Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1896, p. 4

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ITS A GOOD THING. beuevme. in Iaronw on Lueeouy. Alfred Inrivoo. of St. Marie. Vhile driving to Montreal the other evening through the woods, wu Attacked by muk~ od men Ind ordered to deliver up. Mr. Lerivee released hie collie dog from under the wnggon sent and the robbers were speedily put. to ight. Train No. 49 of the St. lout Knnun apeouny put. to mgnn. Trnin 01 W City expreu Inn hold u our Blue Cat. Kansas. lut nigh! Hy tnin robbers. The Uniud Sum oxpreu com ny states that the tnin oarriod very Iitt e oath. but the our sun filled with mioeollnnooia express of great value. Chriltmu boxes made up I conlidornblo Amount of the treasure. - A as-nnnlv -uluunnnnd In aivn Avidnnm ii connoenble unounc or me treasure. A grocer aubpmneed to give evidence M the London election trial in the matter of the purchase of beer wnlked into court without hie day book. which he bed been told would he wanted. In ex Ienetion be held that tome time since the y before thebooheeper Md token the pnrticnlu book required and gone an with it. Neither the book not the boodeeper bu been hurt! oLeinoe. --Q u 'lp|u\)l the Horn!!! Puoufl-d"l'h'D Van um: Dnmlohnl. ~ H33 in IIII nunnnj rupuxu -u -.-v 5 Vary nun Duvocohoin` "ling. and Mrs. Gilbpxt Pu-tor Ire visiting Othn. Tho London election trial ha been ud- h|nDnAn' in Jnnnnlu IRE}: `rm wuaon oncuon WIN nu noon In- jonrnod to Jun 18th. . llr. hut-ier yvll.Ipond the Ch:-iltmu holidnn Al: Arhhibnnhlh. om ruled Ins canon. loodn u-e ropormd in Greece. which have dun-oyod a largo unount of property and used some loss of life. 1 Th. m-um:-n rlnnnnul tn IR hnlni uurn James may be low vacant [or e wnue. Hon. Sidney Fisher. interviewed on leaving Wnahingtdi, expressed his untie- faction In the arrangements made with secretary Morton for a modimtion of the cattle unrantine roguletione with the Unitad . um:-. ` nnvigeuon company. Edward R. Tegior, alias Arthur W. Plett. arrested in xford hut week upon I! warrant chargin with the murder of Jesse Tyroe in Kentuc y in 1886, won arrsi ned in the Bow street. police court, Lon on, this morning and remanded. The latest. deapnbchee from Formosa en- nounce the a `union at over 1,000 na- tive brignnds 3 result. of I proolemntion issued by the npnneee government calling for the surrender and offering pardon to all who gave Lhomnolvee up. Min Annie Jessamine Fernrulon. douch- III who Lnounoivoo Misc Annie Jessamine Ferguson, daugh- ter of the lime lune Ferguson. Coohtown. 0nb., and grand-daughter of the lube Col. Ogle R. Gownn, was married to William R. Burke, son 0! the Rev. Canon Burke of Believing. in Toronto Tuesday. Alfmrl I4:-ivnn. of Rh. Mnria. Irhila New Lot Ends of Em- broidery at Sale Prices. nu-. uunor yuu. a me unnmnu holidnyu at Arbhibllltrillo. lliaa Frances Willard. president of the W.C.T.U., il Iorloudy ill at Cutile. N..Y. The binh ol Bangui And Bombay have raised their mbelof discount to ten per cent. . . _ `A Dnnnnn nl :2-Jml"." `P R. hr-idmndnrnl-t.. 1 com. A. Person, of tliocbr. R. bridge dapm. zgant, was drowned in I well An Virdon, Ill. Ill). William Gibson. I. P.. In: oloobod pro~ aidont of the Hamilton street railway oom- p-nnv; :1 sun tnnq ii an ' hp:-aunt. but it. in lfA.t|:d tint: rIol:olutto`1:_.iI bound 54` Anna: Inni- Alononlraoovulllnprognuln Mnyold. Ky., an-hing out of meant lynolr ` ing of oolorod men. ` A In-no number of fnmilieu in Union! oou.a','."2.'i`3'."'"`_ ".3." failed but ` on. i L.-4 Aggt-nirpal a launch` nl at. Bnnnac uke um Ieuon. Yesterday morni in Builo the Bi ht Rev." W. David W: or was onbhronedgu bishop of weetnrn New York. In mininurinl cimloo at Madrid. it in ngmnu Ml`. noongnu noommsmnuoo. Alonnd9r.Sn.t._hp Q 5 woqliy bache- lor. o1Canni!bon, . Tuesday from rkghral tic stroke; aged seventy-three. o orthern Pacic machine chops and round house at Glondive, Mont... have I been burned. Lou, 855.000. lnamed. 'll>.,i- nininlln ntntgd lnhnlh thn nlunm in | mu. goes to prove one treachery. Porter. Teskey & Co., of Montreal, deal- ers in fancy goods and fishing tackle. na- aignod at the demand of the bank of Mon- tranl. with linbllltian of About 833.000 direct and about IIo,uuU malrocn. -Owing to the dlicnltiea betwoon Franco and Great BritAiu'n1-egnrd to Egypt.-and Turkey the post if Bu-on De Couroel as French nmbuaadbr to the court. of St. James be loltv vacant for whilo. "An u:(`nnu '5-lump in;-visual` nn Umtea autos. ' If the dominion govornmont. docldu up- on the enlargement of the St. Lawrence canals at the coming session of parlisment it will mean the addition of two summer: to the fleet of` the Richelieu & Ontario nnvigntion Edward Tnvlor. Christmas Goods all marked down. % DIIII an an auoou to come later. A nan-inn: Pl mg or oolorou A large Union county. Arhn are leaving. Their nmnn fnilod " on. end eeuaea lose 01 me. The mercury drepged to 13 below zero [uh night, being the oven!) point reached at Sumac hie this v.....a... ........a..... :. n..n'.|.. ah. mam. menop ox weeurn new xoru. In ministerial Madrid, denied that tho govomment intonds to callout fresh eonhin nt troops. Tho Annnnl in t. Mgmuahtn election been burned. Lou, uoo.uw. muuea. Ibis oiciall stated that the pi no is increasing at. ombay and Knru.-l:i.t enou- an-b of Binds, is nlao declared no be infoct- ` ea. E. B. McKay, professor of Greek in the Sioux Falls. N.D., Bnptist cone :5, com. minted suicide by hanging himse inter- moux rune. n.u., nlpulsn cone :9, com- by hanging yIt.er- dny. n a. .........o..1 .1...-. n.I... n.u...... . 1:, ll roporreu unsr ruupn uernyne. s nowspspsr correspondent, on who steamer Three Friends, bu; been captured by the Spaniards. Richard Brvan. of Mex-ritbon. fell from a spams:-as. Richard Bryan, Mex-ritbon. (lmnd Trunk train. braking his leg. He lay out in the cold all night and wu badly trout-bitten. A lot of do uty-returning oicors have been arrosoe on the char e of stulng ballot boxes in thohlaodonal -May election for rliament. in J uno last. 'I" 4 Want I'`.r-cl at.-out -nilmnv amnlnwnna woswn is may-olgnc years om. The crown pmice of Cores tried to com- mit. suicide by (skin poison last. month, but the attempt! wssrustrsbed. Poverty and political troubles were the cause. The steamer Halifax Cihv. which sailed Payment of accounts requested at. mgnoa an we demand or me Inn: 0! Mon- treal, with linbllltieo of About 833,000 I direct and about 016,000 indirect. .uinn tn Hun Hlflnnltinn lmhnnnn WI-Anon ............