Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1896, p. 2

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nu.-naauvll I. H VVIIKIIJII `Awn-dad l0.(}old Kednls And Dlplomu d'Honnour. , _, ALL; HERE'S A CHANCE. P -'.E??'E.'%-`*5 VIIRU P` 4o`YAR5r success I1` Is A sum num- III` C VIII IDIIIICIS I'I UDVIII for your wife. or mothur, or ulster or lOlIIO- body oIoe`s ulster, what would be nloor Ghnn I dainty little desk, one of those we are ullinu (or 43. for instance. They no nut handy. they encuurngo methodical hnblln. and wlll ornament any room. The are made of Au'i< ue 0-ck. Mahogany An Bl:-oh. at JAKE. REID'S, the Landing Qndortgkor an 1 Furnlture lnnufnoturor. BI:-oh. JAMES REII)'S. tbflnidluz Undertaker lnnnfuoturor, I54-OM Princes: st.. R. J. Reid. Innocor. -rv I EHKDUT DUUUQS IS A'gURE CURE Duuumcn . &3N1 ,llIY oouo . ORAIIPI . Cuouna lunmun ` my not ?-----Z-------:-1 HAS A RECORD; A O!` A. aE\?Ai7i" punnul GOMDLAINTI IA Ckuldrca or Iiulll TO GET GAIN I Kin:-ton. `III PLITY X! A Illl. flofuuuulcnhununovhollo oaurnhlvo pnybtogdu in hqag dlvollolndhhubulqulon, which lgllnpg Ibniudnlcutdlr. Haz.-A-as-AL. ...a_.. _- -L, ed lotonppoi locals. who not 5' ::::: b'l'ouduvoIlu`?blo':It|'.. sun: to iuolla-d `n dd.` llo sehold Economy Ah :1 ,,..,.........-mu In qua Inn. on non- hu In ournlnocy ynn ol qntlmo ochonuv our night}; sunny-four an huvua annoy nnd eighty yunol -30: urban on house they and county; thlrull an hotwcnn MI] and tiny; and wousbdvnnlorty and lay. The re Inlndu pub vamp d t-I N_o1fIuhoIvIIl:l,IlI.lu on n: -uvwvu mu nu-mu Ipmu. mu In View of this Incl tho govcrnnont will be vunuud in lling ovary nanny that occur! with I libonl until the been In divided or until the liberals hon, at but. one or an of I unjomy. Tboooodnvbock to the apnoea intho llnnnntlaumg Al --4| -- AAA ~77 ,_-__ --_...- uvuuuuu. uu IIUIIII IIIUJOIIIIG, in the common: dobnta. put. thin (Act on record, and tho pizyin that the party, which wu would to not upon hi: nonm- mondutiom gononlly, did not follow his advice in this. It. hows-or, packed the combo with in friends until the upper chamber boonmo 3 sort of registering no- ohinofor the government. Inc nation. under a now dinponnulon, and under tho loodonhip M A vary ordinary nun not- withstanding hi: oxpu-ioooe, the tomb ohowod in hostile spirit. und in View of thin hot. u -n..........A .4! L. ._._...-,A -- 7.-.... .... .u..u.uuu um] nuvunoe In the upper chamber. The intention In clear. originally. to appoint In equal number of puny men to the Innate so that, evenly balanced, it would be nblo to give I (air And imputinl supervision to the busi- nou ooming before it. Hit John Ihodonnld. in um 44...... .l-|._.-- _,.. u v - v.;luvu' unu In wnu mwoarnoa. Now shore in nothing vary romnrlublo about the action of the government in looking to balance the political parties in the month. in giving the libonlu I clhnco to protect the legislation they Advance in the unnnr nhnmlur Tn. ;...-...:_.. .__-- ......vu--u-nu. uuuurvu uuI$D, Int] Iglln cut longing oyoa toward: the unnte. The idea was to give them the plweo they do- npised, and It was miscarried. ya-.. .n.._. .. _--L.-H nuvlw wuulu nlvu noun only [0 III` DAG the Tapper!` succeeded in bulldouing the gov- ernor into consenting to In their rooom- mondntionn. Two senators duired to show how popular they were in Quebec. run as rotnodinlma. suffered defeat, and ngnin lonninn awn: lain!-rln mm nnono- mu- uunlu Au Ann ullanllb. The Mail nnd Empire Ieee Iomething signicant. in the appointment 0! seven] liberele to sent: in the eennte ainoe there hu been I change of government. There hnve- been eight of these eppointmenu. There would hue been only lo had the Tunnnrr lllnnnnol-J an I...II.a...x.._ .L- .__.. - uauu. uuu-, nu-nu -nu Illwlnlly lllBl(.' And some Klngeton people can reed elong the tune line: to the beet effect. and some bueineu men At that. The everege Kingetonien ll loyel to hie city, but there are some people. who, with the revenue they derive from the people here, in 3 gen- eroue and proper distribution of thelr pe- tronege. will send eleewhere for the good: they ought to purchue, and very often uilfer by the treneectlon. Support your own. Thetil the demand of the hour. It ie a demand that bu not to be preeeed upon the truly loyel oitizen. u.-J Iusv euunv uuvy IIIIIB lll llr. We went," eeye the Chronicle, "to see every one of our citizens imbued with loysl home spirit. end sll our busineee men en- oonreged to the fullest extent. They merit it by their energy and enterprise. Patriotism demends it of their neighbors. Our Inerohents, in slmost every line of business, keepgood stocks end ere fully ebreest of the times. One hes only to seen the sdvertising oolunms of our lead- ing newspapers to End the snnounoements of the best of Almost everything thst oen possibly be desired. It will be to the In- terest end to the credit elite of our people to reed. msrk, lesrn end inwerdly digest. And nnsnn Klnnninn ........|- ..... ...