______.__________. I.\'CK on Shnooc Street. lately . A. W. Onto: doublo house we oonu-I: [Nd yard um next door. or to B. Rouxsox. lh-uc sun. --. 1 Yard And Wharf. Iluulod bo- workn and Kingston Foundry. urn Lumber. \ ood_ And__Qoal And sat. down. Then Mr. Purnoll sroac at l|.55 o'clock nud put more Iomdionnl lnugtugo Into the tivominutes that nmaim--I that ha: been heard in Pnrlitlut fur yous. Taking Chamberlain`: ch of from u I Luis, ho charged him I'll ll\'l\l cuvurdico anal gone:-Ally with ul leagues. Ho nllhnl I-y saying: '`.~\nul ` Alter ho bccnniu .\linistcr my principal run!- loction of him is that he was always must Anxious to betray to us the secrets and counsels nf hi: cullungucs in the Cabinet. and to vnuluavur while` sitting by the niilc of those colleagues And while In consultntiun with them, to undermine their councils and their plums in his own fnwr. If this im uiry lac oxtcmlml intn the-so matu-rs. and we no reason: wh ' it should nut, I shall be able tonulm gmul my words lay ilucumentury oviuloncc which in nut forgwl." In the sensation which his speech L .'H1HOll, it '55 rvnmrlu--l that (ilmlutonc ut;\r<-l nt. (`lnunbcrl.1in in rapt utnnishment, and the light in whicli l'urncll`| rli.irgv.~ put the ex- l rumicr's trustccl (`abiuet (`ouncillor wu an ugly one to any the least. U".`tI(!ll(*l`y to his col- ` Lm: LONDON un:ux1rL+:x uW` V. . penoml motives. `En: nun-n the clhcunlon of the l`nrm-ll Ihll II. lurmunl. nlinhon Ind Ileeping hm hue been more And mom plain] mud ltd in the Mono. Q dohutahu. no term-d by n untu- Ilrniuoxl Acrimuny Ihnl has posted All I.-oumla. l`|.--..|..-I-I-n .33. in nnnnn nnanr `AA. bolllllla. Chamberlain ups in Inmu Angel` 395 nusnlnkg other the Ito pm mling awaken?! r. iclpnd Sir George 'l're\'ol ur- mnllolounly quoted his own worthy iu.;up- port of I Inulioll than but-u-o the Jloqlo to rattle! the Icupool the mmnulou. llo mu brilliantly I-ltkr on Mr George, but hilod tn unsxu-1' Ir. lhi-ll lhruuu. Ht! could not uluny him till \\nl\l$, lyul he talked genenlly for name uml down. -m..._ u- u.-..-vl ........ ... 1| .u A`.-I...-L nw|g.'.nu.4l the motion ~ TN! inns anwun mm- uzu. AN cmwmsnum. lore `mu In lie llouu our Ihc Parnell COCDHIIOI. Low-n\', Aug. I.--()n thu remmptlon of the debut in the Home 0! Common! to- dn on tho Puuol (`om-Eon Bill Ilt. , lb four s;|iIl that the speech of Hulno. Sov. .\lut.v.he\u last night, in which he laid the jml cs Already had thcdpower to select such of t a charge: as they eemool worthy of an inquiry, conuinod what the (Jovernmunt ha-J All slung stated. sin Lvun Plnrfnir H.i|).) contended that all slung stated. Sin Lynn Pleffnlr (l.il;.) contended Mr. Matthevn ml utcnulcnl the ucupe of the bill to an enormous extent. Mr. Mat- thews now said the inquiry was into an or lnniutiou which in-lucccl crime, I lwreu the mac hail been leal in believe that the hill was intemled to enalnlc ceruin mu-nilmrs to ..l.....- oluni 1-l||l`l1"|'l l win In clear 1 uuuny .\lr. hows urn case. Mr. ('h.unln-r!ain I that he wt-I:`.ul luvv of the pr. I\('\l ihvlu Mn? hr nail Lt` hill 1. u IV UUILIZI. UVII1 lVllllI|l'. & HAMILTON. Props v nnnmlo- Ilinnn Inn-man 1 HID [ I`IIY1I~\'u but hr min In n-j_;:u-liI;~_' In ' m \l.. I I _I_ In Iwunn. ,.:lslone said the Gmcrmnuuzu m-.1-xmm hm! Loch mirciy An-I ahmful-,-Iy -lmngeul. Mr. Ihlfnur said that Mr. (ilaulatnnxc on the eve oi an ipq|1iI'y had pronounced the | letters fnrgericu. u- r.u..I.n.m.- "I uhl I was instilicul i I letters tnrgcrica. ` Mr. Glmlstonc: "I said I was jualicnl cnnclhqhug that thcll` Wu u mutim fur th- rcmnrknhle wny in which `the letters um-~ thrown into the slu-L-.". \l.- l`...lL.nr -uh] that Mr, HI.ul.ntnm `A thrown IHV) the slum. .