_, ...-.... ( unranti United tutu. If bk. cl.-uni.` from 51.. John. N. 5.. nor mnuon `mea- dny, had the largest. cargo she ever carried and than had t.o`leavo freight`. behind. It in hnlimmd that nrdern have bean wivan ana won nua coieave Imgnn oemnu. It is believed that orders have been given the Spanish troo to burn the eld: of the Amoricnna in Cu , kill their cattle md imprison the laborers to prevent the con- binunnoe of the grinding. There is no lohaar nnv doubt. that Zer- mnuenoe or me gnnmng. There longer eny tuchn treacherouely led Mweo into I bre which hed been prepered for him in e - vanoe. New evidence is received dnily chat. to the treachery. . Porter. Teekav Co.. `Montreal. [Or rllllnnll I JUNO IIIIZ. T 9 West End street. railway employees. Boston, M1-1ss., are on a strike. Every car on the system will be stopped. A morl:-smug for S`. 0.000.0()0. niven bv n me ayauem Will be snapped. A mortgage for 8`. 0.000.000, given by` the Philadelphia & Reading railway com pany bathe Central Trust company, of New York, was filed yesterday. Edward Pnvpnn Wmmn. the old nodes- Now Ions, mea yeueraay. Edward Pnyson Weston. the old pedes- trian, will stun on Christmas night to walk H2 miles within twenty-four hours. Weston is fty-eight old. The mrica nna polmcal troubles me The steamer Halifax City, from St. John. N. B.. for London Tuea~ .4... Ln: 5|... I-u.-.o IIQFIUII 4.. mm. mu-rim! my. IN: reported that Ralph DePayne. I mwnmner oorreanondent. on tho steamer Low Price Store. Pmq ormzjutwgi} IUIII I. III`! I'- Pnn. Doc. 2t.-Tbo y oi the novel- ist Huborl CI-nchn vhohu boon mining ninoo Omohor. found in the Solute-day. It. in std In hblrlondntohvoldt :9. hotel. v bownntoylnglutinolnurpu-to! 0e0o|nt.bItIhonunooHhoboco| in not nu. Inlhobuurponolovunbot "I . Ornenha-pg" up:-ldloh - ctlrthrongh Bad::II |'oIIbIoI' Buys:-1:, nooonpnmod 0 . but nothing do- lnlh Inn of vhuuhoulu or non-and aiding nonllol Item the u dhhd Intillhlndl o(Tahoysnn.-inc to-dny. n` [DC I CIOI WI T om-ide won I onuumo of blue volvot. The witness: for tho groom won the Mn- uin of Dangigno And Baron Cburotto. In bride : witneuu were her brother. Dr. Coleman and United State: Ambass- dor Uotiu. Altar tho ooronony I wedding bunut wu and I bride : apart.- Inonto in the Hotel Vond \ TRIBUTED TO-DAY. aoou as. ocean county lulu lay Heart: To Bojoloo AI It landed out 5 Gun Inn)` lunpor Dinners-lldp -m n. Nnndaul. III II` EX?- Thin afternoon so two o'olook the in: of Chrintmn cheer were tendered to l lami- liee. or about 760 penone, by St. Geo e : society, I kindly work it has pertorm at each recurring festival for over twenty yeu-I. The menu were provided by the oitiuna of all clones in response to I circu- lar appeal, and I0 deserving "of all chosen were among the beuecinriern. "I"|m rnrnmmnndntinnl m thn nociatv were The roevo or boaloru Ior several your: pub, J. ll. Tnggnrt. pnoonta bin card to the oloo nun be well deserve: their oordinl pport. lot his devotion to public interests. ~ - mm unnagno, on runs, to auto. rroaorick May, of lifornio. Wu oolobl-Itaod in tho chopol 0! the pol nuncio in this city ct. noon today. a tho pnoonco of tho nuncio, Archbiobop Funk. hboooromony Ill por- tonnod b Monti In (NH. tho Auditor o! 0.5:: nun. dnln-n an tn I'-Ann. IONIIGI Of KOCH! KDIII. $0 the doing: on no Fnnoo. Trgmide onltumo b `FL. _:5....... 1.. AL- .--..._ _.- I THE CHRISTMAS CHEER WAS DIS- nu cusses were among one nonsucuners. The nconunsndstionn to the society were mo:-enumeroul than ever before, as last. you only 118 llies were presented. The result. will be, u oubuly. s decit, bin nonewore sent A pay 'sw'sy. es the oioers have condence`(ln the ood will of the nubscriben end their 5am that the Christmas oerin shell bcunplo for all who need it. Any who have not sub- scribed will probably do so now under the circumstances. II`.-ah I-milu rannivnrl A nnnnt. nf haul, circumstonces. " Each fsmily received A roost of beef. currant loof.four pound loaf of whitebread. chge of ten and sugnr and some oranges. his last fruit wns the gift of tho rocers of the city. Among those neliev were one family of twelve perIons,two of eleven, ve of fan, four of nine, seven of eight,,nnd fteen of seven persons ouch. Those num- bers and the hr roportions of over fty widows, with c il ren to su port, being among the recipients. will e tuelly dis- pose of the occasions] remark thot undo serving people are beneted. The society is cautious in its work. and if it in I very few cases errs on the side of generosity it is bocnuse some liberal donor presents the none and claims tho right to nominate. and also because at Christians time there is no room for s narrow spirit. The mmidant. of the sociotv. Edword J. nuns, uoc. 'u.-1no mnmugo or uounn Luis Du `gm, of Paris, to Mrs. Frederick nllnnnl nf khannnnl nnnnin in this nit- .5 Robinson Bros., Pulnun. Dooonton. Chum. 278-7 BAOOT IT. from personal co nuereuone. The eleotore o No. 1 division can have no diiculty whatever in their choice for oounty councillors. They have to elect two and one of them ueuredly should be J. S. Knne. oi Pithburg. He is one of the beet. members in the long hat. of put. count. councillors and his populnrity in we] merited. He should be returned without A room! eanvne. ' L- amount 1.! Rnlllnn-A Inn an-an-.l uh... until may anuu nave been so amnlocceu." The regulation practically decree: that cases of membmneoua croup ahnll, in sick- neu, death and burial. be brewed precisely spare cues of dipheherin. [DUI DOIIHGITIOB WWII BXOBIIBDIA CHITICOB OI auccen. It is no secret, that Sifton is fnvornble toextension. and it is believed extra cost of governing wider area of berri- tory would not. be very great. It in thought thenddibion-will inciude a large portion. if not all. of woetern Aaainiboia. '1 no I` l'UIlll.'IIIl! llIVIIII.lllI- No. l division in composed of the town- ships of Piueburg and Storrington; No. 2 of Wolfe end Howe lelend townships and Garden Island and Portemouth villegee; No. 3 of the wwnehi of Kingston: No. 4 of the townnhipe of ughboro and Port.