vnvvv UKUF n` ::*..:..r;':.r.'.':.':::at'=e y w vv unvr 08 Q1 ' "7". I {trio bu good n0o'ok M 5.10:! 335% soon be unood. Wrlh In proapoohu. AIlOU;0VOIl1wto 0 Ion. II lull $1,301 Dl'on,:o&l.t . o:t1onool!':l:o'lru6 , o o |vMv_| __ IpIIuI|_I_oYIr Gho 1:15.303 Ian: io,;:.- f `I'M: pro ' any 0 mp nmnk. nnmoly. a nu on to Queen's col. logo uh building An olootrio light bu Notied inlndinbl than the dent and I nhuthll (16530 uuconnin loci Into the In of tenth. Holiday book. R. U to; Ilousehqld Economy. - 512:; auto more. all!) Oil. out out: Inn: on mwnou. supusnunmm B. w. ronpr. ol .5 oioctric nu-not nilny company, man that to: Erhctly 1rilling_ that thogloqrtrio can 0 lleot of ornfc in .--u worn on uying up the M. T. Co`e being proceeded with. A lAr uulfie engaged in the work. which wil not. be completed for At least. A couple of veelxe yet. The tug Joule Hell in still in comvnieeion. Chru-um: pmvenu. R. Uglow & Co. See our photo lremee. People pronounce them perleot. And icee Are ridiculously low. E. C. Miwhe 8Ai.urdAy night lut A herdvnre memhAnt looeted on lower Prinoeee eireeb locked A dog in hie store. Upon 0 ing u the premieee MondA morning loun hie dey booh torn {nee ecrepe. Then were evnrcely two pegee intnot. Luliee pureee. R. Uglov & Co. We have sold more pureee during the peat year than we haul Aold Altogether for ve yeere before. ReeAon-l rioee, etylee And quelitv were right, And we Areolfering n ._.;..A._.A-_. Is "- , . . . .. -. Jvu uuu Ilvll-v LIIUIII In,` where aloe and can prove it we give them for 82.50. Dunlop. King shoot. The work 0! lnying the M. Inrr _..A L- ,, nnn onoou. I! you can but l.h gi lnimr uu thn M you. .\ Toys and gums. R. Uglow & Co.*~--* Twenty pattern: in winter trouoeringa made to mouuro at 83.50 i nobby stripe: and check. If t. them than ulna and non ------ -" ~- * ' " In special pnoon. E. C. Mitchell. `Wm Kingston and Montreal forwarding company has three barge: bnulod out at Portsmouth (.0 be rebuilt. during the win- tor. Work on them will not begin. how- ever, until Afoer the opening of the new year. . noon Imro. H. Uglow & Co. W0 have I for very pretty Inna. bought at I big roducbdon. on which we Are offer- in upoohl prioon. E. C. glue Kinnton nnd Mnm..~..I r.........a.--- uuognpn omco Clarence unreal. Sofa cushions and too ooaioa randy for covering A: R. MuFnul'a. l.ocnl curler: expect toonjoy the "ronrin' game" by tomorrow. There in fairly good loo now in the rink. ond as soon on the "toes" are marked oub active playing will be at 0:00 begun. H d For olidn goods to on Moon`: book Itoro. Uglowgto van: nrnlhtu t.... 5.-.... noon 9 K. Uglow & Co. core. The B: of Quinta Ry. new short lmo fot Twoody. Nnpunoo, Dosemnto and all local polnu. Tnin leaves City Hall depot At 3:30 pm. R. J. Wilson. Agent. C. P. R. telegraph nlco Clarence street. Oulhinnn um! 9.. .....:.. ...A- t-- nor nondnv good: 30 to book store. R. Uglow _ T139 Bay Quinta RV. nu pure. uunlop. King street. The Trinuity workingmonh club. toown, N.Y.. I non uootanrinn orgnniution. in in n ourishing condition Ind bu over SL000 in it: trouury. lb ha I mombor dd 0! more than 300. or holidu good: Henderson : store. Unlow & Cu. uumrlo street. After careful nursing for three dun and nights good ioo mu ooourod at the Kings- tonaluuing rink. The foundation in firm and the uurlnoo In liko glass. It in not. very think as yet. The balance of our overcoat: at cost. priro. Dunlop. King Trinity workinnmnnh nlnh W.9.-. upuuuweron oy the Uurnovok Company. Coal. Ill sizes, tor ban urnora. open grantee. rangu and cook stoves, heaters and furnncon. delivered to any put of the city M85 per ton, by W. 0. Craig & Co.. Ontario street. CID, ll: 90 BC Aftnr na-glul HOFIID. On Monday driver Rutun we: tried at the barracks for deeertion. He received sentence, but chin will have to receive con- rmation from the Authorities at Oltunvn. Telephone 74 and hmm wnnr I......w.... .. nrmnuon [mm the Authorities Telephone and have your furniture ro- upholaterod by the Carnovok Company. urnora. anon -VHS VI-"' iuiia Fl"? b'o'1`o'.'7 :1; on olhor Ion! on an In- AK mun OIOOII Ion noun ant." `IX nun-aw-nu. .... . ...