go to womenfonf pity. WEI IIGIIIT INDIA AND IWIIT GIVLONJ ..-u.-....\. ., CRESCENT WIRE WOBKE. YI5 King at. Sydonhnn at. I 107 PRINCESS I STREET. that cont: :.::'-.1 '.3s'..`?' 97:34. .{.T J. ucuusuuu-s, IL. Inc I. -..--A..A an. .... I frequently I . JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. noI_N_soN. 3nos.] Made New.... I Skates `Putz On Your Boots Free. `I : Indus. gun. ..a s..._.;-. When on want aomlmookhlndlnu dons 0| low pr om. Alan ruling and letter! . Old Iuulnos and hooks rebound ohnp y nndtnontly. Gornorjcuot and Brook Stu. !rM mun MAN- CARRIAGLS, cARnyAf , , ,,,,, -_ I v V -- Reinhardt : Ind O'Koo!o'I Coir busted Lazar. in one [Ian bottlu. In par down at IIIOMPSON BOWLING C0., 'l`El.ltPHnNIc`. nu. vuurul lIIrIWIl'O Dllif. Our. Prisons and Wolllncon unk. muu.mu|m:IIoooul'Wo`l I. No t1'oub|OUoIhoV_lt.IIIhOno:I|tI todhnb. .0 my ,`n5.,_gg A. sii'vA&'1 ,"' IKE '.2.n'.;ia.: M":iiv} EB. fil uvvsa rl UV. 1% lnluoo ulnhn and boots pl: In to when earl we will. an: an lean- Cy. utnoh I I bonny stun bomb: n (no. n-nu In all in unnlum Thorn`: all tho won: and ulna in II that LI .001! And vorkmnnhi can lnrnloh `unusually ulootod Moo :1 such: from `B J. CORBETT, Omani Hardware Dealer. %. Wolllnacm. la-.5. ousehold Economy. ROYAL GEM 223 ':":`b`:1`::: quality than any other our on tho mu- For Family Use. lhinhnnnu .mI n-I(..:.-- 4 A 9r99.%99:e!. In an operation that pa double fol the efott ins-0|? Cd. When the veneer finish become: worn off the wood- wotk, doors, etc,, of your home we canxestore them to thoit ' `ml brillinncy with point lvunish. Dull oa- OI! prices ptonil. I03. ASK YOUR URUCEB FOB "ROYAL GEN." ror real pleasure. In uplte of electrici- tnnnal hlvyclen. the horns and t-urln o are . H in H..ounI for A GOOD ST! ISH CARRIAGE an to JAMES LATURN[Y S, E} Prinnan: ah-An! All kind. nl -....I.l..... -.-..--.`, -_-u-yum:-.I \l, 880 Princess street. All kinds of repairing on Ihortost notice. Plnoo-tho Iureroomu with Wheel wlnrlmvu. Pl: -\'n-\l, vr III IIII\II-\JI For real p|ousuI`a. In Iplto of electrici- ti and z-nrrlmo n .111 It. nun-I GOOD 8'!` .I.iH 5255 make: more of I better gaunt: any tho at. GE vnnn Llnnnlnn utnn unnv A v nun: n BUSINESS POINTERS. `II `an-Ia _\r\.4\lI \/In may never be revealed, but there`: no secret in the {not that our work at marriage tinting, trimming and re- pnlring ; s an. portrait nnd ornamental mlnling in giving good mtisinetlon. othinz no convincing as a. practical tout. Try us once. nn\/Au? n....a.. ...--. lugs-........ Barrio street. batween Prlnoeu and Brook. T 6'1~'ib'.' _...----- yuuuuu I luj dI:'Iho out the lb Iughluhnol Onurlovmhodluolvod. lhnuuhrn curlyoloolioqthblhopvcl-I-unt has popuht thing play. has iha llllljinng-.1 AL..agL........Iu.- TlIoCornvdlo|ooon II II! bot. Tho whobluuqnhruthoongnrvuvuun zuhitnchlulooobool uuluant. I! clltbooubolla an to Induod to not npsnanhogovunnonl cnulhluo on no- oounulll Iholoryundldnh wlllvln. 0\harvinhowi.llb:pln:|Gcut. Tbfuuioz print I run: Old shop In. nan _..a... IL. n._n.n..