-.: A Qr:_9_ BE `LOYAL TO KINGSTON. The Quebec Chronicle nkos fore nnd alt those who, in the Ancient city. are no lack- ing in loyalty to their own bnuinou men an to send abroad for whnt they want in the wny ol household aupplice and clothing, md I0 pnctically refuse to leave in the city the money they mnke in it. Uh; 2;`; J! ._-- LL- lVL._A_.:-I_ nu- ,, , 'nl-l.UIl uvvuva yum-`I1 III was run 0] RX cente.and no little feeling has been creat- ed. The poet oloe department explains that theee cards cannot be lent to the United States becenle that country hae no private poetal card_ law and declines to reoeivethoee o! other countriee, Canada included. This Ieemse very absurd ex- cuse on the part of the poet olce depart- ment st Washington. since the Wum and many other businese houeee Are in oenstsnt receipt of oerde from the United Statee not reetrlcted in size at all, but some of them nearly I foot equsre. They are not marked prlvete postal car-d,but they are poetelcnrds to all intents and purposee, which I one of dietlnction without a dif- ` ferenoe. Canadian cards are reetricted to eoertaln nice, not over 614 inches. but there in no restriction to the United States curds. Everything goes. Private postal csrde mailed in Canada can. however, be aentto Greet Britein, France, Belgium, Itely, Austria, Hungary, Newfoundland 4 and Switzerland. POSTAL CARDS. Thouoolpl-into pooh! card: ll be- ooming qnih gononl In Kingston, and, without my milgiving in the nutter, citizens have boon potting Hum to the Unitad Staten. Such card: have been charged letter postage no the taco ol three nantn_nmI nn IIMJ. hglh... I.-. L... ......n An other British Columbia. mining stocks at lowest prlou. Oorrosnandnnm mm-and at sowonpnou. correspondence tonal Toron_to Mining Agency, Cor.\ Toronto nod Molaldo Stu. TlIl'IH"I'l\ THE pAIyY iwmc. SNOWDROP, 3c. 2.9,, y to_bIl!,I lood nook at 5 low In British Co_lInbia Mines. Silver Bell, B. H. Carnovsky, Hnnnlnntnnr nl lngrhu haun- RED EAGLE. me. ~ Jqlpq 91:9 luovor. And IIIOI \.I.J IJ 11:10 I41), I 730. `E ; ";i join: the Hanover. shown tamari- obly huh nun. Wclto for prospootnn. Man on: me to ton. lune ion (in: punk. o! tnrn`Shn.( out on of tho but proputluln Ihoounp Alunloc of on unit: 1 out In now not! lon- hln way. Writs for woopuhu. - HIVVV IIISVF. OB. Eh]. [,'p p'.;T{'. Q Gob [oodnooh 6 lo Will .o..b.i3v..o. w'.,:. :.`1'?.'.`.;`.`;,..m.. BEATS IN THE SENATE. . \l-:l -._.I IB__!-- TORONTO. 1 Oc. - ?.`z`,"'2E I ASK UB OROOII FOB ROYAL (ill " Dj lunch-rang. .-...-.- - .-._'-'z._'~'-'-'5 "ml nauururyllvwuu. Tlhun yuan _ H. L. Ratings. editor olT|IoChrHhn. . dolinnd I |oo~ anon "Tho Inspiration at tho Blblo." which ran non Aha-word: publuhodu tho lnld bu d `The Anti-lnddd ` of nlloluau in 1850. has the working lroo -rnao llglonyd. W. H. Mnllock. in his noont book, "Wealth and Wollnro in the Unilod King- dom." syn: "During thorct. sixty you: of this oonmr the nggrognco income of the working c Incl race to such an extent. thotin lsiloiizwuoquul (nll the deduc- tions for inoreuo ol po lnion being made) to the income of nl clause: oom- binod in the your 1800. But. there in 5 hr moro utrnordinnry fact thou n result procinolg nimillr has boon Iinoo ac- oompliq ed in one-hall ol the time. In 1880 the ` aggregate income 0! duo working clunu wu (all deductions for inoreuo ol population bo- ing undo) morn than in! to the income olunu in 1800 worn inuprociIIkl{ the ammo poouninry 'tionu wor ng clunu ollsiiowoinhnn boon land the ontin wealth of thqlingdomboori plnocd in thoir hand: ; and, noondly. the working clan: of today are In n honor uninry position than their futon won Inn boonconld they Inn plnndond nnddi odbocwoon thoutluowonlcholovcry rio and ruiddlo oluu nurin tho kirrdom tho the of the building at (no no exhibition." no cemoer mm nun. rs. Fletcher nye thet her huebuncl has been ineenely jeeloue of her nince their nmr riege end chey heve bed frequent. quarrel: An that on twooooeeione the win loroed to leave him end we remained away until he came and induced her to return And live with him. uuu nwr or Mrs. John rerry. Uew o. T e complaint pay: that the coup e were married March 9th, I892, and since that time have lived in Oawego. excepbin u abort. residence in Syracuse. Mr. Fletc er alleges that his wife has been unfaithful to her mnrrieze vowe, end that they have not lived other An huebend and wife since _ Se rem r 15: lest. we ll'l.o..l.-.. ....- u.-A L-.. L..-L-_.| I.-- uowner. Mrs. Fletcher le an unusually handsome end modeeb appearing women, Illght. of guxe. with nut.-brown hair, and lerge. derk eyes, shaded by long dark lashed. She is About. l.went.y-Your year: old And in the deu htor of Mrs. John Perry. Olw a complaint nevn thn. the noun a want Oawogo. N.Y Timon. William M. Fletcher. dispatcher of the R. W. at O. railroad, Oswego. bu begun suit. for divorce against. his wife, Stella V. Fletcher. 11.. l`I-L..|.-. 4- -_ ..