IED EAGLE. 7c. :'},:;';1,' luxury ht. `I'M: property ndjohu tho .".:.'::'w.:`,::::.:..'::r.:f*-b" W'- TO GET GAIN I SALE] D IZCVT dlu>.hdn.dIbOL cal;-Ilhbvg-I at chm L. as - Household Economy. IMIVAI 1511: la... _.n.. _.... "$2. [Ind against cnupthmb I|0to0t&aIuIlyll@hn:k'hd- can and --.__A oL._ __x..u__ .j..... -.--u-u-vu --u-yuuzu III twjtit Ihnchhauohh-in Thynnnou. hgdlihruuuu, no lllnnu .m.|.._ ` XXX 0]` LIVILY MIND. Tiootuwuoornupoodnh ofthoNI Yen-Indclkngoprunaro-nnollinly Iilflig nan -Ln an. no... 3L. -.u an: n--nut IVVCIIHIIII C jilljl. nnditbbopd thawed villboonch an boo-nud nnivu-nl hm. v-u-c----uuq-I-upluu-. llovlongvilllihuslinlnboiontop? An Ionguliogovotnnoltol llhuubiovinl udjodiciou Iain cannot olpublic Il- llirl. Pbrllacodpdioinmuutlotliulo hddopudicoandpinciph. Byihwotk vmtho harlot govt-anon"! ho jodpd. nndilhhnnnd ILnA'n-L -anb.......L.. ........ ugy Puvpuuc IIIIIIIIK ioonlgn OI Sir John lhodonnld! Twice. subsequent- ly. ho oprung elections upon the people. vboutlnoyvon not upocud,nnd bytbo magic ol hi: Dada-ship cnniod bin party into power. But than be passed from the nuns. when thoputy Iouhia gnidnnco. bin lnloonou his judgment, which was weq)tod u inhlliblo. about not in, and in tho ooutvuin puny is in dutinod to continue until some on Anna who on re uon harmony and pant. II... I... _nI I:L.._I:._ n..- __ ._ . . _ uu.--vu was I-IJU tuna lur NR1 JZII thonwonldnotbonchnngointhondnnin iotntion. Elections than would be, and changes with than appeal: In the people. but the character of the govornmnnt, iu punonnol and policy. would be the tuna. Nowvu than any nuon canal! and ronrutho pnphocy during tboroign 0! Sir John |l.~I.....I.n 'I*_.:... ...L......-_. unuunn nu vu`uv nut. II`: rully wonderful bow politiul par ties vary in strength and uolulnou with the fonunuo! the tins. When tho con- urvnivu won in tho election 0! 1878, And lion. in tho byooloctiona, in parliamen- tary majority became onlu-god, the pro- diclian inn -uni; Ijnnh 0... 0...- -..-- ......n.u-, -nu nu uuv uuuul-Iuu In I Inll Ill! Suhtchovan, which Mr. lanrior repro- unud and resigned. than bu been I do- cidod gain of two vows in I divinion, And the (sin will be incmuod by u nnny votes In South Brunt. North Ontario and Comwnll may supply in the election of libonl un- didnhn. If All 0! than go the one wny. and they on likely to do no. the govern- ment : land in tho common: will ban boon incnnod by eight votes. la`. ...n. _..-.I..c..| L... __u:.:_.u ._ A Great Sec_ret In`: mg-4-Kg-mg` .1 L-Al - u-nu, uv unit}; In: `IVWIIIK. In the return of Ir. Bihon for Brnndon, In Iueoeuion to Mr. McCarthy, who ro- pruoobd two can md decided to hold Simcoo, and in the election of I libonl {or Q--I.-A-I.-..-_ _|.:_L 11- I, THE LIBERAL8 GAININO. Tho Ottowo Journal, (independent). pointo out um. true to tho and! tendency. Ibo govomlnont has been growing in utength oinco the geeenl election, and it is likely to keep on growing. In on. nob;-urn .1 11. am... 1... n_....u-_ PRETTY HARD PUSBED. The people of Montreal appear to be having a pretty hard time of n the way of municipal government. e council baa, for yeara. been extravagant and waste- ful. getting rid of a lot of money and run- ning up the public debt at a frightful rate. The "deal!" between the corporations. too. are varloualy regarded, and the convic- tion eeeme to be growinc that the people. and their inlereeta. are not getting all the protection they demand. Not long aince a determined effort was made to reconatruct the council by electing to it men of pro- nounced integrity and independence. Thin wee, probably, a year ago. The ght at the poll: waa a erce one, and it naeulted. apparently. in the election of a majority of men whoee inuence in public bu- wean would beof a refonnetory char acter. But again the people were fooled. The majority were ruled as before bya eort of Tammany. whoee power ie atrong and dominant So the experience goes that the borrowing capacity hae been reached, there in a difference of opinion ae to how money can be rained for neoeuary public works, that one appeal to the Iegielature forrelief haa failed. and that another is being made to it in the form of a bill.aug- geeted by a deputation of leading men. who deeire authority to organize in Men` tree! a good government aaeociation. May they get what they want. lay the efforts of all good men and true to free the city of ite municipal oppreeeiona be crowned with "" i"si-`' T 1 V ."'.. n.;;".4`. i`u" """"'i"`.`. :' '3'? n`:`?Ao.u_'u.'> no sun 1: Vvnno. 51.500630:-win. ' ' ' ' Atnohodtotho ptpulnonn oflhobutloh Once: In (hunch: npld, stylish and chop work : nine lllnrovod nrlnllnn Inuunn. nohodtouu oflhobutloh At rt; Inn in val nun. '0 . "0 gWh.` .'B. PINSI. JOHN OFIOBD Prnpriomr. Annual `ulna: Innuu. IILIPIOI X . Ilo - on Columns. nugm: I'll. union 01 A 1052.1! nu l.:'|.5'unoo: otlorwbo "__n.