\ll`. l`-i\lfnul' halal that .\lr. rc-nm-ks wu-rc must improper. Mr. llcicl offcrml an a1nL-nmllncnt that the connnisaion enquire into the L'llll'gl`3 only so far as they lxmr upnn cliargcs and alloy; L- tiuns agunst nicmlwrs of tho llnuzsc. In support of his amendment Mr. Reid raid that Mr. Smith claimccl the inclusiunofuuu side persons in the inquir was irrt~lL-vnnt. Mr. Smith`: friend, Mr. \ 'nltcr, haul nut in- uiited that other than members be ilncludcnl Intil ho visited .\lr. Smith, when he uw that the only clumcn ol oncn ing clilgrnco And averting the ruin of The imel I'M to get I rovlniinquiry mgsnling persons over whom vnem rs had no control. ,u- xI..nI..u-..-.i.l1hn innuirv Wu nut." Ulwlslum capu.-itg an Iuembcrs ux an oumue orgumzw tion. I r. O'Donnell in I publinheal letter ` hsduhl thut Frank B me I'll only the Agent of uiltier and wi odor ruonn. Mr.T. '. 0'('onnm`: "Doe: I. a gentleman iminnne that ()'h.mncll mount um", [Cries of "Order" and "Hc.xr."] `PL. unnuhnr .--nl!ml Mr. ()'('rmx)r'.t<) whom members nau nu Luuuul. 'Mr. 1\l:m.l1ewn n;si.l the int uiry wu nut," into the conduct of member: ut into their capocitg members uf outside urgsnizzv uan. lr. O'Donnell publinhed ol "Urdcr" and "near. ; The Speaker culled Mr. ()'(`nmfr>r`.tu order. ' ~ Mr.LMnthewn mi-l his remark conveyed an lnthnixation agnillal no one. I Rh-*\\-`In 'HArr-uuxt. acid I! `Onnnsitiun lnthnixation agmnav. Si:-.`\\"m. `Hart-um: said the `Op position `tn It hit lxcwinningr to detect 1 e real manning of tlnell. he object was nut to give the Pan-nollites a chance to elem; them- selves but :6 inquire into a politics] orgasm intion. ' ' -Jlr. Henley said he l)Yie;cl Ihcbhnng--s in the bill were lhv maul: of Mr. \\'alu:r'n Vilit ln Hr. .\"ni!'-' u. u.u..... ...:...--:mlt'lm1th- Pahinnt at visit Mr. Stmv _ ; Mr. Half-mr ...1;;.-`ta-l tint the Vahinnt 3 |ll.lnec|il1;;'I>I|-111'.) H J-Ml _ltf:idell to in- cludg thg vii;-urn]: and oghru." If `Mr. Smith. in Ixuiuun-:ing to the Home the rcfex'- : once of the matter to I comvniuirm. (IQ) not ruulthmo word: it was douhtlepu due to hndvurunce. II. uI...I.o..... thrmcht tho nlnhninn of N hndvortence. Ilr. Gludnnne though! the omininn of thowordn when Llr. -`Smith announced the glllluion deserved tho eonlure of the t`!-an piano to Lay Chen}; Gro- n .n|m.u-wdehato vu continued for um. um. `men use _chl1-nun interposed `ma gdviud A causation of ucdmihationa. `PL. .......a....n um uioclod. 241 `to Ir. Goulun -ad that Mr. sum. was .1. insovhglon domestic nioaon. u an Hiwcunotpuud tonal-or an: be UI$|lI.Io1'OVIhomIldC'ol an-. .-:--- Imenucu nu cnum r theii` clumch-I. r. llr:u1l;|'.1g'x| In.-I 3 had Imnic nu A HOT DEBATE. ll":-pt-Mod his lute-nu-nt ` la--~n glml if the r.ur,o lulxy hml In-on limilc-l, x..~-I .-'llg\'SlC-1 3 limit ' I-Th. Tina` J r In-I In-twogu DIM wulllltla .0 (`mm-r\'|N\v~ pllh the him. in .-L n...... 1- ...l .'rL\lctl that Mr. Mau- mt an nbaululely new Tbrhdlllnut Io-uornvr Io hhuclonlnthlumrul tho undnhg CCU I3! clnuu. Nlldldh 3": __:-.. Lnlnor. at lo c|ocI. nun nu-r nu. u---cg`--. Ialslxw, Au; 1--Mr. 0 run: In tho Tim: In mph! to tho htvoou Mr. l'IrIcI| and Mr. Cblhrlnll. lit up: "hath no right. But. full 0! horror ulr. Pu-all III on the day uhnrtlu Phunlx park murders, II In not utnuhhlng that lchu lotgouon when In said an to u-nu: an lunrvhv I`II.II I mlnhhr he then tin Iclu lotgouon when no oouu mu m ll Interview rlth I Inlnhtor ond hlo houoloctot. It to qulto true thut ho went with It. Ilolfnrthv otter I loft Mr. Hnsmhorloln. I only Irish that than who bollovo II. Poruoll niunt ul orlmo had Iooo him on that day. hnoooaco novor ohowoul boll non clearly uudor o tofrlhlo ordool. Wlld on hlo ottoch uny opp:-or I know that ha ha loug boon