Ask Em FIXING THE BALL6Ts. nlnovotl. ruluornluuonnruuunulo vnonhhva to Iohonln-ind sndnq Ito Jouniiun uunplootchwluahn. Tbornqncnvu oouplld with and tbolunov toot tho --nnnIn"nvnlabhnI'anoodnbridc. nluwuu lnu Ill uuuyunuuu VI nut runs. AI is soothing and quloun and non Ilka In- 'c in tho can oi all by lnnnou; 8613. Id by W. H. Halley. IIQC, KSZIIII. KT! lll, Iii`. uom.uu.d.nuupcaon-or the mu. 1:. lilo -io in tin can ol nll In human: Mn. Ouality I. |hn`IInC| ton, wmnng nun I very merry unnnunu nnd uking u to the ugnmonl ol tho up- peul In hiacue. Be an that the but Chrimnu praontbo hopes to receive In an order (or I new trial. He cent. for the plctnns 0! MI children And the mandated wile. Conroy in wall ma write: I voty good lam:-. IIQII-In 3`?-ID. -III Illijlaifl '0' `run;-nu Oahu. Dr. Arrow`: Ointment. I-client in out day and enrol Sonar, all rhomn, could head. barhon Itch. nlanu. Llnnuhnn Aiul all nnniinnl 1:! Lb: chin, ll. mon pnnon w llll nwornoy, I lor- wn, withing him C rimnu I and nlinn II to tho Arnmnonl of him no- Itching. Darling Ill: Dluauuclrod for fhlrlv-Ilvn Ilxtn HIV GIIIIIOUI UK IIII tulx. The following new justices of the {or the, iced counties of Looda and (Iron- ' ' been a pointed: A. E. Slitaor, -Noah oak. Molcombo; Byron , New Dublin; H. C. Mnlvagh, [An owns; William Clark, Cardinal; A. . a||ory.jr., Mallor wwn; B. V. An- drea. Bacon; Oscar orreataor, Mailma- town; B. W. McNoill. Moloomba: V. . Marahall. Brockvillo; J. B. Clxochloy. North Augusta: Anaon lanhard, Fair- ald; Bonjamino Gavin, Ioloombo; John R, Wilnnn, Wilaund. Uourvy II will. Frank Conroy. tho wile murderer ol 0gdonoborg.'N. Y., vriral from Duane- mon prison to M: Attorney, 1 IM- wjahing _C I_-mun nola; I50njImIl1O uu B. Wilson. Wilutand. II DFCHIII I0 IIXIII1 Thete men who given his whole end undivided ettention to one perticuler aub- jeot should eequire e greeter prociency in it. then one whoee ene 'ee ere expended in different directione. hie in true 0! the mediceleuperintendent. end his raft of ueietente. et hkehunt institute, in their treetment of elcoholiem end kindred dia- eeaee. Every lreeh ceee adds to the ex- perience of yeere. end to the number of those enoceeefully treeted. There is no sudden end dengeroue deprivetion ol li- quor; there ere no bolt: end here; the pe- tient gives up the drink hebit eltnoet un- ooneciouely, end. from thet moment. tekee the ret etepx n his u werd oereer, oom- mencing life efre.-ah an or brighter euepioee. For pem hlet end term: eddreee The Meneger. ehuretinetitute,OekviIle.Ont. An lxeltlng scene. _ At an entertainment in the Baptist church at Athena, ()nt., the decoration: in the alcove caught fire from wnxen ta re. Cleywn Wiltee. pereonnling Santa lens and dressed in I suit of batting. was soon enveloped in emee. Mr. Wiltee Ind pre- sence of mind to tear the burning cotton from thou per pert of his bod .;and by being enre oped In e heavy coat the llemee were smothered out. The burnin ever- green: were soon under control. half- `... lg}-4.. A-an-gal in Izsin. -nut.-lnl We Lead. room nnuer control. A nau- goun fairies, dreued in liiht material, (richly left the platform without any of I. on taking re. many menus awenoea one lunersl. Kev. Dr. Ryckman read the service at the ceme- tery. The remains were accompanied by Revs. Salem and Charles E. Bland. sons of deceased. Mrs. Bland. in her seventy- seventh year, was born in Norfolk, Eng. She was I don hint of a Methodist. minis-,t.he Rev. illiam l4evell.e Insn marked in his time lor his st.rong,originnl christian character, and a warm personal friend of the grandfather of Rudyard Kipling, who wss also a Mebhodist. minister and whose ves are side by side. She was the last. us one of a family of ten children and had spent almost all her liiein the Methodist. itinerancy. In 1816 she was msrried at Manchester. Eng. Her death is the first in the family and it oomee with e sadness only realized by those who have passed ' through s similar aliotion. Whon Your Doctor. When your doctor writes I prescription for you. it. should be very carefully pre- pared, so tho the rouults desired by your medical Adviser may follow. 'l`lm nmmu-n.innn of nhvnicinnn Dreamin- rune`; Lolery uornpouna. me worm : lesdin medicine. Alwuyu in shock; the kind t at. cures. Iv uv n u ,, :,. medical Adviser Iouow. The preparation: of phyaicinnn prescrip- tions in our forte. The Law Ilrl. Bland. Thogremninl of the late Mrs. H. F. Bland. Smit.h a Falls. reached hero on Thursday afbornoou Ind were brnnlferred to Cntamqui cemetery vault. Nearly all the Methodist. clergyman in who city and I friends attended the luheral. Rev. n- Dnnhm-n I-AAA lm nnrvinn at u. nnrnn. or um city. The funeral takes place on Sunday at 2:30 pm. to St. James church, chance to Cataraqui cemetery. HO I-V3 I WNIOW Dlll [I0 nun! . Deoeued was lurrier. hevng served his eppronbioeehip with ex-manor Wright, of this city. He was born in encheeter, En lend. twenty-eeven years ego, and win his father : Iemily, oeme toCnnede in 1880. He wu well-known, po ulnr and highly res ted in this cit . in death was pence ul end he wee ful y reeignod to the inevitable, bin spirit departing in the condent hope of: bleeeed reeurreceion. His wife was formerly A Mien Metthewson, of thin city. They lunar-nl nlece on Sundnv uvn nun... nu-an .-V-an nu...