___.._n_ u_,, ;,, Sausages This week. Our own nuke. Tnln Dlupslehor W. I. Fletcher, wogo. H.Y.. Sun ln Wllo. William Wlnfnha-r riinrutnlumn Dr. Montague Inc had personal bueineea around I-Inldimnnd which prevented him from visiting Cornwall and baking I hand in the election. The duotor is ehnmminv The buaineu he refer: to would nob keep him very long at home if be ill {roe no ukeehend in the fight. The doctor in not I greet man, but he know: I thing or two worth remembering . There is evidently A fresh quArre| Among those whom Sir MAckenzie Bowel! refernod to AA A neat. of traitors." The Montague- AggArt. Aeotion is not ulling with the Footer-CAron Aection. Tgere in A coolness between them. which, Ae the eeuon Ad- vAnceA. beoolnee more And more frigid. O O O I ' I The Toronto Telegram hue it that eome one bu lent the pope some of Peter Ry|n r blnnk Verne in reply to Rev. 0. A. Enton e upereione upon the eoverei n pontiff, and that Mr. Ryan in to be ma 0 I knight of St. Gregory the Greet. The etetement is subject to correction. I D 0 The Toronto News vents in to be dis- tinctly understood Qahst It. is the heighth of folly for the conservative party to jeopar- dize its very existence in Ontario by seek- ing to resurrect the school question. It: Kingston nnmeseke will please take no- tioe. Two Paris bnllooninu now tnlk of nd- ing the north pole. Whnt will they do with it when they do nd it? In the unbia- fying of more curiosity worthy of the sacrice of life? I I C EDITORIAL NOTES. The plnn of reading the scripture louonn, followed in Kingston public schools. in be- ing adopted by IOVOIII places. It in the only successful `plan 10 !nr.t.ried. in: now. en - ynee] we yeenllu uuulvl The feetnre oi the Cornwell conteetie the dodging 0! come of the ooneervetire leedere in order not to beinvolved in ite ` reeponeibilitlee. Sir Adolphe Ceron. the light weight, end Mr. Foeter. the prince of boltere, reehly went into the fight, end eteked their ell in oppoeition to the. echool question. Hon. Mr. Heggert end Hon. Dr. Montegne declined to ect. Mr. Foe- tar went to Toronto end eew Hon. Mr. Heggert. end ell they left of their eed meeting were ehedowe on the well. Dr. Montegne ren over to Toronto. on privete bueineee, circled ebout the queen city in e myewrioue wey. end incidentally ran ecroee the Lenerk men. but he did not see "Mr. Foeter. He went eround to the Queen`: hotel. but the ex-minieter of finance wee not then there. In thie not pleeeent reading? Doee it not indicate that there in eomething einiee in the con- eervutive party? Whet ie the metter? It went: e leeder. end it hee not bed one eince Sir John Mecdonald peeeed ewey. Agnin. if the [ournmont bu done wrong it should be oiforod opponition by Mr. Factor and ovoryono who in in lym- pnthy with hill politically. Thou should be no oolation to |`.ho`wor upon it; And the oonoortin pnpou whioh on the one hand oxonno Ilr. Footor. and on the other hand censure him. on making thonuolveo ridi- onlouo. The school settle out wu either ngood thing or a bad I ng. Which in in to be, in a pi:-ty or publiohonnoi 'I`|n h.I>..... II, on. n.........|I ......s..; :- avuuvuwiuvllc QJIIII IICI UUWWXJ utisod tint Kr. Inurior and Mr. Tu-to have done wrong. In what wny I In not doing something they pledged tuhomnoivoo not to do 1 Mr. Lsurior bu gone into tlio omlticuonoy, and. u 3 man of chaigctor and principle, u the one mm Abovd all ngniun whom tho charge of double-dul ng onnnobbo lodged, howillglnmweont of hi: Itonrdnhlp and perhaps put an on .~ in time, to some 0! the inhuman liq tin have boon oimulntod about him. A.._:_ II An. ._,_,__.,".W I SNIDER, -Cy-IIIUU -Unwind VII Mu party would boin I much more untowa- nsb pouitiont-hnitis to-dny.!oi' the llnpogi. tionol Iopsnto Ioho -Iuupon t.B'o'puirio pro" vlnoo would ruin any political party for a gonontion. Still our contemporary in Anti-nal flunk. ll. r-....:... ....I M. 'l'...o. `mine Kins-an ,.........s ou nu: innolbvonldnot bonvbopunolocth couorutivo pInytoblbv,forilthoyIvro roturnqd to power for the purpose 0! rain. poiinfupnnhwhooh on lhnlfobo. the nu-tn -nnIJ Lghu . -nun). nu... .._t...A... ; WANTS A DIVORCE. THE mm `nnrnsn wma THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1896` ulunryloclco. _- -_. - I 3.4 -...v---v I-IIIIIIIIVLI 5 llhrlnoouutnot. Allllldnofupnlrlnc :|;&:$t=:I Plano-Ohwunoono vqounlo nu-Iota which Inn amoc Is- Iodhl action upon the staunch. lint and hunk. Avoid lrrihu dunk pill: by Ill Hnllioufl. Sold All duh: lnovou. Avoid Irritul drum pill! I dug all Galas. ---uwI'I -IUIUIIII I'||lI--III. I-KI. Inn. on 1 Duo. Thou pill: no not anal], but thy an not druuo-lrriuung onthnruol. II null pills Inn needs ho. They contain mun vqoublo nu-Iota vbicb Inn dh-not mli IIK lhn ynoh, Hunt and konaon. JllrIIliI&uon.lI night, lie. I.` I I . n...."'.'.1".`o":...... "" "" "" Iguana : lacuna! PIno-Il|d. lldul. bin. (Inn A non: The coat 0! lloon-Io Lighting. The Chuhun he and light oommmao rooontly pronontod I upon showing tho coat of oloounc ghting in Onhrio: Chnthnm. 06 lnmnn A" ninhc. mm nnnh son. or oioomc a-nun; in Unurio: Clnthnm. lump: All night, 23o. ouch per night. Bnntford, 55 ll bu nll nl ht. 230. Cobonrg. 23 lig In tlll all night, 2lo. Port Hope, 38 lumps till nl night, lie. Poul-boro. all nlglmle. Inge:-coll, I light: tlll Inldnlglat. No. Wotzdltooi. 70 ll ht: till midnight, I90. Bollovlllo. 0| lig M all n! III. $40. Gals. 50 Ian , till nldnlg G. 90. Hamilton. lights All night. 250. Guelph, 90 light: all night. lo. Ovnn Sound. 