___ _. vuullvil u use IHIUII unu IOII $3 Vi upnnd tho poop.lo hyoboth: rening. The Montreal Stu think: the Cotton; pa-tollloo sandal n penynln Ar. In that tho way to look at the tolling of pub- licomou? lubonoandal Ian I sandal bootuno the money involved in the dad dounocoouo out ol Ibo public bum? Tho Bear in |od:.: lh.non.lloy. Tho Potrolou oil nun uoonxlou that the mgr. mm on cool on can ho mu. uinod. And who about the quality of thooil? Agnstdullnonol llvonklho burned il in such And foul odor Innnd tho nnnnln Lu hang. ..A--I-- uunlunlh nuuha. The Week in aid to ban Iuupondod. which in to be rogrottod. It was I high clnu woolly when oontanta Inn I credit to the literary tau and onltuto ol (hands. It lled u p|noo.poonl.isrl;r.iu ovn. ..............um, um um Iuuulu no guuloo D0 ` the vooonnn. The volunteer: who did heroic service in the north-welt uhollion have been rooogniud. and the modal which they wear is an honor which they prim more than language can up:-cu. Who provided this mods]! Wu it not the Cunadinn government? And why should it. not now. Into u it is, do justice too the vocortna ol I868. Iavvil - -auuv-vu But. though the put ouinoc be mailed the government. of to-day. the Lnurier ud- miniatncion, cm and Ihould do justice to the vnml-Ann, Than unI....p..... _I.. 4:: vuvunu And there the matter he: tested ever einoe. The leelin; II in-eelsteble that the Cenedien government he: not done in duty by the voter-em of 1866. Sir John Mecdoneld did not prone the matter upon his governmentu he promised to do; in Sir Adolphe Cu-on he probably truotod. end with the nine] result, thet be we: not interested enough even to trenemit to Col. Stevenson the decision of the British gov- ernment until about two year: alter it had been rendered n,,. .L, _,u .- ungu vu-Ir nu: Kuvul uuncuu euulllu (ID ID." Time peeeod, ebout three yeere, end then Lieut.-Col. Steveneon. of Montreal. chairmen of the oommittoe of veusrem, recalled the fact: in e letter which he ed- dreeeed to Sir John Meodoneld. The pre- mier turned the oorrehpondenoe over to Sir Adolphe Ceron, the noting minister of militia, and A month later Sir Adolphe found time to notify the veterene. through his eooretery, that two yeere belore the Britieh government. by the bend of Lord Knuteford. ooloniel eecretary, declared thet while the eervioee rendered by the volunteer lnilitiu of Canada. on the occasion mlerrod to, were very highly ep- prociatod, her mejeety e government did not feel jlnetied in recommending the queen to grente model in recognition 0! them. u.- ,,w......w. u. wuw --J U nus guvurriluullb. In 1887 the veterunn of Montreel preeent- ed their request to Sir John Mecdoneld. then premier, end eooording to report: be regarded it u reuoneble and undertook to hove it acted upon. He is credited with saying tht the volunteers engaged in eer vice at the front in 1866 "bed done their duty menfully and deserved recognition, and "if the British government did not lee its wey clear to give medals to the Cane- dinn volunteer: it would be hit duty to urge thet hie government should do so." Tim. .\......I -L....L `L--- _-_,,_ In the Montreal Witness the revelation in now nude that when the Canndien volunteers, who iepelled the Fenian in- vuion in l866, mede application to the government 0! this country for recognition in wee discussed but never granted. The incident in interesting now in View of the action of e local organization to keepln remembrance the service they rendered to their country and to have it marked. if possible. in some way by the government. In IRQ7 thn I7AfAIe.nn AI ll.-.o_..l ......_A Abernthy & Co.,_

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