-an-_r-_____ - _. unuomunaun gjymng ' .4 " 1 uuonnoonont 0! or nun mGu=:f':r' gala no oxelndod. rd Inn: for nlofoulonnl. u $3m u lilo ha: 1 ' ' `um I :7 on for our 0-"2-'0: 1:U5o`:'atl upon. an undo for r 5 log |_Irlqu_!o_x- notuntllo suouno0In,0III- NI` ._."g:;.:::.`..;~.*;.:;._.:::~ `..:'.%'.`3.'J `.5 II . I 0 50 ox ' :3 u t`ul !`_".!!'!',"l|.0I_l 9! 100.4: coma: for B. ll. Carnovsky, i`.`x':'.".'u'.`.u'v:'&r':3'.. 0-1 Puruunn. Upholnuinc and III] Work. DI.-- --.| A..a-. ..n_n4.; I`!-IE DAILY WHIG. wllounnnanm M.` '3? a noun nub. tvnlvo un- Birth: `om _ "Bag; 0'; on lnurtxon. Wank. Lou And found Personals, Anlolu lonnmoto .la,puwonlfndAuy].Iau;n1n1- BID 3;. _ ` nth... IA: nan Iln-- Iualnnul I-gin -._---vv-.- -uu ADVIIIIQIII1-I. in um. um out. 100. ion. Ga. llnntanll out. we. v-.I.t-- II IO M .m1u.n|'1nun.. --put-ujuujpyruuz 'lbOhKovYCtctnH .-L.AnL. .:_._AAA--- ~--- - l-- OW-v rev orb... I)i-on", . :00 :10 IGQIQJVIIVOUIDI -v on-:`vu, uuu Pri- thn lot lorty yuan I Dlllnnn in uh- -.I...:.. IIVIIII. `IL!!! 1` g ` `g axlllylhunnyoihulonnoalhounr us you: moon to: -noun. on.- 'l'Ill" |InAn'Aauon. A: - g..- 4- .n.....""'"`n s'i"`: :s'."' a. .s'.'."' "' hob. an 1.` '.`P`....".`1`$ ..:'L.'"` vnnuunnnhhahp unuvonu. B.BilvIrl0o.uu2I-D|IoInu|uclotb ingnndhr-u.andull lbnuhllloonn loving, up Ihloajr count Inn I-houuowitbou --.-u-. uvr uvvuuuu no out tau III". will rural Ind puIuoaIlyprInn0::; euro. oohtpliuudolco - lionlwniinn and cu.-u."'.:'. .'.'. All oIau*pnunaolcInIoo|yn- Ihunnhoyonnny aunt. nap DIIICI II no only Illa` tint painted pnnnoud A oohnnuudd,am-nnnlvn- nun cult vlj OI IIO Kldnoy and Lint. which an king in highland glint. Bop in the only thing that surely punuoally amount and ---u-- I -uIIu'--I rub---llC. -|. his 030 A Data. This llnuo nuunnll, but tbcyato not on-Intticn. an small pill: and mad: In. `Duty contain active ngouhlo ounce: which hon dinct ro- notlinlncoonpolulho do-nclI.livor And hovel: Avoid in-nun drusic pm. by using Hnnillotfn. Bold All onion. two re :30 we ma In the county ol Welland e Itrong petron ergnnintion end it bade lair to Accom- plish much good. One plank in our plet- lonn demended that the lee eyetem ol paying provincial oicen Ihould be chang- ed to e uleried Iylteln. Yet when a con- servative member in the house moved 5 reeolution calling for thin change, Mr. Heyoock voted egeirst it. A; an excuse lo:-hieeo doi , hr end that A certain eommieeioa h not then reported. Why did henotcomeout like e ll'N'l end eey that hit grit principles overruled his pet- rou honor? Ac previonely stated we had e etrong patron orgeeiutlon in our coon- ty up to thet vote; but when the eeneible petronenvthet then wen hegniled by their leader. the who otgeniution went down like e Ilrequenohnd by e wet hlenlet. Ir. Bayonet on oongntulete hluneell 1 upon having deetroyed petmnlun in ` Onterio." I In-Inca`: Inturunl PIllo-IIld. llduot. "L 0.: A n... v. ._... --mu-vu. The Weekly Sun. Toronto. publishes a letter from June: IcCliro, Garrison Road, Ont... to she elector: 0! Canada. In it in thin nnnornnh - um... to we once: this pungrnpb: "Two wean The Pure: lander lull: Under `rho huh n: in. one [or me cum: to solve sna sner Inst. comes googrsphy. grsminsr. litornlure, otc.. sn st. hslf-put nine or ten o'clock with nsturo's foross well ni h exhausted the child nishes his task. his does not. sugur well for the physical development of our childnn, who should have been tucked in their bsds two hours boforo.-Rlr0|uuu. SNIDER. 5 or under yearn: Find the area covered by an issue of a paper each sheet three inches long, two feet live inches wide. there being fty-two special issues and 26l regular issues of three sheets eech. There were 15.46! pa rs issued of each publication." will ash some 0! the older heads" who are renders ol the Winn, and who consi- der themselves fair mathemnticisnsin their day. to try this sum snd see how many will arrive at a correct solution. This is only one. There are oeveral just as intri cete for the child to solve nnd after that roman nanny-anhn an-gnu... l.'s-..n..-- ID COHIOIIIPIIIJ. It is not only over the Qmounb of work given to perform oh I nd fault. but its inconsistency. oopocially in that. portion that relates to the study of Arithmetic. I have taken at nndom one of the lam: given my child (a lad 0! ton yum) II on illuntntion, and which in considornbly in ndvnnco of the menu] capacity 0! I child of tender ( HI':..A oh- --.- ..........l L- -_ .x.._.- -1 nu-u worn lot 1110 UIIIIIIIII. Klzms-rox. Doc. l8.