Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1896, p. 3

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bellcacy ot Flavor. Superhrny In Quality. mum III canning to the _ lavas at nyuqtlc lllnvl ouu.|-n- VIIIVALLID honnoenu an on Puloh uh. : -."&"r'.'.3`.`- .`r&. |D.- doth. the you poumlo umnoo. uocwr rnrxnuru. :5 ll aid. in now pro ring. with the aid of: duplcnblo re u licm kicker, to revive an old sandal I I . Mr. Plum. which every mnnmlahln man in the gum. domocnt or OIII BCIHIIII IDOIIF MI . ITIIDII Wlllcll BVUI" respectable man in the state. democret republicen, friend or foe. was glad to no buried year: ago. Dr. Perkhurata visit. to e lewd brothel oloocoa. but Doctor rnnnuran xeu-u mu Mr. Flatt. will ukeit. and to dasbro all pouiblo chance. Docwr Pnrkhurat. It in aid. in m-am:-inn. of I ecu-aelenoe. Doctor Pnrkhunt dene the eleotiomof Joeeph H. Choote, and his election to the sens!`/would he the rounding up of on honoreble and useful life. In unoeknouvn but. Mr. Plow would be willing no see him elected. Bub Doctor Pu-khurat ten: the: Mr I-I.t.r. mill only. M. gun! in Ila-kl-ni All been more christian-like if he had celled him uide end reeeoned with him instead of denouncing him before the whole eon- gregetien. As I eeid before. I eenetor ie to be elected h the present Iegieleture to ll the piece David B. HiIl;Joeeph H. Choete end Thoma C. Plett are the most minent hendidetee. though there nee If dozen other: in the reoe. ltie of little consequence how many osndidetee there ere; it in conceded by _,every one who know: anything ehout the tion of the legieleture, the! Mr. Ktt will have the naming of the senator. or he can take the place himself it he no deeiree. It is morally certain thet though he don t care A hreee button for the oioe, he may yet feel compelled to take it in eel!-defence. n....o... D--lrhnn-0. signing: the Alnnhinnanf I Ilnnet II he described him, ltwonlu neve_ mm 10 EVERY MAN. time: he described him, itwonld hnvo hnmn vnnrn nhrin.iAn.|ikn if ha hld allud- .TATs";"'rI'I?|`)T'I'J`:-T7I~I_.??EcT. hvnuudolnqcnho -----you-gu uuu ceufaifcnuh was In lI1'ollnn . . . . . . . . . Jun. H . . . . . . . . . . ..Jnn. 18 um dhn . . . . . . . . . . Jun. 18 . . . . . . . . ...Inn. no line onhln. Derry and Liverpool. 652.50 Ind Q): rottlrn 0100 Ind sun, ecsond rshln. tlvorponl. berry, London 634. liteerllgo. ivornool. Derry. Belfast. dluaow. London. Inwhlug found. "L50. ' 0 B. B. Nolmukn will not call at Port- lgu.1 __.*1';_.9E!!!'| Fumm 7.`;"'.3_ , ,, ,,., - The now nmedy "Oriental Pllla," for a I weakening disorder: of tho malt nuual ayneorn. ImpoMncy.ew.. in bi hly endorsed by laading phytloiana as ng the only oatlalaotory and reliable tnatlnont. Rana- dlaa hatutdata onployad provarnoao dia- ooul-a.ng to the patient. Tho Oriental Pills anoourago from the nt don and give untold Iatlnfactlon at the niah. Bo- onuly mailed toan addrua for O1. Plain practical polntau or salt-cum not with -oh I-oi-n n-a;.-. -._ _. .__. -- __ H. 1i"AiE's| l"!s9_*_`_e#.s%,9!.a::'.x-I ` """J ylotchoauauoundou-ootcdloctod l 0- uldnl-ttoccodculdnn. one. Q nun .l1uI\oI.lav,. ;&I.IuI|.. "$.13 an nooltonnmn . ` loan , u-nlnnnndlntuu Ha-nun bnldnchlli land. No- pvt In H. o.|`lht::o who hula . sun in Map- You have money and want. HARDWARE. We have Hardware and want the money. Let's trade. loconta off every dollar for tho Xmas I-lolldnyo. 'dw;ARlO SUPPLY 00.. `:1 Victoria St. Tonnto. lit! for hand: J. P. ILILIY. Our: WE ALL TRADE Tho comor Bookstore. oornor of Prinoou no Ioulnnon Jtlbou ` MISCELLANEOUS BOOKB in endless variety. Iuitablo for Chrintmu I Present: at F. NISBET Sl New Juvenile and Toy Books In Shapes and Moveable Figures. Select Your Christmas Cards and Calendars Now. ` IA Oral. Vsriety of Novol`;nd Artistic Dorignl at lower prices ml: in former ITIME ruEs"!J W. J. FAIR._ Inspector. Ontarlo Chambers. Kingston. III we ulatory or me company. nna were never was A time when so many repriman- tativo men were applying for such large policies. Address or call on on may !ound.m.w. ' B ` land. anti wlll nnt nnrry atoernuo pnsuonnn. Policy No. mm. use 41. 31,000. 15 You Endow- ment. Ouch. ILM9 84 ; Pnld-up Policy, 03,800 00 .- Annuity, 010.35 Policy No. 50!. ago 45, 02,500. )5 You Endow- ment. Cash, .110! B6 : Pnld-up Policy. 96.61011) ; Annuiti. $401.10 This bu been the moat prosperous our in the history of the company. and t. are manv mnmmn. H1005 UBTID. W. J. FAIR will sell contract: in the North American Life Assurance Company, until the end of this month, and guaran- tee 5 per cent. compound interest. on the money paid in. The lnllnwina I-nnnltn nm A law at Hm money pain In. The following reaulta are a few of the many matured policies in this company : Policy No. 569. age 80. 0l,000. 15 Yes: Endow- mant. Cash, $1,521.08; Pnid-up Policy. t8,M0.(l) ; Annuity, 1101.1`. Policy No.636,ago 46. OIJXJO. 115 Year Endow- ment. Cosh. l1..'i6i.m; Paid-up Policy, l2.M1).00 ,- Annuity. IlI`lti.20- Policy No. Cuh. : Paid-up Policy. FIVE PER CENT. GUARANTEED in addition to the protection of the face of the policyin case of death during the invest.- ment. term. W J PAID ...:n -..n ,.-..;-..-.- :_ .L- mvrsrons, ATTENTION ! The Careful Housewife Will Use No Other. Absqlutely Pure. `HERE'S A CHANCE. Goodju Pure Gold Baking Powder. ' Nobrnh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ion ollun .1)-c. 3.. nm din 11.. unnll ...Peu. 3| . II In In. 14.. unmun Live: ovornhlun found. dla Pure Gold Flavoring Extracts. True Flavor. Pun Gold .!'l|rori.-3 ixtneu an no THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. SATURDAY. DECESIBEB 26, 1896 "GILL AS... TO GET GAIN I - cw. wuuuu vvruuiro `I50 upon at the Iluton In oordlnlly Iollclhl forth noun 0! HOCKEY BOOTS. 10 Till ILHJTOILQE A: one of your rep- lontulvoo In the Council 0! ms. I have dnduvoyod to promote tho lntunh ol thin word and the city. If you oonnldor mo worthy of you support I roopootlnlly look no-oloctlon. THOMAS DONNEI.l.Y- Viv Ivnln WAND- LIJIB AND GINTLIIIIU : I odor myulf u 0 candidate lot Ivcloctiou n Alderman lot Victoria Word and nupoctfull aollrn your vocal sud Inuence in my bolnl . IAIII llnnri-An v -up-w~u 'lVJ THI ILICIOBS. '41Aa gnu! 1'1.