8) Inn All night. No. London. aomun I I night, mo. Klmnton Inn 2.06 mt van nu Innn ` Paine : Calary Compound, the world : Ioadln medicine, always` in week; tho kind t. at. cm-ea. nnobner upon vur. plntlorme. The choir of the great Mormon temple no Belt. Lake City in the largest. in the world, numbering 360 treined voiode. When Your Doctor. When your doctor write: a prescription for you, it should be very carefully pm- pered, so that the results deeired by your medical adviser may follow. The preperntiom of physicians` prescrip- tionl in our forte. -.. vllv ulluvlu un nu Ivuu yllvt Ul IUIIKIOHI wonhip throughout the united kingdom. Rabbi Wolfera, the Jewish musical hin- borinn. says that during divine service at the Ancient. wlnplo of Joruulom I lull choir oonsinbod of 24,000 men. divided into three great. band: and separated from one Another vut plntformn. the nmnt. Mm-mnn Inlnnln The men in the choir of Weetmineter Abbey receive ealnriea run in: from 8400 to 8500. There are about ,000 singers in the chairs of various places of religious Ivorthin throuuzhout unimd Hnodnm C0.-e an.<!$9 About Choir IIIIOTI. The highelc paid choir Ii H in the world are two Alnorit-an Indies, in Clem- ontinn De Vere. at, the Paxton church, in New York. who receives 84.5001 your. and Min Dutton. no I Baptist. church in the name city, who receives 83,000 for but ser- vices. I I f I Heathen Fraction In The Horthwelt. Monsigneur Puonhvioer Apostolic of the Sulmtchewnn, iein Ottawa !or the pur- pose of asking the government to lid in putting down the berberonn cuuomn thet yet rovsil among pagan Indium in the nort west. Moneizneur Puonl say: that some of the tribee in his diocue Are very fermions and blood-thirety. They en :30 in A war dance twice I year, during W ioh time the performers Are tortured moat cruelly. R0 are tied about thefeet and then the bod)_;.futened to branches of trees, the head nlmoettouchlng the ground. while they are cut and beaten by their fellow-companions. This dnnoe Inn six days. during which time the performer- are given very little food. Severel die from the effects 0! the terrible torture. In spite of this moneigneur Pnoel declares that the addition of a few more minion- ariea would reeult in chrietinnity being. quickly introduoodto the eroelt tribe: of the west. Pol-lumen, Atominon. onuron, VII W0" IDKOHGOC. D. 8. Hicks up that ho was one of the Pioton Gazette : rst. unbocriborl and has taken it ever since. He In new olghzy-vo years old. one nemg In lpe nouee. une OIIIOG to Mr. Wellmnn, who, taking hi: ubooaing iron, made down rain, but before going the party fired 5 stone through one of the win- dow. The bee on Monday, for the pur- pose of clearin away the debris ol the old church, we I utonded. n R lnnlu nu. plus I..- ...-- ....- -1 4.1.- uwr sucn noapnumy. On Sunday morning Mrs. Baker. of the Hobelwellmnn. wu Awakened In some one being in tine house. She call to Mr. Wellmnn. Who. tnkinw hi: nlmnhinn innn WOOK. A person travelling from the week 9.0 the east, entered our ville e on Band: And made enquiriee an to w ere the Met odiet church wee. On being directed he entered and remeined until the Iervice wee over when he wan taken to the Hotel Wellmen where he wan comfortably cared for until Monday morning and then took hle de- perm re. Cherlee Harrington propheeiee when orumpe will benumeroue for the future altar euch hospitality. Snndev mornimz Mre. Baker. of the. WILLINOTON. Doc. 10. -- Some young man entered the residence of Dr. J. B. Rucun on Friday ovenin . On the doc- tor : return a deecripcion o the party wee given end e enrich watch kept. On the following evening the breaking of leee was distinct] heard still no trace oou d be found of t. e guilty rty. Robina ere -mill to beeoen and wild` ere return- ing northward. Mice MI lie Blekely we: the gueez of Mr. and Mrs. Rody Rmkin, Piown. last week. Mre. T. A. Rankin wee vieibing at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clerk : Int week. A ........... a..-....n:..... t_.... .L. ____r .- LL- woman In such Immoama vicinity to Bu!- fnlo that it would be a hardship to no no to almond. Oannda will ho the out of v cur if arrangement: can In porlootod with the bozo". Several Iportamon of Cnnudu hue. tund- od thomnolvu thorin an onduvorto brinn I1 IIIA .tn'hAl.I'..'itnIlI|Il|nnn nk}. no jllllilly mnenerence by we antnormee. In Hamilton there in a big rink, capable. it is said, ol seating 10,000 people. and is re eeld that the oloiale of the town are not din.-poeed to quarrel with thoee who pro- poee to furnish the sport. Cherlee Brooke. matchmaker of the But - fnlo Em ire athletic club. hae been aeked to go to ew York and see Stuart and the sound Corbett end the egen of the Aun- tralian regarding their willi gneee to come to Hamilton if thinge on be arranged to care for them there. ulnar. mo ngnu can be brought. on in unm- i ton. I! Corbett and Fltzaimmonl are willing nnd the details of the purse can be ll`- rnngod, the nun: mono does not tear up- position. for it in ocllrod tint. than in no- thing in the Canadinn Inn on the subject. to jultilylntaerferonoo by the nnnhoritiu. there hint rink. mmbln. ndlng I Plsoo In tho Iotlnodllt Ohnnh And an Ilntgl ca womnelvou nor in endeavor to bring oi!` the bout-Fiullmmom ght. The ayndiootn include: men who am copl- ulim on no unnll pools. and their name: are prominent. in the opening oondor of the dominion. Altar looking the ground over these men hove come to the conclusion that the ght. be brought. off in Ham- ilton. It is laid That Nothing In thoonudln nun mu Juury uuuonuo bin AuthorIuu-ouu a nun; ltory Iron I luduo In I Burnm. N.Y., Duo. l0.