Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1888, p. 4

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-wnB88' `ff ' Xian," iiv 'a'6a'n';' ' Pure%Preparea Pa/'nz`s IIIIICUIIQKIIUIIIIDC WICOW III! 110 ll: mllllbu. lieouiclcnco in` uooodlngly nhn . .r.JowwbwuwIlvII!.sl"lIWIXeW . ' utonloy M-and lu p thonuoomlhgbtho low at tho ototo. of NowYoI k.I__QlvIIuthoouoo, thoro woo dth It I, boouuor ob- oolutoly volllpthootorrlogool I mmdlvorood lot hhodolhry hob; oxproooly lorblddon- or st looot o an-logo ol ouch on oxtromoly duhlouo notuto that It would ho hold to ho uhoolutoly volt! ohould tho quootiou 01 It: nlldltyu-holutho ooorto. h At tho oouao tlmo It to o lulrly dohotuhlo duootlou whothor tho Duho ol llorloorouh II going through thoooropooyolhloow York non-hgodld not unwittingly on-pooo hlmoolf to I ohorgo ol Ngomy uudor tho pouul oodo oftho otuto (I Now York. Tho lrloudo ol Hrll Hum- noroloy oro olunul at tho rovolotlouo, had oh-ooh uprou tholr dioopprovul ol hor folly. Tho womn 'oortolnly know about Morl- horough'o bod conduct. cud hnow thut ln {ormlug on ollhuoo with him rho wu expou- lug horool! to tho moot unplouont crltlolom. Sho hod woolth. Ind ovory plooouro and luxury which It could purohuo. and could hon hod hllohoudo from guloro without the dloroputuhlo rooord which tho duho hoo rolled up for hllnooll. But oho wuntod to ho oduchooo. oudoho hoo hoou undo ouch. though under olrouuotuuooo qulto uuromon- tlc. A: for Marlborough It won't ooucorn hlrn whothor tho woddlng lo roguhr or lr- rogulur, logul or lllogul. or whether ho ho: nnuhodtho oouaploto pouol oodo or Now V....I. -5.5. 111...-.. 2-- -..-n -3... I- DEFENCE8 OF THE FRENCH. sodoty ii x'c'.?.'ar'..i.fi.'.; (4. :...:.u, shocked by thonvolulon that the wedding thuluounlnr ouuplnnluto with P'N0.IId thuhndo. Thorlnpud nuhhuauluhg the pooplo right and ldhntllopltyh povcnlnuu mud lunnutluuulhhgallt. Hm :uuh.utaloIhohuuIdIq|ubtInh- Ichnou. lvldilythopooploclthot uloqydolotflllhclrguvunuoulnnl pulhnouuhpuunlnctlunnndor the dnuutauul. `lhtnluonlyouooutry In thontld Invhhhlllllulnnhdtht , -,__l.__l__ A- _.L AL- PIC-`NIG AT LEMOIEES POINT. huhulupnnutut uuunlulsblic `gap; 3. It in a nut jjggp htdy annual to null. nulbplltoquodu the P039! 0` `W ......an..-.A.L.nnAh,1'nIAr VVQV V jnioilv noun was $-nuns-I M In an` the oily. Tourmu and no not Inttothduduuuco 325 hi a`aaaIIy'IT-'uu- vv ' .___. skgh AL-an Ln-A Ian ,._I... I- _._..-__, LAYING TH; OORNER STONE. 300131`? !_llOOKl'D. __ A uuu rlnoo lot Clflllllll. Tonoxro, July l_I`.--I Start In: roodvod odothr from iol Pinkonoo. (bleogmoom `imontinghimoo-the conviction ol Canon. 