Dnuuowo many. Van: n.. 11 n-_ DIED FROM FRIGHT. THE TOBACCO TRADE. nnomnaty. town: are to the wood won-E. `P50 in Ipnud with manna rapidity, Andu briollnurvula the unmoaiu plpu and tank: exploded from the but, I rt.- I gng columns 0! ro and debris in I" inc- tioop. The inunu but from thoulunonia . rendered it impossible for tho lumen to , nppvonola the nu-nature no thoir F pron ohotiro. ` Tho (him In: conoo-' nal ol in kind in the wink! union it was and an in our-hon of county In tho nlnnor tho (hdno chum. with a casing A adorn and holy dun hd jut bum can gumoo. It will In nbum vmon cost about $0,000. The name: originator! in the Cuino from the bunting o! I [up unlnonin cylinder in the ion Innohino nndk tho that- ing rink. The form of the explosion blow out. also nut and o! the building In which were the lug. engine and rofrl ling machinery. toning re to the woosacorl The n nnnnd with Alnnrlnn ......'..:.-. : ' :..':'.`;";. ;.`.".`:".".w' .7. mn.n1nu and `uh. Ileana. And likoluon. In DIG as: :.:-:m. E-.m..::::r:-:. n1'rsnmm, 11., Doc. l7.-Tho beautiful and costly Cuino building with the bridge which npunnod Four Mile run At. the mean ontnnoo to Bchonloy Pnrk, Oakland, were deck-o ed b re At. 1:45 o'clock this morn- ing. *bo ino building and oontonu ro- pnoonkd an investment. ol $540,000. The Innurnnon does not exceed 860.000. The Park bridge Inc I tomporu-y ntruotnn which cost About M0.000. Tho ung: nrialnnbgnl :. sL- n_.:__ It In 3 Thoun In Dunno! and I Ikntlng Rush In Winter. D--....-n.... I). in. nu nu. . ... - mu. The city vigilance league, of which Rov. Dr. Plrkhurnt it prooidont. hu issued I uqtomont. in hvor of the enudidncy of ` Chants. lrom New York. Sonnbor Frank D. Pnvoy. of New York, has sent: lottnr to every ropublionn mom- bor of the legislature uking their nupport. tor Mr. Chocmu Iuooouor to DIVld B. Hill. 'FL. _:A.. ..:_.-|.,, , I - - - - ~ JOSIPH H. CHOATE. Nnw Yonx, Doc. 17. --Joseph H. Chonto. in I letter. formal! Announce: himaoll u A candidate for niwd States senator from New York. Emu... l'--..|.n u____ .r H um: II Winter. Plrmntvma, Pm. Doc. l7.-Tho bountiful xnd cooblv Cuino bnildinv uh}. oh. 5.44-- no Alked For The Boloctlon ll} '1 York Loglolnlnro. sne IOII mm. Strong shocks 0! earthquakes were felt throughout Wales, the Midlands And the south of England early this morning. Many people in Windvor. Cheltenhsm and other-places rushed out of their houses. but no one was hurls. The cathedral at Herelord was damaged somewhat, but no other serious damage is reported. ......... u uvuuuuv Ul lplw on H10 PIN of the lace putor, Rev. W. D. Reid. Mn. Annie Colbon, who suicidod by drowning at. Ogdensburg, bu I husband in Wncortown, N. Y.. William Golton. driver olnconl cart. He was mnrriod to the woman ah Brownville. N. Y.. I little over four years Ago, but. they lived togothor only six months, no the and of which time aha lets him. n.ll\nIu .KnnL- .l A. -AL - - ' ` " preeiuent xor 1896. Word has come from Italy that Miss Florence Dewar, Port Hope. daughter 0! the late Dr. Dewar. is engaged to be mar- ried to an otiicer in the Italian army. Mrs. Dewar and her daughter expect to return to Canada from Italy in the coming eu- tumn. Mrs. A. B. Scott. who was formally ex- communicated by the session of Victoria church, Point St. Charles. has a led to the preshytery of Montreal. El e claims that she was expelled at a secret meeting of the session because of spite on the Annie (`mum urln ...:...-.a...: L- THE casmo oasmbvao. ICIIOOI senuement. The federelueembl eh Berne, to-day elected Dr. Adolphe geucher. preeident of the Swine confederation for 1897. and E. Ratfy, the present minister of interior. vioo-president. Dr. Deucher was vice president. for 1896. Word ht] nnmn fr-an. l n..l.. AI._L lav uon or amending the banquet to be tender- ed. Mr. Lnurior in Montreal on Dec. 30th. and explaining why he in aatined with the school settlement. Tim fndm-gl ..-.......LI.. .. n-_, V mu wu urownou. Mr. Prondergut hu doolnrod hi: intan tion of amending the banquet Monbmal nn I)... am. were ourneu to death. _ An explosion ooourred in Cremer e match factory to Bavaria, demolishing the build- ing, killing fteen women and children and eenounly injuring seven others. Tncterulle. Chimon. hm: ha... I-.-...: c..- eenouuy injuring others. Tncborulle, Chicago, has been leased for the six day cycle race. Nearly all the oontaetnnta in the New York competition are anxious to come to Chicego to compete in the event. Th; -0-nu--. D..:A-.._:- p__ , Lv .. Ill [I18 OVOHD. Tho uwuncr Britannia from New Dec. 9. bu ll1 iV6d st. Quoennmwn. 8 port: shut. lul. evening the steward I am` , wboao nuns wu Gait, {all over` an drowned. Mr D....A-...--; I.-- .14--V V I - ooL.bw. ucmnvoyb nlurnlby, 268.825. Rev. w. J. McCAughnn. o! Belfub, Ire- wnq. Iut. night a pointed puuor of St. Andrew : church. orbnbo, at A ulary of $4,000 I year. , ,4; Wentworth. N. 3.. yesterday, Fred Cochnneh houee was destroyed by re and his we children, Aged two and four yearn. were burned to death. An nxnlnninn muu..-...I :. n--_-_:, , . - 'l.'l.'lO ucuveaoon, `run. 1 , been dubroyod by (in, ouuide cl valnblo moordn 1"?.'.':`.:`{`.`."n".,2..' ' '3f3.'."""9! hgvo aI_u_o_I _gr_-op, )9! io- u,wu no we gonna! ho! ital in, . and 8500 to Sc. Boni I00 hbupiul. 1ho number of immigrants qgiving Camdn for the season just. oloood was 21 43l.oompared with 21.338139: qouon. `Blue vote: out in New York um. I nuoompareu with 21,3381: '1`,{)e York. state for proqadent wore: McKinley 819.838; Bryan, 561.513. McKinley : nlurnlby, McCAuihnn. o! Bnlfnnf. I... an nucn-wongnu In January. sxiow. Ogilvio, of MontreAl.haA.domtAd O1, to the genenl ho: ital ' 1lu! nymber qgivinn in FOUR QUARTERSV GIVEN. lalltln Hlhctl Tilt Internal Ivorybody-- lotufm-Aovot--Uttlo of Ivan- Ihlnz lnnllv laid nnd Iononbuod by Tho 000! Public. '- Archbiahop Lnngovin hu arrived 3|} Montraal. Cuban recruiting in being auppnuod in Toxuoitieu. Joe Don huo readily delutod Howard Mother an hung noon in New York. Premier Groonvny let: Winni yum- dny for Otuwn via C hit.