--(To the Editor): I noticed an nrticlo in Thursday : Wino ukon from the Wouport. Mirror. which I think in too good who loos sight. of (re- gnrding home work in our nchoola). This Iyntcm. now in vogue in our public and septum schools, is I growing evil. and should he curtailed to my the lent. or u the Mirror aptly put: it, our children will bo ull body and logs, not A nice thing to contemplnu. onlv over aha llnnnnh nf -ml: A Toronto gentlnnnn proposal 3 ballot of black paper with white spaces for the nuns md voton nnrh. Not at good u Sorgt. Nownhnm'a, which in I blnck paper with white ink printing on it. By the way in this new ballot to be tried in the approaching municipal election Y When the election court opened et Uvren Sound oouneel for Ron. Mr. Pete:-eon : op- ponenu bed to confeu that they bed no evidence to oer end on which the member could be unseeted. And thin. too. slur ell the talk of bribery and corruption ! U I I It in to the crodit. of some of the comet- vuivoludorl thnt they refuse to be in- volved in the light at Coruwnll n it. has been conducted by Footar and Cnmn. Tho porformnneon of than men have been pretty gononlly. npuidintod. U Cornwall : election tomorrow. I! it doee not elect. the oonaerntive mndidnte it will be in order for George Eulioe Foobar to go out of politioe. since be be: commit- ted his party to I policy that iedeetructive of peace and harmony. O 9 O EDITORIAL NOTES. Would thonnd Trunk railway oom- puny, if noquelbod, not put an automa- tically worked uigml hell no the Collins Buy crooning? It. bu promised such I aig `_`Ol3Ih0l'0. Why not at Collin: R. I `~. vu nu uuw nvun. Iunull lIIuluu$ lrllll Weylend Glenn. and the object at which in. unonqe host of other things, the in- dependence and ennexnion of Cenede and Cuba. People will talk, you know. end at nes they talk run`: noneenee. This in ooneidered I blinking tewude commercial union. to which Mr. Imarier ie nob and will not be committed. The whole thing he gment of the imagine- tion. something which will receive very linle notice and produce no more elect then the new league which he been form- ed in New York. which includee Fun ll7-_I-..J nu--- -._.I AL- .L,-.,. ,1 _.- n UAIIIAUIIO Io JAMES l.AIllllN[V $. 5..""?-.v`.-':'-'..-"-'.-Z-=`:..`."**`-'3-"-"---""' ...... my uuuuuuu nu ma uwn uuuniry. piv- vidod the gonrmnont of the United States will do tho umo." In other words be any: that Mr. Lqurlor would like to nuko tho commercial relation: bocwoon tho United Bum And Cnnndn, In ull respects. as {no am they no botwoon the that 0! we nninn oordod tlaooonrtoly ol thlointoniov In` uunnoo Go nloob tho mind and opinion of Ir. Inurlor on ill oubjoou. ind now _ he umonnooo, on tho panic : bolnll. the ' "ho is willing to rip out All tho onuon honuo on tho border; to gin Amari- oon llobormon and Conudion ahonnon tho Iomo right: and privileges; to grant Anod- onn oopiuliuo oonoouiouu to improve the condo and novipblo ohonnoloon tho Cann- dion side 0! the border, on equal karma with tho oitinom of hi: own country. pro- vidad lm nmrnrmnnnt at Hm nnioul nun. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. HAYCOCK THIS TIME. THE DAILY BBITIHH WHIG FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1896 Your cough, like a do's bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn't be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there same. Scott : Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not s cough specic; it does not merely sllsy the symptoms but it does give such strength tothe bodythstitisshleto You know the old crb of the ounce re- tention?" Don't neg est unuu. roller! IoI.PhIIl- 5.3.`-;":.' :.ZT?..'L".a'.""'. ' Dng tnvollqo loll tn '0 curry the Iurutundnat lino cl pa-lunory they uonnyvhco, notoxoopung Tomato and llontrul. On priccl ndnod lot KIM. E. C. rIitchol|. u. .. Oolownddnfortholnxinu Ihndud lion: and anus n-..-nu. .-..a-o---I -any or "mow-pvpo analysis and minors- |ogy. : will In undo tho ndphnl ol I huntulnl puns: from the nhbsc Annuit- tion oonnoctad with tho oollogo. n Come W596 `VIII SZOIVI A III- II in aid a curtain mambo! ol Quota : collage loochnll nun. who it Inching 3 study 0! "blow-pipo Inalyliu and minors- logy," ha the nnitinnt nl . Info. DIN. Pbhlou. Just. what. you need if you no troubled by aching coma. I`m.rnnn'a Pninloa Corn I-mtnctorouu in this way. It muhoono Ion upon. ncu opoodily. removing the worn corn in twenty-four boon. Put- nam : Corn !-Innctot, the only can com euro. Pinon lleorglnlnee The Picton hockey club was nomen- iled with the lollowin otcon:--Hon.- president, 0. Drulnmon , bank of Mont.- reel;prnident., I`. Berringer; vice-preei- dent. L. A. Wright; secretory-tnuerer. O. L. Schmidt; cepuin. J. Wri ht; oom- rnmeool mnne ment. 0. Me emie, J. Hepburn end . Pnlver. It in the in-\ lention to join the Conu-el Ontario leegue. and everything poinu to an sic eeeeon. A new And oonmodionl fill in now nearing oompletion. nu n nurllngwn. rs. Williams in visiting her dun htor, Mn. 8. A. Guild. Mnllorycown. no 0! Mallorytownh bccholou still come: thin way. J. W. Thompson druvl his milk to the Ihllor town croumory. Arthur Davin npent Sun Ay :0. hit home here. Herbert. Slaw. Rock rt, in sojourning (or the time being with . Williams. W. W.Vnnl&on paid Mnllorycovn I buninou trip on So- turday. Daniel Mutphy left on Monday for Lyn u I dolegnto to the reform conven- tion to be bold ln mid place. mu Inn. nurlon nuns vmtod Broch` on Monday. Min Emma Covey I Saturday and Sunday with her sister. E Hugh Turkington. Willinmn in visiting hnr d...