-vu. u--w -unv- mgo'oouod had been livi with his father. at the corner at George an 0 Kill -men. since his an-ivul in the city from To:-onm. Ho luvoo widow but no hmil `llama.-ml urn: A Inn-inr hnv nu -ovum! :iiI.'i'535'o'i"'n21"ni A. E. |lER0l) S, twenre Inonuu pun ur. momeley nu oeen suffering Ieverely from his ailment. On Tueedny lut. hi: dieeeee entered a eerione pheee. and eince that day he reduelly eenk until seven o'clock on hriutmee morning, when death relieved his suffer- lIlI' Ellll IIUIIUI IJIII Yutordny Inn 3 sorrowful Chriumu for hho lsmily And the young wife of Junu Blomoloy, jr. Jun a car ago Mr. Bioma- loy wu taken ill with ri bu dinouo. Ho wu then employed with renton & Mun- ninn. uholanh lun-ion. Tomntn. md n- anon ompnoyou wwn nrorown 1 man- ning, wholeulo lurriors. Toronto, And no- aizninu his nonition with the Hun he oamo mug, wnoleulo tumors. Iomnto, me! aignin petition home our month: ago to Kin ton in the hope that a tub and the t medics! treatment. would rowan his hulth. ' The hope In: vain. however. And {or twolvo month: one Mr. Blomoloy ha been nnlfu-inn nnmlv from nilmanh. On wvuu lJ|ClI\lUII 5 vlvwilwuvlvu IIIC Uuuviiliu it, And even the Iohool board of St. Boni- face, the oentro 0! ill ugitation ngninnt the policy of peace and conciliation, appear: to be ntlnod with it. lihu-uluinoondunnlng the tactics of Mr Foster, and tho Guam plenda that whnt he did not loan in June. that the pnonl olootion. In mlmeanow. '--rheco.-nun oloctlon."i| adds. "like the Quebec Co- tholio oloohomnppou to he quit; rowdy Milt the lhnituoho Cntholic choaon dull be left no whatever lortonuo the carrying out 0! also hurier-Greanvay unngoment may bring them. And it in promising well. B:-nnd5n a byo-election bu endonod 10- --ul --._ LL- -nluuul Ln--A at C5 DA_: ON THE SAVIOUWS NATAL DAY Janos llonoloy. Jun. Dopunod This uh for tiny Dollar lgnd. Perfumes. Atomizers. Paine ; Celery Compound, the world : mdino madicina. nlwnvu shock: UGCOIII DOI`. IIANNAY & HAROLD. `"35-%,'`; -,-'9 TH]! DKILY JSBITIBH WHIG SATURDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1896 Toilet Good: in Endleu Variety. Soaps, Brushes. Donny In Well. I.......- AL- -11. Henry Wade, druggint. Combs And Whisks. rtvnouuu. nonoca-moan I. rmpguuvgyunlxaodpbno $31-Ii avid. .9.-I223 :- :;'.`%'s {M IXOVUII5. DCVKIIOI IXIIIFXEI van a mud Ipoh kindly words to the bits. who, it. In nudism to in . on- joyod lbir annual mat to the hall. Tho dining-room Iru hundnonoly doconud with ovugnuno and holly. furniture. GIIHIQOI. olo. W . 6. Frost, Carriage Painter. Inn. atranl. next to Elect:-lo On Sheds. -m<`:=; g M. In noun or lnauuuy use on: pop won nndoha y by nchriuunudinnor pm- vidod by tho onthougbt and klndnul ol the directors. Rout Ind turkeys. an: pudding sud sll rintnu dninua. lid) than : and nooompnnillonta. eopthot landed tuba tables In quantities. The van Mm captionin- dont dialing , and the matron: kindly and nlillnl nnidnnm mndoochin Ibo um. dons louulugn, and use nu:-on : nnaly and nlillnl nniauncn mndoouhin IIIO: A.-n nl OLA A-ant, H-annual nl ILA All-nan-u-n Ind mum unuunoo manna-nun no eouoltlnovunt. Sunni of thodincton -...--manna --4I .-ugly- Linallu -4`.-1|. On Uulluly 0-II. Only the persons spent. Ohrietmu dny in the count jul. Three of the number are insane. I it hnd not been for the thought.- fulneu ol kind-heerted penone the live in- mum would have had {or their Cbrietmu dinner on! the unuel jeil (Are, u chairmen Wriohi. 1: (Jun nnnntv nrnnnrtv nrnnlniM4n mnnor am we uluu jlil an, n emu-mun Wright, 0 the county prorony committee. related to ptovido {undo or n low ann- to grace the nll-important. meal on the day ot gonorul rejoicing. The oxpcndnuro cl 02.50 of the county : mono would have proonrod an nbnndnneo Itulf, but the nolrit. ol "..-conovnv known numht. ol proonrou unna-moo mnun. out. we spirit .':conovny naught. sympathy. from: prime: nouns. how- ever. the untortmuu Inmates Iron o- vidod with I nnhounuinl Christian in- Mr. consisting of turkey, ugoubla. puddin , 0043., for `which they were duly thunkfn . The thirteen children in the reecue home epeutemerry Chrietrnee. Early in the morning each child received one or more present: froxz. ct, e prettily deooremd Chrietmne tree. At. noon they were treet- ed to n sumptuous dinner. oonsieting of turkey, A nriety of vegetables, fruit, orengee, oendiee. etc. Chrietmu eve quite I number oi lediee viewed l. home end prepared mectorn for the all im day that followed. Ieeuval negsn weaneeaey mgmwnen may were heated to uchrisunes tree entertain" ment. Thetreewes e monster and was gaily decorated. illuminated and fairly laden down with reeenta. Eech child received not less c an three gifts. For Christmas duty the dining hall was tute- fully decorated with etreemere of verious colored bunting, wreaths of evergreen, owers. curled colored paper. etc. The room looked enchanting. Turkey. duck. chicken, goose, vegetables, plum pudding. candies. fruit in sbundnnce formed the Christmes dinner. B. M. Briuon, QC.. M.P.. and M. Strange carved, and they were assisted by Mrs. Britbon and eevenl other Indies. The children` had e hnppy Lime indeed and all were merry end wore smiling faces. During dinner hour Arthur Routley And three friends disooureed _ sweet. music and sang severe] carols. there- by winning the good wishes 0! all pre- sent. Orphans` Homo. Tho sixty-odd children in this home spent a very havgpy Christmas bide. Their festival hogan edneaday nightwhon they were mnmd to uChriII.