.DC'I'A.BANDIYIGl.ASBATRI`1Pl!.1KX'l'liII'lX.lDAY& IYB` WE are giving specially Low Prices for your 'Xmas trade. Our stock of Use~ ful and Handsome 'Xmas Furniture is complete. Do not delay purchasing, but buy NOW while stock is large and variety good. We will deliver your purchases at 'Xmas as you wish. We are ticketing and storing goods away for our 'Xmas delivery every day. WIN DOW SEATS. We buy them all direct and give you the benet of it. From January till December rst we are constantly on the alert 50 purchase for our next `Xmas trade. We know how much we can sell every year and buy accordingly. there- fore we never have any shop-worn goods to carry over to try and sell at " less than cost." See our goods this year and prove our words. It would be hard to specify. but we will just mention a few of the leaders: Dainty Gold and Silver Plated Goods direct from the manufacturer's polishing lathe. look and wear like the pure thing itself. except that ours will not tarnish : delicate odors in Perfumes gotten up in attractive bottles and beautiful designs: Handkerchief and Glove. Manicure. Brush and Comb, Work and Jewel Boxes, in every conceivable design of color. material and workmanship: French Bisque Perfume Atomizers : Photo Frames of all styles: Sterling Silver Mounted Purses and Card Cases, and all at prices that will astonish you and make you wonder how we can sell them so cheap. ' DOES HE SMOKE P Then a nice Smoking Set. Cigar Case. Silver Ma Cigar Moistening Box, or a good " Box of Cigars (don t buy any if buy good ones), would be acceptable. DOES HE TRAVEL? Military Hair Brushes. Oak Tanned Dressing Case. Cu'ff and Collar Case. Shoe Set. Ticket Wallet. Shaving Case. or something of that sort might be useful. IS HE AN EVERYDAY YOUNG MAN? An Ink Set, Card Box, Handkerchief and Tie Case. Stamp Box. or numerous other things we could show you. Married or single, young or old. we have something that would be suitable for all. . `XMAS FURNITURE SALE. . I24 PRINCESS S'l'REET._ KINGSTON. 3 PERHAPS WE a g CAN HELP YOI T. F-. HRRRISON CO. Our Couches are line. Our prices range from $3.75 up to $40.00 according to style, cover, &c. This one, large size, heavy fringe all round to match the cover, full spring seat, good cover, any color you like, only $5.00. 45FlNlS1'NEWYORKAND`IGI.lSH CONFECl'IONER`!ALLFR$'IFORO`IRB'I'MAS.. Secially ne line of Desks. Ladies` Desks. Gents Desks, Boys` Decks. This one in good size, hardwood, good niah. look on desk and drawer. pigeon holes, &.c.. inside, nicely carved. only 83.25. Only A low in stock. J J In making your selections for 'Xmas presen know the greatest difficulty is in deciding just to buy. DESK8. .... ..CHEMlST AND OPT|ClAN...... _COUCl-IE8 _ arms Ana own ouwra, range extends up to 840. This shows only one of our many styles of Cobbler Rockers. We haven handsome line in Golden Blrrh. Oak. and Mnhognny nish. These are sold lower this year than ever. Some of these styles are suitable for any parlor. COBBLER ROKERS. CHRISTMAS EDITION: Wg>men s Felt Boots,.foxed with leather, laced or but- toned, only ]I.oo. E, C. MITCHELL, ` Ladies Fine Kid Buttoned Boots. pointed toe, tipped, bargains at 81.00. Have you ever thought of a nice Trunk or `lf_avellln'Ba as a Cllrlstnu Men's Snow Excluder Over- shoes, waterproof and wool- lined, $115. Men's Fine Lace Boots, pointed toe, $1.00, $1.25. I Don't forget the baby-a nice pair of soft Kid Boots or Felt slippers. --You Can Buy Shoes Cheap at Our Store.4 Gent's Shirts, Sox, Cardigan Jackets. Bnices, Cuffs, Collars and Underwear in great variety and at low prices. Bleacghed Table Linen 3oc., 4oc., 5oc., 69c., 75c., $1.00. 