-Ago and oronto. For the put your 6.137 veuoln locked bhrou h the Cnnndinn Boo cont! ouryi 4.577597 com or msghu. ' "3 |THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. | TELEGRAMS FROM THE EAR'_l'H'8 -4u..- -. . . _.____ _.. .___ WANTS TO BE SENATOR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG5 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1896. New York wn. She ro- vard of the K overboard I IIUPIFII. Lgnvnng id in 2L. ounnidoguuvichdnvn. `ho chug. Vf Q It. lyric. banana nonon Ion nonlouuc. and who pro- bably had in 1758. vhon tho Bridah force under Colonel Brnduuot, acous- fnll hedged tlnfort, than oounnudod bv onaiour Pqnn dooynn. Thochot bio bun pvuunhd to W. J. Yul, Prin- mantra. An nunung lane. The workman mgagzl in digging tho dnin now in course ooootnnotion 5! Tom (In Pant. In.-uni. _......|-_ MJCIOG so DO I N am. which 0ll`I clout Am-nan m hnnnpuunalgh. kn. _l_IAMBI.Y, annn In 0! Toto du Pont barracks, yoturduy mun heron what, at Int mm. A uouonar auoponaod. A lad attending the lonrth class in (lon- trol ochool, was auopondod this morning for misconduct. ll. appears that ho and some othor boy: wore mating and annoying a now arrival at noon time. A teacher took thopartof the new scholar, but the othor hoyo wore not inclined to roopoot. tho oomrnandlof the one in authority. Tho mutloy roach- od a climax when tho ooholaro won] linod up after rooou, proparatory to bolng marohod into school. Souo of tho ring- loadoroxln tho inonhordlnation _rolnood to lmo up with tho ronaindor ol tho ooholaro. Tho taaohor lmqaoation lriod to nnpol tho toys to ohoy command: but wan struck by tho boy who, of oouno. was as onoo onopondod. `I10 Gcfiltldnwn. Toto-10. nu I7.-u sh. um LI: -on-nhntlnnhgn-gal!-. .--._..1 course, wee e cnermble one, the result he- in I large collection of null intended to re ieve want. and eulfering ol needy per- Ione. Rev. J. E. Stat delivered a die- couree. oxhorting thoee preeent to give freely to charity. The social wee Ade- civled eucceee. nuuulnga. .31 Brook street, A pound social was ho|d`lnat ovonin in the Sundny school udjoinin Bydonnm Street. Methodist church. `ne object, of course, charitable the result imr lama oollmnion nl nun` im....I..a .. nnu was ouun It Ulovollnd. If you have A room to but oncuionnll or you want to but your oioo onlyl and Leo the "Jewell" ubeobon back heat.- ing stove: the beat on the muhot. Abso- lutely from small of burning gnu. J. W. Oldn. plumber and gu tter, Anchor Buildings. 37 Brook street, A nound nnninl um: hnlnflnnb. -..-..:.... ;.. ovary purcnuo mnao. \ Capt. T. Donnelly reooivod I leg:-Mn this morning notifying him that he tug Mnumorn was burned and had to be soul.- llod :0. Midland, Hon inn Bay. early this morning. She was vn uod at 810,000 and Inn owned by Jouph Playfair, Midland. and was built at Cleveland. H van HA1. I I-nnrvl In K; ......--:---II- umnn. 3 ! Brock nroot. I! you want the but tuorlzmont. of ties es-or shown in the city to choose from go t.o(}nllsgher n tie carnival. You also ro- coive n {roe guess on the 87 umbmlln for every purchuo made. Cant. T. Unnnnllv rnnaivnnl . o-l~....... noqulau. Just received A lot. of small sized imitr tion soft. coal res, twolvmfourtoen. fteen and eighteen inchea. Thin is A special order from one of the most reliable mum- factorioa in the United States. J.` W. Oldtin. 37 Brock street. `I van -r-nb 1|`; |...| 4.-..-A.._--. -1 L!., me am: umbrella valued at. 87. W. T. Hodge gave great. utialmtion with his enbeainmenb at Odoou on 8:- buniny night. He dintribuwd I Inge lot. of prizes imphrtlnlly. His son Herbert. is already an nine years of age A fine ventri- loquiab. Jnnt. mmivad . Int. nl .....lI .l..A :_.-._ LUIUICU wall paper. Christmas cheer prices at `our store. `Remember everyone calling at Galla- gher`: tie calnivnl roooivea A free guess on the silk umbrella valued at 87. Hodaa onvn an-A. nIu'.I..-.s:.... I ear. y The steamer Islander was delayed for an hour and e helf at Cape Vincent this morning owing to the lube arrival of the R. W. & 0. train. There is no truth in phe report. that the vessel was delayed by Ice. ` rurumoum to be rebuilt. aurin the win- ter. Work on them will not in, how- over, until after the opening 0! the new year. ' ` \:vv`,I' year. queooc rovmco. John arlu. foreman carpenter for th St. Lawrence river nteambonh company, is uccountad the but local judge of suitable timber for spam. And bu Iolootod than for About I damn Kingston loo ywhu. The Kinnton and Montreal lm--ndina noon: a noun mngswn loo ywhu. Kingston Montreal lo:-warding company has three barges hauled out at Portsmouth to be rebuilt. durinuho win- Work nn thnm will nnl in |...... IUTOG. This morning the ladies of Johnston street. Baptist. church shipped a box of clothing. provisions. ot.o., to I minion- nry working among French Oancdinna in Quebec rovinco. John AI-Ir: Inn-an-mn nnu-....s-.. I ... 5;. quauuy. The Detroit college of medicine was gutted by re this morning. The Bro originnlod in the buomont. fromndofoc- hive furnnoo. Lou, $43,000: partly in- cured. D|\'O Ill mm. 1' Ivucn ( Don't come to a gloomy house Haven't you found that bright colors and bright smiles go together? Don't have a gloomy Christmas. Adorn the walls with cheerful, bright colored wall paper. Clnriclmne oh--. ..-.'--- -1 rn . i. 0. David. whose book has been placed under the ban by biaho Blaia, Rimouski. has appealed against t. e bishop : action, and hi: appeal in now on in way to the DODG- u`r big out has bottle of delicate French perfume or 350. at WLde I drug store. Cun t be beat for either mice or ring. .1. W. ulunn, 3'] Brock street. Auction sale of farm stock implements, etc., at William En lish s,rnt concession, township of Pine urg. on Monday, December 21st, at noon, by William Mur- rn . i. 0. David. Irhmm hnnlr Inn Hana ..I.....I l Lnureuay, uecemoer Blah. The weather probabilities any on will be sorry if you don't. nwend Ga lngher I grand tie pnrnivnl.