- -- umuraun pumw, terns, ulnlon, bogon prinnouol and hyaointha. Johnson. orint. n.. kl.......I-.. .I_:,,.,, h -- uoau to per ton doliverod. W. G. Craig & Co. Already the express companies have be- gun to fool the effect. of the Christmas trndo. About double the usual qunmiby of expmu mutter in now being hnndlod. Below you buy your Chriabmu nnwmo. or expmu mutter in being hnndlod. you buy our Christan presents see our palms. rub rs, Arnnouriaa. aralin. umbrelln plants, ferns. ulnlou, begonimn. ggrinuoaoa hynointha. Johnson. the mngocon. uunlop. King street. On December 2nd J. L. Donaldson. Trenton. wu married to Min Eva Bone- -ml. Front of Sidney. Mina Eva in the youngest daughter of C. H. Boneotoel. Coal 85 ton delivered. uunlop [or clothing values. Four generations. embracing twenty-six persons. were present at the celebration of the eighty-second blrthdsy of John Dorr, sr.. Clayton. N. Y., on Fridsy. Toys and games. R. Uglow & Co. What more useful Christmss present can you buy a husbsnd or son than en over- coat! Our overoosts are the beat ve!ue in Kingston. Dunlop. King J. L. hnmmnm. lli I1. M0l'lll|'I. A King nu-not barbnr shop has not. been open Iinoo Snturdny night. Int. and on- quiriu are balm: made u to the whm-4.. uonouool, Bldnoy Groulng. Your wife would like A pair of hand- Ioino ourulnl to niuh her drawing room. Hnnduomo silk. dunuk or chenille curtain- nb R. MoF|ul |. A In-m .0.-..A |.--L_.. -L_._ L__ ,4 L7 open unoo unturdny night. Int. quiriu being mndo to the where- abouts of tho proprietor. Extra heavy men : winter pant: 81. Dunlop for clothing vnluol. uolnontlonn. nmbrnnimr f.wnnI'.u.niv uo. George Kincaid. o! Frunlxford. and Min Bertie Bonootool were married on Decom- bor Och at the brldo I fnthou. William Bonutool, Sidney Croulng. mir of hund- II. II. C6I`n0\;|_(;':- Innrnolun nl Insm... n....... 1. W.U.A. roouu. William pllcnntl will be received. kind: 11' Ilnhnlntnlu pucnnu will be received. All kinda of upholutoud, con corners ad window mu made at the Cal-novnky Oholce rceee, cerneaiene, unylu. ebc. _ Jogneon, the ilorieo. here we! no eeelion of the police court ' thie morning. Holidey boohe. R. U low it Go. . e The local hrenchee on e will hevieited b eupreme lender) Reina, oi Uxbridge. I Heedquerterl orye old English holly. Johneon. the ilorinb. All kinds of In holetaering done at. the Oernovehf 00., 1 Ontario street. Don'o ct. iihe chill of winter get the mutery over you. See Dunlap on once about one oi hie heavy nlehre eb 84.60, 06. Fine leather good; R. Uglow 00. Genuine Roger 8 Gallon oologe 36, three i 1. at E. 0. Mitchell ; Spurloue , imita no of this are being sold. _ Look out I for em. Adl purses. R. Uglow & Co. { A ni ht. school will be conducted At the , Y.W. .A. Williem screen. All ep- . pllcente . ------:- 'l'Io Igloo 0! Ivan llqilgllo-Wlntllo rooploAn!nIkhAboI0-lotllnclr oIpaIIloAtInMonol'I'IoIoWInAn tulip: luau. Ohrlltmu pnnnu. R. Uglow t Go.` boom weather. Cheap ovoroonu. Dun- .. PARAOIIPHIVPIOKED UP BY OUR IUOY RIPORTERI. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. - Iv 1-a.uU I nouuy unripe: ` nn give them mm" mu Y Flno Dairy Butter. In. I. II. JOHNS. `"`""' `"`'`* P:-lnouu Shoot. u. Iaugliy I10 uno no support his : lot Ihothlul uncut. Ila will Inn to . $1 and shot dukn tho report. light Inlet. Fur douloro uoinl Iinnlnr condition. while dry nor chnnu any tins while trade with than in hirly good In. in not b my mum: an brush a it would In. On whole the Ch!-inn nun trulo this anon Ill be oouneod light and Almost I hilnn. pnnili warm wuthorup to I III dnylngon thouttornbuneoolunovu hold vapou- dblo lot the pnant oonditiono. Nciino in non ha. Momhanu uy that u to-duh btnincu tn boon very claw. bolus in fancy goods fl undo thin you Ioboonly about M! u use unnlno ptriod lul noon. dealer: .1... The Vnllege cone:-ll. The Portsmouth council held A meeting lam. night, all members preeena The I urer`e statement In reed and ordered 0:2: printed. A number of eooounu for nupplien, etc., wen paused, and the peel- lion: for reductoon of uxee were reed but no action taken. The reelgnelion of F. Mcllweino u constable wee eoceptaed. A vote of condolence was moved b M. H. Green end neconded by John Mil I to the widow ol I-we ex-reove George Sexton. LieuL-Col. Van altreubenele wee preeenv. and requeeted council to remit tune for preeent. your on thesoxbon property. The` question ol collecting tuee on unoocurled land vru leld over for the new oounci to eat upon. nll. the mm. a man who gives his whole and undivided attention to one particular eub- ne ject should acquire a greater prociency I" in it, than one whoeeene ies are upended at in different directions. his in true of the medical superintendent. and his cuff of nuistnntll, at Lnlrehuret institute. in their treatment 0! nlcoholiem and kindred die! eneee. Every fresh caee adds to the ex- perience otyeare. and to the number of those suooeeefully treated. There in no sudden and dangerous deprivation of li- quor; there are no bolts and bare; the pa- tient gives up the drink habit almost un- consciously, and. from that moment, takee the ret stop on his u ward career, oom- mencinu life afresh un er brighter euspicee. For parn hlet and terms address The Manager. hehuretinetitute.Oekville,Ont. Talking of Der Iendere. it is claimed that the net fenders in use in Toronto. on the electric care there. would not be available for use on the care of the Kingston etreet reilwey. It ie point- ed out that the space between the etreet rnilwuy rnile on Toronto