imbued I ith tho ldoo that ll r. Chomhorloln Ilvlllul ulplnc-t oocroto. Tho Int tlmo I Ipoho to r. lmnll. ohortly holoto tho tllvloloo on ll r. ti|u`lotooo`| homo rulo hlll. ho thnootoobd to yublloh tho old I odvlood hlm tn nnho up hb that Mr. Chomhorlkln oIIIl'ltot ohjool. In roprd to lucol govern- Ioout Mr. ll`: monory lo I at l onoll`o on. Chomhorlolo hunf u.. only ulnptod It hoooooo It won l'omoll`I. Wh ho now ropudlntl It II o myntoty. Sn y.o, thoro ll oomo mlotoho shout tho radial ol tho Cooroloo Act. omondod In l`|nolI'o own hand, Into the form In which llopnplod It should ho pouod. with just ll IIIOIIIII I [II-Du. `run pin on It dtow ol opposition in pnrlluncm to ad: y thou concoruod. " qunlluen. The utr. Quinta took over I00 cow: to Cu Vincent ycuIerdnK.. bought by Mason. F_ ey & Bongurd. '1' prices pgicl were own U "IIKC I CHIIIKUIUII nf the Ru-ennn vrinm. and we in formation endin In the capture (5 thv uthor plrtien, he would try to secure I respite ol sixty nhyu, Ind, in vase of conviction M the other parties. on onmmution of Ion- Il.l.I'IY' IOBOAII. [pm-e to |mp|*i|on- ment for life. Mnrgnu u-fused. He will be hanged to-night. lllfl l'I'oIII uuurnruuu. A large re in rlglng in I swamp in 'I`yrn- dinngl And hu done cunliclt-rI|ble chm-ngc to timber. u I n......... I... nn his. farm a mlnorul timber. P. J. lluwen Inn on hi: {arm I mlnor spring of haze: of which Iuu I mm! been" late. M r. Bowen clnimn tlnt in rin'..iI it ha ha been cured of dyupepain. He II lute: thu his mule are extremely loud` the vuter. He propose: to have name the vnter nnnlyucl tn nnrortnill In hem-tin-I qunlitles. The nr. Uuinto ` I1). COTIIOT IIUII III l'I'I llI flu-puII_y, ; nu Priuceu Itroet, Wu nizot yester- day. but 5 box, containing paper: and coin: Wu not found. There were evidence: that I box hnd been there, but it in thought the the ori iunl foundation had been Alter- el and the x removed alter the erection of the buildin . A citizen states that he urn present It on the corner Itone wu hid nnd aw pnperl Ind coins put under the stone in In iron box. . lllumnrrk ll Up In Something. C.uu.IsI.r., Aug. 2.-'l`ho conference be tween Sig. (`rinpi, the Italian prime u\iuin~ gar, min.-.e lliamnrck snd (`aunt Kalnnky. in ex cu-I on have Important political renulul. Al the p Men cf I-.uropo are deeply inter. eaten! in it, l.ut Franco particularly, an it feels that its interest! uru in lnnger when Bismarck lunnnnnl llplmnun to u confer- once,for It inclicnteu that the Iron yhuncellnr think: it in nvar time for him to conutruct I new map ol liurnpe. ' (`ruudc Agnllul Nlrn-cry. I.lI.\`IMI\`, Aug. '2 A new urunxule 4' ninnt alnvery was begun by the Bishop of A `(ion in an Mhlreu at the meeting of the Bilhopuf foreign unl.i~Ilnvery ulociuion. The car- dinul Ihowod tint Ilnvery might be cnm~ pletoly lumped out by n Imall body of ny Mn mmlnua white man. The nddteu creat- lumped out by nmnu may 0! u, 500 reaoluu ed I deep impranlon. l'l)-.\`ow Fresh nun n .-an-l'.'. Fresh roll bacon. |2c ; .r vured piv- nic hams, l'2 :lre-uh emu. I. . fresh butter. crenmary lmner :2 can nlmuu, `. .'u: ; 2 cam lobouru. 25 : I! cum up lea, `2.')c ; I lb. ne mlxcdten. with a. beam lul cu and saucer .. .1... `Nu hman (fnwfnr . mlxcdjen. \nt_n oumuun cu A or plate. Mk. Jnmec Crn-fur-1. llnrnad to I Crlup. Pmzx-uuI.|., N.Y.. Aug. `2.~-At ll o`clo-:k ' lut might the reaidcnco` nl Vlchnrd W. Horn, nl_ Luke Mohegan, Wu dullro 'ed -1:)` tire. Hnry Hui ht. agoul P55`. Mn. iurus zrnmhnther wu urnod to I crilp. Tuck In I uluuunu. 5l.muu>, Aw. 2.-A ' II of the cmhu drnl at Seville (ell, ca an I portion of the roof of the nave to collup|_e._ The filling delxrildulroyed the orpzun And dixl uther dnmnge. , . Oponlng ol the Panama Canal.