200 PAIRS OF NEW ALI. WOOL BLANKETS! MURDERED FOR WITCHCRAFT. Heavy All Wool Double Blankegs, $2. Heavy Blankets, 82.50 and 33. Extra Heavy Blankets, Extra Size, 33.75 worth $5, Double Heavy Extra Size, $4.50 worth $6, One Price Store. Our FA]! and Winn: Good: no Irrivin duily ind up pm.` ...,,,_I hsndoome style: Among them. A line of (.'o ored Cuhnu-n-, all ml and 48 Inches wide. tor 50. just in. Handsome l'|..i.1.., .`],,,l Stripes and all the new colon in Plain Drcu (Good; hum M) N, W them. In l\D('A- on .u-Ln nnnnn lnr A}-nu} lIlI4u'n an-A .. HI .... .: l.n order to unite room for nbovb goods we will , In summer good: At. grentlv reduced prices. ;|KX"3l K [ll l'.u`I1cH Ln NEW-EALL - Goons. Come and see our goods and get prices. .:;.._____._.._...____...__.___ ALMA LADlES COLLEGE{ _A.- J- .1L IN[A.I-IOl\T- oenin; Away Below Winter Prices. uu 1.nmnm.- .uI provenl llm nu.-spn\\`vl' L0 un- "Kp-'|y. The lau- u.~-rmu-I for telling ' .-u-_-\\'u-r q\u-niulus Him lmnnln lnnl I that \h' 1... ulllill` Ill HUN) H?` and he U V "` ' ` I ` @- DAY S is the place to Lu_\` ("ix-? cerlu. - ma 5 Fine Turkey Prunu, Sc 11: (`hnice 3' _ 'HcXlII. Neg qt; Fresh Fgg. Wk y e Ma 14: Su r, 9c I n, bu) A cu T` MIL are aligned with our 40vJOP' and the bcaurfnl haul inted chill . Eton with av` potin-F 0 ti '4, am P.95c.; two Dhnha ` I IIX (ll! lluuusuu :7 Giant Ala ox preuly for -13.1:-.V U. R.._'_1'HOMPSO --. 4..- . a. naval.` 1'__ aoanomo mg {MY 80H00l. uA4\I| nvauuo . inonun UNINJ I " I \l-\lI-I I -' Two 00;` Load: of thn-0nmrio BNWW and Mamas Co`: superior U` ALE AND PORTER *1 In Pints. Qllll Ind snuul Regs, which!`-5 vfonounoo duo anon. in the city. I also unnufncture n iupcriur QMW Ala oxpnunly family trade. In 1 `I I J\ I I f\ (\ n M 59 NA J05; M l'\-- An - 810.. etc. ` Foreign Fruiha~0rangcs. etc. etc. wzu. VALUE IN THE MAKKl`Z'l'. n-a ouahly adapted to the wants of I In- excited envious imitations of Us In mom-anon. Beware 0! an: _;j_..j._T_j----"" - oP.ERA[H]oUSE- California Frnils - i'onvM~. Yellow ltmz Piumu. 4-tr. Cnmornln Frnils i'om`hr-. Yellow Egg Plums, an-. ` Domcsuc F`r`umr-- ll|m~kh-rr. Apples. lours. P('u<-In-.~<, etc.. u vuuuuul nuunar alum. nmo. nur nnum and ma be used by the mom J1.-hmrccons uona Lb perfect Inlety. Its r.-nr snr -riainz from In being inatrinaicu`. y "rm: m II-OKNI 100 BIPT. CLABSEB will he (rmed lot University MA- loIIIulo'IInnd I ot'l'ouchcn Com m - llud wllllnooonmluryhtn CluIC'an- CI. ud I dluocunc room 4 will uoal I . APpucA'H'8'"m mm":-'3 .n$'$ a ' ma. l-IUIII WILD IIGTHXII Ilel". ll!` fl arm bein ; VAL E IN THE ARKET. \ olmhlv ulnnled to they wanna nhlw atoll!!! envious lmimlions of mu` 1* gpou-nnce. Beware or man. No addition _to or varmriond L-~ the snnple name 2 nnnlrvu rbrI.*\n\"ru 1 l.'\ I'l\! - -van` 11-analv Iu Sola Agent in Kingston. nu onnunvannnuvac :1-gnu Iv v v w - -7 It contains neither alum. limo. nor amm0_-_` J1.-In-.nrewns' - perfect safety. p:r-='\f ,? I JAMES i?EQQEN I DID UEJLJIHDIVA 1 EU oqnrs rmxrm sA1;_;_rqz_;m1gphvg1la)zs n A t\IOt\II -gnu..- . _ Dll Ullsl ll Ollll I` IIIVUIIT. The undoraigncd hns Hm d.._-. 