Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1896, p. 1

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saw; Bibi; srqnl H-..g.jX.-A--IQ`-.A___A - A Funny lnoulont. .. ....A pl.-- .._n. :.A.. THE FINALS.` one any Io-nngm an In uuunou vi follow to-Inonov. Pug wotknndocnpbohhlnd thou- nndn nodal pt-cum: at huguin prion at Saucy`: [no trade uh A Wllonnnouuvidi 03:-uekvllloro -grids!-onhuoond olnrouplny trmndnnhonllhnniamuh Alnv-nl -Anna use ununoo I nnu-can plly `round: about Ibo Iohooh AI luau! lhltzuto ngupou. nptm puny noploh luthoubildtmwgyon. Auaudhucyh Indonloan nodyougoninzo on ovary . U whim olloluolinuiu- lnguulhrlnndull liunhllhovin loving, to Ihoonncnr uncut bu Ihonuivitiut sill I); l :04`! av-;.d1n'l.8T2.m D._--L.. g...- and area In uslx. Remember ovoryono ailing It Gulla- char : tic carnival I from goal on than -ill nmhrnlh nlnad ll. I7. (BUT NO OIPIIWII YCDIVC I IN the silk umbnlln niood at C7. Vuagulgu oh. -4... uh oh. me an: alumnus vuooa no 11. Yutardny the olden II the Royal mili- tary eollego hundod over their lfllll and Aecoutnmonh ncory to having (or tbdr Chriotnu ludayn. lomo will have `tho eicv to-ninlnl Ind tho lxnlntln will oool snore. rs. uglow 1 U0. An unusually largo number came in on the K. h P. mule! excursion this mom- ing. and the station was literally packed with poultry and produce. Holiday books. R. Uglow & Co. A our land ol poroonnl olfocu. the pro- party ol MnjorKlI.aon, tbonowly-Appointed oommnndnnt. of the Roynl military college, urr-ivod at. the C.P.R. height shod: here this morning. Hgndknrr-hinfl, ulnvan and Ilnninl-I fnr mac Isle no marrow. An neembly held at J. Oneal . Catere- qui drivin park, on Tueevh night, was well nuem ed. A conaidenb contingent. ol Kirit-ton dnncenpertioipued and Opent. 1 pfuu-ant. time. Bnkeu of ohooolntael. Crnwford. The eldermnnio oendideaee should becin to device man: for e reduction in civic ex- peneee. This in the time ol year when in)`: ma] mum: en devised only to be laid on the shelf lhaOl' election. Lupdpl OK` ----|. --ul n_.-L AI V--_ ---L one anon umur olocuon. Avoid the nub and crush ol Xmu week snd numd Stacy : ulo to-marrow. Every- thing at `dumd prions. A oonplo 0! old lions otnnon have been umng av. Iqguooa pneou. couple uiogo seemed for Ipounting at the Aylnur. Ont, coll ufuumo. Tho relies won out inhilinlsllnnd sons to Kin , w oyvuomounud in tho ol ion .-4| n-g n IQIO LDC`? UIIl'|H.BII Dlllyl. Bl VIII IKVO the city to-night and tho nusintlct will I [allow M-nonov. I an uuoort. a grocery. To day in pay-day on the G.T.R. No otcinl notice of the rumored chnn e of the date of this important event. bu n re< ceivod by the employees. Toys and games. R. Uglow & Co. Chrinttnas present: will not be diatri- bubod with prodignlitv this your. Times are so keen thnt the Broad winner has no nsnnnn Innnb {non In-...n'-. um mormng. Hnndhrchiola, gloves Ind hosiery for Xmu presence. our: cheap n8uAc_y'I free trade lo to A- -.......m- |.-|.u .. 1 n.....- n..... are Keen mun mo orotm winner nus money to put into luxuries. 250. sweet. cider. Crawford. The very lawot. invention being sold to Kingaboninna is o amokelonalnmp gluon. It is claimed to give nearly double as bright. n light as the old style chimpoyl. Before vou buv vour Chriatmu nreoenu Men s Slippers For Christmas_ ngnu u me on: acyle cmmpoyu. you buy your Christmu presents use our pnlml. rubbers. Amncnriu, nralin. umbrella planu, ferns. oz M655. begoniu. primlooen and hyacintha. Johnson, the orint. Ir... 1...u.a.- .......a- .1. .. u.....a........-- Ilonnb. For `holidna good: go to Henderson : book store. . U glow & Co. An unmmnllv In-my nnmhnr turns: in nn none was ana coneea. unborn grocery. Every person says the good: in the Japanese store are the finest. and cheapest ever shown in the city. Mm. Chadwick. .lnhnnt.nn an-ant, hu enown III we cnzy. Mun. Chadwick. Johnston street. has purchased a plot. of land on Albert street. south. and next spring will have a denim- ble reeidence reared. A|....g.-J. nu-4-`Ag R..- ....-......- I.........._ rune manner goods. K. Uglow at U0. Willinmeville plo complain of the shabby Ind unc eanly condition of the oloctric car used on the service through that. section of the city. We are oarimr this waek axcallnnt nnnn secmou or we may. We are oaring this week excellent overcoat: and the most. durable and stylish unit: at prices within the reach of all. B. Silver & Co. Frown for an!` mu. oh. ......-.I. ........- I... 5||V0l' G D0. From far and near the people come for honest. ten and coffees. Gilbert : Everv neraon can wood: in the me reemence reuea. Almeria grapes, gs, oranges. lemons, welnuba. almonds. dues. All new nndNo. I at Gilbert grocery To dnv in new-dnv. nn the ,T_R. N01 0|` l`4l'|gl|El'l C08. 1}. UFIWIOTU. The R. L . C. uergennm appeared on the treat: yoaberdny wearing their uahoa out- side their groabconta. in complinnco with the new regulation. Fine leather goods. R. dglow .9: Co. Willinmavilla neonln comnlnin of the; an n. me:-auu. Fancy biscuits at plain prices. Gilbert's grocery. Finest. chncnlntan nt hnlf Lhn Amnrimm '3.:.,.`.2:.. .'!_'.?I?.*!EE'-- srmr Aavenn. Come early to the Japanese store and got. the boat and avoid the great. crowds. Your wife would like A pair of hand- sqmo curtains to finish her drawing room. Handsome mlk, damask or chenille curtain: at R. McFaul`a. Fauna hi-Anita .5 nl-in -u-inn. l`1.'l|-.4-D ; LIIIDBTB H ETDOQTY. A tailor employed in 3 Princess street atoro is credited with matrirniminl inten- tions. which he will carry into obcb soon sitar Advent. (`nu-:1: Anal" .3 Ah. I.......... -5-.. -...I grocery. Finest chocolates nt half the American or English rices. J. Crawford. Thu R. L . C. nermanntn nnnnnrod on thn )onn'a I000. J. Umwrora. V The Philomnthean sooiaty of the Kings`- ton business college may give I concert at an early dam.- The matter is under con- aidemtion. Ladies purses. R. U low a C0. Drink Morcn coffee, te pureat. and best. Gilbortla grocery. Lailoremnlovod in 3 Princess street covering an :2. M01` aura. It would be an inexcusable injustice to your pocketbook to pass by Silver`: when you want a suit or overcoat. , Ounlmr rnllnd nan. mm:-Aka Hnnr. Patti. panese wore. Nominations in the county for oommio- eionora will be held on Monday next. This will give the candidates two week: in which to canvass their conauitueim. Toys and games. R. Ugloiv & Co. At I rale hold lut evening A. Ilett won a horse owned by Dr. A. Irwin. The `animal is well bred antf posse:-sen e . Christmas precents. R. Uglow Co. Sofa cushions and tea cosies ready for covering at R. McFaul a. It. would he an inexcusable iniuntice to want sun. overcoat. Quaker rolled oats, pancake Hour. Petti- john a food. J. Crawford. TI`; Dhilnmnthngn -nnintu ll` ILA Kinnc: grocery. Our goods are imported direct from Japan to Kingston. No two prota. Ja- panese shore. Nominatinmi in than nmmhv for commit- store. air-ocuy op we we um now. The minister olpgucntion vi I be invited to Attend thsopcning examine: it. Frontenac school and deliver an uddross. 