-}.n_ was usual or :5. '1'. Wllcot. The Grena- dier aland football player: are eager to gild their arms in hoatilo blood," but an {ion have found'no adversaries. William uoll, Caimown, was in our midst on Sun- day. Albert. Bull and wife, Sharbot lake. viaitod friends and rolazivoa a low da 3 ago. Walter Williams in conned to one house through illneaa. Mrs. Tholaaa Mur- Ehy left Saturday for Brookvillo to visit or husband, who in confined in the hospi- tal there on account of blood iaoning of the Marion Davin viai Brockvilla , ,,,,,,, ._, ....- .- .,.........,.. ....u .....I. Brockvil on Mnndnv, Minn I`.mn.. (km-.. -.... From A Local County Polnt. PooL:'s Rrsour, Doe. l2.-Mr. nndiln. C. 0. Guild, Mnllorytown, spent Sundny the [usual 0! S. T. Wilcox. The u. u. uuua, mnllorytown, spent. Bunduy noun Jllnd football nlnlmrn urn "gang: in maze mu leaves I Ime and live children. What. may rove to be A fun! Accident occurred at ouio lent week. Mn. Adel- bert Febterly placed 3 pot. of point: on hhe utovebo improve it. It ignited. and in trying to remove it the burning mu: VII scattered About and her clozhee caught. fire. She rushed Into the yard, crying for help. Mr. Mumoe. I neighbor.huuen- edw her ueietenoo. caught. her in his Arms. and submerged her in the IBM! trovgh. extinguishing the flames. He then summoned the neighbors and Dr. Ford. who found her in e precerioue con- dition. The poor Wonmn wen feerlully burned end the entire front of her bod In: routed no that the esh dropped 05 I in places. Quality ls chum shim be ooluldcnd via bnyln, onndj. the count nu Qum- Hon 0 prloo. Uyou guilt at I 11.: AIll`I.II nun Two Iorrlebnl-[ere DI-Ink A Lot Of igh- wlnel. And one Dlee. Moumsnvnu. Ont, Dec. l6.-A hcelity occurred eh Dunber, about twelve miles north of here. whereby Joaieh Hayes loot hialifeinn pecuiier manner. It. appears then I-{eyes wen drinking with Dexter Ber- cley. The imbibed too freely of high- winec which Barclay had taken home with him from Morrieburg. When discovered they were both lying prostrate on the oor, Hayes face downwerd. Itie eup- poood the highwinee we: so powerful that it choked him. H-eye: wee forty-ve yearn ofege and leave: wife end ve children. What. mnv nr-own in In 1 1.9.1 ..u.hl-..o unelr second entertainment In Ilcnem opera house early next month. The I Are practicing hard for it. Imnsbrel company. compooocl ol boys from Lwolvoto fifteen years of age, will give their second entertainment in McKenzie : OIEI1 hmue nnrlv nail`. Innnth Th. knu- woo anew ner. The Thousand Island orchestra intend: holding A dance Chriutmu night. The Uananoque Junction division Sana of Tem_-,v rance held a very enjoyable social on Eieoday evenin at the Maple Grove schoolhouse. whic wan largely attended. Refreshment: were brought by the ladiea and a very enjoyable evening was spent by about one hundred lads and laaaiea of the ma I very enjoyable ovonmg spent. by nnd of the noicrhhnrhnnd Th: nnnnnmuunn .m.o...- noour. uunurou lid! and lune! ol the neighborhood. The Gunnnoque Amateur minstrel company. compoood of boy: from fteen Venn of Inc. will spin u.vv.,n. nunneu; rep:-eeenuuve to non !Ie:ge&dD. J. Reid; eluernete. W. H.di|:`ew; el geieineve ueoon eon, eeverel new memgrrrelrntgo added each meeting. There were over one hundred membere preeeno lent eveni . George B. Willinme. She eepereen en- terteiner, eppeered here let the lies time in Tui-ner e epere boune leer. night. Mr. Williemu hen remerhhle powere ol aiml- ory, end hie Ienderinr of the Ineny di'er- ent ohereoeere. in K ng Henry II, elicited ` prolonged e plenee {mm the audience. which, thong: smell, wee en ep letive one.` Hie portreyel ol the trou lee ol_e .MR. WILLIAMS PLEASED HIS GA- onlum norm mu an no. r.vv.u.. w. :1. Shaw; .M.. 8. Wi Ion; foronun.WillinIn Whoolor; overseer, William Gronlhn ro- oordor, '1`. M. Cornott; nnnoicr, June: Donovnn ; nooivor. Goo Tonor; guide. Charles Cotton; J.W., illlun Itclull; 0.W.,R. Runnott; representative to and lodge. D. H. haw; Tholodn in in A van nrnannmnl mndiminn. GANANOQUI, Doc. l8.-'I'ho load lot of A.0.U.W. elected iu 0000:: for ` onuniuvlorm luv ni ht. P.W.ll.. W. RHAU9 I` H `Hi nnno fnnnnunn Willi` HIIQKZHIHUTUUI WOT` 1'0 trauma to abovjt, :nd,uno noguln to climb. J. W. Powell. ";:,ff. ,.,':.;;,"".'.`., I;nI:IlIotaI. _` {GAVE VERY FINE n1=.Anmcs.] `u Workman An Increasing In the town -lhI'Ill of l 'onnI-`l'hO Anltonll of the `town can Put up a run Pattern- IIX. Will looolvo A Ol. I - ...A-:_ ___,L,_ A rV4_A_v;$Que AUDITORB. A EATAL FESTIVITY. uu -uv ndBroch'il|o . Covoy nz. 3:? I rniotor, rt. cmnm yr 3`: :1?" mm. (gm B I. I my." "3 Ihua Nwmi` I n.I-nun H.-i. 3 or rill. may > boy: We lead. ZZIIQIIU-II!`- Canuoul. Duo. I7.-~AII the onions mnuuw Ohodnonluu-do. at Bob. and the lngliuh about hot! nuoouuuu loop uadingto the number olthoirlivo stock. his understood that Min Kano will continue in ohu-go of tho nhonl and! the sauna holidays. Tho unnulunhool -noun; will hohold noon. Electing!