- lend; No. 6 of the townships of Bedford. Hiiichinbrook, Ono end Olden; No. 6 ol Palmerston end Cenontoe. Clarendon and Miller, Barrie end Kennebec townships. The mmut. nrmulnr mnrmanmtiva in the mmor, name nncl nenneooc wwnsmps. The moat populnr representative in the count. is reovo George A. Wright, of the towns g of Kingston, and his elocmon as one of t. 0 county councillors for the third divininn in nnm-ad. The Inwnnhin Inn OI me county councluore [or we umm division in ueured. The township has made no mleteke i'n giving him its warm condence end eurpoft. um- ......... ..r w n...,..... ..c 1.1.. connaenoe end an port. The return 0! . W. Bertram. of Her- rowemith, to the municipal field is wel- comed by mony people, and he will melie I popular run In No. 4 division. During hie services in the county council he performed his duty with an eye to the ublic intereete end few men wore as free rom personal Ilderntione. The eleomre have tor lplnb. The president of the society. B. Pence, conducted t.he.dietribution, u- eieted by E. H. Smythe. C. F. Smith, R. H. Toye. John Green; by several benevo- lenblsdies, and by the indefatigable sec- retary, J. Fortencue, who has energetical- ly devoted much time be the details of the work. Ilembraneous Group and Dlphtherla Must be Treated slmllnrly. Medical health oicer Fee, received this morning from Dr. P. H. Bryce. Toronto, secretary of the provincial board of health, a copy ol amended "di htheria regula- tions adopted at the ourth quarterly rneetin of the above named board, on Nos-om r. 20th, 1891. Clause six is of the greatest importance to citizens and reads as follows: In the case of the death of any person suffering from di htherieor (membraneous) croup, the me ical health oicer shall at once he notied by either the physician or person in charge of the body. and shall take such steps in the preparation of the body as he may deem necessary. In case the dis- ease be contagious, he shall cause the body to be enveloped in a sheet thoroughly saturated with a solution of mercuric chloride, in the proportion of one in five hundred parts. An outer sheet shall also besupplied to prevent evaporation. As soon as possible the bed shall be placed in acoin and surroun ed by a quantity of chloride of lime. and the eoin shall immediately thereafter be permanently closed. It shall be the further duty of the medical health officer to see that the funeral be strictly privateand that the body be buried in some cemetery used for the burial of persons d lng within the municipality and that al infected apart- ments, clothing and other effects be speed- ily and thoroughly disinfected and that no such apartments be entered or occupied by members of the family or other rsons until they shall have been disin acted. 'l`ha rmrulatinn nracticallv decrees that The Piopooltlon to Acquire lore Territory Fnvornbly Entertnlned. Wxmumcu, Men, Dec. 24.~-An Ottawa despetoh on I premier Greenwny, while at Obtewa, wil press for extaeneion of Meni- tobn boundaries with excellent chances of -......... It 4. run um.-at o|...o Qilnm :. A w1Li*i1EEoo?`I)`n1NNEns.,,| -lrI'lCu III A llfullil. Pnus, Doc. 23.-Tbo mnrriugo of Count mil Dnnniznc. Paris. to Mn. Frodarick flllll OIIIVIH. ho of Bodford for several ybnra mt. J. M. Tunnrt. nnnantn hi: mud an Anppo-Iilhluh. -An; I !-gglkl 1-1.1 DISEASES REGULATIONS. TO EXTEIGE-MANITOBA. III, III IV! I poft. 3! 1 :- lem. l'Ul'I ;. _ . Weak Ito L * ` - lmpalrogvgligdlon, V Dlnordoiod l.lvl'If," 3':d'a?- .;u:.;..`T rs... ' Mu.mnrmwH, Duo. !l.-A littlo more mow and we will bun Iloi Mn lorcln-ll mu. Frank Suck it vinit ng lrpnnnu. M. Mnllory nnd W. Miller paid 5 that visit to Lyn on Snndn lut. R. L Beach in starting into the hi budncu spin this tall. I-Io bu had oxporionoo along thin line for over forty The catchin- your. mom. on Friday inning till, it In oxpoot od, Inn gnuuooau. Anopmgrunno huboon pnpuod A mambo! lrolnbcn I-"ended the not; day. W. P. Duly and John I`:-nnilin won Nomad by uoolamuion. Ind. Burma in uoblging hhi: mi (:1? will nov&Io 81 a at t o Maury. . will oecupibrr. Barnum`: shod. On Thursday, 17:12, Oh India at St. John's nu-vol I apps in tho town hall in connection with tho annintury. A largo nnulnr won pnuunsnnd ovcrovuo - collated. ; 0 Qwgosun was won In t 0 . . Wyn flugn Mulch Un|o|Id." V imon at Lin an Hour` ........"""".."E".`.*."'.";".2'.*'-.'.-*."-..'-3*" :......-'-"""'E Z '7' 1*` H'W':"`KCWTC` I-K W. "000 < `_- __ Cohen & 00.. (11 good: non. have ulinnod. \ James D. Kplly. Boll ulophono llnonun. ii in the city from Bollovillo. Snecmolu And no plans at Iulnmd no Vqry nun noilwuvac nu u I-lnl Al I11- _ II III IEIIO OW "Vin 5.u.VIlII. spectacle: and oyo gluten at ndnood prices for Xmu. E. C. Mitchell. Limantonn lodm. A.0.U.W. math to- prunes lo! Ann. 5. u. nuwnou. Limoowno lodge. A.0.U.W. math to.- ni ht. Business: Election of ooon. . . Reid shipped 5 our land of Hut and mutton to Montreal over MIoG. .I.`.R. too- rlnv - - Zji I For mum: ind Nervous Dluudnn. I1 an Wind and Pain In tho I} _ J Hndlchn, GM . _ my me: no lllnoll ngoq. COM C __ .. _ ll!!! (IS! an . Shula: Gill, New York, in spending u holidays with his mother on Uninnity avenua. Alllflnln DIHIICT WET! I'IDCII$ wigha quantity of light landing uuttar this altotnoon. " The Calunut Junk. nicnnhd on Con- marninl nvnmm in Rnnth Okinawa. and: An 1'00 uuunun .nan:. nmnwu on uou- meroinl avenue in South Chicago. undo an unignmont to-day. -Goorn Roboruon. llonlmul. M-rind mu morning. Mina Boeaio Tonkin has returned from Albert. college. Bollevillo. Mina Harvey, of Picuon. nnd W.-'Burlo, oi Bloomeld, won nest: of Mrs. E. urloy ovgr Sun- day. be children no preparing extra good programme for the tartan nt on `Xmas ova. D. M. Brod . of Pi n, in visiting bi! parents. Dr. and M11. in. There in skating on the pond. ,Wn|- laoo Empo and his liwlo daughior. 0! Grand Rn ids, Mich. are tho (unit: of Mr. and rs. Lav/in Hicks. We on glad to learn that H. Emnav in some botur. Mr. and Mn. um: men. We glad Empoy butter. The chair 0! the Mothodilt church will ivo an oldluhionod oonoort on New oar : night. Min Blanche Lonny loft lut Buturdsy for her homo in Kinpun. uugnmonu no-any. -, Roboruon. Ionlzaul. Il'|`iVOd home to-day no spend Cbriltnu with hi: mother. Sydouhun Itroot. ` We nnka I Inoohltv nf nnrlnman in cut. momer. ayuounun urea. We make I Ipooinlty of parfnmen in one Ina bottle: and our prices no tight. on I true to aims at. Wade's. n. nnmmlnninnnr (In-J:-m h In-nu haul.