streeta are either block, brick or granite paved. whereee in tlrje city there are no such conditions, and itlie claimed that on that account the fenders need on the Toronto care would be 0! no use here. A corporation employee claima. on the contrary, that in this city the real bed in fully, or ver nearly an high In the lace ol the rails. an that it is not neceeear that the space between the rails ehcu d be ved. in order that effective lendere ahould E: ueed. _ policy on me me of Donald Fraser. and originally drawn in favor of his wife. Mrs. Fruer died some time previous to her hue- bend a assignment, and when the latter event occurred the policy was surrendered by A roletive of Fraser on payment. of 8900 by the company. Until the company's appeal he: been de- cided the creditors oennot. wind up the eu- m.e,nnd yesterday : meeting was there- fore ndjournod. uu um cromcoru aaninst not yet been decided. bored that the creditor 8900, the anrronder value policy the life of Don fnvo the company. has It will be remem- I sued to recover of an inaurnneo old I` of his wit. Mn nrlaor eumce was held eaverdey after- noon. No business coulg be transacted owing to the {net that the appeal of the Cnnndn life an-urance company npninat the verdict ole Kingatoujur . in the action of tho creditors aaninst t. 0 romam. A meeting of Fruor estate nnnu A `H-- Ieoond city In The lmplre. Scottish American. Our Canadianmntemporarles have been indulgin in discumonas to the second city in t e British empire. The readily admit that Gl w is the secon city in the united kin am. but maintain that It only ranks fourth in the Bntisb em ire. as according to the census of 1891 tb Calcutta and Bombay have a greater population. Our contemporaries forget that since l89l a t change has come over Glasgow, an that the census of that year is no test. Since then a greater Glasgow has been formed throu h absorb- ing several suburbs. placing it yond all uestion the second cit in the empire. lasgovv has the` fart er distinction of bein the most teetotal city of the empire. At lkst municipal election there were seventy-five councillors to be elected in the twent -five wards. and out of the fifty- six candi ates recommended by the pro- gressive union, which takes up the ues- tion of temperance energetically, no ewer than forty-live have been elected, and still another five recommended by the union have been returned unopposed. Ilacle No Public Appoal. In rsgard`to Deremo. a sick Bellevil- lian found on the streets of-Kingston very illthe Bellevillelntelligencer says: Dercmo vmsin the city last Thursday and asked to he allowed to go to the hospital, saying he had diabetes. He sold he was formerly a resident of Tudor. He was directed to the county council for assistance, but he made no public appeal. He was evidently in fear of warden Clnrk. whom he defraud- ed. it is said, out of a quantity of goods some years ago. Deremo arranged to peddle medicine, and procured a horse. harness and waqgon from wnrtlen P. P. Clark and stnrted out. He stopped at Buffalo. and aftu remain- ing there fifteen years, came back to be kept by Hastings county. He has a wife and a son living in Buffalo and in :. -..:.a / ...._,......, u-uuv uuu w 06 ha:a non living Buffalo. and it. is said they put. him out. ) ___________ It stands To Reason. Thnt. who gives v undivided Ln mm mm named to who rototgeivo pt the puugo o n tnri bin." wmu tho ethos of tho new tootlvo uri. Wooro. thudoro, nob eonmd vorv much now shoot my money Iuuo. but it in of the groabeoe lmporhnoo to have onou h aonnhora thoroughly oom- mmodtolgo policy to occurs tn.ribiI1." maul nnu norm Uuolsnn. or myull I feel chub all pro nancial Ioginlation om be and ought to ho poolaponed until this country has I chance total`. the aoat rrotootlvo Wan`. ozlmnn... mm -L------I ` tom of forty-two een AGO. . Wumxorou, Dec. 1o.-In an interview on the eenetoriel eituetion in North Ono- llee. eemtor Thunton. 0! Nebraska, A member of the national repoblloen oom- mllteo. eeldz` "The refublioene eeen oero te n the next eenete. 1! Mr. Mantle. of Montana, ehould not with no we will have forty-three. We would than need at leut two more votee to- gether with the vote of tho vice-prelident. to aware the postage of I ten-IE eat. We hope to eeoure thoee two votee from Ken- tuok and North Cuolfne. " mvnall I 0.: that .n .........-I '. ANT TWO QVOTII In sholoucolblocnnruupbol I `lull Jul. l'PHllI"I CI-ollltoru I5. nhlnn nf Hm m.-..A:s..-- -1 -l - Iooond Olty gjmorloua. Enrnsn wme WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER r .-ur u vruultorl loot. go! the creditors of the Donald to held trnnnnuul rtinulnr -uh, Sausages 11- 24-5 A hon ad J, formorlv - .......-.TI...`....'"`?....... Sax Duuo. Col. Don lo.