|nu tree' net all kinds Tailoring Hue. Also D ea. There was a large number of visitors present during the day. Col. Dull`, Dr. Smythe, Dr. Garrett and E. Chovvn took much interest in the serving of the mid- day meal. Just at noon Arthur R0utley s quarwtte appeared and the members both played and sang for the inmates, who were delighted with the sweet music. The string band of the Salvation army also played for the patients. and a number ol the King s Daughters sang several Christ- mas carols. Genenl Iloepltnl. At the general hoepitel ell lared alike. The pauper patients partook of the lame dinner es the superintendent and staff; there wee no distinction. The ward pa- tients dined at twelve o clock end the pri~ veto patients I half hour later. By thin arrangement the attention of the Attend- ante wee equelly divided and the vent: of all were attended to. At seven o'clock the superintendent, ntn end nursee dined. Dinner ooneieted of various kinda of poul- try, vegetables. plum pudding, cekes. oranges. candies. nuts. ete.. and there was a plentiluleupply. Dr. Third eerved end Miee McMillan. er.-eieted by Mrs. Third, eerved. The nurses acted as waitresses and had A busy time. After the nursee dined in the evening. they were preeented with gifts from A well-laden Christmas tree. after which they adjourn- ed to the apartments of Dr. end Mre. Third, whoee gueete they were for the re- meinder of the evening. Music, etc. we: indulged in and 3 low happy hours enjoy- ed. Iota] Diet. For the ssooud season in succession at the Hotel Dieu Christmas was ushered in with prayer by the sisters. Rev. Fr. O'Brien oonductedthe mass. Previous to this mass All the sisters said mstins in the chapel. At seven o'clock in the morning Rev. Fr. Beecher sen man, and again at ten o'clock the serrce Ill repeated by Rev. Fr. O'Brien, who administered the holy sacrament. Vespers were read at three o`clock. The sixty inmates were treated tos hearty breakfast and a dinner consisting of all the seasonsble good things. All who could doso attended services in the chapel. There are over thirty children also in the institution and they were made torejoioe on the great festival day. In the nursery wae constructed a miniature crib, showing the manger, wise men. cattle, etc. It was cleverly executed and was brilliantly illuminated. Two Christmas trees were overburdened with pretty preaenta for the little ones, who sang Christmas carols for visitors, of whom there were a great many. The sparkling eyes of the children told more than words could of DHA hnnninnnn At` tluair neunnl-n (H0 CHIIGPBD (DIG lll0I`9 Dlllll WC the happiness of their owners. eenu, urougnt. owe m we on: IOIII me- moriee of their childhood`: deye end lled the heerte of the little one with ecetee . Every inmetae-o|d end young-of V. e houee received e neelul preeenb. During the day three meuee were eeld, Rev. Fr. Colllne oioieting et two. end Rev. Fr. Keilty. Petaerbore. who hee been ill in the institution, eh the ozher. The mohher enneeinr end the eletere de- IIIIIIDIHIOII, Ll : PDQ 0500!`. Tho mother in ior and the litter: do- ulre to thank I 0 friends who. b their uorouu donations. nude. it: pou bio on vs the Chrimnu one md to give pro- souu wall the lnmntos. mumoun 0 can. nnu oonnuou ox "all tho olioaoiu of the anon." It wu enjoyed by I o! the 310 inmates- 250nod _lo and sixty ohlldnn. A monster nmnu tree. lndon with pro- oontcl, brought. book to the old folks moriu of hhoir childhood`: dgn And llnd K IIIIU VIII!!!)- At the House of Providence yesterday Ohrintmn wu roynlly oolobrohd. The diffannt. wu-dn were nnnranrhhlv dono- unmunu roywy omonruwu. Inc diffotont wards were apgnaprhhly dono- nhod with evergreens, olly. cm. The dooontionnln the chapel were upooihlly beautiful. During the do many of the inmates were viuitod by the r Iriondn. The dinner wu. as usual on Chrintmu duy,ono slut would hnvo included the moat Insidious `cum. and consisted of "all Hi: Alinnninn nl lm nnnnnn. AI Tho llolln 0! lnury. M. the homo of Industry the old people up: mulnhunnv In Ahrinlnnndinnn mo. Omco Yard, 374 Prluau Strut. mm mm mnnam mo] CHRISTMAS DINNERB ' AT THE HOSPITALS YESTERDAY. lnnnuo lujoyod nu uh:-luau Duluth! -At the Ohnrnnhlo and Pcu|I.lutIu- non-Iouglon lorvlou and Hymns of nun on.-.4. ~ Omlnty JIII. _....- -..._n AWL. 3 OIIIJX. 15 unyshutituovu I-Ital-nu.` was mun or our unou_mnno'. Urimrporlivur dltna. on they on nliovoloratimonndnnkoyoutm NBC vuunhurvudghtulybldyu Hop BIN:-I.lhou rnnodylhuvi surely andpuinntn . lldcotroyo Adm-muoymoni` dimnloactu. WHO uluul Iunuu--uuuuu u; T. PARTRIDGE, _ lF:5 1 ---:-p--: dlgo [or mvy I"OV0lVOl"I. t in known among military man here that the Dnpont powder company. ol lhlunn in undo: contact with the gov- Unnuul to hruiuh I grant quantity of powder. Wllontholnlvy ads: for un- nunion nlnniolnnd in oomidond in oouncoon with thqotdc git-on tho Du- ponu, govwnmout ollloun oonhu Glut tho army and nuy In bill] to nnuur at that now: any on may In made upon thou. -I-Igiru Inuuuu. Ia-uucu. Bovnroolluhouultlntpnhadlwoun thnudinnutorothururioun . IYrinnrv,nrIlIQ H11. an that nnv can u u all`!!! purring nor an omorgono . Dun-ingulnwoo onlonworo roodvod the onions: dopnrtment. at Wuhington to