0 oqyn Canon In tho notation -huh tblol who opontod on the oontinoot _for fteen yours. and has never been con- vlotod until rho` mmmgnceul open:th.m' in . Toronto. ` , " ' nannan nroou and an nur, accompanied by ().W. Fauntlo , axwell a atuorney. arrived hora yoato ay. Mn. Brook: and her daughter called In Gov. Morohonae yaaterda afternoon. ra. Brooka present- M ndhar oalnbohall of he: aoh in a low word Shalaaplorod thogovarnor to save her aon'ali!e, aaaurlng him that he never Ixlllod Proller wlth murderoua Intent. . Fanntlaroy yuan a letter from . ,Dlehon.o! Ln . Puller : former om-` player, 'wh!ch mud that-`. rellor'a parenta were anxlona that llaxwolfa aunt:-nco ho commuted. in they `believed hla yxocution 1 would be the came of the death J! on or both 0! &iax'.\'oll a parenta. The attorney: for Mauroll odntinnad thalr plea today be- foro the governor. who has naked for some further fact: in the camwhiuh wilfprobably delay the nal raanlt until tomorrow. - l- III lI'II' III. J:rnnsox'.Cm' Mo.. July ll.-Mfi. Hnnnuh Brook: nnci dun hear, Accompnniod by Fauntleroy. unwell`: lttnrnav- no Plan 01 Bin noun: Ana'sm&:-nua- lg: End for Illa. I-up-manna -l'oQw ll- 1..I.. II 11., ynlo l'IllWI,'I ll`! lllldtt water. At 10:30 o'clock XI. morning lock No. 4. above Mononguhaln city. wu carried lwny. rho Ion will be vary hosvy. nnu uuumuy Imoa. roulnwwn. loctled along the bank of the Monongahela river, I: in 5 sorry plight. rhcro no nearly Ihonty boats at that point. occupied by over 150 funilioo. All of them`.-with the excep- tion of About A donn cl. ' can out lut night. All Willlun .13, Bee `I run, portion: of McKouport, C ` ornis, Monou- guholo City. Belvcrnon, Browluvtllo. Fay- ette City llld other towns Along the river, are reportod tinlly Inbmergod. The wu- ter in wine p In hon tho u-It oor: of the house: while pl! of timbers. lumber and drift: in mm euunnjunmod Igdnlt the doors, and at `on: point: along tho [Inc of the Plantar], Virginia nnd Chu-laotown, and tho` tinoro 8: Ohio milwnvh hunk; an nmhr `mom- .-._ ..__ .-._ .- 7. .-... .....--.-..._ _. STOP - AT - THE - BALMOBAI. w;-m.s m MONTREAL. ma UIIIIICWVII, Illa IO `BIIIIIIOTO Ohio nilwnyh track are under water. At l0:M) o'clock th 1 mm-ninn Inn]: 1 -3-. v-.-. 4 '1 tannin 7;.-r gin xeuh u \\'u!`i-1 dd; Mn. - mu a nu noon cone to we nvor cnlt sud property All along the river from the had tutors to this city. So fur but one me ha bun rapottod lost, that of Geor e Getter, who Ill urnckplghn parted on 0 And instantly killed. htown. located nlnnn tha bank of tin Monnnnlmh I-Ivnr In Too Much Water In lone Plncoo--'l'ho Ila:-dumps of the People. P11-rsncnu. July ll.--The fruhet in the Mononnhola river in Almost unprecedented and gran dump ha been done to the river cnfl And nronm-tv I" Alana rln I-Ivar Cmm LAIDLAVVS Chambray Dresses, worth $3, for $2. a Parasols all Reduced. Umbrellas all Reduced. 65 Chambray Dresses, worth $3.75, for $2.50. " 43 Q! I 1 ~- A- +'""*iMvmmm.::;-$3 NOTE THE BARGAINS. u:-_-_.L.--:__.