-lloxlmn ud- vicu sun that pnnidonl bin and party nuruod to the capital huundny. that an citadel trip to Oudnhjuu. Aooot ` uudlnlo Chops! in which the pnnidont hdlunovuonpolronduhaing. Whllo caning mug npvhloh Inn. 8 v I I':'.'.'2....u.. . .K.``..'...? `'85! allcruhnrhlhulotlohg mount` to poolntotlozodnnngoolli` r` and unntothbtovl om- slut. moon, 9: William uuugdnowiug it to have boon Itolon. Cake nodvod two and I half year: and Founlain throo and 0 lull ycuo in the Kingston poniunuary. I uonvncuu at me Ilocunbot no--ions Int rook. Ctlo of robbing a Hamilton- rond and our 0! I hm box, containing About 8!) in money And tickets. Ind Foun- um of roooivi money belonging to J. H. Brooln, pl Wi Iinln two And rnIIIII[IrI rot llltltol. 1.0.-non. Ont...` Doe. N.--'l`homu Cato Ind Edvnni Founuin were nrnlgnod bo- fon judge Edward Elliott this morning ht untonoo for olonoen of which they had boonoonvicud at the DOCOIIIIJOI weak. 0.1. 1:! mM.;.... u-..n--_ I hudqunrtern lut. night. In -uuusnmnn I nun! Luck. I-`our trumps won given shelter at police One of them win I youth. Aged seventeen. named June: Thompson. who hu bqpn in Canvin only thmo years. He in Scotch, and during his any in Canada has been working for farm- on in the neighborhood of Boliovillo. Find~ ing himaoli out 0! employment. this full, ho went. on the road in search of something to do during the winter. His obru Iran nnnvuiling. and. homeless and Inonoyleu, ho. Inst. night, lppliod to Polioo Borgt. Snoddon for uholu . Tho roquuh Ill gt-mud and this mornin tho young fol- low was directed to A. rm secretary of St. Andrew`: I-ociooy. i hope: thnt. he might n-pint his Iuoklou !o|Iow-oonnt.ry- man. r. l\I(lll. acute amda md.J. Allen; Jon Vh ` Blayney, R. Harrington. [-1. Roy, L. ` Fronioro. E. Bell And A. O'Reilly. R. W. Allen oooupiod the chair. and van happy in MI rernnrh, The genial oounmnnnoo of alderman Joseph Tait wu oboorvod Among the audience. ac. LIWNHCQ division No. 2. Son: of'1 Temporunoe. gave a very enjoyable con- cert. in their hell, corner of Princess and Montreal streets, lest evening. The I 1 apartment wee rrowded to the doors, and I the Ante-mom vrna lled with those who I were unable to obtain standing room in- side. The prom-Imme wen lengthy and :up- ropriute. Thboe who took nth were: rs. Allen. Mn. Mc(}|yment,$1iaeeo Ide i Fil te. Mnbel Phelen, Gertie Trayner. M artney. R. Ferguson, M. Monk. 8. T Monk, Aggi Monte. M. Kidd. K. Bniley, I`. Kidd. J ie Studs end J. Allen; Joee?h ' Blavnev. Hnrrimnnn. F`. Rnu I . nowno. Ct. Mr. W. Murray ; con-mn9-$ee .. place on Tuesday. uver AI Iurrlelleld. The closing meetinalol the council took illiem Toner in the 1 Wpullr candidate for reeve. Miu Mertin, D olle Island. in very ill at Mrs. Batten`; A very pleasant surprise party and house warming took place on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dowler etiuting house- keeping. The presents were numerous and velueble. The damning -chool i- urn. greasing end on every ooouion the litule men with the bow and arrows enoou whole quivere lull into every corner of the hell and never mieeee his aim. There is every probability of u long list of benediote mnrching oil` at the end of the eeuan. Mre. Hutton and Miss lrobel have returned from Toronto. The school children. under the guidance of their toeohere, are making prepuretione for e concert It the cloning Ind e Clirietmne tree. The children have made greet program during the last year. The parents earnestly hope the nine tenohere will be induced to continue next , year. Visitors: Mr. Donovan, of Leno- rlowne, et Mr. Fowler's: Churlee Burton et Murrey 1 1 Com 0; Tempannoo Concert. St. Law:-oncodiviaion No. of [`emprunoo_ gave van nninvnhlg mu. I "in min Anmednegudietriot." writee the Rev. Dr. R. A. Hume. there hn been no rein since July, and the prospect is thet for ci ht months no more rain will fall. The ret orope have not been properly ripened and the second crope cannot even be sowed. The water on ply in the well: is low. What will it be E: e few month: hence! The famine eeemn Ii Kely to be gcnernllor nearly the whole iopuletion. with it: 800,000,000 ople. rein riot-e are common. Mercllznte will not A-ell groin. ler ly because they lmow the price will greet y increase. So the people break open grain ehope and greneriee and threat- en to kill the merchants if they interfere. They say: `We shall eoon die without grnimif you interfere with our getting your grain we will kill you in the struggle, 1 and will die All the same. " Durina tho nan}. ....|. 51.--- |.....- L. ...._........ _.u v: vuu auuurlll .' In themiuion board`: fgmine packet from Indie, the Rev. James Smith wrote from Ahmednuer : "Those who constitute the rent and le of our churches are nlvuya in A condition bordering upon atervn on. There are 40.