supply Mare Inland nth l50.000 round: of mhiny-eight onlibto cut- ridgo for rovolvon. It in known nmona milihrv man ham pynw. The Pmy Sound district hitherto ha: been ooneidorod to be without. vnlunblo minerals. but it in now known thnt a heavy minernl bolt rum throughout the district. in I northwentorly and nouthvutorly direction. In this range oovorul very prominin nd: have been made, two of which. gum the very grout extent. and cbu-actor of the vein-, will undoubtedly prove proportion of great. vsluo. IQIID, IIIOIIIG DO mlllil II an GVl|lOl'l% o! ukgrroqulnr notion of the liver and harm , no not nnalam. it. Hnmiltnn n llnnlltoru Ilulou-nut. Hun In Oonulpctlon llng - ling- Conati tion, that insidious onem of health, 3 uld be recognized M an ovi once an Jrronulur liver railway. The veil ha been explored slang the surface for a distance of 2,000 feet and assays made from sample: taken clone to the uurlwe about from C5 to 8249 of gold to the hon. The quart: in free |niI!ing carry- ing 1 large percentage of purple copper pyrite. Pmv Valuable Deposit: llneunhod. P/uuur Bonn, 0ut.. Dec. `28.-A strong local ayndioute has been lormod for the purchue of the Mc(lown gold mine de- velopment. 0! which will be proceeded with immediately. The company will be in- oorponted lorthwith. The property in Iltunted close to the Parry Sound road, A mile and I hall from the town and three- qnnrteru of n mile {mm the Parry Sound railway. The vain ha been exnlored slam: 1 deemed to cry 1:. `me man name nonp- ed me greatly. I persisted in its use and this great remedy has completely built. up my Iyewm. and I positively declare that itia the only remod that gave me any relief." Sold by W. . Medley. Wqmen of fashio ..- ....u-a o.. -a.u. nnr numn fnannm noloon IIIIIUII ultwcvvu III! III!!! unu ` Good lleelth llerbor. "About four years ago I we-. nticted withalevere Attack of la grippe. which left. me almost. e complete wreck. I wee pros- trnted for weelu. I docbored with severe! phynicilne and used many remedies, but. none had any lasting effect. My friends began to be alarmed for my recovery. The doctor: shook their heads. and held out little hope. I In: attrecLed_by An ad- vertieement. of South American Nervine. end as my trouble we: of e nervous nature I decided to try it. The first bottle help- ad ma "mun. I nerninmd nury. are u namg 3 row any: Ill wwn. Mr. and rs. JobnGriith spent. Christ- mu with friends in Iroquois. Christmas tndo in Gnnnnoquo this you in aid to hnvo fallen for short. of former yearn. What buying was done In: completed during the proqooding week and the trade on Christmu ova {ell at. Nothing whatever wu done after 10 o'clock. Iln. nu-nay, a... mu of Captain Enri- loy. Well-known Lnko Onptuln of Owen Sound. 0n:.. Tells now In Grlppo Lon Ego, and IIn- nu... nntni-I (lava un me." "I Ind triednllthodoctoru of bhislocsliby and was treated for Diabetu hoping and suffering for years. From roadinz of euros I determined to Inny Vlaleeu In Gnnnnoque-Iu|Ineu Wu Blow In The Town. GAN.\NOQl'|*1, Doc. %6.--The unanimous opinion yeuerdey appeared to be that it was the elowe-at Christmas spent in Gammo- que in e number of years. A large num ber putin the eftemoon skating on the bay, and the etleete were pructicnlly de- eerwd. Mr. and Mn. J. F. Chapman .-`pent Christmas with Mrs. Chapman : father. 8. C. Skinner. Chnrlee Dingmen of the Genenoque Journal, ie spending A few days in Btratford. W. Rr-mnrh. Brockvilla. in nendinne tow days In nsnrauoro. W. Brcmgh, Brockville, in pending: few days in town. George Gilli; return- ed from Toronto on business in connection with his forging work at; Swansea. W. McDonald. barber. psi his annual treat of cignre to his customers on Friday. Bryon Ramond. Brockville. lpent Chriut nna with is mother here. Mr. And Mrs. I II '1` Em-Ill- on-A nhild.--n 'IlnwIvnn_ mu: nu mower nero. Mr. Ina mm. W. K. T. Bmollie and children, Hawk- bury. snding few days in town. Mr. and rs. JuhnGri'n:h anant. Norma BIWOI, Dec. 21. (Special) - An old and well known ankle: in this town- lhip, named Thoma Brooks, who live: on lots novon And olght in the fourteenth con- oeuion in rcjojoing wltb , hi: neighbors over his recent. recovery. and hg.nid:- HI nun mu-ad luv nnina I.-nntu `nnr hnx. sunenng Ior years." From roadiu use Dodd a Ki ney Pills and I must. any that other using the (int. box I would have conidored them reasonable at ten dollars a box. |t s High Time you bud your uloigln ovgrhn `TC conga`-I-S "d'"_.' The Duncan Water of on. hints and moan. an... CALEDONIA SPRINGS the mandolin. by um uolano nna mutor Oharlos Clarke, and a violin solo by tho lotto: won well rocoivod. While it. in impouiblo to portiouloriu all who uoilliod to nuke the onhorbainmont u auooou, I in] location should be made of Min nbol Omr u 0indorollu" md Mia Belle Convery u the "Tniry Godmothot, whose work who hi" hly creditable and Artintio. The plan: ovoning come to an and by tho prononution to the pntciouta of the numoroul preoonu cont. them b hind friend: and thoughtful rolnzlvu, on what might have been I dull doy to many wu thou brought to I happy olooo. me recent. recovery. and ne.euu:- "I we: cured by main twenty four box- eeof Dodd e Kidney Pil And as nothing else ever helped me! any they saved my life. III lmal rignlnllthnrlnnl-Ar: ml t.hinInnAHt.v grub! admin! and manna 1 won ae- Iorv ooooro. u did also: trio dnnoo by the Mine: Marjory and Goldie Clarke and Mia Dickson. Four little maidens. daughter: of omployool. also tripped their wuy into the bouts of the nndionoo. A violin duet. in imitntion o! No Help From Iodlou Ion-IuI!oud For Inuy You-o-0urod By Dodd'n lldnoy run trowbcic The halls. corridor: the hospital Ind n vary prdty nppcnnncc all no In the unuse- mcnb hnll an S hriumu boll hn fromthc coiling, Hy fcctconcd wit cvcrgrccu and ntily doconud with vcri colorcd lmlo Inntornu. which were lighted in the cycning. .l'bccntarhin- mcnt at. night. took the tom: of: prot] opcroou, cntitlod "Cinder-clla. inter- opcncd WM: Iiublcuux md dnnoco. The coln dnncl In His: Jcnnic Dickson wu gomgmnn ::lIl.I::r 8ilI|I fnlr.