6c bottle catsup. J. Crawford. This will be a very cold winter for the parbizsn civil servant. He ins `decidedly "hot. last June; he will be very cold soon. Ladies purses. R. Uglow & Co. Spanish olives 30c. per quart. Gilbert/I buydyo-vr Anna proton`? :6 Inches I store. iroctly ibo t. o it ota . minister in .n-...l oly.--.....:..u-----I... .1-.I`-nut`-nu What to select for 'XMAS PRESENTS for your friends, we can help you. This store is full of suggestions for gifts for the youngest to the oldest of vour friends or relatives. Fancy Goods, Novelties, Fans, Dress- Cases, etc`, bought at 30 per cent. reduction and sold at a small uiargin of prot. Solid Gold and Roll-plate Spex at reduced prices. xoro buying your Iunu preoenu. Christmas trees vermin grub domnnd on the market to-day. And the nupply won more than equal to the call. Fine leather goods. B. Uglow & Co. A car load of corn leather was ahipped over the C.P.R. to 0. Henri, Que., from Con-ingtaon a tumory to-day. Buy your Xmu pnoontu at the J: store. diroctlv onnooibo the Citv howl. an mosey : sale [or 100. yard. Home-made rod and black cnrnnt jolly at Gilbert : grocery. See the good: m the Jnpanuo ptoro bo- forb buying Xmu presents. Christmas trees vermin arub Johnson. mo uonsu. On Friday you can buy 400. blouse silks at Stacy sale for 150. yard. Homo-mnda red and black iollv mo store or J. Hon:-odor, mock maroon. ` Hoadqunrterl for ye old English holly. Jnhnoon. the florist. On ll`:-{Ann unn nun Inn`! 4045 hlnnnn -ilk: will load all wine buyers to Buvora. The Chriumu freight blade in about over, but the usual holiday puaongor rnio is dnily increasing. ` Holiday booh. R. Uglow & Co. Telephone No. 379 In: been placed in the store of J. Soln-odor, Brock ltroeb. ' Hnndnunl-tar: for van old Ennvlinh hollv. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 17. 1896. v,......-, ..,...... ..,-..... .......-- ..- '7' . . Choloo rout. cu-nutlonl, llnyhx, etc. Johnson. the oriao. Freoh eggs. butter and cheat. Tho but an Gilbert : tn-oonrv. IPXII KI. I7|Il'oCl' Illa CDT` IIIU an Gilbert : grocery. Let low [in-icon be up guiding star will lead :1 wine buyers to Silver ; Th: Chrinmn fminhl: Indo nl Nun: Pu-sgnplu Picked Up by our Hnnnl-tall: an Thnlr Ilnnnlll. NUT. III'D.I'I III KIUUUI-I II 2 `JD! Boporun on Their Bounds. .Kin of Pills in Boochun u--BncnAl s. 0!: sum: pmoonu. R. Uglow &Co. Oyoooru, oylun. oynhro. Gabon`: (to- son. lJ_AjNES& mum) INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. im euy viowry in lneny I meme. He in very loud olliuerery work, and did more of it. then, perhaps, eny other pulaorin the Methodist. church. ined- dicion to the lerge Ind laborioue pne- wruee. he in chief editor of the lam Ce nedien Methodiet Quarterly Review end so lerge contributor to in liet. of eniclee It. ie not improbable that overwork en the came 0! Me eerly daeth. The Methodist. ministry bee lost one of in very heel. and noel. promieln men ere yet. he had reach- edthe me 0 life ` okmen added them he wee very Mr. Phillipe. He ordained him he wee ` G of London cooler- lh 1878. v-st. speech Di`. Rycb inen ever made in eomerenoe. in I875. inn nanleed Ohdj lul nnnn-4| Ila Dhillin- IIICZZ Willyou Id a [nun army of onngu than at Gnrnonlfn "On tho Oat-lot. Ho ho: onngcn from Florida, Onla-uh. lotion. West Indian. Spain. Bvrh. Jnz % Jnmnnu lnnlarinm. ulna-nu. -unua. won mans. Syria. Jab: Jupunuo Jundon lanolin. California pun. ` rd--ni-`--III-I-c-r-p-v~ l`V` '7 we IIIIII CV9? IIEI IIblDlIlOl U|'I@. II'I IBIS). than V opposed Ir. Philli can to dolnyordimtion in order tort. u but pout-graduate nouns. Ho got. in nqult. .- [13 WII OHO OI (DB HIIHIIBBD OI men. 0718 whom to know was to love, one to whom the wrong: of oppreeaed manhood and womanhood mightily appealed. Rev. Dr Rycliman said: Rev. Mr. Phillipa waea really modest unaaauming man. although poueued of much more than average natural ability and more than ordinary ' educational attainment. Be- yond hie graduation from the university ho took a liberal postgraduate course. He was a spiritually-minded man.ae all his in- timate acquaintances well lmew. He was original. logical, incisive. racy aaa preach- er. and olten really eloquent. l oeu-weed of large general information. and con- acione of the fact, he was courage- oua and elfeotive in debate and public diacuaaion. When a lemon: eecu- ariet was giving his lecturee in a western eity and challenged the orthodox clergy to meet him on the platform, and when there waa no other and older champion to take upthegauntlet, he did it, though then quite a man; man. and ably sustained the cauaeo chriatianity agaimt his practical antagonlat. In _the early days of the Scott act agitation there waa no abler advocate of the prohibition aide of the queatiou than he. H_la ample informa- tion and extemporaneoue readineaa gave him easy victory in battle. verv olliterarv work. Mullet. _ Rev. Mr. Starr heard of the denth with inoxpreuiblo regret. He Enid that he had been associated with him for several years in city work. and had come to have the highest regard {or his character. Perhaps the range of his preaching was not as wide as it might have been, being in later yous conned for the most part `to tho pnternnl side of the chnrncter of God and to the aociul side of chriatinnity. He Inc a teacher rather than I nrannher. ml nonularlv understood. and IF -`IN DOUBT cnrnaunnnnoy. no Inc u wanna!` runner man a. preacher. Au popularly understood, and no one could be more earnest, in his work. He wu one 0! the mnnlieat, of men. Ilmnnnhrmd miaht.iIv Annanlnd, and 1oront.o. m Loronno ne was pastor of tho Avanue road and Euchd avenue churches, respectively. and had hosts offrienda. In I894 he was appointed to be pastor of Douglas church. Montreal. Mr. Phillipa leaves a widow and three children. The remam will be taken to Toronto for intnrmonc. The announcement. was received with sincere narrow in Kingston where deceased was known and esteemed. Last year he preached in Queen st.reet.MeLhodiat, church. He had also been heard on frequent con- ferential and conventional occasions. V He was A leading Endeevorer nnd was one of the oicers of that great. body. He was formerly of Toronto. scholarly and devout, and greatly attached to all movements for the winning of the young people to His Muster. n-.. u. cu... s.-....: ..c n... .....n. ..,;.:. H0 WEI nrnnamrrou (0 D5. 