-`AI--... "xv Till lmsulvua. India and Ocntlomm - M the nollolutlon of DID)` olocton. I olor ml! at I candl- dah for nltlunun for Victoria Wud for um. I therefore roopot-Mull: Iolloit your voun and lnnonoo. C. J. GRMMM. '10 THE ELEUIOIIS : Lndlu and Oontlorn ,-l. Inn been re- vlutod to olor my new on n Alderman for Iotoriu Ward for tho your 1501. and would thnvnlnra no-n-nofnllu -nlinlo man. ....u.. -...I oor urvfbu therefore rupoocfnl yo `ole your voou and lnnunoe In my boln f. lnnomly youn. untlnv nnnnne my-cu u ucnnnmnu lot we mnyorany mr 1&1. At. the nquooc of I iugo number of oiocton Iukc thin sup. believing that i hnvo on-nod the honolir which I lock, and pledging myself. in can oi my election. no use my host oorh in the interest: of economic and pro- [nuiu civic govornmcnl. Your: truly. VICTORIA WARD. IUTHI ELEONRS: 0onv.larnnn.-I hnn F '10 THE ELECTOBS OI` KINGSTON - _.... ......v.v.-u us a-..u-nunvn Ludnu and Gentlomen-Anor nix you: nor- vloo ll Ildermnn And vo yours` <*hAirmnn- Ihlp of one of tho most important clvic oommltku (Court of Revision). I beg to oer mynol! an nonndldnu for the mnyoralry for 131. AC. Chm Innnnnf. nl A IA:-n4 nuumhgu nf unulurla Ur THE U11 ! U!` lUNUH'lUiV': Lndien And (}ontlemon-I rupoccfuiiy offer myself an: candidate for the Ilayornlty or the Cityoi Kingston for ]R7. I have repre- unted Onurio ward {or several yearn, have Iorvdi on nil oi the important committees. have been chairman of more of them. and feel that the experience gained in those positional have qualied me to aioiently discharge the dution of tho oioe should you noioot me. I thareiore noiioit. your Iupport and inu- onoo. YOUTH nincaroiy. - ow - vuuuuu vvr-`III: '10 TI] ILK}'l 0lL`1:' rn_ontulvgo_ In Qoupou ELEUPORS OF THE Ci'l`Y OF` KINGSTON: '.At"nn and llanolg-n-..#l .... ....nI...|.. ..~- Poo. II to Doc. 94. vulld (or return on or he'- orolluunr mh.m7. on presentation and lllrnndor 0 standard oertionto. ~ OOIUIBOIAL TRAVELLERLS - SINGLE l'[B< l'-Oblssl FARE. good going Doc. 19 to H. Vllld for return on or before January 4. on Drountntlon 0! emnmm. Pull psttloulnn :0 K. h P. and O. P. 3; Pain olou Ontario ncrut. .ooNw;n?. 3. w. rowan, Aut. Gun. Pun. An. Gen. lhnnnr. nguuuo `IO -10 Il\l\IlII'I I II. (Pupil of Sir Walter PM-HM) From the Royal College of Manic. London, England. glvm IOSIOIII in Plnnoforte, Slnqlnz. Hnrmony Oounmrfoint or Fuguo. Tormn 03 I month. I00 Wu hm street. r '10 THE ELEONRR Inuhd my this oolle;:ln endo:-at-slf I M m by leedlng huulneu men of Conndn and the United States an THC BC5t- Sponoerlop. Buolnoae or Vertlonl wrltlnu taught. Pttmon. Pernln. or new Standard Shortlnnd by experienced reporters. lndlvldunl Instruction. oortlfloutod teachers Call or wrlte for putlculnrn. I lIlI:'Il\|ll' 1111-`: am: Ioonor or later wm me at am. Fire on Eut 33rd street. ew York,yee- terday. deetroyod property veluod at near- ly a million dollere and rendered 1.100 Koople homeleee. Sohmex- e piano were- ouee end the New York Polyolinic hoepitel were Among the building: dee- tro ed. Vnnoonver dummh gun. that gene. uuun Ill wnuu Iur pnrhluullrn. LIMESTONE CITY BUSlNES_ w 7--T` Clnrtorod Accountant ln charm of Bus!- nou Department. Vertical and 8 ncerlnn wrltlna taught. Pltmanho Short mud In- structor mulled on recelrt of price. I160. Send for Positive Proo " recurdlng the Iupcrlorlty of this college. Addrou. Jnnn n unlrnv RI.-....o.\.. n... The Budget System ; thin nnlln-n in nnru--ml mu-on wm no runnm January 1th. For terms, oto., apply to Iuul. nouns In Union with The London College of Inllo. (Englnnd). Full stat! of University nnduntoo. Mute:-u In lnthomntlou and French. The renqmont and culture of homo combined with tho high. at mental training. Mnnln T\nnnrm.n In Ian... ..I n;--\._ on menu: uumnx. Munlo Department in charge of Stocks Hammond, E|q., Mun. Don. Olnuoo wlll he resumed on Thursday, January 14 nvafiii ` Kings; ELAN LINE vvlalalavlu Forgunonh Block. Princes! SI ... Kingston. D. DAVIDSON. PI-Inclpolu _.j_j. Kingston Ladies Gollege, C|oseburn." K'iNc.s'roN. ONT. Iu lllll line, we IIIVI It. Made in Tan or Black. Seniihtylcs. with or with- - opt` strap on instep. MAVORALT\\'(. I897. If you wagt the best nrticl in this line, we have it. 11.4. :. 1--.. -- I:-I--I. MAvoRALfv, 1397. MR. C. J. HOGARTH. {Pun-u l nl HI: Illnlonn D --,vU 57] college in endorsed Viv VICTORIA WARD. VICTORIA wxno. SINGLE FIBWT-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THXED. good going Don. lo, M Ind D5. or Doc. 8). II and Jan.1. valid for return on or lveforo J 4. %KO0Ia VAC |T[0NS-I NGLE FIEST- SH FARE AND ONE-THIRD. R00dR01l'l LA oo. he- orolluunrv Inn. 1807, presentation VICTORIA WARD. I Allh IIIIIVFLIMIII . I` .p__ . ELECTION CARDS. II. I. RICHARDSON. An Alla-onto: IOI1. V II UI IIIII PUIIBKO. Aaufell, JOHN B. IoKAY, Kingston. Ont. _Ajj__: EDUCATIONAL. Business 190., apply to nus. CORN WALL. I. A .. Prlnmnn Years Established noun In my IIOIIIII. JOIIN NEWTON. IIUII|JCI,5I Between all mentions in Canada. SINGLE 'IIE')'l`-CLALJ.-I FARE. good going Doc. 24 and rb,vaHd for return on or before Doe. 26.01 $0.31 and January I. valid for return on or lormhn iv F;[B`T-CLASS IEXED. Hood Iolnn 88. D5. J. S. SKINNER. `Ill. DIDDOAQII HENRY MOOERS. "j._"J.'EinA~. College. nl In ah PD COLLEGE, A Ira--. , .:_j__. I of Book-keep in; used 11 -L. A.. Principal. An Ian ulvu. Dun 3In.-A!ur salad be two fmnncuhlnd I 3.3. I tootonlylhno vllinhnndouo no wolluovul nu. Ihighly nounucud 3.3.3.` to all _ It. Join WIIII. Alin. sun. a. nanny; Anus Buxuu." Couonun. 0nt.. Doe. 4.