2- nmnil consignment oi lilcsc Him my the world) and will be happy xomm . . his customers. who desire < r choice. with A sample of the sunw. nan-: ____._: --Iao.a-nQI LA-.14 Unmixod with China. dir(`1'I frn These may stand without n H _Slrenglh and Flavour. Th. un..lnmim....u L... .v.;. . } The Assam Tea Estate Dgpil Th- Dqnnnnnn .. ,. .. . la. \J\.IAVlJ,Ul I` uun FUULVUDPUI1 I ONE DOLLAR. If you use Japan Tea tr,v this one, and you will be mote `ban pleased with it. his rst- "-133 and makes a deliciom cup of tea. W.D.HENDRY&C0. `$1.! I. WWW` I IIIIXUIII I"X)"I 0Amrl afmlpion |h::%ha'mado A "AV all aura: LLIU EUCDI ABC! LEK8 Esfablihcn for the purpo-do - run! A u fl !!! Having secured a large line of one of the Finest Japan Teas ever imported into this country wem selling it at the extremely low price of THIRTY CENTS PER POUND, or FOUR POUNDS FOR .nxrm nnr 1 AD 1*r_-.. ..-. Ln II. lllivln w-' No. 10 OLARENCII ST-v Orrosrrx Bnmsn Aurnlrjfrs: FOUR FOR ONE DOLLAR. THIRTYGENTS uvv-nu I nunuuu nu \-..... Trade Mark on every pm`k.1.'t` Ivvnnw AIIJAILIU ULLAALAIU Iv"-- IS A PURE FRUII` ACID l O\\'DER. A.__s-l__ __n.L-._ -|.._ u.~.._- _.._ .-`mm: 'T'.1Qp1}.mo_2{. - ULIU UILLIHIU llt1U.|U . COOK'S FRIENIYIS .1-:.\m: noozmmbj Lxquogm. - IQ u.tnodvol`Iund healthful! ~ nlmaud Indus in clot our; Saun- . Taohuioldcuzhodnonunn nun minimal low. I huh-do vdmculmrmhnch. *15R`1o'1a:s _S;I;EET/. A ..__4 n_ v :____ __ with pertocfualety. szxrqrg bein B}.-`I ARKE'l'.n-a wc-Has If f The Burnoova Tea Estate The Loobah Ten Compmzg. The Mach! Tea Estate, .lln|.nn On. ml... .............. ..r . . THE GEITETBRATED In nnilsuvn nnnvun nnll Fruit. and Fish Murket. cu llll IIIL` [|lH']KV"(` I 5" INDIAN 'rEA. 88 Princess St. j I -21-? :Prince-ss S: ._..k-- Gentle from yo} the paln QYCYI (XI STANBTEAD WESLEYAN COLLEGE I BTANBTEAD, P. Q.. RE-OPENS SEPT. 3rd Ilnrunii in H. w rc-reds SOL DOUI FIRST _ mu} H. 1.` Weeks a Sun mam: comaim msnfuu n A111 I... IIQILID nudny lonng. n o'clock. hr Olmlu Giving Fail Informstion regard- ing the come of study. Foes, Em. npply THE JOHN WATSON, L.L.D Bo;;1:n Iugivod Tuldsy, the nu Claus Assemble in the Pnhlio Hall on Wed- UUI1 lU' New Bulldln an F Sixty-[IMO 0 Th! Pnnlhn ' 'mr1-7 IN'l'H YEAR. U now my Boyl mu may. Stptombor Upper Ggniidaygtrjjege FYFWWINTH A ncxrrs Good." WC MONDAY. AUG. Nth. 1833- anal-.-..-ham _.-...-._..- 44.- _`-J'_`!G'NG- -. --axons :5 pac- 1-mint mupuxmgtngg EXOURSION OFT!-ll BEACON _ {Queen's (Foliage. Klnullon. _ Piom, - $1.50. .F. N-I-s-B-E-1%.: lfublighor 9f `Edition STE "MAUD'S" mum; cnmss An oontnlnod_ hi Extracts from us on". wuuhp. by ~ I '0" nch: I you Inn: | at oxapuaully lush do mum. ..I."x`:. nu-uvnn II-ndmun. IE: and *-.,:e:-5' .............. ' H I-In jij-LU . mt mum. A0608! um EDUCATIONAL U TIVV viI I '--1888.- THE PRINCIPAL. MR. Jo. M. sHn:nLcTdx. Jr. wan roach-o null: for wood Inotructlon. Ap- ply at 8 '3 ' Wu-noon SI Prin- cuntroot. nun tel)` occupied hr H. Car- V. C. l{lINDlR&)N. D.D.. Pail. suuuul. Qno. Kvl BB1 |V In Music. `Fine Arts. moo. llooutlon. I S be . WAS optom r . J In PINBIL , nlnnnn Board. ". .`.5r.:.':'.