-Wlxl1o tho noted pugilinslo promoter. Dun Stuart. lo bu journo log from oneondof the United sad to z o opbor for shell nntuxuol Cc.-be!-'4 and Fituimmonl, wh bids for the big 5 ht no heard of from all our the west. muc nearer homo lnnl are being lnld which. the projector: ope. will result in the chnmpionohlp battle 0! the heavy- woi bu being pulled of under rolloo gro- ny to u!- boot on in Inch lmlnoditto vioin lnln hhlh it inll. Inn A hgnrlnhin in run Toilet Goods in Endlou Variety. mu Ifocgqn IN cam 71 ---q:-- HAMILTON SAID TO WANT THE Innhnilll Ralph. Int; II`; In , PJ-._J II Anidloluu. AA..._-__n__A_ Soaps, Brushes. Quality In thnn-1| WELLINGTON WAFT8. Henry Wndo. druggiu. 3'1}: Egouurah. Combo And Whinh. . . ., JG ' E.'.`Sp:`,"""""".....a' .`.'a..'.o...a.`.'.`.';." oxoollont ulicy. And node an to ? what snognt tho din:-lot to furnish. It In thought it oxbh in Abu- dantly nth: ouunmn. I o m In I . oanauutmu IA nnro I A-I-nun: GoMI.-I no In very bald: for our four yum tho dootorpnoa It was con- tion. Nu wanting to Ipsndloo nae I InotlInnboM.Inal~B.nll.n.Iu...|.' VIII ny mo parmu. ifltcaao haa attracted wido achontlon owing to the plainu' I allegation that Bennett propoaod marriage by the manner In which In any 00 Keven`: well-known tong, "Oh. Promiao Mo," to her, and was accepted. Valuable Library Pnunud `to Princeton. Pnncrron, N.J.. Doc. 17.-Librarian Riolzardaon announooa that Jumua 8. Morgan. '88. New York city. has prooontod to the new library his valuable oollootlon of early odlclono of Virgil. The oollootion contains 3|! nnmbora. of which twenty-one an 15th canto oditlona and navont.y.nlno luth century Mona. Among the num- ber ll tho vary raro u-at odlclon. Bwo n- holm and Pannaru. Bonn. N06. of uh oh only all ooplu are in uinhnoo. Tho on- tln oolloouon is valued at I50.(l)0. I l Klee Ilnnle plough Wine ller Breach of l'I-oulu 0:00. Rouxronn, lll., Dec. l8.-The breech of promise one of Mine Minnie Blough . qninlt George M. Bennett, in which 86,- 000 dunegee mu uked. wu celled (or triel in the circuit court at Oregon vector- du . Juet before the court vru ready to orger e jury Attorney W. W. Bennett, brother of the defendenmedvieod his client ` to acknowledge judgment, whinh wee done. The judge then diuniued the cue, the ooete bein paid by the defendant. The tonne of t e eetdementere not di- vuized by the parties. ` is cnaehu n.l.:-noun! -M. .u-..u..- no Inna : ' "From over-lifting and utrnin I suffered greatly from kidney trouble. being ndvinod, alter all also bud failed, to me Dodd u Kid- ney Pilla, from the rso done I got. relief, and hundreds of people here can vouch for m y cure. " f BENNETT PROPOSED IN SONG. r.ne;mmnnun company. ' Label be had run down in health and etrengt. no the int of being compelled to quit. worhend in recovery now, as the; reeult of using Dodd'e Kidney Pillu, is the talk of the town. On Ieeing Mr. States he laid _ ' I-ll`.......... -..-- Ills]-.. ._.a _.__x_ u :- unslnonro, Dec. M (Speciel) -Among but-iueee people here, and especially by his fellow workmen, great interest ha been taken in the one of June: Sookee, who (or the t. fteen yenro ha been ehlpper `lor t.he:Yl.:thbun Lahelv dnvn in In-Ink and lent. In the notice of the death of hire. Yonee, of Denbigh, recently publiahod, the name appeared incorrectly aa Jonea. We lead. Bo ruled In llonlth and In-on[th-ll|I Kidney: Aohod and He `took DodIl'l llldnoy Pills. Dxsnon-ro, Doc. 14 (Spocisl)-Among people hero. oanocinllv In his onnrgo or mnnuaugntor. Thoinu C. Qnrnohsn, Frodoriohburg, puud over to the great beyond on Tues- dnylut. on the npo ago of Ievonby-ve {um Dooouod In: one of the leading armor: of the township, nnd widely known and highly rupoctod. At the regular meeting of the A.O.U. W. on Tuoodny evening lut grand organizer Nixon. o! the gnnd lodge. was present, and also solicitor W.n Totton. They dolivorod Addresses to the members pro- | lent. Oeeee Ooneldel-ed et the Lune: In llepenee -A Beeldent Deed. Nuuxn. Dec. 17.--The 0800 before the uellee ol Welt. vs. Benjamin occupied el- moet. three dnye. The one we: gone into very minutely end oovered I gen-iod of eome twens yeere partnership. he judge re- ververrjudgment. Queen ve. Ceuihlin. en action for man- nleughter. The 0 Oeugblin wu nio- bed And Everett iillinmu it held mqthe we ma mvorou. wmm charge 0! mmalaughtar. Cnrmhnn. V`.-.. V-u --nu. cu -uulvll IUI IIIIH` slaughter.`-` nqthe ohnmo mnnnlnuuhtnr. By Huron`: uoundlna shore: I've lot: My donut (Hand: on earth; In God`: own mantle from above In aid them and the land I love- Tho laud tint guvo Inc birth. the proud magnolia : bloom I L. . 9, The my:-He's rfumed uhndou; But oh! how our sbovo than all A tingle crimson 10;! let {All From Huron'n mnnlo llldls. let Vfnlfli M- Huron : maple alndos. By __ly giogront earth: And dash: [low cI:}(brund'b`lue Inke- Tbdluilver utrnmu thy woodland M-ulna, uh evory utop 1 roam. Bermududn Mon. too. I've non. Whou hunt. on Moon In: uunr And friend-hip`: warm right hand I've met (I feel the tingling pulses yet) From strangers roved Among. ll; -..-- ..__- _.__ L_,_. ., .- Abernethy & Co., ....Costumiers, - .-... -..._...u.