-No higher testimonial can I paid to In nmody than the voluntary munout of In Oobnrn. vbiclnhu follows: I Md 5000 lot` nil montluennblod with a nun Inohoho and kidney trouble. I Ivnnulvhod to uh Dodd'a Kidney Pillu. Ir Ind baton Mod ocbotnodicinou. Ihvohkon yanr pl and Ends gnunliol. I can ulol tboyuijnlthlupallaforyouug shiat- ly woman. Canada Railways Christmas a-J New Year's llolldays. Bntwaon all station: Cnmuln. I-`alN(H.I'`. jut I % V'- ENGLISH ' BREAKFAST COCOA is 030 zinc Dlalilovo ly Illll nuonobo and I heardo! Dodd'a Kid- no Pills curing I backache. I bought hunt down boxes ,und can hi hly ro- commend thomto all Inoring with Kid- ney Discus. Iv dnnhtnr Armin -n y manna. ly dngbtnr Annie was run down, And line but taken than And in now {no 0! all pain. We Inn no objoc- tion to Allowing this to bopublinbodf Ills. 8. Bnznm: commona mom to all w|'t.h'Kid- My daughtnr down. Ina aha thorn and in most. soarunng recovery or strength in a rowing girl. Her father makes the fol- iwing signed statement: "My daughter had been troubled since six years of ego wihh weakness of back, and could not get an relief. I procured a hall doesn boxes of Pa Kidney Pills and she has and three boxes since and is completely cured. I believe if she had not taken Dodd s Kid- ney Pills she would still he in her betl. She is now slxsen years old and healthy. You may publish this as you see t so as to help other sufferers. Jnsnr fhlnnnn Mlvnvnn H no nolp omor sunorern. Jon Onmwn Mvnno. Mmoc, Onk, Doc. 4.-~-A woman and her dnughtar both have boon cured of kid- ney discus hero by Dodd s Kidney Pilln. The mothor mom: I hue been troubled with backache And I heudo! nov curinn nll huh:-1.. I s.......s.. The wny toatnngthen the back is to restore the kidney: to health. The medi- cine that will cure the kidney: in Dodd'a Kidney Pills. I)odd n Kirlmw Pill. L... . .......-:-..- maney nus. I)odd a Kidney Pill: hue I mnrvoloun record. Hundred: of women bless them. Read these: (`M-nu. 11.5 I\... A n-__ .1 .-.. O1'l'AWA. ()nI>., Doc. 4.--From the little village of Csrlown Plnce comet now: of s most. startling recovery of Itnngth growing girl. aha fol. KITsI0N EIZFEMBROKEI Pity the womsn with I weak book! You know her. She feel: too ill to do A day ; work comfortably, yet not ill enough to hiron doctor. It's her kidney: thntaro ailing. Bnchoheu no not conned to working women. M Indy of {ubion Inbn quite as much an often. Young rln oftaon ore troubled with wenkneu of t 0 book and loine. 'I"b.- _.-.. A- -A_.__AL__ `L- L . Hlllldl'CdS Have BCCII Cured. By Dodd'a Kidney Pills. which Re- stored the Kidney: to Perfect Health. whereupon the Aching Symptoms Vaniahed-Pert1nent cases in Point. Many Women Suer trom Them Be- cause ol Kidney Trouble. vacant, unnwrImp.. The Thirteenth hand has been ong ed to play at 5 charity ball in the Bu ulo muuic hall on New Your : night. J. I). Denrry bu been communicated with by bandmutor Robinson. and say: he will not. object to the band crooning the border, the member: being artists. )wEAK,AcH1Nc BACKS I KOOPIO nomolou. xsonmoru pmno Vnnoonvor dupntch mus that sena- tor Molunea, of Victoria. will succeed to the lieutenant-govornorlhip of British Columbia on the retirement of Hon. Mr. Dowdno . J. C. Mchgan. of the Van- couvor orld, would Ohen aucoooi to the vucant unnwr|hip.. The Thirmonth band In: been amnued on ma capcurea, am: one mu-u go: on. Tho deep waterways oommiuion has been inquirin into the causes of thelow water in the In ad. The conclusion in that the pluent. stage is only temporary. It ha: been lower than in van last summer, and sooner or later will rile l\ ain. m... .. 12-... n...a ........ -.. v....|. ..-.. uount. torumnna an Louopc. Three oonvicu who were returning on Thursday at Dnrtmoor prison lrom outside lsbor. made I don rate attempt. be escape. One was ahot don , the second was wound- ed and captured, and the third got off. Tho dean wnmrwnn oommiuion hu mnmon government. name nn. H. Anncole, France, the poet and litera- teur, was received Thureduy an A member of fhe French eoedemy, end pronounced an eloquent. tribute to the memory of the late Count. Ferdinand do Leeeepe. who returninnr G. I'. City Pnsonnr Station. 001`. Johnston Ind Ontario streets. wm not. no exnrnauoq. The Grand Trunk rnilwny comon has offered to convert the Victoria. ri go At Montreal into I double-track structure. with a track for I trolley service. if t2hodo- minion government sums in. M. Annuals. Franco. tbs noel: and libera- autonomy xor uune. Mrs. Sternunan has made a etetelnentto a reporter in Buhlo inwbioh the expreaeee her condence of the result of the trial in Canedn, but she in also convinced that she will not be extrsditod. Tho ll.-am! '1`:-nnla milwnu I-nmnnnn I-an election enomy nicer uno next tension. The Itaetedepnrtment at Washington has received iniormntion which leads secretary Olney to believe that Gen. Gomez end other ineur enbchiefa are willing to accept autonomy or Cube. Sternnman elatelnentto Ill ner wages. remier Hardy denitely denies the re- port that. there in any intention on the port. of the government of holding a provincial election shortly after the next eeuion. The nt4t.e dnnnrtmant. st. Wnshinnbon has n wallowing this Bunny; Ann... II vonoamo ncmon. About half of the 4.000 minors employed in the coal mine: of St. Clair and Madi- son counties, Illinois, have struck {or higher nnuinr H.-Au rl.nifA'I1 A-ninn u: pa. enroy . It. is reported that Juan Fernandez, fsmous as the {sbled home of Robinson Crusoe. has been completely destroyed by volcanic action. Ahnnf. Inn" on Oh: I. WWI rninnra Arnnlnvntl way. A roia r iug in the bi Spring Hill om! mine at umber-land, .8., and it is feared that the whole property maybe do- strayed. It. in 1-snorted that. Juan Fernandez. ton`. A New York juttioe he decided thec A loan of poker chip: is uivdent to A loan 0! money and can be col ected in the ume IV. ny we cmunn Ina noun or arms. Alderman Colquhonn bu unnouncod his intention of running for the Inngnltf in opposition to mnyor Tuokow at Ami - MT xx-.. V... :...o.:... |... a...:a..I n..o_ . ilonrulvnn NV B0o'rH"'& co., (luooaon to Brook 0 Booth.) [I0 0101! WIDIIOUF IXVIIIK I (l0lIIl'. William Ournn. eentenoed one mt ago I at Regine no ve years for arson, been releued by executive clemency. Hon. Mr. Bhlr and nu-lav hnva Iuched r leased by execumve clemency. Hon. Mr. Blair and party hue leached Cel nry and the Ininiuter wee bnnqueted by t. a citizen: Ind board of trade. Aldermen Colauhonn bu nnnouncod was I main or Uornwul. It In aid that Hermann, eho ungloiun. made $600,000 in the Inc twolvo years, yet he died without leaving I dollar. William Gun-nn. nnmnood not no mcnuu l'0lI|D`IIOI hO. OIO 0! N30 OKIQU resident: of Cobourg, died Thursday. He In I nnhlva of Oarnwnll. brutal an y. Trouble ha hrokon one again in the Fifth Royal Booungimenmonuul. Four oicon have resigned. Richard Polilngborno. of the oldest rauidanu of Cobourr. Thundav. rumonu or uonourg, also nntdvo of Co:-mull. It. In -girl that "AI-Innrn mu. W. S. Cunpboll, trouurer of Brunt county for the last twenty yours, in dead In Bnntlord. 