1. HOTIIIF, IIIIG llllf he occupied charge: at Gult, Brampton and Toronto. In Toronto he was pastor of the Avanua mad and nvanue DIG only I [CW FIIIODBI IDOIHOHFIUIHCB. Deceased was born in Prince Edward county and educated in the public school of the townahi of Murrn . In early He he wunoohoo tuobex or A number of years. He purluod his thoclogical studies at Victoria college, Cobour .whore he grn~ duntod with the dogroool .D.S. in 1878. Ha acted Ann lot-Al nmnnhar for several uuewa win: we aegreeol n.u.o. Ill man. He acted as is local rancher for several earl in mhesarnia en Oil Springadisbrict. n 1875 he wu received into full connection with theMet.hodiel. conference Lt. Bmntford, and in 1878 was ordained to fine ministry. His first charge was at Chabhnm. whence he was transferred to St. Thomas, and later ha m-mnm'AA nlun-an-. no nlr R.-nunnrnn Iuuurun an. uncut. Mom-iu:.u.. Dec. l7.-Rev. A. M Phil- lipe, pastor of Douglu Methodist rhuroh and one of the belt known Memiodizn. minieten in the country. died in Montreal last. night. Mr. Phillipe underwent an ope:-scion on Thursday lav.-t for renal calcu- lue. The operation we: entirely eucceu-ful but. complication: ensued and the patient hed only I few rebionalmomenuaince. Docmnod wu born in Prince Edward nvuunnle only no member: or the "fourth emu." But no trace of either the men or the women wanted could be found. There have been several piano Lunere from outside polmm in the city dur- ing the put summer, but to !ur as can be ascertained none of them Anewerad to the deecripcinn of Brunner an iveu by the man he no grievoully wrongeg. Rev. A. M. Phllllpl of D0lI[|lI Methodist nnm.-4.. .n :1-.. j&ty'lInln0uoo. vmthndmd-omwu actuatio- S-lhnnin-II ulllhn Ilolnul In Agni, Hockey and Skaiing Bouts In me may. The WHIO repreeentntive, on receipt of Mr. Nowell : lower, set. out on a alillhunt. for either or both of the elopere, and made a thorough search about town in queen of them. The munie ecoree, pieno wnrerooms and all place: no which Bruuner would be likely to frequent, or.work, were viewed, Ind enqulriel were nude through channels nvuileble only to member: of the man." But no trace of the police nun tneue ln tneir neutron, and Mr. Newell wu oommunioatedwith. He wrote, in reply, that Brunner. or Holland, olored with his (Newell s) wife, Helen Newe l, in Mnrch last, from Nevada Cit , Me., and that the couple had taken wit them the writer : little daughter Beeeie. Brunnor, Mr. Newell says, is 8 pieno tuner. and after leaving Nevada. the guilty pair, with the little girl, took up their reeidenoe in this city, where Brunner worliodet his trade for some time. Mr. Nowell states that he is not anxious about his leitbleee wife, who, he has been inform- ed. in not now living with Brumier, but, he nyn, he would very much like to ascer- tain the whereabouts ol either her or Brun- ner, in order that he can recover possession of hit child. He toys that he sent uaecond letter to the Kingston police. recently, inking that enqulrlee be made in the case. And that he be informed whether or not Brunner or Mu. Nowell were still living in the city. WHIG renreeentative. on receint of .. ..... .......... ......... .... ........... Some time ego A letter was written to chief Honey by 1 man named Thomas L. Nowell, 410 Welnnb street, Nevada, M0,. asking that Ieu-ch be made for A man iv- ing the name of Jeeob Brunner, alias ol- land. The request we: complied wit.h,buc the men could not be found. A Wmo representative got e clue re- rding the one through eqquiriea that t e pohoe Ind made in their search. and Ila \T.--II -.- lustre:-|n|u:nAbAl` with `I-In `look Noun : um. on-ignuor With nu--- lllo and lot Gullty Oolnpnnlon came to lungs:-.on--xomn Want: an 0hlld,But ` In Not Antlnn: Ahnnt ting Iinmnn. I oassnrso HER 9;-uussnuo son A HANPSOMER MAN.'_' FAITHLESSESJ NEWELL. A CLERGYMAN DEAD. ' Xmu weelgur stock of ' Pedant: viii In turn to plane . win in ed and 3 rm}. 2.33.4 and sited Shut. Also V E udmino ootchoico T O I . M O can-;.'3' .aus'. B_ouo.: " 0-!!!`-vigil`-20 nitro--' loor. `Inc aunngo done was ngnu, no mo Han no utlngukhod in 3 hv minutes. The low I: count! by` Inn:-Inca. if On the lot inst. John lonytl Bnnhll, ktot-|I'0f(X BrItollof"Abt.hry, In nnrl-id i?.8LuGnIri,nI`l nhlml. Inn. mount or Lupe. nuuuu, or "A"&l1y, In married in 80. Cabrini`: church, Inn- .|... n...|...| a. 1.5.1 .l4I..A a--A._ married in 3|. UIh'iOl'l church. Ian- I Idnol. Oldest angina Harv Roda G1-ma. Th mrxun con, nngnnmuo nun. email angular olsiruryoduanon. The yl vunodornctlhvI.hBav.Ounonl . 0! III` HQ? Uff. TX X1 NXC I2 (helm. Onnon I :.rT .dIiG 5lH'id0.ilIOW :1` in-hindarnDnn&n, The oonsegloes loud Iplrls Pervsdes our store, e thoussnd suggee Mons obtrndo themselves telling on up propriste thoughts for this joyous olidsy nesson. There's no perplexicy es to vibe: to give, for there is e rsriety ol goods bhst meet every gent.lemsn s need. Inheet win- ter neoiwesr. silk mulers, silk end linen hsndkerohiels. reindeer. Angers and kid gloves, brsooo. shirts. oollus end cnlfs, snd msny other lines tbst. will win. We are reedy with everything thst. goes to nuke s men's holldey joy complete. Greskest. vsriecy end lowest prices sl. Deter : genus` furnishig store. opposite Windsor hotel. `at much. 9-linj -C;\omlst and Graduate Optlclan. Prlnoou Street. Phone No. H. No. 83 for Sundu or Night Cnlln. A--- r!..-__. l9_.-..u,_., An incipient noocurndinnbodroou in the residence of Dr. Clark. Inodioul uuporinundont of Rockwood hospital lot Illa inane Int. ninhl. Th: hlnn in IIIPHDIDIIOODI OI l$%IWGE llpllll IN the inane Int. night. Tho blnn In: ........a 1.. . u..n.o.a ....o.|. .|..........a .. u... use mnno Int. mans. `rm nun conned b I lighud match droppod on the` loot. dumngc done wn light. A: the Han Du nxtinnulnhnd in I luv minnhn. scnoon were neuron. Mr. Cruse spank: very foelingly of tho kindneei shown during the family`: emission by the boapital nuthoritiea and nurses, and by the many friends of his son. The Ioldler Aequlttedj A young man belongin to "A battery was charged before ju ge Price to-day with having uttempwd to criminally Aa- nuult e comely young women In Frontenac park, luz Sunday evening. The young woman gave the details of the unult. P. C. McCullngh IIBO gave evidence for the prosecution. A number of the prison- er : comrades gave evidence on hit behalf which very moterielly modied the evi- dence of the young vomnn. Jurlcm Price hnvinn heard All the nvi. aence or me young women. Judge Price hnving heard ell the evi- dence, while obeetving thus both rtiee had nchod unwieely, mid it. would un- safe to convict the accused, who accord- ing|y was found not. guilty. He wee on leaving the court. warmly eongntuletaed by his oomrndee. The oounty crown enor- ney prosecuted. and John Molntyre, Q.C.. defended the prieoner. screen, miner or one umoruunnoe Ind. The funeral wee ver largely attended. the boys of the eenior t. ird clue of Queen street echool, heeded by the principal, W. H. Godwin, being preeent. in 3 body. The coin wee covered with memoriel wleecha sent by friends 0! the family and of the de- ceaeed boy. Three of the Sunday ecliool cluemntel of deceased end three of the members of his class at Queen street. school were bearers. Mu (`rung nr\AnIan u--u 'AAnrI`i Al oh- lsilh The remains of the late H. B. Cruse, who was killed by an electric street our on Monday. were kid to rest in the vault at Cutaraqui cemetery yesterday afternoon. Rev. D. Laing, of the Johnston street Bap- tist church, conducted the nbsequiee at the residence of \V. H. Cruse, Albert street, father of the unfortunnte Ind. Thn fun-.