; _,.g, 3011', anus at u \ any Jomnnl. llIllIIl'IIllH`o ' Caller-Does Miss De Guzzie live here? Budget--Yls. norr. ~ . CIn'-II she 19. home? . Bddgt-t'(who hu received her Instruc- tion! tnd think: she In following thi-m Yb. not-r.'uha`s at home, but the sin`: . ._Alhmv -Jnnn-ml IITII IIIITCI A young man who has just returned from a tlx-eo_;eeks' sojourn at A uuldo tuort has accepted 3 position In a stone quarry. Ho any; [19 needs some light om- ploymont to recuperate his hedgh. after u chm weeks :1 with musqultou.- * Norrlstown Hen! . Appropriate. In the ibscnco of the hotel clerk, one of the Attaches of the house it a summer ro- nortwu detdled to write out 1110 bill of (Are. Among the Items ven him by the steward was "chicken Med in better." A blood 11 lighted u the face of each on w o tuceeulve y lcked up the fat menu ind recs among other delicacies `for the morning meal. "chicken fried Ind hatter-dl."--Bmtan (`nmmnnvlnl ueucu.-In 101' we mommy meal. "cmckeu fried and bauerl."--Boston Commercial ` Bulletin. ; l)II'Kl' 8! H181" "\\'ell. Iduxmo. M -. Jones. You might try!"--Scribner : Mn ..'.'.1ne. uuun nurav. u lace without. all king at me?" 'all, [dunno VOID WHO _\'0ll gI'0\V up [0 DO [I \\'(llnl|nT` Flosslo (four years old)--N-nu, pir: I think not. lsball lmvo all I van do to look after my children.--.\ ew York Sun. `V III ISO llllly Iillllho Minister `who has been discussing woman's ri its with Mrs. Hendricks, to Flossie Well. Flosslo. will you want to You w nen you grow up to be woman?- Flosslo (four vonrs nld\--N.m.. air: I ' `no. Tmvolcr. In I`. NOVEL! "llf, Iia ll I110 0119. ' Can it. be slbie that you do not know him?) i. in Billy Jenkins. the funous bank robber, who was recently -tried and acquitted. You're I stranger in the city, i suppoau-`."` No. I'm 11 dvtomix-n. "-Mpn-hnnt. `IV "Look here. Smith. can : I pass your E200 all your confounded curs klmzr at run?" A ll An-ountod For. "Cun.you tell me who that mania?` uked a large, dark complexlonod man with a bristling mustache of a bystander lnnnllvn station. ". hh`h_ Tint nrm with Ihn--lnnn HI I TIIIWI IIIIIOI. "Which. That one with tho- clean shnren has and um checked trousers?" "Yes. that Is the one." "f`nn It '1` ~...\.I.. 0...; mm .l.. mu I3 I35. "Oh. no." said I-`mddlo, very posmvely. In the midst of his blubberlng. "when 1 `Inch you it duu't hurt. Inet`V-Boston script. - Quito I Dlmvnnt Thing. Littlo I-`nxidie is another n! the small boy: whose u-utonnss of nwuaonlng powers marks thorn us destined for the lnwyc-r'x trade. He had lately acquired a bad habit of pinching: mind one day his mother. that I child had been brought to her sensmlnwilhtba pain of one of Fred- dle'| pine Inge loits. rnllod her son to her and fave h m an object. lesson by pinching aim sharply in the nrm. "Then-." said she. now on know how if feel: " Y V Then If feels.