- 000,000 of such poor people in India who never get more than one noel u do . Every night 80,000,000 lie down on t e ground to sleep, hungry. The avenue in- come of ever man, woman end child in India in lean. on one cent n day." "In this Ahmednegudietrict." Hume. Llmm In. I... run ulovnmng all of the au'orl| the miuion Jamel who can-mm. n. mmune or 1877-78 it has been preps:-inc for I famine b planning reservoirs, roads and oobor pub! 13 workl. Those are to begin at once and will furnish employment. and wages to many. But. India has n popula- tion of 287.00U,000. and the $325,000,000 to be expended will be but I morn trie in nllovlntlng all of the aubrlng." mininn hmn-d'- c.....r..- ..-..L-- "Greet meuee of the pe uletion of Indie are on the verge of curve!) on even in the heel; of tlmee. Millions mulls die for want of the grain the dealer: are holding in greneriee for high prioee. The govern- mem will do All that it onn. Since the famine of 1877-78 it has been by planning reeervolre. roads and uumng. III ealuoriel eeoretery. From eighty miuione in Indie," eeid Dr. Berton. "we heve eooounta of enthr- ing beyond do-cription. The seventy of the famine does not indioete that ohere In no food In Indie. but that e eeeroity In one eeouon hu releed prieee beyond the eun- Ing power of the people. Wage eernere there ourn About e penny e day. On that they can llve in ordinery umee. Now, with the-ooeb of food raised two or three fold, they oennob pouibly live on their wegoe. . n-uu Aau III 'l'oI'loll-l`n-Ila Ion Wldupual I'M: Any Prulou - , Willi Iullllul Oland up-Olnudnn loll For `their IIII. . NIW Yolx. Doc. l0,_--8brving India ! uoorsrllu tho roporu jute nooivod by the Rev. . Juno: L. Bu-eon, secretary of the {oral n dopamnont of the American board of m atom, and the Rev. Dr. Elnatlnn E. Strong. In oditorinl 7 eighty India." said A ... .T.T;;.. '- B:-T|.uo|:. r Organs. mg... n: CI 0' IHOO. If you (CHI J. Mcl.AlJGllllN S. ILA Out I. .n.u..o...a IL. m'.1:...;.." mun -.A.I Inn- _. -.._-.__ :j__.___j_ Fluonyon for Illgtton` nu (ho. `Ii... I1 'FL__-. FORTY MILLION PEOPLE ARE BTARVINO IN INDIA. jut: Plano Add: Ito 'l'u-ton--l'nnIno WIJOIIPOQI `I'I|l An! ling-4.... _ sum RAVACES or Famm an aw tn And g union... ._____.j___.___ our AI Bnrrloold. ninn -....n.... .1 .|._ ,, mounsgu district." . r. and Hm nrnnvunr. ;. .5.-. .n.\v".E3.u. u-uuoII:No.I. W. V. luhnn. Thooolloodoutnhn at the Iothodlnt ohnh i Dun` '..L'.uu&""'" u.n... ..`.`.".'.`2".!`. wa hllo :'No. 1. 3".3`.2.= 3:2. 1 a'.'.u..., x. a. Jana IcKol|u: No. 0. ll Iocillith No. 5. June: Boll: No. 0. W. V. Dunno. Thmllnaunn min. .; as. M.-L-mu -r. moaouoounsycnrwuo ,- {01|.mdthiohubouIvcdoood|hhyouto 0: ol about ONO. including tho pun building the what! at tho and ol80ouo unot. Had IN: ILIH not ban hilt thonvould hnvahun niuanirplu lib ycnr.ulIocnovcr8.g.l). Thoroturning uppoiund u Ion: No. Gary: an arm and born. A rcgnlcr cl the town council Inc hold lac cvcning. ct which the npcm cl tho will ccicb won prcoontcd. Tho Inc! clrccdgdcob lccud cxmcdc by covct-cl thoccnd kn unccnocntcollccud ctthccu-clinclut car. The decit Int ya: wu our II.- 00.cnd thic bu Inca nducnd this nun- sonny. nlnovlng ta old drill shod hon. Iain mnnnnil -m count tor you 0 I The Son: of Tcnpunnoo division at Ganusoquo Junction will hold I but social in their lodge room tonight. A largo number from town villnuond it. Throo ioldhro Iron linger: was in town yu- Iordny. removing unnlnluon f mg ojddrilluhodhoro. Anznlnrncotnoll ` IJIIIIFIIIIII nlgul, IRCQIIIXT 25th. , number enjoyed tinting on the ion at what in harmed the "muck hole." A fine that ` of ice made man In py. Osborne Wobuhr -Iofr. yum:-day or qmnto and wolhrn point: on buoinou. Thus hundrod tad forty-oi: trumps have bun tholtoud at the Iioo nation no far thin your. TM. is an zxnuo of unnty-uovon out lul year. with tho rounlndorol thin month to Ic- oount for yet. Th. hj al Tmnlumnnnn .Il..:..1-_ -A n nenom. Lo Lnousnnnoquo lwrouo club. I George B. Williams. Shnlupenrinn ` render and onloruiner. gives an uncertain- monl. tomorrow evening in Turner : open ( house. Mr. William: in very highly Ilpolon of and will no doubt draw I largo and no- leot. audience. Wilson : minatrolu III booked for McKon|io`| open houoo on Chris-tmu night, December 25th. A In-[0 I_rhat in nu-.ul ck- -1._.__|. |.-|_ u . A \u2uNoqt'I. Doc. l6.-Woalo Patch. unending tho'I`oronI.o college of p nrmncy, lnu returned home. In all hnbillty the Rnthbun company will soon min the croo- tion of A nation and waiting room on King street. where the "umbm|ln nowysundn. The plans Inn been prepared and tho ground laid out. We lam on good authority that o rntionl will be com- moncod at once. be Well: concert oom- pnny give an entertainment Hm ovoning, I benet. to tho Gsnanoquo lwrouo George Willinmn. Rh.|........&... lthe par value of $1, full paid and non-2 _l Correspondence invited. scription. Price 10 cents per share. No certificate will be issued for less than 100 shares. Shares are of `the non-assessable, being subject to no further call. I(`_nrn=ann.