-..I Inn: "A... In-..-I-. ..n.....h..l A Challenge to "Felt Play." Knmrrox, Dec. l7.--(To the Editor): A letter a poured in your issue of the 14th inst., In w lch the writer states that I am aiding the by-law breakers, thereby class- ing mess one. Secondly, that my resig- nation has been in the hands of the mayor for some time. Thiidly. that, being an al- derman, I am a spineless creature to be moulded as putty by King Ben and his tools. Now I have no objections to the criticism of my actions b any elector of the city when done over his signature, but I do object when done by something that is afraid to ive its name. But for "Fair Play's oom ort I will give him a change to prove his statements by meeting me in public, iving the citizens thee por- tunity to deei e. As to statement Ne). I, I would advise him to be careful. as the city records will show for the past forty years. Secondly, if he will refer to the re- port given of Monday night : meeting he will withdraw the statement. As to the i third statement, if he will accept my offer I he will find that I am not a spineless crea- ture, but a workinman worthy of his steel. 1 and lastly, as being a tool of King Ben, I 1 can state without fear of contradiction that I care no more for King Ben than the 1 smallest boy in the city, and have no axe 1 to grind. neither can I be bought `or moulded like putty as Fair Play" would like to have some people believe. Ho ing that "Fair Play" may come out of bias ell, I remain, A. R. Mums. alderman. . law, an nnuorprewa by me oouru. Of course, where an alderman has once become disqualied by absence from coun- cil meetings. all attempts to rehabilitate him short. of a valid re-election, must be obviously unavnilIng.-Yours truly, D. M. Mvlsrvnn. `Xmas Slippers. H:D:%BlBB_Y_G0.l auea by you Iaat llondav to advice as to the statue of alderman Hilne in view of that gentleman's abaenoe from the meet- ing: of the council for three month. In response I stated that in my opinion under the statute alderman Milne : eeat waa not declared vacant until Iodeclared y the council. lobeerve by the report of the Int council meeting that alderman Wal- kem expresses the opinion that alder- ` man Milne : neat became vacant by three months eheenoe and without an declaration of vacancy by the counci . I would not have relerred to the matter further, aalumin that Alderman Wal. Item : dierenee 0 opinion wee due to his speaking olfhanded. without considera- tion. wereit not that he is reported to have aid in council that on the author- ity of two eminent legal authoritiea he could say that Alderman Milnels aeat was legally vacant. Who Alderman Wal- kem'e eminent legal authorities are I do not know. but certain it in that their opinion is opposed to the law as interpreted by the courts. In the cane Chaplain n inst ublic school board of town of soodatoc , re- ported in volume sixteen of the Ontario reports. upon a section of the public school act, similar to the section of the municipal act, disqualifying a member of council by reason of absence, the court held that the seat did not become vacant until the other members of the board declared it to have become vacant. and no action having been taken by the remaining members ol the board that the seat was still full, I was bound in adviaing you to adhere to the law, as interpreted by the courts. course. where an alderman has once BORNE BY HIS CLASS-MATES. I Juamnoa In nanny II nude public : I I "Kutaa1'oN,Deo. l6.--(l)ear Mr. Mayor) : As] al Adviser of the city council I was uh by has Mondav to advise shame nldannnn Kilns in win: of The Poeltlon no `root was fully Jtnlaed by the lion. The mayor received the following letter from the city solicitor thin morning, and while not intended {or publication. he feels that in jnuioe to Mr. Molnuyre end to further lubetenoieuhe poeition he took at the council meeting lat Mondey he in juebied in living it nude public 1 "Kimm~oz.Doe. l6.-(Denr Mr. Mnvori 2 . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. THE MAYOR VINDICATED. Inn-Ion In London. lac. .. I-A I-A I.|.- l-..-AL I wur ; mnny a man MIG runny are no: outing on good things as they are on- itlod to out. Furthermore we must oolu-o it. no fact. that. it. is no`. sl- wnyl due to not coming I good salary, `mt it in more often due to not spend- `lng It wioely. We are our.-and-out opponod to the crodit" uyatprn. No with our money in your pocketnnd pay or what you not At. tho time -you got. it. W 9 hno no qunrrel with -our compot.it.ors.`not. a bit, of it. The have one way of doing business. 0 hnvo Another. Ours in CASH AND `ONE PRICE ONLY. In in my van- dar the nonnla call us the Ralinbla Tonnwanngu Iov.uo;muupn~ In. l0a.; chad alias; ducal cur- nnh. 100.0:-nvhil. l._._.':.'_,_.-.:*-.~'.::-.'.-"'...m'--* - lb holy vi to I-1. u Arum ulary nu with" WIN) 32 la ulid at m Walkur. cl Vdtoun. when an In oultd noliulo oynpuby. IHnbopIlotI&- Inn-nvmuninlllonnovnv. ~ nu Fun `um hug...` my, ol use now onnron. M. Trouadnlo, reovo of the township 0! Lobomngh. will be 3 oandidno for oom- minionenhip st the nppfonching olootiono. Mr. Tmundnio has good record in the old county council, und uhopld min I good run in the approaching contact. I'-I'C-I. I'll-C'VTI'-O Mnny of the perentn of pupih ettondinp the local public nohoole endoree the poo tion taken by the Weetport Mirror regnrding home-work given to puplle bythe tuphere. One citinen ateted to e Wmu reporter this morning tbet hie little den but in occu- pied dnrin four hours of t evening of every eoboo -dey pering her Ieeeone {or next day end t et ehe an hour every morning reviewing work of the previoue evening. Be an the: thin le not 143:8. that children ehoeld here: reena- nb tune 'ventheIu everydeyferreorer tion and t bin children ere red cl their rightful play the by the ascent of homework they have to do eher euhool boure. Tlieydo not eonphimbet he very much appoeed to the lyetu. aimilar position 1: EL. John I, Que. Harry E. Devendorf, editor of the Union Sunday Tribune. has been tendered the appointment. of private secretary biy con- greuman June: S. Sherman. Mr. )oven- dorf was formerly with the Wnbeztown Timon. M... In. \ 'l`:Ilm.n .m-I Imp nin}nr Min tmusl summer. Tuesday Miss Ella Edwards. Union street west. left!