` Call and nee the am le board of electric bells. annunciatore In push` buttons `for roome or front. doors. All needy wired to ring. J. W. Oldn, 37 Brook Auction MIA nl farm amok imnl....-..o. mg nrrlllgomenw. Glenvnle Prubyterien ohuroh hold their Annual tee meebin on Tueedey. December 22nd, and Wood urn church their : on Tuesday. December 29th. We mnke e apeoinlty of perfumee in out lua bottles and our prices ere right. gdore ell true to name at Wade's. Tent No. 24H,Knighu of the Meocebeea, will welcome in the new year at their sum annual ball. in the town hall. CalAbogie,on Thursday, December 31st. The wanthnr nrnhnhilihinn nu unn ...;u u mean acumen. The heating eyetam in Frontenac school has been completed end Neil MoCeig, |r.. caretaker, he assumed charge of the beet- ing Arrangements. ' Glenvnle Pllbvfnn nhnnolu halal IL-3- 1110 nmnru or the K. C II. I`. company have bnon closed for the Ieuon. "All in now %uiotneu at the company : hendqunrtcn, orumouth. The American federation of labor execu- tive will seek to secure the organization of the stntionary scum engineer: of the United States. TL; hngninu aunt`... :. l`.....L-..-- --|._-I Iuosan evening, Dec. 22nd. The endin perfume: of the day always in stock st Wade : drug noon. Sevontv to eiahtv mrmunn of hoof nu In stock I! WId0'l drug Seventy eighty routes of beef An taken from this port. to Capo_Vincont, N.Y., every day for tnnshipmont to New York. 'l`|.-.u'..:...-c AL... I? LII II _____ __ Pslnku. Dooonton. Glulon. win ny Inun uepmn '1`. vonnelly, vili- ed ml: public schools. Remember the we-moetin under the auspice! of Presbyterian chum . Glennie. Tuesdn evening, Dec. 22nd. Qdin nnrfumnn nl Hun (Inn 1|-nun noonuwr, N. X. To-day Prof. Glover, Queen : ctjallogo, in com ny with Cnphin T. Donnell , vicin- t. 0 public OINIIVII and guessing content.- Forty nppuln aguinat uunmonta will be heard no the next Iouion of the court of revision. I ugh... Il..I?:..I-_ :- :_ nLx-_.__ |l1L__ L- I TBVIIIOH Majm-. McKinley in in Chicago. When he ruched there the crowd roooivod him on- t.hnniuI.inAllv_ ruonou men n bhuoiutically. Hormmn. ch wumuucnuy. Hermann, the magician, died this morn- ing Ivhilo on route to Bndiord, PA. from Rochester, N. Y. Tmdnv prof lnvnr Dunn : nnAn. En up In wade`: drug mu. Kingston talent will furnjeh the pn- gnmme for the Cnuhendnll school concert on Tuesday, December 22nd. still their nnmn tn nllgoh-uh a-ml oi. on `uneasy, December 22nd. Still they come to Gallagher : grand tie carnival and guessing Forty Inneale uninu. nnnmgnu -ill u Von Iowan lawn unwind Into ch Imnllnnnnl -an-. moan: drew n 31,. ville Tuesday night. Plrfumu in out: 0] vme Iuollny night. ` Pp:-fume: in cub glam homes from 250. up at Wale : drug mu. Kingston will furnish tho um- fl. . The affair: of the K. t M. F. nave in now nu cu-1 n-wit IIIVI UIIIVZI IIIO III Innllatdlvloo. Fine gold bnoolou :6 Bus . Album drown 81.128 house It Brock- 'i"o Tuondnv ninhI:_ A ioholnr Blnpondod. 6|`-uli-um OLA l...._LL -l_- GENERAL PARAGIIAPH8. penumo I0!` 500. an W100 drug !un price or salioncggulnoncos snrrunmv. the I 9th Inst. and ' ntlnuocuntll the whole stock '0 00 Prices w ower than ever heard of Kin ton . We cannot enumerate 300$ Illa prices but Invite lnspecticn. All sales r can . and COM 0" |PPfV`l- . Note the place. Pgymont at all accounts roqu .` A We have decided to sell out our whole stock Ina chart n. times! poilblo. and have thurelore marked all goods away down in price toonsuro a speedy sale. I At Taylor- s, 88 & 90 Princess Street. ,, A / $35.0oo womu or NEW nnv GOOD III: I'D`I'I Wan Itoulnhh.` ~ ~ lmpalrod Dlgootlon, Dlootdorod `Liver,- W333 III. .".'l;1?n"o`_:o"qppc5g"""! :91` Wilhun Alllcn. of Durham. was un- unoodnoowonoundtotonyun in the niunthry let an olhnoo under the EI'Il"0IIl0(~ Ill latched ltllfll. H.u.1nx, N.S., Doc. l7.-Tbo ucounor Vsnoonvur, from Li via Ilovillo. with the Gnmdinn uni . arrived in port this morning. Bho was due hero Iut. Saturday but. Ill four days Into in sailing from Linrpool. Ilx Onohod To Dash. Rm Curr, CoI., Doc. l7.--A Intel :0- cidonb occurred yesterday in I tunnel in Holy Cross mine. Six men were at work. A heavy blue tore down a not quantity 0! earth and stone. under 1! ich they won crushed to dusk. or ourun mu uono crneo. was won by honor that sixty-nix moves. _P:-sent score: Lukor sovon; sue. nits nothing; drum four. Ilow The 0100 Itnnrl. Mnsmw. Dec. I7.-'l`be eleventh game of chempiomhi cbeee match between Stientil. end er, I queen : gnnbil. de- cI?ned. by Leeker After Preeent. seven: 39.5.. Inkling Oonntorfolu In Prlnon. Luvnxwon-rn, Ku., Dos. l7.-~Wnrden J. F. Fnnoh. of the penitontiury at Fort. Leavenworth. bu discovered that five con- viou, four of them sent up for counterfeit- ing, have been at work mnking spurious 8. : bills. The leader of the gun; is J. C. McKibbon. the prison photogrnphor. A loarlul Typlana lpldamlc. Nnw Yomc, Dec. I7. -A special to the Journal from Vienna naya: A fearful typhus epidemic is raging in the Austrian naval atation ol Pola. The streets are almoat daaortod. All who are ablo an ea ing from the place. Amusement; and oven meetings in the open air are prohibited The dead are buried ni htly without coro- mony. The numboro sick in increasing by leaps and bounds. 700 patients are in the naval hospital alone, where there are only six male and aight. lemalo attend- anta. v I we wuaeayoungmanolin it. ' I memrlal eervioeie to beheld bier?-tlfe chureh herein a ehort time.-Thie fore- ? noon George Brown : house took re and 9 if it had not been for the earnest eiforta of ` the bucket brigade it would have been on- tirely deetroyed. Ae it was one side of the roof.Ie gone and the furniture and clothing is damaged to quite an extent by smoke and water.