50 dozens Gents Silk Neck Mulers 2oc., 25c., 35c., 5oc., 65c. to $1.00 each. 100 boxes Gents` New Ties in the latest shapes and colors for `Xmas x2c., 25c., 35c., 50c. Handkerchiefs. THE REHSONT Ladies and Gents` Initial Silk Handkerchiefs zoc., 25c., 4oc., 5oc., 60c. `Gents Plain Linen Handkerchiefs xoc, x2c., x5c., 18c. Gents` H.S. Linen Handkerchiefs 12c., I 5c., Ladies Plain and Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs 7c.. 1oc., mic. to 25. ' ' - .. -- ~---~~-- N '\Read the Special Price List./5 MONEY CAN BE SAVED AND SENSIBLE PRESENTS BOUGHTN A XMAS SALE . . .A ..AL3nz2:s:I_s1-1's Gents L $wiss Enhbroideted and Linen Hand-drawn no dozens new 1 200 tiozgxnsvlxidies White and Colored Borders 1c._ HAINES & LOCKETT, , 25. F-OR R LED`/T en? J.wz3:1_sH.4<-: here cheap during the next two weeks. Stock entirely new and_in some departments the largest assortment of any house in the city to choose from. ,$1.oo, ' Kid Gloves, in black and colors, Gift? We keep a large stock of both. ,$1. overowing with useful and acceptable goods for Christmas presents, gladden the hearts and feet of any who may be fortunate enough to ould suggest athcr cost P8!` IONS . FOR IT 7VU1XN` 4 $TORE3-Klnton,: Bcllevllle, Napanee. Trenton. Ladies Fine Kid Strap Slipper, pointed toe. bar- gains, 75c. and $1.00. Men's Carpet Slippers 5oc., Men : Buckskin Slippers, good to wear, 31.10. Ladies` Felt Toilet Slip- pers, noiseless, warm, 2oc., 45c., 75c., $1.00. Child's Carpet Slippers, I5c.; Misses` Carpet Slip- pers, 25c.; Women's Car- pet Slippers, 25c. Then the girls--Skating Boots are always needed about Xmas time. Mother would be delighted with a pair of warm House Slippers, We have all kinds. Overcoats at reduced prices." I:hevb;1Ian.ce of 61.11 stock of Ladies Jackets at re- duced prics. Io {aieces Elegant Black Crepons, principally stripes, 75c., 9oc., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. We have Screens, Easels, Music ;nd- Pnrlor Cnbinets, China Closets, Fancy Rattan and Upholstered Chairs, &c., &c. Immense Range of Parlor Suits, our own make, at lowest prices. Furniture Presents remain a. joy forever. Yours. &c., 7 pieces 54-inch Silk Sealettes $2.00, $2.25 to $5.50. I00 Handsome Pattern Dresses for `Xmas presents, 0 two alike, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 up. Tweeds, Serges, Mohairs, Ladies Cloths and every shade of Plain Dress Goods and Plaids at re- duced prices. B;lack Beavers, Curl Cloths, Camels Hair. Frieze and other new makes 90 to $1.75. 75 pieces Heavy Cloakings in red, white. green, cadet and six shades of brown, 75c., 9oc., $1.00 to $1.50. ' zoo dozens Table Napkins 5oc.. 6oc., 75c., $1.00 to $3.00. [00 pairs Elegant Chenille Curtains $2.25 to $8.00. 150 pairs New Lace Curtain: $1.00 to $5.00. 50 Ladies Wool Golf Jerseys, $2.25, for $1.50. Art Silks, Diaper Table Covers, Cushions and Silkolines at reduced prices to clear. The-balance of our stock of Boys Clothing and For - Christmas. Children's Lace Boots,sizes 8, 9, lo, 5oc.; Child`: But- ton Boots, sizes 8, `9, 10, 65c. Boys School Boots. strong and durable, 85c. and $1.00. Misses Lace Boots, 65c.. 75c.. 9oc., 81.00, good school shoes. Babies Boots in Tan or Your wife would like A Window Seat or easy corner. We can give you these at utoniuhingly low prices. Very pretty and useful. Black for 5oc. For sister a pair of Even- ing Slippers, Over-Gaiters or Leggings. And t}\1; boys-Moccasins, Hockey Boots, Slippers, Rubbers. We have them all. HERE RRE H Few succesrions: Recllnlng Chairs. The favorite, Solid Oak, has 4 changes of position. Suitable for office, library, sick-room, or parlor. Upholstered Arm Chairs. Cushions made to Fine range of these Easy Chairs all the Suite. Price ranges from $6.00, up. you s isl satisfaction as to price and quality. his one, good cover. spring seat, buttoned and back casters, em. only 88.75. Our extends 840. styles and covers. We make these and can give ` Suitabl ofce, sick-: or