- invnuo TO avs 'l;AXWELL. noND33*TJiEi7i3i1aaa I:.t:.")l.LUl>" um um ragga Wbnrl who "'3-'3'-.i'i3u'u"u'l,"u-115-`a'm3:'$:'ra" cam OLE/M/N6 AND 0/.9001/mr .5 ~ " % [} J. . A15 1-=-~O:B'-_._. . DREs'S<`IotiD DAMAGE BY THE FR suns.- `INN! I0 IUWIUUOII WIIIWVQT. mgtlxll we mtfxirgput In tho! we lmo proved to to true. that cur large ius.:.5;~ oolnoction mom on to sell 0 best. quality of Boots and Shoes at atout what sn.:~.1ir dotlon pay for interior grades. HAINES 8:. LOCKETT. Wa balim it a miataka for mmhanta to advortiao only their cheapest lines _ may paopla chaap gooda an no attraction whatever. 811]] mm mm mm! hamnhat n Inn nrmml in h 1:... mo ,.... 1.... --2---- :-:2:'n-j _ A and mum lot cujupnggp. mm. Julv lI`.-.Innrn!tm- Rm One Price Store. '0 PSI` cent. bff ll - Der YIN. a/-&hm"' 0V8?` 25c 10 pg! cent~of'full Costume suiting and Mourning Dru: Goods. 10 por cent` off all Silks arid Satins. Low prices on all cheaper Dress Goods. Fiemnants at about your own prices. ALL THIS MONTH . '10 per cent. discount off` all Wool Dress Materials 20c and over. ' ms BALMORAL HOTEL] We are closing out all the above goods at very low prices in order to make room for New Goods to arrive shortly. - - .... __r.._...-._-.-_._.. A. MISTAKE. _ 191 PRINCESS STREET. Iuyutluun LILIUO run. uAw- _ ` A rmsrbuse Pads}-nun; wr. M ply to \\ l.Dmu.v.Nonh hay. ~ , ` L\[-```` W "ll than 3. V"D;l'v-uau. homes, hm ',.m dn5- lVdIu buhinl For terms apply 0;, m"*" `$510!. am. am. ' """|5aI. or to N) niim MTHTKQAT sANnBI`Y. II___a-u 11..-. _ o'a'oici r I -uu u--- Kl? utnzro minus mock `SEED GRAIN. 33313 31! . CLO` Iin nixnu-V-' van AN; :rn1p'rar sun. 1 O D. II`.-1v'Inl!ARl [orrv FLOUR. sTofE `nnsnvnn -Antwan g o..--_... -onrvli --Z__v-1-ud-I-i-u-I-1 I .. ,W_o take the lead in Quality and` Variety. You can get almost any _shape and style. Our Home-Mado Bread is the latept. Hudson}? at -- __ jjjn 0El0I'0II'8 IM_"3_l-5. N0. 37 :I ` 35. "E-"c>'E':?'s". Inwn nwhvu-r u A rt:-bv Galifomio. Peaches, Plump and Aprivw. , Water Molons, Pmeapples. and Bananas. ~ 4.H-QA`E.9vsKY - OPERA HOUSE- v-.-no -avu VI: A DIHRDVJ` they will found an lndllpoxuiblo muunrs '0 who nu cu ot-|he cater:-. They are sad ovouzow are W hula donor for Canaan-8. H. \\'.::n. t.. Sucmmout street. onu-ea]. 11.900. W . Clo ow. 3) St. sacrament oniieaf. ' 11.000. W. C] ow. For Health; Strength and Eoonon-.3` '5 -` rlvbuod. A ---Tvvuj 31 90 Thou Soup: for which there is now nn enor~ utnonn ldeman In tgnoca lgothg ()`:u:ur,r_ uri oronny rocommn '-I -m {Eden for Ihelx-gr`iant1*ln\rlvovalut:.l( `blurring `CAMPING OUT SEASO that -Ill hnlmuul ... a....u-____.u_ . J,._. ,. .- ? DESIOCATELI? soups. Tin... l...... 1.... .__L:_ ._-.-.-v-cu -----q-vu :3 --.p- -f rerun` Point rum. uaiu nun want 0! llnrket. PIO-NIO GROUNDBTO`-LE`I'. Rn: nn 2.... n...L ......_.c...