-ingnthoonhrollhodny (And in cans can 0! tho tuning.) Major Knight intend: othring hiunll no A ooudi~ doubt the oommhiooonhlp. Tho gul- Igupnjor v.ou|d In tho "right in in the chip!-ct ag..__A. g,... I I on Inonnl on aunaay; lino Uonio Har- I in homo that an oxuodod vim ! to ' min Sydonhnn. Min Eva Ilclvor hu cloud hot dnuuuhing and uillinory establishment II Caunqni and Ian ro- Inmod bout. loan. `Ca-mnn ma I ll Uaunqnl and Mn ::::;.nI;>-`:o. `Como!-an nnd Bubolluill hop uddingto the number olthoir live ock. It in nndu-land that Inn nan runmca. "No place like homo." Vilitomliu Iutin, Kingneon. st William Smith's; Jotoph Hnrpoll called on mood: on Sunday; lino Oonio ar- noll slur an nxtnndnrl -am In vmopmonu an connection with the coal mine. Society will open the festive nou- non with I grind (9) dnnoo at H. Emmonf thilw . H. Nolnr hn Iocnnd the call [no 6 I rodnood gure. The oloping pair when suddenly and uilootlv oounht. mu [ue `II I roanooa ngnro. The oloping it suddenly silently oou ht yo: "(rub tonne-nod putnron groan" not root Inn rctnrnd. "No place like Inrtin. Kinnnhsn, Abernethy & Co., Tho 0Ioho-G|oouIn[I. 1 Tu: Guam. Doc. l5.-'I'ho K. & P. RR. wrecking trnin wu through here on S-- turdny on its VI, to Hnrrownnith. PouI- V toron bownro! Seoto it that your pou|- ' I. homo in glnrdod well for the (ox works It ilo you Iloop. And behold. of fun: than no Inony and of urnngo luhionl or cl rnro nhlpo. yea. lpocimonl closely N- nombling the "gonul homo." No now do- valopmonu in connection with the coal! Sociotv will mum 1.}... Ian`... ...A uu -wuum. awno. 34. Inc hroauuror van ivon on order on Ontario bank or 85,121.48 to pay achool lruatooo and curront expenses.` On motion ol Mr. Mc- Al imoocondod by Mr. Tierney. J. L W icing Ina vobod C50 in Hunter cue. By-lain appointing tho place (or holding the nomination and (or appointing deputy- roturning oloors. were paaood. The nancial ntatomonl waa road in detail and paved. Resolved that cheque: be ioauod to W. F. Ilodloy, on account. atone, Ill); I). C. Mclnan. work, 829.56; Jnmeo Mar- tin. halanoo tor work. 82.42. Movod by Mr. Tierney. uocondod by Mr. llcAlpin, that tho member: of the council be paid C-`I0 each for the year 1896, which In car- riod. me our Irom mil oouncll, end leoe on re~ oo their high ngpreoiuian of in services for nix years. be new thanked the member: for their kind word: and their hourly nu rt. during his term of oioe. He Bed t. e welfare of the tovnlhip as been And bed labored for the good of ell. He elwnye found the clerk oouroeoun. obligin end eirient. end had been well unit by the township oiciele in gen- enL u-nun onl. Loeghboro Teweehlp Oounell. Bvneruuu. Dec. l5.-Moved Blake- , Trouedele end resolved, thet the reeve re- tain the eervioee of B. M. Britton to con- , duct the defence in J. C. Seer: ve. Town- , chip of Lou hboro if eettlement in not mede. The nenoiel etetement red by the treasurer wee edopted, en the , treasurer ol8.B. 5 wee requeeted to pey , to the trueteee of 8.8. 3 8200, error in /, school eeeeurnent. dale end reeolved, then the petition 0! John Frebern end twenty-ve others be greniod. end thet the petitioner provide wood for Mien Deen during the winter end charge eeme to the council. On motion Bleke-Buck, by-lew 135 wee leid over un- til next meeting for eeneideretion. The colIeotor e time wee extended until Feb- ruery let. B -lewe I99 end 200, appoint- ing plecee en oicere for municipel elec- tiom. were peued. Accounts peued: Semuel Trusoott, repeirin bridge on Bedford roed, IL25 ; . Woodruff. lenk for townlhip purpoeee, O6; homee Hollend, quarter : celery and hell euppliee, 84.14; Jemee Ennie. building culvert near his piece. 2; Williem Rendell. cleening out diwh neer W. H. Smith e, 87.76; Timothy Connoll , etetute lebor rformed. 82.50; W. Hervey. cord 0 wood end cutting for Mine Deen, 83. T. F. Lewrenoe. treeeurer, wee voted 83 for propering flnenciel statement. Moved by B. Buck, eeoonded by J. M. Blehe. end reeolved thet the deputy-reeve end oounoillore ret the deperture ol the present reeve, M. rouedele. et the end of the eer from thin oouncil, end piece oordvtheir hiwh enm-eniezinn nl in Inrvinnn Moved. Bieko-Troua-' 3 your In no ol mo lulu land. Tho mnunl mowing of tho clnnholdon and tron: ol the Batbrooo oluooo loctory not old on the Ml: inst. Tho anon - bunlnou and the rouultln u were re- vlowod and found to be hfgm utulnotory and in odvonoo of previous years. The lhlI'0ll0Id0|`I olootod the following ooou (or tho omuln your: Committee, W. Ornuboo, W. . Anglin, IIIIO Holder. Thoma Clark. Jame: Cluk, W. Suther- land and June: Ho hen; secretary-t.rom auror and uloomon, J. Anglin ; nudi- toro, A. Hughes and C. M. Vnnluvon. Bu h Mol)onold was re-engaged u nhoooo- m or for mother year. Samuel Anglia hu boon ongngod as teacher in the villngo school. non. Ann: all n` o! mo po oom Ind dlooovorln oil o loo. Rov. r. Plow- woo lnvi to do ovor tho intallootnol rgoftho p|`0l'IllIlI;,I. Ego provod_l.;z on oxcoptlonol y a or. oopomo - ly tho violln oolootolono Mr. Booold. tho voool oolooelono of Iloo Lloolo Rolnodon and tho oloouhlonory oorto of Mloo Ilnnlo Romodou. Tho lonor young lody. o - noto of o oollogo ol orotory In PhlodoI- phlo. otootod boon; op louoo and woo ro- oollod oooh umo. A noo lltblo ouo: woo roollood from thoonurtolnlnonh. and Mioo Curoou. tho proanotor of tho ooholno. woo glvon oho oltho lundo. --An'ochor on- tnrhlnlun will ho hold only in bhonow your in old ol tho oonfo fund. I Thl mnuol mxtinl all 0):. olnoulmldgug nuuunl -CHI] VI `l`X_ IXIIIOIIIII 0! The cheese lunar]. BAITIRIIA. Dee. l5.