-v: INC llhanblo Uurlvuiluu an UIIII uuuwllcu uuu ulu nuulucr tndo. but the hu Idxled may other indu tries. The Canadian Ptcic railway hu gponul up u wheat-eld million of acre: in extant. and at I bound tho dooniniun hp booomo ode of the gnnariea of Europe. A: ntlhmcnh npnul,ntoulu_y woatwu-d tho, Ipicultunl `ans, inc-rouu. `flu munching which lie to tlio north and west of ` the than bolt Invou yet whcll hardly touched, but oh:-y'tlu|ng`ccndn to show that tho grub plain! lqy n time come lcrlvul `Inn llkattlo. And` pirhppg even Quuop|- ' Ind. Not an lb? rqnourcu of glue mu llmlud uq ugripnlln and puhun. (hid anal slugs: duty. olhlr metal are lullclili TRIBUTE 1'0 C.lN.4D.l. The London Stmulanl has a brilliant ur- ticle upon the progress. present position and future prospects of (Jnnada. It is evi- dently from the pen of one who is an ad- mirer of all things Canadian. In 1867.` says the writer, "when the British North American act was passed, Unta.io,, webec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and ritish Columbia were isolated states, teeming with future possibilitiesit is true. but actually small. and to all appearance powerless. Now they are a nation` with enormous re- sources, 0. vast oommeroe. n well-organised military establishment, a splendid system of railway communication. and every quali- ty, except population, which is required for `agreat and powerful state. Canadian en- terprise sud ambition have risen by leaps and bounds since the opening up of the magnicent territories . in the north-west. When parliament almost contemptously threw the whole of British North America into the lap of the new Dominion `it scarce- ly realized the magnitude of its gift. It was supposed that the land beyond the laltee and the forty-ninth parnllel was for the most part a desolate Arctic wilderness. which would be useful only to the trapper and the hunter. It is only within the last few years that the true value of Manitoba and Saskatchewan and the adjacent terri~ tories has been ascertained, and the discov- ery has changed the history of (Jenads. ' Along the fertile shores of-the river, Aninihoine and-the Qu`Appslle. and in the vast prairie which lies between Lake \\"in- nipeg and the Rocky nionntsins, there is non for an immense population. For, many years to cope Canada need not iear tpreeeire the influx `from the old world or even` from the more thickly settled parts oi the new`. ' Her ener- gies are no longer limited to the `sea and the forests. She still retains her supremacy in the sheries and the lumber o..a- 1.... .5- I.-- -.a.:..: _.-.... ..n...- r...s...n --vv-cw w-.-- -u --v-- -urn . vvuuuuuy :- wlll not: alter In course one tinli bocnuao the Sum. on bohnlf of certain American cnpiulinu, call: it the {onion names. The Sun, by the way. in not the dicuuor of the nilvuy plicy of either Cannds or the United States. and It in 0! nmsllconaeqnenco wlut it think: of the name. It drove Levi Mutton of tho dlrectarnte of t|1eC.l`.R., but he in I candidate for oico And more Iyouphuatiu than the average of his nee. PHJIOOIIIII OI II AIIICTIXII ICUIIO 1 "Wear: glad to I00 that the roputpd and arms! protein at the Sun luvo lud their edict at Wnhln , lid have n lut xed an mutation oongrou upon this grou nml dnngnrom shine. I! in not to In In paced that the United States will hand ld y by and ace the Investment of million: 0! American citlzcnu prayed upon securely by unprlnclplod priuteen. whose letters cl mnrqno. llluod at Ottawa. are uubmlnivoly oonnurulgnod b the lntnr-unto commerce commlulon st \ uhlngon. TL- 1-.-- -o-;- ..........