- uaoru nu me no nnmo nu waan. City nomrniuionor Gordon in buy today oorroctin the voters list. for 1897. The Iivork wil oooupy his Attention for uvoral an. (II I. {danylivoa have been lost by the cap- lizing ol_' I ferry boat on the river Dnio - or, in the province of Ekotorinosl , Ruuin. - Our big out In: homo of dohonte French rfume or 351:. at Wade : drug store. n t be but for either price or uunlitv. I snore. uan'u no noun [or owner pnoo quality. A car load ol ohoumoonllgnod to: Mon- treal rm by L. W. Mur by, of this city, wu shipped over the nnd Trunk this mominu. $"3$h m a n;A 'e's':5 Ilmtn" u '5' gang` I 3.` 'm..."3:. mm: 9:: an nun. nxuiurua 81: Frlghtful Drama. lad All Nervous And rem nu Caution. 5:. _.1n nun nllnvr ulll uru -uIuII:I. Mu.ron.n, Dec. 23 --Miu Maggie Do- lnney and Willie Delano wore guests of Miss Maude Clark on riday lut. John Lowry, Kingston, in visiting friends in the village. E. Cook in home from uiling. Mina Annie Blnkley. of Big Rnidu. Mich., in visiting her parent: hero. in Manila Dohne and B. Bongsrd were guests of Mina illie Clnrk on Sundny. Mean. Mayhew, of Bellevillo; Page and Fox. of Toronto; Williams, O'Neil. Mu love, Kelly. Svveaney, Ryan, Goodwin nn Mar- tin, of Picton, won guuta no the Control last, week. Rev. A. C n will conduct. services in 8:. Phillip : ciurch on Christ morning. Minn Bosnia Tnnkin hu rotumad from momnn . The nmilbou prolbyury sustained the call of the St. Paul Pnnbyborinn church in that city to Rev. Neil McPherson, B.D., of Potrolia. ll` 1:`. w.n.... w xn.....u.. ....a J or rou-om. F. E. Fallon, W. Kinguley and J. 0 R.eilly arrived in the city lab night from Ottawa `college to spend the Christ- mu holidays. R. Eilbock. socratarv of the nenitontiarv nouaaya. Eilbock, secretary of the penitentiary invect.ignt.ion commission, left this after- noon for Nowcutle to Ipend Christmas with friends in thus coo. D-.. Ii'..n.-.- \r...: I. at nm nlxnrnll nl` mm menu: In mu Iuoe. Rev. Father Novio. of the church of the Good Thief. Portsmouth. wu present.- ed by his parishioners Int, evening with 3 well-lled purle no achriotmu gift. Succi. the Imlinn Inner. who hu aiven wen-nuoa purse auuriumu gnu. Succi, the Italian Inger, given exhibitions of his endunnco in the United States. bocuno insane lut ovonin alter a erformnnco in Paris And wu ta on ton oapitnl. L. H. Davin, minister of marine and sh- eries, expocu to have the Hudlon Bay ex- pedibion, [or which parliament votaod 825.- 000 Iub session, ready to start. out early next spring. Conwnv Cart.wriaht.. non of Sir R. J. non apnng. Conwai _Cartwright.. non Sir Cartwrig 1:, 3' student. M : the science de- partment of McGi|l university. Arrived home to-day to spend the C hristmu holi- days with his nm. The Euwort. lemma of the Svdanhnm any: man ms nu. The Epwort league the Sydenham street Methodist church young plo dil- tributod a large number of has eta. ouch lled tooverowing with Chriatmu cheer. amongst poor funiliec this woek. Bv their action nn the Bbommch. Liver nmonglb IIIIIIOI um: wool. By their action on the Bbomnch. and Bowoln, Miller : Worm Powder : cor- reel: all such troubles as lack of Appotite, Biliouanoea, drowaineu.aallowcom lexion, eto;nioebomke.-ForaaIobyE.C. itcholl. This mininmr of milibin has decided to eco;nIoeoomke.-r'oreeIenym.1;. mwcnou. The minister of militia has decided investigate the whole trouble in the Queen : Own regiment. Toronto. Lieut.-Col. John 1)u', 40h Huleere, Kingston, is on the board of enquiry, which will meet. early in 1897. AH:-ad Rn:-nnr Inna nn nvhihinn at All nr Ila Inga g. Q. lml VILSWI "Him n-30's : in no nation. we urunly $54 to tr`. 3 I aMhnIo.'PlII`I.` u&a wag `A oognvlp, ex.` ` in u g. .._..,_ `-.9 law. Alfred Berner be: on exhibition et. Wade : drug etoree smell croee mede of wood and in which are need over 1.000 iecee in its conltruotion. A smell picture rnme similarly conltrucbed contains 950 piacee. W. W. Onllvie. of Montreal. who has pnaceu. W. Ogilvio, of Montreal, made an extonnivo tour through the north- weat. says thst he has never seen bnnineu better than it is to-dny in Winnipeg. and throughout the entire north-wont the fum- ors are contended. , m At Oh- `f..Annnn' nvnIvn'nat.inn l min. conwnaea. V At the lift -second enminahionm stu- dents stun ing the Ontario college of pharmacy. W. W. Gibson. of this city, passed first in all subysces. G. A. Bogg. also of Kingston. slso passed in subjects in which he failed at previous oxslninntions. The B. of Q. railway mans ment. hold their market excursion train or an hour beyond the scheduled stsrtin time. in the city this afternoon. to ullow t. s excursion- iats 0 make their Chriltmu purchases. Over 100 farmers and their wives came to town over the load. 1 n-.. n,.i......... no ....o~ .......a town me mono. J. Ross Robertaon. M.P., put rand master of tho Muonic grnnd Iod o 0 Can- nda, has shown his sympathy wit the Ot- tawa brethren in the loan of III their relics, regalia. etc.. by the Spark: street fire, by reaentinlg them with I mAgnicent|y- und vo ume ofkbo sacred law, I box of working toolo, und three gnveln, to bousod by the W. M`: mnd wardens of the city lodges. nan._.... uup__; na..-_n.. WOIIIIO. Alderman Bkinnor pronnhd tbopolioo with: annntibv of link!) nndinn d`:`N:nAt. `I?-ii?I1If`e"'A s`v 5'H`. _- _`I`V%"-" 6jentII|I|.3oatmg'u.._i" ` "1 ICHRlSTI`;1AS"EV_E : -u-u; cur vvnpuu-['-UIuuw. -L Dl`l'l0l'l'. Mieh.. Doc. 23.;-'1`h_o work 9! hhadoop waterway: oommiulon in ondd lnnd most of the oommiuionit ldh min Ihoydnn HR 31: won anu oningnne I N39 EX`) VII-H'WO I ODIIIIIIIHIE II Illfl and the oommiuiodd-I wvu hut. ninht nr rill Inn tn.dnv. Th: Ind. nut. mgut or Inn ICIVO ta,-any. Ina pug ` joint meeting of the Ame:-iogn md Curr _; dim oolnminionen Inn hold nnulihy` loll IIIC|'AlIlg OI UK In _ dim yuuciisy` ' nltamoon. Theroporuolthotwoooumim cionu will be rendered to Iheig respective govtrnmonuuooonn 'b|o. _ _ "'l`|:eniI|it.tlo tonv I at "the work "'1`nenIuu'.uo loll lnonw FIJI worn` done. uid pmidont gnu. o! the Amo- rioan nommiuion out n . "In All to- Ind D635 0! IO MIIIDIHIOIICI` Iut. night will loin ta.