-0n Sabbath while a funeral eervioe was going on in the church. Josiah Taylor's horse. which was tied in C. Wood : etable, got feet in the atall and broke ite neck. It was quite a heavy loee no it was a valuable ani- mnl.-Baxter Smith is toteaoh Si ewcrtb`e school next yeer.-Mr. and Mrs. .. Camp- eall drove to Inverar on Saturday to visit Mre. Tolls, who in il with neumonin.- Mr. Gueeeil able to take c urge of the 4 Sunday echool again. being much improv- u ed in health. ` nu-ungton Noun. HABTINOTON, Dee. l5.-The funeral of Miss Milly Taylor took leee here on Sab- bath afternoon, Rev. J. Robeson ruch- ing the sermon. be sad intel igence reached us on Batu of the death of George Light. He came from England with his aunt, Mrs. J. Moore. when 3 child, and lived with hie relativemulitil old enough to learn a trade. He was appren- ticed to the late G. W. Robinson, Kinge~ ton. and learned the trade of carriage blacksmith. He hae since then spent the most of his time in Kingston workin at hie treti and making occeeional visits guere amon riendu, arlarge circle of whom dee ly lament hia early death, for he was higii: I reepeoted an a young man of integrity. memorial to in the The Proportion of Seals IQIVIIPQG of `those shot by Hunters. Vicronu, B.C., Dec., l7.-A ruiin Ins madeyesterdsy by the Behring see c sims commission onesubjeot of vital impor- Lance, which has frequently been A ques- tion of diiferenoe between contending counsel. It was regsi-ding the proportion of seals secured out of those shot by hunt- ers. and Judge Putnam, speaking for the commissioners. said that it had been de- cided to restrict the evidence of witnesses on this point to their pmctioal experience. sndto sisolimit the number of witnesses tosbout hslf s dozen. Capt. Byers. the first witness celled in regard to seal kill- ing. estimated the number lost at five per cent. TO GET PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. unu country. No Agreement. for the establishment of I pennsnent oourt. of erbicretion should ever be gratied." reedsthe Address. "ex- cept. on the condition that all her (Great Britain's) maritime fortications `south of Hslifn And those Along the southern bor- der 0! Csnuis shall first. be dismantled and destroyed." The lupus honan tn nluhlinl. Ir.-uml... new-oyou. " The league hope: to utnbliah branches` throughout the country. to arm; enouu uunen independence. The establishment of six na-ml etetione by Great Britnin neu our eu-tern cones. And others at Vancouver, Quebec, 85. Johne, Kin ton and the Niqzare river, wu regs ed as e. unending menace to thin country. naraement. for the Qlhnhlinhmnnt nf A l'IIl'IOIl0 ILIIO IOPEOC II NOW !ork-lt Bu an lxtenalvo III] of HIM Ara-ane-To Annex Oanmla. Nlw You, Deo. l7.-The patriotic league 0! America was formed at a meet- ing at the New Amsterdam hotel last night. with thefollowiug among its ob- jects: The inspiration and extension of patriotism: the maintenance of the broadest interpretation of the Monroe doctrine; the independence of Canada with a viavto political union with this oountr ; the ad- mission into the union of Hawai and the ialands adjoining the oountry on the out; tliecompletion and control of the Nicaragua canal and the independence of Cuba. These oioera were elected: '1`. St. John Taifney. president; Col. 0. H. Deni- son. rst vioe-president; Col. Ethan Allen. second vioe-president; Francis Wayland Glen. ' third vice-president: A. R. Ki-etshmar. treasuur;-Capt. C. T. Mc- Crystal. aecretary. and A. J. Toomy. re- in ry. An mu iuued to American citi- aens in which it waa demanded that the government take immediate steps for the ` recognition of the Cuban insurgents and to bring about Cuban independence. na-ul .t..t.inn. . IF ARBITRATION IS TO BE .... __.n , I - ruse:-IunII\II1_ IO IV D` ll'II couns ADOPTED. ` IDISMANTLEHIEY NUS 1' BE. (ha Rona I hyllo can of I or throwln 0 will I thev are one In nnown Salo commences II will hp lnwnr {Inna `n... L... .__j__._.___. nrtlngton Noni. man 11... 1: Nu. r - ~vv -w---wcuu w on wywwwu, EVe"Y.thi Must Be `$016. THE IJYIIPOOI. IAIIIII Ltvunl-ooI..!loon.Doe. I1.-W|ou I. Inc` , ocl0d.ro| winter. ood: lo. I 00!. 1-4; 2.10 pou.u 4; rt.uuoJ;n 3."oa; ul ow.A1n..lh ' ` boav mom I 8 m 3" on o::$:~' as. m'.' (Imo'o-"9h`Iu. an Oollozg. In 3.` OoIIon-AnorIoc.| lndhawd non;oorn.mo.osoo; Pu"o3.uuo unto He; Bnrlonlhlodaoz In Ootmou. too to 1 10 - Oonunool. Pnovmou-Pork. duo to man - =.':-:'~-:*:.:~ '.*:""...'."` 0 no :t n r VII yo. Wanton. no to Ila`: Ina .Cb We N No Jlotollo. IONTBIAL PIODUOI ILIKITI. Movrruu. no., Doc. l7 -l"LooI-Booop|a III) brln ; |nu at (Lllhh Quotation: : hunt Winter. 04.10 to 4 I; Paton! I311: . 6.1!) to 6.!) - Htnluht Roller, 4.!) to L : {rm 110 to 3.5-1 - Huporno. I. to uo; Benn; Bolus. am to Lou - Ontario .n.w to an GunI-WhoAt. No. I nnltobo End. P0000. ; $5 to Ian ; Barlov. 4---: uum.,.-.. n, - -- so-duy. Nu Bay I londld Ihbi _ ohor_ at ea. nouo-W} .`Iio; us `of ooIoFo'i.'n I-80. rululers. 1 no oaloor. successful journalist. ghyllosl on throwing] they I "lnctl" I ml 1.. U. Mitchell. The Solution Army is up~t.o-domain jour- nnhsm. The Canadian War Cry has issued I Christmu number, of ample sin and well illustrated. The outside pngos are illumi- nated. and many interesting doings of the nrmy are reproduced in letter pron snd illustration with the enthusiasm ol the soldiers. The editor. John Complin. is I mu sown Invented lsrgol . Just received by direct. {Ill ration some Elegant. lines of hair brnn on in ebony. celluloid and fnncv wood books, also tho military hair brunindo you were outing for. E. C. Mischoll. Th. .I..-s:.... --..... I- ..- A- 7- - ' .\mIs. n. U. Mitchell. The Brock ville Recorder issued s specie] number on Monday containing numerous illustrstions of Well street Methodist church and its efloient olcers. also gave sketches of former oburohes- th in Broohville and Prescott. The ub shers showed enterprise and the Mel. odisu of that town invested Israel J ust. In dlronh fuhm.