-'1`he beenmul April-like weather which we have been on- joying for eamehhne he been euddenl |-evened b! the advent ol I {teasing non wlnd.hnu he he lonned etroag enoug tooerry e good ei ree. n Fridqy n M. the" met 0!: eerieeo! pop corn look for the benet of our poor villnge eidewelke, wee held In the Orenge hull. After die o! the Ind dieooverlnnoi E nmee. Rev. r. Plum- aarrens Ihzvmes. Lulu! 4-OOGIII OI `l'In_ llnuloldon 0! `II: Chang. halnli. kunouloulhgn. mu n... I7 _.AII AL. uu nmrm yl PM Adol- nd I home. rather n klnn nA- . man, no In . N 5 6"."nn'...'1.s. m "`,".,."=-":'>...'-3 Kldnoy Bib, wt 1 pl 00 Iclad'I dug non have (I000 no haul and. II in in the lit. ' ` Can't twp It uptudl . ' Con ! loop down I 3:; thing. ! Pboplo who don't know about It want to know. nhoplo who do know two [to tell CPI) [I in lidnoy odnouioa. Ki!-nu: unnnlnnn In.-.4... l..o Kingston Pepp_ka_'[mk About It MIN ma Am! aaoualnl Hung to moot. Tho Clinton. Mn-., Enurptiuo in esllod to :17 on I 810.0(1) libs` unit. It nun be I mighty inuential thou i! it is onpublo ol damaging Anybod to that extent. Cbooolntan in Ant-I hnnhnn .`I 1"--. gunning mm Junucry. Editor Anderson. of t.hoRinoon. Ariana, Woolly, in under indiotmonc for libol. having referred to vomor Thornton in Tnpoworm Bill." ills unnlly ooouion more or Ian nnnoynnco at the cod of the your and I bill at long :1 1 jcpoworn In I daoudlnl thing to The Clinmn. M.-,, lulu.--;.. x. ...n..u '\"|I"``| POOPII I Hun an coho 5:: : John I. wnm, 5., ln'IiIl -A-n-A lx__.. In :11 kind: Tailoring line: AlIo_D .....w-_. uuu-um wuu uunuuguu I0 IOGPIVIIO by jnbbing himself with I '!ork. The first volume of the y otic ll: - nine. Chicago, ended with th: DeoemE:r number. The pnblinben have t. reuon to be planned with the retain 0 their oun- ign of common-eenne ve. myutery And 1 read in connection with this science of hypnotiem. and they double their inene of `.. .000 copies to 4,000 copies per month, be- ginning with Junuery. Anderson. thekinonn Arinnnn II I Iulnoy causation. Kingulonpooplouolonrninglut. Hanson-thou In a talk on modern jonrnaliun Gen. Taylor. of the Boston Globe. laid: When everything looks dark and droar and the lawful pay day is coming around again and you haven't got. anything to moot it with. just. think of the follow: that want. to ace you fail. if that wont put. Ipunl into you, nothing will." This advioo roulll the drowsy mortal who managed to keep awako I volume of din vnnankin ll--n "From over-lifting and strain I suffered greatly from kidney u-ouble, boing ndvipod, ulcer all also hsd failed. to use Dodd'| Kid- ney Pills, from tho u-at does I (of. teliel. nnd hundreds of people here cu: vouch for In y cure." I.na_nlLnDun company. Lately he hud run down in health and strength to the int. of being compelled to quit. work. And in recovery now, an the result of using D0dd'l Kidney Pills, in the talk of the town. On booing Hr. Swine he uid : "I`h4\lI| nu.-. I:h:.... -...l -n__:_ I , :- wunngmg unyood to an bgbooohtu in nncy butch. J. Crav- e rulled In Health and Ilrennh-llIn Kidney: Aehed end lie took Dada`: Kldney Pllll. Dmxnosro; Dec. 14 (Specinl).-Among business people here, And especially b his fellow workmen, great. interest hu n taken in the one 0! June: Stokes, who for the t. fifteen years bu been shipper lor Lhezthbun com pun y. Labelv down in hmlmh ..-"I own] cum. They were Iplitting open I log. John put forth bin hendw pullout the wedge as Jerry wu ewiuging the no down. Axe And hand met. The I10 buried iuell in the back esh. cutting from between one n: knuckles ol the third and fourth nger: Mny beck diegonnlly to the wrist. brick, or mnguton. ll nor minor. George Macaulay. Lenerk, left his em- ployer : home on Saturday to Ihoot pert- rirlgoe. He did not return In promised. Search In: instituted end neighbors found him lying near I fence with his skull abet- tored. He died next morning. It in cup- poeed in climbin the lance the gun was dinchnrged. the I et taking effect over the left eye. And blowing to fragment: the lam port of his ekull. John Kittn, A pleton, while out chop- ninn -rm-vi unit): an Iv...s|.-- |.