` hum. Aug.-At 5 meeting of the share holder: of tho Pnnumn. canal company _\--- urdly Debuts prnmilod [hut thn_ r.-nnl would he noon in 1890. ` Lemmy uuuu would be up Getting: Hour: Sentences. DI'm.lx, Aug. 2.--The Vundeleur u-mum who reslst.od'dnrlng the eviction, have been Ienbonced tn Imprisonment {or term: vary- ing from one to six month. A rrn_tcc`I fo-r-|-Il urdcr. ' ~ |'--- 41 Inn-I.-L Rnrrv. IA nu. Arrnlca lot a nun"... Lmmox, Aug. 2.--I`ntriu:k Herr , It re~ turned American. raiding near` iutmu-I. ha been arrested on suspicion of inur-Ierlna Furhnm, the boycottgd lnnncr. Inn". Wen - (mum nodal. 1mu.:.~. Aug. 2. --Empress \`ict.or'us hu selected the church of the Holy Sopulchn at Mnichen II I Inqdol for the mnuoolounn lo the mo I-Zmporor Frodztlck. uvv. Light rooms and extension kn~ vntot. with good Qgabllng ; '_.___..___4..__._.. _. TIIKPI Put: III II Puilolt. IAJNDOS1 `Aug. 2._-"1he Tnrklnh govern ment has Ian: I protest to the point: against . the occupotion ol Muuoynh by 1:51}. ltllnloy Ilorgun bloc 'l`o.lgm. Cnl..l'MII'n. U..Aug. `J. -J. 1'. Norriu. n ulc- toclive, nude 1 pm. nition tn Iiliuky Jorgnn last night. that H h u would nuke a confection ' , .. I A l. - l nl'Al|l\- 06-1 uwrv" |annnA I Whonultohu. The stone of Form rruperty.` u wu_.I_nizo( yener-N Thh morning ujricwarot Jouumn. 2. 4.... ..a m Charla D. E. Knight, au----_.j lot All-I Ir. chnuboqhlu. .. A... an M. n`IlL.. .-.1 Wreck In-3 Cnthodnl. .,., n A ..:II-- .1 ol ;'iuP:890. ; nllnr 1 rin'.. inn I'll! . t.....I` ..l 9 nl iclnl ` . of POSVIASTER-GIN. MAOMA1 To I! swam AT once. Ir. loving to round bl Audubon ll. Pol-In (Illa! Io Ila lento Inc- III ol the Indian loud. 01'1'uu. Aug. I. -Hon. J--hn Urnhun Hnuu-0, the nut I`numuu-.r`(3cnonl, will fn toQIu|nc luuudhuly to he acorn In. Ion. hltu Iluw-luc , tho MW Mtulotuul I the late ll , in nu: II the Northvut sad my not come out to ho swan ln null Inf! Qlfvunn. II b IIIIIOCININI I `IO and an I... lf..o Anlnlhuh In ulna: of Ur up; u. an-nun. It In Illulontoua tau III will no lnr Put Anuhibuh la plus cl Ilr. Path . Tluynnnnhnunnl. of Ur. unlit! IO 0` Parlay. The cppnhmnuut ol Hr. llnylor I001 lndlu ( ummhninuor In Ila MIf\.lII'9 " pruinhl uppau in nut uurchy I Guilt Tho ...u.mu. nemruuut. Inn m-M--I [!l`0l|I|\I ip! II It!!! llllly I UIIUU Tho uuulliuo llqnrtuut. unna--I to rcmlno nu noun mil ntvtoo between V \'|vwriq B.('. and Sun Pruchm. Ina-soon! III tulun. ,0, an-nnnm! mm: with the bull cl tho I (....L J `..l II`..--`II n IIBMIJI : slllfgt Illlllyj HIIIUIIIE un- tbo Iorvlotlul the on ion` 24 can vet Anal Alon uloring to uh! I vllwhl both! fun tor the umm norvia. It not Mu- Illghwat clmwo of In-ecl ol ouch uni: lbnco. -n.- u..x.... I|....nm.nc In uivhml that I In--us. u.\ . nu-u nu. . --.--..-. ......__-.. U:-us-(`u|. Mnnnoll. D. 0.. command _":".;.';`< .`, ,:'.3Ii"~" ""`' "" The Marina lbputmunt ll ulviusl the new ntoamer now building st Hlu M for the winter service between Prince .~| ward Inland and the Inllnluul VIN be com `dowel In Novnmhor. Tho renal will pm nrm the ferry service. The military board. mauhtlu of Hunt. ('>l. Slnul-cnxlo, Ucut.-Col. we: and (`cg-I. Ununleam. met at the Russell Ihls nu-ruin an-l enquire-I Into the claim -ul Vrgl. lurrull, lute ol the Ninotlcth lint- uli-vu. f~r-twlumtion for dlu-uo cam luuwd while in uuvn service in NW5. The nlilitin n-gnlu-I have llld down corhlu ruloo Imdvr which oompounuon in to be granted U the alum In I good one. The roonmlnendntion. which In Imdoruood to be hvnnble, will Inn to bo nnolhmocl by w nlI4'Ar_ln.1\l\lIl\t\ `AIR! II III than on Uprllhls mound u. the Weber Fucwrr. aunnd Ootdun nrootl. Kins!- lnnblo or -toned lnntrumont. nhoG.I. EBE UPRIGH1`. -lee and unoxoolhd 1 any Cunn- I uvtuunvu u -u u ; , (H'I'Al'A, Aug `.