11...; J34-s Wnulnr ninnn hi: I-Afnrn tn Ball: of Now: 0Is:Dovn to But no I10 0! tin Buy chben-ll.o 01: Foot Iliad! In a llama and load n In Inn.-Thu World : Oornorl lnllllaokod. Berlin lioo raided I number of unr- ohisu I 'ng-house: nu d nude awe:-sl u- in-cl. an unnuom. Capt.-Gen. Woylor since his return to Pinu Del Rio in carrying on I In: of bruuluv VI`-nnhl; an In-nhgn nub. nbnin in Ha. mun TllROUCll AACULLENli\R[ half (are. for Pullman cu nooommoduion, tickets and full pnrtiunluru spply to SUCH AS THE PAPERS ARE CERV- Anidlulvon. AA_ __Q__J#, A Iocllntl. INOVUP DAILY. In Ana Oonruac. If` 5 III. .7. " rumgauunnun. vuvuuv uuw-. In wu-juulllg (In, VH3: lundghl you-0 ol ugc. [bushy tmnbldwi oslnrrnhjor nyyulmnnd inn! thuohnvo Iudanntnnnvmnrrh IOIIllI.llNJlll!lV9. Ind! [000 B0 ruurn lllllll Jnnnnry Itch IM. Oommmlalcrnvollon. on prounenon of lth cnmlontu. will In luned round trip ticket: at one way nuulnr lint Cluu Fare. :33` f.`. 3'{..`i'.`2?.':`.E t1'..'.'7";.`.`?. ..' $"'..`.'.`,{r':"" I l.-'!'ho shove rodnood n n nnnlybr uwlmu Ina osurrnllor any in my NIIIO hvo nod ngrnhltny cunt, but non: had any nlhl until I Dr.Agnn Gnu-rhnIPowdor. cant] nu c.ncnnInulv_ and In -103:... nu um : 1. Our munioipulitl hu I lqul ri ht to iuuonhoomoto out-u.C ' t to terminus on 2lot J uno nut. :32: coun- cil lorthwibh proooodn to issue one Iona on-5. that iuwou-0 ranted the proverbial I {nch nnd uh noun cum. 0 II... AL. I..... -.4- - :..A_...._A. n.- men nr;c;::u:h:onnI nun. d I 2. lento n ju glnoutfor dunagu (way for Ipoi|::.:h|I bout.) il we Wolfe Inlnndon on men the council in- dividually witl ammo All cosh. basil we no Chinnmon the township will In addhd with them." This in not had had I an glndwouthntu lcnnonool thogondv mon Intornlhd has put. this ngnuuonc in Inmng.--ExontIn. Wolto Inland lorry. ` Wonn Isuxu. Doo. 24.-(To the Edi- tor) : I thank your oorrapondont for his rosdy mature to my oomlnunimtion. A nunmgry of bin ropliou Ilrihu me an bdng lih t in I O... -..._:..:...I:o_ I.-- _ I_...| _.x_LL ._ Acjlchsy Ian 0! A30 030 In D! Dr. AnowuouanIuPowduonoIu&o of mm Iona. |hIIII-ll Iollciu 00lIId&hI'I'III'I"IllI1IhIOC. Guwolawigolhnnokln. PL, V1100: "Iundgbt ollnrnllot lhvvnmnnd yet to develop tho condition: that may prevail." These properties have been tondorod u: on such aniiatwtory term: that we believe we can nccompiioh our purpolo and put them on a paying buil At an early date. ' In nine month: we Iucceedod in mak- ing the COLORADO GOLD IIIINING AND DEVEDOPIINT COMPANY 5 [mama-pnyer.mC we think weclh do ` FROM A MINE vvuln Ill lll IIFIE . TEN THOUSAND Di)i.i.ARS IN- VESTED IN ()RTAiNiNf} GOLD 1vIm<::"r (`AN PAY YOU MILLIONS 3 When you becanw n shareholder in (mg compgny you are as much of I miner in proportion in wllr |Vl1~ mont no though the mi! N49 Vi`-`lied "i you direct. on every dollar 3083 Y0? the promotion of the interenu of the whole company. nunlcrlpllon book: are now ope the once of DOWNSBROUGH & ~ binkon Ind brokers. 22 King Ii cut. Toronto, OnL. where J. ORA LYMAN. Managing Director. wli planned to reoeivo your aubacrlpi No cdrtlncltte will be issued for them 100 nhoru. shun-so are oi` the par vniue of full paid and non-nuuublo. and I ject to no further coil. Corroupond-noe Invited. Intending subscribers mly. it dealmi, apply for Sharon through Mr. Thomas lgp, Kingston. - them ulc vv ulvcl Ill ululu II I IBIIU Ilp0I|lI'U I of Iron-stained rock with stringer: of sulphides, but no work hu been done South of the Crown Point grant are three claims. the Southern Cross. Wol- verine No. 2 and Iron Hill. on the ret or which in a Crown grint. owned by the Southern Cross and Wolverine Con- solidated Gold Mining Cornpeny. On the Southern Croee are two open cute and two tunnels, one 75 net. the other 90 feet long, which are made In the very iron-stained diorlte to develop 3 well-dened eeure. in which the ore` in places widens out from nothing to two or three feet of eolid euiphidee. In the 90-foot or working tunnel, at ten ` feet. is encountered what in probably the Crown Point dyke. down along which a wine was eunk I5 feet with ` two or three feet or low-(rude pyrrho- I tite, copper pyritee. end blende. when l water caused work to be etopped. On | the Wolverine there II A large expoeure I n! Ir-nu--Onlnntl I-nnle -Il|. nosing-.. -0 CASTGRIA l(7l'l.-'!'ho rates dpplybr Owocn all Q Mom Wlndnor. Bunk Hnult Sh. lurk, on Wlllinm and on In Oanndn. bolwen ve Ind twelve nan of nu K/lU\VlI IUIIII. ncnu; av nu-pa, vvu-uu wu- average 858 per ton, slao from 400 to 800 tons with an average value of 830 per ton. The following is taken verbatim from the omcial report of William A. Car- lyle. Provincial Minornloxlut. to the Minister oi Mines :- Tlncae px-operuea adjoin the Crown Point, which, as everyone known. In the most famoul property In the south Belt H the present time they have probably 200 or 800 tone at are on the Crown Point ready to ship. which will -I-A O-up.-u lll In ............... at-.0 man on... The KOOTENAY will operate In the Dominion or Canada exclusively and particularly in the Trail Creek district of British Columbia and the new On- tario gold fields. We have oongroi of some oi the best properties in these districts, but our eepeoinl attention at the present time will be given to tak- ing up and actively developing the Southern Cross, Wolverine No. 3 and Iron Hili,owned by the Southern Cross and Wolverine Consolidated Gold lin- ing Company. The Bonn! of Dtrectorn. In It Itanda, In provlulonnl and subject to ratica- ` tlon at the mat atockholderf muting. and at the same time the Board will be completed by the addition of two more directors selected from among the shareholders. as the majority decide. ..