-..I |.:- L___| WV UI IIIU Illlll. leton, in wood with ll brother. had his hand godfy cut. They oplitting log. put hand to null out IIIIIIIIIIIU. GU77. UK. W. 6. Frost, Carr Pointer. King nu-oat. nut to Ilnl On Shoal. ur uuuu or algnby per cent. MB. A eon. aged fourteen years. of Archi- bald Gillies, Franktown. overloaded s gun in his innocence. and red. The recoil struck him in the abdomen. The explo- sion and boy : shouts of anguish amused the neighbors. The boy died in twenty- four hours. Mrs. Foster. widow of the lace Geo Foster. died Thursday in Brockville. S e had been ill with inammatory rheumatism. which developed into dropsy and hurried on her death. She was a daughter of<.he late Mr. Fsirhairn, of Brockville. Mrs. Brick, of Kingston, is her sistor. Gnome Macaulev. Lmuk. lam. M. .m.. nccmenuuy m wnnmw. They were B. B. Hellndey, Robert . Culnmin , M. Sly. Claude Kilborn, Clifford end hnrlu _ Berber. Allure either Attending college or teaching uchool. P. Conrhlnn_ Rrudnnnll Ann(|InnAni-J I.- noocnmg Ichool. Coghlnn, Brudonoll, Accompanied bv his solicitor, T. W. MoGtrr , have nilod for Quoenntnwn. Iralnnd. hay go to look a{ of the hlun Brothers. lumber jobbon of Brudono I, in I large on- ute in the Emerald isle. Gill-nv I Rnn lllAn R..-Il uw In mo rzmerua me. Gilroy O. Son, Glen Buell, have cem- pletod A week : butter teat. of their Hol- stein cow, Gilly Flower. In seven days this cow give 35H pounds of milk. from which the mode twenty pound: nix ounces 0! bane! of eighty per cent. fab. son. and fourteen Venn. M An-hi. Inc Illpt are all chosen. Tho marriage of His: I! gio Watt, dnughtor of who Into Thomu um. Lun- uk. to William C. Knowles. 0! Anhlnnd. Win.. hook plnoo'l`uondn evening. About forty uuu suomblod or the occasion. On nvamhar 93"! air Ann... ....- ...-. W IIXIIIID. hnnrk curler: bun orgsnind thus: President. T. B. Caldwell; vice-pnuidonh. P. Scott; Iocrehry-treasurer. A. C. Mu- Callum; chnplnin. Rov. D. C. Mnclntoah. The ship: all chosen. marina of Minn An-In w.u. xoruy uuu suomoloa tor the occuion. On glovembor 23rd nix Athena mu met nccidenully in Winniw. They B. Hnllndny. Culnmincn. M, Ira. John Walker. Duoronto. dlod uioo unoxpocudly Altar u Ihort illness. gbo had only been married to Mr. Walker for About two vnnn. Hnr mini... Ian :. I Alanndar Frau, Plnyfnir, wu urlchn with Apoplox on Saturday. A second stroke prov luul. He was twency-nix year: of 0. P. J. 0 Rourke, Trenton. lat nnothor of hi: children Wodneodny, choir uoond non, Eddie. aged shout Iovon you-1. The ma. follow VII only ill I Ihbrt time. Th0 ROIIIPOI band in In ha ran:-an-3-Av` Iouow only III ahbrb time. Ronlrow band in to be nor niud under A commiltoo of cihiunn. t. wu granted 8100 for next your by tho council and must. play on the shoot: once I week. In. John Walker. quite unoxnocudlv slur . nmn Hlnnnn W'_1<:!'__!'.'._Dt-W _ -_--Jl-- -.u uno nna only been married Mr. Wnlhr I yous. Her rolotivu live in Wisconsin. !.....I. .....I-... L--- -_.._:--.I -L The love In tne oendeneed lIap-he Ipuodeellntoleelefnlhh uncou- trvnndIenobeeIe-AoelI-nellnler each: none. In, Intlie. mother 0! Robert Int- tbie, Iannrk, died at Levant on Monday. '1`. md W. Murray, Pembroke, have die- poeod of their bueineu in Mutton to their IDIIIAIOI`. manager. Five largo oniona, wn by June: Sum- mor. Athens. turns t o lulu At uovon And one-hull pounds. Noun. llonbt. Cnrloton Place, have the onntnoc for the now Presbyterian church st Pakonhun. Harm:-nnQAo.h:-. gt Hm I ...--L __.x n-_.L cnuron nu rnonnun. Ropruonubivu ofvtho [ninth and Penh oloccric nilwny condently expect that the road will bo In `full oporntlon next lum- mar. [nus ms 351112 nrsnucr. | SPIOI OF THE ARTICLES Hi THI VIOINITY NIWOPAPIRQ. INJURY NEGLECT. RICHMOND &C0 S IPQOOIIIOOI . IIANNAY 8: HAROLD, "',',-"'.f` Our Big Bargain Sale -r __ vv The'best made. 7 Regular prices $2.50 and $3. McKELVEY & BIRCH Carpet Swee~p;rs.' Heavy and well nished, sizes numbers 8 and 9. Regular Price, $1.25. Nickel Plated Copper Kettle. We recognize the fact that times are hard. It is difficult to get. money. The majority of presents that will be given this year must be moderate in price and of real utility. Our connection with the man- ufacturing centres places us in a position to buy the very best goods at the very lowest prices. We show below a few very useful articles suitable for Xmas gifts and the prices will certainly sell them. 3 Some _Snaps fa--'-Ah LAIDLfV.T-;V.% '9 5% Great Sale |t s High Time you had you sleigh avg:-ha Holiday Price $l.75. voliday Price, 90c. Is Still Running in Full Blast. Everything that you require for Christmas at Cost. E.,.mm..qLAInLAw. . Children : Vgus. Drawers Ind com- bination Sula. Boys Undenjshlrts. Boys Drawers. Ladies Vests and Drawers. 20 Different Qualities. These Prices are for Cash Only. Holiday Price. l7c. A; E moo-s. 3-,:7;.-35- ..._- nun:-1 `Carl A nnnnlnlic In-`I-In. Wire Whisk Sink Brush. Regular Price, 25c. 69 6 71 BROCK STREET. " kw LE`? _ Loruonllanouhonunap P oungoo company. 2AAl.I.I A annhgn (jg: 1: It is incomparably the best seeder in the market. Will need a pound in ve minutes. Regular price $1.25. ' Enterprise Raisin.. New Enterprise Chops one pound per minute. Regular price $1.75. Wqgggg of fiash`-I;n_` A- -l-IA A..