`.-- At A meeting of the (`nlvinvt hold yesterday, W. D. l'~rlcy, ..\l.l'. fur En.-I Auinlbuh, wu Appnlnlml Sumtur for the Northwest To-rritmlen. A. H. Furgvl, Into Clurkol tho Northwuu (hum-il. was appointed Autumn (`omnis- liIIllQI' 0` I01!!! and uunlun mu appointed dork ol the laghlr sl..- A........|.|u ..l Hm 'I'nn-Mn:-Ix. IIVOTCDIO, Wl Ill order-In-council. 'I'L_ I`....0..l'l.n ` lucliiui Abirl Robert Hell tivo Auombly ol the Torrlmrlu. , order-In-councll. Tho 1'...m.mm Dopulmem bu luuod in elognnl postal lnlp 01 New Brunswick. Tha- mnp nl Nun Rcotin and l`rinoo Eelvunl Inland in now In tho printers` hands uul map: oi the olht-I prm'im~-I will Iullnw. \It. In ululcntood that the VIOIIII 1lIr|I`1' of ol the olht-r province: wlu Iuunw. `It. ls nmlorllood all:-v lrlgsdo Major of tho lxtln Mlllmry liln trlct II Moutretl. which (`Mel lluglwn ml the Montreal police usual to occupy, will n..c Inn llml (m the ruunql {Int tho utllco in the Montreal pouco used 10 occupy. vuu nut he lillml on the grunml otco in un unnvcounry one. lly llllfan-at lumen. HI`vvAl.n. Ang. I. l'Idw'nr<| Hnvin, n. ken,- er in the Hriv (`minty l'cnitentinry, cmnmi! to-I nnivil<- lllmul 7 u'-lock thin morning by nlm..xin.g himself in the heart. Gavin wan .'{3ya Mu uf ago amllmd lived In Ilnalu all his Me. Hi: wifo auto: that they had a|~ wuynlivod happily together and that aha know u! no came for the fall: load. The cnronur mu Iunmumocl. but docltlad not tn hold an In non. laAlI'|l\l` ..t 115 .I}errnr.on.-creex. I. ..-o.I. hold In non. _ Juunh Lamar. of U5 J.s!Torson~Itree1, Iuffcre {mm 5 var wvgro Muck of tymmoid fever l'l'<'(!lllIy and uh mind Wu laid to be derangml nftor hiI.recovory. Yontorduy afternmn ho was found bun '11; by I rope tn araflor in Nu: uttic. I. In Wu extinct Ho wu 41 your: 0111 and louvoa I widow and four young children. nunfwero dllmluod yulorduy. Wm. Hnrrinon wu Iound on tho track near Prlnoou-nrooton the Esplanade only yenberdA{ morning with hi: lag badly slur tered. Vhon khan to the holpitnl be M]- inittcd that he hul bean drinking. The leg wad nmpnutod :0. ll o'clock ooborulny. It in nu posed ho,wu run down nu on (no whic pmwnd ung 1.b'o Esp mule 3 u`. 1! RI). T I ' nluuuuli|AIInuIudnuI- . n new-Indra II Iulhlu .\lu\n-.r.u.. .\u;:. I. Rum .\'lic<`r. aged 1."), 5 pcmr --rpllam wltlumt work, Wu- lmmghl lvlnu~ llw llv-`nralor tn--la] ulmrgod with attempting her life. She was Arrested last night. whvn M-ting ntrunguly, but whilu iu tho cell: during the night the lrl touln ull` hm` shoes and me Itoclting nnu lutanod the latter tightly around her neck. The (`ul|Nl\lIll` on ululy took no nntice of A slight nuinu until he mu Itnrtlod by I luau` thump untlno floor. He then haul the col opened when the girl I'nI (lllOl)\'(`l'9ll strung ling, hgr tnufvuc protruding and nhn Iyim: pruntmle. lm smoking was at nlwv nu wuunnl and the girl rm-nvorml. lluth Illurl-. ing.-4 worv mlu-n away, but ten minute: lulu .1... ..i. ....-..In A nimllnr nttolnnt with n law 2.30. V v ' John H. Plmor, c-ommorclsl traveler. chm-gm] with ubtning $4 from E. `V. Ry!` . er nn fnlm rut4e:n.~oa, was dbchirgecl by um Police .\I:sg1Il.rllo yesterday, on the novel condition Lhu. ha wot/ijd immediately lam-'e (Elwin. l.`..dIn-lnn II. nu-anaulnnl. of `All. vnnr than: ingm taken away, mu u.-n mmuu - nu the girl m.-uln In similar Attempt lh.n she haul in her p0llu9I.1llIl|. She wan to- umudcd for right dnyu. Anolhn Iuluou fnllnrr - Inn on or by an I2|lne~l`Iue I`nlrr fnnlul. 'l`muw'rn, Aug. `.3. v l\'-nnccly Brom, manu lncturerf ugonu. nuigmul ynterdny with linbilitivi of nlmut $15,000 tn E. R. CI (`lurk son. The chnrgon of perjury bro ht by AM John Buusr ngninnt the man ' por, who made unplt.