__.._ ....._._.:--x-_ ................- -. .........,,...... Thu inter -um commerce commlulon may be ucnrod, by this course talk. and it may not. The Cundn l'nclc Is not under very much ohllptlon to ll, and mny be able to got Along without. oven tho law luau-I which It does joy: thinly It -All ...-.o' .lo.. I5. 4.....- ....- uni. l....-..-- PHILOSOPHY or KANT IWIIUQIIICI IIOTIIITT IDII oouuutchl mum`. and the `ms in that now. from the vary out. It a ho ndnulnod at who upouo ol our Auction nllrudo. The nun which It utsblhhu. `ulna llcnnknn tnln land of tu!romVuu- occur to New York. no not commercial nu. The no not nguluod by an haunt I In Gui They an the oxpodlotm ol 3 III And nlntlml nnmnnth.nr_ nnlnul IIIITXIII IDOIIIII IIIVO I0 III!!!` II!!! com lion. their condition ie med: intolerehie y the operetion ol the inter-etete com- merce lew, which rohibiu them from meat- in the rete oithe free-bootingoompetitor, en making e eqnete tight {or the bneieeee. Thus we are oonlronted with the extreor- dinery epectecle 0! e dishonest end Inelig- gnent ettenk upon Americen enterpriee end Alnerioen property. oen-ied on under the protection of en American etetuta! `WV: am glad In In: Hunt u rancmuurl ll` Cflllu II II` HID UXWIOIII G I an and plntlcol oompokilor, retained and bound by no ordinary oommoncld oon~ nldnntlonc." HA- ll In ...-.- ....o l...I -_.....-I. 4|... ....- "Au U It were not bad enough that our nllroodn should have to oadun such com- ngllnn Gk-I-u ....-.Ihl..- I. -...4I_ I-5.]--.L|. , A`, .,.-. awn-nnLu..uI-.....,-....._-g...-ou...............`...V . IN hlghny cl III non! virulent abuse. The once of I" this will Appear by reading (be. tween the llul. Home America or per- ooul lntoluh In holy nlvoud by theCua- ndluw onqnrlu but It In duclnnd : IOTL. -lI....l -oLl-L 0|... L.-g .-.40-! I- nu: ma: nnuunuu on our umnnu. u - 1 politics! sad I do nlltoad not I ndcnnk .ud .L_.__.., 1_,_ AL. ,,_ ,, ,, A, - 1- _L,| n. uuunuuu vuuuuufuuuu -on-av Iv - nova-uvu o Tho nllrud which they bun crusted In A uudln; numb none of tho 3 and mu: uhounlhl cl our lntcnnh. I In A llnndnml Ann` nOIn:lIn valiant. unit A A rump: or 4303:. - rucuun. mm. nllwuyhuhoon Ips- clalynthokod of use by tlu my not - -9.---., -up .---- ~a--~.) -c .-.4~..-..A-.0.-..q....'.,,..p.. a1:;;_ gA;`g;g'vg:G. oo$"or"'v'7.-3'L'a';':'a"una" "1'1'Z5u""3ona " emu. msv. w. I . an nu" m-emu. "WWW 0rhnDhr." nANNOUNOiEzM?ENT. __-._ ..o__- .. .__gn._.- _,._ IDW. J. I PIIII. HOIHAI. Ann'.Ir_u'xnnIu. |-- :4`-ljhg-ljg THE BRITISH WHIG; \\'EDNF4SDAY_'. yrur-mu unpgmer or Jucob Traci. in pro for burial uh and In 0 pofn. [he a )1 non! vru asnr ouda`v. but on Huudny in Tnul untohu She bud boonln I tnnce hr Him `-9,: Nv\ll'_I_,_lbd um ct-mclom of all hertxltfyiludinyl. , ` UHU JIYOIO l`I`IlII IIO IPCIII. Nlw !'un..mu.rnu. Ohio. Aug.'Vl.`n.-0o Snturclny morning Emma fnxel. the 18 your old daughter of Jnco True], pro` rm lh Ilhd Ill I cofn. u: mu in me oonvennon. me committee on lotform lava All-adv pro red theirre rt. t dllen but mu. from t o oiciol doc Arn- tion of thovporty mode 5% Philndolphin Int {cu-. Slnoobho declination of Mayor How- It to nooopt the nomination of the party the nctho` I trim: in the movement hov"e been hunting or on oli blo condidoto who In lair- ly well-known to $0 country at least by re- puution. There I still some tolk ,0! nomi- ' noting the mayor. many of the dolognter being at the opinion that he would N,`1.'pI if. nlectod by ocelomqtion. Ollbnd to, llnynr llewltt. \\"A.'lIllSI:'l\).