- 4-.. I--_._ Holiday Price 75c. Holiday Price;sI.25. }}iiu7iA7:.` Meat Chopper. .... ..Seeder. Iv lav `aw: -u-c$vUIl UV r. mmuosi. %E:`.'..E"'. v--ovuvvvvu VrUIIIU,U now em 5:} gulltylhuunothulontonthnnnp us-r QUAIJTY NO. sum. um: Lotnplur lrrtnnta only 760. olflco VnnI.374_ Prlnau Stunt. Most Decidedly Thobollith I30 alt! to I cm woowmo con. man $4.501 TON. Sleigh Dashes luck and Iooovuol. OI! stoma? .--v-- --v---..- w, the am In gnnnuoa. on am most. for null. Drop In and no orounll. You tn nlwnn volcano oven you only gar 1` Dtop'la uid loroiricll. o o u come 1 ..'.'.s's'3 5411:]: tho tooth. '0 nun on print. u you III Mcl.AlJ6|I|.IN S, AL- n-_A 1- __-.._A..J AL. uerulnshofulthilvuvccl ;::::::: :::r::-._g,-,.-;- 2; Vi Tho slogan! uxhlblt ol Plotoo In willow unit In Onnpn Hanna, Inntrnunnnh Inp- IIII II'IllI UIIIIDII OI FIUIX III V1.0 nut to Open Homo. Innnnonh lor- mullng In-not work In (hauls. All work oxoentod with cut. Phone an `II `lit \I`I' may novorbo :9 cannot in tho but I 0|! Mrrlnn uhun. mush: T` . in then : val and TIIIIIIIQII XICIT g:cot.<:ru0ondIQnooI|t.lIna6cn. I IIIVVIl`COOO In no la! Prlnoou rut. when you an II! All of work done In tho I . mlnrnnn I1youwnntPhoon.phuor0hrbt.- mu; ml] list] an: mar war} no IIIIII UII9 lino. Alno . Olnonhu and Pun- lng by the Dr M: Amuloun Dylu 00.. of Houston]. Don't to 6 tho plum. Directly ovpodto out Prin- oou not. All work unrated` Tmnwook. Om-owntnnks ho O. I I'll not 2.. ..`.`.'.. ?"u'3.`..":fix..'.;".{. .`i"u.. 31 pa lcf In to invutcuto 0 Ilattu thor- ough y. I! you do no we ah: I customer. Th but bl: I ' in `i`inwnr":.altovu'..II.I'nAo0I`. N I DIIUQIILI Ill FIIIWIIU. U507`. filnw. .W- . J. BRYSON. pp...-as mus. Botwoun Prince and but Oh. Fine Dalry Butter. In. It JOIINS. "`p'.':"`.....%..".'.'1" uI\aIu III II%& III 3% ho I ha u:-u.I'|l1n ?h:|`|nl 1c ....-L{- `I -QbI alas -.. -- g-I-. - -_-AA-.-_ gRwIN.... .. -1 IA! Dolnnann at in ovorhouldl by loll- ablo wot . than to II. you'll be) named with tho uuu. We Into plenty of spare room " {or uh. con- Ploltg tram oru lo no 0 Monica. houohold hunllun. on .oIo. lorublo Itoiq our I` P A _ _A I \l -UITI U IIIIIJ In ovtrllllnd by loll- VIIIIQIUI %I - Z\lIII\7I nu Invited to mac OI! non whothortho wish to buy or no trimming club are Ixclhtlo and no( 01:} tri|nI:\lII. 0l::Io|.t:. Ixtqhilo in up 0 I 1 '33:. an .u um of nlllhury in II) I RC3 In IIQVIKWZ I no plan It I nnurlooh llo:uh"|I 133% I)uuonWorI I ' . In promptly and no no. 300 our llockoy loot. An uluu Trimmed Halo 5 0 (I001 ndnoonl. Nuns! . W M uad but work p In ' Ginu stud and ovunlu oootnnu. I call. lnnd les Iolllu. Iron and Who 0003 Ind Iain. Win 0uudas|dnllIInlno!W|nWutuuI who Clntlnoudntiod 5! I A jll T l'--lllj Z732 """"'""'*'- tiritish Columbia Mines. -Jmuouncemam. Tlhlh A l` "` sNowTRoP, F" """"- 5'-W scents per share.'.'::*..:.-..-.:- and FIfltIl mh. Bu! ow. Tho but lo flood Moi r. on tho marlin. Write for p'ropupootu:. -.._. Into of ll:-lltol. v I door: nbovo Opus out. jg. V 7' Ill 0! UVILY I '1\o0IuI|eonupoodnholthoNcI Yckud4CUuopnIn no -aollinly R"-TOYE '---~ - -- -- --~- ~- j .;___ jli MIJI1 --aI-QgL- A4 ..._.a_.a $3 uuugynpu il-1 huinatudtuddluiuholl __._____________j 31; SATISFIED A. STRACHAN.' HERE'S A CHANCE. You have money and want HARDWARE We have locanta off ovary dollar for tho Xmaa I-lolldaya. we AL[i'1}ABE" Somcthlng to Get for fhnstmas? mi: Kiusstou R171`; '5: For a Christmas Present 'Il vnnr ill: nr mntlmp up signs. ADI v puavw Hardwar_a-n:d ;rant the money. Let's trade. lW.J. DICK & SON.| Commencing Saturday morn- ng and continuing until the entire stock is disposed of. This will be agrand oppontunity to secure seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. Sales for cash only. Call and sse us. General Hardware Dealer. 00!. Princess and Wellington Shanta. . $12,000 worth of Boots. Shoes, Trunks " Valises J. CORBETT, I Toronto Minlgg Algefucy, I lCLEARlN_G_ ` I , W133. upoohl ronnuntouvo In Boulnnd nun nblo to quote the lowout price; on gu In. ad nuno and nddnu for our woolly nu. V upon. for family Use. Inlnhnnls `pd tvlgnnnn. I RED 7%c. 3 nnun This n_d1;gn' SILVER` BELL, 10c. :_1':';`_| nu ready to thin. Wrlto for tum {Mon- III II VIII Iatllluu l'I vavlu let you: vile. or mother, or sheet onene- iody elm : ueter, whet would be nicer In I dainty mm deek. one of theee we en Ieiilinasfor 13. for lnueuee. Tliley incl lee: en . t I: encourage met on hehlh. IlId,Vl ornnnent. any momle ue Innde of Antique Ont. lehogeny In Utah. It JAMES REID .-J. the Leading Undertaker In! Furniture lennlechnet. It-ac Princeu IL. R. J. Reid, Ieneger. vvulc auuc. Let us suggest table and pocket cutlery, carving sets. silver plated knives, forks and spoons; scissors and shears, razors or skates. cor. Toronto and Adelaide Sta. TORONTO. A great many people will ponder and worry over the matter of a Christmas gift and never think of the hard- ware store . '_`__A .nu IIIJV Dn uuuu, un... m]-._` On may tonhlp. -Mo- .. run 1111: Oloo. A- BRYANT. "`":.`?..'.'.."'`..4 5....