-.A-....- .'..-.:a--I We a nticipate equally gratffying results for Company, Limited, qpd will be pleased to have" you joi scription for t;,e. number of, shares desired. rho Town In Good lhnpo-0hnroI 0ollo- I I.IonI- To Ilnlld 3 lltauon. (lA2uNoqt'I. Doc. l8.-Woalo{ mending oollnan n! n . ringin- The magnicent success achieved by the parent nine months is suicient indication of what can be done oetent management. comp8DY- This is worthy 1 the Colorado Gold M fore did the small at Another favorable feature is that every shareholder ts in direct proportion to the amount invested, no stock officer or director, except as it is subscribed and paid for other shareholder, and all are equal partners as their inn.- fnulh ud 0'loo!o`o 0.). lane. In on (In: hem... Q dun: M will I54;---g ...- -- in the average mining ` There are many mining companie not the means to develop" them, and it 1' for the prot in sight. If there is more do not hazard our original investment, t The groups of properties now under control of these companies: are the most important _yet offered in the Dominion under one; management. of presenting an investment : GANANOQU E FINA NCE8. neaa one. we conning our attention to working only I sufficiently developed to show a profit over our or. work collectively an unlimited number of these claim I As you wi.ll notice by the plan tc Intending Subscribers may, If desired, We invite Svour careful considerati Gold Mining and Development Company tion Company, Limited. Toy Mining Investors. we lead; 16. :r for the ` equal partners as their interests 11 umanoquo lwrouo 1 A wruiner. gives uncertain. 4 OIDIIIIINOII I V tug mAbernethy Co.,_- inal therefore, the element 4 ' venture, is practically done away with. 9 . `V r ' Value Gina to \\'In by sllllod labor. ; lain uldnu b-taro an annotation at | Iron and anal mnnngol-I In England, I n been noted In the unnuhocunol In win. Th Ipuuhr In!!! that be bad Into pnoonhd by u wln mnnnfncunr will npo.:Imnnn_o win {or which 00.38. C ' companies that have valuable " tnee than many believe or know. l / Hot Water. Hot water me for more medical vir- 3.- oeuee it is no eneily procured. thontende think It veineleee. The ueee of hot water are. however. many. For example. there ie nothing thnreo promptly onto ehort congestion of the lungs. eon throat or rheuunetiem no hot Irneor when applied promptly and thoroughly. Headache ai- moet elwaye ylelde to the elmultaneoue application of hot weter to the feet and book of the neck. A towel folded eoverni timee and dlpped in hot weter. And quickly wrung out anti epplled over the painful pert in toothache or neuralgia, will generally efford prompt relief. A etrlp of annel or napkin folded length- wiao and dipped in hot water and wrong out. and then applied around the neck of a ohiiui that but the oroop, will enme- tlmee bring relief In ten minutee. Hot water taken `freely half an hour before bedtime le helpful in the cue of eonetl- potion. while it bee o moet eootblng elfeot upon the etomneh end bowels. A goblet of hot weter taken juet after rte- ing. before breekfaet. hue ourerl thon- eende of indlgeetioo.and no elmple rem- ly in more widely recommended by phyelciane for dyepeptioe Very bet water will atop denunrone bleeding. 0 _j_j___:j_ consideration for 6 all kind: Taoring um, Alto I) ; of unquestioned superiority. d, apply for Shara through Mr. Thomu Briggs. I, is this class 4 : beyond, we a ieved company during the pat e what on these lines under com- consideration of the small investor, for until` pment Company was brought out never be-- 2 an equal chance with the promoters of the tion the prospectus of the Colorado "- and its auxiliary, the Kootenay Exglora: ' D join us d, our proposition is purely a bani`- ; such properties as have been; )ur original iqvestment, and as we aclaimo, it gives us an opportunity,- T. |RW|N.... 7: At All D-C-mg.- The lidnoyc cannot hit and llloouly Inythoy Inn of letting ll ioowvhu o skint:-iokhbnnH outbound: lisinoolyu ml. sh hldnqu uionlynliukdck. .11: la puoudalny` ,..n.- Iidncnnnnznnhnn An Aching Back ` properties, but have- only that we take up and work : are so much better off, but we.- e cf loss, so prominent. one or Dinbotoa. an Hop! ol n can when I can : know this '1`o worry about my Lint. Kldno at Urinary Troublo. at idly Brlghthb one Diabow. Z'. .nm...