` {\| no you mount "Why. the nun who Is npcakln In I Inlutollry who has just run: from Ron; Kong. and be In exhlbltlng his Mom` In the (`him-no hnguage by road- I n e plat In the Blblo In that tongue." " ." egu . In 1 than roam- `;hlIout`:nhn';:3ro all B Ina clu t" "Certainly not. "And Isn't he wading (mo of the great. IIIuter`n": "(lm.t Smtt. no? The Bmwnlng club`: on the next blurk." "Hun. 0|... --.I -.....I Gwyn-u I...-... Tb.-6n-. IIICII IUD RIG Qyl "NIH UTHII IXJUIOII nose und nt red (hence, a hopeless. gspalrlxlg loo In his hthomlesu orbs.-- mo. 1 un non: uouon. ` "hum Boston. eh? now In Itthat you undmund Chinese?" "I don't. understand Chinese, slr. Wlnt do you moan? "Whv. lhn nun who I: nnonklmr In I -E Chlnnun! Whntdo you man. sir? lun from Boston." 4"-non n...o.... -1.9 "nu In If .`I. rnn !`.'lndou!! You no to ho pmod. Ah. thll nuns like home. You see. I nrrlvod In Now York only an hour ago. sud lup- panlng to hear of this meeting rune hen mining." . , _ 3 "'=..':.:m..' .!.":.E:`:'5 ?. :"'...""'i.'.'.'.a to Innnur. , . "Yon Iuuhnund Mn. lit?" in Iholltaluxtthblonghdmdutnngor. ; "Perfectly. pa-rtoctly. Dld you curl I IWIIJIUTK TIT. H II II 3"". "I U--- x w-nhlomam tnhlnttw u-I oyomutoln Into the wall nudln um and tools III In the that put. Ila llnlnod lo the annular: with Hm c-loses! uuontlonmnd tuned tn derive the most menu enjoy- uul from words which you Inaugu- hulhloc unnuqou-It ltboudhneo. int undo on. and zotutlnu was awn co-nun I: - I-on I-I-N $5.`; In located cold. A |.m3hg|y| n_ M: II `Ni of non!- Ojn-Lln I nu-1|:-`In LII If -31 IL`! PVC`. I001! -v:-Snell. uh Il] 1110 DOKI UIUPK. Then the and eyed man from Boston my... .-..I .o..........l 05.-.... - I...-...I..-.. , HUDIBRSL BIIAVV, Au nut. aoucnon. Omwnnscxn. co. 0oo- Xluudltoollunuovu ado`: 3 Stan L V II If n- \n_n!llII9nn1- Ituuyulng uore"--- "In I curl undontand a word he Ono Wuoutdflu `o. I').l.... I-..` gnon-I.` Wlll no uly Enough. hr Ixzvlnn hon Moan Ah 1 VII? ITTII IIIOI. I'm a .dote('tiro."-Merchnnt Knoundlng. - III.` fin flu- Cool. Iurs uuu mun me; our names `tn the Dominion. inclndin the. Superior .Vlnnl| J. King& Co., J. & '1`. Bell, Cooper O: Smith, R. E. Elarko & .'.`o., and othef. ' Our lohg ex Home in the business I01! other {scilitios we possess enable us ft` ' `our customers th the very best goods at thilbwest possible `prices. ' 01!!` busincss (ll before) Will bu coiidnchd strictlv nn tha Ona Price ."\'8t(`n1. A dolls:-`I for every dollar rpceived. QCAII Impact the good: and the non. l0I.IOl`|'0R . omit: the ha fa. lowest our:-out nun. .--- I use VV '1'U;Wl5 (85 `Be U10. 558110), Showing a large stock of`Boou. Shoal. T|'lk"o VIHIOI. And Satchels of Mr! `S '|`g1D `Wm H! but home! in the Dominion. inclndin 0. Superior Blnnuinctf" J Elatrke 30., "W rw. J...J9;K &:soN [MURRAY & HRIOHMOND. I ORR - & - co. New F alfoods 'Cousineau, Quinn & Corrigan, FIRST ON THE FIELD _ _ --.- -..- v---, --vs-vv --- vu--uuu VVIIU Uta! exclusively in Hats. We keep'constantly on hand the Latest Novelties. We keep the Newest Styles at Reasonable Prices. Hatters say they have no trouble to sell our goods. We are the Only House in Canada who Deal (\\lI\|lI1'I:|1t\Inn :..