-.9 Iulhinl .-.--- - -v-._.. Uvvw nowxrlioxa rnnrigux" "53 uluuuuhh Iurfuuililltl unusual...-nun-.u. Pnosram umns ma A ruin-|v.i~n,;`an nualnun xovr I111`, A V 1;ol;p)_1l1no 21. .a..:._ V .l.\.J J. .13.: Km: srnmrr BAKERY, EDWARDST `xv:-an um um Mu-tot. -::_-- THE mnncj Fammmwsmmmmm 88 Princess St. LV LY Ihnn-r louuu. BROGKVILLE, K"'9T9F+A39B- ---'o-vc-' - - . - - ---.,v I..- Xaluluannnluunruuhnbvcnnouu. c. v.on.onI xv _-no. N. mun. . " 'g:'""'. Folgorb Cheap Excursion Iv -J"U'I.Y___;2`.- nut. - hIhIH.lilJlI.II.h_rk lhu.8p.m Inxnn ngnnlnnn nah: mn:nnn- -4n- R.`L`.`.. 2'Ji JUL r7_t/2, lit/I,'72't/r. V-u-u quu uwwuv-wt-vw- have lilac`: nut. uI|uu..hn-aluip QAQZLO A IDAQIQ 100: .-o A `Conan -W IllAIlITn Tltlt ` ihthociw. nan. n .\n.n1-n IE! I.l.lAl`lll.AIItlnuur. lI.0aquvuv.I'.nvn.`l"nuu. nuaau-was RApSJ Inthodllo ! assay - &..'-~Vl'RT.UE'8, Q&II1KlIa`_ltrou. 401 -1'.-'..":-.'...':'."' I40 QGI on-E. ` I25 10| "'-'.'.'m'."`..'%. .'.?. "' I10 ..1"L'`:'.:."`..1!.\..".."...."'.'.1{!:'.' um - on V8] 00000000 OQOQOOOOOOO AAAAAAA Annnvu An M An `Iii: . om: . uousa| 2 AulihhofVa.hiloRnllIuu. mz3 "r""`"``ME we 9r !ms=f9ns_1_ em. ST. LAWRENCE UVVUvVUU;U'UIUiUvvI OOLOIIALOAIITYOO. utj-1:311 . Er5XiWEL WARE! Q no-3110 voluauun I$-CW1 W` "IL? III. 11 Idn -Q1 IL: hlIn-I-n nnnnnnlgn c'..`?g"' ":s'i`.`3r`o`i"oax"h'H31a Eb nl-and 0 hum! of the mo W. L. ALLISON. I007. 7......'.'.-.':,_....u ..... n'#'I' ' : cnmoui onnmm rink} 8.0. E. B. 8. -_n___ _;t -n___4-_I _;.., A- ujj-u OALIIIGNAI cmuuooun. Elf IPUIQD I441. frntting & Running ITWTZ} i-?',"r'*5_`5{*:'? -p -'3 -`"-3-" lantuudnlcnllidnhnl. 4 -Qi: a'nox;::r' },."":...u-,.. R51." .,$|t`3tll')'7 'I`n`vn?`N'1`3'. _ ,. . c. H. tuurrm. Body. ` .mnu.. L Y UL 7 ma. "'*`.".'1:$..:...* ,--,'%"-3"" I - We learn from an Amprlcnn oxclunge this .thoy |Il.VO truth in the Andpodu. Some lm ago sh ship builder: In Autnlia forum ' elluh "I6 proton: ncouivo vompet`Mon"hth.: . lug hrvle `tn that port at the I-cold. `rder to do chin they v nbhlllhodgipturu mu} _promEav.~s of the 1 `and Inuit u!.the nhippdn- 01_ goods, vn their ` ,IldOIH|1gto allow certain uh-gauges in llll in 1-xinugr. Thv.:1tfor`.thup. for 53 . ` --wt IUIII nu` III IQIIU IIII vvlliv Ill yuvwuv. ID DUI!` damn the udditiom to tho public debt and 4a" declm tint they mount an bankruptcy and rnilmion of the country. And than I'- oome noun (or the qctlouof the March: govornfnont. Thu policy of in pndoocuor had eluted min wants which the pro vines had to quot. The bin-dept an pne- nun`; phood upon the poopio almdy, and I rhpndinionol the-Am mount 1 rcpugiinion V of thq oounhrudvc pgny, which, in a mm. in eminently right uni pnpu. " "lnothobnnlunu-prcou:.:-ndodtunoc V... guy... can uumu-cu. Iunuu new In `Kill- ticelly pound or prndont, end small! In the end endenger the fuhu-`e ol confederation. Re wee unnoooeenrlly excited and out o! ec- oorclwlth the petty In the llouee of oom- monn. It hot the new pwoeophy thus e debt manna nothing, thecit done not matter how heevy It In one oonntty no I no he out!!! In good endzlte horyonlng city In unlimited. It In: been deemed e3 food thing even to oss e loenof mnnylnll- lone which the country did not went, pay- lng an Interest 0! 