-...,-,,, , Owing to the violent. objection made by many .01 the subscribers of the COLORADO GOLD MINING AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to their names appearing as ahsroholderq, none will be published by this oompnny. This company In An Auxmu-y Oom- . pay of the COLORADO GOLD KIN- ING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- PANY. and will be underthe lame management and conducted on the lame lines as thou which hcve mus such a marked moon: of the ptront company. LET';ER8 TO THE EDITOR. The business of the company, as per its charter, wi - . _ leasing, prospecting and developing mining properties in lhellIl))(e)l1l)lll(')'l`\g('3fsQll~|l1Eo _oP| *|tIng.' where. Also the buying and sellingpas principals or agents, of the stocks b allnadn and else- deeds, etc., of mining corporations; also smelting, mining and assn in ' on 8' m"g8'3. business pertaining to the mining industry. Y g` etc" `md 3") 01116!` Principal, round tn ticket: will Ilcnod b be lulu at one way FIRST (LA88 FARR AND ONE THIRD. [nod going December nth to Mth. inclusive. And good to return until prounenlon SUBMITTED `A $E`$-s"s`ro'nv. C. S. HARTWELL ptesidem J. GRANT LYMAN, Vice-Prcsi. HON, CHAS. A. KEELER, Sec.-Treas. J. E. JACKSON, Supt, of Mines. _ .... ..DmEc'roRs .... .. HON. CHAS A. KEELER c. s. HARTWELL. J. GRANT KEELER. __.L1M17L=p.__ OAPITAL $2,000,000. area of $1.00 1 0 OVAPITAL " Divided 1nto_2.000,000 Shares Each. Full Paid and N on-Assessable. Registered pnder the Acts. ms R8. LOWNSBRUUGH X 60.. BHHKBIS mm BIHKBIS. 2 l{H\'(j STREET EAST, TORONTO. --- ._`._._,_.._.-.._ _._._ __.._.-. Ia-I-I.unrpou-noun Iuunnuco-puny. lnnlnnn-3:-n t. .A.uu.... A.-Lu; Flro lnuuruno. I I, """'"i"*`..-.~" .":"`-'5 ;; 53-'.;i.-v` Si|V9r Dust 5 uuuu -CIC 2 TIIBCUIIIIC ZIIC lit` uuranoo Complai- -`l`l.l nI1'II`l'XIA.I Ontario` Dion 3 __,_ -,_ :":.' I London C Llncuhlro Life As- !_;_::_ DR. ITIRLINO. Oou-not wmlsn Q Womnzton Stunts Tnlnnhnnn ll ...PROSPEC'TUS... IIIIUICII Ul |.ll!'.' L'UHl1'Hll)'. I We have a largv numlu-r nf nppIi('n- tlonl to develop, it-nsn. buy and oper- lte minim: properties nil over this OOUMFY. some of them uni~~n|ab|)( good. It is such. after :~.'u'Piul x-xaminntion bv experts and enginoma and approv- ed by us, that we lakn lip. Statistics II) that 87 out of every 100 who enter business (all. Can you Imagine nny Iuch number falling to secure gold by mlndng it they invested the same capl- tni"nnd applied the same thought and Work In that line`? llVIlI\v ll|IIl'\Ivn . .4.` Y-A\' 1 ; nu -rnv This In worthy -If yr slderatlon, {or until H GOLD MINING A.\ MENT COMPANY \\a never before did the sn have an equal cham- moter: of the com:-an 117.. |......_ _ ._ TRIED. SOHOOL VACATIONS. - To tnohon And pnpllo of nohooln and oallegu. on Intrendor of Itondnrd form 0! school vacation oortlenu I`(llOd:{ M ! viii In IIRHT (LA88 You are not usimd to subscribe for Itock in 1 company having but one or two claims which cost but a few lhou- Iand dollars. and were then capitalized It 1 million. 1 small part or which was sold It luch A price that more than paid for all the clnims, Inrludlng de- velopment work. Iw mg the nmrm-~ H: the company with a majority of Hi-` Itock It no cost to thernnoivcs. As we purchtise only such properties 1.: show an actual mine and will yield ` 3 return on the inveuinn-nl, and do not ` buy undeveloped [mmpv('l:I." whose chief onset is hnine." UH` element of Iona, so prominent in 1hr- un-rage min- ing venture, is Dl`(`Ul(lH)' dune away with. Then, too. the main-u~ation un- der our plan or no mm-ii rupiial would allow of failure art-r fnilum in our developmenta, and yet nnullln us to pay I handsome dividend if only one mine out of 20 proved guod. 'I`iu- majority of miner: have not sulr-lent means, nor are they in a position to procure neceuury capital in develop their claims. even after lhvir value has been rucceufuily demililsilraled, so thgt many of these properiiea can be pur- chued for gures which are nominnl in comparison to their true value. and We expect to develop u inrge number of man properties. n K. xmnomc .n.. I.C.P.&s..LA`l'I 1.. Hanan supul.':.nane Kinnton Gono- Hoobl. Ooronor for city Ind country f nnorl: Rod by an um mann- Dhono o. MI. Oqualiy La well, if not butter, with the KOOTENAY EXPl.(lllA'I`[ON COM- PANY. LIMITED, as the properties we have are of wi-llknuwn merit. Which H0811 but prupvl` d-\"e|npn1.ent to make them among Hm mm producers in their districts. #7001`? f __5.._._......:w;:vo:rd sf.- DR. JBNNIB u. DRENNAN. omen, as nuocx s1. .-j_-:-:_ DR. BE66. WILLINGTON TREET KAI Prlnoon). Q Tolophonoqlll. . . . . . .0FFIOER8-.. . . . . ;v.._.`_ _ MEDICAL _cAnD. uul lll lllll nun. um. um: Jlnlllf] nu. '1. `to nturn nntll Jnnuu uh. H01. A1` Tlutlill FIRST CLASS IA E, AND ONE- EPPSIS. G.!100A| msunimca. mm C wouxng Toliphono bl). 2.. .. a'.:.."" . x'.:..:.":.r':...... '-N. 3'-*-`"""=t"'~-Fa `I nvealnwnl, lnpe." t vmcllz-ally (H-o|v'l`8ll0n o I ....; -_....u _.-., , nu v [H uuu nyynvv- we-ry : ..-; as... .......... ......I nly nine alnwnl, `prnupu-(-l:I." 2. I... .........._- ._.n_ LY MA N, Vice-President, IT lAr`l/cnnv 0 . .... l.M`Il1ll'l'HlllK BIIHOII. ` J. P. OILDIIILIIVI. Alnt. 4! Claronno Street. \ | [A118 tor. Prwlnoo rat rs Scum. __...___..__j__.____ I0!-I01 an `:0 I? '5': u '- 3'e:.Aum u'.s IYTHIU YOI. _.__._ :.`?1'.'-`in. 34:. m'."" Luau IIIV IIIITUI. of 81. sub- an- &n_-_._,_ -,3. -p. . yu -nun c. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND BHAIKXZ HAVE AL- READY BEEN TAKEN UP AT THIS PRICE. Subscription book: open at C0.. street GRANT will be aubacrlptlon. lean 100 n|._..-- _.__ _n .g, - - -- \.n\AI! can: In ulu new year gnu wlien the Improvements. now under way. are completed. It wlll be four times the present amount. We believe the KOOTENAY EX- PLORATION COMPANY, LIMITED, wlll be equally successful. and lnvltn you to Join us, and should be pleased to receive your nubscrlptlon for the number of share: dealred. Price 100 per share. n|!'IlI uvvnvnnnn . ..n ------- . nu: glrrntcul. uuuuu! III numng Dl`O|')P!`- Hen this country has ever teen: Good. bad and lndlerent will advance. but if the Investor will be a llttle conser- vative and look Into the scheme that In presented to him, studying its poem- bllltlen of prot, and gums In at the boxlnnlng, he may rent assured that profits surely await him. A thousand per cent. pron! over the actual cost Is only I falr return In mlnlng. Ah-onrlv Hm nrlnrlnnl .