-day. ioinu machine the Ame:-inn I Ipootl the won at we lie oomuuluouu bu boon Iunnouionu. This don not nun, however. shut the upon-u.wm be Ia thd` munching. We do notknow what the Canadian oomlniuionon no going to ro- wrt sad we do noc know that we will uy. ` gnbmmd _0ohQn`aho- rank: 0; may o our iuvougignti and blnytavc; boon oqnnlly bind go an; t In hnv " not" `one further {Inn that. Our to ' of count` in snug," w .. _i - . ` `VIII! '11! If! VIII. nnnuu. ` Onlxu, Doc. 24.-'l`ho governor-lm: nl but received I telegram from on. Jon. Chunhorlain, tubing that the British oonnulnto nt Rio Jnnoiro II uking whnt to d: with doamuho Csnudianl who no now Q. are. ' Secure Your Xmal jjrsonts This Richmond 1 & .Co. `z T." _ &::4ILL'" uni; dtPon1,p:\ LL` : --L...:__"- $___.I_.---an ' V. . Itil :';:'.:.'.*..*;:t.`n.?3:'.$:':.?"` "3 lonjo Complexion, hr! ng tho keen ed`: cl I -and 3 with the noon the low no on Ituldl. Moscow. Dec. `24.-8teiniu won the twelfth gene on played yeluley egeinet Luke: an thirty moves. It was e my lope: opened by Lester. Present eoore: Luker. 7; Steinitaz. I: drew, 4. ___:j_?.:_-._ Everything Goes To-Night at `A cosr PRICE. Great number aollin for our Xmu do- livery. We hnvo the HEAPEST line of 9, on And lnnoy parlor chairs. Grout rnnge. '{`he shows style, spring sent, ot.c., is only 33.75. Our 88.75 and $5Coucheo nrogood Xma ProIonta.--YourI, ` p T. F. `HARRISON C6.` n--- -..-..l..... nun 0 n'nlnn|r ICHRISTMAS EVE MCKELVEY& BIRCH Handy Xmas Presents ' At Holiday Prices. 23 TO-NIGHT govcnmonu u I00 "Then in ma. % Inna nnirl nan-itln Boys Heavy, Wum Ovetelnh. Boys two and tlme~ ' Suits. Men : White and Silk Handkcrclliofs. Lndiof and Chiklufn Whiee and hocy Bnndkuehicb. Gents Si!) Ties in tho ' Ieit styles. Ila-`n em. and ('.nnL-noun uan; r E3337 s'ii;I'r'i3i'?:}'{r.E v'3i'Ta'J it Ila : sat and Cuban ucn. -... J`... I -.IX..I -..4I I`._A..l IIXJIE lon[T|oIt Conph th I`! nI:yIl:.n.I'o|InI VVire Whisks, Sink Brushes, ;,7c. 1 Nickel-Plated Copper Kettles, oc. " i " Carpefsweepers, $1.75. Meat Choppers, $x.25. Enterprise Raisin Seeders, 75c. I O IIIIIIIIIEVIIV Open ovonlnga nut! 9 o'clock mm to no mu Thain. fur` Thu (M._1`Im ommrnn For the Sale Of Christmas Presents......_. I Wnutvlvi com: I n y For Odnplllngt ' II. "` I`. ntarwnn cHAu3zs. These Prices are for Cash Only. John Laidlaw & Son. AT wALsn's.% "tun" ' .` ` V lull` cluun o Iocln `uni one 1 Jon uu rumcu to the uvoua and Dobmuud . um Booohn.|n'I~PlI|I have tho e9a71 OPEN +-< EvVen4ing. |W.LJ. n1cK& son; We Are Not Making Shadows- Tho ntorou thus 0 sonuthlng lor no la- tng" no moral: IIIII ng shadow , chat : I A shadow horn in single point 0 (M ll 11 wn 3 lnrrr thin the reality; but turn the Ha I. on och |ldu-thol ht of lnhlllnnoa and the large looming sh: ow dluvvotn uni you no ch; unlit: an It In. Cents` Furnishings. . christmas Clpthlnz. Ken -t Open Front Phh'0|.15o. 31 and OLU. hays and Inn`: Olothhu. ulna load! at right. prlcel. The H. D. Bibby Cog nnlr run: I Irunln aw-nan? thforvoua Dobllluud Dachau Pl::-g o :r.:'..:::':'a.':.1':' *'`-`5'-- -:j Inn`: lnod ` d (Haven, and ' lien`: ooh: love: I). and 0! M. Ion : Linctl mm. Illa .us.I0o an I-133': Ii'6'o'EJS|ovu u"f.'i5'n'd31'ET.' Ion'ILinat| mm 4 , we d me." ~. uenwcuc Links. he snfdoo. w . Men : Neci Weunnew 6odn.I.5o,oInd Ken`: Pl\h't.|.15o. and hays load: I our HALL. mm; suaar. That's Boys Play Open T o-Night. iounil loo. `:1 Cor. Prlnoon and Wellington Bunch. PIIFIIID OILV U7 mum menu, :1. Imll. elcuui. 01 ALL lllllllfl. TAYLO4R S HAMBLVS H-".........'-'- 88 Q 9!) Princess Strut. Ask any of our patrons what kind of work we do. They've tried us and are our permanent customers. Ask `em if we don't save them money on anything in our trade. Pleasure and health com- bined. Ravenous gppetite, good digestion, rosy cheeks. Better than medicine. bg:t- ter than cosmetice, cheaper too. - Kn kinds of skates froml (me to $7.50 per pair at o hunaalnmi. no I! not alumna d. `Mina - Salel % sun In no not M An. manna : book. Mr. lnnricr, on the other bud. inland 50 Conn all slut no long on he nouns in power than than be no Forl- I'll loguhtlnn on the subject. than the unpacks it quite` enough nines II ro- man: the principal (Henna: ol the inch}: and his VIOW II stand by no holoolodl . Ithnolompatorthozrw ft. IIHD DI!-ovlllnnl m-dnv an n noon. Tlih Illo thesis of tho book. What It. Bonard domando. what tho hier- alohy oollootivoly will domand ia the loltoration of Boparato aohoolo in Maui- toba by lodorai onaotmont. They grain that llto Rolnodial bill was not all it might havo boon, butit wao good enough an far out wont and would havo been Inpfovod by tho pooaago oi Mr. I)upont'a ainondinono providing that a sum of money oqnal in proportion to the provin- olal grant to Public oohoola hould bo than by tho Dominion from 9 aohool land rovonuoo and given to the Separate Ioola. Thio, with tho roloaoo oi Catho- lioo from tho obligation of having to pay Pnhlio oohooi taxoo. would have been a oatidaotooy arraagoment for the main- Uaanooof Boparato achoola. Tho grout virtuo of tho Romotiial bill. huwover, wao that it reoogniaod tho oonotltution- ality od tho prinoiplo of Separate aohooln in Manitoba. and, no to open. restored that pflnolplo to its propor plaoo in the provincial organiom in aooordanoo with tho provioiona of Bootlon ii of the Moni- tohaAot of 1870; that in to oay. tho Catholic minority having boon ontragod. tlo Dominion Govormnont cum to in toilet no tho oonotltntioa roqnln-d that it obonld do. And the Chnroh wilivnot ho ntiollod till tho rolivf thua provided for in granted by l-`odoral onaotlnolt In oom- plianoo with tho oonatitntion, tho Mani- toha Aot o! 1870 forming part of the B. N. A. Lot. The Tarto ooinpronniao does not roanovo tho grievanooo oi Manitoba Cotnolia. but ovon ii` it did it old not ho aoooptahlo olnoo it in not o dad in tho oonatitntion hy Fodorai o tmont but B notoly an nndorotanding with tho PI-oviloial Oovornlnont liablo to ho act aoido at any Inomont by tho Provincial lochlatnro. Qnnh in Ibo dd `l Mr, Barnard`: lilloluollll-lllpclpdtorlboew In laud D-lug` an . In an no usury. It:'t.wo uo.II(I:r.I:o hljnlon. n nl I--`gnu-.11.- `;4i3EnL.MAJoRITv m 'coI'iuylKL < NEARLY coo. In `DC I111` UIIIDIOIII WI! OXIIHUIIU1 In four dnyn, no deep en lnteren do the Qneheeken use in the subject, In con- Ilne wllh the appendix 290 pegee. The argument in brief is that by the dooinlon cl the Privy Oounell the Catholic: oi Ieiiibbn In entitled to recover through l'ederII'bgiIlntIan'Ihe rlglm sud privil- age: 0! which they were deprived hy the Iullhhn legielnion of 1890. and till OMU mm hm! pvilegn ereneewred to than ve-Ohnreh 1|` bound` to continue the lion. mine the in the guardian of eonll. heeldm being profoundly ilhteehd tor the lake of Catholic minor- ilel elnvhae in the fullment and en- fllnunenl of the commotion according to the inlerpnatetion of the court of im munch .