` for Georgia to visit relatives. She is in delicate health and will remain in the south during the term of the rigid Csnadian winner. She has 1,500 miles to travel. 9... n.. rmmu. 1. ....o.|.. ..o.......a :. IIIIOC no unvon. Rev. Dr. Griibh in grostly eltaoomod in Bmchvillo. His puwnw bu been most. successful. his said he in likely 00 be in- vitod to remain a fourth you in view of his labor: in connection with the emotion of the church. 11 rr-.......a.i- ...... .4 n.. s.......i.:.. -0 action on his pub was due no ms neutn. Capt. V. A. S. Williams has been sp- pointod udjutant of B" !( uadron at. Win- nipeg. Capt. J. C. Mac )ougs|l. one of Kingston : old favorites, will bccupy a similar position at St. Jnhn Que. Hnrrv E. Davendorf. uluu YIHUIJ uma . 1: In der the pie call In the Rolinblo Clothing ouae. M0 Overcoat: and 310 mm ; others At. Ion than hull. Timon. Mrs. (Dr.) Tillman and her sister, Mina Laura Landeryou, who recently left. here for Kingston. Jamaica, arrived at their journey'a end aalely. They were trans- ported from a land 0! front to one of con- tinual rr.....i... 11;. mi. w.|-....i. n..a.... Mina Maud Mitchell, n rne in A hospital at Patterson. N.J., in viai in her mother, Nelson street. Miss Mitchel was highly auccecaful in her exams this fall. G>....l.u. IL`... nyluu nnpulunhul n Iuuninnnn WIN`! HIGH P&l OI'lbC BI llllllld. auccoeatul In her mm tall. Stanley Guesa,who conducted I business on Johnston street. has been obliged to sell out and return to hi fu"m at Koplar. This action his put due to his henlth. Cant. S. an- aeacnl uoor no not. aprmga, arr. Madame Albani and company sail on February 8th from Vancouver for Sydney. Australia. This will be her first visit be the antipodea. Hnn R P Flnwnr has been alsctad a government [or uunn. Frederick Lawson, toyvnehip clerk. By- denbem, has been a intod an issuer of mnrriege licenses. oone could do the delicate service more agreeably. Minna Mirinm end Grace Hears hnvo re- delicate service agreeably. Misses Miriam and Grace Bears turned from the Ontario ladies college, Whitby. to spend the Christmas yacation with their parents at H Lbeld. . Min Mam-I Mitchell. roe hoonibal ono nnupoael. Hon. R. P. Flower has been elected a vice-president of the Cuban league of the United Subee. Isa object is to secure self- government for Cuba. Fradnriok Lnwaon. townahio clerk. Sv- Movement: of the Poopln-Whnt they An laying and Doing. Miss Margaret. Ash, Elginburg, in visit ing her aunt, Mrs. W radon, Princess Ibroot. `lnnnnln I`n-nnlvkn Pnrtnrnnnltlu will um-eon. Joseph Forsythe, Portsmouth. will epond the Cbriutmu side with relative: at Odessa. Au-nhil-mlrl WA:-nunnn Winnirxuy nnn nf Uaeau. Archibald Ferguson, Winnipeg, son of Rev. Prof. Ferguson is in the city to spend Christmas. I (`.nnA Qtirlina in Ha: nifv lnr OLA on BALL. KING smear. Uhriaunaa. W. Came, Stirling, in the city for the purpoee of atbendin the funeral of his brother, left. today or his home. E. H. Dunhnm, manager of the Balmor- al hotel. Montreal, is at. present lying at death : door at Hot. Springs, Ark. Muinmn Alhani and comnnnv nil on tween ;.~4. ),UUU and $90,000. . Justice Mcbellun xed the amount of the temporary receiver : bond 10 810.000, and granted an order directing :11 parties in- terested to show cause before Louis L. Water: at his office in the Kirk building, Syracuse, on March 18th, 1897, why the corporntion should not be dissolved. ;IU.UUU. Bonds, secured by mortgae held b F. W. Baker, as trustee for the older: 0 the bonds, 835.250. Interest. from April lat, 1390. Chantal mortgage. held by Joseph Tait and Raymond C. Johnson. as trustees, covering the furniture and fixture: of the hotel, and being additional security for the above mentioned bond and mortgage of $10,000. " Thorn is also due the corporation from .m.-.'.\... .n.u-nun -nun: nnnrnantinzr nvnr I`) _ uu.Uuu. various sources auml aggregating over $2,- 500, an . in has liabilities aggiegncing be- tween $345,000 and 890.000. Junjnn Mnlallnn xnd than ninmlnt. (1! the nm Iemenu nna nppnanou. | n this property there Ire inoumbrgnooa as follows : ` Bond and mortgnge hold by Julie Lan- cing Grouse. 830.000. Bond and mnrmnna held bv Juaenh Tito sung urouse. wU.Uuu. Bond and mortgage held by Joseph Tate and Raymond C. Johnson, as trustees, 3l0.000. Rnnrln -amu-ml hv mnrtanan hnlrl hv F`, ' tneir claims; war. one lwlilon naa neon V commentligl on one of the corpora- tion : p issory notes and others are threatened. and that to avert the proba- bility of having the corporation's assets eaten up in litigation a receiver should be appointed. The statement of the nancial condition of the corporation, which was annexed to the position. shows that the corporation owns 150 acres of land It Round Inland, with hotel, stables, ston:-` rind appurtenant buildings. hotel furniture and furnishings, about twenty-ve ruiv boats. bowling alley and billiard tablet: with the usual appurtenances and farming laments and appliances. n this nmnertv there are incumbranoea l T- Wlj ma .."..E`'.?.:`.I."a"2{ ...':"... ".7 oe meue permanent. The petition for a voluntary dieeolution . state: that the stock. effect: and other property of the corporation in not euicient to pay the just demand: for which the cor- ` poration is liehle or to afford a reasonable security to those dealing with it. end thet it is severe] years in etreere for into:-out on two or ite mortgngu and on omiseory notes end certicate: of in ebtedneee; that certain creditors no pruning their claims; that one action he boon an... ..........I Ar` nu. nl oh- awn-nan. That. many a man and fnmil no not wanting as good clothingu t. oy might. /war 2 mnnv 3 man And Inmilv are not , tery dissolution of the Round Island perk VVIVCPIOVII. N. In Tin The ppere in the matter o! the volun- corporntion were filed in the eonnt.y.clerk'e oice. Ti-erzyetter came up before justice P. B. Mela n in e `:1 term eh Syn- cuee, on San: my, on the ' petition of Jacob Hays. bert. Ven Wdgenen. Cher- che iuolution of their ieuon. J uatioe Molannnn eppointed n porery receiv- er Joee Tune. of New York, and the peti- tioner: eve asked that his eppoinolnent be made permanent. The netition for volunterv dieeolution lee A. Myers In Frenk . Taylor, e me- jorit. of trustees bf\the r poreuon, for 7--- I Judge Iol#-Tuna nu ordu Io Chow n nnnnA_ tgtnmnnl (If It: [Inn-nlnl V331` UIIUIZDII III III I Alb! Tho looolvot nned. Wntorto .N.Y.. `Hilda ML- .1 _ .L- _.-a.;-- -1 `L- PROCEEDINGS EGUN DECLAR- ING THEC PANY INSOLVENT. [A ROUNDlSlAND RECEIVER] Pnrolu Oppose Iona. Work. .. ..l AL. ...