|l;agI-guns undortbo mks ol the ti-Inns. with- out. which hula novoruoml on L. . In`...-n `u h-n. corridor: oponoa vmu unmux mu unnou. solo dance by LIII into the noun! or use nnalonoo. A duet. the mandolin. by Mia Goldio And mntm Charles Clarke. by lIOl'. III IIOW UIIIII Douulri ulva up llopo and Hot Funny and Friends Do- Iyulrod of nor llooovory-'l`ho Great South American llorvlno Wu the n---.._ -|.|..|. n|_...o..I lI-- Inn. 90.. gauw----V__ For Carriages, Slolnhs and;FurnIturo. with M. W. ROBINSON, """""" " Itifl 33.100100. -.. .1 ol.. .1..l 5|... .-...a._4I. I ENJOYING HOLIDAYS. A CASE OF DIABETES. OOOIDYIICW WRECKED. not-o II I may cut : Frodoriak J. ado, B Vino dust. King` won, i to our npnunhuvo, thofolgwi n'bMoI-yolhlocuo: 9"] ' `'11 an fun:-ion uwb|o"u'1t|| my ri t ' EMU . gnu ;inin d myg'xa'n- chu tn pans in my lnnd',"noMuInd that no ulna I I'll ulna! oyuvun qua youov. Tm an Inn work nggrnvnhd the pin an my back, ind made no Incl gunu-Illy abet-shit. "&Imt.wo'nm|tInnnnI In-mural: In: ___,_ _ _ CITY WOODIAND COAL YARD $4.50} TON. noaamuulgunu-uly nun-non. "onotvonalthugolgucundulnox d Donn`: Kldlny Pilh at clad : drug Iunuudhnululuvithunrhodn unit: for good. Thv Inc I-uovd duo min In nu hi. ch Rankin min inn. noon : manoy rm: non mummy on we kidneys. make them In-ong and lnultby And stop uoliing bucks in ovary an. I Here in mm I`-gal-3-cl: I `A4 I `fl-.4 -6;-A Ih.-. u II . II only I now are only A little nick. If it in u bin mu u an is xpowo-oonroyvng. norvo- , racking ache, kidneys are non than I limo suck. I In either one it must. be attended In at Black dro; silk: and aunhn At. Ion than coat for Ch:-intmnll at R. MoFnuI a. The kidney: cannot talk and the only wuy they have of letting Ill know when the am sick in by mskin our back: who. ; I itia only I link . the kidney: up nnlv A little link. I In -II IIIIIITI. I For two fears I wee greetly troubled with kidney disease. I suffered innnee am, and frequently wee uneble to work. docnorud at intervals, but I got little or no relief. I begun to grow worse, and the pains were frequent/and inwnee. About 1 this time luw South American Kidee . Cure edvertieedele speedy relief for el kidney troubles. I purcheeed e bott|e,end it gave wonderful relief in A few hours. I improved steadily, end after taking four bottles I em com leuly cured. I ooneider it worth ite weig t in (oId,for it ueuredly an-ed my life. Sold by W. H. Medley. An Aching Backi How thq Kidneys um. I urea cenonaetee." I Colonel Kiuon. who in eccompenied by Mrs. Kiheon. will spend mbe next. two or three days in the city. meking the neces- nary purchases for the furnishing of their house at Kingston. They expect. to leave for the college on Sunday evening. .__ II tho Tutlnony ol Funk 8. lnorlohol Alvlnnon. 0nt.-8|yI loath Amorican Kldnoy Ouro Saved III LIfo-Il Ilollovel I In -Iv Anon Sleigh Dashes rorcee being increased 1' , Scarcely, I fancy. Therein more like- lihood, in my opinion, of their being di- miniehed. The number 0! young men for whom careers have to be {mind is increas- ing. and there in not an exnminntion at which there are lees than six or eight hun- dred cnndidetea. I`t\'l\r\A` Y6-on. u-Ln in nnnvnn-n:-n' Ln course, 1 mm new man nolore me new supply of ammunition was tested, but I do not think that there have been any com- pininta, nor that there hu ever been my questions with regnrd to tho inuence: 0! different climntoa on the ammunition. The I question of the size 0! the bore appears to be the only one which has been the cause ` of any serious discussion so far. "In there nnv likelihood nl the number OI any nenoua macuulon so tar. ls there any likelihood of the number of appointment: of grsdnntaoa from our Royal military college to the imperial forcee being increased 2' cnmelv. I fnncv. Them in morn lilm. nne wmcn anouuu serve us exoeuenuy. "There has been some diioulty in re- gard to the efficiency of the unmunition after a short time, If it is he 5 in some climaten, has there not? Di not the Authorities in India call attention to the condition of the cordite, after chan - ing upply depots from the hills to t 0 plain Y" I cannot nv n -itivelv. because. of witn oiaer types or nnee. "Why,when they had the Martini-Henri rie, the men uaed to be blazing away all the time, but when you have to take into consideration ammunition coated with nluminium And other ooetly coverings, you cannot afford so many practices. and the result may be conjectured. Apart from theee points, which raise queetione, how- ever, I reall think the Lee-Metford, in a rie which a ould serve us excellently. "There lien ham lama