--uvvu -uluu-. But over turn: my bout to thu, My bright. Ganudlan homo ! But I An dearer my broad blue Tl;(__ui_lver utrnmu, In-IL Ana dearer my broad blue Ink: M the _ perfumed uhndou: ..._.._.... nu. vnuuu - up-nu. I've watched um molten tropic`: nun Go down bonnth tho nu. Whore Uhlmboruo oluvu the sky. Abluo with many 5 nunut dlo. Eoocud on our loo. I've watched tho pondoronl sport of whnlu In nouzhorn son at pity. l'vo watched the Chillnn condor : ight. To tow'rln[ crszn. where first the mm. Proolninu the dnwnlng day. I've non tho llfhtning uh fromfoyel Whore mldn (ht. nhndown - Inn hlnnlln n......| .I-....|..- . With look: this mock chi rnvonrlrzu} Whou pinion: cleave the sky. uunn: Where Iummer rfume e'ver rovu With men! I ngnnt balm. I've pulled the lnuionu frunnt pine And culled the pomu-runner Ink; The man epgle of the month, And detu-t oee conqueror: of the dreuth, And ohlrhnoyu ran. I've seen beneeth the crystal wen _'1fh_e oqnl Snneow home. I've Tha coral Insects Bri ht avor: that with tho rainbow via, An baautaous shell: that scattered [in Baneath the ocaan'| foam. I've Ihldovue; When spun : proud dnuahuru not my ow. With ue the I-Avon`: hue. sky. Afbnt-0-foonnndn. I [on the land that nu no birth. Tho` cold hor north wind blown -E I love her loo-bound winter lulu" I claim I kinship to the akes That lo:-In hot vlrglu snows. ..-.~... want ---u- wuvv. I'u lulu beneath u myrtle nhndo. Bonnth tho waving palm. Amid tho olnndouJrovu. IIIIIO our many nznnt ut-uu_sI nun [0 lo JAMES IATURNEVS. C) Prlnoou strut. All hind. .1 ....a.a. no oonu-cowl nemorr ol I-he Innge, hon which he rallied in 0 following you Iuiciently to tnvel to Bennudn for the winter, and while there com the Room "A Tribute to Canada. ovever, I en- deavor to regain health hed been in vain, and he returned to his home at Goderich. when hie denh occurred. kinship ili? I'vo round! in any 3 Ionthu-n line. When onn blouoms Iuvo - Whom broad snnnn fan the all-- Whoro out-lulu: tho elrron fair. Duldo tho nun wave. n_.u,.,, . , - -- - - law we nginonu wool iuw ollnp At. Thomld the ox urn than and also nu Sn-ninlofu him In fooblo health. ln1887 ha mmznnuul 5... ...-1.... .4 o.|.. |....... au-nlnlotu nnnln noble much. In 1867 he contracted humor: of the lung] followlmr vau- - KUUZ Wrlii j C CIOIICIUI -IX mono llclnhn. II In not gononll known that Min Eloln Bklnlnp. ol ' oh. who hunt. tines oonu-ibnud to the Waltz. in I sitar of tho Into Lioub. R. Bkimingn, also I {norm of thc nuns. Mont. Skinning: run I bravo acidic: and ngood unrhmnn. In 1;. IIIOII quite a young man. his life of (nut proniu Inn ta-minntad by the grim nu . would from hnrdnhlpl cxporm`ood at Fo- niu: invuion. Who in tlu fn|l`o! 1866 the regiment wont iuw at. oxoounm and A 2...`... wrmou I A pa-amount 1 Ilnlnn lnlnnn. Dopull ot on-India. ruvvuin l\_A I\.. In maunv AND NEGLECT. JUDGMENT nesanvso. 60M.PO8ED IN a.ImuoA. not I kind: Tailoring line. Alla D n}: `mild... nu. :. mom. mt am talk. a .` Talk that is endorsed. E-no-A-up Gall. L- o...-J- LL45 |._._ I` IT` IS ALL TALKL `Yes. But It Is Kingston Talk, 11.. -1-; nL-A --u_ .._ -.,, , vol Inmouu m. Prioo Ibo. Twenty dionnt ltylu of mg: and Inns, some othom ulu work: of art. tochoooo from at R. ol'ml | Kingston our owurohouao. It |ml:A-- .......I. .. g- u-_.:-_.-,-, Oll` I WIPOIIOIIB. or holidn good: (0 to Honduran : book Itore. . Uglow & Go. linen chooolnm nrnnmn. 2&9. u-hm! nljllrl lllrly I'll!`- Ewnt, Dec. l6.-Rev. Mr. Stillwell, d Freniville. lled the pulpit on the ash, 0 and delivered a most Interesting sermon ` I on the necessity of ealuoation. Rev. L. 9 Conley end family have returned from " visiting friends in the vicinity of`Msllor - town. Mack Hallidey. De|oreine,N. W. .. d in the guest oi his (ether, B. L. Halliday. Agood representation of re- _' formers attended the reform convention et - Newborn lest week. Owing to the mild " weather on Bsturday the advertised turkey buyers failed to put in en appeerenoe. 0. , Hubbert, Smith : Falls. was the only buy- ` I er preeent. Prices were lower then ex- , pected. No. being the highest given for 1 turkeys. Ifthoro over was upoclo lot my on complaint. than Carton Little Livor Pill: no I apoolc for nick hosdncho. and over womm should know thin. Only one pifl I don. Try them. Dr. Fowler : Extnoo of Wild Bunt- borry cum diarrhea, dynontory. cnmpu, eollo. cholera morbun. cholon lnhntum and all looooneu of the bowels. Never tn vol without. it. Prloo 36. Tum-utv rlih-no.5, no-lg. -1 _._. -...I uuuu rrngm To worry about any Li vor, Kldnogor Urinnry Trouble. on inlly Bright : I! one or Diabohu, u op Bitten never Ml: of I ours when I cure in possible. We know this. , loud and . '..'.7'..ZhC .`.`;: u.. m.., Bcohcho in him] language noun mine] who. sun. and Illuitrewa by W. K. Leigh. Christmas trees were unknown in Eng- lend until the reign ol Queen Victoria. After the present Prince of Wales hed be- come three or four year: old. Prince Albert ornamented I Chriotmu tree [or the eman- mentof the infant prinoe. The idea planned the people. and uOhri|tmu trees were every your made I lecture of the court celebration, the fnhion noon spread Among the English. not store. K. Uglow a Go. chooolata onnmn, 25. Crnwlord. - ox urocb bullneuos," Inning with "The Department Store," ascribed b Samuel Ho Irina Adams, of the New Yor Sun. And i lultrawd by W. R. Leigh. in Enu- to carry mu goon Into ouocs. Scribner : nguino begun with January, I887. The iuuo for January. 