-9.91.... ......- I0!` me school children." ' Drug travellers toll III we carry the largest. pnd nest line of perfumery they see anywhere. not excepting Toronto and Montreal. Our pricu are reduced for Xmas. E. C. Mitchell. Thu Ru-nnl--ill- D.......I-.. :--..-_| _ ... ..-A umre while his stock in complete. "I would like to see the new Armory placed on Frontenac street facing Alfred etreet. between Victoria school and 4:olle~ giete institute," said A citizen. "Thin would preserve the ground for public uee. peredelor the soldier: and pley ground for the school children." nrlla travail.-. t.Il ..- _.- _---- Al- 'I`olophono.. . . Royal llloou-ic.. Toronto gnllwu Bnnl of o Bunk ol Toronto... Ierohnnu` Bonk ............ . . Nominate` Bunk ol Halifax Union Bank ................. .. Bank of 0ommoroo........ Northvut land Oonpuu Ionernl Cotton 00. 011:. Oolorod Cotton Dominion Ootton. no Will on his Christmas dinner on the "high sou" this year. He left. this port. as one of the crew of the Annie Falconer. the first vessel to clear lut spring. And he will mnke aevernl trips on tho Idlowild be- fore navigation clout. Tn nvnid rli-nn-u.:..5...-_s --I--A -A~- lore nuvmnuon OIOGOI. To avoid disappointment select`. your Xmu present; new at Mitchell : drug store while his stock in use tho mm Armnrv M. lidcMahon. mate of the Idlowila. aiyu he will out his Christmas dinner "high sou this van-_ Ha. hm. 9.5;. M... one or me company's core thin week. The township councillors hmrebeen vot- ing themselves ealuriee with etrict im- partiality and striking unanimity. No division or taking of you end neye, not even a protest. so for reported, but then then are you several beck townehipl to hear from. Go to Wade`: for the Muilnul standard horse and cattle remedies. ooneietmg of condition .wdere.cough and oolic cure. gull cure, iniment hoof oil and ebeorbent blieber. II Iln\I_L.._ _._A_ .1`: in u` IA Wondu-fut Mogifclno. | . Oanadlnn Pacino lhllwny- Duluth ................. ....... Dnlnthhd ..... .. . . Uommorolnl Cublo . . .. . on I an Blohorfon ):n. Go .......... .. Montreal Strut Runway" Ilontrsnl On 00 FOIHIB. W. H. Cruse in considering the Adviso- bility of entering en notion Agninet the street railwey company to recover dunegee for the death of his eon, who we: killed by one of the company's thin week. townahin counnillnn In. in... ma. D1; you like nw oysters? Then you want the boat. Try CurnovIly'a Blue Points. III II n_.._- :_ --__,-g, y .. - . ule men: elsewhere. Jspsneee store. Should property or votersbe represented at the cguncll bosrd 1' is s trite question. If property then the Inn! divielons are not ecLuslly divided. And this is equslly true. It ere po ulntlon is concerned. Four words can d be struck thst would equalize both. went. to rerun end uouu to-ties. ' Our good: no admired by I who I00 them end are something new. Nobhing like them eleewhere. Jepeneee prooertv votnnbe renrnnnntad university on Tuesday night. C. Huntor. chief inspector of the Stun- dsrd Life Imunnco Co., is paying I busi- ness vioib to thin district. He and G. H. Allen. locnl inspector for the company, went. to Perth And OMAWA to-dnv. nuen. loam Inupocwr tor the I to-dn . Our wood: um nvnlrn In . I 1V. M. Loclno ropruontad Quinn`: At. the dinner of the litornq society of e Osgood Hull. Toronto. last night. W. J. Promo will perform a similar dub at lollutor university Tuoodny nig b. Hunter. innnoctor of the Sun. tune. The Kingston yacht: club he been undo the recipient of A line peintin of the hub rnce between Valkyrie end fender for the America : cup. W; 0. Kent wet the donor. H... I ._e- til--- .I-_u t..___. _.._ xv-.. Ann. 11. . U. umiboll. J. L. Whiting. Q.C., Acting {or Alder- mnn Skinner. to-da iunod I writ: against Dr. D. H. Doinloy orS5,000 for Ilund . The nation will no doub be heard in 0. course of the sprin uailu. We no ehowing Ancy good: that cannot be duplicated in my store. Boo them. E. 0. Mitchell. N. M. Loclxio ropruontaod Quinn`: the litanrv nnnintv at Onuvuln BIIOBAII uhn as directed. will noun unnlu to compluu ha . _ y I nun. any obgnuuon at la: (y olvlho` on- (em. or: ' u. uuwnou. H Tho choir 80. James ohumh ulna-and at the ruidonoo of Major Galloway Iut evening. During thoovomng nhuhmonu were norvod and all present spout I happy time. TI.` I03 . `Say ! Santa Claus. don't. forget our New York chocolates at 40c. lb., all fresh for Xlnu. E. C. Mitchell. ' J I. Whio.in.. nn -..s:..... 1..- _u-- we may won var IIIB ovomng And today ` ' r u-It nhto thin anon. otao (runes are being picked up p . Price: and duignn no right. . E. 0. Mitchell. 'l`l.. .I...:.- no an 1...... -L.._.iL _.|.--_-.u IOIITBIAL I`I'00I IABIIII. .- Ivoryhody. lhdnmo Albuni sad but husband. I. `(*3-yo, u-ri tho British-Amodoon up- : Into t B. W. Folgor. ol the Ki to some street nllwg. in in To- -= ` ~ ll tn-nun ovtflll Iordl zglondld Ihbing, Quito I nu from eoity won nrlut d to-day that anon. Lmlo Local Paragraph: Thu IIIOIIII lnryhody. u..l..... An....x ....u 1... |.--|.--.n d Be {Sold Raga:-dlp of Cont._ COMMERCIAL. an-aonr AND omen. I0|'|[:|0IC Coilplidmi, brl V III_ I lid` :.::-.:.:::.:..m:- ' .'?'<..;':`"-"' nyamu I hum: throwlngo In hot clh -. no ..mq {Q 80 III). Men's Scotch Shirts and Pants, extra heavy, double back shirts, Sr. for 75. ` Men's Fine Imported1.`Natura| Wool Shirts, heavy, $2.50 for 82. Heavy 16, 17 and 18 ounce Ribbed Shirts and Pants, 50c, 60c and 75c each. Men's Scotch. 45:. 50c, 60c and 65 each. Penman`: 2o Gauze, ne, Or, $r.1z} and $1.25. Heav , Warm Shirts and Puma, plain and striped, 25c, 35, 37: and 4 c. __ Red, white, striped and fancy Underwear,` 25 to $1. Artie eece-lined, 50c, 75c nnd goc. Boy : Underwear, in four qualities, all sizes. Each of the above lots will be designated in partmenrs by a special red ticket. THE KINGSTON PAIR. On Sale From 3 to 4 Thurs- day and Friday. 