rlilnnltv in re. pmns r "I cannot say p -itivoly. because, I had left. Idin before the new nllnnln nf nnununihnn mun uanoncl hut. I do 1 ougnr. no no conwnn. ' Asked for his opinion of the new Lee- Metford rie. Col. Kitson said: "I think it is: moot uaeiul wen n, but the ques- tion which him who ecided in whether the bore in lurge enough tomato on on- coming charge, especially a c urge of mounted troops. During the Chitnl ex- pedition. which was pructioally the only chenoe we hove had of judging of such a thing, there were many cues of men bein found with hell A dozen hole: bored through them. when they should have been quite satisfied with one from a larger bore gun. Then ugnin. the expensive ammunition mnlxee it manifestly impossible for the men to have the pnctioe they have had with older types of ries. "Whv.wha|| thaw hnd the Murtini-Henri 01 we voyage nu nunou punou away By thin time. 1 am vor led to be in Can- adn, nnd Inn sure I Allliko my work; besides, I always was glad to no new coun- |. ' . n'?I-ln- Inna luau` I Loan in OLA In-vlngb wen. According to one newepaper men. 1 started my eoldiering when I was one year old, for the date we: givenu l867"-by which it may becllouluted that Major-Gem Cameron's Iucoeelor in lorty years of Age. "I entered at Sendhurlt, end in 1875 I we: gazetted to the Royal Soote. although I never served in thetregiment,theeeme num- ber of the Gazette. lower down, notifyin me of my appointment to the Rifles. I served in India, and efterwnrdl returned to England. where Iput in two year: at the stall` college. and ectedu aide-de-camp to the brigodier-general At Alderehot. Le- ter I returned to India, and Ierved at hnlf A score of places, the lost Appointment being that of district stuff officer at Ben- gal. I also took nart in the Meninur une- an. 8 part the Menipur expe- dition, but. unfortunately I missed the Chibral affair. but. as I was married about that time to the daughter of a prominent member of the Eur. Indian oivil service, and left. winb my wife for England just be- fore the Izlouble eherled up there, I sup- pose I ought. to be conwnu." Asked oninion of the new ---..--p-- Most Dec? 4 ly l'hn but nlnoa In tho alt! to I genome Iove tor use service. It in but lining that Col. Kitaon Ihoulcl hevereoeived thee inunent for hie re- menc, we Sixtie Riee, were formerly own In the Roynl American Ries. and participated with the immortal Wolfe in the capture of Quebec. Anon the tint to cell upon the new common nt this morning we: Lien.- Uol. Su-eth . who was ootdinlly receiv- gd, u was I\ eo the repreeentetive of the tar. . HI um: nnhnll kw Hun man.-nu-Ant on man. oeouwunnun at noon on pouum." no uid, And of course I obeyed, but it in ntbor unfortunate to be tnvolllng at Chriucmu time. III; haul pqolunun uuuu-I. -mggnng hunt. "'""v""..'.3"`'i. e r: or: rough pause, but our welcome by Gen. Montgonpory Moore was so warm. and we upon: such I pleu- nnt. two days in Halifax, that tho memory ol the vnvmpo In: almost. named nwnv bv Illb DWO lyl In llllllll, lvlllli BBQ lI1OII10l'y of the voyage bu Almost. panned away by t.h_in t.im_o._ very gla_._i._t_o Gap- Lnol." "How Io have I been in the union.` Well. in; to newspaper man. I Itm-tad mv soldiorimz wbnn In: ono vmr I at will IDIU III'I3l"' II QIIIIUUI l$IIU' dhmely-0eneI-Ll oenerenre Ieeoeeeor Dleeueeee `toptee ol Intel-en-lxpeele No lore Oonnleelou. lentieel But. The new ooninendent. ol the Royal mili- tary college in n eoIdier every inch of him. E:-eon, oleen out. keen of eye end decisive of e h, Lieut.-Col. Kiteon, who errived in I. e city last evening. would ecu-oely be Inieteken for eughb but e military men by even the verieet etnngei`. To theee quell- oecione muet be added tulaoee of compen- tive youth. with all he enthneieem, end e genuine love {or the service. It. in but htimr the}. Cal. Kinnn elmnlrl nut. I vs: ukod by the government to pro- oeod tuocnnndn u soon on pouiblo. he mid. of ooune obovod. but it in [THE mmnnm come. LIEUT.-COL. KITSON ARRIVE8 IN THEOITY. I no wm `rate change at Kingston Inno- } dlnlnlv-(loan:-nl nnnmranm I-unno- unullionuur noun noun nholo at Snider : Photo Parlors. rum--- 1...... .5...-n nnnrg ` W0 only IIIIIO IIBI. If it is bgapowo-dontroy`ng. ncling in I- -...I. moo. ' nounxsdney Pm. not dinotly the ` zidnovl. unto than nronn and Innlav 4 WORTH ITS .WE|GHT IN GOLD. ""I.nhd.lT" lsoues-Policles on every plan of lnsixfnnoo. `Including Ordinary Llfe. Llmltod Payment Life. Endowment. with or without profits. Do- Iorrod _PI-ernlum. Annuity Bonds at Iowa rates than any other company. [ Too Pooolos Lilo loooooooo oo., Toronto. isecure Your Xmas Presents This Richmond 6 : Co. `Everything Goes To-Night at COST PRICE. STQRAQE CHRISTMAS EVE Ilock and Colnlnlulon Broker. BURLINGTON, VT`, ll. 8. A- Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate offper` cent par month upon the par value of the paid-up capital stock ofthis. Company has been declared, and that the same will be payable at the banking house of LOWNSBROUGH & CO., on and after Friday,. the 15th day ofjanuary next. TL- A........l'.._ L.-...l... ...2II L- ..l....-J l_,..... cl... .-IL 5.` cl... uol. I`,- comma G0Ll)VmNiiZG* AND nmomm comm; Canadian ottlce ol the Treasurer. nun ._ .u \-I-. \II Jinunuunnl ..... .- The transfer books will be closed from the nth to the 16th of" january next, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. IVIIADI r` A I/I?T.