\....A. -3 -.....;I- -15.. Io. Io-an lhhp. 00. .o. ..._.. A. L..n.._:.. PERSONAL MENTION. Wlgg; Markcd Down During Holiday Sale I.-et neon I50 I01. "I have chatted with mony merchant-y" said on observing citizen Int. night. "_|"d I find them pronouncing Anathema ngalnv rlonu who can poy their debts but, wont. focould utonish on by gi `my name! 0! oitimna to whom um! have no terrors. `If those who could pay would do 80. 0 !"8 lot of money would be put in circn|Il| and prove ndunugeoun to the community. Money passing from hand to hand is do- iu n worthier miuion than being HOP` "1 I gunk drawing dividend: lor the 4001555 nnd, yee. dishonest owner." -uvlioc IIOI To Do ll. Folgor BI-01.. who Inn claims on `J10 Bollovvllo traction oblnpuny. hue Ilhd the council to booolno Ioourity for thl unountinvutod also tho whole pt0P"r will be moved to Kingston and the electric line in Bollovillo become a thing of t_hI pub. The Intelligonoot ndvinoa the my now to take "an unwise stop. but. rnher to annual the charter boom: the condilvlll nu unlnlllod. wearing e "um uanenter for the men time. Of couree the doctor was surprised no the new departure in dreu and eeked why this new head . Hi opponent replied then he lied n a king to A couple of Snotchmen about t oir votes and they appeared to be 3 little uncertain, so he thought of the cap. and on Interviewing them egain with iton, secured their hearty support. The doctor bu A red to - nod Ulemrnrrv. which he nnnrhn in t. on nnu me candidate: out In oclnplono outnw of bonnet. kilta, etc. However, should these be tried in this wenbor, they might. nd themeolroa At the hon ital on election (inf, instead of at the pol. Mnybo they wi I let. them go until polling day. upporu. `Ana aocwr nu rod to pod Ulenpnrry. which be apart: in t. o evening and he thinks he will try it. on the same line. If this thing keeps on we may nd the candidate: out in complete audit Itilta. om. Hmnvar. shouldl Invauusunn Uplrlllc Arc IJIIIP. F. W. Simmons,e|ectriciun for the King- ntoy light, heat and power compeng, has invented an operatic arc lemp whic pro- mises to revolutioniw electrical stage- elfects. The new lamp is styled In operntie arc lam`), because it is intended chiey for use in t metres and is, besides, operetlve. revolving on I ball joint. It can be used either on an alternating or continuous cur- rent from 800 to 3.000 candle power. focussing electric rays from in (our foot radius to eighty foot area. It is compact and does not take up much room. being only fourteen inches high end nven inches wi e. The funnel through which the light is projected is oblong, five inches long, with rounded comers. All who have seen the lamp are at once impressed with its eimnlicitv and wonder vhv "some seen one lamp are ID Imfresaed with simplicity why other fellow did not think of the like long nco. Alaermun Ul.|l'| all IIIOU 000 DI DI! WIN! opponents out.erdng. who in pened to be wearing am 0 hsnur gr the rat time. Of nouns ml-m dnnmr mu mu-nrinui l The Authorltles Wlll See That He Does Not Again Get Away. The notorious An us McDonald is once more behind the wnlls of his old home, the Kingston penitentiary. It will be remem- bered that about two years sgqgvhile the stone wall on the penitentiary property. Union street. was in course of oou-truclion McDonald. serving a twelve years term, having com lsted hall, quietly and un- ostentatious y walked away from his work and made good his escape. Nothing was heard of him until reoentl , when he was arrested at Barrie or conducting his old trade. that of thieving. For this he was sentenced for five years in the Kingston penitentiary. and this. together with the six remaining years of his unex- pired term, gives him eleven years yet to serve. He will be tried for his breach of discipline. which will increase hi term by, at least, a year. McDonald is an old ol- fender, having served many terms in jail, prison and penitentiary for his wrong do~ ` mg. If he gets away again he will have j to perform some clever act to evade the watohlulnese which will be set over him. Mandnnald rn-nnlnvnrl than nrlann um-I... wnwnxumeaa wmcu will no not. mm. Mncdonnld re-entered the prison under the name of Clgrk. He was quickly to- cogniud. THBIOIIO A visit to our store will convince you that one Free Tra Sale " gives you the chance of buying Dry Goods in general bargain prices. ISTEACY & STEACY unmet. `rm beau ma unovu. IIII we been of everything, no the cheapest in the end. You can buy the but here, and you can buy them right : further than that, our poreonnl guarantee goes with every pair we sell you and the good grades. uavlcluu IIIIJ vlvvv --vguvo The secret of our great moon: in this dopqrtmentis nailing only clan. reliable makes. We give jobby. ill-tbing, non. wearing substitutes I wide berth. They are diup inting alike to seller and con- R. beau Kid Gloves. lih the beoc nf nun:-utlminu -1-; IL. nhnunnnlt in than And Sound Kid Glove Logic. 'l`l... -...._..L .J .... - -nnnA- .'.. ootore. Uur ma move about II nlow an In but ; niu rungs oolor nngo. It 0 nnge nnd price range ,3]! no they Ihoufd be, and vour overv daaire in thin important mutter ma prloe on u may Invulu no, mo your every desire in this important mutter carefully ouwrod to. Only Work: Once. Alderman Uurtlu met u! his ward snnnnnnfn ug-turd-u -xhn |..._.\.nn:I on La % " "' u};..'J..L..i ;.;..."..l..., 0...... -cob .niunxHuIu-Inn own a -ma T max "?'?'...; Cull iucnd. g... >.352nm;-:s.g1m::aj_ ~"""":::.`:_". __. J.-::~;_. It's wisdom to see after begin to get broken._ It's crowded-_-better attention. Xmas Glove Selling. A .12- ____ _ vucucw - U-II-II\7o wemtas slflections carly-r_;ssonmng ` 0 s op In the m0!'nlng-not3o I H_ |iday Dress Stuffs, We've hnnod for it this you as never Before. ur Kid Glove nook in now at. its Dun! - niug pang. nnlnr I'lllD_ llivln mung 6%`! [Of nununy Of |lH UIIII. Op:-an Every Evening. ` _- v--vquuuiviloelu I -* h ' always been known for extreme choice 5: ;e(::l;:f2: saolied value.` We haven't aimed to sell the cl o)t )ds We always have aimed to sell the best goods. 7 ul Etill the same. But just now best goods are here at lower pric: those asked for trashy`articles-and all because of our 1. I-N - A '5 ` 1 0l!r..R9vl!@?i09 lnventednn Oparntlc Arc lamp. ' 7 Himmnn. nlnnb-Rah... I... 53.. II COULDN'T STAY AWAY. Advised Not To Do It. - D... -L- L--- ., - u nanhu Iv `luau - II nu an UCCEUSC 01 F`r`eem:l:n-.ade. Sale. lo .1.-An-n on en afhar V._-_ __ `WEATHER PROBABILITIES.-'-11 WISH an ulllliflllo Cadets attanding the Royal military college have been lurniehed vitha new style of headgear. A wedge-aha grey lamb cap. with ecarlet bag. repaoee the nId~t.ime at top cap with double band. The new cage are of the lame pattern at bhoee worn a members of "A" eld bat- mry. Grey mb gauntlet: aleo replace the abort mmone 0! natural eeal ekin. The changes, beeidee being more comfort- able, are more military-like In appearance and are decided improvements. n-_;._ -_a-_.a na__.. 