- nivcr MI: 0! cnrowhon noun hm-In. Ir- "! inn I-LA kidna- _._:.j. `rho qu-vu Am An (onploco A: An) In- mu load can Twirl. Pmxcrrox. N. J.. Doc. 16. -Pro!. Hin- ton vs the that public exhibition of his buogll pitching machine Inc night in the university gyrnnnium. The gun, which in u nhon. breech-loading cannon. lumpy- four inchon in length, and plnood upon: two-wheeled curingo was put at one end of the gymnasium. Anne othor end III a not. at. which the proloalor pinched nov- onl ball: from hin cannon. All were no- conful and the curves could be soon a db- tinctly u if aunt by tho hnndol onool Princeton`: Vanity twirlul. In I loohu Prof. Hinton told of hi: on! oxporinontn with the muchino. bow sin II In undo no curve and how he expected that the ID- tionnl me would noun I grout ohngo throng the agency of tho Inoohnnial pitcher. older participates in the pro- being set aside for an; II Tlnwno. utovu` W. J. BRYSON, hlwun Prlnuu I aid for same as by ever}:- ' may appear. "rho 1 -\A- Ilpn UIOIOC Fright To about Kldnn Jrinory Tronbh. an-ninlh n.a-|.u. the How the_ Kidneys Talk. A MECHANICAL PITOHER. -11---. - - Kootenay Exploration and receive your sub- W'3.9.!!_!.!!._l!99.!>.. :5. Kingston. omen nova bib wlupnulblc W0 IIIIIIIPO. OIIHIIOI, 0.0. .6. front. Carrie Painter. Illc strut. non ho Elcotr o On Shonhn. Inn: unnntoo-I. the Iooond npuh hull. Drop In and no [or yourself. 01:: :ho.Io:;r::':von It you only vv -v-$2 uvvuuu-III DJ '*"`""*73'MR0tD. lt .s.lligh me NI Ind tour Ilollln ovorha , ---- vi olrn thin` to he oomlcloml whon candy. at man comes the unu- tion price. {you nm at MA Allnln nun -- wt-up \I\J\II \JIo " "'n1"."2 '?.2'."'.':.'.:.".'i.`.."'.7.!2'.' '3 II , trimming and ro- ;| mpo nlluulornumomnl m I3 In giving (nod ullnluoon. -3- uo oonvlnohn u l pnoucnl up onoo. W9:!!s:9.2f..E_'?iE IVIfiC YVYIIIWZI Inc! on I BN3 on sho:.1.'{o' '" W ' As I. IIEROIPS. $. ."u`r'.`n":':`.A".'z'a'v`3: jun Walk A nlnnlnv, R;nAl9lna w---- `nun: &\J\r `HO clonal exhibit of Photo: In window In!` Co Open Houu. lmerumonh for path; Inna! work In Canada. All `work oxoonood with can. Phono an m Inc of Humllton. I doon nlmvo Opon Mann nluuunurvu In 1. ifaaa. `M"'o't_D_ecadedIy Thobutvlmin Oh my to u --V WI II? V T.` Ike!!! 0! Interior Duoorutionn. lo ond Ilonru. Iunlln (hills: alto`. Uplolnurlnn and (knots! or . Pblltld dultnl unbmllhd. W. H In` H Dnnnn at II-..A.... -v___ ____V_._._. V_., .-- "mi. 351 pm... sm.[ .wooo'ANn co./u. v/um . O50 'A . I. W. ROBINSON, Vsromz - `jureuum no. sum; . nupwm nu xnmma only 760. 9 . . _ . -. _ I'll wool. Our own unto. u 3911 WI! PDOUOITIDDI tor onmt. an. all and no our work. No trouble to Ihowjt. nndhlso nojcun D dlmb. Iron wnnt Photograph: tor ohms. Ill. all Ind no our urn!-In up. 0 Ah? In . Clothing and Prou- yihc II! Men Amorlonn Dying 00.. o trnl. Don't (or ot the plans. not) oppuulto Bnuol Home Prin- IIII not. All work nunnntnd Ill VV Iliuu II I! II Prinoou Ituat. when you can of work dam in tho 'II$Il III IIUIIUI `bu! Anything r u-ding our hutln I Inn. tlnunl hlml. ago, mho has )0 O lnvntnuo the manor thor- . I youdono we nlnnonueomor. Ipoulhlo value or your mom: wan. Bto ,!urnnou. oto. . A lling Trimmed Hutu M non M60 I. Nowul donl nu. rho: .|n out worlununnh p In Milan nd ovonlng oo Iumo . Glv Ill U m Balm utroob. htwun Prlnoou and Brook so-. -v -----v- c, Up 1.`. an W I 1 It . annual: M25 n:n&;.:o:c.' null Iltu-loan an Y [Mo and Iooonnd. ' Oleo Bailing, and Win om and lock. Win . Inna. um .11 mud. 1:! Win Wank um III Win 000! Mid lull. Win and on hum of Win won: and flu Ololll nnuluonnd by 1`: QIIIIQIIQJUII nlrlunnum unn- --- ibuulss POINTIRI. Carrlagosg Sleigh: Ind Furniture, with In-_!U-I,II I IIII had our ovorlnnlod by roll- war on. ring shot: to n|.you'll III! with Mac rnnllu. wo hows ol"Ipon r?om" {or uh. oom- lo won 0 bloyolu. houuhold III `In. our sun. do. I. I.'...; n-_.9_..- n_9_._, lump: on nun; mono. I00 our ockoy nu usual nomllhd. O and I Queen -9.. I Innson. lU f'l ?I U K3II'3I vital to V .1: our mm from uh V uh so buy or not. M can no on uhloo mad 0 ullolout It In. Rm K I I I. MI " .....- ":.... ....,`i?" OINIBAL OIIOOII can wish to buy ( L. saloon uloluand 1 hohon In. Roda: x I llnu of mllllnory r. Glob`: un nun. I..nn.. '11: Load! Pho - ph:r. no x>$':f........e".`.2`2. _.__.j_:_. '....Costun'Iiers. QTKI n uouo tho I lhou In I Iolhln II. I non bum nu. U-In Ilfllc Repairing ...--u-no-u uuuouc clutch. But thl nahunu hour: ohna at winning hvotbycqwulng thouuo of tho nin- crity. and has Ibo thcurieul ahead I uulhgvhuho unouoodlninnllun nudiulint Thhnoulngvubolng ud- dnIuulhIr.lau\ndou.nIonuul .......... m an uuuoo and laughs`: vuhkho Qliolio chunk. But 'ah1--.L._...1._:_ ; us-vu luvlsul, III] W, 30 (`0DdClIIl| the gonmuont. by the datum of the libonl enndndau. Menu: N. ha favor- odundbmnyit nhoutnuoltlomontoltho Iohooldionlly. What that olooton will do ronainoto be non. But in any out - lion. 0. I. Fouotund Sir Adolpbocnmn ` Inn undo sbopurty ght: nligtoou om. and any will no and so my the Crnvun Citation. Th [nnhntuto olthooloctionlotho polmul pol-hrnonoo cl tho oonurvnuvo J onndidnb. Ir. lanai. ll`. lohunot I" -- Ian! richer. and oflvn in M. .nn...