65Pa.1ra ol Ohenmo Curta.tne.reulu' S3.50tor 62.20 a. pair On Sale From 8 to day and Friday. Onn Anna nan. nnonu. On Sale From 11 to 12 Thurs- day and Friday. Onn nlnnn nf lllr Hnnlntbg 5.... ....-u I: no nlon. V0 It nnouuy DOBIVILLIWI UIIII W. This I C Sh Invited to I one I at . and they win uuavp`'}3 " '. In WORTH A GUINEA A DOA . BIIIOBAII aim directed. uulckll nan On Sale From 9 to 10 Thurs- day and Friday. 120 Indian Jnnlnnn In nun. ....,a On Sale From 10 to 11 Thurs- day and Friday. 25 pieces of New Plaid Dress Goods, double told, regular 250 for l0o.\\ On Sale From 11 to 12 Thurs- day and Friday. one lot or White Honey Cognb Quilts,` regular $1.25 for 75. On ale From 9 to 10 Thurs-A day and Friday. 95 dozen of Fancy Silk Esudkerometa regulu 100 for 40. On Sa1eProm 10to 11 Thurs- day and Friday. 3) domain r..m..- and Vanna I'M-I-I Cmmi"K 3h3|'P 1 3 0'.l0k, .ou Thursday and Fridoy. Each hour will see something now. Precisely at the hours mentioned the l bell will ring, and for 60 minutes the followin ,3 ' 1] sale. Any -one can see at Iglance ihdlitie priilgzgxrtnlfy :2, 1:63;: 1' resent the values of the goods nfrd it's`not 3 ~ ' ya : that you should be on time, , necasy O umm.d On Sale From 9 to 10 Thu:-s~ day and Friday. In nnnn Dunn Ilnan nganlnr Inn On Sale Prcgm 8 to 9 Thurs- day and Friday. 50 09.503 0! Amber Laundry Soap ncular 60 but` for 1 1-90. ; swan .sa.e..,. ` |Thursdkay 1 an~d`*"Friday THE K1NQToN FAIR Slang`: I-`rt httul Dunn. and all Mon and rem llngionntlonl. 5:.-4."; non IILI. IWI Ifll. action. wagon In una try at that Hun. soups. \a.na\a .5 `Chi? - Onecaae White Cotton, regular 100 for 50. --u-J \A.\Q - as\.nu\J . One piece of Silk Bealatte. beet quan- ty, regular 812 for U4. --`, unoo\Q . a.a\.n.u|J. 120 Ladies Jackets In Black and Brown. a. variety or atyle. recuur 9'7 for $3. W uloah Q AI\Q(hJ - 30 donon Ladies . and Young Girls` Felt Esta. a variety of nhnpu and co- lou. worth up to I! It Ibo. Iain`, unovu . 9 out 50 doun Funny Wlnil. roculu loom to20o.!or 1c. 80 Princes St reet. 9 Thurs- , 36 1n.w1de, On Sale from 4 to 5 Thurs-H day and Friday. 0119 lot Blnanhnd mam. 14...... .........-_ Onsale from 5 to 6 Thurs- day and Friday. One nana Mam`: nun-mm.-s. .......u-_ .. an III _ ,,-,;5..,a.i=I_- For B||K0\l"l.`:.I:`?5` .`'::cdh`W.I|I- as W'` '9 anal. 7` Drown!- HcI*1`;:I'.",,.'.1I. g:"'.:: ilhw mg 4 ch . nu , > , - gtukpeutlzn. wh3ruuu .33-7"" On Sale from 5 1.06 Thurs- day and Friday. QB dnann f.ndInn' `llnnl 11..-... _.-n. On Sale from 3 to 4 Thurs- _ day and Friday. ' '75 dmmn Man`: wnnl A... ........u... On iale from to 6 Thurs- day and Friday. One lot of Boys` Wool Shlrttnnd Dxtwermalne 1 to 6. regular 300 to 600, your choice It 200. On $a1eFrorn8 to 9 Thurs- "dhy and Friday. Y9 dnmnn Inna (`A111,-\Ir\v\n .........|-- Vauvv \~o\Q as cousin. - I2 dozen Fancy Cushions. regular- pr1oo75ctor25c. On Sale from 3 to 4 Thurs- day and Friday. Rama` Hanan A|Lnuu-.1 nn.|...4 -..-- On Sale from 2 to 3 Thurs- day and Friday. (`Inn nnnn nl Ilnv-Ha All.-nun ans... 4.` um; uasu A ;1u.u_y. 32 places at Double-told Bootoh `rwood dross goods. worth 35010:` 150. On Sale From 11 to 12Thurs- day and Friday. Two man: n1 (Iv-nu nun..-` .... .-n.. _. _ 8a1o1_'~`g-om 2 to 3'rhu1-a. dear and Friday. means nl hnllhlgnld nu... u-J uuau. A LAIJGJ. Oneloc Bleached Table Linen. recuhr 750 for 350. mu; nun... .; a.:.uu_y . 26 dozen Ladies Wool Vesta with long elaevea:'reula.r 25c tor 150. ncn, Cold Ch I. Flnuhln oful, Lon ' *w""-- `W uvoncn. Blotchu on use .` Slee htful Dunno. all Norvoul` 5:. -.. "3 non um-.1 mu nunllrilllv inrm W I.AAJ.\A L LL\LZJ- One one Men's Ovorshlrta, regular 500 to 65 350. \aIAJ I`A\A 5 LJKAQJ 0 "~76 dozen Men's Wool Box. regular 13 1-20 for 50. nuns`, gang 5 L592]- Boya' Heavy Au..wool Ribbed lou, regular 25:: for 15:: pair. an-\, mung`. an na\A\' - one one of Men`: All-woolamna Ind Drawers. regular 500 for 30 u. - .n\a\AJ . 8; Grey mnnnol, uannny their different de- 3-"fl: alum 3.'.""-"'%1`;:: I 275-`7 BAOOT IT. -_:--j--j_j. ping; lllouu Ind Nervous _.l -._.I 341- 1- AL` ml all Nu-vans` '9 rv his nr nrnoouv ,-_.__ .-..., lII|lQ.'LIDt aooth ol Loniuna mat. in ebony iunoml . They won: Rev. Wlllhln 8. Hubbol No. 106 Osllnnd unto. his orth Prubytamn church. Inn on; Burton Townsend. Phllulnlnlu. ---_--r , ,-.-..uvva. |A loan in oonmon. Buruun. NJ`. tun non orluu uoullv injured in I an end collision on the Iahigh Valley urns. in .L. ..u_ . v I . Duo. I7.-I-`our pa-Iona not noureon the cruiser Poircl Ind I nor- ohot noel in the 8:. Chair canal. The bulge rooultin from the collision III lnoounnquontiul, gun. the miniuur consider- ed that an ` ` Lnpl-. Bpnin, R.N.. willl 0700 Sound tooondncf. :1 into _| oolliaion which book boureon Po` nhgnt u....| :. -L` n- -- -ConIeIoIIoo 0'rr4wA, Doc. l7.--Th mono bu received 0630 I _ , , . . .. . nlu utailn-IIIID uU],Dl'l'r- oonocionoggnonoy, bolng the duty on rovolvon Imported. Mr. Britwn, M.l'.. Kingston. in In the chi. Into the Canton that I _l`...n-..|-_ -. cu Iuwxl. t. in I stop like this that will load to the overthrow of the pro.-env. (Ihmono dynuty nnd III that is needed ior Li Hung Chung to declare in thenr favor to loud to his be- ing ompomr of China. w aocuro m theur luvo of would exercise discretion and met. Lsrgequnncitiss 0! arms and smmuni- tion are said to bepouring into the Kwsn bung and Kwsngtsi provinces throng every available channel, and the vicero is reported to be very uneasy because he so meson no bOI|OVO secret societies sre very active throughout southern Chins. It spponrs, in Inch. thst. there, is every prospect of the muses rising in the southern provinces in the near future. and in such s determined manner thst. the insurrection will not be easily suppressed. out Proportions. SAN Fiuw'N'n, Ca|., Dec. l7.