|......s...u.u..... .. Alpha, another mine rm the Com- ntock Lode, fluctuated between 83 and 81,570 per share wlthln five years. with many leuer qhnnges during that time. II In an nan-Inln on on... ..... ..|.x_-_ uunuy ncu-In cl . linen uurln mar. ume. It is as certain as the sun shlnell that If tho mines In British Columbia I and other favored parts of the Domin- lon prove one-quarter part as good as | experts and mlnlng englneerl report them to bo thnt we shall see one of the greatest booms In mlnlng proper- Y thin nnnntrv ha. nvnr .......- n.....a nod to return until January Ind, 107 IIGLI Fl CLASS FARE. Tm tn Ivilhe iuuod Docomber um. I III In And am. mo. and January Inc. I no BIEGLE E 01 , nun: nun ; / The discovery of the Crown Point : Bonanza on the Comatock Lode ad- vanced the price of its ntork within a. year from 82 I share to 81.825 and, lined ock or Beioher. the adjoining mine. from 81.60 a share to 81.625. then the capital stock was well "watered" and the price per share became pro- portionately lees. During live year: this mine paid out nenrly $16,000,000 in dividends. .u_\__ -,,,-- u<|. 1.151` Us LOOK AT A FEW EX- ;AMPLEB: I II... Al__-`.-__-. ,. .. .. - - The prot: from leglumatevmlnlng are enormouu sud the fluctuations In the vnlue of stocks almost beyond be- , ,_.__ _._..-..- vv.-unu nu. Every man of this company's stock In treuury Itock. and ALL goes for dovelopmont purposes. Instead of nine- tenthl of It romnlnlnx In the hand: of the promoter: at no cost to themselves. as has been done by the average mln- my company. OVER-CAPITALIZATION. wrm A LACK or aurrxoxmnr TREASURY STOCK TO Paovmm FUNDS F011 PROPER DEVELOPMENT. nums Moan conuunnss THAN ALL owlmn CAUSES couanmn. VETERINARY. FINANCIAL DINTAI... GRANT LYMAN. Ll0AuL ' ll. 1. Mon. IIUI IIIG IICIVEI Ticket: will he lulled Don-ombu nu: I IMI1. good to return until` Iva-amber I III - ulna on December Mat and Jnnnnry nod 107. H53? j Christmas and New Years Holiday Rates. Tickets will In inuod Darnmbnr nth And cooagonnf voounoor ugtn no man. momuvs. and ood 0 return untulhnunr uh.1m`I I apply!- Q,-ooAn_nl,l n,g_nelor3g,WWlnduor_. Sunnis, sum an no: lhrmu. o_c An I'M: Ink. III and Ilnllv `I dun romp of childhood. an lanky : col- un Compound. 10 1: the but nmody for our-worked. tun-down school children. an auto! the I:.nd brain and tenure: uonugiu. Prise uo. ulldmuhts. - cough Ohnur."--`I'no non for oulaurh ` Coughs loo. The 1 ad Hal E I I I I: d lllnunm 1 toupnmpnoe CH: play children and no quick? and elbow- : ohm Iluir rowth.'&utu o In on their boumcnd rutous the gin llllh. and viaotouuromp otohudhoodms nnloym Gol- ou-Dluvo _It tha_ bopt_r_o_npody 1' iii: tun"-5. III an Inn; ---, III] and Holly 7 ill I ) TIOII onlti Wllh HARLEY ! 0I(allY- NIIVE OOIPOUND. Than In an nmody Hut ulna polo, pinched And many quickly qud ollqot1_1- 094.3: S _99d I Ilowja The children _aea1_m 2| '\l\I-II T3 \Iu (Iuooouon O Booth) _nlAI.tlu nu_ an in Ilngutoli by I. c. mama. J !f3'3.M!!,D.{ :_-... Liverpool (calling n Iovlllo). Portland. H: Ink: loyal mu stumshlpn. --DIALIR8 IN-- o A. EMILIIJHO TEBBIIIDGE 39 llrondwny. ow York or P. Klngnton, om. ARTHUR , Quebec. TRAVELLING. Orlluc to lhl Troplm. Ih Jnnnnry. Och, Ih and 21th February Ind l'lth larch I`urdo|or|ptlv~pnm hlota nnddntuof calling Apply to F.Mll.lU. 0 ~,().hA`clrngn{,l) llrnndway BI....-o.... Anvlidlvn J. P. HANLEY. Aunt. ,_____ r.n-4:__ __. :_L_ no). Hnllhl. ..`.Nov. 9! ..Doo. 6 ll. (menu. one or no non onmom. Inv- ol tho New York bar. is {voted by tor Porlburu and 5 notation: npubli- oon kicker named Milliolhnd. A numbor o! It. Plan`: Honda and udlnlun lain Ghntlioulnlluh thoploco. nndihun in not tho nlighut. doubt but chub can have tho uuuonhip It In rum in Dec- Iot Puilurlt but It. Plus with the in- unulnuthnhodovilbuldtohnvolor LA- -.A- ' I. sum. is me worm ouuamg, with its ungnt ilded dome, which looks ready to tumble Into the street; hardly fifty feet away is the Tribune building, with ite queer little clock tower perched on its roof, of 1: style for which architects have yet found no mine. but looking fol ell the world like the house that Jack built." Immediately opposite is the Times building, emervel in its dey; the wells of the 0 building were teken down and the new wells were erected without serious dieturhence to the people on the inside. who kept working awey till ell the improvements were nish- ed. Only It block off is the Vanderbilt buildinncloee toit another shy-screpe the Courts. erected by the late Eugene Kelly. e hive ol oiees from cellar to roof. The tract society trustees went to gur- ing : It their three story building brought them ten thousand dollarsperysere thirty- story building would bring ten times ten. They could get e rich company to edvence a million ol dollsrs on bond end mortgage at the r oent.. and then have titty thousand ollers lelt for a sinking land to pay on` the mortqege. which they could do in twenty years. How level that looked on paper. The monster buil - ing is goinlg up. through it ooh ee though the henighted heethen will have to weit lor seine time for christien tracts. Our ice budget was reeds up last week: y will cost in nearly seven mil- liune 0! dollars for the current yeer. It does look es it we ought to get something lor such e lerge sum of money. but if the ell tione oi Dr. Pu-lihurstbetrus. we mtg tjestes well throw our money into these. A wennnnef lg.-inlet-nan in In -Igat 3 end belore they get . use us. The t logialnturo in to shot. 1 United mu Ilnotor to Inoooed Ionntor Hill. In In oonbedod without question that whotnrpta thc indonomont of Ir. Pugs, tho oohnovllodpd LCP('iOl" ol the ra- Ian y, vi I got 0 goo. Joesph E Chout..:no ol tho non onlnont. Inv- oanu nl OLA Nan Vnl-E bar. in hvnrnrl hi .ut.Pht.C.thoqh no6nnonlnr.