8 1-18 per cont. end giving . 5.... I- eh- .I....l_l.._ -- L- -_ I._-_... 1-- nu uv-can v-u---u u.-run much 3 -uuuuunt nut I my In the cbmlllon, tofu uknoyn, has noon 8:` to nine his voice In protest. to con- Anunn QKA .A.|lm.. In Olin nnlulla. .I-LA ._.I Durlng the debut on tho. lfdlwuy unbal- dlou bill the oonion-ulvoo In tho Quebec loglnliluro took 5 position the reverse of can now by my 1. the coulclonlln of Dominion uneoo, Hon. Mr. Flynn proton- od against the addition 6! 33,500,000 to the public dob! on the ground thst lt would u.-outltuto I grant dsngor to the country." Ho not further nod condolnnod any pollcy that would Idd to tho burdou ol the poo- plt." Such, he declared, would and be poll. timllv Innnll ml nnulnn. nml -mnlul In oh- v- vrrviwi . -rum. v,- neurvl eeeuu vnmnulve-, he he deoiered that the country in not rip. ior prohibition. Veriiy it never will be ripe ior tote! ebetinenoe if ell temperence men ere to put. petty before principle and pnotioe whee they eennot prench ! The miiieninm will never come if Mr. Foeoer hen. nnything to in with it. .-cu: -J u-u -uuuuu . '-I'r'"~ And thin in tho nndldata whom Hon. 6. 3. Foster, the nupponod tomponnoo upm- unbtin In the domlnlonublnot, bu gone tooppou. Twlcc. op Important ocoulonn, In: La: Agni...) tL-A AL- -...._A_. I- .._L -1- .m:lW.III'oII. Thohn and ngu ol the 1.0. 0.1`. touch on only to voto tor u-lot! tamper- noo III! who hon ooublut hmponooo noirhnnuoh and W_ O. CuIoyhonIolthooudl- i'u5.":'..'.`.'....,.......""' """ a`n'I.`'i.'."' ` run, one 3 noord. sud bola; I brother In tho order nnd mo 5 lumbar o( thoosom of Tomponnco, be I; thndoro ' ` Rololnd. That this lodqo undone tho oondldotnro of or Cuoy. and man that all Good Tomplu-I and tomponnoo moo throughout the county will give him their hoorty and united Inpport. A-ul cm. I. on. ..._.lx.I-A- _.|..._. u-_ n The oppouut ol the oouotndve can- didate In Cumberland county, Non Booth, In Mr. Cuoy. I lilo long hmponnco man. In rqud to whom the Good Tunplnnf odor. In IIIIIII conilntlon at Hnlllu, pad the following nnnlutlon : Whouu, A: the '8 than than II III citation In --`oonntyolCnm- ' '15- llnn An-nInI.n K...` J _.--._-. -yr-IU-I. IIVWUVUIQ T - `W -TI CU mama coudorhblo. 1:3. cum. In- vutlption prolnlud by pirllunont wu knlnl u: II. 1`.-.