-A special `0 the Examiner from Vancouver. B.C., uya: latent Advices ii om Cnnwn state that the new viceroy is bitterly hated by the must: that he messes and muddle! up ofcinl business; in firm where he should be any and exhibits ferocity when he should exercise discretion Large uunncimim nl lrrnn .....: ..... _: nuu. nrIl.l.0 ' D, M.I'., I3 . &p0-. Bpnin, lid to l\l\l\IlI The Tronblu In Ohlnn Arc Aunmlng Earl- Proportions. SAN F`nmm...... r\..| n__ In - - - ; gain: at me trochl. . The body of gueriliu under mejor ' Cirnieda, whose Ibote killed the Cuban I o_hie rain, had no oonceptien oi the magni- j tude of their work until the body was Ieerohed and article: belonging to him I were found. Even then thev were not lure oi Mnceo`a identity, end the body was recovered by the ineurgente nfwre hot tight. I! major Cirujedn had known posi- tively how great A chiei had fallen he would have sacriced everything Ihort of his own life to keep the trophy. ` "Al other the Ileyin of Macao was the reou to! the fortunes 0 war. He lived by the sword end no is Apt to be the one he died by it." HE WOULD BE EMPEROR. xuvnnn, could have no dealing with Macao wlthbut. authority. The young non of Mnimo Game: was wounded in the van- gunrd at the trochn. Thu hndv nf nnnrillnn n...l-- ..._.--_ o porzunmea tor nearing both sides. 15.. {nets are; Uen. Woylor. then in the depths of Pinnr do! Rio province. was as much uurprinod over the eocnpo of Macao Into Hanna province in Any one via. The Marquis Do Ahumndn. oommundin in Havana, could have dealing with woo authority. voumr non no` I-uuou nu nae]! lIlI'l'l'0|II|]. Nxw Yonx, Doc. 17.-Tho World : cor- respondent at. Havnne says: To-day : steamer brings tidings that the story that the killing olllen. Mnceo wu due to de- liberate treachery on the port. of the Spen- leh officials. although manifestly igeued from Cuban Iourooe. wu taken eeriously in the United Shame. Ihnvo rnomlly in- veatignced the mutter wit. exceptional o portnnibiea for hearing both sides. he A.mL.. ..l D:..... 4.1 n:.. ____..x_,, _ vwsrsv VISIONS OF GAIETY. antes aoazroy me war olkapmn In Uubn. MINNIIAPOLIR, inn._,_Doc. l7.-Sevenl trained nurse: of this qj_ty have volunteered to go to Cuba, and they agree to pay their own expenses. if some one will arrange matters so than they can get. there. Eighty men he va volunteered. UNION, ll|., Doc. 17.--Tho people of this oommunity lorcibly expreued Qheir sympa- th for Cuba last evenin `by burnin an e gy of Gen. Weyler and e'Spaniah gag Cuban Bympnchlnn. T.-um, Wuh.. Doc. |7.-Tuoomn has offered to the government. a regiment of 1,200 men. well drilled and oicerod by thorough taoticinns. to hel the United Shtea dobtroy the ofkgjpain in Cuba. MINNI-`.AP0l.I.'1. inn.._.Doc.l7.-Savanl Ion. Nnw Yonx, Doc. l7.-A deopatch from Key West. Fla, says: Pouengorn Arriving bore horn Havana report that Antonio woo in olive and well, and il in the pro- vince of Mnmnzu. Thou punongon any thn. all of the leativitioe that won going on in Havana tn celebrate hi: death have been ordered atopred since It. hu become known thst he in o ive. nun VIIIIIIIIIIVUIUII. HAVANA, Deo. l7.-hleoeo e bod in will undieoovered end no further pron of hie dnlh heve been eddnoed, which lend: the Onhene to think he in etili alive. The re- eidenta of Punt: Bren. the vicinit in which the engagement ocogirred, dilbe ieve the story of his death. Zercuche continue: to give contradictory evidence. He now Ieye the knife oeptured belonged to Gomez`: eon and not to Meoeo. The ` Cubans consider it. eignioent that the object: ceplmred are not. shown end else the alleged written statement-e ol Gome1.'e Ion. g..__.. II II Declared Tint Inoeo Wee lot Ilengh. tend lint Line In Intense Province- leglnenti eun Under lorlnetlol In ` In: United lute: cltlee. `wgsuxmrrox, DO.. Deo. l7.-A letter hreceivedh the Cuban junta from Fren- eleoo Cari lo, prominent in~`Ihe Cnhen re- hvolutionery perty,deoleree thetvthe general omdition of the revolution could not be more eetisfectory. "We can say," he . yritee. "that the country belon em `lie. In the greete'I;J.ert of the ielend It in oure absolutely a pertioulerly in the east, - Came uey, Remedies. Beniae Spiritun, Trini ed end Piner del Rio. in theee , towns the nierde liveoompletely shut ` up, elmost ieged in the eenportl and. J lmvne of im rtenoe. end in the net of the lelend they 0 not commend my more um - uory than the one they trend upon when they ere opereting." [CUBA F011 run lNSURGl3NI`S.| THE hnzarzn PART out THE I8- uuo nvons THEM. TO MAKE ENQUIRY Fallon To Keep The Trophy. v Vnlnl [Ian l'1 ,_ 'l"|.- \l7....l.lI ROBINSON BROS. --uu Inn: bed to In: -ConIeIoIIoo loan}. 1)., 7 _'n.. .....n.. .in. will leave ho-day for d an investigation on place Ian lum- n Patrol mor- mm hill, III rniniahr nnnnih ..v--um annoy. IT. -The customs deport- d oonocionoamonov I Led tho Oolllnlon mo Innau. III: WOXT I721). Nu! You, Duo. l7.-Rnv. Dr. John Women (In Incluon) he donated the ptooodsolhh lecture on Robert Burnt, dollvond on Fl-id: Int. Doounlnr I 0965036. A-drcrauodotyol tho cl NovYorI.|obo devoted to tho relic! of Ike uddoultub Boolduun In Yum . Thonuonl iltltl). uy - Iu uounu It at. uolnmbwn church to Hug. ol tho Bra: 0! HA! I Kai`. Iv like morohnnu. cl thin cty. Rev. Donald olaod. D.D.. putor of 8%. Colombic, oomnd. -nrl-Ina TO In-org. lug. bonnon. Doc. l7.- Mun. Column Dray- ton. dnchhr of Mn. William Actor. who oomo time ago obuinod I divoroc from bar huobcndon Ibo ground of donation and non-support. an nun-lad thin tarnoon b I hllnoomo' at 8!. Col DWI ! church to (`man Hun. nl un r-nun 1.0 31.4.. A To Go To Toronto Anny Penn. Hu.rnx. N.8., Dec. l7.-Among the passenger: on the mail eteunehip Ven- oouver. from Liver I, were twenty-one Armenieue, who I from their country on Account of the persecution of the Turin, end took refuge m Fnnoe. They were forwarded to Outed; by the Salvation Army and will proceed to Toronto. when then will be taken out of at the army fern. To Ole! loco;-nmon And 0001! Omooo. Wuumaoron, Doc. l7.