`)[Itndo at the church In amino-`I130 `lo!!! !nvootI[|tlo-`l'lIo Pl'0I_ Q?GI of . -.. `.r.r w tum...-no low ounce-aaolmc tolluchrplonu. .`'"".`'`` ,5` our Own Corinpondcnt] fofuwu, Duo. n1.'-'rho nouns in Corn- nut ntllfy Bl! Oharlol Tapper All I}. loan that no hr in Ontulo In Inland. tho Illltobn Iohool quutlon H milled. II. F nlllh the light lo 41--.. nu- AA-I-L- 3-: 5L." n..a-.a- Tj, Du aw-turn-9 w-- --:...`n-------. Quintana apposed to It sackopt Hr. Idiot: Mlnnlt ooIi'.ld'h|rd|y n both an enthulutlo mnodldlu; El! a quart tlno on he was in Eqnnl lchht binning away at the Pope. OI Coup he may but boon potfdoily nin- dtd II I renodhllu, but It to were the Clihollu am not Ihlnk no and could not mallow Man. For Ihln nuon he vapor- `IQIIQ the poorest onndldno tho Tonal "V3? IIIYU UHWXIM Wo shsll hen; I0 lnoro of tho sohool question in polities Ilil Psrlismont lusts. Mr. Lsnrior will ..o doubt mots llthttlnont of whot has boen dons and tho Tory plan is to Introdnoo o now Ronodisl bill in tho Bonoto. pass it sud thon tost tho Cotholio members in tho Commons on tho Inhjoot. `rho Promos- ont msmhors on both sides will for the most you voto it down but Bir Adolphe thinks it will put some of Mr. Lonrier s lllpportors iron: Quchoo in o quandary, and boot sorvloo to tho Tory psrty in that provinoo. Moonwhils is is expootod that the bishops of Quoboo will shortly shook in tho none and with win author- lty at tho Popo. The Tories think a new oolltotlrs lotto! booked by Roms will an tho Flynn Administration. In any, but llit does It` will only widen tho hreooh between the Quoboo sud Ontario wings of tho 'l"ory psrty in Fodornl siloirs. The Tory party in Ontorio is olrssdy preporing to run its provihoisi Campaign on nntl-Separate sohcolavlhos. - E II l`I_-|o.. II D OLLIII 'K _-. Ieuaaap-agaa uea -aaua-uvyunnuv cu-uwrwuavn Mr. I. F. Clarke, M. P.. 'Ibl'lil an Orange banquet the other night that lathe feature of the Manitoba settlement, aneh ea vote by ballot for eohooi truateea, might be adopted with advantage in Ontario. Such a programme means death In the end to Separate eohoola here. On It whole. it the Manitoba iaane in to be kept at the front. there seems nothing (or it but the formation of a Catholic Center, an exeluaivoly Catholic party, as UI[|GI|oII by Mr. Tardlvel. Then cnmell the qaeetion whether enob a party would not ultimately land the Oathollo Church in `Illaaeter. or at any rate render her peeltion more preonrlona than it le. Attitude ol the Churoh In Quebec. Title much iaoertaln. the Church in Quebec ie resolved to carry on the war. A ellleal writer of great power, Rev. Ir. Bernard, hoe jun leaned a eeoond pbiet in reply to Mr. L. 0 David. hie pamphlet deele with the Manitoba -aaluanl ea-nail-en It In -vMtgn -lab. mnnh nT5':"E-.'.-E Dunno. not 31 PIIII III PIP], III`. I). U UIVIU. ET: Iohool quouion. II in written with much 651110}. in not in the but pamphlet on that Iido which has you nppoand. It was pin on lulu on the nu: inn. and I am told the tint edition was exhausted in Cans AA-A an nnn an int.-no. pin Oh. Mr. B01-mud`: Inn nhknn lug-A genlelng nloyole pertme meo queceo. An old polltlelen not now In puhllo lllo In of oplnlon thet. owlng to thle New Englend Influenoe. Quebec Ie loet forever to the Tory party. The poople have out- grown the old ehtbbolethe. Above ell,` whlle they treet the clergy ee clergy wlth ee much reepect ee over. they no longer relleh thelr Interference In polltloe. They are no longer eetleed wlth the "eoole oonteeelonelle," the oroerroede eohool where oomperetlvely llttle but oeteohlem Ie taught. but demend eomethlng better -e good knowledge of Englleh end of the Three B'e to Ilt them for the bettle of modern IHO. Ageln, en Iney be eup- poeed. they ere not enthneleetle ovr-r 'I'npper`e eoheme for ooneolldntlng ne more oloeely wlth the Mother Connery. They feel that thcvy belong not to the Old but to the New World. thet to the New World the-Ir Ioyelty Ie due elnoe ItIe thelr ebode and thee of thelr ohlldren, the epot where Providence hee pleoed them for weel or woe. No power on eerth." he edde. "oould Induce the Quebec branch of the reoe to go to war wlth the New England hrenoh. A propoeel thet the two ehonld engege In e Iretrloldel etruggle heoeuee Englend end the 1'nlted Sleter had qunrrelled over Venezuele or thc Brltleh W-It lmllee would be reoelvc-0 wlth derlelva leughuvr In every perlel. from the Ottawa to the Bele do Che Ienre. 'Iupper'e preforentlel trede I; viewed wlth grave eneplclon ee e etep towerde e mllltery elllnnee wlth the Old World, end dld hlm herm In June. Tory- lent end all In worhe haw even their dev In Quebec. A new gospel hee erleen. Looking to Mr. Chepleeu. The Torlee ere looklng to Mr. Chap leen. Slr Adolphe Ceron hee qnltn reeohed the end of Mn tether. whlle Mr. Chepleen he: been long enough one or polltloe to be hellod ee a new men. Bel: rleh, eoepehle etump epceker. populer, ee proved by tho elregy. But there I ground for eeylne thet. whlle he he . the Tory polley of Fnderel In -4 In lenltohe. he Ie not In -~ - Ier e reelproolty treety wtde en Include e good any Ilnee of v -~- - eree. He doee not eppreve ot `Inner Jlegetm. nor Indeed doee he teke Inueh eteek In `tower Illneelt. For - Feehr. Beuert end Itontegue he no nee. Be thlnhe the perty ehould - Iced Iell of thet old Innbc eld get newbteed. lthetherehl-teleewhew to rtde two hereee et once; how leeeev end Tent eee eeont fer rederel Inter- Il lenltehe whlle the Olhlto It the party eenetdere the eehal Q3350! OM10`. old would llhe to elb- Goethe Reneecetlelteeeewenjeyhue filqlhelle Jeetelcehly eeeereer eutllne of Mr. ChepIeee e vtewd end, tfee,he|e Fer thepreeent he. wtll I Tub an loot ta ulvuluu. Ha-Ann sauna -Ilh-II -Ill magi CORBETT S Hardware. oupnunnuu Inc monuuouunn on; In auroplo allowance of 0960.000 3 you, on than ufn to thin punlmhrpouou nl This In An annmn can but inn steadily Inorclsing ueutr These are pertinent considerations though the protected gentlemen ignore them. All they seem to care about is their own pockets. When protection was under discussion years ago Mr. John Eaggart said in Parliament (Hansard. 