|. -...: -: uvvu IIIUUII HUI ICUYIL `K KIESTON MILLING C0. - 7.. on -un_ -uuusool IOIIOOI OOIIPPOIIIIIO. The Issue In undo religious bonnet then an in the city And township 0! Cornnll n tbonnnd French Catholic votes. sad in the townohip ol Ruborough I largo preponder- nnoo of Scotch Catholics. and than have been invited. my urged. to condemn the nnvnn-nu.-an L- .L_ - mu wuununu, no,umoumgI_v hoe. an: the appeal 0! the oomorvnivou in to th` roligtonn prejudices of the poplo u u n 936 6! Ilnnltobn oohool conpromino. The Inn. In mu!` ..n.a..... 5...... .. ,_ CORNWALL El.ECTIO.\'. Tho oonhu in Cornwall. for the pana- uion ol tho In Sold by the late Dr. Borgia in the commons, io,ucoodinI_v hoe. and Anna] 4:! on m..........;.... x- -- -:- v U-lI - Tho oonaorvativo ololnln did not or- guninn utriko when Sir Chu-loo Tnppor, that n ooruin olootlon. dlumiuod om- ployoon without I boning. And the 0.P.R. had no dllouny in nding mon whon their tolognphon wont on otriko N- oontly. Han thou oiroumnunoon no moral in than 9 '-avwuuuullll IIIIKIIB IIIO." Uh. lllui w hut in all am. by the outcome ole cor. eervetive conspiracy to deieet the govern- ! ment in lie plene oi purging the. railway of - politioel outthroete. Doee anyone eup- poeethet Hon. Mr. Bleirie goingto be prevented from doing his duty by tl:eee : proieetel Have the politician: in the gov. I ernment'e employe right todo ee they wish while the conservative: no in power, end to defy the liberele to punieh them when I change oi government oooure.` Not much. The enquiry will go on. and the oenderu will be die- miued. Let the whole force oi men etrike ii they will. Let the Iiberel em- ployees, if they talked into oom- promieing themeelvee for the enke 0! men who will tell them out if need be. But let IV the eomminion do ite work. and do it g. eeotuelly. e TL- .......--._.x._- .nn 1 I ....uu yuuuuuu purmlllnlnlp Will Do Jiidgod. Advicee, however, to the oonlervetive pepere ore to the.e0`eot thlt. the employees are organising and pledging themeelvoe to otnnd by each other "nhould another man be let out for taking pert in the recent election-." Thedeepetoh continues: "Both liberal end ooneervntive employee: are in- tereeted in the movement, end political differences are forgotten in the Anxiety to prevent the eetebiiehment of whet they consider would be I precedent that other I i government: might nee." Oh. fuge! I W Im. in all m. luv u... ............- -o - --.. W - WORKING UP INDIGNATION. The government's policy in to have tho oomplniuta against. employee: of the lunar- ooloninl railway euquirod into M a com- mluioner, and according to the videnco their political partisanship will be ,.ndgod. Advicol. holnvar. an ah. mm...-...s.'... W... mu, p--. In any one too Inrerence in that U.S. congreee in not inclined to f modily the alien lebor law, and that the Cenndien common: will have, in defence of it: pen legieletion protecting the lulior muket from American encroachment. Mr. Leurier.,et the lust eeuion. proposed to do whet he could to have Cnnediene dealt with more gently in their relations with the American people. He her not succeeded. This we ueume from the out- rage: practiced upon Cenedienl in Michigan recently. At the next union of ` perlinment thie qneetion will be revived. I end if we cennot have reciprocity we can , have retelletlon. | ALIEN LABOR LAW. The fool legialatore oi the United Staten are again buey. They heve introduced two billa into eongreea which are decidedly aimed at the Canadians. One in to the el- iect that it le unlawful for an alien, unleee he hecomea natnraliud and hae reaided a year in the United Btatee, to leek or ac- cept employment in it. and !or every vio- lation of thia law, which it ie expected to become, there will hea ne of not ieae than 0100 'or more than 0500. Another hill aima at the limitation or reatriction oi immigration to the beat clauee. To this end it providee that every male emigrant ahali pay aduty of 0100, which ehall be paid at the port of embarhtion; that he ehnli be a man oi character. able to rend and write, and ready to renounce allo- giance to hia native land and become an American citizen. Neither may pan, and both may paae. In any case the inierence in that US nm........ .1. ....a a..-I:---I -- nu unlit` BTWIIH UOIUEBII I st Iowut pr-tool. Oorrupondonoo solicited. - for Family Use. Xhndm A non.. `RED E_AGLE.71,5c. 59l_nn_ 9.1:; Uulovnr. and show TI-J(E DAIRY _wH1G. I An och B:-mun aolumbu mlnlns noon anon Toronto Mining Agency. |snver E311, 1oc.] SNOWDROP, ac; 32.. M Mr Oahu: 9 man: 0 low m? ..B.` ' British Columbia Minot. Cor. Toronto and Adelaide Stu. ` TORONTO. IJIIJ A-I_rlLIIJl-`lg Uni}: Mm the Knlovrgkand shown runni- nbly high nun. to for pronpoetuo. -IVUI I'll Illfll-IIDII CI. 0"`. DUI. pro:-3:`? 13'. ounp A la lot of on I! lpuon and 3.7. 'n'.uw.;. VJ a'3`r'p'.'r`.`.'...ou.'.`"