\ IJAAA Ivwu-I vlunvuv Inuit ' E. I. NOWAT. t mx m&t B I131 -:____-.. nnnnn new A um HHE SUCCESSFUL HATTER S-T-Y-L-I-S-H -G-O-O-D-5 S/ll/( - 0/? - THREAD - GLOVES? Jaoo PAIRS SILK TAFFETA GLOVES T I: :1- com, LET us REASON Ioenfa. DO YOU REQUIRE Close Buyers are lnvite d 'to' oval! n tThc;se'G}Jo;1s: 7'7--"'T wuun vs `axle lhve already received the following early importation: of special now.-ltics: ~i\ teen inch and twenty-fourlnch Silk Gloves. new colon in Pongec Silks, lylack zmll white Itrl (1 Silk, black and colored Moiren. black Silk Serge, the new lvreew Silk. Fail e Fnncnine, onl 81 ; Velvet: and Pluehea, Beaded Urnnum-ms. >ill~' Omnmenta. Silk Girdlea. lllnck and colored Crn Cord, colored Molmir l3nil?~ and Buttons. Pillow Linen and Linen Sheeting. Ancy Ribbons, Moire .~.l.~l; Rib bone, fwc Pongee Silk Hnndkerchiefs. only 200.; also a large stock of ha"-`.'-' Silk Hand erchiefa. Cashmere Hose and Cuhmere, Merino and .\'.m::-ul \'-K" .\`ocl u,`etc., etc. The Carpet sale is being continued by \..-.-._.__ _, MACLEAN, SHAW & (TO. Seventy-ve cases jnt received. comprising Dress Goods, Fzne Cnl'rv`I Cashmeres, Silk Warp Henriottas. Cloakings. Flannels, etc., etc. M Our Dmss Goods stock will be found large and varied and at low: Mprrjipes. Inspoqoninvitad at ' [mo-arr. can--H-Buunsz. bu:wOmNnn Inn! and lvdnnhnn an; Ihdulnnnn hm --R. E. SPARKEI. D.D.. , l...D.8., THESE ARE ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE. AND ARE xov; ommnn T0'THE cmnmu mm; m no:-y---_g;_:._-. \y\l -L.--`--`__`_..l_l\.D'-` OHEAP DRY 00008 HOUSE, - - - I76 PRINCESS ST. _ III unto anus and gum: w early and genre 3 pair. Down to the ban Gentlemen will nd e bit &'&;:i"' in term odds and anal: we have murilt In! t nn -1. 1 0 onrhr nnal nanny. g"n..:- NOWTS% `YOU RWC FIANEE. Til: lot In tho laolnoo cl I uccculul Glow Trade sad no u... to hold no glow: {mm on mm to mother. }IOSIERY-- SUCCESSORS TO F. X. COUSINEAU & CO., WE um: um THE nu.mcx.or' om: smcx or-` MONTREAL- ,__-v-vv-vx4~aa`.2 All!-Wool Dress Goods, 106. ' All-Wool Dress Goods, 121-2c. All-Wool Dress Goods, 15c. FOR I5 CTS. Then pote the following; MEN'S VVFINE LOW snmzs /8 THE ONE WHO BUYS` 7// M087 imw s?o_ Ea om stfig, I: nf"Rnnb. mu... 'r......I.. \'!-Il--- o-.. -...n o...,.1.. RICHMOND, ORR 8. co. 191 PRINCESS STREET. HAINES 3; Lcxerr. -'l'IIo (Theupe-' v long odds in Kira TAYLQRS amount I` lnaurnn pony In I Three r y ling; nnc pmniunv Losses p Govemme losses Pai This (`(1 Its Mai udthlion I nhnrchold The ye Capital S l`.nmn...... 1' Inca `Sorwxc! w.'3.m.:n All n! Iecunly.I prom lav M 81 House: : rm : FIRE A mu`! 0! FIG J. S. I UIJJIIJ. Glasgow ll.I6).(II:. 11031561 0. L. Omens. I.D-. tun . n. snrnoon. kc. Dlnrnn-. 0moo-l'rIImn 8:. human Ign- ..u:.-:-a..-=-`-..... unlit: annual 1 In moment. . Scottish Cnpiul. 8 lmoerin Capital. I lmperln Cu ltd. 3` I'll iah Imam FORDS I nTi) resented Nun (`LIFE ! Erizxixdz -.....m - um (`lnlms Loss by sues Or I'll)! 3_T_ at Joli BnAlAIAl'I. lulu Square. V,_:E.:_-z'.:r.r.-.-.;.-.3-:::::A..-.. :.-:...'~:*. 1I--...l1_g_. 4... I`..- E\lJA.l..- moi 5| Prinl Chg anuaaynau town- oouziyvntxeat. ;::r=r';-,g:a.'