-aunt revolution: with regard to tho plAinu'"I dulingl with Contrwtor God ` mm, were dllmluod yesterday. \\'m. Hnrrimn wu ('nnuIa. Following the pucodontaf In! your there will be a water C-grnivulvn Hnnlufl Point on Mrmdny evenln . undo: the Implnces n! the Inland Camper: Association. < At. ch. mun. court. nnntdu Juhn Arni- the Inland (Jumper: Alloolluon. M. the police court ynmdn strong wu char ed with urging John oor`: name In I rift on the Ulltclrlu Bank for 812. The prosecution wu not pre red to go on with the out And the to-cum: wu Mnsndod till to-day. 'n.. f`-nulhn Phobocnnhorl. Auociali-m rolllnnded nu many. The Canadian P togrnphon. ruumod their nittln yutordsy but nu 101:: a! general pubic Interest were lis- i cu-7oIIl.: Collnofl ifld` hh fnmil out of doorundnurlyblt thctlmmbofh op0llce- nunwhoonuudhh. Re Inn and C30 b the rououqu 0 ---nllll-nu A . WTZ{I'r:V xrzw umsrnns H" on uv nv-- ......____..,...... A name hhfgt ulhnnkon Tpudny. BEST BUTORIR Busml:ss~ .|llt`d on theggt. ougndbxli ' 0 S hulk la: v31ln'muor|en.uodwllI -v.2:'::`.':`:I.`.`: "` """ *- hmndnminc A SUICIDM. EPIDEMIC. TORONTO TQPICS. ` senator Parley, N0. 179, 7I?7F=! McCANN, Agent. ` at Poison`: Day more. _-____..__.____.___ DUTCH IE BUSINESS- Iunnd the bud; ll QLVIJ KIIDLJHIE X 11 and Email Rep. which judzun man! In the city. , mhcturo 1 upvrlut quality. o vndlyfortunllyu-ado. I Ill I-`lulu nu E83251-`nutzgg I W, nogrnornl w Quul stunt. I. oonfral. nu mud. Term: suulon lmmodhstely. Apply ___.___.___._____._. ibldnoo on Brook ulna. bo- :11 Division uroeu. oxtonalon zllchon. hard and soft. water` Apply to Jun: Ou_uv- nj. 31' Int. pououlon Ioonor It ro- nuomo dwelurw. N9 Earl SL and by Mr,A _._. n_g_.ke1iI u trc`noans"nat`1 exten:R:hIuL- 0 Wat [OOQI n ...:. -:03! ;lm&I`odl:t: '~ , I . ."L.uvuu and Alfred I IjfiI ' if nub o( the Ontario Brewing * lllllt-lance`:-nvorlor ~ ll AND PORTER `I: 1: Anal E-mil Ir.- _|.a..I. a...I.... : nuns at :11 klndl Uvrlsrhtn mound an Weber 3' INSURANCE C0'Y, IORPDHATED UH` bu now Inltnoktho but canon.- 1l.s in the ol . Glvrhhn I all a for V1) ,_ ~__-._____.____~~--~--:._ I` BANK and once Rubber nu. lt,o.. Inppliod__by I_u_I__u- E` Ouoo Runner nlc. supplied by lulu- IY. mnnutnoturor-. Bngol. 81.. in me a for you: IVVVyVVV vv mm): and equiubly adjusted. Lb: lightning _whothcr are on- ,\'Il. 38. BOOKS...` ITA `Fill! {"77"Z339.s66`oo. npomt. - - 122.000 00. - - - - 3.ooo,ooo oo In-ll: n-II nanulbnlulu .1]!-nab IONEY BY GOING T1) THE I{;h3'u-:3?! With hot wswr. For nt. Nnwux JL. st the mix C Reid. Arc tocu. @511 MENTION.- ;:.B9..'!P av. nuvnu. STATIONERY. ETC. u 10 o'clock. ovary evening. 9. :1 A un mnwr 13.... ______________.___.__;_.. I, Tu-nu :::.l::1mlInmodh\l.o|y. u-uvvIuuIw- QBPOBATED 1&4. .'\.;.| an AAA ___________.__.__. aglaldonocon Albert Itrocl. In IL Mqmuu. no name Odovnigcoirt .. opposite Wmo, Kingston. .>_:g..i_ji-:_,.. oiihhkcz .sr., __ Burma Annxcu Horn. WWW . I BRICK R lDlfltCI`. on our uoalro. `nl y, con- nvnl nnlndlnn lnth P00!!! and i"6`uVn"f5"b N, Int` Lnnvnrnu um ii` rnuu. MAGAZXNES. PE 5.f.*2..7.;.".*`......"-7 I but D-uh Irloy. Lsllnor. I o'clock. `rlondand coqulntnoul an ' n In - Tum Aw:;I u - I Icon Ill` 3 . Earl BL. . A. Hukcll. . Hu|u'.LL or hu an may ll 1 I I Ircgutho. out In the . ml Klrkmnn. prulclont oi tho Amorletn utloul but. vu kmod In I runaway acol- .I..Q I - You Ian-u ---qr--... AIIIIII, nu uuuypuuu-u,. uuu ........