`l nn '1` _ _ _ _ . . _ A- of-town subscribers. |$10 In GOLD HBWTWNEN sEcbri:%}3ii%LVLibAIR:s' DRINK . . . BEST QUALITY NO. 2NU`l". LARGBLOAD DRY KINDINO only 760. For SUPERlOR_fl_..6\_/QB Toronto, 17th December, 1896. _ Cheques for dividends will be mailed on janualy 15th to outv -...._ _..I.--_:L-..- "E5 'k%i:'~u'e"s{ii2ia":iIL`t~:`;*\'sr. IOLD II LEAD PAOKITI ONLY. 70 PIIIIIVI . . . TNIII VIMIIIIGI . . . E. E. KNO'l"l`,' CCCCOGOCG Dividend No. 2. Evening. 'i=i2Xdi2Ai~icE. "BOUQUET, 'HEALTH PROPERTIES. ('3HARLES A. KEELER, Treasurer. W|19p__!.:!-.l!2-:.!2t.n, TORONTO. ONT. Hamil: iunions I time. Whllo .3."uf`aox7fu how 3 mKi E noun photo II n-u--wm -w-~a, an------u -v-`av For roal plenum, In who 0! olootdoh I1 and blank: the horn and uni no mu in n ...a (or 1 0000 31- Ian manual: [0 to JAMES lAIlJRNEY S. 1 vII|AAnn I.-AA. All Ila]- AI -...`l_l-_ Time to Skate Now. v.-..--v --uv---w-- up` In Prlnoou Itroot. All kinda of In on ghq_ouI_noI,leo_. Pluo-tho noon: Prlnoou uroot. ol on sh orb node I with Wheel win own. V U. I I`UaI., bill I Iago I Illllvvu King street. next Shodn. __.:_j___._j.___ lvI\.oI.: Iv`:-u-.u u `I, the that In gunntood. who uoond units for Itself. Drop In and no [or younoll. Von In nlwun welcome oven 1! you only want to Admire tho tooth. __ yuuu-vi I In therutohlng to be nomldorod when huyln candy. unor thoi oomn the ques- Hon 0 price. If you (out. at |l_I AIIDIII nnc IIVJI \.I -rI\I I `III got our son much I WI: .56 BYINE a '11.. of coins. `I'M! to the land in no mnklu o! no costumes :13 I tootun. `hr: 6 um. :;.yn::muIt lould II has )7 glue wlontorful aIP'h|.ootl.ol . I c |l|'0. o. uIt`r:ot. hotvoon Prlnoou .u"'L I _ - - _ llolnhudfn and Oink`: Odo- bntod Loan. In one than botllu. no not down at m-nnnnnm lIl\`I'I'I nut 01 Hon 0! pnee. 1! you [Int MclAUGlll.lN S. .._ u-.. 1- _..-_--._-.| n.. III VV I|`CIOI ' Is at 351 Prinoou shoot. when you onn ml; kinds of work done In tho Inn by the British American Dying Co.. of Moncronl. `t to t tho plo. Directly oppollu mu HoIIIo.P Ii- ($95!! utteot. All won-k unnnhod.; CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES. PA-n nun`-II.` Rain A to climb. It you want Phomraphn for 0hI1ot- mas. osll and see our work. No trouble to ahowjt. amkllo no_`sturs '\IIIlCIl VI luolluvuu no Invited to visit our non {nqnontly whether the wish to buy or not. Our trimmln 0 act: are oxquhltn and rep- reuent t e choicest nylon. Iloduood rice: on all line: of mlllinory for )ecoInbor. All] All 0 IAAIIIII ll I PEINCEEE III II I IIIl\.I you your ulnisln ourhnulod by reli- able workmen. ring them to un. you'll be utiued with the results. We hnve flung of spare room" for sub. com- orta lo nor 0 of blcyolol. household furniture. olrr Mu. etc. 1` I` - - _L l`__-!_..- n..:..4..- II\ulI Ill Ilvuuvu about anything urdng our hontln nplmrntun. thnml Mn`. 0 .. u be: no lay in to lnvntgato In matter thor- oughly. 1! you do no we aim: customer. The but poulblo value or your money in Tinwnro. Stovu. Fumucu. om. . nnuonu In unwuu. nuuvuu` . J. BRYSON, Rntwnnn Prlnuau I IIIUI III9 in , Olnning And Prou- BI tin Co., Don't lorgogjho plug. . _ , U, Kath and lhoovond. Ooo Bailing, Iron and Win 0050 and Ida. Win Guards And 51! kinds of Who Work and Win Cloth manufactured by - nniunnlflll IIIIRI . ___-..- Au.- VT? 2%`!-7T7`! Th B91590 HI 0! lI:ll\00.I lngllhozo II M _ --.---1;-n-an nan 0.1---. II UII Dvvll uuu wuvuu w -1- , f>.`.5'x`:'.'`i'.`..".':'a`.?&: Umtom Work 0 tpoolnlty. Bapnlrinq promptly and nutty dono. GA: Ann Hntkll Knot. BUIIQIII IPOINTIRI. W'1s:!:9--9'is!_ IY9I?`A "IRWIN In -0, IKI nl{nnA1l no 1:... ...... Between Prlnoou and Brook Bu. "' "' "" "'I lnnnlmtunr of Interior Dooontlom. Ammo Wood floor: Muzzles Grlllu Furnnun. Unholnton-{nu and (funeral Au kind: of mm` from 6oc to 07.50 per pair at Pleasure and health com- bined. Rnvenons appetite, good digeotion,l'oey cheeks. Better than medicine, bet- ter then coemetice, cheaper inn `omplly um null] tlonu. See our Hockey Boot; b'r"'I:"|F:"""' "'1""'?:'uu" L. olphol`:2::1n.:nllicnor:: for family Use. n and [VI-ALE I |\'\l\I I A the none the lhou ._ .. . n.___. L uuuuvu u; INT W13! -W _.llI.ln|It. m PRINCESS 8'l'BEE'l'. ($0., iA.i}Ii a Broken. Vnnnunuanu. `undo. Ont. jontol hvuhutdm W; ounouuaqnn Iva LmW-ml Cheap. only D15. IIAMBLYS H2.` ITA GOOD THING. H0.9: ..93.v-%.%sJIosel Lcnd Us Your Eye: The celebrated '3 D C()I`H(NL-I are unrivnlled [or perfect t hu.u|y of nish and style. And have I`O6elV0i the highest awards at. all the important exhibition.-4 luring the Inst. #0 nuts. Obvoinnble In 1-\'1~r,y variety of shnpo sud utylo {tom 4-nu.-rspursup A ._-I-1:1-|r*\I IFEEIYEEJI?L A'i0fBLSETSI -nu nun. luv STEACY G IHn..._o. ..v.... V ---v-.- unuuu Prince; and Iolrenl I-um-u. Ind Pp Town Pharmacy. app. Y.Il (7 A. j lanulactums Ioyales Do corset, P.D. :-:nun.-- - an IIAIIIIIW-II y During Xmas week our stock of Choice Perlumes will be sure to please you, having imported them from France, Izngland and the United States. Also you should examine our choice line of Toilet Cases, Manicures, Collar, Cut? and Necktie Boxe5_ Our prices are sure to suit you. Inspection invited. -.--- ___-_ L.`EV|l I 3 vv-~-v--- Awudad l0_(iokl Medals And Diplomas d'Hunnuur. NI Thiawook. Our own nuke. Fine Dalry Butter. In. I. ll. JOHNS, "`.