.'m"..".';. =4 `-'e`u"- g`:::. noun; (or -Cnmmudnl - m U5: V. I8 UIUBGIJR. Pnnlcual um Ivnuat. 1! Jolnmon Hg. show It. T7r*** V1 III! I III In taut 5 DR. ALICE uoo1Luv'1`x'. Diana 0! Women and Ohndron 5 upoohlty. Ola-U cranes-um`. at Dr. spun -..-nugi I uvguvuv nun MAR.l0 1 nlrmn nth 0vnan-al In! em photo communication. u p: punnuiolno w A rrfas -pom o DA'Iu B. o $ I C ham-yuan-nae. amass. |oulark t v-..._ 5% `muss, Narnm ommo. -D : W. G. ANGER. Il.R.C.S.. ENG..l 0vnon-a hr! mot. (Ina. - nluooomnuloumsn. I." - N. I ._--w..... .._....-_...-. ADE` WEE? - ...`.`;."`?`.I."'.. nim.'"" ' """"" Uuuf lll Ital liilmnb I I. `1 iv` ' 'n'sua"""."a3""xn.""'s:. ta. 1 nu-uu-v avuuuu Fri Coutodunarv` clo- Tll I'll: (Maa. no and do- Knock 8ud- ::'s...:.....'- M uvu-v nu -vn-uuvovv-guy-. . ....vv- o and IICIO to or. In Intent ouuuuuulb. u-ku Bang !-IAnlnmAlhn.m. munn 0ILl:I5;t-('3'luixN. no-u""'3n.o'""u':$'3'ou':'usu`r'.. 13i "" `_PROFEs_I_g;, mans. \\ \\\\\ 'f"."'ICCCDlI .I.Iel.l.lAlC00..Ikol Inxldwlnu. cunx. nu} n.o.a., 1.0.27. Inn!-, nu-ndnnrnnl nu Va-k mm - ........-u.-..?..-'- rvwzu U sun. union and Surveyors. omco . JOHN STRANGE. LLB..- {n'`.+.`3n`.L3I&`n: "E Iuffllllll xol-I ll nvu II uuwnnu; n EWLANDS & REID. rim: nm lulu ea. or Brook Ixshg. over Ado`! Bton. In- : Stunt. mu. m an no one. ."?..';,-s_:.. 09-can-uaaudli IALLZAICIHL.-hi: '31; 1-mos. 4; m .~. r'r'.1"'a>?-:'u1 :u'-'33`. ' : Blv- No. I18. K DB. 0. R. DICKSON. nu A-lIlX1kH 1! Jnlu ..,`.". .'.`. ..".`.'... 31". ... C. L UUITII. I n. Bnrtoon. 0:1 . at th 3rlaIi:l.bo.cl _ to. uni A-urn :- ROBERT an nunnnu ..........d.........._..__.. I uvmcsroxu. mu m Rnmnmmn - Clu-on III. H.U.. U.H.. H..U.5. I5 :'.-`.2-..s::.:.+':.::n.:.':.~r-.,.:;.-::| LIKE.` llnctly unit: an JONN ` H.A.. NJ). tho . 1` and N L-.Ill:.O Ila H.R.C.8.E ma Ronni. tunmlnmn nnnj 5PAl`Il\'. uI|nAj- in . J.~E.CLABK 11.1).` n.o.s.,1.D.sET I ` . 0 In Y A: Coqool gm...` 0 g? .' 8:0. bonnet and k Bureau. Pu-uculu amn- an mid to no wucnuon olhe luuunl 5 ' rnwr. _ mm rm In up 20blOcIl I{ dado: In I oudnooket I ' to Dr. Junk. nun! nnldcnoo HAIHUN IJVLRUQIUUE. H.U..U-DI. am Rum cluon met. 1 0.53.01: 0? can nnnmv A got... I DlIlII\ ' IIOIIII. IIOW lu UJIIIWX OK (!0IU'lICl-IOII on IE plot of clonal houmlcnl by Washington, Johnson and Adanultnetn. The cost of this hulking, Including the am. will be consider- ably amt 01,000,000, and the New York city powoloo. which. In point oi archmotnrnl .n'nnlIcant,|nnldin3. _ ` ` ' Ihoiwloot architecture of tln new build- ligwill he what. In unawn ts tbunodutn- nomnnquo. The government building: much; : 'I'mJ.l5p:'ing0ohl, wmmupnrs g lI."l|llo`l:u'J uvo`"ol `ti: ptylol 150" iii`, 0 I} out to uncoor- Iluyniuhunlwlllhocutnard met.` At :2: cdrmtot Wau:in:to;und Joizmzn 9300! tho lutac additions to the list I310 53 I munivo graulh pontollico and court / honnqnowmcmarap of conltructionontho 4:! annual lvmn.ln.l Iuv \|f..b..'