- _ _ 019.000 short. Ru. (3. Harrison. Nothonllu mhlator. ` Kunu Hllod NI Ion-In-In and than him- self. sully tmuhlu. A an-llunr In tho ll) 0` I prion! hll Inn. The re t am the new ulna rile will bow than-awn iron the RH h Army in not mu. 1 1 n.....u. mum: at Rurlhn canny. Family trouble. An-indie: in the geek oi price! done Ip E. C. Ben-row. busier. Quebec. ior 02.250. lie got the money from him et 81.. Petrhk'e preebeuty. There heve been ehippesi into Mnnteue within the peat fortnight IIJN cattle lrom Texu. moat oi which will be upon the run- nnn tel Itnnfnlll m . IIXII. Illa! 0! WIIIUII Inn an ol Eaton Norman. '1 In onnrivo VOANIOI eng|gol| In an deep cuts. were com-11` W .,... k [or hours at A that. L l`I.n'f`:-`Janna aajllll collf "I. 7.907` can work for hours or llllll. flu Cologne Guam conrms ro tho! Em nor William will noes Quoon o- torln on pt. 30th. during`. the lunar`: visit to her daughtor I-Zmprou `redorick st Bu- don. The tint Prosbyiorinn church, Fourth IVOIIIIG. New York, in: rsldod by burgllru lut Saturday night. l`hey Imuhod the door 0! the Info and took therefrom I heavy Ill- vor baptismal chtlioo. The burglar: the drunk About two gallons of communion wine. . ..I.:... c... il|liil l)urA|n|l. the Domin- A claim for $600.00() ugulnnt. ion government for bruch 0! contact was led In the Exchequer court today by (`he M I l& E poll! RR. . lb av mt: enlorcd I 00.' intone wanna homo unnu- do Ilroot. botwoen of okntroot at prolentooc ` d Punaaon given non: u `$3; 50 lncmuuum & luau. Montreal a rmmpun rsn. comp-u,. Luv compnn n the entorod Into an ~ moat wfth IL! on] ultbillol in IS no build 5 nilwny from Oxlord. N.S., to New Glasgow with brnnchol. no tploqonho lining Inputs and an - 1'"; lat!!! folocnun. -1- _._. I.-. nnnn-4| an nnnvollml Int, The Mounluln Eruptions In Jupnn-Tl|o Poop]: llnrlod Under the Asho- ` Sn l"n.\.\'vl.-m, Aug. 2.-Tho excitement in Corn. cnunod by the kinmp rs, hn greatly calmed down. A band of `hint pi- rate: in the province of Cuiphong. which has held in futnou since I883, in an en- gsgement ln June Iolt I9 killed and I cou- uulernble number wounded. 'n.- ..|mI..-. in Amnv mam: for the time udernble numbcr wounded. The cholera in Amoy team: for to be held in check. but at Chang Chou it in reported that 3,000 deaths hum occurred in the hut 60 days. Japan paper: Itute that I taeaegrtm from Mukolnotnn. Jnpnu, dated July 15th, uyn that the volomo of Mount Ivuhaui suddenly bunt Into uetity. and In 3 short time 56 house: in lnueuurs were destroyed. `A mlmnm received on the 16th lays the destroyed. 'A telegre eruption etil continued with greet destruc- tion end loci of life. About 400 pereone end 30 house: in e villege celled Bire were buried under the send end eehee thrown hy the volceno. Among thoee buried were fteen fteen vieitorl et the Hot Spring: in the neighbourhood. u-.:.?:_:--:. ` ` J. J. Goodll. turns-or oi Ruvlino canny, \'|nI|u..m :1:aM`l.|uppuroa|,; hh account: an M-rut. W. lwslno lakes the Biggest score lint Does Not Got 3 Spoon : ' . The second silver spoon competition wss held yesterday Afternoon. There was a food snsndsnco of competitors. The scor- ng Ins very good, although the wind wss strong sud gusty. The following is `the If: Burst. W. Svmlno(' 1- Lo.. um Dun... Beryl.` E. Swnine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Liout.-Col. (fotmn. A" batlerih... L Corpl. Coclu-unis Co . 1 lh Bun. Llout. W. Horn. ' " Co.. Nth Bun. . . Pm. Inllln. A" Co.. Hg}: Bau.. . fJo7u L'W. D`' Inn unu. .u Pu. I I " Nth 70 Bo:-m..l.bihlllio. mh Bang . . . . .. . on -- R. Bnnlle. ' M J. A. Theobald . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 sent. A. ora. mh Bau..... . . an -- H. Conley. Mlh Ball . . . . . . . . .. . 63 ~- Brldgeford. "A" battery . . . . . . . .. Cornl. Hewglll -. According to the rule: guverning these competitions, "Thu: no competitor can take twain succession, Sarge. W Swine Ixsving won the tint combtition his more nnn nnt count in thmmnc .