\',- Aug. 15. -'1here were more tutors than do! ten preeent when Ex- vernor Sharpe ed the national conven- tion 0! the American party to order to-do . The routine bueineu vru dhsoocd of quick y no there were no contesting elegntiona and no vlre- nlllng by gny {action to obuin con- trol ol I e convention. The committee hlllfnl'ln' hnum Ahuntlu no-annual Huh -m...".. prwo lor nu property out mused to non. Charles Stnnbury. dwell-known Toron- to otonognfxhor, arrested yuwrdu on n char e o! ndoocntly uuulting arrlet Non n, uvenlun you: of age. wad re- manded at the police court than morning, until Friday and udlnltted to bail.` Bollovillo. Ontario. "1'I:oboIl. Trllnlnl School In Ontario: 170 Student: lat Tho ' I ?1'I2;s ma x oou o::.v'?-an wo""uun""o:1'.'-5:""s.na"Kr'n'r` nun um mm were urowneu. Mr. Gladstone own: I Inge true: of land on the Canadian aide of Niagnra, near the talk. When the Prospect pork improve- nuntl were being planned he wu offered a prico for hit property but refused to loll. Charles Smnhnrv. nwnll-lmmrn l`nmn. Tho splc olztho llornlng Papers And the Very Latest Tologrnlnn. Adea hzom Chihuhngndreport a. terrible discus among the me; ' Wujy die sudden- |.v `rm mmnwgv hi cm... from :m..:.... O DIKIITUIY. At Chennl Du Moina `yesterday while Mn. Napoleon Millelto and dnughler were ferrying across the channel in I small canoe to mill the cows the cult suddenly cap- Iiud And both were drowned. Ml fllnllnhnun nu-nu A Inn-nn Organ of I--u.I pace. The body of Lnrry Donovan, the bridge jumper. was found in the water at Deptfonl on Saturday. At Chnnnl Hn Mninn `vn-Inn-alnu u-kiln The onupokeaneaa of the Ottawa Journal, conaarvative, in favor of the widest poeaible buaineaa relationa between Canada and the United States. iavery aignlficant. It iaa aign of growing political enlightment. "No one," aaya the Journal, haa yet been silly enough to pretend that this country has anything to fear from the United States in-- the way of competition. The situation is developing in a way that bide fair. in the abaence of any other aolution aleaired by the United Statca to bring about cloaer trade relations between the United States and Canada, not on the absunl basin of pelitival union, but with due regard to the. practical commercial advantages to be derived, the political autonomy and national independ- ence of each of the contracting parties." A liberal journal could not have been more ex- licit in atatirg an.ldea when pnlanity in Becoming more apparent from ay to day. `The lit nilwy iri China from Kuiping to Tienuin is slowly approaching the latter DIACQ. The Montreal Gmcltu in profuse in the ex- planation of what it meant by direct taxa- tion so far as Quebec is concerned. it declarea : We favor direct taxation rather thu: an increaae of aubaiiiee because it im- poeeaachock on provincial extravagance; becauae it keep: the people in close touch with their representative: ; becauae it in lean corrupt and lee: liable to abuse ; and because it in not more coatly in cazlleotion nor more hurdenaome on the taxpayers." And