....a.... I It In Now in (`nurse of I-Erection and Will no a Ilnutdoomo Qtruolurr. The city of Brooklyn. which until the past live yegrs was never much nocod fur its ilne bullaiiugi. has undergone A remarkable change within that time, and It is Inrprlllnz to observe how thoroughly the building crua has takon hold of a city which was ent- whilo principally noticeable for H16 low, oquntty character of in ntructun-3. Theso unimposing buildings are hoing rapidly ro- plaood by beautiful business lxozine.-. and of recent years some very splendid public bulld- * mp have b`c'.~n on-(`to-L Mr. Weir [ma for many yuan: Iron inter- uhd In politics. lie_ was a delegate to the Charleston mnvcntlon of I860, and to tho con- vention a`. Baltimore which bmko away from the ('hu'luton gzntlwringz and nomi- nuutl Htephen A. Doufzhn for president. In 1&8 Mr. Weir was a c-rnnllduto for con- gnu, but man defeated. Ho was atterwanl ollcmi the nomination for pmzldlng judge ouludlunn county by tho Devnucratx, but dazllned. Blnco than he has uut been n can- dldnto for any ofce. lfavhrg bx-u up- polnted rhlof jmtic-9 of Idaho his rosldonco will ho at Home City. BROOKLYN'S GOVERNMENT BUILDING III III I353: ll 0 . wu nbuqnmuy ll. w. mun. ndmlm.-dtopnctkvout the uupmmu bar of linllylvtnh, and the supremo court of the Unlmd Bhtaln 1&1]. In 1870 he went to Plttlbul-3, wborolzo has practical law ever ` dun; non. Hugh W. Welr. 0! Pltnbnrg. the New Chief Justice at the 'l`orI-uory. Pltubnrgm an pnrucululy happy just now nan honor mnlen-vd on one or then` I n In her . Hon. Huh W. Weir, or Pltuburgnvho has I) o n n nnnninlnrl the nu troops Ir. Cu-my was in mun-y. III:-4. nub mmunndt-r-in-clue! of 30 auto militia. and I month Inn was closed to tho United Batu sonata. iio In-val uvnunnoutmyor or Leavenworth, and Jun. 21. HOW, was eluded in the United Baku lunch for tho Ilmrt tr .1. In Nil be In: ngnin a mndldnto I znomlnauon for governor. and pulled u_hrgo win in the sum; mnvenuun. What It. Carney begun his political career he withdraw his personal attention from the basins: of his house and did nut again enter upon an active busineu lilo. --'-- '--`-" uuunul. unsung I whohnlo loan In lannuonh. In no It. Canny caseload tolho Kama logb- lnun than lanronwotu: county. and In tho nnooxuuv oovxnxumn Aacvumxu. wtwncwn -arr v-n uu--u-- - ----u DINTIBTRY. Tani mum: and 0 cut! wt t pain. out. I. D. .ooI-an Pncou Iuutu. n nun an Inn`- vguv nwninv Livaocnv m r muuom rounca Alana-on Iullllna run too- nuhllooloc-II Iuuo-nun OI -&-I30 Ht II LIQMOOOIN Lnladln All.-nluq. son mlmur HEN. HE WILL GO TO IDAHO. to tho dry goods bulnaugox-ednga nnnInrlL In um THE wan; M:[>NESDAY AUG. I5. nunony I0 pm. an arm around you Clan-,-It wun't exactly \oln.n.tn.r_v. \ mother; ntvlaut. conndu-qua pnssuu `was brought to but upon uy-San Fran- daco Examiner. Ulu Fdwonh wrote All her norinin I thc common am _ronm.unr:om-:3:-!|.y the memlmn 1-! the 1-nlly_. ) UIIO IIIIUIIIQI II Hrs. Vu1rPrhn-I um uionlnhed.` Clara. . that you should voluntarily snow Mr. ` Fcnthorly to put his around you. Ckr|.-H wnn't. exactlv Iolnnmrv. :.';;.'w.;.r.'r" "se.';ri.: mama I Street. next 1 nu in onion. Inuulwl $80! an. nuts I. um. unann-an-|r.Iv