}:.';.`?`,. .P- bun upuiullhuit ochimdon uopup chvohdnnurclloot. lull by in! doulan on-yvhuu. on/on 00.. Bonus. new-L Kingston. 1 Indian ndqonnul bTEF|CY, [inn Ihopovu. they vault! hiluul Qmn A-u--1.. |..c.|.u._ C.` AL.A llovunot. oh! llohldthoolooton. gncuuuqlhu tblihcalgu but the Punch-On-ulhu. Iuloppntudonno clhlllhuuuu It didnotphrnugi. and boiuiunnidtbnhnonondd. ll _._._ LL. _ .1-_ _-_IJ 1.;_..I_._ nu IZIIIIUIIII jKl VI 3| . [uric and bin oolluguu." on the cum. `ohthounruthcyvollduho itgivcnthoopputunitytouulo Ibo long Handing Itonblo." In pointing out lilo fa.-IIr.l'oItuvnonot, sounding hour eonhnponry, stirring up ndalot and ollnl B. H. Carnovsky, nu`: nl 'nIAI.lID Thanh: EXCUSINO IR. FOSTER. Thcuonmol Guam ms... to the do- fonoo ol Ilr. Potter and pmnounou tho cannon puud upon him. in ooncoqnoooo of his Action and utitudo In tho Cornwnll election. at nndooornd. [0 up Sin por- lornnooo in Cornwall In quite continuum with his porlonunoo in puliunont. which no out enllnd in question. Tim I.` nu... . ....a...u- III! VIKXIZI Ill IWHHL "Tho loot nuns 1 Innjotity vuobhinod by dolilnnto nit:-0|:-Iuuuon of It. l`--l- -_J Ll- .41]-.-_.. H .._. AL- gun vuu vvilul HUI! . The picked roller should, however, be seen only on the nuts: or woodon vultu- Tbo public oicinl who Mica It upon the gnnolizhio units. to chip and destroy them, Ihould ho dinniuod And prosecuted. in man. A little dip in the walk Int winter ceueod on accident. which he: - noying eecu, end the end hes not ye been reeched. Thoteune of depending on the householder doing I work which pro- perly belonged to the oorpontlon. But. the removel ol snow. in not the only thing tho: ehould he done. Send should be sprinkled upon cheee grenolithic` well: when they ere Icy, for then they ere in he mosh den- geroue condition. Tkn -ml;-I._4I _.II-_ -L-..IA L-_-..._ L- vv yuu nu uuuv. But there is always the difficulty of the unow clearing being done epeemodioelly end unequally when it in the relult of in- dividual olfort. The street: depertment should adopt eome plea of heving tbeee week: cleaned at the public expense, the coat to be met out 0! the generel tuetion. Then when snow lell, on the Snndey ea well en the week dey. it oould be removed before it in tremped down end made is source of denger to the ordinary pedu- trian. CARE OF THE WALKS. A duty devolves upon tho city. It is to one am eh.` wnlh are kept dean of _ioo and snow, especially the grnnolithio wollu, the treacherous condition of which has oc- casioned some anxiety. It An`. ...... n.-o oh- -5... J----. uuuuu uvu -vu-u -u-uvnq . It does seem tint the street: depart- ment. will hnve to oomider the importance 0! having these cared for by public clean- ers in n uyetemntio and proper way. The use 0! iron shovel: and not should be din allowed. The by-law prohibiting it. should be put. in loroe. nub pl.-.` :- -I....-_.- AL- .Ixn:-_.n_ .1 .1 , It is impossible to believe that the con- servative government. in preparing for the last general election. deliberately planned an attack upon the ballot boxes. And still one is left to .wonder what it meant by appointing to the oioe of returning otlioer men whose record did not warrant the highest opinions to be expressed in re- gard to them. Several instances have been referred to where it is now patent the ballot boxes did not contain an hon- est vote, but the two cases that stand out prominently and chal- lenge attention, are those of the North Ontario and Mscdonald elections. In North Ontario the tampering with the ballot boxes was so palpable that Mr` Mc- Gillivrsy was ashamed of the transaction, and talked of resigning his seat before the house. In conn tion with the Maodonald Manitobaelection, was returned. a set created by the arrest of one rriassn, a crook, whose qualication for oilloe is alleged to have been his expertness as a card player, and who is accused of running the ballots up and down his sleeves and of inserting in the ballot box those marked by himself. It is amazing that a man of this stamp could be wiinen a chance to practice his ne- farious habits; it is the more amazing when it is rememberedthat he does not be- long to the constituency and was sent into it for the day. What was the object of his appointment.` Who is responsible for it 1' The Toronto `l.`elegi-am in agreat ad- mirer of Hon. 10'. Martin. and bacauee he ,waa not eeleeted for a eeat in the govern- ment the liberal party in aocuaed of in- gratitude. The evidence in accumulating that Mr. Martin waa defeated by wholesale corruption. and the Telegram holds that "`the liberal party la willing to accept the reeult which eueh atrocioue meene pur- chaaed in Winnipeg an the excuee ter the ingratitude to the man to whom the party owe: it: preeent poeition of power at Ottawa." A etrange, roundabout way of laying that the Martin echool bill wae designed to make trouble, that Martin foreeaw that the coneervativea were going to blunder over it and be de- feated. that hawae the leader of the liberal party and not Mr. Iaurier. The Tele- gram ie in the habit of eaying smart things, but they are usually to the point, which cannot be said of thin allusion to Mr. Martin. The party in grateful to him as a liberal, one of the great party in Can- uda, but it doea not regard him ae ite crea- tor and preeervor. nu vuuau J. W. Powell. E:..K`.:`:17m'J.'!.."