--._ .._.l-_A..I. - vvwu--_uv- `nun--c-vu II f-uuqullvuu It held. Hon. Ilr. aoupuon nndnnook a work from which he now span to shrink. WIN`: tho lllltttr, anyway 2 jIlHI T1! "Call UOVII', Rodmndll Io nu:-hhlynuu :0-:Irndvu withoh:r numb nut In tlulualllvos than Ihthhpto pol-noon may uohgrin than _I".' N'w|l:.Rood.w|owu-nutly I luv uudcatlluhln city.choul)nuuoIho ml: battalion. and Insanely popular. should onto]: that thochrgupnluudnphnt Illnlntbohouooloounolluvdhponulot u quloklyu podhln. Hoeuuot henn- ddond gnlltyol nyoloonldl In In Inunoauvlotadolll udthuvlduouolu cddumd Inc! the Inn:-any clunchr. It In an-4-.-6 L..--n.- AL-L A- ALI_.. .A._.I L- ---.-.--.-v uu--cunts, vu-on-u-an ou- appanlt. ht.JIlVOf, that tubing: mad he Quin! foal Ann-nupinlnln [Ox OI-an OK. In. coN_s1tn VA n V: REP (mu nozv. qun"r""o'x':'r-port "":1'c'a.T1:"zu-z'u'am"':c'c`..oo5";$."' Wfkmr. any 9.: connhiounwbo wuohrpdmltl: may-Ind-gcohhonuo oorIAl|ulu- Inn lolthchnmool thonocntod po- llnbyonolirynur u Bottlalonhon the onhnnknl tbonholllon. hlchchugotho nh%rdj lnnldpu Io HUI It I ha)! In lb- L. l.nn':nLn Y Wu I-I III Lbs -:nn Ill no on IR. um. 0n'p.h lbw` hunotouny. 5 very Uvdolpllblllhnaouuhlnuln the --k_\..a E--l&_l... ' I14.-In . TVCV-'1 INFO-CZ nun-wuoru-sum.` nun: I" '- "Uhl ICOIIMI has :- in-lumtlntho onh-Wot unl- Qnnn AA 1 -.Ig-.J-QR- .An`_"Auno '`'r"""`.'.:".`-L'3 .. an h IIICJIIIIIIILEIQQHQQL TH:`i__JAILY Wmc; A I ,#_ lnn._,. In wurul, as can I urnouzon II R--`county ol Cum- ; lotthodonlnlonhonuoloommoug TRUST!) IN AUSTRALIA. AIR. 0183) INDORSID. .`!o?uaor_tol;omnlIdIAptmuo;u to . . ' N. PLAN GA . k`I v (`N Kl 'n:'u: Jill . ." c "0lArur Orlablar." u E'.J.I PIX. PNIIICJ. g; 33 mm ward wanmmn. mu 1:. III all WIN II GDIIUIHQIIII OI llffllly. In the comb tluceortiiug bill I'll and 3 ooconal mm. The ull mm` the mm. of service in the active` may It three yours, and jxnho ru_en~u at six in-I 9 had! nun. ;.._. UI'[I'I`!A Pnuoholl ln Iotnrtl to 'l'l:un--'l`|o., scale; In uuuu-my mu. _ PARIS, July ll.-In the chamber 6! depu- tl yiltorrl 1!: Mon ted tol 332.. u.. .:.`:i...=2.?.`:`a',`1...n.o2.`: ?" sn.., ..i`a oulon uulmltted In nport. commmn. taunts that no bunk: and otpor burlon In counrnchl on the rosdotouln at Chu- lnurg aml ll:-out. Mt. D01-lnhy ukod the ham to vote urgency fclrfjllo oonnldqxitlon of pom deletion bl . Atlllitfll Knuu. I mlnluur ol mnlni.-, spot: 0! the llnpormuco The Nil will be co -1 the manure. uyln that its pain a mu an absolute noceultyg In order to:-onukrr I-Wench ports muamrxr 0 dc` iauu'u. e on an uy. In the IDIIIII than-mnmnn blll mu and PAH? TEN 53:23. 