with those views nmny liberaie will concur. But it direct taxation he no good a thing for the province why not for the dominion also! The more directly a dollar is traced to the pocket: 0! the taxpayer the more economical are auppoeed to be thoae who have to do with the expenditure of it. Thin in the contention of the toriee in regard to provin- cial nancing._ to it not equally applicable to federal nancing? The principle in the name in any case. Everything is promising well for the (Air. The numbor :1 entries in lnrgo, the Lunc- tionl nro powerful. the incilitiu for travel ionnd iron! the city are oi the but and chonpen; nothing remain: to be desired but ne wenthnr and good nundnnco. (And the one is contingent on the other) to war- rant tho unnrnnce that the exhibition will soon In biugut Iucceu. Let the citizen: glro it I" the countenance and nuisance they cnn. span for 5 you. ` I-nun: wuu I- urunuy, -u-v ---.-ww -- uocuudy. (lovingly. and yet modestly. yilh I do Io hoop within the bounds o! noun. lliaulueonliu oomplnlnt ol Cu- Indinll that tho jourula of Gran Briain have not due thin country the justice which It dunno : thnt they won oiihor Inpnnoiy lndllorim. to life on this aide the Atlantic. 0| :3 lg-noun: of ovum u to in- juu the can they haw canyon! to help. In noon! yarn u change has taken place in the uutniont` at (`undian question: by the m~:2-5.:-'.`,, $3.. postal on win in going on in the dovnin ion, and that thing: with Incoming intelli- gcaoo. Tho malt must be highly bene- chl Io Cumin An article lihqhst from which to quot In the Sltuulorcl. with its llllnono oircnlnion, is worth an much u the labour: o! are than A dozen immigrant cal. ktlopcsuudchlodub dun- hpbihulpduon. `lhulomhloulu uulhtbdvhoawukt lawn-lulu IIII. thulu to Cundlu enur- prho. It In low pouiblo to trawl lroln Elf Illd to Aidnlh illhout anon leaving the stalk! 0! an Mm q." u__.L |..|.- |___.._.._ ..l ..L.. -Im In I. -vvu------w ----- w... vw..vv- FOR YOUNG LADIES, 50 and 52 PITIR BTBIIT. TORONTO. Conducted by Illa Vania (nuoocuor to tin. Nix . Banana! cxvarluood Pt-nfeuon and II. on! h lid Goa-nun Gov- ern-an. uch `Hon 9: given to Manama- llnnllnldll on . %:0C-g||f0i Plountnng hoaslsthy 0 oo w 1-9-0 1: on . o nch. p " '* _-:&.j. jljtiifiilf Such hjbolugugo of 050 who In In nllhtwlththooounry, who describes it I-lino Aron I :-nun the bud. :2 IX." . ..-. ..... . nLl- THE PITH or THE NEWS- EDI TOIHA L 80 7'58. nu: w_n . 101535 woysonu 1.` an 51.0 E11101: Amarlmn Hotel Block. Olnunwl. NJ -11:30 no we only Bonn In an on hunted :11 otclm. Ihurrh ncurlng ut :22 born 0| ; CLEANLINESS Is mfro wums not and Cold 31010 at an-Houn at '1 he Revolution .~Jueeeufnl_ IAINIXIN, Aug. l5.-A dhpttch from Port. Ill Prince lays the revolution hu been moeqful end the: the vernment but been overthrown. The p dent hu tnken reluge on an Englinh Irigute. Boohfon has formed I new government. V -1 .\;ow is $3our`timc gentleman; Orclured clothing man down in price at Lumber: t \\'slIh I. H0` lineal Ilro. - :- Iv uuuu Ivar vrnwulu. In congress, today, while fortication blll was under discussion. Mr. Nutting. Now Yorln solemnly told representative: that at Kingston, nlmolt I cannon shot of the them of the United States, Canada was building I day dock {or the construction of war ven- n a. rt. 1-noun. omuuo. 