- hsving me urn com u does not count I Yam nu VI nun. llulunvu ...,- nr I Lumber. and Coal m Pmaaulon. Apply ct Klug- Tall. About the Bell-eynl by the Redloal ol the Cabinet : secrete. l.\'D1.\.\'M-oL1s, Au . 2.-l atrick Egan. in an interview on the arnell commiaeion and its eifeota u n the Irish party, expreaaed himlelf `ea willing to meet a fair and impar- tial inveetigation. He declared the letters publiahed y the London Time: to be for- gerlee. regarding the charge made by Par- nell on Tueeday against Chamberlain Egan laid that duringth`e whole time Chamber- lain wan communicating cabinet aecreta to the lriah part Chamberlain'a object was to undermine G adatone. In reply to an in qnir{ thatii Chamberlain would demand an nveetigation he (Egan) ' knew where the evidence could be t to euataln the charge, acme of that ev denc.e_.Waa in writ- ing, and in the hande of their friends. Egan further aid the information which Cham- ind the hmdn of their menus. ngnu fmthor which borlain ucrotiy divulged to the Irinh psrty was of conaidcnbie imporunoe from time to time. The Ainolluburg Council Glvulnp By Law 3 SI: Months Ilolu. .3 B1-:Luv1u.:, Aug2.--Jnmea Benson, clerk of the townnhip of Ameliubnrg. mny ghre Al 3 defendant In IllWIl1. A nujurity of the tupnyon Auppomd the b -law to take Cl5.(X)0 nook In the Buy of ninto brid , but Mr. Benson. at the! meeting oft e township council. reported that a two- mgl llgljority Hp` necessary before the ,_ I .|.- ..........:vl ...tlnn mwnlnxp oollncu. rvyunuu u.-. .. ... _ fth: majority _Il_l by-luv boouno vslid, and the council u,-ting on his Advice gnverit the nix months` hohl. Unleu the oonuoifglvea the by-law its third reading within six wash. it will ho u-rved -uh I mnndunun. u it in chimed thnt 1 within an wulu. 1: mn no u-rveu with A mandunun, mnjorlty vrn Iuciont to pa_u the by-luv. A city luvyer oerod to wager 8200 to W with Clqrk Benson that the lunar in 1 In his lntarproutloi: of the nature. _ hm mn muIdn't no It. Ir. Ii.` ll. `l'ouI--Ila Jqnnlo uohlnuou. A.lu y event` oooufrod At the relidcnce of the Robhloll. Cluthnm Itreot. on Tncndsy cvcnlng. Illa Jcnmo Robluon, oungen dmghhr of think Tlsomu Rob- ..of the custom: do;-artuunt. being ....n..u 1.. ....-rim. with Mr. H. H. Tout. V inn. ,0! the custom: aurnnmuu. ouug unlbd |n Innrringo with Mr. H. Tout, forlnuly d Oihswn. They were stranded Ht, Dnvhlnon nndxll Balk Wood. I-M. glu. I. mush: ad has many \ FROM ACROSS THE PACIFSC. FAGAN ON CHAMBERLAIN` D N Iuli Uh Inn near ty. ooms. ncludlng bath roomand ovemonu. Tholntorior in nu- .l woods. nndvtho whole baud. heated with For Vn- Nuwusns. JIL. ut__;ho . W. Swnlnm ' F L`o.. Hlh Ban. Sqwnine . . . . RATHER HIGH HANDE mm or THI Mum, ' RIFLE ASSOCIATION- AT HYMEW8 ALTA?!- Kl1*1G58'l`n:\, (`Tax AD.\ ' 'rHURsb,n' nvaniiwt. AUGUST 2,, was. 4 nu Inurpnuuo I couldn't no it. I Montana. in washer It Punmn un- J - 7 In: home lqol Cl nu !.vlln\H!l'l.` lrnuu-I ' ""m' " 5.5 I-' ' nnnunnl mnllwnn. Evan allure nu In-u man um: um nu.-.mm' i Qua-I -I'M 109 up (`cannula- } III Iunntd.` NI!` Ya-mi. A 1+-Thv Timon` Luml.-u ` spoon: my: `I' MM l'un..-ll ; IDJCIAMIMIAII the 0! an hour. No mum (`nu-:~rvnIh -- rule to ` bl. Vi! II) it bit!--a m I.- with which lrinhmm up-m ('....r..Iu-rlalu. This in duo: h III pnlitl ml cunrucler. tho nmubor for harm Io-ins; mm: un- Icrnpulmu in NI "ml \I tr? `W, and un- iy I0 I'M Chi ('I..u..l-1-lllill, Who wu form:-rl an 0 hmiot --t um Rmllmlu. bu trick:- sud tnyv-\ them. They know, as every the known, lhn the loundutiuu uh-no which tho Lilian!- Unloniul party In keeping liluillolu out of the pltmhw and that, whatever 1 E0 tho fgol I his f_.-llnm-on; Chan- .';...A .. 4 \l.!_E\;\i1'l'(B3iiVNCY LTING PAPIB3. IIAIIAUJRIIR