8 Algimah will be at 51.. cu: ' nvuu-Ir; Icon, 1': lo 3. M10 ladle: 01 the In ad heavy bsmn__and unr- nn carried on !h Mr. Forrln residence. = IQ Tnrt qplt erofthollvtrgrocnn. Dunc n w w h,|Io kind! hoods: thodllponl of the cnlokgrl. undo wu furnished by 0 I club orchutn, sad was of I nry In order. `:11 : oomucnllttee of man- ugonnnt, compound adios. curve I audit for the inmate! the pic-nlo. Ame tin {or the many lonoutilho party Ind ro- oolnd at hlghuds The city was reached at 10:!) o olock. ovqvyooo holng well planned with the day : onjoylncnt. - .0! thank: wu ohou-hlly given to Mr. For-` "A In: Part! And a Bun-Bull Dlutoh |In Which ladle: |'l`ook Part. A In pu'ty,eompoIed of Kin tonlann. spat mv 5: Domains : Poingtt After nmnotoun gums and sninumontu had been uhhod 3 ol but-bull took phoo. The India 8 Inuly hall ol u gocltlonu on qach t The was won the Myr- 'thcl .Ioon,l :03. Thu! Ieaof tho Ivlnnlnn rm no-nu-ul Iinnvv ha... ....I ...-, no YIIIIIDII a century or I0 nonoo containing II it dooi. tho histouIJy' of the city from in fotmniion. Tl|Oi`O W bc a collection in aid ol the tnnt land. and In the waning I so- cial in "the roller, rink. when Ron. Dr. Doutlut And W. Bull, of `Montreal, will up: . . In me not, no u I nunonoal papor my be vnlnablo dental-y Iohcnoo containing it dooi. II hllhli the citv from in ...-.-vv- --v - null evuenunuwvuvcuu he nlnemben Kin ton as one of the beet lnoee he ever llvurin. In the none will plncede cuhet containing the document: taken {mm the none lnid in 1851. which, en-elicu, ere decidedly intereeting. Rev. Mr. Speriing will recell many of thc thingy which time documents contain. When they were pieced there Kinqeton wu inll oi excitement, eo thnmhe pepcrs are very enterulnin . The new one will contain. silo. e lcctiou of ooine, Mcthodilt noordn, of coufcrence end church. end the city `ournele. The edition oi the Wino. in I'll II the Illmll nf CAI!` Pnnhhr AI-A nnk. ucorun, ol couunnco um cnurcu. um the jllrntll. 0! Wma, In wh h the luau of Carl Foobar no pub- lhhod, will be among the documoxm plnood in the box. And hhcoricul dontnrv lohanoa oonnlnlnn zelnoalu om}:-on wncllxocn: reiuga mo-morrirow tenoon,et om-o` .wt nppro no oemnonlee. The etono le A large (amp and Ereoeupromlnent corner of the edice. X-Mayor John BI-eclen. the oldeet traetee. undone of the meet llberel enpporterl ol the church. will perform the work, After which the venenble and eloquent Rev. Dr. Douglas, of Montreal will deliver an eddnee. He wue lormer peetot of the church. when he wee jnet budding into romlneuce. He In full of reminleeenoee. e nlnnnn hp nvar Hm: In In pk. gen..- -:ll nu` corner mg. {.i {z.Is" 47.; su... Methodist church will be d to-morrow Alhu-anon, At Inn n'nInn|n -hi. . an-and. 9- I he OOIOIIOIV Fkld For 'l'o-Inonow A nor- noon-0oculon o! lntdrut. I-uzuvuvuv vvuuruwnv yvuul VIHIU Ill AVUW York sum. Blpmy is 0 until clones in his utlnun. and It will not trouble him Ihatbohuoomnlmdltoncoora Icon o tlmcuoloqnliohutho wldpv and he .1- ....mr.... u:L-......:..... :. _......u__n.. ooxvmnmrrru snwwrmn 1.. .|.- L_-.4 .1 L..- .1... n|_.._n_.- -_.l n._n._._-

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