1897. cole- butaol bho opening 0! I ndw decade. Sove- nl schema will begin in thoununry il- Iue, notably the series on "The Coniuob of Great. Buoineuoc, inning with Dodartmont Snore." ascribed hv nu Ieuen u soon ee received. Pomnuter-general Wilson hen extended the houee-to-houee oolleoblou end delivery nyehem I0 u to provide for the eele of roetege end epeciel delivery ehmpe b eater-oerrien by mean: of me home 00 - leouon and deliver boxee. end an olciel ecamp eellmg enve ope has been lpp|`OV0d to carry thin rojecb into eect. Scribner : unzine hnnnn um. Jnmmpv, In ozu.uw.wu per your. The ex uro of I man : duplicity and bignmy t rough his onrolulnou in any- ing the lower: 0! one wife in hit pocket. until thoochor one found them in I solemn warning. 0! oouroo Inon ought not to do such things; but If they do zhoy uhould wear cosh: withoub my poohhl or destroy all letters roooivod. pnnfmnnnfnu-.mnnnu-nl HI-an Inn. --G`-`AAA aoaun ox Mr. monya. It. does not. out as much to run 1 proli- doncial campaign as it. does to sup ly the people of the Unitod Sula with oowin gum for am you. The wholoulo out o the um outpuaol our country in oubitnatod at .000.000 nor vnr. 2:33" 25}. 3315.33} oJr"3a .000.000 exnoauro of 3 mm cnuroy-aox _noura. Ieaao H. MoEIven, Bualo, formerly general auperintendent. ol the Rome,Wat.er- termwn & Ogdeneburg railroad. announced his candidacy for the poeicion of abate rail- road commiaaioner. made vacant. by the death of Mr. Rickard. much to run a unai- An article on the camel 0! the failure of the oonfodomoy. which the Conzury ro- oontly printed. will produce I oolloceion of articles, contributed by four well-known ox confodenno genouln and b; tour union oicen. Th. .-..m...I..k|- ...5:-I- 1.. 51.- l.......-.... CHICOFI. The remnrkeble article in the Januery Soribner e, which given an eye-witneu ec- oount. oHhe muucre of Armenians in Con- amncinople in August. luh, ueeru that between 4.000 and 6,000 were killed in thirty-nix _houre. [um H. Mnltlwen. Ru`nln_ lm-mm-Iv um nu-an moo, runny-nvon your: old. and Georg. Hall, I married nun. hnvo olopod from Madrid. N. Y. They no nup- nod to be on thin way to Arinom with in Rico : 8700. A lady in Brookvllla lost 3 door key the other dny mi hor husband dtlnt in was between Lhqplnnh of the walk loading to the back `door. On golngto bholpot, innings to uy. he Iound the he . The lame thing in ndon in the wny of numionaryil I shoot of paper with the corner turned down and hold in lnoo by 3 colored seal or wntor which dlap my: the christian nuno or monognm. . Govornor oloob Tmnor. on Illinois. bu cnruuan nuno or monognm. Tmnor.ol lllinoll. writtnn 1,800 lemon taoap Iioonu for ooo withinnlow dn 0, Ind one who know him both con ently any that he still know: 2,000 or 8,000 more wnyu of saying uNo.n um. um: nor Il'I.ll.ll.Ull!. An spin or an mum he in a naive born Amoriosu. Anogrobonghtnhiohtfor I attain a_ Chicago than-0. but was ejected on so- oouut. ol his oolor. Kc bu gained I vor- diot. of $1.500 nu. tho mnnqor. In London. nril or Boin an Actor who low or 11,000 nll. an G London. 3:: or Boin an actor who earns I npnmbion by meritorious olort can live on hi: hmo for years. In New York he bu to can now renown our night. xorhl no Inn to ovory nip; 6. . Min Sarah Riot, thirty-uvon old, Goomo Hall. nun. Inn rg. . As the national council oi women In Boston the moon fact was noted in who auto reports that women were uk- inx for as much u out. nhnn In-on unt nl I-Jan-I adult: can` my tor u muon Fmoon Jun. mass 0! than udulu, won ha mined in New York Sunday by Rev. Dr. Jo n Hail, tluy Invi boon oonvorud to belie! in the divinity Christ- I4rIAndanonin.ho mum of tho mm none! In mo umnwy ox unnu. I41-I_AndononiItho mun ot tho man who has won Ilia Inbol Pvrkinl, of Bon- ton. and bar 074110.000. ` In npiu of hi: naive hlluoulowu ounown olut Iholyod no Bin: Oman--In on: loss II-all Ilnllnulonnd lulu In II|l-`I'Io World'I Ool-non lsnuokod. There an our twolouund ohnrihb (I-nnninntinnn In A- Van} ulna; . LV.X.,l|lI OCH IICIJI I0 IMDPGUDO bum. rootonhip 01 80. J :1`: church, suon A8 ms PA :-Ens An: SERV- "RUN THR0lIgLCULLENDAl| W|_'9_!!_!.-.I.-_|?.<.!!e.!>_t_._ an an onaonou. Ry talk by puoplo that know. Inllllillllll III 110' INK IIXG ' lav. Bhnldon ll. Grinvold. Hudson {..'IIu been naunnad tn nooonahhn more uwcnnouunu om mintiono in Now York slam. in Hhghlnn ll (ls-In-nlnl I Eula : Turkey Fulr. n... m "n... u. Uulun Fright aka... ..... 1:..-` * .T..Ta1..s..;.';+;%` I ""I0lrlhdI It: also uuolllu uohnad unudlu hucdlk. No n-Inhu-..-|..|....... UQOOEDOI. HANNAY & mow. m IUII -UIv io}ii'n3i.nT-"oi;-.'3'uu Fin-nun oil to Tuialglulud and (nil in ldhlgvbonlthnusho uuhuh-. , pounds I dnynn Install. Aphum obuudln Ontario pu-and Ion have con: sndcm both:-. which In-ndhhl aHnnnd|n'l'nn.n....a....|....