1878, p 706) on behalf of the manufact- urers: If you will only grant us ade- quate protection we will not only sell to you as cheaply as other countries can. but in course of time more cheaply." Yes after eighteen long years of tolorably adequate protection, we appear to be fur- ther away from that happy state of things than ever. If we were to wait eighteen more we should probably be still further away. As the immense home market in the United States increases with growth of popuiatou, the American manufacturer is sure by new inventions and processes to eheapen cost of produc- tion at a rate with which we in our limited market cannot keep stop. It is a dangerous thing to make this a dearer country to live in than the United States, but nobody seems to care. least of all the superloyal Tories. The New Quebec. The traveller on the railroad during the Christmas season meets scores of Canadians exiled going home to see their friends. The other day, between Coleau Junction and Montreal,I met three Nova Sootians on the way irem Dakota to Turn. Two were brothers. They emi- grated tc Grand Forks in 1880; this is the rst time they have been back. They are American citizens now. At Montreal the Vermont Central, Delaware and Hud- son, Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific were bringing back troops of French- Canadlans for the holidays. Let ton Bieus more to New England." says a French-Canadian journalist on the Tory side. and I'll engage that when they re- `Ihrn fora visit nine of them shall be Liberals. Mr. Laurier s victory in June was due to some extent. to a great ex- tent I may say, to the action of French- Canadian opinion in New England upon the mind of the race in Quebec. The interest taken in New England is shown by the column of New England news printed by papers like La Presse and Le Cultivateur; better still. by the large cir- culation which the Frenoh-Oanadisn pap- ers prlnted ever there have in Quebec. In the rural -post-olcee fully I50 per cent. of the letters are going to or com- ing from New England. Quebec touches the frontiers of New York. Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. and the travel to and fro is immense. Oi late the New England French have taken to or- ganlzlng bicycle parties into Quebec. An old nolitielan nublic Imruu, ny sum; Inc nooeuu-mu mu nnnlunoeu of my utillohlly dear. eon- uuma the poopwn nnhunoo Instead of main. in II. anon III III! In Inlljnrawulnrpoja a Thia in an extrema can but Juli hacanaoit iaan axtrama aaae it ailardaa very apt illnitraiion of tho abaurdity of ngarding your iarlii-born, tui-brad. Iarl-tad industry an an inatitulion lot enriching the Canadian people. Such in- tuition, by taking iha naoeaaarioa and nvanlnnmu of lit: nnininllv dmr. muuupuln in adding to It By their I oonteulon tho infant `lndunrlu an 0 now able to uni! Ill adopted In 1 9. So they Iholuelvl II or tuber declare. do long . Asked how it In that Amari- mn and: an nhnnnnr thus Ihnin ch-v VI cnonpel nw Inlwnu. eepecnuy and end iron. and lower reliroed rehe. No doubt thin in quite true. But when ere the condition in this reepeet likely to be altered; in other worcle. when any we expect to have ee large e home men- ket, ee low retee. ll cheep meterieir In the Onnulien tanner to submit for en indenitely longer period to a neon! eye. ten the! compel: him to pay none tu- eunoet everything he hee to buy then the fennel of the United Btetee, the Argen- tine. Indie en Anetrelie with whoee pre- dnote he hne to oompete in the Britieh market! Ie theii the way to ill! the North- weet with eetten from Europe or to keep the nntive-been Cenedien e_t home! And if we cannot hope under eueh air onmetenoee for ierge inoreue or popu- lation. how ere we going to beer the eteediiy inereeeing debt? Than: ne nertinent ooneidentione `II EDIT. LIKIG IIOW II II III! AIIIPP enn goodnnro ohupor Chm choir: shay reply. as I rule; that the Americans have I in target market to manufacture for, Inn olunnn nu mnhrhl. uncoinlly I mnu cnptoyoa Ill snonnnuhq: In my uquIpqnoO,1.000 uh III- pd._ I0 wouldpoyup wall, 8 I nndnn Inna: II I500 a nu. 0 thn Ask Em II!!! III II mnuuo the an nllnunmv I The Ilprlnter Boyd Under Arreet on I Charge of Steellnf. CIIATHAM, Ont., Dec. 24. - Williem Boyd, the femous sprinter wee arrested yesterday on e wsrrent from Montreal, sworn out by A. J. (lireult, end charg- ing the runner with etkeling 8160 from him. Boyd. who mskes his home here. exproesed no surpriee It the arrest, but came over to headquarters with the oili- oer in the best of spirits. I told thoee lellewe when O'Neill wee writing me down e short time hgo thet they knew where to find me if they think I no e uny- body's money." seid Boyd. This thing is the outcome of e rece that come oil in Montreel lut summer. Some dulfers lencied they could throw me, but they got thrown themeelves. good end proper. Now they no tryin to get beck et me. I did nothing crimlns , but A lot of sherke ere elter me. Will they gobble me! I should my not." The oicer who eeme for Boyd was detective Melo. of the metropolitan detective hureeu. "Boyd thinks this cherge is only I trick.end thet when they get him heck in Montreel they'll proeecute him on other ohergee." the cones ndentremerked to Ilelo. The detective eughed. "I gueeeilly lnowe he'e wentad for ell right enough. Th then one men hankering to gets wheat et him." he eeid. At 2:30 e.m. the prisoner left on the eeet-hound train. dead in I shit at No. 7. the Un-cm. Imo- rion. She Inc the widow of a uoolbrokcr. nndbodnond mu: nvonu that bar huobandh douh. lmmrg oven boon oom- llcd to not ptrloll nlicf. A on-Ange wuolicitdut that an. when 3 nice: mad that tho undo third death in the family st tho I ol Qoncy-nine, mdin onchcuotho _"Il found dudlnuohoir. Antdiotol Iluth from ...-u-Al nu-1 val nil. loll]. lal train. qua A cohoucnoo. Lmno.