17 Prolouon and Tegchun. Nau-mun st udonu uunvu-mo comma xx vn-_.L.... I--..n--g. llunhu III..- A-5; nan propoulw narrow oIo,UuJ_,uuu tron: Turkish bunks. This nmoxint is demanded by the minister of In!` and minister of mar- ine to purchase good: And to pny soldiers Ind uamen'a wage: which were long over- due. A Crlnen In Turkey. L;..\`m..\', Au . l5.-A crisis is reported to exist. in Tur 9 between the sultan and his miniueru.` 1` a trouble in (lugs to the re- fusal of the nulun to sanction the rand vi- r.ierI'propoulto borrow 8l5,000,. from Turkish Insulin. Thin Ammint in demanded `hue World`: Grantee! Lhr. l"Mu~x. Aug. l.').~-hindame Adam. the writer, declared that the reports end docu- ment: publinhed in the .\'om*eIl Remus, con- cerning en Alleged report from Prince Bia- imrck and Em eror William in relationto the marriage of `rho Victorin and Prince Alennder. of Batten urg, are entirely au- thentic. She declare: that Prince Bismarck in the moat iimpmlent lint in the world. 1 .Z.__.._.__. was mow llslllj HI! I)'ruImuu.- pu\\'4-I` to in- juro Mr. Dill-vu ,.'u| \lx. U'Kc'|y. lat- ter, he laid, Inul hm-n 1:21;:-u-mu-I the pegplc In n-!u~u- In qm-ut`iun.~ nndelj In illvflllll-H14 art. It the [maple lmul dot N'{ll(`Il IE2:-y \\`m|M haw been ru\\`;u"-ls. The last triu'|m'ph of the Hnrlwllitcw was the Ixpouuro of .'|u~-pl: ('hum|uer|ain when by his own letter I-.ui pruvual up In the hilt. the trulh M l'arncl|'s u-vunnlinn. ICTS l|`l'l'T'i(". Mr. K-Imy, _\1.1._ four Htun.I .-n 1|ml.'r. lhe legal Inur-Ion-r . was now usinjz hm [y L... 11.. um. .. . I" \.0un.~n \.... Che c mm. In i('~ nu ' Ihc Ll`-\ nl Tinu~'.x' !- ...,-; perfm-tl_\ :'-n the iu\c~:i: might lw \\ 11 hrs f->1-cvrio \L- ` A Parent Killed the Woman \V||om All the Village Greatly Dreaded. .\li:x|co. Aug. 15. -A man named Medina will be tried for witch killing. In a villa e not far dietant an old woman lo.-vied mont - ly tribute on all the lamiliee. threatening thoee who refused with killing their children b aucking their blood throu in their noaee. S e nurrounded henelfwithal the paraphra- nali.i of witchcraft, ,Iuch ae brooms. tom cate. and atrange inatrumente. She would often go on a large. open moor or top of the hilla. where the euperetitiona inhabitant: of the village watched her with awe, making wild geatnree. uttering criee or gazing for houra together at the horizon. All the vil- lage regnrded her with dread. A ahort time since a godchild of Medina`: died. and meet- in the witch Medina aalred her wh ahe h ul kied hie godchilal. She anewe that - Vw had done it became ita father had rel. -ml to pa her a monthly tax. Medina then turne awa . mntterin that he would be reven i. ll`he witchjiearing him. threa- tened tu talre the life of Medina`: own child, and he then attacked her, and dealt her two or three lurioua blown, leaving her lifeleaa. Medina ha been brought to thin city. Hie counael in Mr. Emilie Romero. and all the inhabitants of the village are ready to testify that the old woman was really a witch and deserved her fate. The caae ahowe how much credulity and anperatition is still alive among the inhabitants of the rural districts in Mexico. ill _])r|s..4 [ng uf H1. (`onn~i1 \. 7. AUG. 15. ALBQQT ; qou0E7|