-A prominent member of the nonnto committoo on foreign rolotiona in nuthority for the statement that the oommmao was this morning polled and that it will probably, tomorrow morning, order I fnvonblo report on under Cameron : resolution for the recognition of the republic of Cuba, and ooring the friendly oiooa of the Unhihd State: to bring the war to a clone. : noun: ins leylolo Hugged. Tonoum, Doc. 17. -~A ne occurred this morning at {I4 Yon lbroot. tho Ihoo shop of Harry Ruuoll. ho dsmngo was 8000 to about Ind SL000 on tho buildin . A curious fact in connection with the giro in that when I polioo oioor went to the near on call box to give the Ilnrm he found I plug ol wood driven into the keyhole which he had to dig out with his knife. By the Limo the alarm WI! rung the nmoa had increased considerably. 1 on may tor mom. Luz ni he After the performance nome- nno ukod'Mr. Hermann that in one Il'\V- thing nhonld hsp to him who would be his nucooaaor. E: nid that ho had a nephew in Paris ho was very nnxioul to hue learn the Art. And he said Lhnt. he in- mndod to go to Paris next spring and see him. This nephew. he said, In: studying law, And he did not want him to give that up. A Benevolent Act. Roannrrun, N. Y., Dec. l7.-0ne of the int ecu of Mr. Herrmenn wee to extend financial aid to e stranded theatrical oom- puny in this city. The "American Couein" company. broke up at the Academy here hut week. and yeeterdey Mr. Hermann wen mane ewere of the feet And immedi- ntely telephoned the hotel where the com- pany were opping to eend him the bill of fty dollar: and to tell all the members to come to his show Int night and he would hue their reiiroed ticket: to New York ready for them. IAIQ ninht After lhn rlnrfnrrnnnr-A nnmg, me earm. At. Liverpool uhocke were followed by thunder. lightnin and bail, and there were similar mani eetation at. Bridgenorth, where the street: at. first seemed to be on le, for several aeoonda after this ahock; a report. followed the heavy` ahook. Only a slight quaking eenaation was felt nl Manchester. Birmingham and in the north-western part. of London. The damage was not eeriona anywhere. At. Rubin the shock: were Accompanied by thunder end lightning and for fteen aeqonde there wee A distinct movement of the eerub. `Q [in---nus] _L-..L- ...--_ l-||--~J l- A Womul Who Was Aooted by the Bauh- qnnlo In England. Lonnon, Dec. 17. --At Hereford the rumbling sound of earthquake this morn- ing was followed by two cruheu. Mon and women 'runhod from their house: into the st.roots~ind one woman died from fright. AI. Rulhin tho nhnnhn -an |nl\(\rnnnnAJ 3:11!` W wuonly I,UUU,UUU poumlu. Ab me same time the exports hue increased in the same proportion. The packers were alao particularly uoeiul in building up the butter nnd cheese industries. The greatest. interolb in being taken in the Iibtinkl, the council chamber bf the board of brldo being filled at all the sessions. - A Merry Xmas In: our. um later on non. The pork and bob packers of the city apolxoin favor of the rouontion ol the pro- aent. tariff, which hsd built. up the trade. In 1886 the im rtstion from the United Bum was 25, .000 pounds. while lut. your it wuonly 4,000,000 poundu. At the same time exnoru hnva inm-and in mm unmnrgor camera. The commiuionerl listened with uten- tion to bhe demand: of the labor represen- tatives. and naked I largo number of quee- ciona rognrding the practicability of curry- inz out. this lnttcr tion. Thai nnrk and Inn nu-luau Al ml. ion mguie Uancman tobacco. he manufacturers were followed by the representative: ol organized lnbor em- glcyed in the tobacco factories. hey also stated that a blend of Canadian tobacco with the imported article Will a dream. They further advo- cated that pennlulon be given to the manufacturer to run a retail store in con- conncction with his factory no that men of small meana might enter into competition with thmlarger dealers. colnmilaionera Iinumad with at.IAn- mum on no u uney could get. The wholesale chemist: and druggim uked pemiulon to state their cue in pri- vate, end their requeee nu eooorded. The oaher side of the taobeoco quenbion wee given by the Grand tobnooo menufeotureru, 0! Montreal. who vehemently protested egeinet. my change in the existing oonditions. They declared that for yeen texperimenu with Cenedlen tebeooo lmI:.eon ce1-rind on. urea mu 1 r t oxponmenu :i:h ttbaooo uJT'on carriod on. but . without -uooou. The were not back- wnrd in implying blunt t o origination of this movement had some interest in boom- intho Cnnadlsn tobacco. h l!IAnu'AnI.nl-urn -mun lnllnuvn luv 01:; we lorolgn uobaooo gonenlly used. A | novel In tion was that every fnrmer would be I In to give to the older son: of the family two or three acre: of land on which to cultivate Iuclent of the fngront wood which could be cold at I100 per more thereby Fivihg them 3 Itorb In life and on opportun ty to purohuo form for them- nolvu and hoping them from omi- gnting. Whnt they wanted in: I duty ol thirtylvo oontu per pound on foreign tohnooo ooming in. Henri Bo . idont o! the ohunbn do-Agriculture o t. Jenn. ' advocated outond out (no trade, nndu much of it they could got. dmmriata nuluon Ieeung. Mon-nun... Dec. l7.-'l`ohnooo egein et- trooted the attention ol the teri commie. Iionere when they met thin morning. The former: of nrioue dietriote ol the province of Quebec cent I lu-ge deputation, which strongly urged that protection be yiven to their clue to glow tobacco. and nleo that the revenue regulations be no altered at to permit the Onnndinn manufacturer to mix some of the native product with some of the foreign toheooo genernlly used. A eumzeetion even lnrmer I Than Wu Llnly `Pinon at `lull con; ' nlulon lutlng. Mmn-nnu., ha. I`! _"l`..I....... .....x.. .4. nnmnn lhn I7 found The Ioylolo Plugged. rlnrdwnn Houquu-an.