|udu Dnhuhrhhumfn church. Dar- Innuioltho [know Dunn anon: wwnto ' non"! In Ihunnvuryu-id Inrlhlln rmnnhilanonknol `V? IIUIII3 I'l\IIlI IVCVV I\JI l\v Tho tropical lnlundl. Including St. Thomll. Santa Cruz. Rt. KIM-I. Mnrniqno and Bubs- dou. nluo nrml honutllul and Intorontlng Conn. Ill rennhed by nlmunnhlm of the Quoboc Itoallnhlp Company from Nu! York. Dpoclnl February lh see In. The building Lhnt. once stood there was bought by the American tract society many ears 1 0. but. in the meantime nev- ernlul buil in ehnve grown up around it. on which t e old-fuihionod trustees looked with envious e 00. Within pistol that in the World buil ing, with ite bright wilded dome. which looks rmdv to tumble grouna. The officers of the society haven lilo . billet. with comfortable quarters and fine ` lat salaries. They believe implicitly in` the scriptural commend. Having tried * all things, they hold fast to that which in good." and it in hnrdly neceaenry tondd that they know a good thing when they i no it. anu, inciuentaiiy. among nem m,eu unnat- iaas, if such a class exists. no property they own is a good one. Every inch of the ground on which its building stands in like minted drops of gold. souls in days gone by have left large sums of money to aid this good cause, hoping to earn by these gifts 5 reward celestial. when the balance sheet of a christian life is para- ed to St. Peter for his inspection. It has been estimated by one of the most expert statisticians that this country ever pro- duced, that ever sinner rescued b these means has cost t a Christian worl about twenty-five thousand dollars a head. As a sinner saved is like a brand plucked from the burnin . this may not soem cast abroad had not fallen on ground. ne in it it. years ago. Earnest pious dear, ` yet it does ookas though the seed they | fallow | "THE lI.'lI0ll OH GREAT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNBSS 0l' llllll. WHICH OUBED IIIII AITIII EVERY-` '* THING ILUI IAILID. Painful diseases are bad enough, but , when a man is alowl wasting away with nervous weakness. t e mental forebodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There is no let up to the mental suffering day or night. Sleep is almost impossi la, and under such a strain men are scarcely responsible for what they do. For years the writer rolled and tossed on I the troubled sea of sexual weakness until it was a question whether he had not bet- ter talre a dose of poison and thus and all his troubles. But providential inspiration came to his aid i e shape of a combina- tion of medicine, at not only completely restored the gepbral health. but enlarged , his weak, emaciated parts to natural sine and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will taie the trouble to send his name and address may have the method of this wonderful treatment free. Now when I say free. I mean absolutel without cost, because I want every wea ened man to get the benet of my experience. I am not a nhilanthoniat. nor do I mu. HIVIOUF nearly two Lhnuoana years ago. The American trnctaeocioty was founded for the purpooo of diueuninatinz chriauinn literature among the benightod heathen: and, incidentally, among beni mod christ- ian. if aach clam aximn. ha nronertv l through the games or aeun. But. it is onlyja step from scenes which make the lieart. Ache. to all the glory, the happiness and the enjoyment. that wealth can surround itself with. The par ; n 1 Ir Dives and Lazarus are shill drawn \ l sharp lines on they were in the Li me of the Saviour nearly two thousand years ago. Tha American trnctniociotv the present. generation. God help the poor homeless wmdereru who had no shelter from the pitileea storm that. dreedfulni ht. The list. of suicidal is appalling,--t.Eoee who. weary. starving, homeless and tired of life, nought Lethe through the gates of death. But. itia onlv'a glen never nd e cllmnte bunt. wounu nun. mm. The snowstorm was severe, recnllin meruoriea of the great blizzard. which lo I. such aawnth of min and disaster behind it that it. will not. be forgotten. at. least. by the generation. God halo uoor with short crops and stervauon, me. On Tuesdsy night the sleepy New York- er lay down to recoup for the next day's work. drenmin . meanwhile. oi the stock- ings that won! hang in the chimney cor- ner. wonderin how they were `going to be lled. and ns ly giving the ri dle up to be solved by the good fairy who has charge of Christmas eve. and the jolly old `Dutch- man who distributes the gifts to the good little boys and girls; so the tired world slept on. The morning of Wednesday broke, and the streets which they left in shadowy gloom were clothed in a mantle ol spotless white, as if the Creator, wish-_ ing to bslsnce the ledger of the dying year, hsd merciiully erased sll record of the pest, and blotted uut all memory of the shortcomings of s sinful world. The grumhler wss up early; he looked out of the window; it was a scene of wondrous beauty; the bsre-end withered bunches oi the trees on Tuesday. shone like glittering dismonds sgeinst the magnicent back- ground of imperial blue, over which no cloud cast a shadow. Even the old houses hastening to min, and brokendown fences in the last stages of decay. had all their imperfections hidden. looking in their spotless beauty like the creations of an. other and better world. with no mischance to mar its harmony. As he looked out n n the scene and the sweet tinkle of the si ver sleighbells fell u n his ear, the brow oi the grumbler fell: so there ever such cussed weather in the world 1" said he, -~ "snow l snow ! snow! You c-.in't go out; d streets horrible; you will get pneumonia, E n n lumbego, rheumatism and tiedouloureux." If that man should ever reach paradise. and his chances are not good, he would find climate that would suit him. { 'I`|.- ...m..nu-m was unaware. rannllinu xuw roux. ueo. zn.-aomu pm in: very hard on mit~in fact. the to be Iuited-che bleued hnbit, of gram - I ` my being too precious to be given up for yrennonnble price. A week ago the weather was like 3 eninl. toll. Hey day, and the grumble:-u rig-ode were wonder- ing if we were going to hove any winner; even farmer Dunn, who sit: in the weather wewh-tower and give! as notice of Ip- proeohing trouble. went to bed on Tues- dey night without Ioundiug a note of un- usuul dun or. `The major-general of the grumblore brigade Ina happy; we were goin to have 5 green Christmas. with An exoe ent. ohnneo of 3 {amino next. year, with short. starvation, &c. On Tuudnv nhzht. slooov A ntn 3 (X). A I r. in mw. AHIRN. !'an`1. U lllnoory Bnponu lIulI'-`I`u Won: 0! `tho Alnorlnn Tpct Oonpuny-`l'Iio Prgunt laglnlunro to line: I Incoouor to Don- nar um. (Special .Oorrupondeneo. latter No. 1,016.) Nnw You. Doc. 25.