1. -. _.._ ...- ..--._-- ._.r.~-v_.v.. Oordon Inland new Inc It. The Ontario govommont. in not iauod a ferry llconu bottom Wolfe Ialmd and Kin eon. ltlonld that Gordon bland mun dpnlity doc: not want so but I lioonooiunod u the Wolfe Inland muni- cipality dailu Mid this in the hitch. .L_j__j._ UU rwl-II: Bost oymn known 50. q'nu-t., only to be bad at Ournontfg Mnng good cloznmgu nnoy mlgnr. nr and family are not him: an unnd Lhimn an thaw unan- vv Isle: n UIIIIIIQ. Lest evening e mechanic intlmnted to e WHIG representative that he wouli like to see either American money banished from the countr or reised to u sienderd mak- ing it ben eble currency. He ssye thet eome weeks he receives the (teeter portion of his weges in Americen money. end At one hundred cents on the dollar. When he wishes to mete e deposit in any henk he is informed ho must pay e discount of twenty per cent. on Americen money. Certain merchants eleo cherge A discount for ecoeptin this currency. He eeye that i! he shou d complain to his employer About bein peid in American ooin he would be to d thet hiremployer had to ec- cept Arnsrioed money in peyment for good: end such money ought to be good enough for his employees. Under the pre- sent errsngemsat. this mechnnio says. the workingmen in not receiving justice. unu V. noun 0! Gounod's Opera Faust. Act III.- The (hrdan Hcunn vvullvu J VJVUIG raual. Garden Hncnu. Act V -The Prl-on Boom. With Oontumu and Scenery. Prlnu 02.00. 01.00 01.00. Gnllcry 50 oontu. Onrrlngu may be ordered for 10.40 p.m` j-:- Maaanranm` W0 PER*"T:=;.2I*9.+!? Under the dlrootlon of [1(:mm om.;- Friday Evening, Dec. 8th. |THllll OR FOUR BOARDEBS CAN BE nccomodntod with rooms Ind bourd at ass Quun ntroot. NTHREE 03. F0 R lass Ounnn at:-ant. IIALF OF THE FLAT OVER O()RBIGAN & 00': Dry Good: Store Kin; nu-oat. ad- oinlng B11110 : Printing dioe. Apply At um Oioo. ......-.uu vs uuunlv vvllvulllldg of Mann. N. Van And and C. A. E. Harris to include the III and V. Act: of Q _ ,, , JO , l\ - - ,,-__ - .,.u- `an: -IIVIIIIIIB For Skiru were 650 now 500. ` High Cluu Novelty Black Dr-on Goods wc re 81.36 now 800. ,- -v-1 - UIDUIII Ilf In new 54 in. Twoodl, 83.24 were 85.50. ,- - _-_.., urn vow urtlll I3, No mono nnaiblo gift on be made than a nice dun Ettorn to mother. Iintor or daughtor. on are four npooinl Iota priced to tempt you : , , _ . --, uuu-I ullu IJIUIIIIQ Nx) effect. CANVAS WEAVE, 60 in., all I. worth 01. Sula prion 60. Black Figured Mohajrs w... m.: ......... n- - Eight Patterns PRINCESS STREET. Santa Clan? Black NGVV and Brown. Nan .6I`...o l"A\VIYAn nyn..... _- . (-:-- Rooms TO mrr WITH noun). Ins. YATIII. um Brook treat. __:__T_Zj & Bnwx nousn, NO. as QU1:nN'i'nnnr. Apply to J. B. onnrrulu. Holiday Stuffs. n- ...-_. --_.s- - uu--na l'l Hm pa cont. our any other In atoll. Ion Dull city than .J.`."'u'x.. .. '--A..,.a King]-_.t'on. 5oronto and _Ioa0n_o ll od. ------o----- A ` . OIIOUIAHOI CIIAIAITIID PRICE TWO CENT For lllgh-Class Goods ls Unequalled..... ...Af Rees Bazaar. .u- cauncme cnolceness In cheapest |e goods, ,nnr aim :- Tp BE LET. ' Want: A change. uh... - ...-..L-_:- :_u _:_:____.__. nun? mun. Inlllulln AIR Dn- -normeuI to northwest wind lmlo ohnngo in tompont.uro.,' -N;)rthuIt to northwoutwindn. change tamnonmn. ' choicenessi m-A hr. gall ck- ..I------A " "'.",1:-3-1/"' all 0:9-3010a Chub:-o-ns-aunts. v 3% mom-m* Trade I _ A . 1 3 up: .-...._..- nsanud ad ? For Novelties For Gentlemen. 3527... xx -.--_rv-- 'ur aim is xAL_ _ someiolks knit mam ior presents. They're more highly appreci-' .-ated. probably, when they're the work 61 the sgiver. We have a nice :stock of the soles ready "to knit to. The Lambs M Wool on them is about ` an inch thick. . Ladies` ` are only 25c the pair. ovs'1Ens. ~ vi :1 'FuII llne of 90c. IIHUIIS, and Mnlaga Grapes. AA my mums -I$IIX III XXII. Al the uunul booting 0! 1.0.1.... No. 577. the following ooon won olecwd {or I897 : R. W. Goran. WJI. (re-elected); 0. W. Knapp. DE: 8. Wood. chaplain: W. Go:-hon. recording ncrohry. (redact- dhw. Ncvlnn. lunch] uumror: 1`. Iamuon. tnuunr; I`. Puridgo. D. of C. ; W. Iolvln. Iootunrz J. Bum. .1. Ball, 1. lkjn J Xnx nnplnllbnn-man. `I7 \.IlIIl,, \/fill] |CU Crack|i'ng Mottocs, Etc. Oranges, Lemons, , nrul union; around DISIII 1'0 RXPIIISS IY BINCIRR thunk: Go all thou who so kind! hulpod my son when ho was (null lnjnrol by tho 5'o'n`."u...c'"&`.`n l2's'u`.`..ns"' ` " 31 . "` `5`2'. 2' In t . ' VI. gnlml. (LADIES, [The Stmjgty Sunl Is the Greatest Sunday News- paper In the World. Price Sc a copy. By mid , $2 1 year. I Address THE SUN. New York. IDAN EGAN SI The American Constltutlon. the American Idea. the American Splrlt. These tlrst, last. and all the time. lorever. bully by mail, - 36 a year. Daily and Sunday. by mal', $8 a year. The first of American News-' papers. CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. T: 123 Princess St.. north side Store Open Evenings VIJII-I190 , Ben Solid Menu. ` Quality. guaranteed or money refunded at Until `Xmas. Shop this even- ing or to-morrow evening, make selections `at leisure. 4,000 of them to sell by Xmas. Bordered, three for we ; four for me; 5c, me and up. Embroi- dered edge, 10c, 15c, .zoc, 25c. Silk Handkerchiefs 5c, IOC, 15c, 25c. Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, large size, 25c. Of good Nap Bea'ver, Gilt But- tons, sizes for boys up to nine years. Handkerchiefs. Of those Fleeced Underwear for ladies and gentlemen. Oh so warm. Never had such cam- folt before," so speaks a buyer. All sizes in stock, for children ve years tolargest sized men. Isa-9 19' W !`.f f'l 0r"dering More Just four hundred Nobby Silk Ties. satin-lined, newest shapes, also Bows and All Rounds 25 each. Just see how good they are. [25 Cents. i.--NO. 293. A. J. REES. HARDY S, You want to present your gentlemen friends with some- thing. Now we a choice line of Cigar and Cigarette Cases, at 50c, 75c.9oc, $1 and $1.50. Tobacco Pouches, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Briar and Meerscham Pipes, etc. I 19 Wellington Btroot. CARD OF THAN K8. The Sui This Will Help Yop. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kinghon Candy, Cpndioo, Franklin` A Dill OI Tho lurid. Poul .it would appear. in: dru on thonuototpnnm. Prioonun v. chicken: lling st from Ive to the and oorhll cum 3 pound` uxlgouo :8 six coon. A Princou that merchant yum- dn owning NH chicken: to tho wuight. of II; pound: In ton nlinlhi. IIIIUIIU nu. IIIC ITIII. William Allan. Block amt, was chair- man ol the school board about twenty can ago. when Angulcun Thibudo nrprl lm to assume control of the Lcncuurinn Ichool fund, than totalling 8162000. The uncut! at (but. time wnnwd to be nllovod of tho Iran. Thou were several conditions duo board could not comply with and the nqollulonn lulled. Additional , Kurch 0':l III[O. The lnllowing additional contribntionl. in aid 0! the general hospital. have been sent into secretary Clnrk: Sc. Luke's. Anglican. church. Willinmovillo. I7:Chriut church. Conrnqul. I5: Gnnnnoqno East. Iothodict church, 05: Wollo Island He- lvhodiu. ; Porumouth Mothodiot church. Ibulhgiving oonlribution. I295. From St. George`: cathedral OIO uldiuoml has boon roooivod. making the total contribu- tion 0! thus church, 882. (XIIIHOCEIQII WIHI EHO MOUCrnOy and MING? case, at Nnpnnoo. came to this city direct. from the lat. nnmod place nfbor the money hnd been secured from Vonlnnoom. He left his ulioe and ovoroont At. the outer depot, and that luving nrrivod in the city com. I hnclmnn to bring them here. O'Neill in said to be an ox-dowocive and an ax rt. at din-guiaing himself. He in be- liov to be in Docroit. At present. IIICFC II IIUIII In II 'l`nII 111.: Wlna the ood of digging Around Ind earning a lot 0 ueeleu stuff, if you want. to make money call It 0`ord's old stand. Princess street. Abernathy in aollin o` lbnt. stock And means to clear it. out. our in a chance to rush money, you can buy boou, shoes. I" kinda of rubber goods, Inoocuina. trunks. etc.. for loss thnn ori- innl cost. Don : forgot the plnoo, I27 rineeu street. A. Abernathy. null: WI! ll loWI'Io There in pretty Food authority for the opinion that O'Neil . the man vented in connection with the MoCerney and Miller case. Nnnnnee. came to this citv diraot Sutherlandts I n n uuny nnoluuu. Dogs now and then get, into the street cars. A funny incident occurred recently. A dog followed its owner into the car. The conductor naked for its removnl. He was nccommodeted. A moment. after I mem- ber of the electric car company entered wiLh his dog. The conductor said nothing. The citizen : dog nu in end the owner and Fair nlnv all round. The lxmhnt mu I DO CIUIBH 00g Ill Illa EHO Illa "1-`airplay The upshot was that a rule was declared that I dog could be carried on the lap of in owner. The two men held their canine: und chatted u the car bound along. queen ! oouege nookey team has been knocked in the head." About eight. o'clock this morning Jock Harty received a telegram from Pibtaeburg, Pa., informing him of the complete destruction of the Casino rink by fire at two o'clock this morning and also cancelling the trip of Queen : hockey mam. The loan total: up to $400,000. The rink was a veribible palace. ice being manufactured by chemi- cal proceu. During the four last. winter Queen : team played several matches in this rink. By in destruction Reyner end Mun-ay,who expected to go down we Pim- burg no pla hooks with the team there, lywe been epriv of their trip. The rink at Rockwood hoaniul for the nen ue series no in. ntly the gohna Hopkinl university hockey team defeated the Baltimore team. Tholub named held the championuhi of the United States last year. 8. Alf. it- chell. of this citv. in o,n.m.nin of the univer- qwe noon aepnvoa or their mp. hospital for the inaano has been ooded, and it is expected thnt. by tomorrow night. the hockey team will be lble to begin practice. Illa (Dim. ho contemplated American tour of Queen college hockey tum has been knockad in the hand." About Ainrht. team: nnve non mucn mme an Lnelr am I to fit themselves before the Ontario on us series be in. Angniiu Mn- Aha. l.l.u`|.:..- ....:..-.-:L.. mo unwoa aura um. 5. Au. mm- choll. of thin city, in captain of the univer- uitv mam. none ownea In mm cwy. W. A. Mitchell, hardware merchant. hu shipped to the Johns Hopkins univer~ aicy hockey olubn dozen hockey sticks, two packs. and sovoml pairs of hockey skates. Ila--~l Il`..I._-.I- :..- ..-..LL 7l`L- n_..-_- IIIIOO. Howard Folgoa ioe ynoht, The Breeze. is ready for the ice, It Cnrnovsky a yard. Her nil: will be bena to-day. The vor- dioz of I" who hue seen her is: "Pretty In I picture. Honknv nmntinn fnr 1" lnrml r-lulu will We Must Declare It. an n p on re Hockey prnotioe for 1" local clubs will begin actively next. week. The different teams have not much time at their din. nnanl In t. thnmmlunn kgln-4 ojm n..o..;.. mun. Martin Jenman has issued 6 chlllongo to trot his mare Kitty against any carver : hone owned in this city. Mitchell. hardware merchant. mom to prnouoe nocxey pn. ' The employees at the G.'I`.R. freight shed: in this city are organizing a hockey club. Ila-tin Tan-u-.. L-- J--...mI _ ..L-II......._ nuge, IIIIYO, ow. Preparations are being made towards "getting the skating rink at the R0 ll military collo ein order. Electric lig ta have been need in position. B the time the eta return from their (;zhI"i5tv- mu vacation there will be good ice for them to practice hockey ' omnlovooa the (}.'I`.R. freight qmroa may will no ml rapuou tor. It is now ill al to lull an kind olgnmo except loxeaan wolves. T 0 (slate sea- son went into effect on Tuesday lust. 15th inst. Hunter: took advantage of the closing by making Ill onslaught on part- ridge. hare, etc. Drannpatinnn nu-A lmlnn mgdn in-my-A. now up well am. Yeeterdey Jock Hm-my received I letter lrom Pituburg. Pa.. concerning the en- gagement ol Maseru. Herb" Rayner and "Mack" Murny by I hockex club there. Both boys u-o gunnnteod rbc-clue posi- tions. As soon as their eervicee are re- quired chey will be telegraphed for. illegal any olgnme queen ! senior nooaey ream nu urawn a bye in the Ontario league series. This means that the team It not play A league match until February th, when it will meet the winner of yal military ool- lsgo~PeteI-boro group in the semi-nal round. This practically means that Queen : goes into the nal, and will in all probability meet Chilnmie Faddon s pet tion from the classic city of Strat- iord. In themtermodiale series the pro- babilities are that the Frontenac: will face the Peterboro team. In the event of the Frontenacs winning. the London team will likely be the next to conquer in the semi-nal. The nal struggle will likely simmer down to the Frontenaos and Osgoode hall teams. It will be a diicult matter to name any ef the winners in the junior series, but the Frontenaos ll will, in all likelihood, makes good showing. The Wellin tone, of Toronto, ought to < show we! also. ` Yesterdav Harts received a letter ew the Genes Wlll Likely Result In the levotnl IoIIes- !'he loekcylus Will be Telegnphnd For when They Are le- qulnd-Ipenlng notes. For the second season in succession Queen s senior hockey team has drum two the Ontario lenzue series. This QUEEN'S cLus LIKELY TO as m I gm: ma rm: sncoun nME.i They are Nobby. Stylish! and Comfortable.

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