|...u..... ltfsotol`-ylnfotu-iohncnoatunoofl ;}[RlCHMON D &C0 S Issues Policies on every plan of Insurance including Ordinary Life. Limited Paymenr Life Endowment. with or without profits. De- ferred Premium. Annuity Bonds at lower` rates than any other conr~panv- IOO Wellington street. Ottawa. Head Office` of the Company U `$0080 In bani. J.0|I-' ' { (The PeopIe s`Lue lnsniance 110., Tom CAST ORIA Women of Fashi-6;; Ara lnvllmtl tn II-It IIIII utnnn lunnnnnl We have several hundred customers who believe it does pay. This Oil has a gravity of 7.80 and is CRYSTAL WHITE, and remember we are the only ones in Kingston selling this best grade. Suppose you try a sample lot. MGKELVEY & amen, j PURIFYINO RANOID VIUTTIR. (THE NIGHTSARELUTE AMERICAN com. on. 2 l$10 In GOLD Our B_ig ,Bargam Sale Pure as Pure Gold. {Best in the World: |t s High Time you Ind your oldllu ovorhl Will it pay YOU to give 25 cents per `gallon for the very best -rwo.J-- - - unqrgzu ooooo ooooooooooooo is Still Running in Full Blast. Everything that you require for Christmas at Cost. Aboolutoly Pure Cream of Tartar and Bods. CCCO Pun: oonb ruxvonmo nx'r1uc'rs m as Good at Pure Gold Bum: Powder. _'somctmng to Get ; For Christmas? IIIIIO `I9 Jo_ III!!! (P|pllulIt'I&I u" ."'-='i.'-"&:' v-----uvv-.--v A. -._?i"non's, omen We k a prom!!! not see our llockoy Bdot. an Pdneou It . Opp. Y.l.O.A. 'd. .m:-::r- ww- T: J. CORBBTT, oounllutlwuuhcucr. oumu-o.-auwan-nun-as ' WITH ICU!` a Let us uuggut tabla and ` pocht cutloty, carving nu. silver plated knives, forks and spoon; ociuon and about. ruon or sham. 69 & 7| Brock Street, KINGSTON. A great many peopltwl ponder and worry over the mullet of 1 Chmtmu gih and never think of the half- VII`?! store. A..- _,___,,. . II A IDUCATIONAL. Vuvuun --y-u--uu--v- v. r. uiinimuoez. Most Decidedly Thobounhooln the duh: 55` [Olin In . I10 not done: at Innnnonm oma Yard. 374 PI-Inca Sleigh Dashes _ - _ _.-----I `v&\lU llolnhu-M`: and Glenn : Ooh- [Allin In an; ulna: I-Il|- Mug Lpvlspguuau g ml cm man no com. wum $4.50:A TON. iSTORA " DIET QUALITY NO. 23701`. LARGI LOAD DRY KINDUG Q! 760. ,----v, in thellnt Oh! to be oonuldnod when huyln candy. 0: tot that comes the quan- Hon o prlol. I! you goth n ll-I A I II` III IIIIQ - n---- --w------ w, the nut in uunntood, tho nooond npoah Ionitull. Drop In tad too for wall. You no always welcome oven you only want. to admin tho good-. mun Isru-II vrw I` I lcontql , '__s_n3'b'|:;B|:O. Mo lulu ; v v__w--. --`aur-:1: OYAI. GEM {23, l hm; than any other Io CHI I U anon anon cl 5 both: uonlhonoh Hon 0! DHOO. ll !0|I "Ill MclAUGl1LlN S. AL- I..-A I- _..---_4..J AL. Tho olnznnt exhibit of Photos in window next to Opon Homo. Instrument: for making lurnll work in Canada. All work oxoonud with ours. Phone I15 may never in vrvulf. but than : no soon! In tho not t at our work at narrlnu mu, trim hi 1! rs- palrlngu n. nhun orn onul Incl; 10 J31... good uunluoon. othtn sooanvlnolng u I practical I. an onoo. The Duncan oi CALEDONIA SPRINGS `(U `ruin: \a 1 nurlnn nnhti I! you win: Photograph: for Christ- muL ml] and arc our war]: `Mn 1.1 you WI! PDOWITIDDI IO!` unnu- mu, can and see our work. No trouble to Ihojt, andanlao nojutun to climb. :;l:lrln%\`1)r'- ok..Upho|stor|n and (hnoni Plum and dulnu mbmlod. Fggiznahtf and II Quon 30.. llnuton. IIIIII III9 Drlni, Olunlng and P: In by the BI tlu Anurlo-n Dying of Montreal. Don't I 0 pl Directly opponlh Bnuo no I can strut. All work [unnn I --~ v-- --v - V--/1 lnnnfootnnr Arllntlo Wood III VV IIIIIOI In M 8.51 Prlnoou shoot. when you can :11 of work done In tho .2l..-.-.. out up III -`?3.`n`if: III III] WI PC. UIOVU . J. BRYSON, llnl -.-n D-I nnann IRWIN Ta at IA` D-`nnA1l Fine Dairy Butter. l7c. ||- J0||NS. "{-`.`.?..`.`.`.`..'.`. ..."` `-7 III II U IIIIQI you our 0 In ovorhnnbd by roll- lo Ivor man. than to In, you'll be uthllod with tho nonlju. We Inn An ullllu Trilnlnod EM: 5! non toduocloxu. Novzul duunq. pox-loot `IIII\III `II I %IIIVlI an lnvltod to visit our more ! 011 what]: the villa to buy or n . On his . 1!! 01-90! In nqnldto and. rot Trimmod nduouom. Nowui dulrlu. that lit and but workuuluh p in Milan` unt And OVOIIIIII oootnmu. Gin Ill son . II Bcqot shoot, He! won: Prlnuu and Brook Stu. 39$ ZEXIXTKU :.r*:m'-.. ..3`..`.E'.:.'.`."..` -- `~ | - -._----g ...u.,.,._,, -.__,. _ , . ! Interior Dooontlonu. Arclule loon luntlu Grills- Furnicnn. Upholatoring (hnonl Ill] Work. um um: Iocontod. once mung} Iron nnd Wk: 0000 and Eds. Win Gina: and all kinda of Win Watt and Win Cloth Inullhotuod by I` A Ilihlf IIBZIIIDHH if-C BUIIN-if-EPOINTIRI. For Carriages, Siolglu and Furniture, with rvlv III! I I LIN TILIPROII II. R Into of Hamilton. 9 ldoon ubovo Opal-I Honu. ib'n"'?iui":iio"E5; Illll U'|OOlO'l Chlo- >, an (Inn boulu. Barth Itrool. hotvnn Pllnoou And Brook. _._..-.:.-..__._. . 01 I d P m'.`.':`..1 Em. '<`:'o.'. had! Ph :I-, III P:I=o$I 5'52?! w**---erse animus...- . N ourwork R. Tova] "A. STRACHAN. [ma SATISFIED You have money and want qocontc off ovary dollar for the Xmu Holldnyn. CARRIAGES, CAlI|llA.S_. for mu] nl-gnu. I- ..n- -n - ---c mu. i.'.;`.'d.. -'3)'('"\"r'"e ATOR' pain-lacuna.-.........__ WE All. TRADE The oolobntod P D Cornet. Are untlvullod for porlooc t beauty at nlnh and style nnd have rooalvodcho hiq-hut Awards so :1`! the lmpornnt oxhlhmonu during the Ian 80 nun. Obtalnnbls in every variety of nhnpo and style from 3-\$lIIr\In A - uuu -vynu uu-u srancv a bTEIICY, Kin--Onn ?FBfEHfLPIfiC0BETS| For a Christmas Present '11! -4.... ...:v.. .. ..mn...- A. .n...... ..-. lanulacturers Royales De Guorsotg Hfiflllllll `I\ In nnnnnnnilupn. for family Use. RnlnIIApdt'n um nm..

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