\', Doc. 24. - Mrs. Sarah Ann Chnrlton, uovonty-mnc cu-Iold. wnl found I ohnir No. . tho Oil-nun. IIno~ .4. in. -u an widow of I month-air. Ah sales for cash. No goods sent on approval. dud In 3 choir. A nuclei 0! nntunlouunvunturmd. lactuieis do II placed ma similar conun- tion? Why they would go to the government and demand a re- bate, a bounty, a lowering of the tarilf on raw material. and a raising of the tariff on the nished erticle. And they woul t. But the farmer goes at it again sin e~banded and draws on his brain, muscle and money. He builds fences, digs wells, builds barns and silos seas to be able to produce the above named articles. In any case the strain hag been too great and it has left a considerable number at the mercy of the money-lenders. Then when things were getting in shape and Erospects were brigliter we got another low. Through the neizli ence of our high commissioner. sir Charles Tapper. in England. the breaking at Ottawa of im- perial agreements and catering to the in- teresta of railway companies, rather than tothose of the farmers. Canadian cattle were scheduled in the British market. con- sequently our local markets have been glutted with western beef which should have been consumed in England. So that to-day the price of a bullock lsttened and put on our market would not pay for seventy-ve per cent. of the food consumed tossy nothing about the labor and risk of putting him there. And all the time we have been paying a high protective tariff, not into the revenue of the country but into the cotfers of combines. Now it ills fact beyond doubt that our govern- ment cunnot protect our products. Eng- land is our market, and when our products are placed there they are exposed to the competition of the cheap labor of the world. and if we were to rise in our might and make as selsh a demand as the manufac- turers have done, we would have free trade with the world. In that case we would not have to sell any cheaper, and we would have a great saving in our purchases. But we would not be so selllsh as that. We want to deal as we would be dealt with. and what we would ask is a tarill" for revenue only. We do not object to doing a little nursery work. but when we have nursed and cradled the youngster until he has becomea burden, and every bre ol .ne system is severely taxed to sustain him, nature prompts us to make him tend alone. and when left in that !l- .ion it is ten to one if he don't walk. lzloow -iir, what Iwould propose to do in this county is this: bet the warden ask the -.ounty council to appoint delegates, the president oi the farmers institute call a meeting and appoint delegates. and the county president of the patrons of indus- try call a county convention and have them select delegates. Let there be a rustling of the my bones ol the tariH- ridden invalids. Let the delegates meet the tarill` commission and make their re- quests, and let them remember the text, "Ask and van shall receive." il vou ask quaau, Inu Ion mom nmemoer me wxn. Auk And you receive," you pI`0poI l_'7.-YI0MAN. The K. P. lnjln-oil Ar|IltIrlnI-0ouIty Ooluull and Fauna` lnotltneo Iholld Nuns bologna: to loot Ilnru-II Oom- Inlulon ad gnu `llulr Grlauneu. GLINBUINII. Doc. 23.-'('l`o the Editor): I have read with much interest of the number and the nnoua branch: of I10!` oantilo inatitutionu re resented boloro the dominion Ian-i comm uionorl in the dif- I.-uni-. -an-ml.:.t.n-inn aunt;-an than hnum OIIINIO Inetitutions YQOBIE DOIOIO DBO { ferent mnnuhotnri centres they have visited, and ell the t me I have been won- dering if the commissioners intend to take evidence from the egriculturist, end. if so, when 1 Agriculture is, in my eetimution. the main industry in the dominion st pre- sent, end the one that` has naked end re- ceived the least sttention from the govern- ment in the pest, Ind upon which the trade policy of- the country hes e telling effect. It needs but 5 ceeusl obeerver to see the eect the NJ ; hos hsd-on the Agri- culturieu. The lost censusvehows on increase in popcletion in Toronto and other cities end *5; decrease in rural districts. showing that the population he been driven from pro- ducin points. A policy that hue this effect n on country is, to II the lent, ruinous. T monufecturerl ve found that "Ask and you shell receive, holds good in secnler as well as spirltuel things. hey have liked end heve`1'eceived in scripture Inooaure. while- the former has been tr in; single-handed to work out his own so vetion end has failed. Ten or fteen years ago we in Fronwnec produced hey, hersee snd groin for export, but suddenly our market wee out all by the McKinle bill." end we were con- fronted with t e serinue problem. What are weto roduce that we con dispose of at. A nm N Rntmr. chance And beef roia AivI:uon`A'nNa THE comm. now or camaonm nnmens. we to rouuco mat. (impose 01 at 3 r0 b'! Butter, choose And seem to be the next but things, but you cannot turn A farm from producing the former to the latter in n_n hour. or I dny. or a year, nor can you mnko this change without a considerable outlay of both time and money. Now what would the mnnu- lnctuleu do if placed in 3 similar condi- hion? Whv Lhev no THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY-,' DECEM.EB 24. 1896. A YE0iAN`sgc"cEr10N_:a WANTED IN MONTREAL. Time to Skate Now. ouworlnnloullohnhl. 4._,. 1... cu n.-.|...u n pupa cu undone by w. n. rntoulu Bod 5 gplandid ulhibitton o.lral.ub swinging nu mac 3 ::. :':," "-.'.*"..........""' *5 IN to in thonodpudldgqnib can up In-ho expats; Ibo dicnooo. invent. in but small.-Onr Inlaool chlldnn oujoy holidays tilltbolourthdnyinthonc .vhuI city will retina work and: inner tndd, 2 .'Id3lynot.;dIho;:d Inna II- "'-`-"'....... ...-~*..... .. :.......':::.-. nun nonnoo rnwunra, um, mum and Bright Bnmuwrby. Arthur 8: lb Jouothrunndothou. A and 0 hom- pipo undead I: W. H. Pritohud and nplmdid oxhibi on ol club swinging " c on--ran. " - CummInAu.. Don. 21.-O-nr school eon- oort on Tuesday but In: fairly uundod. but owing to connur attnodonl and the Ionroly cold night the nuondmoo wu nouvhu. the programme moritd. Em- iuln pnoonted Ill Intonuting and non . Arthur Etnao. 3 very youthful chairman. End the position most crodiubly. Roch a nu wororondcndb J.B.I K: .1`. Oil: and Indus] J. Inn-int 3% (I'f}|nnnII Q Nr{`lcn|nnI_ R H . umoo. Ana nnuou uolecuona o '1'. J. O'Connor. 0. Iclymont. R. Iloymosh Kin Flonnoo Phchnd, Him, Educ! Fnnp In-nun-L. Auahnn .A-Quin `lb. call out (roan eonmn nu troopu. The Appeal in t M ueata election -cuohu bun allowed. tn the poticion Again Mr. Rloohohu boomdisminod. Alanndor.Snt.hinlAnd. n. wonlthv Closing A Out

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