-Some plo are on't. want -' tn ha ...ar.a_n.. hluun-I hnbir. of umm dome PEOPLE non-r WANT TO BE SUITED. THE cnnomc mum. Plumbing. um. and hot. nut at. Hug. ' Hngin all bnnobu. pnnnptly at to. J.W. Oldln. 37 Brock unto. N kc! mun. It loorlv bad after taking soms highly puffed up stuff, with long hsstivnonisla. sum to Hop Bit.- ton. snd hsvsnolosr ol any Kionsy or Urinsry troubles. Bright's disssso. Dis- bshs or livsr oomplsinu. Thsso disssses cannot. resist tho curative povsr 0! Rap BIWOII; bssidss ilistho bsst lsmily modu- clno on ssnb. uwmou co. J.v Hirkot oqunn. touglnauum 11.Lnu" nofnnnnu-manna.` "" I""' "" .I"" " now To cum: '-7.':.-. "' know: L-`s ca klknl s'.:'=.-*=-' usual. The In Ilnlnoalauoly loft I! And that tho rut day I have had no or Lroubla linen." Bold [217 W, H, M In _..._. -uv -uuuwuv--vi -cur -w. lib! nurcln trouble Ilnco." Sold by W. H. I lay. lnnnrlvnllm In In anruvnvenosa. ranch: o OIIQ ma nlt-ant Iron steamers Onnococ rlnldnd n 48 Hours From New York. ML- L....l..-I l-|-...I. I....I...ar..- sn 'l\L..-.._ vvurnur. Thou are the word: of Mrs. W. T. Rundle. ol Dundelk. Ont.: "1 Int I greet euerer with eevere pain in the region: ol my hours. For I time I sue quite unable contend to my houeohold duties. I wu induced to try Dr. Agnew : Cute for the Heart, end I Inuit at the result. we: won- derlul. The In Immediately left me. the rel. dn I have: had no min ULPIOIIIOII, _|} l'l.ll AIIIIOII, I". Memnrny. Highland divi|ion-H. Koach. J. Bry- don, F. Bocloy. .1. AHIO . Is. A. rovnor. Cum on diviaion-Chulo1I Riley, Alfred Mnrtin, J. B. Ayleoworth. U_E.L. dI'vilinn-w'. II` nhnlmnrl J I`. nurun, .1. n. Ayleowornn. U.E.L. division-J. F. Chnlmoru. J. C. Ctrnoallon. Cyrus Allison, F. Mombny. Highland Konch. J. Brv.l HEART Plms LEAVE m A DAY. Unable to Anond to [lot Dally DIt.Iu-And A an-t Inornn Iu.- llggot 1'-...n.I% lentil) Ooupolhlol Ins. ll. and conned dnrhglhoyou 4_-__._.-__, iu"iE}?(E:' , momma: GIVEN FREE EACH MONTH ~-A Sunlight - III..- _- __ _ _ uuuniy vvullclllorl. uollnox lnll Aualngton. Nupnnoe division --T. D. Pruyn. I. B. Sills. Allan Oliver. Thomu Bymington. Emuttown divinion-B. E. Avlanworth. ` J. HANLEY. Kings! AHIRN, !'an`y, DIIII. mun U||VO|'. 'l'l'l0lDCI uymlnglon. Ayloaworth. J. Ame R. A. Fowler. f`.-n -.. .I.'..:.:.... rV|.-.l.. Du-.. Au..-,: uvuuy Illlll Iluw 1 can lnuru [0 [)8 me [OW cage euampe necessary to uni the in- ormuion, but send for it, and leern thnt there are I few things on earth them Although they cont nothing to get they are worth e fortune to some men end mean a lifetime of he pineee to most of us. Write t.o'l`&omne Enter, Box 197. Kelnmuoo. Mich. And then inlnrmntlnn will In many! m ngomns ulnar, nox I197. lulnmuoo. Mich., And the information will be mailed in 3 plain sealed envelope. County 0ouuAcIllorI.Vl.onnox And Addlngton. vc........ .I:...'.:.... 'r n 12-..-.. I n 3: :::::";..`::.':{..:`*:::;`3?x W; . th 0 9 u an enchuuaft, bug t. ;l::'l wrax; of of men suffering t she would boomed weakened mnnhtiout wot such 5 mod, " " "'d "my u 3 Do not try the one an` (nmdn :n?o`rd to pa the low 1.. ..... Therein aufferin impouigle, yous ' i if. wan n nnnnnn -rhnl-Innr ho haul -use Inge `ms union on cam cnauengea In weir uispmy. As I pass from store to store. lost in the dazzling beauty around me. I hear some grumbler exolaim, What waste! whatex~ tmvagancel to lay out one s hard earned money on such trash. Stopone moment. my dear friendwjust for a moment. Do on know who made thoeebeautiiul things? oyou sup so they were made by mil- lionairee-- won't say millionaires--but by rich people T Don t you know that every beautiful thing in that magnicent win- dow is the work ol a poor man or woman who was bleeeed with artistic genius. but had no mone '.' His neighbor,a mile away, had plenty ogmoney but no genius; he wanted to adorn and beautify his home. and he had to get some of the poor man s work to do it. The poor man's we a brought joy to his home, and he ha a merry Christmas. The rich man brighten- ed his home with the poor man ! work, and he had a merry Christmas. The exchange made both of them happy. God bless Christmas to rich and poor alike through theagestocomeforevermore.-BuoAmmm. 1 nunea Perkhurst s et midni ht, and sitting throughout en orgie w lch ehocks every decent men's better sense to think of. is thought by many clergymen and othereeminent in the church. to be innitel worse than my offence that can he lei et the door of Mr. Plstt. When Doctor Psrhhurst wakes up in the morning and kneels by his bedside in pr: or and repeets thepetition he learn- ed st is mother s knee. "Givens this dsy ourdsily breed, and forgive usour trespesees asweforgive those who trespessageinstus." doesit oocurtothegood doctorin his pursuit of Mr. Plattthst it is s so illustration of christian grace ? The pu lie is getting disgusted with this constant detail oi wickedness; give them a rest; they want no more of it. Leave the dark and sor- rowiul shadows of the slums; come into the sunlight and mingle with the joyous thousands that crowd the streetsand stores. Wonderful are the works that adorn the windows. crowd the counters end are plied upon the shelves; human genius seems to have been taxed to its utmostlimit in their creation, and the highest artistic talent is challenged in their display. one from store store. lost I If! BlI1C'l Of IP01 IIXPI 'I'I'0IDIO- lnduood up Try Dr. A[now'| can [or `flu out. um! I: Proved n Wonder Cn-haw. ..TvVEBi'a'I-S Till W IAILFAIED BElI|lL'[)AB. with cable communication and oqunhlo wink: tompenturo of uvonty dogroos, bonu- Ilfnl Ioolory Ind I01 mile of good roads. hudqnutoru of the nrmm army and navy lnnnrlvnllml in ten atcru-Hvenosa. nu-.heJ Orinoco or rllldldn

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